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Students name: Tyler Zent

Birth Date: 9/19/2009

Age: 11 years 5 months
Examiners name: Teri Miskin

Thank you for allowing me to assess Tyler so that I could grow my knowledge and skills in
administering the PPTV4 assessment. The purpose of this assessment is to measure receptive
vocabulary of the one receiving the assessment. In order to do this, I presented Tyler with a
number of pictures, said a word, then had him tell me which picture corresponded with the
given word. Tyler did well at responding confidently and promptly.

Tyler accomplished six complete sets with 20 errors, the basal set was set 10 and the ceiling
item was 180 making his raw score 160. The basal set is the first set within the age range that
gets one or zero errors while a ceiling set is the first set to get eight or more errors in a set. This
calculates that the standard score is 99 and means that Tyler is in the 47th percentile. As shown
on the chart Tyler is right where he should be developmentally and the graph shows that he has
fallen in the average category. Continue to work with Tyler and encourage him in his
development and growth, at this time there is no special assignment or follow up needed.

This letter reflects a student’s efforts to understand and implement child observation and
assessment and is not an official diagnosis of your child’s actual development. Please see a
licensed professional if you have questions or concerns about your child’s development.

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