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GEA 管冰机 TV20

GEA Tube Ice Machine TV20

GE A 管 冰 机 使 用 说 明 书
GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

目 录
1. 使用人员要求 User's Requirements......................................................................................................................... 2

2. 重要安全说明 Important Safety Explanation........................................................................................................2

3. 设备接收与检查 Machine’s Reception & Inspection............................................................................................ 3

4. 机器介绍 Product Introduction..................................................................................................................................3

5. 系统要求 System Requirements............................................................................................................................... 6

6. 安装操作说明 Installation Explanation.................................................................................................................... 6

7. 安装说明 Installation Explanation............................................................................................................................ 7

8. 操作说明 Operation Explanation...............................................................................................................................9

9. 维护和保养 Maintenance........................................................................................................................................... 22

10. 注意事项及检修操作 Attention & Inspection...................................................................................................... 25

11. 售后说明 After-sales Service................................................................................................................................. 26

12. 故障现象及排除 Malfunction Phenomenon & Solution.................................................................................. 26

附表一: TV20 管冰机的性能参数表 Appendix 1: TV20 tube ice machine technical parameter.................... 29

GE A 管 冰 机 使 用 说 明 书
GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

1. 使用人员要求 User's Requirements

This operation manual is provided to use for the operator who must have rich experience in the electric,
mechanism and refrigeration fields. The factory will not assume any responsibility for any damage or property
losses caused by changing the equipment or similar actions without the manufacturer’s permission.
It is necessary for the equipment operators to be trained in some related operation skills, so that they can
operate and manage the equipment smoothly. This principal operator and other related operators who deal
with the repairing work and maintenance of the machine must have rich experience in refrigeration filed, and
they should have the basic knowledge in electric and mechanism field. What's more, this principle operator
must have been through the official safety training, and then he can be competent to do this job better.

2. 重要安全说明 Important Safety Explanation

2.1 本说明书中的符号意义 Meaning of signs in this operation manual
危险 处理不当可能会引起危险情况,如发生人身伤害事故,甚至死亡事故。


! Improper operation might cause danger, such as: serious personal injury or even
the occurrence of fatal accident.
注意 处理不当可能会引起异常情况,如发生设备事故等。

Attention!! △
Improper operation might lead to abnormal conditions, such as: equipment

2.2 安全注意事项 Safety Precautions

! 危险 Danger

1) 对于电控箱,所有操作及维护必须符合相关安全法规。
For the electrical box circuit, all operation and maintenance must comply with the national and local
security regulations.
2) 必须确认设备全部停止运转及总电源切断后方可进行检修操作。
Make sure that the machine stops running completely, you can maintain the machine after the main power
supply is shut off.
3) 长期停机时,请切断主电源,以防止触电。
When the machine needs to stop for a long time, please cut off the main power to prevent an electric
4) 对于非正常停机,应先断开控制电源开关,检查并排除故障后,方可重新开机。
Under the abnormal shutdown conditions, please turn off the main power switch before getting through
power again. You can only re-start the machine after you have checked and make sure the power is OK.

! 注意 Attention:

5) 为了您的人身安全及设备正常运行,请在使用设备前仔细阅读本说明书,并切实遵行相关要求,以便更好发

GE A 管 冰 机 使 用 说 明 书
GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

For your personal safety and machine’s normal operation, please read this manual carefully before
installing and using the machine, and remember to obey the following instructions for the good
performance of the machine as well as the minimal failure probabilities.
6) 设备第一次开机或长期停机后重新开机,启动前必须先对压缩机预热 24 小时,操作方法详见第 13 页。
If it is the first time to start the machine or the machine has been closed down for a long time, the
oil must be preheated for 24 hours. Please find the operation method at Page 13.
7) 操作人员应时刻注意控制柜及操作台上的运行指示灯和故障指示灯,并记录相关工作参数,比如:机组的每
Operator on duty should often pay attention to the electrical control box, its components’ running condition
and fault indicator. It is also necessary for operator to make some records for the machine’s running
parameter. Such as: daily working time of machine, high/low pressure gauge value and other maintenance
records. These records can play some important role for maintenance.
8) 未经厂家许可,擅自将设备零部件进行拆卸等操作而导致设备故障或损坏,厂家不承担任何责任。
The factory will not assume any responsibility for any breakdown or damage caused by removing
accessories of the machine or similar actions without the manufacturer’s permission.

3. 设备接收与检查 Machine’s Reception & Inspection

Please check the machine’s condition when you received it, if there is any damage during the
transportation and loading process, please keep the same package, and contact with our agent, our distributor
office, or even our company directly.
a) 确认铭牌上的型号与您所购买的型号是否一致。
Please confirm whether the model on the label is the same as you required or not.
b) 确认设备是否在运输中损坏或者零部件遗失。
Please confirm whether there is any damage or anything missing during transportation or not.
c) 确认设备中的螺栓和螺母是否松动。
Please confirm whether screw and nuts in the machine have loosened or not.

! 注意: 请不要取下铭牌。

Attention: Please don’t remove the label.

4. 机器介绍 Product Introduction

4.1 性能参数表 (见附表 1) Technical Parameter (Appendix 1)
4.2 TV20 外形图及主要配件介绍如图 1
TV20 Layout and Main Components Introduction as Chart 1

GE A 管 冰 机 使 用 说 明 书
GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

图 1 TV20 管冰机 Chart 1 TV20 Tube Ice Machine

1. 上水箱---------------------------------------------Upper Water Box
2. 制冰器---------------------------------------------Tube Evaporator Drum
3. 电控箱---------------------------------------------Electrical Control Box
4. 下水箱---------------------------------------------Bottom Water Box
5. 仪表盘---------------------------------------------Instrument Panel
6. 循环水泵------------------------------------------Circulating Water Pump
7. 压缩机---------------------------------------------Compressor
8. 储液器---------------------------------------------Receiver
9. 出冰口---------------------------------------------Ice Discharge Outlet
10. 切冰电机------------------------------------------Ice Cutter Motor
11. 风冷冷凝器-------------------------------------- Air-cooled condenser

4.3 电控箱操作面板介绍如图 2
Electrical Control Box Operation Panel Introduction as Chart 2

GE A 管 冰 机 使 用 说 明 书
GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

图 2 电控箱面板 Chart 2 Electrical Control Box Panel

4.4TV20 管冰机仪表盘介绍如图 3
TV20Tube Ice Machine Instrument Panel Introduction as Chart 3

图 3 仪表盘 Chart 3 Instrument Panel

1. 机组低压表----------------------------------- Low Pressure Gauge
2. 机组高压表----------------------------------- High Pressure Gauge
3. 抽空循环压力设置---------------------------Evacuated Circulating Pressure Setting
4. 脱冰压力低压设置---------------------------Ice Falling Pressure Low Pressure Setting
5. 脱冰压力高压设置-------------------------- Ice Falling Pressure High Pressure Setting
6. 机组低压保护压力设置---------------------Machinery Low Pressure Protect Pressure Setting
7. 机组高压保护压力设置---------------------Machinery High Pressure Protect Pressure Setting
8. 冷凝风机启/停压力设置--------------------Cooling Tower Fan ON/OFF Pressure Setting

GE A 管 冰 机 使 用 说 明 书
GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

5. 系统要求 System Requirements

Our machine belongs to Productive-Type equipment. In order to operate the machine, it is essential to supply
the electricity power, the clean water used to make ice and clear refrigerant.
5.1 水----为保证制冰机和水泵的正常运转,应使用符合相关水质要求的水。
Water---In order to guarantee the normal operation of the ice machine & water pump, the water should comply
with the necessary provisions; if possible, please use fresh and clean water.

! 注意: 不同水质的水在循环过程中可能使设备产生水垢或者生锈,也可能影响设备的生产能力。

Attention: Different specifications’ water may make equipment produce scale and rust during circulating
process. It also can affect the equipment’s production capacity seriously.
5.2 电源 Electric Power
The supply power of the ice machine must meet the following conditions:
1 电压变动范围:额定电压±5% 以下;
The scope of the voltage changes: under ±5% of the rated voltage;
2 相间电压不平衡:±2.5% 以下;
Alternate voltage unbalance: under ±2.5%;
3 频率变动:额定频率±2% 以下。
Frequency fluctuation: under ±2% of the rated frequency.

! 注意: 若不能确定电源符合以上条件,请选配相应的保护装置,否则会损坏压缩机。

Attention: If you can't make sure whether the supply power can match the above conditions, please choose
the corresponding protector; otherwise it will damage the compressor.

6. 安装操作说明 Installation Explanation

6.1 设备的装卸 Loading & Unloading of Equipment
This machine is a little heavy, please use lifting and handling facilities when discharging the machine,
meanwhile, please pay attention to the following items:
1) 从火车、卡车或其他交通工具卸下设备时,由于设备重心未和外框架形心对齐,须充分注意安全,注意设备
不要过度倾斜(倾斜不得超过 45°,否则会引起压缩机故障)

When you download the machine from train, truck or other transportation tools, please be careful because the
center of the device gravity and the outer frame are not at the same level. Please do not tilt the machine too
much (The gradient should not exceed 45°, otherwise it will cause the compressor fault).
2) 卸下设备后,不要急于拆箱,带包装运输到安装现场再打开。
Please do not rush to open the package after you discharge the machine. You should transport the machine
together with the package to the installing place before opening it.
3) 拆箱后,按照随设备附带的文件袋内的发货清单,逐一清点,检查有无损坏,如有缺少或损坏请立即与 本
Please check the spare parts one by one according to the packing list attached with the machine after you
open the package. If there is anything missing or damage, please contact us immediately.
4) 设备安装时请参考图 4 所示进行吊装作业。

GE A 管 冰 机 使 用 说 明 书
GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

When installing the machine, please refer to the following Chart 4 to complete the lifting procedures.

图 4 Chart 4

6.2 场地位置的要求
1) 对于风冷制冰机,设备离房顶距离不少于 1500mm,设备冷凝风机出风侧要保证有 3000mm 以上通风空间,
否则会影响设备的运行,设备周边其它位置要留出 500mm 以上的空间,便于设备的正常操作和维护。
For the air cooling system ice machine unit, the ice machine should be 1500mm from the roof the house,
the air cooling condenser’s fan outlet should have the ventilation space with more than 3000mm,otherwise, it
will affect the machine performance. Meanwhile, the four side space of machine should be kept for more
than 500mm, which can guarantee the normal operation and maintenance.
2) 制冰机主体应安放在室内,所在的位置室温宜在 5℃~40℃之间,在夏季要防止温度过高,注意保持室温常年
不低于 5℃,注意采光,但要避免阳光暴晒设备。
The ice machine should be installed inside the room, and the indoor temperature should be among 5℃
~40℃. In summer, please remember to avoid high temperature, keep the room temperature not less than
5℃, keep some light but avoid sunshine directly.

! 注意: 安装场地不满足以上要求时,请咨询厂家。

Attention: If the installation place cannot meet the above requirements, please consult the factory.

7. 安装说明 Installation Explanation

本制冰机有 2 个水路接口:制冰补水口与制冰排水口。连接如图 5
For this tube ice machine, it has 2 water-way connections: Make-up water inlet, water drain outlet as

GE A 管 冰 机 使 用 说 明 书
GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

Chart 5.
 制冰补水口:与供水管连接即可。供水材质应不易生锈,以防污染水源;机器有匹配进水管。
Maker-up Water Inlet: Connecting with input water supply pipe. The material of supply water pipe should
be anti-rust in order to prevent the water from being polluted, this ice cube machine has equipped with
input water-supply pipe.
 制冰排水口:与排水管连接即可。并要求排水管上连接球阀,制冰机制冰时,将球阀关闭,防止水泄漏;清
Water Drain Outlet: connecting with discharging pipes. The discharging pipes should be connected with
the ball valve. When the machine starts to make ice, this ball valve should be closed to avoid water
leakage; when cleaning the machine, turn on the ball valve to discharge the sewage and sludge from the
water box timely.

图 5 Chart 5
1. 管冰机主体-----------------------Tube Ice Maker
2. 补水口----------------------------- Maker-up Water Inlet
3. 排水口----------------------------- Water Drain Outlet

! 注意: 设备底座框架上已经钻好四个孔,用螺栓将底座直接固定在水平面即可;为了便于冰块自动输出和

包装操作,请将设备垫高 112CM 再固定,垫高可采用钢架或水泥柱,同时地面应有多处排水孔。

Attention: Four nail holes have been prepared on the base framework of the ice machine. You only need to
use bolts to fix the ice machine in the horizontal level directly. To be convenient for ice discharging and packing
operation, we suggest that you can build a base to raise the ice machine 112CM from the ground. The base
can be made by steel, cement pillar. And the ground should have many small holes to discharge water.

GE A 管 冰 机 使 用 说 明 书
GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

8. 操作说明 Operation Explanation

8.1 运行前检查 Checking Before Starting
8.1.1 控制柜接线说明如图 6 Electrical Control Box Introduction as Chart 6

图 6 电控箱 Chart 6 Electrical Control Box

QF1: 压缩机电源开关-----------------------------------Compressor Power Switch
QF2: 水泵电源开关--------------------------------------Water Pump Power Switch
QF3: 控制电源开关--------------------------------------Control Power Switch
NJY: 相序保护器------------------------------------------Phase Protector
PLC: 程序控制器------------------------------------------Program Logic Controller
QA1: 压缩机接触器--------------------------------------Compressor Contactor
QA2: 循环水泵接触器-----------------------------------Circulating Water Pump Contactor
QA3: 冷却风机 A 接触器-------------------------------Cooling Fan Motor A Contactor
QA4: 冷却风机 B 接触器-------------------------------Cooling Fan Motor B Contactor
QA5: 切冰电机接触器-----------------------------------Ice Cutter Motor Contactor
BB1: 压缩机过载保护-----------------------------------Compressor Overload Protect
BB2: 循环水泵过载保护--------------------------------Circulating Water Pump Overload Protect
BB3: 冷却风机 A 过载保护----------------------------Cooling Fan Motor A Overload Protect
BB4: 冷却风机 B 过载保护----------------------------Cooling Fan Motor B Overload Protect
FM: 切冰电机过载保护----------------------------------Ice Cutter Motor Overload Protect
L1: 电源相线 1--------------------------------------------Power Line Live Wire 1
L2: 电源相线 2--------------------------------------------Power Line Live Wire 2
L3: 电源相线 3--------------------------------------------Power Line Live Wire 3
N : 零线-----------------------------------------------------Null Line
X1: 接线端子排-------------------------------------------Terminal Line

GE A 管 冰 机 使 用 说 明 书
GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

8.1.2 合上主电源开关(外部)给机器通电,打开电箱门,确认电控箱内相序保护器第一个指示灯亮。
Close the main power switch (external) to power the machine, open the electrical control box to confirm
whether the first indicator light of phase sequence protector in the electrical control box is on or not.

! 注意: 若相序保护器第一个指示灯亮,表示电源相序正确,如图 7(A)。若相序保护器第二个指示灯亮,表

示电源欠压或者过压,此时应检查输入电源电压,确认输入电源正常后才能开机,如图 7(B)。若相序保护器第
三个指示灯亮,表示电源相序不正确,如图 7(C),此时应关掉总电源,将接入设备电源的三条相线中的任意两
条对调,如图 7(D),若相序保护器第四个指示灯亮,表示电源三相电压不平衡,此时应检查输入电源电压,确
认输入电源正常后才能开机,如图 7(E)。若相序保护器一个灯都不亮,表示电源断相(缺相),此时应检查输入
电源电压,确认输入电源正常后才能开机,如图 7(F)。
Attention: If the first indicator of phase sequence protector is on, it means the power supply sequence is
correct as Chart 7 (A). If the second indicator light of the phase sequence protector is on, it means the power is
under voltage or overvoltage. At this time, please check the the input supply power voltage and confirm the
input supply power is normal before starting as Chart 7 (B). If the third indicator light of the phase sequence
protector is on, it means the power phase sequence is not correct as Chart 7(C), then you should turn off the
power switch and exchange two arbitrary lines among the three power supply lines as Chart 7(D). If the fourth
indicator of the phase sequence protector is on, it means the supply power is imbalance for three-phase
voltage, you should check the input supply power voltage and confirm the input supply power to be normal
before starting as Chart 7 (E). If no light of the phase sequence protector is on, it means the power phase is not
three phase, you should check the input supply power voltage and confirm the input supply power to be normal
before starting as Chart 7 (F).

图 Chart 7 (A) 图 Chart 7 (B) 图 Chart 7 (C)

GE A 管 冰 机 使 用 说 明 书
GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

图 Chart 7 (D) 图 Chart 7 (E) 图 Chart 7 (F)

8.1.3 检查冷却风机 Check the Air Condenser’ Fan

不能正常运行如图 8。
Turn on the power of air condenser fan motor, please confirm that the air fan running direction is right (the
air should be discharged to be out). Otherwise it will influence the machinery cooling effect and maybe lead to
abnormal running of the machinery as Chart 8.

图 8 风冷冷凝器风扇 Chart 8 Air Condenser’s Fan

8.1.4 检查吸气阀和排气阀 Check Suction Valves and Air Evacuation Valves

Before starting, make sure that all suction valves, air evacuation valves have been turned on. Otherwise it
will damage the compressor badly, and the ice machine also can’t work normally.

! 注意: 出厂时吸气阀和排气阀已完全打开。

GE A 管 冰 机 使 用 说 明 书
GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

Attention: All suction valves and air evacuation valves have been turned on before delivery.

! 注意: 吸气阀、排气阀打开后需检漏。

Attention: After turning on the suction valves and air evacuation valves, you should check whether
they leak or not.
检漏方法: 将肥皂水喷向吸气阀、排气阀查看是否有气泡冒出即可。
Method of leakage detection: Spray the soap water into the air suction valves and evacuation valves to
check whether there are bubbles or not.

8.1.5 检查 CPU Check CPU

Turn on the compressor power switch, after the ice machine gets through the power, the CPU modular
lights are showing as Chart9:

! 注意: 若亮灯异常请与厂家联系。

Attention: If the lights are abnormal, please contact the manufacturer directly at once.

图9CPU Chart 9 CPU

8.1.4 机组通电后,触摸屏显示开机画面如图 10。

When the machine gets through power, Touch screen will display as Chart 10.

GE A 管 冰 机 使 用 说 明 书
GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

图 10 触摸屏 Chart 10 Touch Screen

1: 设备简图----------------------------------------------- Equipment Diagram
2: 报警显示区-------------------------------------------- Alarm Display
3: 设备工作状态显示区-------------------------------- Equipment Working Process Display
4: 设备运行时间、制冰周期显示区-----------------Equipment Running Time, Ice Making Cycle Display
5: 设备操作按钮区--------------------------------------Equipment Operating Button Area
6: 设备功能显示选择区--------------------------------Equipment Function Setting Area

! 注意: 第一次使用机器, 需要保证不运行机器的前提下,给机器保持供电直到加热压缩机 24 小时后,便

可按开机键启动机器进入制冰. 请注意以下几点加热事项:
Attention: For the first time to use the machine, please get through the power to the machine till heating the
compressor for 24hours, then you can press “ON” to start the machine to make ice. Meanwhile, please pay
attention to the following 6 points about heating.
1) 制冰工作前应先加热压缩机,只需要使总电源处于接通状态,即把控制柜的 QF1\QF2\QF3 开关打开即可;
Before starting the machine to make ice, you need to heat the compressor, you just need to make the
machine under getting through the main power, which means you just need to turn on the QF1/QF2/QF3
and keep them on open status to heat. It is not permit to start the compressor to make ice before not
heating the compressor, otherwise it will cause too much refrigerant inside the compressor and damage
the compressor.
2) 加热机器实际上是加热压缩机润滑油,当机器被加热后,用手触摸压缩机的油视镜部位,可感觉为温热状态。
Heating the machine means to heat the compressor oil, when the machine is heated, you can use hands
to touch the oil mirror part of compressor, then you can feel warm.
3) 首次运行前加热机器或者停机断电长达一个月以上,机器需要先加热 24 小时以上。

GE A 管 冰 机 使 用 说 明 书
GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

If you are the first time to heat the machine or the machine has been cut off by power for more than one
month, you need to heat the machine for more than 24hours.
4) 停机断电 2 天到一个月,机器需要先加热 5 小时以上。
If the machine has been cut off by power to stop for two days but less than one month, you need to heat
the machine for more than 5hours.
5) 日常使用,如果停机 2 天内,在不断开总电源供电的前提下,可以直接开机使用。
If the machine stops within 2 days during the daily use, but it still gets through the main power all the
machine, you can start the machine to use directly.
6) 如果停机断电不超过 2 天,机器需要加热 2 小时。
If the machine is cut off by power within 2days but without get through power, you need to heat the
machine for two hours.

! 注意: 每次关机时,压缩机的关闭也是受“PUMPDOWN”压力开关控制.

Attention: When the machine is off each time, the compressor is controlled by "PUMPDOWN" pressure
switch control.

8.2 运行时检查 Checking and Starting

8.2.1 触摸“ ”按钮,可设置运行参数,可对电机和阀进行手动操作如图 11。

By touch " " button to set the operating parameters, you can set the motor and valves
manually as Chart11.

图 11 Chart 11

GE A 管 冰 机 使 用 说 明 书
GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

8.2.2 检查完成后,触摸“ ”按钮,回到主画面,触摸“ ”按钮运行设备如图 12。

After checking the parts, touch the “ ” button to return the main screen, touch the

“ ” button to make the machine run as Chart 12.

图 12 Chart 12

8.2.3 开机 2 分钟后开始观察:
After starting the machine for 2 minutes, please observe the machine as follow:
1) 制冰循环水: 检查水泵入口是否有正常水流动,是否有吸入空气(如发现有空气吸入请调整水箱水位)。
Ice Making Water: Check whether there is normal water to flow at the entrance of water pump, and check
whether there is any air to suck (if there is air suction, please adjust the water level inside the water box).
2) 压缩机: 压缩机有轻微的震动,排气口高温、吸气口低温如图 13。
Compressor: In the normal condition, the compressor vibrates a little; high temperature in the air
evacuation vent; low temperature in the suction air vent as Chart 13.

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GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

图 13 压缩机 Chart 13 Compressor

8.2.4 开机 5 分钟后,观察设备运行是否正常:
After starting for five minutes, please observe the machine to check whether it is operating
1) 观看高低压压力表:高压压力范围值 1.0~1.6Mpa,低压压力范围值 0.2~0.4Mpa;如图 14。
Observe the high/low pressure gauge: high pressure value ranges from 1.0~1.6Mpa, low pressure value
ranges from 0.2~ 0.4Mpa as Chart 14.

图 14 高低压力表 Chart 14 High & Low Pressure Gauge

2) 压缩机运行时有无异常声音。
Check whether the compressor has abnormal noise when it is working.

8.2.5 运行时 PLC 状态检查

When operating, the PLC modular lights are showing as follows
(1) PLC 的指示灯分别代表机组中不同的器件,通过观察指示灯的状态即可判断各器件的运行状态。PLC 如图
15 所示:

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GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

PLC indicator lights respectively represent the machine's different units, by observing indicator lights state, you
can judge the different components’ working condition as Chart 15.

图 15 Chart 15
(2) 图中指示灯分别为:
The above indicators number can respectively represent in different meanings:
Q0.0: 压缩机-------------------------------------------------------Compressor
Q0.1: 备用-----------------------------------------------------------Standby
Q0.2: 循环水泵----------------------------------------------------Circulating Water Pump
Q0.3: 冷却风机 A-------------------------------------------------Cooling Fan Motor A
Q0.4: 冷却风机 B-------------------------------------------------Cooling Fan Motor B
Q0.5: 切冰电机----------------------------------------------------Ice Cutter Motor
Q0.6: 供液阀-------------------------------------------------------Liquid-Supply Solenoid Valve
Q0.7: 脱冰阀-------------------------------------------------------Ice Falling (Defrost) Valve
I0.0: 高压保护------------------------------------------------------High Pressure Protect
I0.1: 低压保护------------------------------------------------------Low Pressure Protect
I0.2: 压缩机保护---------------------------------------------------Compressor Protect
I0.3: 油压保护(备用)----------------------------------------------Oil Pressure Protect (Spared)
I0.4: 循环水泵过载------------------------------------------------Circulating Water Pump Overload
I0.5: 冷却系统过载------------------------------------------------Cooling System Overload
I0.6: 风机信号------------------------------------------------------Fan Motor Signal
I0.7: 结冰压力------------------------------------------------------Ice Freezing Pressure
I1.0: 脱冰压力-------------------------------------------------------Ice Falling Pressure
I1.1: PUMPDOWN 压力-------------------------------------------PUMPDOWN Pressure
I1.2: 启动按钮-------------------------------------------------------Start Button
I1.3: 停止按钮-------------------------------------------------------Stop Button
I1.4: 备用-------------------------------------------------------------Standby

(3) 当制冰机正常运行(制冰工况)时,黑色填充的这些灯都是点亮的,亮灯是指示那些部件处于运行状态,没
When the ice machine is working normally, these black-filled indicators are lighting, which mean the
components they represent are running. Those white indicators are not lighting, which mean they are in
standby status.

8.2.6 开机 10 分钟后观察膨胀阀是否结霜如图 16。

After starting the machine for 10 minutes, observe whether the expansion valve defrosts or not? As Chart 16.

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GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

图 16 膨胀阀 Chart 16 Expansion Valve

8.2.7 查看结冰状况 Check Ice Freezing Condition

1) 正常开机后每次制冰周期为 20~30 分钟。
The standard ice making time for a period is 20 Minutes ±5 after normal running.
2) 脱冰后检查,管冰厚度是否适中(管冰内孔 5~10mm 属正常情况),压缩机结霜不超过 1/3(3-4 个制冰周期
Check after ice falling, the tube ice thickness should be even (the inner diameter is about 5-10mm), the
frost area of the compressor should be less than 1/4 (check after 3-4 shift times).

! 注意: 新机组在第一次使用前必须进行清洁和消毒。消毒的范围包括:制冰桶(蒸发器),上水箱,下水

Attention: New ice machine should be disinfected before the first time use. The disinfection range includes:
tube evaporator drum (Evaporator), upper water box, bottom water box, and other parts which will contact ice
or water. Disinfection method: Add the detergent and disinfectant inside the bottom water box, then start the
circulating water to clean and disinfect, after finishing the clean and disinfect, charge them and use the pure
water to clean it again.

8.3 参数设置 Parameter Setting

8.3.1 触摸“ ”查看参数,触摸屏显示如下图 17:

Touch “ ” button to check the parameter, the touch screen display as Chart 17.

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GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

图 17 Chart 17

8.3.2 触摸“ ”查看参数,触摸屏显示如下图 18:

Touch “ ” button to check the parameter, the touch screen display as Chart18:

图 18 Chart 18

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GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

8.3.3 参数说明 Parameter Explanation

脱冰前升高压时间 50 秒
Time of build the pressure before harvest (50S).
脱冰时循环水泵停止的时间 130 秒
Time of stop circulating water pump while harvest (130S).
脱冰后系统抽真空的时间 1 秒
Time of vacuum the system after harvest (1S).
脱冰阀循环打开时间 15 秒
Time of ice falling valve cyclical open (15S).
脱冰阀循环关闭时间 7 秒
Time of ice falling valve cyclical close (7S).
每次脱冰需要的时间(出厂机器一般设为 240 秒)
脱冰时间 T6
The time needed for ice to fall from ice maker grids
Ice Falling Time T6
(The default ice falling time is 240 seconds)
设置,出厂机器一般设为 1400 秒)
制冰时间 T7 One cycle of ice freezing time, increase the time, the ice thickness will
Frozen Time T7 become thicker; decrease the time, the ice thickness will become thinner.
(This ice making time can be adjusted; normally we set it to be 1400
seconds in our factory).

若机组由于长时间未通电导致运行参数丢失,按“ ”按钮,
If the machine doesn’t get through power for a long time, it will cause the
Restore Reference
running parameter lose, touch “ ” button to restore
reference parameter.
制冰周期 一个完整制冰周期(系统自动统计(单位:分钟)
Ice Making Cycle The freezing time circle needed to freeze water into ice (Minutes)

8.3.4 参数设置操作 Parameter Setting Operation

Touch the data to be amended, input the right data to the dialog box and the touch Enter.
“Ice Making Cycle” is for reading only, which cannot be revised.

! 注意: 用户擅自修改系统内部参数,厂家不承担任何责任。

Attention: If the user modifies the parameter without informing the manufacturer, the manufacturer will not
take any responsibility.

8.4 冰块厚度调节 Ice Thickness Adjustment

1) 制冰机采用时间和脱冰压力相结合的控制方式调节冰块厚度,增加制冰时间或降低脱冰压力可增加冰的厚度;
Ice machine adopt a combination way of ice making time and ice falling pressure to adjust the ice thickness,

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GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

increasing the ice making time or reducing the ice falling pressure can make the tube ice thickness thicker;
decreasing the ice making time or enhancing the ice falling pressure can make the tube ice thickness thinner.
2) 长时间停机后,第一次开机制冰,管冰的厚度较薄,为保证开机后第一次制冰的厚度,建议客户用脱冰压力
After stopping the machine for a long time, when you restart the ice machine, the tube ice thickness is very
thinner for the first time. In order to guarantee the tube ice thickness for the first time, we suggest the customer
use the ice falling pressure controller to control the ice falling. By this way, the tube ice will be have good
thickness, the setting steps are as follows: Set the ice making time on the touch screen to be longer.
3) 设置仪表盘上序号 4 的压力值,压力越低,管冰越后,反之越薄:如下图 19 所示:
Set the data of the No.4 on the instrument panel. The pressure is much lower, tube ice thickness is more
thicker. On the contrary, The pressure is much higher, tube ice thickness is more thinner as Chart 19.

图 19 高低压力控制器 Chart 19 High/Low Pressure Controller

1. 盖板固定螺丝----------------------------Cover Fixing Screw
2. 压力示值窗-------------------------------Pressure Showing Window
3. 脱冰压差调节螺丝--------------------- Ice Falling Pressure Difference Adjusting Screw
4 脱冰压力调节螺丝----------------------Ice Falling Pressure Adjusting Screw
调节步骤 Adjusting Steps:
a) 用螺丝刀调整螺丝 4 调整脱冰压力值;
Use screwdriver to adjust screw 4 in order to adjust the ice falling pressure value.
b) 如果管冰厚度合适,则停止调节,注意脱冰压力设定值要比机组低压压力保护值要高,建议不宜设置过低的
If the tube ice thickness is appropriate, stop adjusting the pressure. Please notice that the ice falling
pressure setting value should be higher than the machinery’s low pressure protect value. We suggest don’t set

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GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

ice falling pressure too low, which will affect the performance of compressor and the efficiency of ice making.

9. 维护和保养 Maintenance
9.1 制冰机的清洗程序 Cleaning Procedure of Ice Cube Machine
为了使制冰机达到理想的性能,制冰机应用食品级的清洁剂每年至少清洗 4 次(如果由于水质的问题导致污
, 循环水泵可以循环系统中已添加清洁剂的水。
In order to make the ice machine perform well, the ice machine should be cleaned at least four times per
year by using food-grade detergent. (If the machine accumulates dirt because of bad water quality, you can
clean it more frequently.) Circulating water pump can be used to circulate the detergent inside the machine.
1) 加入消毒液;
Add disinfectant;

2) 在功能界面下,按 键,运行自动清洗程序;

In the function interface, press “ ” to start the automatic cleaning system;

3) 30 分钟后,按 键,停止自动清洗程序,关闭补水闸阀,打开排水闸阀,将设备内水排空;

30 minutes later, you can press “ ” to cease the automatic cleaning system. Then close the make-up
water valve, and open the drain water valve to discharge all water inside the machine;
4) 关闭排水闸阀,打开补水阀,将设备补满水;
Close the drain water valve and open the make-up water valve to refill water into the machine;
5) 重复 2-4 步 2 次,清洗完成;
Repeat from step2 to step4 twice and finish the cleaning procedures;
6) 新设备第一次使用 3~4 天需清洗播水管,之后定期 30 天左右清洗。
The water spreading pipe for the new-assembly machine needs to be cleaned every about 3~4 days, and
then clean it about every one month on a regular basis as well as observe the water fouling.

9.2 冷凝器清洗 Condenser Cleaning

The air condenser will have some dust on the fins during the working process, please clean the dust on the
fins of air condenser.

9.3 压缩机维护 Compressor Maintenance

a. 压缩机每小时开停次数不超过 3 次,最小运行时间不少于 15 分钟;
Stopping frequency of the compressor can’t be more than 3 times within one hour, and each running time
should not be less than 15 minutes;

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GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

b. 检查保护装置及压缩机的所有控制部分,检查电线等是否牢固连接;
Check protection device & all control parts of the compressor and make sure whether the wires are firmly
c. 开机后应马上检查压缩机润滑情况,初运行一年后更换一次油,包括清理油过滤网及磁堵。次后约每三年或
每运行 10000-12000 小时后必须换一次油;
After starting the machine, you should check the lubrication condition of the compressor immediately. After
running the first operation for one year, the oil should be replaced at once, including cleaning the oil filter
net and magnetic wall. Then after 3 years or running around 10000~12000 hours, the oil should be
replaced once;
d. 保持压缩机表面干净。
Keep the surface of the compressor clean.

9.4 更换冷冻油 Frozen Oil Change

Process for changing frozen oil is as follows:
1) 停机,关闭总电源;
Stop the machine, and shut off the main power;
2) 将压缩机高压阀、低压阀及回油管阀全部关闭;
Turn off the high/low pressure valves and oil return valve of the compressor;
3) 确定高压阀、低压阀及回油管阀全部关闭后,再将压缩机内冷媒抽排空;
Make sure that all high/low pressure valves and oil return valve have been shut off, and then drain away
refrigerant from the compressor and vacuum it;
4) 将压缩机内冷冻油从油阀堵口处全部排出;
Drain away the frozen oil through oil valve cutter from the compressor;
5) 将压缩机抽真空,于油阀处让冷冻油自然吸入,至油视镜 1/3-1/2 处;
Vacuuming the compressor and let the frozen oil inhaled naturally at oil valve and make it reach at (he
1/3~1/2 level of the oil mirror;
6) 油加完后,将油阀关好,压缩机开始抽真空约 15 分钟;
After adding oil, shut off the oil valve. Then vacuumize the compressor about 15 minutes.
7) 抽真空完毕后,先将高压阀打开,再将低压阀打开,后打开油管阀;
After vacuuming, turn on the high pressure valves first, and low pressure valve second, then open the oil
8) 打开电源,让油加温 6 小时后,即可开机运行。
Turn on the power to heat the oil for 6 hours, then the machine can be get started.

! 注意: 制冷剂不要随意放掉,要妥善处理,否则会对环境产生污染;废油处置必须考虑生态污染;冷冻油

Attention: Do not be free to let the refrigerant out, and it should be handled properly. Chlorinated oil may
pollute the environment, so ecological pollution should be taken into consideration when handling waste oil.
Special frozen oil is needed which is in line with the compressor model and refrigerant.

9.5 主要配件更换 Main Components Replacement


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GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

Warranty is one year for the ice machine and its components. It will have a longer working life span under
proper use and maintenance. Out of warranty period, all accessories will be sold according to the market price.
9.5.1 干燥过滤器滤芯 Dry Filter’s Cartridge Replacement
1) 关闭储液器或冷凝器供液阀、热氟管上的截止球阀,启动压缩机,直到压缩机跳转低压保护;
Turn off receiver or liquid-supply valve of condenser, and close the globe valve on Hot-fluorine tube; Start
the compressor till it turns into the low pressure protection, and the ice machine stops;
2) 再关闭干燥过滤器后面的截止阀,拆卸尾盖并更换滤芯; (在系统正常稳定的运行状态下,不需要更换干燥过
Turn off the cut-off valve behind the dry filter, take down the cover and replace the filter net and cartridge
(there is no need to replace dry filter’s cartridge if the system is operated normally and stably);
3) 对该部分抽真空,然后打开前面关闭的阀门。也可以松开过滤器尾部端板螺丝,然后稍微开启供液阀,将过
Vacuuming is required for this part, then turn on the closed valves. You can also loose the screws at the
end of the filter, and then open the liquid-supply valve slightly. Drain the air inside the filter and then tighten
the screws.
4) 用肥皂溶液检查结点是否有泄漏。
Check leakage of the welding node by soap solution.

9.5.2 回气过滤器滤芯 Return-air Filter's Cartridge Replacement

1) 关闭储液器或冷凝器供液阀、热氟管上的截止球阀,开启制冰机,直到低压压力接近 0bar,停止制冰机;
Close receiver or liquid-supply valve of condenser as well as the globe valve. Then start the ice machine till
the low pressure is near 0bar, and stop the ice machine;
2) 系统正常停止后,关闭压缩机回气阀;
When the machine stops in a normal way, close the return-air valve of compressor;
3) 拆下过滤器端盖;
Take down rod of the filter;
4) 清洁滤筒并更换滤芯,然后装上端盖;
Clean the filter canister and replace the cartridge, and then install the lid;
5) 端盖上的螺丝先不要拧紧,点动供液电磁阀,进行“排气”;
Put the screw on it, but don’t tighten it at once. Start liquid-supply solenoid valve to drain air;
6) 拧紧螺丝,开启压缩机回气阀;
Tighten the screws and turn on return-air valve on the compressor;
7) 系统正常运转后,应对操作过的部件检漏。
After the machine starts in a normal way, check leakage of some parts which have been inspected.

9.5.3 更换电磁阀线圈 Solenoid Valve Coil Replacement

The solenoid valve’s coil has long-life normally, but if the customer’s supply power is unstable, it will cause the
solenoid valve’s coil to be damaged; its change steps are as follows
1) 拧下电磁阀上方黄色螺母;Open the yellow rod of solenoid valve;
2) 将线圈取下;Take off the solenoid valve;
3) 接好新线圈电线;Connect the power line of new solenoid valve’s coil;
4) 将新线圈安装到电磁阀阀座;Fix the new coil into the solenoid valve;
5) 拧好螺母。Screw the rod of solenoid valve.

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GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

10. 注意事项及检修操作 Attention & Inspection

1) 检查机组电源是否正常。
Check whether the supply power of machine is normal.
2) 检查控制线路及元件有无松动, 应在 1~2 个月左右将固定电控箱的螺栓拧紧。
Check whether the electrical components are loosen or not, and the screw of the electrical box should be
tightened every 1~2 months.
3) 检查机组压力表的压力。
Check the ice machine’s pressure.
4) 检查给水系统。
Check the make-up water system.
5) 检查机组运行电流及风机、水泵电流。
Check the running current of the ice machine, water pump and cooling tower motor.
6) 机组设置有制冷系统高、低压保护、压缩机过载故障保护、水泵过载保护,若出现这些故障会在触摸屏上显
The ice machine has set high-pressure protection, low-pressure protection, compressor overload protection
and water pump overload protection. If there is any above-mentioned malfunction, it will appear on the touch
screen. It also sets the reverse phase protection and phase loss protection.
7) 因故障保护停机,应及时切断机组电源,待故障排除后方可开机。
Owing to malfunctions, the ice machine will stop automatically. Please cut the power off in time. After getting
rid of the breakdown, you can start again.
8) 为保证机组数据不丢失,请保持机组持续供电。
Please make the ice machine get through the power continuously in order to keep the data from being lost.
9) 机组运行时,请保证给机组持续供水,水流必须可以满足供给制冰机制冰,否则会因缺水而造成循环水泵烧
Please make sure there is enough water to supply for the ice machine to make ice, otherwise the water
shortage may cause the circulating water pump to be damaged or the ice become white or rhombus in the
10) 非专业人员禁止修理本机组,以免损坏机组,造成人身伤害事故。
Non-professional staff is absolutely forbidden to fix or maintain the machine in order to avoid personal
injury accident;
11) 电源线请勿在中途连接、使用延长线,以免引起触电事故。
The power supply design adopts a specific circuit, so no connection in the midway or no use of extension
line with the power cable, in order to prevent electric shocks accidents.
12) 请勿将硬物伸入出冰口,以免引起设备损坏和人身伤害事故。
Please do not make hard things approach the screw shaft in order to prevent damaging the ice screw
shaft or causing personal injury accident.
13) 请勿触摸高温管道,以免引起烫伤事故。
Do not touch the high temperature copper pipes in order to avoid personal injury accident.
14) 对压缩机、管道进行检测、维修时,必须带上安全眼镜和手套。
Please wear safety glasses and gloves, when carrying on the examination and maintenance to the
compressor and pipes.
15) 环境温度较高时,应将电控箱门打开散热。
When the weather is hot, you should open the electrical box door to dissipate heat.

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GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

11. 售后说明 After-sales Service

1) 保质期 Warranty
本产品的主要部件保修期为 12 个月包括:压缩机、电磁阀、冷凝器、PLC、触摸屏、交流接触器、断路器、
The warranty period is 12 months for ice machine, which has included: compressor, solenoid valve,
condenser, PLC, touch screen, alternating contractor, breaker, phase sequence protector and water pump and

! 注意: 过滤器、水管及水配件等不属于保修范围。建议客户在购买设备时购置常规配件,如交流接触器、

Attention: Filter, water pipe and water accessories don't belong to category of the warranty. We suggest that
you can buy the some specification parts when buying the ice machine, such as alternating contractor,
intermediate relay, and breaker and so on. When the machine has some problems, which can shorten the
maintaining time, if you have bought these normal specification parts in advance, it can be more convenient for
you to solve the problems, especially in some far areas where is difficult to buy these accessories.
2) 过了保修期或不属于保修范围的维修,本公司可派专人上门服务,需收取相应的费用;
Beyond the warranty period or excluding the category of warranty, the manufacturer can send professional
technician to offer door-to-door service, but it will charge fees;
3) 在搬运和使用的过程中,由于碰撞而发生损坏的,不属于保修和更换范围;凡违反本说明书中有关规定而发
The following conditions are excluded to range of our warranty and replacement scope:
 The damage caused by collision in the process of use or transportation.
 Any damages caused by operating the machine against the operation manual provisions.

12. 故障现象及排除 Malfunction Phenomenon & Solution

序号 可能原因 更正措施
NO. Possible reasons Correcting measures
a. 制冷剂不足 Check the refrigeration system
Refrigerant shortage. whether it has the leak or not? After
solving it, please add the same type of
The ice making
1 refrigerant
capacity is not
b. 供水温度太高
It is normal that the amount of ice
Water supply temperature is too high.
making reduce a little because of too
heavy burdens.

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GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

c. 环境温度太高,系统冷凝效果变差 正常现象
If the ambient temp is too high, the If the ambient temp is too high, the
condensing effect will be lower. shortage of ice making capacity is
d. 水路电磁阀或播水孔堵塞 顺畅
The water or water sprayer pipes are Clean the impurities inside the water
blocked. pipe or waterway in order to make it
e. 压缩机过滤网堵塞 清洗或更换过滤网
Compressor's filter net is blocked clean or change the filter net
a. 供水中断
Check water supply system and
Water supply is interrupted.
keep water supply normal
b. 结冰太厚 调整结冰压力
Ice thickness is too thick. Adjust the ice freezing pressure
2 Low pressure
c. 液管过滤器或吸气过滤网堵塞 更换过滤器或清洗过滤网
Compressor's filter net is blocked clean or change the filter net
d. 制冷剂泄漏
Check system and repair it, and add
The refrigerant is leaked out.
the same type refrigerant.
a. 冷凝压力过低
Check the fan motor control pressure
Condenser pressure is too low
switch whether it can work normally
b. 机组冷却系统处于通风环境较差的位 改善机组冷却系统通风条件
置 Improve a better ventilated condition
The ice machine is placed in a worse of the ice-maker
3 High pressure
ventilated environment
c. 风冷冷凝器表面灰尘较多,造成换热
效果变差 清洗风冷冷凝器表面的灰尘
Too much dust on the surface of the air Clean the dust for the surface of air
cooling condenser, which results in the condenser
worse heat exchange
a. 脱冰时间设置太短 延长脱冰时间
Ice falling time is set too short. Prolong ice falling time.
不能脱冰 Can't b. 冷凝压力过低
4 Turn down the valve of cooling system
take off the ice The condensation pressure is too low.
c. 脱冰电磁阀故障
Change solenoid valve coil or change
Ice falling solenoid valve fault
solenoid valve

GE A 管 冰 机 使 用 说 明 书
GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

a. 供水含有大量杂质
The water supply includes a great deal
Filter the water supply.
of impurity.
管冰结冰形状异 b. 播水孔堵塞 清除播水孔内的杂质
常 The water-spread pipes are blocked Clean impurity in the water stoma.
Tube ice shape 检查供水系统,保持正常供水
c. 供水中断
is abnormal Check water supply system and keep
Water supply is interrupted.
the water supply normal.
d. 循环水路污染 清洗循环水路
The circulation water system is blocked Clean the circulation water system
a. 压缩机组件损坏 维修压缩机
压缩机声音不正 Compressor component broken. Repair the compressor component.
常 补充与制冷剂相对应的冷冻机油
b. 压缩机润滑不良
6 The voice of Complement the refrigerant oil matched
The compressor lubricate badly.
compressor is with the refrigerant.
abnormal c. 压缩机固定螺栓松动 拎紧固定螺栓
Compressor stud bolts are loosen. Fix the stud bolt tighter.
a. 缺水 Water shortage 补充供水 Complement supply water
b. 循环水泵损坏
无播水 The circulating water pump is
Replace the circulating water pump.
7 No water damaged.
sowing c. 循环水管破裂 更换循环水管
The circulating water pipe is broken. Replace the circulating water pipe.
d. 排水管泄漏 Drain-pipe leaks out. 关闭排水阀Close the drain-valve.

机组数据丢失 “ ”按钮,可恢复机
Data of the ice 组出厂时的参数。
8 No power to the machine for a long
machine is
time Touch “ ” button
to restore reference parameter.
a. 环境污染严重
改善环境 Improve the environment.
机组表面结垢 Environmental pollution is severe.
The surface of 清除表面污渍,经常擦洗和注重保养
machine has b. 表面太脏 Clear the dirt, Regularly clean the
dirt The surface is too dirty. machine and pay attention to its
水泄漏 浮球阀损坏 维修或更换浮球阀
Water leakage Floating ball valve is damaged Repair or replace the floating ball valve

GE A 管 冰 机 使 用 说 明 书
GE A Tube Ice Machine Operat ion Manual

附表一: TV20 管冰机的性能参数表

Appendix 1: TV20 tube ice machine technical parameter
型号 Model TV20
名义工况制冰量 Nominal Working Condition Ice Capacity 2000 kg/Day
管冰尺寸 Tube Ice Size Ø34mm*45mm
制冷剂种类 Refrigerant R404a
PLC 西门子可编程控制器+触摸屏
控制方式 Control Way
Siemens PLC Controller + Touch Screen
电源 Power Form 380V/50Hz/3P
最大运行电流 Max Current 23.68amp
品牌 Brand Name 德国比泽尔 Germany Bitzer
压缩机 类型 Type 半封活塞压缩机 Semi-hermetic piston type
Compressor 功率 Power 9HP
数量 Quantity 1 台 1 Set
循环水泵 电机功率 Motor Power 0.37 KW
Circulating Water Pump 数量 Quantity 1 台 1 Set
切冰电机 电机功率 Motor Power 0.37 KW
Ice Cutter Motor 数量 Quantity 1 台 1 Set
类型 Type 铝翅片铜管 Aluminum finned copper coil
风机功率 Fan Power 190 W
Air Cooling Condenser
风机数量 Fan Quantity 4 台 4Sets
制冰补水口 Make-up Water Pipe Ø20 mm
制冰排水口 Water Drain Pipe Ø25 mm
运行范围 补水温度 Inlet Water Temp 5℃~35℃
Working Condition 环境温度 Ambient Temp 5℃~40℃ (干球 dry ball)
机组尺寸 Dimension (L×W×H) 1500mm×1020mm×2050mm

※ 名义工况: 制冰进水温度 21℃,环境温度 25℃。

Nominal working conditions: Input water temp 21℃, ambient temp 25℃.


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