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green corner

teja Jordovič Potočnik whom the food that is destined for their plate was produced.
Polona Prešeren, photo: Ma

In 2009, 2,096 agricultural holdings were

a r m i n
The only valid guarantee that food genuinely comes from an

Organ i c f
organic farm is an organic farming certificate. Consumers in included in the organic farming control sys-
Slovenia can buy organically produced food from the produc- tem (this figure represents 2.6% of all farms
ers themselves or at organic markets, while recently the on- in Slovenia), with 29,388 hectares of farm-
line organic market has become an increasingly popular way land in use (6.2% of all farmland in use in
of buying organic produce and products. The online market is
2009). Of these farms, 1853 have already

re n a t u
an interface between consumers and farmers. The consumer

d w i th
completed the reorientation period (and

hand i n h a n
simply submits an order via a website and a package of sea-
sonal and regional organic products, all with an authenticat- obtained an organic certificate). This period
ed organic certificate, is delivered to his home. lasts a minimum of 24 months from first
registration. There is still an urgent need for
The range of organic food available is getting bigger every day bigger quantities of produce and an organ-
and an increasing number of farms are choosing to switch to
organic production. Slovenia’s entry to the European Union
ised presence in the market place that in-
cludes the provision of information for both
Care for the environment and a healthy The farm as an organism and, of course, the demands of the market have contributed
consumers and producers. Livestock farm-
lifestyle are becoming two of the priorities to this. Today’s consumers know what they want: high-qual-
Organic farmers say that the ideal organic farm functions like ity, full-flavoured food. Even if it costs a euro or two more. ing predominates in terms of production,
of our modern way of life. Not many people,
an organism. This means that the farmer who commits him- although the biggest consumer demand is
however, know the secret of getting close to self to organic production also works hard to ensure that his for fresh garden vegetables, fruit and pro-
nature and taking advantage of its resources holding functions as a complete whole and that the energy cessed non-meat products (milled products
while having the smallest possible negative flow is a closed loop. Since organic farms usually also pro-
and dairy products).
duce the majority of the fertilisers, feed and other materials
impact on the environment and maintaining that they need, this kind of farming is in accordance with
a sense of the natural balance. This is the principles of sustainable development. Organic farm-
something that we find in organic farming, ing proves that it is not necessary to use chemicals and gene
technology in order to produce sufficient quantities of food
which stems from the realisation that only with a high nutritional value. It also guarantees food of higher
an approach to work that derives from a quality.
partnership with nature can be successful.
Even when it comes to the suppression of diseases, pests
The organic method of cultivating the land is certainly not and weeds, organic farmers use natural methods and natu-
unknown in Slovenia – the number of organic farms is ral fertilisers and pesticides, never chemical/synthetic pesti-
constantly growing and an increasing number of farmers are cides and artificial fertilisers. Likewise, the use of disinfected
opting for this form of farming. According to figures from the seeds, genetically modified organisms and ionising radiation
Ministry of Agriculture, just 41 farmers were included in the is prohibited. In livestock farming, the use of blood and bone
organic farm control system in 1998. By 2009 this number meal or other feeds of animal origin is prohibited, as is the
had grown significantly, and there were already 2,096 farms use of hormones and the preventive use of antibiotics to treat
of this type, while 1,853 farms had already successfully animals. Animals must be allowed out of barns and sheds and
completed the reorientation period and obtained the relevant must be allowed to graze freely in mountain pastures or other
certificate and the right to label their products “organic”. pastures for at least half the year (180 days).
Slovenia’s remarkable natural riches offer excellent
conditions for farming – and of course for organic farming. Modern organic farming follows high ethical, social and
A large percentage of these farms are mountain farms, but economic standards. It derives from the experiences of past
different landscape types enable various types of production. generations but does not exclude advanced environmental
technologies or the techniques of scientific agriculture. As
Organic farming also has an influence on the sustainable well as respecting relationships in nature and contact with
management of non-renewable resources. It is a method of it, it provides jobs and brings people back to the countryside,
management in accordance with natural cycles. It is based on while at the same time cherishing and respecting tradition
practices that take into account the relationships between all and cultural heritage. All of this means that organic farming
forms of life, on equilibrium within the system (soil-plants- helps preserve the environment and the variety of the cul-
animals-man) and a closed cycle of organic material on the tural landscape, while at the same time providing food of out-
farm. This means returning to the soil whatever is taken from standing quality which, in addition to valuable nutrients and
it, in this way ensuring that agriculture is genuinely sustain- antioxidants, can also boast genuine fullness of flavour.
able. In order to preserve and enhance the fertility of the soil,
organic farmers use fertilisers and cultivation methods that The organic food market
respect the original structure of the soil and the useful work
of many of the organisms living in it. This also means that It is generally true of organic production that it seeks to es-
they choose autochthonous plant species and animal breeds, tablish as direct as possible a connection between the farmer
or ones that are adapted to local conditions. These are more and customers. This is also the way to assure the consumer of
resistant to disease, and this is important, because organic the organic origin of the product. This is not hard to do in Slo-
farming – whether crops or livestock – places the emphasis venia, because of the small distances involved, and it is easy
on preventing problems rather than curing them. for customers to find out for themselves where, how and by

34 Government Communication Office Sinfo – Slovenian information 35

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