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Newton G. Osborne, MD, PhD
Syracuse, New York

That a female patient with abdominal pain is threat to fertility. They may also be accompanied
often considered to have pelvic inflammatory by other complications,1 2 such as incapacitating
disease until proven otherwise is ubiquitous pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy,3 abscess rupture,4
in the medical literature. This view is danger- and bowel obstruction.
ous and should be challenged because it has In the overwhelming majority of cases, TOAs
resulted in episodes of ruptured appendix, are sequelae of salpingitis. '2 5 As with salpingitis
death from ruptured ectopic pregnancies, and they are found predominantly in sexually active
serious morbidity from delayed diagnoses of women of low parity who have been exposed to
such entities as diverticulitis and endo- STDs,6 multiple partners,7 or to partners with
metriosis. Proper diagnostic steps should multiple sexual partners,7'8 regardless of race,
be taken for all patients with abdominal marital status, or contraceptive choice. An impor-
pain of unclear etiology. tant step in the prevention of TOAs is the preven-
This article reviews the pathogenesis of tion of salpingitis. If salpingitis is suspected,
tubo-ovarian abscesses so as to separate and prompt diagnosis9-11 and proper treatment 15,1-12
clearly identify fact from fiction. Diagnostic are the next best strategy for prevention of TOA
steps and management guidelines are dis- formation.

Tubo-ovarian abscesses (TOAs) are serious The most important risk factor in the
complications of female upper genital tract infec- pathogenesis of TOAs is sexual activity with an
tions, most commonly following exposure to sex- infected partner. There are frequently clues in the
ually transmitted diseases (STDs). Tubo-ovarian history, physical examination, or laboratory re-
abscesses frequently result in irreversible tubal sults that suggest the possibility of exposure to
and ovarian damage, and therefore pose a serious microorganisms capable of initiating tubal inflam-
mation (Tables 1 and 2).

Multiple Sexual Partners

From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, State Exposure to sexually transmitted pathogens
University of New York, Syracuse, New York. Requests for capable of causing tubal infection is most likely in
reprints should be addressed to Dr. Newton G. Osborne,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Upstate Medical premarital or extramarital sexual encounters by
Center, 750 E. Adams Street, Syracuse, NY 13210. either partner. Knowledge about a history of geni-


TABLE 1. HISTORY AND LABORATORY FINDINGS Unfortunately, first sexual encounters are fre-
THAT REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION TO quently of a nature that precludes a rational ap-
TRANSMITTED DISEASES proach to disease prevention, and as a conse-
quence, an ideal screen is seldom, if ever, per-
Multiple sexual partners formed before the fact.
History of vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis or
Occurrence of previous sexually transmitted dis- Pyuria
eases (STDs)-Bartholin abscess
Partner with history of STDs The presence of pyuria in a sexually active
Partner with history of nongonoccocal urethritis woman requires screening for Chlamydia
or postgonoccocal urethritis trachomatis,25 30'31 particularly if none of the com-
Unexplained pyuria or dysuria mon bacteria associated with urinary tract infec-
Papanicolaou smears with report of inflammation
Unexplained infertility tions can be recovered from the urine.26 Occa-
Unexplained episodes of pelvic or abdominal pain sionally urethritis may be caused by Neisseria
Unexplained episodes of menstrual irregularity gonorrhoeae,28 Trichomonas vaginalis and Can-
Unexplained treatment with antibiotics dida albicans.29 However, Candida urethritis does
Unexplained pharyngitis not usually cause pyuria.29
History of right upper quadrant pain with normal
liver function tests Sexually active women with clinical symptoms
History of unexplained fever of cystitis must undergo a screen for pathogens
that includes sexually transmitted organisms by
the use of special techniques that selectively favor
the detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neis-
tal infection in a new partner is less likely early seria gonorrhoeae. This is especially true if they
in a sexual relationship. Ideally, a previously sex- do not fulfill the traditional criterion of more than
ually active person would undergo an examination 100,000 coliforms per milliliter37 and they also
prior to sexual activity with a new partner and a have pyuria. The presence of signs and symptoms
follow-up examination within a month of exposure suggestive of lower urinary tract bacterial infec-
to the new partner. This screening would tion in sexually active women should prompt phy-
presumably include urinalysis, Papanicolaou sicians to distinguish patients with a sexually
smear, and serologic tests for Chlamydia,'3 transmitted disease from those with otherwise un-
syphilis,'4 and acquired immune deficiency syn- complicated urinary tract infections at the time of
drome (AIDS), 15 microscopic examination of the initial visit. Failure to recognize the presence
genital secretions for detection of sexually trans- of C trachomatis or N gonorrhoeae in susceptible
mitted organisms and Mobiluncus'6 as well as cul- women with urinary signs and symptoms due to
ture for Mollicutes,'7 Neisseria gonorrhoeae,'8 infection with these organisms allows these patho-
Chlamydia,"8"9 and herpes.'9 A thorough history gens to establish an infection in the upper genital
would indicate whether the oropharynx or anal tract with subsequent development of salpingitis
canal required additional screening for sexually and eventually TOA.
transmitted diseases.2022 The presence of muco-
purulent cervicitis,23 unexplained inflammation on
the Papanicolaou smear,24 nongonoccocal ure-
thritis (NGU),25'26 pyuria,263' or positive Vaginitis/Vaginosis
serology'3'32 would be followed up with appropri- Vaginitis is probably the most common disease
ate diagnostic studies to rule out the presence of seen by gynecologists in general practice.38-40 Most
sexually transmissible pathogens. The presence of of these patients will have vaginal symptoms of
genital lesions,33 skin lesions,3335 or adenopathy36 discharge, offensive odor, pruritus, soreness, or a
would be followed by a thorough evaluation to es- combination of these symptoms. Culture or mi-
tablish etiology and to administer appropriate croscopy reveals Candida, Trichomonas,
therapy. Gardnerella, Mobiluncus,16 Mollicutes,17'38 or


mixed bacterial flora.16'39'40 With the exception of TABLE 2. PHYSICAL FINDINGS THAT REQUIRE
Candida, infection with any of these agents INVESTIGATION TO RULE OUT EXPOSURE TO
suggests exposure to the genital flora of multiple
persons by at least one of the sexual partners. Mucopurulent cervicitis
Proper management of vaginitis39-40 or vaginosis16 Tenderness on abdominal or pelvic examina-
in sexually active women requires the identifica- tion
tion of causative agents. This investigation is best Vaginal discharge
done at the initial visit prior to therapy. The de- Urethral discharge
Abnormal pelvic mass
tection of "clue cells,'"16'38 Gardnerella vag- Genital lesions (blisters, ulcers, warts)
inalis,38 39 Trichomonas vaginalis,38 or Mol- Arthritis, dermatitis
licutes17'38 may signal the presence of other patho- Ophthalmitis, conjunctivitis
gens. Identification of a sexually transmitted or- Lymphadenopathy
ganism enhances the probability of recovery of Laparoscopy-Laparotomy scar for unknown
other sexually transmitted pathogens, including Fever of unknown origin
the ones associated with salpingitis and TOA, such
as Chlamydia trachomatis, Mollicutes, or
of endocervical mucus uncontaminated by vaginal
Cervicitis Chlamydia trachomatis has been isolated from
The infected cervix is a reservoir for potential 58 percent of women with mucopurulent cervicitis
upper genital tract pathogens and for the sexual and from 5 percent of women without mucopuru-
transmission of genital pathogens.7 In the non- lent cervicitis.47 Cervicitis may also be associated
pregnant sexually active woman, cervicitis may with gonococcal infection, especially if symptoms
lead to upper genital tract infection by sperm of acute upper genital tract infection are present
transport of pathogens8'41'42 into the endometrial simultaneously. Although the classical clinical
cavity, fallopian tube lumen, or peritoneal cavity presentation of chlamydial cervicitis may be si-
during intercourse. An alteration of the tubal mu- lent, cervical inflammation and upper tract in-
cosa renders the fallopian tube vulnerable to inva- volvement may be severe.9'23
sion and damage by endogenous aerobic and Herpes simplex virus produces ulcerative le-
anaerobic bacteria in susceptible hosts. If ovula- sions on the vulva, vagina, and cervix.38 It may
tion occurs at a time of active infection, the stroma also be a cause of ulcer production in the upper
of the ovary becomes exposed to the inflammatory genital tract.'9 Herpes simplex virus has been re-
process. When the challenge to the immune sys- covered from the endocervix in the absence of
tem is overwhelming enough to prevent local de- vulvar, vaginal or ectocervical lesions.38 In cases
struction of pathogens, an abscess develops as the of herpes or gonococcal cervicitis, a mucopurulent
host's next line of defense. If the woman happens exudate from the endocervix does not appear to
to be ovulating at the time, the stroma of the ovary occur as consistently as in cases where Chlamydia
may become infected and a TOA may develop. trachomatis is recovered. '9 Other aerobic and
Other avenues of spread to the upper genital anaerobic bacteria have been recovered from the
structures exist. Direct extension along mucosal endocervix without evidence of an endocervical
surfaces43'44 as well as hematogenous and lymphat- inflammatory response.48
ic spread45'46 are known alternate routes. It is clear that the cervix is an important micro-
Mucopurulent cervicitis23 is defined as an in- bial reservoir for infection of the upper genital tract
flammation of the cervix with polymorphonuclear and pelvis in sexually active women or in women
leukocytes present in the endocervix, demon- undergoing gynecologic procedures.49 There is
strated either by visible mucopus on a cotton-tip evidence that inflammation with reparative atypia
applicator or by the presence of ten or more detected on Papanicolaou smears or in cervical
leukocytes per oil immersion field on a Gram stain biopsies may indicate chlamydial infection.24 It is


then logical to test for the presence of Chlamydia consort has been exposed.42 Inflammation is
trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and herpes in most likely a response to an initial infection with
women with mucopurulent cervicitis or with evi- certain immunotypes (D-K) of Chlamydia
dence of inflammation on Papanicolaou smears, trachomatis,53'59 Neisseria gonorrhoeae,18'23'27'54'59
regardless of race, contraceptive choice, marital Mollicutes,17'32'59 and possibly ulcer-producing or-
or socioeconomic status. ganisms such as herpes simplex virus.19 Although
aerobes and anaerobes that constitute part of the
Endometritis endogenous lower genital tract flora48 have been
recovered from infected fallopian tubes,2'4'5'64'65 it
Endometritis in the nonpuerperal sexually is unlikely that these organisms initiate an inflam-
active woman usually represents an intermediate matory response in healthy fallopian tubes. These
infection stage between cervicitis and salpin- organisms have been recovered from the
gitis.5051 The presence of more than 10 plasma endometrium and peritoneal cavity in the course
cells per high power field in an endometrial speci- of experimental observations with no evidence of
men correlates well with chlamydial endometritis disease by clinical signs, direct visualization of
and cervicitis. If there is endometritis, Chlamydia pelvic organs, or by histologic examination of the
trachomatis is more likely to be recovered from endometrium.6668 Recovery of these organisms
endometrial cultures than from endocervical cul- from the fallopian tubes at the time of an estab-
tures.52 A negative culture for Chlamydia and lished inflammatory process55'64'65 does not neces-
gonorrhea from the cervix does not rule out the sarily identify them as the pathogens that initiated
presence of these organisms in the genital tract. the process. It is likely that in salpingitis, endoge-
The main symptoms suggestive of endometritis are nous organisms invade the fallopian tubes follow-
lower abdominal pain and intermenstrual spotting ing an initial infection with organisms such as
or bleeding. Laparoscopic examination of women Neisseria gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia trachomatis,
with early signs of upper genital infection may not which are known to initiate inflammation and
demonstrate visible fallopian tube inflammation even damage to the tubal mucosa and fimbriae.18'196971
if there is microbiologic and serological evidence Destruction of the basement membrane of the
of chlamydial infection.5 Serologic screening fallopian tubal mucosa has been demonstrated in
of sexually active women with early upper genital the laboratory following exposure to E coli
tract infection may be a more sensitive indicator of endotoxin.72 This event prevents regeneration of
active chlamydial infection than culture or direct cilia destroyed by adherence, fracture, and lysis
fluorescent antibody tests. The main disadvantage following an antecedent inflammatory response to
of chlamydial detection by identification of spe- an infectious process. Under normal conditions it
cific IgA and IgG is the inability to determine the is unlikely that endotoxin alone is capable of
exact site of infection in the genital tract. How- initiating tubal damage. This event has not been
ever, exact localization may be academic. It may associated with treatment of women for infections
be more important to identify consistently known elsewhere in the body, even when antibiotics ef-
fallopian tube pathogens when they are present, fective against E coli or other organisms with
preferably prior to tubal damage. endotoxin are used. Neither is tubal damage a
complication in women treated for endotoxic
Salpingitis shock. Chlamydial and gonococcal inflammation
of the fallopian tubes are known to be associated
Salpingitis is an inflammation of the fallopian with an initial stage of fimbrial conglutination and
tubes that usually results from an infection with adhesion formation in the villi during an active
sexually transmitted pathogens in susceptible infection. 18,19,69-73 Hyperplasia of the visceral
nonpregnant women. 218,53-61 The probability of ac- peritoneum of the distal end of the tube causes
quiring salpingitis is directly proportional to the phimosis and eventual inversion of the fimbriae
number of sexual partners54'60f62'63 or to the with formation of the classical "clubbed tube."
number of sexual partners to whom the male Prevention of superinfection with coliforms and


anaerobes early in the disease process may pre- speculative and not established so far by well-
vent destruction of the basal layer by endotoxin. controlled studies. It is more likely that the devel-
Determination of pelvic inflammatory disease opment of symptoms is the result of a combination
causation by endogenous organisms can be made of the properties of the infecting organisms18'85 and
only after absence of prior exposure to exogenous the immune response of the host86 at an opportune
tubal pathogens is demonstrated by appropriate time in the disease process. The critical balance
microbiological and serological studies. To estab- may be altered more frequently at the time of
lish causation, such studies must also demonstrate menses as far as the development of symptoms is
that the untreated sexual partners of the patient do concerned, but menstruation is not an indispens-
not harbor known tubal pathogens. In short, if able event for the development of salpingitis.
under normal conditions anaerobes cause upper
genital infection, the occurrence of salpingitis in
strictly monogamous couples who are otherwise Intrauterine Devices, Age, Socioeconomic
healthy must be demonstrated in the absence of and Racial Factors
prior pelvic or abdominal surgical procedures. There are conflicting reports on the effect of
Sperm may be an important vehicle for the intrauterine devices (IUDs) on the pathogenesis of
transport of upper genital tract pathogens such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and tubo-
Chlamydia trachomatis41'42'74-78 and Neisseria ovarian abscess.62'87-104 Conflicting conclusions
gonorrhoeae7982 to the fallopian tubes. Bacteria,77 have resulted even from analysis of the same
including sexually transmitted pathogens,41' 78-82 data.62'95'98 Burkman62 found no difference in the
have been shown to attach to sperm. It has also incidence of PID requiring hospitalization in black
been shown that female partners of infected men women whether or not they used IUDs. He found
with motile sperm in the ejaculate have a signifi- no significant difference either between IUD types
cantly higher incidence of upper genital tract in- and the rate of hospitalization for PID. Lee et a195
fection than partners of infected men who have found striking differences in the rate of hospi-
had a vasectomy.42 talization for PID according to the IUD type by
The number of male sexual partners and fre- reanalysis of the same data following ex post facto
quency of intercourse with an infected male part- modification of the criteria for admission to the
ner also may have an effect in addition to the obvi- study. In neither of the reports62'95 were the criter-
ous one of repeated exposure. Seminal fluid con- ia for hospitalization spelled out. Although the data
tains an inhibitor of complement activation,82 reported thus far indicate that among hospitalized
which may protect tubal pathogens from the hosts patients with a diagnosis of PID there is likely to be
antibodies. The probability of infection may be di- an overrepresentation of women with IUDs,62'95'96
rectly related to the degree of complement inhi- there is little evidence to indicate that women with
bition. IUDs develop PID at a higher rate than women
Bacteria can also gain access to the upper geni- without IUDs if sexual experience is taken into
tal tract by mucosal spread,4346 menstrual flow,83 account. Most of the published reports do not cor-
blood vessels,45'46 lymphatic channels,45'46 and rect for the possibility that IUDs were initially in-
possibly by attachment to, or ingestion by, serted preferentially in women at high risk for
Trichomonas vaginalis.84 PID105"106: young, single, sexually active women
Salpingitis is the most common disease predis- from unstable homes, or unreliable and poorly
posing to the development of tubo-ovarian ab- motivated women105 who are likely to have multi-
scesses. Although symptoms of salpingitis are ple partners.'06
most common around the time of menstruation, Most of the studies linking PID to IUD use have
clinical manifestations can occur at any time of the been done in hospitalized patients. There are sev-
menstrual cycle. Explanations based on the pres- eral factors that influence the decision of whether
ence of menstrual blood,83 the role of the cervical to hospitalize a woman suspected of having
mucus,55'68'83 and the effects of socioeconomic and PID. 107 Among them, socioeconomic status, mari-
racial factors,55'83 although interesting, are tal status, type of hospital, and whether the


woman uses an IUD.62'103 Retrospective studies in using IUDs.112 It is likely that prior exposure to
hospitalized patients cannot establish a cause- pathogens that cause mucosal damage is a pre-
and-effect relationship. In a retrospective study of requisite for tubal infection with endogenous bac-
the correlation of PID and IUD use in hospitalized teria. Mucosal pathogens such as Chlamydia
patients, there is usually a strong Berkson bias,108 trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae have spe-
in addition to other sampling and measurement cial growth requirements that would make survival
biases difficult to control in retrospective along or within the tail of an IUD extremely dif-
studies,108 that makes an establishment of causa- ficult.
tion impossible. The difficulty in making an accu- Few studies on the epidemiology of salpingitis
rate diagnosis of PID on clinical findings has been have fully corrected for the limitations imposed by
well established. 10109-111 It is also well known that retrospective analysis conducted on hospitalized
a decision to hospitalize women with PID in the patients or patients attending subspecialty clinics.
United States is dependent not only on a clinical Results based on data collected from hospitalized
impression of PID. 107 Therefore, conclusions patients95'96"113 or from patients attending subspe-
based on hospitalized patients62'95'96 without uni- cialty clinics63'114 that link IUD use and PID, with-
form confirmation of the diagnosis by objective out a definition of the criteria for admission to the
criteria10'109-111 cannot be accepted as definitive, hospital or clinic, should be taken with extreme
and the association of these findings with specific caution, and may not be accepted as conclusive
contraceptives95'96 are, at best, tenuous. Terms until a well-controlled, prospective, blinded study
like "risk of development of PID" and "risk of supports such conclusions.
hospitalization for PID" are at times used inter- Cohort9l'94"10' and prospective randomized
changeably.95 There is no evidence that these are studies90 have failed to demonstrate significant
equivalent events. These two events may in fact differences in PID prevalence or incidence be-
be unrelated, particularly if there are no estab- tween patients using different IUDs. A compari-
lished criteria for hospitalization. son between women using contraception and sex-
The relationship between salpingitis and cer- ually active women matched for sexual experience
vicitis23'47 and the observation that trichomonas but using no contraception is lacking in most
can ascend into the fallopian tubes,84 as well as the studies. There are at least two problems with con-
demonstration of bacterial attachment to trols using other forms of contraception: some
sperm, 4142'74-82 argues against the hypothesis that contraceptives may protect some patients from
in sexually active women the endometrial cavity is developing salpingitis,62'63'73 and the effectiveness
normally sterile.6668 These observations suggest of protection between the different forms may be
that the endometrial flora may be directly related unequal.73,15
to the frequency of intercourse, to the genital flora The problems with studies attempting to com-
of the partners, to the number of sexual partners, pare tubal infertility with contraceptive choice63'114
and to the presence or absence of vaginitis or cer- are formidable. In addition to the inherent prob-
vicitis. lems that exist with a retrospective assessment of
Even if the hypothesis that endometrial coloni- tubal infertility in a nonrandomized numerator of
zation by capillary action along IUD tails66'68 is women with an antecedent history of IUD use,
shown to occur in some instances (and this event there is no knowledge about the denominator from
has not been demonstrated unequivocally in hu- which the numerator derives. Furthermore, the
mans), the significance of this phenomenon in percentage of sexually active women with tubal
sexually active women is likely to be of little or no infertility in the general population is not known.
consequence. Bacteria have ready access to the Publicity and litigation involving contraceptive
upper genital tract via sperm and along the moist methods at the time the studies are done are likely
mucosal surfaces of the vagina, cervix, uterine to influence the proportion of patients seeking
cavity, and fallopian tubes. Organisms normally evaluation for tubal infertility in an uneven way for
found in the vagina have reportedly been re- different contraceptives. If the controls are
covered from the cul-de-sac of healthy women not women using barrier and hormonal contracep-


tives, there is likely to be a double effect of differ- The rate of complications with contraceptives,
ent degrees of protection from PID in women including so-called IUD-related infections, may be
using contraceptives other than IUDs,73'1"1 and an directly related to the experience and knowledge
increased proportion of infertile women who used of the inserter. IUD insertion in sexually active
IUDs as a form of contraception seeking evalua- women must take place only after the presence of
tion for litigation purposes. Both of these effects genital infection is ruled out. Failure to detect the
are in the same direction, and may not be equal for presence of potential tubo-ovarian pathogens or
all IUDs. Knowledge about numerators and de- signs of subclinical urogenital infection endangers
nominators as well as life history of sexually a woman's reproductive future whether or not she
transmitted diseases, sexual partners, and of chooses an IUD as a contraceptive. As late as the
gynecologic surgical procedures are essential to 1980s, many clinicians who inserted IUDs were
assess the role of IUDs in tubal infertility, salpin- not aware of the prevalence, incidence, or poten-
gitis, and tubo-ovarian abscess. The impression' tial for reproductive damage of Chlamydia
that a causal relation between IUDs and PID is trachomatis. Screening for Neisseria gonorrhoeae
demonstrated116 on the basis of results from was frequently ignored by others.The presence of
studies not controlled for these important con- STDs is closely related to sexual lifestyle.106'129
founding variables is erroneous. Therefore, the effect of inadequate screening on
The need for careful controls and knowledge of subsequent pelvic infection when women are fitted
incidence and prevalence of an event in the gen- with IUDs will be different for different individu-
eral population is underscored by the initial asso- als.62
ciations of Actinomyces with IUDs 117 and the fail- For these reasons, it is not possible to compare
ure to demonstrate such an association with con- accurately event rates of IUD performance with
trolled studies done prospectively. 118-120 A similar insertions performed at different times, in different
experience resulted with the association of unilat- populations, and with different personnel.90 If
eral tubo-ovarian abscess with IUDs.121-123 The adequate measures are not taken in study designs
early reports suggested that unilateral abscesses to eliminate the effects of all confounding varia-
were a unique entity associated with IUDs.121"122 bles, sophisticated mathematical and statistical
Subsequent reports indicated that unilateral TOAs analyses do not correct for sampling and meas-
could develop in the absence of a history of IUD urement errors. The fact that clinical data are sub-
use,123"124 and later studies concluded that there jected to statistical analysis improves neither the
was little difference, if any, in the incidence of accuracy of the results nor the validity of the con-
unilateral TOAs between IUD users and nonus- clusions.
ers. 1'5115'125'126 Studies that report an association Socioeconomic status, race,55'62'113 and age8
between IUDs, tubal infertility, PID, and TOAs have not been shown to be risk factors for the
have failed to control for all variables known to development of PID independent of exposure to
strongly influence the incidence of PID, such as sexually transmitted diseases or to multiple
history of infection with relevant sexually trans- partners. The age distribution of PID patients is
mitted pathogens, 6-9,127,128 the presence of cer- identical with that of women with uncomplicated
vicitis,23,47 sexual lifestyle,106'129 and the objective STDs.7'8 Monogamous couples have not been
establishment of the diagnosis of PID in all partici- shown to have different rates of genital infection,
pating patients 10,11,109-111 Until a randomized regardless of age, race, socioeconomic status, or
well-controlled study that follows strict pre- contraceptive choice.62 63 The prevalence of PID is
established guidelines is performed, extreme cau- directly related to sexual activity and to the
tion must be exercised in the interpretation of re- number of sexual partners.7-9'127-129
sults obtained by retrospective analysis of selected The data relating PID to smoking,1" age,8'9
patients for whom a diagnosis of PID is not con- race, and socioeconomic status2'55 64are usually of
firmed objectively and the criteria for admission the same qualitative nature of data used to de-
into a specific group, hospital, or clinic is un- scribe an association between PID and IUD.62'95'96
known., All of these variables are of questionable impor-


tance in the absence of strict controls for multiple tured appendix46'132 or diverticulum 46'132 may be
sexual partners and sexually transmitted diseases. associated with pelvic abscesses. Ovarian abscesses
There is no evidence to suggest that age or race, are more commonly the result of disruption of the
for example, are the cause of PID, nor is there any integrity of the capsule by ovulation or surgical
evidence that a strict monogamous relationship trauma during a contaminated surgical proce-
between poor, nonwhite teenagers without sexu- dure133-135 or by bacterial stromal invasion via the
ally transmitted diseases carries a higher risk for hematogenous or lymphatic routes.46'136
PID. Smoking, age, socioeconomic and racial fac- Abscess formation is favored by compromise of
tors, although frequently cited,62'114'130 have never the vascular supply to an area in close proximity to
been shown by properly controlled studies to be a mucosal surface that harbors several species of
associated with salpingitis independent of expo- bacteria in its natural state.85 Invasion of the tubal
sure to multiple partners or to a single male part- epithelium by mucosal pathogens initiates an in-
ner who has had multiple partners. Demonstration flammatory response that causes edema and pres-
that these are relevant variables as causative risk sure, which restricts the blood supply to the fallo-
factors for PID is lacking. Socioeconomic factors pian tubes. Leukocytes137 defend against microbial
are merely indicators of conditions that are likely invasion by secretion of substances that mobilize
to expose women to multiple partners or to other components of the host's defense system
partners with multiple partners. They do not in and that facilitate phagocytosis. The lysosomal
themselves have any other special predisposing ef- enzymes and resultant inflammatory reaction
fects for the development of salpingitis in the ab- may, however, damage, to a certain extent, struc-
sence of exposure to sexually transmitted patho- tures of the very host they are intended to protect.
gens. Endogenous organisms are normally in a symbiot-
ic relationship with the host and are confined to
specific areas in the body. Under normal condi-
tions, the host's defense system controls the num-
TUBO-OVARIAN ABSCESS FORMATION bers and species of bacteria in areas of the gas-
An abscess is the result of the body's attempt to trointestinal and genitourinary systems.48'112 The
isolate an infectious process. Formed by encapsul- vaginal and cervical bacteria, transported by
ation, an abscess is a collection of fluid containing a spermatozoa or arriving to the fallopian tubes by
large number of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria mucosal extension, act in synergy with the exoge-
with inflammatory cells and necrotic debris. The nous microorganisms transmitted sexually to bring
most common intraabdominal abscesses in women about an inflammatory reaction and eventual sup-
during the reproductive years are pelvic ab- puration. In this complex microbial environment,
scesses. organisms with structural or enzymatic fac-
Tubo-ovarian abscesses are distinct entities, al- tors138'139 that favor their survival in susceptible
though frequently they are grouped with other hosts140 will prevail.
pelvic abscesses in the literature.1'5 Tubo-ovarian Tubo-ovarian abscesses are usually found in
abscesses imply an extension of an inflammatory sexually experienced, menstruating women who
process from the fallopian tubes into the ovarian have been exposed to sexually transmitted dis-
parenchyma with resultant suppuration. Tubo- eases and who may have developed salpin-
ovarian abscesses are usually complications of gitis in the absence of a contraceptive method that
sexually transmitted diseases, as is frequently the prevents ovulation. Tubo-ovarian abscesses report-
case with other more common pelvic abscesses.1 5 edly occur in 3 to 16 percent of women with salpin-
In pelvic abscesses, the broad ligaments, adnexae, gitis'41'142 by the time they are admitted to a hospital.
bowel, omentum, uterus, or pelvic wall (in any The initial clinical impression may be correct
combination) may form the boundaries of an in only 30 percent of cases. 142 Tubo-ovarian
abscess cavity. Infectious complications of preg- abscesses reportedly constitute approximately 2
nancy4 131 or gynecologic surgery, 13,132 malig- percent of gynecology admissions to urban hospi-
nancy,105 and bowel perforation, including rup- tals 143,144


The certain diagnosis of TOA can be made only teriologic assessment of an abscess difficult. Im-
by direct observation during a surgical proce- munologic methods13'32'65 may be useful for the
dure, and confirmed by histologic evidence of an ab- identification of the organisms involved in the ini-
scess involving the fallopian tube and ovary. Com- tiation and progression of the events that lead to
puterized tomography and ultrasonography'45-148 abscess formation. Complex synergistic microbial
are useful to identify patients with clinical evi- relationships and host factors are interrelated in
dence of an inflammatory mass who may have an the pathogenesis of TOAs. 85,86,140,154 It is likely that
abscess from those who do not have an abscess, even in cases of pelvic abscess, perhaps caused by
but they do not establish with certainty whether a a single or unusual organism,155-158 there are other
cystic mass is a tubo-ovarian abscess. 148 Magnetic predisposing factors that are not detectable by the
resonance imaging is an accurate localizing time the abscess is identified.
method that has the added advantage of providing An abscess is an effective attempt by the host to
information about anatomical and biochemical contain an infection. Containment may be tempo-
function, but there is little experience with rary or permanent, depending on host140 and
this method in the diagnosis and management of parasite138"139 properties, and the direction in
TOAs. 149 Radionuclide150 scanning is another which the equilibrium is tilted following abscess
promising diagnostic technique. Its accuracy in formation. There is an interrelationship of com-
distinguishing abscesses from other cysts is re- plement with other host and microbial properties
ported to be excellent. in the formation of an abscess, but there is evi-
Patients with a pelvic abscess usually give a his- dence that the absence of thymic factors does not
tory of an insidious onset of symptoms that be- prevent containment by abscess formation.85'86
come progressively worse over a period of days or Containment and control of bacterial proliferation
weeks, so that it is difficult to determine an exact has been found to be normal in the absence of
date of onset. This is also the case with tubo- thymic factors, though abscess size and neutrophil
ovarian abscesses. The most consistent complaint accumulation may be diminished.86
is pelvic pain 5142145151 and tenderness. Fever and
tachycardia are frequently present, and some pa-
tients may complain of abnormal vaginal bleeding, Management
vaginal discharge, nausea, anorexia, or diarrhea. Tubo-ovarian abscesses are part of the last line
On physical examination, lower abdominal and of defense against a sustained microbial challenge
pelvic tenderness to palpation with or without re- to the female reproductive system. With the for-
bound may be present. An abnormal mass is al- mation of TOAs, the concern is primarily one of
ways present, but its clinical detection depends on health and life preservation, and secondarily, re-
location, the patient's weight, and the degree of productive potential. The preservation of repro-
tenderness to palpation. In difficult cases, sonog- ductive integrity requires prevention of damage to
raphy or computerized tomography are valuable the upper genital tract by avoiding exposure to
adjuncts to the physical examination. False- sexually transmitted pathogens or by early inter-
positive results with sonography are extremely vention when there is a possibility of upper genital
rare.152"153 Computerized tomography has been re- infection.
ported to be the most accurate of the radiologic The reproductive potential will depend on how
techniques evaluated for the localization of quickly the infectious process is contained and
intraabdominal abscesses,153 but it is an expensive eliminated. The potential for severe or irreversible
method that at present is appropriate only damage is greatest with involvement of the fallo-
when other noninvasive diagnostic procedures pian tubes and ovaries in the infectious process
have failed to confirm the diagnosis. over an extended period of time that may be
Most patients with tubo-ovarian abscesses will measured in days rather than weeks.
have received antibiotics prior to a definite diag- The success or failure of antimicrobial therapy
nosis. Some are given antibiotics at various times alone will depend on the ability of the antibiotics
prior to hospitalization, which makes the bac- selected to penetrate the abscess in effective con-


centration and on their ability to destroy bacteria ous structures. The extent of damage will depend
and render them vulnerable in an abscess on the stage at which the chain of events leading to
environment to natural host defenses.159-162 tubo-ovarian abscess rupture is interrupted. Rup-
Adequate treatment of salpingitis is of impor- ture of the TOA is heralded by severe and sudden
tance in the prevention of tubo-ovarian ab- exacerbation of abdominal and pelvic pain,
scess 1 12163,164; it includes establishing the diag- tachycardia out of proportion with the tempera-
nosis and extent of organ involvement early in the ture, and signs of peritonitis and shock.
course of the disease, 10,11,164,165 detection of the or- There is controversy as to whether patients
ganisms involved in the process including the with TOAs should have surgery shortly after ini-
initiating and superinfecting flora,6 11'8'72'111 ad- tiation of antibiotic therapy or whether an at-
ministration of appropriate antibiotics,,,11,12,163,164 tempt to achieve complete recovery by intense
and follow-up of the patient and her partners. Sal- antibiotic therapy is appropriate.5'125'31'132,151,166 It is
pingitis is a disease that requires hospitalization suggested that surgical intervention should be re-
for definitive diagnosis and aggressive treatment. served for cases where there is failure to respond
This approach is particularly important for pa- to antibiotics after a predetermined period of
tients suspected of having an early infection and treatment or where there is evidence of abscess
who may be interested in preservation of fertility. rupture.5'25'42
Proper management is not complete without There is agreement that once the diagnosis of
treatment of the sexual partners. An important pelvic abscess is entertained, steps to establish the
source of recurrence is reexposure to an untreated diagnosis must be undertaken. If the diagnosis is
or reinfected male partner who may be confirmed or remains uncertain, the patient re-
asymptomatic. quires hospitalization and close observation.5 Pa-
After adequate cultures, empiric treatment tients with tubo-ovarian abscess require parenteral
should be started with antibiotics effective against antibiotics that are effective against anaerobic and
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, aerobic bacteria known to be associated with pel-
Mollicutes, and opportunistic endogenous aerobes vic abscesses 1,11,12,141-144,151,167,168 The controversy
and anaerobes. Early aggressive therapy directed revolves around the safety of managing a patient
against the initial pathogens may prevent the for- with an unruptured pelvic or tubo-ovarian abscess
mation of tubal microdiverticula43 and fimbrial without surgical drainage. 1'511"151'166 The complex
adhesions.44 If ovulation takes place during the environment of an abscess frequently limits the
initial stage of fimbrial inflammation, the effectiveness of antibiotics so that surgical inter-
probability of agglutination of the ipsilateral fim- vention often becomes necessary.
briae to the ovulating ovary may be increased. There is also controversy regarding the extent of
Following an initial episode of salpingitis, the surgery in unilateral tubo-ovarian abscesses that
patient should be started on oral contraceptives, require operative intervention because of a failure
unless there are contraindications for their use. to respond to antibiotic therapy or because of rup-
Oral contraceptives may not protect effectively ture.5 Unilateral adnexectomy with aggressive
against salpingitis,61 but they reduce the antibiotic therapy for women who desire to keep
probability of progression to tubo-ovarian abscess their reproductive potential does not seem to pose
formation by preventing exposure of the ovarian undue risks to patients who are followed closely
stroma to bacterial invasion from the tubal lumen after such an approach.5'141 The risk of recurrence
as a byproduct of ovulation inhibition. The forma- with this approach may be too high for a woman at
tion of a tubo-ovarian abscess follows migration of the end of her reproductive years. The risk of rup-
white blood cells137 into the inflammatory complex ture is ever-present with tubo-ovarian abscesses.
with fluid accumulation as a transudate from tubal This serious complication is associated with mor-
and ovarian tissue. Eventually a combination of tality even when properly managed.4"105 It is un-
inflammation and pressure necrosis leads to de- reasonable to expose a perimenopausal woman
struction of the tubo-ovarian wall or to abscess with an unruptured TOA to the risk of recurrence
rupture with subsequent involvement of contigu- or rupture, unless there are other factors that


make surgery unreasonably dangerous. The extent abscesses in perimenopausal or postmenopausal

of surgery has ranged from drainage by posterior women are best managed by immediate surgery
colpotomy13' to total abdominal hysterectomy and following stabilization of the patient and adequate
bilateral salpingal oopherectomy with removal of antibiotic coverage, unless there are compelling
adjacent necrotic or inflamed tissue.46'126 It is be- reasons not to use this approach.
coming apparent that the most appropriate ap- Women in the reproductive years with an un-
proach to management of tubo-ovarian abscesses ruptured TOA may benefit from aggressive par-
is individualized therapy that takes into account enteral antibiotic coverage. Surgical intervention
the age, clinical status, and desires of the properly would then be reserved for cases where there is
informed patient. lack of response according to predetermined
criteria. There must be sonographic evidence of
abscess size reduction, absence of fever or
leukocytosis, and reduction of pain within 48
hours. Abscess rupture during treatment would
SUMMARY require immediate intervention. In the effective
The best management of tubo-ovarian absces- medical management of TOAs, time is of the es-
ses is prevention by identification of the woman at sence, as resolution must take place prior to ne-
risk prior to the development of salpingitis and crosis or irreversible damage by ischemia if repro-
TOA.8 18"f9 Women with chlamydial antibodies ductive function is to be preserved.
are likely to have distal and peripheral fallopian Medical management requires a thorough
tube disease.110"168"169 These patients may be knowledge of antibiotic pharmacokinetics.
asymptomatic or exhibit minimal symptoms."' Leukocytes mobilize to areas of bacterial in-
Mild disease requires prompt and aggressive vasion'37'170 and of decreased blood flow. 170 There-
treatment. Asymptomatic women with clinical or fore, antibiotics that concentrate in leukocytes and
cytologic evidences of vaginitis,38,39 cervicitis,23,24 that retain effectiveness against relevant organ-
sterile pyuria, or the urethral syndrome26-3' require isms in an abscess environment are the agents of
a thorough screen for Chlamydia trachomatis, choice.'71 Leukocyte delivery of antibiotics may
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and herpes simplex in ad- facilitate bacterial destruction despite decreased
dition to other organisms associated with exposure blood flow and complex environmental conditions
to the genital flora of multiple individuals. The in abscesses, provided the antibiotic chosen is ef-
presence of any sexually transmitted pathogen fective when there is an unusually large concen-
should be followed by search and elimination of tration of bacteria and are immune to destruction
organisms known to initiate a series of events that by the inoculum-size effect.160 Antibiotics requir-
culminate in the development of a TOA. Identifi- ing active growth of organisms for efficacy may be
cation of sexually transmitted diseases must be fol- less effective in an abscess environment.159 The
lowed by therapy involving the patient and her large number and multiple species of bacteria
sexual partners, which should include information present may cause enzymatic inactivation of
about epidemiology of STDs and complications antibiotics160 or transfer resistant plasmids to bac-
that may result from recurrence or incomplete teria found to be sensitive in vitro.162 Changes in
therapy. Reinfection or relapse is to be avoided by the acidity and in the oxidation-reduction potential
a suitable period of pelvic rest and a proper length in an abscess may render certain powerful
of antibiotic coverage. antibiotics ineffective,16' while the concentration
If a tubo-ovarian abscess is suspected, the pa- and activity of others may be enhanced.171,172
tient must be admitted to the hospital and a The only safe way to prevent tubo-ovarian
protocol for management that assures the best abscess is to prevent salpingitis by avoiding expo-
outcome followed. A reasonable approach re- sure to sexually transmitted diseases. This is best
quires immediate surgery if noninvasive diagnostic achieved by a couple that establishes a monoga-
tests and clinical evaluation suggest rupture of the mous relationship and abstains from casual or rec-
abscess or an uncertain diagnosis. Tubo-ovarian reational sexual activity with multiple partners.


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