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М10/2 15.

03 Module test Education

Language Leader Intermediate Unit Test A - Unit 8
1        Add the words in the gaps to complete this table about the education system in
the UK.
Age 4-16 all education is Age 4-11 1 primary education
0_compulsory Age 11-18 2 secondary education
Age 18+ 3 higher education
Students pass courses based on the results of exams and continuous 4 assessment
2          Complete the sentences using the correct verb from the box.
graduate     get     study     went     make     retake     hand in     revise     do
0          I want to study Biology tonight for my test tomorrow.
1          I failed the course so I will retake it next year.
2          He will graduate from university if he passes his exams.
3          Now he is doing his homework he is beginning to make some progress.
4          We’re meeting tonight to revise for the test.
5          You must hand in all assignments by Friday.
6          It doesn’t matter if you win but you should always try to do your best.
7          I went to college in Warsaw.
8          I hope I get a good grade in the exam.
3    Write the type of education that best describes each sentence. The first letter is
given for you.
0          What you do after you have a degree at university.                     
 postgraduate education
1          Learning done in businesses.                                                    
corporate training
2          Learning done using the postal service.                         
correspondence course
3          Learning when you live in another city or country.         
distance learning
4          Studying on the internet.                                                          
5          Children learning from their parents.                                         
home schooling
6          Studying after education, even after retirement.             
lifelong schooling
4          Add the relative pronouns or adverbs. Do not use that.
0          He’s the teacher who I like the most.
1          Do you know where I can find something good to eat?
2          It was last summer when we went to Italy.
3          It was Jenny Drew’s performance which surprised me.
4          There’s the man who I wanted to see.
5          David hates food which comes pre-cooked.
6          I don’t think he is the man whose car hit mine.
7          Do you remember the place where we first met?
8          I cannot remember which course I chose.
5          Combine the two sentences to make one sentence with a relative clause.
0          That house is too expensive. We saw the house last week.
That house, which we saw last week, is too expensive.
1          This is the German course. I passed it.
This is the German course that I passed.
2          Mr Burns is making the proposal. He is very experienced.
Mr Burns, who is making the proposal, is very experienced.
3    The project is in Phnom Penh. This is in Cambodia.
The project is in Phnom Penh, which is in Cambodia.
4          I won’t change the decision. Paul disagreed with it.
I won’t change the decision that Paul disagreed with.
5          The chairman opened the meeting. He is also the director of operations.
The chairman, who is also the director of operations, opened the meeting.
6          The concert started at 8’o clock. The concert was to celebrate the President’s
The concert that celebrated the President’s birthday started at 8 o’clock.
7          This is the new research scientist. He will be working on bacteria.
This is the new research scientist who will be working on bacteria.
8          The online study programme costs £2000. It is compulsory.
The online study programme, which is compulsory, costs £2000.
6          Complete the dialogue using the phrases / sentences in the box.
a) Supposing we…
b) So, the next thing to do is…
c) that’s the best solution.
d) The bad thing is…
e) There are several ways to deal with this.
f) How about…
g) Let’s see, what other things we can do?
A: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We have a problem. Recently there have been
cases of students finding that things have been stolen from their rooms. 0e First we could
call in the police immediately. The good thing is this will frighten the thieves and get a
quick result.
1d it will be noticed by everyone, including the media. I don’t think the rector will be
happy about that.
B: 2a ask the police to do things quietly, do you think that would help.
A: I don’t think so. I have never known the police to do anything quietly. 3g
C: 4f doing our own investigation and getting students involved. I’m sure that there’s
someone who has seen something.
A: Yes, I think 5c. Of course to make it work, we need the students’ help. 6b have a
meeting with the students…
TOTAL   / 40

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