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3erd Link de la entrevista para practicar (desde 00:10 seg hasta 2:40 ):

STEPHEN : Please welcome the creator of Nike. Phil Knight.Thank for being here. Welcome to the show.

PHIL: Great for you to have me on.

STEPHEN: Founder and still C.E.O. of Nike,

PHIL: I ´m still a chairman

STEPHEN: A $30 billion a year company but from very humble beginnings, this company.

PHIL: Very

STEPHEN: How did it begin? uhmmm . How many years now has it been around?

PHIL: Well, started on the running track at the University of Oregon where my old……yeeeah. Where my old track coach
was always experimenting with shoes .I was a distance runner. He experimented with different shoes. They had a
lot of good runners and he had me.He experimented with me.

STEPHEN: Because you were no great loss.

PHIL: He didn’t want to screw up the good guys. That planted a seed. I went on to the school of business at Standford,
took a class in entrepreneurship and wrote a paper that the U.S.A shoe market was nominated by German shoe
companies. I didn’t make it since to me they made shoes in Germany. I thought why not in Japan like the camera
business.So I went to Japan to call on a shoe company. I placed an order for samples and that was the beginning.

STEPHEN: What I have been told is the original waffle shoe. What is the significance of this Nike shoe here?

PHIL: This was the shoe ,that really put Nike on the map.

STEPHEN: Who designed the shoe?

PHIL: A graphic artist at Porstland State University. We paid 35 dollars; we paid her $2 dollar an hour. But when we went
public, we gave her 500 shares of stock and she hasn´t sold a single share and they´re now worth a million.

STEPHEN: Oh, that´s great. When you say waffle, it was literally made in a waffle, right.

PHIL: We had a discussion with the track coach that became my partner and said the runner shoe hasn´t had a new
outer sole in 50 years. He was thinking about it when he was driving back and his wife was making waffles and that
was the start of the sole. Just this last year the international inventors hall of fame made them a member of their
hall of fame for the waffle.

STEPHEN: It´s an interesting story .Oh, Thank you so much Phil for being here .That is the creator of Nike.

PHIL: Thanks ,I enjoyed this interview. thank you. (this two parts were invented to finish the interview)

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