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Engelmore Award Article

Robert S. Engelmore Award Article

Building AI Applications:
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Reid G. Smith, Joshua Eckroth

I AI applications have been deployed AI Applications of Yesterday and Today

and used for industrial, government,
and consumer purposes for many years. As with the AAAI itself, the Innovative Applications of Artifi-
The experiences have been documented cial Intelligence conference (IAAI) was the brainchild of Raj
in IAAI conference proceedings since Reddy. Howie Shrobe summarized the context: “... the emer-
1989. Over the years, the breadth of
gence of scientific achievements had triggered opportunities
applications has expanded many times
over and AI systems have become more to tackle new problems ... The point of the conference was to
commonplace. Indeed, AI has recently exchange information about what really works and what the
become a focal point in the industrial real problems are. The goal was to lead to better technology,
and consumer consciousness. This arti- to find and remedy current deficiencies, and to solve real
cle focuses on changes in the world of problems” (Shrobe 1996).
computing over the last three decades
In the preface to the proceedings of the first IAAI confer-
that made building AI applications
more feasible. We then examine lessons
ence in 1989, Herb Schorr, program chair, made some inter-
learned during this time and distill esting comments about the 1989 state of several of the AI
these lessons into succinct advice for technologies that are now well established (Schorr and Rap-
future application builders. paport 1989):

6 AI MAGAZINE Copyright © 2017, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. ISSN 0738-4602
Engelmore Award Article

Problems and System Types Specific Applications

Rule-Based Systems: Widely applied base technology TurboTax
Credit Card Fraud Alert Netflix Recommender
Insurance FareCast, Google Flights, Kayak price predictor
Scheduling: Maintenance, Crew, Gate Narrative Science GameChanger
Video Games IBM Watson
Search Engines Dragon Speech Recognition
Augmented/Virtual Reality Amazon Robotics / Kiva Systems
Photo Face Recognition Roomba
Handwriting Recognition: Mail Sorting, ATM-Checks Kinect
Translation Driver-Assist / Self-Driving Vehicles
Deep Learning Siri, Cortana, Amazon Echo

Table 1. AI in Use.

Expert Systems: “Nearly all [applications] are expert sys- use every day, such as search engines, personal assis-
tems because it is in this form that AI is most rapidly tants, and web-connected speakers.
coming into widespread use.” Today, AI is everywhere. By contrast with 1989,
Robotics: “[N]o robot software system for complex when very few AI companies were in existence, today
tasks is commercially available ... robots seem to be many companies, from early stage startups to mature
stuck with their early applications and have made enterprises, are developing AI applications (Zilis
small commercial progress in the last few years.” 2015).
Neural Networks: “[W]e know of no neural networks in The world of AI apps is very different as well. In the
practical day-to-day use ... while this technology early days, AI was viewed with suspicion in industry
appears to possess vast potential ... we leave it for this as only the latest hype. Today, AI apps are all around
book’s successor to cover such applications.” us. Indeed, AI and machine learning are expected in
almost every app.
Natural Language Processing (NLP): “[NLP] has been
constrained historically by limitations of computa-
Many, perhaps most, large organizations are mak-
tional power, but the fantastic progression of compu- ing use of AI technologies for market forecasting, cus-
tational cost/performance has eliminated this bottle- tomer support, recruiting, fraud detection, scheduling
neck. ... [But] today’s applications ... are very limited and planning, and other uses. Consumer-oriented
and very few low-level natural language functions are examples of AI include Google’s search engine, self-
being deployed.” driving cars, and Google Now; Apple’s Siri (Cheyer
2014); Microsoft’s Cortana and Bing; Amazon’s Echo;
Expert systems were common and successful in the Facebook’s automatic photo tagging; Netflix’s movie
late 1980s in large part because they were able to recommendations; and automated check deposits
incorporate domain- and task-specific knowledge; using one of many mobile banking applications.
their reasoning engines were relatively simple and, Table 1 shows even more problem and system types,
consequently, these systems could be deployed on plus specific applications, several of which have been
computer hardware available at the time. presented at IAAI or AAAI over the years. Of course,
Herb Schorr’s comments about robotics, neural not all of these examples are commonly recognized as
networks, and NLP are prescient. In fact, in each area, AI applications — the AI features have disappeared
the story has completely flipped since 1989: today, into the fabric. Modern search engines are a good
robots are common in industrial and service applica- example of this phenomenon.
tions such as factory automation and farming, and Although interest in computer science in general
their deployment continues to grow; neural networks dropped after the dot-com crash of the early 2000s
make up significant portions of vision, speech, and (Thibodeau 2008), the last few years have seen a
text-processing systems, and deep learning is one of steady growth in the number of news stories about
the more popular research and application areas in AI appearing in popular media, as discovered by
AI today; and natural language processing can be AAAI’s automated AI in the News weekly news bot
found in many applications that billions of people (Eckroth et al. 2012). Figure 1 shows this trend. Com-

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also Preshing [2012].) This explosive growth of com-

puting power can be attributed to Moore’s law, which
summarizes Gordon Moore’s observation that the
Count of AI−Related News Stories

number of transistors in integrated circuits doubles

30 approximately every two years. The diversity of inte-
grated circuits has also grown, resulting in general-
purpose GPUs (with multiteraflop performance; that
20 is, trillions of floating-point operations per second)
that have helped usher in the era of practical
machine learning.
The Internet
The global impact of the Internet on science and
society in general cannot be overstated. One of the
more interesting effects of the Internet, and the web
2013 2014 2015 2016 in particular, on AI systems was noted in Halevy,
Week Norvig, and Pereira’s (2009) article The Unreasonable
Effectiveness of Data. They note that the web enables
easy acquisition of massive amounts of data from bil-
Figure 1. Count of News Stories Found lions of web pages, provided by billions of users.
by AI in the News for Each Week. Halevy and colleagues further argue that sophisti-
The line visualizes a linear regression.
cated knowledge representation and reasoning sys-
tems may be unnecessary, even detrimental when a
massive corpus such as the web is available. For
puter science undergraduate enrollments have exhib- example, in the case of the semantic web, they sug-
ited a similar trend, and as of 2014, more Ph.D. grad- gest that writing an ontology, adding metadata
uates are employed in the field of AI, across academe markup for web pages, and building a complex rea-
and industry, than any other subfield of computer soning system is likely to be more expensive and
science (Zweben and Bizot 2015). error prone than simply querying the vast, unstruc-
We believe there are several factors contributing to tured corpus with shallow parsing and straightfor-
the growth since the first IAAI conference in 1989. ward statistical analysis. The long tail of real-world
concepts defeats any effort to develop a grand mod-
Moore’s Law el of everyday reasoning, but the long tail is well rep-
One of the most important changes is the growth in resented in massive data sets such as the web.
hardware performance. To illustrate, we will consid-
er a deployed system from the first IAAI conference. Open Source Software
Clancy, Gerald, and Arnold (1989) developed an Frustrated with a trend toward proprietary develop-
expert system that “assisted attorneys and paralegals ment practices at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
in the closing process for commercial real estate nology (MIT), Richard Stallman started the GNU
mortgage loans.” Their system was required to work Project in 1983 to create a free and open source
on IBM PCs with Intel 80286 processors and 640 KB UNIX-like operating system. The idea spread and has
memory. They wrote that the PC’s limited memory been harnessed by various groups, resulting in an
posed a “critical technical consideration” and they abundance of high-quality open source software. The
programmed their system to swap subsets of the internet played a large role in the distribution and
knowledge base in and out of memory during nor- development of open source software. In particular,
mal operation. Their solution, and more arcane development of the Linux operating system, which
memory management techniques, are likely familiar was built with GNU project tools, grew rapidly in the
to AI system builders who were active in the early 1990s due to the availability of newsgroups, email,
days. and file sharing. As of November 2015, 99 percent of
Today, consumer hardware is 2500 times faster the 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world
(from 1.5 million instructions per second, or MIPS, run the open source Linux operating system. Most
on an 80286 compared to 3783 MIPS on an Intel i7- software development environments in use today are
3770K, quad core).1 It is now common to find more open source (Oracle’s JVM, Microsoft’s .Net, C/C++
powerful servers, with more than 10 cores, which compilers, Python, and others), and many open
means that we can take advantage of a speed-up of source libraries and toolkits are available for AI-spe-
10,000 — and growing. cific tasks, a sampling of which are shown in table 2.
In addition, consumer hardware contains 25,000
times as much memory (640 KB to 16 GB), and Machine Learning
50,000 times the disk capacity (40 MB to 2 TB). (See Because available hardware did not allow large-scale

Engelmore Award Article

TensorFlow (Google) Machine learning toolkit

OpenCV (itseez) Computer vision library
Sphinx (CMU) Speech recognition toolkit
Drools (Red Hat) Rule-driven expert system shell, planning engine
GATE (University of Sheffield) Natural language processing toolkit
Robot Operating System (Open Source Robotics Platform for integrating various algorithms and libraries
Foundation) related to robotics

Table 2. Sample Open Source AI libraries and Toolkits.

numeric computation, early AI systems relied on

heuristics encoded symbolically, even in data-heavy
tasks such as computer vision. Though significant 80
artificial intelligence
progress continues to be made in symbolic reason-
Google Trends Ranking
ing, it is clear that the power available to process vast
amounts of data — even at high data rates — has
enabled practical deployment of machine-learning
techniques and resulted in a wide diversity of suc- 40
cessful applications from speech recognition and face
recognition to self-driving cars. Additionally, it is machine learning
interesting to note that machine learning seems to 20
dominate the popular perspective of AI today, just as
it was considered by early AI researchers to be an deep learning
essential component of intelligence (Minsky 1961).
We find evidence of this in Google Trends data, 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
shown in figure 2. Interest in AI appeared to wane Year
after the dot-com crash and hit a low around 2009.
The search term computer science follows a similar
trend. Recently, interest has renewed and appears to
be supported by machine learning and recent work Figure 2. Google Trends Rankings for Various Search Terms.
in deep learning. The y-axis represents smoothed relative interest.

Reduced Business Risk

These points add up to another change. Because of Distributions and Trends
the greater computing power and more readily avail- from the IAAI Conferences
able data sets and software, today there is less need to At the outset, IAAI included only applications that
build massive technology platforms. Hence, it is had been deployed; that is, for which there was expe-
cheaper to build AI systems. More effort can be spent rience based on actual use, and for which payoff
on solving specific business problems, thereby reduc- could be estimated. In 1997, an emerging applica-
ing the risk associated with artificial intelligence. tions track was added to bridge the gap between AI
Compared to 1989, today it is orders of magnitude research and AI application development. The goal
easier to integrate AI systems into a company’s over- was to support information sharing among
all IT portfolio. The reasons include: modern AI sys- researchers and system builders: researchers could see
tems utilize standard hardware and software (in which techniques proved fruitful in deployed appli-
many cases); they integrate more easily into existing cations, and builders could learn of emerging tech-
architectures; the iterative development process pio- niques that had yet to be proven in the field but
neered in AI projects has become common across IT; showed promise.
and, the success of high-profile AI systems such as An analysis of the topics covered by IAAI articles is
Watson and Siri means that most people know that shown in figures 3 and 4. This analysis is provided by
AI can work in the real world. (The authors thank i2k Connect (, whose goal is help
Neil Jacobstein for this insight.) organizations find, filter, and analyze unstructured

SPRING 2017 9
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practice than innovation. Fewer papers were pub-

10% lished about novel applications of expert systems.
They disappeared into the fabric, now applied every-
where, from the high-end emulation of rare human
6% experts, to the embedding and application of rule
books and procedure manuals. However, we will like-
ly see more hybrid machine-learning technologies
2% that can automatically update their reasoning
engines as the application data change over time.
Some technologies have not been represented

ov tary











s a ner






much at IAAI, like speech understanding and robots.













They do appear, just not in the top 15. In the recent









2016 deployed papers track, four technologies are




is u
s in


applied: spatial reasoning, crowdsourcing, machine


learning, and ontologies. We also note that there have

been two papers on deep learning, one in 2015 and
one in 2016, neither documenting a deployed appli-
Figure 3. Top 15 Industry Topics in IAAI Articles, 1989–2016. cation. Some of this may be due to self-selection in
that our data are limited to IAAI conferences, which
may not accurately reflect how often these technolo-
gies are utilized in the overall application world.
20% In our final analysis of IAAI articles, figure 6 shows
a quick overview of the top concepts mentioned over
15% the years. The analysis was done with a modified
form of the C-value/NC-value method (Frantzi, Ana-
niadou, and Mima 2000), which extracts significant
5% concept names found in text, as opposed to just the
most frequently used phrases. Note that there may be
some temporal bias in this analysis due to the data





















set reflecting the past decades of IAAI papers, versus



















trends in the most recent papers.























High-Impact AI Applications
Many of the past IAAI program chairs and cochairs
and AAAI Fellows kindly responded to a request for
Figure 4. Top 15 Technology Topics in IAAI Articles, 1989–2016. their views on what have been the high-impact appli-
cations, including some that opened up a new area,
presented at IAAI conferences over the years.
Because we have selected high-impact applications
data by transformation into structured data. The plat- and it takes time to establish whether an application
form automatically tags documents with accurate has had high impact, some of the examples may look
and consistent metadata, guided and enriched by a bit dated. Note, however, that in several cases, a
subject matter expertise. The figures show data from recent update has been presented at IAAI.
deployed applications only — 316 of them. The fig- A few of the applications that were singled out by
ures include only 15 of a long tail of more than 100 several respondents as being high impact are sum-
industry and technology topics that have been cov- marized in the following.
ered in IAAI. Figure 3 also excludes information tech-
nology applications, that is, AI applied to our own 1983: Process Diagnosis System (PDS)
business, which would otherwise be number one. The Process Diagnosis System (Fox, Lowenfeld, and
Another way of analyzing IAAI topics over the Kleinosky 1983) started out as an expert system shell.
years is shown in figure 5. The figure shows that the It has been in active use and continuous development
technology mix has evolved. Expert systems clearly since 1985. 1985! Though the origin of PDS predates
dominated the early days of IAAI. Machine learning IAAI, it serves as an early example of deployed AI. It
is notably absent early on. Over time, however, the started with a presentation by Mark Fox at Westing-
mixture has become more diverse, with no topic house. Over the 30-year period, Westinghouse sold
clearly dominating in recent conferences. We note the business to Siemens, where it is now at the heart
that it is not the case that expert systems died. of their Power Diagnostics Center that performs cen-
Rather, after a few years, they became more standard tralized rule-based monitoring of over 1200 gas tur-

Engelmore Award Article





1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016

Expert Systems Machine Learning Natural Language Agents Statistical Learning

Figure 5. Mix of Technologies Deployed and Emerging in IAAI Articles, 1989–2016.

The dominant technologies include expert systems, machine learning, agents, natural language, and statistical learning, and are included
in the figure legend.

bines, steam turbines, and generators. Ed Thompson Expansion, improvement, and testing were
and Ben Bassford celebrated the 30th anniversary of planned from the start to ensure consistency as the
the system with the IAAI community when they pre- knowledge base changed as well as ensure general
sented an update at the 2015 conference in Austin system performance. The team found that consisten-
(Thompson et al. 2015). Their paper summarizes the cy, audit tracking, and evaluation were key to accept-
many changes that have been incorporated into the ance and return on investment (ROI). They observed,
system over its lifetime, to deal with change in “the [Authorizer’s Assistant] proved to be better than
requirements, the customer business organization, all but the most expert credit card authorizers ... and
and underlying computer technologies. that translated directly into huge ROI.” The system’s
internal expert system incorporated 890 rules and ran
1989: Authorizer’s Assistant on rack-mounted Symbolics Lisp machines connect-
A knowledge-based credit-authorization system for ed to an IBM mainframe.
American Express, the Authorizer’s Assistant Phil Klahr generously provided these retrospective
(Dzierzanowski et al. 1989) was the forerunner of insights.
now standard credit card transaction analysis. It cre-
ated a capability that we all take for granted today — 1989: Applications of Artificial Intelligence
and complain about every time we are called to veri- to Space Shuttle Mission Control
fy a charge — until at least we ourselves are the vic- This NASA application originated in the Mission
tims of fraud. Control Center for STS-26 as a rule-based real-time

SPRING 2017 11
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natural language
machine learning expert system
knowledge representation
language processing decision tree standard deviation
data source real time search space

knowledge base
user interface
relational database system architecture optimization problem
knowledge engineer data mining
training set neural network training data
decision making
domain expert domain knowledge
case study

Figure 6. Top Concepts Mentioned in IAAI Papers, 1989–2016.

Integrated Communications Officer (INCO) expert purpose is the automatic generation of work instruc-
system (Muratore et al. 1989). The system monitored tions for vehicle assembly, with associated times. It
space shuttle telemetry data and advised flight con- does so by analyzing high-level structured English
trollers on fault detection and diagnosis. It provided descriptions. The system is also able to make accu-
fault identification and diagnosis before the tradi- rate estimates of direct versus indirect labor time and
tional INCO console could update the parameters of to plan for mix/volume changes and line balancing.
the faulty unit. It has become an integral part of Ford’s assembly
The system made use of the C Language Integrat- process planning business.
ed Production System (CLIPS) Expert System Shell, The natural language component in this applica-
now available as open source software.2 It was also tion was one of the few from the early days. The sys-
the first of more than 30 NASA applications reported tem was implemented on the NIKL/KL-ONE (Woods
to date at IAAI and, as is well known, AI systems lat- and Schmolze 1992) knowledge representation mod-
er flew in space — and navigated autonomously on el — one of the first such applications.
the moon and Mars. Over the years, the system has undergone several
The next two applications are intelligent assistants knowledge base upgrades and ports to different plat-
that played in center ring from first deployment. forms to keep the system viable and up to date
Both have been presented twice at IAAI — covering through various organizational and business practice
initial deployment and a 10-year update. changes. It was later called the Global Study Process
Allocation System.
1989 and 1999: Ford Motor Company
Direct Labor Management System 1995: The FinCEN Artificial Intelligence
The Direct Labor Management System is integrated System and 1999: The NASD Regulation
into Ford’s Global Study Process Allocation System Advanced-Detection System (ADS)
(GSPAS) (O’Brien et al. 1989, Rychtyckyj 1999). Its Created to identify potential money laundering from

Engelmore Award Article

reports of large cash transactions, the FinCEN Artifi- there is no accurate method to predict the color pro-
cial Intelligence System (FAIS) used link diagrams to duced when a set of colorants is added to plastic.
support detection of money laundering (Senator et Unlike paint, where light primarily reflects off the
al. 1995). ADS: NASD Regulation Advanced-Detec- surface, in plastics a significant percentage of light
tion System (Kirkland et al. 1999) used temporal penetrates the surface and reacts with the internal
sequences to support detection of securities fraud. structure to produce a color that depends on both the
Their different domains of use dictated different internal structure and the lighting conditions (natur-
knowledge representations. al sunlight versus fluorescent lighting).
FAIS links and evaluates reports of large cash trans- The AI system used case-based reasoning to replace
actions. To give an idea of the money involved, fin- programs that used prohibitively expensive exhaus- reported suspicious transactions totaling tive search to determine the colorant-loading pro-
approximately $28 billion in October 2015. The FAIS portions for a color formula that matches a cus-
key idea is “connecting the dots” — thus link dia- tomer’s desired color.
grams, now commonplace in social network analy-
sis, was an appropriate choice. The appropriate rep- 1995: Scheduling of
resentation choice in FAIS enabled a reporting app Port of Singapore Authority
based on the original detection system. This was an This expert system (Weng et al. 1995) is responsible
unanticipated bonus. for assisting with planning and management of all
ADS monitors trades and quotations in the Nasdaq operations of the Port of Singapore Authority. With
Stock Market, to identify suspicious patterns and hundreds of vessels calling at Singapore every day, a
practices. In this application, temporal sequences are fast and efficient allocation of marine resources to
key — not so much links as in FAIS — so a represen- assist the vessels in navigating in the port waters is
tation that supports them was a good choice. essential. Manual planning using pen and paper was
erroneous, uncoordinated, and slow in coping with
2005 and 2014: Engineering Works the rapid increase in the vessel traffic. Included in the
Scheduling for Hong Kong’s Rail Network purview of the application is scheduling the move-
The Hong Kong rail network moves 5 million pas- ment of vessels through channels to terminals,
sengers a day through the city’s rapid transit subway, deploying pilots to tugs and launches, allocating
airport express, and commuter rail lines. The AI berths and anchorages to ships, and planning
application streamlines the planning, scheduling, stowage of containers.
and rescheduling process and provides automatic To generate accurate, executable deployment
detection of potential conflicts as work requests are schedules, the automated scheduler requires real-
entered; verification that no conflicts exist in any time feedback from the resources on their job status,
approved work schedules before execution; genera- any estimated delays, and end times of their jobs.
tion and optimization of weekly operational sched- This is achieved by integrating the system with the
ules; automatic update to repair schedules after port’s mobile radio data terminal system.
changes; and generation of quarterly schedules for
planning (Chun et al. 2005, Chun and Suen 2014). 2006: Expressive Commerce
To be successful, the system must coordinate with and Its Application to Sourcing
the staff members who carry out the scheduled work. This application has produced one of the largest ROI
To this end, the developers found that the system figures of any system thus far reported at IAAI. Orig-
must be able to explain the schedules it creates. As a inally CombineNet, later renamed SciQuest, it
result, they veered away from the original genetic improves procurement decisions for spend categories
algorithms approach toward heuristic search. A that are typically beyond the capabilities of tradi-
recent report about this system appeared in New Sci- tional eSourcing software. Even in the early days of
entist (Hodson 2014). 2006, it had already handled $35 billion in auctions
and delivered $4.4 billion in savings to customers
1994 and 2004: Plastics through lower sourcing costs (Sandholm 2007).
Color Formulation Tool The challenge in developing an expressive com-
Since 1994, GE Plastics (later SABIC) has employed a merce system is handling the combinatorial explo-
case-based reasoning (CBR) tool that determines col- sion of possible allocations of businesses to suppliers.
or formulas that match requested colors (Cheetham Their key development is a sophisticated tree search
2004). FormTool has saved millions of dollars in pro- algorithm. Much has been written about this algo-
ductivity and material (that is, colorant) costs. It is rithm (refer to Sandholm [2007] for a list of articles),
the basis for the online color-selection service called though some of its details are kept proprietary.
ColorXpress Services.
Determining the colorants and loading levels that 2014: CiteSeerX
can be added so the plastic matches a given color is a CiteSeerX (Wu et al. 2014) is a database and search
difficult problem for multiple reasons. For example, engine for more than 4 million research articles from

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various disciplines. Starting in 1997 as CiteSeer, the by the wayside, even if they were excellent at one
service was the first to extract and index citations time. For example, the field of medicine is too large
from documents automatically. Today, it is also capa- and changes too rapidly for manual knowledge
ble of extracting metadata from individual para- acquisition (Myers, Pople, and Miller 1982).
graphs and sentences as well as tables and figures. Today, knowledge comes in a variety of forms. Ear-
The metadata and the original documents are made ly knowledge systems made use of symbolic rules
freely available for researchers who work on that encoded experts’ knowledge because such rules
advanced information-retrieval algorithms. are compact, they are representationally adequate for
The CiteSeerX service is accessed 2 million times many tasks and domains, and low-powered
per day and an average of 10 articles are downloaded machines (by today’s standards) are sufficient to per-
per second. The size of the document database (after form the required inference procedures. However,
deduplication) has grown significantly over the rule-based expert systems are not effective for “big
years, from 500,000 in 2008 (when CiteSeerX data” problems such as visual object recognition (for
debuted) to nearly 3 million in 2013. Today, between example, faces) and speech recognition. Progress in
50,000 and 100,000 PDFs are analyzed per day. neural networks and deep learning, in particular,
CiteSeerX’s implementation makes use of several probabilistic graphical models and other machine-
AI components, including document classification, learning (ML) techniques, has greatly expanded the
duplicate detection, metadata extraction, author reach of AI systems. Yet, systems that use machine
name disambiguation, and search indexing. The learning still use knowledge. Rather than expert-
researchers’ 25 years of experience is documented defined rules, ML systems make use of knowledge in
(Wu et al. 2014) and serves as a showcase of the vari- several forms: training data including procedures for
ety of AI techniques available, for example, rule their acquisition and preprocessing, feature selection,
engines, neural networks, probabilistic graphical model selection, and various parameters found by
models, and the importance of choosing the Appro- experimentation. It has been said, “there is no such
priate technique. thing as a free lunch,” and in AI and ML, there is no
such thing as free knowledge. There is no escape from
the need to maintain and curate knowledge and data,
Lessons Learned even if some aspects are automated by machine
As the story of developing, implementing, and learning.
upgrading applications has unfolded, so has the con-
Knowledge Representation Matters
ventional wisdom about building successful AI appli-
cations. The structure of knowledge in the system has a large
impact on the system’s reasoning capabilities and
The Power Is in the Knowledge ... But performance. The pioneers taught us that selecting
Manual Knowledge Acquisition Is Hard the appropriate representation has a big impact, for
five reasons: adequacy, efficiency, flexibility, main-
The first lesson learned by builders of early AI systems
tainability, and explainability.
is that “the power is in the knowledge.” By 1989,
thanks to the pioneering efforts of Ed Feigenbaum, Adequacy
Bruce Buchanan, and many others, we understood As John McCarthy and his colleagues stated, a system
that domain-specific knowledge (chemistry, medi- cannot reason about what it cannot represent
cine, and others) and task-specific knowledge (tur- (McCarthy 1960, 1981). Davis, Schrobe, and
bine maintenance, plant scheduling, and others) are Szolovits (1993) referred to a knowledge representa-
more important for high performance and accurate tion as a “surrogate” for real-world entities. An ade-
reasoning than general problem-solving approaches. quate surrogate has a “correspondence” with real-
But manual knowledge acquisition is hard and world entities and these correspondences have high
takes a long time. In the past, we called this the “fidelity,” that is, they closely match the relevant
“knowledge acquisition bottleneck.” Furthermore, characteristics of the real-world entities.
ongoing knowledge base maintenance and curation Efficiency
are essential. Knowledge is perishable — everything Every programmer knows that representations, or
changes over the lifetime of an application: the data structures, can have an impact on efficiency. For
domain evolves, new use cases arise, new experts example, linked lists do not support quick random
arrive with different knowledge, new data sets access while arrays do not support quick addition or
become available, the technology advances, and so deletion of elements. Similar trade-offs characterize
on. If system builders are engaged in manual knowl- knowledge representations. In general, the more sim-
edge acquisition, then they will also need an army of plistic the representation, the more efficient the rea-
people to keep the knowledge base up to date. There- soning algorithms. For example, reasoning over
fore, they need a lot of revenue (hence, a lot of users) propositional logical is often quite efficient, while
to support that effort. Due to the difficulty of knowl- few tools exist that are capable of efficiently and reli-
edge acquisition and maintenance, many systems fell ably reasoning over first-order logic with types (Sut-

Engelmore Award Article

cliffe and Pelletier 2016). Likewise, nearest neighbor stood since SHRLDU in the Blocks World (Winograd
classification procedures require virtually no training 1972), and Mycin, in the knowledge-intensive world
while neural networks typically require significant of medicine (Buchanan and Shortliffe 1984).
training. During inference, however, a naïve nearest Explainability is more problematic in the case of
neighbor algorithm (for example, linear lookup) will noninterpretable models such as neural networks, in
likely be significantly slower than a neural network. which it is not at all clear exactly what knowledge has
Flexibility been stored as a result of training.
A good knowledge representation will support Lately, there has been some discussion in the press
growth in the knowledge base that was not antici- about “algorithmic accountability” (Diakopoulos
pated during initial knowledge acquisition. Addi- 2013, Lohr 2015), and several companies are pursu-
tionally, long-running systems must be capable of ing explanation as a differentiator, for example, Wat-
evolving over time as the customer changes and the son Paths and the Narrative Science extension for the
context in which the system was initially deployed Qlik visual analytics tool (Hammond 2015).
migrates to other contexts and use cases. A good
knowledge representation will be able to represent Separate the Knowledge Base
new knowledge concepts and adapt existing ones and the Inference Engine
without significant updates to the representation or As a corollary of the maintainability of declarative
reasoning algorithms. The American Authorizer’s representations, the pioneers also taught us that it is
Assistant, the FinCEN system, and the ADS systems a good idea to separate the knowledge base and the
are all good examples of this lesson in action. inference engine because a separate knowledge base
In summarizing 10 years of work on Mycin, is easier to change, update, debug, and explain. Rec-
Buchanan and Shortliffe (1984) attributed the success ognizing the importance of separation, from a knowl-
of the program to flexibility — in the rule-based rep- edge representation and a knowledge delivery per-
resentation that allowed rapid modification and in spective, many people have devoted their time to the
the reasoning that allowed reaching reasonable con- development of expert system shells (for example,
clusions with imperfect or missing information. M1, S1, ART and CLIPS), knowledge representation
Maintainability languages (for example, KL-ONE and OWL), ontol-
It is helpful if the knowledge representation can be ogy editors (for example, Protégé), and general-pur-
understood and modified by subject matter experts, pose machine-learning models.
who may not be (and typically are not) experts in
computer programming and knowledge representa-
Successful Applications
tion. Ideally, software engineers will not need to be Incorporate a Variety of Techniques
called in whenever the knowledge base needs an Successful AI applications incorporate a wide range of
update. As John McCarthy noted, declarative repre- techniques, strategies, and knowledge, embodying
sentations are more learnable and maintainable than rules, objects, ontologies, statistics, and signal pro-
procedural ones (McCarthy 1960). The reason is that cessing to name a few. Self-driving cars are an obvious
declarative representations are better separated from example. Their capabilities include modeling, simu-
internal conventions of the reasoning algorithms, lation, sensing, motion planning, object recognition,
thus allowing subject matter experts to focus on the obstacle avoidance, machine learning, error recovery,
knowledge being represented. and so on. The learnings have been reported multiple
Today, it is particularly important for subject matter times at AAAI (Montemerlo et al. 2006, Thrun 2006)
experts to be able to interpret and modify the results and IAAI (Urmson et al. 2009).
of machine-learning systems that are driven primarily Modern text-analytics systems also illustrate the
by raw data and empirical validation. They may, for point. For example, the i2k Connect platform uses a
example, suggest that there are critical data sets miss- variety of knowledge and AI techniques to perform
ing that would improve the analysis, and avoid simply document reading and enrichment. It uses ontologies
handing the problem over to data scientists. to represent domain-specific knowledge about, for
Explainability example, the oil and gas industry, the field of artificial
In organizations, the AI system encodes and repre- intelligence, and topics related to supply-chain man-
sents the decision criteria of the management. Thus, agement and health care. Document text and meta-
when the AI system suggests a decision, it should be data are extracted using machine-learning methods.
able to explain that decision to the user so that the Visual and language rules are used to extract the doc-
user (and the management) can “own it and be able to ument’s title and summary. Documents are then ana-
defend it” in terms of the organization’s decision cri- lyzed with a variety of rules in order to identify the
teria. Explanation may be unnecessary if the algo- domain-specific topics that the document is about.
rithm makes money, for example, Wall Street trading. Multiple technologies from AI and elsewhere are
But in many other contexts, without an explanation needed for this processing pipeline.
system, organizational and user acceptance of AI A combination of various kinds of knowledge and
applications is more challenging. This has been under- techniques should be expected in any large-scale AI

SPRING 2017 15
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application that is required to integrate multiple effort went into the interactive graphics system, not
sources and types of information. The architecture of the AI. For some clients, interactive graphics was the
such an AI application should make such integration most important element.
feasible by, for example, separating different process- Security and privacy have become increasingly
ing tasks into distinct modules and supporting a com- crucial over time, and the application’s performance
mon interface for communication among the compo- characteristics in the deployed setting must meet
nents. The Robot Operating System3 is a paradigmatic industry or consumer expectations.
example of such an architecture. Different robots may Additionally, change management is unavoidable
have vastly different components and purposes, yet (Hiatt 2006). But the amount of change management
ROS offers high-level abstractions that enable various required is inversely proportional to the power of the
sensors, actuators, and algorithms to communicate new technology. It is also directly proportional to the
using a common language. amount of change in existing work flows required to
adopt it.
AI Applications Must Integrate Convincing people to make substantial changes to
into Existing Work Flows their existing work flows to take advantage of a new
Perhaps the most important lesson learned by AI sys- technology that isn’t much better than the old tech-
tem builders is that success depends on integrating nology requires a great deal of change management
into existing workflows — the human context of effort. On the other hand, convincing people to
actual use. It is rare to replace an existing work flow make small changes to their existing work flows to
completely. Thus, the application must play nicely take advantage of new technology that is an order of
with the other tools that people use. Put another way, magnitude better than the old technology requires
ease of use delivered by the human interface is the only modest change management effort.
“license to operate.” Unless designers get that part As Mehmet Goker put it in a private communica-
right, people may not ever see the AI power under the tion to the authors: “Applications with a small and
hood; they will have already walked away. flexible core that solve a real-world problem have the
As AI systems began to function well enough that biggest impact and are the easiest to put into the work-
they were able to play in the center ring, so to speak, place.”
risk mitigation, project management, and budgetary To summarize, in any large organization, standard
control became more important. The systems were IT rules apply and the AI application should fit into the
no longer in a “research” or “proof of concept” broader IT infrastructure to ensure successful adoption.
phase. In other words, standard IT rules — and con- Management, end user, and IT support and participa-
sumer mobile app acceptance rules — apply. Many AI tion are essential. Budget approval will be challenging
practitioners have made these points in the context without business unit management support, deploy-
of AI applications in particular. But the rules are valid ment into a company’s existing infrastructure is not
for all applications of information technology. possible without support from the IT organization, and
In the early days, we talked as if AI systems had a adoption is unlikely without continuous end-user par-
big box of AI — the important stuff — and a small ticipation in system development.
box of all that other messy IT stuff. We quickly In the real world of applications, our experience
learned that in real-world systems, it was mostly the also suggests that the dichotomy suggested by
other way around. The AI was a piece of the puzzle, Markoff (2015) between artificial intelligence and
and sometimes not a very big piece. intelligence augmentation or amplification does not
Consider the Dipmeter Advisor (Smith and Baker exist. They are two ends of a spectrum that meet in
1983), started at Schlumberger in the early 1980s and most applications. The successful systems enable
based on the knowledge of the legendary oil finder, people to do what people do best and use computers
Al Gilreath, shown in figure 7. The Dipmeter Advisor to do what computers do best.
demonstrated the challenges of infrastructure: getting
the data from the field systems was a bigger problem
A Way Around the Knowledge
than originally anticipated; and the challenges of Acquisition Bottleneck
technology transfer: nontraditional hardware (D- Machine learning offers a way around the knowl-
Machines) and software (Interlisp-D) became major edge acquisition bottleneck ... but success depends
stumbling blocks, though without these technologies on human insight folded into the methods, like the
Schlumberger would have had no system at all. choice of features.
The amount of effort that had to be devoted to the One thing has not changed over the history of
non-AI components was dominant. The user inter- IAAI. It is still very hard to build, curate, and main-
face accounted for almost half the code. The rule tain large knowledge bases by hand. The manual
engine and knowledge base accounted for 30 percent. knowledge-acquisition bottleneck is still firmly in
Of course, lines of code do not necessarily tell the place.
whole story, but the numbers are consistent with the Aside: This is a special case of a larger point. Manual
development effort expended. Much of the coding information governance is not sustainable. Very few

Engelmore Award Article

Figure 7. The Dipmeter Advisor System.

humans have the passion and consistency to tag and when you look closer at successful statistical approach-
manage their own unstructured data ... look at your es, a lot of the success is in the choice of features to
own hard drive or your organization’s file shares if you attend to or other similar ways of conveying human
doubt it. This is one of the main reasons why so much insight to the technique ...” (private communication).
unstructured corporate data is “lost in the cloud.” It Indeed, mitigating this problem is a focus of some
may be there, but you are likely to struggle to find it if research on deep learning algorithms — to learn fea-
you didn’t write it yourself. More than half of employ- ture representations from unlabeled data.5
ees in companies surveyed worldwide express deep
There is a very long tail on the types of problems
dissatisfaction with the findability of corporate infor-
encountered in the world. Developers will not have
mation.4 In contrast to Internet content, today it is
millions of examples for all of them. In those cases,
rare to see search engine optimization applied to
some kind of reasoning is essential; for example, from
intranet content.
basic principles captured via case-based reasoning or
But now armed with billions of crowdsourced encoded in a rule-based system.
examples from the web, we have learned that data-
driven, statistical methods are “unreasonably effec- Apps Can Be Built with Components
tive” in several domains. The statistics bring the abil- That Reason from Different Starting Points.
ity to deal with noise and to cover problems where In the early days of expert systems running on
humans either have difficulty explaining how they machines with relatively little processing power and
do it, or where they don’t do it very well in the first memory, the standard starting point for delivering
place. domain and task-specific knowledge can be charac-
The bottom line is that machine learning is a way terized by labels like slow, cognition, search, top-down,
around the knowledge-acquisition bottleneck in a model-driven.
surprisingly broad number of domains, but two Today, armed with the compute power, data, and
caveats are worth considering: machine-learning algorithms now available to us, we
Howie Shrobe made an observation that rings true. “... are much better equipped to build apps that reason

SPRING 2017 17
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from a starting point characterized by labels like fast, age, and sensors than were available to them in the
recognition, look-up, bottom-up, data-driven. day.
For example, Fast versus Slow. The focus of Daniel The good news these days is that all the compo-
Kahneman’s 2011 book is a dichotomy between nents are substantially more powerful, thanks to the
these two modes of thought: “fast, instinctive, and computing and data revolutions. We are not restrict-
emotional” and “slow, more deliberative, and more ed to either a “fast” or a “slow” starting point. We
logical” (Kahneman 2011). can have both.
Alternatively, Herb Simon put it this way: “The sit- That said, it is important for developers to give due
uation has provided a cue; this cue has given the consideration to the new possibilities offered by the
expert access to information stored in memory, and substantial increases in processor speed and memo-
the information provides the answer. Intuition is ry available today — and to not implicitly be stuck in
nothing more and nothing less than recognition.” the “slow” thinking mind set of the early days.
(Simon 1992). Fast corresponds to recognition. Slow Going forward, there is the possibility of storing mas-
corresponds to cognition or search. In this regard, com- sively larger knowledge bases that are composed of
pare the recognition approach of the human chess small chunks of very specific domain and task
master to the search approach of Deep Blue (Camp- knowledge, retrieved by fast recognition processes
bell, Hoane, and Hsu 1999). (Because of this, a typi- (more of what Simon was referring to).
cal grandmaster does six orders of magnitude less Thus, a knowledge base for a domain would have
search per move than Deep Blue did.) powerful rules (as in the past, thousands of them)
Another example, well known to American foot- plus these small chunks of very specific experiential
ball fans, is that of the Manning brothers, Peyton and knowledge (millions of them). With modern sensors,
Eli. It has been widely reported that their father the small chunks may be very easy to capture. Cer-
Archie started the boys learning football and quar- tainly, there will be things missing that might have
terbacking at the earliest possible age. This maxi- been implied by rules (that is, not everything possi-
mized the time they had to store millions of the small ble is actually observed and remembered as a chunk).
chunks of recognition knowledge, later buttressed by But overall, knowledge acquisition will have become
countless hours spent studying game film. far easier to do and cheaper. These “hybrid” knowl-
Rod Brooks championed what he called a new edge base architectures will dominate in applica-
approach to artificial intelligence and robot design — tions. This also seems like a fruitful avenue for recon-
which can be called “bottom-up” — as an alternative sidering older models of human cognition. (The
to the “top-down” model-driven approach of the pio- authors thank Ed Feigenbaum for this observation.)
neers (Brooks 1991).
Today, some authors seem to see a conflict between Checklist for Tomorrow’s
“data-driven” (new think) systems and “model-dri-
ven” (old think) systems as if the “good” applications Application Builders
today are all data driven and work well, in contrast Our examination of nearly 30 IAAI conferences, our
with the “bad” model-driven applications of the old personal experiences, and stories related to us by col-
days that didn’t work well. leagues and friends, lead to the checklist in table 3.
Many AI apps have combined reasoning from We briefly explain each entry in the following.
opposite starting points, going way back to the early As will be apparent to experienced application
days. The Hearsay II speech-understanding system developers, much of this advice mirrors general soft-
combined top-down and bottom-up processing ware engineering best practice. But some of the
(Erman et al. 1980). Mycin used backward and for- points are even more important for AI systems. We
ward rule chaining (Buchanan and Shortliffe 1984). invite your feedback and your own lessons learned.
And the Dipmeter Advisor was both data driven, con-
verting raw signals to patterns, and model driven, Select Problems with a Solid Business Case
using rules to classify stratigraphic and tectonic fea- Successful IT applications in general start with a focus
tures from the patterns (Smith and Baker 1983). on the business case and the customer — not the tech-
Overall accuracy depended on the contributions of nology. This is particularly true for AI applications. In
all the components — data driven and model driven. the early days of AI applications, the mind share of
We also don’t accept the criticism that the early AI the developers tended more heavily to the technolo-
community was too focused on model-driven gy (the knowledge-representation methods and the
approaches when it should have been focused on reasoning machinery) than it did to the customer
data-driven approaches. We believe the pioneers were need. In retrospect, this was to be expected. The early
doing the best they could with the machines and implementers were almost always AI researchers,
data available to them. They were forced into cogni- infringing on an IT community that was by and large
tive approaches in some cases (for example, vision) skeptical of the hype and the baggage that came along
because they had to do something to finesse the need with the technology — nonstandard hardware and
for orders of magnitude more processing power, stor- software, methods that were not understood by the

Engelmore Award Article

Select problems with a solid business case.

Minimize changes required in existing work flows.
Identify domain- or task-specific knowledge and data for the problem.
Select appropriate knowledge representations and data sources.
Develop knowledge and data acquisition and maintenance plans.
Select appropriate reasoning/learning strategies.
Develop a set of test cases and performance metrics.
Add safeguards and opt-out capabilities.
Test with real data from users or operating environment.

Table 3. Checklist for Builders of AI Applications.

community, the need to bring in outside experts. specific knowledge, choose a knowledge representa-
Over the years, AI application developers have tion that most closely models the world while still
made a major mind shift. We have learned the hard supporting efficient reasoning strategies. Prefer
way that success starts with solving problems impor- declarative knowledge since it is easier to understand,
tant to the customer. explain and change than procedural knowledge. For
One caveat: Although public interest in AI is on the machine-learning approaches, select high-quality
rise, do not add an AI component to an application data sources (for example, data with expert-verified
just for the sake of it. AI can introduce complexity, ground truth) when feasible or develop a strategy for
and systems should always only be as complicated as learning and reasoning with noisy data sources.
is necessary to model the domain and task. Again,
focus on customer over technology. Develop Knowledge and Data
Acquisition and Maintenance Plans
Minimize Changes Required Consider knowledge/data acquisition and mainte-
in Existing Work Flows nance to be an ongoing process. Make the process
Think about the integration of AI with other tools iterative: repeatedly evaluate if the knowledge and
and parts of the larger system. It is rare to complete- data are appropriate for the reasoning/learning strate-
ly replace an existing work flow. Thus, it is prudent to gies and domain/task and refine accordingly.
build new systems so that they can slot into the
approaches already used by the customers as much Select Appropriate Reasoning
as possible. Few new AI systems solve stand-alone and Learning Strategies
problems that require no user interaction. Most are Most large AI systems will require various kinds of
used as “intelligent assistants” and the amount of reasoning and learning strategies for various sub-
change management required to succeed in adoption problems. Design a system architecture that supports
is directly proportional to the magnitude of the decoupling of these disparate components so that
changes required in existing work flows. Ease of use refinements in one component will not require dras-
is the “license to operate.” tic changes in other components.
Depending on the constraints dictated by the
Identify Domain- or Task-Specific domain and task, select an approach and compo-
Knowledge and Data for the Problem nents that are data driven or model driven, or use a
The history of successful AI applications shows that combination.
“the power is in the knowledge,” both expert-pro-
vided knowledge and knowledge extracted out of Develop a Set of Test Cases
data with the appropriate preprocessing, feature and Performance Metrics
selection, learning techniques, and parameter tun- Due to the complexity of most AI systems, testing
ing. Devote up front the effort needed to acquire and performance evaluation are critical.
enough of the knowledge and data so that you will The word performance encompasses a variety of
better understand how to design the rest of the sys- concerns, including run-time speed and use of
tem to best match the domain and task. resources plus adequacy of the knowledge and rea-
soning components. Run-time speed and use of
Select Appropriate Knowledge resources are standard computational concerns that
Representations and Data Sources must be addressed in any system that is to be
Depending on the nature of the domain- and task- deployed and scaled. They are not specific to AI appli-

SPRING 2017 19
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cations — but adequacy of the knowl- duce and that may be fed into our doc- able to focus on the real work we set
edge and reasoning components is spe- ument enrichment service. During the out to do, not distracted by the low-
cific to AI applications. early development effort, we focused level clutter that most people are
Sometimes the desired behavior of on straightforward cases such as forced to deal with today, because
the system is clear, as was the case research articles in PDF form and computers aren’t powerful enough, or
when IBM was developing Watson to Microsoft Word documents made up because no attempt has yet been made
win the Jeopardy! game show against mostly of text. However, real data to automate the jobs people don’t
human contestants (Ferrucci et al. from real users can be drastically dif- want to do. Intelligent assistants will
2010). Keep track of the performance ferent and highly variable. For exam- deal with the clutter of low-level tasks,
of every revision and consider a policy ple, we learned that our system did or tasks that require extended concen-
(as IBM did with Watson) that rejects not properly handle large text files tration, consistency, scale, and so on.
any revisions that do not push per- produced by computer software (such As an example, we see big opportu-
formance closer to the goal. as log files or data dumps), and need- nities with unstructured data. It will no
When the goal criteria are not as ed extra logic to examine each file longer be lost in the cloud — whether
clear, make extensive use of regression before deciding what kinds of process- the corporate cloud or the Internet
tests to ensure that solved cases are ing would be appropriate. In other cloud. We will have the tools to find it
never broken in the future. Sometimes, examples, roboticists know that robots and unlock its connections. We will
even regression tests are too precise as must be tested in the real world and also have the tools to extract the essen-
multiple different outcomes may be not just simulations, and developers of tial information from the cluttered
equally good. A good technique in personal assistants, chatbots, search real-time data streams that overwhelm
these situations is to build machinery engines, and other tools know that us today.
to automatically identify any changes humans are an unpredictable source of As the developers of today and
in the system’s output after each code a wide range of inputs. tomorrow address the new opportuni-
or knowledge base revision. Knowing ties, the history of IAAI conferences
what changed after an update is a valu- offers lessons in how to build success-
able first step in identifying if develop- Conclusion ful deployed AI applications. We have
ment is on the right track. For AI to benefit humankind it must attempted to distill these lessons to
be deployed; for successful deploy- increase the chances of future success.
Add Safeguards and ment, good AI ideas must be integrat- In these concluding remarks, we have
Opt-Out Capabilities ed into the human context of actual just a few final bits of advice.
AI has been known, on occasion, to use and into the IT context of organi- It is prudent for AI researchers to pay
produce odd and unpredictable results zations. In this article, we have tried to attention to what is being learned
due to complex reasoning systems, summarize what has been learned through engineering practice —
large data sets, and large knowledge about building, maintaining, and deployed applications — as was hoped
bases. Hence, special care should be extending AI applications. We have for from the beginning of IAAI. And it
taken to verify data produced by AI boiled it down into a simple checklist is prudent for practitioners to take
subsystems. In addition, there is a pre- for the developers of today and tomor- advantage of opportunities to learn
mium on testing carefully for row. from research, as was hoped for by
machine-learning systems that do not Going forward, we can expect the colocating the AAAI and IAAI confer-
have transparent reasoning processes. landscape of AI applications to contin- ences, and by adding the Emerging
This advice should be heeded more ue to diversify and expand. The revo- Applications track to the IAAI confer-
diligently for builders of AI applications lutions will continue all around us, in ence in 1997.
that make use of human input and computers and data, as well as sensing. It is also wise to pay attention to
applications that are responsible for So, it follows that apps will contin- what is happening in the rest of the
making decisions for users. For that ue to get more powerful, more knowl- computing, data, and sensing world.
matter, such applications should pro- edgeable, and cover a broader array of Factors external to AI are likely to have
vide an opt-out capability that lets the domains and tasks. the largest impact on what matters, or
user complete an action without AI It also follows that apps will be what is possible, or where opportuni-
assistance. An AI system is even stron- increasingly data driven, guided by ties lie. The biggest impact on how we
ger when it can explain its decisions human knowledge. And they will have are able to build applications today has
and can help users make sense of the a lot more data available, as the Inter- come from revolutions that were not
AI’s assistance and better decide if they net of Things takes off. of our own making. Watch for signals
prefer to continue making use of it. Finally, intelligent assistants will be from the periphery.
even more proficient at improving And finally, to quote Neil Jacobstein,
Test with Real Data from Users quality of life. The partnership “AI expands the range of the possible.”
or Operating Environment between human and machine is going So keep doing it!
At i2k Connect, we have learned that to be stronger and closer. How will this
there is a long tail of the kinds of doc- improve quality of life? Jobs tend to be Acknowledgments
uments humans (and computers) pro- more satisfying when we humans are In preparing this article, we have drawn

Engelmore Award Article

heavily from AI applications observa- Rule Based Expert Systems: The Mycin Experi- Service. AI Magazine 33(2): 43-54.
tions made by others. We encourage ments of the Stanford Heuristic Programming Erman, L.; Hayes-Roth, F.; Lesser, V. R.; and
readers to look back at Feigenbaum, Project (The Addison-Wesley Series in Artifi- Reddy, D. R. 1980. The Hearsay-II Speech-
McCorduck, and Nii (1988); Feigen- cial Intelligence). Boston, MA: Addison- Understanding System: Integrating Knowl-
Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc. edge to Resolve Uncertainty. ACM Comput-
baum (1993); Shrobe (1996); Shrobe
Campbell, M.; Hoane, J.; and Hsu, F. 1999. ing Surveys 12(2): 213–253.
(2000;) and Jacobstein (2007).
Search Control Methods in Deep Blue. In 356810.356816
Thanks to the following people for
Search Techniques for Problem Solving Under Feigenbaum, E.; McCorduck, P.; and Nii, P.
generously sharing their time and their
Uncertainty and Incomplete Information: 1988. The Rise of the Expert Company. New
ideas on high-impact applications and Papers from the 1999 AAAI Spring Symposium. York: Times Books, Random House.
for their observations on what (we Technical Report SS-99-07. Menlo Park, CA: Feigenbaum, E. A. 1993. Tiger in a Cage:
thought) we knew then and what (we AAAI Press. The Applications of Knowledge-Based Sys-
think) we know now: Bruce Buchanan, Cheetham, W. E. 2004. Tenth Anniversary tems. Joint invited presentation at the 11th
Andy Chun, Edward Feigenbaum, of the Plastics Color Formulation Tool. In National Conference on Artificial Intelli-
Markus Fromherz, Ashok Goel, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Conference on gence and the Fifth Conference on Innova-
Mehmet Goker, Haym Hirsh, Neil Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelli- tive Applications of Artificial Intelligence,
Jacobstein, Phil Klahr, Alain Rappaport, gence, 770–776. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press. Washington, DC, July.
Nestor Rychtyckyj, Eric Schoen, Ted Cheyer, A. 2014. Siri: Back to the Future. Ferrucci, D.; Brown, E.; Chu-Carroll, J.; Fan,
Senator, Howard Shrobe, David Invited presentation at the Twenty-Sixth J.; Gondek, D.; Kalyanpur, A. A.; Lally, A.;
Stracuzzi, Ramasamy Uthurusamy, and IAAI Conference / Twenty-Eighth AAAI Murdock, J. W.; Nyberg, E.; Prager, J.;
Peter Yeh. Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Schlaefer, N.; and Welty, C. 2010. Building
July. Watson: An Overview of the DeepQA Proj-
Thanks especially to Bruce Buchanan
Chun, A. H. W., and Suen, T. Y. Y. 2014. Engi- ect. AI Magazine 31(3): 59–79.
and Ed Feigenbaum for years of guid-
neering Works Scheduling for Hong Kong’s Fox, M. S.; Lowenfeld, S.; and Kleinosky, P.
ance ... and patience.
Rail Network. In Proceedings of the Twenty- 1983. Techniques for Sensor-Based Diagno-
Thanks also to Jon Glick, AITopics
Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence sis. In Proceedings of the Eighth International
pioneer, and to Raj Reddy, godfather of and the Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference on Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 159–
IAAI. Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 163. Los Altos, CA: William Kaufmann, Inc.
Finally, thanks to our families for 2890–2897. Palo Alto, CA: AAAI Press. Frantzi, K.; Ananiadou, S.; and Mima, H.
their foundational contributions. Chun, A. H. W.; Yeung, D. W. M.; Lam, G. P. 2000. Automatic Recognition of Multi-
This article is based on the IAAI-16 S.; Lai, D.; Keefe, R.; Lam, J.; and Chan, H. Word Terms: The C-Value/NC-Value
Robert S. Engelmore Memorial Lecture 2005. Scheduling Engineering Works for the Method. International Journal on Digital
given by the first author at AAAI/IAAI MTR Corporation in Hong Kong. In Pro- Libraries 3(2): 115–130.
2016 in honor of Bob Engelmore’s ceedings of Twentieth National Conference on Hammond, K. 2015. How Artificial Intelli-
extraordinary service to AAAI and his Artificial Intelligence and the Seventeenth Inno- gence Explains Analytics. Computerworld,
contributions to applied AI.6 vative Applications of Artificial Intelligence June 19. Available at www.computerworld.
Conference, 1467–1474. Menlo Park, CA: com/article/2936142/emerging-technolo-
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and-all-i5-models.html?start=13. Davis, R.; Shrobe, H.; and Szolovits, P. 1993. Business, Government and Our Community.
2. For more information about CLIPS see What Is a Knowledge Representation? AI Fort Collins, CO: Prosci. Magazine 14(1): 17–33. Hodson, H. 2014. The AI Boss That Deploys
3.  The Enterprise Search and Findability Diakopoulos, N. 2013. Rage Against the Hong Kong’s Subway Engineers. Technology
Survey 2014, by Carl Björnfors and Mattias Algorithms: How Can We Know the Biases News, 2 July. Available at www.newscien-
Ellison, is available at of a Piece of Software? By Reverse Engineer-
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