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The Glands

lec. 2

Dr. Suhair Majeed
Secretory epithelia & Glands
* Epithelial cells that function mainly to produce and secrete various
macromolecules may occur in epithelia with other major functions or comprise specialized
organs called glands.
* Secretory cells may synthesize, store, and release :
- proteins (eg, in the pancreas),
- lipids (eg, adrenal, sebaceous glands),
- complexes of carbohydrates and proteins (eg, salivary glands).
* Epithelia of mammary glands secrete all three substances.
* The cells of some glands (eg, sweat glands) have little synthetic
activity and secrete mostly water and electrolytes (ions) transferred from the blood.

* Scattered secretory cells, sometimes called unicellular glands, are common in

simple cuboidal, simple columnar, and pseudostratified epithelia.
* An example of unicellular gland is the goblet cell , abundant in the lining of the
small intestine and respiratory tract , which secretes lubricating mucus that aids the
function of these organs.
* There are Two types of glands :
1- Endocrine glands
2- Exocrine glands
Unicellular gland / Goblet cells

Goblet cells
1- Endocrine gland :
* Endocrine glands lack a duct system.
* Thin-walled blood vessels (capillaries) adjacent to endocrine cells absorb their secreted
hormone products for transport in blood to target cells throughout the body.

. * Major endocrine glands include :

Pituitary , thyroid , pineal , parathyroid, ovaries and testes glands .
Exocrine & endocrine glands
2- Exocrine Glands :
* They produce and secrete substances onto an epithelial surface by a duct.
* They secrete sweat , mucous , oil , bile , and more.
* These glands include :
mucous ,sebaceous, mammary , salivary , and sweat glands.
* Epithelia of exocrine glands are organized as a continuous system of many small
secretory portions and ducts that transport the secretion out of the gland.
Classification of exocrine glands :

* Exocrine glands are classified according to :

1- Number of cells
2- Structure
3- Mechanism of secretion
4- Product secreted
1- Number of cells :
- Exocrine glands are classified into :
A- Unicellular exocrine glands :
* composed of a single cell (the simplest form of exocrine gland).
* found within the epithelial linings of intestinal and respiratory tracts.
* important example of these glands ( goblet cells ).
* they produce Mucin :
is a complex glycoprotein dissolves in water , then formed mucous ,which
protects and lubricates surfaces .

B- Multicellular exocrine glands :

*more complex structurally , than unicellular glands.
*composed of two main parts :
- an epithelial- derived duct
- a secretory unit (acinus)
*the secretory unit is surrounded by connective tissue , which supplies this unit
with blood vessels and nerve fibers , also C.T. forms a fibrous capsule that extends into the
gland and divides it into lobes .
Multicellular exocrine gland
2- According to structure :
* Multicellular exocrine glands are classified according to :
A- The structure of their duct into :
1- Simple (ducts not branched)
2- Compound (ducts with two or more branches).
B- The morphology of their secretory units into :
1 - Tubular (either short or long and coiled)
2- Acinar (rounded and saclike).
3-Tubuloacinar (tubuloalveolar)- has both tubular and acinar secretory unit.
* Compound glands can have branching ducts and can have multiple tubular, acinar,
or tubuloacinar secretory portions.
Classification of exocrine glands according to their secretory portions
Classification of exocrine glands according to their secretory
3- Mechanism of secretion :
* Three basic mechanisms for releasing the product are commonly used by cells
specialized for secretion :

1- Merocrine secretion :
- This is the most common method of protein or glycoprotein secretion .
- the secretory granules leave the cells by exocytosis with no loss of other
cellular material .
- e.g. Pancreas and salivary glands.
Merocrine secretion

2- Holocrine secretion :
*Cell releases the product and cell debris into the gland’s lumen.
*it’s secretion is shed with the whole cell, so the cell division of such gland must be
rapid to replace cells lost in secretion .
*This is best seen in the sebaceous glands producing lipid rich material in skin

3- Apocrine secretion:
* product accumulates at the cells’ apical ends, portions of which are then extruded to
release the product together with small amounts of cytoplasm and cell membrane.
* Lipid droplets are secreted in the mammary gland in this manner.
Apocrine secretion Holocrine secretion
Mechanism of secretions
4- Product secreted :

* Exocrine glands can be further categorized as either serous or mucous according to

the nature of their secretory products,
1- Serous cells synthesize proteins , such as digestive enzymes.
*Serous fluid originates from serous gland , it is enriched with proteins and
* Pancreas and Parotid salivary glands are composed of serous cells .

2- Mucous cells,( such as goblet cells), these produced proteins called mucins.
When mucins are released from the cell, they adsorbed water and form a sticky secretion called
* Brunner’s glands of the duodenum are composed of mucous cells .

3- Some salivary glands are mixed glands,

*Seromucous gland, having both serous and mucous cells .
*The product of such glands is a mixture of digestive enzymes and watery mucus.
*e.g. Submandibular salivary gland is a mixed gland 70% mainly serous .

4- Sebaceous glands : secretes sebum, oil or lipids products .

Mixed salivary gland sebaceous gland
Myoepithelial cells

* Epithelia of many exocrine glands (eg, sweat, salivary, and mammary glands)
contain contractile myoepithelial cells at the basal ends of the secretory cells .
* They are contractile cells associated with the secretory end-pieces.
*They are stellate-shaped cells with processes containing actin and myosin that
embrace the secretory cells .
* Strong contractions in these cells serve to help propel secretory products from acini
into the duct system.

* Endocrine glands lack myoepithelial cells and are specialized for either protein or
steroid hormone synthesis.
*The proteins are released by exocytosis and the lipophilic steroids by diffusion through
the cell membrane for uptake by binding proteins outside the cell.
Myoepithelial cells/ salivary gland
Myoepithelial cells /Mixed salivary gland
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