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An Excel document is called Auto Fill the contents within the new

a: cell
Workbook. The ________ feature fills in Merge & Center
the remaining characters of a
The individual pages of an word if what is typed ________ are defined as
Excel document are called: matches an existing entry in sets of formatting
Worksheets. the column characteristics, such as font,
Autocomplete font size, font color, cell
A ________ is formatted as borders, and cell shading.
a pattern of uniformly spaced The small black square in Cell styles
horizontal rows and vertical the lower right corner of a
columns. selected cell is called the: The ________ inserts a
Worksheet Fill handle thousand comma separator
when appropriate, inserts a
In the ________ you can A group of items that come fixed U.S. dollar sign aligned
enter a value or a formula or one after another in at the left edge of the cell,
edit a value or formula in the succession is called: applies two decimal places,
active cell. A series. and provides space for
Formula Bar negative numbers to be
Two or more cells that Excel displayed inside of
A ________ identifies a treats as a single unit is parentheses.
worksheet in a workbook. called a: Accounting number
Sheet tab Range. Format

The ________ displays the The data you see in a cell is To make data easier to
name of the selected cell, called the: understand, use a ________
table, chart, or object Displayed value instead of a table of numbers
Name Box Chart
The Formula Bar displays
The Current cell mode, the the data known as the: Tiny charts embedded in
page number, and the view Underlying value cells that show a visual trend
and zoom button display on alongside the data are
the: A prewritten formula known called:
Status bar. as a (n) ________ looks at Sparklines
one or more values,
Anything you type into a cell performs an operation, and Labels that display along the
is referred to as: returns a value bottom of a chart to identify
Cell content Function the category of the data are
A text value is also referred All Excel formulas begin with Category labels
to as a: which symbol?
Label. = On an Excel chart, the
________ identifies the
The ________, when The result of a formula patterns or colors that are
outlined in black, indicates it displays in the active cell, assigned to all the categories
is ready to accept data. and the ________ itself in the chart.
Active cell displays in the Formula Bar. Legend
_______ generates and Charted values that originate
extends a series of values Excel's ________ command in a worksheet are called:
into adjacent cells based on creates one cell from the Data points
the values of other cells. selected cells and centers
A data marker, such as a The values that an Excel
column, dot, or pie slice on a function uses to perform If a cell's width is too narrow
chart, represents a single: operations are called/ the to properly display the
Data point variables or values the numeric contents of the cell,
function requires in order to Excel displays a series of
In an Excel chart, a calculate a solution: ________ symbols
________ is made up of Arguments. #
related data points.
Data series Excel's ________ function Functions that test for a
finds the middle value in a specific condition are called
_______ shrinks the width range ________ functions
and height of the printed MEDIAN Logical
worksheet to fit a maximum
number of pages. Which Excel function would IF is an example of a
Scaling be used to find the middle ________ function.
value of a list of test scores? Logical
To widen a column to fit the MEDIAN
cell content of the widest cell The ________ function
in the column, use: Which Excel function would counts the number of cells
Autofit be used to calculate the total within a range that meet a
points a student earned on a certain criteria
To center worksheet data series of tests? COUNTIF
horizontally and vertically on SUM
a page, use the ________ If a column of data holds the
dialog box The Excel function ________ letter grades for a class, the
Page Setup would be used to find the ________ function could be
lowest score on a series of used to determine how many
Which is the Excel operator student test scores. students had a grade of "A".
for multiplication? MIN COUNTIF
The ________ function adds A value or expression that
Which is the Excel operator all of the numbers in a range can be evaluated as true or
for division? of cells. false is called a
/ SUM Logical test.

Excel uses ________ to Excel's ________ function Which of the following is an

perform basic mathematical finds the largest value in a example of a logical test?
operations selected range of cells. D5>45
Arithmetic operators MAX
Values are evaluated using
Which is the Excel operator The functions AVERAGE ________ operators.
for exponentiation? and MEDIAN are examples Comparison
^ of ________ functions, which
are useful when the user The Excel operator for "less
Absolute cell references are needs to analyze a group of than" is
indicated by using what measurements <
symbol in the cell address? Statistical
$ Using ________ allows a cell
Use ________ to split data to change appearance based
A predefined formula is from two or more cells or to on criteria.
called a: combine data from two cells Conditional formatting
Function. Flash Fill
A ________ provides a height, or both of printed Data marker
visual cue about the value of output.
a cell relative to other cells Scale to Fit On a pie chart, the ________
Data bar You can move from one determines the size of each
worksheet to another by pie slice.
A ________ is a portion of a clicking the: Data series
worksheet window bound by, Sheet tabs.
and separated from, other The ________ identifies
portions by vertical or Dates can be treated as patterns and colors assigned
horizontal bars. other numbers because to categories in the chart
Pane Excel assigns a ________ Legend
value to the date as it is
Using ________ enables you entered. A workbook sheet that
to select one or more rows or Serial contains only a chart is
columns and lock them into called a(n)
place. The action of placing cell Chart sheet.
Freeze Panes contents that have been
copied to the Clipboard is: One way to determine which
A function such as NOW that Pasting. slice of pie on a pie chart
is updated each time a goes with which set of data
workbook is opened is said When pasting a range of is to look at the:
to be: cells you only need to click Legend.
Volatile. or select the ________ of the
paste area. An image that appears to
A range of cells can be Upper left corner have length, width, and
converted into an Excel depth is said to be
________ so that the data A ________ shows the 3-D.
can be analyzed. relationship of each part of
Table the data to the whole. Applying the shape effect
Pie chart ________ causes the edges
An Excel ________ is a of a shape to appear to be
series of rows and columns Which type of chart would be curved or angled
that contain related data and the best to chart the number Bevel
is managed independently of votes each candidate
from other data in the received compared to the To ________ one or more
worksheet. total number of votes cast? slices on a pie chart means
Table Pie chart to pull the slice(s) away from
the rest of the chart.
To ________ a table means A cell address used in a Explode
to arrange all of the data in a formula using a(n) ________
specific order. will be adjusted appropriately Why would you explode a
Sort when the formula is copied slice on a pie chart?
to another cell. To emphasize the slice to
You would ________ a table Relative cell reference the person viewing the
if you wanted to display only chart
data that matches specific A ________ is a value that
criteria. originates in a worksheet cell In Excel, the ________ is
Filter and is represented in a chart. made up of the chart and all
Data point of its elements.
Using ________ enables you Chart area
to stretch or shrink the width, Each pie slice displayed on a
pie chart is an example of a:
Use the ________ button to What-if analysis
add, remove, or change
chart elements such as the If you want to chart trends
chart title, the legend, and over time, you should use a
the data labels. ________ chart.
Chart Elements Line

To gain a different view of a A(n) ________ is a line that

pie chart, you can ________ borders the chart plot area
the chart within the 360 and serves as a frame of
degrees of the circle. reference for measurement.
Rotate Axis

Goal Seek is an example of On a line chart, the x-axis is

a ________ tool. also known as the
What-if analysis Category axis.

Excel's ________ finds the

input needed in one cell for
another cell to have a
desired value
Goal Seek

When calculating the amount

of increase, the ________ is
the starting point for the data

The ________ is the percent

by which one number
increases over another
during a specified time
Percentage rate of

The percentage rate of

increase is calculated by
using this formula:
Amount of increase/base

Percent for new value is

calculated using this formula
Base percent + percent of

Performing a ________
involves changing the value
in a cell to see what effect it
has on values in other cells
that are calculated using that

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