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HLKL: This room is taken. Let's nd another one

(They walk down the corridor

ρ: What are these rooms named after

HLKL: Some interesting streets in SF

ρ: Cool

HLKL: No one's here. Let's see. (Scro s the tablet). This is not booked until 10. We can use this

(Enter room, sit facing each other)

HLKL: So, the logo

HLKL: By the way, I have seen you work with your headphones on. You can play your playlist now, if
you want

ρ: Sure. This looks fancy. How to do it

HLKL: Here. Let me help you. You just pair your iPhone to this tablet and there you go

(Playlist plays

HLKL: Exegete, does logo imply λόγος or scepter

ρ: Great question YL. In this case, logo implies scepter. Authority

HLKL: OK, what has your team come up with

ρ: The question boils down to the style: Mr. Machin (here), or Ms. Wilding (here)

HLKL: Who's playing

ρ: Mr. Glass, minimalist

HLKL: That's what we want. Let us go for Mr. Machin

ρ: Cool.



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