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Question bank

Unit 1 What’s your name?

Hi. How are you?
Are you [classmate’s name]? What’s your name?
What’s your first name again?
How do you spell your first/last name? Is that [spell name incorrectly]?
What’s your phone number? Is that [say number incorrectly]?
What’s my name? How do you spell it?
What's your email address?
Can you repeat that?
Ask me for my contact information. or Ask [classmate] for his/her contact information.

Unit 2 Where are my keys?

(Note: Bring a variety of singular and plural objects from Unit 2 to class.)
(Indicate singular object.) What’s this (called in English)? How do you spell that?
(Indicate plural object.) What are these (called in English)? How do you spell that?
Where is the [singular object in the classroom]? Where are the [plural objects in the classroom]?
(Indicate singular object.) Is this your [singular object]? Where is your [same singular object]?
(Indicate plural object.) Are these your [plural objects]? Where are your [same plural objects]?
Ask me about my things. or Ask [classmate] about his/her things.

Unit 3 Where are you from?

(Note: Bring pictures of famous people to class.)
Are you from [incorrect city/country]? Where are you from?
What’s [country/city] like?
What’s your first language?
How old are you? How old are your brothers/sisters?
Describe your personality. Are you shy/friendly/talkative/quiet/funny/serious?
(Indicate classmate or picture of person.) Who’s that? Is he/she [nationality]? Where is he/she from?
(Indicate picture of person.) How old is he/she? What’s he/she like? Is he/she friendly/funny/quiet/shy/talkative/
serious? Describe his/her appearance. Is he/she pretty/handsome/good-looking/short/tall/heavy/thin?
Ask me about my country/city. or Ask [classmate] about his/her city/country.

Unit 4 Is this coat yours?

What are your favorite colors?
What color is my [singular clothing item]? or What color is [classmate’s] [singular clothing item]?
What color are my [plural clothing item]? or What color are [classmate’s] [plural clothing item]?
Tell me about your clothes. Are you wearing a [color] [clothing item]?
Tell me about [classmate’s] clothes. Is he/she wearing a [color] [clothing item]?
(Indicate singular object in the classroom.) Is this [object] yours? Whose [object] is this?
(Indicate plural objects in the classroom.) Are these [objects] yours? Whose [objects] are they?
What are the seasons in your/our country? What’s the weather like in each season? What’s your favorite
season? What’s the weather like today?
Ask me about my favorite season. or Ask [classmate] about his/her favorite season.

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Unit 5 What time is it?
(Note: Bring pictures of clocks with different times and pictures of people doing different things to class.)
(Indicate a clock.) What time is it?
(Indicate a clock.) Ask me about the time.
(Indicate a person.) Is he/she [-ing form of a verb]?
(Indicate a person.) What’s he/she wearing? What’s he/she doing? Where is he/she [-ing form of a verb]?
(Indicate people.) Are they [-ing form of a verb]?
(Indicate people.) What are they wearing? What are they doing? Where are they [-ing form of a verb]? Why are they [-ing form
of a verb]?
(Indicate a group of several pictures.) Who’s [-ing form of a verb]? Where’s he/she [-ing form of a verb]? or Where are
they [-ing form of a verb]?
(Indicate people.) Ask me about these people. or Ask [classmate] about these people.

Unit 6 I walk to school.

Tell me about your family. Do you have brothers or sisters? What are their names?
Do you live with your family? Where do you live?
What time do you get up on weekdays/weekends?
Do you go to school/work by bus?
Do your parents work? Do they walk to work?
Tell me about your weekly routine. When do you get up/eat breakfast/eat lunch/have dinner/go to bed?
What do you do on [day of the week/weekend]?
When does your [family member] get up/eat breakfast/go to work/have dinner?
Ask me about my family. or Ask [classmate] about his/her family.
Ask me about my weekly routine. or Ask [classmate] about his/her weekly routine.

Unit 7 Does it have a view?

(Note: Bring pictures of rooms with furniture in them to class.)
Do you live in a house/an apartment? What rooms does it have? Does it have a yard/an elevator/a garage/a lobby/a view?
Tell me about your living room/kitchen/bedroom. What furniture do you have? What furniture do you need?
(Indicate picture.) Tell me about this room. Say what furniture there is in the room.
Tell me about your dream home.
Ask me about my house/apartment. or Ask [classmate] about his/her house/apartment.

Unit 8 Where do you work?

Do you have a job? Where do you work? What do you do, exactly?
Tell me about your job. Is it interesting/dangerous/stressful/boring?
How do you like your job?
What time do you start/finish work? What do you do after work?
Do your parents work? Where do they work? What do they do? How do they like their jobs?
Where does a/an [name of job] work? What does a/an [name of job] do?
Who works in a hospital/a hotel/an office? Does he/she wear a uniform?
Who has a difficult/an exciting/a stressful job? Why?
Ask me about my job. or Ask [classmate] about his/her job.

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Unit 9 I always eat breakfast.
What foods do you like? What foods don’t you like? What is your favorite food?
Are fruit and vegetables good for you? What foods are good for you?
What foods do you have at home?
Do you need any [name of food]? What foods do you need?
What foods do you eat every day? What foods do you never eat?
Do you ever have fish/beans/coffee/tea/eggs/rice for breakfast? lunch? dinner?
What do you usually have for breakfast? lunch? dinner?
Do you usually eat snacks? What snacks do you like?
Ask me about my mealtime habits. or Ask [classmate] about his/her mealtime habits.

Unit 10 What sports do you like?

What do you do in your free time?
Do you like sports? What sports do you like? What’s your favorite sport?
What sports do you play? Who do you play [name of sport] with?
Where/When do you play [name of sport]? How often do you practice?
What sports do you watch?
Can you sing/cook/play tennis/skateboard?
What can you do very well? What can’t you do?
Think of people you know. Who can ice-skate/play the piano/fix cars?
Ask me about my favorite sports. or Ask [classmate] about his/her favorite sports.
Ask me about my abilities and talents. or Ask [classmate] about his/her abilities and talents.

Unit 11 I’m going to have a party.

What’s the date today?
What are you going to do after class/tomorrow/next week/next summer?
Are you going to do anything this weekend? What are you going to do? Where are you going to go? How are you going to
get there? Who’s going to be there?
Is your family going to do anything special this weekend? What are they going to do?
When’s your birthday? Do you celebrate your birthday? How do you celebrate it? What are you going to do on your next
Are you going to celebrate any holidays/special days this year? What are you going to do?
Ask me about my weekend plans. or Ask [classmate] about his/her weekend plans.

Unit 12 How do you feel?

(Note: Bring several full-length pictures of people to class.)
How are you today?/How do you feel today?
(Indicate singular part of the body in one of the pictures.) What’s this?
(Indicate plural parts of the body in one of the pictures.) What are these?
Where is his/her [singular part of the body in the picture]? Point to it. Where are his/her [plural parts of the body in the
picture]? Point to them.
Do you have aspirin/cold medicine/antacid at home? What medications do you have at home?
What can you use eyedrops/an ice pack/cough syrup/nasal spray for?
What medication can you use for a cold/a sore throat/an earache?
Imagine I have a toothache/headache/stomachache. Give me advice. or Imagine [classmate] has a
toothache/headache/stomachache. Give him/her advice.

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Unit 13 How do I get there?
(Note: Bring a picture or two of maps with different places marked on it to class.)
Where can you get cold medicine/gasoline/a debit card/stamps/a backpack?
What can you get at a drugstore/department store/supermarket?
What can you do at a bank/post office?
Do you need to buy anything? What do you need to get? Where can you get it?
Is there a [name of place] near the school? Where is it?
How can/do I get to the [name of place] from here?
(Indicate map.) Follow these directions. Where are you?
Tell me about your neighborhood. Is there a [name of place] near your home? Where is it?
Ask me about my neighborhood. or Ask [classmate] about his/her neighborhood.

Unit 14 I had a busy weekend.

Did you have a good weekend? What did you do?
Did you work/study/watch TV/do laundry/exercise yesterday?
Tell me three things you did last week.
Tell me three things you didn’t do last week.
Tell me about last summer. Did you go anywhere interesting/meet any interesting people/see any movies/read any
What did you do?
Ask me about last weekend. or Ask [classmate] about last weekend.
Ask me about last summer. or Ask [classmate] about last summer.

Unit 15 Where were you born?

Were you born in [city/country]? Where were you born?
Did you grow up in [city/country]? Where did you grow up?
Were your parents born in [city/country]? Where were they born?
When was your father/mother/grandfather/grandmother born?
When did you start elementary/middle/high school? When did you finish?
Did your elementary/middle/high school have a cafeteria/computer lab?
What classes did you take in high school? Did you like them?
What was your favorite class? Who was your favorite teacher?
Do you remember the first day of this class? Tell me about it.
Ask me about my school days. or Ask [classmate] about his/her school days.

Unit 16 Can I take a message?

Where’s your father/mother/sister/brother/best friend right now?
Tell me something you like to do in your free time.
Tell me something you have to do this week.
Would you like to go to a concert this weekend? If yes, what band would you like to see? If no, what is your excuse?
Do you want to see a movie this weekend? If yes, what movie do you want to see? If no, what is your excuse?
Imagine you are inviting me (or [classmate]) to do something. What do you say?
Imagine you are calling a friend, but your friend isn’t home. Call me (or [classmate]) and leave a message for the friend.
Imagine I’m calling you and asking for [classmate]. Tell me that [classmate] isn’t there, and ask me to leave a message.
Tell me something you need to do to improve your English.
Tell me something you want to do in your next English class.

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