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丛书总策划 苑涛 杨恒达 樊一昕

主编 思马得学校
译审 曹建新


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汉英中国政治术语词典 / 思马得学校主编. —南京: 南京
大学出版社, 2005.1
ISBN 7-305-04404-0
Ⅰ. 汉...Ⅱ. 思...Ⅲ. 政治-中国-词典-汉、
英Ⅳ. D6-61
中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字(2005)第 126295 号

书名 汉英中国政治术语词典
主编 思马得学校
出版 发行南京大学出版社
社址 南京市汉口路 22 号邮编 210093
电话 025-83596923025-83592317 传真 025-83328362
电子邮件 (销售部)
经销 全国各地新华书店
印刷 常熟市大宏印刷有限公司
开本 850×11681/32 印张: 13.875 字数: 455 千
版次 2005 年 1 月第 1 版 2005 年第 1 月第 1 次印刷
定价 30.00 元


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前 言

《汉英中国政治术语词典》所收词目全部是中国历来的政治术语,共 11,000 多条。在

开放、社会主义现代化建设等重要历史时期的政治术语,如“北伐战争” 、
热爱”及当前流行的最新术语,如“与时俱进” 、“三个代表”等,对于历史上常识性的政治
术语也做了比较全面的收录,如: “焚书坑儒”、


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目 录


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用 法 说 明
一、 条目安排
1. 本词典共收中国历来的政治术语 11,000 多条。在比例分配上,以现代的政治术语为
2. 本词典包含了辛亥革命以后,尤其是新中国成立、土地改革、社会主义改造、文化大
革命、改革开放、社会主义现代化建设等重要历史时期的政治术语,如“北伐战争” 、“国共
合作” 、“三反五反” 、
“四清” 、
“反右”、 “三自一包” 、“双百方针” 、
“三资企业” 、
“盲流”、 “五
讲四美三热爱”等等,也包括当前流行的最新术语,如“与时俱进”、 “三个代表”等,对于
历史上常识性的政治术语也做了比较全面的收录,如: “焚书坑儒” 、“五刑” 、
3. 部分词条全称及简称均有收录,后录者的释义参见先录者。如:边贸 (bian mao) see
“边境贸易” 。
4. 本词典词条一律以汉语拼音字母表顺序排列。 第一个字母相同的, 依第二个字母排列;
二、 注音
词条后面紧接汉语注音,不标注声调。儿化音一律采用全拼,不在原词拼音后面加“r” 。多
三、 释义
1. 中文词条在其注音后直接给出单个英译。如系俗语直译,后接短横线,加英文解释。
如:矮子里拔将军 (ai zi li ba jiang jun) choose a general from among the dwarfs
—pick the best of the mediocrities。
2. 同一词条在其注音后直接给出相近的多个英译时,则各译文中间用分号隔开。如:暗
处理 (an chu li) covert operation; proceed with a matter clandestinely。
3. 同一中文词条的不同意义, 在其注音后直接给出多个英译。 如: 按期转正 (an qi zhuan
zheng) ① become a full member on time ② become a regular worker on time。

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词 目 首 字 音 序 表

A 北 15 灿 27 除 38 邓 56 恶 69
挨1 备 15 操 27 处 38 低 56 遏 69
矮1 背 15 草 27 穿 38 敌 56 恩 69
爱1 被 15 册 27 传 38 嫡 57 儿 69
瑷2 本 16 策 27 串 38 底 57 尔 69
安2 奔 16 差 28 创 38 地 57 二 69
鞍3 逼 16 插 28 吹 38 帝 59
按3 比 17 查 28 垂 38 递 59 F
案3 笔 17 拆 28 唇 38 第 59 发 71
暗4 必 17 产 28 戳 38 缔 61 法 72
熬4 毕 17 长 29 慈 38 颠 61 翻 73
傲4 闭 17 常 29 次 38 典 61 凡 73
澳4 弊 17 厂 31 刺 38 点 61 繁 73
避 17 敞 31 从 39 电 61 反 73
B 边 17 畅 31 粗 39 奠 61 犯 77
八5 变 19 倡 31 促 39 调 61 饭 78
巴6 辩 19 唱 31 篡 40 谍 62 方 78
拔6 标 19 钞 31 错 40 钉 62 防 78
把6 表 19 超 31 村 40 顶 62 妨 78
罢7 濒 19 朝 32 订 62 房 78
霸7 兵 19 扯 32 D 定 62 访 78
白7 秉 20 彻 32 达 41 东 62 纺 78
百7 并 20 撤 32 打 41 动 63 放 78
摆8 拨 20 陈 33 大 42 斗 63 非 79
败8 波 20 成 33 代 46 豆 63 费 81
拜9 剥 20 诚 33 带 47 督 63 分 81
班9 补 20 承 33 待 47 毒 63 焚 83
搬9 不 20 城 34 戴 48 独 63 粉 83
版9 布 24 惩 34 担 48 读 64 奋 83
办9 步 24 吃 35 单 48 渎 64 愤 83
半9 部 24 持 35 弹 48 黩 64 风 83
邦 11 赤 35 当 48 杜 65 封 84
帮 11 C 充 36 党 49 短 65 逢 85
榜 11 财 25 重 36 导 55 断 65 奉 85
包 11 裁 26 崇 36 倒 55 对 65 否 85
保 12 采 25 抽 36 盗 55 蹲 67 夫 85
堡 14 菜 26 筹 36 道 55 多 67 敷 85
报 14 参 26 臭 37 德 55 夺 68 伏 85
暴 14 残 27 出 37 登 55 扶 85
悲 15 蚕 27 初 37 等 56 E 服 85

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浮 85 各 102 荒 143 价 157 晋 169
福 86 给 103 H 皇 143 尖 157 禁 169
俯 86 根 103 海 132 黄 143 歼 157 京 169
辅 86 跟 104 骇 132 灰 144 坚 157 经 169
腐 86 耕 104 害 132 挥 144 艰 158 兢 173
父 87 耿 104 汉 133 恢 144 监 158 精 173
付 87 更 104 旱 133 回 144 兼 159 井 174
负 87 工 104 捍 133 汇 145 检 159 景 175
妇 87 公 109 行 133 会 145 减 159 警 175
附 87 功 112 航 133 贿 145 剪 160 竞 175
赴 88 攻 112 毫 133 混 145 简 160 敬 175
复 88 宫 112 豪 133 活 145 见 160 纠 175
副 88 巩 112 好 133 火 146 间 160 揪 175
富 89 共 112 浩 133 货 146 建 160 九 175
腹 89 供 114 合 134 获 146 健 161 久 176
覆 89 勾 114 和 134 祸 146 将 161 旧 176
购 114 河 136 豁 146 僵 162 救 176
G 估 114 核 136 疆 162 就 177
改 90 沽 114 赫 137 J 讲 162 拘 177
盖 91 姑 114 黑 137 击 147 奖 162 居 177
概 91 孤 114 狠 137 饥 147 蒋 162 鞠 177
干 91 古 115 横 137 机 147 交 162 局 177
甘 91 股 115 轰 138 积 148 娇 163 举 178
肝 91 骨 115 红 138 基 148 焦 163 巨 178
赶 91 鼓 115 宏 139 跻 149 叫 163 句 178
敢 91 固 115 后 139 激 149 教 163 拒 178
感 92 故 115 候 140 岌 149 阶 164 具 179
干 92 顾 115 狐 140 极 150 接 165 捐 179
刚 94 雇 115 胡 140 即 151 揭 165 涓 179
纲 94 刮 116 互 140 急 151 街 165 决 179
钢 94 寡 116 户 141 集 151 节 165 觉 179
岗 94 挂 116 花 141 几 152 结 166 绝 179
港 94 关 116 华 141 计 152 捷 166 掘 179
高 94 观 116 化 141 记 153 截 166 军 179
搞 96 官 117 划 142 纪 153 解 166 均 183
告 97 冠 118 画 142 技 154 介 167 君 183
哥 97 管 118 怀 142 既 154 戒 167 郡 184
搁 97 贯 118 淮 142 继 155 界 167
割 97 光 118 坏 142 冀 155 借 167 K
歌 97 广 119 欢 142 加 155 金 167 开 185
革 97 规 119 还 142 夹 155 紧 168 凯 186
格 101 诡 119 环 142 家 156 锦 168 看 186
隔 101 国 119 缓 143 甲 156 进 168 砍 186
个 101 过 130 唤 143 假 156 近 169 看 186

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慷 186 冷 197 轮 208 摩 221 泡 230 前 237
抗 186 离 197 论 209 墨 221 炮 230 箝 238
考 187 黎 197 罗 209 目 221 陪 230 潜 238
靠 187 礼 197 落 209 募 221 培 230 黔 238
苛 187 里 197 幕 221 裴 230 浅 238
科 187 理 197 M 睦 221 配 230 遣 238
可 188 力 198 麻 210 抨 230 谴 238
克 189 历 198 马 210 N 蓬 230 枪 238
刻 189 厉 199 码 210 拿 222 碰 230 强 238
肯 189 立 200 埋 210 哪 222 批 230 墙 239
啃 189 利 200 买 211 纳 222 披 231 抢 239
空 189 例 201 卖 211 南 222 皮 231 敲 239
孔 190 连 201 满 211 难 222 疲 231 侨 240
恐 190 联 201 谩 211 脑 222 痞 231 翘 240
控 190 廉 202 漫 211 闹 223 偏 231 切 240
口 190 良 202 盲 211 内 223 片 231 窃 240
扣 191 粮 202 毛 212 能 223 骗 231 钦 240
苦 191 两 202 矛 212 你 223 贫 231 侵 240
垮 191 辽 204 冒 212 拈 223 乒 232 亲 241
跨 191 燎 204 贸 213 年 224 平 232 勤 241
会 191 列 204 貌 213 念 224 评 232 擒 241
快 191 劣 205 没 213 鸟 224 凭 233 青 242
宽 191 邻 205 煤 213 凝 224 瓶 233 轻 242
狂 191 林 205 美 213 宁 224 破 233 清 242
矿 192 临 205 媚 214 牛 224 铺 233 情 242
框 192 灵 205 门 214 扭 224 普 233 请 243
亏 192 凌 205 蒙 214 农 224 庆 243
魁 192 领 205 盟 214 弄 227 Q 穷 243
傀 192 留 207 朦 214 奴 227 七 235 秋 243
溃 192 流 207 弥 214 虐 227 期 235 求 243
阔 192 六 207 迷 214 挪 227 欺 235
扩 192 龙 207 糜 214 骑 235 酋 244
垄 208 秘 214 O 齐 235 区 244
L 笼 208 密 215 呕 228 旗 235 曲 244
拉 193 芦 208 绵 215 偶 228 乞 235 驱 244
蓝 193 庐 208 免 215 企 235 屈 245
烂 193 陆 208 面 215 P 启 236 趋 245
滥 193 路 208 灭 215 爬 229 起 236 取 245
捞 193 旅 208 民 215 怕 229 气 236 去 245
劳 193 屡 208 名 220 排 229 弃 236 权 245
牢 195 履 208 明 221 派 229 契 236 全 246
老 196 绿 208 命 221 盘 229 千 236 拳 249
乐 197 乱 208 摸 221 叛 229 迁 237 犬 250
雷 197 沦 208 模 221 抛 230 谦 237 劝 250

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缺 250 商 268 视 287 损 296 透 310 违 324
确 250 赏 269 是 287 缩 296 突 310 围 324
群 250 上 269 适 287 所 296 图 311 唯 324
裙 251 稍 270 誓 287 徒 311 惟 325
少 270 收 287 T 涂 311 维 325
R 哨 271 手 287 台 297 屠 311 伪 325
攘 252 舍 271 守 287 太 297 土 311 尾 326
让 252 社 271 首 288 贪 298 吐 312 委 326
扰 252 射 275 受 288 谈 298 团 312 卫 326
绕 252 涉 275 授 288 弹 298 推 314 为 326
热 252 赦 275 书 288 坦 299 颓 315 未 327
人 252 摄 275 殊 288 探 299 退 315 慰 327
仁 257 申 275 赎 288 唐 299 蜕 316 温 327
忍 257 伸 275 束 288 堂 299 屯 316 文 327
认 257 身 275 述 289 糖 299 囤 316 稳 329
任 258 深 276 树 289 螳 299 托 316 我 329
日 258 什 276 庶 289 躺 299 拖 316 斡 329
荣 258 神 276 刷 289 滔 299 脱 316 乌 329
融 258 审 276 耍 289 逃 299 鸵 317 无 329
肉 258 渗 277 摔 289 讨 299 妥 317 五 332
儒 258 升 277 双 289 套 300 唾 317 武 333
入 258 生 277 谁 290 特 300 舞 334
软 259 声 278 水 290 踢 301 W 戊 334
若 259 省 278 税 290 提 301 挖 318 务 334
弱 259 圣 279 顺 290 体 302 瓦 318
胜 279 说 290 替 302 歪 318 物 334
S 盛 280 司 290 天 302 外 318
三 260 失 280 私 290 添 304 完 322 X
散 267 施 280 思 291 条 304 玩 322 夕 335
丧 267 十 280 死 293 调 304 顽 322 西 335
骚 267 石 282 四 293 挑 305 晚 322 吸 335
扫 267 时 282 伺 295 贴 305 皖 322 希 335
色 267 识 282 松 295 铁 305 万 323 昔 335
杀 267 实 282 搜 295 厅 305 汪 323 牺 336
沙 268 史 284 苏 295 听 305 亡 323 稀 336
煞 268 使 284 诉 295 停 306 王 323 洗 336
山 268 始 284 肃 295 挺 306 网 324 系 336
扇 268 氏 284 素 296 通 306 妄 324 细 336
煽 268 示 284 宿 296 同 307 旺 324 瞎 336
闪 268 世 284 塑 296 统 308 望 324 狭 336
陕 268 市 285 虽 296 痛 309 危 324 辖 336
善 268 事 286 绥 296 偷 309 威 324 下 336
擅 268 势 286 随 296 头 309 微 324 先 337
伤 268 试 286 孙 296 投 309 为 324 掀 339

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鲜 339 朽 349 仪 361 幼 374 债 380 忠 409
县 339 嗅 350 移 361 囿 374 沾 380 终 409
现 339 虚 350 遗 361 诱 374 瞻 380 种 409
限 340 许 350 以 361 迂 374 占 380 仲 409
线 340 蓄 350 倚 364 余 374 战 380 众 409
宪 340 宣 350 义 364 鱼 374 站 382 种 409
乡 340 选 350 艺 364 渔 374 长 382 重 409
相 340 学 351 忆 365 愚 375 涨 382 州 410
香 341 血 351 议 365 舆 375 掌 382 周 410
湘 341 寻 351 屹 365 与 375 招 383 朱 410
享 341 巡 351 亦 365 语 375 朝 383 诸 410
向 341 循 352 异 365 浴 375 召 383 逐 410
象 341 驯 352 抑 365 预 375 遮 383 主 410
橡 341 殉 352 意 365 欲 376 折 383 助 412
逍 341 臆 365 御 376 针 383 注 411
消 341 Y 因 365 鹬 376 珍 383 驻 412
萧 342 压 353 阴 366 冤 376 真 383 抓 412
嚣 342 亚 353 引 366 元 376 振 384 专 413
小 342 延 353 隐 366 园 376 镇 384 转 414
笑 343 严 353 印 366 原 376 争 384 装 414
效 343 言 354 英 366 圆 376 征 384 壮 414
协 343 炎 354 迎 366 援 376 整 385 追 415
邪 344 沿 354 赢 366 远 376 正 386 准 415
胁 344 掩 354 盈 367 院 377 证 387 卓 415
写 344 眼 354 营 367 约 377 政 387 咨 415
血 344 偃 354 影 367 阅 377 支 393 资 415
泄 344 演 354 应 367 跃 377 枝 394 子 418
卸 344 厌 354 硬 367 越 377 知 394 姊 418
心 344 唁 354 拥 367 允 377 执 395 自 418
辛 344 扬 354 庸 367 运 377 直 395 宗 421
欣 344 阳 354 臃 367 职 395 综 422
新 344 洋 354 永 367 Z 植 396 总 422
信 346 养 355 勇 368 灾 378 殖 396 走 423
兴 347 样 355 用 368 载 378 只 396 租 423
星 347 妖 355 优 368 宰 378 纸 397 族 424
行 347 谣 355 忧 369 再 378 指 397 组 424
形 348 摇 355 优 369 在 378 至 397 祖 425
性 349 要 355 由 369 暂 379 志 397 嘴 425
姓 349 冶 355 邮 369 早 379 制 397 最 425
兄 349 野 355 游 369 造 379 治 398 罪 426
胸 349 业 355 友 370 责 379 致 398 尊 426
雄 349 一 355 有 370 增 379 智 398 遵 426
休 349 医 360 又 373 扎 380 滞 398 左 426
修 349 依 360 右 373 摘 380 中 398 作 427

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坐 427 座 427 做 427

— A —
挨 斗 (ai dou) be denounced (at a 爱国主义教育 (ai guo zhu yi jiao yu)
public meeting) patriotic education
挨 批 (ai pi) be criticized; be 爱国主义与国际主义的统一 (ai guo zhu yi
denounced yu guo ji zhu yi de tong yi) unity
挨 整 (ai zheng) be subject to of patriotism and internationalism
punishment; suffer bitterness 爱国主义与社会主义的统一 (ai guo zhu yi
矮子里拔将军 (ai zi li ba jiang jun) yu she hui zhu yi de tong yi) unity
choose a general from among the dwarfs; of patriotism and socialism
pick the best out of the mediocrities 爱 国 主 义 者 (ai guo zhu yi zhe)
爱厂如家 (ai chang ru jia) love the patriot
factory as one’s own family 爱好和平的国家 (ai hao he ping de guo
爱国不分先后 (ai guo bu fen xian hou) jia) peace-loving nation
there is no difference for a patriot to 爱 和 平 民 族 (ai he ping min zu)
take part in the patriotic cause early peace-loving nation
or late 爱 和 平 人 民 (ai he ping ren min)
爱国党派 (ai guo dang pai) patriotic peace-loving people
parties 爱 护 民 力 (ai hu min li) treasure
爱国公约 (ai guo gong yue) patriotic manpower
pledge 爱护有生力量 (ai hu you sheng li liang)
爱国华侨 (ai guo hua qiao) patriotic cherish the effective strength
overseas Chinese 爱民 (ai min) cherish the people
爱国民主人士 (ai guo min zhu ren shi) 爱民公约 (ai min gong yue) a pledge to
patriotic democratic personages love the people
爱国人士 (ai guo ren shi) patriotic 爱 民 月 活 动 (ai min yue huo dong)
personages love-the-people monthly activities
爱国同胞 (ai guo tong bao) patriotic 爱情至上 (ai qing zhi shang) love is
fellow-countrymen supreme
爱国统一战线 (ai guo tong yi zhan xian) 爱委会 (ai wei hui) (an abbreviation
patriotic united front for) a committee for patriotic health
爱国卫生运动 (ai guo wei sheng yun dong) campaign
patriotic health campaign 爱 惜 人 力 物 力 (ai xi ren li wu li)
爱国学生运动 (ai guo xue sheng yun dong) treasure manpower and material
patriotic students compaign resources or use manpower and material
爱国增产运动 (ai guo zeng chan yun dong) resources sparingly
patriotic movement for increasing 爱憎分明 (ai zeng fen ming) draw a
production clear demarcation between whom or what
爱国志士 (ai guo zhi shi) dedicated to love and whom or what to hate
patriots 爱 资 病 (ai zi bing)
爱国主义 (ai guo zhu yi) patriotism “capitalism-loving sickness”

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瑷珲条约 (ai hui tiao yue) Treaty of Siming
Aihui (an unequal treaty (in 755 A.D.)
imposed on the Qing Dynasty by Tsarist 鞍钢 (an gang) Anshan Iron and Steel
Russia, 1858) Company
安 邦 定 国 (an bang ding guo) bring 鞍钢宪法 (an gang xian fa) Charter of
peace and stability to the country; the Anshan Iron and Steel Company
make the state stable and safe from 按兵不动,等待时机 (an bing bu dong,
disturbances deng dai shi ji) not to move till the
安邦治国 (an bang zhi guo) exert good right moment; station one’s troops and
administration and maintain stability wait for the right moment to strike
for the country 按成本要素计算的国民生产总值 (an cheng
安边 (an bian) maintain stability on ben yao su ji suan de guo min sheng chan
the frontiers; bring security to the zong zhi) GNP at factor cost
border areas 按 工 计 酬 (an gong ji chou) pay
安不忘危 (an bu wang wei) be mindful according to work
of possible dangers while living in 按既定方针办 (an ji ding fang zhen ban)
peace act according to established
安定民心 (an ding min xin) set the principles
people’s minds at rest 按 劳 分 配 (an lao fen pei)
安定人心 (an ding ren xin) reassure distribution according to work
the public performance
安定团结 (an ding tuan jie) stability 按 劳 计 酬 (an lao ji chou)
and solidarity performance-related pay
安家立业 (an jia li ye) set up a home 按 钮 战 争 (an niu zhan zheng)
and have a career push-button warfare
安检 (an jian) (an abbreviation for) 按期转正 (an qi zhuan zheng) ① (预
safety inspection 备 党 员转 正 )become a full member on
安 居 工 程 (an ju gong cheng) time ② (临时工转正)become a regular
“ stable-housing ” construction worker on time
project 按人口平均的国内生产总值 (an ren kou
安乐窝 (an le wo) cosy nest ping jun de guo nei sheng chan zong zhi)
安民告示 (an min gao shi) a notice to per capita GDP (gross domestic
reassure the public product)
安全保密情报 (an quan bao mi qing bao) 按人口平均生产增长率 (an ren kou ping
confidential security information jun sheng chan zeng zhang l ü ) per
安全部 (an quan bu) Ministry of State capita growth rate of production
Security 按需分配 (an xu fen pei) distribution
安全会议 (an quan hui yi) security according to need
conference 按照基本建设程序办事 (an zhao ji ben
安全生产 (an quan sheng chan) safety jian she cheng xu ban shi) follow the
in production procedures for capital construction
安全月 (an quan yue) Safety Month 按质论价 (an zhi lun jia) base the
安 史 之 乱 (an shi zhi luan) armed price on the goods’ quality
rebellion led by An Lushan and Shi 按 资 排 辈 (an zi pai bei) assign

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priority according to seniority 暗 中 操 纵 (an zhong cao zong) pull
案底 (an di) criminal record (of a strings from behind the scenes
certain person kept at a public 暗中出卖(国有资产) (an zhong chu mai)
security organization) secret sale (of state property)
案 头 调 研 (an tou diao yan) desk 熬年头 (ao nian tou) get by with a
research mediocre unambitious performance
案证 (an zheng) criminal evidence 傲 骨 (ao gu) lofty and unyielding
暗藏的反革命分子 (an cang de fan ge ming character
fen zi) hidden counter-revolutionary 澳门基本法 (ao men ji ben fa) Macao
暗藏的破坏分子 (an cang de po huai fen Basic Law
zi) covert wreckers 澳门特别行政区 (ao men te bie xing zheng
暗处理 (an chu li) covert operation; qu) Macao Special Administrative
proceed with a matter clandestinely Region
暗斗 (an dou) veiled strife 澳门元 (ao men yuan) (Macao) Pataca
暗渡陈仓 (an du chen cang) do a thing 澳人治澳 (ao ren zhi ao) Macao people
in secret; steal a march on manage all of Macao’s affairs
暗害 (an hai) ① (暗杀)kill somebody 澳 属 (ao shu) relatives of Macao
secretly ② (陷害)stab some-body in people living in China’s mainland
the back
暗杀 (an sha) assassination
暗箱作业 (an xiang zuo ye) black case

— B —

八大军区司令员对调 (ba da jun qu si ling Party during the War of Resistance

yuan dui diao) transfers of the Against Japan)
commanders of the eight military area 八七会议 (ba qi hui yi) August 7th
commands Meeting (in 1927)
八大员 (ba da yuan) eight kinds of 八旗 (ba qi) “Eight Banners” (Manchu
workers in service trades (namely military-administrative system
shop-assistants, ticket sellers, established in the early 1600’s and
attendants, nurses, street cleaners, kept throughout the Qing Dynasty)
cooks, barbers and postmen) 八旗制度 (ba qi zhi du) the banner
八个革命样板戏 (ba ge ge ming yang ban system (of the Qing Dynasty)
xi) the eight revolutionary model 八旗子弟 (ba qi zi di) ① descendants
plays of the privileged families under the
八 国 联 军 (ba guo lian jun) the banner system in the Qing Dynasty ②
Eight-Power Allied Forces profligate children of privileged
八 级 工 资 制 (ba ji gong zi zhi) families
eight-grade wage system 八三四一部队 (ba san si yi bu dui) the
八路军 (ba lu jun) the Eighth Route 8341 Unit
Army (led by the Chinese Communist 八 王 之 乱 (ba wang zhi luan)

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Internecine Wars Among Eight Princes 把功劳归于自己,把错误推给别人 (ba gong
of the Estern Jin Dynasty in their lao gui yu zi ji, ba cuo wu tui gei bie
scramble for state power ren) owe credit to oneself and shift
八五计划 (ba wu ji hua) the Eighth blame onto others
Five-Year Plan 把关 (ba guan) guard a pass; maintain
八项经济技术指标 (ba xiang jing ji ji strict standards
shu zhi biao) The eight economic and 把火药味搞得浓浓的 (ba huo yao wei gao
technical indicators de nong nong de) make the air thick
八小时工作制 (ba xiao shi gong zuo zhi) with the pungent smell of explosives;
eight-hour work per day situation in tension
八小时劳动法 (ba xiao shi lao dong fa) 把困难留给自己,把方便让给别人 (ba kun
eight-hour labor law nan liu gei zi ji, ba fang bian rang
八 一 建 军 节 (ba yi jian jun jie) gei bie ren) difficulties for
August First Army Day oneself but conveniences for others;
八一南昌起义 (ba yi nan chang qi yi) leave the easier jobs to others while
August 1st Nanchang Uprising (in 1927) tackling the difficult ones by oneself;
八 一 三 事 变 (ba yi san shi bian) offer that which is convenient to
August 13th Incident (in 1937) others while tackling the
八一宣言 (ba yi xuan yan) August 1st difficulties by oneself
Declaration (in 1935) 把士气鼓得足足的 (ba shi qi gu de zu zu
八亿人民八出戏 (ba yi ren min ba chu xi) de) greatly heighten the morale
eight dramas for 800 million people 把事情交付表决 (ba shi qing jiao fu biao
八 字 方 针 (ba zi fang zhen) the jue) put the matter to vote
Eight-Character Policy 把握大局 (ba wo da ju) control the
八 字 宪 法 ( 农 业 ) (ba zi xian fa) overall situation
Eight-Point Charter of Agriculture 把有限的生命投入无限的为人民服务中去
巴结权势 (ba jie quan shi) fawn on (ba you xian de sheng ming tou ru wu
people of great influence xian de wei ren min fu wu zhong qu)
拔白旗 (ba bai qi) uproot negative devote one ’ s limited life to the
examples unlimited cause of serving the people
拔尖创新人才 (ba jian chuang xin ren cai) 把原则当作商品去做买卖 (ba yuan ze dang
top-notch innovative personnel zuo shang pin qu zuo mai mai) trade in
把党的工作重心转移到四个现代化上 (ba principles as though they were
dang de gong zuo zhong xin zhuan yi dao commodities
si ge xian dai hua shang) shift the 罢工 (ba gong) strike; go on strike
focus of all the Party’s work to the 罢免 (ba mian) dismiss
“four modernizations” 罢职 (ba zhi) remove sb. from office;
把感想当政策 (ba gan xiang dang zheng ce) dismiss
policy 霸权 (ba quan) hegemony; supremacy
把革命气概和实际精神结合起来 (ba ge 霸权地位 (ba quan di wei) despotic
ming qi gai he shi ji jing shen jie he domination
qi lai) combine the revolutionary 霸权主义 (ba quan zhu yi) hegemonism
spirit with prac 霸 权 主 义 者 (ba quan zhu yi zhe)
ticalness hegemonists

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白卷英雄 (bai juan ying xiong) hero flowers bloom and a hundred schools of
of the blank answer sheet thought contend
白 领 犯 罪 (bai ling fan zui) 百花齐放,推陈出新 (bai hua qi fang, tui
white-collar crime chen chu xin) let a hundr
白 领 阶 层 (bai ling jie ceng) ed flowers blossom and weed through
white-collar class the old to bring forth the new
白猫黑猫论 (bai mao hei mao lun) the 百 年 大 计 (bai nian da ji) a
theory on black cats and white cats fundamental task crucial for
《 白 毛 女 》 ( 《 bai mao n ü 》 ) The generations to come; a project of
White-hair Girl vital and lasting importance
白 皮 书 (bai pi shu) white paper; 百 年 之 后 (bai nian zhi hou) (an
white book euphemism for saying) when sb. has
白旗 (bai qi) white flag passed away; after sb.’s death
白 区 (bai qu) white area 百 日 维 新 (bai ri wei xin) Hundred
(Kuomintang-controlled areas during Days Reform (in 1898)
the Second Revolutionary Civil War, 百 团 大 战 (bai tuan da zhan) the
1927~1937) Hundred-Regiment Campaign (in 1940)
白人种族主义政权 (bai ren zhong zu zhu 百 万 富 翁 (bai wan fu weng)
yi zheng quan) white racist regime millionaire
白刃战 (bai ren zhan) bayonet charge; 百 万 雄 师 (bai wan xiong shi) a
hand-to-hand fighting million bold warriors
白 色 恐 怖 (bai se kong bu) white 百业萧条 (bai ye xiao tiao) all the
terror trades suffer languishment
白 色 农 业 (bai se nong ye) white 百 战 百 胜 (bai zhan bai sheng)
agriculture invincible; ever victorious; a
白色政权 (bai se zheng quan) white hundred battles, a hundred victories
regime 百折不挠 (bai zhe bu nao) unrelenting;
白手起家 (bai shou qi jia) build up indomitable; undaunted by repeated
from nothing; start from scratch setbacks
白条 (bai tiao) IOU note 百 周 年 纪 念 (bai zhou nian ji nian)
白衣天使 (bai yi tian shi) angels in centenary; centenary celebration;
white (referring to doctors or nurses) centenial
白衣战士 (bai yi zhan shi) combatants 百足之虫,死而不僵 (bai zu zhi chong, si
in white (referring to doctors or er bu jiang) a centipede does not
nurses) topple over even when dead; a
白 专 (bai zhuan) white and centipede dies but never falls down;
merely-expert old institutions die hard
白专道路 (bai zhuan dao lu) white and 摆花架子 (bai hua jia zi) present an
expert path attractive facade but in reality
百分点 (bai fen dian) percent lacking substance
百 花 奖 (bai hua jiang) the 摆事实,讲道理 (bai shi shi, jiang dao
Hundred-Flower Award li) present the facts and reason
百花齐放,百家争鸣 (bai hua qi fang, bai things out
jia zheng ming) let a hundred 摆脱贫穷和落后 (bai tuo pin qiong he luo

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hou) shake off poverty and of a theatrical troupe; ② ordinary
backwardness members of an organization
摆脱桎梏 (bai tuo zhi gu) cast off the 班房 (ban fang) jail
chains; throw off the yoke 班师 (ban shi) withdraw troops from
败北 (bai bei) suffer defeat; lose a the front; return after victory
battle 班委会 (ban wei hui) class committee
败 坏 风 纪 (bai huai feng ji) 班 长 (ban zhang) ① ( 学 生 )class
demora-lization monitor ② (军队)squad leader
败坏社会风气 (bai huai she hui feng qi) 班 主 任 (ban zhu ren) a teacher in
corrupt social values charge of a class; director of student
败绩 (bai ji) be utterly defeated; be development in a class
routed 班子 (ban zi) ① (戏班子)(theatrical)
败 家 子 (bai jia zi) spendthrift; troupe ② (领导班子) (leading) body
wastrel; prodigal 班组 (ban zu) teams and groups
败 局 (bai ju) lost game; losing 班组计件制 (ban zu ji jian zhi) group
battle piece work system
败类 (bai lei) scum (of a community); 搬起石头砸自己的脚 (ba qi shi tou za zi
degenerate ji de jiao) lift a rock only to drop
败露 (bai lu) (of a plot etc.) fall it on one’s own feet
through and stand exposed 版权保护 (ban quan bao hu) copyright
败落 (bai luo) decline protection
败诉 (bai su) lose a lawsuit 版权法 (ban quan fa) copyright law
败退 (bai tui) retreat in defeat 版权所有 (ban quan suo you) copyright
败仗 (bai zhang) lost battle; defeat reserved; copyrighted
拜会 (bai hui) pay an official call; 版税率 (ban shui lü) royalty rate
call on 版图 (ban tu) domain
拜见 (bai jian) pay a formal visit 办公厅 (ban gong ting) general office
拜 金 主 义 (bai jin zhu yi) money 办事处 (ban shi chu) office; agency
worship; Mammonism 办 事 机 构 (ban shi ji gou)
拜 金 主 义 者 (bai jin zhu yi zhe) administrative office
Mammonist 半壁江山 (ban bi jiang shan) half of
拜群众为师,向群众求教,当群众的小学生 the country
(bai qun zhong wei shi, xiang qun zhong 半边天 (ban bian tian) half the sky
qiu jiao, dang qun zhong de xiao xue (often used in a sentence as: Women can
sheng) take the masses as teachers, hold up half the sky)
seek enlightenment from them and be 半 弹 道 导 弹 (ban dan dao dao dan)
their pupils semi-ballistic missile
拜 上 帝 会 (bai shang di hui) God 半地主式富农 (ban di zhu shi fu nong)
Worshipping Society (founded in 1843) rich peasants of a semi-landlord type
拜物主义 (bai wu zhu yi) fetishism 半独立 (ban du li) semi-independent
班车 (ban che) regular bus service 半 独 立 国 (ban du li guo)
班次 (ban ci) ① (学校的)classes ② quasi-so-vereign state
(交通运输的) number of runs or flight 半 发 达 国 家 (ban fa da guo jia)
班底 (ban di) ① ordinary members semi-developed nation

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半封建 (ban feng jian) semi-feudal semi-intellectual
半 封 建 国 家 (ban feng jian guo jia) 半殖民地 (ban zhi min di) semi-colony
semi-feudal country 半 殖 民 地 国 (ban zhi min di guo)
半 工 人 阶 级 (ban gong ren jie ji) semi-colonial country
quasi-working class 半 殖 民 主 义 (ban zhi min zhu yi)
半官方 (ban guan fang) semi-official semi-colonialism
半 官 方 贸 易 (ban guan fang mao yi) 半 主 权 (ban zhu quan)
semi-official trade semi-sovereignty
半 官 方 团 体 (ban guan fang tuan ti) 半 自 耕 农 (ban zi geng nong)
semi-official organization semi-owner peasant
半 官 方 组 织 (ban guan fang zu zhi) 半自治 (ban zi zhi) semi-automation;
semi-official organization partial automation
半计划市场调节 (ban ji hua shi chang 邦 国 (bang guo) country; nation;
tiao jie) semi-planned market state
regulation 邦 交 (bang jiao) relations between
半 建 交 (ban jian jiao) two countries; diplomatic relations
semi-establishment of diplomatic 邦联 (bang lian) commonwealth
relations; have partial diplomatic 帮 后 进 (bang hou jin) help those
relations lagging behind
半 截 子 革 命 (ban jie zi ge ming) 帮派 (bang pai) cliques; factions
half-way revolution 帮派体系 (bang pai ti xi) factional
半 劳 动 力 (ban lao dong li) setup
semi-ablebodied worker; part time 帮 腔 (bang qiang) speak in support
worker (of sb.)
半 立 法 条 约 (ban li fa tiao yue) 帮 凶 (bang xiong) accomplice;
semi-legislative treaty accessory
半 社 会 主 义 (ban she hui zhu yi) 榜 样 的 力 量是 无 穷 的 (bang yang de li
semi-socialism liang shi wu qiong de) a fine
半社会主义合作经济 (ban she hui zhu yi example has boundless power
he zuo jing ji) semi-socialist 包办代替 (bao ban dai ti) take on what
cooperative ought to be done by others; run things
economy all by oneself without consulting
半脱产 (ban tuo chan) partly released others
from one’s regular work 包办婚姻 (bao ban hun yin) arranged
半 外 交 关 系 (ban wai jiao guan xi) marriage
semi-diplomatic relations 包庇坏人坏事 (bao bi huai ren huai shi)
半文盲 (ban wen mang) semiliterate harbor evildoers and cover up their
半 无 产 阶 级 (ban wu chan jie ji) evil deeds
semi-proletariat 包藏祸心 (bao cang huo xin) harbor
半 修 正 主 义 (ban xiu zheng zhu yi) evil intentions; harbor malicious
semi-revisionism intent
半 政 府 性 质 (ban zheng fu xing zhi) 包产到户 (bao chan dao hu) fix farm
quasi-government nature output quotas for individual
半 知 识 分 子 (ban zhi shi fen zi) house-holds

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包 产 到 人 (bao chan dao ren) fix guarantees for repair, replacement or
output quotas on the basis of compensation of faulty products
individual laborers; 包种土地 (bao zhong tu di) contract
contract output quotas to producers land for farming
包产到组 (bao chan dao zu) production 包装工业 (bao zhuang gong ye) package
contracted to the team industry
包产到作业组 (bao chan dao zuo ye zu) 保 安 机 构 (bao an ji gou) security
contract output quotas to work groups department; security
包产合同 (bao chan he tong) contract 保安司 (bao an si) (HK before 1 July
for fixed output 1997) Secretary for Security
包 产 田 (bao chan tian) contracted 保持革命晚节 (bao chi ge ming wan jie)
fields maintain one ’ s revolutionary
包产指标 (bao chan zhi biao) targets integrity in one’s late years
stated in a contract for fixed output 保持国民经济持续、快速、健康发展 (bao
包 干 到 户 (bao gan dao hu) work chi guo min jing ji chi xu、 kuai su、
contracted to the household jian kang fa zhan) maintain a
包干分配 (bao gan fen pei) distribute sustained, rapid and sound
income according to contracted work development of the national economy
包 干 制 (bao gan zhi) a system of 保持国民经济发展的良好势头 (bao chi
payment partly in kind and partly in guo min jing ji fa zhan de liang hao
cash shi tou) maintain a good momentum of
包工包料 (bao gong bao liao) contract growth in the
for labor and materials national economy
包 工 头 (bao gong tou) labor 保持国有股 (bao chi guo you gu) keep
contractor the state-held shares
包 工 制 (bao gong zhi) piece work 保持清醒的头脑 (bao chi qing xing de tou
system; contract system nao) keep a cool head; with cool
包 购 包 销 (bao gou bao xiao) have heads
exclusive rights to purchase and sell 保持中立 (bao chi zhong li) maintain
包户扶贫 (bao hu fu pin) aid the poor neutrality
based on the responsibility to 保存实力 (bao cun shi li) conserve
individual households one’s forces
包户小组 (bao hu xiao zu) team with 保 国 会 (bao guo hui) Society to
responsibility to individual Preserve the Nation (founded in 1898
households by Kang Youwei)
包 户 制 (bao hu zhi) system of 保 护 地 (bao hu di) protectorate;
responsibility to individual dependent territory
households 保 护 关 税 (bao hu guan shui)
包围歼灭 (bao wei jian mie) encircle protective duty; protective tariff
and annihilate 保护国 (bao hu guo) protectorate
包销合同 (bao xiao he tong) exclusive 保护环境,防止污染 (bao hu huan jing,
sales contract fang zhi wu ran) protect the
包修、包换、包赔制度 (bao xiu、 bao huan、 environment against pollution
bao pei zhi du) system of three 保护价 (bao hu jia) protected price

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(the artificially-set price, which National Security Bureau
can be below the market value, paid by 保密文件 (bao mi wen jian) classified
the state when purchasing a certain (or confidential) document
commodity in order to protect the 保 命 哲 学 (bao ming zhe xue)
producers) philosophy of survival
保护贸易政策 (bao hu mao yi zheng ce) 保释 (bao shi) on bail
policy of trade protection; 保守集中策略 (bao shou ji zhong ce lü
protectionist policy e) conservative focusing strategy
保 护 伞 (bao hu san) protective 保 守 派 (bao shou pai) conservative
umbrella party
保护生态环境 (bao hu sheng tai huan jing) 保 守 政 策 (bao shou zheng ce)
preserve the ecological environment conservative policy
保 护 性 拘 留 (bao hu xing ju liu) 保 守 政 府 (bao shou zheng fu)
protective custody; protective conservative government
detention 保 守 主 义 (bao shou zhu yi)
保 护 主 义 (bao hu zhu yi) conservatism
protectionism 保税仓库 (bao shui cang ku) bonded
保皇 (bao huang) defend the emperor warehouse
or king; be loyal to conservative 保 税 区 (bao shui qu) tax-protected
forces zone
保 皇 党 (bao huang dang) royalists; 保送 (bao song) admission to school
monarchist party etc. based on recommendation
保皇派 (bao huang pai) royalists 保外帮教 (bao wai bang jiao) help and
保皇主义 (bao huang zhu yi) royalism educate those who remain out of
保皇组织 (bao huang zu zhi) royalist custody on bail
organization 保 卫 部 门 (bao wei bu men) public
保家卫国 (bao jia wei guo) protect security bodies
one’s home and defend one’s motherland 保卫革命委员会 (bao wei ge ming wei yuan
保甲制度 (bao jia zhi du) Bao-jia hui) Committee on the Defense of the
system (former administrative system Revolution
organized on the basis of households, 保卫工作 (bao wei gong zuo) security
with each jia make up of 10 work
households and each bao of 10 保卫国家主权和领土完整 (bao wei guo jia
jias , and all the baos and jias zhu quan he ling tu wan zheng)
responsible for publicsecurity, safeguard state sovereignty and
tax-collection and control of the territorial integrity
people within their jurisdiction) 保卫科 (bao wei ke) security section
保驾护航 (bao jia hu hang) escort 保障供给 (bao zhang gong ji) ensure
保路运动 (bao lu yun dong) Movement supply
to Protect Railway Projects 保障人民言论自由 (bao zhang ren min yan
保 密纪 律 (bao mi ji l ü) rules for lun zi you) guarantee freedom of
guarding secrets speech for the people
保 密 局 (bao mi ju) (US) National 保证重点支出 (bao zheng zhong dian zhi
Security Agency; (KMT government) chu) ensure funding for priority

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projects 悲观主义 (bei guan zhu yi) pessimism
保职停薪 (bao zhi ting xin) retain 北大荒 (bei da huang) Great Northern
the job but suspend the salary Wilderness (in northeast China)
保质 (bao zhi) guarantee quality 北 戴 河 会 议 (bei dai he hui yi)
堡 垒 战 (bao lei zhan) blockhouse Beidaihe Conferences
warfare 北 伐 军 (bei fa jun) Northern
报 复 性 关 税 (bao fu xing guan shui) Expeditionary Army (1926~1927)
retaliatory duty 北伐战争 (bei fa zhan zheng) Northern
报告会 (bao gao hui) public lecture Expedition (1926~1927)
报告上级 (bao gao shang ji) report to 北京国际战略问题协会 (bei jing guo ji
the higher authorities zhan lüe wen ti xie hui) Beijing
报告文学 (bao gao wen xue) reportage Institute for International Strategic
报 国 (bao guo) dedicate oneself to Studies
the service of one’s country 北京社会福利基金会 (bei jing she hui fu
报名参军 (bao ming can jun) sign up to li ji jin hui) Beijing Social Welfare
join the army Foundation
报 请 (bao qing) submit a written 北京申奥 (bei jing shen ao) Bejing
report for (instruction or approval) Olympics Bid
报 效 (bao xiao) render service to 北 京 申 奥 委 (bei jing shen ao wei)
repay kindness Beijing Olympics Games Bid Committee
暴 动 (bao dong) insurrection; 北京市外交人员服务局 (bei jing shi wai
rebellion jiao ren yuan fu wu ju) Beijing
暴 动 政 策 (bao dong zheng ce) the Diplomatic Personnel Service Bureau
policy of insurrection 北 京 条 约 (bei jing tiao yue)
暴君 (bao jun) tyrant; despot Conventions of Peking (between China
暴 力 革 命 (bao li ge ming) violent and Britain, China and France, China
revolution and Russia)
暴力机关 (bao li ji guan) institution 北平谈判 (bei ping tan pan) Beiping
(or organ) of violence Negotiations (in 1949)
暴力没收地主的土地 (bao li mo shou di 北洋军阀 (bei yang jun fa) Northern
zhu de tu di) forcible confiscation Warlords (1912~1927)
of the landlords’ land 备 案 (bei an) register; keep on
暴力统治 (bao li tong zhi) club-law record
暴力镇压的机器 (bao li zhen ya de ji qi) 备 忘 录 (bei wang lu) ① (外
apparatus of violent suppression 交 )memorandum; aide-memories ②
暴露文学 (bao lu wen xue) exposure memorandum book; filofax
literature 备战备荒为人民 (bei zhan bei huang wei
暴 乱 (bao luan) riot; rebellion; ren min) be prepared against war, be
revolt prepared against natural disasters,
暴民 (bao min) rioters; mob and serve the people
暴民统治 (bao min tong zhi) mob-rule 背 靠 背 批 判 (bei kao bei pi pan)
暴行 (bao xing) savage act; outrage; “back-to-back” criticism
atrocity 背信弃义地撕毁合同 (bei xin qi yi de si
暴政 (bao zheng) despotic system hui he tong) perfidious scrapping

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of contracts 本着我们一贯的立场 (ben zhe wo men yi
被 剥 削 阶 级 (bei bo xue jie ji) guan de li chang) in line with our
exploited class consistent stand
被 剥 削 者 (bei bo xue zhe) the 本职工作 (ben zhi gong zuo) one’s own
exploited full time job ; one ’ s own
被 动 挨 打 (bei dong ai da) in the responsibility
passive position of having to receive 本 质 差 别 (ben zhi cha bie) an
blows essential distinction
被 管 制 分 子 (bei guan zhi fen zi) 本 质 方 面 (ben zhi fang mian) an
people under surveillance essential aspect
被侵略者 (bei qin lüe zhe) victim of 本 质 和 现 象 (ben zhi he xian xiang)
aggression the essence and the outward appearance
被 侵 权 人 (bei qin quan ren) the 本质上唯心主义的观点 (ben zhi shang wei
infringed xin zhu yi de guan dian)
被驱逐出境者 (bei qu zhu chu jing zhe) characteristically idealistic view
expellee; deportee 奔小康 (ben xiao kang) strive for a
被任命为(驻……)大使 (bei ren ming wei relatively comfortable life
(zhu...) da shi) be appointed 逼 宫 (bi gong) (of ministers etc.)
ambassador (to...) force the king or emperor to abdicate
被统治者 (bei tong zhi zhe) the ruled 逼供 (bi gong) extort a confession
被选举权 (bei xuan ju quan) right to 逼 供 信 (bi gong xin) force a
be elected confession and give credence to it
被 选 举 人 (bei xuan ju ren) the 逼 上 梁 山 (bi shang liang shan) be
elected driven to join the Liangshan Mountain
被 压 迫 民 族 (bei ya po min zu) rebels; be forced to do sth. desperate
oppressed nation 比 例 代 表 制 (bi li dai biao zhi)
被 压 迫 人 民 (bei ya po ren min) proportional representation
oppressed people 比 例 失 调 (bi li shi tiao)
本 本 主 义 (ben ben zhu yi) book disproportion
worship 比上不足, 比下有余 (bi shang bu zu, bi
本 人 成 分 (ben ren cheng fen) a xia you yu) fall short of the best but
person’s classstatus be better than the worse
本体论 (ben ti lun) ontologism 比 先 进 (bi xian jin) emulate the
本体论唯物主义 (ben ti lun wei wu zhu yi) advanced
ontological materialism 比 学 赶 帮 超 (bi xue gan bang chao)
本 位 主 义 (ben wei zhu yi) emulate, learn from, catch up with,
departmentalism help and in turn surpass each other
本位主义是放大了的个人主义 (ben wei 笔 墨 官 司 (bi mo guan si) written
zhu yi shi fang da le de ge ren zhu yi) polemics; written controversy
departmentalism is magnified 必要的纪律处分 (bi yao de ji lü chu fen)
individualism due disciplinary punishment
本着为人民服务的精神 (ben zhe wei ren 必 要 的 政 策 (bi yao de zheng ce)
min fu wu de jing shen) motivated by requisite policies
a desire to serve the people 必要价值规律 (bi yao jia zhi gui lü)

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law of necessary value return
必要劳动 (bi yao lao dong) necessary 边际效益 (bian ji xiao yi) marginal
labor benefit
必 要 前 提 (bi yao qian ti) 边疆 (bian jiang) borderland
prerequisite 边 疆 教 育 (bian jiang jiao yu)
必要任务 (bi yao ren wu) essential frontier education
task 边界 (bian jie) boundary; border
毕业生分配制度 (bi ye sheng fen pei zhi 边界标志 (bian jie biao zhi) boundary
du) system for assignment of graduates signs
闭关锁国 (bi guan suo guo) close the 边 界 标 志 物 (bian jie biao zhi wu)
country to the rest of the world; shut boundary marker
one ’ s door to the international 边界冲突 (bian jie chong tu) border
community clash
闭关政策 (bi guan zheng ce) policy of 边界纠纷 (bian jie jiu fen) border
closing the country to international dispute
communication; closed-door policy 边界民族主义 (bian jie min zu zhu yi)
闭关自守 (bi guan zi shou) close the boundary nationalism
country to the outside world; seclude 边界实际控制线 (bian jie shi ji kong zhi
oneself from the outside world xian) line of actual control on the
闭关自守的国家 (bi guan zi shou de guo border
jia) closed country 边界谈判 (bian jie tan pan) boundary
弊政 (bi zheng) bad policies negotiations
避免不必要的牺牲 (bi mian bu bi yao de 边界条约 (bian jie tiao yue) boundary
xi sheng) avoid unnecessary treaty
sacrifices 边 界 委 员 会 (bian jie wei yuan hui)
避 难 权 (bi nan quan) the right of boundary commission
asylum 边界问题 (bian jie wen ti) boundary
避税 (bi shui) tax avoidance issue
避嫌 (bi xian) avoid doing anything 边 界 现 状 (bian jie xian zhuang)
that may arouse suspicion status quo of the boundary
避重就轻 (bi zhong jiu qing) avoid 边界线 (bian jie xian) boundary line
the important and dwell on the trivial; 边界协定 (bian jie xie ding) boundary
keep silent about major charges while agreement
admitting minor ones 边 界 协 定 书 (bian jie xie ding shu)
边防 (bian fang) frontier (or border) boundary protocol
defence 边界争端 (bian jie zheng duan) border
边防检查条例 (bian fang jian cha tiao li) dispute
regulations on border inspection 边境 (bian jing) frontier; border
边防检查站 (bian fang jian cha zhan) 边境冲突 (bian jing chong tu) border
frontier inspection station clash; border conflict
边防军 (bian fang jun) frontier guard 边境贸易 (bian jing mao yi) frontier
边 防 证 (bian fang zheng) frontier trade; border trade
pass 边境制度协定 (bian jing zhi du xie ding)
边际报酬 (bian ji bao chou) marginal agreement on the regime of the

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frontier (or border) 表率 (biao shuai) model; example
边贸 (bian mao) see “边境贸易” 表 态 (biao tai) make known one ’ s
边塞 (bian sai) frontier fortress position
边事 (bian shi) border affairs 表现好 (biao xian hao) be doing well
边调整边改革 (bian tiao zheng bian gai (in one’s work)
ge) reform (should be) proceeded 表扬为主 (biao yang wei zhu) praise
along with the readjustment is essential
边 缘 科 学 (bian yuan ke xue) 表彰先进集体 (biao zhang xian jin ji ti)
borderline science give commendation to the outstading
边 缘 政 策 (bian yuan zheng ce) units
brinkmanship 濒于灭亡 (bin yu mie wang) be on the
边缘资本主义 (bian yuan zi ben zhu yi) brink of ruin; near extinction
peripheral capitalism 兵变 (bing bian) mutiny
边远贫困地区 (bian yuan pin kun di qu) 兵部 (bing bu) Ministry of War-fare
outlying poverty-stricken areas 兵部尚书 (bing bu shang shu) minister
变旱地为水田 (bian han di wei shui tian) for war-fare
transform dry land into paddy fields 兵 工 厂 (bing gong chang) munitions
变 乱 (bian luan) turmoil; social factory; arsenal; ordnance
upheavals 兵力对比 (bing li dui bi) relative
辩 证 的 统 一 (bian zheng de tong yi) military strength
dialectical unity 兵民是胜利之本 (bing min shi sheng li
辩证法 (bian zheng fa) dialectics zhi ben) The army and the people are
辩 证 观 点 (bian zheng guan dian) the foundation of victory
dialectical point of view 兵 器 工 业 部 (bing qi gong ye bu)
辩证唯物主义 (bian zheng wei wu zhu yi) Ministry of Ordnance Industry
dialectical materialism 兵权 (bing quan) military leadership
辩证唯物主义认识论 (bian zheng wei wu (or power)
zhu yi ren shi lun) dialectical 兵团农场 (bing tuan nong chang) army
materialist theory of knowledge farms
标界 (biao jie) demarcation 兵团战士 (bing tuan zhan shi) member
标 准 产 量 (biao zhun chan liang) of a production and construction corps
standard output 兵衅 (bing xin) war provocation
表决 (biao jue) vote; cast a vote 兵役 (bing yi) military service
表决程序 (biao jue cheng xu) voting 兵 役 处 (bing yi chu) conscription
procedures department
表 决 机 器 (biao jue ji qi) voting 兵役法 (bing yi fa) military service
machine law
表决权 (biao jue quan) right to vote 兵 役 政 策 (bing yi zheng ce)
表决通过 (biao jue tong guo) be voted recruiting policy
through 兵 役 制 (bing yi zhi) system of
表示愤慨 (biao shi fen kai) express military service
one’s indignation 兵源 (bing yuan) human resources for
表示遗憾 (biao shi yi han) express combat troops; manpower resources for
one’s regrets military service

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秉公办理 (bing gong ban li) handle a 不得要领的会晤 (bu de yao ling de hui wu)
matter impartially pointless interview
秉 政 (bing zheng) hold political 不抵抗主义 (bu di kang zhu yi) policy
power of non-resistance
并入国营企业 (bing ru guo ying qi ye) 不 断 革 命 论 (bu duan ge ming lun)
be amalgamated into state enterprises theory of uninterrupted revolution
拨 乱 反 正 (bo luan fan zheng) set 不 发 达 国 家 (bu fa da guo jia)
wrong things to right (economically) undeveloped nations
拨正航向 (bo zheng hang xiang) set 不 法 分 子 (bu fa fen zi) a lawless
right the course (of...) person
波浪式的推进政策 (bo lang shi de tui jin 不法行为 (bu fa xing wei) unlawful
zheng ce) policy of advancing in a practice; illegal act
series of waves 不 法 资 本 家 (bu fa zi ben jia)
剥夺权利 (bo duo quan li) deprive one lawbreaking capitalist
of one’ s rights; take away one ’ s 不分敌我友 (bu fen di wo you) make no
rights distinction between enemies, friends
剥夺政治权利终生 (bo duo zheng zhi quan and ourselves
li zhong sheng) deprive one of one’ 不符合客观实际 (bu fu he ke guan shi ji)
s political rights for life do not tally with the objective
剥 削 关 系 (bo xue guan xi) the reality
relations of exploitation (between 不 干 涉 政 策 (bu gan she zheng ce)
social classes) policy of noninterference
剥削阶级 (bo xue jie ji) exploiting 不搞特殊化 (bu gao te shu hua) seek no
class personal privilege
剥削阶级本能 (bo xue jie ji ben neng) 不 公 平 选 举 (bu gong ping xuan ju)
exploiting class instinct unfair election
补 偿 贸 易 (bu chang mao yi) 不辜负党的培养 (bu gu fu dang de pei
compensatory trade yang) be worthy of the Party’s care
补贴工分 (bu tie gong fen) workpoint 不辜负党的信任 (bu gu fu dang de xin ren)
subsidies live up to the Party’s trust; be worthy
补选 (bu xuan) by-election of the trust of the Party
不 安 定 因 素 (bu an ding yin su) 不顾事实,颠倒是非 (bu gu shi shi, dian
factors leading to social instability dao shi fei) disregard the facts and
不参加投票的选民 (bu can jia tou piao de confound right and wrong
xuan min) nonvoter 不管白猫黑猫,捉住老鼠就是好猫 (bu guan
不 承 认 主 义 (bu cheng ren zhu yi) bai mao hei mao, zhuo zhu lao shu jiu
policy of nonrecognition shi hao mao) no matter whether it is
不纯正的思想 (bu chun zheng de si xiang) white or black, it is a good cat that
impurities in one’s ideology catches mice
不打无把握之仗 (bu da wu ba wo zhi zhang) 不合国情 (bu he guo qing) run counter
fight no battle one is not sure of to China’s national characteristics
winning 不 记 名 投 票 (bu ji ming tou piao)
不打无准备之仗 (bu da wu zhun bei zhi secret ballot
zhang) fight no battle unprepared 不 坚 定 分 子 (bu jian ding fen zi)

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unsteady elements needle or piece of thread from the
不骄不躁 (bu jiao bu zao) free from masses
arrogance and rashness; guard against 不拿原则换人情 (bu na yuan ze huan ren
self-conceit and rashness; not proud qing) refrain from seeking the
or touchy personal favor at the expense of
不 结 盟 运 动 (bu jie meng yun dong) principles
non-aligned movement 不能剥夺的神圣权利 (bu neng bo duo de
不 结 盟 政 策 (bu jie meng zheng ce) shen sheng quan li) the inalienable
non-alignment policy and sacred rights
不 介 入 政 策 (bu jie ru zheng ce) 不 怕 苦 , 不怕 死 (bu pa ku, bu pa si)
policy of non-entanglement fear neither hardship nor death; defy
不可剥夺的自由权利 (bu ke bo duo de zi hardship and death
you quan li) indefeasible right to 不怕牺牲 (bu pa xi sheng) unafraid of
freedom sacrifice; fearless of sacrifice
不可多得的人才 (bu ke duo de de ren cai) 不 平 等 条 约 (bu ping deng tiao yue)
exceptional talent unequal treaty
不可分割的领土 (bu ke fen ge de ling tu) 不平衡增长战略 (bu ping heng zeng zhang
inseparable territory zhan l ü e) unbalanced growth
不可估量的损失 (bu ke gu liang de sun strategy
shi) incalculable loss 不 破 不 立 (bu po bu li) without
不可抗拒的规律 (bu ke kang ju de gui l destruction there is no construction
ü) inexorable law 不切实际的理论 (bu qie shi ji de li lun)
不 可 侵 犯 权 (bu ke qin fan quan) impracticable theory
inviolability 不求进取 (bu qiu jin qu) be unwilling
不可推卸的责任 (bu ke tui xie de ze ren) to move ahead
inescapable responsibility 不屈不挠,前仆后继 (bu qu bu nao, qian
不联产责任制 (bu lian chan ze ren zhi) pu hou ji) indomitably step into the
responsibility system which is not breach as others fell
linked to output 不容侵犯 (bu rong qin fan) brook no
不 良 贷 款 (bu liang dai kuan) violation; inviolable
non-performing loan 不容推卸的义务 (bu rong tui xie de yi wu)
不 良 风 气 (bu liang feng qi) bad unshirkable duty
general tendancy 不使用武力 (bu shi yong wu li) nonuse
不 良 倾 向 (bu liang qing xiang) of force
harmful tendencies 不调和的斗争 (bu tiao he de dou zheng)
不 良 思 想 (bu liang si xiang) irreconcilable (or unrelenting)
unwholesome ideology struggle
不 流 血 的 斗争 方 式 (bu liu xie de dou 不同的阶级思想的烙印 (bu tong de jie ji
zheng fang shi) a form of struggle si xiang de lao yin) bear the
without bloodshed impress of various class ideologies
不买帐 (bu mai zhang) not take it; not 不同社会经济结构和政治结构的国家 (bu
go for it tong she hui jing ji jie gou he zheng
不拿群众一针一线 (bu na qun zhong yi zhi jie gou de guo jia) states with
zhen yi xian) do not take a single differing socio-econo-mic and

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political systems gains, not saddened by personal losses
不同社会制度的国家和平共处 (bu tong 不战则已,战则必胜 (bu zhan ze yi, zhan
she hui zhi du de guo jia he ping gong ze bi sheng) fight no battle unless
chu) peaceful coexistence among we can win it
nations with different social systems 不着边际的长篇大论 (bu zhao bian ji de
不 同 一 性 (bu tong yi xing) chang pian da lun) long-winded
non-identity writing
不同质的矛盾 (bu tong zhi de mao dun) 不正当竞争 (bu zheng dang jing zheng)
qualitatively different contradictions unfair competition
不为名,不为利 (bu wei ming, bu wei li) 不 正 之 风 (bu zheng zhi feng)
seek no fame nor gain; without any unhealthy tendencies
regard for personal fame or gain; 不抓辫子 (bu zhua bian zi) do not pull
think neither of fame nor of personal the pigtail; do not seize on sb.s
gain mistake or shortcoming; do not
不为失败所吓倒 (bu wei shi bai suo xia capitalize on sb.’s vulnerable point
dao) undismayed by failure 不准革命的理论 (bu zhun ge ming de li
不 畏 艰 险 (bu wei jian xian) fear lun) theory of forbidding revolution
neither hardship nor danger 不足法定人数 (bu zu fa ding ren shu)
不畏强暴的精神 (bu wei qiang bao de jing insufficient quorum
shen) the spirit of defying brute 布 尔 什 维 克 (bu er shi wei ke)
force Bolshevik
不 稳 定 策 略 (bu wen ding ce l ü e) 布尔什维克革命 (bu er shi wei ke ge ming)
unstable strategy Bolshevik Revolution
不 稳 定 就 业 (bu wen ding jiu ye) 布 防 (bu fang) deploy troops for
unstable employment defence; garrison a town or fort
不 稳 定 增 长 (bu wen ding zeng zhang) 步步为营且战且退的政策 (bu bu wei ying
unstable growth qie zhan qie tui de zheng ce) make
不问政治 (bu wen zheng zhi) pay no a stand at every step and carry on the
attention to politics fight while beating a retreat
不 惜 一 切 代 价 (bu xi yi qie dai jia) 部 队 党 委 (bu dui dang wei) Party
spare no effort; go all out; do one’ committee of a military unit
s best 部分禁止核试验条约 (bu fen jin zhi he
不 信 任 案 (bu xin ren an) shi yan tiao yue) Partial Nuclear
non-confidence motion Test Ban Treaty
不信任投票 (bu xin ren tou piao) vote 部分主权国家 (bu fen zhu quan guo jia)
of non-confidence half-sovereign (or part sovereign)
不 朽 的 功 勋 (bu xiu de gong xun) state
immortal contribution (or exploit) 部 落 社 会 (bu luo she hui) tribal
不宣而战 (bu xuan er zhan) wage an society
undeclared war 部门 (bu men) department; branch
不要割断历史 (bu yao ge duan li shi) 部 门 分 割 (bu men fen ge) barriers
do not chop up history between departments
不以物喜,不以己悲 (bu yi wu xi, bu yi 部属 (bu shu) ① (下级)subordinate
ji bei) not pleased by external ② ( 部 的 附 属 单 位 ) affiliated to a

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ministry jia ju) state bureaus administered by
部 署 兵 力 (bu shu bing li) deploy ministries or commissions
troops 部长 (bu zhang) minister; head of a
部署计划 (bu shu ji hua) map out the department
plan 部 长 级 会 议 (bu zhang ji hui yi)
部委 (bu wei) (an abbreviation for) conference at the ministerial level
ministries and commissions 部长助理 (bu zhang zhu li) assistant
部委管理的国家局 (bu wei guan li de guo minister

— C —
财贸工会 (cai mao gong hui) financial financial management (responsibility)
and commercial workers’ union at different (local) levels
财权 (cai quan) power over financial 财 政 寡 头 (cai zheng gua tou)
affairs financial oligarch
财 务 包 干 制 (cai wu bao gan zhi) 财政管理控制 (cai zheng guan li kong zhi)
system of fixed quotas for revenues financial administrative control
and expenditures 财 政 机 关 (cai zheng ji guan)
财务信用制度 (cai wu xin yong zhi du) financial institution
financial credit system 财政纪律互查 (cai zheng ji lü hu cha)
财源 (cai yuan) source of revenue mutual check of financial disciplines
财政包干 (cai zheng bao gan) fiscal 财 政 监 督 (cai zheng jian du)
responsibility system financial supervision; Financial
财 政 包 干 制 (cai zheng bao gan zhi) supervision
fiscal contract responsibility system; 财政经济委员会 (cai zheng jing ji wei
contract system in which each unit is yuan hui) Finance and Economy
responsible for its own surplus or Committee
deficit in fiscal matters 财政经济状况 (cai zheng jing ji zhuang
财政补贴 (cai zheng bu tie) financial kuang) financial and economic
subsidy conditions
财 政 部 (cai zheng bu) Ministry of 财 政 局 (cai zheng ju) financial
Finance bureau
财政部门 (cai zheng bu men) financial 财 政 困 难 (cai zheng kun nan)
department financial difficulty
财 政 部 长 (cai zheng bu zhang) 财政年度 (cai zheng nian du) fiscal
Minister of Finance year
财政赤字 (cai zheng chi zi) financial 财 政 审 计 (cai zheng shen ji)
deficits financial audit
财政独立 (cai zheng du li) financial 财政收入 (cai zheng shou ru) revenue
autonomy; independent finances 财政收支包干 (cai zheng shou zhi bao gan)
财 政 放 权 (cai zheng fang quan) contract system on revenue and
decentralization of fiscal powers (or expenditure
authority) 财政收支平衡 (cai zheng shou zhi ping
财政分级管理 (cai zheng fen ji guan li) heng) fiscal balance

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财 政 税 收 (cai zheng shui shou) deliberation ② adviser; counsellor
revenue tax; fiscal levy 参 与 感 (can yu gan) sense of
财 政 司 (cai zheng si) Financial participation; desire to participate
Secretary (HK before 1 July 1997) 参与国际分工 (can yu guo ji fen gong)
财政厅 (cai zheng ting) department of participate in the international
finance division of labor
财政危机 (cai zheng wei ji) financial 参与意识 (can yu yi shi) desire to
crisis participate; sense of participation
财政、信贷双紧方针 (cai zheng、 xin dai 参赞 (can zan) counsellor
shuang jin fang zhen) policy of 参赞处 (can zan chu) counsellor’s
tightening control over both office
expenditure and credit 参 赞 职 位 (can zan zhi wei)
财政责任 (cai zheng ze ren) fiscal counsellorship
accountability 参战 (can zhan) enter a war; go to war
财 政 政 策 (cai zheng zheng ce) 参 战 国 (can zhan guo) belligerent
financial policy state(s)
财 政 支 出 (cai zheng zhi chu) 参 政 (can zheng) participate in
financial expenditure political activities; join a
财政资本 (cai zheng zi ben) financial political organization
capital 参 政 党 (can zheng dang)
裁减军备 (cai jian jun bei) reduction participating parties (i.e. parties
of armaments participating in
裁 减 冗 员 (cai jian rong yuan) cut government and state affairs
down on overstaffing; lay off alongside the ruling party)
redundant staff 参 政 议 政 (can zheng yi zheng)
裁军 (cai jun) disarmament participate in the deliberation and
裁军会议 (cai jun hui yi) disarmament administration of state affairs
conference 残 疾 人 特 奥 会 (can ji ren te ao hui)
裁 军 谈 判 (cai jun tan pan) the Special Olympic Game for the
disarmament negotiations Disabled
裁 判 司 法 庭 (cai pan si fa ting) 残酷的流血斗争 (can ku de liu xue dou
Magistrate’s Court (HK) zheng) bitter and bloody struggle
采取高姿态 (cai qu gao zi tai) show a 残酷斗争,无情打击 (can ku dou zheng, wu
high-profile; exercise forbearance; qing da ji) ruthless struggles and
be tolerant merciless blows
菜 篮 子 工 程 (cai lan zi gong cheng) 残 联 (can lian) the Association of
shopping basket project Disabled People
参观团 (can guan tuan) visiting group 蚕食政策 (can shi zheng ce) policy of
参谋部 (can mou bu) general staff piecemeal encroachment; nibbling
参谋长 (can mou zhang) chief of staff policy
参事 (can shi) counsellor; adviser 灿烂的思想政治之花 (can lan de si xiang
参 事 室 (can shi shi) office of zheng zhi zhi hua) the magnificent
consultants ideological and political flowers
参 议 (can yi) ① take part in the 操办 (cao ban) make arrangements

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操纵股票市场 (cao zong gu piao shi chang) a fraud
manipulate the stock market 拆穿西洋镜 (chai chuan xi yang jing)
操纵者 (cao zong zhe) controller strip off the camouflage; expose sb.’
草案 (cao an) draft s tricks
册立皇后 (ce li huang hou) appoint sb. 拆台 (chai tai) let someone down; cut
as the empress the ground from under someone’s feet
策 反 (ce fan) instigate or incite 产 、 供 、 销 (chan 、 gong 、 xiao)
defections (within the rival camp) production, the procurement of the
策划反革命阴谋 (ce hua fan ge ming yin means of production and marketing;
mou) hatch a counter revolutionary production, procuring its materials,
plot sales business
策略家 (ce lüe jia) tactician 产权关系 (chan quan guan xi) property
策略路线 (ce lüe lu xian) tactical relations
line 产权明晰、权责明确、政企分开、科学管理
策士谋臣 (ce shi mou chen) counsellor (chan quan ming xi、 quan ze ming que、
and strategist zheng qi fen kai 、 ke xue guan li)
策源地 (ce yuan di) source; place of clearly established ownership, well
origin defined power and responsibility,
差 额 拨 款 (cha e bo kuan) balance separation of enterprises from the
allocation government, and scientific management
差 额 投 票 (cha e tou piao) 产权制度 (chan quan zhi du) property
differential voting institution
差额选举 (cha e xuan ju) the kind of 产 销 见 面 (chan xiao jian mian)
election where there are more establish direct links between the
candidates than positions to be filled producer and the seller
插队 (cha dui) go to live and work in 产销两旺 (chan xiao liang wang) both
a production team of a rural commune production and marketing thrive
(in the 60’s and 70’s); jump the queue 产 销 平 衡 (chan xiao ping heng)
插 队 落 户 (cha dui luo hu) go and equilibrium between production and
settle in the countryside marketing (in the production process)
插队知青 (cha dui zhi qing) school 产销直接挂钩 (chan xiao zhi jie gua gou)
graduate living and working as a directly link production with
member of a rural production team marketing
插手太多 (cha shou tai duo) meddle 产需平衡 (chan xu ping heng) balance
too much between production and demand
查办 (cha ban) investigate and deal 产 业 不 景 气 (chan ye bu jing qi)
with accordingly industrial depression
查抄 (cha chao) check and confiscate 产业布局 (chan ye bu ju) geographical
查封黄色书刊 (cha feng huang se shu kan) distribution of industrial
seal up the pornographic literature development
查禁赌博 (cha jin du bo) ban gambling 产 业 工 会 (chan ye gong hui)
查究责任 (cha jiu ze ren) find out who industrial workers union
should be held responsible 产业结构重组 (chan ye jie gou chong zu)
拆穿骗局 (chai chuan pian ju) expose reorganization of an industrial

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structure 常 备 不 懈 (chang bei bu xie)
产业结构改革 (chan ye jie gou gai ge) unflagging preparedness
industrial restructuring 常 规 裁 军 (chang gui cai jun)
产业结构升级 (chan ye jie gou sheng ji) conventional disarmament
upgrading of an industrial structure 常 规 军 备 (chang gui jun bei)
产 业 政 策 (chan ye zheng ce) conventional arms
industrial policy 常 规 武 器 (chang gui wu qi)
产业资本 (chan ye zi ben) industrial conventional weapons
capital 常 规 战 争 (chang gui zhan zheng)
长期磋商 (chang qi cuo shang) long conventional warfare using
negotiations conventional weapons
长期的曲折的斗争 (chang qi de qu zhe de 常任理事 (chang ren li shi) standing
dou zheng) protracted, tortuous member of a council
struggle 常 任 制 (chang ren zhi) permanent
长 期 共 存 (chang qi gong cun) tenure of office
long-term coexistence 常设 (chang she) established for the
长期共存,互相监督 (chang qi gong cun, long-term; permanent
hu xiang jian du) long-term 常设国际法庭 (chang she guo ji fa ting)
coexistence and mutual supervision permanent international tribunal
长期国策 (chang qi guo ce) long-term 常设机构 (chang she ji gou) standing
national policy body; permanent organization
长 期 抗 战 (chang qi kang zhan) 常 设 理 事 会 (chang she li shi hui)
protracted war of resi permanent council
stance against Japanese aggression 常设仲裁委员会 (chang she zhong cai wei
(1937~1945) yuan hui) permanent court of
长 期 稳 定 (chang qi wen ding) arbitration
prolonged stability 常设组织 (chang she zu zhi) permanent
长期战争 (chang qi zhan zheng) long organization
war; long drawn-out war 常委 (chang wei) standing committee
长 期 政 策 (chang qi zheng ce) member
permanent (or long-range) policy 常 委 会 (chang wei hui) standing
长时间的会谈 (chang shi jian de hui tan) committee
long (or drawn-out) talk 常委会议 (chang wei hui yi) meeting
长远的和全局的利益 (chang yuan de he of the members of a standing committee
quan ju de li yi) long-range and 常委扩大会议 (chang wei kuo da hui yi)
general interests enlarged meeting of the members of a
长征干部 (chang zheng gan bu) Long standing committee
March cadres 常务董事 (chang wu dong shi) managing
长征号运载火箭 (chang zheng hao yun zai director; executive director
huo jian) Long March launch vehicle 常务理事 (chang wu li shi) executive
长治久安 (chang zhi jiu an) permenant member of the council
order and stability 常务书记 (chang wu shu ji) permanent
长 足 进 展 (chang zu jin zhan) make secretary
great progress 常务委员 (chang wu wei yuan) member

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of the standing committee proposal
常 务 委 员 会 (chang wu wei yuan hui) 唱对台戏 (chang dui tai xi) put on a
standing committee rival show
常务委员会候补委员 (chang wu wei yuan 唱 高 调 (chang gao diao) mouth
hui hou bu wei yuan) alternate member high-sounding words
of a standing committee 唱名表决 (chang ming biao jue) roll
常务委员会委员 (chang wu wei yuan hui call vote; vote by roll call
wei yuan) member of the standing 唱票 (chang piao) call out the names
committee of those voted for while counting
常务执行主席 (chang wu zhi xing zhu xi) ballot-slips
permanent chairman 钞票挂帅 (chao piao gua shuai) money
常驻大使 (chang zhu da shi) resident in command
ambassador 超产奖励 (chao chan jiang li) extra
常 驻 代 表 (chang zhu dai biao) payment for overfulfilment of work
permanent representative quotas
常驻代表机构 (chang zhu dai biao ji gou) 超额奖金 (chao e jiang jin) bonuses
resident representative office for topping quotas
常驻记者 (chang zhu ji zhe) resident 超纲要 (chao gang yao) surpass target
correspondent required in the program
常驻联合国代表 (chang zhu lian he guo 超 功 利 主 义 (chao gong li zhu yi)
dai biao) permanent representative transcendental utilitarianism
to the 超 购 加 价 (chao gou jia jia) price
United Nations increase for purchases of commodities
常驻使节 (chang zhu shi jie) resident surplus to the quota
envoy 超级大国 (chao ji da guo) superpower
厂社挂钩 (chang she gua gou) link up 超计划利润奖 (chao ji hua li run jiang)
factories with communes bonuses for overfulfilling the profit
厂校挂钩 (chang xiao gua gou) link up norm
factories with schools; form certain 超 计 划 生 育 (chao ji hua sheng yu)
cooperative linkages between have more children than what the plan
factories and schools allows; give unplanned births
厂 长 负 责 制 (chang zhang fu ze zhi) 超阶级的国家 (chao jie ji de guo jia)
factory director responsibility state transcending class
system 超阶级的平等 (chao jie ji de ping deng)
厂长任期目标责任制 (chang zhang ren qi equality transcending class
mu biao ze ren zhi) system under 超阶级的人性 (chao jie ji de ren xing)
which the factory director is held human nature transcending class
responsible for attaining given goals 超 经 济 剥 削 (chao jing ji bo xue)
during his term of office super economic exploitation
敞开思想 (chang kai si xiang) open up 超 经 济 强 制 (chao jing ji qiang zhi)
one’s thoughts supra-economic coercion
畅 通 工 程 (chang tong gong cheng) 超 龄 团 员 (chao ling tuan yuan)
smooth traffic project overage league member
倡 议 书 (chang yi shu) written 超期服役 (chao qi fu yi) stay in the

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army beyond one’s term of service; once and for all
extended enlistment 彻底消灭 (che di xiao mie) destroy
超 前 精 神 (chao qian jing shen) thoroughly; totally wipe out
surpassing spirit 彻头彻尾的反动势力 (che tou che wei de
超 前 消 费 (chao qian xiao fei) fan dong shi li) out and out
pre-mature consumption; overconsume; reactionary force
excessive consumption 撤并 (che bing) cancel and merge
超 生 游 击 队 (chao sheng you ji dui) 撤回提案 (che hui ti an) withdraw a
people who give more births than birth proposal
quota allows and who wander about to 撤销处分 (che xiao chu fen) rescind
escape punishment (or annul) a penalty
超英赶美 (chao ying gan mei) surpass 撤销法令 (che xiao fa ling) repeal a
Britain and catch up with the United decree
States 撤销决议 (che xiao jue yi) annul a
超越职权 (chao yue zhi quan) overstep decision
one’s authority; exceed one’s powers 撤 销 命 令 (che xiao ming ling)
超 支 户 (chao zhi hu) households countermand an order
living perpetually in debts 撤 销 宵 禁 令 (che xiao xiao jin ling)
朝 鲜 战 争 (chao xian zhan zheng) lift the curfew
Korean War (1950—1953) 撤销原案 (che xiao yuan an) rescind
朝野 (chao ye) ① the court and the the original case
commonalty ② the government and the 撤销职务 (che xiao zhi wu) dismiss a
public person from his post
朝 政 (chao zheng) the political 撤职查办 (che zhi cha ban) discharge
situation and affairs of an imperial sb. from his post and prosecute him
government 撤职处分 (che zhi chu fen) punishment
扯皮 (che pi) wrangle by dismissal
扯后腿 (che hou tui) pull the hind 撤 职 留 用 (che zhi liu yong) be
legs dismissed from position temporarily
彻底打击 (che di da ji) attack sth. at 陈词滥调 (chen ci lan diao) worn-out
its very roots; strike thoroughly lingoes; cliché
彻底的革命者 (che di de ge ming zhe) 陈旧理论 (chen jiu li lun) crusted
thoroughgoing revolutionary theory
彻 底 的 胜 利 (che di de sheng li) 成 本 效 益 (cheng ben xiao yi)
complete victory; total victory cost-effectiveness
彻底的唯物主义者 (che di de wei wu zhu 成本效益分析 (cheng ben xiao yi fen xi)
yi zhe) thoroughgoing materialist cost-efficiency analysis
彻底腐化,病入膏肓 (che di fu hua, bing 成份 (cheng fen) one’s class status;
ru gao huang) rotten to the core, one’s profession or economic status
with no hope of recovery 成 份 不 纯 (cheng fen bu chun)
彻底革命精神 (che di ge ming jing shen) impurities in class composition
the spirit of thoroughgoing 成份好 (cheng fen hao) be of a good
revolution class status
彻底推翻 (che di tui fan) overthrow 成人教育办公室 (cheng ren jiao yu ban

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gong shi) adult education office 城市经济体制 (cheng shi jing ji ti zhi)
成事在天,谋事在人 (cheng shi zai tian, urban economic structure
mou shi zai ren) the planning lies 城市居民最低生活保障制度 (cheng shi ju
with man, the outcome with Heaven; Man min zui di sheng huo bao zhang zhi du)
proposes, God disposes system to guarantee the lowest
成套引进 (cheng tao yin jin) package subsistence for urban residents
import 城 市 民 防 (cheng shi min fang)
成员国 (cheng yuan guo) member state municipal civil defence
成 组 技 术 (cheng zu ji shu) group 城市人民公社 (cheng shi ren min gong she)
technology urban people’s commune
诚 挚 的 会 谈 (cheng zhi de hui tan) 城市小资产阶级 (cheng shi xiao zi chan
sincere talk jie ji) the urban petty bourgeoisie
诚挚友好的气氛 (cheng zhi you hao de qi 城市政策 (cheng shi zheng ce) urban
fen) atmosphere of cordiality and policy
friendship 城 乡 差 别 (cheng xiang cha bie)
承包 (cheng bao) contract (with) difference between the cities and the
承包标准收入 (cheng bao biao zhun shou country side
ru) contracted standard income 城 乡 分 割 (cheng xiang fen ge)
承包地 (cheng bao di) contracted land urban-rural split
承包合同 (cheng bao he tong) contract 城 乡 兼 顾 (cheng xiang jian gu)
承 包 经 营 (cheng bao jing ying) attention to both city and the
contractual operation countryside
承包经营权 (cheng bao jing ying quan) 城乡建设环境保护部 (cheng xiang jian
contract for the managerial right she huan jing bao hu bu) Ministry of
承 包 田 (cheng bao tian) land Urban and Rural Construction and
contracted by a farmer for cultivation Environmental Protection
承 包 责 任 制 (cheng bao ze ren zhi) 城乡手工业 (cheng xiang shou gong ye)
system of contracted responsibility handicrafts in the urban and rural
承 包 制 (cheng bao zhi) contracting areas
out system 城乡物资交流 (cheng xiang wu zi jiao liu)
承 销 商 (cheng xiao shang) exchange goods between the city and
underwriter the countryside
城 市 管 理 局 (cheng shi guan li ju) 惩办和宽大相结合 (cheng ban he kuan da
Urban Administrative Bureau xiang jie he) combine punishment with
城市规划 (cheng shi gui hua) city’s leniency
landscaping plan; urban planning 惩办少数,改造多数 (cheng ban shao shu,
城 市 规 划 局 (cheng shi gui hua ju) gai zao duo shu) punish the few and
Urban Planning Bureau reform the majority
城市合作银行 (cheng shi he zuo yin hang) 惩 办 为 辅 (cheng ban wei fu) use
urban cooperative bank punishment as an auxiliary method
城市建设 (cheng shi jian she) urban 惩办主义 (cheng ban zhu yi) doctrine
construction of punishment
城 市 建 设 局 (cheng shi jian she ju) 惩罚价格 (cheng fa jia ge) penalty
Urban Construction Bureau price

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惩前毖后,治病救人 (cheng qian bi hou, 持 币 选 购 (chi bi xuan gou) buy
zhi bing jiu ren) learn from past selectively with cash in hand
mistakes to avoid future ones, and 持不同政见者 (chi bu tong zheng jian zhe)
cure the sickness to save the patient dissident
惩治腐败 (cheng zhi fu bai) punish 持久和平 (chi jiu he ping) lasting
and eliminate corruption peace
吃饱穿暖 (chi bao chuan nuan) have 持久谈判 (chi jiu tan pan) prolonged
ample food and clothing negotiations
吃大锅饭 (chi da guo fan) eat from a 持 久 战 (chi jiu zhan) protracted
big pot warfare
吃大户 (chi da hu) eat free of charge 持续发展 (chi xu fa zhan) sustainable
at the great households development
吃二遍苦,受二茬罪 (chi er bian ku, shou 持续稳定协调发展 (chi xu wen ding xie
er cha zui) suffer once again tiao fa zhan) stable, sustained and
吃饭财政 (chi fan cai zheng) payroll coordinated development
budgeting 持 续 罪 (chi xu zui) continuing
吃 喝 风 (chi he feng) the common offence
practice of feasting 赤膊上阵 (chi bo shang zhen) go into
吃老本 (chi lao ben) eat on one’s battle strippedto the waist; throw
principals; live off one’s past gains away all disguise
or achievements 赤胆忠心 (chi dan zhong xin) utter
吃苦在前,享乐在后 (chi ku zai qian, devotion; wholeheartedness
xiang le zai hou) bear hardships at 赤脚医生 (chi jiao yi sheng) barefoot
first, enjoy comforts at last; be the doctor
first to endure any hardship and the last 赤 裸 裸 (chi luo luo) undisguised;
to enjoy oneself naked; out-and-out
吃 人 政 治 (chi ren zheng zhi) 赤 贫 人 口 (chi pin ren kou) people
man-eating government living in absolute poverty
吃 人 制 度 (chi ren zhi du) 赤卫队 (chi wei dui) the Red Guard
canniba-listic system (1920’s—1930’s)
吃透两头 (chi tou liang tou) have a 赤字无害论 (chi zi wu hai lun) the
thorough grasp of both ends “deficit is harmless” theory
吃香 (chi xiang) be very popular; be 充分调动积极性和创造性 (chong fen diao
in great demand dong ji ji xing he chuang zao xing)
吃小亏占大便宜 (chi xiao kui zhan da give full play to the initiative and
pian yi) take small losses for the creativity
sake of big gains 充分发扬民主 (chong fen fa yang min zhu)
吃忆苦饭 (chi yi ku fan) eat the kind give full play to democracy
of meal the poor people used to eat in 充分利用两个市场,两种资源 (chong fen
the old society li yong liang ge shi chang, liang zhong
持币待购 (chi bi dai gou) wait to buy zi yuan) fully utilize two kinds of
with cash in hand market and resources (both domestic
持币抢购 (chi bi qiang gou) rush to and international)
buy with cash in hand 重叠的行政机构 (chong die de xing zheng

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ji gou) over lapping administrative 出 访 (chu fang) visit a foreign
organization country
重 复 建 设 (chong fu jian she) 出 风 头 (chu feng tou) be in the
redundant project limelight; cut a smart figure; attain
重 复 生 产 (chong fu sheng chan) eminence
duplication of production 出境签证 (chu jing qian zheng) exit
重复引进 (chong fu yin jin) redundant visa
introduction of technical facilities 出口创汇能力 (chu kou chuang hui neng li)
重 庆 谈 判 (chong qing tan pan) capacity to earn foreign exchange
Chongqing Negotiations (in 1945) through exports
重 组 (chong zu) reorganize; 出 口 加 工 区 (chu kou jia gong qu)
recompose export processing zone; areas for
崇 高 的 思 想 (chong gao de si xiang) processing export products
exalted ideas 出口军品三原则 (chu kou jun pin san yuan
崇 洋 非 中 (chong yang fei zhong) ze) the three principles of weapon
worship foreign, repudiate Chinese exports
崇洋媚外 (chong yang mei wai) worship 出口卖方信贷 (chu kou mai fang xin dai)
foreign things and fawn on foreigners seller’s credit on exports
or foreign powers 出口退税制度 (chu kou tui shui zhi du)
崇 洋 哲 学 (chong yang zhe xue) the system of refunding taxes on
foreign-worship philosophy exported goods
抽调 (chou diao) transfer personnel 出 口 转 内 销 (chu kou zhuan nei xiao)
抽多补少,抽肥补瘦 (chou duo bu shao, turn products originally designated
chou fei bu shou) take from those who for export to domestic markets
hav 出 笼 (chu long) come out of the
e a surplus and give to those who have steamer; come out into the open
a shortage and take from those who have 出 入 境 签 证 (chu ru jing qian zheng)
better and give to those who have worse exit-entry visa; exit and reentry visa
抽检 (chou jian) spot checking 出入境人员管理 (chu ru jing ren yuan
抽 象 的 人 性 (chou xiang de ren xing) guan li) control of personnel
human nature in the abstract entering and leaving China
抽样调查 (chou yang diao cha) sample 出身 (chu shen) class origin; family
survey background
筹 备 委 员 会 (chou bei wei yuan hui) 出 身 好 (chu shen hao) be of good
preparatory committee family background; be of good class
筹划指导委员会 (chou hua zhi dao wei origin; have a good class background
yuan hui) steering committee 出身论 (chu shen lun) the theory of
筹资 (chou zi) raise capital class origin
筹 资 渠 道 (chou zi qu dao) 出身清白 (chu shen qing bai) with a
fundrai-sing channel clean past
臭架子 (chou jia zi) ugly mantle of 出台 (chu tai) (新政策) unveil (fresh
pretentiousness policy)
臭老九 (chou lao jiu) stinking number 出席会议 (chu xi hui yi) be present at
nine; the derogation of intellectuals (or attend) a meeting

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出 修 正 主 义 (chu xiu zheng zhu yi) 创 业 精 神 (chuang ye jing shen)
give rise to revisionism enterprising spirit; pioneering
初步共产主义思想 (chu bu gong chan zhu spirit
yi si xiang) the rudiments of the 创 业 园 (chuang ye yuan) high-tech
communist ideology business incubator
初级阶段 (chu ji jie duan) primary 吹 风 会 (chui feng hui) (advanced)
phase briefing
初 级 农 业 生 产 合 作 社 (chu ji nong ye 垂直领导 (chui zhi ling dao) direct,
sheng chan he zuo she) elementary vertical supervisory relationship
agricultural producers’ cooperative 垂直贸易 (chui zhi mao yi) vertical
初 级 社 (chu ji she) elementary trade
cooperative 唇齿相依,安危与共 (chun chi xiang yi,
初选 (chu xuan) primary election an wei yu gong) closely related,
除奸反霸 (chu jian fan ba) eliminate like the lips and the teeth; as close
traitors and local despots to each other as lips to teeth
除旧布新 (chu jiu bu xin) eliminate 戳 穿 纸 老 虎 (chuo chuan zhi lao hu)
the old to make way for the new expose sb. (or sth.) as a paper tiger
除名 (chu ming) removal; expunge sb.’ 慈善组织 (ci shan zu zhi) charity (or
s name from a list philanthropic) organization
除 四 害 (chu si hai) eliminate the 次要矛盾 (ci yao mao dun) secondary
four pests (i.e. rats, sparrows, flies contradictions
and mosquitoes) 次 有 限 战 争 (ci you xian zhan zheng)
处 分 (chu fen) take disciplinary sub-limited war
action against; disciplinary action 刺激消费 (ci ji xiao fei) stimulate
处分职工 (chu fen zhi gong) punish consumption
staff and workers 刺激需求 (ci ji xu qiu) peppering-up
处在新觉醒之中 (chu zai xin jue xing zhi of demand
zhong) experience a new awakening 从不平衡达到新的平衡 (cong bu ping heng
处长 (chu zhang) head of a department da dao xin de ping heng) achieve a
(or office); section chief new balance out of the imbalance
穿梭外交 (chuan suo wai jiao) shuttle 从长远的、整体的观点看问题 (cong chang
diplomacy yuan de、 zheng ti de guan dian kan wen
穿新鞋走老路 (chuan xin xie zou lao lu) ti) look at the problem as a whole and
wear new shoes to walk on the old path from a long-term point of view
传帮带 (chuan bang dai) transmit, aid 从根本上打倒 (cong gen ben shang da dao)
and lead overthrow completely
传 统 观 念 (chuan tong guan nian) 从难、从严、从实战出发 (cong nan、 cong
traditional concept yan、 cong shi zhan chu fa) undergo
串 联 (chuan lian) establish ties; intensive and rigid training to meet
exchange experience the needs of actual fighting
创办资本投资 (chuang ban zi ben tou zi) 从 全 局 出 发 (cong quan ju chu fa)
initial capital investment proceed from the situation taken as a
创 汇 (chuang hui) earn foreign whole
exchange 从群众中集中起来,又到群众中坚持下去

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(cong qun zhong zhong ji zhong qi lai, 促成妥协 (cu cheng tuo xie) promote a
you dao qun zhong zhong jian chi xia compromise
qu) take the ideas of the masses and 促 进 派 (cu jin pai) promoters of
concentrate them, then go to the progress
masses, persevere in the ideas and 促退派 (cu tui pai) laggards
carry them through 篡党 (cuan dang) usurp the leadership
从群众中来,到群众中去 (cong qun zhong of the Party
zhong lai, dao qun zhong zhong qu) 篡党夺权 (cuan dang duo quan) usurp
come from the masses, go among the the Party and grab the power
masses 篡 夺 领 导 权 (cuan duo ling dao quan)
从团结的目标出发 (cong tuan jie de mu usurp leadership
biao chu fa) set out with unity as the 篡 国 (cuan guo) usurp national
objective political power
从团结的愿望出发 (cong tuan jie de yuan 篡 军 (cuan jun) usurp the military
wang chu fa) start with the desire power
for unity; proceed from the desire for 篡权 (cuan quan) usurp powers
unity 篡政 (cuan zheng) usurp the political
从我做起,从现在做起 (cong wo zuo qi, power
cong xian zai zuo qi) begin from 错划右派分子 (cuo hua you pai fen zi)
myself, begin right now unjustifiably labelled “Rightist”
从 严 承 办 (cong yan cheng ban) 错位 (cuo wei) malposition
severely punish 错误 (cuo wu) mistake; error
从严治党 (cong yan zhi dang) maintain 错误见解 (cuo wu jian jie) erroneous
high standards for the party membership opinions
and party organization 错 误 结 论 (cuo wu jie lun) wrong
从 组 织 上 动 员 群 众 (cong zu zhi shang conclusion
dong yuan qun zhong) mobilize the 错误理论 (cuo wu li lun) wrong (or
masses by various organizational erroneous) theory
means 错误路线 (cuo wu lu xian) erroneous
粗 放 经 营 (cu fang jing ying) line
extensive operation 错 误 思 想 (cuo wu si xiang) wrong
粗 放 式 管 理 (cu fang shi guan li) thinking; mistaken idea
extensive management 村 人 民 政 府 (cun ren min zheng fu)
粗放型 (cu fang xing) extensive form village people’s government
促成全球经济一体化 (cu cheng quan qiu 村(民)委(员)会 (cun [min] wei [yuan]
jing ji yi ti hua) foster hui) villagers’ committee
integration with the global economy 村长 (cun zhang) village head

— D —
达标活动 (da biao huo dong) target 达成妥协 (da cheng tuo xie) reach a
hitting activities compromise
达成谅解 (da cheng liang jie) reach 达成协议 (da cheng xie yi) reach an
an understanding agreement

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打成“反革命” (da cheng “fan ge ming”) 打破铁饭碗 (da po tie fan wan) smash
stigmatize (or label) sb. as an (or distroy) the iron rice bowl (i.e.,
“counter-revolutionary” life long employment)
打大仗,打恶仗 (da da zhang, da e zhang) 打上阶级的烙印 (da shang jie ji de lao
fight big battles and fierce battles yin) be stamped with the brand of a
打倒奴隶思想,埋葬教条主义 (da dao nu li class
si xiang, mai zang jiao tiao zhu yi) 打(击走)私 (da [ji zou] si) combat
down with the slave mentality, and smuggling
bury dogmatism 打死老虎 (da si lao hu) beat a dead
打 翻 身 仗 (da fan shen zhang) turn tiger
over the situation in a battle 打碎旧的国家机器 (da sui jiu de guo jia
打 非 (da fei) combat illegal ji qi) smash (or destroy) the old
publications state machinery
打 官 腔 (da guan qiang) speak in a 打土豪 (da tu hao) expropriate the
bureaucratic tone; stall with local tyrants; overthrow the
official jargon landlords
打棍子 (da gun zi) bludgeon 打 硬 仗 (da ying zhng) fight a
打黑 (da hei) crack down evil forces; hard-fought battle
combat mafia 打 砸 抢 (da za qiang) beating,
打 击 报 复 (da ji bao fu) conduct smashing and looting
reprisals; retaliate 打 砸 抢 分 子 (da za qiang fen zi)
打击非法投机活动 (da ji fei fa tou ji persons who commit beating, smashing
huo dong) strike out at speculation; and looting
crack down on speculation 打 招 呼 (da zhao hu) give some
打击经济犯罪 (da ji jing ji fan zui) previous notice
crack down on economic crimes; punish 打着斗争的幌子,干着包庇的勾当 (da zhe
economic crimes dou zheng de huang zi, gan zhe bao bi
打 击 面 (da ji mian) the scope of de gou dang) use the struggle as a
attacks screen to shield sb.
打击一大片,保护一小撮 (da ji yi da pian, 打着红旗反红旗 (da zhe hong qi fan hong
bao hu yi xiao cuo) hit hard at many qi) go against the spirit of red
to protect a handful flag while holding the red flag
打 假 (da jia) crack down on the 大案要案 (da an yao an) major legal
counterfeit goods (or criminal) cases
打老虎 (da lao hu) hunt tigers 大办钢铁运动 (da ban gang tie yun dong)
打 派 仗 (da pai zhang) fight the the mass movement to make iron and
factional war(s) steel
打 破 僵 局 (da po jiang ju) break a 大办粮食 (da ban liang shi) go in for
deadlock grain production in a big way
打破“三铁” (da po “san tie”) break 大 办 民 兵 师 (da ban min bing shi)
the Three Irons (i.e. iron armchairs organize contingents of the militia on
[life-time posts], iron rice bowl a large scale
[ life-time employment ] and iron 大办农业 (da ban nong ye) go in for
wages [guaranteed pay]) agriculture in a big way

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“大棒加胡萝卜”政策 (“da bang jia hu reorganization
luo bo” zheng ce) “club and carrot” 大毒草 (da du cao) big poisonous weed;
policy extremly harmful speech or writing
大棒政策 (da bang zheng ce) big stick 大多数人对少数人的专政 (da duo shu ren
policy dui shao shu ren de zhuan zheng)
大包大揽 (da bao da lan) take on in a dictatorship of the majority over the
big way minority
大包大统 (da bao da tong) consolidate 大而全 (da er quan) big and complete
[in a big way] and manage 大翻身 (da fan shen) completely throw
大 包 干 (da bao gan) all-round off the oppressor
contract system 大 反 攻 (da fan gong) general
大比武 (da bi wu) great contest of counter-offensive
strength 大 方 向 (da fang xiang) general
大辩论 (da bian lun) big debate direction
大 兵 团 作 战 (da bing tuan zuo zhan) 大方针 (da fang zhen) broad policy
large formation warfare 大幅度削减核武器 (da fu du xue jian he
大 病 统 筹 (da bing tong chou) wu qi) drastically reduce nuclear
comprehensive arrangement for serious arms
disease 大干快上 (da gan kuai shang) go all
大吃大喝 (da chi da he) belly-worship out, advance quickly
大处着眼,小处着手 (da chu zhao yan, 大搞分裂 (da gao fen lie) go all out
xiao chu zhao shou) never lose sight to create dissensions
of the general goal, but begin by 大搞技术革命 (da gao ji shu ge ming)
tackling practical problems at hand go full steam ahead with the technical
大串连 (da chuan lian) travel across revolution
China for revolutionary liaison during 大搞经济主义 (da gao jing ji zhu yi)
the Cultural Revolution go in for economism on a big scale
大 错 误 (da cuo wu) huge (or big) 大搞群众运动 (da gao qun zhong yun dong)
mistake launch vigorous mass movements
大胆干预生活,严肃探讨人生 (da dan gan 大搞人人过关 (da gao ren ren guo guan)
yu sheng huo, yan su tan tao ren sheng) make everyone go through an ordeal on
be bravely involved in life and a large scale
seriously probe into it 大 工 业 (da gong ye) large-scale
大 胆 探 索 (da dan tan suo) explore industry; big industry
boldly 大 刮 单 干 风 (da gua dan gan feng)
大党 (da dang) big party actively encourage individual farming
大党主义 (da dang zhu yi) great-party 大规模毁灭性武器 (da gui mo hui mie xing
chauvinism wu qi) weapons of mass destruction
“大东亚共荣圈” (“da dong ya gong rong 大 规 模 经 济 (da gui mo jing ji)
quan”) “Great East Asia Co-prosperity eco-nomy of large scale
Sphere” 大 锅 饭 (da guo fan) big cauldron
大动荡,大分化,大改组 (da dong dang, da canteen food
fen hua, da gai zu) great upheaval, 大 锅 清 水 汤 (da guo qing shui tang)
great division and great watery soup out of a common bowl

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大国沙文主义 (da guo sha wen zhu yi) 大 批 促 大 干 (da pi cu da gan) mass
great-power chauvinism criticisms prod great work
大国特权地位 (da guo te quan di wei) 大批判 (da pi pan) mass criticism
big-power privileged status 大批判开路 (da pi pan kai lu) begin
大 国 主 义 (da guo zhu yi) with a mass criticism
great-powerism 大批判专栏 (da pi pan zhuan lan) mass
大过渡理论 (da guo du li lun) theory criticism column
of great transition 大破大立 (da po da li) break and set
大海航行靠舵手 (da hai hang xing kao duo up in a big way
shou) sailing the seas depends on the 大破私字,大立公字 (da po si zi, da li
helmsman gong zi) firmly eliminate egoism
大 汉 族 主 义 (da han zu zhu yi) Han and foster devotion to the public
chauvinism interest; eliminate self-interest
大好的革命形势 (da hao de ge ming xing completely and put the public interest
shi) excellent revolutionary above everything else
situation 大破资产阶级思想,大立无产阶级思想 (da
大轰动 (da hong dong) blockbuster po zi chan jie ji si xiang, da li
大红伞 (da hong san) big red umbrella wu chan jie ji si xiang) destroy
大 环 境 (da huan jing) the social, bourgeois ideology and foster
political and economic environment; proletarian ideology on a grand scale;
the overall situation vigorously eradicate bourgeois
大会堂 (da hui tang) assembly hall ideology and foster proletarian
大会战 (da hui zhan) big battle ideology
大集体 (da ji ti) big collective 大 起 大 落 (da qi da luo) great
大 集 体 企 业 (da ji ti qi ye) big fluctuations
collectively owned enterprise 大气候、小气候 (da qi hou、 xiao qi hou)
大节 (da jie) political integrity macro climate, micro climate
大经济 (da jing ji) mega-economy 大庆红旗 (da qing hong qi) red banner
大救星 (da jiu xing) the great savior of Daqing (Oilfield)
大军区 (da jun qu) big military area 大庆精神 (da qing jing shen) spirit
command of Daqing (Oilfield)
大款 (da kuan) upstarts 大 区 制 度 (da qu zhi du) system of
大 炼 钢 铁 (da lian gang tie) regional administration
iron-smelting and steel production in 大 权 (da quan) power of handling
a big way major issues; state power
大 民 主 (da min zhu) extensive 大人物 (da ren wu) big shot; VIP
democracy 大 撒 把 (da sa ba) totally
大 民 族 主 义 (da min zu zhu yi) laissez-faire
dominant-nation (or big-nationality) 大上大下 (da shang da xia) big up and
chauvinism down
大鸣大放 (da ming da fang) speak out 大 少 爷 作 风 (da shao ye zuo feng)
freely and air one’s views fully style of life of pampered youngsters
大 农 业 (da nong ye) large-scale 大 生 产 运 动 (da sheng chan yun dong)
farming mass production campaign (or drive)

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大使 (da shi) ambassador administrative areas
大 使 办 公 室 (da shi ban gong shi) 大选 (da xuan) general election
ambassador’s office 大 选 区 (da xuan qu) major
大使馆 (da shi guan) embassy constituency
大使国书 (da shi guo shu) letter of 大 学 党 委 (da xue dang wei) Party
credence for an ambassador committee of a university (or college)
大 使 级 会 谈 (da shi ji hui tan) 大学团委 (da xue tuan wei) university
ambassadorial talk youth league committee
大使任期 (da shi ren qi) The term of “大、洋、全” (“da、 yang、 quan”) “big,
ambassadorship foreign and all-inclusive”
大 使 衔 (da shi xian) ambassadorial 大员 (da yuan) high-ranking official
rank 大 跃 进 运 动 (da yue jin yun dong)
大使召回国书 (da shi zhao hui guo shu) Great Leap Forward Movement
letter of recall for an ambassador 大政方针 (da zheng fang zhen) major
大 使 职 务 (da shi zhi wu) policies
ambassadorship 大治之年 (da zhi zhi nian) year of
大 使 住 宅 (da shi zhu zhai) great order
ambassador’s residence 大中华文化圈 (da zhong hua wen hua quan)
大事化小,小事化了 (da shi hua xiao, Greater China cultural circle
xiao shi hua liao) try first to make 大众化 (da zhong hua) popularization
sb.’s mistake sound less serious and 大众文化 (da zhong wen hua) popular
then to reduce it to nothing at all culture
大势所趋、人心所向 (da shi suo qu、 ren 大抓阶级斗争 (da zhua jie ji dou zheng)
xin suo xiang) the general trend of the actively engage in class struggles;
international and internal situation keep a vigorous grip on the class
and the feelings of the people; the struggle
general world trend and the popular 大 字 报 (da zi bao) big-character
feeling poster
大 是 大 非 问 题 (da shi da fei wen ti) 代办 (dai ban) charge d’affaires
major issues of principle 代办处 (dai ban chu) office of the
大踏步前进 (da ta bu qian jin) forge charge d’affaires
ahead; advance by leaps and bounds 代办领事 (dai ban ling shi) consular
大同 (da tong) Great Harmony agent
大屠杀 (da tu sha) holocaust; mass 代表 (dai biao) delegate
slaughter 代表会议 (dai biao hui yi) congress
大团结 (da tuan jie) great solidarity 代 表 机 关 (dai biao ji guan)
大腕 (da wan) upstarts representative agency
大无畏 (da wu wei) utterly fearless 代 表 权 (dai biao quan)
大 无 畏 的 英雄 气 概 (da wu wei de ying representation
xiong qi gai) dauntless heroism 代表团 (dai biao tuan) delegation
大无畏的战斗精神 (da wu wei de zhan dou 代表团成员 (dai biao tuan cheng yuan)
jing shen) dauntless militancy; member of a delegation
fearless militant spirit 代 表 团 副 团 长 (dai biao tuan fu tuan
大行政区 (da xing zheng qu) greater zhang) deputy head (or leader) of a

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delegation 带有时代的特点 (dai you shi dai de te
代 表 团 顾 问 (dai biao tuan gu wen) dian) bear the imprint of the time
delegation adviser 带着问题学 (dai zhe wen ti xue) have
代表团团长 (dai biao tuan tuan zhang) specific problems in mind when
head (or leader) of a delegation studying Mao’s works
代表团专家 (dai biao tuan zhuan jia) 待 决 问 题 (dai jue wen ti) pending
expert attached to a delegation issue (or problem)
代 表 资 格 (dai biao zi ge) 待 业 青 年 (dai ye qing nian)
qualifications of a representative job-waiting youth
代表资格审查委员会 (dai biao zi ge shen 戴 帽 子 (dai mao zi) stick on
cha wei yuan hui) credentials ideological or political labels
committee 担任公职 (dan ren gong zhi) hold a
代 理 领 事 (dai li ling shi) acting public office
consul; pro-consul 单 边 主 义 (dan bian zhu yi)
代理市长 (dai li shi zhang) acting unilateralism
mayor 单纯的军事冒险 (dan chun de jun shi mao
代理投票 (dai li tou piao) vote by xian) pure military adventurism
proxy 单纯军事观点 (dan chun jun shi guan dian)
代 理 主 席 (dai li zhu xi) acting purely military viewpoint
chairman 单纯军事主义 (dan chun jun shi zhu yi)
代区长 (dai qu zhang) acting head of purely military approach
a district 单纯任务观点 (dan chun ren wu guan dian)
代 省 长 (dai sheng zhang) acting single-minded professional mentality
governor of a province 单 独 冒 进 (dan du mao jin) make an
代 乡 长 (dai xiang zhang) acting isolated and rash advance
administrative chief of a township 单方面撕毁协定 (dan fang mian si hui xie
代 言 人 (dai yan ren) spokesman; ding) unilaterally tear up an
mouthpiece agreement
代 议 机 构 (dai yi ji gou) 单干风 (dan gan feng) the trend of
representative institution working on one’s own
代 议 制 (dai yi zhi) representative 单干户 (dan gan hu) peasants working
system on their own
代总理 (dai zong li) acting premier 单个驱逐 (dan ge qu zhu) individual
带动全盘运动 (dai dong quan pan yun dong) expulsion
promote the movement as a whole 单极霸权 (dan ji ba quan) mono-polar
带根本性的大事 (dai gen ben xing de da hegemony
shi) major matter of fundamental 单极世界 (dan ji shi jie) mono-polar
importance world
带阶级性的人性 (dai jie ji xing de ren 单极世界结构 (dan ji shi jie jie gou)
xing) human nature bearing a class mono-polar world structure
character 单位 (dan wei) work unit
带游击性的运动战 (dai you ji xing de yun 单一经济 (dan yi jing ji) one sided
dong zhan) mobile warfare of a economy; single product economy
guerrilla character 单一所有制结构 (dan yi suo you zhi jie

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gou) single form of ownership 党 代 表 大 会 (dang dai biao da hui)
弹药工业 (dan yao gong ye) ammunition Party congress
industry 党 代 表 制 (dang dai biao zhi) the
当兵 (dang bing) be a soldier; serve system of Party representatives
in the armed forces 党代会 (dang dai hui) see “党代表
当代中国知识分子的心声 (dang dai zhong 大会”
guo zhi shi fen zi de xin sheng) the 党 的 缔 造 者 (dang de di zao zhe)
heartfelt wishes and aspirations of founder of the Party
contemporary Chinese intellectuals 党的方针 (dang de fang zhen) Party’
当官作老爷 (dang guan zuo lao ye) act s principle (or policy)
as overlords 党的干部 (dang de gan bu) cadre of the
当家作主 (dang jia zuo zhu) be the Party
master of one’s own affairs (or fate); 党的高级领导机关 (dang de gao ji ling
be the master in one’s own house dao ji guan) the leading body of the
当今世界的两大主题 (dang jin shi jie Party
liang da zhu ti) two themes of 党的各级领导机关 (dang de ge ji ling dao
today ’ s world (i.e. peace and ji guan) the leading organs of the
development) Party at all levels
当前斗争 (dang qian dou zheng) the 党的过渡时期总路线 (dang de guo du shi
current struggle qi zong lu xian) Party’s general line
当前利益 (dang qian li yi) immediate for the transition period
interests 党的喉舌 (dang de hou she) the Party’
当前形势 (dang qian xing shi) current s mouthpiece
situation 党 的 会 议 (dang de hui yi) Party
当权 (dang quan) hold (or be in) power meeting
当权阶级 (dang quan jie ji) ruling 党的基本路线 (dang de ji ben lu xian)
class Party’s basic line
当权派 (dang quan pai) the faction in 党的基层组织 (dang de ji ceng zu zhi)
power primary organization of the Party
当 权 政 党 (dang quan zheng dang) 党的基础 (dang de ji chu) foundation
ruling political party of the Party organization
当然的革命事业接班人 (dang ran de ge 党的机构 (dang de ji gou) the Party
ming shi ye jie ban ren) natural body
successor of the revolutionary cause 党的机关 (dang de ji guan) the Party
当 然 委 员 (dang ran wei yuan) organization(s)
ex-officio member of the committee 党的集体领导 (dang de ji ti ling dao)
当选 (dang xuan) be elected the collective leadership of the Party
当 选 总 统 (dang xuan zong tong) 党的集中领导 (dang de ji zhong ling dao)
president-elect centralized leadership by the Party
当 政 (dang zheng) hold political 党的纪律 (dang de ji lü) the Party
power; be in office discipline
党八股 (dang ba gu) stereotyped party 党的建设 (dang de jian she) the Party
writing building
党报 (dang bao) party newspaper 党的教育方针 (dang de jiao yu fang zhen)

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the Party’s educational policy 党费 (dang fei) a political party’s
党 的 决 定 (dang de jue ding) the activities funds
Party’s decision 党风 (dang feng) party style
党的决议 (dang de jue yi) the Party’ 党 纲 (dang gang) pogramme of the
s resolution Party
党的领导核心 (dang de ling dao he xin) 党规 (dang gui) rules and regulations
the core of the Party leadership of a political party (the various
党的领导体制 (dang de ling dao ti zhi) rules and regulations of the Chinese
the Party’s leadership structure Communist Party)
党的路线 (dang de lu xian) the Party’ 党和非党联盟 (dang he fei dang lian meng)
s line alliance of the Party members and
党的全国代表大会 (dang de quan guo dai non-Party people
biao da hui) the National Party 党和国家第一代、第二代、第三代领导人
Congress (dang he guo jia di yi dai、 di er dai、
党的三大作风 (dang de san da zuo feng) di san dai ling dao ren) the first
Party’s three important styles of work generation, second generation and
党的生活 (dang de sheng huo) Party third generation of leaders of the
life Party and the state
党的十一届三中全会 (dang de shi yi jie 党和国家领导体制改革 (dang he guo jia
san zhong quan hui) Third Plenary ling dao ti zhi gai ge) reform of the
Session of Eleventh Central Committee system of the Party and the state
of the Chinese Chommunist Party leadership
(in1978) 党籍 (dang ji) the party membership
党的性质 (dang de xing zhi) nature of 党纪 (dang ji) the party discipline
the Party 党建 (dang jian) party construction
党的宣传工作 (dang de xuan chuan gong (specifically the ideological and
zuo) Party’s propaganda work organizational construction of the
党的一元化领导 (dang de yi yuan hua ling Chinese Communist Party)
dao) centralized Party leadership 党刊 (dang kan) the Party publication
党的原则 (dang de yuan ze) the Party’ 党 课 (dang ke) the Party education
s principle class; the Party class; the Party
党 的 政 策 (dang de zheng ce) the lecture
Party’s policy 党魁 (dang kui) the party chieftain
党的指导思想的理论基础 (dang de zhi dao 党内的思想斗争 (dang nei de si xiang dou
si xiang de li lun ji chu) the zheng) inner-Party ideological
theoretical basis guiding the Party’ struggles
s thinking 党内地位 (dang nei di wei) the Party
党的最高领导机关 (dang de zui gao ling seniority
dao ji guan) supreme leading body of 党 内 关 系 (dang nei guan xi)
the Party inner-Party relations
党的最高权力 (dang de zui gao quan li) “党内和平论” (“dang nei he ping lun”)
the Party’s supreme power the theory of “inner-Party peace”
党的作风 (dang de zuo feng) working 党内纪律处分 (dang nei ji lü chu fen)
style of the Party inner-Party disciplinary measures

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党 内 秘 密 (dang nei mi mi) Party 党派政治 (dang pai zheng zhi) party
secrets politics
党内民主 (dang nei min zhu) democracy 党派主义 (dang pai zhu yi) partyism
within the Party; inner-Party 党旗 (dang qi) the Party flag
democracy 党权 (dang quan) the Party power
党 内 生 活 (dang nei sheng huo) 党 群 关 系 (dang qun guan xi) the
internal life of a party Party-masses relationship
党内生活民主化 (dang nei sheng huo min 党日 (dang ri) days during which a
zhu hua) spread of democracy in the grass-root organization of the Party
Party life holds collective activities or has its
党内生活准则 (dang nei sheng huo zhun ze) members living collectively
standard of the Party life 党史 (dang shi) the Party’s history
党 内 思 想 斗 争 (dang nei si xiang dou 党史研究 (dang shi yan jiu) research
zheng) inner-Party ideological on the Party’s history
struggle(s) 党史资料征集委员会 (dang shi zi liao
党 内 通 知 (dang nei tong zhi) zheng ji wei yuan hui) Commission for
inner-Party circular Collecting the Party ’ s Historical
党内团结 (dang nei tuan jie) unity Data
within the Party 党徒 (dang tu) member of a clique or
党内外矛盾交叉 (dang nei wai mao dun a reactionary political party;
jiao cha) the intertwining of the henchman
contradictions inside and outside the 党团组织关系 (dang tuan zu zhi guan xi)
Party affiliation with the Party or the
党内意见 (dang nei yi jian) opinions Youth League
from within the Party 党外进步分子 (dang wai jin bu fen zi)
党内政治生活准则 (dang nei zheng zhi Progressives outside the Party
sheng huo zhun ze) guiding principles 党外民主人士 (dang wai min zhu ren shi)
for the inner-Party political life non-Party democrats
党内职务 (dang nei zhi wu) the Party 党 外 群 众 (dang wai qun zhong)
post(s) non-Party people
党 内 指 示 (dang nei zhi shi) 党外人士 (dang wai ren shi) person
inner-Party directive outside the Party
党内走资本主义道路的当权派 (dang nei 党外意见 (dang wai yi jian) Opi-nions
zou zi ben zhu yi dao lu de dang quan from non-Party members
pai) see “党内走资派” 党外职务 (dang wai zhi wu) non-Party
党内走资派 (dang nei zou zi pai) the posts
Party persons in power taking the 党委 (dang wei) the Party committee
capitalist road 党 委 办 公 室 (dang wei ban gong shi)
党 派 (dang pai) party groupings; office of a Party committee
political parties and groups 党委办公室主任 (dang wei ban gong shi
党 派 斗 争 (dang pai dou zheng) zhu ren) director of a Party committee
factional struggle office
党派选举 (dang pai xuan ju) partisan 党 委 副 书 记 (dang wei fu shu ji)
election deputy secretary of a Party committee

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党委候补委员 (dang wei hou bu wei yuan) adherent; henchman
alternate member of a Party committee 党员 (dang yuan) Party member
党委会议 (dang wei hui yi) meeting of 党 员 标 准 (dang yuan biao zhun)
the members of a Party committee standard required of Party members
党委扩大会议 (dang wei kuo da hui yi) 党员大会 (dang yuan da hui) general
enlarged meeting of the Party membership meeting; meeting of all
committee members Party members
党 委 秘 书 处 (dang wei mi shu chu) 党员的权利 (dang yuan de quan li) the
secretariat of a Party committee rights of a Party member
党 委 秘 书 长 (dang wei mi shu zhang) 党员的义务 (dang yuan de yi wu) the
secretary-general of a Party duties of a Party member
committee 党 员 登 记 (dang yuan deng ji)
党委书记 (dang wei shu ji) secretary registration of membership of the
of a Party committee Party
党委委员 (dang wei wei yuan) member 党员群众 (dang yuan qun zhong) Party
of a Party committee rank and file
党 委 宣 传 部 (dang wei xuan chuan bu) 党在社会主义初级阶段的基本纲领 (dang
propaganda department of a Party zai she hui zhu yi chu ji jie duan de
committee ji ben gang ling) the basic program
党委宣传部长 (dang wei xuan chuan bu of the Party for the primary stage of
zhang) head of the propaganda socialism
department of a Party committee 党在整个社会主义历史阶段的基本路线
党委制 (dang wei zhi) Party committee (dang zai zheng ge she hui zhu yi li
system shi jie duan de ji ben lu xian) the
党 委 组 织 部 (dang wei zu zhi bu) Party ’ s basic line for the entire
organization department of a Party historical period of socialism
committee 党章 (dang zhang) Party constitution
党委组织部部长 (dang wei zu zhi bu bu 党章规定 (dang zhang gui ding) rules
zhang) head of the organization of the Party Constitution
department of a Party committee 党 政 不 分 (dang zheng bu fen)
党务 (dang wu) Party affairs confusion of the Party with the
党小组 (dang xiao zu) Party group; government
group under a Party branch 党政重叠部门 (dang zheng chong die bu
党 小 组 会 (dang xiao zu hui) Party men) overlapped Party departments
group meeting and government ones
党小组长 (dang xiao zu zhang) Party 党政代表团 (dang zheng dai biao tuan)
group leader the Party and government delegation
党校 (dang xiao) the Party school 党 政 分 开 (dang zheng fen kai)
党性 (dang xing) the Party character separation of the functions of the
党性不纯 (dang xing bu chun) impurity Party and the government (an important
in the Party spirit element of China’s political reform)
党 要 管 党 (dang yao guan dang) the 党政分离 (dang zheng fen li) separate
Party should supervise itself the functions of the Party from those
党羽 (dang yu) member of a clique; of the government

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党政工团 (dang zheng gong tuan) (an 倒卖 (dao mai) resell; speculation
abbreviation for) the four elements 倒台 (dao tai) collapse
which are the Communist Party 盗窃国家经济情报 (dao qie guo jia jing
organization, the government, labor ji qing bao) steal the economic
unions, and the Youth League information of the state
党政工作人员 (dang zheng gong zuo ren 盗窃国家资财 (dao qie guo jia zi cai)
yuan) the Party and government steal state property
personnel 盗 用 公 款 (dao yong gong kuan)
党 政 机 关 (dang zheng ji guan) the embezzle public funds
Party and government organ 盗用中央的名义 (dao yong zhong yang de
党支部 (dang zhi bu) a Party branch ming yi) usurp the name of the Party
党 支 部 书 记 (dang zhi bu shu ji) a Central Committee
Party branch secretary 道不拾遗,夜不闭户 (dao bu shi yi, ye bu
党 支 部 委 员 (dang zhi bu wei yuan) bi hu) people do not take any
member of the committee of a Party articles left by the wayside and doors
branch needn’t to be bolted at night
党支部委员会 (dang zhi bu wei yuan hui) 道德法庭 (dao de fa ting) court of
committee of a Party branch ethics
党 指 挥 枪 (dang zhi hui qiang) the 道 德 风 尚 (dao de feng shang)
Party commands the gun mora-lity and social practice
党 中 央 (dang zhong yang) Party 道德观 (dao de guan) moral outlook
Central Committee 道德滑坡 (dao de hua po) decline of
党总支 (dang zong zhi) Party general morality
branch 道 德 继 承 论 (dao de ji cheng lun)
党 总 支 书 记 (dang zong zhi shu ji) theory of inheriting old ethical
secretary of a general Party branch values
党 总 支 委 员 (dang zong zhi wei yuan) 道德恐慌 (dao de kong huang) moral
member of the committee of a general panic
Party branch 道 德 品 质 (dao de pin zhi) moral
党总支委员会 (dang zong zhi wei yuan hui) character
committee of a general Party branch 道 德 情 操 说 (dao de qing cao shuo)
党组 (dang zu) leading Party group theory of moral value
党组书记 (dang zu shu ji) secretary 道 德 相 对 论 (dao de xiang dui lun)
of a leading Party group ethical relativism
党 组 织 (dang zu zhi) Party 道路是曲折的,前途是光明的 (dao lu shi
organization qu zhe de, qian tu shi guang ming de)
党 组 织 关 系 (dang zu zhi guan xi) the prospect is bright though there
Party membership credentials are twists and turns in one’s road
党组织关系介绍信 (dang zu zhi guan xi 道义大多数 (dao yi da duo shu) moral
jie shao xin) Party membership majority
certificate 道义上的援助 (dao yi shang de yuan zhu)
导 火 线 (dao huo xian) fuse; sth. moral assistance (or aid)
small that touches off a big one 道义上的支持 (dao yi shang de zhi chi)
倒买倒卖 (dao mai dao mai) profiteer moral support

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德 才 兼 备 (de cai jian bei) equal forces
stress on moral integrity and 敌对行为 (di dui xing wei) hostile
professional competence act(s)
德政 (de zheng) benevolent rule 敌对阵营 (di dui zhen ying) opposing
登记管理办法 (deng ji guan li ban fa) camp
procedures for registration and 敌对政策 (di dui zheng ce) hostile
administration policy
登记证 (deng ji zheng) registration 敌国 (di guo) opposing country; enemy
certificate (or hostile) state
登上政治舞台 (deng shang zheng zhi wu 敌后根据地 (di hou gen ju di) base
tai) appear on the political arena area behind the enemy lines
等额选举 (deng e xuan ju) the type of 敌 情 观 念 (di qing guan nian)
election where the number of awareness of the enemy presence
candidates equals the number of 敌人 (di ren) enemy
positions to be filled 敌特 (di te) enemy agent
等 距 离 外 交 (deng ju li wai jiao) 敌 伪 军 (di wei jun) the enemy and
equidistant diplomacy puppet troops
邓 小 平 理 论 (deng xiao ping li lun) 敌伪人员 (di wei ren yuan) enemy and
Deng Xiaoping Theory puppet personnel
邓小平外交思想 (deng xiao ping wai jiao 敌 我 不 分 (di wo bu fen) fail to
si xiang) Deng Xiaoping’s diplomatic differentiate between the enemy and
thoughts ourselves; fail to distinguish
邓选 (deng xuan) the Selected Works between the enemy and our own
of Deng Xiaoping 敌 我 倒 置 (di wo dao zhi)
低调 (di diao) low keyed (a metaphor transposition of the enemy and our own
for taking a cautious and slow approach) 敌 我 矛 盾 (di wo mao dun)
低谷 (di gu) all-time low; at a low contradiction between the enemy and
ebb our own
低息货币政策 (di xi huo bi zheng ce) 敌我强弱悬殊 (di wo qiang ruo xuan shu)
cheap money policy a wide disparity between the enemy’
敌谍 (di die) enemy spy s strength and ours
敌对地位 (di dui di wei) position of 敌我条件对比 (di wo tiao jian dui bi)
antagonism in the given set of conditions as
敌 对 分 子 (di dui fen zi) hostile between the enemy and ourselves
element 敌、我、友 (di、 wo、 you) our enemies,
敌对封锁 (di dui feng suo) hostile our friends and ourselves
embargo 敌 占 区 (di zhan qu) enemy-occupied
敌 对 关 系 (di dui guan xi) hostile area
relations 嫡系部队 (di xi bu dui) one’s own
敌对阶级 (di dui jie ji) antagonistic troops
(or hostile) classes 底 子 薄 (di zi bao) have little to
敌 对 派 别 (di dui pai bie) rival start off with
faction 地大、物博、人多 (di da、 wu bo、 ren duo)
敌 对 势 力 (di dui shi li) hostile with a vast territory, rich resources,

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a large population 地方政权 (di fang zheng quan) local
地道战 (di dao zhan) tunnel warfare administration
地方保护主义 (di fang bao hu zhu yi) 地方政治文化 (di fang zheng zhi wen hua)
regional protectionism parochial political culture
地方财政 (di fang cai zheng) finance 地方治安 (di fang zhi an) local order
of local administration 地方主义 (di fang zhu yi) localism
地方财政包干制 (di fang cai zheng bao 地 方 自 决 权 (di fang zi jue quan)
gan zhi) system whereby local right to local self-determination
authorities take full responsibility 地方自治 (di fang zi zhi) home rule
for their finances 地方自治团体 (di fang zi zhi tuan ti)
地 方 党 组 织 (di fang dang zu zhi) local self-government body
Party organizations in the localities 地方自治主义 (di fang zi zhi zhu yi)
地方分权制国家 (di fang fen quan zhi guo communalism
jia) decentralized state 地雷战 (di lei zhan) mine warfare
地方干部 (di fang gan bu) local cadre 地理环境决定论 (di li huan jing jue ding
地 方 观 念 (di fang guan nian) lun) theory of “ geographical
loca-lism environments as a decisive factor
地 方 管 理 (di fang guan li) local 地契 (di qi) title deeds; land (or
management landowning) contract
地方机构 (di fang ji gou) local organ 地 区 霸 权 主 义 (di qu ba quan zhu yi)
地 方 积 极 性 (di fang ji ji xing) regional hegemonism
initiative of the local authorities 地 区 差 异 (di qu cha yi) regional
地方竞选 (di fang jing xuan) local disparity
campaign 地 区 代 表 制 (di qu dai biao zhi)
地方民族主义 (di fang min zu zhu yi) geographical representation
local nationalism 地 区 党 代 会 (di qu dang dai hui)
地 方 情 报 (di fang qing bao) local prefectural Party congress
intelligence 地 区 分 割 (di qu fen ge) barrier
地方人民代表大会 (di fang ren min dai between regions
biao da hui) local people’s congress 地 区 界 (di qu jie) prefectural
地方人民政府 (di fang ren min zheng fu) boundary
local people’s government 地区界限 (di qu jie xian) prefectural
地 方 委 员 会 (di fang wei yuan hui) boundary line
local committee 地区人民代表大会 (di qu ren min dai biao
地 方 选 举 (di fang xuan ju) local da hui) prefectural people’s congress
election 地 区 委 员 会 (di qu wei yuan hui)
地方选举官员 (di fang xuan ju guan yuan) prefectural committee
local election official 地权 (di quan) ownership of land
地方政党委员会 (di fang zheng dang wei 地 委 (di wei) prefetural Party
yuan hui) local party committee committee
地 方 政 府 (di fang zheng fu) local 地委书记 (di wei shu ji) prefectural
government Party committee secretary
地方政府保证 (di fang zheng fu bao zheng) 地 下 党 (di xia dang) underground
local government guarantee Party

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地 下 党 员 (di xia dang yuan) ben zhu yi)imperialism is monopolistic,
underground Party member parasitic or decaying, moribund
(specifically Party members engaged capitalism
in clandestine activities in the enemy 帝国主义统治 (di guo zhu yi tong zhi)
territory before 1949) imperialist rule
地 下 工 作 (di xia gong zuo) 帝 国 主 义 性 (di guo zhu yi xing)
underground revolutionary work imperialist nature
地 下 活 动 (di xia huo dong) 帝 国 主 义 者 (di guo zhu yi zhe)
underground activity imperialist
地下刊物 (di xia kan wu) underground 帝 制 (di zhi) imperial system;
publication; illegal publication monarchy
地下组织 (di xia zu zhi) underground 帝制运动 (di zhi yun dong) monarchial
organization movement
地缘外交 (di yuan wai jiao) foreign 递交国书 (di jiao guo shu) present
relations with neighboring countries one’s credentials
地 震 办 公 室 (di zhen ban gong shi) 递交国书程序 (di jiao guo shu cheng xu)
seismology office procedure for the presentation of one’
地质局 (di zhi ju) geological bureau s credentials
地 质 矿 产 部 (di zhi kuang chan bu) 第二产业 (di er chan ye) secondary
Ministry of Geology and Mineral industry
Resources 第二次国内革命战争 (di er ci guo nei ge
地主 (di zhu) landlord ming zhan zheng) Second
地主财产 (di zhu cai chan) landlord Revolutionary Civil War (1927~1937)
holdings 第二次世界大战 (di er ci shi jie da zhan)
地主出身 (di zhu chu shen) come from Second World War; World WarⅡ
a landlord’s family 第二世界 (di er shi jie) the Second
地主富农思想 (di zhu fu nong si xiang) World
landlord and rich peasant ideology 第二世界国家 (di er shi jie guo jia)
地 主 阶 级 (di zhu jie ji) landlord Second World country
class 第三产业 (di san chan ye) tertiary
地租剥削 (di zu bo xue) exploitation industry
through land rent; feudal rent 第三国际 (di san guo ji) the Third
exploitation International
帝国主义的后方 (di guo zhu yi de hou 第三世界 (di san shi jie) the Third
fang) the imperialist rear World
帝国主义国家 (di guo zhu yi guo jia) 第三世界国家 (di san shi jie guo jia)
imperialist country the Third World country
帝国主义列强 (di guo zhu yi lie qiang) 第 三 梯 队 (di san ti dui) young
imperialist powers officials of the third echelon
帝国主义世界制度 (di guo zhu yi shi jie “第三条道路” (“di san tiao dao lu”)
zhi du) world system of imperialism the “third road”
帝国主义是垄断的、寄生或腐化的、垂死的 《第三只眼睛看中国》 (《di san zhi yan
资本主义 (di guo zhu yi shi long duan de、 jing kan zhong guo》) Viewing China
ji sheng huo fu hua de、 chui si de zi with the Third Eye

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“第三种人” (“di san zhong ren”) “the lie zhu yi da zi bao) the first
third category of people” refer to Marxist-Leninist big-character
devoted literator, diccussed by Luxun poster
in his essays 缔约国 (di yue guo) signatory state
第十八集团军 (di shi ba ji tuan jun) (to a treaty)
the Eighteenth Group Army 缔约双方 (di yue shuang fang) both
第四产业 (di si chan ye) the fourth contracting parties
industry; the industry of information 颠 倒 黑 白 (dian dao hei bai) call
technology white black and black white; stand
第五次反“围剿” (di wu ci fan “wei jiao”) truth on its head; confuse right and
the fifth counter-campaigns against wrong
“encirclement and suppression” 颠倒历史 (dian dao li shi) turn the
第五纵队 (di wu zong dui) the fifth history upside down; reversal of
column history
第 一 把 手 (di yi ba shou) first in 颠覆 (dian fu) subversion
command 颠覆分子 (dian fu fen zi) subversive
第 一 产 业 (di yi chan ye) primary element
industry 颠 覆 活 动 (dian fu huo dong)
第一次大革命 (di yi ci da ge ming) the subversive activity; subversion
First Great Revolution 颠覆基地 (dian fu ji di) subversive
第一次国内革命战争 (di yi ci guo nei ge base
ming zhan zheng) First 典型环境中的典型人物 (dian xing huan
Revolutionary Civil War (1923~1927) jing zhong de dian xing ren wu) typical
第一次全国劳动大会 (di yi ci quan guo characters in typical circumstances
lao dong da hui) First All China Labor 点 面 结 合 (dian mian jie he)
Congress (in 1922) integration of “point” and “sphere”
第 一 大 党 (di yi da dang) dominant 点 上 的 工 作 (dian shang de gong zuo)
party work on the key points
第一个五年计划 (di yi ge wu nian ji hua) 电话会议 (dian hua hui yi) meeting
First Five-Year Plan over telephones
第一轮投票 (di yi lun tou piao) first 电脑犯罪 (dian nao fan zui) compu-ter
round of voting crime
第一世界 (di yi shi jie) the First 电视会议 (dian shi hui yi) meeting
World over TV
第 一 书 记 (di yi shu ji) first 电 信 局 (dian xin ju)
secretary telecommunications bureau
第一梯队、第二梯队、第三梯队 (di yi ti 电信侦察情报 (dian xin zhen cha qing bao)
dui、 di er ti dui、 di san ti dui) the communications intelligence
first echelon, the second echelon, and 电 业 局 (dian ye ju) electrical
the third echelon industry bureau
第一线、第二线、第三线 (di yi xian、 di 电影事业管理局 (dian ying shi ye guan li
er xian、 di san xian) the first line, ju) cinema administrative bureau
the second line, and the third line 电 子 工 业 部 (dian zi gong ye bu)
第一张马列主义大字报 (di yi zhang ma Ministry of Electronics Industry

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电子工业工会 (dian zi gong ye gong hui) sb.’s class status
electronic industry trade union 定调子 (ding diao zi) set the tone
电 子 情 报 (dian zi qing bao) 定额包工 (ding e bao gong) fix work
electronic intelligence according to quotas
电 子 侦 听 台 (dian zi zhen ting tai) 定额分配制 (ding e fen pei zhi) quota
electronic reconnaissance station system
奠定理论基础 (dian ding li lun ji chu) 定额计酬 (ding e ji chou) pay on the
lay the theoretical foundation basis of work quotas; payment on the
奠基人 (dian ji ren) founder basis of fixed quotas;
调 查 研 究 (diao cha yan jiu) 定 额 记 工 分 (ding e ji gong fen)
investigate and research register work points on the basis of
调动一切积极因素 (diao dong yi qie ji ji standard quotas
yin su) bring into play all positive 定额生产制度 (ding e sheng chan zhi du)
factors quota system for production
调干部 (diao gan bu) transfer cadres 定岗 (ding gang) determine posts
调令 (diao ling) transfer order 定界 (ding jie) delimitation
调 派 干 部 (diao pai gan bu) assign 定框框 (ding kuang kuang) set a frame
cadres 定 期 会 晤 (ding qi hui wu) meeting
调 任 (diao ren) be transferred to regularly
another post 定期退役 (ding qi tui yi) periodic
调用干部 (diao yong gan bu) transfer demobilization
cadres to specific jobs 定期征集 (ding qi zheng ji) periodic
调 职 (diao zhi) be transferred to call-up
another post (or position) 定息 (ding xi) fixed interest
谍报员 (die bao yuan) espionage (or 定 息 政 策 (ding xi zheng ce) fixed
intelligence) agent interest policy
谍报组织 (die bao zu zhi) espionage 定向分配 (ding xiang fen pei) fixed
organization direction allocation
钉子精神 (ding zi jing shen) spirit 定员制度 (ding yuan zhi du) system
of the nail; perseverance for a fixed number of staff; quota
顶峰论 (ding feng lun) the theory of system for use of labor
summit 东北局 (dong bei ju) Northeast Bureau
订立通商条约 (ding li tong shang tiao 东道国 (dong dao guo) host nation
yue) conclude a trade treaty; sign 东方国家 (dong fang guo jia) Orient
a treaty of commerce country
定案 (ding an) final decision 东风压倒西风 (dong feng ya dao xi feng)
定编定员 (ding bian ding yuan) fix the east wind prevails over the west
the number of people employed wind; one ideology prevails over
定产到组 (ding chan dao zu) fix of another
output quotas for each group 东西对话 (dong xi dui hua) East-West
定产、定购、定销 (ding chan、 ding gou、 dialogue
ding xiao) fixed quota system for 东西文明冲突论 (dong xi wen ming chong
producing, purchasing and marketing tu lun) theory of the clash between
定 成 分 (ding cheng fen) determine the Eastern and the Western

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civilizations 毒枭 (du xiao) drug trafficker
动荡不安 (dong dang bu an) turbulence 独 裁 君 主 制 (du cai jun zhu zhi)
and unrest dictatorial monarchy
动 荡 的 局 势 (dong dang de ju shi) 独裁政府 (du cai zheng fu) autocratic
turbulent situation government
动 机 不 纯 (dong ji bu chun) have 独 裁 政 权 (du cai zheng quan)
impure motives dictatorial regime
动 乱 (dong luan) turmoil; 独立工会 (du li gong hui) independent
disturbance trade union
动乱时期 (dong luan shi qi) time of 独 立 关 税 区 (du li guan shui qu)
turmoil separate customs territory
动态情报 (dong tai qing bao) current 独 立 国 (du li guo) independent
intelligence country
动摇分子 (dong yao fen zi) wavering 独立国家联合体 (du li guo jia lian he ti)
(or vacillating) element the Commonwealth of Independent
动 员 群 众 (dong yuan qun zhong) States
mobilize the masses 独立平等、有来有往的原则 (du li ping
动 员 制 (dong yuan zhi) system of deng、 you lai you wang de yuan ze)
mobilizing volunteers principle of independence, equality
斗倒、斗臭、斗垮 (dou dao、 dou chou、 and reciprocity
dou kua) thoroughgoing refutation, 独立王国 (du li wang guo) independent
discrediting, criticism and kingdom
repudiation of sb.; refute, discredit 独立行政机构 (du li xing zheng ji gou)
and overthrow independent establishments
斗、批、改 (dou、 pi、 gai) struggle, 独 立 自 治 (du li zi zhi)
criticize, transform self-government
斗 私 批 修 (dou si pi xiu) combat 独立自主 (du li zi zhu) independent
selfishness and repudiate revisionism and self-directed
斗争策略 (dou zheng ce lüe) tactics 独立自主的和平外交政策 (du li zi zhu de
of struggles he ping wai jiao zheng ce)
斗 争 会 (dou zheng hui) struggle independent foreign policy of peace
meeting 独立自主、完全平等、互相支持和协商一致
斗争是团结的手段,团结是斗争的目的 的原则 (du li zi zhu、 wan quan ping
(dou zheng shi tuan jie de shou duan, deng、 hu xiang zhi chi he xie shang yi
tuan jie shi dou zheng de mu di) zhi de yuan ze) the principles of
struggle is the means to unity and unity independence, complete equality, mutual
is the aim of struggle support and the attainment of unanimity
斗 争 哲 学 (dou zheng zhe xue) through consultation
philosophy of struggle 独立自主,自力更生,奋发图强,艰苦奋斗
豆 腐 渣 工 程 (dou fu zha gong cheng) (du li zi zhu, zi li geng sheng, fen
bean dregs project fa tu qiang, jian ku fen dou)
督查 (du cha) supervise and inspect maintain independence and keep the
毒 草 (du cao) poisonous weeds; initiative in one’s own hands and rely
harmful speech or writing on one’s own efforts, wage arduous

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struggles and work hard yan dong yi yang can ku wu qing) be
独立自主,自力更生,艰苦奋斗,鼓足干劲, warm to comrades like the spring, be
力争上游,多快好省地建设 enthusiastic in work like the summer,
社会主义 (du li zi zhu, zi li geng sheng, treat individualism like the autumn wind
jian ku fen dou, gu zu gan jin, li zheng sweeping away the withered leaves, and
shang you, duo kuai hao sheng de jian be merciless to the enemy like the fierce
she she hui zhu yi) build socialism winter; treat comrades with the warmth
independently and with the initiative of spring, treat work with the ardour of
in our own hands, through summer, treat individualism like the
self-reliance and hard struggle and by autumn wind blowing down dead leaves,
going all out, aiming high and treat the enemy with the ruthlessness of
achieving greater, faster, better and winter
more economical results 对 等 谈 判 (dui deng tan pan) hold
独联体 (du lian ti) see “独立国 talks on a reciprocal basis
家联合体” 对敌狠,对己和 (dui di hen, dui ji he)
独 资 企 业 (du zi qi ye) ventures ruthless towards the enemy, kind to
exclusively with one’s own investment one’s comrades
独自经营 (du zi jing ying) individual 对调 (dui diao) exchange position
(or sole) proprietorship 对革命无限忠诚,为人民鞠躬尽瘁 (dui ge
读书无用论 (du shu wu yong lun) the ming wu xian zhong cheng, wei ren min
theory that studying is useless ju gong jin cui) dedicate oneself to
渎职罪 (du zhi zui) dereliction of the revolution, work for the people
duty until one dies; remain loyal to the
黩武主义 (du wu zhu yi) militarism revolution and toil for the people
杜 绝 浪 费 (du jue lang fei) stop until one’s dying day
wasting 对国民经济实行“调整、改革、整顿、提高”
短期访问 (duan qi fang wen) brief (or 的方针 (dui guo min jing ji shi xing
short) visit “tiao zheng、 gai ge、 zheng dun、 ti
断绝外交关系 (duan jue wai jiao guan xi) gao ” de fang zhen) formulate the
severance of diplomatic relations principle of “ readjusting,
断送民族前途 (duan song min zu qian tu) reconstructing, consolidating and
forfeit the future of the nation improving” the national economy
断章取义 (duan zhang qu yi) garbled 对 抗 性 矛 盾 (dui kang xing mao dun)
quotation; quote out of context antagonistic contradictions
对策 (dui ce) countermeasure; the way 对历史的嘲弄 (dui li shi de chao nong)
to deal with a situation mockery of the history
对待同志要像春天般的温暖,对待工作要像 对历史负责 (dui li shi fu ze) hold
夏天一样火热,对待个人主义要像秋风 oneself responsible to the history
扫落叶一样,对待敌人要像严冬一样残酷无 对立的统一,对立的斗争 (dui li de tong
情 (dui dai tong zhi yao xiang chun yi, dui li de dou zheng) the unity and
tian ban de wen nuan, dui dai gong zuo struggle of opposites
yao xiang xia tian yi yang huo re, dui 对立面 (dui li mian) antithesis
dai ge ren zhu yi yao xiang qiu feng sao 对 立 情 绪 (dui li qing xu)
luo ye yi yang, dui dai di ren yao xiang antagonistic sentiment

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对立统一规律 (dui li tong yi gui lü) 对外扩张 (dui wai kuo zhang) external
law of unity of opposites expansion
对内搞活,对外开放 (dui nei gao huo, dui 对 外 联 络 部 (dui wai lian luo bu)
wai kai fang) uphold activation of International Liaison Department
the economy as a domestic policy and 对外贸易管理局 (dui wai mao yi guan li
the open door as a foreign policy ju) Foreign Trade Administration
对内政策 (dui nei zheng ce) domestic 对外人员交流 (dui wai ren yuan jiao liu)
policy exchange of personnel with other
对人马列主义,对己自由主义 (dui ren ma countries
lie zhu yi, dui ji zi you zhu yi) apply 对外妥协 (dui wai tuo xie) policy of
Marxism to others but liberalism to compromise in foreign affairs
oneself 对外文化联络局 (dui wai wen hua lian luo
对 台 九 条 (dui tai jiu tiao) nine ju) Bureau for Cultural Relations
articles toward Taiwan with Foreign Countries
对 外 成 交 (dui wai cheng jiao) do 对外援助 (dui wai yuan zhu) aid to
business with foreign firms foreign countries
对外承包工程 (dui wai cheng bao gong 对 外 援 助 局 (dui wai yuan zhu ju)
cheng) contract foreign projects Department of Foreign Aids
对外工作 (dui wai gong zuo) external 对外招商 (dui wai zhao shang) attract
work; work in the field of external foreign investment
relations 对外政策 (dui wai zheng ce) external
对外关系 (dui wai guan xi) foreign (or foreign) policy
relations 对资产阶级实行全面专政 (dui zi chan jie
对外经济技术交流 (dui wai jing ji ji shu ji shi xing quan mian zhuan zheng)
jiao liu) economic and technological exercise an all-round dictatorship
exchange with the outside world over the bourgeoisie
对外经济贸易部 (dui wai jing ji mao yi 蹲 点 (dun dian) go and stay in
bu) Ministry of Foreign Economic selected primary units; work at a
Relations and Trade selected spot
对外经济贸易合作部 (dui wai jing ji mao 多 边 合 作 (duo bian he zuo)
yi he zuo bu) Ministry of Foreign multilateral cooperation
Trade and Economic Cooperation 多 边 核 力 量 (duo bian he li liang)
对外开放港口 (dui wai kai fang gang kou) multilateral nuclear force
open port to the outside world 多 边 会 谈 (duo bian hui tan)
对外开放国家 (dui wai kai fang guo jia) multilateral talk
country open to the outside world 多 边 会 议 (duo bian hui yi)
对外开放机场 (dui wai kai fang ji chang) multilateral conference
airport open to the outside world 多边贸易谈判 (duo bian mao yi tan pan)
对外开放经济政策 (dui wai kai fang jing multilateral trade negotiation
ji zheng ce) open economy policy; 多吃多占 (duo chi duo zhan) spend and
policy of economy opening to the take more than one’s share
outside world 多次有效签证 (duo ci you xiao qian zheng)
对外开放政策 (dui wai kai fang zheng ce) visa valid for multiple journeys
open door policy 多党合作和政治协商制度 (duo dang he zuo

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he zheng zhi xie shang zhi du) the majoritarianism
system of multi-party cooperation and 多行不义必自毙 (duo xing bu yi bi zi bi)
political consultation a wicked person is sure to bring
多 党 合 作 制 (duo dang he zuo zhi) destruction to himself
multi-party cooperation in exercising “多研究些问题,少谈些主义” (“duo yan
state power 多党联合政府 (duo dang jiu xie wen ti, shao tan xie zhu yi”)
lian he zheng fu) multi-party “study problems more and talk less
government about ‘isms’ ”
多国维持和平部队 (duo guo wei chi he 多样性 (duo yang xing) diversity
ping bu dui) multinational 多 议 题 会 议 (duo yi ti hui yi)
peace-keeping force multi-subject conference
多 极 化 (duo ji hua) 多 元 论 者 (duo yuan lun zhe)
multipolarization plura-list
多极时代 (duo ji shi dai) multipolar 多 元 社 会 (duo yuan she hui)
times plura-listic society
多极世界 (duo ji shi jie) multipolar 多元文化社会 (duo yuan wen hua she hui)
world multi-cultural society
多快好省 (duo kuai hao sheng) achieve “多中心即无中心论” (“duo zhong xin ji
greater, faster, better, and more wu zhong xin lun”) the theory of
economical results “many centres”, i.e. the theory of
多劳多得 (duo lao duo de) more pay for “no centre”
more work 多 中 心 论 (duo zhong xin lun) the
多 民 族 国 家 (duo min zu guo jia) multi-centre theory
multinational country 多种成分经济 (duo zhong cheng fen jing
多 人 口 国 家 (duo ren kou guo jia) ji) multisector economy
populous country 多种经济成分 (duo zhong jing ji cheng
多 数 表 决 制 (duo shu biao jue zhi) fen) diverse sectors of the economy
majority voting system 多 种 经 营 (duo zhong jing ying)
多 数 代 表 制 (duo shu dai biao zhi) diversified economy
representation of the majority 多种经营办公室 (duo zhong jing ying ban
多数党 (duo shu dang) majority party gong shi) diversified economy office
多数决策 (duo shu jue ce) decision by 多种形式 (duo zhong xing shi) various
a majority forms
多 数 决 议 案 (duo shu jue yi an) 夺权,掌权,用权 (duo quan, zhang quan,
resolution of the majority yong quan) seize power, keep power and
多数原则 (duo shu yuan ze) majority exercise power
principle 夺“私”字的权 (duo “si” zi de quan)
多 数 主 义 (duo shu zhu yi) get rid of selfishess

— E —
恶霸 (e ba) local despot landlord
恶 霸 地 主 (e ba di zhu) despotic 恶性通货膨胀 (e xing tong huo peng zhang)

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hyperinflation “ Twenty-Five-Point Proposal ” (a
恶性循环 (e xing xun huan) vicious proposal concerning the general line
cycle of the international communist
遏制政策 (e zhi zheng ce) policy of movement)
containment 二十一条 (er shi yi tiao) Twenty-one
恩格尔系数 (en ge er xi shu) Engel’ Demands (in 1915)
s coefficient 二万五千里长征 (er wan wu qian li chang
儿皇帝 (er huang di) puppet emperor zheng) 25,000 li Long March (1934~
儿童发展中心 (er tong fa zhan zhong xin) 1935)
children’s 、development center 二五减租 (er wu jian zu) land rent
儿 童 中 心 (er tong zhong xin) reduced by 25 per cent; a 25 per cent
children’s center reduction in rent
尔虞我诈、勾心斗角 (er yu wo zha、 gou 二 五 普 法 (er wu pu fa) second
xin dou jiao) mutual deception and five-year period for propagating the
rivalry basic legal knowledge
二次有效签证 (er ci you xiao qian zheng) 二线 (er xian) second line
visa valid for double journeys
二 道 贩 子 (er dao fan zi) second 二 野 (er ye) (an abbreviation for)
transaction dealer the Second Field Army of the Chinese
二 等 秘 书 (er deng mi shu) second Liberation Army
secretary 二元论 (er yuan lun) dualist outlook;
二 点 论 (er dian lun) the doctrine dualism
that everything has two aspects “ 二月 兵变” ( “ er yue bing bian ”)
二律背反 (er lü bei fan) antinomy “February Mutiny”
二七惨案 (er qi can an) the February “ 二 月 逆 流 ” ( “ er yue ni liu ” )
7 Massacre (in 1923) “February Adverse Current” (in 1967)
二 七 大 罢 工 (er qi da ba gong) the 二月提纲 (er yue ti gang) February
Great Strike of February 7 (in 1923) Outline
二 十 三 条 (er shi san tiao) 二 中 全 会 (er zhong quan hui) the
Twenty-three Articles (i.e. the Second Session of the Central
document “ Some Problems Currently Committee
Raised in the Rural Socialist Education
Movement” issued in 1965)
二 十 五 条 (er shi wu tiao) the

— F —

发表政见 (fa biao zheng jian) state 发动群众 (fa dong qun zhong) arouse
one’s political views the masses to action; mobilize the
发达国家 (fa da guo jia) developed masses
country 发奋图强、自力更生、艰苦斗争、勤俭建国

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(fa fen tu qiang、 zi li geng sheng、 tendencies; encourage standing up for
jian ku fen dou、 qin jian jian guo) what is right and combat what is evil
work hard to build the country with 发 展 不 平 衡 (fa zhan bu ping heng)
industry and thrift and by disparate development
self-reliant efforts 发展才是硬道理 (fa zhan cai shi ying dao
发挥民主作风 (fa hui min zhu zuo feng) li) development is the most
develop a democratic style of work essential criterion
发挥主观能动性 (fa hui zhu guan neng 发展规划 (fa zhan gui hua) plan for
dong xing) bring conscious activity the development
into full play 发展国民经济 (fa zhan guo min jing ji)
发 家 致 富 (fa jia zhi fu) build up develop the national economy
family fortunes (or wealth); get rich 发展进步势力,争取中间势力,孤立顽固势
发起人 (fa qi ren) promoter 力 (fa zhan jin bu shi li, zheng qu
发祥地 (fa xiang di) place of origin; zhong jian shi li, gu li wan gu shi li)
birthplace develop the progressive forces, win over
发言权 (fa yan quan) right of speech the middle-of-the-roaders and isolate
发扬爱国主义精神 (fa yang ai guo zhu yi the die-hards
jing shen) give full play to one’s 发展经济,保障供给 (fa zhan jing ji, bao
patriotism zhang gong ji) develop the economy
发扬成绩,纠正错误,以利再战 (fa yang and ensure supplies
cheng ji, jiu zheng cuo wu, yi li zai 发展生产,繁荣经济 (fa zhan sheng chan,
zhan) fan rong jing ji) develop the
add to one’s achievements and correct production and bring about a
one’s mistakes so as to do still better prosperous economy
in future struggles 发 展 新 党 员 (fa zhan xin dang yuan)
发扬革命传统,争取更大光荣 (fa yang ge take in new Party members
ming chuan tong, zheng qu geng da guang 发展友好合作关系 (fa zhan you hao he zuo
rong) guan xi) develop the relations of
carry the revolutionary tradition friendship and cooperation
forward to gain still greater glory 发 展 中 国 家 (fa zhan zhong guo jia)
发扬革命精神 (fa yang ge ming jing shen) developing country
bring the revolutionary spirit into full 法案委员会 (fa an wei yuan hui) bills
play committee
发 扬 光 大 (fa yang guang da) give 法 定 程 序 (fa ding cheng xu) due
greater scope to course of law
发扬民主 (fa yang min zhu) promote 法定人数 (fa ding ren shu) quorum
democracy 法家 (fa jia) legalist school
发扬三大民主 (fa yang san da min zhu) 法轮功 (fa lun gong) Falun Gong
development of democracy in the three 法律承认 (fa lü cheng ren) de jure
main fields (i.e. political, economic recognition
and military fields) 法律委员会 (fa lü wei yuan hui) Law
发扬正气,打击歪风 (fa yang zheng qi, da Committee
ji wai feng) foster a spirit of 法人 (fa ren) legal person
righteousness and combat unhealthy 法 , 术 , 势 (fa, shu, shi) law,

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statecraft, power (i.e. Han Fei Zi’ faction
s theoretical system of “rule by law”) 凡有人群的地方,都有左中右 (fan you ren
法西斯帝国 (fa xi si di guo) facist qun de di fang, dou you zuo zhong you)
empire wherever there are masses of people,
法 西 斯 政 权 (fa xi si zheng quan) they are invariably divided into the
fascist regime Left, the Middle, and the Right
法西斯主义 (fa xi si zhu yi) fascism 繁荣经济 (fan rong jing ji) promote
法西斯主义思想 (fa xi si zhu yi si xiang) economic prosperity
fascist ideology 繁 体 字 (fan ti zi) traditional
法 统 (fa tong) legally constituted Chinese characters
authority; legitimacy; legitimate 反霸 (fan ba) resist hegemonism
government 反 败 为 胜 (fan bai wei sheng) come
法院 (fa yuan) court from behind to win the game; pull out
法政 (fa zheng) law and politics of the fire
法制 (fa zhi) system of law 反“蚕食”斗争 (fan “can shi” dou zheng)
法 制 办 公 室 (fa zhi ban gong shi) struggle against the “ nibbling ”
Office of Legislative Affairs campaign
法制工作委员会 (fa zhi gong zuo wei yuan 反潮流 (fan chao liu) go against the
hui) Commission of Legislative current
Affairs 反 潮 流 精 神 (fan chao liu jing shen)
法制观念和公民意识 (fa zhi guan nian he spirit of going against the tide
gong min yi shi) legal awareness and 反 传 统 (fan chuan tong)
understanding of the obligations of anti-tradition
the citizens 反党 (fan dang) anti-Party
法制国家 (fa zhi guo jia) state with 反 党 集 团 (fan dang ji tuan)
an adequate legal system anti-Party clique
法治 (fa zhi) rule by law 反 党 联 盟 (fan dang lian meng)
翻 案 风 (fan an feng) the trend to anti-Party alliance
reverse correct verdicts 反帝 (fan di) anti-imperialism
翻两番 (fan liang fan) quadruple 反 帝 必 反 修 (fan di bi fan xiu) to
翻 身 (fan shen) turn over; free oppose imperialism, it is imperative
oneself; emancipation; stand up to oppose modern revisionism
翻 身 斗 争 (fan shen dou zheng) 反帝反封建的资产阶级民主革命 (fan di
struggle to stand up fan feng jian de zi chan jie ji min zhu
翻身户 (fan shen hu) household that geming)
has stood up bourgeois-democratic revolution
翻 身 农 民 (fan shen nong min) serf against imperialism and feudalism
that has stood up 反帝联合行动 (fan di lian he xing dong)
翻身奴隶 (fan shen nu li) slave that united action against imperialism
has stood up 反帝统一行动 (fan di tong yi xing dong)
翻 身 做 主 人 (fan shen zuo zhu ren) united action of anti-imperialist
stand up and be master of one’s own forces
fate 反 帝 团 结 (fan di tuan jie)
凡是派 (fan shi pai) the “whatever” anti-imperialist solidarity

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反颠覆 (fan dian fu) anti-subversion hua ba quan) resist the cultural
反动党团骨干分子 (fan dong dang tuan gu hegemony of the West
gan fen zi) key-element of the 反对一切,排斥一切,打倒一切 (fan dui yi
reactionary parties and the qie, pai chi yi qie, da dao yi qie)
reactionary Kuomintang youth league oppose, exclude and overthrow all
反 动 分 子 (fan dong fen zi) 反对种族主义 (fan dui zhong zu zhu yi)
reactionary element; reactionary oppose racism
反 动 会 道 门 (fan dong hui dao men) 反对资产阶级自由化 (fan dui zi chan jie
reactionary secret society ji zi you hua) oppose bourgeois
反动集团 (fan dong ji tuan) clique of liberalization
reactionaries 反 夺 权 (fan duo quan) stage a
反 动 面 目 (fan dong mian mu) counter-seizure of power
reactionary features 反腐败 (fan fu bai) fight corruption
反动派 (fan dong pai) reactionaries 反腐败是关系党和国家生死存亡的严重政
反 动 思 想 (fan dong si xiang) 治斗争 (fan fu bai shi guan xi dang he
reactionary ideology (or ideas) guo jia sheng si cun wang de yan zhong
反动学术权威 (fan dong xue shu quan wei) zheng zhi dou zheng) the fight against
reactionary academic authority corruption is a grave political struggle
反 动 血 统 论 (fan dong xue tong lun) vital to the life and death of the Party
reactionary “ theory of family and the state
lineage” 反腐倡廉 (fan fu chang lian) fight
反 动 政 党 (fan dong zheng dang) corruption and build a clean
reactionary party government
反 动 政 府 (fan dong zheng fu) 反腐蚀 (fan fu shi) anti-corruption
reactionary government 反复讲,年年讲,月月讲,天天讲 (fan fu
反 动 政 权 (fan dong zheng quan) jiang, nian nian jiang, yue yue jiang,
reactionary regime tian tian jiang) repeat every year,
反 动 组 织 (fan dong zu zhi) every month, every day
reactionary organization 反复教育,反复宣传,反复学习,反复实践
反 对 党 (fan dui dang) opposition (fan fu jiao yu, fan fu xuan chuan, fan
party fu xue xi, fan fu shi jian) repeated
反 对 党 领 袖 (fan dui dang ling xiu) education, dissemination, study and
opposition leader practice
反 对 倒 退 (fan dui dao tui) oppose 反戈一击 (fan ge yi ji) turn one’s
retrogression weapon around and strike
反 对 分 裂 (fan dui fen lie) oppose 反 革 命 (fan ge ming)
split counter-revolution
反对官僚主义 (fan dui guan liao zhu yi) 反 革 命 暴 乱 (fan ge ming bao luan)
fight bureaucracy counter-revolutionary rebellion (or
反对派 (fan dui pai) opposition turmoil)
反对票 (fan dui piao) negative vote 反 革 命 分 子 (fan ge ming fen zi)
反 对 特 殊 化 (fan dui te shu hua) counter-revolutionary element
oppose privilege 反革命复辟阴谋 (fan ge ming fu bi yin
反对西方文化霸权 (fan dui xi fang wen mou) plot for a counter-revolutionary

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come-back 反 华 浪 潮 (fan hua lang chao) the
反 革 命 黑 手 (fan ge ming hei shou) anti-China tide
sinister counter-revolutionary hand 反“火药味”论 (fan “huo yao wei” lun)
反 革 命 集 团 (fan ge ming ji tuan) theory of opposition to “the smell of
counter-revolutionary clique gunpowder” taking moderate attitude
反革命两面派 (fan ge ming liang mian pai) 反击右倾翻案风 (fan ji you qing fan an
counter-revolutionary double-faced feng) campaign to counter the
elements “Right deviationist trend to reverse
反革命全球交易 (fan ge ming quan qiu correct verdicts”
jiao yi) counter-revolutionary 反饥饿、反内战、反迫害 (fan ji e, fan nei
global deal zhan, fan po hai) against hunger,
反革命“围剿” (fan ge ming “wei jiao”) against civil war, against
counter-revolutionary campaign of persecution
“encirclement and suppression” 反 激 进 主 义 (fan ji jin zhu yi)
反 革 命 政 变 (fan ge ming zheng bian) anti-radicalism
counter-revolutionary coup 反极左 (fan ji zuo) anti-ultra-Left
反攻 (fan gong) turn the tables on; 反 间 谍 (fan jian die)
counter-attack counter-espionage
反攻大陆的妄想 (fan gong da lu de wang 反骄破满 (fan jiao po man) oppose and
xiang) vain hope to launch a counter destroy arrogance and complacency
attack and recover the lost mainland 反 抗 精 神 (fan kang jing shen)
反 攻 倒 算 (fan gong dao suan) refractory spirit; rebellious spirit
counter-attack and counter-liquidate 反科学 (fan ke xue) in opposition to
反躬自省 (fan gong zi xing) examine science
oneself by self-reflection 反控制 (fan kong zhi) resist sb.’s
反共、反人民、反和平的浪潮 (fan gong、 control
fan ren min、 fan he ping de lang chao) 反浪费反保守运动 (fan lang fei fan bao
campaign against communism, against the shou yun dong) campaign against
people and against peace waste and conservatism
反 共 基 地 (fan gong ji di) 反 理 性 (fan li xing)
anti-communist base anti-rationalism
反 共 老 手 (fan gong lao shou) 反理性的“下意识” (fan li xing de “xia
inveterate anti-communist yi shi ” ) irrational
反 共 逆 流 (fan gong ni liu) “subconsciousness”
anti-communist counter-current 反 理 性 主 义 (fan li xing zhu yi)
反 华 包 围 圈 (fan hua bao wei quan) anti-rationalism
anti-China encirclement 反历史的思想 (fan li shi de si xiang)
反华必然降美 (fan hua bi ran xiang mei) ideas contrary to history
opposition to China inevitably leads 反 冒 进 (fan mao jin) against rash
to capitulation to U.S. imperialism advances
反 华 叫 嚣 (fan hua jiao xiao) 反 美 反 蒋 统 一 战 线 (fan mei fan jiang
anti-China outcry tong yi zhan xian) anti-U.S. and
反 华 滥 调 (fan hua lan diao) stock anti-Chiang Kai-shek united front
anti-Chinese argument 反面教材 (fan mian jiao cai) lesson

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by negative examples; material for 反 右 倾 运 动 (fan you qing yun dong)
learning by negative examples struggle against the Right deviation
反面教员 (fan mian jiao yuan) teacher 反战组织 (fan zhan zu zhi) anti-war
by negative examples organization
反摩擦斗争 (fan mo ca dou zheng) the 反 政 府 党 (fan zheng fu dang)
struggle to counter the friction anti-administration party
反 批 评 (fan pi ping) counter 反殖 (fan zhi) (an abbreviation of)
criticism anti-colonialism
反 情 报 机 构 (fan qing bao ji gou) 犯错误 (fan cuo wu) make a mistake;
counter-intelligence agency commit an error
反 情 报 人 员 (fan qing bao ren yuan) 犯 错 误 的 干 部 (fan cuo wu de gan bu)
counter-intelligence personnel erring cadre
反人民的性质 (fan ren min de xing zhi) 犯走资派的错误 (fan zou zi pai de cuo wu)
anti-people character commit the errors characteristic of
反 人 民 势 力 (fan ren min shi li) the capitalist-roaders in power
anti-people forces 饭 后 讲 话 (fan hou jiang hua)
反“扫荡”斗争 (fan “sao dang” dou zheng) after-dinner speech
struggle against the “mopping-up” 方便群众 (fang bian qun zhong) make
campaign things convenient for the people
反社会主义分子 (fan she hui zhu yi fen 方 便 用 户 (fang bian yong hu) make
zi) anti-socialist element things convenient for the customer
反思 (fan si) reflection 方法论 (fang fa lun) methodology
反通货膨胀政策 (fan tong huo peng zhang 方针政策 (fang zhen zheng ce) general
zheng ce) anti-inflation policy and specific policies
反突击 (fan tu ji) counter-assault 防 洪 工 程 (fang hong gong cheng)
反 “ 围 剿 ” (fan “ wei jiao ” ) flood-prevention project
counter-campaign against “encirclement 防 空 (fang kong) air defence;
and suppression” antiaircraft
反修防修 (fan xiu fang xiu) combat 防 空 部 队 (fang kong bu dui) air
and prevent revisionism defense forces
反映到党内来 (fan ying dao dang nei lai) 防 空 洞 (fang kong dong) air-raid
find its expression within the Party shelter
反 映 论 (fan ying lun) theory of 防区 (fang qu) defence (or garrison)
reflection area
反映情况 (fan ying qing kuang) report 防微杜渐 (fang wei du jian) nip in the
the relevant situation bud
反右 (fan you) oppose rightism 防务 (fang wu) matter pertaining to
反右斗争扩大化 (fan you dou zheng kuo da defence; defence
hua) undue broadening of the scope 防 汛 办 公 室 (fang xun ban gong shi)
of the anti-Rightist struggle flood-control office
反右防左 (fan you fang zuo) oppose 防 御 地 位 (fang yu di wei) the
the right and guard against the left defensive position
反 右 派 斗 争 (fan you pai dou zheng) 防御战中的进攻战 (fang yu zhan zhong de
anti-rightist struggle jin gong zhan) offensive within the

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defensive 放下包袱 (fang xia bao fu) put down a
防止错误 (fang zhi cuo wu) safeguard burden
against mistakes “放下屠刀,立地成佛” (“fang xia tu dao,
防 止 核 扩 散 (fang zhi he kuo san) li di cheng fo”) “the butcher who lays
non-proliferation of nuclear weapons down his knife and at once becomes a
防止垄断 (fang zhi long duan) prevent Buddha ” ; “ a wrongdoer achieves
monopoly salvation as soon as he gives up evil”
妨碍民生 (fang ai min sheng) harmful 放下武器 (fang xia wu qi) lay down
to the people arms
房管局 (fang guan ju) housing bureau 放眼全球,展望未来 (fang yan quan qiu,
访谈 (fang tan) interview and discuss zhan wang wei lai) keep the whole globe
访 谈 式 竞 选 (fang tan shi jing xuan) in view and look ahead into the future
talk-show campaign 放在群众中进行斗争 (fang zai qun zhong
纺织工会 (fang zhi gong hui) textile zhong jin xing dou zheng) make sb.
workers’ union the objects of the mass struggle
纺 织 工 业 部 (fang zhi gong ye bu) 放在首要地位 (fang zai shou yao di wei)
Ministry of Textile Industry assign the primary role to sth.
放到群众监督之下 (fang dao qun zhong 放之四海而皆准 (fang zhi si hai er jie
jian du zhi xia) place sb. under the zhun) valid everywhere;
surveillance of the masses universally applicable
放开放活 (fang kai fang huo) allow 非 常 会 议 (fei chang hui yi)
flexibility extraordinary (or special) session
放开手脚 (fang kai shou jiao) have 非常设机构 (fei chang she ji gou) ad
one’s hands and feet unfettered; deal hoc organization
with sth. without unnecessary confines 非常无产阶级化,非常战斗化,非常群众化
放开眼界看未来,坚定不移向前进 (fang (fei chang wu chan jie ji hua, fei
kai yan jie kan wei lai, jian ding bu yi chang zhan dou hua, fei chang qun zhong
xiang qian jin) broaden one’s vistas of hua) highly (or extremely)
the future and press forward proletarianized and militant and
unswervingly; broaden one ’ s horizon completely identified with the masses
about the future and unswervingly march 非 常 驻 大 使 (fei chang zhu da shi)
ahead non-resident ambassador
放宽政策 (fang kuan zheng ce) relax 非党干部 (fei dang gan bu) non-Party
policies cadre
放 弃 发 言 权 (fang qi fa yan quan) 非 党 群 众 (fei dang qun zhong)
waive the right to speak non-Party masses
放弃原则 (fang qi yuan ze) discard 非党人士 (fei dang ren shi) non-Party
principle personage
放任主义 (fang ren zhu yi) let things 非对抗性矛盾 (fei dui kang xing mao dun)
drift; laissez-faire non-antagonistic contradiction
放 手 发 动 群 众 (fang shou fa dong qun 非法的“麦克马洪线” (fei fa de “mai ke
zhong) boldly arouse the masses; go ma hong xian”) the illegal “McMahon
all out to mobilize the masses; arouse line”
and give full rein to masses 非 法 贸 易 (fei fa mao yi) illicit

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trading ideas)
非 法 组 织 (fei fa zu zhi) illegal 非武装群众 (fei wu zhuang qun zhong)
organization unarmed masses
非 公 有 制 (fei gong you zhi) 非 现 役 状 态 (fei xian yi zhuang tai)
non-public ownership inactive status
非公有制企业 (fei gong you zhi qi ye) 非 营 利 团 体 (fei ying li tuan ti)
non-state-owned enterprise non-profit-making organization
非共产党国家 (fei gong chan dang guo jia) 非 正 规 军 (fei zheng gui jun)
non-communist country irregulars; irregular troop
非官方 (fei guan fang) non-official 非 正 式 访 问 (fei zheng shi fang wen)
非 官 方 组 织 (fei guan fang zu zhi) informal visit
unofficial organization 非 正 式 会 谈 (fei zheng shi hui tan)
非 和 平 发 展 (fei he ping fa zhan) informal talk
non-peaceful development 非 正 式 会 议 (fei zheng shi hui yi)
非 和 平 方 式 (fei he ping fang shi) unofficial meeting
non-peaceful means 非 正 式 谈 判 (fei zheng shi tan pan)
非和平过渡的道路 (fei he ping guo du de informal negotiation
dao lu) path of non-peaceful 非正义 (fei zheng yi) unjust
transition 非 殖 民 化 (fei zhi min hua)
非核国家 (fei he guo jia) non-nuclear decolonization
country 非 主 要 矛 盾 (fei zhu yao mao dun)
非阶级 (fei jie ji) non-class non-principal contradictions
非 军 事 区 (fei jun shi qu) 非 组 织 观 点 (fei zu zhi guan dian)
demilitarized zone non-organizational viewpoint
非 劳 动 人 民 (fei lao dong ren min) 非 组 织 活 动 (fei zu zhi huo dong)
non-working people non-organizational activity
非理性 (fei li xing) irrational 费改税 (fei gai shui) tax-for-fee
非 农 化 (fei nong hua) 分 崩 离 析 (fen beng li xi)
de-agriculturalize (i.e. the process of disintegration
turning agricultural labor into 分辨真正的敌友 (fen bian zhen zheng de
non-agricultural employment) di you) distinguish real friends
非农业个体经济 (fei nong ye ge ti jing from real enemies
ji) nonagricultural individual 分别对待 (fen bie dui dai) deal with
business each case on its own merits; take into
非商业性组织 (fei shang ye xing zu zhi) consideration the merits of each
non-commercial organization specific case
非生产性的基本建设 (fei sheng chan xing 分 别 情 况 (fen bie qing kuang)
de ji ben jian she) non-productive according to the merits of each case
project in the capital construction 分兵抵御 (fen bing di yu) divide up
非无产阶级世界观 (fei wu chan jie ji shi the forces for resistance
jie guan) non-proletarian world 分兵以发动群众,集中以应付敌人 (fen
outlook bing yi fa dong qun zhong, ji zhong yi
非无产阶级思想 (fei wu chan jie ji si ying fu di ren) divide one’s forces
xiang) non-proletarian ideology (or to arouse the masses, concentrate one’

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s forces to deal with the enemy 分配土地 (fen pei tu di) distribution
分层负责 (fen ceng fu ze) be charged of land
with definite responsibilities at 分片包干 (fen pian bao gan) divide up
each level into pieces and assign responsibility
分 成 制 (fen cheng zhi) 分清大是大非 (fen qing da shi da fei)
share-cropping distinguish between the right and the
分 道 扬 镳 (fen dao yang biao) part wrong on vital issues
company with; go by different roads 分清敌我友 (fen qing di wo you) draw
分而治之 (fen er zhi zhi) divide and a distinction between ourselves and
rule our friends and the enemy
分割敌军 (fen ge di jun) cut up the 分清界限 (fen qing jie xian) draw a
enemy clear line of demarcation (between sb.
分 工 负 责 制 (fen gong fu ze zhi) and sb., or sth. and sth.)
system of assuming the responsibility 分清权责 (fen qing quan ze) define
for different kinds of work the duties incumbent on each person or
分化瓦解 (fen hua wa jie) divide and post
disintergrate; split and disintegrate 分清问题的性质和情节的轻重 (fen qing
wen ti de xing zhi he qing jie de qing
分 级 管 理 (fen ji guan li) zhong) determine the nature and
level-to-level administration; seriousness of the case
administration by different levels; 分权 (fen quan) disperse centralized
management at different grades political, economic, and military
分进合击 (fen jin he ji) concerted power to local or subsidiary units
attack by converging columns 分散兵力 (fen san bing li) dispersion
分裂会议 (fen lie hui yi) schismatic of forces; divide forces
meeting 分散的个体的农业经济 (fen san de ge ti
分裂活动 (fen lie huo dong) splitting de nong ye jing ji) scattered and
activities individual agriculture
分裂主义 (fen lie zhu yi) splittism; 分散的无系统的意见 (fen san de wu xi
separatism tong de yi jian) scattered and
分 裂 主 义 者 (fen lie zhu yi zhe) unsystematic ideas
splitist 分 散 主 义 (fen san zhu yi)
分裂主义政策 (fen lie zhu yi zheng ce) decentra-lism
splittist policy 分 散 主 义 者 (fen san zhu yi zhe)
分流 (fen liu) ① split-flow of human decentralist
resources ② repositioning of 分 数 挂 帅 (fen shu gua shuai) put
redundant personnel grades in command; take grades as the
分秒必争 (fen miao bi zheng) count first priority
every minute and second; not a second 分 水 岭 (fen shui ling) watershed;
is to be lost; there is not a minute demarcation line
to lose 分田到户(组) (fen tian dao hu [zu])
分配地主财产 (fen pei di zhu cai chan) allocation of land to individual
distribution of the landlord ’ s households (teams)
holdings 分 田 废 债 (fen tian fei zhai)

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distribute the land, repudiate the 奋起反抗 (fen qi fan kang) rise in
debts resistance
分庭抗礼 (fen ting kang li) stand up 奋起迎战 (fen qi ying zhan) rise to
to face the battle
分析农村阶级 (fen xi nong cun jie ji) 奋 起 自 卫 (fen qi zi wei) rise in
analyse the classes in the rural areas self-defence
分业承包 (fen ye cheng bao) contract 奋勇前进 (fen yong qian jin) advance
different lines of work bravely
分业分工 (fen ye fen gong) division 奋战到底 (fen zhan dao di) fight to
of labor and lines of specialities; the last ditch; fight to the end
division of labor and of lines of work 愤 怒 声 讨 (fen nu sheng tao)
分灶吃饭 (fen zao chi fan) divide up indignantly denounce
the stove and eat 风卷残云 (feng juan can yun) like a
分支机构 (fen zhi ji gou) affiliated whirlwind scattering wisps of clouds;
organization pass by as the wind rolls up the clouds
焚书坑儒 (fen shu keng ru) burn books 风雷激荡 (feng lei ji dang) a storm
and bury the literati raging in all its fury
粉墨登场 (fen mo deng chang) don one’ 风马牛不相及 (feng ma niu bu xiang ji)
s costume and appear on the stage; have nothing in common with; have no
mount the stage in full regalia; relationship whatsoever with
assume office 风靡一时的“大人物” (feng mi yi shi de
粉身碎骨 (fen shen sui gu) grind one’ “da ren wu”) one who has stood
s bones to powder and make mincemeat of briefly in the limelight as a “great
one’s flesh; be ground to dust; utterly personage”
crush 风 派 (feng pai) opportunists;
粉粹政变 (fen sui zheng bian) smash a tune-changer; wavering fence-sitter
coup d’etat 风派人物 (feng pai ren wu) see “风
奋不顾身 (fen bu gu shen) so eager for 派”
the safety of others as to forget about 风起云涌 (feng qi yun yong) rolling
one’s own; selfless heroism with full force; like a rising wind or
奋斗目标 (fen dou mu biao) goal of scudding clouds
struggle 风声鹤唳,草木皆兵 (feng sheng he li,
奋 斗 牺 牲 (fen dou xi sheng) cao mu jie bing) a slight movement
dauntlessly fight and sacrifice oneself; in the grass or a gust of wind is enough
fight and sacrifice lives to make sb. jittery; be scared by the
奋斗终生 (fen dou zhong sheng) fight sigh of the wind or the cry of the
all one’s life cranes; fear ambush at every tree and
奋发图强,自力更生 (fen fa tu qiang, zi tuft of grass
li geng sheng) energetically strive 风 头 一 时 (feng tou yi shi) become
to be strong through self-reliance popular for a time
奋力图存 (fen li tu cun) keep one’s 风 头 主 义 (feng tou zhu yi)
head above water limelightism
奋起斗争 (fen qi dou zheng) rise to 风 头 主 义 者 (feng tou zhu yi zhe)
struggle seeker of the limelight; limelight

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seeker 逢迎感戴 (feng ying gan dai) fawn on
封闭就要落后,落后就要挨打 (feng bi jiu and servilely thank
yao luo hou, luo hou jiu yao ai da) a 奉 公 守 法 (feng gong shou fa) be
closed door leads to backwardness, and law-abiding
backwarness proves vulnerable to 否定一切的态度 (fou ding yi qie de tai
attack du) completely negative attitude
封 闭 式 基 金 (feng bi shi ji jin) 否决权 (fou jue quan) veto
close-ended fund 夫人外交 (fu ren wai jiao) wives’
封地 (feng di) fief; feudal estate; deplomacy
manor 敷敷衍衍走过场 (fu fu yan yan zou guo
封建帝国 (feng jian di guo) feudal chang) perfunctoriness
empire 敷 衍 塞 责 (fu yan se ze) with a
封建帝制 (feng jian di zhi) feudal perfunctory gesture; make a show of
imperial system doing one’s duty
封建法西斯专政 (feng jian fa xi si zhuan 敷衍态度 (fu yan tai du) perfunctory
zheng) feudal-fascist dictatorship attitude
封建家长制 (feng jian jia zhang zhi) 伏击圈 (fu ji quan) ring of ambush
feudal patriarchal domination 扶贫 (fu pin) aid the poor
封建领地 (feng jian ling di) manor of 扶贫工程 (fu pin gong cheng) poverty
a feudal lord alleviation project
封建迷信活动 (feng jian mi xin huo dong) 扶贫攻坚计划 (fu pin gong jian ji hua)
feudal and superstitious practice poverty-relief program focusing on
封建思想 (feng jian si xiang) feudal the poorest
ideas 扶 贫 小 组 (fu pin xiao zu)
封 建 性 (feng jian xing) feudality; aid-the-poor team
feudal character 扶优限劣 (fu you xian lie) nurture
封建制度 (feng jian zhi du) feudal well-managed enterprises and curtail
system the inferior ones
封建主义国家 (feng jian zhu yi guo jia) 扶正怯邪 (fu zheng qie xie) nurture
feudal country healthy tendencies and eliminate
封杀 (feng sha) strangle; smother unhealthy ones
封上一官半职 (feng shang yi guan ban zhi) 扶志 (fu zhi) nurture the will
be given some official appointment 服从国家的统一调度 (fu cong guo jia de
封锁 (feng suo) blockade tong yi diao du) subordinate to the
封锁边境 (feng suo bian jing) close unified state control
the border 服从命令 (fu cong ming ling) abide by
封 锁 秘 密 (feng suo mi mi) hide the orders and decrees
secrets 服务行业工会 (fu wu hang ye gong hui)
封 锁 消 息 (feng suo xiao xi) block service trade union
information; prevent the leakage of news 服役 (fu yi) be on active service;
封锁中的封锁 (feng suo zhong de feng suo) enlist in the army
blockade within another blockade 服役期间 (fu yi qi jian) enlistment
封 资 修 (feng zi xiu) feudalism, period; length of service
capitalism, and revisionism 服 役 期 满 (fu yi qi man) completed

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terms of service people
服役期限 (fu yi qi xian) enlistment; 俯首屈膝 (fu shou qu xi) kneel down
term of service humbly
服役条件 (fu yi tiao jian) conditions 俯 首 听 命 (fu shou ting ming)
of service submissively hear and obey
服 役 证 书 (fu yi zheng shu) 俯 顺 民 情 (fu shun min qing) in
certificate of service deference to the feelings of the
浮财 (fu cai) movable property people
浮动工资 (fu dong gong zi) floating 辅助机构 (fu zhu ji gou) auxiliary
wage organization
浮动价格 (fu dong jia ge) floating 辅助力量 (fu zhu li liang) auxiliary
price force
浮 夸 风 (fu kua feng) tendency for 辅 助 作 用 (fu zhu zuo yong)
boasting and exaggeration supplementary role
浮文巧语 (fu wen qiao yu) flowery and 腐败风气 (fu bai feng qi) rottenness
bombastic style of writing 腐败无能 (fu bai wu neng) corrupt and
浮在上面,当官做老爷 (fu zai shang mian, incompetent
dang guan zuo lao ye) become 腐 败 制 度 (fu bai zhi du) rotten
bureaucrats or lords over the masses institution; decadent system
福 利 (fu li) material benefits; 腐化变质分子 (fu hua bian zhi fen zi)
well-being; welfare degenerate element
福 利 分 房 (fu li fang) 腐化堕落 (fu hua duo luo) degenerate
welfare-oriented public housing morally; corruption and degeneracy;
distribution system become corrupt and degenerate;
福 利 国 家 (fu li guo jia) welfare corruption and rottenness
state 腐化思想 (fu hua si xiang) decadent
福 利 国 家 论 (fu li guo jia lun) ideas
welfare statism 腐烂已极的伪君子 (fu lan yi ji de wei
福 利 机 构 (fu li ji gou) welfare jun zi) hypocrite rotten to the core
organization 腐蚀干部 (fu shi gan bu) corrupt the
福 利 设 施 (fu li she shi) welfare cadres
facilities 腐蚀、软化 (fu shi、 ruan hua) vitiate
福 利 事 业 (fu li shi ye) welfare and attenuate; corrupt people
project ideologically
福 利 政 策 (fu li zheng ce) welfare 腐 朽 的 教 条 (fu xiu de jiao tiao)
policy stale dogma
福利政治 (fu li zheng zhi) welfare 腐 朽 的 论 断 (fu xiu de lun duan)
politics degenerate assertion
福 利 组 织 (fu li zu zhi) welfare 腐朽没落 (fu xiu mo luo) rotten to the
organization core and decadent
俯首甘为孺子牛 (fu shou gan wei ru zi 父 老 兄 弟 们 (fu lao xiong di men)
niu) serve the children (means the elders and brothers
people) like a willing ox with head 父子党 (fu zi dang) father-son party
bowed; willing to be a servant of the 付诸实施 (fu zhu shi shi) be carried

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out 附庸地位 (fu yong di wei) status of
付诸行动 (fu zhu xing dong) put into dependency
practice 附庸风雅的土地主 (fu yong feng ya de tu
负领导责任 (fu ling dao ze ren) be in di zhu) ignorant landlords who
charge mingle with men of letters and pose as
负 隅 顽 抗 (fu yu wan kang) resist a lover of culture
desperately; make a last-ditch fight; 附庸国 (fu yong guo) vassal state
fight stubbornly with one ’ s back 赴任 (fu ren) proceed to take up one’
against the wall s post
负责干部 (fu ze gan bu) responsible 赴汤蹈火 (fu tang dao huo) jump into
cadre; cadre in responsible positions hot water or walk through fire; risk
负债国 (fu zhai guo) debtor country one’s own life; go through fire and
负债经营 (fu zhai jing ying) manage water
an enterprise with a loan 复 辟 (fu bi) stage a come-back;
负责精神 (fu ze jing shen) readiness restoration
to assume responsibility 复 辟 活 动 (fu bi huo dong)
负 增 长 (fu zeng zhang) negative restorationist activities
growth 复查 (fu cha) check; reexamine
妇代会 (fu dai hui) women’s congress 复仇主义 (fu chou zhu yi) revanchism
妇联 (fu lian) women’s federation 复 仇 主 义 者 (fu chou zhu yi zhe)
妇 女 参 政 权 (fu n ü can zheng quan) revanchist
woman suffrage 复 古 思 想 (fu gu si xiang)
妇 女 代 表 团 (fu n ü dai biao tuan) back-to-the-ancient ideology
women’s delegation 复 关 (fu guan) be restored to the
妇女干部 (fu nü gan bu) woman cadre position of a signatory nation to GATT
妇女联合会 (fu nü lian he hui) see 复会 (fu hui) resume a session
“妇联” 复旧 (fu jiu) restoration of the old
妇 女能 顶半边 天 (fu nü neng ding ban 复课闹革命 (fu ke nao ge ming) resume
bian tian) women hold up half the sky classes and make revolution
妇女组 (fu nü zu) women’s group 复退军人 (fu tui jun ren) demobilized
妇 女 组 织 (fu n ü zu zhi) women ’ s serviceman or servicewoman
organization 复员 (fu yuan) demobilization
附带动议 (fu dai dong yi) subsidiary 复员费 (fu yuan fei) demobilization
motion pay
附和革命 (fu he ge ming) go along with 复 员 军 人 (fu yuan jun ren)
the revolution demobilized soldier; ex-serviceman
附 加 税 (fu jia shui) surtax; 复员令 (fu yuan ling) demobilization
additional tax order
附属国 (fu shu guo) dependency 复转军人 (fu zhuan jun ren) soldier
附属机构 (fu shu ji gou) subsidiary demobilized or transferred to
body civi-lian work
附属团体 (fu shu tuan ti) auxiliary 副处长 (fu chu zhang) deputy head of
(or subsidiary) organization a department or office
附议 (fu yi) second motion 副村长 (fu cun zhang) deputy village

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head vice-president
副 防 御 设 备 (fu fang yu she bei) 副总理 (fu zong li) vice-premier
auxiliary defence works 副组长 (fu zu zhang) deputy head
副股长 (fu gu zhang) deputy section 赋税 (fu shui) taxes
chief 富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈 (fu
副检察长 (fu jian cha zhang) deputy gui bu neng yin, pin jian bu neng yi,
procurator wei wu bu neng qu) neither riches
副局长 (fu ju zhang) deputy director nor honours can corrupt sb., neither
副科长 (fu ke zhang) deputy chief of povery nor lowly condition can make
an office him swerve from principle, neither
副 秘 书 长 (fu mi shu zhang) deputy threats nor force can bend him
secretary-general 富国 (fu guo) rich nations; make a
副区长 (fu qu zhang) deputy district nation rich and prosperous
chief 富国剥削 (fu guo bo xue) exploitation
副审计长 (fu shen ji zhang) deputy by rich countries
auditor-general 富民 (fu min) make the people rich and
副 省 长 (fu sheng zhang) deputy prosperous
governor of a province 富民政策 (fu min zheng ce) policy of
副市长 (fu shi zhang) deputy mayor enriching people
副司长 (fu si zhang) deputy head of a 富农 (fu nong) rich peasant
department under a ministry 富日子当穷日子过 (fu ri zi dang qiong ri
副厅长 (fu ting zhang) deputy head of zi guo) live a wealthy but frugal
a department under a governor of a life as it were poor
province 富有成果的会谈 (fu you cheng guo de hui
副 委 员 长 (fu wei yuan zhang) tan) fruitful talk
vice-chairman of a committee 富有阶级 (fu you jie ji) the richer
副武官 (fu wu guan) assistant attache classes
副县长 (fu xian zhang) deputy county 富于牺牲精神 (fu yu xi sheng jing shen)
chief; deputy head of a county full of the spirit of self-sacrifice
副 乡 长 (fu xiang zhang) deputy 富 裕 地 区 (fu yu di qu) area of
administrative chief of a township well-being; better-off area
副 校 长 (fu xiao zhang) 富 裕 中 农 (fu yu zhong nong) rich
vice-president middle peasants
副业专业个人 (fu ye zhuan ye ge ren) 腹背受敌 (fu bei shou di) be exposed
individual(s) specializing in sidelines to attacks front and rear; be attacked
副业专业组 (fu ye zhuan ye zu) group from all sides
specializing in sidelines 覆巢之下岂有完卵 (fu chao zhi xia qi you
副职 (fu zhi) deputy wan luan) no egg stays unbroken
副主任 (fu zhu ren) ① (中纪委、中顾 when the nest is upset; in a great
委) vice-chairman ② ( 中央 办 公 厅) disaster no one can escape unscathed
deputy director 覆灭 (fu mie) complete collapse; go
副 主 席 (fu zhu xi) vice-chairman; down in destruction

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— G —
改变成分 (gai bian cheng fen) change reformist ideas
sb.’s class status 改良主义运动 (gai liang zhu yi yun dong)
改 变 颜 色 (gai bian yan se) change reformist movement
one’s political colour 改良主义政党 (gai liang zhu yi zheng
改革 (gai ge) reform dang) reformist party
改革不合理的规章制度 (gai ge bu he li de 改 任 (gai ren) transfer to another
gui zhang zhi du) refrom (or change) post
irrational and outdated rules and 改善民生 (gai shan min sheng) improve
regulations the people’s livelihood
改 革 的 窗 口 (gai ge de chuang kou) 改头换面 (gai tou huan mian) disguise;
window for reform try to prettify
改革法 (gai ge fa) reform law 改邪归正 (gai xie gui zheng) give up
改革方向 (gai ge fang xiang) reform evil ways and return to the right
orientation 改选 (gai xuan) re-election
改革家 (gai ge jia) reformer 改造成为新人 (gai zao cheng wei xin ren)
改革开放的总设计师 (gai ge kai fang de remould sb. into a new man; rid oneself
zong she ji shi) chief architect of of bad habits and ideas
the reform and open-door policy 改造客观世界 (gai zao ke guan shi jie)
改革开放政策 (gai ge kai fang zheng ce) change the objective world
reform and open-door policy 改造世界 (gai zao shi jie) change the
改 革 试 点 (gai ge shi dian) pilot world
reform; reform experimentation 改造思想 (gai zao si xiang) remould
改 革 原 则 (gai ge yuan ze) reform one’s ideology
principle 改造主观世界 (gai zao zhu guan shi jie)
改革政治 (gai ge zheng zhi) introduce remould one’s subjective world
political reforms 改正错误 (gai zheng cuo wu) correct
改过自新 (gai guo zi xin) turn over a one’s mistake
new leaf; correct one’s errors and make 改 正 右 派 (gai zheng you pai)
a fresh start corrected Rightists
改进思想作风 (gai jin si xiang zuo feng) 改制 (gai zhi) reform the system
raise one ’ s ideological level and 改制上市 (gai zhi shang shi) (of a
improve one’s working style enterprise) be re-organized
改 良 耕 作 制 (gai liang geng zuo zhi) according to the modern corporate
reform farming system system so that it will get listed on
改良派 (gai liang pai) reformists the stock market
改 良 主 义 (gai liang zhu yi) 改组 (gai zu) reorganize
refor-mism “盖棺论定” (“gai guan lun ding”)
改良主义的工会主义 (gai liang zhu yi de “Only when a person is dead can he be
gong hui zhu yi) reformist unionism finally judged and assessed”
改良主义思想 (gai liang zhu yi si xiang) 概念化 (gai nian hua) generalization

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干涉 (gan she) interfere with sth.; to speak out, to break through, to act
have a finger in the pie; poke one’ and to make revolution
s nose into 敢于斗争 (gan yu dou zheng) dare to
干涉者 (gan she zhe) interventionist struggle
干 预 灵 魂 (gan yu ling hun) be 敢于斗争,敢于革命,善于斗争,善于革命
involved in the soul (gan yu dou zheng, gan yu ge ming, shan
干 预 生 活 (gan yu sheng huo) be yu dou zheng, shan yu ge ming) dare
involved in life to struggle and dare to make
甘当群众小学生 (gan dang qun zhong xiao revolution and be good at waging
xue sheng) make oneself a willing struggles and at making revolution
pupil of the masses; be modest 敢于胜利 (gan yu sheng li) dare to
甘居下游 (gan ju xia you) resigned to triumph
backwardness; rest content with 敢 于 提 出 问 题 (gan yu ti chu wen ti)
lagging behind have the courage to raise questions
肝胆相照 (gan dan xiang zhao) treat 感恩戴德 (gan en dai de) be grateful
each other with all sincerity for
赶回它的老家去 (gan hui ta de lao jia qu) 感化 (gan hua) convert
drive back to where it came from 感激涕零 (gan ji ti ling) be moved to
赶任务 (gan ren wu) rush through the tears of gratitude; be so grateful as
job to shed tears
赶下台 (gan xia tai) oust 感觉到的经验 (gan jue dao de jing yan)
赶先进 (gan xian jin) catch up with perceptual experience
the advanced 感觉和印象的阶段 (gan jue he yin xiang
敢冲敢拼 (gan chong gan pin) dare to de jie duan) the stage of sense
take on anything and dare to risk all perceptions and impressions
敢闯、敢干、敢革命、敢造反的无产阶级革 感觉论 (gan jue lun) sensualism
命精神 (gan chuang、 gan gan、 gan ge 感性认识阶段 (gan xing ren shi jie duan)
ming、 gan zao fan de wu chan jie ji ge the perceptual stage of cognition
ming jing shen) proletarian 干部 (gan bu) cadre
revolutionary spirit of daring to break 干 部 编 制 (gan bu bian zhi)
through, to act, to make revolution and arrangement of cadres
to rise up in rebellion 干部参加集体生产劳动 (gan bu can jia ji
敢打、敢拼、敢造反 (gan da、 gai pin、 ti sheng chan lao dong) cadre ’ s
gan zao fan) dare to fight, dare to participation in collective
have a trial of strength, dare to rebel productive labor
敢死队 (gan si dui) dare-to-die corps 干部的后备军 (gan bu de hou bei jun)
敢为 (gan wei) take the bull by the cadres in reserve
borns; beard the lion in his den; dare 干部调动 (gan bu diao dong) transfer
to do of cadres
敢想敢干 (gan xiang gan gan) be bold 干部队伍 (gan bu dui wu) ranks of the
of vision and courageous in action cadres
敢想、敢说、敢闯、敢做、敢革命 (gan xiang、 干部队伍革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化
gan shuo、 gan chuang、 gan zuo、 gan (gan bu dui wu ge ming hua、 nian qing
ge ming) have the courage to think, hua 、 zhi shi hua 、 zhuan ye hua)

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make the ranks of cadres more 干尽坏事,罪恶滔天 (gan jin huai shi,
revolutionary, younger in average age, zui e tao tian) have done every evil
better educated and professionally and committed many towering crimes
more competent 干劲 (gan jin) vigour
干部服 (gan bu fu) cadre suit 干龄 (gan ling) number of years as
干 部 管 理 (gan bu guan li) cadre cadre
supervision 干 群 关 系 (gan qun guan xi) the
干 部 管 理 权 (gan bu guan li quan) relationship between cadres and the
power of the cadre supervision masses
干 部 会 议 (gan bu hui yi) caucus; 干社会主义 (gan she hui zhu yi) go in
cadres’ meeting for socialism
干 部 级 别 (gan bu ji bie) rank of 干校 (gan xiao) cadre school
cadres 干 休 所 (gan xiu suo) cadres ’
干部进修学院 (gan bu jin xiu xue yuan) sanitarium
college for in-service training of 干一行,爱一行,干一行,钻一行 (gan yi
cadres hang, ai yi hang, gan yi hang, zuan yi
干部路线 (gan bu lu xian) guideline hang) love whatever job one is given
on cadres and try to be proficient in whatever
干部聘任制度 (gan bu pin ren zhi du) one does
cadre appointing system 刚愎自用 (gang bi zi yong) obstinate
干部评级 (gan bu ping ji) evaluate and self-opinionated
and grade cadres 刚直不阿 (gang zhi bu e) uprightness
干部人事制度 (gan bu ren shi zhi du) and tenacity
personnel system for cadres 纲领性的文件 (gang ling xing de wen jian)
干 部 四 化 (gan bu si hua) four programmatic document
standards for selecting cadres see 纲 领 作 用 (gang ling zuo yong)
“干部队伍革命化,年轻化,知识化,专业 progarmmatic role
化” 纲要 (gang yao) guiding principle
干部下放 (gan bu xia fang) transfer 钢 领 工 人 (gang ling gong ren)
of cadres to lower levels steel-collar worker; robot
干部学校 (gan bu xue xiao) school for 钢琴伴唱《红灯记》 (gang qin ban chang
cadres 《 hong deng ji 》 ) Peking Opera
干 部 责 任 制 (gan bu ze ren zhi) singing pieces from The Red Lantern
cadres’ responsibility system with piano accompaniment
干 部 政 策 (gan bu zheng ce) cadre 钢铁般的团结 (gang tie ban de tuan jie)
policy iron-like unity; rock-firm unity;
干大事情 (gan da shi qing) achieve monolithic unity
great things 钢铁工会 (gang tie gong hui) steel
干多干少一个样 (gan duo gan shao yi ge workers’ union
yang) ( 指 工 资 ) set salaries 钢铁汉 (gang tie han) man of steel
regardless of the quantity and quality 钢 铁 战 士 (gang tie zhan shi)
of work steel-strong hero
干 革 命 (gan ge ming) carry out 岗 位 津 贴 (gang wei jin tie) job
revolutionary work subsidy

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岗位责任制 (gang wei ze ren zhi) work 高度原则性 (gao du yuan ze xing) high
post responsibility system level of principle
港澳 (gang ao) Hong Kong and Macao 高度自治 (gao du zi zhi) high degree
港澳企业 (gang ao qi ye) Hong Kong and of autonomy
Macao enterprises 高额丰产运动 (gao e feng chan yun dong)
港澳事务办公室 (gang ao shi wu ban gong the movement for high yields in 1950’
shi) Hong Kong and Macao Affairs s or 1960’s
Office 高 风 格 (gao feng ge) lofty style;
港澳台侨委员会 (gang ao tai qiao wei high mindedness
yuan hui) Committee for Liaison 高峰论坛 (gao feng lun tan) summit
with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and forum
Overseas Chinese 高干特供 (gao gan te gong) special
港 澳 同 胞 (gang ao tong bao) supplies for high-ranking cadres
compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao 高 高 在 上 (gao gao zai shang) hold
港 府 (gang fu) Hong Kong local oneself aloft; be very lofty (or stand
government high) above the masses
港人 (gang ren) Hong Kong residents 高高在上,发号施令 (gao gao zai shang,
港 人 治 港 (gang ren zhi gang) Hong fa hao shi ling) issue orders from
Kong residents governing Hong Kong on high
港事 (gang shi) Hong Kong affairs 高歌猛进 (gao ge meng jin) advance
港 属 (gang shu) relatives of Hong vigorously while singing aloud,
Kong compatriots in China especially in social and economic
港台 (gang tai) Hong Kong and Taiwan development
高傲自大 (gao ao zi da) arrogant 高 关 税 国 家 (gao guan shui guo jia)
高标准要求自己 (gao biao zhun yao qiu zi high tariff country
ji) set high demands on oneself 高 官 厚 禄 (gao guan hou lu) high
高层 (gao ceng) high-ranking position with a large income; high
高层次、全方位的对话 (gao ceng ci、 quan position and handsome salary
fang wei de dui hua) high-level and 高级干部 (gao ji gan bu) senior cadre
all-directional dialogue 高 级 官 员 (gao ji guan yuan)
高大全 (gao da quan) tall, big, and highranking official
perfect 高级领导机关 (gao ji ling dao ji guan)
高度地发挥 (gao du de fa hui) give the higher leading body; higher leading
fullest play to one’s initiatives organization
高度的革命警惕 (gao du de ge ming jing 高 级 农 业 生 产 合 作 社 (gao ji nong ye
ti) high revolutionary vigilance sheng chan he zuo she) advanced
高 度 的 积 极 性 (gao du de ji ji xing) agricultural producers’ cooperative
initiative to a high degree 高 级 社 (gao ji she) high level
高度的集中指挥 (gao du de ji zhong zhi cooperative
hui) highly centralized command 高级特派员 (gao ji te pai yuan) high
高 度 集 中 (gao du ji zhong) high commissioner
degree of centralization 高级知识分子 (gao ji zhi shi fen zi)
高度文化 (gao du wen hua) high order higher intellectual
of culture 高 级 指 挥 员 (gao ji zhi hui yuan)

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high-ranking (or higher) commander without any anxiety; sit back and
高精尖 (gao jing jian) high, refined, relax
and peak 高知 (gao zhi) (an abbreviation of)
高 精 尖 技 术 (gao jing jian ji shu) high-level intellectual
advanced technology of high-grade and 高指标 (gao zhi biao) high target
high-precision 高 姿 态 (gao zi tai) magnanimous
高举三面红旗 (gao ju san mian hong qi) behavior
hold aloft the Three Red Banners (of 搞好斗批改 (gao hao dou pi gai) make a
the General Line, the Great Leap success (or good job) of the
Forward and the People’s Commune) struggle-criticism-transformation
高踞于群众之上 (gao ju yu qun zhong zhi 搞好关系 (gao hao guan xi) build good
shang) stand above the masses relations with
高利贷资产阶级 (gao li dai zi chan jie 搞好样板 (gao hao yang ban) do well in
ji) bourgeoisie lending money at the production of good models
usury 搞活 (gao huo) enliven
高饶反党联盟案 (gao rao fan dang lian 搞活国营大中型企业 (gao huo guo ying da
meng an) the case of the anti-party zhong xing qi ye) invigorate large and
alliance of Gao Gang and Rao Shushi medium-sized state-owned enterprises
高尚道德品质 (gao shang dao de pin zhi) 搞 活 经 济 (gao huo jing ji)
high moral standards; reinvigorate (or enliven)the economy
noble moral character 搞 阶 级 斗 争 (gao jie ji dou zheng)
高谈阔论 (gao tan kuo lun) harangue; carry on class struggle
loud and big talk 搞乱阶级阵线 (gao luan jie ji zhen xian)
高 谈 民 主 (gao tan min zhu) prate confuse the class line-up
about democracy 搞马列主义 (gao ma lie zhu yi) go in
高屋建瓴,势如破竹 (gao wu jian ling, for Marxism-Leninism
shi ru po zhu) press on irresistible 搞 深 搞 透 (gao shen gao tou) carry
from a commanding height through sth. thoroughly and in depth;
高 消 费 (gao xiao fei) extravagant do a thorough and exhaustive job of it
consumption 搞 通 思 想 (gao tong si xiang)
高新技术产业开发区 (gao xin ji shu chan straighten out one’s thinking
ye kai fa qu) high-tech industrial 搞小动作 (gao xiao dong zuo) indulge
development zone in petty and mean actions
高 压 手 段 (gao ya shou duan) high 搞 小 圈 子 (gao xiao quan zi) be
pressure tactics involved in a small circle or a small
高 压 政 策 (gao ya zheng ce) group of people
high-handed policy 搞 阴 谋 (gao yin mou) embark on
高瞻远瞩 (gao zhan yuan zhu) look far conspiracy; hatch a conspiracy
ahead and aim high; take a broad and long 搞 政 治 (gao zheng zhi) dabble in
view political activities
高瞻远瞩的雄伟展望 (gao zhan yuan zhu 告国人书 (gao guo ren shu) message to
de xiong wei zhan wang) magnificent the nation
prospect 告台湾同胞书 (gao tai wan tong bao shu)
高 枕 无 忧 (gao zhen wu you) sleep message to the Taiwan compatriots

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哥老会 (ge lao hui) the Society of a revolutionary party
Brothers 革 命 导 师 (ge ming dao shi)
搁置一项动议 (ge zhi yi xiang dong yi) revolutionary teacher
shelve a motion 革命到底 (ge ming dao di) carry the
割 地 赔 款 (ge di pei kuan) cede a revolution through to the end
territory and pay indemnities “革命到头”论 (“ge ming dao tou” lun)
割断历史 (ge duan li shi) chop up the the theory of “ the end of the
history; lop off the history revolution being reached”
割 据 政 权 (ge ju zheng quan) 革命的不彻底性 (ge ming de bu che di
separatist regime xing) lack of revolutionary
割尾巴 (ge wei ba) cut off the tail thoroughness
割资本主义尾巴 (ge zi ben zhu yi wei ba) 革 命 的 词 句 (ge ming de ci ju)
cut off the capitalist tail revolutionary phraseology
歌德与缺德 (ge de yu que de) praising 革 命 的 队 伍 (ge ming de dui wu)
virtues and lacking virtues battalions of the revolution
歌功颂德 (ge gong song de) flattery 革命的根本问题是政权问题 (ge ming de
and exaggerated praise; praise and gen ben wen ti shi zheng quan wen ti)
eulogy; chant one’s praises and sing the fundamental issue of revolution is
of one’s virtue the political power
革命不分先后 (ge ming bu fen xian hou) 革命的理想主义 (ge ming de li xiang zhu
whoever makes revolution, whether yi) revolutionary idealism
early or late, is a revolutionary; 革命的两面政策 (ge ming de liang mian
there is no difference between the zheng ce) revolutionary dual policy
early-comers and the late ones in 革 命 的 两 手 (ge ming de liang shou)
making revolution revolutionary dual tactics (i.e. the
革命潮流高涨 (ge ming chao liu gao zhang) use of military force on the
the tide of the revolution is running battlefield and diplomatic
high negotiations at the conference table
革 命 传 统 (ge ming chuan tong) the 革命的舞台 (ge ming de wu tai) the
revolutionary tradition revolutionary scene
革 命 串 联 (ge ming chuan lian) 革命的现实主义 (ge ming de xian shi zhu
establishment of revolutionary ties; yi) revolutionary realism
exchange revolutionary experience 革命的战斗的群众性的文艺批评 (ge ming
革 命 闯 将 (ge ming chuang jiang) de zhan dou de qun zhong xing de wen
pathbreaker for the revolution yi pi ping) revolutionary, militant
革 命 大 本 营 (ge ming da ben ying) mass criticism on literature and art
headquarters of the revolution 革命的主观力量 (ge ming de zhu guan li
革 命 大 方 向 (ge ming da fang xiang) liang) subjective revolutionary
general revolutionary orientation forces
革命大联合 (ge ming da lian he) great 革命第一,工作第一,国家和集体利益第一
revolutionary alliance (ge ming di yi, gong zuo di yi, guo jia
革 命 大 批 判 (ge ming da pi pan) he ji ti li yi di yi) give the first
revolutionary mass criticism place to the revolution, work and the
革命党人 (ge ming dang ren) member of interest of the state and the

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collective 革 命 接 班 人 (ge ming jie ban ren)
革 命 斗 争 (ge ming dou zheng) revolutionary successor
revolutionary struggle 革 命 军 人 (ge ming jun ren)
革命斗争果实来之不易 (ge ming dou zheng revolutionary armyman
guo shi lai zhi bu yi) the fruits of 革命浪漫主义 (ge ming lang man zhu yi)
revolutionary struggle are revolutionary romanticism
hard-earned 革命乐观主义 (ge ming le guan zhu yi)
革命锻炼 (ge ming duan lian) temper revolutionary optimism
in the revolution 革 命 理 论 (ge ming li lun)
革命发展阶段论 (ge ming fa zhan jie duan revolutionary theory
lun) theory of the different stages 革 命 烈 火 (ge ming lie huo) raging
of revolutionary development revolutionary flames
革 命 风 格 (ge ming feng ge) 革 命 烈 士 (ge ming lie shi)
revolutionary style revolutionary martyr
革 命 干 部 (ge ming gan bu) 革 命 领 袖 (ge ming ling xiu)
revolutionary cadre revolutionary leader
革命干劲和现实的科学精神结合起来 (ge 革命派 (ge ming pai) revolutionaries
ming gan jin he xian shi de ke xue jing 革 命 气 概 (ge ming qi gai)
shen jie he qi lai) combine the revolutionary mettle
revolutionary drive with a realistic 革 命 气 节 (ge ming qi jie)
scientific approach revolutionary integrity
革 命 根 据 地 (ge ming gen ju di) 革 命 前 辈 (ge ming qian bei)
revolutionary base revolutionaries of the older
革 命 豪 情 (ge ming hao qing) generation
revolutionary spirit 革 命 热 情 (ge ming re qing)
革命化 (ge ming hua) revolutionize revolutionary fervor
革命化、民族化、大众化 (ge ming hua、 min 革命热情与科学精神相结合 (ge ming re
zu hua 、 da zhong hua) be qing yu ke xue jing shen xiang jie he)
revolutionary, national and popular combine the revolutionary zeal with a
革 命 加 拼 命 (ge ming jia pin ming) scientific spirit
revolution plus all-out exertion; exert 革命人道主义 (ge ming ren dao zhu yi)
every ounce of energy in making revolutionary humanitarianism
revolution 革 命 熔 炉 (ge ming rong lu) the
革命加生产即能解决吃饭问题 (ge ming revolutionary crucible
jia sheng chan ji neng jie jue chi fan 革命圣地 (ge ming sheng di) sacred
wen ti) revolution plus production place of the revolution
can solve the problem of feeding the 革命是不能输入的 (ge ming shi bu neng
population shu ru de) revolution cannot be
革命家 (ge ming jia) revolutionary imported
革 命 坚 定 性 (ge ming jian ding xing) 革命是历史的火车头 (ge ming shi li shi
revolutionary staunchness (or de huo che tou) revolutions are the
firm-ness) locomotives of history
革命阶段论 (ge ming jie duan lun) the 革命首创精神 (ge ming shou chuang jing
theory of revolution by stages shen) revolutionary pioneering

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spirit 革 命 政 府 (ge ming zheng fu)
革 命 团 体 (ge ming tuan ti) revolutionary government
revolutionary organization 革 命 政 权 (ge ming zheng quan)
革 命 委 员 会 (ge ming wei yuan hui) revolutionary power
revolutionary committee 革 命 组 织 (ge ming zu zhi)
革命无罪,造反有理 (ge ming wu zui, zao revolutionary organization
fan you li) revolution is no crime, 革 命 左 派 (ge ming zuo pai) the
the rebellion is justified revolutionary Left
革 命 先 烈 (ge ming xian lie) 革 新 和 守 旧 (ge xin he shou jiu)
revolutionary martyr innovation and conservatism
革 命 先 驱 (ge ming xian qu) 革新派 (ge xin pai) innovators
revolutionary pioneer 革委会 (ge wei hui) see “革命委员
革 命 先 行 者 (ge ming xian xing zhe) 会”
revolutionary forerunner 革 职 (ge zhi) remove ; dismiss ;
革命现实主义 (ge ming xian shi zhu yi) discharge; depose;displace;eject
revolutionary realism 革 职 留 用 (ge zhi liu yong) be
革命小将 (ge ming xiao jiang) young degraded and retained in the
revolutionary fighter establishment
革命形势已经到来 (ge ming xing shi yi “ 革 ” 字 当 头 ( “ ge ” zi dang tou)
jing dao lai) a revolutionary dominated by “revolutionism”
situation has come into being 格格不入 (ge ge bu ru) incompatible
革命性质 (ge ming xing zhi) character with; out of tune with
of the revolution 格杀勿论 (ge sha wu lun) kill on the
革 命 学 说 (ge ming xue shuo) spot with lawful authority
revolutionary teachings (or theory) 隔岸观火 (ge an guan huo) watch the
革 命 样 板 戏 (ge ming yang ban xi) fire from the other side of the river;
revolutionary model play look on sb’s trouble with difference
革命英雄主义 (ge ming ying xiong zhu yi) 隔 离 审 查 (ge li shen cha) (during
revolutionary heroism political movements) isolate and
革 命 友 谊 (ge ming you yi) interrogate
revolutionary friendship 隔靴搔痒 (ge xue sao yang) scratch an
革命有早有迟,造反有先有后 (ge ming you itch from outside one’s boot (means
zao you chi, zao fan you xian you hou) to attempt an ineffective solution)
in revolution and rebellion there are 个别的、局部的、暂时的 (ge bie de、 ju
early-comers and late-comers bu de、 zan shi de) isolated, local,
革命元勋 (ge ming yuan xun) veteran temporary
revolutionary of great distinction 个别接纳 (ge bie jie na) individual
革 命 造 反 派 (ge ming zao fan pai) admission
revolutionary rebels (or revel group) 个 人 成 分 (ge ren cheng fen)
革 命 战 士 (ge ming zhan shi) individual class status
revolutionary fighter 个 人 崇 拜 (ge ren chong bai)
革命者 (ge ming zhe) revolutionary personality cult
革 命 政 党 (ge ming zheng dang) 个 人 的 权 力 (ge ren de quan li)
revolutionary party individual authority

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个人的全面发展 (ge ren de quan mian fa individualist ideology
zhan) full (or all-round) 个 人 主 义 者 (ge ren zhu yi zhe)
development of the human personality individualist
“个人第一”主义 (“ge ren di yi” zhu 个 人 专 断 (ge ren zhuan duan)
yi) “Me first” idea arbitrariness of a single person;
个人奋斗 (ge ren fen dou) make one’ arbitrary
s own way 个 体 工 商 户 (ge ti gong shang hu)
个人服从组织,少数服从多数,下级服从上 privately or individually-owned
级,全党服从中央 (ge ren fu cong zu zhi, business
shao shu fu cong duo shu, xia ji fu cong 个 体 户 (ge ti hu) individual
shang ji, quan dang fu cong zhong yang) entrepreneur
individuals are subordinate to the 个体经济 (ge ti jing ji) individual
organizations they belong to, the economy
minority is subordinate to the majority, 个 体 经 营 者 (ge ti jing ying zhe)
lower authorities are subordinate to individual operator
higher authorities, and the whole party 个 体 劳 动 者 (ge ti lao dong zhe)
is subordinate to the Party Center self-employed worker; individual
个 人 负 责 (ge ren fu ze) personal worker
responsibility 个体劳动者协会 (ge ti lao dong zhe xie
个人极权制度 (ge ren ji quan zhi du) hui) Self-Employed Persons
system of absolute personal power Assiociation
个人见解 (ge ren jian jie) one’s own 个体农户 (ge ti nong hu) individual
opinion peasant household
个人经营 (ge ren jing ying) one-man 个体手工业劳动者 (ge ti shou gong ye lao
business dong zhe) individual handicraftsman
个人历史 (ge ren li shi) one’s past 个 体 所 有 制 (ge ti suo you zhi)
record individual ownership
个人利益 (ge ren li yi) interest of 个 体 专 业 户 (ge ti zhuan ye hu)
the individual individual households with
个人迷信 (ge ren mi xin) personality specialized lines
cult 各安职守 (ge an zhi shou) stay at each
个人所得税法 (ge ren suo de shui fa) post and be responsilbe to one’s own
individual income tax law duty
个人突出 (ge ren tu chu) elevation of 各 个 击 破 敌 人 (ge ge ji po di ren)
oneself; self-glorification crush (or defeat) the enemy forces one
个 人 野 心 家 (ge ren ye xin jia) by one
careerist 各国人民 (ge guo ren min) people of
个 人 意 见 第 一 (ge ren yi jian di yi) all countries
give pride of place to one’s own opinions 各怀鬼胎 (ge huai gui tai) each has
个人英雄主义 (ge ren ying xiong zhu yi) his own axe to grind; each has sth. up
individualistic heroism his sleeve
个 人 主 义 (ge ren zhu yi) 各级党组织 (ge ji dang zu zhi) Party
individua-lism organizations at all levels
个人主义思想 (ge ren zhu yi si xiang) 各级地方人民政府 (ge ji di fang ren min

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zheng fu) local people ’ s 根 本 对 立 (gen ben dui li) be
governments at all levels diametrically opposed to; stand
各级领导干部 (ge ji ling dao gan bu) diametrically opposed to
leading cadres at all levels 根本法 (gen ben fa) the fundamental
“各阶级汇合的时代精神” (“ge jie ji hui law
he de shi dai jing shen”) “The 根本改造 (gen ben gai zao) radical
spirit of the times as representing transformation
the convergence of the ideologies of 根 本 好 转 (gen ben hao zhuan)
all classes” fundamental turn for the better
各界人士 (ge jie ren shi) people in 根本立场问题 (gen ben li chang wen ti)
every quarter basic issue of stand
各尽所能,按劳分配 (ge jin suo neng, an 根 本 利 益 (gen ben li yi) basic
lao fen pei) from each according to interests
his ability, to each according to his 根本目的 (gen ben mu di) fundamental
work results goal
各尽所能,按需分配 (ge jin suo neng, an 根 本 上 消 灭 (gen ben shang xiao mie)
xu fen pei) from each according to root out
his ability, to each according to his 根本问题 (gen ben wen ti) fundamental
needs issue
各立门户,各自为政 (ge li men hu, ge zi 根本修正 (gen ben xiu zheng) radical
wei zheng) set up each ’ s own revision
organization and act on each’s own 根 本 原 因 (gen ben yuan yin) basic
will reason; root cause
各人自扫门前雪 (ge ren zi sao men qian 根本原则 (gen ben yuan ze) cardinal
xue) clear the snow away only from principle
one ’ s own doorstep; hoe one ’ s own 根本战略思想 (gen ben zhan lüe si xiang)
potatoes; mind one’s own business fundamental strategic concept
各适其所 (ge shi qi suo) let each do 根本政策 (gen ben zheng ce) basic (or
the things that please himself; every fundamental) policy
hog to his trough 根本政治制度 (gen ben zheng zhi zhi du)
给脖子套上绞索 (gei bo zi tao shang jiao fundamental political system
suo) stick one’s neck into nooses 根红苗壮 (gen hong miao zhuang) one’
给以惩罚性打击 (gei yi cheng fa xing da s roots are red and the seedling is
ji) deal punitive blows at sturdy
给 予纪 律处分 (gei yu ji lü chu fen) 根据地 (gen ju di) base area
take disciplinary action against sb. 根 深 蒂 固 (gen shen di gu) deeply
给予有力的回击 (gei yu you li de hui ji) rooted; well established; have a firm
strike powerful blows at sb. foundation
根本大法 (gen ben da fa) body of basic 根 治 水 患 (gen zhi shui huan)
laws permanent control of floods
根本敌人 (gen ben di ren) principal 根子正 (gen zi zheng) one’s roots are
enemy straight
根本动摇 (gen ben dong yao) shake sth. 跟班劳动 (gen ban lao dong) labor in
to its very foundations the ranks

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跟党一条心 (gen dang yi tiao xin) be union membership fee
at one with the Party 工会会员 (gong hui hui yuan) member
跟着指挥棒转 (gen zhe zhi hui bang zhuan) of a trade union
follow the baton; dance obediently in 工会会员会籍 (gong hui hui yuan hui ji)
response to the baton trade union membership
更新换代 (geng xin huan dai) replace 工会会员会议 (gong hui hui yuan hui yi)
with the new membership meeting of the trade union
耕 者 有 其 田 (geng zhe you qi tian) 工会活动 (gong hui huo dong) trade
land for the tiller union activities
耕作方法 (geng zuo fang fa) farming 工会积极分子 (gong hui ji ji fen zi)
method; method of cultivation union activist
耕作技术 (geng zuo ji shu) farming 工 会 领 导 人 (gong hui ling dao ren)
technique union leader
耕作制度 (geng zuo zhi du) cropping 工 会 事 务 (gong hui shi wu) union
system affairs
耿耿忠心 (geng geng zhong xin) dogged 工 会 小 组 长 (gong hui xiao zu zhang)
adherence union group leader
更加光荣、更加伟大、更加正确 (geng jia 工会章程 (gong hui zhang cheng) union
guang rong、 geng jia wei da、 geng jia consititution
zheng que) more correct, greater 工 会 主 任 (gong hui zhu ren) union
and more glorious chairman
工厂党代会 (gong chang dang dai hui) 工 会 主 席 (gong hui zhu xi) union
factory Party congress chairman
工 厂 党 委 (gong chang dang wei) 工 会 组 织 (gong hui zu zhi) trade
factory Party committee union organization
工厂管理委员会 (gong chang guan li wei 工纠队 (gong jiu dui) worker picket
yuan hui) factory management (i.e. group organized by workers for
committee maintaining security and order)
工 厂 团 委 (gong chang tuan wei) 工联运动 (gong lian yun dong) trade
factory Youth League committee union movement
工 分 定 额 (gong fen ding e) fixed 工 联 主 义 者 (gong lian zhu yi zhe)
number of work-points for each farm job trade unionist
工分挂帅 (gong fen gua shuai) make 工、农、兵、学、商 (gong、 nong、 bing、
work points a priority xue 、 shang) workers, peasants,
工会 (gong hui) trade union soldiers, students and scholars, and
工 会 成 员 (gong hui cheng yuan) businessmen; industrial,
unionist; member of the trade union agricultural, military, educational
工 会 干 部 (gong hui gan bu) union and trade circles
cadre 工农兵学员 (gong nong bing xue yuan)
工会干部学校 (gong hui gan bu xue xiao) worker-peasant-soldier student
union cadres’ school 工 农 差 别 (gong nong cha bie)
工会工作 (gong hui gong zuo) union difference between workers and
work peasants
工 会 会 费 (gong hui hui fei) trade 工农分子知识化 (gong nong fen zi zhi shi

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hua) workers and peasants become 工人家庭出身 (gong ren jia ting chu shen)
well educated come from a worker’s family
工 农 干 部 (gong nong gan bu) 工人讲师团 (gong ren jiang shi tuan)
worker-peasant cadres group of worker lecturers
工农革命政权 (gong nong ge ming zheng 工人阶级本色 (gong ren jie ji ben se)
quan) workers ’ and peasants ’ sterling qualities of the working
revolutionary regime class
工农讲师团 (gong nong jiang shi tuan) 工人阶级必须领导一切 (gong ren jie ji
group of worker-peasant lecturers bi xu ling dao yi qie) the working
工 农 联 盟 (gong nong lian meng) class must exercise leadership in
worker-peasant alliance everything
工农民主政府 (gong nong min zhu zheng fu) 工人阶级的领导 (gong ren jie ji de ling
workers’ and peasants’ democratic dao) leadership of the working class
government 工人阶级领导的以工农联盟为基础的人民
工 农 群 众 (gong nong qun zhong) 民主专政的国家 (gong ren jie ji ling
worker-peasant masses dao de yi gong nong lian meng wei ji
工农武装 (gong nong wu zhuang) armed chu de ren min min zhu zhuan zheng de
forces of workers and pea-sants guo jia) state which is a people ’ s
工农武装割据 (gong nong wu zhuang ge ju) democratic dictatorship under the
armed independent regime of workers leadership of the working class and
and peasants based on the alliance of workers and
工农业总产值 (gong nong ye zong chan zhi) peasants
gross value of industrial and 工人阶级一分子 (gong ren jie ji yi fen
agricultural production zi) member of the working class
工农政权 (gong nong zheng quan) state 工人运动 (gong ren yun dong) labor
power of workers and peasants movement
工 农 子 弟 (gong nong zi di) the 工人自治 (gong ren zi zhi) workers’
children of workers and peasants self-government
工 农 子 弟 兵 (gong nong zi di bing) 工人组织 (gong ren zu zhi) workers’
soldiers out of worker-peasant children organization
工 青 妇 (gong qing fu) (an 工 商 界 (gong shang jie) industrial
abbreviation of) the Trade Union, the and commercial circles
Communist Youth League, and the Women’ 工 商 界 人 士 (gong shang jie ren shi)
s Federation industrial and commercial circles;
工人出身 (gong ren chu shen) worker’ business circles
s origin 工商局 (gong shang ju) industrial and
工人党 (gong ren dang) worker’s party commercial bureau
工 人 干 部 (gong ren gan bu) 工 商 联 营 (gong shang lian ying)
worker-cadre combined management of the industry
工 人 贵 族 (gong ren gui zu) labor and the commerce
aristocrat 工商行政管理局 (gong shang xing zheng
工 人 技 术 员 (gong ren ji shu yuan) guan li ju) see “工商局”
technician of worker origin; 工 商 业 者 (gong shang ye zhe)
worker-technician industrialists and businessmen

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工商业资产阶级 (gong shang ye zi chan in industry
jie ji) the bourgeoisie in industry 工 业 品 流 通 (gong ye pin liu tong)
and commerce circulation of manufactured goods
工 时 (gong shi) man-hour; 工业七十条 (gong ye qi shi tiao) 70
working-hour rules governing the industry
工 团 主 义 (gong tuan zhu yi) 工业企业 (gong ye qi ye) industrial
syndicalism enterprise
工 团 主 义 者 (gong tuan zhu yi zhe) 工业三十条 (gong ye san shi tiao) 30
syndicalist articles on the industrial
工薪阶层 (gong xin jie ceng) salaried development
person; stratum of salaried people 工业体系 (gong ye ti xi) industrial
工 宣 队 (gong xuan dui) workers ’ system
propaganda team 工 业 调 整 (gong ye tiao zheng)
工 业 办 公 室 (gong ye ban gong shi) industrial adjustment
industry office 工 业 停 滞 (gong ye ting zhi)
工业不发达国家 (gong ye bu fa da guo jia) industrial stagnation
countries where the industry is less 工业为主导 (gong ye wei zhu dao) take
developed industry as the leading factor of the
工业布局 (gong ye bu ju) distribution national economy
of the industry; geographical 工业无产阶级 (gong ye wu chan jie ji)
distribution of the industry; industrial proletariat
industrial layout 工业学大庆 (gong ye xue da qing) in
工业部门 (gong ye bu men) industrial industry, learn from Daqing
department (Oilfield)
工业部门间分析 (gong ye bu men jian fen 工业园区 (gong ye yuan qu) industrial
xi) interindustry analysis park
工业法规 (gong ye fa gui) industrial 工业资产阶级 (gong ye zi chan jie ji)
codes industrial bourgeoisie
工业复兴 (gong ye fu xing) industrial 工 业 总 产 值 (gong ye zong chan zhi)
recovery value of the total output of industry;
工业改革 (gong ye gai ge) reform in gross value of the industrial output
the industry 工业组织 (gong ye zu zhi) industrial
工 业 国 (gong ye guo) industrial organization
country 工贼 (gong zei) scab
工 业 化 国 家 (gong ye hua guo jia) 工转干 (gong zhuan gan) worker turned
indusrialized country into a cadre
工业结构改革 (gong ye jie gou gai ge) 工 资 分 制 度 (gong zi fen zhi du)
industrial restructuring reform wage-point system
工业经济 (gong ye jing ji) industrial 工资改革 (gong zi gai ge) reform of
economy the wage system
工业局 (gong ye ju) industry bureau 工资制和供给制相结合的制度 (gong zi
工业控制一体化 (gong ye kong zhi yi ti zhi he gong ji zhi xiang jie he de zhi
hua) integrated industrial control du) system of distribution that
工业门类 (gong ye men lei) branches combines the wage system with the free

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supply system sphere
工作报告 (gong zuo bao gao) report on 公共秩序 (gong gong zhi xu) public
one’s work; work report order
工 作 标 准 化 (gong zuo biao zhun hua) 公 共 租 界 (gong gong zu jie)
standardization of work international settlement
工作步骤上的急性病 (gong zuo bu zhou 公海 (gong hai) high seas; open sea
shang de ji xing bing) lack the 公 教 人 员 (gong jiao ren yuan)
patience to work step by step government employees and teachers
工作单位 (gong zuo dan wei) work unit 公开点名批判 (gong kai dian ming pi pan)
工作队 (gong zuo dui) work team criticize sb. openly by name
工作方针 (gong zuo fang zhen) work 公开斗争 (gong kai dou zheng) overt
policy struggle
工作路线 (gong zuo lu xian) line for 公 开 对 抗 (gong kai dui kang) open
work antagonism
工作能力 (gong zuo neng li) working 公 开 合 流 (gong kai he liu) open
ability collaboration
工 作 条 例 (gong zuo tiao li) 公开化 (gong kai hua) bring sth. into
regulation concerning the work the open
工作重点 (gong zuo zhong dian) focus 公 开 论 战 (gong kai lun zhan) open
of the work polemics
工作重心 (gong zuo zhong xin) centre 公开申明 (gong kai shen ming) openly
of gravity of the work; focus of the announce
work 公开投标、招标 (gong kai tou biao、 zhao
工作组 (gong zuo zu) work group biao) open bid; competitive bidding
工作作风 (gong zuo zuo feng) style of 公 开 投 票 (gong kai tou piao) open
work voting
公 安 部 (gong an bu) Ministry of 公 开 外 交 (gong kai wai jiao) open
Public Security diplomacy
公 安 机 关 (gong an ji guan) public 公开信 (gong kai xin) open letter
security organization 公 款 吃 喝 (gong kuan chi he)
公安局 (gong an ju) public security recreational activities using public
bureau funds
公安六条 (gong an liu tiao) six-point 公买公卖 (gong mai gong mai) fair in
directive on the public security buying and selling
公安厅 (gong an ting) public security 公民 (gong min) citizen
department 公民出入境管理法 (gong min chu ru jing
公报 (gong bao) communique guan li fa) the ordinance governing
公费医疗 (gong fei yi liao) medical the departures and entries of citizens
services at the state expense 公民法治社会 (gong min fa zhi she hui)
公告 (gong gao) announcement civil society ruled by law
公共积累 (gong gong ji lei) common 公民联盟 (gong min lian meng) civil
accumulation; accumulated public money union
(or materials) 公民权利 (gong min quan li) citizen’
公共空间 (gong gong kong jian) public s rights

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公 民 投 票 (gong min tou piao) a fetish of formulas
plebiscite 公式化,概念化 (gong shi hua, gai nian
公 民 自 由 (gong min zi you) civil hua) the tendency to be formulistic
liberties and abstract
公 平 解 决 (gong ping jie jue) fair 公式主义 (gong shi zhu yi) formulism
solution 公事公办 (gong shi gong ban) a public
公平税 (gong ping shui) fair taxation business should be done with
公仆 (gong pu) public servant strictness; public affairs should be
公 仆 变 老 爷 (gong pu bian lao ye) strictly managed
change from public servants of the 公司工会 (gong si gong hui) company
people to their lords and masters union
公勤人员 (gong qin ren yuan) ser-vice 公 司 注 册 (gong si zhu ce)
personnel in an office registration of companies
公认的国际法准则 (gong ren de guo ji fa 公 司 注 册 证 (gong si zhu ce zheng)
zhun ze) established principles of certificate of incorporation;
the international law corporation charter
公认的国际关系原则 (gong ren de guo ji 公私关系 (gong si guan xi) relation
guan xi yuan ze) accepted principles between the public and the private
of international relations interests
公 认 领 袖 (gong ren ling xiu) 公私合营 (gong si he ying) state and
acknowledged leader private joint-ownership
公社 (gong she) commune 公私兼顾 (gong si jian gu) take both
公社化 (gong she hua) switch over to public and private interests into
people’s communes account; give consideration to both
公社史 (gong she shi) commune history public and private interests
公 社 所 有 制 (gong she suo you zhi) “公私溶化论” (“gong si rong hua lun”)
communal ownership(or property) theory of “merging public and private
公使 (gong shi) minister; envoy interests”
公 使 办 公 室 (gong shi ban gong shi) 公堂 (gong tang) law court; tribunal
minister’s office 公务签证 (gong wu qian zheng) service
公使馆 (gong shi guan) legation visa
公使任期 (gong shi ren qi) the term of 公 务 人 员 (gong wu ren yuan)
ministership government functionary
公 使 身 份 (gong shi shen fen) 公 务 员 (gong wu yuan) government
ministership employee
公 使 衔 参 赞 (gong shi xian can zan) 公务员制 (gong wu yuan zhi) public
counsellor with the rank of minister service system
公使衔外交代表 (gong shi xian wai jiao 公物还家 (gong wu huan jia) return
dai biao) minister resident public property (or assets) where
公使职权 (gong shi zhi quan) legation they belong
公 使 住 宅 (gong shi zhu zhai) 公 用 事 业 局 (gong yong shi ye ju)
minister’s residence utility bureau
公式的“马克思主义者” (gong shi de “ma 公 有 制 (gong you zhi) public
ke si zhu yi zhe”) “marxist” who makes ownership

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公 有 制 不 等于 国 有 制 (gong you zhi bu “palace” coup
deng yu guo you zhi) public 巩固 (gong gu) consolidation
ownership does not amount to state 巩 固 的 根 据 地 (gong gu de gen ju di)
ownership stable base area
公有制的控制经济 (gong you zhi de kong 巩 固 的 后 方 (gong gu de hou fang)
zhi jing ji) the controlled economy secure rear area
of public ownership 巩 固 的 阵 地 (gong gu de zhen di)
公有制实现形式可以而且应当多样化 stronghold
(gong you zhi shi xian xing shi ke yi 巩固社会主义阵地 (gong gu she hui zhu yi
er qie ying dang duo yang hua) zhen di) fortify the positions of
public ownership can and should take socialism
diversified forms 共 产 党 (gong chan dang) communist
公 约 (gong yue) convention; pact; party
joint pledge 共产党领导下的多党合作与政治协商
公 正 舆 论 (gong zheng yu lun) (gong chan dang ling dao xia de duo
fair-minded public opinion dang he zuo yu zheng zhi xie shang)
公 职 (gong zhi) public employment; multi-party cooperation and political
official post consultation under the leadership of
公职人员 (gong zhi ren yuan) public the Communist Party of China
employee 共 产 党 人 (gong chan dang ren)
公众舆论 (gong zhong yu lun) public communist
opinion 共 产党 是工人 阶级的 先锋 队 (gong chan
公字当头 (gong zi dang tou) put the dang shi gong ren jie ji de xian feng
public interest to the fore dui) the Communist Party is the
功大过小 (gong da guo xiao) merits vanguard of the working class
outweigh faults 《共产党宣言》 (gong chan dang xuan yan)
功 绩 (gong ji) great services; Communist Manifesto
meritorious deeds; merits 共 产 风 (gong chan feng) communist
功 利 主 义 (gong li zhu yi) wind
utilitariianism 共产国际 (gong chan guo ji) Communist
功 利 主 义 者 (gong li zhu yi zhe) International; Comintern (1919 ~
utilitarian 1943)
功勋 (gong xun) meritorious deeds 共产主义 (gong chan zhu yi) communism
攻 关 (gong guan) attack problems; 共产主义道德 (gong chan zhu yi dao de)
settle technical problems communist ethics
攻坚战术 (gong jian zhan shu) tactics 共产主义的战歌 (gong chan zhu yi de zhan
of storming heavily fortified points; ge) a battle song of communism
tactics for taking strong 共产主义觉悟 (gong chan zhu yi jue wu)
fortifications communist consciousness
攻其一点,不及其余 (gong qi yi dian, bu 共产主义劳动大学 (gong chan zhu yi lao
ji qi yu) attack someone for a single dong da xue) communist labor
(or particular) fault without university
considering the whole 共产主义理想 (gong chan zhu yi li xiang)
宫 廷 政 变 (gong ting zheng bian) ideal of communism

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共产主义萌芽 (gong chan zhu yi meng ya) movement
the first shoots of communism 共和制 (gong he zhi) republic system;
共产主义青年团 (gong chan zhu yi qing republicanism
nian tuan) Communist Youth League 共建 (gong jian) build together
共产主义社会 (gong chan zhu yi she hui) 共命运 (gong ming yun) share a common
communist society fate
共产主义世界观 (gong chan zhu yi shi jie 共青团 (gong qing tuan) see “共产
guan) communist world outlook 主义青年团”
共产主义事业 (gong chan zhu yi shi ye) 共识 (gong shi) jointly-held views;
cause of communism agreed-upon (or unanimous)
共产主义思想 (gong chan zhu yi si xiang) understanding
communist ideology 共同道路 (gong tong dao lu) common
共产主义思想是社会主义精神文明的核心 road
(gong chan zhu yi si xiang shi she hui 共 同 对 敌 (gong tong dui di) join
zhu yi jing shen wen ming de he xin) hands to oppose the enemy; oppose the
Communist ideology is the core of enemy together; stand together
socialist spiritual civilization against the enemy
共产主义同盟 (gong chan zhu yi tong meng) 共同赴敌 (gong tong fu di) go in for
communist league common action against the enemy
共产主义小组 (gong chan zhu yi xiao zu) 共同富裕 (gong tong fu yu) prosperity
communist group in common; life of common prosperity;
共产主义新人 (gong chan zhu yi xin ren) good life for all
new Communist man 共同富裕的道路 (gong tong fu yu de dao
共产主义行为 (gong chan zhu yi xing wei) lu) the road of common prosperity
communist behavior 共同纲领 (gong tong gang ling) common
共产主义学说 (gong chan zhu yi xue shuo) program
communist theory 共同关心的问题 (gong tong guan xin de
共产主义运动 (gong chan zhu yi yun dong) wen ti) questions (or issues) of
communist movement common interest (or concern)
共产主义战士 (gong chan zhu yi zhan shi) 共同利害关系 (gong tong li hai guan xi)
communist fighter common interests
共 产 主 义 者 (gong chan zhu yi zhe) 共同美感 (gong tong mei gan) common
communist sense of beauty
共产主义者同盟 (gong chan zhu yi zhe 共同人性 (gong tong ren xing) common
tong meng) Communist League human nature
共产主义制度 (gong chan zhu yi zhi du) 共同协商 (gong tong xie shang) common
communist system consultation
共赴国难宣言 (gong fu guo nan xuan yan) 共御外侮 (gong yu wai wu) unite to
the declaration calling for united resist foreign aggression
efforts to save the nation 共运 (gong yun) see “共产主义运动”
共和国 (gong he guo) republic 供 给 制 (gong ji zhi) the supply
共和联盟 (gong he lian meng) republic system
alliance 供 应 科 (gong ying ke) supplies
共和运动 (gong he yun dong) republic section

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勾心斗角,互相倾轧 (gou xin dou jiao, hu 骨干 (gu gan) backbone
xiang qing ya) scheme against each 骨 干 企 业 (gu gan qi ye) key
other and get locked in strife; enterprises
internal bickerings and rivalries 骨 肉 同 胞 (gu rou tong bao)
购销联社 (gou xiao lian she) joint compatriots of flesh and blood
purchase-sale commissary 鼓吹 (gu chui) advocate
估产定息 (gu chan ding xi) payment of 鼓动成千成万的群众 (gu dong cheng qian
a fixed rate of interest on the basis shang wan de qun zhong) rouse the
of an appraisal of the assets people in hundreds and thousands
沽 名 钓 誉 (gu ming diao yu) buy 鼓励竞争 (gu li jing zheng) encourage
reputation and fish for praise; strive competition
for reputation; fish for fame and 鼓足干劲 (gu zu gan jin) go all out
reputation 固 定 资 产 (gu ding zi chan) fixed
姑息养奸,纵虎为患 (gu xi yang jian, assets
zong hu wei huan) indulge the 固守阵地 (gu shou zhen di) entrench
evil-doers and connive at their crimes in positions
孤军作战 (gu jun zuo zhan) carry on 故都 (gu du) one-time capital
the struggle single-handed; fight in 故意挑衅 (gu yi tiao xin) deliberate
isolation provocation
孤立少数 (gu li shao shu) isolate the 顾 大 局 (gu da ju) consider the
minority overall scheme
孤立无援 (gu li wu yuan) isolated and 顾及舆论 (gu ji yu lun) pay heed to
cut off from help; isolated and the public opinion
abandoned 顾问 (gu wen) advisor
孤 立 政 策 (gu li zheng ce) 顾问机关 (gu wen ji guan) advisory
isolationism; isolationist policy organ
孤立主义 (gu li zhu yi) isolationism 顾问制 (gu wen zhi) advisory system
古 田 会 议 (gu tian hui yi) Gutian 雇工剥削 (gu gong bo xue) hire labor
Congress for exploitation
(in 1929) 雇 佣 兵 役 制 (gu yong bing yi zhi)
古为今用,洋为中用 (gu wei jin yong, mercenary system
yang wei zhong yong) make the past serve 雇 佣 观 点 (gu yong guan dian)
the present and foreign things serve hired-hand mentality
China 雇 佣 军 (gu yong jun) mercenaries;
股份合作制 (gu fen he zuo zhi) joint mercenary troops
stock cooperative system 雇佣军队的思想 (gu yong jun dui de si
股份有限公司 (gu fen you xian gong si) xiang) mentality of mercenaries
joint stock limited liability company 雇 佣 思 想 (gu yong si xiang)
股 份 制 (gu fen zhi) joint stock hired-hand thinking
system 刮翻案风 (gua fan an feng) try to have
股份制改造 (gu fen zhi gai zao) joint the previous decisions reversed
stock system reform 刮风 (gua feng) stir up a “wind”
股长 (gu zhang) section chief of an 刮资产阶级“香”风,喷资产阶级迷雾 (gua
office zi chan jie ji “xiang” feng, pen zi

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chan jie ji mi wu) spread bourgeois 关 系 学 (guan xi xue) studies on
ideas camouflaged in a perfumed mist Personal Relations
寡头统治的共和国 (gua tou tong zhi de 关系正常化 (guan xi zheng chang hua)
gong he guo) oligarchic republic normalization of relations
寡头专政制度 (gua tou zhuan zheng zhi du) 观察国家命运的工具 (guan cha guo jia
the oligarchic dictatorship ming yun de gong ju) instrument for
挂名党员 (gua ming dang yuan) Party studying a nation’s destiny
member only in name 观察一切,检查一切,落实一切 (guan cha
挂羊头,卖狗肉 (gua yang tou, mai gou rou) yi qie, jian cha yi qie, luo shi yi qie)
in front of the shop the sheep’s head look at, examine and do everything
dangles, but inside the shop one sells 观潮派 (guan chao pai) onlookers
the dog’s meat 观风色 (guan feng se) sense changes;
关闭谈判之门 (guan bi tan pan zhi men) watch every move
close the door of negotiation 观 念 形 态 (guan nian xing tai)
关 键 的 关 键 (guan jian de guan jian) ideological forms
the key of keys 观望和拖延的政策 (guan wang he tuo yan
关键问题 (guan jian wen ti) central de zheng ce) policy of looking on and
issue; key question stalling
关键性作用 (guan jian xing zuo yong) 观 望 政 策 (guan wang zheng ce)
key role wait-and-see policy
关 门 态 度 (guan men tai du) 观 战 政 策 (guan zhan zheng ce) the
closed-door attitude policy of “watching others fight”
关 门 整 风 (guan men zheng feng) 官本位 (guan ben wei) the yardstick
rectify work style with closed doors of administrative rank whereby the
关 门 主 义 (guan men zhu yi) status, authority, and political and
closed-doorism economic treatment of an individual of
关门主义路线 (guan men zhu yi lu xian) a unit are determined; the yardstick
the line of closed-doorism for everything based on the rank of an
关门捉贼 (guan men zhuo zei) catch official
the thief by closing his escape routes 官 兵 一 致 (guan bing yi zhi) no
关起门来办 (guan qi men lai ban) work difference between officers and
behind closed doors soldiers
关税壁垒 (guan shui bi lei) tariff 官倒 (guan dao) (an abbreviation for)
barrier persons or organizations in
关税及贸易总协定 (guan shui ji mao yi government and state business
zong xie ding) General Agreement on conspiring to buy and resell
Tariffs and Trade (GATT) short-supply high-demand goods for
关税同盟 (guan shui tong meng) tariff huge profits
union 官 多 兵 少 (guan duo bing shao) the
关停并转 (guan ting bing zhuan) close, proportion of officers as compared to
stop, merge and shift soldiers is unduly large
关系 (guan xi) personal connections 官方代表团 (guan fang dai biao tuan)
关系全局 (guan xi quan ju) concern official mission
the whole 官 方 命 令 (guan fang ming ling)

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official order official position
官方人士 (guan fang ren shi) official 冠冕堂皇,连篇废话 (guan mian tang huang,
quarters lian pian fei hua) high-sounding
官 方 声 明 (guan fang sheng ming) rubbish
official statement 管教 (guan jiao) control and educate
官 方 通 告 (guan fang tong gao) 管教所 (guan jiao suo) reformatory
official announcement 管理处 (guan li chu) administrative
官 方 文 件 (guan fang wen jian) office
official document 管 理 机 构 (guan li ji gou)
官方组织 (guan fang zu zhi) official administrative organization
organization 管 理 民 主 化 (guan li min zhu hua)
官 复 原 职 (guan fu yuan zhi) the democratize management
restoration of cadres to their 管 理 区 (guan li qu) administrative
original posts district
官 官 相 护 (guan guan xiang hu) 管理权力 (guan li quan li) managerial
officials shield one another; all power
bureaucrats shield each other 管理体制 (guan li ti zhi) management
官架子 (guan jia zi) the airs of an system
official; bureaucratic airs 管卡压 (guan qia ya) control, block,
官教兵、兵教官、兵教兵 (guan jiao bing、 suppress
bing jiao guan 、 bing jiao bing) 管辖权 (guan xia quan) jurisdiction
officers teach soldiers, soldiers 管制对外贸易 (guan zhi dui wai mao yi)
teach officers and soldiers teach each control of trade with outside areas;
other control of foreign trade
官僚买办资产阶级 (guan liao mai ban zi 管 制 分 子 (guan zhi fen zi) person
chan jie ji) bureaucrat-comprador under surveillance
bourgeoisie 管制劳动 (guan zhi lao dong) labor
官 僚 主 义 (guan liao zhu yi) under surveillance
bureaucracy; bureaucratism 贯穿于一切过程的始终 (guan chuan yu yi
官僚主义作风 (guan liao zhu yi zuo feng) qie guo cheng de shi zhong) permeate
bureaucratic style of work every process from the beginning to
官 僚 资 本 (guan liao zi ben) the end; run through all processes
bureaucrat-capital from the beginning to the end
官僚资产阶级 (guan liao zi chan jie ji) 光 杆 儿 司 令 (guang gan r si ling)
bureaucrat-bourgeoisie single commander
官暮骄娇四气 (guan mu jiao jiao si qi) 光 辉 的 一 页 (guang hui de yi ye) a
the four airs of bureaucratism, lethargy, shining page
haughtiness and squea-mishness 光 辉 思 想 (guang hui si xiang)
官 气 (guan qi) official airs; brilliant thought
bureaucratic airs 光 辉 形 象 (guang hui xing xiang)
官 商 作 风 (guan shang zuo feng) brilliant image
bureaucratic business style 光荣榜 (guang rong bang) honour roll
官员 (guan yuan) official (or board)
官 职 (guan zhi) government post; 光荣入党 (guang rong ru dang) have

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the honour of being admitted into the 国防 (guo fang) national defence
Party 国 防 部 (guo fang bu) Ministry of
光 荣 使 者 (guang rong shi zhe) National Defence
honourable envoy 国防工程项目 (guo fang gong cheng xiang
广播电影电视部 (guang bo dian ying dian mu) national defence engineering
shi bu) Ministry of Radio, Film and project
Television 国防工业 (guo fang gong ye) national
广东地下党案 (guang dong di xia dang an) defence industry
the case of the Guangdong underground 国 防 供 应 (guo fang gong ying)
party national defence supply
广州起义 (guang zhou qi yi) Guangzhou 国防计划 (guo fang ji hua) national
Uprising (in 1927) defence program (or scheme)
规 模 经 营 (gui mo jing ying) scale 国 防 建 设 (guo fang jian she)
management Construction of national defence
规模效益 (gui mo xiao yi) economic 国防开支 (guo fang kai zhi) national
benefits achieved at a certain scale defence expenditure
诡辩改变不了真理 (gui bian gai bian bu 国 防 科 委 (guo fang ke wei) State
liao zhen li) sophistry does not Commission of Science for National
alter the truth Defense
跪倒在帝国主义面前 (gui dao zai di guo 国防科学技术工业委员会 (guo fang ke xue
zhu yi mian qian) prostrate oneself ji shu gong ye wei yuan hui)
before the imperialists Commission of Science, Technology and
国办 (guo ban) (an abbreviation for) Industry for National Defence
the General Office of the State 国防力量 (guo fang li liang) national
Council defence capability (or potential)
国本 (guo ben) the foundations of the 国防情报 (guo fang qing bao) national
state defence intelligence
国宾 (guo bin) state guest 国 防 生 产 (guo fang sheng chan)
国宾馆 (guo bin guan) guest house for national defence production
top-level guests of the state 国防事务 (guo fang shi wu) national
国宾席 (guo bin xi) seat for the state defence affairs
guest 国防文学 (guo fang wen xue) national
国策 (guo ce) policy of the state; defense literature
national policy 国 防 线 (guo fang xian) national
国耻 (guo chi) national humiliation defence line
国 粹 (guo cui) the quintessence of 国防研究 (guo fang yan jiu) national
the Chinese culture defence research
国道 (guo dao) major highways under 国防预算 (guo fang yu suan) national
the jurisdiction of the State Central defence budget
Transportation Department 国防政策 (guo fang zheng ce) national
国都 (guo du) capital defence policy
国度 (guo du) country; nation 国歌 (guo ge) national anthem
国 法 (guo fa) law of the land; 国格 (guo ge) national honor
national law 国花 (guo hua) national flower

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国徽 (guo hui) national emblem among nations
国籍 (guo ji) nationality 国 际 化 战 略 (guo ji hua zhan l ü e)
国 计 民 生 (guo ji min sheng) the internationalization strategy
national economy and the people ’ s 国 际 会 议 (guo ji hui yi)
livelihood international conference
国 际 冲 突 (guo ji chong tu) 国 际 活 动 (guo ji huo dong)
international conflicts international manoeuvres; activities
国际大循环 (guo ji da xun huan) great in the international field
international cycle 国际货币 (guo ji huo bi) convertible
国 际 地 位 (guo ji di wei) foreign exchange; international
international standing currency
国际法 (guo ji fa) international law 国际货币基金组织 (guo ji huo bi ji jin
国 际 法 准 则 (guan ji fa zhun ze) zu zhi) International Monetary Fund
established principle of 国 际 监 督 (guo ji jian du)
international law international control
国际反美统一战线 (guo ji fan mei tong yi 国 际 间 谍 (guo ji jian die)
zhan xian) the international united international spy
front against U.S. imperialism 国 际 交 往 (guo ji jiao wang)
“国际分工”论 (“guo ji fen gong” lun) international intercourse
the theory of “international division 国际金融学会 (guo ji jin rong xue hui)
of labor” International Finance Society
国际歌 (guo ji ge) The Internationale 国际经济新秩序 (guo ji jing ji xin zhi
国际共产主义运动 (guo ji gong chan zhu xu) new international economic order
yi yun dong) international 国际恐怖主义 (guo ji kong bu zhu yi)
communist movement international terrorism
国 际共 产主义 运动总 路线 (guo ji gong 国 际 劳 动 节 (guo ji lao dong jie)
chan zhu yi yun dong zong lu xian) the International Labor Day; May Day
general line of the international 国际礼让 (guo ji li rang) comity of
communist movement nations
国 际 共 管 (guo ji gong guan) 国际联盟 (guo ji lian meng) League of
international condominium Nations
国 际 关 系 (guo ji guan xi) 国 际 贸 易 差 额 (guo ji mao yi cha e)
international relations balance of international trade
国际关系学会 (guo ji guan xi xue hui) 国际贸易伙伴 (guo ji mao yi huo ban)
International Relations Society international trading partner
国 际 观 察 家 (guo ji guan cha jia) 国 际 社 会 (guo ji she hui)
international observer international society
国 际 惯 例 (guo ji guan li) 国 际 市 场 (guo ji shi chang)
international practice; international international market
conventions 国 际 事 件 (guo ji shi jian)
国际国内形势 (guo ji guo nei xing shi) international incident
international 国 际 事 务 (guo ji shi wu)
and domestic situation international matters (or affairs)
国际合作 (guo ji he zuo) cooperation 国 际 视 察 (guo ji shi cha)

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international inspection 国际组织联络局 (guo ji zu zhi lian luo
国 际 水 平 (guo ji shui ping) ju) Department of Relations with
international standards International Organizations
国 际 水 域 (guo ji shui yu) 国 家 安 全 (guo jia an quan) state
international waters security
国际外交协会 (guo ji wai jiao xie hui) 国 家 安 全 部 (guo jia an quan bu)
International Diplomatic Aca-demy Ministry of State Security
国 际 往 来 (guo ji wang lai) 国家安全部门 (guo jia an quan bu men)
international contacts national security department
国际文化交流 (guo ji wen hua jiao liu) 国家安全局 (guo jia an quan ju) State
international cultural exchange Security Bureau
国际问题研究组 (guo ji wen ti yan jiu zu) 国 家 版 权 局 (guo jia ban quan ju)
international affairs group State Copyright Bureau
国 际 宪 兵 (guo ji xian bing) 国家财政预算 (guo jia cai zheng yu suan)
international gendarme state budget
国 际 形 势 (guo ji xing shi) 国家测绘局 (guo jia ce hui ju) State
international situation Bureau of Surveying and Mapping
国 际 影 响 (guo ji ying xiang) 国家出入境检验检疫局 (guo jia chu ru
international repercussions; impact jing jian yan jian yi ju) State
abroad Administration for Entry-Exit
国际友人 (guo ji you ren) foreign (or Inspection and Quarantine
international) friend 国 家 储 备 金 (guo jia chu bei jin)
国 际 舆 论 (guo ji yu lun) world state reserve funds
opinion 国家大事 (guo jia da shi) national
国际原子能机构 (guo ji yuan zi neng ji (or state) affairs
gou) International Atomic Energy 国 家 代 主 席 (guo jia dai zhu xi)
Agency acting chairman of a state
国 际 援 助 (guo ji yuan zhu) 国家档案 (guo jia dang an) national
international help [/support] archives
国际战略问题学会 (guo ji zhan lüe wen ti 国家档案局 (guo jia dang an ju) State
xue hui) Institute for International Archives Bureau
Strategic Studies 国家的独立完整 (guo jia de du li wan
国 际 争 端 (guo ji zheng duan) zheng) the country’s independence
International dispute and integrity
国际政治和经济研究中心 (guo ji zheng 国 家 的 主 人 (guo jia de zhu ren)
zhi he jing ji yan jiu zhong xin) Centre master of the country
for the Studies of International 国家的总后方 (guo jia de zong hou fang)
Politics and Economy the rear area of the country as a whole
国 际 主 义 (guo ji zhu yi) 国家地震局 (guo jia di zhen ju) State
internationalism Seismological Bureau
国 际 主 义 者 (guo ji zhu yi zhe) 国 家 典 礼 (guo jia dian li) state
internationalist functions; state ceremony
国 际 组 织 (guo ji zu zhi) 国 家 独 立 (guo jia du li) national
international organization independence

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国家发展计划委员会 (guo jia fa zhan ji 国家机密 (guo jia ji mi) state secret
hua wei yuan hui) State Development 国 家 机 器 (guo jia ji qi) state
Planning Commission apparatus (or machinery)
国 家 法 (guo jia fa) constitutional 国家机械工业局 (guo jia ji xie gong ye
law; the law of the state ju) State Bureau of Machine-Building
国家防务 (guo jia fang wu) national Industry
defense affairs 国 家 计 划 生 育 委 员 会 (guo jia ji hua
国家防务部门 (guo jia fang wu bu men) sheng yu wei yuan hui) State Family
national defence department Planning Commission
国家纺织工业局 (guo jia fang zhi gong ye 国家计划委员会 (guo jia ji hua wei yuan
ju) State Bureau of Textile Industry hui) State Planning Commission
国 家 副 主 席 (guo jia fu zhu xi) 国家建设 (guo jia jian she) national
vice-chairman of a state construction
国家工商行政管理局 (guo jia gong shang 国家建筑材料工业局 (guo jia jian zhu
xing zheng guan li ju) National cai liao gong ye ju) State Bureau of
Administration of Industry and Building Materials Industry
Commerce 国家教育委员会 (guo jia jiao yu wei yuan
国家构成和政权构成 (guo jia gou cheng hui) State Education Commission
he zheng quan gou cheng) state and 国家进出口管理委员会 (guo jia jin chu
governmental structure kou guan li wei yuan hui) State
国 家 管 理 (guo jia guan li) Commission for the Control of Import
administration of the state and Export Affairs
国家广播电影电视总局 (guo jia guang bo 国家进出口商品检验局 (guo jia jin chu
dian ying dian shi zong ju) State kou shang pin jian yan ju) State
Administration of Radio, Film and Administration for the Inspection of
Television Import and Export Commodities
国家国内贸易局 (guo jia guo nei mao yi 国家经济贸易委员会 (guo jia jing ji mao
ju) State Bureau of Internal Trade yi wei yuan hui) State Economic and
国家国有资产管理局 (guo jia guo you zi Trade Commission
chan guan li ju) State Administration 国家经济体制改革委员会 (guo jia jing ji
of State Property ti zhi gai ge wei yuan hui) State
国 家 海 洋 局 (guo jia hai yang ju) Commission for Restructuring Economy
State Oceanic Administration 国家经济委员会 (guo jia jing ji wei yuan
国家核安全局 (guo jia he an quan ju) hui) State Economic Commission
State Bureau of Nuclear Safety 国 家 决 算 (guo jia jue suan) final
国家环境保护总局 (guo jia huan jing bao accounts of state revenue and
hu zong ju) State Environmental expenditures
Protection Administration 国家科学技术委员会 (guo jia ke xue ji
国家黄金管理局 (guo jia huang jin guan shu wei yuan hui) State Science and
li ju) State Gold Administrative Technology Commission
Bureau 国 家 矿 储 量 管 理 局 (guo jia kuang chu
国家机关工作人员 (guo jia ji guan gong liang guan li ju) State Administration
zuo ren yuan) personnel of state on Mineral Resources
organs 国家立法机关 (guo jia li fa ji guan)

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legislative body of the state 国 家 所 有 制 (guo jia suo you zhi)
国家利益 (guo jia li yi) interest of state ownership
the state 国家体育运动委员会 (guo jia ti yu yun
国家粮食储备局 (guo jia liang shi chu dong wei yuan hui) State Physical
bei ju) State Bureau of Grain Culture and Sports Commission
Reserve 国家体育总局 (guo jia ti yu zong ju)
国家林业局 (guo jia lin ye ju) State State Physical Culture Administration
Forestry Bureau 国家调节市场,市场引导企业 (guo jia
国家垄断资本主义 (guo jia long duan zi tiao jie shi chang, shi chang yin dao
ben zhu yi) state monopoly capitalism qi ye) the state adjusts the market,
国家旅游局 (guo jia lü you ju) State and the market guides the enterprises
Administration of Tourism 国家统计局 (guo jia tong ji ju) State
国家煤炭工业局 (guo jia mei tan gong ye Statistics Bureau
ju) State Bureau of the Coal Industry 国家统一的经济计划 (guo jia tong yi de
国家民族事务委员会 (guo jia min zu shi jing ji ji hua) unified economic
wu wei yuan hui) State Ethnic planning by the state
Affairs Commission 国家土地管理局 (guo jia tu di guan li ju)
国家命运 (guo jia ming yun) national State Bureau of Land Administration
destiny 国家外国专家局 (guo jia wai guo zhuan
国家南极考察委员会 (guo jia nan ji kao jia ju) State Bureau of Foreign
cha wei yuan hui) National Experts Affairs
Antarctic Research Committee 国家外汇管理局 (guo jia wai hui guan li
国家农业和集体农业 (guo jia nong ye he ju) State Administration of Foreign
ji ti nong ye) state or collective Exchange
farming 国家文物局 (guo jia wen wu ju) State
国 家 气 象 局 (guo jia qi xiang ju) Cultural Relics Bureau
National Meteorological Bureau 国家物价局 (guo jia wu jia ju) State
国家轻工业局 (guo jia qing gong ye ju) Administration of Commodity Prices
State Bureau of Light Industries 国家物资局 (guo jia wu zi ju) State
国家情报 (guo jia qing bao) national Bureau of Materials and Equipment
intelligence 国家兴亡,匹夫有责 (guo jia xing wang,
国 家 权 力 (guo jia quan li) state pi fu you ze) every man alive has a
power duty to his country’s rises and downs
国家权力机关 (guo jia quan li ji guan) 国家行政学院 (guo jia xing zheng xue
organs of state power yuan)National School of Administration
国家权益 (guo jia quan yi) national 国家烟草专卖局 (guo jia yan cao zhuan
interests mai ju) State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau
国 家 审 计 署 (guo jia shen ji shu) 国 家 药 品 监督 管 理 局 (guo jia yao pin
State Auditing Administration jian du guan li ju) State Drug
国家石油和化学工业局 (guo jia shi you Administration
he hua xue gong ye ju) State Bureau of 国家冶金工业局 (guo jia ye jin gong ye
Petroleum and Chemical Industries ju) State Bureau of Metallurgical
国家税务总局 (guo jia shui wu zong ju) Industry
State Taxation Administration 国家医药管理局 (guo jia yi yao guan li

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ju) State Pharmaceutical 国家资本主义经济 (guo jia zi ben zhu yi
Administration jing ji) state-capitalist economy
国 家 银 行 (guo jia yin hang) state 国家资财 (guo jia zi cai) state funds
bank and property
国 家 邮 政 局 (guo jia you zheng ju) 国家资源 (guo jia zi yuan) national
State Post Bureau resources
国家有色金属工业局 (guo jia you se jin 国家宗教事务局 (guo jia zong jiao shi wu
shu gong ye ju) State Bureau of ju) State Bureau of Religious Affairs
Nonferrous Metal Industry 国界 (guo jie) national boundary
国家语言文字工作委员会 (guo jia yu yan 国界线 (guo jie xian) national boundary
wen zi gong zuo wei yuan hui) State line
Language Work Committee 国境 (guo jing) territory
国家元首 (guo jia yuan shou) head of 国境线 (guo jing xian) boundary line
state 国 库 (guo ku) national (or state)
国家元首和政府首脑会议 (guo jia yuan treasury; exchequer
shou he zheng fu shou nao hui yi) 国库券 (guo ku quan) exchequer bond
conference of heads of states or 国力 (guo li) national power
governments 国民党 (guo min dang) the Kuomintang;
国家援助 (guo jia yuan zhu) state (or the Nationalists
national) assistance 国 民 党 作 风 (guo min dang zuo feng)
国家政权 (guo jia zheng quan) state the Kuomintang style of work
power 国 民 革 命 军 (guo min ge ming jun)
国 家 支 持 (guo jia zhi chi) state National Revolutionary Army
support 国民教育 (guo min jiao yu) national
国家知识产权局 (guo jia zhi shi chan education; popular education
quan ju) State Intellectual Property 国民经济 (guo min jing ji) national
Office economy
国家职能 (guo jia zhi neng) functions 国民经济的不协调现象 (guo min jing ji
and powers of the state de bu xie tiao xian xiang)
国 家 制 度 (guo jia zhi du) state disproportionate developments in a
system national economy; imbalance in a
国家质量技术监督局 (guo jia zhi liang national economy
ji shu jian du ju) State Bureau of 国民经济的综合平衡 (guo min jing ji de
Quality and Technical Supervision zong he ping heng) overall balance in
国家中医药管理局 (guo jia zhong yi yao the national economy
guan li ju) State Administration of 国民经济个别环节失调 (guo min jing ji
Traditional Chinese Medicine [under the ge bie huan jie shi tiao)
Ministry of Public Health] disproportions in some links of the
国家主权 (guo jia zhu quan) national national economy
sovereignty 国民经济各部门按比例发展的客观规律
国家主席 (guo jia zhu xi) chairman of (guo min jing ji ge bu men an bi li fa
a state zhan de ke guan gui lü) objective
国家资本主义 (guo jia zi ben zhu yi) law of the proportionate development
state capitalism of the various branches of a national

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economy countryman
国民经济计划 (guo min jing ji ji hua) 国事 (guo shi) state affairs
plan for the national economy 国 事 访 问 (guo shi fang wen) state
国民经济平衡 (guo min jing ji ping heng) visit
national economy balance 国 书 (guo shu) letter of credence;
国民经济支柱产业 (guo min jing ji zhi credentials
zhu chan ye) pillar industry in the 国泰民安 (guo tai min an) the country
national economy is prosperous and the people live in
国民生产总值 (guo min sheng chan zong peace
zhi) gross national product (GNP) 国 体 (guo ti) ① ( 国 家 体 制 )state
国民收入 (guo min shou ru) national system ② ( 国 家 的 体 面 )national
income prestige
国民外交 (guo min wai jiao) national 国统区 (guo tong qu) area ruled by
diplomacy Kuomintang (in 1920’s, 1930’s and
国难当前 (guo nan dang qian) in the 1940’s)
present national crisis 国土 (guo tu) territory; land
国难深重 (guo nan shen zhong) grave 国 土 资 源 部 (guo tu zi yuan bu)
national calamity Ministry of Land and Resources
国内的统一战线 (guo nei de tong yi zhan 国外经济合作局 (guo wai jing ji he zuo
xian) domestic united front ju) Department of Foreign Economic
国内革命战争 (guo nei ge ming zhan zheng) Cooperation
revolutionary civil war 国外情报 (guo wai qing bao) foreign
国内和平 (guo nei he ping) internal intelligence
peace 国外事务 (guo wai shi wu) external
国 内 贸 易 部 (guo nei mao yi bu) affairs
Ministry of Internal Trade 国 外 推 销 员 (guo wai tui xiao yuan)
国内事务 (guo nei shi wu) internal expatriate salesman
(or domestic) affairs 国 外 销 路 (guo wai xiao lu) sale
国内外反动派 (guo nei wai fan dong pai) abroad
domestic and foreign reactionaries 国王 (guo wang) king
国内危机 (guo nei wei ji) domestic 国 务 (guo wu) national (or state)
crisis affairs
国内战争 (guo nei zhan zheng) civil 国 务 会 议 (guo wu hui yi) state
war conference
国内政策 (guo nei zheng ce) domestic 国 务 委 员 (guo wu wei yuan) State
policy Council member
国鸟 (guo niao) national bird 国务院 (guo wu yuan) State Council
国旗 (guo qi) national flag 国务院办公厅 (guo wu yuan ban gong ting)
国 情 (guo qing) condition of a see “国办”
country; national characteristics 国务院办事机构 (guo wu yuan ban shi ji
国情教育 (guo qing jiao yu) education gou) Offices under the State
of national characteristics Council
国庆节 (guo qing jie) National Day 国 务 院 部 委 (guo wu yuan bu wei)
国 人 (guo ren) fellow countryman; Ministries and Commissions directly

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under the State Council 国务院令 (guo wu yuan ling) order (or
国务院财贸小组 (guo wu yuan cai mao xiao ordinance) of the State Council
zu) Financial and Economic Affairs 国务院侨务办公室 (guo wu yuan qiao wu
Group under the State Council ban gong shi) Office of Overseas
国务院参事室 (guo wu yuan can shi shi) Chinese Affairs under the State Council
Counsellors ’ Office of the State 国务院人口普查领导小组 (guo wu yuan ren
Council kou pu cha ling dao xiao zu) Census
国务院常务会议 (guo wu yuan chang wu hui Leading Group under the State Council
yi) Executive Meeting of the State 国务院台湾事务办公室 (guo wu yuan tai
Council wan shi wu ban gong shi) Office of
国务院发展研究中心 (guo wu yuan fa zhan Taiwan Affairs under the State Council
yan jiu zhong xin) Development 国务院特区办公室 (guo wu yuan te qu ban
Research Centre of the State Council gong shi) Special Economic Zones
国务院港澳办公室 (guo wu yuan gang ao Office under the State Council
ban gong shi) Hongkong and Macao 国务院学位委员会 (guo wu yuan xue wei
Affairs Office under the State Council wei yuan hui) Academic Degrees
国务院国际问题研究中心 (guo wu yuan guo Committee under the State Council
ji wen ti yan jiu zhong xin) Centre 国务院研究室 (guo wu yuan yan jiu shi)
of International Stu-dies under the Research Office of the State Council
State Council 国务院直属机构 (guo wu yuan zhi shu ji
国务院核电站领导小组 (guo wu yuan he gou) departments directly under the
dian zhan ling dao xiao zu) Leading State Council
Group under the State Council of 国务院直属事业单位 (guo wu yuan zhi shu
Nuclear Power Plants shi ye dan wei) institutions
国务院机关事务管理局 (guo wu yuan ji directly under the State Council
guan shi wu guan li ju) Government 国务院宗教事务局 (guo wu yuan zong jiao
Offices Administration of the State shi wu ju) Bureau of Religious
Council Affairs under the State Council
国务院进出口领导小组 (guo wu yuan jin 国 学 (guo xue) Chinese traditional
chu kou ling dao xiao zu) Leading learning
Group in Charge of Import and Export 国 学 热 (guo xue re) Chinese
under the State Council traditional learning craze
国 务院 经济法 规研究 中心 (guo wu yuan 国宴 (guo yan) state banquet
jing ji fa gui yan jiu zhong xin) 国 营 经 济 (guo ying jing ji)
Economic Legislation Research Center state-operated economy
under the State Council 国营农场 (guo ying nong chang) state
国务院经济协调办公室 (guo wu yuan jing farm
ji xie tiao ban gong shi) Economic 国 营 企 业 (guo ying qi ye)
Coordination Office under the State state-operated enterprise
Council 国有化 (guo you hua) nationalization
国务院科技领导小组 (guo wu yuan ke ji 国 有 化 政 策 (guo you hua zheng ce)
ling dao xiao zu) Leading Group for nationalizing policy
Science and Technology under the State 国有企业 (guo you qi ye) state-owned
Council enterprise

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过半数 (guo ban shu) majority under the test of socia-lism
过渡的形式 (guo du de xing shi) the 过河拆桥 (guo he chai qiao) remove
transitional form the bridge after crossing the river;
过 渡 阶 段 (guo du jie duan) drop one’s benefactor as soon as his help
transitional stage is not required
过渡时期 (guo du shi qi) transition 过火政策 (guo huo zheng ce) excessive
period policy; the policy carried to excess
过渡时期总路线 (guo du shi qi zong lu 过激的革命词句 (guo ji de ge ming ci ju)
xian) the general line for the ultra-revolutionary phraseology
transition period 过 激 派 (guo ji pai) extremist;
过渡政府 (guo du zheng fu) interim radical
(or transitional) government 过 紧 日 子 (guo jin ri zi) lead an
过 渡 政 权 (guo du zheng quan) austere life
transitional government 过 境 签 证 (guo jing qian zheng)
过分的警戒手段 (guo fen de jing jie shou transit visa
duan) excessive precautionary 过 期 护 照 (guo qi hu zhao) expired
measures passport
过 分 集 中 (guo fen ji zhong) 过思想关 (guo si xiang guan) pass a
over-centralized test in ideology; become one with the
过 关 思 想 (guo guan si xiang) working people in thought and feeling
“go-through-an-ordeal” thinking 过 于 乐 观 (guo yu le guan)
过好社会主义关 (guo hao she hui zhu yi over-optimistic
guan) pass the test of socialism 过 左 的 偏 向 (guo zuo de pian xiang)
well; give a good account of oneself ultra-Left deviation

— H —
《海港》 (《hai gang》) On the Dock supremacy
海关总署 (hai guan zong shu) General 海外华人 (hai wai hua ren) overseas
Administration of Customs Chinese
海 军 强 国 (hai jun qiang guo) sea 海外华人经济圈 (hai wai hua ren jing ji
power quan) overseas Chinese economic
海 军 实 力 (ha jun shi li) naval circle
strength 海外领地 (hai wai ling di) overseas
《海瑞罢官》 (《hai rui ba guan》) The territory
Dismissal of Hai Rui 海外侨胞 (hai wai qiao bao) overseas
《海瑞罢官》批判 (《hai rui ba guan》 pi Chinese
pan) criticism of The Dismissal of 海峡交流基金会 (hai xia jiao liu ji jin
Hai Rui hui) Strait Exchange Foundation
海 瑞 精 神 (hai rui jing shen) the 海 峡 两 岸 (hai xia liang ’ an) both
spirit of Hai Rui sides of the Taiwan Strait
海上霸权 (hai shang ba quan) naval 海协会 (hai xie hui) Association for

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Relations across the Taiwan Straits ion to others without any thought of self;
海洋霸权 (hai yang ba quan) maritime do everything for others’ benefit and
hegemony nothing for one’s own
海洋权 (hai yang quan) maritime right 毫无自私自利之心 (hao wu zi si zi li zhi
海洋文明 (hai yang wen ming) oceanic xin) absolute selflessness
civilization 豪门势力 (hao men shi li) influence
海洋政策 (hai yang zheng ce) maritime of wealth and position
strategy 豪绅 (hao shen) bad gentry; despo-tic
海员工会 (hai yuan gong hui) seaman gentry; evil gentry
union; seaman’s trade union 豪 绅 恶 霸 分 子 (hao shen e ba fen zi)
海政 (hai zheng) (an abbreviation for) bad gentry and local tyrants
the Chinese People’s Naval Political 豪绅买办资产阶级 (hao shen mai ban zi
Department chan jie ji) landed gentry and
骇人听闻的极端手段 (hai ren ting wen de comprador-bourgeoisie
ji duan shou duan) shocking and 好 八 连 (hao ba lian) Good Eighth
extreme means Company
害己、害人、误国的教训 (hai ji、 hai ren、 好好学习,天天向上 (hao hao xue xi, tian
wu guo de jiao xun) lesson of tian xiang shang) study hard and make
harming oneself and others and ruining progress every day
the country 好人犯错误 (hao ren fan cuo wu) good
害 人 政 策 (hai ren zheng ce) persons making mistakes
pernicious policy 好 人 好 事 (hao ren hao shi) good
汉奸 (han jian) traitor (to China) personalities and good deeds
汉 奸 文 人 (han jian wen ren) “ 好人 政府” ( “ hao ren zheng fu ”)
traitorous literary hack “gentlemen’s government”
汉奸文艺 (han jian wen yi) traitor 好 人 主 义 (hao ren zhu yi)
literature and art nice-guy-ism; goody-goody-ism be
汉 语 文 化 圈 (han yu wen hua quan) careful without offend others
Chinese-speaking community 好大喜功、急功近利 (hao da xi gong、 ji
旱 涝 保 收 (han lao bao shou) gong jin li) crave greatness and
guaranteed harvest despite drought and success, seek quick success and
flood instant benefits
捍卫者 (han wei zhe) defender 好高骛远 (hao gao wu yuan) crave sth.
行 业 工 会 (hang ye gong hui) craft high and out of reach
union 好逸恶劳 (hao yi wu lao) dislike work
航 空 工 业 部 (hang kong gong ye bu) and love ease
Minister of Aeronautics Industry 浩 荡 的 东 风 (hao dang de dong feng)
航 行 权 (hang xing quan) right of the strong East Wind
navigation 浩浩荡荡的革命大军 (hao hao dang dang
毫不动摇 (hao bu dong yao) be totally de ge ming da jun) mighty
unshaken; without vacillation revolutionary contingent; enormous
毫不利己专门利人的精神 (hao bu li ji and powerful revolutionary army
zhuan men li ren de jing shen) utter 浩劫 (hao jie) holocaust; disaster
devot 合 法 斗 争 (he fa dou zheng) legal

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struggle visit
合法政府 (he fa zheng fu) legitimate 和平改造 (he ping gai zao) peaceful
government reform (i.e. to transform a capitalist
合 法 组 织 (he fa zu zhi) legal economy to a socialist one through
organization peaceful means)
合格选民 (he ge xuan min) eligible 和平共处 (he ping gong chu) peaceful
voter coexistence
合伙企业 (he huo qi ye) partnership 和平共处五项原则:互相尊重领土完整和主
enterprise 权、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政、平
合 理 化 建 议 (he li hua jian yi) 等互利、和平共处 (he ping gong chu wu
reasonable suggestion xiang yuan ze: hu xiang zun zhong ling
合理流动 (he li liu dong) rational tu wan zheng he zhu quan、 hu bu qin
interflow fan、 hu bu gan she nei zheng、 ping
合理引导消费 (he li yin dao xiao fei) deng hu li、 he ping gong chu) five
guide rational consumption principles of peaceful coexistence:
合同制 (he tong zhi) labor contract mutual respect for territorial
system integrity and sovereignty, mutual
合业经营 (he ye jing ying) combined non-aggression,non-interference in
operation each other ’ s internal affairs,
合 营 企 业 (he ying qi ye) joint equality and mutual benefit, and
venture peaceful coexistence
合 作 经 营 (he zuo jing ying) 和平过渡 (he ping guo du) peaceful
cooperative business operation transition
合作社 (he zuo she) cooperative 和平集会 (he ping ji hui) peace rally
合作小组 (he zuo xiao zu) cooperative 和平假象 (he ping jia xiang) illusion
group of peace
和 风 细 雨 (he feng xi yu) a gentle 和平解放 (he ping jie fang) peaceful
breeze and a mild rain liberation
和会 (he hui) peace conference 和平解决 (he ping jie jue) peaceful
和睦相处、保持安宁 (he mu xiang chu、 bao settlement
chi an ning) live in amity and 和平竞赛 (he ping jing sai) peaceful
preserve tranquility competition
和平堡垒 (he ping bao lei) bulwark of 和平局面 (he ping ju mian) situation
peace of peace
和平表现 (he ping biao xian) peace 和平空气 (he ping kong qi) peaceful
gesture atmosphere
和平诚意 (he ping cheng yi) sincere 和平利用 (he ping li yong) peaceful
about peace; sincerity for peace use
和平的基本条件 (he ping de ji ben tiao 和平麻痹思想 (he ping ma bi si xiang)
jian) basic peace terms false sense of peace and tranquility
和平队 (he ping dui) peace corps 和 平 欺 骗 (he ping qi pian) peace
和平法令 (he ping fa ling) decree on fraud
peace “和平取胜”的阴谋 (“he ping qu sheng”
和 平 访 问 (he ping fang wen) peace de yin mou) scheme of “ peaceful

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triumph” 和平主义的观点 (he ping zhu yi de guan
和平时期 (he ping shi qi) peace time dian) pacifist approach
和 平 使 节 (he ping shi jie) peace 和平主义倾向 (he ping zhu yi qing xiang)
envoy pacifist trend
和平示威 (he ping shi wei) peaceful 和 平 主 义 者 (he ping zhu yi zhe)
demonstration pacifist
和平手段 (he ping shou duan) peaceful 和 为 贵 (he wei gui) peace is
means treasured
和 平 谈 判 (he ping tan pan) peace 《河殇》争论 (《he shang》 zheng lun)
negotiation the controversy over River Elegy
和平统一 (he ping tong yi) peaceful 核霸权 (he ba quan) nuclear hegemony
unification “ 核 保 护 伞 ” ( “ he bao hu san ” )
和 平 瓦 解 (he ping wa jie) “nuclear umbrella”
disintegration by peaceful means; 核备战 (he bei zhan) preparation for
peaceful disintegration nuclear war
和 平 外 交 (he ping wai jiao) peace 核 裁 军 (he cai jun) nuclear
diplomacy disarmament
和平伪装 (he ping wei zhuang) peace 核查 (he cha) examine and verify
camouflage 核冲突 (he chong tu) nuclear conflict
和平演变 (he ping yan bian) peaceful 核大国 (he da guo) nuclear power
evolution 核基地 (he ji di) nuclear base
和平阴谋 (he ping yin mou) peace plot 核 僵 局 (he jiang ju) nuclear
和平应用核动力 (he ping ying yong he stalemate
dong li) peaceful application of 核军备 (he jun bei) nuclear armament
nuclear power 核 军 备 竞 赛 (he jun bei jing sai)
和平友好关系 (he ping you hao guan xi) nuclear arms race
relations of peace and friendship 核 军 火 库 (he jun huo ku) nuclear
和平与安全 (he ping yu an quan) peace arsenal
and security 核恐怖 (he kong bu) dread of nuclear
和平战略 (he ping zhan lüe) strategy weapons; nuclear terror
of peace 核 扩 散 (he kuo san) nuclear
和 平 战 士 (he ping zhan shi) peace proliferation
champion 核 垄 断 (he long duan) nuclear
“和平长入社会主义” (“he ping zhang ru monopoly
she hui zhu yi”)“grow into socialism 核骗局 (he pian ju) nuclear fraud
peacefully ” ; “ peaceful growth into 核威胁 (he wei xie) nuclear threat
socialism” 核武器 (he wu qi) nuclear weapon
和 平 政 策 (he ping zheng ce) peace 核武器的出现,不能阻止人类历史的前进
policy (he wu qi de chu xian, bu neng zu zhi
和平之行 (he ping zhi xing) journey ren lei li shi de qian jin) the
for peace emergence of nuclear weapons cannot
和平中立政策 (he ping zhong li zheng ce) arrest the progress of human history
policy of peace and neutrality 核 武 器 生 产 (he wu qi sheng chan)
和平主义 (he ping zhu yi) pacifism nuclear weapon production

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核心力量 (he xin li liang) force at ringleader of the sinister line
the core 黑 箱 作 业 (hei xiang zuo ye) black
核心人物 (he xin ren wu) key person case work
核 优 势 (he you shi) nuclear 黑样板 (hei yang ban) black model
superiority 狠斗资产阶级的“私”字 (hen dou zi chan
核战争 (he zhan zheng) nuclear war jie ji de “si” zi) relentlessly
赫鲁晓夫式人物 (he lu xiao fu shi ren wu) fight bourgeois “self-interest”
person of the Khrushchev type 狠抓革命,猛促生产 (hen zhua ge ming,
黑暗风 (hei an feng) dark wind meng cu sheng chan) energetically
黑暗即将过去,曙光即在前头 (hei an ji grasp the revolution and vigorously
jiang guo qu, shu guang ji zai qian tou) promote production; firmly grasp
darkness will soon pass and the sun revolution and energetically promote
will break through production
黑 暗 势 力 (hei an shi li) sinister 横眉冷对千夫指 (heng mei leng dui qian
force; dark force fu zhi) fierce-browedly and coolly
黑暗统治 (hei an tong zhi) dark rule defy a thousand pointing fingers
黑帮 (hei bang) black gang 横扫一切牛鬼蛇神 (heng sao yi qie niu
黑报告 (hei bao gao) malicious report gui she shen) sweep away all
黑 材 料 (hei cai liao) black list monsters and demons
information 横 向 合 并 (heng xiang he bing)
黑风恶浪 (hei feng e lang) sinister horizontal merge
storm 横 向 联 合 (heng xiang lian he)
黑后台 (hei hou tai) sinister boss horizontal alliance
behind the scenes 横 向 联 系 (heng xiang lian xi)
黑会 (hei hui) black meeting horizontal ties
黑名单 (hei ming dan) blacklist 横征暴敛 (heng zheng bao lian) extort
黑幕 (hei mu) inside story of a plot excessive taxes and levies; levy heavy
or shady deal (or exorbitant) taxes
黑 社 会 (hei she hui) underworld; 轰 动 效 应 (hong dong xiao ying)
mafia-style organization sensational effect
黑手 (hei shou) black hands 红宝书 (hong bao shu) precious red
黑四类 (hei si lei) four categories book
of black elements (i.e. landlord, rich 红潮 (hong chao) red surge《红灯记》
peasant, counter revolutionary and bad (《hong deng ji》) The Red Lantern
element) 红军第一方面军 (hong jun di yi fang mian
黑五类 (hei wu lei) five categories jun) the First Front Army of the Red
of black elements (i.e. landlord, rich Army
peasant, counter revolutionary, bad 红军法规 (hong jun fa gui) Red Army
element and Rightist) rules and regulations
黑线人物 (hei xian ren wu) black line 红领巾 (hong ling jin) red scarf
character 《红楼梦研究》批判 (hong lou meng yan
黑 线 专 政 (hei xian zhuan zheng) jiu pi pan) criticism of the Study
dictatorship of the sinister line of the Dream of the Red Chambers
黑 线 总 头 目 (hei xian zong tou mu) 红帽子企业 (hong mao zi qi ye) red cap

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enterprise Guards
红旗 (hong qi) red banner; red flag 红 小 鬼 (hong xiao gui) little red
红旗单位 (hong qi dan wei) red-banner devil
unit; advanced unit 红 心 (hong xin) red heart;
红旗竞赛 (hong qi jing sai) red flag revolutionary spirit
competition 红袖章 (hong xiu zhang) red armband
红 旗 手 (hong qi shou) red-banner 红专 (hong zhuan) be red and expert
pacesetter; advanced worker 红专大学 (hong zhuan da xue) red and
红 区 (hong qu) Red Area (base area expert university
established by the Chinese Communist 红专道路 (hong zhuan dao lu) red and
Party during the Second Revolutionary expert road
Civil War, 1927~1937) 红专健 (hong zhuan jian) red, expert,
红人 (hong ren) a favorite with sb. in and robust
power; fair-haired boy 宏观经济活动 (hong guan jing ji huo dong)
红色根据地 (hong se gen ju di) red macroeconomic activity
base 宏观经济调节 (hong guan jing ji tiao jie)
红 色 江 山 (hong se jiang shan) macroeconomic regulation
revolutionary regime 宏观经济效益 (hong guan jing ji xiao yi)
红 色 买 办 (hong se mai ban) red macroeconomic performance
comprador 宏观经济政策 (hong guan jing ji zheng ce)
《红色娘子军》 (《hong se niang zi jun》) macroeconomic policy
Red Detachment of Women 宏 观 决 策 (hong guan jue ce)
红色外交战士 (hong se wai jiao zhan shi) macro-level policy-making
red diplomat soldier 宏图 (hong tu) great goal
红 色 政 权 (hong se zheng quan) red 后 备 干 部 (hou bei gan bu) reserve
political power cadre
红 色 专 家 (hong se zhuan jia) 后备军 (hou bei jun) reserves
socia-list-minded expert 后 备 劳 动 力 (hou bei lao dong li)
红色资本家 (hong se zi ben jia) red reserve army of labor
capitalist 后盾 (hou dun) mainstay
红哨兵 (hong shao bing) Red Sentries 后工业社会论 (hou gong ye she hui lun)
红头文件 (hong tou wen jian) document post-industrial society theory
issued by a Party or government office; 后浪推前浪,一浪高一浪 (hou lang tui
official document qian lang, yi lang gao yi lang) each
红 透 专 深 (hong tou zhuan shen) be wave pushing at the one ahead, each
thoroughly red and profoundly expert wave higher than the last
红卫兵 (hong wei bing) Red Guards 后门工程 (hou men gong cheng) back
红五类 (hong wu lei) five categories door project (i.e. a project not
of red elements (i.e. workers, poor and listed in the unified plan, but
lower-middle peasants, revolutionary undertaken at the responsibility of a
cadres, revolutionary armymen and department at a higher level or a
revolutionary martyrs) certain leader)
红五月 (hong wu yue) red May 后 农 业 社 会 (hou nong ye she hui)
红小兵 (hong xiao bing) Little Red post-agricultural society

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后 儒 学 (hou ru xue) 互 让 政 策 (hu rang zheng ce)
post-Confucianism give-and-take policy
“后社会主义”论 (“hou she hui zhu yi” 互通有无 (hu tong you wu) mutual help
lun) post-socialism theory to make up what the other lacks
后 现 代 主 义 (hou xian dai zhu yi) 互相扯皮 (hu xiang che pi) argue over
post-modernism trifles; bicker
后 殖 民 文 化 (hou zhi min wen hua) 互相承认 (hu xiang cheng ren) mutual
post-colonial culture recognition
候补委员 (hou bu wei yuan) alternate 互相监督 (hu xiang jian du) mutual
committee member supervision
候补中央委员 (hou bu zhong yang wei yuan) 互相联系,不可分割,缺一不可 (hu xiang
alternate member of the CPC Central lian xi, bu ke fen ge, que yi bu ke)
Committee interrelated and indivisible, and not
候选人 (hou xuan ren) candidate a single one can be omitted
候选资格 (hou xuan zi ge) candidacy 互相谅解 (hu xiang liang jie) mutual
狐狸尾巴是藏不住的 (hu li wei ba shi understanding
cang bu zhu de) a fox cannot hide its 互 相 渗 透 (hu xiang shen tou)
tail interpenetration
狐狸再狡猾也斗不过好猎手 (hu li zai 互 相 依 存 (hu xiang yi cun) mutual
jiao hua ye dou bu guo hao lie shou) dependence for existence
the craftiest fox can’t escape the 互相援助协定 (hu xiang yuan zhu xie ding)
skilled hunter mutual aid pact
胡风反革命集团案 (hu feng fan ge ming ji 互相制约 (hu xiang zhi yue) mutually
tuan an) the case of Hu Feng condition
counter-revolutionary clique 互相尊重领土完整 (hu xiang zun zhong
互不干涉内政 (hu bu gan she nei zheng) ling tu wan zheng) mutual respect
non-interference in each other ’ s for territorial integrity
internal affairs 互相尊重主权 (hu xiang zun zhong zhu
互 不 侵 犯 (hu bu qin fan) mutual quan) mutual respect for sovereignty
non-aggression 互 为 左 右 手 (hu wei zuo you shou)
互访 (hu fang) exchange visits complement each other like a man’s
互 惠 权 (hu hui quan) right of right arm and left arm
reciprocity 互助合作关系 (hu zhu he zuo guan xi)
互惠条约 (hu hui tiao yue) reciprocal relations of mutual assistance and
treaty cooperation
互 惠 协 定 (hu hui xie ding) 互助组 (hu zhu zu) mutual aid team
reciprocity agreement 户部 (hu bu) Ministry of Revenue
互惠原则 (hu hui yuan ze) reciprocity 户部尚书 (hu bu shang shu) Minister
principle of Revenue
互济会 (hu ji hui) mutual-aid society 户 籍 (hu ji) census register;
互谅互让 (hu liang hu rang) mutual household register
understanding and mutual accommodation 户籍法 (hu ji fa) law of population
互派大使 (hu pai da shi) exchange of registration
ambassadors 户 籍 科 (hu ji ke) household

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registration section 划成分 (hua cheng fen) assign class
户口 (hu kou) registered residence status
户 口 簿 (hu kou bu) (permanent) 划分岛屿归属 (hua fen dao yu gui shu)
residence booklet determine the ownership of islands
户口登记制度 (hu kou deng ji zhi du) 划分阶级成分 (hua fen jie ji cheng fen)
household registration system determine class status
户口管理制度 (hu kou guan li zhi du) 划分势力范围 (hua fen shi li fan wei)
domicile system; residence carve out spheres of influence; divide
registration system into spheres of influence; mark off
花 边 文 学 (hua bian wen xue) spheres of influence
decorative literature 划清两种界限 (hua qing liang zhong jie
花架子 (hua jia zi) pretty appearance xian) draw two lines of distinction
花 名 册 (hua ming ce) register (of 划清政策界限 (hua qing zheng ce jie xian)
names); membership roster draw clear lines of demarcation in
华 北 局 (hua bei ju) North China applying a policy
Bureau 划 时 代 (hua shi dai) epoch-making;
华 东 局 (hua dong ju) East China open a new era
Bureau 划 线 排 队 (hua xian pai dui) draw
华侨 (hua qiao) overseas Chinese lines and line up
华 侨 委 员 会 (hua qiao wei yuan hui) 画 圈 圈 (hua quan quan) make
Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee “circles”(on a document) (a general
华 人 (hua ren) overseas Chinese; practice done by an official to mean
people of Chinese origin that he has read the document)
华 裔 (hua yi) foreign citizen of 怀疑论 (huai yi lun) scepticism
Chinese origin 怀 疑 主 义 者 (huai yi zhu yi zhe)
化悲痛为力量 (hua bei tong wei li liang) sceptic
turn grief into strength 怀着远大的理想 (huai zhe yuan da de li
化大为小,蒙混过关 (hua da wei xiao, xiang) cherish high aspirations
meng hun guo guan) turn big issues 淮海战役 (huai hai zhan yi) Huai-Hai
into small ones and slip through Campaign (Nov. 1948~Jan.1949)
化 工 局 (hua gong ju) Chemical 坏分子 (huai fen zi) bad element
Industry Bureau 坏 事 变 好 事 (huai shi bian hao shi)
化公为私 (hua gong wei si) turn public bad things can be turned into good
property into private property; line things
one’s pocket with public funds 坏头头 (huai tou tou) bad leader
化劣势为优势,化被动为主动 (hua lie shi 欢 迎 会 (huan ying hui) welcome
wei you shi, hua bei dong wei zhu dong) meeting
transform inferiority into superiority 欢迎宴会 (huan ying yan hui) welcome
and passivity into initiative banquet
化 学 工 业 部 (hua xue gong ye bu) 欢迎仪式 (huan ying yi shi) welcome
Ministry of Chemical Industry ceremony
化 装 成 为 爱 好 和 平 的 天 使 (hua zhuang 还政于民 (huan zheng yu min) return
cheng wei ai hao he ping de tian shi) the state power to the people; hand
disguise oneself as an angel of peace state power back to the people

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环 境 保 护 局 (huan jing bao hu ju) 黄 祸 论 (huang huo lun) theory of
environmental protection bureau “yellow peril”
环 境 决 定 论 (huan jing jue ding lun) 黄巾军 (huang jin jun) Yellow Turbans
theory of the environment as the Army
decisive factor 黄 巾 军 起 义 (huang jin jun qi yi)
环 境 绿 化 (huan jing l ü hua) Yellow Turbans Uprising (in 184)
environmental greening 黄 袍 加 身 (huang pao jia shen) be
环 境 污 染 (huan jing wu ran) draped with the imperial ellow robe
environmental pollution (by one ’ s supporters)(means to be
环 境 效 益 (huan jing xiao yi) acclaimed emperor); be made or make
environmental benefit oneself emperor
环境综合整治 (huan jing zong he zheng 黄皮书 (huang pi shu) Yellow Paper
zhi) comprehensive environmental (official statement or document of a
improvement government or congress, called White
环绕着中心任务 (huan rao zhe zhong xin Paper in most countries)
ren wu) revolve around the central 黄埔军校 (huang pu jun xiao) Whampoa
task; centre on the main task Military Academy (founded in
环委会 (huan wei hui) environmental Guangzhou in 1924 by Dr. Sun Yat-sen
committee with the help of the Soviet Union and
缓冲国 (huan chong guo) buffer state the Chinese Communist Party)
缓 和 的 政 策 (huan he de zheng ce) 黄埔军校同学会 (huang pu jun xiao tong
moderate policy xue hui) Whampoa Military Academy
缓和矛盾 (huan he mao dun) mitigate Alumni Association
the contradiction 黄色工会 (huang se gong hui) blackleg
缓和一触即发的局势 (huan he yi chu ji fa union; scab union
de ju shi) defuse the explosive 黄色文明 (huang se wen ming) yellow
situation civilization
缓和与裁军 (huan he yu cai jun) dé 黄土文明 (huang tu wen ming) yellow
tente and disarmament earth civilization
缓解 (huan jie) alleviate 灰 色 经 济 (hui se jing ji) grey
缓役 (huan yi) deferment; deferral economy
唤起民众 (huan qi min zhong) arouse 灰色收入 (hui se shou ru) grey income;
the masses of the people extra income ; second income
唤醒人民 (huan xing ren min) arouse 挥霍人民的血汗 (hui huo ren min de xue
the people han) waste the fruits of the people’
荒诞的自我吹嘘 (huang dan de zi wo chui s labor
xu) silly self-praise 恢复传统作风 (hui fu chuan tong zuo feng)
皇 姑 屯 事 件 (huang gu tun shi jian) renew the traditional work style
Mukden Incident (in 1928) 恢复对香港行使主权 (hui fu dui xiang
皇权 (huang quan) imperial power gang xing shi zhu quan) resume the
黄河文明 (huang he wen ming) Yellow exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong
River civilization 恢 复 名 誉 (hui fu ming yu)
黄 花 岗 起 义 (huang hua gang qi yi) rehabilitate one’s reputation
Huanghuagang Uprising (in 1911) 恢复权威 (hui fu quan wei) reassert

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one’s authority 会见 (hui jian) meet; have a meeting
恢复失地 (hui fu shi di) retake the (with)
lost territory 会山文海 (hui shan wen hai) mountains
恢 复 原 职 务 (hui fu yuan zhi wu) of meetings and seas of documents;
reinstate his former office bureaucratic working style
回拜 (hui bai) pay a return visit 会谈 (hui tan) talks; negotiation
回避要害问题 (hui bi yao hai wen ti) 会谈纪要 (hui tan ji yao) minutes of
steer clear of the crucial question talks; notes of talks; summary of a
回避制度 (hui bi zhi du) avoidance conversation
system; challenge system; system of 会晤 (hui wu) meet
withdrawal 会议外交 (hui yi wai jiao) conference
回大陆定居 (hui da lu ding ju) come diplomacy
back and settle on the mainland 贿选 (hui xuan) practise bribery at
回到国学 (hui dao guo xue) return to an election
Chinese traditional learning 混 合 经 济 (hun he jing ji) mixed
回访 (hui fang) return visit economy
回顾过去,展望将来 (hui gu guo qu, zhan 混 合 所 有 制 (hun he suo you zhi)
wang jiang lai) look into the past diversified ownership; mixed
and the future; review the past and ownership
look forward to the future 混合停战委员会 (hun he ting zhan wei
回归祖国 (hui gui zu guo) return to yuan hui) mixed armistice commission
the motherland 混进党内的走资本主义道路的当权派 (hun
回头是岸 (hui tou shi an) turn from jin dang nei de zou zi ben zhu yi dao
one’s evil ways; repent and be saved lu de dang quan pai) those in
回乡证 (hui xiang zheng) home visit authority who have wormedtheir way
permit (for the residents of Hong Kong, into the Party and are taking the
etc.) capitalist road
回乡知识青年 (hui xiang zhi shi qing 混 乱 的 认 识 (hun luan de ren shi)
nian) educated youth who has returned confused cognition
to do farm work in his home village 混乱思想 (hun luan si xiang) muddled
回忆旧社会,对比新社会 (hui yi jiu she thinking
hui, dui bi xin she hui) recall the old 混 水 摸 鱼 (hun shui mo yu) fish in
society and compare it with the new; call troubled waters; benefit oneself in a
to mind the past sufferings and ponder turmoil
over the source of the present happiness 混 淆 敌 我 (hun xiao di wo) confuse
回 忆 录 (hui yi lu) reminiscences; friends with foes
memoirs; recollections 混淆黑白 (hun xiao hei bai) mix up
汇报工作 (hui bao gong zuo) report to black and white; confuse the right and
sb. on one’s work the wrong
汇 报 会 (hui bao hui) report-back 混淆阶级阵线 (hun xiao jie ji zhen xian)
meeting blur the class alignments; mix up
会 道 门 (hui dao men) superstitious class fronts
sects and secret societies 混淆视听 (hun xiao shi ting) confuse
会风 (hui feng) style of meeting the public; confuse the public opinion;

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mislead the people Man
混淆是非 (hun xiao shi fei) confuse 活捉 (huo zhuo) capture sb. alive
the right and the wrong 火 箭 式 干 部 (huo jian shi gan bu)
活的榜样 (huo de bang yang) example rocket cadres
from real life; living example 火 炬 计 划 (huo ju ji hua) Torch
活动范围 (huo dong fan wei) scope of Programme (i.e. a plan to develop new and
operation high technology)
活 动 家 (huo dong jia) activist; 火 线 入 党 (huo xian ru dang) be
public figure admitted to the Party in the firing line
“活老虎、铁老虎、真老虎” (“huo lao hu、 火 药 味 (huo yao wei) smell of
tie lao hu、 zhen lao hu”) “living gunpowder
tigers, iron tigers, real tigers” 货币化 (huo bi hua) monetization
活命策略 (huo ming ce lüe) strategy 货币回笼 (huo bi hui long) withdrawal
of survival of currency from circulation
活 命 哲 学 (huo ming zhe xue) 货真价实 (huo zhen jia shi) quality
philosophy of survival goods at a fair price
活 命 主 义 (huo ming zhu yi) 获选 (huo xuan) be elected; win an
survivalism election
活思想 (huo si xiang) live ideology 祸国殃民 (huo guo yang min) injure
活学活用 (huo xue huo yong) study and the country and bring calamity to the
apply in a creative way people; wreck the country and ruin the
活阎王 (huo yan wang) devil incarnate; people
demon king
活样板 (huo yang ban) live model
活愚公 (huo yu gong) live Foolish Old
豁免权 (huo mian quan) immunity

— J —

击破教条主义思想 (ji po jiao tiao zhu yi institutional reform; reform of

si xiang) demolish dogmatist ideas administrative structures
击破阴谋 (ji po yin mou) frustrate a 机 构 投 资 者 (ji gou tou zi zhe)
plot institutional investor
击退 (ji tui) repulse 机 构 臃 肿 (ji gou yong zhong)
饥寒交迫 (ji han jiao po) misery of overstaffing in organizations
starvation and poverty; life of cold 机 关 党 委 (ji guan dang wei) Party
and hunger; live in hunger and cold committees within the leading body
机 动 部 队 (ji dong bu dui) mobile 机关工作人员 (ji guan gong zuo ren yuan)
force office worker
机 构 重 叠 (ji gou chong die) 机 会 成 本 (ji hui cheng ben)
organizational overlapping opportunity cost
机 构 改 革 (ji gou gai ge) 机会主义路线 (ji hui zhu yi lu xian)

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opportunist line 积 压 滞 销 (ji ya zhi xiao)
机会主义倾向 (ji hui zhu yi qing xiang) overstocking and sluggish sale
opportunist deviation 基 本 队 有 制 (ji ben dui you zhi)
机会主义思潮 (ji hui zhu yi si chao) ownership basically vested in the
opportunist trend production team
机 会 主 义 者 (ji hui zhu yi zhe) 基本法 (ji ben fa) the Basic Law (in
opportunist full: the Basic Law of the Hong Kong
机 密 文 件 (ji mi wen jian) Special Administrative Region of the
confidential document PRC)
机械搬用外国经验 (ji xie ban yong wai 基本方向 (ji ben fang xiang) basic
guo jing yan) mechanically apply orientation
foreign experience 基 本 方 针 (ji ben fang zhen)
机械工会 (ji xie gong hui) machinery fundamental policy
workers’ trade union 基本国策 (ji ben guo ce) basic policy
机 械 工 业 部 (ji xie gong ye bu) of the state
Ministry of Machine-Building Industry 基 本 国 情 (ji ben guo qing) basic
机 械 工 业 厅 (ji xie gong ye ting) situation of a country; basic national
mechanical industry department characteristics
机械局 (ju xie ju) machinery bureau 基本建设 (ji ben jian she) capital
机械论 (ji xie lun) mechanism construction
机械论者 (ji xie lun zhe) mechanist 基 本 立 场 (ji ben li chang)
机遇 (ji yu) opportunity fundamental position
积代会 (ji dai hui) (an abbreviation 基本路线 (ji ben lu xian) basic line
for) conference of activist 基 本 矛 盾 (ji ben mao dun) basic
representatives contradiction
积 非 成 是 (ji fei cheng shi) 基 本 民 主 (ji ben min zhu) basic
continuous long-term error eventually democracy
leading to the erroneous assumption that 基 本 权 利 (ji ben quan li) basic
it is correct rights
积 极 防 御 (ji ji fang yu) active 基 本 权 益 (ji ben quan yi) basic
defense rights and interests
积极分子 (ji ji fen zi) activist 基 本 群 众 (ji ben qun zhong) basic
积极扩大对外交流 (ji ji kuo da dui wai masses
jiao liu) actively increase exchanges 基 本 人 权 (ji ben ren quan)
with foreign countries fundamental human rights
积极领导,稳步前进 (ji ji ling dao, wen 基 本 社 有 制 (ji ben she you zhi)
bu qian jin) give active leadership ownership basically vested in the
and maintain a steady advance commune
积极性 (ji ji xing) initiative 基 本 原 理 (ji ben yuan li) basic
积小胜为大胜 (ji xiao sheng wei da sheng) principle
multiply small victories into larger 基 本 原 则 (yi ben yuan ze)
ones fundamentals
积蓄力量 (ji xu li liang) accumulate 基本战略思想 (ji ben zhan lüe si xiang)
strength fundamental strategic concept

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基 本 政 策 (ji ben zheng ce) major radical behaviorism
policy 激进主义 (ji jin zhu yi) radicalism
基本政治制度 (ji ben zheng zhi zhi du) 激励和制约体系 (ji li he zhi yue ti xi)
basic political system system of incentives and disincentives
基层党委 (ji ceng dang wei) primary 激 烈 的 论 战 (ji lie de lun zhan)
Party committee fierce debate
基层干部 (ji ceng gan bu) basic level 激烈的权力争夺 (ji lie de quan li zheng
cadre duo) big struggle for power
基 层 领 导 (ji ceng ling dao) basic 激烈竞争 (ji lie jing zheng) fierce
level leadership competition
基层民主 (ji ceng min zhu) democracy 激战 (ji zhan) fierce fighting; stiff
at the grass-roots level fighting;
基 层 政 权 (ji ceng zheng quan) 岌岌可危 (ji ji ke wei) in imminent
grass-roots political authority danger; in a precarious situation; in
基 层 组 织 (ji ceng zu zhi) primary great peril; extremely hazardous
organization 极 度 剥 削 (ji du bo xue) super
基 础 产 业 (ji chu chan ye) basic exploitation
industry; basic sectors of industry 极度的经济萧条 (ji du de jing ji xiao
基 础 工 业 (ji chu gong ye) basic tiao) severe economic depression
industry 极端保守主义 (ji duan bao shou zhu yi)
基础工业国有化 (ji chu gong ye guo you ultraconservatism
hua) nationalization of basic 极端的二元论 (ji duan de er yuan lun)
industries extreme dualism
基础工作 (ji chu gong zuo) spadework 极端分子 (ji duan fen zi) extremist
基 础 教 育 (ji chu jiao yu) basic 极端腐败 (ji duan fu bai) rotten to
education the core
基础设施建设 (ji chu she shi jian she) 极端个人主义者 (ji duan ge ren zhu yi
infrastructure construction zhe) out-and-out egoist
基干民兵 (ji gan min bing) Back-bone 极 端 孤 立 (ji duan gu li) extreme
people’s militia isolation
跻身 (ji shen) elevate oneself (to a 极端利己政策 (ji duan li ji zheng ce)
certain rank or realm) beggar-my-neighbour policy
激昂慷慨 (ji ang kang kai) fervent 极 端 利 己 主 义 (ji duan li ji zhu yi)
and excited egomania
激 光 武 器 (ji guang wu qi) laser 极端路线 (ji duan lu xian) extremist
weapon line
激进工具主义 (ji jin gong ju zhu yi) 极 端 民 主 化 (ji duan min zhu hua)
radical instrumentalism extremist democracy
激进民主主义者 (ji jin min zhu zhu yi 极端民族主义 (ji duan min zu zhu yi)
zhe) radical democrat ultranationalism
激进派 (ji jin pai) radicals 极端民族主义者 (ji duan min zu zhu yi
激 进 社 会 学 (ji jin she hui xue) zhe) ultranationalist
radical sociology 极端政策 (ji duan zheng ce) extremist
激进行为主义 (ji jin xing wei zhu yi) policy

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极端主义 (ji duan zhu yi) extremism make an impromptu speech
极 端 主 义 者 (ji duan zhu yi zhe) 急进工会主义 (ji jin gong hui zhu yi)
extremist; radical radical unionism
极端自由主义 (ji duan zi you zhu yi) 急进主义 (ji jin zhu yi) radicalism
permissivism 急 用 先 学 (ji yong xian xue) study
极 尽 诽 谤 嘲笑 之 能 事 (ji jin fei bang first what must be urgently applied
chao xiao zhi neng shi) spare no 急 躁 冒 进 (ji zao mao jin) be
slander and ridicule impetuous and rash in progress
极其重大的错误 (ji qi zhong da de cuo wu) 集 会 权 (ji hui quan) right of
gross error assembly
极权的政治体制 (ji quan de zheng zhi ti 集会自由 (ji hui zi you) freedom of
zhi) totalitarian political system assembly
极 权 独 裁 (ji quan du cai) 集权 (ji quan) centralization of the
totalitarian dictatorship state power
极 权 国 家 (ji quan guo jia) 集 权 制 (ji quan zhi) system of
totalitarian state centralization
极权民族主义 (ji quan min zu zhu yi) 集市贸易 (ji shi mao yi) market trade
totalitarian nationalism 集 束 炸 弹 (ji shu zha dan) cluster
极 权 型 统 治 (ji quan xing tong zhi) bombs
totalitarian rule 集体承包 (ji ti cheng bao) collective
极 权 政 府 (ji quan zheng fu) contract
totalitarian government 集体承包经营 (ji ti cheng bao jing ying)
极 权 政 制 (ji quan zheng zhi) collective contractual operation
totalitarian regime 集体负责制 (ji ti fu ze zhi) system of
极 权 主 义 (ji quan zhu yi) collective responsibility
totalitarianism 集 体 接 纳 (ji ti jie na) group
极 权 主 义 者 (ji quan zhu yi zhe) admission
totalitarian 集 体 经 济 组 织 (ji ti jing ji zu zhi)
极权主义制度 (ji quan zhu yi zhi du) collective economic organization
totalitarian system 集体利益 (ji ti li yi) interest of the
极右 (ji you) extreme Right collectives
极 右 分 子 (ji you fen zi) 集体领导 (ji ti ling dao) collective
ultra-Rightist leadership
极 右 主 义 (ji you zhu yi) 集体领导和个人分工负责相结合的制度
ultra-rightism (ji ti ling dao he ge ren fen gong fu
极 重 要 文 件 (ji zhong yao wen jian) ze xiang jie he de zhi du) system
vital document combining collective leadership with
极左 (ji zuo) extreme Left individual responsibility for a
极 左 思 潮 (ji zuo si chao) extreme particular field of work
Leftist ideological trend 集体生产劳动 (ji ti sheng chan lao dong)
极 左 主 义 者 (ji zuo zhu yi zhe) collective productive labor
ultraleftist 集 体 所 有 制 (ji ti suo you zhi)
即 席 讲 话 (ji xi jiang hua) collective ownership system
off-the-cuff speech; speak impromptu; 集体所有制企业 (ji ti suo you zhi qi ye)

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enterprise under collective ownership; centralized guidance
collectively owned enterprise 集 中 指 挥 (ji zhong zhi hui)
集体意志 (ji ti yi zhi) collective centralized command
will 集中制 (ji zhong zhi) centralism
集体英雄主义 (ji ti ying xiong zhu yi) 集 资 (ji zi) pool funds; collect
collective heroism funds; raise funds
集体主义 (ji ti zhu yi) collectivism 集资办学 (ji zi ban xue) raise money
集体主义思想 (ji ti zhu yi si xiang) to set up schools
collectivist ideology 几重敌人的压迫 (ji chong di ren de ya po)
集 体 主 义 者 (ji ti zhu yi zhe) oppression by manifold enemies
collectivist 己所不欲,勿施于人 (ji suo bu yu, wu shi
集团军 (ji tuan jun) group army yu ren) do not do to others what you
集 团 外 交 (ji tuan wai jiao) would not have them do to you
collective diplomacy 计 划 单 列 市 (ji hua dan lie shi)
集约化 (ji yue hua) intensification separately planned city; city
集 约 化 经 济 (ji yue hua jing ji) specially designated in the state plan;
intensive economy city with the independent budgetary
集 约 化 经 营 (ji yue hua jing ying) status
intensive management 计 划 调 拨 (ji hua diao bo) planned
集中大力,打敌小部 (ji zhong da li, da transfer
di xiao bu) concentrate a big force 计 划 供 应 和 生 产 (ji hua gong ying he
to strike at a small section of the sheng chan) planned supply and
enemy force production
集中的系统的意见 (ji zhong de xi tong de 计划管理体制 (ji hua guan li ti zhi)
yi jian) concentrated and systematic system of planned management
ideas 计 划 经 济 (ji hua jing ji) planned
集 中 管 理 制 (ji zhong guan li zhi) economy
centralized management system 计划经济与市场调节 (ji hua jing ji yu
集中领导,分散经营 (ji zhong ling dao, shi chang tiao jie) planned economy
fen san jing ying) centralize leadership, and market adjustment
decentralize management 计 划 生 育 (ji hua sheng yu) birth
集中起来,坚持下去 (ji zhong qi lai, control; family planning
jian chi xia qu) concentrate the ideas 计划生育委员会 (ji hua sheng yu wei yuan
of the masses and then carry them through hui) Family-Planning Commission
集中群众的意见 (ji zhong qun zhong de yi 计划生育政策 (ji hua sheng yu zheng ce)
jian) concentrate views of the masses family-planning policy
集中统一的领导 (ji zhong tong yi de ling 计划生育责任制 (ji hua sheng yu ze ren
dao) centralized, unified leadership zhi) responsibility system of
集中优势兵力,各个歼灭敌人 (ji zhong family planning
you shi bing li, ge ge jian mie di ren) 计 划 体 制 (ji hua ti zhi) planning
concentrate a superior force to destroy system
the enemy forces one by one 计划调节 (ji hua tiao jie) regulation
集中指导下的民主 (ji zhong zhi dao xia through the state planning
de min zhu) democracy under the 计 划 委 员 会 (ji hua wei yuan hui)

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planning commission 技 术 改 造 (ji shu gai zao)
计划优先原则 (ji hua you xian yuan ze) technological transformation
primacy of planning 技术革新和技术革命运动 (ji shu ge xin
计 件 工 资 制 (ji jian gong zi zhi) he ji shu ge ming yun dong) movement
piece-rate wage system of technical innovation and technical
计 较 个 人 利 益 (ji jiao ge ren li yi) revolution
calculate in terms of personal 技术管理体制 (ji shu guan li ti zhi)
interests technological management system
计较个人名利 (ji jiao ge ren ming li) 技 术 集 约 企 业 (ji shu ji yue qi ye)
be concerned for personal position and technology-intensive enterprise
gain 技术进出口局 (ji shu jin chu kou ju)
计经委 (ji jing wei) (an abbreviation technology import and export
for) Planned Economy Committee department
计时工资 (ji shi gong zi) hourly wage 技 术 开 发 (ji shu kai fa)
计 时 工 资 制 (ji shi gong zi zhi) technological development
time-rate wage system 技 术 情 报 (ji shu qing bao)
记 工 分 (ji gong fen) record work technological intelligence
points 技术下乡 (ji shu xia xiang) spread
记过 (ji guo) record a demerit technological knowledge to farmers
记名投票 (ji ming tou piao) open vote 技术有偿转让 (ji shu you chang zhuan
记 者 招 待 会 (ji zhe zhao dai hui) rang) transfer of technology with
press conference compensation
纪检 (ji jian) (an abbreviation for) 技术转让 (ji shu zhuan rang) transfer
inspect discipline of technology;technology transfer
纪 律 处 分 (ji l ü chu fen) 既当“官” ,又当老百姓 (ji dang “guan”,
disciplinary treatment (or measures) you dang lao bai xing) remain one of
纪 律 管 制 (ji l ü guan zhi) the common people while serving as an
disciplinary control official
纪律检查 (ji lü jian cha) see “纪 既定方针 (ji ding fang zhen) settled
检” guiding principle
纪律检查委员会 (ji lü jian cha wei yuan 既定政策 (ji ding zheng ce) settled
hui) commission for inspecting policy
discipline 既懂政治,又懂业务 (ji dong zheng zhi,
纪 律 性 (ji l ü xing) sense of you dong ye wu) be both politically
discipline good and professionally efficient
技术壁垒 (ji shu bi lei) technical 既来之,则安之 (ji lai zhi, ze an zhi)
barriers since this is so, it’s better to accept
技术成果商品化 (ji shu cheng guo shang it
pin hua) commercialization of 既往不咎 (ji wang bu jiu) be let off
technological achievements for one’s past misdeeds; let bygones
技术承包 (ji shu cheng bao) technical be bygones
contract 既要弄清思想、又要团结同志 (ji yao nong
技 术 创 新 (ji shu chuang xin) qing si xiang、 you yao tuan jie tong
technological innovation zhi) clarity in ideology and unity

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among comrades corruption
既要有冲天的干劲,又要有科学分析的精神 加 强 纪 律 性 (jia qiang ji l ü xing)
(ji yao you chong tian de gan jin, you heighten one’s sense of discipline
yao you ke xue fen xi de jing shen) 加强纪律性,革命无不胜 (jia qiang ji l
an enthusiasm mounting to the stars ü xing, ge ming wu bu sheng) with the
should go hand in hand with scientific sense of discipline growing stronger,
analysis; combine great revolutionary revolution will become ever-victorious
vigour with the scientific attitude of 加 强建 设社会 主义精 神文 明 (jia qiang
seeking truth from facts jian she she hui zhu yi jing shen wen
继 往 开 来 (ji wang kai lai) carry ming) make greater efforts to build
forward the cause and forge ahead into a socialist civilization
the future 加 强 领 导 (jia qiang ling dao)
继续革命论 (ji xu ge ming lun) theory strengthen the leadership
of continuing revolution 加强农业基础地位 (jia qiang nong ye ji
继续教育 (ji xu jiao yu) continuing chu di wei) strengthen the position
education of agriculture as the foundation of
冀 东 冤 案 (ji dong yuan an) the the economy
Massacre of Jidong (or East Hebei) (in 加深矛盾 (jia shen mao dun) aggravate
1942) contradiction
加 官 进 爵 (jia guan jin jue) be 夹道欢迎 (jia dao huan ying) line the
promoted to a higher office and rank streets to give sb. a welcome
加 快 步 伐 (jia kuai bu fa) in a 夹着尾巴做人 (jia zhe wei ba zuo ren)
quickened tempo be modest and prudent
加快改革开放的步伐 (jia kuai gai ge kai 家庭成分 (jia ting cheng fen) family
fang de bu fa) quicken the tempo of status
reform and open-door work 家庭承包经营 (jia ting cheng bao jing
加快工业发展 (jia kuai gong ye fa zhan) ying) household contract management
accelerate the industrial development 家庭出身 (jia ting chu shen) family
加快市场步伐 (jia kuai shi chang bu fa) origin
accelerate the marketization; quicken 家庭副业 (jia ting fu ye) domestic
the pace of marketization sideline production; domestic
加浓争论色彩 (jia nong zheng lun se cai) sideline occupation
inflammation of debate 家庭经济 (jia ting jing ji) household
加强党的思想政治工作 (jia qiang dang de economy
si xiang zheng zhi gong zuo) 家 庭 经 营 (jia ting jing ying)
strengthen the Party’s ideological and household management of production;
political work family-run operation
加强党和群众的联系 (jia qiang dang he 家庭联产承包责任制 (jia ting lian chan
qun zhong de lian xi) strengthen the cheng bao ze ren zhi) household
Party’s ties with the masses joint production contract
加 强 法 制 (jia qiang fa zhi) responsibility system
strengthen the legal system 家 庭 手 工 业 (jia ting shou gong ye)
加强反腐败斗争 (jia qiang fan fu bai dou household handicrafts
zheng) intensify the fight against 家族企业 (jia zu qi ye) family firm

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甲午中日战争 (jia wu zhong ri zhan zheng) 假左派,真右派 (jia zuo pai, zhen you pai)
Sino-Japanese War of 1894~1895 pseudo-Leftists but genuine Rightists
假、大、空 (jia、 da、 kong) false, big, 价 格 波 动 (jia ge bo dong) price
and empty fluctuation
假斗争,真保护 (jia dou zheng, zhen bao 价格补贴 (jia ge bu tie) subsidized
hu) sham attack but real defense price
假、恶、丑 (jia、 e、 chou) the false, 价 格 操 纵 (jia ge cao zong) price
the evil and the ugly manipulation; price rigging
假革命, 真投降 (jia ge ming, zhen tou 价 格 反 弹 (jia ge fan tan) price
xiang) sham revolutionary and rebound
genuine capitulationist 价格管理体制 (jia ge guan li ti zhi)
假公济私 (jia gong ji si) use public price control system
office for private gains; jobbery 价 格 剪 刀 差 (jia ge jian dao cha)
假和平阴谋 (jia he ping yin mou) plot price scissors differential
for a sham peace 价 格 双 轨 制 (jia ge shuang gui zhi)
假和平,真备战 (jia he ping, zhen bei dual-track pricing system
zhan) pay lip service to peace but 价 格 弹 性 (jia ge tan xing) price
actually prepare for war; peace in elasticity
words, war preparation in deeds 价格脱离价值 (jia ge tuo li jia zhi)
假缓和,真扩张 (jia huan he, zhen kuo divergence of prices from values
zhang) false d é tente but real 尖刀战法 (jian dao zhan fa) “sharp
expansion knife” tactics
假 检 讨 (jia jian tao) sham 歼 灭 性 作 战 (jian mie xing zuo zhan)
self-criticism battle of annihilation
假揭发,真支持 (jia jie fa, zhen zhi chi) 坚壁清野 (jian bi qing ye) strengthen
sham exposure but real support one ’ s defense works and clear the
假冒伪劣产品 (jia mao wei lie chan pin) fields
counterfeit and shoddy products 坚持对话, 不搞对抗 (jian chi dui hua,
假民主 (jia min zhu) bogus democracy bu gao dui kang) persist in
假批判,真包庇 (jia pi pan, zhen bao bi) dialogue, refrain from confrontation
fake criticism, which is really aimed at 坚持进步,反对倒退 (jian chi jin bu, fan
shielding; sham criticism but real dui dao tui) persist in progress and
protection oppose retrogression
假释 (jia shi) released on parole 坚持马克思列宁主义 (jian chi ma ke si
假谈判、真入侵,假和缓、真挑衅 (jia tan lie ning zhu yi) uphold
pan、 zhen ru qin, jia he huan、 zhen tiao Marxism-Leninism
xin) invasion under the cover of a 坚持群众路线 (jian chi qun zhong lu xian)
false willingness to negotiate and adhere to the mass line
provocation under the false desire to 坚持社会主义道路 (jian chi she hui zhu
ease tension yi dao lu) persist along the
假团结,真分裂 (jia tuan jie, zhen fen socialist road; firmly follow the
lie) sham unity and a real split socialist road
假想敌 (jia xiang di) imaginary enemy; 坚持团结,反对分裂 (jian chi tuan jie,
mock enemy fan dui fen lie) persist in unity

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and oppose a split revolution
坚持文斗,不用武斗 (jian chi wen dou, bu 坚如磐石 (jian ru pan shi) rock-firm;
yong wu dou) uphold the struggle by firm as a rock
reasoning and not by force (or 坚守岗位 (jian shou gang wei) stand
coercion) fast at the post; keep to the work post
坚持下去就是胜利 (jian chi xia qu jiu 坚挺 (jian ting) firm
shi sheng li) perseverance means 坚贞不屈 (jian zhen bu qu) stand firm
victory and unyielding
坚持原则 (jian chi yuan ze) adhere to 艰 苦 奋 斗 (jian ku fen dou) hard
principles struggle
坚 持 真 理 (jian chi zhen li) hold 艰苦努力 (jian ku nu li) unrelenting
firmly to the truth; uphold the truth and strenuous effort
坚持综合改革 (jian chi zong he gai ge) 艰苦朴素 (jian ku pu su) hard-working
persist in a comprehensive reform and plain-living
坚 定 的 立 场 (jian ding de li chang) 艰苦卓绝 (jian ku zhuo jue) extremely
firm stand hard and bitter; most arduous
坚定不移 (jian ding bu yi) unswerving; 艰难缔造过程 (jian nan di zao guo cheng)
unflinching arduous creative process
坚定信心,扎实工作,旗帜鲜明,毫无动摇 艰 难 险 阻 (jian nan xian zu)
(jian ding xin xin, zha shi gong zuo, difficulties and dangers
qi zhi xian ming, hao wu dong yao) 监 察 部 (jian cha bu) Ministry of
strengthen confidence, do a solid job, Supervision
take a clear-cut stand and never waver 监 察 委 员 会 (jian cha wei yuan hui)
(in carrying on the fight in depth) control (or supervisory) commission
坚定正确的政治方向 (jian ding zheng que (or committee)
de zheng zhi fang xiang) a firm and 监 察 制 度 (jian cha zhi du)
correct political orientation supervisory system
坚决、彻底、干净、全部消灭之 (jian jue、 监 督 机 关 (jian du ji guan)
che di、 gan jing、 quan bu xiao mie zhi) supervisory organ
resolutely, thoroughly, wholly and 监督劳动改造 (jian du lao dong gai zao)
completely wipe out sth. transformation by labor under
坚决的反革命分子 (jian jue de fan ge surveillance
ming fen zi) die-hard 监 督 权 (jian du quan) right to
counter-revolutionary supervise
坚决抵制 (jian jue di zhi) adamantly 监 督 作 用 (jian du zuo yong)
boycott supervisory role
坚决反对和防止腐败是全党一项重大的政 监护权 (jian hu quan) guardianship;
治任务 (jian jue fan dui he fang zhi custodian right
fu bai shi quan dang yi xiang zhong da 监禁 (jian jin) imprison; put in jail
de zheng zhi ren wu) combating and 监考 (jian kao) invigilate
preventing corruption resolutely is a 监视 (jian shi) keep watch on; keep a
major political task of the whole Party lookout over
坚决革命的同志 (jian jue ge ming de tong 监 守 自 盗 (jian shou zi dao) steal
zhi) comrade steadfast in the what is entrusted to one ’ s care;

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embezzle differential
监 听 台 (jian ting tai) monitoring 简 政 放 权 (jian zheng fang quan)
station decentralize authority
监听员 (jian ting yuan) monitor 见困难就上,见荣誉就让 (jian kun nan jiu
监外执行 (jian wai zhi xing) execute shang, jian rong yu jiu rang) take
a sentence outside of jail difficulty for oneself and leave honours
监狱 (jian yu) prison; jail to others; stand up to
兼并国 (jian bing guo) annexing state difficulties oneself and leave glory
兼听则明,偏听则暗 (jian ting ze ming, to others
pian ting ze an) be enlightened by 见利忘义 (jian li wang yi) forget all
listening to both sides, and be moral principles at the sight of
benighted by heeding only one side profits
兼业承包 (jian ye cheng bao) contract 见习领事 (jian xi ling shi) student
for a number of specialized consul
occupations to be done at the same time 见先进就学,见后进就帮,见困难就上,见
兼业户 (jian ye hu) household with 方便就让 (jian xian jin jiu xue, jian
combined occupations hou jin jiu bang, jian kun nan jiu shang,
检 察 机 关 (jian cha ji guan) jian fang bian jiu rang) learn from
procuratorial organ the advanced and help the backward,
检 察 长 (jian cha zhang) chief brave difficulties and leave
procurator convenience to others
检 举 (jian ju) report (an offence) 见义勇为 (jian yi yong wei) gallantly
to the authorities; inform against (an rise to the occasion; do boldly what
offender) is righteous
检 举 箱 (jian ju xiang) accusation 间谍 (jian die) spy
letter box 间谍头子 (jian die tou zi) spymaster
检讨 (jian tao) self-criticism 间 谍 网 (jian die wang) espionage
检讨错误 (jian tao cuo wu) examine network;
one’s mistakes 间谍组织 (jian die zu zhi) spy ring;
检 讨 书 (jian tao shu) written spy organization
self-criticism 间接谈判 (jian jie tan pan) indirect
检验真理 (jian yan zhen li) test a negotiations
truth 间接选举 (jian jie xuan ju) indirect
检 阅 仪 仗 队 (jian yue yi zhang dui) election
review the guards of honour 建成为富裕的强盛的具有高度文化的国家
减少环节 (jian shao huan jie) reduce (jian cheng wei fu yu de qiang sheng
the number of intermediate links de ju you gao du wen hua de guo jia)
减 员 增 效 (jian yuan zeng xiao) build the country into a prosperous
downsize of the staff and improving and powerful one with a high level of
efficiency culture
减租减息 (jian zu jian xi) reduction 建党路线 (jian dang lu xian) line on
of rent and interest; reduce land rent the Party building
and interest 建党学说 (jian dang xue shuo) theory
剪刀差 (jian dao cha) the scissors of building a party

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建 工 局 (jian gong ju) (an a socialist civilization which is
abbreviation for) building advanced culturally and ideologically
industry bureau as well as materially
建构 (jian gou) construct 建设社会主义法治国家 (jian she she hui
建军节 (jian jun jie) Army Day (on zhu yi fa zhi guo jia) build up a
August 1st) socialist country under the rule of law
建军路线 (jian jun lu xian) line of 建 设 性 政 策 (jian she xing zheng ce)
army building constructive policy
建军思想 (jian jun si xiang) theory 建设有中国特色的社会主义 (jian she you
on army building zhong guo te se de she hui zhu yi)
建 军 原 则 (jian jun yuan ze) build socialism with Chinese
principles governing the building of characteristics
the army; principles of army building 建议 (jian yi) proposal
建立大使级外交关系 (jian li da shi ji 建筑工会 (jian zhu gong hui) building
wai jiao guan xi) establish workers’ trade union
diplomatic relations at the 健全管理制度 (jian quan guan li zhi du)
ambassadorial level improve the management system
建立领事关系 (jian li ling shi guan xi) 健全社会主义民主,加强社会主义法制
establish consular relations (jian quan she hui zhu yi min zhu, jia
建立民主政治 (jian li min zhu zheng zhi) qiang she hui zhu yi fa zhi) improve
establish democracy the socialist democracy and
建立外交关系 (jian li wai jiao guan xi) strengthen the socialist legal system
establish diplomatic relations 将革命进行到底 (jiang ge ming jin xing
建立一个没有帝国主义,没有资本主义,没 dao di) carry the revolution
有剥削制度的新世界 (jian li yi ge mei through to the end
you di guo zhu yi, mei you zi ben zhu yi, 将 功 补 过 (jiang gong bu guo) make
mei you bo xue zhi du de xin shi jie) amends for one’s previous faults by
establish a new world without giving good service
imperialism, without capitalism and 将功赎罪 (jiang gong shu zui) atone
without the exploitation of man by man for a crime by meritorious service
建立政权 (jian li zheng quan) found a 僵 持 (jiang chi) (of both parties)
political power refuse to budge
建 设 部 (jian she bu) Ministry of 僵 化 思 想 (jiang hua si xiang)
Construction ossified thinking
建设高素质的领导干部队伍 (jian she gao 僵局 (jiang ju) deadlock; impasse
su zhi de ling dao gan bu dui wu) build 疆土 (jiang tu) territory
up a contingent of high-calibre leading 疆域 (jiang yu) territory; domain
cadres 讲诚信, 反欺诈 (jiang cheng xin, fan qi
建设全面小康社会 (jian she quan mian zha) honor credibility and oppose
xiao kang she hui) build up a well-off cheating
society in an all-round way 讲究斗争艺术 (jiang jiu dou zheng yi shu)
建设社会主义的物质文明和精神文明 study and perfect the art of struggle
(jian she she hui zhu yi de wu zhi wen 讲究工作方法 (jiang jiu gong zuo fang fa)
ming he jing shen wen ming) build up study and perfect the method of work

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讲排场,摆阔气 (jiang pai chang, bai kuo 交 心 运 动 (jiao xin yun dong)
qi) go in for ostentation and heart-tendering movement
extravagance and show off 交钥匙工程 (jiao yao shi gong cheng)
讲求实效 (jiang qiu shi xiao) stress turn-key project
practical results; strive for 交战的双方 (jiao zhan de shuang fang)
practical results the two belligerent parties
讲协调,讲质量,讲效益 (jiang xie tiao, 交战国 (jiao zhan guo) warring states
jiang zhi liang, jiang xiao yi) 交战状态 (jiao zhan zhuang tai) state
stress coordination, quality, and of war; belligerency
benefits 娇气 (jiao qi) finicky airs
讲学习,讲政治,讲正气 (jiang xue xi, 焦 土 政 策 (jiao tu zheng ce)
jiang zheng zhi, jiang zheng qi) scorched-earth policy
stress study, politics, and healthy 叫 花 子 主 义 (jiao hua zi zhu yi)
trends theory of begging for handouts
奖惩制度 (jiang cheng zhi du) system 教师节 (jiao shi jie) Teachers’ Day
of rewards and penalties (on Sept. 10th)
奖金挂帅 (jiang jin gua shuai) place 教师组织 (jiao shi zu zhi) teachers’
a high premium on bonuses organization
奖 励 工 资 (jiang li gong zi) wage 教条主义 (jiao tiao zhu yi) dogmatism
incentive 教 条 主 义 者 (jiao tiao zhu yi zhe)
奖 励 条 例 (jiang li tiao li) dogmatist
regulations on awards 教委 (jiao wei) (an abbreviation for)
奖勤罚懒 (jiang qin fa lan) reward Commission of Education (now Ministry
the diligent and punish the lazy of Education)
奖优 (jiang you) reward the excellent 教 学 法 (jiao xue fa) pedagogy;
蒋 介 石 匪 帮 (jiang jie shi fei bang) teaching method
the Chiang Kai-shek bandit gang 教研室 (jiao yan shi) teaching and
蒋、宋、孔、陈四大家族 (jiang、 song、 research division
kong、 chen si da jia zu) the four big 教 研 组 (jiao yan zu) teaching and
families of Chiang Kai-shek, T.V. Soong, research group
H.H. Kung and Chen Li-fu 教育必须为无产阶级政治服务,必须同生产
交换意见 (jiao huan yi jian) exchange 劳动相结合 (jiao yu bi xu wei wu chan jie
ideas and make suggestrons ji zheng zhi fu wu, bi xu tong sheng chan
交 流 思 想 (jiao liu si xiang) lao dong xiang jie he) education must
communicate ideas serve the proletarian politics and be
交 通 部 (jiao tong bu) Ministry of combined with the productive labour
Communications 教 育 部 (jiao yu bu) Ministry of
交 通 部 门 (jiao tong bu men) Education
transportation department 教育部门 (jiao yu bu men) educational
交通局 (jiao tong ju) communications department
bureau 教育部社政司 (jiao yu bu she zheng si)
交 通 厅 (jiao tong ting) (an abbreviation for) Social
communications department Science Research and Ideological Work
交心 (jiao xin) tender one’s heart Department of the Ministry of

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Education 阶 级 出 身 (jie ji chu shen) class
教育方针 (jiao yu fang zhen) general origin
educational policy 阶级敌人 (jie ji di ren) class enemy
教 育 附 加 费 (jiao yu fu jia fei) 阶 级 斗 争 (jie ji dou zheng) class
educational extra charge struggle
教 育 工 会 (jiao yu gong hui) 阶级斗争观点 (jie ji dou zheng guan dian)
educational labour trade union standpoint of class struggle
教 育 官 员 (jiao yu guan yuan) 阶级斗争扩大化 (jie ji dou zheng kuo da
educational official hua) broadening of the scope of
教 育 局 (jiao yu ju) educational class struggle
bureau 阶级斗争熄灭论 (jie ji dou zheng xi mie
教育群众 (jiao yu qun zhong) educate lun) theory of the dying out of
the masses class struggle
教 育 为 主 (jiao yu wei zhu) use 阶级斗争新动向 (jie ji dou zheng xin
education as the main method dong xiang) new trends of class
教 育 要 革 命 (jiao yu yao ge ming) struggle
revolution must be carried out in 阶级斗争学说 (jie ji dou zheng xue shuo)
education theory of class struggle
教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来 阶级斗争,一抓就灵 (jie ji dou zheng, yi
(jiao yu yao mian xiang xian dai hua, zhua jiu ling) grasp class struggle
mian xiang shi jie, mian xiang wei lai) and all problems can be solved
education must be 阶级队伍 (jie ji dui wu) class rank
modernization-oriented, and file
world-oriented, and future-oriented 阶 级 分 化 (jie ji fen hua) class
教育质量 (jiao yu zhi liang) quality polarization
of education 阶 级 分 析 (jie ji fen xi) class
教育组织 (jiao yu zu zhi) educational analysis
organization 阶 级 感 情 (jie ji gan qing) class
阶层 (jie ceng) (social) stratum feeling
阶 级 报 复 (jie ji bao fu) class 阶 级 根 源 (jie ji gen yuan) class
reprisal; class retaliation; class origin
vengeance 阶 级 观 点 (jie ji guan dian) class
阶 级 本 能 (jie ji ben neng) class viewpoint
instinct 阶 级 合 作 (jie ji he zuo) class
阶 级 本 性 (jie ji ben xing) class collaboration
nature 阶级基础 (jie ji ji chu) class basis
阶 级 本 质 (jie ji ben zhi) class 阶 级 教 育 (jie ji jiao yu) class
characteristics education
阶 级 成 分 (jie ji cheng fen) class 阶 级 觉 悟 (jie ji jue wu) class
status consciousness
阶 级 冲 突 (jie ji chong tu) class 阶级苦 (jie ji ku) class bitterness
conflict 阶级烙印 (jie ji lao yin) iron brand
阶 级 仇 恨 (jie ji chou hen) class of a class
hatred 阶级力量的对比 (jie ji li liang de dui

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bi) balance of class forces 接受监督 (jie shou jian du) accept
阶 级 立 场 (jie ji li chang) class supervision
position 接受批评 (jie shou pi ping) accept
阶 级 利 益 (jie ji li yi) class criticism
interests 揭 竿 而 起 (jie gan er qi) rise in
阶 级 联 盟 (jie ji lian meng) class rebellion
coalition 揭开阶级斗争盖子 (jie kai jie ji dou
阶级路线 (jie ji lu xian) class line zheng gai zi) lift the lid off the
阶 级 矛 盾 (jie ji mao dun) class class struggle; start class struggle
conflicts 街 道 办 事 处 (jie dao ban shi chu)
阶 级 内 容 (jie ji nei rong) class subdistrict office
content 节节败退 (jie jie bai tui) retreat
阶 级 社 会 (jie ji she hui) class one step after another; suffer one
society defeat after another; crumble and flee
阶级社会以前的制度 (jie ji she hui yi in one defeat after another
qian de zhi du) pre-class system 节 节 胜 利 (jie jie sheng li) win
阶 级 调 和 论 (jie ji tiao he lun) victory after victory; push forward
theory of class harmony from victory to victory
阶级投降主义 (jie ji tou xiang zhu yi) 节 水 农 业 (jie shui nong ye)
class capitulation water-saving agriculture
阶级性 (jie ji xing) class nature (or 节育 (jie yu) birth control
character) 节约留成 (jie yue liu cheng) retain a
阶 级 性 的 集中 表 现 (jie ji xing de ji percentage of those funds saved by
zhong biao xian) concentrated economizing
expression of class character 节 约 用 汇 (jie yue yong hui) save
阶 级 兄 弟 (jie ji xiong di) class foreign exchanges
brothers 节支增收 (jie zhi zeng shou) cut down
阶 级 异 己 分 子 (jie ji yi ji fen zi) expenditures and increase income
alien-class element 结 党 营 私 (jie dang ying si) form
阶 级 意 识 (jie ji yi shi) class cliques for private gain
awareness 结 构 改 革 论 (jie gou gai ge lun)
阶 级 友 爱 (jie ji you ai) class theory of structural reform
brotherhood 结 构 工 资 制 (jie gou gong zi zhi)
阶 级 阵 线 (jie ji zhen xian) class composite wage system
alignment 结 构 失 调 (jie gou shi tiao)
阶 级 政 策 (jie ji zheng ce) class structural imbalance
policy 结合具体情况 (jie he ju ti qing kuang)
接班人 (jie ban ren) successor in the light of specific conditions
接轨 (jie gui) integrate 捷 报 频 传 (jie bao pin chuan)
接见 (jie jian) interview; meet triumphant news keeps pouring in
接 近 工 农 兵 (jie jin gong nong bing) 截断逃窜通路 (jie duan tao cuan tong lu)
get close to the workers, peasants and block escape routes
soldiers 截留国家财政收入 (jie liu guo jia cai
接受国 (jie shou guo) receiving state zheng shou ru) hold back state

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revenue mind
截然相反的立场 (jie ran xiang fan de li 解决劳动力就业问题 (jie jue lao dong li
chang) diametrically opposite jiu ye wen ti) tackle the problem of
position employment of the labor force
解 除 核 威 胁 (jie chu he wei xie) 解决争端 (jie jue zheng duan) solve
remove the nuclear threat disputes
解除人民痛苦 (jie chu ren min tong ku) 解 困 基 金 (jie kun ji jin)
deliver the people from suffering anti-poverty funds
解除思想顾虑 (jie chu si xiang gu lü) 解剖麻雀 (jie pou ma que) “dissect
free one’s mind of misgivings sparrows ” (referring to carefully
解除武装 (jie chu wu zhuang) disarm; analyse)
divest of armaments 解职 (jie zhi) dismiss from office;
解放干部 (jie fang gan bu) liberated relieve sb. of his post
cadres 介绍就业 (jie shao jiu ye) employment
解放军 (jie fang jun) Liberation Army by assignment
解 放 区 人 民 (jie fang qu ren min) 戒毒 (jie du) abstain from poison
people in liberated areas 戒 骄 戒 躁 (jie jiao jie zao) be on
解 放 生 产 力 (jie fang sheng chan li) guard against conceit and impetuosity;
unfetter the productive forces shun complacency and impetuosity;
解放事业 (jie fang shi ye) cause of guard against pride and haste; avoid
liberation conceit and impetuo-sity
解放思想,破除迷信 (jie fang si xiang, 戒 严 令 (jie yan ling) order of
po chu mi xin) emancipate the mind, martial law
overcome superstitions 界碑 (jie bei) boundary tablet
解放思想,实事求是的思想路线 (jie fang 界河 (jie he) boundary river
si xiang, shi shi qiu shi de si xiang lu 界石 (jie shi) boundary stone
xian) ideological line of 界桩 (jie zhuang) boundary marker
emancipating the mind and seeking truth 借 古 讽 今 (jie gu feng jin) use
from facts ancient things to satirize the
解 放 战 争 (jie fang zhan zheng) present; use the past to disparage
Liberation War (1946~1949) the present
解放者 (jie fang zhe) liberator 借题发挥 (jie ti fa hui) seize on an
解构 (jie gou) deconstruct incident to expatiate on sth. else
解甲归田 (jie jia gui tian) take off 金本位国家 (jin ben wei guo jia) gold
one’s armor and return to one’s native standard country
place; retire from military service 金瓶掣签 (jin ping che qian) lot-draw
解教 (jie jiao) (an abbreviation for) from a golden urn (in Qing Dynasty)
release from education through labor 金融工会 (jin rong gong hui) monetary
解禁 (jie jin) lift a ban workers’ trade union
解决公有制形式是又一次思想解放 (jie 金融工具 (jin rong gong ju) financial
jue gong you zhi xing shi shi you yi ci instrument
si xiang jie fang) solving the issue 金融寡头 (jin rong gua tou) financial
of public ownership oligarch
forms is another emancipation of the 金融货币危机 (jin rong huo bi wei ji)

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financial and monetary crisis 进步国家 (jin bu guo jia) progressive
金融危机 (jin rong wei ji) financial country
crisis 进步理论 (jin bu li lun) progressive
金 融 政 策 (jin rong zheng ce) theory
financial policy 进 步 思 想 (jin bu si xiang)
金 融 中 心 (jin rong zhong xin) progressive ideology
financial center 进步性和正义性 (jin bu xing he zheng yi
金 融 自 由 化 (jin rong zi you hua) xing) progressive and just character
financial liberalization 进 步 政 策 (jin bu zheng ce)
金三角 (jin san jiao) golden triangle progressive policy
金税工程 (jin shui gong cheng) Golden 进 步 自 由 党 (jin bu zi you dang)
Tax Project (a national computer progressive liberal party
network for keeping track of 进步组织 (jin bu zu zhi) progressive
value-added tax receipts) organization
金 元 帝 国 (jin yuan di guo) dollar 进出国境人员 (jin chu guo jing ren yuan)
empire person entering or leaving the country
金元外交 (jin yuan wai jiao) dollar 进出口经营权 (jin chu kou jing ying quan)
diplomacy import-export operation right
紧 急 动 议 (jin ji dong yi) urgent 进出口局 (jin chu kou ju) import and
motion export department
紧 急 公 文 (jin ji gong wen) urgent 进 出 口 商 会 (jin chu kou shang hui)
official dispatch import and export chamber of commerce
紧急会议 (jin ji hui yi) emergency 进出口总额 (jin chu kou zong e) total
meeting volume of foreign trade
紧急命令 (jin ji ming ling) emergency 进 攻 性 武 器 (jin gong xing wu qi)
ordinance offensive weapon
紧 急 文 电 (jin ji wen dian) urgent 进可以攻、退可以守 (jin ke yi gong、 tui
message ke yi shou) take the offensive or
紧密型企业集团 (jin mi xing qi ye ji the defensive as one chooses
tuan) tightly-knit group of 进口渗透 (jin kou shen tou) import
enterprises penetration
紧 俏 商 品 (jin qiao shang pin) 进口税 (jin kou shui) import duty;
hard-to-get commodities import tariff
紧缩银根政策 (jin suo yin gen zheng ce) 进 领 导 班 子 (jin ling dao ban zi)
tight monetary policy become one of the leaders
紧握手中枪 (jin wo shou zhong qiang) 进 取 性 (jin qu xing) initiative;
hold fast to one’s gun; hold one’s gun desire to make progress
tightly 进入小康 (jin ru xiao kang) get into
紧要关头 (jin yao guan tou) at the a fairly comfortable life
critical juncture 进行群众路线的教育 (jin xing qun zhong
紧张局势 (jin zhang ju shi) tension lu xian de jiao yu) carry out
锦绣河山 (jin xiu he shan) beautiful ideological education on the mass line
and prosperous land 近代 (jin dai) recent times; modern
进步分子 (jin bu fen zi) progressive times

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晋 级 (jin ji) advancement; rise in 经 济 代 表 团 (jing ji dai biao tuan)
rank; be promoted economic delegation
晋见总统 (jin jian zong tong) call on 经济的持续、快速、健康发展 (jing ji de
the president chi xu、 kuai su、 jian kang fa zhan)
禁 闭 (jin bi) confinement (as a sustained, rapid and sound development
punishment) of the economy
禁毒 (jin du) drug control 经济的社会化、市场化、现代化 (jing ji de
禁赌 (jin du) prohibition of gambling she hui hua、 shi chang hua、 xian dai
禁 锢 (jin gu) ① (禁止异己做官) hua)
debar from holding office ② (监禁) socialization, marketization and
keep in custody; put in jail ③ (强 modernization of the economy
制束缚) confine; shackle 经济地位 (jing ji di wei) economic
禁忌 (jin ji) taboo status
禁令 (jin ling) prohibition; ban 经济斗争 (jing ji dou zheng) economic
禁区 (jin qu) forbidden area struggle
禁书 (jin shu) banned book 经济发展战略 (jing ji fa zhan zhan lü
禁欲主义 (jin yu zhu yi) asceticism e) economic development strategy
京都议定书 (jing du yi ding shu) the 经济法规 (jing ji fa gui) economic
Kyoto Protocol ordinance
京 汉 铁 路 工人 总 工 会 (jing han tie lu 经济繁荣 (jing ji fan rong) economic
gong ren zong gong hui) General boom
Trade Union of the Peking-Hankou 经济封锁 (jing ji feng suo) economic
Railway Workers blockade
京剧革命 (jing ju ge ming) revolution 经 济 复 苏 (jing ji fu su) economic
of Beijing opera recovery
经不起考验 (jing bu qi kao yan) fail 经济改革 (jing ji gai ge) economic
to pass the test reform
经不起糖衣炮弹的攻击 (jing bu qi tang 经济杠杆 (jing ji gang gan) economic
yi pao dan de gong ji) cannot levers
withstand sugar-coated bullets 经济关系 (jing ji guan xi) economic
经得起风浪的考验 (jing de qi feng lang relations
de kao yan) be able to stand all tests 经济管理体制 (jing ji guan li ti zhi)
of storm and stress economic management system
经风雨,见世面 (jing feng yu, jian shi 经济管理责任制 (jing ji guan li ze ren
mian) face the world and brave the zhi) responsibility system of
storm economic administration
经互会 (jing hu hui) (an abbreviation 经济过热 (jing ji guo re) overheated
for) Council for Mutual Economic development of the economy
Assistance; COMECON 经 济 合 同 法 (jing ji he tong fa)
经济参赞 (jing ji can zan) economic economic contract law; law on the
counsellor economic contract
经济承包责任制 (jing ji cheng bao ze ren 经济和技术交流 (jing ji he ji shu jiao
zhi) economic system with contracted liu) economic and technical
responsibility interchange

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经济核算单位 (jing ji he suan dan wei) infiltration
business accounting unit 经济实体 (jing ji shi ti) economic
经济互助委员会 (jing ji hu zhu wei yuan entity
hui) see “经互会” 经济事业 (jing ji shi ye) economic
经济基础 (jing ji ji chu) economic undertakings
base 经济是基础,政治则是经济的集中表现
经济技术合作 (jing ji ji shu he zuo) (jing ji shi ji chu, zheng zhi ze shi jing
economic and technical cooperation ji de ji zhong biao xian) economics is
经济技术开发区 (jing ji ji shu kai fa qu) the base and politics the concentrated
economic and technological expression of economics
development zone 经 济 适 用 房 (jing ji shi yong fang)
经济技术指标 (jing ji ji shu zhi biao) economically affordable housing
economic-technical norm 经济手段 (jing ji shou duan) economic
经济间谍 (jing ji jian die) economic measures
spy 经济衰退 (jing ji shuai tui) economic
经济建设 (jing ji jian she) economic recession
construction 经 济 特 区 (jing ji te qu) special
经济结构的战略性调整 (jing ji jie gou economic zone
de zhan l ü e xing tiao zheng) 经济腾飞 (jing ji teng fei) economic
strategic adjustment of the economic take-off
structure 经济体制改革 (jing ji ti zhi gai ge)
经 济 开 发 区 (jing ji kai fa qu) reform of the economic structure
economic development zone 经 济 调 整 (jing ji tiao zheng)
经 济 联 合 体 (jing ji lian he ti) economic readjustment
economic coalition 经济统制政策 (jing ji tong zhi zheng ce)
经济联系 (jing ji lian xi) economic policy of economic control
relations 经济危机 (jing ji wei ji) economic
经济林 (jing ji lin) economic forest crisis
经济领域 (jing ji ling yu) economic 经 济 委 员 会 (jing ji wei yuan hui)
field committee for economic affairs
经济民主 (jing ji min zhu) economic 经 济 现 代 化 (jing ji xian dai hua)
democracy modernization of economy
经济命脉 (jing ji ming mai) economic 经济萧条 (jing ji xiao tiao) economic
lifeline; economic arteries; key depression; economic slump
branches of the economy; key points of 经济效益 (jing ji xiao yi) economic
the economy results
经济情报 (jing ji qing bao) economic 经 济 协 作 区 (jing ji xie zuo qu)
intelligence economically coordinated region
经济区 (jing ji qu) economic zone 经济形势 (jing ji xing shi) economic
经济圈 (jing ji quan) economic circle situation
经 济 全 球 化 (jing ji quan qiu hua) 经 济 一 体 化 (jing ji yi ti hua)
economic globalization; economic economic unification
integration 经济引诱 (jing ji yin you) economic
经济渗透 (jing ji shen tou) economic blandishment

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经济责任 (jing ji ze ren) economic expertise
responsibility 经营管理现代化 (jing ying guan li xian
经 济 责 任 制 (jing ji ze ren zhi) dai hua) modernization of management
economic responsibility system and operation
经济增长点 (jing ji zeng zhang dian) 经 营 权 (jing ying quan) power of
economic growth point operation
经济政策 (jing ji zheng ce) economic 经营权与所有权分离 (jing ying quan yu
policy suo you quan fen li) separation of the
经济制裁 (jing ji zhi cai) economic right of management from that of
sanction ownership
经济主义 (jing ji zhu yi) economism 经营效率 (jing ying xiao lü) business
经 济 自 由 化 (jing ji zi you hua) efficiency
liberalization of the economy 经 营 性 亏 损 (jing ying xing kui sun)
经 济 总 量 (jingo ji zong liang) loss due to poor operation
aggregate economic volume; total 经营原则 (jing ying yuan ze) business
supply and demand principle
经济组织 (jing ji zu zhi) economic 经 营 责 任 制 (jing ying ze ren zhi)
organization management responsibility system
经理负责制 (jing li fu ze zhi) system 经 院 哲 学 (jing yuan zhe xue)
ofmanager-assuming-the-chief-respon scholastic philosophy
sibility 兢兢业业,克己奉公,忠心耿耿,保持晚节
经理联席会议 (jing li lian xi hui yi) (jing jing ye ye, ke ji feng gong,
joint executive meeting zhong xin geng geng, bao chi wan jie)
经历了一次又一次的大风浪,绕过了一个又 be conscientious and earnest, work
一个的暗礁,战胜了一个又一个凶恶的 selflessly for the public interest,
敌人 (jing li le yi ci you yi ci de da keep loyal and uphold revolutionary
feng lang, rao guo le yi ge you yi ge de integrity as one grows older
an jiao, zhan sheng le yi ge you yi ge 兢兢业业,踏踏实实 (jing jing ye ye, ta
xiong e de di ren) have gone through ta shi shi) do things in a careful and
one great storm after another, bypassed thoroughgoing manner
one submerged rock after another and 精 兵 简 政 (jing bing jian zheng)
conquered one ferocious enemy after better troops and simpler
another administration
经历历史的考验 (jing li li shi de kao 精华和糟粕 (jing hua he zao po) fine
yan) stand the test of history; stand essence and dregs
the test of historic significance 精简编制 (jing jian bian zhi) reduce
经商热 (jing shang re) business fever the staff
经验主义 (jing yan zhu yi) empiricism 精简会议 (jing jian hui yi) cut down
经 验 主 义 者 (jing yan zhu yi zhe) the number of meetings and make them
empiricist short
经营承包制 (jing ying cheng bao zhi) 精 简 机 构 (jing jian ji gou)
management contract system streamline administrative structure
经营管理水平 (jing ying guan li shui 精简节约 (jing jian jie yue) retrench
ping) managerial and administrative and economize; retrenchment in

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expenditure 精 神 生 产 (jing shen sheng chan)
精简开支 (jing jian kai zhi) cut down mental production; spiritual production
the outlay 精神生产者 (jing shen sheng chan zhe)
精简、统一、效能的原则 (jing jian、 tong producer of intellectual values
yi、 xiao neng de yuan ze) princ 精 神 生 活 (jing shen sheng huo)
iple of simplified administration, spiritual life
unified action and higher efficiency 精神胜利 (jing shen sheng li) moral
精确制导武器 (jing que zhi dao wu qi) victory; spiritual victory
precision guided weapon 精 神 食 粮 (jing shen shi liang)
精 锐 部 队 (jing rui bu dui) crack spiritual food
troops; picked troops 精神世界 (jing shen shi jie) mental
精神包袱 (jing shen bao fu) spiritual world
burden 精 神 万 能 (jing shen wan neng)
精 神 变 物 质 (jing shen bian wu zhi) spiritual omnipotence
from consciousness to matter; 精 神 文 明 (jing shen wen ming)
transformation of the mental into the spiritual civilization
material 精神污染 (jing shen wu ran) spiritual
精神财富 (jing shen cai fu) spiritual pollution
values; spiritual wealth 精神武器 (jing shen wu qi) spiritual
精 神 产 品 (jing shen chan pin) weapon
intellectual product 精 神 鸦 片 (jing shen ya pian)
精神抖擞 (jing shen dou sou) in high spiritual opium
spirits 精 神 原 子 弹 (jing shen yuan zi dan)
精神俘虏 (jing shen fu lu) sb. kept in spiritual atomic bomb
spiritual bondage 精 神 战 线 (jing shen zhan xian)
精神公害 (jing shen gong hai) public ideological front
spiritual poison 精神振奋,斗志昂扬,意气风发 (jing shen
精 神 鼓 励 (jing shen gu li) moral zhen fen, dou zhi ang yang, yi qi feng
encouragement fa) inspired, militant and daring;
精神贵族 (jing shen gui zu) spiritual proud in spirit, strong in morale,
aristocrat firm in determination
精 神 枷 锁 (jing shen jia suo) 精 神 准 备 (jing shen zhun bei) be
spiritual shackles mentally prepared
精 神 空 虚 (jing shen kong xu) be 精英文化 (jing ying wen hua) elite
barren and exhausted spiritually culture
精神劳动 (jing shen lao dong) mental 精 准 农 业 (jing zhun nong ye)
labour precision agriculture
精神面貌 (jing shen mian mao) mental 井水不犯河水 (jing shui bu fan he shui)
outlook well water does not intrude into river
精 神 侵 略 (jing shen qin l ü e) water (It means I ’ ll mind my own
spiritual aggression business, you mind yours)
精神上解除自己的武装 (jing shen shang 井田制 (jing tian zhi) “nine squares”
jie chu zi ji de wu zhuang) disarm system or “well-field” system (of
oneself morally land ownership in China ’ s slave

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society) criticism and struggle
景气产业 (jing qi chan ye) thriving 揪军内一小撮 (jiu jun nei yi xiao cuo)
business; thriving industry seize the handful of people in the
警 方 许 可 证 (jing fang xu ke zheng) military
police permit 揪住辫子不放 (jiu zhu bian zi bu fang)
警 告 处 分 (jing gao chu fen) take tight hold of one’s mistakes and
disciplinary warning shortcomings
警戒线 (jing jie xian) warning line; 九层之台,始于累土 (jiu ceng zhi tai,
cordon shi yu lei tu) a nine-storey castle
警 惕 (jing ti) watch out for; begins with a pile of earth; from
maintain vigilance against little acorns oaks do grow
竞 岗 (jing gang) employment by 九 大 (jiu da) (an abbreviation for)
competition The Ninth Communist Party Congress
竞选班子 (jing xuan ban zi) campaign 九个指头和一个指头 (jiu ge zhi tou he yi
staff ge zhi tou) nine fingers and one
竞 选 高 调 (jing xuan gao diao) finger
campaign rhetoric 九年义务教育 (jiu nian yi wu jiao yu)
竞 选 活 动 (jing xuan huo dong) nine-year compulsory education
election campaign 九评 (jiu ping) nine comments
竞选连任 (jing xuan lian ren) run for 九 三 学 社 (jiu san xue she) Jiusan
a second term Society (or September 3rd Academy)
竞 选 委 员 会 (jing xuan wei yuan hui) 九 条 方 针 (jiu tiao fang zhen) the
election committee; election board nine-point policy
竞选总统 (jing xuan zong tong) run 九 一 八 事 变 (jiu yi ba shi bian)
for presidency September 18th Incident (in 1931)
竞 争 地 位 (jing zheng di wei) 九 一 三 事 件 (jiu yi san shi jian)
competitive position September 13th Incident (in 1971)
竞 争 机 制 (jing zheng ji zhi) 久经考验 (jiu jing kao yan) steeled;
competitive mechanism long-tested
竞争性选举 (jing zheng xing xuan ju) 旧案重提 (jiu an chong ti) bring up an
competitive election old case
竞 争 优 势 (jing zheng you shi) 旧的社会习惯势力 (jiu de she hui xi guan
competitive edge; advantage in shi li) old social force of habit
competition 旧都 (jiu du) old capital
敬 献 花 圈 (jing xian hua quan) 旧观念 (jiu guan nian) old ideas
respectfully lay a wreath 旧 恨 新 仇 (jiu hen xin chou) new
纠风 (jiu feng) (an abbreviation for) hatred piled on the old
rectify corrupt tendencies 旧 教 条 (jiu jiao tiao) traditional
纠 风 办 (jiu feng ban) (an dogmas
abbreviation for) office for the 旧 框 框 (jiu kuang kuang) old
rectification of corrupt tendencies restrictions, old conventions
纠正偏差 (jiu zheng pian cha) correct 旧民主主义革命 (jiu min zhu zhu yi ge
deviations ming) democratic revolution of the
揪 斗 (jiu dou) drag sb. out for old type

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旧社会 (jiu she hui) old society post; assumption of function
旧社会把人逼成鬼,新社会把鬼变成人 就 任 国 书 (jiu ren guo shu)
(jiu she hui ba ren bi cheng gui, xin credentials
she hui ba gui bian cheng ren) the 就业保险 (jiu ye bao xian) employment
old life forced men to turn into ghosts, insurance
but the new life changes ghosts back 就业服务 (jiu ye fu wu) employment
into men service
旧思想、旧文化、旧风俗、旧习惯 (jiu si 就 业 机 会 (jiu ye ji hui) job
xiang、 jiu wen hua、 jiu feng su、 jiu opportunities
xi guan) old ideas, old culture, old 就业弹性 (jiu ye tan xing) employment
customs and old habits elasticity
旧态复萌,依然故我 (jiu tai fu meng, yi 就业压力 (jiu ye ya li) employment
ran gu wo) revert to one’s former pressure
state, usually with bad habit or 拘 禁 (ju jin) take into custody;
attitude imprison; confinement
旧学 (jiu xue) old learning 居 安 思 危 (ju an si wei) think of
旧章法 (jiu zhang fa) outmoded ways danger in time of peace
and regulations; old rules and 居高临下的阵地 (ju gao lin xia de zhen
regulations di) command position; vantage
旧 政 权 (jiu zheng quan) old ground
government 居 功 自 傲 (ju gong zi ao) style
旧 知 识 分 子 (jiu zhi shi fen zi) oneself a hero; pride oneself on one’
intellectual of the old type s merits
救济灾荒 (jiu ji zai huang) provide 居间调停 (ju jian tiao ting) mediate
disaster relief between two parties; offer one’s good
救燃眉之急 (jiu ran mei zhi ji) save offices between two parties
from an imminent danger 居 留 权 (ju liu quan) right of
救死扶伤,实行革命的人道主义 (jiu si fu residence
shang, shi xing ge ming de ren dao zhu 居 留 证 (ju liu zheng) residence
yi) heal the wounded, rescue the dying, permit
and practice revolutionary 居 民 身 份 证 (ju min shen fen zheng)
humanitarianism resident identity card
救亡图存 (jiu wang tu cun) save the 居 民 委 员 会 (ju min wei yuan hui)
nation from subjugation and ensure its residential committee
survival 居 住 权 (ju zhu quan) right of
救亡运动 (jiu wang yun dong) national residence
salvation movement 居 住 许 可 证 (ju zhu xu ke zheng)
救 星 (jiu xing) liberator; residence permit
emancipator 居 住 证 (ju zhu zheng) residence
就地闹革命 (jiu di nao ge ming) carry permit
out revolution in one’s own locality 鞠躬尽瘁 (ju gong jin cui) bend one’
就地正法 (jiu di zheng fa) execute (a s body and exhaust his energy; bend
criminal) on the spot; execute summarily oneself to the task unto death
就任 (jiu ren) assumption of one’s 局部服从全体 (ju bu fu cong quan ti)

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the part is subordinate to the whole 举手表决 (ju shou biao jue) vote by a
局 部 立 场 (ju bu li chang) partial show of hands
stand 举手投票选举 (ju shou tou piao xuan ju)
局部利益服从整体利益,眼前利益服从长远 election by a show of hands
利益 (ju bu li yi fu cong zheng ti li yi, 举手赞成 (ju shou zan cheng) show of
yan qian li yi fu cong chang yuan li yi) hands
submit local interests to over-all 举债经营 (ju zhai jing ying) operate
interests and immediate interests to with borrowed capital
long-term interests 举足轻重 (ju zu qing zhong) carry a
局 部 谈 判 (ju bu tan pan) local big weight in; pivotal
negotiations 巨额财产来源不明罪 (ju e can chan lai
局部战争 (ju bu zhan zheng) regional yuan bu ming zui) crime of
war possessing properties of unclear
局 党 代 会 (ju dang dai hui) bureau source (by public servants)
Party congress 巨大的物质力量 (ju da de wu zhi li liang)
局 党 委 (ju dang wei) bureau Party tremendous material force
committee 句句照办 (ju ju zhao ban) live up to
局 党 委 常 委 (ju dang wei chang wei) every sentence; strictly obey
member of the standing committee of a 拒不交待 (ju bu jiao dai) refuse to
bureau Party committee make a confession
局党委常委会 (ju dang wei chang wei hui) 具备入党条件 (ju bei ru dang tiao jian)
standing committee of a bureau Party measure up to the requirements of
committee Party membership
局 党 委 委 员 (ju dang wei wei yuan) 具体情况具体分析 (ju ti qing kuang ju ti
member of a bureau Party committee fen xi) concrete conditions require
局限性 (ju xian xing) limitations concrete analysis
局长 (ju zhang) head of a department 具有光荣传统 (ju you guang rong chuan
举国皆兵 (ju guo jie bing) make every tong) have a glorious tradition
citizen a soldier 具有示范作用和鼓舞作用 (ju you shi fan
举国上下,一片欢腾 (ju guo shang xia, yi zuo yong he gu wu zuo yong) play an
pian huan teng) the whole nation has exemplary role and be an inspiration
been in jubilation 具有中国特色 (ju you zhong guo te se)
举国一致对外 (ju guo yi zhi dui wai) with Chinese characteristics
national solidarity against the foreign 捐弃前嫌 (juan qi qian xian) forget
foe the previous ill will
举国一致抗御外敌 (ju guo yi zhi kang yu 捐躯赴义 (juan qu fu yi) sacrifice
wai di) whole nation unite and resist one ’ s life for the sake of
the foreign foe righteousness
举旗抓纲 (ju qi zhua gang) raise the 涓滴归公 (juan di gui gong) every bit
flag and grasp the guiding principles goes to the public treasury
举世公认的定论 (ju shi gong ren de ding 决不能拿原则作交易 (jue bu neng na yuan
lun) conclusion which has been ze zuo jiao yi) no haggling about
established and accepted by the whole principles
world 决 策 机 构 (jue ce ji gou)

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policy-making body nationalization of troops
决定论 (jue ding lun) determinism 军队建制 (jun dui jian zhi) military
决定战争胜负的根本因素是人不是物 (jue organization
ding zhan zheng sheng fu de gen ben yin 军阀 (jun fa) warlord
su shi ren bu shi wu) people and not 军 阀 官 僚 (jun fa guan liao)
things are the fundamental factor military-bureaucrat
determining the outcome of war 军阀混战 (jun fa hun zhan) tangled
决胜的把握 (jue sheng de ba wo) full warfare between warlords
confidence in winning the decisive 军阀政府 (jun fa zheng fu) warlord
battle government
决议 (jue yi) resolution 军 阀 制 度 (jun fa zhi du) warlord
觉悟程度 (jue wu cheng du) level of system
political consciousness 军阀主义 (jun fa zhu yi) warlordism
绝对多数 (jue dui duo shu) absolute 军阀主义倾向 (jun fa zhu yi qing xiang)
(or overwhelming) majority tendency towards warlordism
绝对服从 (jue dui fu cong) absolute 军阀主义作风 (jun fa zhu yi zuo feng)
obedience warlord style
绝对平均主义 (jue dui ping jun zhu yi) 军方 (jun fang) the military
absolute equalitarianism 军费 (jun fei) military expense
绝对权力 (jue dui quan li) absolute 军分区 (jun fen qu) military subarea
power 军分区司令部 (jun fen qu si ling bu)
绝对权威 (jue dui quan wei) absolute headquarters of the military subarea
authority 军工计划 (jun gong ji hua) plan for
绝对优势 (jue dui you shi) absolute the armament industry
predominance; absolutely superior 军 工 企 业 (jun gong qi ye) defense
绝对真理 (jue dui zhen li) absolute industry enterprise
truth 军工生产 (jun gong sheng chan) war
绝对主义 (jue dui zhu yi) absolutism production
绝密情报 (jue mi qing bao) top secret 军官当兵 (jun guan dang bing) system
intelligence of officers serving as rank and file
绝密文件 (jue mi wen jian) top-secret soldiers
document 军管 (jun guan) (an abbreviation for)
掘墓人 (jue mu ren) grave-digger military control
军 备 集 结 (jun bei ji jie) arms 军 管 会 (jun guan hui) (an
build-up abbreviation for) military control
军备竞赛 (jun bei jing sai) armament committee
race 军国主义 (jun guo zhu yi) militarism
军兵种 (jun bing zhong) category of 军 国 主 义 者 (jun guo zhu yi zhe)
troops militarist
军 代 表 (jun dai biao) army 军火工厂 (jun huo gong chang) arsenal;
representative munition plant
军 党 委 (jun dang wei) army Party 军火买卖 (jun huo mai mai) selling of
committee arms and ammunition
军 队 国 家 化 (jun dui guo jia hua) 军火走私 (jun huo zou si) gun-running;

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arms smuggling power
军纪军令 (jun ji jun ling) military 军 事 代 表 团 (jun shi dai biao tuan)
discipline and military order military mission
军垦农场 (jun ken nong chang) army “军事第一” (“jun shi di yi”) “give
reclamation farm the top priority to military affairs”
军控 (jun kong) armament control 军事对抗 (jun shi dui kang) military
军力 (jun li) military power confrontation
军 力 对 比 (jun li dui bi) relative 军事法庭 (jun shi fa ting) martial
military strength court; military tribunal
军 令 状 (jun ling zhuang) military 军 事 分 界 线 (jun shi fen jie xian)
command contract military demarcation line
军民共建 (jun min gong jian) joint 军事封建帝国主义 (jun shi feng jian di
construction between the army and the guo zhu yi) military-feudal
people of a spiritual and material imperialism
civilization 军事工业 (jun shi gong ye) military
军民共建精神文明活动 (jun min gong jian industry
jing shen wen ming huo dong) joint 军 事 顾 问 团 (jun shi gu wen tuan)
army-civilian efforts to promote military advisory group
socialist ethics and culture in their 军事官僚机器 (jun shi guan liao ji qi)
respective units military-bureaucratic machine;
军 民 兼 顾 (jun min jian gu) give military bureaucratic apparatus
consideration to both the army and the 军事管理 (jun shi guan li) military
people; take care of the needs of both administration
the army and the people 军事管制委员会 (jun shi guan zhi wei
军 民 一 致 (jun min yi zhi) unity yuan hui) military control commission
between the army and the people 军 事 过 硬 (jun shi guo ying)
军内一小撮 (jun nei yi xiao cuo) a militarily competent
handful of people in the military 军 事 化 经 济 (jun shi hua jing ji)
军 区 司 令 部 (jun qu si ling bu) militarized economy
headquarters of the military command 军事会议 (jun shi hui yi) military
军权 (jun quan) military leadership; conference
military power 军事机构 (jun shi ji gou) military
军人 (jun ren) serviceman; army-man organ
军容 (jun rong) military decorum of a 军事机关 (jun shi ji guan) military
military division or an individual establishment
军事霸王 (jun shi ba wang) military 军 事 基 地 (jun shi ji di) military
despot base
军事拨款 (jun shi bo kuan) military 军事集团 (jun shi ji tuan) military
appropriations bloc; militarist group
军事部署 (jun shi bu shu) military 军事家 (jun shi jia) strategist
build-up; military arrangement 军事间谍 (jun shi jian die) military
军事冲突 (jun shi chong tu) military spy
clash 军 事 建 设 (jun shi jian she) army
军事大国 (jun shi da guo) military building

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军 事 理 论 家 (jun shi li lun jia) 军事支出 (jun shi zhi chu) military
theorist of war expenditure
军事冒险主义者 (jun shi mao xian zhu yi 军事组织 (jun shi zu zhi) military
zhe) military adventurist organization
军事民主 (jun shi min zhu) military 军团 (jun tuan) army group
democracy 军威 (jun wei) military prestige
军事膨胀 (jun shi peng zhang) bloated 军委 (jun wei) see “军事委员会”
military build-up 军械借款 (jun xie jie kuan) arms loan
军事平均主义者 (jun shi ping jun zhu yi 军心 (jun xin) army’s morale
zhe) exponent of military 军需工厂 (jun xu gong chang) military
equalitarianism supplies factory
军事情报 (jun shi qing bao) military 军 需 工 业 (jun xu gong ye) arms
intelligence industry
军事实力 (jun shi shi li) military 军 宣 队 (jun xuan dui) military
power propaganda team
军事使团 (jun shi shi tuan) military 军援物资 (jun yuan wu zi) military
mission aid material
军事术语 (jun shi shu yu) military 军运 (jun yun) (an abbreviation for)
term military transport
军事思想 (jun shi si xiang) military 军政 (jun zheng) army and government;
thinking military and political
军事素养 (jun shi su yang) military 军政当局 (jun zheng dang ju) civil
training and military authorities
军事条令 (jun shi tiao ling) military 军 政 府 (jun zheng fu) military
rules and regulations government
军事条约 (jun shi tiao yue) military 军 政 训 练 (jun zheng xun lian)
treaty military and political training
军事调处 (jun shi tiao chu) military “军政、训政、宪政” (“jun zheng、 xun
mediation zheng、 xian zheng”) “military rule,
军事挑衅 (jun shi tiao xin) military political tutelage and constitutional
provocation government”
军事停战委员会 (jun shi ting zhan wei 军 政 要 员 (jun zheng yao yuan)
yuan hui) military armistice military brasshats and political
commission bigwigs
军 事 委 员 会 (jun shi wei yuan hui) 军政一致 (jun zheng yi zhi) with army
Military Commission and the government united
军事问题 (jun shi wen ti) military 军政之间 (jun zheng zhi jian) between
problem; military matters the army and government organizations
军事原则 (jun shi yuan ze) military 军转 (jun zhuan) (an abbreviation for)
principle transfer of military personnel to
军事援助 (jun shi yuan zhu) military civilian work
aid 均 分 继 承 (jun fen ji cheng)
军 事 政 变 (jun shi zheng bian) egalitarian inheritance
military coup d’etat 均衡裁军 (jun heng cai jun) balanced

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reduction of forces 君 主 世 袭 制 (jun zhu shi xi zhi)
均 衡 论 (jun heng lun) theory of hereditary monarchy
equilibrium 君主制 (jun zhu zhi) monarchy
均贫富 (jun pin fu) equalize the poor 君主专制制度 (jun zhu zhuan zhi zhi du)
with the rich absolute monarchy
均权主义 (jun quan zhu yi) principle “君子国” (“jun zi guo”) “Land of
of fair distribution of powers Gentlemen”
均 输 法 (jun shu fa) equitable “君子之泽,五世而斩” (“jun zi zhi ze,
distribution law (one of Wang Anshi’ wu shi er zhan ” ) “ the power and
s reforms in Song Dynasty) influence of a nobleman cease after five
均田制 (jun tian zhi) system of land generations”
equalization; land equalization 郡 县 制 (jun xian zhi) system of
system (enforced from Northern Wei to prefectures and counties (a system of
Tang Dynasty) local administration during the
君权 (jun quan) monarchical power Spring and Autumn Period and the Qin
君 主 国 (jun zhu guo) monarchical Dynasty)
state; monarchy
君 主 立 宪 制 (jun zhu li xian zhi)
constitutional monarchy

— K —
开 仓 济 贫 (kai cang ji pin) open 开 发 性 项 目 (kai fa xing xiang mu)
granaries to relieve the poor exploration project
开除党籍 (kai chu dang ji) expulsion 开 发 研 究 (kai fa yan jiu)
from the Party developmental research
开除公职 (kai chu gong zhi) discharge 开 发 资 源 (kai fa zi yuan) exploit
sb. from public employment natural resources
开除团籍 (kai chu tuan ji) expulsion 开放边境 (kai fang bian jing) open
from the League the border
开创具有中国特色的社会主义建设新局面 开放地区的辐射和带动作用 (kai fang di
(kai chuang ju you zhong guo te se de she qu de fu she he dai dong zuo yong)
hui zhu yi jian she xin ju mian) create radiate and exemplary role of the open
a new situation in building socialism areas
with Chinese characteristics 开放搞活 (kai fang gao huo) open up
开 创 新 纪 元 (kai chuang xin ji yuan) and enliven the economy
usher in a new epoch 开 放 式 基 金 (kai fang shi ji jin)
开发区热 (kai fa qu re) “development open-ended fund
zone” craze during the early state of 开放式经济区 (kai fang shi jing ji qu)
China’s opening up open economic zone
开 发 性 承 包 (kai fa xing cheng bao) 开 放 型 经 济 (kai fang xing jing ji)
developmental contract open economy
开 发 性 生 产 (kai fa xing sheng chan) 开 放 政 策 (kai fang zheng ce) open
developmental production policy; opening-up policy

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开工率 (kai gong lü) operating rate according to the wind; serve the time
开国大典 (kai guo da dian) founding 看 清 局 势 (kan qing ju shi) have a
ceremony (of a state) correct appraisal of the situation
开国元勋 (kai guo yuan xun) founder 看人看势说话 (kan ren kan shi shuo hua)
of a state; founding father tailor one ’ s words to the person
开后门 (kai hou men) open the back addressed and the specific
door circumstances
开门办学 (kai men ban xue) open-door 慷 国 家 之 慨 (kang guo jia zhi kai)
schooling liberally give away what belongs to the
开 门 整 党 (kai men zheng dang) state
open-door rectification of the Party 慷慨就义 (kang kai jiu yi) die a hero;
开 门 整 风 (kai men zheng feng) die a martyr’s death
open-door rectification of work style 抗 暴 斗 争 (kang bao dou zheng)
开 明 人 士 (kai ming ren shi) struggle against tyranny
enlightened persons 抗大 (kang da) (an abbreviation for)
开天辟地 (kai tian pi di) creation of Chinese People ’ s Anti-Japanese
the world; dawn of history Military and Political College
开 拓 前 进 (kai tuo qian jin) forge 抗 丁 抗 粮 (kang ding kang liang)
ahead resist pressganging and the grain levy
开拓市场 (kai tuo shi chang) expand 抗洪 (kang hong) resist floods
the market 抗捐抗税运动 (kang juan kang shui yun
开拓型改革者 (kai tuo xing gai ge zhe) dong) struggle against payment of
pioneering reformer levies and taxes
开 拓 型 人 才 (kai tuo xing ren cai) 抗美援朝战争 (kang mei yuan chao zhan
talented pioneering person zheng) War to Resist U.S.
开源节流 (kai yuan jie liu) increase Aggression and Aid Korea (1950~1953)
income and reduce expenditure 抗美援越 (kang mei yuan yue) resist
开 展 新 局 面 (kai zhan xin ju mian) U.S. aggression and aid Vietnam
open up a new situation 抗 日 根 据 地 (kang ri gen ju di)
开展增产节约的劳动竞赛 (kai zhan zeng anti-Japanese base
chan jie yue de lao dong jing sai) 抗日救国 (kang ri jiu guo) resistance
develop labor emulation in increasing to Japanese aggression and national
production and practising economy salvation
凯歌阵阵,喜讯频传 (kai ge zhen zhen, xi 抗日救国十大纲领 (kang ri jiu guo shi da
xun pin chuan) songs of triumph are gang ling) Ten-Point Programme for
heard Resisting Japan and Saving the Nation
all round and good news keeps pouring in (in 1937)
凯 旋 归 来 (kai xuan gui lai) 抗日军政大学 (kang ri jun zheng da xue)
triumphant return; return with triumph see “抗大”
看守内阁 (kan shou nei ge) caretaker 抗日民族统一战线 (kang ri min zu tong yi
cabinet zhan xian) Anti-Japanese national
砍红旗 (kan hong qi) chop down the united front (1936~1945)
banner 抗日战争 (kang ri zhan zheng) War of
看 风 使 舵 (kan feng shi duo) steer Resistance against Japan (1937~1945)

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抗 议 集 会 (kang yi ji hui) protest yuan hui) Committee of Education,
rally Science, Culture, Health and Sports
抗议书 (kang yi shu) letter of protest 科教兴国战略 (ke jiao xing guo zhan lü
抗议照会 (kang yi zhao hui) protest e) strategy of rejuvenating the
note country through science and education
考察干部 (kao cha gan bu) test cadres 科 举 制 度 (ke ju zhi du) imperial
考 核 干 部 (kao he gan bu) check on civil service examination system
cadres 科普活动 (ke pu huo dong) activity to
考核制度 (kao he zhi du) evaluation popularize scientific knowledge
system 科委 (ke wei) (an abbreviation for)
考 虑个 人得失 (kao l ü ge ren de shi) science and technology commission
concern with one ’ s own gains and 科协 (ke xie) (an abbreviation for)
losses China ’ s Science and Technology
考验 (kao yan) test; trial Association
靠边站 (kao bian zhan) be set aside 科学管理体制 (ke xue guan li ti zhi)
“靠工分吃饭” (“kao gong fen chi fan”) scientific management system
“live on work-points” 科 学 技 术 部 (ke xue ji shu bu)
苛捐杂税 (ke juan za shui) exorbitant Ministry of Science and Technology
taxes and miscellaneous levies 科学技术发展规划 (ke xue ji shu fa zhan
苛 政 (ke zheng) harsh government; gui hua) plan for the development of
tyranny science and technology
科 技 奥 运 (ke ji ao yun) (an 科学技术是第一生产力 (ke xue ji shu shi
abbreviation for) High-tech Olympics di yi sheng chan li) science and
科技成果转化为生产力 (ke ji cheng guo technology are the most important
zhuan hua wei sheng chan li) productive forces
scientific and technological 科学技术委员会 (ke xue ji shu wei yuan
achieve-ments transferred to hui)science and technology commission
productivity 科 学 决 策 (ke xue jue ce)
科技扶贫 (ke ji fu pin) support the decision-making on science
poor areas with technology 科学社会主义理论 (ke xue she hui zhu yi
科技攻关 (ke ji gong guan) tackle the li lun) theory of scientific
hard-nut problems in science and socialism
technology 科学组织 (ke xue zu zhi) scientific
科 技 含 量 (ke ji han liang) organization
technological content 科 研 成 果 (ke yan cheng guo)
科技户 (ke ji hu) sci-tech household scientific and technological research
科技人员 (ke ji ren yuan) scientific achievements
and technical personnel 科研机构 (ke yan ji gou) scientific
科 技 示 范 户 (ke ji shi fan hu) research institution
sci-tech model household 科 研 十 四 条 (ke yan shi si tiao)
科技是第一生产力 (ke ji shi di yi sheng 14-Point Opinion on Scientific
chan li) science and technology Research
constitute a primary productive force 科 长 (ke zhang) section chief of an
科教文卫体委员会 (ke jiao wen wei ti wei office

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可 持 续 发 展 (ke chi xu fa zhan) realistic
sustainable development 空话连篇,言之无物 (kong hua lian pian,
可持续发展战略 (ke chi xu fa zhan zhan yan zhi wu wu) fill endless pages with
lue) sustainable development strategy empty verbiage
可 歌 可 泣 (ke ge ke qi) inspiring; 空降特务 (kong jiang te wu) airborne
heroic and moving spy
可 更 新 资 源 (ke geng xin zi yuan) 空 军 实 力 (kong jun shi li) air
renewable resources strength
可进可守 (ke jin ke shou) suitable 空 军 武 官 (kong jun wu guan) air
for one’s taking either the offensive attaché
or the “空军制胜论” (“kong jun zhi sheng lun”)
defensive theory of “air power decides the war”
可能的同盟者 (ke neng de tong meng zhe) 空 口 说 白 话 (kong kou shuo bai hua)
possible ally speak without acting; make empty
可 行 性 研 究 (ke xing xing yan jiu) promises
feasibility study 空 前 繁 荣 (kong qian fan rong)
克 服 片 面 性 (ke fu pian mian xing) unprecedented flowering and
elimination of one-sidedness prosperous
克 服 一 般 化 (ke fu yi ban hua) 空 谈 主 义 (kong tan zhu yi)
overcome the tendency to fall into phrase-mongering
generalities 空头市场 (kong tou shi chang) bear
克 己 奉 公 (ke ji feng gong) market
wholehearted devotion to public duty; 空头司令 (kong tou si ling) leading
work selflessly for the common good cadre estranged from the people
刻骨的阶级仇恨 (ke gu de jie ji chou hen) 空 头 文 学 家 (kong tou wen xue jia)
irreconcilable class hatred phony writer
“肯定一切”的观点 (“ken ding yi qie” 空头政治 (kong tou zheng zhi) phony
de guan dian) viewpoint that politics
“everything is positive” 空 想 家 (kong xiang jia) dreamer;
啃硬骨头 (ken ying gu tou) crack a visionary
hard nut; work painstakingly at a 空想社会主义 (kong xiang she hui zhu yi)
difficult task utopian socialism
空白票 (kong bai piao) blank ballot 空 想 主 义 (kong xiang zhu yi)
papers utopianism
空城计 (kong cheng ji) stratagem to 空域 (kong yu) space territory
present a bold front to conceal 空 政 (kong zheng) (an abbreviation
unpreparedness; “ undefended-city ” for) the Air Force Political
stratagem (to bewilder and keep away the Department of the PLA
enemy by opening the gate of a city 孔 孟 之 道 (kong meng zhi dao)
actually left unguarded) doctrines of Confucius and Mencius
空洞无物,穷极无聊 (kong dong wu wu, 恐怖分子 (kong bu fen zi) terrorist
qiong ji wu liao) emptiness and vulgar 恐怖分子组织 (kong bu fen zi zu zhi)
taste terrorist organization
空 对 空 (kong dui kong) airy, not 恐怖活动 (kong bu huo dong) terrorist

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activities give verbal supports
恐怖事件 (kong bu shi jian) terrorist 口 头 申 请 (kou tou shen qing) oral
incident application
恐怖统治 (kong bu tong zhi) reign of 口头声明 (kou tou sheng ming) verbal
terror statement
恐怖主义 (kong bu zhu yi) terrorism 口 头 指 示 (kou tou zhi shi) verbal
“恐帝、崇帝、亲帝” (“kong di, chong instruction
di, qin di”) “fear and worship of 口诛笔伐 (kou zhu bi fa) condemn both
imperialism and pro-imperialism ” ; in speech and in writing
“fear and worship of and devotion to 扣大帽子 (kou da mao zi) brand sb.
imperialism” with unwarranted labels; put labels on
恐日病 (kong ri bing) morbid fear of sb.
Japan 苦 大 仇 深 (ku da chou shen) have
控股公司 (kong gu gong si) holding suffered bitterly and nurse deep hatred
company; controlling company 苦干、实干、巧干 (ku gan、 shi gan、 qiao
控 诉 会 (kong su hui) accusation gan) work hard, conscientiously and
meeting resourcefully
控 制 和 反 控制 的 斗 争 (kong zhi he fan 苦尽甘来 (ku jin gan lai) when the
kong zhi de dou zheng) struggle to bitter is finished, then comes the
control and struggle to resist control sweet; from foul to fair
控制人口数量 (kong zhi ren kou shu liang) 苦口良药 (ku kou liang yao) a good
control the population size medicine tastes bitter; though
控 制 人 口 增 长 (kong zhi ren kou zeng bitter-tasting, it is still the best
zhang) control population growth medicine
口粮田 (kou liang tian) land for one’ 苦练过硬的杀敌本领 (ku lian guo ying de
s growing grain for own consumption sha di ben ling) make hard efforts
口 蜜 腹 剑 (kou mi fu jian) to master the skills of wiping out the
hypocritical; a mouth that praises and enemy
a hand that kills; a honeyed tongues, and 苦难深重 (ku nan shen zhong) untold
a heart of gall suffering
口 头 表 决 (kou tou biao jue) voice 苦行主义 (ku xing zhu yi) asceticism
vote; vote by “yea” or “nay” 夸夸其谈 (kua kua qi tan) indulge in
口 头 答 复 (kou tou da fu) verbal verbiage; grandiloquent; become
answer bombastic; bombastic twaddle
口 头 革 命 派 (kou tou ge ming pai) 垮台 (kua tai) collapse; vanish
lip-service revolutionaries 跨 部 门 合 营 (kua bu men he ying)
口 头 建 议 (kou tou jian yi) verbal transsectional joint operation
advice 跨 地 区 联 营 (kua di qu lian ying)
口 头 抗 议 (kou tou kang yi) verbal transregional joint operation
protest 跨 地 区 组 织 (kua di qu zu zhi)
口头上的“主要敌人” (kou tou shang de transregional organization
“ zhu yao di ren ” ) “ the chief 跨 领 域 问 题 (kua ling yu wen ti)
adversary” on the lips cross-border issues
口 头 上 拥 护 (kou tou shang yong hu) 跨世纪工程 (kua shi ji gong cheng) a

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trans-century project (kuo da gong shi, zeng jia xin ren, jian
跨世纪绿色工程规划 (kua shi ji lü se shao fen qi, gong chuang wei lai)
gong cheng gui hua) trans-century expand common ground, increase trust,
green engineering program reduce differences, and build the future
跨 越 式 发 展 (kua yue shi fa zhan) together
great-leap-forward development 扩大化,复杂化 (kuo da hua, fu za hua)
会计科 (kuai ji ke) accounts section; inflated and complicated
accounting section 扩 大 会 议 (kuo da hui yi) enlarged
快 刀 斩 乱 麻 (kuai dao zhan luan ma) meeting
cut a tangled skein of jute with a 扩大教育面,缩小打击面 (kuo da jiao yu
sharp knife; make lightning decisions; mian,suo xiao da ji mian) help more
cut the Gordian knot people by educating them and narrow the
宽大处理 (kuan da chu li) be accorded target of scope attack
lenient treatment; be magnanimously 扩 大 民 主 (kuo da min zhu) broaden
treated; be treated with leniency democratic life
宽 大 的 政 策 (kuan da de zheng ce) 扩 大 内 需 (kuo da nei xu) expand
lenient policy domestic demands
狂热性 (kuang re xing) fanaticism 扩大企业自主权 (kuo da qi ye zi zhu quan)
狂妄自大,目无组织 (kuang wang zi da, mu expand enterprise autonomy
wu zu zhi) be arrogant and conceited 扩 大 再 生 产 (kuo da zai sheng chan)
and have no regard for the expand reproduction
organization 扩大战果 (kuo da zhan guo) exploit
矿业工会 (kuang ye gong hui) miners’ the victory
trade union 扩 建 工 程 (kuo jian gong cheng)
框框 (kuang kuang) conventions extension project
亏损企业 (kui sun qi ye) enterprise 扩 军 备 战 (kuo jun bei zhan) arms
running in the red; money-losing expansion and war preparations
enterprise 扩权 (kuo quan) expand power
魁 首 (kui shou) leader; chief; 扩张武力 (kuo zhang wu li) expand the
ringleader armed force
傀 儡 国 (kui lei guo) doll state; 扩 张 野 心 (kuo zhang ye xin)
puppet state expansionist ambition
傀儡政权 (kui lei zheng quan) puppet 扩 张 主 义 (kuo zhang zhu yi)
regime expansionism
溃 不 成 军 (kui bu cheng jun) be 扩张主义政策 (kuo zhang zhu yi zheng ce)
utterly routed expansionist policy
阔 步 前 进 (kuo bu qian jin) stride

— L —

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拉 帮 结 派 (la bang jie pai) form 捞一把 (lao yi ba) reap some profit
cliques 劳保 (lao bao) (an abbreviation for)
拉出去,打进来 (la chu qu, da jin lai) labor insurance (or protection)
draw out and make incursions 劳 动 保 护 (lao dong bao hu) labor
拉大旗作为虎皮,包着自己,去吓唬别人 protection
(la da qi zuo wei hu pi, bao zhe zi ji, 劳动保险 (lao dong bao xian) labor
qu xia hu bie ren) use the great insurance
banner as a tiger-skin to cover 劳动报酬 (lao dong bao chou) labor
oneself and intimidate other people remuneration
拉动经济增长 (la dong jing ji zeng zhang) 劳动部门 (lao dong bu men) organ in
fuel economic growth charge of employment; governmental
拉关系 (la guan xi) try to establish labor department
a relationship with sb. “劳动惩罚论” (“lao dong cheng fa lun”)
拉后腿 (la hou tui) pull back the leg so-called “ do manual labor as a
拉锯战 (la ju zhan) seesaw battle punishment”
拉链工程 (la lian gong cheng) zipper 劳动党 (lao dong dang) The Party of
project; shabby construction of civil Labor
underground piping system which need 劳 动 定 额 (lao dong ding ’ e) labor
to be rebuilt over and over quota; work quota
拉私党,组织小派别 (la si dang, zu zhi 劳动对象 (lao dong dui xiang) object
xiao pai bie) gather personal of labor
favourites to form a small clique 劳动分工 (lao dong fen gong) division
拉选票 (la xuan piao) seek a vote of labor
蓝 领 工 人 (lan ling gong ren) 劳动服务公司 (lao dong fu wu gong si)
blue-collar worker labor service company; service
蓝 色 农 业 (lan se nong ye) sea company
agriculture 劳动改造 (lao dong gai zao) reform
烂 摊 子 (lan tan zi) shambles; through labor
intractable problems left 劳 动 观 念 (lao dong guan nian)
滥发奖金 (lan fa jiang jin) overissue attitude to labor
of bonuses; across-the-board bonuses 劳 动 管 理 (lao dong guan li) labor
without regard to merit; distribute management
bonuses improperly; rampant 劳动和社会保障部 (lao dong he she hui
distribution of bonuses bao zhang bu) Ministry of Labor and
滥用权威 (lan yong quan wei) abuse Social Security
one ’ s authority; override one ’ s 劳动合同制 (lao dong he tong zhi) the
commission labor contract system
滥用职权 (lan yong zhi quan) abuse 劳动互助 (lao dong hu zhu) mutual aid
one’s power; misuse one’s authority in labor
滥竽充数 (lan yu chong shu) hold a 劳 动 互 助 社 (lao dong hu zhu she)
post without qualification mutual-aid group; mutual-aid working
捞取政治资本 (lao qu zheng zhi zi ben) group
gain the political capital 劳动化 (lao dong hua) laborization

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劳 动 纪 律 (lao dong ji l ü ) labor 劳而无功 (lao er wu gong) toil with no
discipline gain
劳 动 教 养 (lao dong jiao yang) 劳改 (lao gai) see “劳动改造”
reeducation through labor 劳 改 犯 (lao gai fan) criminal
劳动局 (lao dong ju) labor bureau offender serving a sentence of reform
劳 动 力 (lao dong li) labor force; through labor
work force 劳工专员 (lao gong zhuan yuan) labor
劳动力的流动性 (lao dong li de liu dong attache
xing) fluidity of labor 劳 工 组 织 (lao gong zu zhi) labor
劳 动 力 分 配 (lao dong li fen pei) organization
allocation of labor power 劳教 (lao jiao) see “劳动教养”
劳 动 力 过 剩 (lao dong li guo sheng) 劳 教 所 (lao jiao suo) labor
labor surplus; manpower surplus reformatory
劳 动 立 法 (lao dong li fa) labor 劳苦大众 (lao ku da zhong) toiling
legislation masses; laboring people
劳 动 密 度 (lao dong mi du) labor 劳 苦 功 高 (lao ku gong gao) with
intensity toilsome labor and distinctive merits
劳 动 密 集 型 (lao dong mi ji xing) 劳力输出 (lao li shu chu) export of
labor-intensive (as opposed to labor
capital-intensive) 劳力与武力相结合 (lao li yu wu li xiang
劳动密集型产业 (lao dong mi ji xing chan jie he) integrate labor power and
ye) labor-intensive industry armed strength
劳动密集型行业 (lao dong mi ji xing hang 劳民伤财 (lao min shang cai) harass
ye) labor-intensive professions the people and waste money
劳 动 模 范 (lao dong mo fan) labor 劳务出口 (lao wu chu kou) export of
model labor services
劳 动 群 众 (lao dong qun zhong) 劳 务 市 场 (lao wu shi chang) labor
laboring people market
劳动群众集体所有制 (lao dong qun zhong 劳逸结合 (lao yi jie he) integrate
ji ti suo you zhi) collective labor and leisure
ownership by the working masses “劳资合作论” (“lao zi he zuo lun”)
劳动人民要知识化,知识分子要劳动化 “ doctrine of collaboration between
(lao dong ren min yao zhi shi hua, zhi labor and capital”
shi fen zi yao lao dong hua) working 劳 资 纠 纷 (lao zi jiu fen) dispute
people should master intellectual work between laborers and the management
and intellectuals should integrate 牢 记 血 泪 仇 (lao ji xue lei chou)
themselves with the working people firmly keep in mind the hatred out of
劳 动 人 事 部 (lao dong ren shi bu) one’s life of blood and tears
Ministry of Labor and Personnel 牢守阵地,寸步不让 (lao shou zhen di,
劳动人事部门 (lao dong ren shi bu men) cun bu bu rang) hang on to one’s
personnel department position and not retreat an inch
劳动日 (lao dong ri) working day 老 八 路 (lao ba lu) veteran of the
劳 动 组 合 (lao dong zu he) labor former Eighth Route Army
constitution 老保 (lao bao) (an abbreviation for)

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old conservative Chinese People’s Liberation Army)
老大难 (lao da nan) see “老大难问题” 老 五 篇 (lao wu pian) five old
老 大 难 问 题 (lao da nan wen ti) articles (i.e. Mao Zedong ’ s “ The
long-standing problem Foolish Old Man Who Removed the
老干部 (lao gan bu) veteran cadre Mountain”, “In Memory of Dr. Norman
老 干 部 局 (lao gan bu ju) welfare Bethune”, “Serve the People”, “On
bureau for veteran cadres Rectifying Wrong Ideas in the Party”,
老 革 命 (lao ge ming) old and “Oppose Liberalism”)
revolutionary 老 中 青 (lao zhong qing) (an
老红军 (lao hong jun) veteran of the abbreviation for) old, middle-aged, and
former Red Army young people
老 虎 凳 (lao hu deng) leg-screws; 老中青三结合 (lao zhong qing san jie he)
torture-rack combine the senior, middle-aged, and
老 九 不 能 走 (lao jiu bu neng zou) young cadres
cannot do without number nine (means 老 资 格 (lao zi ge) people of
the intellectuals) experience
老 练 外 交 家 (lao lian wai jiao jia) 老资格外交官 (lao zi ge wai jiao guan)
master diplomat veteran diplomat
老 龄 化 社 会 (lao ling hua she hui) 老 子 党 (lao zi dang) patriarchal
ageing society party
老牌的机会主义分子 (lao pai de ji hui “老子天下第一” (“lao zi tian xia di
zhu yi fen zi) seasoned opportunist yi”) “regard oneself as the number
老 前 辈 (lao qian bei) predecessor; one authority under heaven”
veteran “老子英雄儿好汉,老子反动儿混蛋”
老区、半老区 (lao qu、 ban lao qu) old (“lao zi ying xiong er hao han, lao
and semi-old liberated areas zi fan dong er hun dan”) “one will
老三件 (lao san jian) former three be a true man if his father is a hero,
most sought-after articles (i.e. a watch, while reactionaries bear only
a bicycle, and sewing machine) bastards”
老三届 (lao san jie) people who were 老 字 辈 (lao zi bei) the older
in the high school during the first three generation usually with rich
years of the Cultural Revolution (1966~ experiences
1968) 乐观主义 (le guan zhu yi) optimism
老 三 篇 (lao san pian) three 乐观主义者 (le guan zhu yi zhe) An
frequently-read articles (i.e. Mao optimist
Zedong ’ s “ The Foolish Old Man Who 乐天派 (le tian pai) one who is always
Removed the Mountain”, “In Memory of carefree; happy person; optimist
Dr. Norman Bethune”, and “Serve the 乐于为人民吃苦,勇于为革命牺牲 (le yu
People”) wei ren min chi ku, yong yu wei ge
老少边穷地区 (lao shao bian qiong di qu) ming xi sheng) be ready to endure
old liberated, minority, border, and hardship for the people and die for the
poor areas revolution
老 帅 (lao shuai) veteran marshals 雷打不动 (lei da bu dong) unshakable;
(who fought for the founding of the unyielding; not to be altered under

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any circumstances discrepancy between theory and practice;
雷 锋 精 神 (lei feng jing shen) Lei theory divorced from practice
Feng spirit 理 论 宣 传 (li lun xuan chuan)
冷遇 (leng yu) cold reception theoretical propaganda
冷战 (leng zhan) Cold War 理论研究 (li lun yan jiu) theoretical
冷战思维 (leng zhan si wei) Cold War research
mentality 理 论 与 实 践 (li lun yu shi jian)
离 经 叛 道 (li jing pan dao) rebel theory and practice
against orthodoxy 理论与实践相结合 (li lun yu shi jian
离开社会主义的言论和行动 (li kai she xiang jie he) integrate theory with
hui zhu yi de yan lun he xing dong) practice
any word or action at variance with 理论阵地 (li lun zhen di) theoretical
socialism position; bastion of theory
离 休 干 部 (li xiu gan bu) retired 理论至上 (li lun zhi shang) theory
veteran cadre first
黎民 (li min) common people 理屈词穷,谎话连篇,漏洞百出 (li qu ci
黎明前的黑暗 (li ming qian de hei an) qiong, huang hua lian pian, lou dong
darkness before the dawn bai chu) lame in reasoning and full
礼 节 性 拜 会 (li jie xing bai hui) of lies and loopholes
courtesy call 理顺 (li shun) straighten out
礼 节 性 访 问 (li jie xing fang wen) 理性认识 (li xing ren shi) rational
compliment visit knowledge
礼尚往来 (li shang wang lai) courtesy 力排众议 (li pai zhong yi) prevail
requires a return of visits received over all dissenting views
里 通 外 国 (li tong wai guo) have 力争上游 (li zheng shang you) strive
illicit relations with a foreign country for the best; aim high
理解万岁 (li jie wan sui) long live 历史潮流 (li shi chao liu) trend of
understanding historical development; historical
理 论 传 播 (li lun chuan bo) theory trend
promulgating 历史车轮 (li shi che lun) wheel of
理 论 工 作 (li lun gong zuo) history
theoretical work 历史大倒退 (li shi da dao tui) great
理 论 化 (li lun hua) theorization; historical retrogression
raise to a theoretical plane 历史的本来面目 (li shi de ben lai mian
理论基础 (li lun ji chu) theoretical mu) present of history as it
basis actually occurred
理 论 家 (li lun jia) theoretician; 历史的动力 (li shi de dong li) motive
theorist power of history
理论界 (li lun jie) theoretical realm 历史的伪造者 (li shi de wei zao zhe)
理论联系实际 (li lun lian xi shi ji) falsifier of history
integrate theory with practice 历史的渣滓 (li shi de zha zi) debris
理 论 水 平 (li lun shui ping) of history
theoretical level 历史的主人 (li shi de zhu ren) master
理 论 脱 离 实 际 (li lun tuo li shi ji) of history

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历史发展规律 (li shi fa zhan gui lü) 历史问题 (li shi wen ti) question of
law of historical development a political nature in sb ’ s personal
历史反革命分子 (li shi fan ge ming fen record
zi) person with a history of 历 史 舞 台 (li shi wu tai) arena of
counter-revolutionary activities; history
old-line counter-revolutionary 历史形成的威望 (li shi xing cheng de wei
历史反思 (li shi fan si) historical wang) prestige shaped by history;
reflections inherited prestige
历史根源 (li shi gen yuan) historical 历史学家 (li shi xue jia) historian
root 历史循环论 (li shi xun huan lun) idea
历史观 (li shi guan) conception of that history occurs in cycles; cyclical
history view of history
历史机构 (li shi ji gou) historical 历 史 遗 产 (li shi yi chan wen ti)
organ historical heritage; legacy of history
历史进程 (li shi jin cheng) course of 历 史 遗 留 问 题 (li shi yi liu wen ti)
human history questions left over by history
历史经济条件 (li shi jing ji tiao jian) 历 史 转 折 点 (li shi zhuan zhe dian)
historical-economic conditions turning-point in history
历史命运 (li shi ming yun) historical 厉行节约反对浪费的方针 (li xing jie yue
destiny fan dui lang fei de fang zhen)
历 史 清 白 (li shi qing bai) have a principle of strictly practicing
clean record strict economy and combating waste
历史上遗留下来的边界问题 (li shi shang 立场不稳 (li chang bu wen) wavering
yi liu xia lai de bian jie wen ti) stand
border questions left over by history 立场坚定,旗帜鲜明 (li chang jian ding,
历史时机 (li shi shi ji) historical qi zhi xian ming) have a firm and
juncture clear-cut political stand
历史使命 (li shi shi ming) historical 立 场 鲜 明 (li chang xian ming)
mission clear-cut stand
历史首创精神 (li shi shou chuang jing 立 大 功 (li da gong) render
shen) creative initiative in the extraordinary service
making of history 立党为公 (li dang wei gong) establish
历史属于人民 (li shi shu yu ren min) the Party for the public
history is on the side of the people 立党为私 (li dang wei si) establish
历 史 唯 物 论 (li shi wei wu lun) the Party for private gains
historical materialism 立法权 (li fa quan) legislative power
历 史 唯 物 主 义 (li shi wei wu zhu yi) 立功赎罪 (li gong shu zui) perform
historical materialism meritorious services to atone for one’
历史唯心主义 (li shi wei xin zhu yi) s crimes
historical idealism 立功折罪,立大功受奖 (li gong zhe zui,
历 史 伟 人 (li shi wei ren) great li da gong shou jiang) recognition
historical figure of good deeds as atonement for crimes,
历史文献 (li shi wen xian) historical and awards to those who have
documents exceptionally meritorious actions to

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their credit 利用、限制、改造 (li yong、 xian zhi、
立国之本 (li guo zhi ben) foundation gai zao) use, restrict, and transform
underlying all efforts to build a 利 用 职 权 (li yong zhi quan) take
country advantage of one’s position and power
立体开放口岸 (li ti kai fang kou an) 例行公事 (li xing gong shi) routine
trading port open to sea, land and air business; routine; mere formality
立 体 战 争 (li ti zhan zheng) 连 带 责 任 (lian dai ze ren) joint
three-dimensional war liability
立无产阶级之异 (li wu chan jie ji zhi yi) 连根拔除 (lian gen ba chu) uproot;
create the original which is root out
distinctive of the proletariat 连锁反应 (lian suo fan ying) chain
立 宪 共 和 国 (li xian gong he guo) reaction
constitutional republic 联邦工会 (lian bang gong hui) federal
立 宪 联 盟 (li xian lian meng) labor union
constitutionalist union 联邦国家 (lian bang guo jia) federal
立 宪 制 (li xian zhi) state
constitutionalism 联产承包责任制 (lian chan cheng bao ze
立于不败之地 (li yu bu bai zhi di) be ren zhi) responsibility system of
in an invincible position; remain linking remuneration to output
invincible 联 产 到 户 (lian chan dao hu)
立志改革的志士仁人 (li zhi gai ge de zhi production related household contract
shi ren ren) people who are actuated system
by high ideals and determined to 联 产 到 劳 (lian chan dao lao)
institute reforms production related laborer contract
立足点 (li zu dian) foothold system
立足于备战 (li zu yu bei zhan) put on 联 产 到 人 (lian chan dao ren)
a footing of readiness to fight production related individual
利改税 (li gai shui) replacement of contract system
profits by taxes; submit tax for 联 产 计 酬 (lian chan ji chou)
surrendered profit calculate remuneration in relation to
利己主义 (li ji zhu yi) egoism output
利润包干额 (li run bao gan e) fixed 联动 (lian dong) (an abbreviation for)
profit quotas United Action Committee of Capital Red
利税分流 (li shui fen liu) payment of Guards
tax plus a percentage of profits to the 联俄,联共,扶助工农 (lian e, lian gong,
state fu zhu gong nong) ally Russians and
利他主义 (li ta zhu yi) altruism Communists, and assist peasants and
“利益均沾” (“li yi jun zhan”) “equal workers (Sun Yat-sen’s principles in
opportunity for benefits”; “profits are his lateyears)
equally allotted” 联 防 会 议 (lian fang hui yi) joint
利用矛盾 (li yong mao dun) utilize defense meeting
contradictions 联购联销 (lian gou lian xiao) joint
利 用 外 资 (li yong wai zi) utilize purchasing and marketing
foreign investment 联 合 公 报 (lian he gong bao) joint

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communique 廉 政 (lian zheng) honest and clean
联合国 (lian he guo) United Nations politics; political honesty
联合国大会 (lian he guo da hui) UN 廉政公署 (lian zheng gong shu) (HK)
General Assembly Independent Commission Against
联合国日内瓦办事处 (lian he guo ri nei Corruption
wa ban shi chu) United Nations 廉政建设 (lian zheng jian she) build
Office in Geneva a clean and honest government
联合国维持和平部队 (lian he guo wei chi 廉政、勤政、务实、高效政府 (lian zheng、
he ping bu dui) United Nations Peace qin zheng、 wu shi、 gao xiao zheng fu)
Keeping Forces honest, diligent, pragmatic and
联 合 国 宪 章 (lian he guo xian zhang) efficient government
United Nations Charter 廉政作风 (lian zheng zuo feng) honest
“ 联合 舰队” ( “ lian he jian dui ”) and clean government style
“United Task Fleet” (in Lin Biao’ 良 策 (liang ce) good plan; sound
s anti-Party plot and activities) strategy
联合联络小组 (lian he lian luo xiao zu) 良 性 循 环 (liang xing xun huan)
joint liaison group virtuous circle
联 合 投 标 (lian he tou biao) 粮 食 出 口 国 (liang shi chu kou guo)
syndicated tender food exporting country
联合一切可能的同盟军 (lian he yi qie ke 粮食过关 (liang shi guo guan) have
neng de tong meng jun) muster all solved the food problem
possible allies 粮食局 (liang shi ju) grain bureau
联合政府 (lian he zheng fu) coalition 两 包 一 挂 (liang bao yi gua) two
government guarantees and one linkage
联络处 (lian luo chu) liaison office; 两 报 一 刊 (liang bao yi kan) two
liaison section newspapers and one journal (i.e.
联 络 主 任 (lian luo zhu ren) chief People’s Daily, Liberation Army Daily,
coordinator and Red Flag)
联美反华 (lian mei fan hua) ally with 两参一改三结合 (liang can yi gai san jie
the United States to oppose China he) two participations, one change,
联 盟 党 (lian meng dang) alliance and three combinations (i.e. as
party demanded by the Charter of Anshan Iron
联 席 会 议 (lian xi hui yi) federal and Steel Company that workers
convention participate in management while
联 系 群 众 (lian xi qun zhong) link cadres participate in labor; reform
with the masses irrational and outdated rules and
联系实际 (lian xi shi ji) be linked regulations; and maintain close
with practical work cooperation among cadres, workers and
联系思想 (lian xi si xiang) relate technicians)
sth. with one’s own thinking 两重任务 (liang chong ren wu) twofold
廉洁奉公 (lian jie feng gong) have task
integrity and public spirit 两大历史性课题 (liang da li shi xing ke
廉洁政府 (lian jie zheng fu) clean ti) two major historic subjects (of
and upright government enhancing the abilities of

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administration and art of leadership the plenary meeting of People’s Congress,
and resisting corruption, guarding and that of the Chinese People ’ s
against degeneration and warding off Political Consultative Conference)
risks) 两 极 分 化 (liang ji fen hua)
两 大 阵 营 (liang da zhen ying) two polarization
camps (i.e. the socialist camp and the 两 极 格 局 (liang ji ge ju) bipolar
capitalist camp) structure
两 党 制 (liang dang zhi) bipartisan 两类不同性质的矛盾 (liang lei bu tong
system xing zhi de mao dun) two types of
两点论 (liang dian lun) doctrine that contradiction with different natures
everything has two aspects 两面夹攻 (liang mian jia gong) attack
两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书 (liang on both sides
er bu wen chuang wai shi, yi xin zhi 两 面 派 (liang mian pai)
du sheng xian shu) do not pay double-dealer
attention to what is happening outside 两面派的伎俩 (liang mian pai de ji liang)
in the world, but concentrate on one’ double-dealing tricks
s studies 两 面 派 手 法 (liang mian pai shou fa)
两分法 (liang fen fa) (application of) two-faced tactics
the approach that “one divides into 两 面 三 刀 (liang mian san dao)
two” double-dealing; double-faced tactics
两个“凡是” (liang ge fan shi) two 两 面 受 敌 (liang mian shou di) be
“whatevers” threatened from both quarters; be
两 个 估 计 (liang ge gu ji) two between two fires
estimates 两 面 外 交 (liang mian wai jiao)
两个积极性 (liang ge ji ji xing) two two-sided diplomacy
initiatives 两 面 性 (liang mian xing) dual
两个基本点 (liang ge ji ben dian) see character
“一个中心,两个基本点” 两 面 政 策 (liang mian zheng ce)
两个拳头打人 (liang ge quan tou da ren) double-dealing policy; two-faced
strike with two “ fists ” in two policy
directions 两手抓, 两手都要硬 (liang shou zhua,
at the same time liang shou dou yao ying) grasp both
两 个 文 明 (liang ge wen ming) two sides at the same time and attach
types of civ sufficient importance to both
ilization (i.e. spiritual civilization 两思 (liang si) think of the source of
and material civilization) getting rich and of making progress
两个文明建设 (liang ge wen ming jian she) after becoming affluent
development of two civilizations 两 田 制 (liang tian zhi) two-field
两个文明一起抓 (liang ge wen ming yi qi system
zhua) place equal emphasis on both 两 条 道 路 (liang tiao dao lu) two
material and spiritual civilizations paths
“两个中国”论 (“liang ge zhong guo” 两 条 路 线 (liang tiao lu xian) two
lun) so-called “two Chinas” lines
两会 (liang hui) two meetings (i.e. 两条路线的斗争 (liang tiao lu xian de

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dou zheng) struggle between the two 临时根据地 (lin shi gen ju di) base
lines area which is not fixed; temporary base
两条战线的斗争 (liang tiao zhan xian de area
dou zheng) struggle on two fronts 临时居住 (lin shi ju zhu) temporary
两 忆 三 查 (liang yi san cha) two residence
remembrances and three examinations 临 时 居 住 证 (lin shi ju zhu zheng)
两院制 (liang yuan zhi) two chamber temporary residence permit
system 临时首都 (lin shi shou du) temporary
两种个人崇拜 (liang zhong ge ren chong capital
bai) two types of personality cults 临时政府 (lin shi zheng fu) interim
辽 沈 战 役 (liao shen zhan yi) governmental authorities
Liaoxi-Shenyang Campaign 临危不惧 (lin wei bu ju) be undaunted
(Sept.-Nov.1948) in the face of perils
燎原计划 (liao yuan ji hua) plan to 临阵退缩 (lin zhen tui suo) turn back
cultivate skilled professionals in when going to battle
the rural areas 灵魂深处闹革命 (ling hun shen chu nao ge
列国 (lie guo) various countries ming) make revolution in the depth
列宁主义学说 (lie ning zhu yi xue shuo) of one’s soul; make revolution in
Leninist theory the very core of one’s being
列 入 会 议 记 录 (lie ru hui yi ji lu) 灵活机动的战略战术 (ling huo ji dong de
place on record in the minutes zhan l ü e zhan shu) flexible
列席代表 (lie xi dai biao) nonvoting strategy and tactics
delegate 灵活性 (ling huo xing) flexibility
列 席 会 议 (lie xi hui yi) attend a 凌驾一切的最高原则 (ling jia yi qie de
meeting as a nonvoting delegate zui gao yuan ze) overriding and
劣 根 性 (lie gen xing) bad supreme principle
characteristics 领导班子 (ling dao ban zi) leading
劣势中的优势 (lie shi zhong de you shi) group
superiority within inferiority 领 导 成 员 (ling dao cheng yuan)
邻国 (lin guo) neighbouring country leading member
林彪反党集团 (lin biao fan dang ji tuan) 领导队伍 (ling dao dui wu) leading
the Lin Biao anti-Party clique force
林 业 部 (lin ye bu) Ministry of 领导干部 (ling dao gan bu) leading
Forestry cadre
林 业 工 会 (lin ye gong hui) Trade 领导岗位 (ling dao gang wei) leading
Union of Forestry Workers post
临 时 办 事 处 (lin shi ban shi chu) 领导骨干 (ling dao gu gan) leadership
temporary office backbone
临 时 大 会 (lin shi da hui) 领导和群众相结合 (ling dao he qun zhong
extraordinary general meeting xiang jie he) link of the leadership
临时代办 (lin shi dai ban) charge d’ with people
affaires ad interim 领 导 和 群 众直 接 见 面 (ling dao he qun
临时动议 (lin shi dong yi) incidental zhong zhi jie jian mian) direct
motion contact between the leadership and the

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masses 领事条例 (ling shi tiao li) consular
领导核心 (ling dao he xin) core of a act
leadership group; leading core 领事团 (ling shi tuan) consular corps;
领导机构 (ling dao ji gou) leading consular body
body 领事辖区 (ling shi xia qu) consular
领导机关 (ling dao ji guan) leading district
organ 领 事 职 权 (ling shi zhi quan)
领 导 权 (ling dao quan) leadership; consulship
authority 领事组 (ling shi zu) consular section
领导人 (ling dao ren) leader 领水 (ling shui) territory waters
领导体制 (ling dao ti zhi) leadership 领土 (ling tu) territory
structure 领土不可割让性 (ling tu bu ke ge rang
领导者 (ling dao zhe) leader xing) inalienability of territory
领导职务 (ling dao zhi wei) leading 领土不可侵犯性 (ling tu bu ke qin fan
post; leading position xing) territorial inviolability
领导制度 (ling dao zhi du) system of 领 土 管 辖 权 (ling tu guan xia quan)
leadership territorial jurisdiction
领导中心 (ling dao zhong xin) leading 领 土 扩 张 (ling tu kuo zhang)
centre territorial expansion
领地 (ling di) territory 领 土 毗 连 (ling tu pi lian)
领海 (ling hai) territorial waters territorial contiguity
领海范围 (ling hai fan wei) limits of 领土权 (ling tu quan) sovereign right
territorial sea over territory
领 海 权 (ling hai quan) sovereign 领 土 完 整 (ling tu wan zheng)
right over territorial waters territorial integrity
领海线 (ling hai xian) boundary line 领 土 主 权 (ling tu zhu quan)
of territorial waters territorial sovereignty
领空 (ling kong) territorial sky (or 领土主权的独立和完整 (ling tu zhu quan
air) de du li he wan zheng) territorial
领 空 权 (ling kong quan) sovereign integrity, sovereignty and
right over territorial sky (or air independence
space) 领袖 (ling xiu) leader
领事 (ling shi) consul 领袖人物 (ling xiu ren wu) leading
领 事 裁 判 权 (ling shi cai pan quan) personage
consular jurisdiction 留党察看 (liu dang cha kan) be held on
领事法庭 (ling shi fa ting) consular probation within the Party
court 留团察看 (liu tuan cha kan) place on
领事馆 (ling shi guan) consulate probation within the League
领 事 任 命 书 (ling shi ren ming shu) 留职停薪 (liu zhi ting xin) retain
letter of appointment of a consul; job, stop salary
consular commission 流 产 政 变 (liu chan zheng bian)
领事任期 (ling shi ren qi) consulship abortive coup d’etat
领事司 (ling shi si) department of 流 动 领 域 (liu dong ling yu)
consular affairs circulation domain

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流动人口 (liu dong ren kou) transient 垄断资产阶级的社会主义 (long duan zi
population chan jie ji de
流动资产 (liu dong zi chan) current she hui zhu yi) monopoly-bourgeois
assets; liquid assets socialism
流动作战 (liu dong zuo zhan) fluid 笼统的排外主义的斗争 (long tong de pai
way of fighting wai zhu yi de dou zheng)
流芳百世 (liu fang bai shi) hand down indiscriminate anti-foreign struggle
a good reputation to a hundred future 芦 沟 桥 事 变 (lu gou qiao shi bian)
generations Marco Polo Bridge Incident (in 1937)
流寇主义 (liu kou zhu yi) ideology of 庐山会议 (lu shan hui yi) the Lushan
roving rebel bands Meeting (in 1959)
流 通 企 业 (liu tong qi ye) 陆军武官 (lu jun wu guan) military
distribution firm enterprise attaché
流通渠道 (liu tong qu dao) channel of 路线斗争 (lu xian dou zheng) two-line
circulation struggle; struggle between two
流亡者 (liu wang zhe) exile political lines
流血的与不流血的斗争 (liu xue de yu bu 路线教育 (lu xian jiao yu) education
liu xue de dou zheng) struggle, both in two-line struggle
sanguinary and bloodless 路线是个纲,纲举目张 (lu xian shi ge
流血事件 (liu xue shi jian) bloody gang, gang ju mu zhang) the line is
incident; bloodshed the key link; once it isgrasped,
流血牺牲 (liu xue xi sheng) martyrdom everything falls into place
六厂二校经验 (liu chang er xiao jing yan) 旅 (lü) (军队) brigade
experience of the six factories and 屡教不改 (lü jiao bu gai) refuse to
two schools (during the Cultural mend one ’ s ways despite repeated
Revolution) admonitions
六四事件 (liu si shi jian) June 4th 履行职务 (lü xing zhi wu) do one’s
Incident (in 1989) duties
六五计划 (liu wu ji hua) the Sixth 绿 皮 文 件 (l ü pi wen jian) green
Five-Year Plan for National Economic papers
Development 绿 色 企 业 (l ü se qi ye)
龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠生儿打地洞 (long pollution-free green enterprise
sheng long, feng sheng feng, lao shu 乱集资、乱摊派、乱收费 (luan ji zi、 luan
sheng er da di dong) dragons beget tan pai、 luan shou fei) unwarranted
dragons, phoenixes beget phoenixes, and pooling of funds, arbitrary
those begotten by rats are good at requisition of donations and exaction
digging holes of fees from enterprises
垄断 (long duan) monopolize 乱了敌人,锻炼了广大群众 (luan le di ren,
垄断寡头 (long duan gua tou) oligarch duan lian le guang da qun zhong)
垄断和支配地位 (long duan he zhi pei di throw the enemy into disorder while
wei) monopolistic and dominant people are steeled
position 乱涨价 (luan zhang jia) illegal price
垄断资产阶级 (long duan zi chan jie ji) hikes; raise prices at will
the monopoly capitalist class 乱 抓 乱 斗 (luan zhua luan dou)

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unauthorized arrests and struggles trap
during the Culture Revolution 落后分子 (luo hou fen zi) backward
沦为殖民地 (lun wei zhi min di) be element
reduced to a colony 落后国家 (luo hou guo jia) backward
沦陷区 (lun xian qu) enemy-occupied country
area 落 后 面 貌 (luo hou mian mao)
轮流坐庄 (lun liu zuo zhuang) rotate backwardness
the leadership 落 后 因 素 (luo hou yin su) factor
轮值主席 (lun zhi zhu xi) chairman on making for backwardness
duty 落水狗 (luo shui gou) dog in the water
论功行赏 (lun gong xing shang) reward (means bad guy in straits)
one according to his merit 落叶归根 (luo ye gui gen) go back to
论 资 排 辈 (lun zi pai bei) go the place one came from
according to seniority 落在无产阶级的肩上 (luo zai wu chan jie
罗盛教精神 (luo sheng jiao jing shen) ji de jian shang) has been placed
Luo Shengjiao (who sacrificed oneself upon the shoulders of the proletariat
to help others) spirit
落到自己布置的陷阱 (luo dao zi ji bu zhi
de xian jing) be caught in one’s own

— M —

麻痹思想 (ma bi si xiang) slackening dao zhu yi) Maxist humanism

of vigilance 马克思主义是一门发展的科学 (ma ke si
麻 痹 作 用 (ma bi zuo yong) lulling zhu yi shi yi men fa zhan de ke xue)
effect Marxism is a theory under development
麻雀战 (ma que zhan) sparrow warfare 马克思主义思想 (ma ke si zhu yi si xiang)
(a form of guerrilla warfare) Marxist ideology
麻醉精神 (ma zui jing shen) poison 马 克 思 主 义 者 (ma ke si zhu yi zhe)
one’s minds Marxist
马尔萨斯人口论 (ma er sa si ren kuo lun) 马拉松式会谈 (ma la song shi hui tan)
Malthusian theory of population Marathon talks; talkathon
马 钢 宪 法 (ma gang xian fa) the 马拉松式竞选活动 (ma la song shi jing
Ma-Steel Charter xuan huo dong) Marathon campaign
马后炮 (ma hou pao) belated effort 马 列 主 义 (ma lie zhu yi)
马克思主义理论 (ma ke si zhu yi li lun) Marxism-Leninism
Marxist theory; Marxian theory 马 列 主 义 者 (ma lie zhu yi zhe)
马克思主义路线 (ma ke si zhu yi lu xian) Marxist-Leninist
Marxist line 马列主义小组 (ma lie zhu yi xiao zu)
马克思主义人道主义 (ma ke si zhu yi ren Marxist-Leninist group

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马列主义政党 (ma lie zhu yi zheng dang) dao nü chang) out and out scoundrels
Marxist-Leninist party with benevolence, righteousness and
马寅初《新人口论》 (ma yin chu xin ren moral on their lips
kou lun) Ma Yinchu ’ s New 满 门 抄 斩 (man men chao zhan)
Population Theory confiscate the family property and have
码头工会 (ma tou gong hui) dockers’ all family members beheaded
trade union 满 目 疮 痍 (man mu chuang yi) be
埋头苦干,奋发图强 (mai tou ku gan, fen covered all over with wounds and scars
fa tu qiang) quietly immerse 满腔热忱 (man qiang re chen) in all
oneself in hard work with a will to get earnestness; feel warmth towards; with
strong zeal
买办大资产阶级 (mai ban da zi chan jie 谩骂不是论战 (man ma bu shi lun zhan)
ji) big comprador bourgeoisie abuse is not debate
买办地主阶级 (mai ban di zhu jie ji) 漫 谈 会 (man tan hui) informal
comprador and landlord classes discussion
买办封建势力 (mai ban feng jian shi li) 盲 从 (mang cong) follow blindly;
comprador-feudal forces implicit obedience
买办阶级 (mai ban jie ji) comprador 盲 动 政 策 (mang dong zheng ce)
class putschist policy
买办洋奴哲学 (mai ban yang nu zhe xue) 盲动主义 (mang dong zhu yi) putschism
slavish comprador philosophy 盲 动 主 义 者 (mang dong zhu yi zhe)
买办资本主义 (mai ban zi ben zhu yi) putschist
comprador-capitalism 盲干 (mang gan) blind action
买 空 卖 空 (mai kong mai kong) 盲流 (mang liu) blind influx
speculate in stocks; speculate on the 盲目崇拜 (mang mu chong bai) blind
rise and fall of prices; cross trade worship
卖 国 求 荣 (mai guo qiu rong) seek 盲目服从,随声附和 (mang mu fu cong, sui
after glory by selling out one’s own sheng fu he) blind obedience and
country docility
卖 国 条 约 (mai guo tiao yue) 盲目性 (mang mu xing) blindness
treasonable treaty 盲目追求 (mang mu zhui qiu) seek sth.
卖国贼 (mai guo zei) traitor blindly
卖 国 政 府 (mai guo zheng fu) 毛泽东思想 (mao ze dong si xiang) Mao
traitorous government Zedong Thought
卖国主义 (mai guo zhu yi) national 毛泽东思想体系 (mao ze dong si xiang ti
betrayal xi) Mao Zedong Thought as a system
卖国罪 (mai guo zui) crime of treason 毛泽东思想宣传队 (mao ze dong si xiang
满怀战斗的豪情 (man huai zhan dou de hao xuan chuan dui) Mao Zedong Thought
qing) full of militant spirit publicity team
满口革命词句 (man kou ge ming ci ju) 《毛泽东选集》 (《mao ze dong xuan ji》)
use a profusion of revolutionary Selected Works of Mao Zedong
phraseology 毛 泽 东 著 作 (mao ze dong zhu zuo)
满口仁义道德,彻头彻尾的男盗女娼 (man writings of Mao Zedong
kou ren yi dao de, che tou che wei de nan 毛主席纪念堂 (mao zhu xi ji nian tang)

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Chairman Mao Memorial Hall Promotion of International Trade
《毛主席语录》 (《mao zhu xi yu lu》) 贸 易 壁 垒 (mao yi bi lei) trade
Quotations from Chairman Mao protectionism; trade barrier
矛盾百出 (mao dun bai chu) be riddled 贸易战 (mao yi zhan) trade war
with contradictions 贸 易 政 策 (mao yi zheng ce) trade
矛盾百出,四分五裂 (mao dun bai chu, si policy
fen wu lie) rent by contradictions 贸易自由化 (mao yi zi you hua) trade
and disunity liberalization
矛盾的对立面 (mao dun de dui li mian) 貌似极左而实质极右 (mao si ji zuo er shi
opposites in contradiction zhi ji you) sound extremely Left but
矛盾的普遍性 (mao dun de pu bian xing) in essence be extremely Right
universality of contradiction 貌似有理的学说 (mao si you li de xue
矛盾的特殊性 (mao dun de te shu xing) shuo) plausible theory
particularity of contradiction 没 有 出 路 (mei you chu lu) find
矛盾的暂时的相对的统一 (mao dun de zan oneself in a blind alley
shi de xiang dui de tong yi) 没有帝国主义、没有资本主义、没有剥削制
temporary, relative unity of 度的新世界 (mei you di guo zhu yi、 mei
opposites you zi ben zhu yi、 mei you bo xue zhi
矛盾的主要方面 (mao dun de zhu yao fang du de xin shi jie) a new world without
mian) principal aspect of a imperialism, without capitalism and
contradiction without the exploitation of man by man
矛 盾 集 中 点 (mao dun ji zhong dian) 没有调查,就没有发言权 (mei you diao cha,
centre of contradiction jiu mei you fa yan quan) no
矛 盾 尖 锐 化 (mao dun jian rui hua) investigation, no right to speak
intensification of contradiction 没有改造好的地、富、反、坏、右分子 (mei
矛盾扩大和加深 (mao dun kuo da he jia you gai zao hao de di、 fu、 fan、 huai、
shen) contradictions grow in breadth you fen zi) unreformed landlords,
and in depth richpeasants,counter-revolutionarie
矛盾上交 (mao dun shang jiao) pass on s, bad elements and rightists
the buck to a higher level 没有革命的理论,就不会有革命的运动
矛头向上 (mao tou xiang shang) point (mei you ge ming de li lun, jiu bu hui
the spearhead upward you ge ming de yun dong) without
冒进政策 (mao jin zheng ce) policy of revolutionary theory, there can be no
adventurist advance revolutionary movement
冒天下之大不讳 (mao tian xia zhi da bu 没有根据 (mei you gen ju) have not a
hui) defy the universal will of the leg to stand on; groundless
people; fly in the face of the will of 没有共产党就没有新中国 (mei you gong
the people; risk universal condemnation chan dang jiu mei you xin zhong guo)
冒 险 主 义 (mao xian zhu yi) were it not for the Communist Party,
adventurism there would be no New China
冒 险 主 义 者 (mao xian zhu yi zhe) 没有赫鲁晓夫的赫鲁晓夫主义 (mei you he
adventurist lu xiao fu de he lu xiao fu zhu yi)
贸促会 (mao cu hui) (an abbreviation Khrushchevism without Khrushchev
for) China ’ s Commission for the 没有阶级的社会 (mei you jie ji de she

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hui) classless society omnipotent
没有正确的政治观点,就等于没有灵魂 迷 信 与 伪 科 学 (mi xin yu wei ke xue)
(mei you zheng que de zheng zhi guan superstition and pseudo-science
dian, jiu deng yu mei you ling hun) 糜烂的资产阶级生活方式 (mi lan de zi
not to have a correct political point chan jie ji sheng huo fang shi) rotten
of view is like having no soul bourgeois way of life
煤 炭 工 业 部 (mei tan gong ye bu) 秘密档案 (mi mi dang an) secret files
Ministry of Coal Industry 秘 密 会 晤 (mi mi hui wu) secret
煤炭局 (mei tan ju) coal bureau interview
美中友好协会 (mei zhong you hao xie hui) 秘 密 会 议 (mi mi hui yi) private
US-sino Friendship Association session; hush-hush comference
媚外贱民 (mei wai jian min) fawn on 秘密活动 (mi mi huo dong) underground
the foreigners and persecute one’s own activities
people 秘密警察组织 (mi mi jing cha zu zhi)
门户封锁 (men hu feng suo) blocked secret police organization
door 秘密军事工厂 (mi mi jun shi gong chang)
门户开放政策 (men hu kai fang zheng ce) secret munition factory
open-door policy 秘密谈判 (mi mi tan pan) clandestine
门户开放主义 (men hu kai fang zhu yi) negotiations
doctrine of the open door 秘 密 特 务 组 织 (mi mi te wu zu zhi)
蒙蔽是不能长久的 (meng bi shi bu neng secret agent organization
chang jiu de) no deception can last 秘 密 投 票 (mi mi tou piao) secret
long voting
蒙 蔽 舆 论 (meng bi yu lun) mislead 秘 密 外 交 (mi mi wai jiao) secret
public opinion diplomacy
蒙混过关 (meng hun guo guan) slip by; 秘 密 文 件 (mi mi wen jian) secret
slip through; get by; gloss over one’ paper
s faults;sneak away in the confusion 秘 密 组 织 (mi mi zu zhi) secret
盟国 (meng guo) allied country; ally organization
朦胧诗 (meng long shi) misty poetry 秘书 (mi shu) secretary
弥 补 赤 字 (mi bu chi zi) cover the 秘书处 (mi shu chu) secretariat
deficit 秘 书 长 (mi shu zhang)
迷惑舆论,迷惑人心 (mi huo yu lun, mi huo secretary-general
ren xin) throw dust in the ey 密电 (mi dian) cipher telegram
es of the public; befuddle public 密函 (mi han) confidential letter
opinion; pull the wool over people’s 密令 (mi ling) secret order
eyes 密 切 关 注 (mi qie guan zhu) follow
迷途知返 (mi tu zhi fan) become aware with close attention and concern
of one’s errors and return from one’ 密切联系群众 (mi qie lian xi qun zhong)
s wrong path; return to the correct path keep close ties with the masses
迷信核武器 (mi xin he wu qi) nuclear 密使 (mi shi) secret envoy; emissary
fetishism 密探 (mi tan) spy; secret agent
迷信核武器万能 (mi xin he wu qi wan neng) 密约 (mi yue) secret agreement
blindly trust nuclear weapons as 绵里藏针,行正思圆 (mian li cang zhen,

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xing zheng si yuan) a needle hidden local people and subsidized by the
in cotton, and square actions with state;on the basis of the resources of
round mind indicating sophiscated the local people with some state
people behaving in a moderate but subsidies
resolute way 民变 (min bian) people’s uprising;
免役 (mian yi) exempt from service popular revolt
免予处分 (mian yu chu fen) exempt sb. 民兵 (min bing) people’s militia
from punishment 民 兵 师 (min bing shi) militia
免 职 (mian zhi) remove sb. from division
office; be dismissed from one’s post 民兵事务 (min bing shi wu) militia
面对面的会见 (mian dui mian de hui jian) affairs
face-to-face meeting 民不聊生 (min bu liao sheng) people
面 对 面 批 判 (mian dui mian pi pan) are destitute; people can hardly survive
face-to-face criticism 民不畏死,奈何以死惧之? (min bu wei si,
面目一新 (mian mu yi xin) take on an nai he yi si ju zhi?) people fear not
entirely new look death, why threaten them with it?
面谈 (mian tan) personal interview 民代国储 (min dai guo chu) storage of
面向 21 世纪的中美建设性伙伴关系 (mian national grains by citizens
xiang er shi yi shi ji de zhong mei jian 民 倒 (min dao) A profiteer by
she xing huo ban guan xi) improper buying and reselling on the
constructive, strategic partnership part of ordinary citizens
between China and the United States 民防 (min fang) civil defense
aimed at the 21 century 民防工程 (min fang gong cheng) civil
面向农村 (mian xiang nong cun) meet defense engineering
the needs of rural villages 民防警报系统 (min fang jing bao xi tong)
面向群众 (mian xiang qun zhong) cater alarm system of civil defense
to the needs of the masses 民防人员 (min fang ren yuan) civil
灭敌人威风,长自己志气 (mie di ren wei defense personnel
feng, zhang zi ji zhi qi) destroy (or 民 防 体 系 (min fang ti xi) civil
crush) defense system
the arrogance of the enemy and enhance 民 防 演 习 (min fang yan xi) civil
the spirit of the great masses of the defense exercise
people 民愤 (min fen) dissatisfaction of the
灭 顶 的 危 险 (mie ding de wei xian) people; public indignation
spell doom 民革 (min ge) (an abbreviation for)
灭 绝 人 性 的 (mie jue ren xing de) Revolutionary Committee of the
cannibalistic; inhuman; barbarous Chinese Kuomintang
灭资兴无 (mie zi xing wu) eradicate 民航工会 (min hang gong hui) Trade
what is bourgeois and foster what is Union of Civil Aviation Workers
proletarian; liquidate bourgeois 民 间 交 往 (min jian jiao wang)
ideology and promote proletarian nongovernmental contact
ideology; wipe out bourgeois ideology 民 间 外 交 (min jian wai jiao)
and develop proletarian ideology people-to-people diplomacy
民办公助 (min ban gong zhu) run by the 民 间 组 织 (min jian zu zhi)

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nongovernmental organization 民 政 (min zheng) civil
民建 (min jian) (an abbreviation for) administration
China Democratic National Association 民 政 部 (min zheng bu) Ministry of
民进 (min jin) (an abbreviation for) Civil Affairs
China Association for Promoting 民政局 (min zheng ju) civil affairs
Democracy bureau
民 进 党 (min jin dang) democratic 民政厅 (min zheng ting) civil affairs
progressive party dpartment
民警 (min jing) people’s police 民脂民膏 (min zhi min gao) flesh and
民盟 (min meng) (an abbreviation for) blood of the people
China Democratic League 民主爱国运动 (min zhu ai guo yun dong)
民企 (min qi) see “民营企业” democratic and patriotic movement
民 情 (min qing) conditions of the 民 主 党 派 (min zhu dang pai)
people democratic parties
民权 (min quan) civil rights 民主分子 (min zhu fen zi) democrat
民权主义 (min quan zhu yi) principle 民主改革 (min zhu gai ge) democratic
of people’s rights reform
民 生 凋 敝 (min sheng diao bi) 民主改革运动 (min zhu gai ge yun dong)
impoverishment of people democratic reform movement
民生主义 (min sheng zhu yi) principle 民 主 革 命 党 (min zhu ge ming dang)
of people’s livelihood democratic revolutionary party
民委 (min wei) (an abbreviation for) 民主革命转变到社会主义方向去 (min zhu
Ethnic Affairs Commission ge ming zhuan bian dao she hui zhu yi
民 心 (min xin) popular feeling; fang xiang qu) transition of the
common aspiration of the people democratic revolution in the
民 心 工 程 (min xin gong cheng) direction of socialism
projects corresponding to popular 民 主 共 和 国 (min zhu gong he guo)
aspirations democratic republic
民选 (min xuan) be elected by people 民主管理 (min zhu guan li) democratic
民 选 政 府 (min xuan zheng fu) management
popularly elected government 民主国家 (min zhu guo jia) democratic
民以食为天 (min yi shi wei tian) food country
is the first necessity of the people 民主化 (min zhu hua) democratization
民 意 (min yi) will of the people; 民主基础上的集中,集中指导下的民主
public feeling (min zhu ji chu shang de ji zhong, ji
民意测验 (min yi ce yan) opinion poll zhong zhi dao xia de min zhu)
民营经济 (min ying jing ji) nonpublic centralism on the basis of democracy
economy and democracy under centralized
民 营 企 业 (min ying qi ye) leadership
privately-run enterprise 民 主 集 中 制 (min zhu ji zhong zhi)
民怨沸腾 (min yuan fei teng) seething democratic centralism
popular discontent 民主监督 (min zhu jian du) democratic
民 约 (min yue) nongovernmental supervision
regulations 民 主 阶 层 (min zhu jie ceng)

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democratic stratum nation
民主联合政府 (min zhu lian he zheng fu) 民族传统 (min zu chuan tong) national
democratic coalition government tradition
民 主 联 盟 (min zhu lian meng) 民族大家庭 (min zu da jia ting) big
democratic alliance family of ethnic groups
民 主 评 定 (min zhu ping ding) 民 族 大 义 (min zu da yi) national
democratic assessment cardinal principle of righteousness
民 主 气 息 (min zhu qi xi) trace of 民族的、科学的、大众的文化 (min zu de、
democracy ke xue de 、 da zhong de wen hua)
民主权利 (min zhu quan li) democratic national, scientific and mass culture
rights 民族独立运动 (min zu du li yun dong)
民主人士 (min zhu ren shi) democratic national independence movement
personage 民族对抗 (min zu dui kang) national
民 主 生 活 (min zhu sheng huo) antagonism
democratic life 民族分裂主义 (min zu fen lie zhu yi)
民 主 生 活 会 (min zhu sheng huo hui) national separatism
democratic life meeting 民族复兴 (min zu fu xing) revival of
民主统一 (min zhu tong yi) democratic nationhood; national rejuvenation
unification 民族革命 (min zu ge ming) national
民 主 宪 政 (min zhu xian zheng) revolution
democratic constitutionalism 民族革命战争的大众文学 (min zu ge ming
民 主 协 商 (min zhu xie shang) zhan zheng de da zhong wen xue)
democratic consultation popular literature of the national
民主选举 (min zhu xuan ju) democratic revolutionary war
election 民族隔阂 (min zu ge he) estrangement
民主战士 (min zhu zhan shi) fighter between ethnic groups
for democracy 民族国家 (min zu guo jia) national
民 主 阵 线 (min zhu zhen xian) state
democratic front 民族和宗教委员会 (min zu he zong jiao
民 主 政 府 (min zhu zheng fu) wei yuan hui) Committee for Ethnic
democratic government and Religious Affairs
民 主 政 权 (min zhu zheng quan) 民族化 (min zu hua) nationalization
democratic regime 民族解放运动 (min zu jie fang yun dong)
民主政治制度 (min zhu zheng zhi zhi du) movement of national liberation
democratic political system 民族解放阵线 (min zu jie fang zhen xian)
民主主义青年团 (min zhu zhu yi qing nian national liberation front
tuan) democratic youth league 民族经济 (min zu jing ji) national
民 主 主 义 者 (min zhu zhu yi zhe) economy
democrat 民 族 经 济 利 益 (min zu jing ji li yi)
民 主 专 政 (min zhu zhuan zheng) national economic rights and
democratic dictatorship interests
民 主 作 风 (min zhu zuo feng) 民族精神 (min zu jing shen) national
democratic style of work spirit
民族败类 (min zu bai lei) scum of a 民族纠纷 (min zu jiu fen) national

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discord 民 族 虚 无 主 义 (min zu xu wu zhu yi)
民族救星 (min zu jiu xing) saviour of national nihilism
the nation 民 族 意 识 (min zu yi shi) national
民族觉醒 (min zu jue xing) national consciousness
awakening 民族英雄 (min zu ying xiong) national
民 族 利 己 主 义 (min zu li ji zhu yi) hero
national egoism 民 族 优 越 感 (min zu you yue gan)
民族联盟 (min zu lian meng) national ethnocentrism
alliance 民族阵线联合政府 (min zu zhen xian lian
民族矛盾和国内矛盾 (min zu mao dun he he zheng fu) national front coalition
guo nei mao dun) external and government
internal contradiction 民族主义 (min zu zhu yi) nationa-lism
民族民主的统一战线 (min zu min zhu de 民 族 主 义 色 彩 (min zu zhu yi se cai)
tong yi zhan xian) national and nationalist coloration
democratic united front 民 族 主 义 者 (min zu zhu yi zhe)
民族民主革命运动 (min zu min zhu ge ming nationalist
yun dong) national-democratic 民族主义政党 (min zu zhu yi zheng dang)
revolutionary movement nationalist party
民 族 区 域 自 治 (min zu qu yu zi zhi) 民 族 资 本 家 (min zu zi ben jia)
autonomy of minority areas national capitalist
民族权利 (min zu quan li) national 民 族 资 本 主 义 (min zu zi ben zhu yi)
rights national capitalism
民 族 色 彩 (min zu se cai) national 民族资产阶级 (min zu zi chan jie ji)
colour national bourgeoisie
民族沙文主义 (min zu sha wen zhu yi) 民族自决权 (min zu zi jue quan) right
national chauvinism to national self-determination
民族生存 (min zu sheng cun) national 民族自私的态度 (min zu zi si de tai du)
existence selfishly national attitude; national
民族失败主义 (min zu shi bai zhu yi) selfishness
national defeatism 民 族 自 信 心 (min zu zi xin xin)
民族事务委员会 (min zu shi wu wei yuan national confidence
hui) ethnic affairs commission 民 族 自 治 (min zu zi zhi) national
“ 民 族 同 化 ” ( “ min zu tong hua ” ) autonomy
“national assimilation” 民 族 自 尊 心 (min zu zi zun xin)
民族统一 (min zu tong yi) national national pride
unity 民族尊严 (min zu zun yan) national
民族统一战线 (min zu tong yi zhan xian) dignity
national united front 名 存 实 亡 (ming cun shi wang)
民族投降主义 (min zu tou xiang zhu yi) non-existent except in name; cease to
national capitulationism exist except in name; exist in name
民 族 危 机 (min zu wei ji) national only
crisis 名利思想 (ming li si xiang) ideas of
民族文化 (min zu wen hua) national seeking personal fame and material
culture gains

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名誉主席 (ming yu zhu xi) honorary cross the river by feeling for the rocks
chairman 模范作用 (mo fan zuo yong) exemplary
明察秋毫 (ming cha qiu hao) discover role
the minutest detail in everything; be 摩擦斗争 (mo ca dou zheng) friction
able to penetrate deeply into all 墨守陈规的学说 (mo shou chen gui de xue
things shuo) hidebound theory
明枪易躲,暗箭难防 (ming qiang yi duo, 墨渍战略 (mo zi zhan lüe) ink-blot
an jian nan fang) easy to parry a strategy
spear-thrust in the open, but hard to 目标管理 (mu biao guan li) management
evade an arrow shot in the dark by objectives
明哲保身,但求无过 (ming zhe bao shen, 目无组织纪律 (mu wu zu zhi ji lü) defy
dan qiu wu guo) be worldly wise and organizational discipline
play safe and seek only to avoid blame 募兵制 (mu bing zhi) mercenary system
明争暗斗 (ming zheng an dou) overt 幕 后 操 纵 (mu hou cao zong) pull
and covert struggle; open strife and strings behind the scenes;
veiled struggle wire-pulling;behind-the-scenes
明 知 故 犯 (ming zhi gu fan) commit manipulation
deliberately; commit a crime 幕后的派别活动 (mu hou de pai bie huo
willfully dong) behind-the-scenes factional
明知山有虎,偏向虎山行 (ming zhi shan activity
you hu, pian xiang hu shan xing) 幕 后 总 司 令 (mu hou zong si ling)
knowing that there are tigers in the backstage commander-in-chief
mountains but insists on going in that 睦 邻 关 系 (mu lin guan xi)
direction; go on undeterred with good-neighbourly relations
well-awareness that there are dangers 睦 邻 政 策 (mu lin zheng ce)
ahead good-neighbour policy
命令风 (ming ling feng) tendency to
rely on commandism
命 令 主 义 (ming ling zhu yi)
摸着石头过河 (mo zhe shi tou guo he)

— N —

拿原则作交易 (na yuan ze zuo jiao yi) “南霸天” (“nan ba tian”) “despotic
barter away principles ruler of the south”
哪里有压迫,哪里有反抗 (na li you ya po, 南昌起义 (nan chang qi yi) Nanchang
na li you fan kang) where there is Uprising (on August 1st, 1927)
oppression, there is resistance 南方局 (nan fang ju) Southern Bureau
纳群下之策 (na qun xia zhi ce) accept 南京惨案 (nan jing can an) Nanjing
the suggestions of subordinates and Massacre (in 1927)
the masses 南京大屠杀 (nan jing da tu sha) Rape
纳税人 (na shui ren) tax payer of Nanjing (in 1937)

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南京路上好八连 (nan jing lu shang hao ba 内 查 外 调 (nei cha wai diao)
lian) the Good Eighth Company on investigate internally and externally
Nanjing Road in Shanghai 内地 (nei di) inland; hinterland
南 粮 北 调 (nan liang bei diao) 内定 (nei ding) decide internally
transfer southern grain to the North 内斗 (nei dou) internal conflict or
南泥湾精神 (nan ni wan jing shen) the struggle
spirit of Nanniwan 内 阁 大 臣 (nei ge da chen) cabinet
南水北调工程 (nan shui bei diao gong minister
cheng) the project of transporting 内 阁 改 组 (nei ge gai zu) cabinet
water from the South to the North reorganization; cabinet reshuffle
南巡讲话 (nan xun jiang hua) talks 内奸 (nei jian) hidden traitor
during the Southern tour made by Deng 内紧外松 (nei jin wai song) seemingly
Xiaoping liberal but internally strict
南征北战 (nan zheng bei zhan) fight 内乱 (nei luan) civil strife
north and south 内外夹攻 (nei wai jia gong) crossfire,
难民安置 (nan min an zhi) Placement both from within and from without
for refugees 内 外 交 困 (nei wai jiao kun) beset
难 民 事 务 (nan min shi wu) affairs with difficulties both at home and
concerning refugees abroad
难 民 收 容 所 (nan min shou rong suo) 内 向 型 经 济 (nei xiang xing jing ji)
house of refugees domestically-oriented economy
难民问题 (nan min wen ti) refugees’ 内需 (nei xu) domestic market demand
problems 内政 (nei zheng) internal affairs
难民营 (nan min ying) refugees’ camp 内 政 方 针 (nei zheng fang zhen)
脑袋空虚,腿脚发软 (nao dai kong xu, tui domestic policies
jiao fa ruan) empty-headed and 内政外交特权 (nei zheng wai jiao te quan)
weak-limbed special privilege in the domestic and
脑 体 倒 挂 (nao ti dao gua) reverse foreign affairs
order of mental and physical labor 能 动 的 革 命 的反 映 论 (neng dong de ge
闹独立性 (nao du li xing) assert one’ ming de fan ying lun) dynamic
s independence revolutionary theory of knowledge as
闹 翻 身 (nao fan shen) fight for the reflection of reality
emancipation 能官能民 (neng guan neng min) both
闹革命 (nao ge ming) make revolution serve as an official and remain one of
内部分化 (nei bu fen hua) internal the common people
division 能 上 能 下 (neng shang neng xia) be
内 部 会 谈 (nei bu hui tan) private ready to take a lower as well as a
talk higher post with broad bosom
内部矛盾 (nei bu mao dun) internal “你办事,我放心” (“ni ban shi, wo fang
contradiction xin”) “With you in charge, I am at
内 部 事 务 (nei bu shi wu) internal ease”
affairs 拈轻怕重 (nian qing pa zhong) prefer
内 部 文 件 (nei bu wen jian) sealed the light and shirk the heavy; prefer
documents the light to the heavy

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年会 (nian hui) annual conference 农 村 干 部 (nong cun gan bu) rural
念 剥 削 经 (nian bo xue jing) chant cadre
incantations of exploitation 农村革命根据地 (nong cun ge ming gen ju
念和平经 (nian he ping jing) say a di) rural revolutionary base area
prayer for peace 农村工作 (nong cun gong zuo) rural
鸟 笼 经 济 论 (niao long jing ji lun) work
bird cage economic theory 农村基层组织 (nong cun ji ceng zu zhi)
凝聚力 (ning ju li) cohesive affinity organization at the primary level in the
宁死不屈 (ning si bu qu) rather die countryside
than surrender; struggle to the end 农村集市 (nong cun ji shi) country
宁 死 不 做 奴 隶 (ning si bu zuo nu li) market
rather death than slavery; rather die 农村人民公社 (nong cun ren min gong she)
than be slaves rural people’s commune
宁为玉碎,不为瓦全 (ning wei yu sui, bu 农村商品流通 (nong cun shang pin liu
wei wa quan) rather be a jade broken tong) circulation of rural
than a tile intact; rather die for a commodities
noble cause than continue to live a 农村社会主义教育运动 (nong cun she hui
shameful life zhu yi jiao yu yun dong) socialist
宁左勿右 (ning zuo wu you) rather be education movement in the rural areas
overly left than right 农村剩余劳动力 (nong cun sheng yu lao
牛鬼蛇神 (niu gui she shen) monsters dong li) surplus rural labor
and demons; reactionary 农村无产阶级 (nong cun wu chan jie ji)
牛马生活 (niu ma sheng huo) live like rural proletariat
beasts of burden; subhuman standard of 农村政策 (nong cun zheng ce) rural
life; dog’s life policies
牛棚 (niu peng) cowshed 农村政权 (nong cun zheng quan) organ
牛市 (niu shi) bull market of political power in the rural areas
扭 亏 为 盈 (niu kui wei ying) turn 农 代 会 (nong dai hui) congress of
losses into gains peasant representatives
扭亏增盈 (niu kui zeng ying) turn a 农 副 产 品 (nong fu chan pin)
loss around and increase profit agrotechnical and sideline product;
扭转历史车轮 (niu zhuan li shi che lun) subsidiary agricultural product
reverse the wheel of history 农 工 民 主 党 (nong gong min zhu dang)
农产品的统购派购 (nong chan pin de tong Chinese Peasants and Workers
gou pai gou) unified purchasing of Democratic Party
farm produce by the state according to 农工商联合企业 (nong gong shang lian he
fixed quotes qiye)integrated farm-industry-commerce
农 产 品 加 工 (nong chan pin jia gong) enterprise
agricultural product processing 农 工 综 合 体 (nong gong zong he ti)
农村包围城市 (nong cun bao wei cheng shi) agro-industrial complex
use the countryside to encircle the 农基工业 (nong ji gong ye) agro-based
cities industry
农村斗争 (nong cun dou zheng) rural 农 科 所 (nong ke suo) institute of
struggle agricultural science

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农 科 院 (nong ke yuan) (an light industries, and heavy industries
abbreviation for) Chinese Academy of 农业八字宪法 (nong ye ba zi xian fa)
Agricultural Science the Eight-Point Charter for Agriculture
农垦企业 (nong ken qi ye) state-owned 农 业 办 公 室 (nong ye ban gong shi)
land reclamation enterprise agriculture office
农 林 局 (nong lin ju) Bureau of 农业布局 (nong ye bu ju) agricultural
agriculture and forestry layout
农林牧副渔互相结合的方针 (nong lin mu 农业布局调整 (nong ye bu ju tiao zheng)
fu yu hu xiang jie he de fang zhen) adjustment of agricultural layout
principle of combining farming, 农 业 部 (nong ye bu) Ministry of
forestry, animal husbandry, Agriculture
side-occupations and fishery 农 业 部 门 (nong ye bu men)
农 林 厅 (nong lin ting) agriculture agricultural department
and forestry department 农业多种经营 (nong ye duo zhong jing
农 民 党 (nong min dang) peasants ’ ying) diversified economy in
party agriculture
农民个体所有制 (nong min ge ti suo you 农 业 发 展 (nong ye fa zhan)
zhi) individual ownership by peasants agricultural development
农民工 (nong min gong) peasant who 农业革命 (nong ye ge ming) reform in
has migrated to urban areas to work agriculture
农 民 联 盟 (nong min lian meng) 农 业 国 (nong ye guo) agricultural
agrarian people’s union country
农 民 私 有 制 (nong min si you zhi) 农业过关,粮食过关 (nong ye guo guan,
private peasant ownership liang shi guo guan) have solved the
农民小资产者 (nong min xiao zi chan zhe) agricultural problem and the food
peasant and small proprietor; peasant problem
petty bourgeoisie 农 业 合 作 化 (nong ye he zuo hua)
农民协会 (nong min xie hui) peasants’ agricultural cooperativization
association 农业合作化运动 (nong ye he zuo hua yun
农民意识 (nong min yi shi) peasant dong) movement for agricultural
mentality cooperation; agricultural
农民运动 (nong min yun dong) peasant cooperation movement
movement 农 业 集 体 化 (nong ye ji ti hua)
农民组织 (nong min zu zhi) peasant agricultural collectivization
organization 农业技术改造 (nong ye ji shu gai zao)
农 牧 兼 营 制 (nong mu jian ying zhi) technical transformation of
combination of cropping and husbandry agriculture
农 牧 业 国 家 (nong mu ye guo jia) 农 业 技 术 站 (nong ye ji shu zhan)
agricultural and grazing country agrotechnical station
农 牧 渔 业 部 (nong mu yu ye bu) 农业技术咨询 (nong ye ji shu zi xun)
Ministry of Agriculture, Animal agrotechnical consulting
Husbandry and Fisheries 农业经济集约化 (nong ye jing ji ji yue
农奴制 (nong nu zhi) serfdom hua) intensive management of
农轻重 (nong qing zhong) agriculture, agricultural economy

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农业老四化 (nong ye lao si hua) the 农 业 组 织 (nong ye zu zhi)
old four “izations” in agriculture agricultural organization
农业六十条 (nong ye liu shi tiao) 60 弄清思想,团结同志 (nong qing si xiang,
articles on agriculture tuan jie tong zhi) clarify ideology
农 业 社 (nong ye she) agricultural and unite comrades
production cooperative 弄 权 (nong quan) manipulate power
农 业 社 会 化 (nong ye she hui hua) (for personal ends)
socialization of agriculture 奴 才 思 想 (nu cai si xiang) slave
农业社会主义改造 (nong ye she hui zhu yi mentality; slavish thinking
gai zao) socialist transformation 奴才哲学 (nu cai zhe xue) lackey’s
of agriculture philosophy of willing slaves; slavish
农业生产第一线 (nong ye sheng chan di yi philosophy
xian) forefront of agricultural 奴化教育 (nu hua jiao yu) enslaving
production education; slave education
农业生产合作 (nong ye sheng chan he zuo) 奴 化 思 想 (nu hua si xiang) slave
agricultural production co-operation ideology
农业生产互助合作 (nong ye sheng chan hu 奴化政策 (nu hua zheng ce) policy of
zhu he zuo) mutual-aid and enslavement
cooperation in agricultural 奴 隶 革 命 (nu li ge ming) slave
production revolution
农业生产责任制 (nong ye sheng chan ze 奴隶占有制度 (nu li zhan you zhi du)
ren zhi) agricultural production slave-owning system
responsibility system 奴颜婢膝 (nu yan bi xi) adulation;
农 业 税 (nong ye shui) agricultural servile flattery; sycophancy
tax; tax on agricultural products 奴役 (nu yi) enslavement
农业为基础、工业为主导 (nong ye wei ji 奴 役 性 商 约 (nu yi xing shang yue)
chu 、 gong ye wei zhu dao) take commercial treaty of enslavement
agriculture as the foundation and 虐 政 (n ü e zheng) tyrannical
industry as the dominant factor (of government
the national economy) 挪 用 公 款 (nuo yong gong kuan)
农业无产阶级 (nong ye wu chan jie ji) embezzlement of public funds;
agricultural proletariat misappropriation of public funds
农业信用合作社 (nong ye xin yong he zuo 挪占 (nuo zhan) misappropriate
she) agricultural credit cooperative
农业学大寨 (nong ye xue da zhai) in
agriculture, learn from Tachai

— O —
偶 像 崇 拜 (ou xiang chong bai)
呕 心 沥 血 (ou xin li xue) make idolatry
painstaking efforts

— P —

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爬行思想 (pa xing si xiang) idea of 叛 逃 (pan tao) betray (one ’ s own
moving at a snail’s pace country) and flee (to another country)
爬行哲学 (pa xing zhe xue) philosophy 叛徒哲学 (pan tu zhe xue) renegade
of “going at a snail’s pace” philosophy
爬雪山,过草地 (pa xue shan, guo cao di) 抛头颅,洒热血 (pao tou lu, sa re xue)
cross the snow-covered mountains and shed hot blood and lay down lives
marshes (on the Long March) 抛砖引玉 (pao zhuan yin yu) cast away
怕字当头 (pa zi dang tou) put fear a brick and attract a jadestone; throw
before everything else a sprat to catch a whale
排除异己 (pai chu yi ji) push aside 泡 沫 经 济 (pao mo jing ji) bubble
the people who disagree economy
排队 (pai dui) queuing up 泡在会议里 (pao zai hui yi li) have
排华政策 (pai hua zheng ce) policy of endless meetings
discrimination against the Chinese 炮 打 司 令 部 (pao da si ling bu)
排山倒海之势 (pai shan dao hai zhi shi) bombard the headquarters
with the force of a landslide; with the 炮舰外交 (pao jian wai jiao) gunboat
irresistible force of an avalanche; diplomacy
with the might of an avalanche 陪斗 (pei dou) accompany sb. in the
排他主义 (pai ta zhu yi) exclusionism struggle against him
排外性 (pai wai xing) exclusiveness 培养干部 (pei yang gan bu) cultivate
排外主义 (pai wai zhu yi) exclusivism; cadres
antiforeignism 培养积极分子 (pei yang ji ji fen zi)
派 别 斗 争 (pai bie dou zheng) foster activitists
factional strife 培育新的经济增长点 (pei yu xin de jing
派别纠纷 (pai bie jiu fen) factional ji zeng zhang dian) cultivate new
dispute; factional squabble economic growth points
派别组织 (pai bie zu zhi) factional 裴 多 菲 俱 乐 部 (pei duo fei ju le bu)
organization Petofi club
派出所 (pai chu suo) police station 配 购 (pei gou) purchase rationed
派遣国 (pai qian guo) sending state commodities
派驻重兵 (pai zhu zhong bing) station 配给制 (pei ji zhi) ration system
massive forces 配套改革 (pei tao gai ge) whole range
盘旋式的打圈子政策 (pan xuan shi de da of reforms
quan zi zheng ce) policy of circling 配 套 政 策 (pei tao zheng ce)
around supporting policy
叛变投敌 (pan bian tou di) become a 配置兵力 (pei zhi bing li) station
traitor and surrender to the enemy troops
叛党 (pan dang) betray the Party 抨 击 (peng ji) flay; attack
叛国 (pan guo) betray one’s country vigorously; censure harshly
叛卖活动 (pan mai huo dong) act of 蓬 勃 发 展 (peng bo fa zhan) surge
treachery vigorously forward; grow apace;
叛卖性的妥协 (pan mai xing de tuo xie) develop tempestuously
compromise in the nature of treachery 碰钉子 (peng ding zi) run into snags;

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get snubbed; run up against snags; “riffraff” movement
meet with failure 偏激 (pian ji) go to extremes
批倒批臭 (pi dao pi chou) overthrow 偏 听 偏 信 (pian ting pian xin) be
and discredit sb. through public partial
criticism 片 面 观 点 (pian mian guan dian)
批斗 (pi dou) criticize and struggle lopsided view
during the Culture Revolution 片面强调 (pian mian qiang diao) undue
批林批孔运动 (pi lin pi kong yun dong) emphasis; lay onesided stress
the campaign to criticize Lin Biao and 片 面 性 (pian mian xing)
Confucius one-sidedness
批 零 差 价 (pi ling cha jia) price 片面性倾向 (pian mian xing qing xiang)
parities between the wholesale and one-sided tendency
retail trades 骗贷 (pian dai) loan fraud
批判从严,处理从宽 (pi pan cong yan, chu 骗 汇 (pian hui) foreign currency
li cong kuan) be strict in criticism, fraud
be lenient in handling the case 贫雇农 (pin gu nong) poor peasants
批判会 (pi pan hui) criticism meeting and farm laborers
批判现实主义 (pi pan xian shi zhu yi) 贫苦出身 (pin ku chu shen) be from a
critical realism poor family
批判资产阶级反动路线 (pi pan zi chan 贫 苦 农 民 (pin ku nong min) poor
jie ji fan dong lu xian) criticism peasant
of bourgeois reactionary line 贫 困 地 区 (pin kun di qu) area of
批条 (pi tiao) ① (person in charge) poverty
write a response on a note requesting 贫困化 (pin kun hua) impoverishment
instructions ② note responding to a 贫困线 (pin kun xian) poverty line
request for instructions 贫 农 出 身 (pin nong chu shen) of
批 文 (pi wen) ① written response poor-peasant origin
(from a superior or a managing 贫农团 (pin nong tuan) poor peasant
department) ② written approval league
(including trade permits, quotas, and 贫穷不是社会主义 (pin qiong bu shi she
documents that give a company legal hui zhu yi) socialism is not equal
sanction etc.) to poverty
批 修 整 风 (pi xiu zheng feng) 贫下中牧 (pin xia zhong mu) poor and
criticize revisionism and rectify lower middle herdsmen
trends 贫下中农 (pin xia zhong nong) poor
批准 (pi zhun) approval and lower middle peasants
披挂上阵 (pi gua shang zhen) go into 贫 下 中 农 讲 师 团 (pin xia zhong nong
action jiang shi tuan) lecture team of poor
皮之不存,毛将焉附 (pi zhi bu cun, mao and lower middle peasants
jiang yan fu) with the skin gone, to 贫下中农协会 (pin xia zhong nong xie hui)
what can the hair attach itself; a thing association of the poor and lower
cannot exist without its basis middle peasants
疲软 (pi ruan) weak 贫下中渔 (pin xia zhong yu) poor and
“ 痞 子 ” 运 动 (pi zi yun dong) lower middle fishermen

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贫 宣 队 (pin xuan dui) Mao Zedong 评法批儒 (ping fa pi ru) evaluate the
Thought publicity team of poor and Legalists and criticize the Confucians
lower middle peasants 评工记分 (ping gong ji fen) evaluate
乒 乓 外 交 (ping pang wai jiao) work and record work points
ping-pong diplomacy 评 功 摆 好 (ping gong bai hao)
平等互利 (ping deng hu li) equality elaborate on sb.’s merit and display his
and mutual benefit superiority
平等互利原则 (ping deng hu li yuan ze) 评功授奖大会 (ping gong shou jiang da
principle of equality and mutual hui) meeting to announce commendation
benefit and issue awards
平等交换政策 (ping deng jiao huan zheng 评价历史人物 (ping jia li shi ren wu)
ce) give-and-take policy appraise historical characters
平等协商 (ping deng xie shang) equal 评 论 家 (ping lun jia) critic;
consultation reviewer
平地一声春雷 (ping di yi sheng chun lei) 评《水浒》运动 (ping shui hu yun dong)
a peal of spring thunder roars over the criticism movement of Water Margin
horizon 评 选 (ping xuan) choose through
平 反 (ping fan) rehabilitation; public appraisal
reversal of verdicts 凭空制造一种人为的革命 (ping kong zhi
平 津 战 役 (ping jin zhan yi) zao yi zhong ren wei de ge ming)
Beijing-Tianjin Campaign conjure up an artificial revolution
(Dec.1948-Jan.1949) 瓶 颈 制 约 (ping jing zhi yue)
平 均 地 权 (ping jun di quan) bottleneck restrictions
equalization of land ownership; 破产法 (po chan fa) insolvent law;
equalize land ownership law of bankruptcy
平 均 主 义 (ping jun zhu yi) 破产企业 (po chan qi ye) bankrupted
equalitarianism enterprise
平 均 主 义 者 (ping jun zhu yi zhe) 破除迷信,解放思想 (po chu mi xin, jie
equalitarian; egalitarian fang si xiang) do away with blind
“ 平民 文学” ( “ ping min wen xue ” ) faith and emancipate the mind
“literature for the common people” 破 格 提 拔 (po ge ti ba) bypass
平叛 (ping pan) suppress rebellion convention to promote sb. to a leading
平时国际公法 (ping shi guo ji gong fa) post
international law in peace time 破 坏 边 界 现 状 (po huai bian jie xian
平 稳 过 渡 (ping wen guo du) smooth zhuang) disrupt the status quo
transition along the boundary line
平行机关 (ping xing ji guan) parallel 破坏分子 (po huai fen zi) saboteur
organization; unit of equal rank 破坏活动 (po huai huo dong) sabotage
平 型 关 战 役 (ping xing guan zhan yi) 破坏人民利益 (po huai ren min li yi)
Battle of Pingxingguan (in 1937) harm the people’s interests
平抑物价 (ping yi wu jia) keep price 破坏社会秩序 (po huai she hui zhi xu)
stable disrupt public order
评 定 职 称 (ping ding zhi cheng) 破坏威信 (po huai wei xin) undermine
conferring of academic titles the prestige of sb.

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破 坏 性 政 策 (po huai xing zheng ce) 普及到工农群众中去 (pu ji dao gong nong
destructive policy qun zhong zhong qu) become widely
破旧立新 (po jiu li xin) destroy the diffused among the workers and peasants
old and establish the new 普及和提高相结合的方针 (pu ji he ti gao
破落户 (po luo hu) decayed, beggared xiang jie he de fang zhen) principle
family of combining popularization with
破私立公 (po si li gong) destroy the elevation
private and establish the public 普及教育 (pu ji jiao yu) universal
破四旧,立四新 (po si jiu, li si xin) education; education for all
destroy the four olds, establish the 普九 (pu jiu) (an abbreviation for)
four news make nine-year compulsory education
破中有立 (po zhong you li) establish universal; popularize nine-year
amidst destruction compulsory education
破字当头,立在其中 (po zi dang tou, li 普 天 同 庆 (pu tian tong qing) the
zai qi zhong) establish (the new) in whole world joins in congratulations;
the midst of confronting destruction universal joy
(of the old) 普通话 (pu tong hua) modern standard
铺 张 浪 费 (pu zhang lang fei) Chinese; Mandarin Chinese
extravagance and waste 普 通 民 兵 制 (pu tong min bing zhi)
普遍裁军 (pu bian cai jun) universal universal militia system
disarmament 普通群众 (pu tong qun zhong) ordinary
普 遍 民 兵 制 (pu bian min bing zhi) people
universal militia system 普通照会 (pu tong zhao hui) verbal
普遍平等的选举制 (pu bian ping deng de note
xuan ju zhi) universal and equal 普选 (pu xuan) general election
suffrage 普 选 权 (pu xuan quan) universal
普法 (pu fa) disseminate the law franchise
普 惠 制 (pu hui zhi) system of
generalized preferential treatment in
custom duties

— Q —

七二一事件 (qi er ling shi jian) July Five-Year Plan

21 Incident (in 1967) 期货对冲交易 (qi huo dui chong jiao yi)
七二一大学 (qi er yi da xue) July 21 offset future transaction
University 期 货 合 同 (qi huo he tong) forward
七分成绩,三分错误 (qi fen cheng ji, san contract
fen cuo wu) achievements amount to 期 满 退 役 (qi man tui yi) general
70 per cent and mistakes to 30 per cent discharge
七 千 人 大 会 (qi qian ren da hui) 欺骗伎俩 (qi pian ji liang) trick of
7,000-person meeting (in 1962) deception; fraudulent method
七五计划 (qi wu ji hua) the Seventh 欺骗人民的勾当 (qi pian ren min de gou

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dang) deal for deceiving the people 企业经济责任制 (qi ye jing ji ze ren zhi)
欺骗世界舆论 (qi pian shi jie yu lun) system of economic responsibility of the
becloud world opinion enterprise
欺 骗 手 段 (qi pian shou duan) 企业经营 (qi ye jing ying) enterprise
deceitful manoeuvre operation
欺软怕硬 (qi ruan pa ying) bully the 企业民主管理 (qi ye min zhu guan li)
fainthearted but fear the democratic management of the enterprise
stouthearted; bully the weak and fear 企 业 凝 聚 力 (qi ye ning ju li)
the strong; cringe before the strong cohesive force in the enterprise
and bully the weak 企业权责利 (qi ye quan ze li) rights,
欺 压 人 民 (qi ya ren min) ride responsibilities and interests of the
roughshod over the people enterprise
骑墙派 (qi qiang pai) fence-sitter 企 业 税 (qi ye shui) taxes on
“ 骑 士 道 德 ” ( “ qi shi dao de ” ) enterprises
“chivalric moral standard” 企 业 调 整 (qi ye tiao zheng)
齐头并进 (qi tou bing jin) do many enterprise adjustment
things at once; advance together 企业文化 (qi ye wen hua) corporate
齐心协力 (qi xin xie li) work as one culture
man; be of one heart 企业下放 (qi ye xia fang) place an
旗帜鲜明 (qi zhi xian ming) clear-cut enterprise under a lower level of
stand administration
乞 降 照 会 (qi xiang zhao hui) note 企 业 效 益 (qi ye xiao yi) economic
begging to surrender performance of enterprise
企业产权 (qi ye chan quan) property 启 发 阶 级 觉 悟 (qi fa jie ji jue wu)
rights of the enterprise awaken one’s class consciousness
企业重组 (qi ye chong zu) reshuffle 启蒙运动 (qi meng yun dong) campaign
of the enterprise of enlightenment
企业登记 (qi ye deng ji) enterprise 起用一代新人 (qi yong yi dai xin ren)
registration promote a new generation of cadres
企 业 法 (qi ye fa) business law; 气 焰 嚣 张 (qi yan xiao zhang) be
enterprise law swollen with arrogance
企业改造 (qi ye gai zao) enterprise 弃暗投明 (qi an tou ming) forsake the
transformation darkness and cross over to the
企业改组 (qi ye gai zu) enterprise brightness
restructuring 弃恶从善 (qi e cong shan) shun evil
企 业 革 新 (qi ye ge xin) technical and do good
renovation of the enterprise 弃旧图新 (qi jiu tu xin) reject the
企业管理 (qi ye guan li) enterprise old for the new
management 弃权 (qi quan) abstain from voting
企 业 积 极 性 (qi ye ji ji xing) 契约 (qi yue) contract
initiative of the enterprise 千百年来的梦想 (qian bai nian lai de
企业兼并重组 (qi ye jian bing chong zu) meng xiang) age-old dream
annexation and reorganization of 千差万别 (qian cha wan bie) highly
enterprises differentiated; differ in thousands

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of ways 前 敌 委 员 会 (qian di wei yuan hui)
千疮百孔的烂摊子 (qian chuang bai kong front committee
de lan tan zi) hopeless mess 前功尽弃 (qian gong jin qi) nullify
千 古 罪 人 (qian gu zui ren) person all the advantages of a series of
held up to infamy through the ages victories; all labor lost; waste all the
千军万马,锐不可当 (qian jun wan ma, rui previous efforts
bu ke dang) (like) the charge of a 前后受敌 (qian hou shou di) between
powerful army which no force can stop two fires
千秋万代的大计 (qian qiu wan dai de da 前呼后拥 (qian hu hou yong) with many
ji) everlasting and great cause attendants crowding round
千丝万缕的联系 (qian si wan lü de lian 前进道路上 (qian jin dao lu shang) on
xi) linked to sb. or sth. in a the road of advance
hundred and one ways 前景 (qian jing) prospects
千头万绪,日理万机 (qian tou wan xu, ri 前门拒虎,后门进狼 (qian men ju hu, hou
li wan ji) deal with a host of men jin lang) drive a tiger out the
miscellaneous problems every day front door while a wolf comes in the back;
千万不要忘记阶级斗争 (qian wan bu yao one woe goes and another comes
wang ji jie ji dou zheng) never 前 仆 后 继 (qian pu hou ji) advance
forget class struggle wave upon wave
千载难逢的机会 (qian zai nan feng de ji 前人栽树,后人乘凉 (qian ren zai shu,
hui) opportunity of a thousand hou ren cheng liang) one generation
years; golden opportunity plants the trees under whose cool shade
千载一时 (qian zai yi shi) once in a following generations rest
thousand years; extremely rare 前哨阵地 (qian shao zhen di) outpost
opportunity 前十条 (qian shi tiao) First 10-Point
千 真 万 确 (qian zhen wan que) Decision (in 1963) (i.e. Decision on
absolutely true Certain Problems in the Present Rural
迁 就 姑 息 (qian jiu gu xi) be Work
over-lenient 前途不可限量 (qian tu bu ke xian liang)
迁 就 态 度 (qian jiu tai du) all boundless prospects
accommodating attitude 前 途 渺 茫 (qian tu miao mang) the
迁 就 主 义 (qian jiu zhu yi) prospects are remote
accommodationism 前 资 本 主 义 (qian zi ben zhu yi)
迁徙自由 (qian xi zi you) freedom to pre-capitalism
change one ’ s residence; freedom of 箝制兵力 (qian zhi bing li) contain
residence forces
谦虚谨慎,不骄不躁 (qian xu jin shen, bu 箝 制 舆 论 (qian zhi yu lun) muzzle
jiao bu zao) modest and prudent, public opinion
not conceited or rash 潜 移 默 化 (qian yi mo hua) be
前车之覆,后车之鉴 (qian che zhi fu, hou unconsciously influenced
che zhi jian) the overturned cart in 潜在的帝国主义野心 (qian zai de di guo
front zhu yi ye xin) lurking imperialist
serves as a warning to the carts behind; ambition
heed previous examples 黔驴技穷 (qian lü ji qiong) at one’

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s wit’s end; at the end of one’s rope withdrawal
浅耕粗作 (qian geng cu zuo) shallow 强 迫 命 令 (qiang po ming ling)
ploughing, careless cultivation coercion and commandism; categorical
遣返 (qian fan) repatriate order; arbitrarily order
遣散 (qian san) disband 强 强 联 手 (qiang qiang lian shou)
遣 送 回 国 (qian song hui guo) win-win co-operation
repatriation 强取豪夺 (qiang qu hao duo) rapacity;
谴 责 (qian ze) denounce; condemn; rapacious
censure; repudiate 强权 (qiang quan) power
枪 打 出 头 鸟 (qiang da chu tou niao) 强权外交 (qiang quan wai jiao) power
shoot the outstanding bird criticize diplomacy
or frustrate those who try to be 强权政治 (qiang quan zheng zhi) power
uncommon politics
枪杆子、笔杆子 (qiang gan zi、 bi gan zi) 强硬抗议 (qiang ying kang yi) strong
the pen as well as the gun; arms and protest
writers 强硬路线 (qiang ying lu xian) hard
枪杆子里面出政权 (qiang gan zi li mian line
chu zheng quan) political power 强制办法 (qiang zhi ban fa) coercive
grows out of the barrel of a gun measures
强词夺理 (qiang ci duo li) use lame 强制兵役 (qiang zhi bing yi) forcible
arguments and perverted logic; conscription
distort the right and talk 强 制 复 决 (qiang zhi fu jue)
speciously arbitrarily obligatory referendum
强 大 生 命 力 (qiang da sheng ming li) 强 制 机 关 (qiang zhi ji guan)
great vitality institution of law enforcement
强 盗 性 质 (qiang dao xing zhi) 强制劳动 (qiang zhi lao dong) forced
predatory nature labor
强 盗 战 争 (qiang dao zhan zheng) 强 制 投 票 (qiang zhi tou piao)
predatory war compulsory voting
强渡 (qiang du) cross a river by force 强制推行 (qiang zhi tui xing) force
强 攻 (qiang gong) take by storm; through
capture by assault 墙上芦苇,头重脚轻根底浅;山间竹笋,嘴
强 国 (qiang guo) strong country; 尖皮厚腹中空 (qiang shang lu wei, tou
powerful nation; power zhong jiao qing gen di qian; shan jian
强奸民意 (qiang jian min yi) defile zhu sun, zui jian pi hou fu zhong kong)
public opinion the reed growing on the wall—top-heavy,
强烈抗议 (qiang lie kang yi) strong thin stemmed and shallow of root; the
protest bamboo shoot in the hills —
强 烈 谴 责 (qiang lie qian ze) sharp-tongued, thick-skinned and hollow
vehemently condemn; vigorously denounce inside
强 弩 之 末 (qiang nu zhi mo) the 抢夺胜利果实 (qiang duo sheng li guo shi)
furthest reach of a shot from a strong seize the fruits of victory
bow; nearing the end of its’ power 抢夺战略基地 (qiang duo zhan lüe ji di)
强 迫 离 职 (qiang po li zhi) forced grab strategic places

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抢困难,让方便 (qiang kun nan, rang fang 窃取党的名义 (qie qu dang de ming yi)
bian) do difficult jobs before usurp the name of the Party
others and leave conveniences to them “钦差大臣”满天飞 (“qin chai da chen”
敲骨吸髓 (qiao gu xi sui) suck the man tian fei) “imperial envoys”, who
life-blood; cruel exploitation rushed here, there and everywhere
敲门砖 (qiao men zhuan) brick picked 侵 犯 (qin fan) encroachment;
up to knock on the door and thrown away infringement; intrude
when it has served its purpose; a mere 侵略 (qin lüe) aggression; invasion
tool to achieve one’s aim 侵 略 成 性 (qin l ü e cheng xing)
敲起警钟 (qiao qi jing zhong) sound aggressive by nature
the alarm; warn 侵 略 国 (qin l ü e guo) aggressor
敲起丧钟 (qiao qi sang zhong) sound country
the death knell 侵略军 (qin lüe jun) aggressor troops;
侨办 (qiao ban) (an abbreviation for) invading forces
Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs 侵略魔爪 (qin lüe mo zhao) aggressive
侨 胞 (qiao bao) nationals living talon
abroad 侵略行为 (qin lüe xing wei) act of
侨汇券 (qiao hui quan) special coupon aggression
for the relatives of overseas Chinese 侵 略 政 策 (qin l ü e zheng ce)
who had received remittance from aggressive policy
abroad to buy commodities that could 侵吞公款 (qin tun gong kuan) embezzle
not be boughton open market public funds
侨居 (qiao ju) live abroad 侵占共有土地 (qin zhan gong you tu di)
侨 居 国 (qiao ju guo) country of seizure of public land
residence 亲赴前线指挥 (qin fu qian xian zhi hui)
侨 居 许 可 证 (qiao ju xu ke zheng) (a top leader) go to the front and take
residence permit personal command
侨 眷 (qiao juan) relatives of 亲美、恐美、崇美思想 (qin mei、 kong mei、
overseas Chinese chong mei si xiang) outlook of
侨联 (qiao lian) (an abbreviation for) devotion to America, fear of America,
Overseas Chinese Federation and worship of America
侨 属 (qiao shu) families and 亲美、媚美、降美政策 (qin mei、 mei mei、
relatives (in China) of compatriots xiang mei zheng ce) policy of paying
living abroad devotion to, currying favour with and
侨委 (qiao wei) (an abbreviation for) capitulating to U.S. imperialism
overseas Chinese commission 亲切会见 (qin qie hui jian) cordial
侨 资 企 业 (qiao zi qi ye) overseas interview
Chinese venture 亲切会谈 (qin qie hui tan) cordial
翘尾巴 (qiao wei ba) be cocky; wag talk
one’s tail in the air 亲 日 派 (qin ri pai) pro-Japanese
切骨痛恨 (qie gu tong hen) hate with group
particular venom 亲人团聚 (qin ren tuan ju) reunite
切切此令 (qie qie ci ling) this order with one’s family and relatives
is to be strictly observed 亲如手足,休戚相关 (qin ru shou zu, xiu

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qi xiang guan) kindred like brothers, 青 年 联 合 会 (qing nian lian he hui)
with our joys and sorrows youth confederation
interconnected 青年联盟 (qing nian lian meng) youth
亲 西 方 的 (qin xi fang de) association; youth confederation
western-oriented 青 年 组 织 (qing nian zu zhi) youth
亲者所痛,仇者所快 (qin zhe suo tong, organization
chou zhe suo kuai) grieve our own 轻 敌 (qing di) belittle the enemy;
people and gladden the enemy; grieve underestimate the enemy
those near and dear to us and gladden 轻工业部 (qing gong ye bu) Ministry
the enemy; sadden the friends and of Light Industry
gladden the enemies 轻 工 业 工 会 (qing gong ye gong hui)
亲政 (qin zheng) (of a young emperor trade union of light industry
or king) take over the administration 轻 工 业 局 (qing gong ye ju) light
of government upon coming of age industry bureau
勤工俭学 (qin gong jian xue) study on 轻工业厅 (qing gong ye ting) light
a work-study basis; work-study industry department
programme; part-time-work and 轻于鸿毛 (qing yu hong mao) lighter
part-time-study than a feather; of the least importance
勤俭办企业 (qin jian ban qi ye) run a 轻装上阵 (qing zhuang shang zhen) go
enterprise industriously and into battle lightly out-fitted
thriftily 清 查 (qing cha) comb out; unearth;
勤俭建国 (qin jian jian guo) build uncover
the nation industriously and frugally 清除奸细 (qing chu jian xi) comb out
勤俭朴素,艰苦奋斗 (qin jian pu su, jian traitors and spies
ku fen dou) diligence, thrift, 清除精神污染 (qing chu jing shen wu ran)
plain living and hard work eliminate spiritual pollution
勤 劳 致 富 (qin lao zhi fu) better 清 除 影 响 (qing chu ying xiang)
oneself through one’s own labor eradicate the influence
勤勤恳恳,一丝不苟 (qin qin ken ken, yi 清党 (qing dang) carry out a gurge
si bu gou) work diligently and 清官 (qing guan) upright official
conscientiously and with the greatest 清剿土匪 (qing jiao tu fei) clean out
care the bandits; round up the bandits;
勤 政 (qin zheng) diligent and suppress banditry
expeditious administration 清理阶级队伍 (qing li jie ji dui wu)
勤政廉政建设 (qin zheng lian zheng jian purify class ranks
she) keep government functionaries 清廉 (qing lian) honest and upright;
honest and industrious free from corruption
擒 贼 先 擒 王 (qin zei xian qin wang) 清算 (qing suan) clear off an account;
capture the ringleader first in order to settle accounts with; make up account;
capture all his followers; in order to rid of; examine and repudiate;
round up bandits, one must catch their repudiate
ringleader first 清算汉奸的斗争 (qing suan han jian de
青 年 干 部 (qing nian gan bu) young dou zheng) struggle to settle
cadre accounts with traitors

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清帐目,清分工 (qing zhang mu, qing fen of aggression
gong) clearness and accuracy of the 穷 过 渡 (qiong guo du) make a
accounts and work-points transition in poverty
清政治 (qing zheng zhi) clean up the 穷途末路 (qiong tu mo lu) go into the
politics cul-de-sac; at the end of one’s tether
清 组 织 (qing zu zhi) clean up the 穷则思变,要干,要革命 (qiong ze si bian,
organization yao gan, yao ge ming) poverty gives
情 报 部 门 (qing bao bu men) rise to the desire for changes, the
intelligence service desire for action and the desire for
情 报 队 (qing bao dui) intelligence revolution
corps 穷追猛打“落水狗” (qiong zhui meng da
情 报 分 析 员 (qing bao fen xi yuan) “luo shui gou”) vigorously pursue
intelligence analyst and fiercely beat the “dog in the water”
情报分析中心 (qing bao fen xi zhong xin) 秋毫无犯的纪律 (qiu hao wu fan de ji l
intelligence analysis centre ü) discipline which forbids the
情 报 官 员 (qing bao guan yuan) slightest violation of the people ’ s
intelligence official interests
情 报 机 关 (qing bao ji guan) 秋后蚂蚱 (qiu hou ma zha) locust in
intelligence agency late autumn; nearing its end
情 报 科 (qing bao ke) information 秋后算账 (qiu hou suan zhang) square
section of accounts after the autumn harvest;
情 报 人 员 (qing bao ren yuan) wait to settle account with sb.
intelligence personnel 秋 后 算 账 派 (qiu hou suan zhang pai)
情报搜集机构 (qing bao sou ji ji gou) post-autumn book keeping sect
intelligence collecting agency 秋 收 起 义 (qiu shou qi yi) Autumn
情 报 系 统 (qing bao xi tong) Harvest Uprising (in 1927)
intelligence system 求大同,存小异 (qiu da tong, cun xiao yi)
情节轻重 (qing jie qing zhong) (up to) seek common ground on major questions
seriousness of the case while reserving differences on minor
请降 (qing xiang) have a desire to ones; seek common ground on major
surrender issues while reserving their
请愿书 (qing yuan shu) petition differences on minor points
请 战 书 (qing zhan shu) written 求 得 苟 安 (qiu de gou an) seek
request for a battle assignment momentary ease
庆 祝 游 行 (qing zhu you xing) 求 实 精 神 (qiu shi jing shen)
celebration parade practical attitude
穷棒子精神 (qiong bang zi jing shen) 求 同 存 异 (qiu tong cun yi) seek
spirit of paupers common ground while reserving
穷棒子社 (qiong bang zi she) paupers’ differences
co-operative 求 职 广 告 (qiu zhi guang gao)
穷 兵 黩 武 (qiong bing du wu) wage employment advertisement
sanguinary wars 求 职 面 谈 (qiu zhi mian tan) job
穷兵黩武的侵略政策 (qiong bing du wu de interview
qin lüe zheng ce) militaristic policy 酋 长 国 (qiu zhang guo) sheikhdom;

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emirate 屈膝投降 (qu xi tou xiang) bend and
区别情况,区别对待 (qu bie qing kuang, surrender; throw oneself at the feet of
qu bie dui dai) differentiate sb.;fall on one’s knees in surrender
between cases and treat them 趋 附 权 贵 (qu fu quan gui) be a
accordingly; distinguish between hanger-on of high officials
light and serious cases and handle 趋势 (qu shi) trend; tendency
them differently 趋同 (qu tong) converge
区人民代表大会 (qu ren min dai biao da 趋炎附势 (qu yan fu shi) hurry to the
hui) district people’s congress glorious and hang on to the influential
区 人 民 政 府 (qu ren min zheng fu) 取长补短,共同提高 (qu chang bu duan,
district people’s government gong tong ti gao) make up for each
区 委 (qu wei) district Party other ’ s deficiencies and raise each
committee other’s level
区 委 常 委 会 (qu wei chang wei hui) 取 得 一 致 意 见 (qu de yi zhi yi jian)
standing committee of a district Party reach complete agreement of views;
committee obtain a unanimous view; reach unanimity
区 委 书 记 (qu wei shu ji) district 取缔 (qu di) stop; ban; prohibit
Party committee secretary 取缔官僚资本 (qu di guan liao zi ben)
区乡政权 (qu xiang zheng quan) organs outlaw bureaucrat-capital
of political power in the districts 取 缔 贪 官 污 吏 (qu di tan guan wu li)
and townships dismiss corrupt officials; clear out
区 域 合 作 (qu yu he zuo) regional corrupt officials
cooperation 取 经 (qu jing) learn from someone
区 域 会 议 (qu yu hui yi) regional else’s experience
conference 取消预备期 (qu xiao yu bei qi) cancel
区 域 经 济 (qu yu jing ji) regional one ’ s probationary period (of Party
economy membership)
区域性经济合作 (qu yu xing jing ji he 取 消 主 义 (qu xiao zhu yi)
zuo) regional economic co-operation liquidationism
区 域 性 战 争 (qu yu xing zhan zheng) 取信于民 (qu xin yu min) attain the
local war; regional war people’s trust
区 域 自 治 (qu yu zi zhi) regional 取之不尽,用之不竭 (qu zhi bu jin,yong
autonomy zhi bu jie) inexhaustible
区长 (qu zhang) district chief; head 取之于民,用之于民 (qu zhi yu min, yong
of a district zhi yu min) what is taken from the
曲线救国 (qu xian jiu guo) save the people is used in the interests of the
nation by a devious path with wit people
曲折地发展 (qu zhe de fa zhan) move 去粗取精 (qu cu qu jing) get rid of
forward along a tortuous course the coarse and obtain the refined
曲 折 的 道 路 (qu zhe de dao lu) 去伪存真 (qu wei cun zhen) rid the
tortuous course fake and retain the genuine
驱逐出境 (qu zhu chu jing) expulsion 权柄 (quan bing) power; authority
驱 逐 令 (qu zhu ling) order of 权 大 于 法 (quan da yu fa) power is
expulsion greater than the law

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权贵 (quan gui) influential official 全 党 整 风 (quan dang zheng feng)
(in the society); bigwig party-wide rectification movement
“权力斗争”论 (“quan li dou zheng” lun) 全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放格局
“power struggle” theory (quan fang wei、 duo ceng ci、 kuan ling
权力过分集中 (quan li guo fen ji zhong) yu de dui wai kai fang ge ju)
over concentration of power all-dimensional, multitiered and
权力机关 (quan li ji guan) organ of wide-ranging opening pattern
power 全 方 位 外 交 (quan fang wei wai jiao)
权 力 无 上 (quan li wu shang) be multi-faceted diplomacy
supreme in authority 全副武装 (quan fu wu zhuang) in full
权力下放 (quan li xia fang) delegate battle rig
powers to lower levels 全国都要学习解放军 (quan guo dou yao
权谋 (quan mou) political tactics xue xi jie fang jun) the whole nation
权能 (quan neng) power and function should learn from the Liberation Army
权势 (quan shi) power and influence 全国工会 (quan guo gong hui) national
权势地位 (quan shi di wei) official trade union
position and influence 全国会议 (quan guo hui yi) national
权势欲 (quan shi yu) lust for power conference
权术 (quan shu) political trickery; 全国军事指挥中心 (quan guo jun shi zhi
shift in politics hui zhong xin) national military
权 威 (quan wei) authority; command centre
authoritativeness 全国农民运动讲习所 (quan guo nong min
权 威 人 士 (quan wei ren shi) yun dong jiang xi suo) National
authoritative person Institute of the Peasant Movement
权 威 主 义 者 (quan wei zhu yi zhe) 全国农业发展纲要 (quan guo nong ye fa
authoritarian zhan gang yao) National Programme for
权限 (quan xian) limit of authority; Agricultural Development
jurisdiction 全国人大 (quan guo ren da) see “全
权宜之计 (quan yi zhi ji) measure of 国人民代表大会”
expediency; stop-gap measure; matter of 全国人口调查 (quan guo ren kou diao cha)
expediency; temporary expedient nationwide census
权欲狂 (quan yu kuang) power hunger 全国人民代表大会 (quan guo ren min dai
权诈 (quan zha) trickery; craftiness biao da hui) National People ’ s
权 责 法 (quan ze fa) law of Congress
responsibility and authority 全国山河一片红 (quan guo shan he yi pian
全党 (quan dang) the whole Party hong) the whole country is red is
全党服从中央 (quan dang fu cong zhong revolutionary
yang) the entire membership is 全国少年儿童工作协调委员会 (quan guo
subordinate to the Central Committee shao nian er tong gong zuo xie tiao wei
全党共诛之,全国共讨之 (quan dang gong yuan hui) National Children’s Work
zhu zhi, quan guo gong tao zhi) Co-ordination Committee
denounced by the entire Party and the 全 国 史 学 会 (quan guo shi xue hui)
whole nation; condemned and punished by China Society of History
the whole Party and the whole nation 全国一盘棋 (quan guo yi pan qi) whole

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nation as one chess game; co-ordinate round upsurge; all-round boom
allthe activities of the nation like 全 面 规 划 (quan mian gui hua)
pieces in a chess game comprehensive planning
全会 (quan hui) plenary meeting (or 全面规划,积极发展,重点建设,提高质量
session) (quan mian gui hua, ji ji fa zhan, zhong
全 歼 (quan jian) complete dian jian she, ti gao zhi liang)
annihilation; wipe out thoroughly; over-all planning, energetic
completely wipe out development, concentration on key
全 局 分 析 (quan ju fen xi) make an projects and improving quality
over-all analysis 全 面 好 转 (quan mian hao zhuan)
全局观点 (quan ju guan dian) judge all-round turn for the better
the situation as a whole; an over-all 全面和平 (quan mian he ping) total
point of view peace
全局皆活 (quan ju jie huo) have the 全面核战争 (quan mian he zhan zheng)
initiative on the whole chessboard all-out nuclear war
全 局 性 问 题 (quan ju xing wen ti) 全面合作 (quan mian he zuo) all-round
matter of over-all importance; cooperation
question of an over-all character 全面进攻 (quan mian jin gong) general
全军覆没 (quan jun fu mo) the army is offensive; over-all offensive; all-out
completely wiped out; total offensive
destruction of the army 全面禁止核武器 (quan mian jin zhi he wu
全军一致 (quan jun yi zhi) with the qi) complete prohibition of nuclear
whole army united weapons
全 劳 动 力 (quan lao dong li) full 全 面 开 创 (quan mian kai chuang)
labor power; able-bodied man create in all fields
全力以赴,务歼入侵之敌 (quan li yi fu, 全面开花 (quan mian kai hua) open up
wu jian ru qin zhi di) go all out and all the various aspects
be sure to destroy the enemy intruders 全面落实 (quan mian luo shi) carry
全面崩溃 (quan mian beng kui) total out in an all-round way
collapse 全 面 内 战 (quan mian nei zhan)
全面彻底裁军 (quan mian che di cai jun) full-scale civil war
general and complete disarmament 全面铺开 (quan mian pu kai) spread in
全面的全民族的抗战 (quan mian de quan breadth
min zu de kang zhan) total nation-wide 全 面 统 治 (quan mian tong zhi)
anti-Japanese war all-embracing rule
全面对抗 (quan mian dui kang) all-out 全面性的谈判 (quan mian xing de tan pan)
confrontation the negotiations on an over-all basis
全面发展 (quan mian fa zhan) develop 全面性的协定 (quan mian xing de xie ding)
in an all-round way general agreement
全面反攻 (quan mian fan gong) general 全面性的战争 (quan mian xing de zhan
counter-attack zheng) all-embracing war
全面改革 (quan mian gai ge) overall 全面性的总结 (quan mian xing de zong jie)
reform over-all summing-up
全面高涨 (quan mian gao zhang) all 全 面 修 正 (quan mian xiu zheng)

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general revision 全球价值 (quan qiu jia zhi) global
全面质量管理 (quan mian zhi liang guan values
li) total quality control 全球战略 (quan qiu zhan lüe) global
全 面 专 政 (quan mian zhuan zheng) strategy
total dictatorship 全球政策 (quan qiu zheng ce) global
全民党 (quan min dang) party of the policy
entire people 全权 (quan quan) full power
全民福利国家 (quan min fu li guo jia) 全 权 大 使 (quan quan da shi)
welfare state of the whole people ambassador plenipotentiary
全民国家 (quan min guo jia) state of 全 权 代 表 (quan quan dai biao)
the whole people plenipotentiary
全 民 皆 兵 (quan min jie bing) make 全权代表会议 (quan quan dai biao hui yi)
everyone a soldier plenipotentiary conference
全民民主 (quan min min zhu) democracy 全 权 公 使 (quan quan gong shi)
of the whole people minister plenipotentiary
全 民 所 有 制 (quan min suo you zhi) 全 日 制 教 育 (quan ri zhi jiao yu)
ownership by the whole people full-time schooling
全民文明礼貌月 (quan min wen ming li mao 全世界无产者,联合起来! (quan shi jie wu
yue) national socialist ethics and chan zhe, lian he qi lai!) workers of
courtesy month all countries, unite!
全民文艺 (quan min wen yi) art and 全 体 出 席 (quan ti chu xi) full
literature for the entire citizenry attendance
全民性的群众斗争 (quan min xing de qun 全体党员 (quan ti dang yuan) all the
zhong dou zheng) mass struggle on a members of the Party
nationwide scale 全 体 会 议 (quan ti hui yi) plenary
全民政权的国家 (quan min zheng quan de session
guo jia) state in which power 全体利益 (quan ti li yi) interests of
belongs to all the people the whole
全 盘 否 定 (quan pan fou ding) 全线出击 (quan xian chu ji) attack on
completely negate all fronts
全 盘 改 革 (quan pan gai ge) 全心全意为人民服务 (quan xin quan yi
comprehensive reform wei ren min fu wu) serve the people
全盘接受 (quan pan jie shou) accept whole-heartedly
sth. in its entirety 全 优 工 程 (quan you gong cheng)
全盘肯定 (quan pan ken ding) consider all-round excellent project
sth. to be wholly positive 全 资 企 业 (quan zi qi ye)
全盘西化 (quan pan xi hua) wholesale exclusively-invested enterprise
Westerni zation 拳 头 产 品 (quan tou chan pin) key
全 勤 奖 (quan qin jiang) product
full-attendance bonus 犬儒主义 (quan ru zhu yi) cynicism
全球多边贸易体系 (quan qiu duo bian mao 犬牙交错的战争 (quan ya jiao cuo de zhan
yi ti xi) global system of zheng) war of jig-saw pattern
multilateral trade 劝 告 其 退 党 (quan gao qi tui dang)
全球化 (quan qiu hua) globalization persuade sb. to withdraw from the

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Party 群众的眼睛是雪亮的 (qun zhong de yan
劝 降 手 段 (quan xiang shou duan) jing shi xue liang de) people have
scheme of inducing (the enemy) to clear eyes
capitulate 群众斗争 (qun zhong dou zheng) mass
缺点 (que dian) defects struggle of people
缺乏革命意志 (que fa ge ming yi zhi) 群众工作 (qun zhong gong zuo) mass
lack of revolutionary will work among people
缺 席 投 票 法 (que xi tou piao fa) 群 众 关 系 (qun zhong guan xi)
absent voting law relationship with people
确立无产阶级的领导 (que li wu chan jie 群 众 观 点 (qun zhong guan dian)
ji de ling dao) build up proletarian viewpoint of people
leadership 群众呼声 (qun zhong hu sheng) voice
确凿证据 (que zao zheng ju) firmly of people
established evidence 群众化的方式 (qun zhong hua de fang shi)
群策群力 (qun ce qun li) collective method that appeals to people
wisdom and efforts; pool the wisdom 群 众 积 极 性 (qun zhong ji ji xing)
and efforts of people initiative of people
群 防 群 治 (qun fang qun zhi) 群众基础 (qun zhong ji chu) base of
prevention and cure by people people; based on people
themselves 群 众 集 会 (qun zhong ji hui) mass
群龙无首 (qun long wu shou) no leader rally; rally of people
in a host of dragons; a group without 群众纪律 (qun zhong ji lü) discipline
a leader; an army without a general in relations with people
群 魔 乱 舞 (qun mo luan wu) evil 群 众 监 督 (qun zhong jian du)
spirits of all kinds dance in a riotous supervision from people
revelry 群众力量 (qun zhong li liang) mass
群起而攻之 (qun qi er gong zhi) rise strength of people
in mass against sb.; run up against the 群众利益 (qun zhong li yi) benefit of
opposition of all the people people
群 情 鼎 沸 (qun qing ding fei) vast 群 众 路 线 (qun zhong lu xian) mass
upsurge of public opinion and feeling line; line of people
群情激奋 (qun qing ji fen) everyone “群众落后论” (“qun zhong luo hou lun”)
was roused to action theory that “the people are backward”
群威群胆,英勇杀敌 (qun wei qun dan, 群 众 批 评 (qun zhong pi ping)
ying yong sha di) display mass heroism criticism from people
and daring in destroying the enemy 群众是真正的英雄 (qun zhong shi zhen
群 言 堂 (qun yan tang) rule by the zheng de ying xiong) people are the
voice of many real heroes
群英会 (qun ying hui) gathering of 群众团体 (qun zhong tuan ti) people
heroes organization
群 众 大 会 (qun zhong da hui) mass 群 众 性 练 兵 运 动 (qun zhong xing lian
meeting; rally bing yun dong) mass training
群众大会斗争 (qun zhong da hui dou zheng) movement; mass movement for training
struggle at a mass meeting 群众性体育运动 (qun zhong xing ti yu yun

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dong) people’s sport activities statesman of people
“群众要怎样办就怎样办” (“qun zhong 群 众 专 政 (qun zhong zhuan zheng)
yao zen yang ban jiu zen yang ban”) dictatorship of people
“do everything as the people want it 群众组织 (qun zhong zu zhi) people’
done” s organization
群众意见很大 (qun zhong yi jian hen da) 裙 带 风 (qun dai feng) nepotism;
dissatisfaction among people petticoat influence
群众运动 (qun zhong yun dong) people’ 裙带关系 (qun dai guan xi) network
s movement through petticoat influence
群 众 战 争 (qun zhong zhan zheng)
people’s war
群众政治家 (qun zhong zheng zhi jia)

— R —

“攘外必先安内” (“rang wai bi xian an 绕 过 暗 礁 (rao guo an jiao) bypass

nei ” ) “ internal pacification hidden reefs and dangerous shoals
before resistance to foreign 热爱和平 (re ai he ping) ardent love
aggression” (a slogan put forward by for peace; cherish peace; treasure peace;
Kuomingtang reactionaries to justify peace-loving
its policy of suppression of the 热潮 (re chao) upsurge
Chinese Communists before the 热核武器 (re he wu qi) hydrogen bomb
Anti-Japanese War) 热 核 战 争 (re he zhan zheng)
让步政策 (rang bu zheng ce) policy of thermonuclear war; nuclear war
making concessions 热火朝天 (re huo chao tian) stirring
让 出 政 权 (rang chu zheng quan) and seething; burn with ardour
relinquish power; give up power 热门话题 (re men hua ti) hot issue;
让群众自己解放自己 (rang qun zhong zi hot topic
ji jie fang zi ji) let the people 人剥削人的制度 (ren bo xue ren de zhi du)
liberate themselves system of exploitation of man by man
让 人 说 话 (rang ren shuo hua) let 人不犯我,我不犯人,人若犯我,我必犯人
others speak; not be arbitrary (ren bu fan wo, wo bu fan ren, ren ruo
让 事 实 说 话 (rang shi shi shuo hua) fan wo, wo bi fan ren) we will not
let the facts speak for themselves attack unless we are attacked; if we
让位 (rang wei) give way; yield place are attacked, we will certainly
让一部分人先富起来 (rang yi bu fen ren counter-attack
xian fu qi lai) allow a proportion of “人不为己,天诛地灭” (“ren bu wei ji,
the people to get rich first tian zhu di mie”) “when men stop
扰乱阵线 (rao luan zhen xian) create looking out for themselves, that will
confusion within the ranks be the end of their world ” ;
扰乱治安 (rao luan zhi an) disturb “everybody for himself, and the devil
public order take the hindmost”; “unless a man

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looks out for himself, Heaven and 人道主义教育 (ren dao zhu yi jiao yu)
Earth will destroy him” humanistic education
人 才 辈 出 (ren cai bei chu) men of 人 道 主 义 者 (ren dao zhu yi zhe)
talents come out in succession humanist
人才储备 (ren cai chu bei) reserve of 人的价值 (ren de jia zhi) human value
talents 人的社会存在 (ren de she hui cun zai)
人才合理流动 (ren cai he li liu dong) man’s social being
rational transfer of people to other 人 的 社 会 性 (ren de she hui xing)
jobs social nature of man
人才交换中心 (ren cai jiao huan zhong 人 的 异 化 (ren de yi hua) man ’ s
xin) talent exchange centre alienation
人才交流办公室 (ren cai jiao liu ban 人的主体性 (ren de zhu ti xing) man’
gong shi) talent exchange office s subjectivity
人才结构 (ren cai jie gou) structure 人定胜天 (ren ding sheng tian) man’
of talented people s will, not heaven, decides; man will
人才流动 (ren cai liu dong) mobility conquer nature; human will can overpower
of talents natural forces; man ’ s determination
人 才 流 失 (ren cai liu shi) brain will conquer nature
drain 人多好办事 (ren duo hao ban shi) the
人才难得 (ren cai nan de) it is hard more people, the more achievements
to come by an able person 人多力量大,柴多火焰高 (ren duo li liang
人 才 市 场 (ren cai shi chang) da, chai duo huo yan gao) there is
personnel market strength in numbers and more logs make
人才战 (ren cai zhan) competition for a big fire
talented people 人多议论多,热气高,干劲大 (ren duo yi
人吃人的制度 (ren chi ren de zhi du) lun duo, re qi gao, gan jin da) more
man-eating system people mean a greater ferment of ideas,
人大 (ren da) (an abbreviation for) more enthusiasm and more energy
the People’s Congress 人访制度 (ren fang zhi du) people’s
人 大 常 委 会 (ren da chang wei hui) appeal system
Standing Committee of the People ’ s 人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛 (ren
Congress gu you yi si, huo zhong yu tai shan,
人大代表 (ren da dai biao) NPC member huo qing yu hong mao) though death
人大会堂 (ren da hui tang) see “人 befalls all men alike, it may be
民大会堂” weightier than Mount Tai or lighter
人 代 会 代 表 (ren dai hui dai biao) than a feather
delegate to a people’s congress 人海战术 (ren hai zhan shu) human sea
人道民族主义 (ren dao min zu zhu yi) tactics
humanitarian nationalism 人 均 占 有 量 (ren jun zhan you liang)
人道主义 (ren dao zhu yi) humanism per capita consumption
人道主义的幻想 (ren dao zhu yi de huan 人 口 出 生 率 (ren kou chu sheng l ü )
xiang) humanitarian illusion birth rate
人道主义活动 (ren dao zhu yi huo dong) 人 口 负 增 长 (ren kou fu zeng zhang)
humanitarian activities negative population growth

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人 口 高 峰 (ren kou gao feng) 人 民 的 使 者 (ren min de shi zhe)
population peak people’s envoy
人 口 过 剩 (ren kou guo sheng) 人民防空办公室 (ren min fang kong ban
overpopulation gong shi) people’s air-defense office
人 口 老 龄 化 (ren kou lao ling hua) 人民福利 (ren min fu li) welfare of
aging of population the people
人口密度 (ren kou mi du) population 人民公敌 (ren min gong di) enemy of
density the people
人口普查 (ren kou pu cha) census 人 民 公 仆 (ren min gong pu) public
人口素质 (ren kou su zhi) quality of servants of the people
population 人民公社 (ren min gong she) people’
人 口 资 源 环 境委 员 会 (ren kou zi yuan s commune
huan jing wei yuan hui) Committee of 人民公社化运动 (ren min gong she hua yun
Population, Resources and Environment dong) movement to set up people ’ s
人口自然增长 (ren kou zi ran zeng zhang) communes
natural growth of the population 人 民 共 和 国 (ren min gong he guo)
人 劳 比 例 (ren lao bi li) ratio people’s republic
between population and labor power 人 民 共 和 制 (ren min gong he zhi)
人类解放事业 (ren lei jie fang shi ye) people’s republic system
cause of the emancipation of humanity 人民国家 (ren min guo jia) people’s
人类进步事业 (ren lei jin bu shi ye) country
cause of human progress 人民解放军又是一个工作队 (ren min jie
人类灵魂工程师 (ren lei ling hun gong fang jun you shi yi ge gong zuo dui)
cheng shi) engineer of the human the People’s Liberation Army is also a
soul political work force
人类之爱 (ren lei zhi ai) human love 人 民 解 放 战 争 (ren min jie fang zhan
人民 (ren min) the people zheng) People’s War of Liberation
人民币 (ren min bi) renminbi; RMB 人民来信 (ren min lai xin) letters
人民大会堂 (ren min da hui tang) the from people
Great Hall of the People 人民利益高于一切 (ren min li yi gao yu
人民大众开心之日,就是反革命分子难受之 yi qie) the interests of the people
时 (ren min da zhong kai xin zhi ri, jiu are supreme
shifan ge ming fen zi nan shou zhi shi) 人民领袖 (ren min ling xiu) leader of
the day of rejoicing for the masses of the people
the people is a day of woe for the 人民民主革命 (ren min min zhu ge ming)
counter-revolutionary people’s democratic revolution
人民代表 (ren min dai biao) people’ 人民民主力量 (ren min min zhu li liang)
s delegate people’s democratic forces
人民代表大会 (ren min dai biao da hui) 人民民主统一战线 (ren min min zhu tong
see “人大” yi zhan xian) people’s democratic
人民代表会议 (ren min dai biao hui yi) united front
people’s representative conference 人民民主主义 (ren min min zhu zhu yi)
人民的勤务员 (ren min de qin wu yuan) people’s democracy
servant of the people 人 民 民 主 专 政 (ren min min zhu zhuan

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zheng) people ’ s democratic people’s soldiers
dictatorship 人民组织 (ren min zu zhi) people’s
人民民主专政国家 (ren min min zhu zhuan organization
zheng guo jia) state of the people’ 人勤地不懒 (ren qin di bu lan) if man
s democratic dictatiorship is diligent, the soil is not idle
人民内部矛盾 (ren min nei bu mao dun) 人 情 (ren qing) human feelings and
contradiction among the people relationship
人 民 陪 审 员 (ren min pei shen yuan) 人权 (ren quan) human rights; rights
people’s assessor of man
《人民日报》 (《ren min ri bao》) People’ 人 权 的 双 重 标 准 (ren quan de shuang
s Daily chong biao zhun) double standards for
人民是历史的创造者 (ren min shi li shi human rights
de chuang zao zhe) the people are 人人为我,我为人人 (ren ren wei wo, wo
the makers of history wei ren ren) all for one and one for
人民调解委员会 (ren min tiao jie wei all
yuan hui) people ’ s mediation 人身权利 (ren shen quan li) rights of
committee the person
人民团体 (ren min tuan ti) people’s 人生观 (ren sheng guan) view of life;
organization outlook on life
人 民 外 交 (ren min wai jiao) 人 事 部 (ren shi bu) Ministry of
people-to-people diplomacy Personnel
人 民 委 员 会 (ren min wei yuan hui) 人事部门 (ren shi bu men) personnel
people’s committee department; department of human
人民性 (ren min xing) affinity to the resources
people 人事处 (ren shi chu) personnel office
人民英雄 (ren min ying xiong) people’ 人事股 (ren shi gu) personnel section
s hero 人事管理制度 (ren shi guan li zhi du)
人民英雄纪念碑 (ren min ying xiong ji personnel management system
nian bei) Monument to the People’ 人事局 (ren shi ju) personnel bureau
s Heroes 人事科 (ren shi ke) personnel section;
人民战争 (ren min zhan zheng) people’ personnel affairs section
s war 人文奥运 (ren wen ao yun) People’s
人民阵线 (ren min zhen xian) popular Olympics
front 人 文 关 怀 (ren wen guan huai)
人民政府 (ren min zheng fu) people’ humanistic care
s government 人文主义 (ren wen zhu yi) humanism
人民政府办公室 (ren min zheng fu ban 人心向背 (ren xin xiang bei) whether
gong shi) office of people ’ s the people are for or against; will of
government the people
人民政权 (ren min zheng quan) people’ 人 心 振 奋 (ren xin zhen fen) the
s power people are filled with enthusiasm
人民政权机关 (ren min zheng quan ji guan) 人性论 (ren xing lun) theory of human
organ of the people’s power nature
人 民 子 弟 兵 (ren min zi di bing) 人有多大胆,地有多大产 (ren you duo da

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dan, di you duo da chan) the bolder get-it-over-and-done-with attitude
the man is, the higher yields will turn 任 意 歪 曲 历 史 (ren yi wai qu li shi)
out wilful distortion of history
人云亦云,亦步亦趋 (ren yun yi yun, yi 任 重 而 道 远 (ren zhong er dao yuan)
bu yi qu) repeat word for word what take a heavy burden and embark on a long
others say and follow others at every road
step 日 常 斗 争 (ri chang dou zheng)
人治 (ren zhi) rule by man day-to-day struggle
人自为战 (ren zi wei zhan) everybody 日 常 工 作 (ri chang gong zuo)
fights all by himself day-to-day work
仁 人 志 士 (ren ren zhi shi) people 日 新 月 异 (ri xin yue yi) change
with lofty ideals rapidly; bring about new changes day
仁 义 道 德 (ren yi dao de) ethics; after day
humanity, justice and virtue; 荣辱与共 (rong ru yu gong) share weal
benevolence and woe; share honour and disgrace
仁 政 (ren zheng) policy of 荣誉军人 (rong yu jun ren) honored
benevolence; benevolent government soldier
忍 辱 负 重 (ren ru fu zhong) endure 融入国际大循环 (rong ru guo ji da xun
humiliation in order to discharge huan) merge into international
important duties circles
认 敌 为 友 (ren di wei you) regard 融资 (rong zi) financing
enemies as friends; take the enemy for 肉 搏 (rou bo) fight hand-to-hand;
one’s own people bayonet charge
认购 (ren gou) buy; purchase 儒法争斗 (ru fa zheng dou) struggle
认识和改造客观世界 (ren shi he gai zao between the Confucianists and the
ke guan shi jie) know and change the Legalists
objective world 儒 家 文 化 圈 (ru jia wen hua quan)
认 识 论 (ren shi lun) theory of Confucian cultural ring
knowledge; epistemology 儒 商 (ru shang) businessman with
认识水平 (ren shi shui ping) level of intellectual background
understanding 儒 释 道 (ru shi dao) Confucianism,
认识运动 (ren shi yun dong) movement Taoism, and Buddhism
of cognition 入 出 境 签 证 (ru chu jing qian zheng)
任劳任怨 (ren lao ren yuan) work hard entry-exit visa
without complaint 入 党 登 记 (ru dang deng ji) Party
任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼船 (ren ping feng enrollment
lang qi, wen zuo diao yu chuan) never 入 党 介 绍 人 (ru dang jie shao ren)
mind the storm, just sit tight in the sponsor for Party membership
fishing boat; face danger with 入 党 申 请 书 (ru dang shen qing shu)
confidence Party membership application
任期 (ren qi) term 入 党 申 请 者 (ru dang shen qing zhe)
任人宰割 (ren ren zai ge) be trampled applicant for Party membership
upon at will 入 党 条 件 (ru dang tiao jian)
任 务 观 点 (ren wu guan dian) qualification for Party membership

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入党宣誓 (ru dang xuan shi) take an 软 刀 子 杀 人 (ruan dao zi sha ren)
admission oath for Party membership murder with an invisible knife; to harm
入 党 志 愿 书 (ru dang zhi yuan shu) people in an imperceptible way
application form for Party membership 软科学 (ruan ke xue) soft science
入党最低年龄 (ru dang zui di nian ling) 软、懒、散 (ruan、 lan、 san) soft, lazy,
minimum age for the admission into the and diffused
Party 软任务 (ruan ren wu) soft task
“入党做官论” (“ru dang zuo guan lun”) 软弱无力的外交 (ruan ruo wu li de wai
theory of “entering the Party in order jiao) jelly-fish diplomacy
to be an official” 软弱无能的腐朽的思想 (ruan ruo wu neng
入队 (ru dui) become a Young Pioneer de fu xiu de si xiang) impotent and
入队宣誓 (ru dui xuan shi) admission degenerate ideas; impotent thinking
oath for becoming a Young Pioneer 软着陆 (ruan zhuo lu) soft landing
入会仪式 (ru hui yi shi) initiation; 软资源 (ruan zi yuan) soft resources
admission procedure 若要人不知,除非己莫为 (ruo yao ren bu
入境签证 (ru jing qian zheng) entry zhi, chu fei ji mo wei) the only way
visa to keep people from knowing sth. is not
入世 (ru shi) (an abbreviation for) to do it; do not do sth. if you don’
access to the World Trade Organization t want others to know it
入团 (ru tuan) join the League; be 弱国 (ruo guo) weak country
admitted to the League 弱肉强食 (ruo rou qiang shi) the weak
入围 (ru wei) be qualified for will stand an easy prey to the strong
入 伍 (ru wu) enlistment; join the 弱肉强食的原则 (ruo rou qiang shi de
army yuan ze) the jungle law; the
入伍年龄限制 (ru wu nian ling xian zhi) “jungle law of survival”
age limit of enlistment 弱 势 群 体 (ruo shi qun ti) the
入 伍 宣 誓 (ru wu xuan shi) oath of disadvantaged
enlistment 弱小国家 (ruo xiao guo jia) small and
入伍者 (ru wu zhe) inductee weak nation

— S —

三 八 红 旗 集 体 (san ba hong qi ji ti) 大纪律,八项注意”

March 8 red flag organization 三北地区 (san bei di qu) three north
三 八 红 旗 手 (san ba hong qi shou) areas; China’s northeast, central
woman red flag pace-setter north and northwest
三八式干部 (san ba shi gan bu) cadre 三 不 政 策 (san bu zheng ce)
of 1938 “three-not’s” policy—① (不揪辫
三 八 线 (san ba xian) thirty-eighth 子,不扣帽子,不打棍子) don’t pick on
parallel; boundary between North and others for their faults, don’t slap
South Korea political labels on people, and don’
三 八 作 风 (san ba zuo feng) t use a big stick ② (不接触,不谈判,
three-eight working style see “三 不 妥 协 ) no contact, no talks, no

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compromise (policy of KMT authorities Discipline are: 1. Obey orders in all
in Taiwan towards the Chinese your actions; 2. Don’t take a single
government before the 1980’s) needle or piece of thread from the masses;
三 步 走 战 略 (san bu zou zhan l ü e) 3. Turn in everything captured. the
three-step development strategy Eight Points for Attention are: 1. Speak
三查 (san cha) three check-ups (i.e. politely; 2. Pay fairly for what you buy;
on class origin, performance of duty 3. Return everything you borrow; 4. Pay
and will to fight) for everything you damage; 5. Don’t hit
三产 (san chan) tertiary industry or swear at people; 6. Don’t damage crops;
三 从 四 德 (san cong si de) three 7. Don’t take liberties with women; 8.
obediences and four virtues (i.e. Don’t ill-treat captives)
three obediences: a woman should obey 三大教育运动 (san da jiao yu yun dong)
father before marriage, obey husband three big education movements (of class
after marriage, and obey son after the education, and education in socialism
death of husband; four virtues: and in patriotism)
morality, proper speech, modest 三 大 领 主 (san da ling zhu) three
manner, and diligent work) kinds of estate-holders (i.e. the feudal
三大差别 (san da cha bie) three major government, the monasteries and the
gaps (that exist between town and nobles)
country, between industry and 三大民主 (san da min zhu) three major
agriculture and between manual and democracies (i.e. political, economic
mental labor) and military democracies practised at
三大法宝 (san da fa bao) three main the company level in the Chinese People’
and effective methods (of the Chinese s Liberation Army)
Communist Party for defeating the 三大平衡 (san da ping heng) three big
enemy in the new-democratic equilibriums
revolution, namely the united front, 三大任务 (san da ren wu) three big
armed struggle and Party building) tasks
三大改造 (san da gai zao) three major 三大战役 (san da zhan yi) three big
transformations (of agriculture, military campaigns (i.e. Liaoshen
handicraft industry and capitalist Campaign, Beijing-Tianjin Campaign,
industries in 1956) and Huaihai Campaign)
三大革命实践 (san da ge ming shi jian) 三 大 障 碍 (san da zhang ai) three
three great revolutionary practices major obstacles
see also “三大革命运动” 三大作风 (san da zuo feng) the Party’
三大革命运动 (san da ge ming yun dong) s three important styles of work (i.e.
three great revolutionary movements (of integrate theory with practice; forge
class struggle, the struggle for close links with people and practise
production and scientific experiment) self-criticism)
三大纪律,八项注意 (san da ji lü, ba 三 等 秘 书 (san deng mi shu) third
xiang zhu yi) Three Main Rules of level secretary
Discipline and Eight Points for 三 定 (san ding) fixed quota system
Attention of the Chinese People ’ s for producing, purchasing and
Liberation Army (the Three Main Rules of marketing

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三反分子 (san fan fen zi) three-anti of the overwhelming majority of people
element (the three-anti refer to in China)
anti-Party, anti-people, and 三个坚持 (san ge jian chi) “three
anti-socialism or anti-Party, upholds” (i.e. uphold the basic line in
anti-socialism, and anti-Mao Zedong the primary stage of socialism, uphold
Thought) economic construction as the center of
三反运动 (san fan yun dong) Movement all Party work, and uphold the principle
Against the Three Evils—corruption, of the “three favorables” [“三个有
waste, and bureaucratism within the 利于” ])
Party, government, army and mass 三个面向 (san ge mian xiang) “three
organizations (1951~1952) orientations” (i.e. education must be
三废治理 (san fei zhi li) disposal of modernization-oriented, world-oriented,
waste gas, water and industrial and future-oriented)
residue 三 个 世 界 (san ge shi jie) “ three
“三分天灾,七分人祸” (“san fen tian worlds ” (i.e. the first world, the
zai, qi fen ren huo”) “seven-parts second world and the third world)
natural calamities and three-parts 三 个 梯 队 (san ge ti dui) three
man-made disasters” echelons
三纲五常 (san gang wu chang) three 三 个 统 一 (san ge tong yi) “ three
cardinal guides and five constant unities” (i.e. the unity of politics and
virtues (principles of feudal moral art, the unity of content and form, and
conduct, three cardinal guides: ruler the unity of revolutionary political
guides subject, father guides son, and content and the highest possible
husband guides wife; five constant perfection of artistic form)
virtues: benevolence, righteousness, 三个有利于 (san ge you li yu) “three
propriety, wisdom, and fidelity) favorables ” (i.e. favorable to
三高农业 (san gao nong ye) high-yield, developing the productive forces in the
high-quality and high-efficiency socialist society, to consolidating
agriculture China ’ s comprehensive national
三 个 不 变 (san ge bu bian) “ three strength, to raising the people’s living
no-changes ” (i.e. no change in the standards)
central government’s determination to 三顾茅庐 (san gu mao lu) make three
develop the special economic zone, no calls at the thatched cottage;
change in the basic policies towards repeatedly request sb. to take up a
these zones, and no change in the role responsible post
of the zones in China ’ s reform, 三光政策 (san guang zheng ce) policy
open-door, and modernization program) of “burn all, kill all, and loot all”
三个代表 (san ge dai biao) “three 三好 (san hao) “three goods” (for
represents” (i.e. the Party must always youth) to be in good health, good study,
represent the requirements of the and good work)
development of China ’ s advanced 三 好 干 部 (san hao gan bu)
productive forces, the orientation of “three-good” cadres (mainly rural
the development of China ’ s advanced cadres who were good in labor, in
culture, and the fundamental interests uniting with the masses, and in

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implementing Party policies in the guan) leading bodies set up on the
1950’s) principle of the three-in-one
三 好 学 生 (san hao xue sheng) combination
“three-good” students see “三 三 开 人 物 (san kai ren wu) people
好” favored in all three periods
三和两全 (san he liang quan) “three 三 靠 社 (san kao she) “ three
peacefuls and two entires ” (i.e. dependence” commune
peaceful transition, peaceful 三 老 四 严 (san lao si yan) “ three
coexistence and peaceful competition, honests and four stricts” (i.e. be an
a state of the entire people and a honest person, honest in word, honest in
Party of the entire people) deed in relation to the revolutionary
三 和 一 少 (san he yi shao) “ three cause; strict standards, strict
milds” and one “less” (i.e. mild to organization, a strict attitude, and
imperialism, mild to modern strict discipline in relation to work)
revisionism, and mild to all the 三令五申 (san ling wu shen) repeated
reactionaries in the world; less orders and instructions
support to the national liberation 三 乱 (san luan) “ three arbitrary
struggles in the world) charges” (i.e. arbitrary extra-charge,
三级所有,队为基础 (san ji suo you, dui arbitrary fine-charge, and arbitrary
wei ji chu) three-level system of apportioned charge)
ownership of the means of production 三落实 (san luo shi) put the work of
in the people ’ s commune, with the people’s militia on a solid basis
ownership by the production team as organizationally, politically and
the basic form militarily
三 级 所 有 制 (san ji suo you zhi) 三门干部 (san men gan bu) “three-gate
three-level ownership system cadre” (i.e. cadre who began to work in
三 家 村 (san jia cun) three-family the government straight after
village graduating from school and has no
三假三真 (san jia san zhen) “three experience at the grass roots)
shams and three realities” (i.e. sham 三面红旗 (san mian hong qi) Three Red
anti-imperialism but real capitulation, Banners (i.e. the General Line for
sham revolution but real betrayal, sham Socialist Construction, the Great
unity but a real split) Leap Forward and the People’s Communes,
三讲 (san jiang) “three stresses” formulated in 1958)
see 三 民 主 义 (san min zhu yi) Three
“讲学习,讲政治,讲正气” People’s Principles (i.e. Nationalism,
三 角 债 (san jiao zhai) triangular Democracy and the People ’ s
debt chain Livelihood)
三 结 合 (san jie he) three-in-one 三 名 三 高 (san ming san gao)
combination “three-famous and three-high” (i.e.
“三结合”的临时权力机构 (“san jie he” famous writers, famous directors and
de lin shi quan li ji gou) provisional famous actors; high salaries, high
“three-in-one” organ of power loyalties, and high awards)
三结合领导机关 (san jie he ling dao ji 三年困难时期 (san nian kun nan shi qi)

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three-year difficult period separations ” (i.e. separation from
三 七 开 (san qi kai) a 70-30 ratio politics, from reality, and from labor)
assessment 三湾改编 (san wan gai bian) Sanwan
“ 三 秋 ” ( “ san qiu ” ) autumn Reorganization (in 1927)
harvesting, sowing and ploughing 三 位 一 体 (san wei yi ti) trinity;
三权分立 (san quan fen li) division organic whole of three; three in one
of three constitutional powers 三 五 普 法 (san wu pu fa) the third
三热爱 (san re ai) “three loves”— five-year popularization of education
love of motherland, socialism and the on knowledge of law program
Communist Party 三 峡 工 程 (san xia gong cheng)
三十六行,行行出状元 (san shi liu hang, Three-Gorge Dam Project
hang hang chu zhuang yuan) every 三 夏 (san xia) summer planting,
trade has its master harvesting and field management
三十六计 (san shi liu ji) thirty-six 三线建设 (san xian jian she) third
stratagems tier construction
三十年代文艺 (san shi nian dai wen yi) 三 要 三 不 要 (san yao san bu yao)
literature and art of the 1930s (in the “three do’s and three don’ts” (i.e.
Kuomintang areas of China) practice Marxism-Leninism and not
三 十 字 方 针 (san shi zi fang zhen) revisionism, unite and don’t split, be
30-character guiding principle open and aboveboard and don’t become
三 天 打 鱼 , 两天 晒 网 (san tian da yu, involved in intrigues and conspiracies)
liang tian shai wang) spend three 三野 (san ye) (an abbrebiation for)
days fishing and two days drying nets; the Third Field Army of the Chinese
capricious; blow hot and cold People’s Liberation Army
三通 (san tong) “three direct links” 三 整 (san zheng) “ three
(in mail, transport and trade) improvements ” — organizational
across the Taiwan Strait consolidation, ideological education
三通四流 (san tong si liu) “three and rectification of style of work
opening-ups and four exchanges ” 三支两军 (san zhi liang jun) “three
(opening up postal communications, supports and two-military” (support
transportation, and trade relations; to industry, support to agriculture
economic, scientific, cultural and and support to the broad masses of the
athletic exchanges) Left; exercise military control of
三同 (san tong) “three togethers” certain units or departments and give
—eat, live and labor together with the military training to the students, etc.
lower-middle peasants or masses —tasks given to the PLA during the
三 突 出 (san tu chu) “ three Cultural Revolution)
prominences” (i.e, among all characters 三 中 全 会 (san zhong quan hui) the
give prominence to positive characters; Third Plenary Session of the Central
among positive characters give Committee
prominence to heroic characters; among 三忠于 (san zhong yu) “three loyals”
heroic characters give prominence to (i.e. be forever loyal to Chairman Mao,
principal heroic characters) to Mao Zedong Thought, and to Chairman
三 脱 离 (san tuo li) “ three Mao’s proletarian revolutionary line)

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三种人 (san zhong ren) three types of humiliating terms; be humiliating; be
people (i.e. those who established degrading
themselves by following the rebellion 丧失革命志气 (sang shi ge ming zhi qi)
conducted by the Lin Biao and Jiang lose one’s revolutionary will
Qing counter-revolutionary cliques, 丧 失 立 场 (sang shi li chang) lose
those with serious factional leanings, one’s class stand
and those committing serious crimes of 丧失人心 (sang shi ren xin) forfeit
beating, smashing, and looting) popular support; thoroughly discredited
三资企业 (san zi qi ye) three kinds of among the people; become unpopular
foreign capital involved enterprises 丧失原则 (sang shi yuan ze) depart
(i.e. enterprises based solely on from the principle; forfeit the
foreign investment, Chinese-foreign principle
joint ventures, and Chinese-foreign 丧心病狂 (sang xin bing kuang) become
joint management ventures) frenzied
三自爱国运动 (san zi ai guo yun dong) 丧钟敲响了 (sang zhong qiao xiang le)
“ three-self ” patriotic movement the death knell has tolled
(the three-self refers to the 骚乱 (sao luan) riot; chaos
self-rule, self-maintenance, and 扫除教条主义思想 (sao chu jiao tiao zhu
self-promotion of missionary work yi si xiang) eradication of dogmatist
within Christian churches in China) thinking
三 自 一 包 (san zi yi bao) “ three 扫除文盲运动 (sao chu wen mang yun dong)
freedoms and one fixed quota” (i.e. anti-illiteracy campaign; literacy
more farming plots for private use, campaign
more free markets, more enterprises 扫除一切害人虫 (sao chu yi qie hai ren
with sole responsibility for their own chong) sweep away all pests; sweep
profits or losses, and fixing output away all vermin
quotas on a household basis) 扫荡 (sao dang) mopping-up campaign
三座大山 (san zuo da shan) “three 扫黄打非 (sao huang da fei) eliminate
great mountains ” (i.e. imperialism, pornography and illegal publications
feudalism and bureaucrat-capitlalism, 扫盲 (sao mang) eliminate illiteracy
which weighed like mountains on the 色厉内荏 (se li nei ren) fierce of
backs of the Chinese people before 1949) visage but faint of heart
散 兵 游 勇 (san bing you yong) 杀出一个无产阶级的新世界 (sha chu yi ge
stragglers and disbanded soldiers wu chan jie ji de xin shi jie) hew
散 漫 (san man) undisciplined; out a proletarian new world
careless and sloppy 杀 关 管 (sha guan guan) execution,
丧胆 (sang dan) tremble with fear imprisonment, and surveillance
丧家之犬 (sang jia zhi quan) stray 杀回马枪 (sha hui ma qiang) hit back
dog; homeless dog; panic-stricken after pretending withdraw
people 杀鸡儆猴 (sha ji jing hou) kill the
丧 尽 天 良 (sang jin tian liang) chicken to frighten the monkey; punish
conscienceless; heartless sb. as a warning to others
丧权辱国 (sang quan ru guo) surrender 杀鸡取卵 (sha ji qu luan) kill the hen
a country ’ s sovereign rights under to get all its eggs

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杀 鸡 用 牛 刀 (sha ji yong niu dao) with evil; if the reward is not
break a butterfly on the wheel; use a forthcoming, it is because the time has
sledge-hammer on a gnat not arrived; and when the time arrives,
杀戮 (sha lu) slaughter one will get all the reward he deserves
杀 人 不 眨 眼 (sha ren bu zha yan) 善于斗争,善于革命 (shan yu dou zheng,
slaughter people without blinking shan yu ge ming) be good at waging
杀人放火,奸淫掳掠 (sha ren fang huo, struggle and making revolution
jian yin lu lüe) murder, arson, rape 擅离职守 (shan li zhi shou) absence
and loot without asking for leave
沙文主义 (sha wen zhu yi) chauvinism 擅 用 私 刑 (shan yong si xing)
煞住歪风 (sha zhu wai feng) put an end administer justice without legal
to the unhealthy practice authority
山头主义 (shan tou zhu yi) mountain 伤 痕 文 学 (shang hen wen xue) scar
stronghold mentality literature
扇阴风,点邪火 (shan yin feng, dian xie 商 品 经 济 (shang pin jing ji)
huo) fan up evil winds and fires; commodity economy
stir up the winds of evil; foment 商品粮 (shang pin liang) marketable
trouble grain
煽 动 群 众 (shan dong qun zhong) 商品粮生产 (shang pin liang sheng chan)
agitate the people marketable grain production
煽动舆论 (shan dong yu lun) condition 商品粮生产基地 (shang pin liang sheng
the public opinion; demagogic chan ji di) production base of
propaganda marketable grain
煽风点火,推波助澜 (shan feng dian huo, 商品粮生产调节 (shang pin liang sheng
tui bo zhu lan) make trouble; fan up chan tiao jie) adjustment of
the fire; add fuel to the fire; fan the marketable grain production
flames; instigate 商品粮专业户 (shang pin liang zhuan ye
闪 击 战 (shan ji zhan) blitzkrieg; hu) household specializing in growing
blitz marketable grain
闪 烁 其 词 (shan shuo qi ci) 商 务 参 赞 (shang wu can zan)
non-committal; dodge about; insinuate commercial counsellor
陕甘革命根据地 (shan gan ge ming gen ju 商 务 处 (shang wu chu) commercial
di) Shaanxi-Gansu revolutionary base counsellor’s office
area 商 务 代 表 处 (shang wu dai biao chu)
陕甘宁边区政府 (shan gan ning bian qu trade representatives’ office
zheng fu) Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia 商 务 专 员 (shang wu zhuan yuan)
Border Regional Government before 1949 commercial attache
善 恶 分 明 (shan e fen ming) 商鞅变法 (shang yang bian fa) Shang
distinguish the good from the bad Yang Reform (around 356 BC)
善有善报,恶有恶报;不是不报,时候未到; 商 业 部 (shang ye bu) Ministry of
时候一到,一切都报 (shan you shan bao, Commerce
e you e bao; bu shi bu bao, shi hou wei 商业部门 (shang ye bu men) commercial
dao; shi hou yi dao, yi qie dou bao) department
good will be rewarded with good, and evil 商 业 动 向 (shang ye dong xiang)

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business trend sth. to the top and link sth. to the
商业局 (shang ye ju) commerce bureau; bottom
trade bureau 上轨道 (shang gui dao) on the right
商 业 厅 (shang ye ting) commerce track
department 上 海 经 济 区 (shang hai jing ji qu)
商 业 文 化 (shang ye wen hua) Shanghai economic zone
commercial culture 上级党委 (shang ji dang wei) Party
商业政策 (shang ye zheng ce) business committee at a higher level
policies 上级和下级之间 (shang ji he xia ji zhi
商业资产阶级 (shang ye zi chan jie ji) jian) between those in higher and
merchant-capitalist those in lower positions of
商战 (shang zhan) trade war responsibility
赏善罚恶 (shang shan fa e) reward the 上级机关 (shang ji ji guan) higher
good people and punish the wicked authorities; higher body
上 策 (shang ce) wise policy; best 上 级 组 织 (shang ji zu zhi) higher
plan Party organization
上层反动集团 (shang ceng fan dong ji 上 流 社 会 (shang liu she hui) high
tuan) upper strata reactionary society
clique 上山下乡 (shang shan xia xiang) go up
上 层 建 筑 (shang ceng jian zhu) to the mountains and down to the
superstructure countryside for settlement
上层建筑领域 (shang ceng jian zhu ling 上台 (shang tai) climb to power; take
yu) realm of the superstructure power; come to office
上层小资产阶级 (shang ceng xiao zi chan 上无片瓦,下无插针之地 (shang wu pian wa,
jie ji) upper petty bourgeoisie xia wu cha zhen zhi di) have neither
上刀山,下火海 (shang dao shan, xia huo a tile over head nor a speck of land under
hai) climb a mountain of swords or feet
plun 上行下效 (shang xing xia xiao) people
ge into a sea of flames; not afraid of follow the example of their superiors;
losing heads or shedding blood and will the inferiors imitate the superiors
n 上游,中游,下游 (shang you, zhong you,
ot flinch even if threatened with utter xia you) advanced, in between the
destruction advanced and the backward, backward
上 动 下 不 动 (shang dong xia bu dong) 上有政策,下有对策 (shang you zheng ce,
change the upper structure while keeping xia you dui ce) policy above,
the lower structure unchanged counter-policy below
上 访 (shang fang) seek an audience 上 中 农 (shang zhong nong)
with the higher authorities to appeal upper-middle peasant
for intervention 稍安勿躁 (shao an wu zao) please calm
上纲上线 (shang gang shang xian) take down a little and do not get excited
the bas 少劳少得 (shao lao shao de) give less
ic principle and the two-line struggle pay for less work
as the key link 少慢差费 (shao man cha fei) little,
上挂下联 (shang gua xia lian) connect slow, poor, and wasteful

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少数服从多数 (shao shu fu cong duo shu) 舍生取义 (she sheng qu yi) lay down
the minority is subordinate to the one’s life for justice
majority 社办事业 (she ban shi ye) commune-run
少数民族 (shao shu min zu) minority undertakings
nationality 社队 (she dui) commune and team
少数民族干部 (shao shu min zu gan bu) 社队企业 (she dui qi ye) commune or
national minority cadre team-managed enterprise
少数人的私利 (shao shu ren de si li) 社会保障制度 (she hui bao zhang zhi du)
private interests of a few individuals social security system
少 宣 传 个 人 (shao xuan chuan ge ren) 社会成员 (she hui cheng yuan) member
less publicity to individuals of different social classes
少 走 弯 路 (shao zou wan lu) avoid 社会出身 (she hui chu shen) social
unnecessary detours origin
少 代 会 (shao dai hui) (an 社会存在决定人们的意识 (she hui cun zai
abbreviation for) Conference of Young jue ding ren men de yi shi) the social
Pioneers Representatives being determines people’s consciousness
少 工 委 (shao gong wei) (an 社 会 大 变 动 (she hui da bian dong)
abbreviation for) Youth and Children’ great social change or revolution
s Work Committee 社会帝国主义 (she hui di guo zhu yi)
少 管 所 (shao guan suo) Juvenile social-imperialism
Reformatory 社 会 发 展 史 (she hui fa zhan shi)
少年先锋队 (shao nian xian feng dui) history of social development
Young Pioneers 社会法西斯主义 (she hui fa xi si zhu yi)
少先队大队长 (shao xian dui da dui zhang) social-fascism
Young Pioneers’ detachment leader 社 会 风 气 (she hui feng qi) social
少 先 队 队 部 (shao xian dui dui bu) convention
Young Pioneers’ headquarters 社 会 改 革 (she hui gai ge) social
少先队辅导员 (shao xian dui fu dao yuan) transformation
Young Pioneers’ counselor 社会改良主义 (she hui gai liang zhu yi)
少先队小队长 (shao xian dui xiao dui social reformism
zhang) Young Pioneers’ team leader 社 会 革 命 论 (she hui ge ming lun)
少先队员 (shao xian dui yuan) Young theory of social revolution
Pioneer 社 会 工 作 者 (she hui gong zuo zhe)
少先队中队长 (shao xian dui zhong dui social worker
zhang) Young Pioneers ’ brigade 社 会 关 系 (she hui guan xi) social
leader connection
少 壮 派 (shao zhuang pai) younger 社 会 管 理 (she hui guan li) social
stalwart faction in a political party or administration
other organization 社 会 规 律 (she hui gui l ü ) law of
哨所 (shao suo) outpost; sentry-box social development
舍己为人 (she ji wei ren) sacrifice 社会和法制委员会 (she hui he fa zhi wei
oneself for others yuan hui) Committee for Social and
舍身成仁 (she shen cheng ren) die for Legal Affairs
the sake of the cause 社会化服务体系 (she hui hua fu wu ti xi)

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socialized service system organization
社会环境 (she hui huan jing) social 社 会 贤 达 (she hui xian da) public
environment personage
社 会 活 动 家 (she hui huo dong jia) 社会新兴力量 (she hui xin xing li liang)
social activist new and rising force in society
社 会 集 团 (she hui ji tuan) social 社会形态 (she hui xing tai) social
group formation
社会阶层 (she hui jie ceng) strata of 社 会 性 (she hui xing) social
society; social strata character
社会经济形态 (she hui jing ji xing tai) 社会学说 (she hui xue shuo) social
social-economic formation; theory
socio-economic formation 社 会 舆 论 (she hui yu lun) public
社会经济制度 (she hui jing ji zhi du) opinion
socio-economic system 社会渣滓 (she hui zha zi) dregs of
社会劳动生产力 (she hui lao dong sheng society
chan li) socially productive labor 社会政策 (she hui zheng ce) social
force policies
社 会 历 史 观 (she hui li shi guan) 社会政治制度 (she hui zheng zhi zhi du)
social-historical outlook social and political system
社会历史过程 (she hui li shi guo cheng) 社 会 支 柱 (she hui zhi zhu) social
socio-historical process prop; pillar of society
社 会 联 系 (she hui lian xi) social 社 会 制 度 (she hui zhi du) social
connection system
社 会 民 主 党 (she hui min zhu dang) 社会制度不同的国家 (she hui zhi du bu
social democratic party tong de guo jia) countries of
社会民主党人 (she hui min zhu dang ren) different social systems
social democrat 社会治安情况 (she hui zhi an qing kuang)
社会民主主义 (she hui min zhu zhu yi) public security situation
social democracy 社 会 秩 序 (she hui zhi xu) public
社 会 名 流 (she hui ming liu) noted order
public figure 社会主义 (she hui zhu yi) socialism
社会沙文主义 (she hui sha wen zhu yi) 社会主义初级阶段论 (she hui zhu yi chu
social-chauvinism ji jie duan lun) theory of primary
社 会 生 产 力 (she hui sheng chan li) stage of socialism
social productive forces 社会主义大家庭 (she hui zhu yi da jia
社会生活 (she hui sheng huo) social ting) socialist community
life 社会主义大院 (she hui zhu yi da yuan)
社 会 事 务 (she hui shi wu) social socialist compound
affairs 社会主义道路 (she hui zhu yi dao lu)
社 会 事 业 (she hui shi ye) social socialist road
undertakings 社会主义法制 (she hui zhu yi fa zhi)
社 会 思 潮 (she hui si chao) social socialist legal system
ideological trend 社会主义方向 (she hui zhu yi fang xiang)
社 会 团 体 (she hui tuan ti) public socialist orientation

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社会主义改造 (she hui zhu yi gai zao) 社会主义农业的公有制 (she hui zhu yi
socialist reform nong ye de gong you zhi) public
社会主义革命 (she hui zhu yi ge ming) ownership of socialist agriculture
socialist revolution 社 会 主 义 企 业 (she hui zhu yi qi ye)
社会主义革命竞赛 (she hui zhu yi ge ming socialist enterprise
jing sai) socialist revolutionary 社会主义企业家 (she hui zhu yi qi ye jia)
emulation drive socialist enterpriser
社会主义工人党 (she hui zhu yi gong ren 社会主义全民所有制 (she hui zhu yi quan
dang) socialist workers’ party min suo you zhi) socialist ownership
社会主义工业化 (she hui zhu yi gong ye by the whole people
hua) socialist industrialization 社会主义人道主义 (she hui zhu yi ren dao
社会主义公民 (she hui zhu yi gong min) zhu yi) socialist humanitarianism
socialist citizen 社会主义商品经济 (she hui zhu yi shang
社会主义公有制 (she hui zhu yi gong you pin jing ji) socialist commodity
zhi) socialist public ownership economy
社会主义国家 (she hui zhu yi guo jia) 社会主义生产力 (she hui zhu yi sheng
socialist country chan li) socialist productive forces
社会主义国有化 (she hui zhu yi guo you 社会主义市场经济 (she hui zhu yi shi
hua) socialist nationalization chang jing ji) socialist market
社会主义集体所有制 (she hui zhu yi ji ti economy
suo you zhi) socialist collective 社会主义思想 (she hui zhu yi si xiang)
ownership socialist ideology
社会主义价值观 (she hui zhu yi jia zhi 社会主义所有制 (she hui zhu yi suo you
guan) socialist value outlook zhi) socialist system of ownership
社会主义建设总路线 (she hui zhu yi jian 社会主义文明 (she hui zhu yi wen ming)
she zong lu xian) general line of socialist ethics
socialist construction 社会主义物质文明 (she hui zhu yi wu zhi
社会主义教育运动 (she hui zhu yi jiao yu wen ming) socialist material
yun dong) Socialist Education civilization
Movement 社会主义现代化 (she hui zhu yi xian dai
社会主义经济成分 (she hui zhu yi jing ji hua) socialist modernization
cheng fen) socialist sector of 社会主义现实主义 (she hui zhu yi xian
economy shi zhu yi) socialist realism
社会主义经济体制 (she hui zhu yi jing ji 社会主义现实主义艺术 (she hui zhu yi
ti zhi) socialist economic structure xian shi zhu yi yi shu) socialist
社会主义精神文明 (she hui zhu yi jing realist art
shen wen ming) socialist spiritual 社会主义新人 (she hui zhu yi xin ren)
civilization new socialist man
社会主义觉悟 (she hui zhu yi jue wu) 社会主义新生事物 (she hui zhu yi xin
socialist consciousness sheng shi wu) newly emerging
社会主义萌芽 (she hui zhu yi meng ya) socialist things
rudiments of socialism 社会主义学说 (she hui zhu yi xue shuo)
社会主义民主 (she hui zhu yi min zhu) socialist theory
socialist democracy 社会主义学院 (she hui zhu yi xue yuan)

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socialist institute bid for Olympic Games
社会主义运动 (she hui zhu yi yun dong) 申请人 (shen qing ren) applicant
socialist movement 申请书 (shen qing shu) application
社 会 主 义 者 (she hui zhu yi zhe) 伸手派 (shen shou pai) those who hold
socialist out their hands (for favors)
社会主义阵营 (she hui zhu yi zhen ying) 身 体 力 行 (shen ti li xing) set an
socialist camp example by personally taking part
社会主义政权 (she hui zhu yi zheng quan) 身体、信仰、言论、出版、集会、结社自由
socialist regime (shen ti、 xin yang、 yan lun、 chu ban、
社 会 总 产 品 (she hui zong chan pin) ji hui、 jie she zi you) freedoms of
aggregate social products the person, belief, speech, the press,
社 会 总 产 值 (she hui zong chan zhi) assembly and association
total social output value 深表遗憾 (shen biao yi han) express
社 会 总 供 给 (she hui zong gong ji) deep regret
total social supply 深 层 文 化 (shen ceng wen hua) deep
社 会 总 需 求 (she hui zong xu qiu) culture
total social demand 深得民心 (shen de min xin) enjoy the
社 会 组 织 (she hui zu zhi) social ardent support of the people
organization 深 度 与 广 度 (shen du yu guang du)
社 交 性 访 问 (she jiao xing fang wen) depth and breadth; scope and profundity
social visit 深 耕 细 作 (shen geng xi zuo) deep
社 教 运 动 (she jiao yun dong) ploughing, careful cultivation
socia-list education movement 深 厚 的 友 谊 (shen hou de you yi)
社科院 (she ke yuan) (an abbreviation profound friendship
for) academy of social sciences 深化改革 (shen hua gai ge) deepen the
(particularly the Academy of Social reform
Sciences of the PRC) 深刻的历史根源和社会根源 (shen ke de li
社员大会 (she yuan da hui) general shi gen yuan he she hui gen yuan) deep
meeting of people’s commune members historical and social root
社员代表大会 (she yuan dai biao da hui) 深切哀悼 (shen qie ai dao) profound
representative conference of the condolence
members of a people’s commune 深入工农兵群众 (shen ru gong nong bing
射 冷 箭 (she leng jian) obliquely qun zhong) go into the very midst of
attack; stab sb. in the back the workers, peasants and soldiers; go
涉毒 (she du) drug-related deep among the workers, peasants and
涉 黑 (she hei) deal with mafia soldiers
organizations 深入基层 (shen ru ji ceng) go to the
涉 外 公 证 书 (she wai gong zheng shu) units at the grass-root level
instrument of notary public to be used 深 入 人 心 (shen ru ren xin) win
in foreign jurisdiction support among the people
赦 免 (she mian) remit; pardon; 深入实际斗争 (shen ru shi ji dou zheng)
absolve go into the thick of practical
摄政 (she zheng) act as regent struggles
申奥 (shen ao) (an abbreviation for) 深挖洞、广积粮、不称霸 (shen wa dong、

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guang ji liang、 bu cheng ba) dig neng shou, lao dong de mo fan) be
tunnels deep, store grain everywhere, skilled in production and a model in
and never seek hegemony labor
深恶痛绝 (shen wu tong jue) cherish 生产的社会性和生产资料私人占有的固有
an undying hatred 矛盾 (sheng chan de she hui xing he sheng
深 远 意 义 (shen yuan yi yi) chan zi liao si ren zhan you de gu you
far-reaching significance mao dun) inherent contradiction
什么阶级说什么话 (shen me jie ji shuo between social production and private
shen me hua) people always speak ownership
according to their classes 生 产 斗 争 (sheng chan dou zheng)
神经战 (shen jing zhan) nerve war; struggle for production
war of nerves 生 产 队 (sheng chan dui) production
神秘主义 (shen mi zhu yi) mysticism team
神圣不可侵犯 (shen sheng bu ke qin fan) 生产管理委员会 (sheng chan guan li wei
be sacred and inviolable yuan hui) production administrative
审 查 (shen cha) examination; committee
reviewing 生产建设兵团 (sheng chan jian she bing
审干 (shen gan) examine the political tuan) production-construction corps
background and the conducts of cadres 生 产 竞 赛 (sheng chan jing sai)
审计机关 (shen ji ji guan) auditing production drive; production emulation
organ 生 产 力 (sheng chan li) productive
审计局 (shen ji ju) auditing bureau forces
审 计 署 (shen ji shu) auditing 生 产 突 击 队 (sheng chan tu ji dui)
administration frontline production brigade; shock
审计长 (shen ji zhang) chief auditor force in production
审批 (shen pi) approval 生产无政府状态 (sheng chan wu zheng fu
审时度势 (shen shi duo shi) judge the zhuang tai) anarchy of production
hour and size up the situation 生 产 运 动 (sheng chan yun dong)
审 议 委 员 会 (shen yi wei yuan hui) production drive; campaign for
review committee production
渗透、颠覆和分裂活动 (shen tou、 dian fu 生 产 责 任 制 (sheng chan ze ren zhi)
he fen lie huo dong) infiltrative, system of production responsibility
subversive and splittist activities 生产专业化 (sheng chan zhuan ye hua)
升官发财、酒色逸乐 (sheng guan fa cai、 specialization in production
jiu se yi le) fame and fortune, wine 生产资料 (sheng chan zi liao) means
and women of production
升 旗 典 礼 (sheng qi dian li) flag 生产资料管理 (sheng chan zi liao guan li)
raising ceremony; ceremony of hoisting management of means of production
the flag 生产资料全民所有制 (sheng chan zi liao
生搬硬套 (sheng ban ying tao) apply quan min suo you zhi) ownership of
mechanically the means of production by the whole
生 产 大 队 (sheng chan da dui) people
production brigade 生产资料私人占有制 (sheng chan zi liao
生产的能手,劳动的模范 (sheng chan de si ren zhan you zhi) private ownership

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of the means of production 声讨会 (sheng tao hui) denunciation
生产资料所有制的社会主义改造 (sheng meeting
chan zi liao suo you zhi de she hui zhu 声讨书 (sheng tao shu) denunciation
yi gai zao) socialist transformation paper
of the ownership of the means of 省 党 代 会 (sheng dang dai hui)
production provincial Party congress
生 产 自 给 (sheng chan zi ji) 省党代会代表 (sheng dang dai hui dai
self-sufficiency through production; biao) delegate of a provincial Party
production for self-support congress
生存权是最根本的人权 (sheng cun quan 省地质局 (sheng di zhi ju) provincial
shi zui gen ben de ren quan) the geological department
right to subsistence is the most 省 高 教 局 (sheng gao jiao ju)
fundamental human right provincial higher education department
生得伟大,死得光荣 (sheng de wei da, si 省工商行政管理局 (sheng gong shang xing
de guang rong) A great life! A zheng guan li ju) Provincial
glorious death! Administration of Industry and Commerce
生动、鲜明、尖锐 (sheng dong、 xian ming、 省 级 行 政 区 (sheng ji xing zheng qu)
jian rui) vivid, clear-cut and provincial-level
sharp administrative divisions
生根,开花,结果 (sheng gen, kai hua, jie 省界 (sheng jie) provincial boundary
guo) take root, blossom and bear 省 军 区 (sheng jun qu) provincial
fruit military area
生荒地 (sheng huang di) virgin soil; 省 老 干 部 局 (sheng lao gan bu ju)
virgin land provincial welfare bureau of veteran
生 活 特 殊 化 (sheng huo te shu hua) cadres
live at a far higher standard than 省人大常委会 (sheng ren da chang wei hui)
ordinary people standing committee of a provincial
生活作风 (sheng huo zuo feng) life people’s congress
style; behavior 省 人 大 代 表 (sheng ren da dai biao)
生 活作 风方面 的一 般性错 误 (sheng huo delegate to a provincial people ’ s
zuo feng fang mian de yi ban xing cuo wu) congress
run-of-the-mill mistake in day-to-day 省人民代表大会 (sheng ren min dai biao
life da hui) provincial people ’ s
生力军 (sheng li jun) vigorous new congress
force 省 人 民 政 府 (sheng ren min zheng fu)
生命财产损失 (sheng ming cai chan sun provincial people’s government
shi) loss in lives and property 省人民政府办公室 (sheng ren min zheng
生息力量 (sheng xi li liang) build up fu ban gong shi) office of
strength provincial people’s government
生效 (sheng xiao) become effective 省 人 事 局 (sheng ren shi ju)
声东击西 (sheng dong ji xi) make a provincial personnel bureau
feint to the east but attack in the west 省、市、自治区 (sheng、 shi、 zi zhi qu)
声势浩大,波澜壮阔 (sheng shi hao da, bo provinces, municipalities, and
lan zhuang kuo) gigantic and vigorous autonomous regions

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省 团 代 会 (sheng tuan dai hui) defeatist
provincial Communist Youth League 失 策 (shi ce) misjudgement;
congress miscalculation; inexpediency
省 委 (sheng wei) provincial Party 失道寡助 (shi dao gua zhu) an unjust
committee cause finds meagre support; being unjust,
省 委 办 公 室 (sheng wei ban gong shi) it lacks popular support
office of a provincial Party committee 失掉民心 (shi diao min xin) unpopular;
省委常委 (sheng wei chang wei) member lose popular support
of the standing committee of a 失去警觉,麻痹大意 (shi qu jing jue, ma
provincial Party committee bi da yi) relax one’s vigilance and
省 委 党 校 (sheng wei dang xiao) lower one’s guard
provincial Party school 失误 (shi wu) fault; muff
省 委 秘 书 长 (sheng wei mi shu zhang) 失陷 (shi xian) fall i.e. in a battle
secretary-general of a provincial 失业保险制度 (shi ye bao xian zhi du)
Party committee unemployment insurance system
省委书记 (sheng wei shu ji) secretary 施行细则 (shi xing xi ze) rule for the
of provincial Party committee; implementation
provincial Party committee secretary 施政 (shi zheng) administration
省委委员 (sheng wei wei yuan) member 施 政 报 告 (shi zheng bao gao)
of a provincial Party committee administrative report
省 长 (sheng zhang) governor of a 施 政 方 针 (shi zheng fang zhen)
province administrative policies
圣旨 (sheng zhi) imperial edict 施 政 纲 领 (shi zheng gang ling)
胜败乃兵家常事 (sheng bai nai bing jia administrative programme
chang shi) defeats or victories are 十次路线斗争 (shi ci lu xian dou zheng)
ordinary things to a general ten “two-line” struggles
胜不骄,败不馁 (sheng bu jiao, bai bu nei) 十大 (shi da) (an abbreviation for)
not to be dizzy with success, nor be the Tenth National Congress of the
discouraged by failure Chinese Communist Party
胜利冲昏头脑 (sheng li chong hun tou nao) 十大关系 (shi da guan xi) ten major
get dizzy with success; be carried away relationships (i.e. 1. heavy industry
by success on one hand and light industry and
胜利在望 (sheng li zai wang) victory agriculture on the other; 2. coastal
is in sight industry and inland industry; 3.
盛 大 招 待 会 (sheng da zhao dai hui) economic construction and national
grand reception defense construction; 4. the state,
盛情接待 (sheng qing jie dai) receive production units and individual
with cordial hospitality producers; 5. central and local
盛宴 (sheng yan) elaborate banquet authorities; 6. the Han Chinese people
失败是成功之母 (shi bai shi cheng gong and ethnic minorities; 7. Party and
zhi mu) failure is the mother of non-Party people; 8. revolution and
success counter-revolution; 9. right and
失败主义 (shi bai zhu yi) defeatism wrong; and 10. China and foreign
失 败 主 义 者 (shi bai zhu yi zhe) countries)

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十 大 元 帅 (shi da yuan shuai) ten will more than guarantee its fulfillment
marshals (i.e. Zhu De, Peng Dehuai, 十六大 (shi liu da) (an abbreviation
Liu Bocheng, He Long, Chen Yi, Luo for) the Sixteenth National Congress of
Ronghuan, Xu Xiangqian, Nie Rongzhen, the Chinese Communist Party
Ye Jianying, and Lin Biao) 十 六 条 (shi liu tiao) 16-Point
十二大 (shi er da) (an abbreviation Decision (i.e. the PCC Decision on the
for) the Twelfth National Congress of Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution)
the Chinese Communist Party 十 年 动 乱 (shi nian dong luan)
十二大关系 (shi er da guan xi) twelve ten-years turmoil
major relationships (i.e. 1. the 十年浩劫 (shi nian hao jie) ten-years
relationship between reform, calamity
development, and stability; 2. the 十年内乱 (shi nian nei luan) ten-year
relationship between speech and internal chaos
efficiency; 3. the relationship 十三大 (shi san da) (an abbreviation
between economic construction on one for) the Thirteenth National Congress of
hand and population, resources, and the Chinese Communist Party
the environment on the other; 4. the 十四大 (shi si da) (an abbreviation
relationship between primary, for) the Fourteenth National Congress of
secondary and tertiary industries; 5. the Chinese Communist Party
the relationship between the eastern 十四个沿海开放城市 (shi si ge yan hai
and western regions; 6. the kai fang cheng shi) 14 open cities in
relationship between market the coastal regions
mechanisms and macro-control; 7. the 十五大 (shi wu da) (an abbreviation
relationship between the public for) the Fifteenth National Congress of
economic sector and other economic the Chinese Communist Party
sectors; 8. the relationship between 十五年赶超英国 (shi wu nian gan chao
the state, enterprises, and ying guo) catch up with and surpass
individuals in income distribution; 9. Britain within 15 years; a slogan in
the relationship between opening up Great Leap Forward Movement
wide 十一大 (shi yi da) (an abbreviation
r to the outside world and adhering to for) the Eleventh National Congress of
self-reliance; 10. the relationship the Chinese Communist Party
betw 十一届三中全会 (shi yi jie san zhong
een central authorities and local quan hui) the Third Plenary Session
authorities; 11. the relationship of the Eleventh Central Committee of
between natio the Party
nal defense building and economic 十月革命一声炮响 (shi yue ge ming yi
development; and 12. the relationship sheng pao xiang) salvoes of the
between October Revolution
the promotion of material progress and 石 油 工 业 部 (shi you gong ye bu)
ideological and cultural progress) Ministry of Petroleum Industry
十分指标,十二分措施 (shi fen zhi biao, 石油化工工会 (shi you hua gong gong hui)
shi er fen cuo shi) set a forward- trade union of petroleum and chemical
looking target and take measures that industry

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时代的烙印 (shi dai de lao yin) brand practicalness
of the times 实 践 哲 学 (shi jian zhe xue)
时代的最强音 (shi dai de zui qiang yin) philosophy of praxis
most powerful music of the times 实力地位政策 (shi li di wei zheng ce)
时 代 关 节 (shi dai guan jie) position-of-strength policy
turning-point of the era 实 力 派 (shi li pai) those who
时代精神汇合论 (shi dai jing shen hui he actually have strength and hold power
lun) theory of merging the spirit of 实力政策 (shi li zheng ce) policy of
the times strength
时间就是金钱 (shi jian jiu shi jin qian) 实权 (shi quan) real power
time is money 实施办法 (shi shi ban fa) method of
时评家 (shi ping jia) commentator on implementation
current affairs 实事求是 (shi shi qiu shi) seek truth
时政 (shi zheng) current politics from facts
识 别 干 部 (shi bie gan bu) judge 实事求是、与人为善的批评 (shi shi qiu
cadres shi 、 yu ren wei shan de pi ping)
识大体,顾大局 (shi da ti, gu da ju) criticism
keep the whole situation in mind based on facts and aimed at helping those
识时务者为俊杰 (shi shi wu zhe wei jun criticized
jie) whoever understands the signs 实 体 经 济 (shi ti jing ji) real
of the times is a great man economy
识 字 班 运 动 (shi zi ban yun dong) 实现公有制的多种形式 (shi xian gong you
literacy class drive zhi de duo zhong xing shi) diversified
实弹演习 (shi dan yan xi) practice forms for materializing public
with live mmunition ownership
实地考察 (shi di kao cha) first-hand 实现小康目标 (shi xian xiao kang mu biao)
investigation of conditions achieve the goal of ensuring the people
实干家 (shi gan jia) man of action a relative comfortable life
实干精神 (shi gan jing shen) spirit 实行党政分工 (shi xing dang zheng fen
of doing solid work gong) divide the labor between the
实惠 (shi hui) substantial benefit Party and government organizations
实 践 出 真 知 (shi jian chu zhen zhi) 实行计划生育,控制人口数量,提高人口素
genuine knowledge comes from practice 质 (shi xing ji hua sheng yu, kong zhi
实践的唯物主义 (shi jian de wei wu zhu ren kou shu liang, ti gao ren kuo su zhi)
yi) practical materialism promotion of family planning to control
实践、认识、再实践、再认识 (shi jian、 the population size, and improve the
ren shi、 zai shi jian、 zai ren shi) health of the people
practice, knowledge, again practice, 实 用 主 义 (shi yong zhu yi)
and again knowledge pragmaticism
实践是检验真理的唯一标准 (shi jian shi 实 用 主 义 者 (shi yong zhu yi zhe)
jian yan zhen li de wei yi biao zhun) pragmatist
practice is the sole criterion for 实有战斗兵力 (shi you zhan dou bing li)
testing truth effective forces
实践性 (shi jian xing) practicality; 实在论 (shi zai lun) realism

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实在论者 (shi zai lun zhe) realist 世界大同 (shi jie da tong) world of
实证论 (shi zheng lun) positivism great harmony
实 证 主 义 者 (shi zheng zhu yi zhe) 世界革命风暴 (shi jie ge ming feng bao)
positivist storm of world revolution
实职 (shi zhi) actual official post 世界观 (shi jie guan) world outlook
(that involves actual work and service 世界观、人生观、价值观 (shi jie guan、
from the person who holds it) ren sheng guan、 jia zhi guan) world
史 无 前 例 (shi wu qian li) without outlook, outlook on life, values
parallel in history; unprecedented 世界和平会议 (shi jie he ping hui yi)
使个人利益、局部利益服从集体利益、长远 world peace conference
利益 (shi ge ren li yi、 ju bu li 世界和平组织 (shi jie he ping zu zhi)
yi fu cong ji ti li yi、 chang yuan li world o
yi) subordinate one’s immediate rganization for peace
individual interests to the long-term 世界列强 (shi jie lie qiang) world
collective interests powers
使馆负责人 (shi guan fu ze ren) head 世界贸易组织 (shi jie mao yi zu zhi)
of diplomatic representatives World Trade Organization (WTO)
使馆雇员 (shi guan gu yuan) embassy 世界卫生组织 (shi jie wei sheng zu zhi)
employees World Health Organization (WHO)
使馆官员 (shi guan guan yuan) embassy 世界知识产权组织 (shi jie zhi shi chan
officials quan zu zhi) World Intellectual
使馆人员 (shi guan ren yuan) embassy Property Organization (WIPO)
staff 世 界 主 义 (shi jie zhu yi)
使节团 (shi jie tuan) mission cosmopolitanism
使两国外交关系正常化 (shi liang guo wai 世 界 组 织 (shi jie zu zhi) world
jiao guan xi zheng chang hua) organization
normalization of the diplomatic 世贸组织 (shi mao zu zhi) see
relations between the two countries “世界贸易组织”
使用武力 (shi yong wu li) use of force 世上无难事,只怕有心人 (shi shang wu nan
使 者 的 身 份 (shi zhe de shen fen) shi, zhi pa you xin ren) nothing in
envoyship the world is difficult for one who sets
始 终 不 渝 (shi zhong bu yu) his mind to it
unswer-vingly; consistent 世 俗 团 体 (shi su tuan ti) secular
氏 族 社 会 (shi zu she hui) clan organization
society 世袭制 (shi xi zhi) hereditary system
示范和鼓舞的作用 (shi fan he gu wu de 市场饱和 (shi chang bao he) market
zuo yong) exemplary role and be an saturation
inspiration to 市场波动 (shi chang bo dong) market
示 众 (shi zhong) be exposed for fluctuation
everybody to see 市场繁荣,物价稳定 (shi chang fan rong,
世界霸权 (shi jie ba quan) domination wu jia wen ding) the market is brisk
of the world; world domination and commodity prices are stable
世界裁军会议 (shi jie cai jun hui yi) 市场供求关系 (shi chang gong qiu guan xi)
world disarmament conference relation between market supply and

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demand committee
市场供应充足 (shi chang gong ying chong 市委书记 (shi wei shu ji) secretary
zu) ample supply of commodities on of municipal Party committee; municipal
the market Party committee secretary
市场化 (shi chang hua) marketization 市长 (shi zhang) mayor
市场经济 (shi chang jing ji) market 市长选举 (shi zhang xuan ju) mayoral
economy election
市 场 调 节 (shi chang tiao jie) 市 政 工 程 (shi zheng gong cheng)
regulated by the market municipal works; municipal engineering
市场准入 (shi chang zhun ru) market 市政官员 (shi zheng guan yuan) city
access official
市党代会 (shi dang dai hui) municipal 事半功倍 (shi ban gong bei) by doing
Party congress half the work, one will get double the
市党代会代表 (shi dang dai hui dai biao) result
delegate of a municipal Party congress 事倍功半 (shi bei gong ban) get half
市 侩 哲 学 (shi kuai zhe xue) the results with double the effort
philistine philosophy 事不关己,高高挂起 (shi bu guan ji, gao
市 侩 主 义 (shi kuai zhu yi) gao gua qi) let things alone if they
philistinism do not affect one personally selfishness
市人大常委会 (shi ren da chang wei hui) 事实胜于雄辩 (shi shi sheng yu xiong
standing committee of a municipal bian) facts speak
people’s congress louder than words; facts are more
市 人 大 代 表 (shi ren da dai biao) eloquent than words
delegate to a municipal people ’ s 事 态 (shi tai) situation; state of
congress affairs
市人民代表大会 (shi ren min dai biao da 事物都是一分为二的 (shi wu dou shi yi
hui) city people’s congress fen wei er de) everything tends to
市 人 民 政 府 (shi ren min zheng fu) divide into two; everything has its pros
city people’s government and cons
市人民政府办公室 (shi ren min zheng fu 事务主义 (shi wu zhu yi) routinism
ban gong shi) office of a municipal 事务主义者 (shi wu zhu yi zhe) person
people’s government bogged down in routine matters
市团代会 (shi tuan dai hui) municipal 事先请示,事后报告 (shi xian qing shi,
Communist Youth League shi hou bao gao) instructions
congress should be procured beforehand and a
市 委 (shi wei) municipal Party report made afterwards
committee 势力范围 (shi li fan wei) sphere of
市 委 办 公 室 (shi wei ban gong shi) influence
office of a municipal Party committee 势力均衡 (shi li jun heng) balance of
市委常委 (shi wei chang wei) member power; equilibrium
of the standing committee of a municipal 势如破竹,所向披靡 (shi ru po zhu, suo
Party committee xiang pi mi) brave dauntlessly all
市 委 秘 书 长 (shi wei mi shu zhang) difficulties and be ever victorious
secretary-general of a municipal Party 试点工程 (shi dian gong cheng) pilot

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project and acquisition
试 点 工 作 (shi dian gong zuo) 收 、 管 、 吃 (shou 、 guan 、 chi)
experiment in selected places harvesting, storage and consumption of
试 探 性 谈 判 (shi tan xing tan pan) crops
exploratory talk 收 归 国 有 (shou gui guo you)
试 行 草 案 (shi xing cao an) nationalization
preliminary draft 收归集体所有 (shou gui ji ti suo you)
试 验 性 政 策 (shi yan xing zheng ce) turn it over to the collective
tentative policy 收回香港主权 (shou hui xiang gang zhu
视察 (shi cha) inspection quan) recover Chinese sovereignty
视而不见,听而不闻 (shi er bu jian, ting over Hong Kong
er bu wen) look but see nothing, 收买政策 (shou mai zheng ce) policy
listen but hear nothing; turn a blind of buying over
eye or deaf ear to sth. 收 拾 时 局 (shou shi shi ju) take
视死如归 (shi si ru gui) meet one’s control of the situation
death like a hero; face death with 手工业和资本主义工商业的社会主义改造
equanimity (shou gong ye he zi ben zhu yi gong shang
视作洪水猛兽 (shi zuo hong shui meng ye de she hui zhu yi gai zao) socialist
shou) seem as dangerous as flood and transformation of handicrafts and
wild beasts capitalist industry and commerce
“ 是 古 非 今 ” ( “ shi gu fei jin ” ) 手工业生产合作社 (shou gong ye sheng
“ denounce the present and praise chan he zuo she) handicraft
antiquity” producers’ cooperative
是则是,非则非 (shi ze shi, fei ze fei) 守旧派 (shou jiu pai) old liners
what is right is right, what is wrong 守约 (shou yue) honor the agreement
is wrong 首 创 精 神 (shou chuang jing shen)
适 当 措 施 (shi dang cuo shi) pioneering spirit
appropriate measures 首恶必办,胁从不问,坦白从宽,抗拒从严,
适当时候 (shi dang shi hou) opportune 立功折罪,立大功受奖 (shou e bi ban,
moment xie cong bu wen, tan bai cong kuan,
适度从紧的财政政策 (shi du cong jin de kang ju cong yan, li gong zhe zui, li da
cai zheng zheng ce) moderately tight gong shou jiang) punishment of the
the fiscal policy ringleaders, but no action to be taken
适销对路的产品 (shi xiao dui lu de chan against those who only take part in
pin) readily marketable products counter-revolutionary activities under
适者生存 (shi zhe sheng cun) survival compulsion; leniency towards those who
of the fittest acknowledge their crimes but severe
誓死保卫革命 (shi si bao wei ge ming) punishment of those who stubbornly
brave death in defending the revolution refuse to do so; recognition of good
收兵休整 (shou bing xiu zheng) retire deeds as atonement for crimes, and
to rest and consolidate awards to those who have exceptionally
收购价格 (shou gou jia ge) purchasing meritorious actions to their credit
price 首脑会议 (shou nao hui yi) meeting of
收购兼并 (shou gou jian bing) merger heads of government; summit meeting

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首任驻中国大使 (shou ren zhu zhong guo oneself to extinction
da shi) first ambassador accredited 述职 (shu zhi) report on one’s work
to China 树立标兵 (shu li biao bing) foster
首相 (shou xiang) prime minister pace-setters
首要战犯 (shou yao zhan fan) chief 树立企业良好形象 (shu li qi ye liang hao
war criminal xing xiang) foster a desirable
首长负责,亲自动手 (shou zhang fu ze, company image
qin zi dong shou) the leading 树雄心,立大志 (shu xiong xin, li da zhi)
cadres must necessarily assume aim high and have lofty ambitions
responsibility and take an active part 庶民 (shu min) common people
受 保 护 国 家 (shou bao hu guo jia) 刷新生产纪录 (shua xin sheng chan ji lu)
protected state set new production record
受贿者 (shou hui zhe) bribee 耍两面派手法 (shua liang mian pai shou
受 苦 受 难 (shou ku shou nan) fa) resort to two-faced tactics
downtrodden; in a difficult and bitter 耍威风 (shua wei feng) make a show of
plight authority
受权 (shou quan) be authorized 摔跟头 (shuai gen tou) come a cropper;
受 援 国 (shou yuan guo) recipient make a blunder
country 双 百 方 针 (shuang bai fang zhen)
受 灾 地 区 (shou zai di qu) double-hundred policy (i.e. let an
disaster-affected area hundred flowers bloom and a hundred
受灾群众 (shou zai qun zhong) people schools of thought contend)
afflicted by a natural disaster 双包 (shuang bao) double contract
授权 (shou quan) empower; authorize 双 边 合 作 (shuang bian he zuo)
授予全权 (shou yu quan quan) invest bilateral cooperation
sb. with full power 双 边 会 谈 (shuang bian hui tan)
书记 (shu ji) secretary bilateral talk
书记处 (shu ji chu) secretariat 双 边 会 议 (shuang bian hui yi)
书面材料 (shu mian cai liao) written bilateral meeting
material 双 边 贸 易 (shuang bian mao yi)
书面申请 (shu mian shen qing) written bilateral trade
application 双 重 标 准 (shuang chong biao zhun)
殊死搏斗 (shu si bo dou) conduct the double standard
most courageous fight against 双重管理 (shuang chong guan li) dual
赎 买 政 策 (shu mai zheng ce) control
redemption policy 双重国籍 (shuang chong guo ji) dual
束 缚 生 产 力 (shu fu sheng chan li) nationality
fetter the productive forces 双重领导 (shuang chong ling dao) dual
束缚手脚 (shu fu shou jiao) tie the leadership
hands of; manacle; shackle 双重压迫 (shuang chong ya po) twofold
束紧腰带 (shu jin yao dai) tighten oppression
one’s belt 双方 (shuang fang) the two sides
束手待毙 (shu shou dai bi) fold one’ 双 规 (shuang gui) two prescribeds
s hands and wait for death; resign (for officials, especially leading

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cadres within the Party, who are 顺藤摸瓜 (shun teng mo gua) follow
suspected to have problems of the vine to get the melon; track down sth.
corruption, to confess at a prescribed by following clues
place and time) 顺之者存,逆之者灭 (shun zhi zhe cun, ni
双 轨 制 (shuang gui zhi) two-track zhi zhe mie) those who are obedient
system survive and those who resist perish
双 文 明 (shuang wen ming) material 说大话 (shuo da hua) brag
civilization and spiritual 说风凉话 (shuo feng liang hua) make
civilization irresponsible and carping comments from
双先 (shuang xian) double advanced the side lines
双 向 选 择 (shuang xiang xuan ze) 说服教育 (shuo fu jiao yu) persuasion
two-way selection and education
双 赢 局 面 (shuang ying ju mian) 说教 (shuo jiao) sermons
win-win situation 说空话 (shuo kong hua) use fine words;
双 拥 运 动 (shuang yong yun dong) use empty words
double support movement 司法部 (si fa bu) Ministry of Justice
谁笑到最后,谁就笑得最好 (shui xiao dao 司 法 部 门 (si fa bu men) judicial
zui hou, shui jiu xiao de zui hao) department; judiciary
one who laughs last, laughs best 司 法 机 关 (si fa ji guan) judicial
水货 (shui huo) smuggled goods organ
水利部 (shui li bu) Ministry of Water 司法局 (si fa ju) judicial bureau
Resources 司法权 (si fa quan) judicial power
水 利 电 力 部 (shui li dian li bu) 司 法 厅 (si fa ting) judicial
Minisry of Water Resources and department
Electric Power 司法主权 (si fa zhu quan) sovereign
水利电力工会 (shui li dian li gong hui) jurisdiction
trade union of water resources and 司长 (si zhang) head of a department
electric power under a ministry
水利局 (shui li ju) water resources 私人访问 (si ren fang wen) private
bureau visit
水利厅 (shui li ting) water resources 私人外交 (si ren wai jiao) personal
department diplomacy
水深火热 (shui shen huo re) keep in 私下会晤 (si xia hui wu) meeting in
suffering; in deep waters; abyss of private
suffering 私心 (si xin) selfish motive
水 土 流 失 (shui tu liu shi) soil 私 心 杂 念 (si xin za nian) selfish
erosion ideas and personal considerations
税收 (shui shou) tax revenue 私有的生产资料 (si you de sheng chan zi
税务局 (shui wu ju) tax bureau liao) privately owned means of
顺风转舵 (shun feng zhuan duo) tack production
with the wind; take one ’ s cue from 私有化 (si you hua) privatization
changing conditions 私有制度 (si you zhi du) system of
顺 民 (shun min) abjectly obedient private ownership
citizen 私 字 当 头 (si zi dang tou) make

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self-interest the first consideration ideological confusion
思 潮 (si chao) trend of thought; 思 想 基 础 (si xiang ji chu)
ideological trend theoretical basis
思 想 包 袱 (si xiang bao fu) mental 思想家 (si xiang jia) thinker
burdens 思想检查 (si xiang jian cha) check on
思想不纯 (si xiang bu chun) impurity one’s thinking
in ideology 思想见面 (si xiang jian mian) frank
思 想 动 向 (si xiang dong xiang) exchange of views; bring out one’s ideas
ideological trend for discussion
思 想 斗 争 (si xiang dou zheng) 思 想 建 设 (si xiang jian she)
ideological struggle ideological development
思想毒素 (si xiang du su) ideological 思 想 僵 化 (si xiang jiang hua)
virus ideological ossification
思想方法 (si xiang fang fa) way of 思 想 交 锋 (si xiang jiao feng)
thinking confrontation of ideas
思 想 分 歧 (si xiang fen qi) 思 想 教 育 (si xiang jiao yu)
ideological difference ideological education
思 想 腐 蚀 (si xiang fu shi) 思 想 解 放 (si xiang jie fang)
ideological corrosion ideological emancipation
思 想 改 造 (si xiang gai zao) 思想进步 (si xiang jin bu) progress
ideological reform ideologically
思 想 高 度 (si xiang gao du) 思 想 禁 区 (si xiang jin qu)
ideological plane ideological forbidden zone
思想疙瘩 (si xiang ge da) mental knot 思想、经济双丰收 (si xiang、 jing ji
思 想 革 命 化 (si xiang ge ming hua) shuang feng shou) be successful both
revolutionize one’s ideology ideologically and economically
思 想 根 源 (si xiang gen yuan) 思 想 境 界 (si xiang jing jie)
ideological root ideological level
思 想 跟 不 上 (si xiang gen bu shang) 思 想 觉 悟 (si xiang jue wu)
lag behind in one’s understanding and ideological consciousness
thinking 思想枯竭 (si xiang ku jie) atrophy in
思 想 工 作 (si xiang gong zuo) one’s thinking
ideological work 思想懒汉 (si xiang lan han) mental
思想工作会议 (si xiang gong zuo hui yi) sluggard
meeting on ideological work 思 想 烙 印 (si xiang lao yin)
思想过硬,生活过硬,技巧过硬 (si xiang ideological imprint
guo ying, sheng huo guo ying, ji qiao guo 思 想 领 导 (si xiang ling dao)
ying) stand severe tests in one ’ s ideological leadership
thinking,life and professional skills 思 想 垄 断 (si xiang long duan)
思 想 糊 涂 (si xiang hu tu) monopoly of ideology
muddle-headed; have muddled ideas 思 想 路 线 (si xiang lu xian)
思想汇报 (si xiang hui bao) report on ideological line
one’s own thinking 思想落后于实际 (si xiang luo hou yu shi
思 想 混 乱 (si xiang hun luan) ji) thinking lags behind reality

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思 想 麻 醉 剂 (si xiang ma zui ji) freely, air one’s view fully, write big
opiate to lull the vigilance of character posters, and hold great
思想认识问题 (si xiang ren shi wen ti) debate)
matter of ideology and understanding 四 大 家 族 (si da jia zu) four
思想上的绝对化 (si xiang shang de jue notorious clans (Chiang Kai-shek, T.V.
dui hua) think in terms of absolutes Soong, H.H.Kung and Chen Li-fu)
思 想 上 入 党 (si xiang shang ru dang) 四 二 一 现 象 (si er yi xian xiang)
join the Party ideologically “four-two-one” phenomenon (i.e. the
思 想 上 入 团 (si xiang shang ru tuan) one child in the family is spoiled by two
join the Communist Youth League parents and four grandparents)
ideologically 四 个 存 在 (si ge cun zai) four
思想上找差距 (si xiang shang zhao cha ju) existences (referring to the existence
find out where one lags behind of classes, class contradictions, and
ideologically class struggle; the existence of the
思 想 实 质 (si xiang shi zhi) struggle between the socialist road and
ideological essence the capitalist road; the danger of
思 想 特 点 (si xiang te dian) capitalist restoration; and the
ideological characteristics existence of the threat of subversion
思想体系 (si xiang ti xi) ideological and aggression by imperialism and modern
system revisionism)
思想问题 (si xiang wen ti) problem 四个第一 (si ge di yi) “four firsts”
troubling one’s mind (i.e. first place must be given to man,
思 想 性 (si xiang xing) ideological to political work, to ideological work,
character and to living ideas)
思 想 意 识 (si xiang yi shi) 四个念念不忘 (si ge nian nian bu wang)
ideological consciousness “four never-forgets” (referring to Lin
思想政治工作 (si xiang zheng zhi gong Biao ’ s slogan: never forget class
zuo) ideological and political work struggle, never forget the dictatorship
思 想 准 备 (si xiang zhun bei) of proletariat, never forget to give
ideologically prepared prominence to politics, and never forget
思 想 作 风 (si xiang zuo feng) to hold high the red banner of Mao Zedong
ideological style Thought)
死不改悔 (si bu gai hui) incorrigible 四 个 如 何 认 识 (si ge ru he ren shi)
unto death four “how to understands” (i.e. how
死灰复燃 (si hui fu ran) dying embers to understand the historical process
that flare up of socialist development; how to
死 教 条 (si jiao tiao) rigid understand the historical process of
doctrinairism capitalist development; how to
死 守 阵 地 (si shou zhen di) cling understand the impact of China ’ s
desperately to one’s position socialist reform over the people’s
死硬派 (si ying pai) die-hards thinking; how to understand the impact
四不清干部 (si bu qing gan bu) four of the current international
types of impure cadres environment and political struggle)
四大 (si da) four bigs (i.e. speak out 四个伟大 (si ge wei da) “four greats”

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(i.e. great leader, great teacher, organization, and ideology)
great commander, and great helmsman) 四人帮 (si ren bang) Gang of Four
四个现代化 (si ge xian dai hua) “four 四体不勤,五谷不分 (si ti bu qin, wu gu
modernizations ” (i.e. the bu fen) can neither do physical work
modernization of agriculture, nor distinguish rice from wheat
industry, national defense, and 四同一通 (si tong yi tong) eat, live,
science and technology) work and consult together with the
四固定 (si gu ding) fixed use of labor masses and carry the Party’s policies
power, land, draught animals and farm down to the grassroots levels
tools 四 五 运 动 (si wu yun dong) April 5
四害 (si hai) “four pests” (i.e. rats, Movement
sparrows, flies and mosquitoes) 四项基本原则 (si xiang ji ben yuan ze)
四好连队运动 (si hao lian dui yun dong) four cardinal principles (i.e. keep to
campaign for “ four-good ” company the socialist road, uphold the
(the “ four goods ” are good in dictatorship of the proletariat, uphold
political thoughts, good in the the leadership of the Communist Party,
“three-eight” work style, good in and uphold Marxism-Leninism and Mao
military training, and good in the Zedong Thought)
management of livelihood) 四新 (si xin) “four news” (i.e. new
四化 (si hua) see “四个现代化” ideas, new culture, new customs, and new
四旧 (si jiu) “four olds” (i.e. old habits)
ideas, old culture, old customs, and 四野 (si ye (an abbreviation for) the
old habits) Fourth Field Army of the Chinese People’
四 类 分 子 (si lei fen zi) “ four s Liberation Army
elements ” (i.e. landlords, rich 四一二反革命政变 (si yi er fan ge ming
peasants, counter-revolutionaries, zheng bian) counter revolutionary
and bad elements) coup d’etat of April 12 (in 1927)
四面楚歌 (si mian chu ge) be driven to 四有、三讲、两不怕 (si you、 san jiang、
the wall; be cornered liang bu pa) “four-haves”, “three
四面点火,八方煽风 (si mian dian huo, ba stresses”, and “two defy’s” (i.e.
fang shan feng) add fuel to the flames, to have lofty ideals, moral integrity,
incite and instigate general education, and sense of
四清复查 (si qing fu cha) check the discipline; to stress appearance and
results of the “ four clean-ups ” bearing, manners and hygiene; and to
movement defy hardships and sacrifice)
四 清 工 作 队 (si qing gong zuo dui) 四 有 新 人 (si you xin ren) new
“four clean-ups” work team generation of people with lofty ideals,
“四清四不清的矛盾” (“si qing si bu moral integrity, good education and a
qing de mao dun ” ) “ contradiction strong sense of discipline
between the ‘four cleans’ and the ‘four 伺机反攻 (si ji fan gong) wait for an
uncleans’ ” opportunity to counter-attack
四 清 运 动 (si qing yun dong) Four 伺机再起 (si ji zai qi) wait for an
Clean-Up Movement (i.e. clean things up opportunity to stage a comeback
in the fields of politics, economy, 松懈情绪 (song xie qing xu) mood of

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relaxation appeasement policy
搜刮民脂民膏 (sou gua min zhi min gao) 随波逐流 (sui bo zhu liu) go with the
fleece people stream; drift with the tide
苏 维 埃 政 权 (su wei ai zheng quan) 随从官员 (sui cong guan yuan) equerry
Soviet regime 随大流 (sui da liu) go with the tide
苏修社会帝国主义 (su xiu she hui di guo 随风倒 (sui feng dao) veer with the
zhu yi) soviet revisionist wind
social-imperialism; 随风转舵 (sui feng zhuan duo) tack
social-imperialism of the soviet with the wind
revisionists 随机应变 (sui ji ying bian) adjust to
诉诸武力 (su zhu wu li) recourse to changing circumstances; act according
force; resort to the use of force to circumstances
肃 反 (su fan) clean out 随人俯仰 (sui ren fu yang) live under
counter-revolutionaries the thumb of others; submit to others’
肃 反 扩 大 化 (su fan kuo da hua) whim and will
expansion of the rooting out campaign 随时准备歼灭入侵之敌 (sui shi zhun bei
肃反运动 (su fan yun dong) movement jian mie ru qin zhi di) be ready at
to weed out counter-revolutionaries all times to wipe out the enemy
肃反政策 (su fan zheng ce) policy in intruders
suppression of counter-revolutionary 随 员 (sui yuan) attache; follower;
肃清暗藏的反革命分子 (su qing an cang entourage
de fan ge ming fen zi) ferret out 孙 中 山 遗 嘱 (sun zhong shan yi zhu)
undercovered counter-revolutionary testament of Dr. Sun Yat-sen
肃清汉奸 (su qing han jian) clear out 损公肥私 (sun gong fei si) damage the
traitors public and fatten the private
肃 贪 (su tan) eradicate graft and 损 人 利 己 (sun ren li ji) injure
bribery others for the sake of one ’ s own
素质教育 (su zhi jiao yu) education advantage; profit at the expense of
for all-around development others
宿命论 (su ming lun) fatalism 缩减军费 (suo jian jun fei) cut back
宿命论的历史观 (su ming lun de li shi military expenditure
guan) fatalistic conception of 缩手缩脚,处于被动地位 (suo shou suo
history jiao, chu yu bei dong di wei) be
宿命论者 (su ming lun zhe) fatalist handicapped and passive
塑造工农兵形象 (su zao gong nong bing 缩 小 打 击 面 (suo xiao da ji mian)
xing xiang) create images of workers, narrow the target of attack
peasants and soldiers 所 有 权 经 营 权 分 离 (suo you quan jing
虽死不足以蔽其辜 (sui si bu zu yi bi qi ying quan fen li) separate
gu) even death cannot expiate his ownership from managerial authority
crimes 所 有 制 (suo you zhi) ownership;
绥 靖 政 策 (sui jing zheng ce) proprietorship

— T —

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台办 (tai ban) see “国务院台湾事 太平天国 (tai ping tian guo) Taiping
务办公室” Heavenly Kingdom (1851~1864)
台胞 (tai bao) compatriot of Taiwan; 太平天国革命 (tai ping tian guo ge ming)
compatriot from Taiwan Taiping Revolution (1851~1864)
“ 台 独 ” ( “ tai du ” ) “ Taiwan 太 上 皇 (tai shang huang) ①
independence” “super-emperor” (a title assumed by an
台联 (tai lian) (an abbreviation for) emperor who abdicated in favour of his
All-China Federation of Taiwan son) ② super-sovereign; backstage
Compatriots ruler
台盟(tai meng) (an abbreviation for) 太 上 政 府 (tai shang zheng fu)
Taiwan Democratic Self-Government supra-government
League 太 学 (tai xue) imperial school for
台湾当局 (tai wan dang ju) the Taiwan supreme scholarship
authorities 太医 (tai yi) imperial physician
台湾“二·二八”起义 (tai wan “er er ba” 太子 (tai zi) crown prince
qi yi) Taiwan February 28 Uprising 太子党 (tai zi dang) princes’ clique
(in 1947) 贪大求全 (tan da qiu quan) go after
台湾民主自治同盟 (tai wan min zhu zi zhi the grandiose
tong meng) see “台盟” 贪 官 污 吏 (tan guan wu li) corrupt
台湾是中国神圣领土不可分割的一部分 officials; venal officials
(tai wan shi zhong guo shen sheng ling 贪生怕死的乌合之众 (tan sheng pa si de
tu bu ke fen ge de yi bu fen) Taiwan wu he zhi zhong) cowardly mob
is an inalienable part of the sacred 贪天之功窃为己有 (tan tian zhi gong qie
territory of China wei ji you) lay claim to what others
台 湾 同 学 会 (tai wan tong xue hui) have achieved; arrogate to oneself the
Taiwan Fellow-Students Association merits of others
台湾、香港、澳门保持原有的资本主义制度 贪 图 享 乐 (tan tu ge ren xiang shou)
和 生活 方式长 期不 变 (tai wan 、 xiang hanker after pleasure
gang、 ao men bao chi yuan you de zi ben 贪污盗窃 (tan wu dao qie) engage in
zhu yi zhi du he sheng huo fang shi chang graft and theft; embezzle and steal
qi bu bian) Taiwan, Hong Kong and (state property)
Macao will retain the current capitalist 贪 污 犯 (tan wu fan) grafter;
system and way of life for a long time embezzler
to come 贪 污 分 子 (tan wu fen zi) person
太傅 (tai fu) tutor of the emperor in guilty of corruption; grafter;
ancient China embezzler
太和殿 (tai he dian) Hall of Supreme 贪污腐化 (tan wu fu hua) corrupt and
Harmony (in the Palace Museum) degenerate
太后 (tai hou) empress dowager; queen 贪 污 受 贿 (tan wu shou hui)
mother embezzlement and bribe-taking;
太监 (tai jian) eunuch corruption
太平盛世 (tai ping sheng shi) times 贪赃徇私 (tan zang xun si) practise
of peace and prosperity graft and favoritism

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贪 赃 枉 法 (tan zang wang fa) take 糖 衣 炮 弹 (tang yi pao dan)
bribes and bend the law; pervert sugar-coated bullet
justice for bribes 螳臂当车,自不量力 (tang bi dang che, zi
贪赃舞弊 (tan zang wu bi) engage in bu liang li) act just like a mantis
graft and fraudulent practices tryingto
谈虎色变 (tan hu se bian) turn pale at stop a chariot, not take a proper measure
the mention of a tiger; get jittery at of onself
the mere mention of sth. terrifying 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后 (tang lang bu chan,
谈判破裂 (tan pan po lie) breakdown huang que zai hou) the mantis stalks
of the talks the
谈判双方 (tan pan shuang fang) both cicada, unaware of the oriole lurking
sides in the talks behind; covet gains ahead without being
谈 判 桌 (tan pan zhuo) negotiation aware of danger behind
table 躺在过去的成绩上面睡觉 (tang zai guo qu
谈心 (tan xin) heart-to-heart talk de cheng ji shang mian shui jiao) rest
谈心会 (tan xin hui) heart-to-heart on one’s laurels; rest content with past
meeting achievements
弹钢琴 (tan gang qin) the work method 滔天罪行 (tao tian zui xing) towering
of “playing the piano” crime
弹劾 (tan he) impeach 逃 避 兵 役 (tao bi bing yi) evade
弹性外交 (tan xing wai jiao) elastic conscription
diplomacy 逃犯 (tao fan) escaped criminal
弹性宪法 (tan xing xian fa) flexible 逃 荒 要 饭 (tao huang yao fan) flee
constitution from famine and go begging
坦白从宽,抗拒从严 (tan bai cong kuan, 逃跑主义 (tao pao zhu yi) flightism
kang ju cong yan) be lenient to 逃脱不了法律的惩罚 (tao tuo bu liao fa
those who confess their crimes and l ü de cheng fa) cannot possibly
severe to those who refuse to do so elude the punishment of law
坦白大会 (tan bai da hui) confession 逃 脱 责 任 (tao tuo ze ren) escape
meeting responsibility
坦 白 书 (tan bai shu) statement of 讨伐叛逆 (tao fa pan ni) send armed
confession forces to put down a rebellion
探亲 (tan qin) go home to visit one’ 讨好卖乖 (tao hao mai guai) show off
s family one ’ s cleverness and ingratiate
探 亲 外 交 (tan qin wai jiao) oneself
family-visit diplomacy 讨好上司 (tao hao shang si) try to
探 索 性 会 谈 (tan suo xing hui tan) please one’s superior; curry favour
exploratory talk with one’s boss
唐装 (tang zhuang) Chinese costume 讨还血债 (tao huan xue zhai) make sb.
堂 堂 军 威 (tang tang jun wei) pay a blood debt
formidable prestige of an army 讨 论 会 (tao lun hui) discussion;
堂堂中华儿女 (tang tang zhong hua er n symposium
ü) Chinese men and women with high 讨 袁 运 动 (tao yuan yun dong)
aspirations and bold vision Expedition against warlord Yuan

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Shikai (1915~1916) 特派员 (te pai yuan) commissioner
套 话 (tao hua) ① polite, 特批 (te pi) with special approval
conventional verbal exchanges ② 特区 (te qu) special zone
empty talk; empty formula 特 权 (te quan) privilege;
特别代办 (te bie dai ban) chargé d’ prerogative
affaires ad hoc 特 权 阶 层 (te quan jie ceng)
特 别 法 令 (te bie fa ling) special privileged stratum
ordinance 特设机构 (te she ji gou) ad hoc organ
特 别 会 议 (te bie hui yi) special 特设委员会 (te she wei yuan hui) ad
session hoc committee
特 别 提 款 权 (te bie ti kuan quan) 特 赦 令 (te she ling) decree of
special drawing right special pardon
特别条款 (te bie tiao kuan) special 特赦权 (te she quan) prerogative of
clause mercy
特 别 委 员 会 (te bie wei yuan hui) 特 赦 罪 犯 (te she zui fan) grant a
special committee special pardon to criminals
特 别 行 政 区 (te bie xing zheng qu) 特使 (te shi) special envoy
special administrative region 特 首 (te shou) Chief Executive (of
特 别 许 可 证 (te bie xu ke zheng) Hong Kong or Macao Special
special licence Administrative Region)
特大水灾和旱灾 (te da shui zai he han 特 殊 风 (te shu feng) tendency to
zai) extraordinarily serious flood behave as the privileged
and droughts 特务 (te wu) secret agent
特 大 自 然 灾 害 (te da zi ran zai hai) 特许证书 (te xu zheng shu) special
extraordinarily big natural calamity permit; letters patent
特 等 战 斗 英 雄 (te deng zhan dou ying 特种兵 (te zhong bing) special troops
xiong) special class combat hero 特种部队 (te zhong bu dui) special
特工 (te gong) secret service armed units
特供 (te gong) special supply 特 种 战 争 (te zhong zhan zheng)
特 惠 待 遇 (te hui dai yu) special special warfare
treatment; preferential treatment “踢开党委闹革命” (“ti kai dang wei nao
特惠贸易 (te hui mao yi) preferential ge ming ” ) “ kick aside Party
trade committee to make revolution”
特 惠 关 税 (te hui guan shui) “踢皮球” (“ti pi qiu”) “pass the
preferential tariff buck to one another”
特困户 (te kun hu) destitute family 提案审查委员会 (ti an shen cha wei yuan
特命全权大使 (te ming quan quan da shi) hui) motion examination committee
extraordinary and plenipotentiary 提 拔 干 部 (ti ba gan bu) promote
ambassador cadres
特命全权公使 (te ming quan quan gong shi) 提倡国货 (ti chang guo huo) promote
extraordinary plenipotentiary envoy and home products
minister 提倡教育事业 (ti chang jiao yu shi ye)
特派代表 (te pai dai biao) special advocate the cause of education
representative 提倡节俭 (ti chang jie jian) advocate

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frugality to the vote
提倡敬老爱幼 (ti chang jing lao ai you) 提交仲裁 (ti jiao zhong cai) submit
foster respect for the aged and love (sth.) for arbitration
for the young 提 名 委 员 会 (ti ming wei yuan hui)
提倡晚婚晚育,优生优育 (ti chang wan hun nomination committee
wan yu, you sheng you yu) encourage 体察百姓疾苦 (ti cha bai xing ji ku)
a late marriage, a late birth, a good be aware of the hardships of the common
care for the birth, and a sound way of people
bringing up a healthy baby 体察下情 (ti cha xia qing) know what
提出更高标准 (ti chu geng gao biao zhun) is going on at the lower level
set higher standards 体改委(ti gai wei) (an abbreviation
提 出 决 议 草 案 (ti chu jue yi cao an) for) commission for structural reform
put forward a draft resolution 体力劳动和脑力劳动的对立 (ti li lao
提出明确的方向和具体的奋斗目标 (ti chu dong he nao li lao dong de dui li)
ming que de fang xiang he ju ti de fen antithesis between physical and mental
dou mu biao) set a clear course and labor
concrete objectives 体 脑 倒 挂 (ti nao dao gua) manual
提出强烈抗议 (ti chu qiang lie kang yi) labor is paid more than mental
lodge a strong protest (with sb.) labor(irrational structure of
提 出 书 面 修 正 案 (ti chu shu mian xiu distribution)
zheng an) present an amendment in 体 制 (ti zhi) institutional
writing structure
提出严重警告 (ti chu yan zhong jing gao) 体 制 不 健 全 (ti zhi bu jian quan)
give a serious warning imperfect system of organization;
提到日程上来 (ti dao ri cheng shang lai) faulty institutions
be placed on the agenda 体 制 结 构 (ti zhi jie gou)
提高经济效益 (ti gao jing ji xiao yi) institutional structure
improve economic performance; 体制改革 (ti zhi gai ge) structural
increase economic efficiency reform
提高警惕,保卫祖国 (ti gao jing ti, bao 体制下放 (ti zhi xia fang) transfer
wei zu guo) heighten one’s vigilanc administrative functions to lower
e, defend the motherland; be ready at all levels
times to destroy the enemy intruders 替天行道 (ti tian xing dao) (usually
提高觉悟 (ti gao jue wu) highten one’ used as a slogan for rebelling against
s political awareness or a tyrant) carry out the Way of Heaven;
(consciousness) enforce justice on behalf of Heaven;
提高人口素质 (ti gao ren kou su zhi) act as agent for Heaven
improve the quality of the population 替罪羊 (ti zui yang) scapegoat
提高认识 (ti gao ren shi) deepen one’ 天安门广场 (tian’an men guang chang)
s understanding Tian’anmen Square
提高业务水平 (ti gao ye wu shui ping) 天不怕,地不怕 (tian bu pa, di bu pa)
raise the professional level; increase fear neither Heaven nor Earth; fear
professional competence nothing at all
提交表决 (ti jiao biao jue) put (sth.) 天才革命家 (tian cai ge ming jia) A

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revolutionary genius Zedong’s works every day
天才论 (tian cai lun) “innate genius” 天天向上 (tian tian xiang shang) make
theory steady progress day by day;
天朝田亩制度 (tian chao tian mu zhi du) make progress every day
System of Land Ownership of the 天网恢恢,疏而不漏 (tian wang hui hui,
Heavenly Kingdom (a programmatic shu er bu lou) the net of Heaven has
document promulgated in 1853 which was large meshes, but it lets nothing
to abolish feudal land ownership under through; God’s mill grinds slow but sure
the Taiping regime but was not put into 天无绝人之路 (tian wu jue ren zhi lu)
practice) Heaven never cuts off a man’s means
天地会 (tian di hui) Heaven and Earth 天下大乱达到天下大治 (tian xia da luan
Society (a secret popular group da dao tian xia da zhi) great disorder
organized in the early Qing Dynasty across the land leads to great order
for overthrowing the Manchus and 天下太平 (tian xia tai ping) peace
restoring the Ming Dynasty) reigns throughout the world; the world
天翻地覆的变化 (tian fan di fu de bian is in peace
hua) earth-shaking change 天 下 为 公 (tian xia wei gong) the
天津条约 (tian jin tiao yue) Treaties world is for all; the whole world as one
of Tianjin (unequal treaties signed community
between the Qing Dynasty and the 天下兴亡,匹夫有责 (tian xia xing wang,
imperialist powers of Tsarist Russia, pi fu you ze) every man has a du
the United States, Great Britain and ty towards his country; everyone is
France respectively during the Second responsible for the fate of his country
Opium War [1856~1860]) 天下一家 (tian xia yi jia) all under
天怒人怨,民心丧尽 (tian nu ren yuan, heaven are of one family; all men are
min xin sang jin) lose all popular brothers
support and face widespread 天要下雨,娘要嫁人 (tian yao xia yu,
indignation and discontent niang yao jia ren) (sth. occurs
天时不如地利,地利不如人和 (tian shi bu inevitably just as) one cannot
ru di li, di li bu ru ren he) prevent the rain from pouring down
opportunity is important, even more so from the sky or his mother from
is geographical convenience, but most remarrying
important of all is popular support 天 诛 地 灭 (tian zhu di mie) be
天时,地利,人和 (tian shi, di li, ren executed by heaven and destroyed by
he) good timing, geographical earth
convenience and harmonious human 添砖加瓦 (tian zhuan jia wa) do what
relations little one can help; do one’s bit
天塌下来我们能顶住,地陷下去我们能填平 条块分割 (tiao kuai fen ge) create
(tian ta xia lai wo men neng ding zhu, barriers between central ministries
di xian xia qu wo men neng tian ping) and local governments; sever links
even if the heaven falls, we can hold it between various departments and
up; even if the earth quakes, we can fill regions
the chasm 条块结合,块块为主 (tiao kuai jie he,
天 天 读 (tian tian du) read Mao kuai kuai wei zhu) combine central

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and local leadership, with emphasis on a dispute
the latter 挑衅 (tiao xin) provocation
条块结合,条条为主 (tiao kuai jie he, 挑 战 书 (tiao zhan shu) letter of
tiao tiao wei zhu) combine central challenge; challenge
and local leadership, with central 贴 息 (tie xi) pay a discount when
ministries playing the main role cashing a promissory note
条条框框 (tiao tiao kuang kuang) rules 铁杵磨成针 (tie chu mo cheng zhen) an
and regulations; conventions and iron pestle can be ground down to a
restrictions needle; perseverance will prevail;
条 条 专 政 (tiao tiao zhuan zheng) little strokes fell great oaks
dictatorship of the central 铁 打 江 山 (tie da jiang shan)
government organs impregnable country
调 和 的 态 度 (tiao he de tai du) 铁 道 部 (tie dao bu) Ministry of
conciliatory attitude Railways
调 和 方 针 (tiao he fang zhen) 铁 的 纪 律 (tie de ji l ü ) iron
conciliatory policy discipline
调 和 矛 盾 (tiao he mao dun) 铁的事实 (tie de shi shi) hard fact;
reconciliation of contradictions ironclad evidence
调 和 主 义 (tiao he zhu yi) 铁 的 统 治 (tie de tong zhi)
conciliationism iron-handed rule; tyranny
调价幅度 (tiao jia fu du) range of 铁饭碗 (tie fan wan) iron rice bowl;
price changes secure job
调节税 (tiao jie shui) regulation tax 铁 路 工 会 (tie lu gong hui) trade
调 解 委 员 会 (tiao jie wei yuan hui) union of railroad workers’ trade union
mediation committee 铁 面 无 私 (tie mian wu si) be
调解组织 (tiao jie zu zhi) mediation impartial and incorruptible; be just and
organization stern
调 停 争 端 (tiao ting zheng duan) 铁人精神 (tie ren jing shen) spirit
intervene in a dispute of the Iron Man
调整干部 (tiao zheng gan bu) remove 铁人王进喜 (tie ren Wang Jinxi) Iron
some cadres and appoint others to take Man Wang Jinxi
their place 铁扫帚 (tie sao zhou) mighty broom
调整、巩固、充实、提高 (tiao zheng、 gong 铁 蹄 (tie ti) iron heel — rule by
gu、 chong shi、 ti gao) readjustment, force; tyrannical rule
consolidation, filling out and raising 铁腕人物 (tie wan ren wu) iron-handed
standards person; strong man
调整经济结构 (tiao zheng jing ji jie gou) 铁碗统治 (tie wan tong zhi) rule by an
adjust economic structure iron hand
挑 拨 离 间 (tiao bo li jian) sow 铁 证 如 山 (tie zheng ru shan)
dissension; incite one against the other irrefutable; conclusive proof;
挑动群众斗群众 (tiao dong qun zhong dou ironclad evidence
qun zhong) stir up people to struggle 厅 长 (ting zhang) head of a
against people department (under a provincial
挑起争端 (tiao qi zheng duan) provoke government)

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听 从 调 遣 (ting cong diao qian) be 停止一切论战 (ting zhi yi qie lun zhan)
ready to accept an assignment end all polemics
听 从 指 挥 (ting cong zhi hui) obey 停滞不前 (ting zhi bu qian) be at a
orders; follow the conductor’s baton standstill; stagnate
听从祖国的召唤 (ting cong zu guo de zhao 挺起胸膛,走向战场 (ting qi xiong tang,
huan) answer the call of the zou xiang zhan chang) march to the
motherland front with heads high
听党的话 (ting dang de hua) take the 挺身而出,奋起救国 (ting shen er chu,
Party’s teachings to heart fen qi jiu guo) rise bravely in
听党课 (ting dang ke) attend a Party defence of the nation
lecture 挺 直 了 腰 杆 (ting zhi le yao gan)
听其言而观其行 (ting qi yan er guan qi stand erect
xing) listen to what a person says 通过谈判解决争端 (tong guo tan pan jie
and watch what he does; judge people jue zheng duan) settle a dispute by
by their deeds, not just by their words negotiations
听取群众意见 (ting qu qun zhong yi jian) 通过外交途径 (tong guo wai jiao tu jing)
listen to people through diplomatic channels
听团课 (ting tuan ke) attend a League 通过协商达成一致 (tong guo xie shang da
lecture cheng yi zhi) reach unanimity through
听 证 会 (ting zheng hui) public consultation
hearing 通航 (tong hang) exchange of air and
停顿起来不求进步的情绪 (ting dun qi lai shipping services
bu qiu jin bu de qing xu) inertia and 通货膨胀政策 (tong huo peng zhang zheng
unwillingness to make progress ce) inflation policy
停 火 谈 判 (ting huo tan pan) 通 缉 令 (tong ji ling) order for
negotiations for a ceasefire arrest (of a runaway criminal)
停火线 (ting huo xian) ceasefire line 通令嘉奖 (tong ling jia jiang) issue
停火协议 (ting huo xie yi) armistice an order of commendation
agreement 通商 (tong shang) exchange of trade
停 课 闹 革 命 (ting ke nao ge ming) 通行权 (tong xing quan) right of way
suspend classes and make revolution 通邮 (tong you) exchange of mails
停 职 检 查 (ting zhi jian cha) be 通知照会 (tong zhi zhao hui) circular
temporalily relieved of one’s post and note
asked to make a self-criticism 同步增长 (tong bu zeng zhang) rise
停职留薪 (ting zhi liu xin) retain simultaneously
one ’ s position with one ’ s salary 同吃,同住,同劳动,共同战斗 (tong chi,
suspended; obtain an indefinite leave of tong zhu, tong lao dong, gong tong zhan
absence from one’s work unit dou) eat, live, do manual work and
停职停薪 (ting zhi ting xin) suspend fight side by side
sb. from his post and stop his pay 同仇敌忾 (tong chou di kai) share a
停职通知 (ting zhi tong zhi) notice bitter hatred of the enemy; be filled
of job termination with a common hatred
停止内战 (ting zhi nei zhan) stop the 同党一条心 (tong dang yi tiao xin) be
civil war at one with the Party

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同 党 者 (tong dang zhe) same party 同志式的讨论 (tong zhi shi de tao lun)
members discuss matters in a comradely way
同 甘 共 苦 (tong gan gong ku) share 同舟共济 (tong zhou gong ji) share
weal and woe with one in trouble; be in the same boat
同甘苦,共患难 (tong gan ku, gong huan 统 包 统 配 (tong bao tong pei)
nan) go through thick and thin centralized allocation of labor
together; share comforts and 统 筹 安 排 (tong chou an pai)
hardships comprehensive arrangement
同工同酬 (tong gong tong chou) equal 统筹规划 (tong chou gui hua) overall
pay for equal work planning
同 归 于 尽 (tong gui yu jin) perish 统筹兼顾 (tong chou jian gu) overall
together; end in common ruin planning and all-round consideration
同呼吸,共命运 (tong hu xi, gong ming yun) 统筹全局 (tong chou quan ju) take the
share a common lot whole situation into account and plan
同客观外界根本绝缘 (tong ke guan wai accordingly
jie gen ben jue yuan) totally cut 统 调 统 配 (tong diao tong pei)
oneself off from the objective world centralized transfer and allocation
同 僚 (tong liao) colleague; fellow 统分结合的双层经营体制 (tong fen jie he
official de shuang ceng jing ying ti zhi)
同流合污 (tong liu he wu) go along system of unified management combined
with evil trend; wallow in the mire with independent management
with sb. 统购统销 (tong gou tong xiao) unified
同盟罢工 (tong meng ba gong) joint purchase and unified marketing
strike 统计局 (tong ji ju) statistics bureau
同盟会 (tong meng hui) Tongmenghui or 统配包销 (tong pei bao xiao) state
Chinese Revolutionary League (founded monopoly of disrtribution and marketing
by Sun Yat-sen in 1905) 统配物资 (tong pei wu zi) goods under
同盟军 (tong meng jun) allied forces the unified ration plan
同盟者 (tong meng zhe) member of the 统 收 统 支 (tong shou tong zhi)
alliance centralized income and expenditure
同 谋 者 (tong mou zhe) conspirator; 统帅与被统帅的关系 (tong shuai yu bei
accomplice tong shuai de guan xi) relationship
同群众打成一片 (tong qun zhong da cheng between what commands and what is
yi pian) be one with people commanded
同生死,共患难 (tong sheng si, gong huan 统 一 安 排 (tong yi an pai) unified
nan) go through fire and water arrangement
together as friends indeed 统一调配 (tong yi diao pei) unified
同文照会 (tong wen zhao hui) identic allocation
note 统一分配 (tong yi fen pei) distribute
同心同德 (tong xin tong de) work with in a unified way
one heart and one mind; be dedicated 统 一 计 划 (tong yi ji hua) unified
heart and soul to the same cause planning
同 业 公 会 (tong ye gong hui) trade 统一计划同因地制宜的原则相结合 (tong
guild yi ji hua tong yin di zhi yi de yuan

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ze xiang jie he) integration of evasion, tax fraud and refusal to pay
unified planning with the principle of taxes
adaptation to local conditions 头号敌人 (tou hao di ren) number one
统一价格 (tong yi jia ge) unify price enemy
统一经济计划 (tong yi jing ji ji hua) 头可断,血可流,志不可夺 (tou ke duan,
unified economic planning xue ke liu, zhi bu ke duo) one’s head
统一经营 (tong yi jing ying) unified may roll, one’s blood may shed, but one’
management s will can never be broken
统一领导,分散经营 (tong yi ling dao, 头面人物 (tou mian ren wu) prominent
fen san jing ying) unified figure; big shot
leadership and decentralized 头 目 (tou mu) head of a gang;
management ringleader; chieftain
统一认识,统一政策,统一计划,统一指挥, 头痛医头,脚痛医脚 (tou tong yi tou,
统一行动 (tong yi ren shi, tong yi zheng jiao tong yi jiao) treat the head when
ce, tong yi ji hua, tong yi zhi hui, tong the
yi xing dong) unity in thinking, head aches, treat the foot when the foot
policy, plan, command and action hurts; treat the symptoms but not the
统 一 税 (tong yi shui) flat tax; disease; scratch the surface without
consolidated tax getting to the root of things
统一体 (tong yi ti) entity 头头 (tou tou) head; chief; leader
统一战线 (tong yi zhan xian) united 头重脚轻的官僚机构 (tou zhong jiao qing
front de guan liao ji gou) top-heavy
统战部 (tong zhan bu) united front bureaucracy
work department 头子 (tou zi) chieftain; boss
统制政策 (tong zhi zheng ce) policy 投案自首 (tou an zi shou) surrender
of autocratic rule oneself to the police and confess one’
统 治 阶 级 (tong zhi jie ji) ruling s crime
class 投机倒把 (tou ji dao ba) speculation;
统治权 (tong zhi quan) right of rule profiteering
统治者 (tong zhi zhe) ruler 投机分子 (tou ji fen zi) political
痛 斥 谬 论 (tong chi miu lun) speculator; opportunist
thoroughly refute a fallacy 投票表决 (tou piao biao jue) take a
痛 打 落 水 狗 (tong da luo shui gou) vote; decide by ballot
beat the cur mercilessly even when he’ 投 票 反 对 (tou piao fan dui) vote
s fallen into the water; be relentless against
with evil people even if they are down 投票否决 (tou piao fou jue) vote down
偷工减料 (tou gong jian liao) cheat 投 票 选 举 (tou piao xuan ju) cast
in work and cut down material; use votes in an election
inferior materials and turn out 投票赞成 (tou piao zan cheng) vote
sub-standard goods for
偷 税 漏 税 (tou shui lou shui) tax 投入产出 (tou ru chan chu) invest and
evasion produce; cost-benefit
偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税 (tou shui、 pian 投入少、效益高、见效快的科技成果 (tou ru
shui 、 tao shui 、 kang shui) tax shao、 xiao yi gao、 jian xiao kuai de

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ke ji cheng guo) advances in science 突 然 性 访 问 (tu ran xing fang wen)
and technology that require less input, sudden visit
yield greater economic results and 图一时之苟安,贻百年之大患 (tu yi shi
promise quick returns zhi gou an, yi bai nian zhi da huan)
投身到斗争中去 (tou shen dao dou zheng relax a moment and incur a century of
zhong qu) plunge into the thick of suffering
struggle 徒 劳 无 功 (tu lao wu gong) prove
投 降 令 (tou xiang ling) surrender futile
order 涂 炭 百 姓 (tu tan bai xing) wreak
投降派 (tou xiang pai) capitulator; havoc among the people
capitulationist 屠杀政策 (tu sha zheng ce) policy of
投 降 主 义 (tou xiang zhu yi) massacre
capitulationism 土崩瓦解 (tu beng wa jie) crumble and
投 降 主 义 者 (tou xiang zhu yi zhe) perish; disintegrate
capitulationist 土 地 报 酬 (tu di bao chou) payment
投 资 风 险 (tou zi feng xian) based on land shares
investment risk 土地承包期 (tu di cheng bao qi) land
投 资 环 境 (tou zi huan jing) contract period
investment environment 土地的主人 (tu di de zhu ren) master
投资政策 (tou zi zheng ce) investment of the land
policies 土地斗争 (tu di dou zheng) agrarian
透过现象看本质 (tou guo xian xiang kan struggle; struggle for land
ben zhi) see through the appearance 土地法 (tu di fa) agrarian law
to perceive the essence 土 地 改 革 (tu di gai ge) agrarian
透明度 (tou ming du) transparency reform; land reform
突出的尖锐的矛盾 (tu chu de jian rui de 土地改革法 (tu di gai ge fa) agrarian
mao dun) salient and sharp reform law
contradiction 土地改革运动 (tu di gai ge yun dong)
突出无产阶级政治 (tu chu wu chan jie ji Agrarian Reform Movement (1950~1953)
zheng zhi) put proletarian politics 土 地 革 命 (tu di ge ming) agrarian
in the revolution
forefront; place proletarian politics 土地革命战争 (tu di ge ming zhan zheng)
to the fore Agrarian Revolutionary War (1927 ~
突 出 政 治 (tu chu zheng zhi) give 1937)
prominence to politics 土 地 关 系 (tu di guan xi) agrarian
突飞猛进 (tu fei meng jin) advance by relations
leaps and bounds 土 地 管 理 (tu di guan li) land
突击队 (tu ji dui) shock team; shock management
brigade 土地管理规定 (tu di guan li gui ding)
突 击 任 务 (tu ji ren wu) rush job; land administration regulations
shock work 土 地 使 用 权 (tu di shi yong quan)
突破口 (tu po kou) breach; gap land-use right
突 然 袭 击 (tu ran xi ji) surprise 土地税 (tu di shui) land tax
attack 土地统一经营 (tu di tong yi jing ying)

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unified management of land Communist Youth League
土地小私有者 (tu di xiao si you zhe) 团 代 会 代 表 (tuan dai hui dai biao)
small holder of land delegate of a Communist Youth League
土地增值 (tu di zeng zhi) increment congress
of land value 团的决议 (tuan de jue yi) Communist
土 地 增 值 税 (tu di zeng zhi shui) Youth League decision
increment tax on land value 团的事务 (tuan de shi wu) Communist
土 地 占 有 (tu di zhan you) land Youth League affairs
ownership 团的原则 (tuan de yuan ze) Communist
土 地 征 用 (tu di zheng yong) Youth League principle
expropriation of land 团 费 (tuan fei) Communist Youth
土地证 (tu di zheng) land certificate League membership fee
土 地 政 策 (tu di zheng ce) land 团干部 (tuan gan bu) Communist Youth
policies League cadre
土地制度 (tu di zhi du) land system 团歌 (tuan ge) Communist Youth League
“土豆烧牛肉的共产主义” (“tu dou shao song
niu rou de gong chan zhu yi ” ) 团 工 委 (tuan gong wei) Communist
“goulash communism”; revisionism Youth League working committee
土法上马 (tu fa shang ma) get on the 团 工 委 书 记 (tuan gong wei shu ji)
job with indigenous methods secretary of a Communist Youth League
土匪 (tu fei) bandit; brigand working committee
土 豪 劣 绅 (tu hao lie shen) local 团 徽 (tuan hui) Communist Youth
tyrants and evil gentry; despotic League emblem
landlords 团伙 (tuan huo) gang; ring
土皇帝 (tu huang di) local despot; a 团籍 (tuan ji) Communist Youth League
local tyrant membership
土司 (tu si) ① system of appointing 团 结 对 敌 (tuan jie dui di) unity
national minority hereditary headmen against the common enemy
in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties 团结各界人士 (tuan jie ge jie ren shi)
② such a headman; chieftain unite people from all circles
土洋并举 (tu yang bing ju) use both 团 结 广 大 群 众 (tuan jie guang da qun
indigenous and foreign methods; use both zhong) unite the broad masses of
traditional and modern methods people
土 洋 结 合 (tu yang jie he) combine 团结、紧张、严肃、活泼 (tuan jie、 jin
indigenous and foreign methods; combine zhang、 yan su、 huo po) be united,
traditional and modern methods alert, earnest and lively
土政策 (tu zheng ce) local policies 团结就是力量 (tuan jie jiu shi li liang)
(often opposed to those laid down by the unity is strength
central authorities) 团结-批评-团结 (tuan jie - pi ping -
吐故纳新 (tu gu na xin) exhale the old tuan jie) unity-criticism-unity
and inhale the new to refresh itself 团结一切可能团结的力量 (tuan jie yi qie
团 报 (tuan bao) Newspaper of ke neng tuan jie de li liang) unite
Communist Youth League with all those forces that can be
团 代 会 (tuan dai hui) Congress of united with

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团结一致向前看 (tuan jie yi zhi xiang enlarged meeting of the members of a
qian kan) unite as one in looking to Communist Youth League committee
the future 团 县 委 (tuan xian wei) county
团结友好的气氛 (tuan jie you hao de qi Communist Youth League committee
fen) atmosphere of solidarity and 团 县 委 书 记 (tuan xian wei shu ji)
friendship secretary of a county Communist Youth
团结在党的周围 (tuan jie zai dang de League committee
zhou wei) rally closely around the 团小组 (tuan xiao zu) Communist Youth
Party League group
团结在一起,战斗在一起,胜利在一起 团 校 (tuan xiao) Communist Youth
(tuan jie zai yi qi, zhan dou zai yi League school
qi, sheng li zai yi qi) always be 团 员 (tuan yuan) Communist Youth
united, always fight together and be League member
victorious together 团 员 花 名 册 (tuan yuan hua ming ce)
团内民主 (tuan nei min zhu) democracy Communist Youth League roll
inside the League; inner-League 团员权利 (tuan yuan quan li) right of
democracy the Communist Youth League members
团 内 批 评 (tuan nei pi ping) 团员义务 (tuan yuan yi wu) duty of the
inner-League criticism Communist Youth League member
团 内 职 务 (tuan nei zhi wu) 团 章 (tuan zhang) Communist Youth
inner-League post League constitution
团旗 (tuan qi) League flag 团 证 (tuan zheng) Communist Youth
团区委 (tuan qu wei) district League League card
committee 团支部 (tuan zhi bu) Communist Youth
团 省 委 (tuan sheng wei) provincial League branch
League committee 团 支 部 书 记 (tuan zhi bu shu ji)
团 省 委 书 记 (tuan sheng wei shu ji) secretary of a Communist Youth League
secretary of a provincial League branch committee
committee 团 中 央 (tuan zhong yang) Central
团 市 委 (tuan shi wei) municipal Committee of the Communist Youth
League committee League
团 市 委 书 记 (tuan shi wei shu ji) 团总支 (tuan zong zhi) general branch
secretary of a municipal League of the Communist Youth League
committee 团组织 (tuan zu zhi) Communist Youth
团 市 委 委 员 (tuan shi wei wei yuan) League organization
member of municipal League committee 团 组 织 关 系 (tuan zu zhi guan xi)
团 体 投 票 (tuan ti tou piao) Communist Youth League membership
collective voting credentials
团 外 青 年 (tuan wai qing nian) 团 组 织 生 活 (tuan zu zhi sheng huo)
non-League youth; youth outside Communist Youth League activities
Communist Youth League 推 波 助 澜 (tui bo zhu lan) make a
团 委 (tuan wei) Communist Youth stormy sea stormier; add fuel to the
League committee fire; pour oil on the flames
团委扩大会议 (tuan wei kuo da hui yi) 推陈出新 (tui chen chu xin) weed out

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the old and bring forth the new representatives
推迟访问 (tui chi fang wen) postpone 颓废派 (tui fei pai) decadent school;
one’s visit decadents
推动生产力的发展 (tui dong sheng chan 颓 废 主 义 者 (tui fei zhu yi zhe)
li de fa zhan) promote the decadent
development of productive forces 退出历史舞台 (tui chu li shi wu tai)
推 翻 旧 政 府 (tui fan jiu zheng fu) step down from the stage of history
bring down an old government 退出政界 (tui chu zheng jie) withdraw
推翻殖民统治 (tui fan zhi min tong zhi) from political life
overthrow the rule of colonialism 退 党 (tui dang) withdraw from a
推 广 和 应 用 新 工 艺 (tui guang he ying political party
yong xin gong yi) extend and apply 退 耕 还 林 (tui geng huan lin) quit
new technologies cultivation and return to forest; grain
推广科技成果 (tui guang ke ji cheng guo) for green
turn laboratory achievement into 退耕还林还牧 (tui geng huan lin huan mu)
commercial production convert the cultivated land for forestry
推 广 普 通 话 (tui guang pu tong hua) and pasture
popularize putonghua (Mandarin 退居二线 (tui ju er xian) give up an
Chinese) active post but remain at work as adviser,
推广先进经验 (tui guang xian jin jing ect.; retreat to the second line of work
yan) popularize advanced experience 退 居 幕 后 (tui ju mu hou) withdraw
推荐干部 (tui jian gan bu) recommend behind the scene
cadres 退赔 (tui pei) return what one has
推进科技成果的应用 (tui jin ke ji cheng unlawfully taken or pay compensation for
guo de ying yong) promote the it
application of achievements in 退却逃跑主义 (tui que tao pao zhu yi)
scientific research retreat and flightism
推进两国贸易往来 (tui jin liang guo mao 退让政策 (tui rang zheng ce) policy
yi wang lai) give impetus to the trade of conciliation and concession
exchanges between the two countries 退税 (tui shui) duty drawback
推 贤 让 能 (tui xian rang neng) 退位让贤 (tui wei rang xian) give up
recommend the worthy and make way for the the throne in favour of a better
talented qualified person
推向高潮 (tui xiang gao chao) push to 退位诏书 (tui wei zhao shu) imperial
a climax abdication edict in ancient China
推 向 一 个 崭 新的 阶 段 (tui xiang yi ge 退伍返乡 (tui wu fan xiang) leave the
zhan xin de jie duan) carry forward to army and return to one ’ s native
a completely new stage village
推行强权政治 (tui xing qiang quan zheng 退 伍 证 书 (tui wu zheng shu)
zhi) Pursue the policy of power demobilization certificate
politics 退休反聘 (tui xiu fan pin) rearrange
推行侵略政策 (tui xing qin lüe zheng ce) sb. in retirement a job as extra staff;
Pursue a policy of aggression hire a retired person back to work as
推选代表 (tui xuan dai biao) choose extra staff

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退 休 干 部 (tui xiu gan bu) retired 拖拉成风 (tuo la cheng feng) tendency
cadre to be dilatory
退休金 (tui xiu jin) retirement pay; 拖 泥 带 水 (tuo ni dai shui) messy;
pension sloppy; slovenly
退 休 年 龄 (tui xiu nian ling) 拖人下水 (tuo ren xia shui) get sb.
retirement age into trouble; make an accomplice of sb.
退休职工 (tui xiu zhi gong) retired 拖延策略 (tuo yan ce lüe) delaying
workers and staff ploy (in negotiation)
退役金 (tui yi jin) discharge pay 拖延战术 (tuo yan zhan shu) delaying
退役军官 (tui yi jun guan) retired tactics
officer 脱产干部 (tuo chan gan bu) cadre not
退 役 军 人 (tui yi jun ren) engaged in production
ex-serviceman 脱 产 学 习 (tuo chan xue xi) be
退 赃 (tui zang) give up ill-gotten released from work for study
gain; disgorge ill-gotten gain 脱 党 (tuo dang) disconnect oneself
退 职 报 告 (tui zhi bao gao) from a political party
application for resignation 脱 离 低 级 趣 味 (tuo li di ji qu wei)
退职金 (tui zhi jin) severance pay; above vulgar interests
retirement pay; retirement benefit 脱离革命队伍 (tuo li ge ming dui wu)
退职人员 (tui zhi ren yuan) people drop out of the revolutionary ranks
who have resigned from their permanent 脱离关系 (tuo li guan xi) be cut off
work (or from)
蜕变成不法分子 (tui bian cheng bu fa fen 脱离国民党反动政府 (tuo li guo min dang
zi) degenerate into a lawless person fan dong zheng fu) renounce one ’ s
蜕化变质分子 (tui hua bian zhi fen zi) allegiance to the reactionary
degenerate Kuomintang government
屯 兵 (tun bing) station troops; 脱离群众 (tuo li qun zhong) estrange
quarter troops oneself from the masses
囤积居奇 (tun ji ju qi) hoarding and 脱离群众斗争 (tuo li qun zhong dou zheng)
cornering; hoarding and speculation in isolation from mass struggle
托管地 (tuo guan di) trust territory 脱离人民群众的革命要求 (tuo li ren min
托管国 (tuo guan guo) trustee qun zhong de ge ming yao qiu)
托 管 理 事 会 (tuo guan li shi hui) isolate oneself from the
trusteeship council revolutionary demands of the masses
托 管 领 土 (tuo guan ling tu) trust 脱离实际 (tuo li shi ji) lose contact
territory with reality; be divorced from reality
托 管 制 度 (tuan guan zhi du) 脱盲 (tuo mang) eliminate illiteracy;
trusteeship wipe out illiteracy
托门子,拉关系 (tuo men zi, la guan xi) 脱帽加冕 (tuo mao jia mian) remove
try to enlist help wherever possible and the label and provide with a halo
cozy up to influential people 脱帽默哀 (tuo mao mo ai) bare one’s
托人情办私事 (tuo ren qing ban si shi) head and mourn in silence
ask an influential person to arrange a 脱帽右派 (tuo mao you pai) uncapped
private matter for one Rightist

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脱 贫 计 划 (tuo pin ji hua) plan to completely and thoroughly; be
eliminate poverty completely transformed
脱贫致富 (tuo pin zhi fu) shake off 鸵鸟政策 (tuo niao zheng ce) ostrich
poverty and attain prosperity policy; ostrichism; self-content
脱身政策 (tuo shen zheng ce) policy 妥 协 (tuo xie) compromise; come to
of disengagement terms
脱胎换骨,重新做人 (tuo tai huan gu, 妥 协 的 和 平 (tuo xie de he ping)
chong xin zuo ren) thoroughly compromise peace
remould oneself and turn over a new 妥 协 性 (tuo xie xing) tendency
leaf towards compromise
脱胎换骨地改造自己 (tuo tai huan gu de 唾弃 (tuo qi) cat aside; spurn; treat
gai zao zi ji) remould oneself with contempt

— W —

挖掉黑线 (wa diao hei xian) eradicate 外 部 冲 突 (wai bu chong tu) open
black line conflict
挖墙脚 (wa qiang jiao) undermine the 外部敌人 (wai bu di ren) enemies from
foundation (of something), cut the outside
ground from under sb.’s feet 外 部 对 抗 (wai bu dui kang) open
瓦岗军 (wa gang jun) Wagang Army (a antagonism
peasant army of Henan that rose 外部环境 (wai bu huan jing) external
against the Sui Dynasty and played a environment
vital role in its overthrow) 外部投入成本 (wai bu tou ru cheng ben)
瓦解敌军 (wa jie di jun) cause the outside venture capital
enemy forces to fall apart 外 敌 入 侵 (wai di ru qin) foreign
歪风 (wai feng) evil wind; unhealthy aggression
trend 外 放 (wai fang) (of officials in
歪风邪气 (wai feng xie qi) evil winds ancient China) post or be posted in a
and noxious influences; harmful province
trends and sinister practices 外港 (wai gang) outport
歪门邪道 (wai men xie dao) crooked 外 国 干 (wai guo gan she) foreign
means; dishonest practices intervention
歪曲事实,颠倒是非,混淆视听 (wai qu shi 外国公债 (wai guo gong zhai) foreign
shi, dian dao shi fei, hun xiao shi ting) bonds
distort the facts, confound right and 外 国 管 辖 权 (wai guo guan xia quan)
wrong, and mislead the people foreign jurisdiction
外办 (wai ban) (an abbreviation for) 外 国 合 营 者 (wai guo he ying zhe)
foreign affairs office; foreign foreign joint venturer
relations office 外 国 企 业 (wai guo qi ye) foreign
外宾 (wai bin) foreign guest enterprise
外 宾 席 (wai bin xi) seat for the 外国人居留证 (wai guo ren ju liu zheng)
foreign guest residence permit for foreigners

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外国投资净额 (wai guo tou zi jing e) 外交部发言人 (wai jiao bu fa yan ren)
net foreign investment Foreign Ministry spokesman
外国驻华机构 (wai guo zhu hua ji gou) 外 交 部 声 明 (wai jiao bu sheng ming)
foreign institutions in China Foreign Ministry statement
外国驻华使领馆 (wai guo zhu hua shi ling 外 交 场 合 (wai jiao chang he)
guan) foreign diplomatic and diplomatic occasion
consular missions in China 外 交 辞 令 (wai jiao ci ling)
外 国 专 家 局 (wai guo zhuan jia ju) diplomatic parlance
Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs 外 交 磋 商 (wai jiao cuo shang)
外国资本流量 (wai guo zi ben liu liang) diplomatic consultation
foreign capital flows 外 交 挫 折 (wai jiao cuo zhe)
外国资产往来 (wai guo zi chan wang lai) diplomatic setback
transactions in foreign assets 外 交 代 表 (wai jiao dai biao)
外 国 组 织 (wai guo zu zhi) foreign diplomatic representative
organization 外交代表办事处 (wai jiao dai biao ban
外汇比价 (wai hui bi jia) exchange shi chu) diplomatic representative’
ratio s office
外汇波动 (wai hui bo dong) foreign 外 交 代 理 人 (wai jiao dai li ren)
exchange fluctuation diplomatic agent
外汇储备 (wai hui chu bei) foreign 外 交 斗 争 (wai jiao dou zheng)
exchange reserve diplomatic struggle
外 汇 管 理 局 (wai hui guan li ju) 外 交 方 法 (wai jiao fang fa)
Administration of Foreign Exchange diplomatic method
Control 外 交 攻 势 (wai jiao gong shi)
外汇利润 (wai hui li run) exchange diplomatic offensive
profit 外交关系升格 (wai jiao guan xi sheng ge)
外汇平衡 (wai hui ping heng) balance upgrade diplomatic relations
of foreign exchange 外 交 惯 例 (wai jiao guan li)
外 汇 券 (wai hui quan) foreign diplomatic practice
exchange certificate 外 交 护 照 (wai jiao hu zhao)
外 汇 申 请 (wai hui shen qing) diplomatic passport
application for foreign exchange 外 交 豁 免 权 (wai jiao huo mian quan)
外汇外流 (wai hui wai liu) outflow of diplomatic immunities
foreign exchange 外 交 机 关 (wai jiao ji guan)
外 挤 内 联 (wai ji nei lian) press diplomatic establishment
externally and ally internally 外 交 家 (wai jiao jia) diplomat;
外交报复 (wai jiao bao fu) diplomatic diplomatist
retaliation 外 交 僵 局 (wai jiao jiang ju)
外交庇护 (wai jiao bi hu) diplomatic diplomatic stalemate
asylum 外 交 接 触 (wai jiao jie chu)
外交避难 (wai jiao bi nan) diplomatic diplomatic contact
asylum 外 交 均 衡 (wai jiao jun heng)
外 交 部 (wai jiao bu) Ministry of diplomatic balance
Foreign Affairs 外交礼节 (wai jiao li jie) diplomatic

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protocol contracting
外交礼仪 (wai jiao li yi) diplomatic 外来干涉 (wai lai gan she) foreign
etiquette interference
外 交 晴 雨 表 (wai jiao qing yu biao) 外来干部 (wai lai gan bu) cadre from
diplomatic barometer outside
外 交 身 份 (wai jiao shen fen) 外来户 (wai lai hu) household from
diplomatic status another place; non-native
外 交 使 节 (wai jiao shi jie) 外 来 压 力 (wai lai ya li) outside
diplomatic envoy pressure
外 交 使 命 (wai jiao shi ming) 外贸部 (wai mao bu) (an abbreviation
diplomatic mission for) Ministry of Foreign Trade
外交使团团长 (wai jiao shi tuan tuan 外贸窗口 (wai mao chuang kou) foreign
zhang) head of the diplomatic corps trade window
外交事务 (wai jiao shi wu) diplomatic 外贸津贴 (wai mao jin tie) assignment
affairs allowance for foreign trade
外 交 手 腕 (wai jiao shou wan) 外 贸 局 (wai mao ju) foreign trade
diplomatic techniques bureau
外 交 谈 判 (wai jiao tan pan) 外贸仲裁 (wai mao zhong cai) foreign
diplomatic negotiations trade arbitration
外 交 特 权 (wai jiao te quan) 外派 (wai pai) send sb. to units or
diplomatic privileges organizations in other areas or to a
外 交 途 径 (wai jiao tu jing) foreign country
diplomatic channels 外企 (wai qi) (an abbreviation for)
外 交 文 件 (wai jiao wen jian) foreign enterprise; enterprise with
diplomatic document external funding
外 交 斡 旋 (wai jiao wo xuan) 外侨身份 (wai qiao shen fen) alienage
diplomatic mediation 外商投资企业 (wai shang tou zi qi ye)
外 交 信 使 (wai jiao xin shi) enterprises with overseas investment
diplomatic courier 外事办公室 (wai shi ban gong shi) see
外 交 邮 件 (wai jiao you jian) “外办”
diplomatic mail 外 事 部 门 (wai shi bu men) foreign
外交语言 (wai jiao yu yan) diplomatic affairs department
language 外事服务单位 (wai shi fu wu dan wei)
外 交 照 会 (wai jiao zhao hui) service agency for foreigners
diplomatic note 外 事 委 员 会 (wai shi wei yuan hui)
外 交 政 策 (wai jiao zheng ce) foreign affairs committee
diplomatic policies 外税局 (wai shui ju) foreign-related
外 交 制 裁 (wai jiao zhi cai) tax bureau
diplomatic sanction 外逃分子 (wai tao fen zi) fugitive;
外交专使 (wai jiao zhuan shi) special deserter
diplomatic envoy 外 逃 资 本 (wai tao zi ben) flight
外 交 准 则 (wai jiao zhun ze) capital
diplomatic norms 外围环节 (wai wei huan jie) external
外界承包 (wai jie cheng bao) outside connections

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外 围 战 争 (wai wei zhan zheng) 玩火者必自焚 (wan huo zhe bi zi fen)
peripheral war those who play with fire get burned
外围组织 (wai wei zu zhi) peripheral 玩弄两面手法 (wan nong liang mian shou
organization fa) engage in double-dealing tactics
外文出版发行事业局 (wai wen chu ban fa 玩 弄 权 术 (wan nong quan shu) play
xing shi ye ju) Foreign Languages politics
Publication Administration 玩弄政治手腕 (wan nong zheng zhi shou
外 向 型 经 济 (wai xiang xing jing ji) wan) employ political stratagems
export-oriented economy 顽固不化的反动派 (wan gu bu hua de fan
外 因 论 (wai yin lun) theory of dong pai) die-hard reactionaries
external causes being dominant; 顽 固 派 (wan gu pai) diehard;
theory of external causality dyed-in-the-wool conservative
外因通过内因起作用 (wai yin tong guo 顽 固 势 力 (wan gu shi li) diehard
nei yin qi zuo yong) external causes elements
become operative through internal 晚节不终 (wan jie bu zhong) ruin one’
causes s integrity in one’s late years
外引内联 (wai yin nei lian) absorb 皖 南 事 变 (wan nan shi bian) South
investment from abroad and establish Anhui Incident (in 1941)
cooperative relations at home 万般皆下品,惟有读书高 (wan ban jie xia
外 债 (wai zhai) foreign debt; pin, wei you du shu gao) only the
external debt learned rank high, all other trades are
外长会议 (wai zhang hui yi) foreign low; all occupations are base, only
ministers’ conference book-learning is exalted
外专局 (wai zhuan ju) see “外国专 万变不离其宗 (wan bian bu li qi zong)
家局” cling to one’s original purpose despite
外 资 管 理 局 (wai zi guan li ju) a myriad changes; the method may vary but
Foreign Investment Administration the principle remains the same
外资管制 (wai zi guan zhi) control of 万 恶 不 赦 (wan e bu she) vicious
foreign capital beyond redemption; iniquitous
外 资 流 入 (wai zi liu ru) foreign 万恶之源 (wan e zhi yuan) source of
capital inflow all evils; root of all evils
外资企业 (wai zi qi ye) see “外企” 万古流芳 (wan gu liu fang) leave a
完 全 金 本 位 (wan quan jin ben wei) good name in history; be remembered
full gold standard throughout the ages
完全经济结合 (wan quan jing ji jie he) 万 金 油 干 部 (wan jin you gan bu)
full-scale economic integration Jack-of-all-trades cadre
完 全 垄 断 (wan quan long duan) 万 里 长 征 (wan li chang zheng) ①
complete monopoly ten-thousand-li journey; very long
完全为公 (wan quan wei gong) devote journey ② Long March (in 1934~1935)
oneself completely to the public cause 万 里 长 征 走 完 了 第 一 步 (wan li chang
完善管理制度 (wan shan guan li zhi du) zheng zou wan le di yi bu) what has
perfect the management been done is only the first step in a
完税价值 (wan shui jia zhi) dutiable long march; far from fulfillment
value 万寿无疆 (wan shou wu jiang) (formula

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for wishing sb. longevity) infinitely 妄 自 菲 薄 (wang zi fei bo)
long life underestimate one’s own achievements
万 言 书 (wan yan shu) 旺盛的革命意志 (wang sheng de ge ming yi
ten-thousand-word memorial; long zhi) fiery revolutionary will
memorial 望厦条约 (wang xia tiao yue) Wangxia
万 元 户 (wan yuan hu) household or Treaty (in 1844)
person with an annual income of ten 危机四伏 (wei ji si fu) be threatened
thousand yuan; (often used in the by growing crises
1980 ’ s to mean well-off person or 危及国家安全 (wei ji guo jia an quan)
family) jeopardize national security
万众一心 (wan zhong yi xin) millions 危急存亡 (wei ji cun wang) at stake
of people united as one; all of one 危险分子 (wei xian fen zi) dangerous
heart and one mind element
汪记国民党 (wang ji guo min dang) the 威逼利诱 (wei bi li you) big stick and
Wang Ching-wei brand of Kuomintang carrot
亡 国 论 (wang guo lun) theory of 威权 (wei quan) authority; power
national subjugation 威慑政策 (wei she zheng ce) policy of
亡 国 灭 种 (wang guo mie zhong) deterrence
national subjugation and racial 威武不能屈,富贵不能淫 (wei wu bu neng
extinction qu, fu gui bu n
亡 国 奴 (wang guo nu) slaves of a eng yin) be neither intimidated by
foreign power; conquered people force nor seduced by wealth or rank
亡国之君 (wang guo zhi jun) monarch 威信扫地 (wei xin sao di) have one’
who caused the fall of his dynasty; s prestige swept into the dust; lose
overthrown monarch popular trust
亡国之民 (wang guo zhi min) people of 微 服 私 访 (wei fu si fang) (of
a subjugated country officials) travel incognito on a
亡国之音 (wang guo zhi yin) music or fact-finding mission
tune presaging the fall of a state 微 笑 服 务 (wei xiao fu wu) service
亡命之徒 (wang ming zhi tu) desperate with smiles
scoundrel; desperado 微笑外交 (wei xiao wai jiao) smile
王 安 石 变 法 (wang an shi bian fa) diplomacy
reform instituted by Wang Anshi as prime 为非作歹 (wei fei zuo dai) do evil;
minister (in 1070~1076) commit misdeeds and crimes
王储 (wang chu) crown prince 为 富 不 仁 (wei fu bu ren) rich and
王 道 (wang dao) kingly way; cruel; wealthy and heartless
benevolent government 违法乱纪 (wei fa luan ji) break laws
王都 (wang du) royal capital and violate discipline; offences
王牌军 (wang pai jun) ace fighting against law and discipline
units; elite troops 围城打援 (wei cheng da yuan) besiege
网罗亲信 (wang luo qin xin) recruit the enemy in order to strike at his
trusted followers reinforcements
网罗死党 (wang luo si dang) scrape 围 剿 (wei jiao) encirclement and
together one’s sworn followers suppression

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围魏救赵 (wei wei jiu zhao) relieve trouble
the state of Chao by besieging the 惟 利 是 图 (wei li shi tu)
state of Wei; relieve the besieged by profit-seeking; be bent solely on profit
besieging the base of the besiegers 惟我独尊 (wei wo du zun) extremely
唯成分论 (wei cheng fen lun) theory conceited; lording it over all others
of the unique importance of class 惟一合法政府 (wei yi he fa zheng fu)
origin sole legal government
唯理论者 (wei li lun zhe) rationalist 维持关税 (wei chi guan shui) preserve
唯 名 论 者 (wei ming lun zhe) tariff
nominalist 维持香港繁荣 (wei chi xiang gang fan
唯上 (wei shang) act solely by one’ rong) maintain the prosperity of Hong
s superior ’ s directives, without Kong
regard to the actual situation 维和 (wei he) (an abbreviation for)
唯 生 产 力 论 (wei sheng chan li lun) peace keeping
doctrine of the unique importance of 维护人权和不断改善人权状况 (wei hu ren
productivity quan he bu duan gai shan ren quan zhuang
唯 实 (wei shi) pragmatism; assess kuang) safeguard human rights and
matters solely on the basis of steadily improve the human rights
practical reality situation
唯书 (wei shu) act solely by the book 维护世界和平 (wei hu shi jie he ping)
唯条件论 (wei tiao jian lun) theory safeguard world peace
of the unique importance of conditions 维权 (wei quan) defend rights
唯武器论 (wei wu qi lun) theory of the 维 新 派 (wei xin pai) reformist;
unique importance of weapons reformer
唯物辩证法的规律 (wei wu bian zheng fa 维新运动 (wei xin yun dong) reform
de gui lü) the law of materialist movement
dialectics 伪君子 (wei jun zi) hypocrite
唯物论 (wei wu lun) materialism 伪造文件 (wei zao wen jian) forged
唯物主义 (wei wu zhu yi) materia-lism document
唯物主义学说 (wei wu zhu yi xue shuo) 伪 政 府 (wei zheng fu) illegitimate
materialist theory government
唯心历史观 (wei xin li shi guan) the 伪政权 (wei zheng quan) puppet regime
idealist conception of history 尾 巴 工 程 (wei ba gong cheng) tail
唯心论 (wei xin lun) idealism construction
唯心主义 (wei xin zhu yi) idealism 尾巴主义 (wei ba zhu yi) tailism
唯心主义学说 (wei xin zhu yi xue shuo) 委 任 书 (wei ren shu) letter of
idealist theory appointment
唯 心 主 义 者 (wei xin zhu yi zhe) 委 托 书 (wei tuo shu) power of
idealist attorney
唯意志论 (wei yi zhi lun) theory of 委员长 (wei yuan zhang) chairman (of
the unique importance of will a committee); president
惟恐天下不乱 (wei kong tian xia bu luan) 卫 生 部 (wei sheng bu) Ministry of
desire to see the world plunged into Public Health
turmoil; be always ready to stir up 卫生队 (wei sheng dui) medical unit

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卫生官员 (wei sheng guan yuan) health art for art’s sake
officer 为资本主义复辟鸣锣开道 (wei zi ben zhu
卫生局 (wei sheng ju) public health yi fu bi ming luo kai dao) pave the way
bureau for the restoration of capitalism
卫生科 (wei sheng ke) health section 未 定 界 限 (wei ding jie xian)
卫生厅 (wei sheng ting) department of undefined boundary
public health 未 遂 政 变 (wei sui zheng bian)
卫生组织 (wei sheng zu zhi) health abortive coup d’etat
organization 慰 问 军 烈 属 (wei wen jun lie shu)
卫星上天,红旗落地 (wei xing shang tian, convey greetings to the families of
hong qi luo di) satellites have been soldiers and martyrs
launched while red flag has fallen 慰问团 (wei wen tuan) group sent to
为革命使完最后一点劲,洒尽最后一滴血 convey regards and appreciation
(wei ge ming shi wan zui hou yi dian 慰 问 信 (wei wen xin) letter of
jin, sa jin zui hou yi di xue) give sympathy; sympathy note
every ounce of strength, every drop of 慰问灾区人民 (wei wen zai qu ren min)
blood for the revolution express sympathy and solicitude for the
为国捐躯 (wei guo juan qu) give up people of disaster-stricken areas
one’s life for one’s country; die for 温饱问题 (wen bao wen ti) problems of
one’s country food and clothing
为虎作伥 (wei hu zuo chang) play the 温和派 (wen he pai) moderates
jackal to the tiger; help a villain in 温良恭俭让 (wen liang gong jian rang)
evildoing temperate, kind, courteous, restrained
为了教育群众首先要向群众学习 (wei le and magnanimous; kind and gentle in
jiao yu qun zhong shou xian yao xiang disposition and refined in manners
qun zhong xue xi) in order to teach 温 情 主 义 (wen qing zhu yi)
the masses, one should first of all sentimentalism; undue leniency
learn from the masses 文代会 (wen dai hui) (an abbreviation
为民除害 (wei min chu hai) rid the for) Conference of Literary and Art
people of an evil Workers’ Representative
为民请命 (wei min qing ming) plead in 文斗(wen dou) (used in the Cultural
the name of the people; pose as a Revolution) verbal struggle;
spokesman of the people arguing without coming to blows
为亲友非法牟利罪 (wei qin you fei fa mou 文牍主义 (wen du zhu yi) red-tapism
li zui) crime of seeking illegal 文 告 (wen gao) statement;
profits for the family members and proclamation
friends 文革 (wen ge) (an abbreviation for)
为人民服务 (wei ren min fu wu) serve Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
the people (1966~1976)
为伟大的社会主义祖国争光 (wei wei da de 文 革 小 组 (wen ge xiao zu) leading
she hui zhu yi zu guo zheng guang) win group for the Cultural Revolution
honor for one ’ s great socialist 文工团 (wen gong tuan) song and dance
motherland ensemble; art troupe; cultural troupe
为 艺 术 而 艺 术 (wei yi shu er yi shu) 文攻武卫 (wen gong wu wei) (used in

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the Cultural Revolution) attack with 文化热 (wen hua re) culture craze
the pen and defend with the sword 文化渗透 (wen hua shen tou) cultural
文官政府 (wen guan zheng fu) civil infiltration
government 文化使节 (wen hua shi jie) cultural
文 官 制 度 (wen guan zhi du) civil envoy
service system 文 化 下 乡 (wen hua xia xiang) (of
文过饰非 (wen guo shi fei) conceal urban people and institutions)
faults and gloss over wrongs; cover up disseminate culture and knowledge in the
one’s errors countryside; popularize
文化霸权主义 (wen hua ba quan zhu yi) education and hygiene in the rural areas
cultural hegemonism 文化殖民主义 (wen hua zhi min zhu yi)
文 化 部 (wen hua bu) Ministry of cultural colonialism
Culture 文 化 专 员 (wen hua zhuan yuan)
文化参赞 (wen hua can zan) cultural cultural attaché
counselor 文化专制主义 (wen hua zhuan zhi zhu yi)
文化产业 (wen hua chan ye) culture cultural tyranny
industry 文化组织 (wen hua zu zhi) cultural
文 化 昌 盛 (wen hua chang sheng) organization
cultural prosperity 文 联 (wen lian) federation of
文化冲击 (wen hua chong ji) cultural literary and art workers
shock 文明村,文明街 (wen ming cun, wen ming
文化冲突 (wen hua chong tu) cultural jie) villages and neighborhoods where
clash civility reigns
文化大革命 (wen hua da ge ming) see 文明古国 (wen ming gu guo) country
“文革” with an ancient civilization
文 化 代 表 团 (wen hua dai biao tuan) 文明国家 (wen ming guo jia) civilized
cultural delegation country
文化积淀 (wen hua ji dian) cultural 文 明 建 设 (wen ming jian she)
accumulation construction of ethics
文化教育机关 (wen hua jiao yu ji guan) 文 明 经 商 (wen ming jing shang) do
cultural and educational institutions business with civility
文化精英 (wen hua jing ying) cultural 文 明 礼 貌 月 (wen ming li mao yue)
elite civic virtue month
文化军队 (wen hua jun dui) cultural 文山会海 (wen shan hui hai) mountains
battalions of documents and seas of meetings
文化快餐 (wen hua kuai can) cultural 文武双全 (wen wu shuang quan) be well
fast food versed both in civil and military
文化联系 (wen hua lian xi) cultural affairs; be fit for both physical
contact exertion and intellectual pursuit
文 化 买 办 (wen hua mai ban) person 文学团体 (wen xue tuan ti) literary
selling foreign culture in the service organization
of colonialism; cultural comprador 文学艺术工作者代表大会 (wen xue yi shu
文化侵略 (wen hua qin lüe) cultural gong zuo zhe dai biao da hui) see
aggression “文代会”

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文以载道 (wen yi zai dao) literature hat (worn by an imperial official to
should transmit principles indicate his position) ② official
文艺八条 (wen yi ba tiao) the eight post 乌托邦 (wu tuo bang) utopia
points for literature and art 无 本 之 木 (wu ben zhi mu) a tree
文艺源于生活,高于生活 (wen yi yuan yu without roots
sheng huo, gao yu sheng huo) lite 无产阶级爱国主义 (wu chan jie ji ai guo
rature and art have source in life and zhu yi) proletarian patriotism
are on a higher plane than life 无产阶级不但要解放自己,而且要解放全人
文职官员 (wen zhi guan yuan) civil 类 (wu chan jie ji bu dan yao jie fang
official zi ji, er qie yao jie fang quan ren lei)
文 字 狱 (wen zi yu) literary the proletariat must emancipate not only
inquisitions itself but all mankind
稳 步 发 展 (wen bu fa zhan) steady 无产阶级的领导 (wu chan jie ji de ling
development dao) proletarian leadership
稳产高产 (wen chan gao chan) stable 无产阶级的硬骨头 (wu chan jie ji de ying
and high yield gu tou) staunch proletarian fighters
稳 定 策 略 (wen ding ce l ü e) stable 无产阶级对少数资产阶级分子的全面统治
strategy (wu chan jie ji dui shao shu zi chan jie
稳定的经济增长 (wen ding de jing ji zeng ji fenzi de quan mian tong zhi)
zhang) stable economic growth all-embracing rule of the proletariat
稳定物价 (wen ding wu jia) stabilize over the small number of bourgeois
prices elements
稳定压倒一切 (wen ding ya dao yi qie) 无产阶级革命化 (wu chan jie ji ge ming
stability overrides everything hua) proletarian revolutionization
稳定增长 (wen ding zeng zhang) stable 无产阶级革命家 (wu chan jie ji ge ming
growth jia) proletarian revolutionary
稳 定 政 策 (wen ding zheng ce) 无产阶级革命事业接班人 (wu chan jie ji
stabilization policy ge ming shi ye jie ban ren)
稳固的基础 (wen gu de ji chu) secure successors to the proletarian
foundation revolutionary cause
稳健派 (wen jian pai) moderates 无产阶级革命造反精神 (wu chan jie ji ge
稳健政策 (wen jian zheng ce) sound ming zao fan jing shen)
policies revolutionary rebel spirit of the
稳扎稳打,沉着应战 (wen zha wen da, chen proletariat
zhuo ying zhan) move ahead steadily 无产阶级国际主义 (wu chan jie ji guo ji
and meet the challenge calmly zhu yi) proletarian internationalism
稳准狠 (wen zhun hen) sure, accurate 无产阶级国际主义的互相援助的原则 (wu
and relentless chan jie ji guo ji zhu yi de hu xiang
我字当头 (wo zi dang tou) put egoism yuan zhu de yuan ze) proletarian
above everything else; me-first internationalist principle of mutual
mentality assistance
斡旋争端 (wo xuan zheng duan) mediate 无产阶级民主 (wu chan jie ji min zhu)
a dispute proletarian democracy
乌纱帽 (wu sha mao) ① black gauze 无产阶级世界观 (wu chan jie ji shi jie

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guan) proletarian world outlook extremly powerful
无产阶级司令部 (wu chan jie ji si ling 无 阶 级 社 会 (wu jie ji she hui)
bu) proletarian headquarters classless society
无产阶级思想 (wu chan jie ji si xiang) 无理要求 (wu li yao qiu) unreasonable
proletarian ideology demand
无产阶级文化大革命 (wu chan jie ji wen 无商不活 (wu shang bu huo) there will
hua da ge ming) see “文革” be no economic revitalization without
无产阶级先锋队 (wu chan jie ji xian feng the development of a commodity economy
dui) vanguard of the proleta-riat 无神论者 (wu shen lun zhe) atheist
无产阶级战士 (wu chan jie ji zhan shi) 无实事求是之意,有哗众取宠之心 (wu shi
proletarian fighter shi qiu shi zhi yi, you hua zhong qu chong
无产阶级政党 (wu chan jie ji zheng dang) zhi xin) have no intention of seeking
proletarian party truth from facts, but only a desire to
无产阶级政党是无产阶级革命的和战斗的 curry favor by claptrap
指挥部 (wu chan jie ji zheng dang shi wu 无私才能无畏 (wu si cai neng wu wei)
chan jie ji ge ming de he zhan dou de zhi only when one is selfless can one be
hui bu) the party of the proletariat fearless
is the headquarters of the proletariat 无私援助 (wu si yuan zhu) selfless
in revolution and struggle assistance
无产阶级只有解放全人类,才能最后解放它 无 条 件 (wu tiao jian) without
自己 (wu chan jie ji zhi you jie fang conditions; unconditional
quan ren lei,cai neng zui hou jie fang 无为而治 (wu wei er zhi) govern by
ta zi ji) the proletariat can finally doing nothing that is against nature
emancipate itself only with the 无谓的牺牲 (wu wei de xi sheng) die a
emancipation of all mankind meaningless death; make unworthy
无产阶级专政 (wu chan jie ji zhuan zheng) sacrifices
proletarian dictatorship 无限上纲 (wu xian shang gang) elevate
无产阶级专政下继续革命的理论 (wu chan minor mistakes or shortcomings to the
jie ji zhuan zheng xia ji xu ge ming level of principles
de li lun) theory of continuing 无限制让步和服从 (wu xian zhi rang bu he
revolution under the proletarian fu cong) unlimited concessions and
dictatorship submission
无产者 (wu chan zhe) proletarian 无效会谈 (wu xiao hui tan) fruitless
无冲突论 (wu chong tu lun) theory of talk
absence of conflict 无效票 (wu xiao piao) null and void
无 党 派 人 士 (wu dang pai ren shi) ballot
person without party affiliation; 无效谈判 (wu xiao tan pan) fruitless
independent negotiations
无 党 派 选 民 (wu dang pai xuan min) 无形资产 (wu xing zi chan) intangible
nonpartisan voter assets
无 记 名 投 票 (wu ji ming tou piao) 无 用 的 抗 议 (wu yong de kang yi)
secret ballot futile protest
无坚不摧,无攻不克 (wu jian bu cui, wu 无政府工团主义倾向 (wu zheng fu gong
gong bu ke) be all-conquering; tuan zhu yi qing xiang)

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anarcho-syndicalist deviation categories of people (i.e. landlords,
无 政 府 思 想 (wu zheng fu si xiang) rich peasants, counter-revolutionaries,
anarchist views bad elements, and Rightists)
无 政 府 主 义 (wu zheng fu zhu yi) 五 马 分 尸 (wu ma fen shi) ancient
anarchism torture and capital punishement by tying
无 政 府 状 态 (wu zheng fu zhuang tai) the v
anarchist state; anarchy ictim’s head and each of his limbs to
无中心论 (wu zhong xin lun) theory of a horse and driving the five horses in
no centre different directions to tear him to
无组织无纪律的行为 (wu zu zhi wu ji lü pieces
de xing wei) act in defiance of the 五年计划 (wu nian ji hua) five-year
organization and discipline plan
无 组 织 状 态 (wu zu zhi zhuang tai) 五七干校 (wu qi gan xiao) May Seventh
disorganized state of affairs Cadre School
五爱 (wu ai) “five loves” (i.e. love 五七一工程纪要 (wu qi yi gong cheng ji
for the motherland, the people, labor, yao) Outline of Project 571 (an armed
science and socialism) coup plan devised by Lin Biao
五保户 (wu bao hu) household enjoying counter-revolutionary clique in 1971)
the five guarantees (i.e. childless 五七指示 (wu qi zhi shi) May Seventh
and infirm old persons who are Directive
guaranteed food, clothing, medical 五 卅 惨 案 (wu sa can an) May 30th
care, housing and burial expenses) Massacre (in 1925)
“五毒” (“wu du”) “five evils” 五卅运动 (wu sa yun dong) May 30th
(first used in Five Antis Movement to Movement (in 1925)
refer to bribery, tax evasion, theft 五十字建党方针 (wu shi zi jian dang fang
of state property, cheating on zhen) 50-word line on Party building
government contracts, and stealing of 五四传统 (wu si chuan tong) tradition
state economic secrets) of May 4th
五反运动 (wu fan yun dong) Five Antis 五 四 运 动 (wu si yun dong) May 4th
Movement (in 1952) Movement (in 1919)
五 个 一 工 程 (wu ge yi gong cheng) 五 星 红 旗 (wu xing hong qi)
“five one” project Five-Star-Red Flag
五 好 战 士 (wu hao zhan shi) 五 刑 (wu xing) (in ancient China)
“five-good” soldier five cardinal forms of punishment -
五讲四美三热爱 (wu jiang si mei san re tattooing the face (墨), cutting off
ai) “five stresses, four points of the nose (劓), cutting off the feet
beauty, and three loves” (i.e. stresses ( 剕 ), castration( 宫 ), and
on decorums, manners, hygiene, decapitation (大辟)
discipline and morals; beautification 五一国际劳动节 (wu yi guo ji lao dong
of the mind, language, behavior, and jie) International Labor Day; May
environment; love of the motherland, of Day
socialism, and of the Chinese Communist 五一六通知 (wu yi liu tong zhi) the
Party) May Sixteenth Circular (in 1966)
五 类 分 子 (wu lei fen zi) five 武 昌 起 义 (wu chang qi yi) Wuchang

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Uprising (in 1911) military coup
武斗 (wu dou) struggle by coercion or 舞弊 (wu bi) engage in embezzlement
force 戊戌变法 (wu xu bian fa) the Reform
武工队 (wu gong dui) armed working Movement of 1898
team 戊戌维新 (wu xu wei xin) see “戊戌
武警 (wu jing) armed police 变法”
武 力 冲 突 (wu li chong tu) armed 务 实 (wu shi) deal with concrete
conflict matters
武 力 解 决 (wu li jie jue) armed 务实外交 (wu shi wai jiao) pragmatic
solution diplomacy
武 力 援 助 (wu li yuan zhu) armed 务虚会议 (wu xu hui yi) meeting to
assistance discuss matters from a plane of
武器拜物教 (wu qi bai wu jiao) fetish principles
of weaponry 物 价 局 (wu jia ju) market price
武器输出国 (wu qi shu chu guo) arms bureau
exporter 物价政策 (wu jia zheng ce) pricing
武器输入国 (wu qi shu ru guo) arms policy
importer 物质变精神,精神变物质 (wu zhi bian jing
《武训传》批判 (《wu xun zhuan》 pi pan) shen, jing shen bian wu zhi) from
criticism of the film The Story of Wu material to consciousness and from
Xun consciousness to material
武装冲突 (wu zhuang chong tu) armed 物 质 财 富 (wu zhi cai fu) material
conflict wealth
武装的革命反对武装的反革命 (wu zhuang 物质刺激,名利挂帅 (wu zhi ci ji, ming
de ge ming fan dui wu zhuang de fan ge li gua shuai) material incentives,
ming) armed revolution against and the placing of personal fame and
armed counter-revolution fortune in command
武装夺取政权 (wu zhuang duo qu zheng 物 质 鼓 励 (wu zhi gu li) material
quan) seize state power by armed reward
force 物质文明 (wu zhi wen ming) material
武装干涉 (wu zhuang gan she) armed civilization
intervention 物质文明和精神文明建设一起抓 (wu zhi
武装抗敌 (wu zhuang kang di) take up wen ming he jing shen wen ming yi qi
arms against the enemy zhua) pay attention to spiritual as
武装叛乱 (wu zhuang pan luan) armed well as material civilization
rebellion 物资管理 (wu zi guan li) control of
武 装 起 义 (wu zhuang qi yi) armed goods and materials
uprising 物资交流 (wu zi jiao liu) exchange of
武装挑衅 (wu zhuang tiao xin) armed commodities
provocation 物资局 (wu zi ju) materials bureau
武装掩护 (wu zhuang yan hu) provide
armed protection
武 装 政 变 (wu zhuang zheng bian)

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— X —

夕阳工业与朝阳工业 (xi yang gong ye yu foreign investment

zhao yang gong ye) fading 希望工程 (xi wang gong cheng) Project
industries and rising industries Hope
西 安 事 变 (xi an shi bian) Xi ’ an 昔日威风,扫地以尽 (xi ri wei feng, sao
Incident (in 1936) di yi jin) one’s former arrogance has
西部大开发 (xi bu da kai fa) great been trampled into the dust for good
development of regions in western 牺牲车马,保存将帅 (xi sheng ju ma, bao
China; greatly develop western China cun jiang shuai) sacrifice the pawns
西 厂 (xi chang) Western Depot (a to save the generals
secret service organization of the 牺牲者 (xi sheng zhe) victim
Ming Dynasty) 稀缺经济 (xi que jing ji) scarcity
西单墙 (xi dan qiang) Xidan Wall economy
西方国家 (xi fang guo jia) western 洗钱 (xi qian) money laundering
country 洗 心 革 面 , 重新 做 人 (xi xin ge mian,
西方价值 (xi fang jia zhi) Western chong xin zuo ren) reform oneself
values thoroughly and begin one’s life anew
西方马克思主义 (xi fang ma ke si zhu yi) 洗心革面,迷途知返 (xi xin ge mian, mi
Marxism in the West tu zhi fan) realize one’s errors and
西风东渐 (xi feng dong jian) Western turn over a new leaf
influence extending to the East 洗雪沉冤 (xi xue chen yuan) redress a
西化 (xi hua) westernization long-standing wrong; clear sb. of a
西南联大 (xi nan lian da) see “西 long-standing false charge
南联合大学” 系统化 (xi tong hua) systematization
西南联合大学 (xi nan lian he da xue) 细 菌 武 器 (xi jun wu qi)
South-West Associated University bacteriological weapon; germ weapon
西 沙 群 岛 (xi sha qun dao) Xisha 细菌战 (xi jun zhan) bacteriological
Islands (called Paracel Islands by warfare; germ warfare
Westerners) 瞎指挥 (xia zhi hui) give arbitrary
西学东渐 (xi xue dong jian) Western and impracticable directions; mess
learning spreading to the East things up by giving wrong orders;
吸取世界文明成果 (xi qu shi jie wen ming command at whim
cheng guo) assimilate the 狭隘的民族感情 (xia ai de min zu gan
achievement of civilizations the qing) illiberal nationalist
world over sentiments
吸收入党 (xi shou ru dang) admit into 狭隘观点 (xia ai guan dian) narrow
the Party view; narrow-minded idea
吸收新鲜血液 (xi shou xin xian xue ye) 狭 隘 经 验 论 (xia ai jing yan lun)
absorb fresh blood narrow empiricism
吸引外商 (xi yin wai shang) attract 狭 隘 民 族 主 义 (xia ai min zu zhu yi)
foreign tradesmen parochial nationalism; narrow
吸 引 外 资 (xi yin wai zi) attract nationalism

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狭 隘 性 (xia ai xing) 下级机关 (xia ji ji guan) government
petty-mindedness; narrow-mindedness organization at a lower level
辖区 (xia qu) area or district under 下级组织 (xia ji zu zhi) lower Party
one’s jurisdiction organization
下拨 (xia bo) (a government agency or 下九流 (xia jiu liu) people from the
supervising unit) allocate materials lower walks of life (such as performers,
or funds to units below porters, trumpeters, and others engaged
下策 (xia ce) bad plan; unwise policy in “lowly” occupations)
下层小资产者 (xia ceng xiao zi chan zhe) 下马威 (xia ma wei) severity shown by
lower strata of the petty bourgeoisie an official on assuming office; show of
下动员令 (xia dong yuan ling) order strength at first contact
mobilization 下情上达 (xia qing shang da) make the
下放 (xia fang) transfer to a lower situation at the lower levels known to
level th
下 放 干 部 (xia fang gan bu) cadre e higher authorities; report the
transferred to the lower level circumstances and sentiments of the
下放劳动 (xia fang lao dong) go down common peop
to do manual labor le to the higher-ups
下 岗 (xia gang) ① come or go off 下属机构 (xia shu ji gou) subordinate
(sentry) duty ② (as of a worker or organization
employee) be removed from a post; be 下 乡 镀 金 论 (xia xiang du jin lun)
made redundant; be laid off doctrine of going down to the
下岗分流 (xia gang fen liu) lay off countryside to be gold-plated or to gain
workers and reposition redundant necessary experiences for future
personnel promotion
下岗人员安置工作 (xai gang ren yuan an 下乡知识青年 (xia xiang zhi shi qing
zhi gong zuo) outplacement (of nian) educated urban youth who worked
laid-off workers or personnel) and settled in the countryside in the
下岗职工 (xia gang zhi gong) laid-off 1960’s and 1970’s
workers; layoffs 下野 (xia ye) (of a ruler) (as of a
下工厂 (xia gong chang) go out to the ruler or politician) fall from power;
factories to gain practical experience retire from the political arena
or first-hand information 下 中 农 (xia zhong nong)
下关惨案 (xia guan can an) Xiaguan lower-middle-peasant
Massacre (in 1946) 先 打 后 拉 (xian da hou la) first
下海 (xia hai) (of people from other attack and then cajole
walks of life) go in for business; become 先 发 制 人 (xian fa zhi ren) gain
a businessman mastery by striking first; dominate
下火线 (xia huo xian) leave the front the enemy by striking first
下基层 (xia ji ceng) go to the grass 先锋队 (xian feng dui) vanguard
roots 先锋分子 (xian feng fen zi) vanguard
下级服从上级 (xia ji fu cong shang ji) element
the lower level is subordinate to the 先锋和模范作用 (xian feng he mo fan zuo
higher level yong) exemplary vanguard role

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先 锋 小 说 (xian feng xiao shuo) 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐 (xian
vanguard fiction tian xia zhi you er you, hou tian xia zhi
先 锋 作 用 (xian feng zuo yong) le er le) be concerned about affairs
vanguard role of state before others, enjoy comfort
先富起来 (xian fu qi lai) get better after others; be the first to endure
off earlier hardships and the last to enjoy comforts
先 公 后 私 (xian gong hou si) put 先头部队 (xian tou bu dui) attacking
public interest before self-interest echelon; advance units
先积累、后消费 (xian ji lei、 hou xiao 先下手为强 (xian xia shou wei qiang)
fei) accumulation before consumption the early bird gets the worm; whoever
先进分子 (xian jin fen zi) advanced strikes the first blow has the advantage
element; progressive 先行官 (xian xing guan) advance agent
先 进 工 作 者 (xian jin gong zuo zhe) 先行者 (xian xing zhe) forerunner
advanced worker; model worker 先验论 (xian yan lun) apriorism
先进国家 (xian jin guo jia) advanced 先做学生,然后再做先生 (xian zuo xue
country sheng, ran hou zai zuo xian sheng) be
先 进 集 体 (xian jin ji ti) a student before you become a teacher
pace-setting unit; advanced unit 掀起新的热潮 (xian qi xin de re chao)
先进技术 (xian jin ji shu) advanced set off a new mass fervor
technology 鲜血凝成的战斗友谊 (xian xue ning cheng
先进理论 (xian jin li lun) advanced de zhan dou you yi) blood-cemented
theory comradeship-in-arms; militant
先进设备 (xian jin she bei) advanced friendship cemented with blood
equipment 县党代会 (xian dang dai hui) county
先进思想 (xian jin si xiang) advanced Party congress
ideology 县人大常委会 (xian ren da chang wei hui)
先进组织 (xian jin zu zhi) advanced standing committee of a county people’
organization s congress
先 决 条 件 (xian jue tiao jian) 县人民代表大会 (xian ren min dai biao da
precondition; prerequisite hui) county people’s congress
先 礼 后 兵 (xian li hou bing) a 县 人 民 政 府 (xian ren min zheng fu)
gentleman first and a warrior second; county people’s government
words before blows; using peaceful means 县委书记 (xian wei shu ji) secretary
before resorting to force of a county Party committee;
先破后立,破中有立 (xian po hou li, po magistrate
zhong you li) destruction before 县长 (xian zhang) head of a county;
construction and construction in the county chief
course of destruction 现出本来面目 (xian chu ben lai mian mu)
先驱工业 (xian qu gong ye) pioneer reveal one’s true colors
industry 现代 (xian dai) modern times
先 驱 者 (xian qu zhe) pioneer; 现代工业 (xian dai gong ye) modern
forerunner industry
先人后己 (xian ren hou ji) put others 现代工业无产阶级 (xian dai gong ye wu
before oneself chan jie ji) modern industrial

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proletariat 现有企业 (xian you qi ye) existing
现代国防 (xian dai guo fang) modern enterprises
industry 现 政 府 (xian zheng fu) present
现代科学技术 (xian dai ke xue ji shu) government
modern science and technology 现 政 权 (xian zheng quan) present
现 代 迷 信 (xian dai mi xin) modern government
superstition 限 购 (xian gou) restrict purchase;
现代农业 (xian dai nong ye) modern limit the quantity that can be purchased
agriculture 限收 (xian shou) limited purchase
现代企业制度 (xian dai qi ye zhi du) 限 制 军 备 (xian zhi jun bei) arms
modern enterprise system; modern limitation
corporate system 限制群众的斗争 (xian zhi qun zhong de
现 代 热 (xian dai re) quest for dou zheng) cramp the mass struggle
modernization 限制消费 (xian zhi xiao fei) restrict
现代思潮 (xian dai si chao) modern consumption
schools of thought 限制战略武器会谈 (xian zhi zhan lüe wu
现 代 外 交 家 (xian dai wai jiao jia) qi hui tan) Strategic Arms Limitation
modern diplomat Talks
现代修正主义 (xian dai xiu zheng zhu yi) 限制资产阶级法权 (xian zhi zi chan jie
modern revisionism ji fa quan) restrain bourgeois rights
现 代 意 识 (xian dai yi shi) modern 线形债 (xian xing zhai) linear debt
thinking 宪法 (xian fa) constitution
现代主义 (xian dai zhu yi) moder-nism 宪章 (xian zhang) charter
现任党委书记 (xian ren dang wei shu ji) 宪 政 (xian zheng) constitutional
present Party committee secretary government; constitutionalism
“现实主义广阔的道路”论 (“xian shi zhu 宪 制 (xian zhi) constitutional
yi guang kuo de dao lu” lun) “the government
broad path of realism” theory 乡 (xiang) township
“现实主义深化”论 (“xian shi zhu yi 乡 规 民 约 (xiang gui min yue) folk
shen hua ” lun) theory of “ the regulations
deepening of realism” 乡 土 观 念 (xiang tu guan nian)
现 实 主 义 者 (xian shi zhu yi zhe) provincialism
realist 乡镇企业 (xiang zhen qi ye) township
现 象 与 本 质 (xian xiang yu ben zhi) enterprise; rurual enterprise
phenomenon and essence 相对稳定时期 (xiang dui wen ding shi qi)
现行反革命分子 (xian xing fan ge ming period of relative stability
fen zi) active counter-revolutionary 相对真理 (xiang dui zhen li) relative
现行政治体制 (xian xing zheng zhi ti zhi) truth
current political system 相 对 主 义 者 (xiang dui zhu yi zhe)
现 役 兵 员 (xian yi bing yuan) relativist
personnel in active service 相 辅 相 成 (xiang fu xiang cheng)
现役军官 (xian yi jun guan) officer complement each other
on active list 相互呼应,四面配合 (xiang hu hu ying, si
现役军人 (xian yi jun ren) serviceman mian pei he) complement and respond

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to each other 逍遥派 (xiao yao pai) bystanders
相互支援和合作 (xiang hu zhi yuan he he 消除异己 (xiao chu yi ji) liquidate
zuo) support, help and cooperate those not of one’s own ilk
with each other 消 费 合 作 社 (xiao fei he zuo she)
相信群众,依靠群众,尊重群众的首创精神 consumers’ cooperative
(xiang xin qun zhong, yi kao qun zhong, 消费结构 (xiao fei jie gou) pattern
zun zhong qun zhong de shou chuang jing of consumption
shen) trust the masses, rely on them, 消费者权益日 (xiao fei zhe quan yi ri)
and respect their initiative International Day for Consu-mers ’
香 风 臭 气 (xiang feng chou qi) Rights and Interests
fragrant breeze and stinking air 消 费 者 协 会 (xiao fei zhe xie hui)
香港特别行政区 (xiang gang te bie xing Consumers’ Association
zheng qu) Hong Kong Special 消 化 吸 收 (xiao hua xi shou)
Administrative Region assimilate
香港特别行政区基本法起草委员会 (xiang 消极怠工 (xiao ji dai gong) be slack
gang te bie xing zheng qu ji ben fa in work; go slow
qi cao wei yuan hui) Committee for 消 极 的 政 策 (xiao ji de zheng ce)
Drafting the Basic Law of the Hong Kong passive policy
Special Administrative Region 消极等待和观望的态度 (xiao ji deng dai
湘 赣 边 区 工 农 政 府 (xiang gan bian qu he guan wang de tai du) passive
gong nong zheng fu) Workers’ and wait-and-see attitude
Peasants ’ Government of 消 极 落 后 (xiao ji luo hou) be
Hunan-Jiangxi Border Region inactive and lag behind
享 乐 主 义 (xiang le zhu yi) 消灭富农经济 (xiao mie fu nong jing ji)
pleasure-seeking; hedonism eliminate the rich peasant economy
享 乐 主 义 者 (xiang le zhu yi zhe) 萧 条 (xiao tiao) languish;
hedonist depression
向党交心 (xiang dang jiao xin) tender 嚣张 (xiao zhang) rampant; arrogant
one’s heart to the Party 小 报 (xiao bao) small-sized
向 科 学 进 军 (xiang ke xue jin jun) newspapers
strive to develop science 小道理服从大道理 (xiao dao li fu cong da
向前看 (xiang qian kan) look to the dao li) the minor principle should
future be subordinated to the major principle
向钱看 (xiang qian kan) look towards 小 道 消 息 (xiao dao xiao xi)
money information from obscure sources
向 群 众 学 习 (xiang qun zhong xue xi) 小 而 全 (xiao er quan) small but
learn from people complete
向 生 产 的 深 度和 广 度 进军 (xiang sheng 小红书 (xiao hong shu) “little red
chan de shen du he guang du jin jun) book” (of Mao Zedong’s quotations)
boost production both intensively and “小皇帝” (“xiao huang di”) “little
extensively emperors” spoiled child especially in
象牙塔 (xiang ya ta) ivory tower one-child family
橡皮图章 (xiang pi tu zhang) rubber 小 集 团 主 义 (xiao ji tuan zhu yi)
stamp small groupism

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小 脚 女 人 (xiao jiao n ü ren) woman 小土地出租者 (xiao tu di chu zu zhe)
with bound feet lessor of small plots; petty leaser
小节无害论 (xiao jie wu hai lun) the 小土地所有者 (xiao tu di suo you zhe)
view that small matters can do no harm small landholder
小金库 (xiao jin ku) small treasury 小 团 体 主 义 (xiao tuan ti zhu yi)
小 康 水 平 (xiao kang shui ping) small groupism
comparatively well-off standard of 小我的利益 (xiao wo de li yi) selfish
living interest
小康之家 (xiao kang zhi jia) family 小 我 的 束 缚 (xiao wo de shu fu)
of moderate means; comfortably-off fetters of a petty self
family; moderately well-off family 小巫见大巫 (xiao wu jian da wu) be
小 米 加 步 枪 (xiao mi jia bu qiang) dwarfed; pale into insignificance by
millet plus rifles comparison
小民主 (xiao min zhu) democracy on a 小业主 (xiao ye zhu) small owner
small scale 小政府,大社会 (xiao zheng fu, da she hui)
小农国家 (xiao nong guo jia) peasant small government, large society
country 小 资 产 阶 级 狂 热 (xiao zi chan jie ji
小 农 经 济 (xiao nong jing ji) kuang re) petty-bourgeois fanaticism
small-scale peasant economy; 小资产阶级民主派 (xiao zi chan jie ji
autarkical small-scale farming min zhu pai) petty-bourgeois
小农私有生产资料的制度 (xiao nong si democrats
you sheng chan zi liao de zhi du) 小资产阶级思想 (xiao zi chan jie ji si
small peasant private ownership of the xiang) petty bourgeois ideology
means of production 小资产阶级知识分子 (xiao zi chan jie ji
小 农 思 想 (xiao nong si xiang) zhi shi fen zi) petty bourgeois
mentality of a small peasant; small intellectuals
peasant’s way of thinking 小 资 产 者 (xiao zi chan zhe) small
小气候 (xiao qi hou) micro-climate proprietor
小 圈 子 主 义 (xiao quan zi zhu yi) 小字报 (xiao zi bao) small-character
“small-circle” mentality poster
小 权 分 散 (xiao quan fen san) 小宗派 (xiao zong pai) small sect
decentralize power on minor issues 小组会 (xiao zu hui) group meeting
小生产 (xiao sheng chan) small-scale 小 组 讨 论 (xiao zu tao lun) group
production discussion
小生产者 (xiao sheng chan zhe) small 笑里藏刀 (xiao li cang dao) murderous
producer intent behind one’s smile
小事不做 (xiao shi bu zuo) disdain 笑面虎 (xiao mian hu) tiger with a
minor assignments smiling face; smiling tiger; an
小 私 有 者 (xiao si you zhe) petty outwardly kind but inwardly cruel
proprietor person
小题大做 (xiao ti da zuo) make a fuss 效 率 就 是 生 命 (xiao lü jiu shi sheng
about a trifling matter; make a fuss over ming) efficiency is life
nothing 效率优先, 兼顾公平 (xiao lü you xian,
jian gu gong ping) give priority to

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efficiency with due consideration to 辛亥革命 (xin hai ge ming) Revolution
fairness of 1911
效 益 工 资 (xiao yi gong zi) 欣欣向荣 (xin xin xiang rong) growing
efficiency-related wages prosperity; thriving; lively atmosphere
效益农业 (xiao yi nong ye) profitable 新 兵 招 募 站 (xin bing zhao mu zhan)
agriculture recruit station
协 定 关 税 (xie ding guan shui) 新兵征召军官 (xin bing zheng zhao jun
agreement tariff; conventional tariff guan) recruit officer
协商对话渠道 (xie shang dui hua qu dao) 新产业革命 (xin chan ye ge ming) new
channels for consultation and industrial revolution
dialogue 新 长 征 (xin chang zheng) New Long
协商一致的原则 (xie shang yi zhi de yuan March
ze) principle of reaching unanimity 新长征突击手 (xin chang zheng tu ji shou)
through consultation pace-setter in the New Long March
协 调 观 点 (xie tiao guan dian) 新成立的组织 (xin cheng li de zu zhi)
harmonize viewpoints newly established organization
协 调 委 员 会 (xie tiao wei yuan hui) 新 党 员 (xin dang yuan) new Party
coordination committee member
协 约 国 际 法 (xie yue guo ji fa) 新 党 章 (xin dang zhang) new Party
conventional international law constitution
邪风 (xie feng) sinister trend 新的资产阶级分子 (xin de zi chan jie ji
邪 教 组 织 (xie jiao zu zhi) evil fen zi) new capitalist element
organizations with the pretext 新都 (xin du) new capital
邪门歪道 (xie men wai dao) crooked 新独立国家 (xin du li guo jia) newly
means independent country
胁迫 (xie po) coerce 新官上任三八火 (xin guan shang ren san
“ 写真 实”论 ( “ xie zhen shi ” lun) ba huo) a new official introduces a
theory of “writing about reality” rash of changes; a new broom sweeps clean
血 的 教 训 (xie de jiao xun) at the 新管理体制 (xin guan li ti zhi) new
bitter cost of one’s own blood system of management
泄漏国家机密罪 (xie lou guo jia ji mi 新 华 通 讯 社 (xin hua tong xun she)
zui) offence of betrayal of state Xinhua News Agency
secrets 新纪元 (xin ji yuan) new epoch
卸掉思想包袱 (xie diao si xiang bao fu) “ 新阶 段”论 ( “ xin jie duan ” lun)
take a burden off sb.’s mind theory of a “new stage”
心 理 外 交 (xin li wai jiao) 新经济体系 (xin jing ji ti xi) new
psychological diplomacy economic system
心连心 (xin lian xin) heart linked to 新局面 (xin ju mian) new situation
heart 新浪潮 (xin lang chao) nouvelle vogue;
心向党 (xin xiang dang) with hearts new wave
true to the Party 新老接替 (xin lao jie ti) succession
辛丑条约 (xin chou tiao yue) (unequal) of the older by the younger generation;
Treaty of 1901 (signed between the Qing replacement of the old by the new
government and the Eight Powers) 新老殖民主义 (xin lao zhi min zhu yi)

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colonialism and neo-colonialism 新 闻 参 赞 (xin wen can zan) press
independent country attaché
新 民 主 党 (xin min zhu dang) new 新闻处 (xin wen chu) press department;
democratic party office of information
新民主主义革命 (xin min zhu zhu yi ge 新闻出版总署 (xin wen chu ban zong shu)
ming) new-democratic revolution General Administration of News and
新起的革命小将 (xin qi de ge ming xiao Publication
jiang) up-and-coming young 新 闻 代 表 团 (xin wen dai biao tuan)
revolutionary fighters press delegation
新气象 (xin qi xiang) fresh spirit 新闻的党性原则 (xin wen de dang xing
《新青年》 (xin qing nian) New Youth yuan ze) Party spirit principle of
新 权 威 主 义 争 论 (xin quan wei zhu yi journalism
zheng lun) debate over the new 新闻发布官 (xin wen fa bu guan) press
authoritarianism officer
新 人 口 论 (xin ren kou lun) new 新闻发布会 (xin wen fa bu hui) press
population theory briefing
新儒家 (xin ru jia) neo-Confucianism 新 闻 封 锁 (xin wen feng suo) news
新社会 (xin she hui) new society blackout
新 生 活 运 动 (xin sheng huo yun dong) 新闻工作者代表团 (xin wen gong zuo zhe
New Life Movement dai biao tuan) journalist delegation
新生力量 (xin sheng li liang) newly 新 闻 检 查 (xin wen jian cha) press
emerging force censorship
新 生 事 物 (xin sheng shi wu) newly 新闻立法 (xin wen li fa) legislation
emerging things for journalism
新生资产阶级分子 (xin sheng zi chan jie 新闻是党的喉舌 (xin wen shi dang de hou
ji fen zi) new-born bourgeois she) journalism is the Party ’ s
elements mouthpiece
新时期 (xin shi qi) new period 新 闻 司 (xin wen si) department of
新 式 武 器 (xin shi wu qi) modern information (of the Foreign Ministry)
weapon 新 闻 团 体 (xin wen tuan ti) news
新式整军运动 (xin shi zheng jun yun dong) organization
new type of ideological education 新 兴 国 家 (xin xing guo jia)
movement in the army new-emerging country
新思想、新文化、新风俗、新习惯 (xin si 新 兴 力 量 (xin xing li liang) new
xiang、 xin wen hua、 xin feng su、 xin force; rising force
xi guan) see “四新” 新兴商人阶级 (xin xing shang ren jie ji)
新四军 (xin si jun) New Fourth Army rising mercantile class
新文化运动 (xin wen hua yun dong) New 新政府 (xin zheng fu) new government
Cultural Movement (1915~1919) 新 政 权 (xin zheng quan) new
新 文 学 (xin wen xue) vernacular government; new regime
literature; modern literature (promoted 新殖民主义政策 (xin zhi min zhu yi zheng
during the New Culture Movement) ce) policy of neo-colonialism
新文学运动 (xin wen xue yun dong) New 新左派 (xin zuo pai) neo-Leftists
Literature Movement 信贷银行 (xin dai yin hang) credit

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bank 星星之火,可以燎原 (xing xing zhi huo,
信贷支持 (xin dai zhi chi) credit aid ke yi liao yuan) a single spark can
信访室 (xin fang shi) letters office start a prairie fire
信口开河的奇谈怪论 (xin kou kai he de qi 行必果 (xing bi guo) be resolute in
tan guai lun) nonsensical and deed
preposterous arguments 行成于思,毁于随 (xing cheng yu si, hui
信 任 票 (xin ren piao) vote for yu sui) a deed is accomplished through
confidence taking thought and fails through lack of
信 任 群 众 (xin ren qun zhong) have thought
confidence in people 行 动 委 员 会 (xing dong wei yuan hui)
信 息 产 业 部 (xin xi chan ye bu) action committee
Ministry of Information Industry 行动指南 (xing dong zhi nan) guide to
信息化 (xin xi hua) informationalize action
(the national economy and society) 行贿 (xing hui) bribery
信息经济 (xin xi jing ji) information 行贿者 (xing hui zhe) briber
economy 行 使 表 决 权 (xing shi biao jue quan)
信息流 (xin xi liu) information flow exercise the right to vote
信息时代 (xin xi shi dai) information 行 使 否 决 权 (xing shi fou jue quan)
era exercise the veto
信息资源 (xin xi zi yuan) information 行使管辖 (xing shi guan xia) exercise
resources jurisdiction
信心百倍,斗志昂扬 (xin xin bai bei, dou 行使职权 (xing shi zhi quan) exercise
zhi ang yang) full of confidence and one’s functions and powers
high spirit 行使主权 (xing shi zhu quan) exercise
信仰危机 (xin yang wei ji) crisis of of the sovereignty
faith 行为准则 (xing wei zhun ze) code of
信仰自由 (xin yang zi you) freedom of conduct
belief 行 政 部 门 (xing zheng bu men)
信 用 危 机 (xin yong wei ji) credit administrative department
crisis 行 政 参 赞 (xing zheng can zan)
兴风作浪 (xing feng zuo lang) stir up political counselor
trouble; become active and cause trouble 行 政 处 分 (xing zheng chu fen)
兴,观,群,怨 (xing, guan, qun, yuan) disciplinary sanction
agent of stimulation, way to judgement, 行 政 公 署 (xing zheng gong shu)
means to communal spirit, and vehicle administrative office
for one’s aggrieved feeling 行 政 官 员 (xing zheng guan yuan)
兴 利 除 弊 (xing li chu bi) promote administrator
that which is profitable and abolish 行 政 管 理 (xing zheng guan li)
that which is evil administration
兴 无 灭 资 (xing wu mie zi) promote 行政和领土完整 (xing zheng he ling tu
proletarian ideas and eliminate wan zheng) administrative and
bourgeois ideas territorial integrity
星 火 计 划 (xing huo ji hua) Spark 行 政 会 议 (xing zheng hui yi)
Program executive council

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行 政 机 构 (xing zheng ji gou) problems
administrative organ 形式上的让步 (xing shi shang de rang bu)
行 政 机 关 (xing zheng ji guan) nominal concession
administrative body 形式主义 (xing shi zhu yi) forma-lism
行 政 拘 留 (xing zheng ju liu) 形 式 主 义 者 (xing shi zhu yi zhe)
administrative detention formalist
行 政 科 (xing zheng ke) 形“左”实右 (xing zuo shi you) leftist
administration section in form but rightist in reality
行 政 立 法 (xing zheng li fa) 性价比 (xing jia bi) cost performance
administrative legislation 姓资姓社之争 (xing zi xing she zhi zheng)
行 政 命 令 (xing zheng ming ling) a debate over capitalism or socialism
administrative decree 兄弟般的团结 (xiong di ban de tuan jie)
行 政 区 (xing zheng qu) fraternal solidarity
administrative area 兄 弟 党 (xiong di dang) fraternal
行 政 区 域 (xing zheng qu yu) party
administrative division 兄弟国家 (xiong di guo jia) fraternal
行政区域制度 (xing zheng qu yu zhi du) country
system of administrative divisions 兄弟民族 (xiong di min zu) fraternal
行政人员比例 (xing zheng ren yuan bi li) ethnic groups
administrative personnel quotas 胸怀祖国,放眼世界 (xiong huai zu guo,
行政审批制度 (xing zheng shen pi zhi du) fang yan shi jie) keep both the
administrative approval system interests
行 政 事 务 (xing zheng shi wu) of the country and those of the world at
administrative affairs heart; have the country in heart and the
行 政 手 段 (xing zheng shou duan) whole world in mind
administrative measures 雄辩家 (xiong bian jia) rhetorician
行 政 诉 讼 (xing zheng su song) 雄厚的战斗力 (xiong hou de zhan dou li)
administrative proceedings tremendous fighting stren-gth
行 政 性 会 议 (xing zheng xing hui yi) 雄赳赳、气昂昂 (xiong jiu jiu、 qi ang
executive session ang) valiant and high-spirited
行政长官 (xing zheng zhang guan) (HK) 休戚相关 (xiu qi xiang guan) be of
Chief Executive close concern to each other
行 政 职 务 (xing zheng zhi wu) 休戚与共 (xiu qi yu gong) share the
administrative post same fate
形成全方位、多层次、宽领域的开放格局 休 战 状 态 (xiu zhan zhuang tai)
(xing cheng quan fang wei、 duo ceng ci、 ceasefire; state of ceasefire
kuan ling yu de kai fang ge ju) form 休整军队 (xiu zheng jun dui) give the
an all-directional, multi-layered and troops some time for rest and
wide-ranging pattern of opening up to reorganization
the outside world 修 改 草 案 (xiu gai cao an) draft
形 而 上 学 (xing er shang xue) amendment
metaphysics 修改宪法 (xiu gai xian fa) amend the
形而上学地看问题 (xing er shang xue de constitution
kan wen ti) metaphysical approach to 修身,齐家,治国,平天下 (xiu shen, qi

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jia, zhi guo, ping tian xia) 宣 传 部 (xuan chuan bu) publicity
self-cultivation, establishing one’ department
s fa-mily, serving one’s country, and 宣传干部 (xuan chuan gan bu) clerical
unifying the world worker in charge of propaganda work
修正案 (xiu zheng an) amendment 宣 传 工 作 (xuan chuan gong zuo)
修 正 现 行 法 (xiu zheng xian xing fa) publicity work
amend existing laws 宣传工作会议 (xuan chuan gong zuo hui yi)
修 正 主 义 (xiu zheng zhu yi) conference on propaganda work
revisionism 宣 传 机 构 (xuan chuan ji gou)
修正主义苗子 (xiu zheng zhu yi miao zi) publicity organs
revisionist seedlings 宣 传 群 众 (xuan chuan qun zhong)
修正主义思潮 (xiu zheng zhu yi si chao) publicize among people
revisionist trend 宣 誓 就 职 (xuan shi jiu zhi)
修 正 主 义 者 (xiu zheng zhu yi zhe) swearing-in
revisionist 宣 言 (xuan yan) declaration;
朽 木 不 可 雕 (xiu mu bu ke diao) as manifesto
decayed wood cannot be carved, a 宣 战 (xuan zhan) declare war;
good-for-nothing fellow can never be declaration of war
helped 选 拔 干 部 (xuan ba gan bu) select
嗅觉最灵,眼睛最亮 (xiu jue zui ling, cadres
yan jing zui liang) the best nose 选举程序 (xuan ju cheng xu) electoral
and the sharpest eyes procedure
虚拟市场 (xu ni shi chang) virtual 选举大会 (xuan ju da hui) electoral
market meeting
虚 拟 银 行 (xu ni yin hang) virtual 选举法 (xuan ju fa) electoral law
bank 选 举 纲 领 (xuan ju gang ling)
虚 弱 本 质 (xu ruo ben zhi) feeble electoral program
nature; inherent weakness 选举规则 (xuan ju gui ze) election
虚无主义 (xu wu zhu yi) nihilism regulation
虚 无 主 义 者 (xu wu zhu yi zhe) 选举结果 (xuan ju jie guo) election
nihilist results
虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后 (xu xin shi 选 举 区 (xuan ju qu) electoral
ren jin bu, jiao ao shi ren luo hou) district; electoral ward
modesty 选举权和被选举权 (xuan ju quan he bei
helps one to go forward, whereas conceit xuan ju quan) the right to vote and
makes one lag behind the right to be elected
许 可 证 制 度 (xu ke zheng zhi du) 选举舞弊 (xuan ju wu bi) electoral
license granting mechanisms rigging
蓄洪工程 (xu hong gong cheng) flood 选举制度 (xuan ju zhi du) electoral
storage project system
宣布当选 (xuan bu dang xuan) declare 选民票 (xuan min piao) popular vote
elected 选民资格 (xuan min zi ge) elector’s
宣布政见 (xuan bu zheng jian) make qualification
political pronouncements 选票 (xuan piao) vote; ballot

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选 择 选 票 制 (xuan ze xuan piao zhi) 学生组织 (xue sheng zu zhi) students’
preferential voting organization
学 部 (xue bu) ① ministry of 学先进,比先进,赶先进,帮后进 (xue xian
education of the Qing Dynasty ② jin, bi xian jin, gan xian jin, bang hou
academic committee of the Chinese jin) learn from the advanced, emulate
Academy of Sciences and c
学而不厌,诲人不倦 (xue er bu yan, hui atch up with the advanced, help those
ren bu juan) be insatiable in lagging behind
learning and tireless in teaching 学用结合 (xue yong jie he) combine
学而时习之,不亦说乎 (xue er shi xi zhi, study with application
bu yi yue hu) how pleasant it is to 血 海 深 仇 (xue hai shen chou) huge
learn and constantly review what one debt in blood
has learned 血 统 论 (xue tong lun) theory of
学而优则仕 (xue er you ze shi) a good family lineage
scholar can become an official; he who 血 吸 虫 病 (xue xi chong bing)
excels in study can follow an official schistosomiasis
career 血债血还 (xue zhai xue huan) debts of
学工、学农、学军 (xue gong、 xue nong、 blood must be paid in blood
xue jun) learn industrial 寻根热 (xun gen re) intense search
production, agricultural production for “roots” especially referring to
and military affairs Taiwan compatriots looking for their
学 科 带 头 人 (xue ke dai tou ren) A mainland relatives
pace-setter in scientific research 巡 回 大 使 (xun hui da shi) roving
学雷锋 (xue lei feng) learn from Lei ambassador; ambassador-at-large
Feng 循环经济 (xun huan jing ji) circular
学联 (xue lian) (an abbreviation for) economy
students’ federation; student union “驯服工具论” (“xun fu gong ju lun”)
学生联合会 (xue sheng lian he hui) see theory of “docile tools”
“学联” 殉国 (xun guo) die for one’s country
学生运动 (xue sheng yun dong) student 殉职 (xun zhi) die a martyr at one’
movement s post

— Y —

压价 (ya jia) force down the price democracy

压迫 (ya po) oppression 亚 非 会 议 (ya fei hui yi) the
压迫者 (ya po zhe) oppressor Asian-African Conference
压缩开支 (ya suo kai zhi) cut down 亚非拉 (ya fei la) Asia, Africa, and
expenses Latin America
压榨 (ya zha) oppress and exploit 亚太 (ya tai) Asia and Pacific Ocean
压 制 (ya zhi) suppress; subjugate; 亚 运 村 (ya yun cun) Asian Games
repress Village
压 制 民 主 (ya zhi min zhu) stifle 亚运会 (ya yun hui) Asian Games

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亚 洲 国 家 (ya zhou guo jia) Asian 沿 海 管 辖 权 (yan hai guan xia quan)
country coastal jurisdiction
亚洲金融危机 (ya zhou jin rong wei ji) 沿海经济开发区 (yan hai jing ji kai fa
financial crisis in Asia qu) coastal economic development zone
延安精神 (yan an jing shen) Yan’an 沿 海 经 济 区 (yan hai jing ji qu)
spirit coastal economic zone
延安整风运动 (yan an zheng feng yun dong) 掩耳盗铃 (yan er dao ling) run away
Yan’an Rectification Movement from one’s shadow
延 期 转 正 (yan qi zhuan zheng) 眼高手低,志大才疏 (yan gao shou di, zhi
postpone one’s probationary period da cai shu) have grandiose aims but
严惩 (yan cheng) punish severely puny abilities, great ambition but
严打 (yan da) strike-hard little talent
严 打 斗 争 (yan da dou zheng) 眼前利益服从长远利益,局部利益服从整体
strike-hard campaign 利益,个人和集体利益服从国
严 格纪 律 (yan ge ji l ü ) be highly 家利益 (yan qian li yi fu cong chang yuan
disciplined li yi, ju bu li yi fu cong zheng ti li
严格遵守合同条款 (yan ge zun shou he yi, ge ren he ji ti li yi fu cong guo jia
tong tiao kuan) rigorous li yi) subordinate immediate
performance of contract interests to long-term interests,
严管 (yan guan) manage strictly partial interests to overall interests
严控 (yan kong) control strictly and the interests of individuals and
严以律己, 宽以待人 (yan yi lü ji, kuan collectives to those of the state
yi dai ren) be strict with oneself 偃 旗 息 鼓 (yan qi xi gu) lower the
and lenient towards others banners and muffle the drums; stop
严正立场 (yan zheng li chang) so-lemn fighting
stand 演说家 (yan shuo jia) speaker; orator
严重错误 (yan zhong cuo wu) serious 厌 世 (yan shi) be pessimistic; be
mistake world-weary
严重官僚主义 (yan zhong guan liao zhu yi) 唁函 (yan han) letter of condolence;
serious bureaucracy message of condolence
严重警告 (yan zhong jing gao) serious 扬长避短 (yang chang bi duan) play up
warning strengths and avoid weaknesses
严重违约 (yan zhong wei yue) grave 阳奉阴违 (yang feng yin wei) comply
breach of contract in public but oppose in private;
严重性 (yan zhong xing) severity overtly agree to but covertly oppose
言必信,行必果 (yan bi xin, xing bi guo) 阳 光 产 业 (yang guang chan ye)
promise must be kept and action must be sunshine industry
resolute 阳谋 (yang mou) overt trick
言必行 (yan bi xing) be true in word 洋 八 股 (yang ba gu) foreign
言论自由 (yan lun zi you) freedom of stereotyped writing; foreign
speech stereotype
炎 黄 子 孙 (yan huang zi sun) 洋 框 框 (yang kuang kuang) foreign
descendants of the Emperors Yan and conventions; foreign stereotypes and
Huang; all the Chinese people taboos

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洋奴思想 (yang nu si xiang) slavish out revolution after working hours
mentality of worshipping what is 一般和个别相结合 (yi ban he ge bie xiang
foreign jie he) combine the general with the
洋奴哲学 (yang nu zhe xue) foreign particular
slave philosophy 一般民主 (yi ban min zhu) democracy
洋为中用 (yang wei zhong yong) adapt in general
foreign things to Chinese use 一般社会人士 (yi ban she hui ren shi)
养老保险制度 (yang lao bao xian zhi du) social figure in general
basic old-age pension system 一 般 性 指 示 (yi ban xing zhi shi)
样板田 (yang ban tian) demonstration general directive
field “一帮一”活动 (“yi bang yi” huo dong)
样板戏 (yang ban xi) model dramas campaign of “one helps another”
妖 言 惑 众 (yao yan huo zhong) wild 一帮一,一对红 (yi bang yi, yi dui hong)
rumours mislead the masses one helps one to become a red pair
“ 谣言 攻势” ( “ yao yan gong shi ” ) 一边倒 (yi bian dao) lean to one side
“rumour offensive”; rumour-mongering 一不怕苦,二不怕死 (yi bu pa ku, er bu
campaign pa si) fear neither hardship nor death
摇摆不定的政策 (yao bai bu ding de zheng 一不做,二不休 (yi bu zuo, er bu xiu) a
ce) seesaw policy thing once begun will not be put off
摇 动 笔 杆 枪 (yao dong bi gan qiang) until done
brandish one’s pen like a lance 一步三回头 (yi bu san hui tou) with
要 害 部 门 (yao hai bu men) key every step one looks back three times
department 一戳就穿的纸老虎 (yi chuo jiu chuan de
要文斗,不要武斗 (yao wen dou, bu yao wu zhi lao hu) paper tiger that can be
dou) struggle by reasoning, not by punctured with a mere stroke
coercion or force “一次革命”论 (“yi ci ge ming” lun)
要员 (yao yuan) important official theory of “a single revolution”
冶 金 工 会 (ye jin gong hui) trade 一打三反 (yi da san fan) one-hit and
union of metallurgical workers three-anti
冶 金 工 业 部 (ye jin gong ye bu) 一打一拉 (yi da yi la) use both the
Ministry of Metallurgical Industry stick and the carrot
冶金局 (ye jin ju) metallurgy bureau 一大二公 (yi da er gong) large in size
野火烧不尽,春风吹又生 (ye huo shao bu and collective in nature
jin, chun feng chui you sheng) not 一 代 新 人 (yi dai xin ren) new
even a prairie fire can destroy the grass, generation
it grows again when the 一 党 专 政 (yi dang zhuan zheng)
spring breeze blows one-party dictatorship
野蛮政策 (ye man zheng ce) policy of 一刀切 (yi dao qie) cut it even at one
brutality stroke; make it rigidly uniform;
野心家 (ye xin jia) conspirator impose uniformity in all cases; allow
野战军 (ye zhan jun) field army no flexibility
业 务 挂 帅 (ye wu gua shuai) 一 等 秘 书 (yi deng mi shu) first
professional work takes command secretary
业余闹革命 (ye yu nao ge ming) carry 一点论 (yi dian lun) the one-aspect

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doctrine 一 贯 制 (yi guan zhi) consistent
一定要解放台湾 (yi ding yao jie fang tai system
wan) we are determined to liberate 一 贯 主 张 (yi guan zhu zhang)
Taiwan consistent stand
一斗、二批、三改 (yi dou、 er pi、 san 一棍子打死 (yi gun zi da si) knock sb.
gai) struggle, criticize, and down at one stroke; finish off with one
transform blow
一对红 (yi dui hong) a pair of reds 一锅端 (yi guo duan) take in one pot
一对矛盾 (yi dui mao dun) a pair of 一国两制 (yi guo liang zhi) see
opposites “一个国家,两种制度”
一 二 · 九 运 动 (yi er jiu yun dong) 一号文件 (yi hao wen jian) number one
December 9th Movement (in 1935) document; important document
一分为二 (yi fen wei er) one divides 一 哄 而 起 (yi hong er qi) rush
into two; everything has its’ pros and headlong into mass action; be aroused to
cons precipitate action
一风吹 (yi feng chui) disappear with “一花独放,一家独鸣” (“yi hua du fang,
one gust of wind yi jia du ming”) “Let one single
一夫一妻制 (yi fu yi qi zhi) monogamy flower blossom, and only one school of
一府两院 (yi fu liang yuan) people’ thought speak out”
s government, people ’ s court and 一花独开不是春,百花齐放春满园 (yi hua
people’s procuratorate du kai bu shi chun, bai hua qi fang chun
“一概怀疑,一概否定,一概排斥,一概打 man yuan) spring does not arrive with
倒” (“yi gai huai yi, yi gai fou ding, the blossoming of a single flower; when
yi gai pai chi, yi gai da dao ” ) one hundred flowers blossom, spring
“ suspect, negate, exclude and permeates the orchard
overthrow sth. all indiscriminately” 一 化 三 改 (yi hua san gai) one
一 竿 子 插 到 底 (yi gan zi cha dao di) industrialization and three
one pole penetrating to the bottom transformations
一个国家,两种制度 (yi ge guo jia, liang 一级军区 (yi ji jun qu) first-level
zhong zhi du) one country, two military region
social systems 一级行政区 (yi ji xing zheng qu) the
一个中心,两个基本点 (yi ge zhong xin, first-level administrative area
liang ge ji ben dian) one central task 一级战备状态 (yi ji zhan bei zhuang tai)
and two basic points first-degree combat readiness
一 股 大 黑 风 (yi gu da hei feng) a 一箭双雕 (yi jian shuang diao) kill
sinister gale two birds with one stone
一鼓作气 (yi gu zuo qi) get sth.done 一举消灭 (yi ju xiao mie) annihilate
in one vigorous effort sth. at one stroke
一 贯 方 针 (yi guan fang zhen) 一看二帮 (yi kan er bang) observe and
consistent policy help
一 贯 立 场 (yi guan li chang) 一 颗 红 心 , 两种 准 备 (yi ke hong xin,
consistent stand liang zhong zhun bei) one red heart
一 贯 政 策 (yi guan zheng ce) and two kinds of preparation
consistent policy 一课三会 (yi ke san hui) one class and

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three meetings hong, hong yi dian; da jia hong, hong yi
一口一口地把敌人吃掉 (yi kou yi kou de pian) when a single person is
ba di ren chi diao) chew up the enemy ideologically revolutionized, his
mouthful by mouthful contribution is limited; when all of us
一揽子会议 (yi lan zi hui yi) package are ideologically revolutionized, our
meeting contribution will be tremendous
一揽子计划 (yi lan zi ji hua) package 一人一票选举 (yi ren yi piao xuan ju)
plan one-man-one-vote election
一 揽 子 交 易 (yi lan zi jiao yi) 一人有事,万人帮助;一处困难,八方支援
package deal (yi ren you shi, wan ren bang zhu; yi chu
一 厘 钱 精 神 (yi li qian jing shen) kun nan, ba fang zhi yuan) if one is
penny pinching spirit in need, all render help; when
一面倒 (yi mian dao) landslide difficulties arise in one place, aid
一盘散沙 (yi pan san sha) a heap of comes from everywhere
loose sand 一身臃肿,头重脚轻 (yi shen yong zhong,
一 批 二 看 (yi pi er kan) first tou zhong jiao qing) heavily padded
criticize, then observe and weighed down
一 批 二 用 (yi pi er yong) first 一声春雷 (yi sheng chun lei) a clap of
criticize, then use spring thunder
一片红 (yi pian hong) all painted red 一手拿镐,一手拿枪 (yi shou na gao, yi
and revolutionary shou na qiang) pick in one hand and
一 平 二 调 (yi ping er diao) rifle in the other
egalitarianism and property transfer 一手掩尽天下人的耳目 (yi shou yan jin
一切从实际出发 (yi qie cong shi ji chu tian xia ren de er mu) deceive the
fa) proceed from reality in all work world as one please
一切革命的根本问题是国家政权的问题 一手硬,一手软 (yi shou ying, yi shou
(yi qie ge ming de gen ben wen ti shi ruan) one hand hard and one hand soft
guo jia zheng quan de wen ti) the 一手抓革命,一手抓生产 (yi shou zhua ge
fundamental issue in all revolutions ming, yi shou zhua sheng chan) take a
is that of state power firm hold of revolution with one hand and
一切缴获要归公 (yi qie jiao huo yao gui spur production with the other
gong) turn in everything captured 一手抓四个坚持,一手抓改革开放 (yi shou
一切可能的革命友军 (yi qie ke neng de ge zhua si ge jian chi, yi shou zhua gai
ming you jun) all the armies that are ge kai fang) adhere to the four
potentially friendly to the revolution cardinal principles on one hand, carry
一 切 向 钱 看 (yi qie xiang qian kan) out the policies of reform and the open
put money above everything else; money door on the other
first in everything 一手抓物质文明,一手抓精神文明;一手抓
一切行动听指挥 (yi qie xing dong ting 经济建设,一手抓民主建设;一手抓改
zhi hui) obey orders in all one’s 革开放,一手抓打击犯罪惩治腐败 (yi shou
actions zhua wu zhi wen ming, yi shou zhua jing
一穷二白 (yi qiong er bai) poor and shen wen ming; yi shou zhua jing ji
blank jian she, yi shou zhua min zhu jian she;
一人红,红一点;大家红,红一片 (yi ren yi shou zhua gai ge kai fang, yi shou

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zhua da ji fan zui cheng zhi fu bai) 一 野 (yi ye) (an abbreviation for)
stress material civilization on the First Field Army before 1949
one hand and spiritual civilization on 一叶障目,不见泰山 (yi ye zhang mu, bu
the other; develop the economy on one jian tai shan) a leaf before the eye
hand and strengthen democracy on the shuts out Mount Tai
other; promote reform and opening to 一意孤行 (yi yi gu xing) persist in
the outside world on one hand and fight wilfully and arbitrarily
crime and punish corruption on the 一用二批三改四创 (yi yong er pi san gai
other si chuang) utilize, criticize,
一胎化 (yi tai hua) one-child policy improve, and create
一体化 (yi ti hua) consolidation of 一 元 化 领 导 (yi yuan hua ling dao)
several units or components into one centralized leadership
一天等于二十年 (yi tian deng yu er shi 一元论 (yi yuan lun) monism
nian) twenty years are concentrated 一 院 制 (yi yuan zhi) unicameral
in a day legislature
一 条 龙 协 作 (yi tiao long xie zuo) 一月风暴 (yi yue feng bao) January
chain-like operation Storm
一条腿走路 (yi tiao tui zou lu) walk 一月革命 (yi yue ge ming) the January
on one leg Revolution
一统天下 (yi tong tian xia) unify the 一长制 (yi zhang zhi) one-head system
whole country 一针见血 (yi zhen jian xie) hit the
一头沉 (yi tou chen) heavy at one end; nail on the head; reveal the heart of the
unbalanced matter in a few words
一 碗 水 端 平 (yi wan shui duan ping) 一阵黑风 (yi zhen hei feng) a gust of
hold a bowl of water level; be justice foul wind; foul trend in political life
一往无前的精神 (yi wang wu qian de jing 一 纸 空 文 (yi zhi kong wen) a mere
shen) an indomitable spirit scrap of paper; a bit of waste paper
一味蛮干 (yi wei man gan) act blindly 一致对外 (yi zhi dui wai) unite to
一五 (yi wu) The First Five-Year Plan resist foreign aggression
一五计划 (yi wu ji hua) see “一五” 一致性 (yi zhi xing) homogeneity
一线 (yi xian) front line 一中全会 (yi zhong quan hui) first
一小撮 (yi xiao cuo) a small pinch, a session of the central committee
tiny amount; a handful “一中一台” (“yi zhong yi tai”) “one
一心为革命,一心为人民 (yi xin wei ge China one Taiwan”
ming, yi xin wei ren min) complete 医疗保险制度 (yi liao bao xian zhi du)
dedication to the revolution, to the medical insurance system
people 医疗卫生部门 (yi liao wei sheng bu men)
一心为公 (yi xin wei gong) devoted to medical and health department
public interests with heart and soul 医疗制度改革 (yi liao zhi du gai ge)
一言堂 (yi yan tang) one person alone reform of the medicare system
has the say 医治战争创伤 (yi zhi zhan zheng chuang
一要吃饭,二要建设 (yi yao chi fan, er shang) heal the war wounds
yao jian she) it is necessary to eat 依法治国,以德治国 (yi fa zhi guo, yi de
and to construct zhi guo) run the country by

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combining the rule of law with the rule 以产定人,减员增效 (yi chan ding ren,
of virtue jian yuan zeng xiao) employ workers in
依法治国 (yi fa zhi guo) manage state accordance with production needs and
affairs by law increase efficiency while reducing the
依附于帝国主义 (yi fu yu di guo zhu yi) number of the staff
become an appendage to imperialism 以打对打,以拉对拉 (yi da dui da, yi la
依靠美帝的施舍过日子 (yi kao mei di de dui la) stick for stick and carrot for
shi she guo ri zi) live off the alms carrot
of U.S. imperialism 以待时机 (yi dai shi ji) bide one’s
依靠贫雇农,巩固地联合中农 (yi kao pin time
gu nong, gong gu de lian he zhong nong) 以 党 代 政 (yi dang dai zheng)
rely on the poor peasants and farm substitute the Party for the government
laborers and firmly unite with the 以德报德 (yi de bao de) return good
middle peasants for good
依靠权势 (yi kao quan shi) rely on 以德报怨 (yi de bao yuan) return good
authority and power for evil; repay injury with kindness
依靠群众 (yi kao qun zhong) rely on 以地定产 (yi di ding chan) determine
people output quota by the farm acreage
依靠谁,团结谁,攻击谁 (yi kao shui, tuan 以点带面 (yi dian dai mian) lead the
jie shui, gong ji shui) whom to rely sphere with the point; set examples to
on, whom to unite with and whom to drive others
attack 以斗争求团结则团结存 (yi dou zheng qiu
依靠谁,争取谁,反对谁 (yi kao shui, tuan jie ze tuan jie cun) if unity is
zheng qu shui, fan dui shui) whom to sought through struggle, it will live
rely on, whom to win over and whom to 以 毒 攻 毒 (yi du gong du) combat
oppose poison with poison
仪仗队 (yi zhang dui) guard of honor; 以杜后患 (yi du hou huan) forestall
honor guard future trouble
移 风 易 俗 (yi feng yi su) change 以多数票通过一项议案 (yi duo shu piao
existing habits and customs tong guo yi xiang yi an) pass a
移民出境 (yi min chu jing) emigration resolution by a majority vote
移民入境 (yi min ru jing) immigration 以讹传讹 (yi e chuan e) incorrectly
移民政策 (yi min zheng ce) emigration relay on an erroneous message
policy 以丰补歉 (yi feng bu qian) subsidize
遗留给我们的精神 (yi liu gei wo men de shortfall with a bumper harvest
jing shen) spiritual legacy handed 以 钢 为 纲 (yi gang wei gang) take
down to us steel production as the key link
以霸主自居 (yi ba zhu zi ju) sb. act 以革命的两手对付反革命的两手 (yi ge
as though he were an overlord ming de liang shou dui fu fan ge ming
以暴力对付暴力 (yi bao li dui fu bao li) de liang shou) combat the dual
meet violence with violence tactics of counter-revolution with
以 产 定 工 (yi chan ding gong) the dual tactics of revolution
determine the needed amount of labor by 以工代干 (yi gong dai gan) substitute
the estimated output a worker for a cadre

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以公有制为主体,多种经济成分共同发展 以理服人 (yi li fu ren) persuade sb.
(yi gong you zhi wei zhu ti, duo zhong through reasoning
jing ji cheng fen gong tong fa zhan) 以 力 服 人 (yi li fu ren) try to
pattern with the public sector convince people by force
remaining dominant and diverse 以励军心 (yi li jun xin) raise the
sectors of the economy developing side morale of the troops
by side 以 粮 为 纲 (yi liang wei gang) take
以功臣自居的情绪 (yi gong chen zi ju de grain as the key
qing xu) airs of a self-styled hero 以卵击石 (yi luan ji shi) like an egg
以古非今 (yi gu fei jin) negate the knocking itself against a stone
present with the ancient 以 论 代 史 (yi lun dai shi) lead
以古讽今,旁敲侧击 (yi gu feng jin, pang historical studies with theory
qiao ce ji) use ancient things to 以 谋 略 制 胜 (yi mou l ü e zhi sheng)
satirize the present and attack by outmanoeuver
innuendo 以农代干 (yi nong dai gan) substitute
以建成一个独立的完整的现代化的国民经 a peasant for a cadre
济体系为目标的社会主义建设 (yi jian 以农业为基础,工业为主导的发展国民经济
cheng yi ge du li de wan zheng de xian 总方针 (yi nong ye wei ji chu, gong ye
dai hua de guo min jing ji ti xi wei mu wei zhu dao de fa zhan guo min jing ji
biao de she hui zhu yi jian she) zong fang zhen) general policy of
socialist construction aimed at taking agriculture as the foundation and
establishing an independent and industry as the leading factor in
integrated modern economic system developing the national economy
以教育为主,以惩办为辅 (yi jiao yu wei 以 派 划 线 (yi pai hua xian) make
zhu, yi cheng ban wei fu) use judgments solely on the basis of
education as the main method, and factional lines
punishment as an auxiliary method 以偏概全 (yi pian gai quan) make a
以阶级斗争为纲 (yi jie ji dou zheng wei one-sided generalization
gang) take class struggle as the 以 平 等 待 人 (yi ping deng dai ren)
principle treat others as equals
以进养出 (yi jin yang chu) cultivate “以其人之道,还治其人之身” (“yi qi ren
exports with imports zhi dao, huan zhi qi ren zhi shen”)
以经济建设为中心 (yi jing ji jian she “deal with a man as he deals with you”
wei zhong xin) focus on the central 以 权 谋 私 (yi quan mou si) seek
task of economic construction private gain through power
以空间换取时间 (yi kong jian huan qu shi 以 人 为 本 (yi ren wei ben) people
jian) trade space for time oriented; people foremost
以“老造反”自居 (yi “lao zao fan” zi 以少击众,以劣势对优势而取胜 (yi shao
ju) style oneself as a “ veteran ji zhong, yi lie shi dui you shi er qu
rebel” sheng) win victory by small forces
以 老 子 党 自 居 (yi lao zi dang zi ju) over big and by inferior over superior
put on airs of a patriarchal party forces
以雷霆万钧之力 (yi lei ting wan jun zhi 以身殉职 (yi shen xun zhi) die at one’
li) with the force of a thunderbolt s post

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以 身 作 则 (yi shen zuo ze) make force
oneself an example 以怨报德 (yi yuan bao de) return evil
以世界革命为己任 (yi shi jie ge ming wei for good; repay good with evil
ji ren) regard the world revolution 以炸迫和 (yi zha po he) force peace
as one’s own responsibility talks by bombing
以市场为导向 (yi shi chang wei dao xiang) 以 战 压 降 (yi zhan ya xiang) force
market-oriented capitulation through war
以势压人 (yi shi ya ren) overwhelm 以正视听 (yi zheng shi ting) ensure a
people with one’s power correct understanding of the facts
以数量对质量 (yi shu liang dui zhi liang) 以质量求生存,求发展,求效益 (yi zhi
pit quantity against quality liang qiu sheng cun, qiu fa zhan, qiu
以税代利 (yi shui dai li) substitute xiao yi) strive for survival,
tax for profit development and efficiency on the basis
以损人的目的开始,以害己的结果告终 (yi of quality
sun ren de mu di kai shi, yi hai ji de 倚老卖老,摆老资格 (yi lao mai lao, bai
jie guo gao zhong) start with the lao zi ge) flaunt one’s seniority
aim of injuring others only to end up 义和团 (yi he tuan) the Boxers
by ruining oneself 义 务 兵 役 制 (yi wu bing yi zhi)
以天下为己任 (yi tian xia wei ji ren) compulsory service system
consider the affairs of the whole 义务劳动 (yi wu lao dong) voluntary
world as one’s task labor
以退让求团结则团结亡 (yi tui rang qiu 《义勇军进行曲》 (《yi yong jun jin xing
tuan jie ze tuan jie wang) if unity qu》) March of the Volunteers
is sought through yielding, it will 义 正 词 严 (yi zheng ci yan) in no
perish uncertain terms
以 我 为 中 心 (yi wo wei zhong xin) 艺术上的复古派 (yi shu shang de fu gu
self-centered pai) advocate of restoring what is
以我之长,攻敌之短 (yi wo zhi chang, ancient in the arts
gong di zhi duan) utilize one’s own 艺术事业管理局 (yi shu shi ye guan li ju)
strong points to attack the enemy at bureau of art affairs
his weak points 以小人之心,度君子之 忆苦会 (yi ku hui) meeting to recall
腹 (yi xiao ren zhi xin, duo jun zi zhi past bitterness
fu) measure the stature of great men 忆 苦 思 甜 (yi ku si tian) recall
by the yardstick of small men pastbitterness and think of present
以 虚 带 实 (yi xu dai shi) lead happiness
practice with ideology 议案 (yi an) proposal submitted to a
以一票之差落选 (yi yi piao zhi cha luo conference for deliberation
xuan) be beaten by one vote 议程 (yi cheng) agenda
以夷制夷 (yi yi zhi yi) play off one 议 会 道 路 (yi hui dao lu)
foreign power against another parliamentary road
以盈余补亏损 (yi ying yu bu kui sun) 议 会 斗 争 (yi hui dou zheng)
set gains against losses parliamentary struggle
以优势平劣势 (yi you shi ping lie shi) 议会制 (yi hui zhi) parliamentarism
use a superior force against an inferior 议 员 选 举 (yi yuan xuan ju)

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parliamentary election zhiyi,
议 长 (yi zhang) speaker of a yin ren zhi yi) suit the measures to
legislative body; president differing conditions in terms of
议 政 (yi zheng) discuss government locality, time, issue and persons
and political affairs involved
屹立在世界的东方 (yi li zai shi jie de 因 果 论 (yin guo lun) theory of
dong fang) stand like a giant in the causation
East 因陋就简 (yin lou jiu jian) make do
亦工亦农 (yi gong yi nong) take part with whatever is available
both in industry and agriculture 因势利导 (yin shi li dao) adroitly
亦 文 亦 武 (yi wen yi wu) engage in guide action according to circumstance
civilian as well as military affairs 因素论 (yin su lun) theory of factors
异端 (yi duan) dissident 因循守旧 (yin xun shou jiu) follow
异化劳动 (yi hua lao dong) alienated the beaten track
labor 因 噎 废 食 (yin ye fei shi) give up
异化论争议 (yi hua lun zheng yi) the eating for fear of choking; refrain from
controversy over alienation doing sth. necessary for fear of a slight
异教徒 (yi jiao tu) heretic risk
异议 (yi yi) objection 阴暗文章 (yin an wen zhang) insidious
抑制价格 (yi zhi jia ge) check price article
抑制消费 (yi zhi xiao fei) control 阴 谋 家 (yin mou jia) schemer;
consumption intriguer;
抑 制 需 求 (yi zhi xu qiu) diminish 阴 谋 文 艺 (yin mou wen yi)
demand conspiratorial art and literature
意志薄弱者 (yi zhi bo ruo zhe) the 引进人才和技术 (yin jin ren cai he ji
weak-willed shu) introduction of talents and
意志统一 (yi zhi tong yi) unity of technologies
will from outside
臆断 (yi duan) groundless conclusion 引起高度重视 (yin qi gao du zhong shi)
因地制宜 (yin di zhi yi) take such rouse sb. to high vigilance
measures as are suitable to local 引蛇出洞 (yin she chu dong) lure the
conditions snake out of the pit
因地制宜,合理分工,各展所长,优势互补, 引 以 为 戒 (yin yi wei jie) take
共同发展的原则 (yin di zhi yi, he li fen warning
gong, ge zhan suo chang, you shi hu bu, 隐形收入 (yin xing shou ru) invisible
gong tong fa zhan de yuan ze) income
principle of proceeding in the light of 隐性就业 (yin xing jiu ye) invisible
local conditions and in accordance employment
with a rational division of labor, with 隐性失业 (yin xing shi ye) recessive
all the regions exploiting their own par unemployment
ticular advantages for mutual benefit 印把子 (yin ba zi) seal of power
and development 英烈 (ying lie) heroic martyr
因地制宜,因时制宜,因事制宜,因人制宜 英明领导 (ying ming ling dao) wise
(yin di zhi yi, yin shi zhi yi, yin shi leadership

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英明领袖 (ying ming ling xiu) wise 硬通货 (ying tong huo) hard currency
leader 硬着陆 (ying zhuo lu) hard landing
英明政策 (ying ming zheng ce) wise 拥干爱兵运动 (yong gan ai bing yun dong)
policy movement to support the cadres and
英模 (ying mo) heroic model cherish the soldiers
英雄辈出的时代 (ying xiong bei chu de 拥护 (yong hu) champion; advocate
shi dai) era that gives birth to a 拥 护 者 (yong hu zhe) supporter;
multitude of heroes upholder
英雄史观 (ying xiong shi guan) view 拥军爱民 (yong jun ai min) support
about heroes creating history the army and cherish the people
英雄主义 (ying xiong zhu yi) heroism 拥军优属 (yong jun you shu) support
英勇就义 (ying yong jiu yi) die with the army and give preferential treatment
one’s head high to their dependents
英勇善战 (ying yong shan zhan) heroic 拥政爱民 (yong zheng ai min) support
and combat-worthy the government and love the people
英中友好协会 (ying zhong you hao xie hui) 拥政爱民公约 (yong zheng ai min gong yue)
British-China Friendship Association pledge to support the government and
迎 头 痛 击 (ying tou tong ji) meet cherish the people
head-on; score a hard, direct hit 庸 俗 进 化 论 (yong su jin hua lun)
赢得国家政权 (ying de guo jia zheng quan) vulgar evolutionism; philistine theory
take the state power into one’s hands of evolution
盈亏责任制 (ying kui ze ren zhi) the 庸 俗 唯 物 论 (yong su wei wu lun)
system of responsibility for profit or philistine materialism
loss 庸 俗 作 风 (yong su zuo feng)
盈余调节 (ying yu tiao jie) surplus philistine attitude
reconcilement 臃肿重叠的机构 (yong zhong chong die de
盈 余 资 金 (ying yu zi jin) surplus ji gou) over-staffed and overlapping
fund organization
营私舞弊 (ying si wu bi) embezzlement; 永葆革命青春 (yong bao ge ming qing chun)
malpractices keep the revolutionary spirit fresh
影射 (ying she) attack by innuendo 永 不 掉 队 (yong bu diao dui) never
影 响 群 众 (ying xiang qun zhong) drop behind
influence the masses 永不生锈的螺丝钉 (yong bu sheng xiu de
应邀 (ying yao) on invitation luo si ding) shining cog which never
应战 (ying zhan) accept a challenge rusts; never-rusting cog; person with
应 征 入 伍 (ying zheng ru wu) Leifeng spirit
enlistment 永不自满 (yong bu zi man) never get
应 征 士 兵 (ying zheng shi bing) conceited
draftee 永 垂 不 朽 (yong chui bu xiu) be
硬 道 理 (ying dao li) absolute immortal; live forever in the hearts
principle; top priority of
硬 骨 头 (ying gu tou) spirit of 永 久 根 据 地 (yong jiu gen ju di)
unyielding integrity; man with permanent base area
revolutionary backbone 永久和平 (yong jiu he ping) perpetual

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peace take
永久居住 (yong jiu ju zhu) permanent a formalistic attitude towards work
residence “ 优 等 民 族 ” ( “ you deng min zu ” )
永 久 性 政 策 (yong jiu xing zheng ce) “superior nation”
permanent policy 优化结构 (you hua jie gou) optimize
永久正常贸易关系 (yong jiu zheng chang structure
mao yi guan xi) permanent normal 优化经济结构 (you hua jing ji jie gou)
trade relations optimize the economic structure
永久租借 (yong jiu zu jie) perpetual 优化资源配置 (you hua zi yuan pei zhi)
lease optimize the allocation of resources
永远革命,永不变质 (yong yuan ge ming, 优化组合 (you hua zu he) optimization
yong bu bian zhi) staunch of grouping
revolutionaries immune to 优惠贷款 (you hui dai kuan) loan on
degeneration under all circumstances favorable terms
永远消灭战争 (yong yuan xiao mie zhan 优 惠 关 税 (you hui guan shui)
zheng) permanent elimination of war preferential tariff
勇敢顽强,不怕困难 (yong gan wan qiang, 优良传统 (you liang chuan tong) fine
bu pa kun nan) have courage, tradition
tenacity and fortitude in face of 忧患意识 (you huan yi shi) sense of
hardship angst
勇往直前,视死如归 (yong wang zhi qian, 忧人民所忧,乐人民所乐 (you ren min suo
shi si ru gui) defy death and you, le ren min suo le) share the
courageously advance people’s joys and sorrows
用不同的方法去解决不同的矛盾 (yong bu 优胜劣汰 (you sheng lie tai) triumph
tong de fang fa qu jie jue bu tong de of the superior and elimination of the
mao dun) use different methods to inferior; survival of the fittest
resolve different contradictions 优 势 互 补 (you shi hu bu) (of two
用党员的标准去衡量自己 (yong dang yuan countries or companies) have
de biao zhun qu heng liang zi ji) complementary advantages
examine oneself in accordance with the 优秀分子 (you xiu fen zi) outstanding
standards required of Party members person in a group
用工制度 (yong gong zhi du) system of 优选法 (you xuan fa) optimal choice
labor employment method
用和平手段解决争端 (yong he ping shou 优质,高产,低消耗 (you zhi, gao chan,
duan jie jue zheng duan) solve dispute di xiao hao) increase in both output
by peaceful means and quality but cut down the cost of
用鲜血和生命保卫祖国 (yong xian xue he production
sheng ming bao wei zu guo) defend one’ 由此及彼,由表及里 (you ci ji bi, you
s motherland with one’s blood and life biao ji li) proceed from the one to
用鲜血换来的经验 (yong xian xue huan the other and from the outside to the
lai de jing yan) experience bought in inside
blood 由存在到思想 (you cun zai dao si xiang)
用 形式 主义的 态度 对待工 作 (yong xing lead from existence to ideas
shi zhu yi de tai du dui dai gong zuo) 由点到面 (you dian dao mian) deve-lop

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from isolated points into a whole area 友 好 访 问 团 (you hao fang wen tuan)
由复杂成份组成的党 (you fu za cheng fen good-will delegation
zu cheng de dang) a heterogeneous 友好和睦关系 (you hao he mu guan xi)
party friendly and harmonious relations
由精神到物质 (you jing shen dao wu zhi) 友好会见 (you hao hui jian) friendly
lead from consciousness back to matter interview
由客观物质到主观精神 (you ke guan wu 友好会谈 (you hao hui tan) friendly
zhi dao zhu guan jing shen) lead talk
from objective matter to subjective 友好人士 (you hao ren shi) friendly
consciousness personage; friends
由特殊到一般,由一般到特殊 (you te shu 友好人士代表团 (you hao ren shi dai biao
dao yi ban, you yi ban dao te shu) tuan) friendly personages
from the particular to the general, de-legation
from the general to the particular 友好使者 (you hao shi zhe) friendly
邮递协议 (you di xie yi) post office envoy
protocol 友 好 外 交 (you hao wai jiao)
邮 电 部 (you dian bu) Ministry of friendship diplomacy
Posts and Telecommunications 友好往来 (you hao wang lai) friendly
邮 政 部 门 (you zheng bu men) post exchange; exchange of friendly visits
department 友谊第一,比赛第二 (you yi di yi, bi sai
邮政工会 (you zheng gong hui) trade di er) friendship first and
union of postal workers competition second
游 斗 (you dou) parade and struggle 有被选资格 (you bei xuan zi ge) be
against a culprit; take a culprit on eligible
a circuit for public denouncement and 有表决权 (you biao jue quan) have the
struggle right to vote
游击区 (you ji qu) guerrilla area 有产者 (you chan zhe) man of property
游 击 习 气 (you ji xi qi) guerrilla 有 偿 新 闻 (you chang xin wen) paid
inveteracy news-writing
游击战争根据地 (you ji zhan zheng gen ju 有成分论 (you cheng fen lun) theory
di) guerrilla base areas of class background
游 离 票 (you li piao) an undecided 有的放矢 (you di fang shi) shoot the
vote arrow at the target; have a definite
游民无产阶级 (you min wu chan jie ji) object in view
lumpen proletariat 有发言权 (you fa yan quan) have a say;
游说 (you shui) go about selling an have the right to express an opinion
idea 有法可依,有法必依,执法必严,违法必究
游行示威 (you xing shi wei) parades (you fa ke yi, you fa bi yi, zhi fa bi
and demonstrations yan,wei fa bi jiu) there must be
游行自由 (you xing zi you) freedom of laws to go by, the laws must be
demonstration observed and strictly enforced, and
友邦 (you bang) friendly nation law-breakers must be prosecuted
友好访问 (you hao fang wen) friendly 有反必肃,有错必纠 (you fan bi su, you
visit cuo bi jiu) counter-revolutionaries

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must be suppressed whenever found, 有 破 有 立 (you po you li) some to
mistakes must be corrected whenever destroy and some to establish
discovered “有权不用,过期作废” (“you quan bu yong,
有饭大家吃 (you fan da jia chi) if guo qi zuo fei”) “just use your power
there is food, let everyone share it when you are in power, do not wait till
有高度的原则性,也要有灵活性 (you gao you have no power”
du de yuan ze xing, ye yao you ling huo 有 赏 有 罚 (you shang you fa) there
xing) be flexible as well as highly should be due rewards and punishments
principled 有社会主义觉悟的有文化的劳动者 (you
有过之而无不及 (you guo zhi er wu bu ji) she hui zhu yi jue wu de you wen hua de
go farther than lao dong zhe) well-educated worker
有计划按比例地发展 (you ji hua an bi li imbued with socialist consciousness
de fa zhan) develop proportionately 有 生 力 量 (you sheng li liang)
in a planned way effective strength
有决心,有办法 (you jue xin, you ban fa) 有 始 有 终 (you shi you zhong)
have the will and the way prosecute to the end; from the beginning
“有军则有权” (“you jun ze you quan”) to the end
“whoever has an army has power” 有事和群众商量 (you shi he qun zhong
有 来 有 往 (you lai you wang) shang liang) consult people whenever
reciprocity problems arise
有了政权就有了一切,没有政权就丧失一切 “有所不为而后可以有为” (“you suo bu
(you le zheng quan jiu you le yi qie, wei er hou ke yi you wei”) “refrain
mei you zheng quan jiu sang shi yi qie) from doing some things in order to be
To have political power is to have all, able to do other things”
to lose it is to lose all 有所发现,有所发明,有所创造,有所前进
有理想、有道德、有文化、守纪律的劳动者 (you suo fa xian, you suo fa ming, you
(you li xiang、 you dao de、 you wen suo chuang zao, you suo qian jin) go
hua 、 shou ji l ü de lao dong zhe) on discovering, inventing, creating and
working people with lofty ideals, advancing
moral integrity, education and a sense 有条件的接受 (you tiao jian de jie shou)
of discipline conditional acceptance
有理、有利、有节 (you li、 you li、 you 有条件的投降 (you tiao jian de tou xiang)
jie) with good reason, with advantage stipulated surrender; capitulation
and with restraint; on just grounds, to 有 为 的 民 族 (you wei de min zu) a
one’s advantage and with restraint nation full of promise
有利于国计民生 (you li yu guo ji min 有 限 战 争 (you xian zhan zheng)
sheng) be beneficial to national limited warfare
welfare and the people’s livelihood “有限主权论” (“you xian zhu quan lun”)
有领导、有步骤地开展运动 (you ling dao、 theory of “limited sovereignty”
you bu zhou de kai zhan yun dong) 有效票 (you xiao piao) valid ballot
conduct well-guided and systematic 有虚名而无实学 (you xu ming er wu shi
campaigns xue) enjoy a reputation unwarranted
有目共见的真理 (you mu gong jian de zhen by real learning
li) plain truth 有压迫就有反抗 (you ya po jiu you fan

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kang) oppression begets resistance 有助于 (you zhu yu) be conducive to
有原则,有条件的让步 (you yuan ze, you 有准备,有步骤 (you zhun bei, you bu zhou)
tiao jian de rang bu) principled and in a well-prepared and step-by-step way
conditional concessions 又臭又长 (you chou you chang) smelly
有则改之,无则加勉 (you ze gai zhi, wu and long-winded referring to long and
ze jia mian) correct mistakes if you boring speech or article
have committed them and guard against 又红又专 (you hong you zhuan) both
them if you have not red and expert
有 战 斗 力 (you zhan dou li) 又联合又斗争的政策 (you lian he you dou
combat-worthy zheng de zheng ce) the po-licy of both
有战斗力,有说服力,有吸引力的思想工作 unity and struggle
队伍 (you zhan dou li, you shuo fu li, 又团结又斗争,通过斗争达到团结 (you
you xi yin li de si xiang gong zuo dui tuan jie you dou zheng, tong guo dou
wu) contingent of militant ideological zheng da dao tuan jie) unity, struggle,
workers able to persuade and act as a unity through struggle
magnet for others 又压又拉 (you ya you la) use both the
有 争 议 地 区 (you zheng yi di qu) stick and the carrot
disputed area “又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草” (“you yao
有 职 无 权 (you zhi wu quan) hold a ma er hao, you yao ma er bu chi cao”)
position without the authority that “You can’t eat your cake and have it!”
goes with it 又有集中又有民主,又有纪律又有自由,又
有指挥,有组织,有计划,有目的 (you zhi 有统一意志又有个人心情舒畅,生动活泼的
hui, you zu zhi, you ji hua, you mu di) 政治局面 (you you ji zhong you you min
under direction, in an organized way, zhu, you you ji lü you you zi you, you
according to plan and with a set you tong yi yi zhi you you ge ren xin qing
purpose shu chang, sheng dong huo po de zheng zhi
有志气,有决心,有力量 (you zhi qi, you ju mian) political situation in which
jue xin, you li liang) have the there are both centralism and democracy,
lofty aspiration, determination and both discipline and freedom, both unity
strength of will and personal ease of mind and
有志者事竟成 (you zhi zhe shi jing cheng) liveliness
the man who has a settled purpose will 右派 (you pai) Rightists
surely succeed 右派分子 (you pai fen zi) rightist
有 中国 特色的 社会 主义道 路 (you zhong element
guo te se de she hui zhu yi dao lu) road 右 派 政 党 (you pai zheng dang)
of socialism with Chinese rightist party
characteristics 右派政府 (you pai zheng fu) rightist
有 中 国 特 色 的 社 会 主 义 民 主 政 治 (you government
zhong guo te se de she hui zhu yi min zhu 右派组织 (you pai zu zhi) rightist
zheng zhi) socialist democratic organization
politics with Chinese characteristics 右 倾 (you qing) Right diviation;
有 主 有 从 (you zhu you cong) a Right opportunist tendencies
distinction should be made between what 右倾保守思想 (you qing bao shou si xiang)
is primary and what is secondary Right conservative ideas

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右倾翻案风 (you qing fan an feng) the bring about capitulation
Right deviationist trend to reverse 迂回前进 (yu hui qian jin) roundabout
correct verdicts ways of advance
右倾分裂主义 (you qing fen lie zhu yi) 迂回曲折 (yu hui qu zhe) ups and downs;
Right splittism twists and turns
右 倾 观 点 (you qing guan dian) 余悸 (yu ji) lingering fear
rightist view 余热 (yu re) residual heat
右 倾 回 潮 (you qing hui chao) the 鱼 水 情 (yu shui qing) intimate
resurgence of right opportunism congeniality
右倾活动 (you qing huo dong) Right 渔 业 专 业 户 (yu ye zhuan ye hu)
deviationist activities household specializing in fisheries
右倾或左倾的错误 (you qing huo zuo qing 渔业专业组 (yu ye zhuan ye zu) group
de cuo wu) Right or Left mistake specializing in fisheries
右倾机会主义 (you qing ji hui zhu yi) 愚公精神 (yu gong jing shen) Spirit
Right opportunism of the Foolish Old Man
右倾机会主义分子 (you qing ji hui zhu yi 愚公精神,改造中国 (yu gong jing shen,
fen zi) right opportunist; Right gai zao zhon
deviationist g guo) transform China in the spirit
右 倾 情 绪 (you qing qing xu) Right of th Foolish Old Man who removed the
deviationist thinking; Rightist moun-tains
thinking 愚昧落后 (yu mei luo hou) ignorant
右倾思想 (you qing si xiang) Right and backward
deviationist thinking 愚 民 政 策 (yu min zheng ce)
右倾投降主义 (you qing tou xiang zhu yi) obscurantist policy
Right capitulationism 舆论导向 (yu lun dao xiang) guided
右 倾 言 论 (you qing yan lun) Right public opinion
deviationist words 舆论监督 (yu lun jian du) supervision
右翼党派 (you yi dang pai) Right-wing by public opinion
party 与 国 际 惯 例 接 轨 (yu guo ji jie gui)
右翼分子 (you yi fen zi) right-winger become compatible with internationally
“幼有所养,老有所归” (“you you suo yang, accepted practices
lao you suo gui”) “the young will get 与国际市场接轨 (yu guo ji shi chang jie
a proper education and the old will be gui) integrate with the world market
well taken care of” 与国土共存亡 (yu guo tu gong cun wang)
幼 稚 病 (you zhi bing) infantile defend the motherland to the death
disorder 与 会 国 (yu hui guo) participating
囿于局部环境 (you yu ju bu huan jing) countries
unable to see beyond one ’ s limited 与群众同甘苦共患难 (yu qun zhong tong
environment gan ku gong huan nan) share weal and
诱敌深入,聚而歼之 (you di shen ru, ju woe with the people
er jian zhi) lure the e 与人民为敌 (yu ren min wei di) set
nemy troops in deep so as to concentrate oneself against the people
sb.’s forces and annihilate them 与时俱进 (yu shi ju jin) keep pace
诱 降 (you xiang) blandishment to with the times

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与天奋斗,其乐无穷! (yu tian fen dou, qi 冤假错案 (yuan jia cuo an) unjust,
le wu qiong!) what joy it is to falsified, and misjudged cases
struggle with heaven (with one’s fate) 元 老 (yuan lao) patriarch; senior
与中央保持一致 (yu zhong yang bao chi yi statesman
zhi) be in keeping with the Party 元勋 (yuan xun) man of great merit;
Center founding father
语录 (yu lu) quotations 园 林 局 (yuan lin ju) landscaping
浴血奋战 (yu xue fen zhan) fight hard, bureau
bloody battles 原 始 公 社 生 产 方 式 (yuan shi gong she
预 备 党 员 (yu bei dang yuan) sheng chan fang shi) primitive
probationary Party member communal mode of production
预 备 期 (yu bei qi) probationary 原始公社制度 (yuan shi gong she zhi du)
period primitive-communal system
预备期满 (yu bei qi man) expiration 原 则 斗 争 (yuan ze dou zheng)
of probation principled struggle
预 备 性 会 谈 (yu bei xing hui tan) 原则分歧 (yuan ze fen qi) differences
preliminary talk in principle
预备役 (yu bei yi) reserve service 原则立场 (yuan ze li chang) matter of
预 备 役 事 务 (yu bei yi shi wu) principle
inactive duty affairs 原则上毫不妥协的态度 (yuan ze shang hao
预 备 役 训 练 (yu bei yi xun lian) bu tuo xie de tai du) an
inactive duty training uncompromising and principled stand
预算决算制度 (yu suan jue suan zhi du) 原 则 上 同 意 (yuan ze shang tong yi)
budget and financial statement system approval in principle
预 算 委 员 会 (yu suan wei yuan hui) 原则问题 (yuan ze wen ti) matter of
Budget Committee principle
预选 (yu xuan) primary election“欲 原 则 性 (yuan ze xing) sense of
加之罪,何患无辞” (“yu jia zhi zui, he principle
huan wu ci”) “give a dog a bad name 原则性的错误 (yuan ze xing de cuo wu)
and hang him” errors of principle
欲 擒 故 纵 (yu qin gu zong) let the 原则性的分歧 (yuan ze xing de fen qi)
enemy off in order to catch him differences of principle
欲速则不达 (yu su ze bu da) haste does 原则性的政策 (yuan ze xing de zheng ce)
not bring success a policy founded on principle
御敌于国门之外 (yu di yu guo men zhi wai) 圆 桌 会 议 (yuan zhuo hui yi)
engage the enemy outside the country’ round-table conference
s gates 援借 (yuan jie) loan in the name of
御史 (yu shi) censor in Ming and Qing aid
Dynasties 援越抗美 (yuan yue kang mei) assist
鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 (yu bang xiang zheng, Viet Nam in resisting U.S. agg-ression
yu weng de li) when a snipe and a clam 援藏 (yuan zang) aid Tibet
are locked in fight, it is the fisherman 远东 (yuan dong) Far East
who profits; it’s the third party that 远见卓识的革命闯将 (yuan jian zhuo shi
benefits from the tussle de ge ming chuang jiang) far-sighted

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revolutionary pathbrea-kers possessing 跃居世界前列 (yue ju shi jie qian lie)
penetrating insight leap into the front ranks of the world
远 景 规 划 (yuan jing gui hua) 越级报告 (yue ji bao gao) bypass the
perspective long-term plan immediate leadership and report
远景计划 (yuan jing ji hua) long-term directly to higher levels
development targets 越权 (yue quan) exceed one’s power or
远期合同 (yuan qi he tong) forward authority; ultra vires
contract 允许失败,允许犯错误,还要允许改正错误
院长 (yuan zhang) president (yun xu shi bai, yun xu fan cuo wu, hai
约 定 的 会 见 (yue ding de hui jian) yao yun xu gai zheng cuo wu) people
appointed meeting are allowed both to have failures and
约法三章 (yue fa san zhang) agree on mistakes and to correct their mistakes
a three-point law; make a few simple 运 筹 学 (yun chou xue) operation
rules to be observed by all concerned research for higher efficiency
约束力 (yue shu li) binding force 运动战 (yun dong zhan) mobile warfare
阅兵式 (yue bing shi) military review; 运输工人工会 (yun shu gong ren gong hui)
military parade trade union of transport workers

— Z —

灾 难 深 重 (zai nan shen zhong) nao ge ming) make revolution in the

woe-stricken depths of the soul
载入史册 (zai ru shi ce) go down in 在马克思主义的基础上达到团结的目的
history (zai ma ke si zhu yi de ji chu shang da
载入史册的光辉的一页 (zai ru shi ce de dao tuan jie de mu di) reach the goal
guang hui de yi ye) a bright page in of unity on the basis of Marxism
the chronicles 在民主基础上的集中,在集中指导下的民主
宰 割 (zai ge) invade; persecute; (zai min zhu ji chu shang de ji zhong,
oppress and exploit zai ji zhong zhi dao xia de min zhu)
再 度 提 名 (zai du ti ming) centralized on the basis of democracy
renomination and democratic under centralized
再教育 (zai jiao yu) re-education guidance
再 就 业 工 程 (zai jiu ye gong cheng) 在平等互利互相尊重领土主权的基础之上
reemployment project (zai ping deng hu li hu xiang zun zhong
在朝党 (zai chao dang) ruling party ling tu zhu quan de ji chu zhi shang)
在 党的 总路线 光辉 照耀下 (zai dang de on the basis of equality, mutual
zong lu xian guang hui zhao yao xia) be benefit and mutual respect for
guided by the beacon light of the Party’ territory and sovereignty
s general line 在普及的基础上提高 (zai pu ji de ji chu
在斗争中学,在斗争中用 (zai dou zheng shang ti gao) improvement of
zhong xue, zai dou zheng zhong yong) standard on the basis of
study and apply in the course of struggle popularization
在灵魂深处闹革命 (zai ling hun shen chu 在无产阶级专政下继续革命的理论 (zai wu

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chan jie ji zhuan zheng xia ji xu ge rumors to confuse the people
ming de li lun) the theory of 责权利三结合 (ze quan li san jie he)
continuing the revolution under the combination of responsibility, power
dictatorship of the proletariat and interest
在野 (zai ye) not in office 责 任 制 (ze ren zhi) responsibility
在 野 党 (zai ye dang) (capitalist system
nations) the political party not in 责 任 状 (ze ren zhuang)
office; opposition responsibility contract
在一定的历史条件下 (zai yi ding de li 增产节约 (zeng chan jie yue) increase
shi tiao jian xia) under specific production and to economize on
historical conditions consumption (of raw materials, energy,
在运动中歼灭敌人 (zai yun dong zhong etc.) and expenditure
jian mie di ren) wipe out the enemy 增产节约运动 (zeng chan jie yue yun dong)
when he is on the move movement of increasing production and
在职干部 (zai zhi gan bu) cadre at his practising economy
post 增加信任,减少麻烦,发展合作,不搞对抗
暂停谈判 (zan ting tan pan) break off (zeng jia xin ren, jian shao ma fan, fa
negotiations zhan he zuo, bu gao dui kang) enhance
暂行办法 (zan xing ban fa) interim trust, reduce trouble, develop
procedures cooperation and avoid confrontation
暂行规定 (zan xing gui ding) interim 增进了解 (zeng jin liao jie) increase
provisions mutual understanding
暂行条例 (zan xing tiao li) interim 增强劳动观念 (zeng qiang lao dong guan
regulations nian) adopt a better attitude to labor
早期农民运动 (zao qi nong min yun dong) 增强企业活力 (zeng qiang qi ye huo li)
early peasant movement invigorate enterprises
早请示,晚汇报 (zao qing shi, wan hui bao) 增强人民体质 (zeng qiang ren min ti zhi)
ask for instruction in the morning and build up people’s health
make a report in the evening 增 收 增 支 (zeng shou zeng zhi)
造反不分先后 (zao fan bu fen xian hou) increase income and economize on
it’s the same for one to be a rebel expenditure
earlier or later 增 长 点 (zeng zhang dian) growth
造反到底 (zao fan dao di) rebel to engine
victory 增 长 战 斗 力 (zeng zhang zhan dou li)
造反精神 (zao fan jing shen) rebel enhance combat effectiveness
spirit 增值 (zeng zhi) increase in value
造反派 (zao fan pai) rebel faction 扎 根 农 村 (zha gen nong cun) take
造反有理 (zao fan you li) to rebel is roots in a rural area
justified 摘帽右派 (zhai mao you pai) uncapped
造 神 运 动 (zao shen yun dong) Rightist
idol-making movement 债 权 国 (zhai quan guo) creditor
造“私”字的反 (zao “si” zi de fan) country
rebel against “self-interest” 债台高筑 (zhai tai gao zhu) become
造谣惑众 (zao yao huo zhong) spread debt-ridden

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债务国 (zhai wu guo) debtor country 战 略 对 手 (zhan l ü e dui shou)
沾染无辜人民鲜血 (zhan ran wu gu ren min strategic adversary
xian xue) be stained with the blood 战 略 反 攻 (zhan l ü e fan gong)
of innocent people strategic counter-offensive
沾染无政府主义思潮 (zhan ran wu zheng 战略伙伴关系 (zhan lüe huo ban guan xi)
fu zhu yi si chao) infected with strategic partnership
anarchism 战略家 (zhan lüe jia) strategist
瞻前顾后 (zhan qian gu hou) look fore 战 略 决 战 (zhan l ü e jue zhan)
and aft; take into account both past strategic decisive engagement
experience and the situation that may 战 略 情 报 (zhan l ü e qing bao)
possibly arise in the future strategic intelligence
占领区 (zhan ling qu) occupied area 战略上藐视敌人,战术上重视敌人 (zhan l
占 统 治 地 位 (zhan tong zhi di wei) üe shang miao shi di ren, zhan shu shang
assume a predominant position zhong shi di ren) despise the enemy
占优势 (zhan you shi) have an advance strategic
in sth. ally and take full account of him
占有者 (zhan you zhe) possessor tactically
战 败 国 (zhan bai guo) vanquished 战略上藐视困难,战术上重视困难 (zhan l
nation üe shang miao shi kun nan, zhan shu shang
战备 (zhan bei) combat preparedness zhong shi kun nan) scorn difficulties
战备等级 (zhan bei deng ji) degree of strategically while paying full
combat readiness attention to them tactically
战 备 工 作 (zhan bei gong zuo) 战 略 守 势 (zhan l ü e shou shi)
preparations against war strategic defense
战 备 粮 (zhan bei liang) grain 战 略 思 想 (zhan l ü e si xiang)
stockpiled in case of war strategic thinking
战备状态 (zhan bei zhuang tai) combat 战 略 眼 光 (zhan l ü e yan guang)
readiness strategic insight
战 地 记 者 (zhan di ji zhe) war 战略要地 (zhan lüe yao di) important
correspondent strategic points
战斗堡垒 (zhan dou bao lei) militant 战略意图 (zhan lüe yi tu) strategic
bastion intention
战 斗 力 (zhan dou li) fighting 战略优势 (zhan lüe you shi) strategic
strength; fighting capacity superiority
战斗旗帜 (zhan dou qi zhi) fighting 战略指导方针 (zhan lüe zhi dao fang zhen)
banner principles guiding strategy
战 斗 情 报 (zhan dou qing bao) 战略资源 (zhan lüe zi yuan) strategic
intelligence of a battle resources
战斗团结 (zhan dou tuan jie) militant 战略总方针 (zhan lüe zong fang zhen)
unity general strategy
战局 (zhan ju) war situation 战 胜 国 (zhan sheng guo) victorious
战乱 (zhan luan) chaos caused by war nation
战略地位 (zhan lüe di wei) strategic 战时情报 (zhan shi qing bao) wartime
role intelligence

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战时组织 (zhan shi zu zhi) wartime stand on eminence and become farsighted
organization 站好思想的岗 (zhan hao si xiang de gang)
战士 (zhan shi) fighter guard against being corrupted in mind
战书 (zhan shu) written challenge to 站好最后一班岗 (zhan hao zui hou yi ban
war; letter of challenge gang) continue working well until the
战 术 部 署 (zhan shu bu shu) last minute
disposition of troops for a battle 站稳阶级立场 (zhan wen jie ji li chang)
战术情报 (zhan shu qing bao) tactical take a firm class stand
intelligence 站在斗争的最前线 (zhan zai dou zheng de
战术胜利 (zhan shu sheng li) tactical zui qian xian) march in the van; stand
success in the forefront
战 线 太 长 (zhan xian tai chang) 长 官 意 志 (zhang guan yi zhi)
far-flung battle-front commanding officer’s will
战役部署 (zhan yi bu shu) disposition 涨 价 风 (zhang jia feng) tendency
(of troops) for a campaign towards a general rise in prices
战役方针 (zhan yi fang zhen) policy 掌好权,用好权 (zhang hao quan, yong hao
of operations quan) really control power and use it
战 争 边 缘 政 策 (zhan zheng bian yuan well
zheng ce) brink-of-war policy 掌权 (zhang quan) be in power
战 争 环 境 (zhan zheng huan jing) 掌握斗争的大方向 (zhang wo dou zheng de
wartime conditions da fang xiang) hold fast to the main
战争机器 (zhan zheng ji qi) apparatus orientation of the struggle
of war 掌握权柄 (zhang wo quan bing) be in
战争升级 (zhan zheng sheng ji) war power
escalation 掌握至高无上的权力 (zhang wo zhi gao wu
战 争 是 政 治 的 另 一 种 手 段 的 继 续 (zhan shang de quan li) wield the absolute
zheng shi zheng zhi de ling yi zhong power
shou duan de ji xu) war is the 掌握重点,照顾其他 (zhang wo zhong dian,
continuation of politics by other zhao gu qi ta) give priority to the
means most important aspects and due
战 争 双 方 力 量 对 比 (zhan zheng shuang consideration to the rest
fang li liang dui bi) balance of 招标制 (zhao biao zhi) public bidding
forces of the two sides in the war system; bid system
“战争万能论” (“zhan zheng wan neng 招降纳叛,结党营私 (zhao xiang na pan,
lun”) theory of the “omnipotence of jie dang ying si) recruit deserte
war” rs and renegades, and form cliques to
“战争熄灭论” (“zhan zheng xi mie lun”) serve one’s own selfish interests
theory of the “dying out of wars” 朝令夕改 (zhao ling xi gai) issue an
战争政策 (zhan zheng zheng ce) war order in the morning and rescind it in
policy the evening; inconstancy in po-licy
站 出 来 革 命 (zhan chu lai ge ming) 召回 (zhao hui) recall
step forward courageously to make 召回公文 (zhao hui gong wen) letter
revolution of recall
站得高,看得远 (zhan de gao, kan de yuan) 召见 (zhao jian) summon; call in

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召之即来,来之能战,战之能胜 (zhao zhi 振 兴 经 济 (zhen xing jing ji)
ji lai, lai zhi neng zhan, zhan zhi revita-lize the economy
neng sheng) be ready to assemble at 振 兴 中 华 (zhen xing zhong hua)
the first call and be capable of invigorate the Chinese nation
fighting and winning 镇反运动 (zhen fan yun dong) see
遮掩天下人的耳目 (zhe yan tian xia ren “镇压反革命运动”
de er mu) pull the wool over the eyes 镇 人 民 政 府 (zhen ren min zheng fu)
of the world’s people township people’s government
折 衷 方 案 (zhe zhong fang an) 镇压反革命运动 (zhen ya fan ge ming yun
compromise proposal dong) Movement for the Suppression of
折 衷 主 义 (zhe zhong zhu yi) Counter-Revolutionaries (1950~1952)
eclecticism 镇压与宽大相结合 (zhen ya yu kuan da
折 衷 主 义 者 (zhe zhong zhu yi zhe) xiang jie he) combine suppression
eclectic with leniency
针插不进,水泼不进的“独立王国” (zhen 争端当事国 (zheng duan dang shi guo)
cha bu jin, shui po bu jin de “du li parties to a dispute (between nations)
wang guo ” ) watertight and 争名,争利,争权,争位,争出风头 (zheng
impenetrable “independent kingdom” ming, zheng li, zheng quan, zheng wei,
珍 宝 岛 事 件 (zhen bao dao shi jian) zheng chu feng tou) strive for fame,
the Zhenbao Island Incident wealth, power, position or opportunity
真诚革命 (zhen cheng ge ming) truly to be in the limelight
devoted to the revolution 争取经济状况进一步的全面的好转 (zheng
真分裂 (zhen fen lie) real split qu jing ji zhuang kuang jin yi bu de quan
真理 (zhen li) truth mian de hao zhuan) strive for a
真理必须旗帜鲜明 (zhen li bi xu qi zhi further all-round turn for the better in
xian ming) truth requires a the economic situation
clear-cut stand 争 取 领 导 权 (zheng qu ling dao quan)
真理面前人人平等 (zhen li mian qian ren gain leadership
ren ping deng) everyone is equal 争取民族独立 (zheng qu min zu du li)
before the truth struggle for national independence
真理愈辩愈明 (zhen li yu bian yu ming) 争取民族解放 (zheng qu min zu jie fang)
truth does not fear contention; the more struggle for national liberation
the truth is debated, the clearer it 争取入党 (zheng qu ru dang) strive to
becomes qualify for Party membership
真善美 (zhen shan mei) the true, the 争取选票 (zheng qu xuan piao) compete
good and the beautiful for vote
真伪是非的原则 (zhen wei shi fei de yuan 争取一切可以争取的力量 (zheng qu yi qie
ze) principles of truth in cont ke yi zheng qu de li liang) win over
radistinction from falsehood and of all the forces that can possibly be won
right in contradistinction from wrong over
真正平等 (zhen zheng ping deng) real 争权夺利 (zheng quan duo li) scramble
equality for power and profit
振 奋 精 神 (zhen fen jing shen) 争 权 倾 轧 (zheng quan qing ya)
heighten one’s fighting spirit scramble for power

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争 执 和 分 歧 (zheng zhi he fen qi) feng) rectify one’s way of thinking
disputes and differences of opinion 整顿无产阶级队伍 (zheng dun wu chan jie
征 兵 年 龄 (zheng bing nian ling) ji dui wu) consolidate the
conscription age; age for enlistment proletarian ranks
征 兵 征 粮 (zheng bing zheng liang) 整顿制度 (zheng dun zhi du) improve
conscription and grain levy the rules and regulations
征兵制 (zheng bing zhi) conscription 整顿组织 (zheng dun zu zhi) check up
system; universal military service on the organizations
征 腐 恶 (zheng fu e) attack all 整风 (zheng feng) rectification
corruption and evils 整风审干运动 (zheng feng shen gan yun
征 募 兵 员 (zheng mu bing yuan) dong) campaign to rectify incorrect
conscript or recruit soldiers or other styles of work and to examine cadres
personnel 整改 (zheng gai) rectify and reform
征 求 意 见 (zheng qiu yi jian) seek 整个经济体制 (zheng ge jing ji ti zhi)
opinions entire national economic structure
征途上处处有阶级斗争 (zheng tu shang 整合 (zheng he) regroup
chu chu you jie ji dou zheng) class 整 军 运 动 (zheng jun yun dong)
struggle exists every step of the way ideological education movement in the
征召令 (zheng zhao ling) call-up army
征 召 入 伍 者 (zheng zhao ru wu zhe) 整齐划一的姿态 (zheng qi hua yi de zi
inductee tai) uniform and even posture
整编 (zheng bian) reorganize 整 社 (zheng she) rectify
整 党 (zheng dang) consolidate the cooperatives
Party organization 整肃令 (zheng su ling) purge order
整 党 建 党 (zheng dang jian dang) 整 团 (zheng tuan) rectify the
rectify and build the Party Communist Youth League
整 顿 党 风 (zheng dun dang feng) 正常的国家关系 (zheng chang de guo jia
rectify the Party style guan xi) normal state relations
整 顿 队 伍 (zheng dun dui wu) 正常的民主生活 (zheng chang de min zhu
straighten out the ranks sheng huo) regular democratic life
organizationally 正 常 化 (zheng chang hua)
整顿工作作风 (zheng dun gong zuo zuo normalization
feng) rectify one’s style of work 正反两面 (zheng fan liang mian) pros
整 顿 和 巩 固 (zheng dun he gong gu) and cons
overhaul and consolidation 正 规 化 (zheng gui hua) put on a
整顿纪律 (zheng dun ji lü) strengthen regular basis
discipline 正规军 (zheng gui jun) regular forces
整顿经济秩序 (zheng dun jing ji zhi xu) 正面和反面的历史经验 (zheng mian he fan
straighten out economic order mian de li shi jing yan) positive
整 顿 三 风 (zheng dun san feng) the and negative historical lessons
rectification movement to correct the 正面讲道理 (zheng mian jiang dao li)
style of study, style in Party relations reason in a positive way
and style of writing 正 面 教 育 (zheng mian jiao yu)
整顿思想作风 (zheng dun si xiang zuo positive education; educate by

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positive measure Securities Supervision and Management
正 面 战 场 (zheng mian zhan chang) Commission
frontline battlefield 政变 (zheng bian) coup d’etat
正确处理人民内部矛盾 (zheng que chu li 政变阴谋 (zheng bian yin mou) coup
ren min nei bu mao dun) correct plot
handling of contradictions among the 政策 (zheng ce) policy
people 政 策 和 方 针 (zheng ce he fang zhen)
正确道路 (zheng que dao lu) correct policies and principles
path 政策教育 (zheng ce jiao yu) education
正确思想 (zheng que si xiang) correct in policies
ideas 政策界限 (zheng ce jie xian) line of
正式拜会 (zheng shi bai hui) formal demarcation in applying a policy
call 政 策 水 平 (zheng ce shui ping) the
正 式 代 表 (zheng shi dai biao) undertaking of policies
official representative 政 策 性 贷 款 (zheng ce xing dai kuan)
正 式 党 员 (zheng shi dang yuan) policy-based lending
regular member of the Party 政 策 性 规 定 (zheng ce xing gui ding)
正式党员资格 (zheng shi dang yuan zi ge) policy regulations
full membership of the Party 政 策 性 亏 损 (zheng ce xing kui sun)
正 式 访 问 (zheng shi fang wen) losses due to policies
official visit; visit of ceremony 政策演说 (zheng ce yan shuo) keynote
正式会谈 (zheng shi hui tan) formal speech
talk 政策指南 (zheng ce zhi nan) guiding
正 式 接 见 (zheng shi jie jian) policy
official interview 政策组合 (zheng ce zu he) policy mix
正式抗议 (zheng shi kang yi) official 政党 (zheng dang) political party
protest 政敌 (zheng di) political opponent
正式通告 (zheng shi tong gao) formal 政风 (zheng feng) government style
announcement 政府 (zheng fu) government
正 式 团 员 (zheng shi tuan yuan) 政府部门 (zheng fu bu men) government
regular member of Communist Youth League department
正 式 文 件 (zheng shi wen jian) 政府部门职务 (zheng fu bu men zhi wu)
official document government post
正式照会 (zheng shi zhao hui) formal 政 府 采 购 (zheng fu cai gou)
note government procurement
正 统 派 (zheng tong pai) orthodox 政府搭台,部门推动,企业唱戏 (zheng fu
party da tai, bu men tui dong, qi ye chang
正 统 学 说 (zheng tong xue shuo) xi) government sets up the stage,
orthodox theory various departments cooperate and
正义 (zheng yi) justice enterprises put in the show
正义斗争 (zheng yi dou zheng) just 政 府 代 表 团 (zheng fu dai biao tuan)
struggle governmental delegation
正义性 (zheng yi xing) just character 政 府 发 言 人 (zheng fu fa yan ren)
证 监 会 (zheng jian hui) the government spokesman

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政 府 法 令 (zheng fu fa ling) functions
government decree 政 府 职 员 (zheng fu zhi yuan)
政府干预 (zheng fu gan yu) government government worker
intervention 政纲 (zheng gang) political program;
政府干部 (zheng fu gan bu) government platform
cadre 政 纲 不 振 (zheng gang bu zhen)
政府公报 (zheng fu gong bao) official inefficient, disorganized government
gazette 政工 (zheng gong) political work
政 府 雇 员 (zheng fu gu yuan) 政工类公务员 (zheng gong lei gong wu
government employee yuan) public servants dealing with
政 府 官 员 (zheng fu guan yuan) political and ideological affairs
government official 政 工 人 员 (zheng gong ren yuan)
政府会议 (zheng fu hui yi) council of political workers
ministers 政工组 (zheng gong zu) political work
政府机构 (zheng fu ji gou) government group
organization 政 纪 (zheng ji) administrative
政府机构改革 (zheng fu ji gou gai ge) regulations
restructuring of government 政绩 (zheng ji) achievements in one’
administration s official career
政府机关 (zheng fu ji guan) organs of 政见 (zheng jian) political view
government 政 教 分 离 (zheng jiao fen li)
政 府 机 关 报 (zheng fu ji guan bao) separation of religion from politics
government organ 政界 (zheng jie) political circles
政府机关编制 (zheng fu ji guan bian zhi) 政 经 (zheng jing) government
authorized size of a government body administrative and economic sectors
政 府 交 往 (zheng fu jiao wang) 政局 (zheng ju) political situation
governmental exchange 政客 (zheng ke) politician
政府刊物 (zheng fu kan wu) government 政论 (zheng lun) political comment
journal 政 企 不 分 (zheng qi bu fen)
政府廉洁高效 (zheng fu lian jie gao xiao) integration of government
clean and efficient government administration with enterprise
政 府 人 士 (zheng fu ren shi) management
government circles 政企分开 (zheng qi fen kai) separate
政 府 声 明 (zheng fu sheng ming) government functions from enterprise
government statement management
政府首脑 (zheng fu shou nao) head of 政企分离 (zheng qi fen li) separate
government the functions of the government from
政府特殊津贴获得者 (zheng fu te shu jin those of the enterprise
tie huo de zhe) winner of special 政 企 合 一 (zheng qi he yi) merge
government allowance government administration and
政 府 许 可 证 (zheng fu xu ke zheng) enterprise management into one
government permit 政企职责不分 (zheng qi zhi ze bu fen)
政府职能转变 (zheng fu zhi neng zhuan no clear distinction (has been drawn)
bian) transform the government between the functions of the

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government and those of the enterprise status
政 权 (zheng quan) political power, 政治第一 (zheng zhi di yi) politics
regime first
政权建设 (zheng quan jian she) build 政 治 颠 覆 (zheng zhi dian fu)
political authority political subversion
政权组织形式 (zheng quan zu zhi xing shi) 政 治 斗 争 (zheng zhi dou zheng)
organizational form of political political struggle
power 政治都会 (zheng zhi du hui) political
政体 (zheng ti) government system center
政委 (zheng wei) see “政治委员” 政治赌博 (zheng zhi du bo) political
政务 (zheng wu) government affairs gamble
政务公开、透明 (zheng wu gong kai、 tou 政治队伍 (zheng zhi dui wu) political
ming) make government affairs detachment
transparent 政治多元化和多党制 (zheng zhi duo yuan
政制 (zheng zhi) political system hua he duo dang zhi) multiple politics
政治抱负 (zheng zhi bao fu) political and a multi-party system
ideal 政 治 犯 (zheng zhi fan) political
政 治 背 景 (zheng zhi bei jing) prisoner
political background 政 治 方 案 (zheng zhi fang an)
政 治 闭 塞 (zheng zhi bi se) political program
politically ill-informed 政 治 方 向 (zheng zhi fang xiang)
政治避难 (zheng zhi bi nan) political political orientation
asylum; asylum 政治腐蚀 (zheng zhi fu shi) political
政 治 标 准 (zheng zhi biao zhun) corruption
political criterion 政 治 纲 领 (zheng zhi gang ling)
政 治 表 现 (zheng zhi biao xian) political program
political behavior 政 治 工 作 (zheng zhi gong zuo)
政 治 部 (zheng zhi bu) political political work
department 政治工作是一切经济工作的生命线 (zheng
政 治 参 赞 (zheng zhi can zan) zhi gong zuo shi yi qie jing ji gong
political counselor zuo de sheng ming xian) political
政治成熟程度 (zheng zhi cheng shu cheng work is the life-blood of all
du) degree of political maturity economic work
政 治 纯 洁 (zheng zhi chun jie) 政 治 攻 势 (zheng zhi gong shi)
political purity political offensive
政治打击 (zheng zhi da ji) political 政 治 挂 帅 (zheng zhi gua shuai)
attack politics takes command
政 治 大 革 命 (zheng zhi da ge ming) 政治合格,军事过硬,作风优良,纪律严明,
great political revolution 保障有力 (zheng zhi he ge, jun shi guo
政 治 代 表 (zheng zhi dai biao) ying, zuo feng you liang, ji lü yan ming,
political representative bao zhang you li) be qualified
政治待遇 (zheng zhi dai yu) political politically and competent militarily,
treatment have a fine style of work, maintain
政治地位 (zheng zhi di wei) political strict discipline and be assured of

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adequate logistical support political situation
政 治 积 极 性 (zheng zhi ji ji xing) 政 治 局 委 员 (zheng zhi ju wei yuan)
political enthusiasm member of the Political Bureau
政治集会 (zheng zhi ji hui) political 政治觉悟 (zheng zhi jue wu) political
rally consciousness
政 治 集 团 (zheng zhi ji tuan) 政 治 空 气 (zheng zhi kong qi)
political groupings political atmosphere
政 治 伎 俩 (zheng zhi ji liang) 政治历史清白 (zheng zhi li shi qing bai)
political manoeuvre with a clean political record
政 治 家 风 度 (zheng zhi jia feng du) 政 治 立 场 (zheng zhi li chang)
statesmanship political stand
政 治 见 解 (zheng zhi jian jie) 政 治 路 线 (zheng zhi lu xian)
political conviction political line
政治建军 (zheng zhi jian jun) build 政 治 买 卖 (zheng zhi mai mai)
the army on a political basis political bargaining
政 治 僵 尸 (zheng zhi jiang shi) 政 治 面 目 (zheng zhi mian mu)
poli-tical mummy poli-tical aspect
政 治 交 易 (zheng zhi jiao yi) 政 治 民 主 化 (zheng zhi min zhu hua)
political deal democratization of political life;
政治较量 (zheng zhi jiao liang) trial political democratization
of political strength 政 治 谋 杀 (zheng zhi mou sha)
政 治 教 育 (zheng zhi jiao yu) political assassination
political education 政 治 能 量 (zheng zhi neng liang)
政 治 结 论 (zheng zhi jie lun) political potential
political conclusion 政 治 扒 手 (zheng zhi pa shou)
政 治 解 决 (zheng zhi jie jue) political pickpocket
political settlement 政 治 派 别 (zheng zhi pai bie)
政 治 界 限 (zheng zhi jie xian) political grouping
political demarcation line 政 治 骗 子 (zheng zhi pian zi)
政治经济体制 (zheng zhi jing ji ti zhi) political swindler
politico-economic system 政治迫害 (zheng zhi po hai) political
政 治 经 历 (zheng zhi jing li) persecution
political career 政 治 掮 客 (zheng zhi qian ke)
政 治 警 告 (zheng zhi jing gao) political broker
political warning 政 治 倾 向 (zheng zhi qing xiang)
政 治 局 (zheng zhi ju) Political political tendency
Bureau 政 治 情 报 (zheng zhi qing bao)
政 治 局 常 委 (zheng zhi ju chang wei) political intelligence
member of the Standing Committee of the 政 治 权 利 (zheng zhi quan li)
Political Bureau political rights
政治局候补委员 (zheng zhi ju hou bu wei 政 治 热 情 (zheng zhi re qing)
yuan) alternate member of the political fervour
Political Bureau 政治上的打击 (zheng zhi shang de da ji)
政 治 局 面 (zheng zhi ju mian) political attack

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政治上的支持 (zheng zhi shang de zhi chi) 政治体制改革 (zheng zhi ti zhi gai ge)
political support reform of political structure
政 治 上 可 靠 (zheng zhi shang ke kao) 政 治 统 一 (zheng zhi tong yi)
politically reliable integrity of state power
政 治 生 活 (zheng zhi sheng huo) 政治投机 (zheng zhi tou ji) political
political life opportunism
政 治 生 命 (zheng zhi sheng ming) 政 治 团 结 (zheng zhi tuan jie)
political life political unity
政 治 生 涯 (zheng zhi sheng ya) 政 治 外 交 (zheng zhi wai jiao)
poli-tical career political diplomacy
政治是不流血的战争,战争是流血的政治 政 治 委 员 (zheng zhi wei yuan)
(zheng zhi shi bu liu xie de zhan zheng, poli-tical commissar
zhan zheng shi liu xue de zheng zhi) 政 治 文 件 (zheng zhi wen jian)
politics is war without bloodshed political document
while war is politics with bloodshed 政 治 文 明 (zheng zhi wen ming)
政 治 是 经 济 的集 中 表 现 (zheng zhi shi political civilization
jing ji de ji zhong biao xian) 政治问题 (zheng zhi wen ti) political
politics is the concentrated issue
expression of economics 政治舞台 (zheng zhi wu tai) political
政治是统帅,是灵魂 (zheng zhi shi tong stage
shuai, shi ling hun) politics is the 政治嫌疑案件 (zheng zhi xian yi an jian)
commander and the soul of everything case of political suspects
政 治 手 腕 (zheng zhi shou wan) 政 治 协 商 (zheng zhi xie shang)
political dodge; unprincipled political consultation
politicking 政治协商会议 (zheng zhi xie shang hui yi)
政 治 水 平 (zheng zhi shui ping) political consultative conference
political level 政治协商,民主监督,参政议政 (zheng zhi
政治思想好,三八作风好,军事训练好,生 xie shang, min zhu jian du, can zheng yi
活管理好 (zheng zhi si xiang hao, san ba zheng) exercise political
zuo feng hao, jun shi xun lian hao, sheng consultation, democratic supervision
huo guan li hao) good in political and participate in deliberating and
thoughts, in the “three-eight” work administration of state affairs
style, in military training, and in the 政 治 信 念 (zheng zhi xin nian)
management of livelihood political conviction
政治素质 (zheng zhi su zhi) political 政 治 性 (zheng zhi xing) political
caliber nature
政 治 台 风 (zheng zhi tai feng) 政 治 性 质 (zheng zhi xing zhi)
political typhoon political nature
政治态度 (zheng zhi tai du) political 政 治 嗅 觉 (zheng zhi xiu jue)
attitude political sense of smell
政 治 逃 犯 (zheng zhi tao fan) 政 治 宣 传 (zheng zhi xuan chuan)
political fugitive political propaganda
政 治 特 权 (zheng zhi te quan) 政治学习 (zheng zhi xue xi) political
political prerogative study

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政 治 眼 光 (zheng zhi yan guang) aid the front line
political judgement 支书 (zhi shu) see “支部书记”
政 治 一 体 化 (zheng zhi yi ti hua) 支柱产业 (zhi zhu chan ye) pillar (or
political integration cornerstone) industry
政 治 阴 谋 (zheng zhi yin mou) 支左 (zhi zuo) support the Left
political intrigue 支左爱民模范 (zhi zuo ai min mo fan)
政 治 庸 人 (zheng zhi yong ren) model insupporting the Left and
political philistine cherishing the people
政 治 诱 降 (zheng zhi you xiang) 支左不支派的原则 (zhi zuo bu zhi pai de
political blandishment yuan ze) principle of “supporting the
政 治 责 任 感 (zheng zhi ze ren gan) Left but not any particular faction”
sense of political responsibility 枝 节 问 题 (zhi jie wen ti) trivial
政 治 账 (zheng zhi zhang) political issues
account 知 本 主 义 (zhi ben zhu yi)
政治中的政治 (zheng zhi zhong de zheng knowledge-oriented capitalism
zhi) the politics of politics 知 产 阶 级 (zhi chan jie ji)
政 治 主 张 (zheng zhi zhu zhang) intellectual property class
political view 知己知彼,百战不殆 (zhi ji zhi bi, bai
政治姿态 (zheng zhi zi tai) political zhan bu dai) know the enemy and
posture know yourself, and you can fight a
政治资本 (zheng zhi zi ben) political hundred battles with no danger of defeat
capital 知 名 人 士 (zhi ming ren shi)
政治组织 (zheng zhi zu zhi) political well-known figures; celebrities; noted
organization personage
政 治 组 织 力 (zheng zhi zu zhi li) 知难而进 (zhi nan er jin) forge ahead
political-organizational power in the face of difficulties
支 边 (zhi bian) support the remote 知青 (zhi qing) (an abbrebiation for)
border regions educated youth in 1960’s or 1970’s
支 部 大 会 (zhi bu da hui) general 知情权 (zhi qing quan) the right to
membership meeting of the Party branch inform
支 部 书 记 (zhi bu shu ji) branch 知 识 产 权 (zhi shi chan quan)
secretary of the Party intellectual property right
支持一方,压制一方 (zhi chi yi fang, ya 知 识 产 业 (zhi shi chan ye)
zhi yi fang) support one section in knowledge-oriented industry
suppressing another 知 识 分 子 (zhi shi fen zi)
支教 (zhi jiao) (an abbreviation for) intellectual
aid education 知识分子的工农群众化 (zhi shi fen zi de
支农 (zhi nong) (an abbreviation for) gong nong qun zhong hua) merging the
support agriculture intellectuals into workers and
支派 (zhi pai) (an abbreviation for) peasants
support factions 知识分子是工人阶级的一部分 (zhi shi
支配人的权力 (zhi pei ren de quan li) fen zi shi gong ren jie ji de yi bu fen)
power over people intellectuals are part of the working
支前 (zhi qian) (an abbreviation for) class itself

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知识分子政策 (zhi shi fen zi zheng ce) 职工代表大会制度 (zhi gong dai biao da
the policy towards intellectuals hui zhi du) system of workers and
知 识 阶 级 (zhi shi jie ji) the staff congress
intelligentsia 职 能 转 换 (zhi neng zhuan huan)
知 识 经 济 (zhi shi jing ji) transformation of functions
know-ledge-oriented economy 职权 (zhi quan) functions and powers
知识青年 (zhi shi qing nian) see “知 职权范围 (zhi quan fan wei) limit of
青” one’s functions and powers
“知识越多越反动” (“zhi shi yue duo yue 职守 (zhi shou) post; duty
fan dong”) “the more a person knows, 职务等级工资制 (zhi wu deng ji gong zi
the more reactionary he will become” zhi) post-rank salary sytem; wage
执迷不悟 (zhi mi bu wu) refuse to come scale based on work ranks
to one’s senses 职 务 津 贴 (zhi wu jin tie) duty
执 委 会 (zhi wei hui) executive allowance
committee 职业道德 (zhi ye dao de) professional
执行 (zhi xing) implement ethics
执行机关 (zhi xing ji guan) executive 职 业 外 交 官 (zhi ye wai jiao guan)
organ; governing body professional diplomat
执行委员会 (zhi xing wei yuan hui) see 职 业 外 交 家 (zhi ye wai jiao jia)
“执委会” professional diplomatist
执掌国家领导权 (zhi zhang guo jia ling 职 责 (zhi ze) duty; obligation;
dao quan) stand at the helm of state responsibility
执政 (zhi zheng) hold political power 职 掌 财 务 (zhi zhang cai wu) be in
执 政 党 (zhi zheng dang) political charge of financial affairs
party in power 植 树 节 (zhi shu jie) Tree-Planting
直 接 背 叛 (zhi jie bei pan) overt Day
betrayal 殖 民 大 国 (zhi min da guo)
直接利益 (zhi jie li yi) immediate colonia-list power
interest 殖民当局 (zhi min dang ju) colonial
直接实践 (zhi jie shi jian) a matter authorities
for immediate action 殖民地 (zhi min di) colony
直 接 同 盟 军 (zhi jie tong meng jun) 殖 民 地 国 家 (zhi min di guo jia)
immediate ally colonial country
直 接 选 举 (zhi jie xuan ju) direct 殖 民 地 人 民 (zhi min di ren min)
election people under colonial rule; colonial
直属机构 (zhi shu ji gou) departments people
directly under a leading body 殖民扩张 (zhi min kuo zhang) colonial
直 辖 市 (zhi xia shi) municipality expansion
directly under the Central Government 殖 民 战 争 (zhi min zhan zheng)
职改办 (zhi gai ban) (an abbrebiation colonialist war
for) office of professional titles 殖民政策 (zhi min zheng ce) colonial
system reforms policy
职工代表大会 (zhi gong dai biao da hui) 殖民主义 (zhi min zhu yi) colonialism
conference of employee representatives 殖民主义枷锁 (zhi min zhu yi jia suo)

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shackles of colonialism can the proletariat achieve its own
“殖民主义消失”论 (“zhi min zhu yi xiao final emancipation
shi ” lun) theory of “ the 只有批判旧世界,才能发现新世界 (zhi you
disappearance of colonialism” pi pan jiu shi jie, cai neng fa xian xin
殖 民 主 义 者 (zhe min zhu yi zhe) shi jie) a new world can only be
colonialist discovered in the course of repudiating
只顾自己,不顾别人 (zhi gu zi ji, bu gu the old world
bie ren) think only of oneself and 只有社会主义才能救中国 (zhi you she hui
never of others zhu yi cai
只号召,不动手 (zhi hao zhao, bu dong neng jiu zhong guo) only socialism can
shou) issue verbal calls without save China
personal action 只争朝夕 (zhi zheng zhao xi) seize
只能赞扬,不能批评 (zhi neng zan yang, the day and seize the hour
bu neng pi ping) tolerate only 只 专 不 红 (zhi zhuan bu hong) be
praise and no criticism experts without being politically sound
只凭动机、不问效果 (zhi ping dong ji、 纸老虎 (zhi lao hu) paper tiger
bu wen xiao guo) act solely by 指导方针 (zhi dao fang zhen) guiding
motive and not inquire what effect policy
one’s action will have 指导思想 (zhi dao si xiang) guiding
只 生 一 个 好 (zhi sheng yi ge hao) ideology
single-child families are good; a 指 导 委 员 会 (zhi dao wei yuan hui)
slogan of birth-control in China steering committee
只许挨打、不准还手 (zhi xu ai da、 bu 指导性计划 (zhi dao xing ji hua) plan
zhun huan shou) must take a beating in the nature of guidelines
and not strike back 指挥棒 (zhi hui bang) baton
只许自己骂人、不许别人讲理 (zhi xu zi ji 指挥机关 (zhi hui ji guan) commanding
ma ren、 bu xu bie ren jiang li) give organ
oneself permission to abuse others, 指 令 性 计 划 (zhi ling xing ji hua)
while not allowing others to reason plans in the nature of directives
with him 指令长 (zhi ling zhang) commander
只要帝国主义还存在,就有发生侵略战争的 指名投票 (zhi ming tou piao) rollcall
危险 (zhi yao di guo zhu yi hai cun voting
zai, jiu you fa sheng qin lüe zhan zheng 指明正确的方向 (zhi ming zheng que de
de wei xian) so long as imperi fang xiang) chart the correct
alism exists there will always be soil orientation and course
for aggressive wars 指战员 (zhi zhan yuan) commander and
只要是国家,总是具有阶级性的 (zhi yao combatant
shi guo jia, zong shi ju you jie ji xing 至 高 无 上 (zhi gao wu shang) most
de) so long as the state remains a lofty
state, it must bear a class character 志 愿 兵 役 制 (zhi yuan bing yi zhi)
只有解放全人类,才能最后解放无产阶级自 voluntary enlistment
己 (zhi you jie fang quan ren lei, cai 制导系统 (zhi dao xi tong) guidance
neng zui hou jie fang wu chan jie ji zi system
ji) only by emancipating all mankind 制定共同路线 (zhi ding gong tong lu xian)

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formulate a common line of the personnel in a given unit
制定宪法 (zhi ding xian fa) frame and 智力开发 (zhi li kai fa) development
adopt a constitution of intellectual resources
制定政治原则 (zhi ding zheng zhi yuan ze) 智力投资 (zhi li tou zi) intellectual
formulating political principles investment
制度 (zhi du) system 智力引进 (zhi li yin jin) recruit;
制海权 (zhi hai quan) mastery of the introduce talents from outside
seas; command of the sea 智囊团,思想库 (zhi nang tuan, si xiang
制空权 (zhi kong quan) control of the ku) the brain trust, think tank
air; air domination 滞后影响 (zhi hou ying xiang) lagged
制造边境事件 (zhi zao bian jing shi jian) effect
create border incidents 中办 (zhong ban) (an abbreviation for)
制 造 分 裂 (zhi zao fen lie) General Office of the Central Committee
manufacture a split of the Chinese Communist Party
制造军事政变 (zhi zao jun shi zheng bian) 中策 (zhong ce) the second best plan
engineer military coups d’etat 中层干部 (zhong ceng gan bu) middle
制造事端 (zhi zao shi duan) create ranking cadres
disturbance 中产阶级 (zhong chan jie ji) middle
制造思想混乱 (zhi zao si xiang hun luan) class
create confusion in people’s minds 中导条约 (zhong dao tiao yue) Middle
制 止 内 战 (zhi zhi nei zhan) avert Range Guided Missile Treaty
civil war 中 东 (zhong dong) Middle East;
治病救人 (zhi bing jiu ren) cure the Mideast
sickness to save the patient 中东和平进程 (zhong dong he ping jin
治国安邦 (zhi guo an bang) govern and cheng) the Middle East peace progress
bring peace to the nation 中断外交关系 (zhong duan wai jiao guan
治 国 安 民 (zhi guo an min) run the xi) suspension of diplomatic
country well and give the people peace relations
and security 中俄北京条约 (zhong e bei jing tiao yue)
治理国家 (zhi li guo jia) administer Sino-Russian Treaty of Peking (in 1860)
a country; run a state 中俄天津条约 (zhong e tian jin tiao yue)
治理经济环境 (zhi li jing ji huan jing) Sino-Russian Treaty of Tientsin (in
improve the economic environment 1858)
治理整顿 (zhi li zheng dun) improve 中俄战略协作伙伴关系 (zhong e zhan lüe
the environment and rectify the order cooperative strategic partnership
治 外 法 权 (zhi wai fa quan) 中共党史人物研究会 (zhong gong dang shi
extraterritoriality ren wu yan jiu hui) Society on the
致 以 衷 心 的 祝 贺 和 美 好 的 祝 愿 (zhi yi Historical Figures of the CPC
zhong xin de zhu he he mei hao de zhu yuan) 中共中央书记处 (zhong gong zhong yang
express one’s sincere congratulations shu ji chu) Secretariat of the CPC
and best wishes Central Committee
智 产 阶 级 (zhi chan jie ji) 中共中央直属机关工作委员会 (zhong gong
intellectual property class zhong yang zhi shu ji guan gong zuo wei
智力结构 (zhi li jie gou) structure yuan hui) Work Committee of

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Departments under the Central chan dang lü ou zong zhi bu) General
Committee Branch of the CPC in Europe
中 顾 委 (zhong gu wei) Central 中 国 共 产 党 章 程 (zhong guo gong chan
Advisory Commission of the Chinese dang zhang cheng) Constitution of the
Communist Party Communist Party of China
中国奥林匹克委员会 (zhong guo ao lin pi 中国共产党中央委员会 (zhong guo gong
ke wei yuan hui) Chinese Olympic chan dang zhong yang wei yuan hui)
Committee Central Committee of the Communist Party
中国代表团 (zhong guo dai biao tuan) of China
Chinese delegation; delegation from 中国共产党组织机构 (zhong guo gong chan
China dang zu zhi ji gou) Structure of the
中 国 地 震 局 (zhong guo di zhen ju) CPC
China Seismological Bureau of China 中国共产主义青年团 (zhong guo gong chan
中 国 法 学 会 (zhong guo fa xue hui) zhu yi qing nian tuan) Communist Youth
China Law Society of China League of China
中 国 福 利 会 (zhong guo fu li hui) 中国国籍 (zhong guo guo ji) Chinese
China Welfare Institute of China nationality
中国改革开放的总设计师 (zhong guo gai 中国国际法学会 (zhong guo guo ji fa xue
ge kai fang de zong she ji shi) hui) Chinese Society of International
general architect of China’s reform Law
and open-door program 中国国际交流协会 (zhong guo guo ji jiao
中国工程院 (zhong guo gong cheng yuan) liu xie hui) Association for
Chinese Academy of Engineering International Understanding of China
中国工农红军 (zhong guo gong nong hong 中国国际友好联络会 (zhong guo guo ji
jun) Red Army of Chinese Workers and you hao lian luo hui) Chinese
Peasants (1928~1937) Association for International Friendly
中国工农民主政府 (zhong guo gong nong Contacts
min zhu zheng fu) Democratic 中国国际友谊促进会 (zhong guo guo ji
Government of Chinese Workers and you yi cu jin hui) Chinese Association
Peasants for athe Promotion of International
中国工人阶级 (zhong guo gong ren jie ji) Friendship
Chinese working class 中国国民党革命委员会 (zhong guo guo min
中国工人运动 (zhong guo gong ren yun dang ge ming wei yuan hui)
dong) Chinese working class movement Revolutionary Committee of the
中 国 公 路 专 家 小 组 (zhong guo gong lu Chinese Kuomintang
zhuan jia xiao zu) Group of Chinese 中国国情 (zhong guo guo qing) China’
Highway Experts s conditions
中国共产党 (zhong guo gong chan dang) 中国红十字会总会 (zhong guo hong shi zi
Communist Party of China hui zong hui) Red Cross Society of
中国共产党第一次全国代表大会 (zhong China
guo gong chan dang di yi ci quan guo dai 中国护照 (zhong guo hu zhao) Chinese
biao da hui) First National Congress passport
of the CPC (in 1921) 中 国 计 划 生 育 协 会 (zhong guo ji hua
中国共产党旅欧总支部 (zhong guo gong sheng yu xie hui) Family Planning

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Association of China Democracy
中 国 价 值 观 (zhong guo jia zhi guan) 中国民主建国会 (zhong guo min zhu jian
Chinese concept of values guo hui) China Democratic National
中国教育工会 (zhong guo jiao yu gong hui) Construction Association
Educational Workers’ Trade Union of 中国民主同盟 (zhong guo min zhu tong
China meng) China Democratic League
中国教育国际交流协会 (zhong guo jiao yu 中国农村发展研究中心 (zhong guo nong
guo ji jiao liu xie hui) Chinese cun fa zhan yan jiu zhong xin) China
Education Association for Rural Development Research Center
International Exchanges 中国农工民主党 (zhong guo nong gong min
中国金融工会 (zhong guo jin rong gong zhu dang) Democratic Party of Chinese
hui) Monetary Workers’ Trade Union Peasants and Workers
of China 中国农林工会 (zhong guo nong lin gong
中 国 科 学 院 (zhong guo ke xue yuan) hui) Agricultural and Forestry
Chinese Academy of Sciences Workers’ Trade Union of China
中国可以说不 (zhong guo ke yi shuo bu) 中 国 气 象 局 (zhong guo qi xiang ju)
China can say no China Meteorological Bureau
中国孔子基金会 (zhong guo kong zi ji jin 中国轻工业工会 (zhong guo qing gong ye
hui) China Confucius Foundation gong hui) Light Industry Workers ’
中国劳动组合书记部 (zhong guo lao dong Trade Union of China
zu he shu ji bu) Chinese Trade Union 中国人的世纪 (zhong guo ren de shi ji)
Secretariat Chinese century in which China is
中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会 (zhong growing stronger
guo lian he guo jiao ke wen zu zhi quan 中国人民保卫儿童全国委员会 (zhong guo
guo wei yuan hui) National ren min bao wei er tong quan guo we yuan
Commission of the People’s Republic hui) Chinese People ’ s National
of China for UNESCO Committee for Defense of Children
中国联合国协会 (zhong guo lian he guo 中国人民对外文化协会 (zhong guo ren min
xie hui) United Nations Association dui wai wen hua xie hui) Chinese
of the People’s Republic of China People ’ s Association for Cultural
中国煤炭地质工会 (zhong guo mei tan di Relations with Foreign Countries
zhi gong hui) Coalminers ’ and 中国人民对外友好协会 (zhong guo ren min
Geological Workers ’ Trade Union of dui wai you hao xie hui) Chinese
China People’s Association for Friendship
中国民航工会 (zhong guo min hang gong with Foreign Countries
hui) Civil Aviation Workers’ Trade 中国人民解放军 (zhong guo ren min jie
Union of China fang jun) Chinese People ’ s
中国民用航空局 (zhong guo min yong hang Liberation Army
kong ju) Civil Aviation of China 中国人民解放战争 (zhong guo ren min jie
中国民用航空总局 (zhong guo min yong fang zhan zheng) Chinese People’s
hang kong zong ju) Civil Aviation War of Liberation
Administration of China 中国人民救济总会 (zhong guo ren min jiu
中国民主促进会 (zhong guo min zhu cu jin ji zong hui) People ’ s Relief
hui) China Association for Promoting Administration of China

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中国人民外交学会 (zhong guo ren min wai gong gong hui) Petroleum and Chemical
jiao xue hui) Chinese People ’ s Workers’ Trade Union of China
Institute of Foreign Affairs 中国式的现代化 (zhong guo shi de xian
中国人民银行 (zhong guo ren min yin hang) dai hua) China’s modernization in her
People’s Bank of China own way; socialism with Chinese
中国人民政治协商会议 (zhong guo ren min characteristics
zheng zhi xie shang hui yi) Chinese 中 国 水 利 电 力 工 会 (zhong guo shui li
People ’ s Political Consultative dian li gong hui) Water Conservancy
Conference and Electric Workers’ Trade Union of
中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会 (zhong China
guo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi 中国特色 (zhong guo te se) Chinese
quan guo wei yuan hui) National characteristics
Committee of the CPPCC 中国特色社会主义 (zhong guo te se she
中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会办公厅 hui zhu yi) socialism with Chinese
(zhong guo ren min zheng zhi xie shang characteristics
hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui ban gong 中国外交机关与外事部门 (zhong guo wai
ting) General Office of the CPPCC jiao ji guan yu wai shi bu men) Chinese
National Committee diplomatic establishments and
中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会常务委 departments
员会 (zhong guo ren min zheng zhi xie “中国威胁论” (“zhong guo wei xie” lun)
shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui chang “China threat” theory
wu wei yuan hui) Standing Committee of 中国文化优越论 (zhong guo wen hua you
the National Committee of the CPPCC yue lun) the theory of the superiority
中国人民政治协商委员会地方委员会 of Chinese culture
(zhong guo ren min zheng zhi xie shang 中国新民主主义青年团 (zhong guo xin min
wei yuan hui di fang wei yuan hui) zhu zhu yi qing nian tuan) New
CPPCC local committees Democratic Youth League of China
中国人民志愿军 (zhong guo ren min zhi 中国邮电工会 (zhong guo you dian gong
yuan jun) Chinese People ’ s hui) Postal and Telecommunications
Volunteers Workers’ Trade Union of China
中国少年儿童基金会 (zhong guo shao nian 中 国 证 券 监 督 管 理 委 员 会 (zhong guo
er tong ji jin hui) Children ’ s zheng quan jian du guan li wei yuan hui)
Foundation of China China Securities Regulatory
中国少年共产党 (后改为:中国共产主义青 Commission
年团旅欧支部) (zhong guo shao nian gong 中国政法学会 (zhong guo zheng fa xue hui)
chan dang) Chinese Youth Communist China Society of Political Science and
Party (later renamed: European Branch of Law
the Chinese Communist Youth League) 中国政府 (zhong guo zheng fu) Chinese
中 国 少 年 先 锋 队 (zhong guo shao nian government
xian feng dui) Chinese Young Pioneers 中国致公党 (zhong guo zhi gong dang)
中国社会科学院 (zhong guo she hui ke xue China Zhi Gong Dang
yuan) Chinese Academy of Social 中 国 专 利 局 (zhong guo zhuan li ju)
Sciences Patent Office of the People’s Republic
中国石油化工工会 (zhong guo shi you hua of China

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中和派 (zhong he pai) moderates Harbor Superintendency of the PRC
中 华 革 命 党 (zhong hua ge ming dang) 中华人民共和国国旗 (zhong hua ren min
Chinese Revolutionary Party (led by gong he guo guo qi) national flag of
Sun Yat-sen) the People’s Republic of China
中 华 民 国 (zhong hua min guo) the 中华人民共和国外国投资管理委员会
Republic of China (1912~1949) (zhong hua ren min gong he guo wai guo
中华全国妇女联合会 (zhong hua quan guo tou zi guan li wei yuan hui) Foreign
fu nü lian he hui) All-China Women’ Investment Commission of PRC
s Federation 中华人民共和国外汇管理总局 (zhong hua
中华全国工商联合会 (zhong hua quan guo ren min gong he guo wai hui guan li zong
gong shang lian he hui) All-China ju) State General Administration of
Federation of Industry and Commerce Foreign Exchange Control of the PRC
中华全国归国华侨联合会 (zhong hua quan 中 华人 民共和 国新 闻出版 署 (zhong hua
guo gui guo hua qiao lian he hui) ren min gong he guo xin wen chu ban shu)
All-China Federation of Returned The Press and Publications
Overseas Chinese Administration of the PRC
中华全国民主青年联合会 (zhong hua quan 中华人民共和国主席 (zhong hua ren min
guo min zhu qing nian lian he hui) gong he guo zhu xi) President of the
All-China Federation of Democratic People’s Republic of China
Youth 中 华 苏 维 埃 (zhong hua su wei ai)
中华全国青年联合会 (zhong hua quan guo Chinese Soviet
qing nian lian he hui) All-China 中 纪 委 (zhong ji wei) The Central
Youth Federation Commission for Discipline Inspection of
中华全国台湾同胞联谊会 (zhong hua quan the Chinese Communist Party
guo tai wan tong bao lian yi hui) 中 坚 分 子 (zhong jian fen zi)
All-China Federation of Taiwan backbones
Compatriots 中 坚 力 量 (zhong jian li liang)
中华全国铁路总工会 (zhong hua quan guo nucleus; backbone
tie lu zong gong hui) All-China 中 间 环 节 (zhong jian huan jie)
Federation of Railway Workers’ Trade intermediate link
Unions 中 间 机 构 (zhong jian ji gou)
中华全国新闻工作者协会 (zhong hua quan intermediate organization
guo xin wen gong zuo zhe xie hui) 中 间 阶 层 (zhong jian jie ceng)
All-China Journalists’ Association intermediate strata
中华全国学生联合会 (zhong hua quan guo 中 间 派 (zhong jian pai)
xue sheng lian he hui) All-China middle-of-roaders; intermediate
Students’ Federation forces
中华全国总工会 (zhong hua quan guo zong 中 间 组 织 (zhong jian zu zhi)
gong hui) All-China Federation of intermediate organization
Trade Unions 中科院 (zhong ke yuan) see “中国科
中华人民共和国 (zhong hua ren min gong 学院”
he guo) the People’s Republic of China 中立 (zhong li) neutrality
中 华人 民共和 国港 务监督 局 (zhong hua 中立国 (zhong li guo) neutral state
ren min gong he guo gang wu jian du ju) 中立主义 (zhong li zhu yi) neutralism

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中 联 部 (zhong lian bu) (an 中外合资经营企业 (zhong wai he zi jing
abbreviation for) International ying qi ye) Sino-foreign joint
Liaison Department of CPC Central venture
Committee 中外合作经营企业 (zhong wai he zuo jing
中流砥柱 (zhong liu di zhu) mainstay ying qi ye) Sino-foreign joint
中美三个联合公报 (zhong mei san ge lian investment enterprises
he gong bao) Three Sino-US Joint 中委 (zhong wei) central committee;
Communiques central committee member
中美战略核武器互不瞄准对方 (zhong mei 中 心 斗 争 (zhong xin dou zheng)
zhan lue he wu qi hu bu miao zhun dui pivotal struggle
fang) non-targeting strategic 中心工作 (zhong xin gong zuo) central
nuclear weapons against each other task
中美战略伙伴关系 (zhong mei zhan lüe 中 心 环 节 (zhong xin huan jie) key
huo ban guan xi) Sino-U.S. link
strategic partnership 中心思想 (zhong xin si xiang) core
中南局 (zhong nan ju) Central-South ideas
Bureau 中宣部 (zhong xuan bu) The Publicity
中农 (zhong nong) middle peasants Department of the Central Committee of
中期选举 (zhong qi xuan ju) mid-term the Chinese Communist Party
election 中央爱国卫生运动委员会 (zhong yang ai
中 青 年 干 部 (zhong qing nian gan bu) guo wei sheng yun dong wei yuan
middle-aged and young cadres hui) The Central Patriotic Public
中日友好四项原则:和平友好,平等互利, Health Campaign Committee
互相信赖,长期稳定 (zhong ri you hao si 中央办公厅 (zhong yang ban gong ting)
xiang yuan ze: he ping you hao, ping deng see “中办”
hu li, hu xiang xin lai, chang qi wen ding) 中 央 编 译 局 (zhong yang bian yi ju)
four principles of Sino-Japanese Compilation and Translation Bureau of
friendship: peace and friendship, the CCCPC 中央代表机关 (zhong yang dai
equality and mutual benefit, mutual biao ji guan) agency of the Central
trust, and long-term stability Committee
中日友好协会 (zhong ri you hao xie hui) 中央党的建设工作领导小组 (zhong yang
sino-Japanese Friendship Association dang de jian she gong zuo ling dao xiao
中 枢 根 据 地 (zhong shu gen ju di) zu) Party Building Directorate of
vital bases the CPCCC
中 苏 大 论 战 (zhong su da lun zhan) 中央党史研究室 (zhong yang dang shi yan
Great Debate between China and the jiu shi) Party History Research
Soviet Union Centre of the CCCPC
中苏航运协定 (zhong su hang yun xie ding) 中央党校 (zhong yang dang xiao) the
Sino-Soviet Agreement on Navigation on Central Party School
Boundary Rivers 中央档案馆 (zhong yang dang an guan)
中苏友好同盟互助条约 (zhong su you hao Archives Bureau of the CCCPC
tong meng hu zhu tiao yue) Sino-Soviet 中央对外联络部 (zhong yang dui wai lian
Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and luo bu) see “中联部”
Mutual Assistance 中央对外宣传办公室 (zhong yang dui wai

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xuan chuan ban gong shi) 中央领导机关 (zhong yang ling dao ji
International Communication Office of guan) central leading organ
the CCCPC 中央领导集体 (zhong yang ling dao ji ti)
中央革命军事委员会 (zhong yang ge ming central collective leadership
jun shi wei yuan hui) Revolutionary 中央绿化委员会 (zhong yang lü hua wei
Military Commission of the Central yuan hui) Central Afforesting
Committee Committee
中 央 各 部 门 (zhong yang ge bu men) 中 央 全 会 (zhong yang quan hui)
departments under the Party Central plenary session of the Central Committee
Committee and the State Council 中央人民政府 (zhong yang ren min zheng
中央工农民主政府 (zhong yang gong nong fu) the Central People’s Government
min zhu zheng fu) Democratic 中央社会主义学院 (zhong yang she hui
Central Government of Workers and zhu yi xue yuan) Central Socialist
Peasants Academy
中央国家机关工作委员会 (zhong yang guo 中 央 书 记 处 (zhong yang shu ji chu)
jia ji guan gong zuo wei yuan hui) Secretariat of the Central Committee of
State Organ Work Committee of the CPC the CPC
中央和地方并举 (zhong yang he di fang 中央台湾工作办公室 (zhong yang tai wan
bing ju) simultaneous development gong zuo ban gong shi) Taiwan Affairs
of national and local enterprises Office of the CCCPC
中 央 红 军 (zhong yang hong jun) 中央统一战线部 (zhong yang tong yi zhan
Central Red Army xian bu) United Front Work Department
中央机构 (zhong yang ji gou) organ of the CCCPC
under the central Government of China 中 央 团 校 (zhong yang tuan xiao)
中央机关 (zhong yang ji guan) organ Central Communist Youth League School
under the central Government of China 中央外文出版发行事业局 (zhong yang wai
中 央 集 权 的 封建 君 主 制 (zhong yang ji wen chu ban fa xing shi ye ju) China
quan de feng jian jun zhu zhi) Foreign Languages Publishing and
centralized feudal monarchy Distribution Administration
中央集权政府 (zhong yang ji quan zheng 中央委员 (zhong yang wei yuan) member
fu) centralized government of the Central Committee
中 央 集 权 制 (zhong yang ji quan zhi) 中央委员会 (zhong yang wei yuan hui)
centralism Central Committee
中央纪律检查委员会 (zhong yang ji lü 中央文革 (zhong yang wen ge) Cultural
jian cha wei yuan hui) see “中纪委” Revolutionary Leading Group under the
中央监察委员会 (zhong yang jian cha wei Party Central Committee
yuan hui) Central Control Commission 中央文革小组 (zhong yang wen ge xiao zu)
中央经济工作会议 (zhong yang jing ji Central Cultural Revolution Group
gong zuo hui yi) the Central Economic 中央文献编辑委员会 (zhong yang wen xian
Working Conference bian ji wei yuan hui) Editorial
中央军事委员会 (zhong yang jun shi wei Committee on Party Literature of the
yuan hui) Central Military Commission Central Committee
中 央 理 事 会 (zhong yang li shi hui) 中央文献研究室 (zhong yang wen xian yan
central council jiu shi) Party Literature Research

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Centre of CCCPC 中 游 思 想 (zhong you si xiang)
中央宣传部 (zhong yang xuan chuan bu) middling mentality
see “中宣部” 中原局 (zhong yuan ju) Central Plain
中 央 整 党 工 作 指 导 委 员 会 (zhong yang Bureau
zheng dang gong zuo zhi dao wei yuan 中止外交关系 (zhong zhi wai jiao guan xi)
hui) Central Party Consolidation suspend diplomatic relations
Guidance Commission 中组部 (zhong zu bu) see “中央组织
中央政策研究室 (zhong yang zheng ce yan 部”
jiu shi) Policy Research Office of 忠君报国 (zhong jun bao guo) loyalty
the CCCPC to one’s sovereign and dedication to the
中央政法委员会 (zhong yang zheng fa wei service of one’s country
yuan hui) The Committee of 忠字舞 (zhong zi wu) “loyalty” dance
Political and Legislative Affairs of 终极关怀 (zhong ji guan huai) concern
the CCCPC shown for one who is dying
中 央 政 府 (zhong yang zheng fu) 终 身 职 务 (zhong shen zhi wu) life
central government employment; permanent post
中央政治局 (zhong yang zheng zhi ju) 终 身 制 (zhong shen zhi) system of
Political Bureau of the Central life-long tenure
Committee of the Chinese Communist 种族隔离政策 (zhong zu ge li zheng ce)
Party policy of racial separation; apartheid
中央政治局常务委员会 (zhong yang zheng 种 族 论 (zhong zu lun) theory of
zhi ju chang wu wei yuan hui) racism
Standing Committee of the Political 种族灭绝 (zhong zu mie jue) genocide
Bureau of the CPC 种族平等 (zhong zu ping deng) racial
中央执行委员会 (zhong yang zhi xing wei equality
yuan hui) Central Executive 种 族 歧 视 (zhong zu qi shi) racial
Committee discrimination
中央直属机关 (zhong yang zhi shu ji guan) 种 族 问 题 (zhong zu wen ti) racial
departments under the Party Central problem
Committee 种 族 优 越 感 (zhong zu you yue gan)
中央直属机关工作委员会 (zhong yang zhi racial superiority complex
shu ji guan gong zuo wei yuan hui) work 种族主义 (zhong zu zhu yi) racism;
committee for offices directly under the racialism
CCCPC 种 族 主 义 者 (zhong zu zhu yi zhe)
中央综治委严打整治斗争检查组 (zhong racist
yang zong zhi wei yan da zheng zhi dou 种族主义政权 (zhong zu zhu yi zheng quan)
zheng jian cha zu) Strike-hard racist regime
Campaign Inspection Group of Central 仲 裁 条 例 (zhong cai tiao li)
Committee for Comprehensive Management regulation for arbitration
of Public Security 众 叛 亲 离 (zhong pan qin li) be
中 央 组 织 部 (zhong yang zu zhi bu) opposed by the public and deserted by
Organization Department of the CCCPC one’s followers
中 庸 政 策 (zhong yong zheng ce) 众人拾柴火焰高 (zhong ren shi chai huo
middle-of-the-road policy yan gao) the fire burns high when

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everybody adds wood to it; great 逐步实现共同富裕 (zhu bu shi xian gong
things may be done by mass effort tong fu yu) gradual realization of
种 试 验 田 (zhong shi yan tian) common wealth
cultivate experimental farming plots 逐出令 (zhu chu ling) eviction order
重 大 决 策 (zhong da jue ce) major 主宾席 (zhu bin xi) head table; seat
policy decisions for the guest of honour
重大原则性分歧 (zhong da yuan ze xing 主导思想 (zhu dao si xiang) dominant
fen qi) major differences of ideas
principle 主导原则 (zhu dao yuan ze) leading
重担子推给人家,自己挑轻的 (zhong dan principle
zi tui gei ren jia, zi ji tiao qing de) 主动性 (zhu dong xing) initiative
shove the heavy load onto others and 主 观 精 神 (zhu guan jing shen)
choose the easy one for oneself subjective consciousness
重 工 业 工 会 (zhong gong ye gong hui) 主观能动性 (zhu guan neng dong xing)
trade union of heavy industry workers subjective initiative
重 工 业 局 (zhong gong ye ju) heavy 主 观 随 意 (zhu guan sui yi) be
industry bureau subjective and arbitrary
重 商 主 义 (zhong shang zhu yi) 主观唯心主义 (zhu guan wei xin zhu yi)
cameralism subjective idealism
重事实,讲道理 (zhong shi shi, jiang dao 主观性倾向 (zhu guan xing qing xiang)
li) have respect for the facts and one-sided tendency
talk reason 主 观 臆 断 (zhu guan yi duan)
重要战略机遇期 (zhong yao zhan lüe ji yu subjective and groundless conclusion
qi) period of important strategic 主观臆造 (zhu guan yi zao) subjective
opportunities conjecture
重在政治表现 (zhong zai zheng zhi biao 主 观 主 义 (zhu guan zhu yi)
xian) lay stress on one’s political subjectivism
behavior 主 观 主 义 者 (zhu guan zhu yi zhe)
州长 (zhou zhang) governor subjectivist
周期性经济危机 (zhou qi xing jing ji wei 主观作用 (zhu guan zuo yong) role of
ji) cyclical economic crisis subjective intentions
朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨 (zhu men jiu rou 主管部门 (zhu guan bu men) department
chou, lu you dong si gu) while there responsible for the work
comes the reek of wines and meats that 主管机构 (zhu guan ji gou) competent
rot inside the red-painted doors of the authorities
rich, the bones of many poor people who 主管机关 (zhu guan ji guan) competent
have frozen to death are strewn on the authorities; responsible institution
road 主和派 (zhu he pai) peace group
诸 侯 经 济 (zhu hou jing ji) local 主 力 军 (zhu li jun) main forces;
economic separatism regular forces
逐步地、分批地 (zhu bu de, fen pi de) 主权 (zhu quan) sovereign power
in batches at different times; gradually 主权不容剥夺 (zhu quan bu rong bo duo)
“逐步升级战略” (“zhu bu sheng ji zhan sovereignty brooks no infringement
lüe”) “strategy of escalation” 主权国家 (zhu quan guo jia) sovereign

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state 驻 外 代 表 (zhu wai dai biao)
主权实体 (zhu quan shi ti) sovereign diplomatic representative
existence 驻外公使 (zhu wai gong shi) minister
主 权 完 整 (zhu quan wan zheng) resident
integrity of sovereignty 驻 外 人 员 (zhu wai ren yuan)
主人翁 (zhu ren weng) master of one’ diplomatic missionary
s own house 抓 辫 子 (zhua bian zi) grab by the
主任委员 (zhu ren wei yuan) chairman queue
主题先行 (zhu ti xian xing) the theme 抓 大 放 小 (zhua da fang xiao)
takes the lead invigorate large enterprises while
主席 (zhu xi) chairman relaxing control over small ones
主席台 (zhu xi tai) platform; podium 抓党权、军权、政权 (zhua dang quan、 jun
主席团 (zhu xi tuan) presidium quan、 zheng quan) grab power in the
主席团责任制 (zhu xi tuan ze ren zhi) Party, army and government
permanent presidium 抓典型 (zhua dian xing) grab hold of
主要的和辅助的 (zhu yao de he fu zhu de) typical cases
primary and supplementary 抓点带面 (zhua dian dai mian) grab
主 要 动 议 (zhu yao dong yi) main hold of the points and bring along the
motion sphere
主要矛盾 (zhu yao mao dun) principal 抓 纲 治 国 (zhua gang zhi guo) grab
contradiction hold of the guiding principle in
主要社会支柱 (zhu yao she hui zhi zhu) governing the nation
principal social prop 抓革命,促生产 (zhua ge ming, cu sheng
主 要 问 题 (zhu yao wen ti) subject chan) grab hold of revolution and
matter promote production
主要战争罪犯 (zhu yao zhan zheng zui fan) 抓根本 (zhua gen ben) grab hold of the
arch-criminal of war roots
主宰和瓜分世界 (zhu zai he gua fen shi 抓活思想 (zhua huo si xiang) grasp
jie) dominate and divide the world living ideas
主 战 场 (zhu zhan chang) main 抓 两 头 , 带 中 间 (zhua liang tou, dai
battlefield zhong jian) grab hold of the two
主战论 (zhu zhan lun) jingoism ends and bring along the middle
主战派 (zhu zhai pai) war group 抓苗头 (zhua miao tou) grab hold of
助耕包户 (zhu geng bao hu) aid with the bud catch symptom before serious
farming and take responsibility for consequences appear
households 抓思想,抓生产,抓生活 (zhua si xiang,
助 耕 队 (zhu geng dui) aid-farming zhua sheng chan, zhua sheng huo)
team give all-round attention to the
助 人 为 乐 (zhu ren wei le) find ideological development, production
pleasure in helping others and well-being
注 定 灭 亡 (zhu ding mie wang) be 抓 意 识 形 态 (zhua yi shi xing tai)
doomed to destruction grasp ideological work
驻联合国代表团 (zhu lian he guo dai biao 抓重点 (zhua zhong dian) grasp the
tuan) delegation in United Nations essential point

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抓住次要问题,放过主要目标 (zhua zhu ci public servant in the professional
yao wen ti, fang guo zhu yao mu biao) category
miss the main objective while laying 专 业 组 (zhuan ye zu) specialized
hold of problems of secondary group
importance 专用口岸 (zhuan yong kou an) port for
抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展, special use
保持稳定 (zhua zhu ji yu, shen hua gai 专 员 (zhuan yuan) administrative
ge, kuo da kai fang, cu jin fa zhan, bao commissioner
chi wen ding) seize the current 专 政 对 象 (zhuan zheng dui xiang)
opportunity, deepen the reform, open target of dictatorship
China wider to the outside world, 专 政 工 具 (zhuan zheng gong ju)
promote development and maintain instrument of dictatorship
stability 专政机关 (zhuan zheng ji guan) organ
抓住阶级斗争这个纲 (zhua zhu jie ji dou of dictatorship
zheng zhe ge gang) take class 专制 (zhuan zhi) autocracy
struggle as the key to all one’s work 专制独裁 (zhuan zhi du cai) despotic
抓住事物的本质 (zhua zhu shi wu de ben dictatorship
zhi) grasp the essence 专 制 国 家 (zhuan zhi guo jia)
抓 住 小 辫 子 (zhua zhu xiao bian zi) authoritarian state
have sb. by the short braids; find the 专 制 君 主 国 (zhuan zhi jun zhu guo)
fault despotic monarchy
抓壮丁 (zhua zhuang ding) pressgang 专制君主整体 (zhuan zhi jun zhu zheng ti)
专案组 (zhuan an zu) special group despotic monarchy
for the examination of a case “专制统一论” (“zhuan zhi tong yi lun”)
专户饲养 (zhuan hu si yang) assign theory of “autocratic unification”
specialized households to raise draft 专 制 政 府 (zhuan zhi zheng fu)
animals autocratic government
专门机关 (zhuan men ji guan) special 专 制 制 度 (zhuan zhi zhi du)
organ dictatorial system
专权 (zhuan quan) grab all the power 专制主义 (zhuan zhi zhu yi) despotism
专 业 承 包 (zhuan ye cheng bao) 专制主义意识形态 (zhuan zhi zhu yi yi
responsibility contracts on specialties shi xing tai) authoritarian ideo-logy
专 业 个 人 (zhuan ye ge ren) 专 制 主 义 者 (zhuan zhi zhu yi zhe)
specialized individual autocrat
专 业 公 司 (zhuan ye gong si) 专 治 政 体 (zhuan zhi zheng ti)
specialized corporation absolutionism
专 业 户 (zhuan ye hu) specialized 转轨 (zhuan gui) retrack
household 转 轨 经 济 (zhuan gui jing ji)
专 业 化 协 作 (zhuan ye hua xie zuo) transition economy
specialization and coordination; 转 化 机 制 (zhuan hua ji zhi) (of
coordination based on specialization state-owned enterprises) transform
专业联合公司 (zhuan ye lian he gong si) management mechanism
specialized integrated corporation 转换企业经营机制 (zhuan huan qi ye jing
专业类公务员 (zhuan ye lei gong wu yuan) ying ji zhi) change the management

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mechanism of the enterprises 追赶型和跨越式发展 (zhui gan xing he
转入进攻 (zhuan ru jin gong) go over kua yue shi fa zhan) pursuant and
to the offensive leap-forward development
转型 (zhuan xing) transform; change 追 剿 (zhui jiao) pursuit and
the line of production suppression
转业军人 (zhuan ye jun ren) army-man 追求真理 (zhui qiu zhen li) pursuit
transferred to civilian work of truth
转移到以农业为基础的轨道上来 (zhuan yi 追 认 为 党 员 (zhui ren wei dang yuan)
dao yi nong ye wei ji chu de gui dao be posthumously admitted as a Party
shang lai) switch onto the road of member
serving agriculture which is the 追 认 为 团 员 (zhui ren wei tuan yuan)
foundation of the economy be posthumously admitted as a League
转移斗争大方向 (zhuan yi dou zheng da member
fang xiang) switch the general 准 备 两 手 (zhun bei liang shou)
orientation of the struggle prepare for two eventualities
转移斗争目标 (zhuan yi dou zheng mu biao) “ 准 决 战 ” ( “ zhun jue zhan ” )
divert people from the target of “quasi-decisive campaign”
struggle 准则 (zhun ze) guiding principle
转移人民的视线 (zhuan yi ren min de shi 卓 著 勋 劳 (zhuo zhu xun lao)
xian) divert the people’s attention outstanding record
转 移 政 权 (zhuan yi zheng quan) 咨询服务 (zi xun fu wu) consulting
transfer state power service
转 正 (zhuan zheng) become a full 资 本 帝 国 主 义 (zi ben di guo zhu yi)
member after completion of the capitalist-imperialism
probationary period 资 本 额 过 多 (zi ben e guo duo)
装出一副假公正的面孔 (zhuang chu yi fu overcapitalization
jia gong zheng de mian kong) feign 《资本论》 (《zi ben lun》) Das Kapital
impartiality 资本输出 (zi ben shu chu) export of
装 腔 作 势 (zhuang qiang zuo shi) capital
indulge in histrionics; strike a post 资本主义 (zi ben zhu yi) capitalism
装腔作势,借以吓人 (zhuang qiang zuo shi, 资本主义包围 (zi ben zhu yi bao wei)
jie yi xia ren) strike a post in order capitalist encirclement
to intimidate people 资本主义残余势力 (zi ben zhu yi can yu
壮人民志气,灭敌人威风 (zhuang ren min shi li) remnant capitalist forces
zhi qi, mie di ren wei feng) raise the 资本主义成份 (zi ben zhu yi cheng fen)
people’s spirit and puncture the enemy’ capitalist sector
s arrogance 资本主义的发源地 (zi ben zhu yi de fa
壮士暮年,雄心不已 (zhuang shi mu nian, yuan di) home of capitalism
xiong xin bu yi) the heart of the hero 资本主义的内在矛盾 (zi ben zhu yi de nei
in his old age is as stout as ever zai mao dun) inherent
壮 志 凌 云 (zhuang zhi ling yun) contradictions of capitalism
soaring determination 资本主义的自发势力 (zi ben zhu yi de zi
追 悼 会 (zhui dao hui) memorial fa shi li) spontaneous forces of
meeting capitalism

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资 本 主 义 复 辟 (zi ben zhu yi fu bi) capitalist tail
capitalist restoration 资本主义占有规律 (zi ben zhu yi zhan you
资本主义高度发展阶段 (zi ben zhu yi gao gui l ü ) law of capitalist
du fa zhan jie duan) stage of highly appropriation
developed capitalism 资本主义阵营 (zi ben zhu yi zhen ying)
资本主义工商业 (zi ben zhu yi gong shang capitalist camp
ye) capitalist industry and commerce 资本主义政权 (zi ben zhu yi zheng quan)
资本主义工商业社会主义改造 (zi ben zhu capitalist regime
yi gong shang ye she hui zhu yi gai zao) 资 本 主 义 制 度 (zi ben zhu yi zhi du)
the socialist transformation of capitalist system
capitalist industry and commerce 资本主义自发倾向 (zi ben zhu yi zi fa
资本主义国家 (zi ben zhu yi guo jia) qing xiang) spontaneous capitalist
capitalist country tendencies
资本主义国家集权经济 (zi ben zhu yi guo 资本主义自发势力 (zi ben zhu yi zi fa
jia ji quan jing ji) totalitarian shi li) spontaneous capitalist force
state capitalistic economy 资本主义自由化 (zi ben zhu yi zi you hua)
资 本 主 义 化 (zi ben zhu yi hua) capitalist liberalization
develop in a capitalist way 资本主义总危机 (zi ben zhu yi zong wei
资本主义教育 (zi ben zhu yi jiao yu) ji) general crisis of capitalism
capitalist education 资 不 抵 债 (zi bu di zhai) all the
资 本 主 义 理 论 (zi ben zhu yi li lun) assets are insufficient to cover the
capitalist theory debt
资本主义列强 (zi ben zhu yi lie qiang) 资 产 重 组 (zi chan chong zu)
capitalist powers consolidation of industry
资本主义农业 (zi ben zhu yi nong ye) 资产阶级法权 (zi chan jie ji fa quan)
capitalist farming bourgeois right
资本主义倾向严重的上中农 (zi ben zhu yi 资产阶级反动路线 (zi chan jie ji fan
qing xiang yan zhong de shang zhong dong luo xian) the bourgeois
nong) upper-middle peasants with reactionary line
strong capitalist tendencies 资产阶级反动学术权威 (zi chan jie ji
资本主义全球化 (zi ben zhu yi quan qiu fan dong xue shu quan wei) bourgeois
hua) capitalist globalization reactionary academic authority
资本主义生产方式 (zi ben zhu yi sheng 资产阶级个人奋斗、追逐名利的白专道路
chan fang shi) capitalist mode of (zi chan jie ji ge ren fen dou、 zhui
production zhu ming li de bai zhuan dao lu)
资本主义世界市场的缩小 (zi ben zhu yi become bourgeois specialists by the
shi jie shi chang de suo xiao) the bourgeois method of “making one’s own
shrinking of the world capita-list way” and achieving individual fame,
market wealth and position
资本主义私有制 (zi ben zhu yi si you zhi) 资产阶级个人主义是万恶之源 (zi chan
capitalist private ownership jie ji ge ren zhu yi shi wan e zhi yuan)
资本主义思想 (zi ben zhu yi si xiang) bourgeois individualism is the source
capitalist ideology of all evils
资 本 主 义 尾 巴 (zi ben zhu yi wei ba) 资产阶级贵族老爷态度 (zi chan jie ji

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gui zu lao ye tai du) bourgeois and bourgeois order
aristocratic attitude 资产阶级专政 (zi chan jie ji zhuan zheng)
资产阶级和平主义 (zi chan jie ji he ping the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie
zhu yi) bourgeois pacifism 资产阶级自由化 (zi chan jie ji zi you
资 产 阶 级 化 (zi chan jie ji hua) hua) Bourgeois Liberalization
become bourgeoisified 资敌罪 (zi di zui) crime of abetting
资产阶级民权革命 (zi chan jie ji min the enemy
quan ge ming) bourgeois-democratic 资格审查委员会 (zi ge shen cha wei yuan
revolution hui) committee for membership
资产阶级民主制 (zi chan jie ji min zhu qualification
zhi) bourgeois democracy 资源合理配置 (zi yuan he li pei zhi)
资产阶级民族民主主义者 (zi chan jie ji rational allocation of resources
min zu min zhu zhu yi zhe) bourgeois 资 源 配 置 (zi yuan pei zhi)
nationalist-democrat distribution of resources
资产阶级民族主义分子 (zi chan jie ji 资源优化配置 (zi yuan you hua pei zhi)
min zu zhu yi fen zi) bourgeois optimize the allocation of resources
nationalist elements 子弟兵 (zi di bing) army made up of
资产阶级派性 (zi chan jie ji pai xing) the sons of the people
bourgeois factionalism 姊妹国 (zi mei guo) sister country
资产阶级权利 (zi chan jie ji quan li) 姊 妹 团 体 (zi mei tuan ti) sister
bourgeois right organization
资产阶级人道主义 (zi chan jie ji ren dao 自产自销 (zi chan zi xiao) produce
zhu yi) bourgeois humanism and market all by oneself
资产阶级司令部 (zi chan jie ji si ling 自大狂 (zi da kuang) psychology of
bu) bourgeois headquarters self-exaltation
资产阶级思潮 (zi chan jie ji si chao) 自动交待 (zi dong jiao dai) make a
bourgeois trend voluntary confession; confession of
资产阶级思想 (zi chan jie ji si xiang) one’s own accord
bourgeois ideology 自动退出历史舞台 (zi dong tui chu li shi
资产阶级特权阶层 (zi chan jie ji te quan wu tai) step down from the stage of
jie ceng) privileged bourgeois history of one’s own will
stratum 自动性和积极性 (zi dong xing he ji ji
资产阶级野心家、两面派 (zi chan jie ji xing) initiative and enthusiasm
ye xin jia, liang mian pai) bourgeois 自 发 罢 工 (zi fa ba gong) wildcat
careerist and double-dealer strike
资产阶级右派 (zi chan jie ji you bai) 自 发 斗 争 (zi fa dou zheng)
bourgeois rightists spontaneous struggle
资产阶级政党 (zi chan jie ji zheng dang) 自发势力 (zi fa shi li) spontaneous
bourgeois parties trend
资产阶级政权 (zi chan jie ji zheng quan) 自封为改革者 (zi feng wei gai ge zhe)
bourgeois regime proclaim oneself a reformer
资产阶级知识分子 (zi chan jie ji zhi shi 自 负 盈 亏 (zi fu ying kui) assume
fen zi) bourgeois intellectual responsibility for one’s own profits
资产阶级制度 (zi chan jie ji zhi du) and losses

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自甘堕落 (zi gan duo luo) wallow in spirit of self-reliance and hard
degeneration struggle and of building the country by
自耕农 (zi geng nong) owner-peasant thrift and diligence
自古无不犯错误的将军 (zi gu wu bu fan 自力更生,艰苦奋斗,破除迷信,解放思想
cuo wu de jiang jun) history has (zi li geng
never known an infallible general sheng, jian ku fen dou, po chu mi xin,
自己不革命,不准别人革命 (zi ji bu ge jie fang si xiang) be self-reliant,
ming, bu zhun bie ren ge ming) work hard, do away with all fetishes and
refuse to make revolution oneself and superstitions and emancipate the mind
not to permit others to make 自力更生为主建设社会主义 (zi li geng
revolution sheng wei zhu jian she she hui zhu yi)
自己动手,丰衣足食 (zi ji dong shou, build socialism by relying primarily on
feng yi zu shi) ample food and one’s own efforts
clothing through self-reliance 自力更生为主,争取外援为辅的方针 (zi li
自己揭穿自己 (zi ji jie chuan zi ji) geng sheng wei zhu, zheng qu wai yuan wei
expose oneself fu de fang zhen) policy of relying
自 给 性 生 产 (zi ji xing sheng chan) mainly on one ’ s own efforts while
self-sufficient production seeking external assistance as an
自给自足的自然经济 (zi ji zi zu de zi auxiliary
ran jing ji) self-sufficient 自立于不败之地 (zi li yu bu bai zhi di)
natural economy secure an invincible position
自 决 权 (zi jue quan) right of 自留地 (zi liu di) private plot for
self-determination farming
自 觉 的 纪 律 (zi jue de ji l ü ) 自留山 (zi liu shan) private hill
discipline based on consciousness 自 律 (zi l ü ) self-restraint;
自 觉 性 (zi jue xing) (level of self-control
political) consciousness 自 满 和 骄 傲 (zi man he jiao ao)
自 觉 自 愿 (zi jue zi yuan) be self-complacency and conceit
conscious and willing 自谋职业 (zi mou zhi ye) find jobs on
自 绝 于 人 民 (zi jue yu ren min) one’s own
alienate oneself from the people 自 取 灭 亡 (zi qu mie wang) court
自掘坟墓 (zi jue fen mu) dig one’s own self-destruction
grave 自取其咎 (zi qu qi jiu) bring misery
自 力 更 生 (zi li geng sheng) on oneself
self-reliance 自 然 灾 害 (zi ran zai hai) natural
自力更生,奋发图强的方针 (zi li geng calamity
sheng, fen fa tu qiang de fang zhen) 自 杀 性 政 策 (zi sha xing zheng ce)
the policy of attaining national suicidal policy
prosperity and strength through 自食其力 (zi shi qi li) earn one’s own
self-reliance living
自力更生,奋发图强,艰苦奋斗,勤俭建国 自首政策 (zi shou zheng ce) policy of
的革命精神 (zi li geng sheng, fen fa tu extorting political recantations
qiang, jian ku fen dou, qin jian jian guo 自私自利的个人主义 (zi si zi li de ge
de ge ming jing shen) revolutionary ren zhu yi) self-seeking

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individua-lism 自由民族运动 (zi you min zu yun dong)
自 为 阶 级 (zi wei jie ji) free national movement
class-for-itself 自由、平等和博爱 (zi you, ping deng he
自卫反击 (zi wei fan ji) strike back bo ai) liberty, equality and
in self-defense fraternity
自卫战争 (zi wei zhan zheng) war of 自由权利 (zi you quan li) freedom and
self-defense right
自我标榜 (zi wo biao bang) glorify 自 由 散 漫 (zi you san man)
oneself self-indulgent
自 我 表 现 (zi wo biao xian) 自由散漫的习气 (zi you san man de xi qi)
self-expression liberalistic habit
自 我 改 造 (zi wo gai zao) 自由世界大家庭 (zi you shi jie da jia
self-remoulding ting) world community of free nations
自我麻醉 (zi wo ma zui) delusion 自 由 投 票 (zi you tou piao)
自 我 批 评 (zi wo pi ping) noncompulsory voting
self-criticism 自 由 争 论 (zi you zheng lun) free
自我牺牲精神 (zi wo xi sheng jing shen) contention
spirit of self-sacrifice 自由主义 (zi you zhu yi) liberalism
自下而上 (zi xia er shang) from the 自由主义倾向 (zi you zhu yi qing xiang)
bottom up liberal tendency
自 相 矛 盾 (zi xiang mao dun) 自 由 主 义 者 (zi you zhu yi zhe)
self-contradictory liberalist
自 以 为 是 (zi yi wei shi) 自由主义政策 (zi you zhu yi zheng ce)
self-approbation liberal policy
自由放任主义 (zi you fang ren zhu yi) 自由资本 (zi you zi ben) non-monopoly
laissez faire capital
自由工会 (zi you gong hui) free trade 自由资本主义经济 (zi you zi ben zhu yi
union jing ji) non-monopoly capitalism
自 由 国 家 (zi you guo jia) free 自由资产阶级 (zi you zi chan jie ji)
country non-monopoly bourgeoisie
自由化 (zi you hua) liberalize 自由租赁土地 (zi you zu lin tu di) be
自由化的经济 (zi you hua de jing ji) free to rent land
liberalized economy 自愿互利的原则 (zi yuan hu li de yuan ze)
“ 自 由 进 军 ” ( “ zi you jin jun ” ) The principle of voluntariness and
“freedom march” mutual benefit
自 由 竞 争 (zi you jing zheng) free 自愿组织就业 (zi yuan zu zhi jiu ye)
competition voluntarily-organized employment
自由联合 (zi you lian he) free union 自 在 阶 级 (zi zai jie ji)
自 由 流 通 (zi you liu tong) free class-in-itself
circulation 自治国家 (zi zhi guo jia) autonomous
自 由 贸 易 国 (zi you mao yi guo) state
free-trade country 自治机关 (zi zhi ji guan) organ of
自 由 贸 易 区 (zi you mao yi qu) self-government
free-trade zone 自治区党委 (zi zhi qu dang wei) Party

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committee of an autonomous region 综合平衡 (zong he ping heng) overall
自治区人民代表大会 (zi zhi qu ren min balance
dai biao da hui) people’s congress 综 合 生 产 率 (zong he sheng chan l ü )
of autonomous region overall productivity
自治区人民政府 (zi zhi qu ren min zheng 综 合 整 治 (zong he zheng zhi)
fu) people’s government of autonomous comprehensive improvement
region 综 合 治 理 (zong he zhi li)
自治权 (zi zhi quan) autonomy comprehensive administration
自 治 县 (zi zhi xian) autonomous 总罢工 (zong ba gong) general strike
county 总参 (zong can) (an abbreviation for)
自 治 州 (zi zhi zhou) autonomous the Headquarters of the General Staff
prefecture (of the PLA)
自主经营, 自负盈亏 (zi zhu jing ying, 总产值 (zong chan zhi) total output
zi fu ying kui) make one’s own mana value
gement decisions and take full 总 督 (zong du) governor-general;
responsibility for one’s own profits governor; viceroy
and losses 总 方 针 (zong fang zhen) general
自主权 (zi zhu quan) decision-making po-licy
power 总纲 (zong gang) general program
自 足 经 济 (zi zu jing ji) 总工 (zong gong) chief engineer
self-sufficiency economy 总 工 会 (zong gong hui) All-China
宗 教 派 别 (zong jiao pai bie) Federation of Trade Unions
religious sect 总观全局 (zong guan quan ju) review
宗教信仰自由 (zong jiao xin yang zi you) of the whole situation
freedom of religious belief 总后 (zong hou) (an abbreviation for)
宗教组织 (zong jiao zu zhi) religious General Logistics Department (of the
organization PLA)
宗 派 斗 争 (zong pai dou zheng) 总结经验 (zong jie jing yan) sum up
factional strife one’s experience
宗派分裂活动 (zong pai fen lie huo dong) 总 口 号 (zong kou hao) the general
factional splitting activity slogan
宗 派 活 动 (zong pai guo dong) 总理 (zong li) premier
factional activity 总 理 大 臣 (zong li da chen) prime
宗 派 主 义 (zong pai zhu yi) minister
sectarianism 总 领 事 (zong ling shi)
宗 派 主 义 者 (zong pai zhu yi zhe) consul-general
sectarian; factionalist 总 领 事 馆 (zong ling shi guan)
宗 主 国 (zong zhu guo) suzerain; consulate-general
metropolitan state 总路线 (zong luo xian) general line
宗主权 (zong zhu quan) suzerainty 总 目 标 (zong mu biao) over-all
综 合 发 展 (zong he fa zhan) objective
comprehensive development 总 前 委 (zong qian wei) (an
综 合 国 力 (zong he guo li) abbreviation for) General Front
comprehensive national strength Committee

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总 书 记 (zong shu ji) General one’s end
Secretary (of the CPC Central 走上健全发展的轨道 (zou shang jian quan
Committee) fa zhan de gui dao) advance along the
总 司 令 (zong si ling) path of sound development
commander-in-chief 走 上 绝 路 (zou shang jue lu) head
总体规划 (zong ti gui hua) overall towards disaster
plan 走上正轨 (zou shang zheng gui) be on
总统 (zong tong) president the correct path
总 统 候 选 人 (zong tong hou xuan ren) 走弯路 (zou wan lu) take a roundabout
presidential candidate route
总 统 选 举 (zong tong xuan ju) 走向腐化道路 (zou xiang fu hua dao lu)
presidential election slip down the road of decadence
总 统 选 举 团 (zong tong xuan ju tuan) 走向灭亡 (zou xiang mie wang) head
electoral college for one’s doom
总统制 (zong tong zhi) presidential 走向胜利 (zou xiang sheng li) advance
system towards victory
总务处 (zong wu chu) general affairs 走 一 步 看 一 步 (zou yi bu kan yi bu)
department look carefully before take each step
总务科 (zong wu ke) general affairs 走与工农相结合的道路 (zou yu gong nong
section xiang jie he
总 政 (zong zheng) (an abbreviation de dao lu) follow the road of
for) General Political Department (of integrating with the workers and
the PLA) peasants
总政治部主任 (zong zheng zhi bu zhu ren) 走资派 (zou zi pai) capitalist roader
director of the General Political 走自己工业发展的道路 (zou zi ji gong ye
Department fa zhan de dao lu) follow one’s own
总支 (zong zhi) general branch road of industrial development
走错道路 (zou cuo dao lu) go astray 租界 (zu jie) concession
走狗政权 (zou gou zheng quan) servile 租借地 (zu jie di) leased territory;
regime leasehold
走过场 (zou guo chang) go through the 租 赁 企 业 (zu lin qi ye) leasing
motions; make pretensions enterprise
走后门 (zou hou men) enter by the back 族权 (zu quan) clan authority; clan
door power
走老路 (zou lao lu) adhere to the old 族长 (zu zhang) head of a clan; clan
ways elder
走 内 线 (zou nei xian) use private 组阁 (zu ge) organize the cabinet
influence to achieve one’s end 组织处理 (zu zhi chu li) disciplinary
走前人没有走过的道路 (zou qian ren mei measure
you zou guo de dao lu) break paths 组 织 处 理 为 辅 (zu zhi chu li wei fu)
where none have gone before organizational measures should be
走入歧途 (zou ru qi tu) go astray only supplementary
走 上 层 路 线 (zou shang ceng lu xian) 组 织处 理应当 放宽 一些 (zu zhi chu li
use upper-level influence to achieve ying dang fang kuan yi xie) in

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taking disciplinary measures, 组 织 原 则 (zu zhi yuan ze)
leniency should be practised organizational principles
组 织 措 施 (zu zhi cuo shi) 组 织 制 度 (zu zhi zhi du)
organizational measures organizational system
组织干事 (zu zhi gan shi) clerical 祖国 (zu guo) one’s country; homeland;
worker in charge of organizational native land; motherland
work 祖国和平统一大业 (zu guo he ping tong yi
组 织 工 作 (zu zhi gong zuo) da ye) peaceful reunification of the
organizational work motherland
组织关系 (zu zhi guan xi) membership 祖国统一 (zu guo tong yi) China’s
certificate unification
组织观念 (zu zhi guan nian) sense of 祖 国 统 一 大 业 (zu guo tong yi da ye)
organization great cause of national reunification
组 织 活 动 (zu zhi huo dong) 祖国统一工作组 (zu guo tong yi gong zuo
organizational activities zu) Reunification of the Motherland
组织纪律性 (zu zhi ji lü xing) sense Work Group
of organization and discipline 嘴里一套,手里又是一套 (zui li yi tao,
组 织 建 设 (zu zhi jian she) shou li you shi yi tao) say one thing
organizational construction and do another
组 织 结 构 (zu zhi jie gou) 最低纲领 (zui di gang ling) minimum
organizational structure program
组织军事化,工作战斗化,生活集体化 (zu 最低级、最幼稚、最庸俗 (zui di ji、 zui
zhi jun shi hua, gong zuo zhan dou hua, you zhi、 zui yong su) the most crude,
sheng huo ji ti hua) organize along infantile and philistine of all
military lines, work as if fighting a 最高纲领 (zui gao gang ling) maximum
battle and live the collective way program
组织力量 (zu zhi li liang) organized 最高国家权力机关 (zui gao guo jia quan
force li ji guan) highest state authority
组织群众 (zu zhi qun zhong) organize 最高国务会议 (zui gao guo wu hui yi)
people Supreme State Conference
组 织 上 入 党 (zu zhi shang ru dang) 最 高 级 会 谈 (zui gao ji hui tan)
join the Party organizationally summit talk
组 织 上 入 团 (zu zhi shang ru tuan) 最高级会议 (zui gao ji hui yi) summit
join the Communist Youth League meeting
organizationally 最 高 检 察 长 (zui gao jian cha zhang)
组织上自立门户 (zu zhi shang zi li men Chief Procurator
hu) each organization sticks to its 最高决策机关 (zui gao jue ce ji guan)
own position highest policy-making organ
组 织 生 活 (zu zhi sheng huo) 最 高 权 力 (zui gao quan li) supreme
organizational life power
组 织 条 例 (zu zhi tiao li) 最高人民法院 (zui gao ren min fa yuan)
organizational rules Supreme People’s Court
组织委员 (zu zhi wei yuan) committee 最高人民检察院 (zui gao ren min jian cha
member in charge of organizational work yuan) Supreme People’s Procuratorate

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最高指示 (zui gao zhi shi) supreme most heinous crimes
instruction 罪恶滔天,罄竹难书 (zui e tao tian, qing
最高最后标准 (zui gao zui hou biao zhun) zhu nan shu) the crimes are monstrous,
supreme and ultimate standard inexpiable and too numerous to be listed
最广泛的民主 (zui guang fan de min zhu) in one book
the fullest democracy 尊师爱生 (zun shi ai sheng) respect
“最后的武器” (“zui hou de wu qi”) for teachers and love for students
the “ultimate weapon” 尊师重教 (zun shi zhong jiao) respect
最后关头 (zui hou guan tou) at the teachers and value education
critical moment 尊 重 人 才 (zun zhong ren cai) pay
最 后 修 正 案 (zui hou xiu zheng an) respect to talented personnel
final amended version 尊 重 知 识 (zun zhong zhi shi) pay
最 惠 国 (zui hui guo) most favored respect to knowledge
country 遵纪守法, 廉洁奉公 (zun ji shou fa,
最惠国待遇 (zui hui guo dai yu) The lian jie feng gong) observe the
most-favored-nation treatment relevant code of conduct and the law and
最 惠 国 条 款 (zui hui guo tiao kuan) honestly perform one’s official duties
The most favored nation clause 遵 守 纪 律 (zun shou ji l ü ) observe
最机密 (zui ji mi) top-secret discipline
最坚决的回击 (zui jian jue de hui ji) 遵循政策 (zun xun zheng ce) follow
the most resolute rebuff policies
最灵验的试金石 (zui ling yan de shi jin 遵 义 会 议 (zun yi hui yi) Zunyi
shi) the most effective touchstone Meeting (in 1935)
最普遍、最大量、最起决定作用的工作 (zui 左道旁门 (zuo dao pang men) heretical
pu bian、 zui da liang、 zui qi jue ding doctrine
zuo yong de gong zuo) the most 左的关门主义倾向 (zuo de guan men zhu yi
widespread, the greatest quantity of qing xiang) left tendency of
work and the most decisive work to be closed-door sectarianism
done 左派 (zuo pai) leftist
最起码国际关系准则 (zui qi ma guo ji 左派政党 (zuo pai zheng dang) leftist
guan xi zhun ze) rudimentary code of party
international relations 左派政府 (zuo pai zheng fu) leftist
最 新 指 示 (zui xin zhi shi) latest government
instruction 左 派 组 织 (zuo pai zu zhi) leftist
最形象、最有力的批判 (zui xing xiang、 organization
zui you li de pi pan) most effective 左 倾 错 误 (zuo qing cuo wu) Left
criticism through vivid imagery errors
最终目的 (zui zhong mu di) ultimate 左倾机会主义 (zuo qing ji hui zhu yi)
aim Left opportunism
罪不容诛 (zui bu rong zhu) even death 左倾空谈主义 (zuo qing kong tan zhu yi)
cannot atone the offence Left phrase-mongering
罪大恶极的内战祸首 (zui da e ji de nei 左倾盲动主义路线 (zuo qing mang dong
zhan huo shou) archcriminal who zhu yi lu xian) Left putschist line
started the civil war and who committed 左倾冒险主义 (zuo qing mao xian zhu yi)

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Left adventurism element
左倾排外主义 (zuo qing pai wai zhu yi) 左翼文艺运动 (zuo yi wen yi yun dong)
Left exclusiveness left-wing movement in literature and
左倾思想 (zuo qing si xiang) left way art
of thinking 左右局势 (zuo you ju shi) master of
左 倾 幼 稚 病 (zuo qing you zhi bing) the situation
Left infantile disorder 作 出 让 步 (zuo chu rang bu) make
左一条清规,右一条戒律 (zuo yi tiao qing concessions
gui, you yi tiao jie lü) one taboo 作风不纯 (zuo feng bu chun) impurity
after another in style of work
左翼党派 (zuo yi dang pai) left-wing
左翼分子 (zuo yi fen zi) left-wing
作风不正 (zuo feng bu zheng) wrong 坐 直 升 飞 机 (zuo zhi sheng fei ji)
style of work ride a helicopter
作 检 讨 (zuo jian tao) make a 座谈会 (zuo tan hui) forum; symposium
self-criticism 座 右 铭 (zuo you ming) permanent
作威作福 (zuo wei zuo fu) play the reminder; motto
tyrant; sit on the backs of the people 做表面文章 (zuo biao mian wen zhang)
作 选 举 演 说 (zuo xuan ju yan shuo) put on a show
take the stump; make election speech 做到老,学到老,改造到老 (zuo dao lao,
作战方针 (zuo zhan fang zhen) policy xue dao lao, gai zao dao lao) so long
of operations as we live, we shall always work, study,
作战情报 (zuo zhan qing bao) combat and remould ourselves
intelligence 做官当老爷 (zuo guan dang lao ye) act
作 战 效 能 (zuo zhan xiao neng) as a high and overbearing bureaucrat
fighting efficiency 做老实人,说老实话,办老实事 (zuo lao
坐 待 胜 利 (zuo dai sheng li) sit shi ren, shuo lao shi hua, ban lao shi
around waiting for victory with folded shi) see “三老四严”
arms 做前人没有做过的事 (zuo qian ren mei
坐以待毙 (zuo yi dai bi) await one’ you zuo guo de shi) do things never
s doom attempted previously

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