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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo
S.Y. 2020-2021



Name:__________________________________________Date:_________________ Score:_______________

Direction: Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter on the blanks provided
before the number.


________1. It is the healthiest and most effective style of communication - the sweet spot between
being too aggressive and too passive.
A. Assertive B. Aggressive C. Passive-Aggressive D. Submissive
_________2. Which of the following does not belong to Categories of Communication
A. written B. verbal C. non-verbal D. mental
_________3. Which of the following behavioral characteristics does not belong to assertive?
A. Achieving goals without hurting others B. Protective of own rights and respectful of others' rights
C. Socially and emotionally expressive D. didn’t accept compliments
_________4. This style is about winning – often at someone else's expense.
A. Assertive B. Aggressive C. Passive-Aggressive D. Submissive
_________5. Which of the following behavioral characteristics does not belong to aggressive?
A. Out to "win"
B. Demanding, abrasive
C. Confrontational
D. careful
_________6. This is a style in which people appear passive on the surface, but are actually acting out their anger in
indirect or behind-the-scenes ways.
A. Assertive B. Aggressive C. Passive-Aggressive D. Submissive
_________7. Which of the following behavioral characteristics does not belong to Passive - aggressive?
A. Sarcastic B. Devious C. Unreliable D. denial
_________8. This style is about pleasing other people and avoiding conflict.
A. Assertive B. Aggressive C. Passive-Aggressive D. Submissive
_________9. Which of the following behavioral characteristics does not belong to submissive?
A. Avoiding any confrontation B. Opting out C. Feeling like a victim D. competitive
________.10. This style is scheming, calculating and shrewd.
A. Assertive B. Aggressive C. Passive-Aggressive D. manipulative
________11. Which of the following behavioral characteristics does not belong to manipulative?
A. Cunning B. Asking indirectly for needs to be met C. Uses 'artificial' tears D. low self esteem
________12. Other people would complement me for being...
A. Practical and to the point
B. Emotional and fun to be with.
C. Clever and logical
D. Intelligent and forward thinking.
________13 In the way I work on projects, I may:
A. Want to be creative and involved in lively activities with others.
B. Concentrate to make sure that directions are followed so that the project is completed correctly.
C. Want to make sure the project will get the kind of grade that will justify spending my time and energy on it.
D. Be most concerned as to whether the project helps me learn something new.
________14. In talking with others about a project, I may...
A. Express unintended boredom with talk that is too detailed.
B. Convey impatience with those who express ideas that are obviously not helpful.
C. Show little interest in thoughts and ideas that show little or no originality.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo
S.Y. 2020-2021
D. Tend to ignore those who talk about "long range plans" and direct my attention to what needs to be done
right now.
________15. When someone in a work group disagrees with me, I can usually make progress by...
A. Relying on my basic ability to see the big picture and pull ideas together.
B. Getting them to agree to at least one or two things on which we can "build" later.
C. Trying to place myself in the "shoes of others."
D. Keeping my composure and helping others to see things simply and logically.
________16. When I think about the future, I probably concentrate most on...
A. Whether what I'm doing will become a meaningful memory.
B. Making sure that any actions I take are moving me towards my goals.
C. My immediate actions and choices, and whether they make sense.
D. My long range actions and how they will lead to other, new actions.
________17. In choosing someone to work with for a project, I am likely to consider whether...
A. They can contribute ideas and challenge.
B. They seem thoughtful and reflective.
C. They are interesting and fun to be with.
D. They know what they're doing and can get things done.
_______18. I feel proud of myself when I...
A. Get more things accomplished than I planned.
B. Empathize with others and help them.
C. Solve a problem by using a logic or methods.
D. Have new thoughts or ideas which can be shared with others.
_______19. Other people are more likely to believe me when I am...
A. In touch with my feelings and those of others.
B. Logical, patient, and calm.
C. Down to earth and to the point.
D. Intellectually on top of things and aware of all of the potential options.
_______20. I want others to see me as someone who is...
A. Very smart and full of unique ideas.
B. Someone who knows where they are going and how to get there.
C. Creative and interesting.
D. A dependable person who gets things done and "comes through."

II. Write a short drama using the different style of communication. (Minimum of 10 conversation)

Psalm 145:18
The LORD is near to all them that call on him, to all that call on him in truth.


Subject Teacher

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