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A Mother Loves

by Carol Matthews

A Mother loves right from the start.

She holds her baby close to her heart.
The bond that grows will never falter.
Her love is so strong it will never alter.

A Mother gives never ending love.

She never fees that she has given enough.
For you she willalways do her best.
Constantly working, there's no time to rest.

A Mother is there when things go wrong.

A hug and a kiss to help us along.
Always there when we need her near.
Gently wipes our eyes when we shed a tear.

So on this day shower your Mother with Love.

Gifts and presents are nice but that is not enough.
Give your Mother a day to have some peace of mind. 
Be gentle, be good, be helpful, be kind.
Muhammad Al Fatih, The Conqueror of Constantinople

“Constantinople would fall into the hands of Islam. Leaders who conquer it, is the best of leaders and
the troops under his command is the best of troops.” (Narrated by Ahmad bin Hanbal)

Divination of the Prophet Muhammad uttered when the Battle of the Trench actually became reality on
Tuesday, Jumada al-Ula 20, 857 H or May 29, 1453. Constantinople was previously controlled by the
Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) considered as the safest and the most secure because it has the
strongest fortress in the world. But apparently, the world’s strongest city conquered by troops under
the command of a man named Sultan Muhammad Khan. Since then, Muhammad Khan was given the
title of Al Fatih (the Liberator) and is known in the West as Mehmed the Conqueror.

Muhammad Al Fatih

Muhammad Al Fatih (1431 – 1481 AD), the son of Sultan Murad II, sultan who ruled the Ottoman
Empire since the year 1451 AD. As a child, Muhammad Al Fatih was spoiled and lazy learning. But
Muhammad Al Fatih began seriously studied after his father brought some teachers such as Shaykh
Ahmad ibn Ismail al-Kurani, Sheikh Aag Syamsudin, and others. From them, Muhammad Al Fatih studied
religion, language, skills, physical geography, astronomy, and history. Muhammad Al Fatih grew into
someone who was an expert at war and smart riding, an expert in the field of science and mathematics,
and master 6 languages since the age of 21. Muhammad Al-Fatih was intelligent young man who had
the willpower to reach his goal, especially for conquering Constantinople as the words of the Prophet
Muhammad since he was 12 years old.

The success of Muhammad Al Fatih conquered Constantinople was not coincidence. Muhammad Al
Fatih was strengthening Ottoman military power by choosing and selecting troops ever since they were
little. A special team was ordered to spread throughout Turkey and the surrounding area to search for
the children of the most intelligent, the most diligent of worship, and the most powerful physique. Then
the parents are given the offer that their children can be guided in the early age. Once agreed, the
chosen children were given coaching of religion, science, and military, as their daily needs borne by the
state. So, it made sense why no single soldier had ever left prayers since baligh, even half of them had
never left the tahajud prayer since baligh.

Muhammad Al Fatih himself was mentioned never leaving tahajud and rawatib prayers since baligh until
his death. Narrated in the first prayer that will be held after the conquest, Muhammad Al Fatih said:
“Those who feel never masbuq in prayer please be our prayer leader.” Long awaited, there was no one
going forward. Then steadily Muhammad Al Fatih owned the former priest in the church in

Maybe that’s the secret of success of Muhammad Al Fatih in realizing its goals and ideals of Islam, not
physical strength, but the closeness to Allah SWT. The secret that he distributed to troops by keeping
the obligatory prayers, tahajud prayers and rawatib prayers. In the age of 22, Muhammad Al Fatih
conquered the city which the Prophet promised eight centuries earlier. Once captured, the city of
Constantinople was replaced with the name Islambul (city of Islam), and now called Istanbul (replaced
by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk).

Many comrades even opponents admired the leadership of Muhammad Al Fatih and strategies wars
that preceded that era. He played a major role in the expansion of Islamic territory, setting the lands,
making improvements in the economic, educational, and very concerned about the welfare of its
people. In his leadership, the center of government Islambul was being very beautiful, advanced, and
economically successful. Muhammad Al Fatih, the person who had tremendous energy and became a
noble. So what about us? What achievements that we are already obtained in our growing age?
Muhammad Al Fatih, The Conqueror of Constantinople
“Konstantinopel akan jatuh ke tangan Islam. Pemimpin yang menaklukkannya, adalah
pemimpin terbaik dan pasukan di bawah komandonya adalah pasukan terbaik. ”(HR. Ahmad
bin Hanbal)
Ramalan Nabi Muhammad diucapkan ketika Pertempuran Palung benar-benar menjadi
kenyataan pada hari Selasa, Jumada al-Ula 20, 857 H atau 29 Mei 1453. Konstantinopel
sebelumnya dikendalikan oleh Kekaisaran Romawi Timur (Byzantium) dianggap sebagai yang
paling aman dan paling aman karena memiliki benteng terkuat di dunia. Namun ternyata, kota
terkuat di dunia ditaklukkan oleh pasukan di bawah komando seorang pria bernama Sultan
Muhammad Khan. Sejak itu, Muhammad Khan diberi gelar Al Fatih (Pembebas) dan dikenal di
Barat sebagai Mehmed the Conqueror.

Muhammad Al Fatih
Muhammad Al Fatih (1431 - 1481 M), putra Sultan Murad II, sultan yang memerintah
Kekaisaran Ottoman sejak tahun 1451 Masehi. Sebagai seorang anak, Muhammad Al Fatih
menjadi manja dan malas belajar. Tapi Muhammad Al Fatih mulai serius belajar setelah
ayahnya membawa beberapa guru seperti Syaikh Ahmad bin Ismail al-Kurani, Syekh Aag
Syamsudin, dan lain-lain. Dari mereka, Muhammad Al Fatih mempelajari agama, bahasa,
keterampilan, geografi fisik, astronomi, dan sejarah. Muhammad Al Fatih tumbuh menjadi
seseorang yang ahli dalam perang dan berkuda, seorang ahli di bidang sains dan matematika,
dan menguasai 6 bahasa sejak usia 21. Muhammad Al-Fatih adalah pemuda cerdas yang
memiliki kemauan keras untuk mencapai tujuannya, terutama untuk menaklukkan
Konstantinopel sebagai kata-kata Nabi Muhammad sejak ia berusia 12 tahun.

Keberhasilan Muhammad Al Fatih menaklukkan Konstantinopel bukanlah suatu kebetulan.

Muhammad Al Fatih memperkuat kekuatan militer Ottoman dengan memilih dan memilih
pasukan sejak mereka masih kecil. Sebuah tim khusus diperintahkan untuk menyebar ke
seluruh Turki dan daerah sekitarnya untuk mencari anak-anak yang paling cerdas, yang paling
rajin beribadah, dan fisik yang paling kuat. Kemudian orang tua diberi tawaran agar anak-anak
mereka dapat dipandu di usia dini. Setelah disetujui, anak-anak yang dipilih diberi pembinaan
agama, sains, dan militer, sebagai kebutuhan sehari-hari mereka ditanggung oleh negara. Jadi,
masuk akal mengapa tidak ada prajurit yang pernah meninggalkan sholat sejak baligh, bahkan
setengah dari mereka tidak pernah meninggalkan shalat tahajud sejak baligh.

Muhammad Al Fatih sendiri disebutkan tidak pernah meninggalkan tahajud dan shalat rawatib
sejak baligh sampai kematiannya. Diriwayatkan dalam doa pertama yang akan diadakan setelah
penaklukan, Muhammad Al Fatih mengatakan: "Mereka yang merasa tidak pernah masbuq
dalam doa harap menjadi pemimpin doa kami." Lama ditunggu, tidak ada yang maju. Kemudian
dengan mantap Muhammad Al Fatih memiliki mantan imam di gereja di Konstantinopel.
Mungkin itulah rahasia keberhasilan Muhammad Al Fatih dalam mewujudkan cita-cita dan cita-
citanya tentang Islam, bukan kekuatan fisik, tetapi kedekatan dengan Allah SWT. Rahasia yang
ia bagikan kepada pasukan dengan menjaga shalat wajib, sholat tahajud dan shalat rawatib. Di
usia 22 tahun, Muhammad Al Fatih menaklukkan kota yang dijanjikan oleh Nabi 8 abad
sebelumnya. Setelah ditangkap, kota Konstantinopel digantikan dengan nama Islambul (kota
Islam), dan sekarang disebut Istanbul (digantikan oleh Mustafa Kemal Ataturk).

Banyak kawan bahkan lawan yang mengagumi kepemimpinan Muhammad Al Fatih dan strategi
perang yang mendahului era itu. Dia memainkan peran utama dalam perluasan wilayah Islam,
pengaturan tanah, membuat perbaikan dalam ekonomi, pendidikan, dan sangat peduli tentang
kesejahteraan rakyatnya. Dalam kepemimpinannya, pusat pemerintahan Islambul menjadi
sangat cantik, maju, dan sukses secara ekonomi. Muhammad Al Fatih, orang yang memiliki
energi luar biasa dan menjadi seorang ningrat. Jadi bagaimana dengan kita? Prestasi apa yang
sudah kami peroleh di usia kami yang terus bertambah?
Today I will tell about the biography of the hero couple struggle of Aceh,
namely "Teuku Umar and Tjut Nyak Dien"
Teuku Umar is a hero who was born in Meulaboh Aceh west in 1854, he was
the son of a "uleebalang" named teuku "achmad mahmud" and his mother
was the sister of the king of Meulaboh,
ancestors he is a "grandfather makhudum sati" derived from minang Kabau
which is a descendant of like young Nanta a representative of the sultanate of
Aceh at the time of Iskandar young, a descendant of a "grandfather
makhudum sati" ever credited the sultan of Aceh, which at that time
threatened by a commander sagi who want to seize power and that is where
the basic rank "uleebalang" is still clothing by subsequent descent including
umar teuku father.
teuku umar of a small child has been known as an intelligent and brave,
sometimes teuku small umar also fights with his peers, he also has the
unyielding nature in the face of all sorts of problems that happened to him,
he was able to become the leader of a powerful, intelligent, and courageous
though he never had a formal education,
Teuku Umar married to "cut Nyak Dhien" in 1880 with the marriage between
the two couples both of them is a hero who fought against the figure new
Dutch blessed with a child after a few years of living together who love nama
"cut gambang"
after her marriage to Teuku Nyak Dien and cut umar umar teuku same as
fighting against the Dutch, but Teuku Umar fall on the 11th of February 1899,
and his own struggle forwarded by his wife.
"...a strangely blended samurai discipline, Marxist disposition, and
raw courage."
General Soedirman was born in Rembang, Central Java. "He was the military
commander of Indonesian forces during the country's fight for independence from
the Dutch in the 1940. During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia" he joined
PETA. It was the national army, promoted by the Japanese. He got his first military
education there. After that, he was elected to be Batalyon commandeer at Kroya.
After Indonesia reached their independence, he was succeeded to disarmed the
rest of Japanese soldiers at Banyumas. In December 1945, he got the honor to be
the General. The most important thing is, he didn't gain his General position
through military academy or else, but because of his loyalty. Can you imagine how
loyal he was that his loyalty can give him such a great honor like that.

During much of the next five years he was sick with tuberculosis, but he still led
several guerrilla actions against the Dutch. At first the president, Mr.Soekarno
didn't allow him to lead the guerillas, Soekarno asked him to stay in the city. But he
didn't do what Soekarno said because of his responsibility as the leader. This the
best part of his life that makes me adore him a lot. He ignored his health for the
freedom of Indonesian people. I rarely find a person like him.

Then with all the power he still had, he departed from city to lead the guerrilla war.
It was like seven months, he moved from one place to another, from mount to
mount in his sickness, while he didn't have any medicine. But he always said to his
soldiers to keep up their spirits and instructed them like there’s nothing happening
with himself. But finally he got to leave the war area because he could not lead the
soldiers directly with himself in the field anymore. But he was a great person, the
soldiers needed him. So, although he cannot see the Dutch face to face, still, his
thoughts are always needed.

these are 3 General Soedirman's Charms during the Guerrilla War

Maintaining wudu
General Soedirman always perform ablution before leaving for war. He is
always in a state of purity while leading his war geriliya.
Praying on time
In addition to retaining wudhunya, General Soedirman also always prayed on
intention Sincere and Ikhlas
General Soedirman has a sincere intention in undergoing the battle for the sake
of the people of Indonesia.

General Soedirman died in January 1950 when he was 34 years old. He was buried
in Heroes' Cemetery in Semaki, Yogyakarta. He received the title of National Hero
of Indonesia as an Independence Defender Hero. There is a monument of him at
Soedriman road, central Jakarta. For me, he is the best national hero Indonesia
have ever had. He is fantastic!

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