Group 10 - Introduce Oneself and Others For Business Puprose Less Formal Context

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Group 10 : ● Yudha Setiawan (1807099)

● Anggi Nurul Ainun Nisa (1801724)

● Risna Septiani (1807271)
● Wanda Nurhamidah (1800306)
● Santi Mustika Lestari (1800670)

Scene 1

Paul : This is good coffee.

Gilbert : This is good.

Paul : Who’s that ?

Gilbert : That’s your friend David Ducain, He’s writer from France.

Marie : That’s not David Ducain, that’s Arturo Montoya. He’s Mr. Evan’s neighbor. He’s

a doctor from Mexico.

Cherly : No, that’s Jeff Davis, He’s an artist.

Gilbert : No, that’s Alan Reese. He’s our lawyer.

Marie : That’s not Alan Reese.

Cherly : Oh, it’s Clarck Thomas from England. He’s a Musician

Paul : Excuse Me,

Clara : Yes.

Paul : Who’s that ?

Clara : That’s Mr.Evans.

Cherly : He’s your boss.

Paul : That’s not Mr.Evans

Mr Evans : Hy guys !
All : “Ooops, Hi……..

Paul : Musician, Hahahaha.

Scene 2

Millen : “Oh see you’re already here. “Oh, this is Linda Jones. She’s the client who’s thinking

bringing her business over to KBT.

Regina : “Nice to meet you !

Brian : “Hey!”

Patricia : “Hey, whats going on ?

Linda : “Well, you are certainly outdoing yourself by bringing me here. “ I here the food is

fantastic, broware points already

Millen : “Well, we aim to please, please have a seat. I’ve been looking forward to this all week”

John : “May I interest anyone in something to drink ?”

Brian : “Ah, I’ll have another 6 in and Tonic, please”

Patricia : “Make that two !”

Linda : “Water’s fine”

Millen : Yeah, I”ll have water as well.

Regina : And or me too, thank you.

John : Are we all ready to order ?

Brian : “Yes, I will have the soup du jour and the turkey sandwich

Patricia : “Brian, how rude, Ladies first! Um I’ll have the chiken sandwich and soup, please”

John : And for you, Ladies ?

Millen : “After you, Linda please.

Linda : I’ll take the signature chiken, please.”

John : Oh, excellent choose.

Regina : I think, I’ll have the same”

Millen : And I’ll have the house salad.

Linda : Please eat, don’t wait for s or your food will get cold

Regina : No, it’s absolutely fine, I’m sure your plates will be have soon.”

Linda : There’s nothing more important to me than customer service, I like to know that

everthing will be handled smoothly and with sincerity.

Millen : Well, we can certainly understand that,our staff really is trained to understand your

problems, so that you don’t be become just another dient, but a friend we’d like to help

Brian : Patricia and I are really well trained in customer service and Regina done staff too.

Regina : 5 second rule.

Brian : That was not good at all, didn’t live that, it was way too bland for me.

Regina : It didn’t look that awful, when you were shaving it in your mouth, Brian ! Besides,

it’s a free meal

John : Are we ready for the check ?

Regina : Overthere.

Millen : Thank you!

Linda : Well, I wish I had more time.

Millen : Well, this was a lovely afternoon. Thank you so much for spanding it with us, Linda
Linda : Thank you For Taking me out, it was lovely to meet you, and you, Regina

Regina : And you as well.

Linda : And you too, Patricia and Brian”

Millen : I hope we’ll talk again very soon

Linda : I hope so too, bye now !

-The End.

Information :

Blue : Less Formal.

Red : Formal.

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