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Study of Fluid Inclusions: Methods, Techniques and Applications

Article · December 2014

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5 authors, including:

Kirtikumar Randive K.R. Hari

Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University


M.L. Dora D.B. Malpe

Geological Survey of India Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University


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Gond. Geol. Mag., V. 29(1 and 2), June and December, 2014. pp.19-28

Study of Fluid Inclusions: Methods, Techniques and Applications

K. R. Randive1*, K. R. Hari2, M. L. Dora3, D. B. Malpe1 and A. A. Bhondwe1
Post Graduate Department of Geology, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur, India
Department of Geology, Pt. Ravishankar University, Raipur, India
Geological Survey of India, NER, Shillong, India

ABSTRACT fact that they are fluid is just a question of reference

temperature, i.e. if the observation could be done close to
Fluid inclusions are small volumes of paleofluids
trapped in minerals which provide indispensable
absolute zero, everything would be solid (Tauret, 2001).
information about geological processes, from high Several terminologies are frequently used in the study
temperatures at depth towards low temperatures near of fluid inclusions, important ones are explained in
the Earth’s surface. These inclusions are trapped gases, Table 1.
liquids or crystals, either trapped singularly (one-phase) Fluid inclusions occur in different patterns, e.g.
or as a heterogeneous mixture of more than one phase they are found isolated in a host crystal trapped during
(multi-phase) in a single cavity. Depending upon the timing initial crystallization or in trails along former micro-
of entrapment of liquid in the crystals, fluid inclusions fractures or grain boundaries. The study of abundance,
are classified as primary, secondary or pseudosecondary.
orientation and chemistry of fluid inclusions provides
The inclusions occur either as isolated, clustered, or trail
bound; those occurring in groups form the Group of a history of formation and alteration over time,
Synchronous Inclusions (GSI) having similar composition contributing to both fundamental processes in geology
and time of entrapment. The composition of trapped fluid as well as exploration for mineral deposits. Although,
varies greatly; commonly detected constituents include in practice fluid inclusions are used mainly in studies
H2O, CO2, CH2, H2S, Cl, Br, F, I, N2, S, Na, K, Ca, Mg and related to the metallogeny of mineral deposits due to
Fe. There are several instruments used in the study of fluid its applied character, this type of study is becoming
inclusions, but the basic study is carried out using heating- increasingly frequent in different branches of geology
freezing stages and Laser Raman Microprobe. The study of and in some related sciences. Important areas of the study
fluid inclusions reveal geologically important information
such as temperature, pressure, salinity, density and depth of includes: (1) ore deposits, (2) hydrothermal environments,
trapping; and thereby providing direct information about (3) sedimentary environment and diagenetic processes,
the conditions at which given minerals and rocks are (4) metamorphic terranes with different metamorphic
formed. grades, (5) volcanic areas, (6) mantle environments,
(7) petroleum exploration, (8) tectonic history of
INTRODUCTION deformed areas, (9) gemology, (10) paleoclimatology,
(11) paleohydrogeology, (12) extraterrestrial environ-
Fluid inclusions are inclusions in minerals that are ments, (13) weathering of historical monuments, (14)
filled with fluid (gas and liquid), and sometimes with analysis of air-inclusions in ice cores, (15) ambar, etc
one or more solid phases. They result from defects in (Hollister and Crawford, 1981; Roedder, 1990; De Vivo
crystals during their growth which lead to the entrapment and Frezzotti, 1994; Shmulovich et al., 1995; Bodnar,
of fluid in their surroundings. The trapped fluids may be 2003).
liquid, vapor, or supercritical fluid, and the composition
of the trapped fluid may include essentially pure water, CLASSIFICATION OF FLUID INCLUSIONS AND
brines of various salinity, gas or gas-bearing liquids,
and silicate, sulfide or carbonate melts, among others
(Roedder, 1984; Shepherd et al., 1985; Bodnar, 1994;
Classification of Fluid Inclusions
Andersen et al., 2001; Samson et al., 2003). Compared
to rock forming minerals, fluid inclusions are short-lived There are many ways to classify fluid inclusions
objects. Their formation is instantaneous, or at least (Roedder, 1984; Goldstein, 2003), but one of the most
very short at geological scale. Fluid inclusions are part useful classification schemes relates the timing of
of the rock, they occupy roughly the same volume as formation of the inclusion relative to that of the host
most accessory minerals; therefore, they are as deserving mineral (Bodnar, 2003). Based on their origin, fluid
as that of the study any rock-forming mineral. The inclusions are of following types:
20 K. R. Randive and Others

Table 1: Terminology commonly used in the study of fluid inclusions

Terminology / phrase used Meaning and explanation of the term
1. Monophase Inclusions The inclusions having a single phase at the room temperatures, e.g. liquid, gas
2. Biphase Inclusions The inclusions having two phases in the same inclusion at room temperature, e.g. liquid + gas; liquid +
3. Polyphase Inclusions The inclusions having more than two phases in the same inclusions at the room temperature; e.g. liquid
+ gas + crystals; liquid + vapor + solid(1)+solid(2)
4. Homogenous Inclusions The inclusions composed of a single phase
5. Heterogenous Inclusions The inclusions composed of multiple phases (more than one phase)
6. Common abbreviations Although there is no specific rule to abbreviate the commonly used terminologies; following are followed
by notion
V = vapor; L = liquid; S = solid; VL = vapor + liquid (liquid dominated); LV = liquid + vapor (gaseous bubble
with trapped liquid); L2V = two immiscible liquids + vapor; S3LV = three different solids + liquid + vapor;
use same logic with any combination of solid, liquid and gaseous phases.
7. Trapping Temperature (Tt) The temperature of trapping or formation of a fluid inclusion.
8. Homogenization Temperature (Th) The temperature at which a fluid inclusion gets transformed from a heterogenous (multi-phase) to a
homogenous (one-phase) state.
9. Melting Temperature (Tm) It refers to any temperature at which, when the the inclusions are heated (often measured after attaining
minimum temperature in a system by freezing, by gradually raising temperature). Of the particular interest
however, are following melting temperatures, viz., eutectic temperature, initial melting temperature and
final melting temperature.
10. Eutectic Temperature (Te) The minimum temperature at which liquid is stable in a specified system. In an isobaric (constant
pressure) system, the eutectic temperature is a unique value at which different phases coexist.
Such combination of phases coexisting at a unique temperature are said to represent “eutectic
11. Initial Melting Temperature (Ti) The temperature at which a liquid is first observed due to progressive heating of solid-bearing fluid
inclusion. In gas-bearing inclusion this temperature does not necessarily correspond to the eutectic or
apparent eutectic temperature.
12. Incipient Melting Temperature (Ti) It is synonymous with initial melting temperature mentioned above.
13. Final Melting Temperature (Tm) The temperature at which a solid is completely melted (dissolved or dissociated) by progressive heating
of a fluid inclusion.
14. Temperature of Fusion (Tf) Known as a temperature of fusion, it is synonymous with final melting temperature discussed above.
Abbreviation ‘Tf’ is also used for denoting ‘temperature of formation’; therefore one needs to be cautious
of the indicated term.
15. Nucleation Temperature (Tn) The temperature of first appearance of a particular phase during microthermometry is said to be its ‘nucleation
temperature’. For e.g. if a homogenous liquid cools to form a first crystal, the temperature is denoted by Tn
(L LS) or simply Tn (Solid). Similarly, nucleation can also take place during heating, e.g. Tn(SV 
16. Decripitation Temperature (Td) The temperature at which a fluid inclusion irreversibly ruptures, bursts, or ‘decrepitates’. This can happen
either due to heating, which causes extreme internal overpressure due to fluid expansion; or upon cooling
due to extreme internal overpressure caused by crystallization of ice. The decrepitation causes loss of the
contents of inclusion and reduction of inclusion volume.
17. Metastability In the thermodynamic sense, “metastability” refers to a system state characterized by a Gibbs free energy
that is not the lowest attainable under the specific conditions (e.g. T-Vm-X conditions). For fluid inclusions
this means that another phase assemblage should be present instead of the one observed. e.g. the
persistence of ice above 0°C upon heating of fluid inclusions is a cse of metastability.
18. Salinity It is the summation of total number of solutes, including electrolytes (e.g. NaCl, CaCl2) and non-
electrolytes (e.g. CO2, H2S), in an aqueous solution. In the multicomponent fluid inclusions compositions
are not known, therefore an indirect method is used wherein phase transitions are measured. The phase
transitions are sensitive to the overall salinity (e.g. Tm(ice), Tm(hydrohalite), Tm(halite), Tm(clathrate)). In such cases,
salinity is conventionally reported as NaCl or CaCl2 equivalents.
19. Equivalent weight-fraction (e.g. NaCl Salinity is conventionally expressed as equivalent weight fractions. e.g. weight-NaCl-equivalent of 25%
Equivalent) means that the inclusion shows phase transitions that are consistent with a mass fraction of 25% NaCl
in the aqueous phase.
20. Pressure Correction The difference between homogenization temperature and estimated temperature of entrapment of the
fluid inclusion is called as Pressure Correction.
Study of Fluid Inclusions 21

(1) Primary: fluid inclusions which are formed during ROEDDER’S RULES
the formation of the enclosing crystal are primary in
origin. They are generally trapped along the growth For obtaining reliable information about the
zones and crystal faces, or tends to occur solitary or original trapping conditions of fluid inclusions, either
isolated. These are very good indicators of the condition primary or secondary, following assumptions were laind
of crystallization of host minerals. down (Roedder, 1981, 1984), which are referred to as
(2) Secondary: fluid inclusions which are trapped in “Roedder’s Rules”.
the fractures which are developed after the formation (1) The inclusions traps a single, homogenous liquid,
of host mineral and caught due of healing of fractures. (2) Nothing is added to, or removed from, the inclusion
These inclusions occur as trails or clusters which often following trapping.
cut across the grain boundaries. (3) The inclusion volume remains constant following
(3) Pseudosecondary: fluid inclusions which are trapped trapping, i.e. represent an isochoric system.
during formation of the host minerals are referred to as
If the effects of pressure are insignificant or known;
pseudosecondary. These inclusions occur along trails
the origin of fluid inclusion is known (by detailed fluid
that end abruptly against grain boundaries or one of the
petrography); the determination of temperature of
growth zones.
homogenization (Th) are both precise and accurate.
Classisfication of Silicate Melt Inclusions
Linqui and Clocchiatti (1985) proposed a scheme of CRITERIA FOR RECOGNITION OF
classification for silicate-melt inclusion based on degree FLUID INCLUSIONS
of evolution achieved by the melt, as the above mentioned
scheme of classification based on origin of inclusion, The fluid or melt inclusions are commonly
it may not sufficiently reflect the physico-chemical identified as primary or secondary on the basis of
condition of formation of silicate-melt inclusions of the detailed petrological study. Primary inclusions are to
type occurring in volcanic setting. be identified accurately, all other inclusions becomes
secondary. Zoned crystals provide important guides for
The silicate-melt inclusions are classified as
identifying primary fluid inclusions, important criteria
(1) Non-evolved: These fluid inclusions have regular are listed below (Van Den Kerkhof and Hein, 2001).
cavity shapes with or without a small shrinkage bubble.
The tapped silicate melt remains almost in eqillibrium Single Crystal
with the host minerals and daughter mineral seldom (1) The inclusions or group of inclusions in three
nucleate. These are formed when magma crystallizes dimensional space are oriented parallel to the crystal
near the surface, leading to rapid cooling. margins (Fig. 1a)
(2) Slightly Evolved: These fluid inclusions too have
(2) Isolated inclusions usually occurring away from the
regular cavity shapes with or without a shrinkage bubble.
cluster of other inclusions. Distance is usually > 5X
The epitaxial growth of host minerals like mica generally
diameter (Fig. 1b).
occur within inclusions, mostly adjacent to the cavity
walls. Such inclusions form towards the periphery of (3) The large inclusions in relation to host crystals
crystal. (4) Those inclusions that contains a solid phase, which
(3) Evolved: In these fluid inclusions, the silicate melt does also occurs as solid inclusion in the host crystal.
not remain in equilibrium with the host crystal, leading to
Zoned Crystals
the growth of several daughter crystals. The silicate glass
occurs as a residue in these inclusions. They are trapped at (1) Inclusions which occur in the core of prismatic or
a great depth under pressure exceeding to 2 kbars. columnar crystals

Fig.1. a) Crystal showing fluid inclusions developed during formation of crystal: (I) Isolated, (II) inclusions parallel to growth zone,
(III) Inclusions inside the growth zone, and (IV) Inclusions crossing across the growth zone; b) Isolated two-phase inclusions;
c) Inclusions forming cluster within the crystal; d) Inclusions forming trails
22 K. R. Randive and Others

(2) The inclusions which occur along the inter-section of former larger cavity. These clusters may be formed by
growth planes. decrepitaion of inclusions by explosion or implosion.
(3) The inclusions which are related to skeletal or spiral The Trail-bound inclusions, occurring in the surface
growth. of a former micro-crack, are certainly secondary (Fig.
(4) Those inclusions that occur in the growth zones. 1d). These inclusions are far more abundant than early,
isolated or clustered cavities.
(5) The fluid inclusions, which are caused by solid or
melt inclusions or intergrowth. Trail Terminology
(6) Those inclusions that occur along the healed crack of The trail-bound inclusions either remain confined to a
an older growth zone. single mineral or cut across different grains or phases.
(7) Those inclusions that occur after solid or melt Depending upon the observed trails in minerals different
inclusion or intergrowth. terminologies used are given below (Fig. 2).
(a) Transgranular: a trail of fluid inclusions cutting
FLUID INCLUSION ASSEMBLAGE (FIA) / GROUP across different mineral grains throughout the rock.
OF SYNCHRONOUS INCLUSIONS (GSI) (b) Intergranular: a trail of fluid inclusions crossing the
Goldstein and Reynolds (1994) introduced the grain boundary and continues into another mineral grain.
concept of Fluid Inclusion Assemblage (FIA) to describe (c) Intragranular: A trail of fluid inclusions confined
a group of fluid inclusions that were all trapped at the to a particular mineral grain. In such cases the trail of
same time. An FIA thus defines most finely discriminated fluid inclusions either, (i) remain confined to the crystal
fluid inclusion trapping event that can be identified based interior, (ii) remain within grain-boundary and crystal
on petrography (Goldstein, 2003).This implies that the interior, or (iii) continues from grain-boundary to grain-
inclusions in the FIA were all trapped at approximately boundary.
the same temperature and pressure, and all trapped a (d) Interphase: a trail of fluid inclusions starts from one
fluid of approximately the same composition. Therefore, phase and continuous into another phase.
the FIA represents a ‘fluid event’ in the history of the
(e) Transphase: a trail of fluid inclusions cutting across
system, and the fluid in the inclusions making up the FIA
different phases.
represents the fluid that was present during that event
(Bodnar, 2003). Similar to this, Fonarev et al. (1998) Inter-granular Decoration of Fluid Inclusions
proposed that, a Group of Synchronous Inclusions (GSI)
The fluid inclusions often remain confined to a certain
corresponds to a limited number of (typically between 10
textural feature, and are said to ‘decorate’ different inter-
and 20) of inclusions formed at the same time, which will
grain textures. Following are commonly noticed (Fig. 3).
serve as the test population to evaluate the homogeneity
of microthermometric data (notably Th). (a) Cleavage Plains: fluid inclusions occurring along the
cleavage plains.
FLUID TYPES (b) Deformation Lamellae: the fluid inclusions that are
confined to and occur along deformation lamellae.
A fluid type is characteristic of a group of
inclusions, which either occur isolated, form clusters or (c) Deformation Bands: the fluid inclusions occurring
trails. They are composed of similar type of fluids and along the deformation bands.
trapped at the same time. Touret (2001) defined the fluid
type as follows: “a set of inclusions having (roughly) the
same chemical composition (e.g. low salinity, CO2-rich,
etc.), eventually variable density (in nature, a sufficiently
great number of inclusions will never have the same
density), approximately trapped at the same time (the
term ‘approximate’ indicates that the precise timing of
the inclusion formation is rarely known).”


The isolated inclusions are, in principle, primary.
However, additional criteria related to crystal growth
are often necessary to confirm their primary nature (Fig.
Fig.2. Terminologies used for fluid inclusions (I) Transgranular,
1b). The clustered inclusions are typically comprised (II) Intragranular (grain boundary to grain boundary), (III)
of a group of 10-20 neighboring inclusions (Fig. 1c). Intragranular (grain boundary to crystal interior, (IV) Intragranular
Such clusters may have quite different origins such as (crystal interior), (V) Interphase, (VI) Transphase, and (VII)
neighboring isolated cavities, or by transportation of a Intergranular
Study of Fluid Inclusions 23


Sample Preparation
A Fluid Inclusion Section (FIS) is a doubly polished loose
plate, of the size of normal thin section (approximately
3 x 5 cm), but significantly thicker than those used for
petrological studies. The quality of polishing, the ideal
thickness (typically between 90 and 120 µm), depending
on transparency of the host crystal and the inclusion size
and abundance, are very important factors (Touret, 2001).
Fluid Inclusion Petrography
The textural relationship between fluid inclusions and
the host rock is studied in detail in fluid petrography. It
Fig.3. Fluid inclusions within different textural locations also begins with careful study of the different populations
known as decorations, (I) along cleavage planes, (II) along
of fluid inclusions in such way that the fluid inclusions
twinning lamelle, (III) along subgrain boundaries, (IV) along
deformation lamelle, and (V) along deformation bands analyzed is a true representative of the characteristic fluid
of the process. The fluid inclusions that are observed in a
crystal can be the result of different fluids with which the
(d) Sub-grain Boundaries: the fluid inclusions that are crystal has interacted throughout its history. Therefore,
confined to sub-grain boundaries. in order to ensure the representativeness of the inclusion,
(e) Twin Lamellae: the fluid inclusions which occur it is necessary to conduct a proper petrographic study
along the twin lamellae. that selects the representative inclusions and avoids the
temptation of focusing solely on the more aesthetically
MODIFICATION OF FLUID INCLUSIONS beautiful, best-formed or larger fluid inclusions. A
petrographic study must provide information about
Originally trapped fluid inclusions are sometimes populations of fluid inclusions, such as number of
modified because of several processes subsequent to inclusions, their type, and chronology with respect
their trapping. These modifications cause reduction in to geological events, etc. A thorough and systematic
their volume, change in morphology and often loss of petrographic study is a key for proper decision-making
originally trapped fluid. It is very important to identify about the type of fluid inclusions to be examined further
such modifications and study them (Sterner and Bodnar, (Roedder, 1981; 1984; Tauret, 2001).
1987; Bekker and Jensen, 1990; Cordier et al., 1994;
Parnell, 1994). Commonly known mechanisms are
discussed below. The microthermometric study of fluid inclusions is
(1) Recrystallization: crystallization of fluids and re- done using a heating and cooling stage, a device that
crystallization of solids trapped within fluid inclusions can allows increasing or decreasing temperature over a wide
lead to substantial change in the fluid inclusion morphology range, between –200°C and +1500°C approximately.
and lead to the development of negative crystal shapes. This stage is placed on a microscope, so that the phase
changes occurring as well as the temperature at which
(2) Stretching and Necking-down: necking-down is a
these changes taking place can be observed. As a normal
typical dissolution-precipitation process, which finally
working protocol, the fluid inclusions are cooled to
leads to negative crystal shapes. The phenomenon of
the lowest temperature that the stage can achieve and
necking-down corresponds to the evolution of decreasing
subsequently, the phase changes taking place are observed
temperature, of a large tubular inclusion into a series
while the temperature rises towards room temperature
of small inclusions, which are initially connected by
again. The first change of phase that should be observed
in the liquid phase is the appearance of the first liquid
(3) Explosion/Implosion Decrepitation: due to changes in the cavity (eutectic temperature). This temperature
in pressure-temperature conditions, large fluid inclusions is characteristic of each system and, therefore, helps
get busted or ‘decrepitated’ into smaller inclusions. When to associate the composition of the fluid inclusion with
pressure increases (overpressure), the decrepitation is a chemical system (Macdonald and Spooner, 1981;
said to be ‘explosion decrepitation’. Similarly, when the Shepherd, 1981; Rosso and Bodnar, 1994; Bakker, 2001;
pressure is considerably reduced (underpressure), the Fall et al., 2011).
inclusion gets collapsed. Such decrepitation is known as
‘implosion decrepitation’. Raman Microprobe
(4) Leakage: sometimes, originally trapped fluid in the Raman Spectroscopy is routinely associated with the
inclusion gets leaked-out due to external processes such study of fluid inclusions to determine the composition
as deformation. of fluids. A confocal Raman microscope, uses an optical
24 K. R. Randive and Others

arrangement that inserts a limiting aperture at an image fluids (Roedder, 1979; Kreulen, 1987; Touret, 1987; 1992;
plane. This approach serves to limit the Raman signal Santosh et al., 1991; Zhang and Frantz, 1987; Newton,
entering the spectrograph to a very specific, sharply 1989; Diamond, 1994; Vityk and Bodnar, 1995; Mukherjee
in focus, volume in the sample. The resulting Raman and Sachan, 2001; Bakker and Diamond, 2006).
spectrum is characteristic of that isolated region alone,
Temperature of Entrapment of Fluid
eliminating or strongly reducing Raman signals from
out-of-focus regions in the field of view. By definition One of the most important aspects of fluid inclusions
a fluid inclusion is surrounded by a host mineral, yet a study is its ability to measure the temperature of
Raman spectrum of the contents of the inclusion alone entrapment of fluids in the system by direct measurement
can be obtained by focusing at a plane inside the specimen using microthermometry. In this technique two-
and bringing the inclusion into focus. The analysis is phase inclusions are heated till they homogenize. The
completely non-destructive, and spectra of volumes as temperature at which homogenization takes place, is the
small as a few microns in size can be obtained (Dubessy minimum temperature of entrapment of that fluid. If the
et al., 1989; Roedder, 1990; Van Den Kerkhof and Olsen, pressure of the system is known (by separate barometric
1990; Tauret, 2001). estimates) then the temperature of entrapment can be
Apart from the above routine techniques, several estimated from intersection of isochore passing through
special techniques are also used for the study of fluid the temperature of homogenization.
inclusions. Table 2 lists all, but their detailed description
Pressure of the Fluid System
is beyond the scope of present paper.
It is very difficult to measure the pressure of fluid
INFORMATION PROVIDED BY FLUID INCLUSIONS system directly; however, it can be estimated using
separate barometric techniques such as phase relations
Fluid inclusions provide a wealth of information or geobarometry.
on the geofluids that influenced the petrogenesis of
rocks. Such inclusions provide important information of Density of Fluids
temperature, pressure, density, salinity and composition of The density of the fluid can be calculated by knowing the

Table 2: Summary of methods employed in the study of fluid inclusions

Name of the Technique Purpose Technique Type
1. Petrological Microscope Primary study of inclusions, their abundance and Non-Destructive Optical
2. Cathodoluminiscence Mincroscopy / SEM Textural relations with host mineral, secondary Non-Destructive Optical
Cathodoluminiscence (CL-SEM) quartz
3. Ultraviolate Microscopy (UV) Detection and study of hydrocarbons Non-Destructive Optical
4. Infrared Microscopy Visualization of fluid inclusions in semi-opaque Non-Destructive Optical
and opaque minerals (e.g. cassiterite, chromite,
sphalerite, pyrite)
5. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Morphology of inclusions Non-Destructive Optical
6. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Microfractures around fluid inclusions /dislocations Non-Destructive Optical
7. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Topology and irregularities at the atomic scale Non-Destructive Optical
8. Microthermometry Composition and molar volume Non-Destructive thermometric
9. Laser-excited micro-Raman Composition of non-aqueous fluids, identification of Non-Destructive Vibrational
spectrometry daughter crystals Spectroscopic
10. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Detection of H2O, hydroxyl, CO2, etc Non-Destructive Vibrational
(FTIR) Spectroscopic
11. Fluorescence Spectroscopy Detection of hydrocarbons Non-Destructive Vibrational
12. Mechanical crushing of samples Non-aqueous fluids, qualitative Destructive Mechanical
13. Acoustic emission (AE) Decrepitometer Finger print of fluid inclusion content Destructive thermionic
14. Gas chromatography Bulk composition of fluid Destructive
15. Mass spectrometry (MS) Bulk fluid inclusion and isotope composition Destructive
16. Crush and leach combined Composition of aqueous fluids, element ratios, Destructive
with micro.chemical analysis, AAS, etc. dissolved daughter crystals
17. EPMA or SIMS (opened Identification of daughter minerals, composition of Destructive Single inclusion
inclusions) fluid inclusions (freezing method)
18 LA-ICPMS Composition including trace elements Destructive Single inclusion
Study of Fluid Inclusions 25

temperature of final melting of (Tmf) and homogenization -56°C. But most measurements of the gases species
temperature (Th) of the fluid. Placing these values into require Laser Raman microprobe.
equations of state for fluids of known composition (i.e.
knowing which system to deal with) can help to determine APPLICATION IN MINERAL EXPLORATION
the density of the fluid and to calculate isochores.
The use of fluid inclusions in mineral exploration has
Salinity of Fluids
received varying degrees of attention over the years. The
Salinity can be measured by observing the depression of more direct uses of fluid inclusions in exploration mainly
the freezing point of the aqueous fluids in the inclusion. rely on defining an empirical relationship between some
The salinity is expressed as NaCl equivalent since, the inclusion characteristic and mineralization. Methods
presence of other ions such as Ca+2, cannot be determined for using fluid inclusions to assist target selection on
and will greatly influence the salinity estimates. For a regional scale or for more localised definition of
determination of salinity, the stage is cooled with the likely zones of focussed fluid flow or ore shoots can be
help of liquid N2 during cooling; the phase changes in the subdivided into three categories (Wilkinson, 2001):
inclusion are carefully monitored. After the liquid in the 1.  The occurrence or relative abundance of a specific
inclusion completely solidifies, the stage is heated slowly inclusion type
while the inclusion is observed. The temperature at
which the last piece of solid melts (Tmf) is then recorded. 2.  Systematic variations in microthermometric
This will correspond to the freezing temperature of the properties
inclusion. Knowing the freezing points of pure H2O 3. Systematic variations in other properties (e.g.
and CO2, the recorded freezing point (Tmf) is inserted descrepitation behavior, inclusion chemistry).
into an equation of state (one of the form: PV= nRT). Occurrence or Relative Abundance of a Specific
This freezing point depression for the system under Inclusion Type
observation is directly related to the amount of impurities
present in this system, which provides information on The occurrence of CO-bearing inclusions has been
the concentration of salts in this fluid (i.e. salinity of the suggested as a favourable characteristic for exploration of
fluid). vein–gold deposits (e.g. Ho, 1987). Rankin and Alderton
(1983) used this type of approach to correlate the relative
Composition of Fluids abundance of specific inclusion types in granite samples
Information about the composition of the fluids can with the distribution of Sn–W–Cu mineralization in
be obtained indirectly by measuring the first melting the Cornish ore field. It was found that there was an
temperature (also known as the eutectic melting empirical relationship between inclusion abundance in
temperature Te or Tme). After freezing the inclusion, it granite samples and mineralized areas.
is heated slowly while being carefully observed under A similar approach has been used in porphyry–
the microscope. The temperature of first melting of solid copper systems, where the occurrence of hypersaline
(ice) is recorded. Comparing this temperature to eutectic fluid inclusions containing several daughter minerals
melting points on published phase diagrams for binary and/or vapour-rich inclusions has been linked to ore
and ternary systems are used to estimate the composition formation (Roedder, 1971; Nash, 1976; Bodnar, 1981).
of the fluid. Fluid composition can also be determined by Another example is in epithermal precious metal systems,
Laser Raman Spectroscopy. where the occurrence of cogenetic vapour and liquid rich
inclusions may be used to identify zones of boiling and
P-T History of the Sample ore mineral precipitation (Kamilli and Ohmoto, 1977).
Careful study of the textural relations of fluid inclusion
Systematic Variations in Microthermometric
assemblage may provide important clues to the P-T
history of the sample. For example, significant isothermal
decompression would cause some of the larger inclusions One of the most important use of inclusion data is the
to “explode” resulting in a decrepitated inclusion use of inclusion homogenization measurements to map
surrounded by a number of satellite inclusions around it. out thermal zonations, an approach of direct relevance
Isobaric cooling can also produce distinct textures. to exploration in epithermal and intrusion-centred
hydrothermal mineralization. Utilising coupled salinity
Gas Composition of the Inclusions
and homogenization measurements can also provide
Gases are common and are very important constituents important information concerning the anatomy of a
of fluid inclusions. CO2, CH4, N2, H2S, and inert gases hydrothermal system, with exploration implications
are the most commonly present gases in the inclusions. (Fig. 4). Everett et al. (1999) showed how inclusion
Microthermometry is useful in determining the presence homogenization temperatures declined and fluid
and quantity of CO2 using freezing measurement salinity decreased within the Silvermines fault zone
temperatures on the CO2-Clathrate. Methane can be with increasing distance from the Zn–Pb–Ba deposits
determined by its low liquefaction temperature below in Ireland. Interestingly, homogenization temperatures
26 K. R. Randive and Others

Fig.4. Homogenization temperature–salinity diagram illustrating typical ranges for inclusions

from different deposit types after Willkinson (2001)

also decreased but fluid salinities generally increased on rocks have been used to determine the physical limit of
moving into the footwall of the same fault zone. petroleum migration and to reconstruct the geothermal
history of the sedimentary basin (Burruss, 1981; Pagel
Systematic Variations in Other Properties et al., 1986; McLimans, 1987); such study has recently
The chemistry of fluids related to mineralization been undertaken in sandstones of Jaisalmer basin,
show a distinct chemical signature, with systematic Rajasthan (Verma et al., 2012).
variations in relative abundances of Na, Ca, S, Ba, The studies of fluid and melt inclusions had been
Sr and Rb being correlatable with mineralized and effectively used to explain important petrogenetic
unmineralized areas. Another empirical relationship processes; such as, liquid immiscibility (e.g. La Gomera,
between inclusion chemistry and mineralization was Canary Islands; Frezzhotti et al., 2002), crustal anatexis
demonstrated by Haynes and Kesler (1987) in a study of and crust-magma interaction (e.g. Aeolian Arc, Southern
MVT mineralization in east Tennessee. They showed that Italy; Frezzhotti et al., 2004). The technique of fluid
the Ca/Na ratios of inclusion decrepitates as measured by inclusions study is very much there and finds applications
SEM-EDS analysis were higher in ore-related dolomites across the geological sciences. It is however, difficult to
than in barren dolomites. specify their application in geologically recent rocks.
Nevertheless, the examples cited above provide vital
clues for using fluid inclusions in the study of Palaogene –
FLUID INCLUSIONS STUDY OF PALAEOGENE – Neogene – Holocene rocks. The recently active volcanoes
NEOGENE – HOLOCENE ROCKS and geothermal fields are particularly very promising.
Fluid inclusions have been effectively applied in
the study of geothermal fields, where hydrothermally
precipitated minerals were found to be suitable phases The study of fluid inclusions has come a long way
for such study. The entrapped fluids provide reasonable since their initial description by Sorby (1857). New
estimates of the Pressure-Temperature-Salinity instrumentation has facilitated deeper focus in the study
conditions of the geothermal water and be reasonably by way of understanding their composition, morphology,
good geothermometers (Browne et al., 1976; Sasada et phase relations and thermodynamic properties.
al., 1986; Magro et al., 1998; Lutz et al., 2002; Ruggieri Moreover, laboratory simulations of the synthetic
et al., 2004). Fluid inclusions are among the potential fluid inclusions allowed predicting exact conditions of
tools for the exploration of geothermal fields (Leach, entrapment. Nevertheless, it is of paramount importance
1981) and also for the study of genesis of minerals such to identify and classify the fluid inclusions by careful
as anhydrite (Maramatsu et al., 2000). petrographic study. Microthermometry aided by Raman
Other areas where fluid inclusions find exclusive Spectroscopic study helps to estimate composition and
importance are hydrocarbons in the petroliferous basins T-P-X composition of the fluid system, which is used
and the areas of recent and sub-recent active volcanoes further for construction of isochors and evolution of the
(Frezzhotti, 2001). The fluid inclusions in petroliferous fluid system.
Study of Fluid Inclusions 27

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Methods, Techniques and Applications”. KRR and DBM

acknowledges the partial financial support through
We thank Prof. S. J. Sangode for inviting us to write UGC-SAP DRS-I grants received by the Department of
a paper in the special issue on “Advances in Geoscientific Geology, RTM Nagpur University.

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(Received : 25 March 2015; Revised form accepted : 8 May 2014)

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