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q¡ic¡lsludyM.charl..d3tor¡9. I p.n rJ.14 io r¡,u¡

High-bay mechanised rirarehouses
13.14 Above 10 m, installatiot¡s begin to be classed strucru¡-
ally as high bay. (Heights above 7.5 m gain a¡ exr¡a haza¡d
fire rating (see para 27).) Although most fall into Section 6
F-. Autoúated sto¡age) some high-bay wa¡ehouses a¡e mechan-
ised. Theseconsist ofstacke¡ c¡anes with fi¡ll d¡iver control 19.
The ñajority of these rurl oo tracks at lhe base, stabilis€d at
üe top. O¡e üaqe is ofi'ered as a more stablc unit with
- additiooal support two-tlurds of the way up the ¡ack. A
furüer system, popular in stores for heavy stillages like
= engi[es in vehicle production, has a mast suspeÁded f¡om the
roof sü1¡cnüe or top of the racking, allowing free travcl
= within the rack and a rotating fork head. Ooe version available
-1 is mounted on a ganüy cmne beam for full cube block stacking
with ro nced for aisles (só: 11b).
Structural tackiag
= 13.15 Once ¡ackitrg becomes semi-structu¡al o! stn¡c¡r¡al)

-1 costs se considerably. Carefi¡l ecotroi¡úc studics should be
carried out to examiue whethe! the iricreased cube and
üroughput bencfits increasc wi!h rhe saving in si(e area, or are
= eliminated agai¡st the exüa cost of súuchual racking, specia-
list 6xed path handli¡g plarlt, süooger foundatiom .nd
= buildi¡g sa¡cture. ID several recen¡ installations, it is sus-
= pected that they will aot prove economic in the long ¡erm,
due to lack of ¡acking flexibiüty.

Overheaal cra¡es
= 13,16 Overhc¡d c¡anes feaflüe iq special storage applications
such as steel stockholdiúg (see section 9 Special storage), and
= caq be used fo¡ such commodities as rolls of newspritrt.
Ovelheád stacke¡ crá¡es are limited in flexibility by the
= t¡ack a¡rd gaqtry, and ale exTe¡sive to install. All these
systems drscussed have been used to great efiect in some
= iqstallatioos. It should be ¡emenrbered tlat the successfiJ
= choice is a resült of many i¡tegrated facto¡s; alte¡natives
should be carefirlly assessed a¡d costed.
= 14 Stock control
14.01 Stock co¡trol and dist¡ibuúoÁ systems mechadsed ir
= srorage buildiogs ¿ue so complea ard aeed such fast ard
accu¡ate stock appraisals that computers a¡e now widely
= used fo¡ this purpose. The rack organisatron has a be¡ling
oq how this is achieved and how successfi¡l the ¡esult will be.

16 Transfer position between

turet tuck and forhlift from
= loadíng bay.
17 Liae rachíng.
= 18 Mobile ruthing.
=] 19 Ganty slung
I pícher, Alloa
st acker I or der s

r- nanow tisles brt only onz

cfane per qaúlft.

Tcchnical slldy M.chatu!.d sroras. I



43 The raaf st/uctüre of a 44 A bíg box sttucture alloüs

uarehau"e ron cause a pallet
ba'h /reedam in po¡ixoning
posit;ok to be last thtoughout racking and. full height F
the length of a uhole aisle dt
each twn ?osit;1fl.

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