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Attributes Explanation example

Types of Atribute (1) Quality of the Carrier : (1) The adult female (hind) is
adjective of adjective considerably smaller
group. (2) ... the leader, who is always a
(2) Class of entity: a noun hind.
or noun group.
Linking Verb The verb linking the Carrier (4) Perception – type linking verb
to its Attribute have been a. Moaula looked amazed
forms of be. Some of the b. It smelled so good!
major categories are (5) Change- type linking verb
examplified: a. It’s getting hot in here.
(1) Perception – type (6) Circumestance- type linking
linking verb : taste or verb
feel. a. ... and weights up to 200
(2) Change- type linking kilograms.
verb: verb used in
attributive process
clauses has to do with
(3) Circumestance- type
linking verb

b. Identify relational processes

`The indentify one participant by equating it with another participant. This is why
it was called identifying process clauses. (Richards, 1996: 136)

Identifying Explanation
Linking verbs in (1) This include the categories (1) From where I was
identifying process of perception, change and standing, Early Riser
circumstance that were appeared the winner.
indentifyied with attributive ( perception)
liking verb.

c. Possesive relational processes

In possessive process clauses, two participants are related throught one being the
Possessor of the other (the Possessed). (Richards, 1996:138)
(1) The stag has antlers on the top of the head.

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