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he problems and difculties of learning a second language are the major factors
for scholars to develop new methods to be employed in language pedagogy. When
Prabhu developed Task-based learning, he thought that if students’ minds engaged
in a task they may learn more effectively because the basic condition of education is
learner engagement.
No wonder TBL was seen as another device to handle learning problems and has
been the target of many researches during the past two decades. Looking at the deve-
lopment of task-based learning research, the initial priority was given to the denition
of tasks and the philosophy behind it. At present, the main concern of leading researc-
hers is the kinds of tasks and whether at which level task-based learning is effective.
In sum, task-based learning has made a signicant progress in the last two decades
and has remained a potentially fertile approach for many ESL/EFL teachers despite
the fact that some researchers still question the effectiveness of TBL.
he problems and difculties of learning a second language are the major factors
for scholars to develop new methods to be employed in language pedagogy. When
Prabhu developed Task-based learning, he thought that if students’ minds engaged
in a task they may learn more effectively because the basic condition of education is
learner engagement.
No wonder TBL was seen as another device to handle learning problems and has
been the target of many researches during the past two decades. Looking at the deve-
lopment of task-based learning research, the initial priority was given to the denition
of tasks and the philosophy behind it. At present, the main concern of leading researc-
hers is the kinds of tasks and whether at which level task-based learning is effective.
In sum, task-based learning has made a signicant progress in the last two decades
and has remained a potentially fertile approach for many ESL/EFL teachers despite
the fact that some researchers still question the effectiveness of TBL.

In TBLT classroom, the use of tasks is the core of instruction in language, and learners are the
center of
language learning process which motivated them to learn more actively and autonomously
In TBLT classroom, the use of tasks is the core of instruction in language, and learners are the
center of
language learning process which motivated them to learn more actively and autonomously
In TBLT classroom, the use of tasks is the core of instruction in language, and learners are the
center of
language learning process which motivated them to learn more actively and autonomously


Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT)and Project-Based Learning (TBL) are two
standard teaching methods in today's EFL classroom. In other words, the idea of these two
approaches in ELT is not new. These approaches have become an important topic and
increasingly popular in the field of second language acquisition. As we have studied along
these weeks regarding the communicative approach, this method goes counter to the focus on
grammar, and it rather gives central attention to "tasks" and "projects" based on
communication and interaction to solve a problem and share information. Therefore, the
attention is focused on conveying meaning with fluency throughout meaningful conversations
and collaborative learning.
We believe that traditional learning based on the language itself (grammar,
vocabulary, systematical use of coursebook) may be reliable when covering all the lexical
areas, but it does not fulfill the learner's needs. Moreover, focus on the meaning of
information and communication cannot be left aside when forming English learners.

This essay aims to give a comprehensible review and summary of all essential aspects
of these two favourite methods in language teaching, leaving aside traditional teaching. First, it
will discuss and define what PBL and TBL are. Secondly, it will offer the significant
characteristics of this who approaches. Finally, it discusses the significant advantages of these
approaches and their similitudes.

Advantages over traditional education

Most of the education was or still based on a grammar-based method or the PPP method.
Were the teacher had direct control of the class playing a central role. Traditional education is
reliable for teachers because it is usually the best way of covering all the lexical areas in the
coursebook or syllabus.
In my high school experience, we had the same routine, answering teachers' questions written
in the book to practice grammar and vocabulary in a systematic way and readings. Student
interaction was rare in my class, well, in most of the classes. We behave in class; however,
some of the students did not pay attention, maybe some of them felt bored, or the class was
unattractive. If TBLT methods were presented in our class, our educational experiences would
be benefited. With a collaborative learning task, we would be more encouraged to learn, and it
would provide the motivation needed for learning language and perform communication.

As I mentioned before, my educational context lacked many communicative characteristics

because our language class was based on producing sentences, sounds, meaning words and
grammar, resulting in low speaking skill performances. However, I earned good grammatical
skills. In other words, for an ideal class, fluency and accuracy must go together.


TBLT and PTB have made significant progress in language teaching in the lasts decades. It is an
innovative approach in which the use of tasks is the core of language learning. Learners are the
center of the language learning process providing foreign language learners with the possibility
to learn through collaboration doing a communicative task and offer motivation to learn more
actively and not systematically. If some characteristics of this approach, such as collaborative-
communicative learning and contextualized meaning activities would have been present in our
educational context, it would significantly impact our language learning.

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