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RUFON 1 MARCH 19, 2021

MAED-ENGLISH Literary Criticism



Yolly and Elmo, together with their adopted son, Makmak, went to Lola
Flora to bid goodnight. However, Lola Flora took the chance to have a heart-to-
heart talk with Makmak about what happened with him in the school earlier.
Though a little bit emotional, he disclosed that he was always being teased as a
gay at school so he got mad. Lola Flora tried to ask him why that was so but he
was silent and hesitated to answer. To comfort him, she told him not to worry
because she was just asking. Then, she continued by confirming to him his
playing of Chinese Garter in the school. Still, she saw him not ready to tell the
truth or even to express his real feelings. At that point, she continued
consoling him by telling how much she and the rest of the family members love
him and they are willing to listen to whatever he is feeling inside. She hugged
him tightly that made him cry heavily out of feeling of being accepted.
Eventually, Cardo came in and called him for a talk. Outside, Cardo told
Makmak to sit. Though looking mad, he calmly started by telling Makmak he is
not mad about the trouble in the school but about him not telling the truth. He
explained that he promised to Makmak’s late biological father that he will
stand as his father. Makmak apologized for not telling the truth. Cardo
continued that he and the family accept him no matter what. He added that
being gay is not wrong as long as you know how to love and respect others, and
how to have fear with God. Makmak felt eased and cried heavily so Cardo
hugged him to make him feel his comfort and acceptance.
In the jailward, Mrs. Canlaon was being convinced by police investigators to
cooperate in arresting the syndicate responsible for importing drugs in
Hongkong. One of them explained to her that both the government of the
Philippines and Hongkong agreed that she will be released after her
cooperation. However, she, who was already crying heavily, insisted that she
legally went there to work and she knows no one in the syndicate. Cardo tried
to console her by telling her they are there to help her. She replied she was not
scared of them investigating her, but of being stuck in the jail and of the
possibility of not seeing her family again for the rest of her life. She added that
she is scared of not being with her child growing up and about the shame she
will give to her family especially to her sick mother. She also explained that
although she came from a poor family she was not raised to be like what they

Dr. Sherwin Magracia Perlas

Associate Professor V
are accusing her. Cardo cut her talking. He asked her about the location of the
certain Marta Maglipon who was with her when she

came and arrived in Hongkong. One investigator also asked to confirm if she
was actually covering up the said woman. She replied she doesn’t and that she
was only framed up by that woman. She even explained she treated the woman
as her true sister. Cardo asked why the suitcase containing drugs was in her
name. She explained she offered the woman a help by carrying one of her many
baggages. However, one police investigator pointed out the fact that it was
still she who carried the suitcase so she technically owned everything in it.
Looking helpless, she ended up overly emotional begging for the police
investigators’ help of her situation.

Dr. Sherwin Magracia Perlas

Associate Professor V

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