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Textos jurídicos

Belén López Arroyo


1. Formalidad y convencionalismo:


A. Designation: I , of Bellevue, State of Washington, County of King, do hereby
constitute and appoint, of Bellevue, to be my true and lawful attorney with full power in
my name and stead and on my behalf, including on my behalf as trustee of any trust of
which I am trustee, and with full power to substitute at any time or times, for any of the
purposes described below, one or more attorneys, and to revoke the appointment of any
attorney so substituted.

2. Impersonalidad:

The payment to the owner of the total amount of any instalment then remaining unpaid
of the rent hereinbefore reserved and agreed to be paid during the term....

3. Oraciones largas y equívocas:

To lend many to any person, firm or company whosoever and whatsoever on such terms
as may be thought fit including the taking of security therefore and to indemnify (other
than respect of fire, marine, life or motor vehicle insurance) or to stand surety for or to
guarantee support or secure the performance of all or any of the obligations of any
person, firm, or company whosoever or whatsoever whether by personal covenant or by
mortgage, charge or lien upon the whole or any part of the undertaking, property and
assets of the Company (both present and future) including its uncalled capital or by
both such methods, and in particular, but so as no to limit the generality of the
foregoing, to indemnify (as limited aforesaid), guarantee, support or secure whether by
personal covenant or by any such mortgage, charge or lien or by both such methods the
performance of all or any of the obligations (including the payment or repayment of the
principal and premium of and interest on any securities) of any company which is for
the time being the holding company, or any subsidiary of the Company.

“Subject to subsection (6) below, if an award is made and, on an application made by

any of the parties to the reference, (a) with the consent of all the other parties to the
reference, or (b) subject to section 3 below, with the leave of the court, it appears to the
High Court that...” (ALCARAZ 1994 , 80).


- The Civil Procedure

- In addition, starting from the time of the changeover to EXXON as its primary mark,
Exxon developed plans for extended the use of HUMBLE mark, as reflected in
numerous internal memoranda...
Textos jurídicos
Belén López Arroyo
- I GIVE AND BEQUEATH to my excutor (...). I DEVISE AND BEQUEATH all my real
and personal estate (...).


1. magistrate, committal to remand

2. To bring (an action, a case, a charge against, an accusation) interponer, iniciar

una demanda.
To discharge desempeñar, llevar a cabo (el ejercicio de las funciones); descargar.
To find fallar, declarar ante un tribunal, apreciar el juez.
To provide disponer.
To result retornar.
Remedy solución legal o jurídica con derecho a satisfacción o declaración.
Covenant compromiso o cláusula vinculante en un contrato o escritura.
Absolute inapelable, total, firme, de pleno derecho.
Qualified: condicional, limitado... aunque también puede presentar su significado
“ordinario” como adjetivo que califique a algo o a alguien como profesional,

3. CEO, a.a.r (agaisnt alla risks)

4. Latinismos

Cultismos: Writ of a fieri facias (fifa) auto ejecutivo de una sentencia; prima facie a
primera vista; bona fide de buena fe, sin engaño o mala intención.
Préstamos adaptados a las características morfológicas de la lengua inglesa: the offence
of absconding ⇒ delito de fuga o evasión; to impugn⇒ impugnar, additional, agent,
connection, collision, elected, equal, exclusión, indemnify, institute, sail, secure,
volcanic, transit, wáter...

Equivalencias entre términos jurídicos latinos y términos ingleses

Mens rea Guilty mind
Contra pacem Against the peace
Lex mercatoria Law merchant
Billa vera True bill
Onus probando Burden of proof
Bona et catalla Goods and chattels
Habendum et tenendum Have and hold
Vi et armis Civil death
Writ of fieri facias Writ of execution of judgement
Ultima voluntas Last will
Damnum absque injuriam Damage without injury

5. Galicismos

–able: available –age: salvage (salvamento, premio por salvamento), average (avería,
contribución al daño causado por la avería), pilotage (practicaje, derechos de
Textos jurídicos
Belén López Arroyo
practicaje), damage/damages (daños y perjuicios, indemnización por daños y
Otros vocablos procedentes del francés antiguo son: accordance, according, adventure,
anchor, appearing, arrival, carrier, carriage, blame, case, circumstance, container,
contained, conveyance, cover, corse, current, disturbance, misconduct, party, passage
purpose, prejudice, payable, riot, rebellion, seizure, sacrifice, storage, sum, use, vice,
void, voyage…

Feme sole mujer soltera; lien derecho prendario, embargo preventivo; on parole
libertad condicional.

Equivalencias entre galicismos y términos ingleses

Action sur le cas Action on the case
Femme covert Married woman
Femme sole Unmarried woman
Foce majeur Foce majeur
Plaider de rien culpable Plead not guilty
Plaintiff Claimant
Prochain ami Next friend
Sous pein de (del latin sub poena) Under pain of

6. Arcaísmos

- To commit to prison, your honour or your lordship, if your lordship pleases....

- Desinencias morfológicas (-th)
- Conjunciones y adverbios formales ( aforesaid anteriormente mecionado, herewith

Clasificación del léxico jurídico de cara a la traducción:

(Hickey 1996)

1. Términos que sólo pertenecen al lenguaje jurídico y su significado sólo

aparece en obras y monografías especializadas (Ejm: Articles of

2. Palabras con significado especializado, utilizadas también en el lenguaje

general (Ejm. Construe, Action)

3. Falsos amigos (Directors, Provisions)

4. Términos que no tienen equivalente en el ordenamiento jurídico meta (Trust,


7. Repetición de sinónimos parciales

Null and void nulo y sin efecto, give, devise and bequeath, last will and testament...
Textos jurídicos
Belén López Arroyo
Orígenes de los dobletes semánticos:
• Acknowledge and confess (inglés antiguo y francés antiguo)

• Act and deed (latín o francés e inglés antiguo)

• Breaking and entering (inglés antiguo y francés)

• Goods and chattels (inglés antiguo y francés antiguo)

Ejemplos de dobletes con el mismo origen serían:

• By and with

• Each and every

• Have and hold

• Aid and abet

• Cease and desist

• Null and void

8. Eufemismos

Custodial interrogation, visitor to a Court of Inns.

9. Verbos de significación empírica

We find you guilty, I submit...


1. Nominalizaciones con posmodificación

Make such provisions for the payment en lugar de provide for the payment.

“The payment to the owner of the total amount of any instalment then remaining unpaid
of the rent hereinbefore reserved and agreed to be paid during the term... (CRUZ: 1994,

2. Cláusulas no finitas como posmodificadores de frases nominales

The Hirer may on the payment to the Owner of the total amount of any instalment then
remaining unpaid of the rent hereinbefore reserved and agreed to be paid during the
term and the further sum of the ten shillings purchase the goods.
Textos jurídicos
Belén López Arroyo
3. Voz Pasiva
The Partners shall be entitled to the capital partnership in the same proportions and
each Partner shall be entitled to receive interest at the rate of -------- pounds per cent...

4. Premodificación con determinantes específicos

Said, aforementioned, aforesaid...

5. Conjunciones y locuciones preposicionales específicas

Locuciones preposicionales complejas:

Grupo preposicional complejo Preposición

As to For, to

For the purpose(s) of For, to

In respect of For, to

In accordance with According to

In pursuance of According to

By virtue of By

In the event of default by

Preposiciones sufijadas:

Hereto, heretofore, hereby, herein, hereinabove, hereinafter, hereinbelow, hereof,

hereon, hereunder, hereupon, herewith, thereafter, thereat....

6. Uso de la conjunción THAT

The Court of Appeal so held when dismissing an appeal by the defendant Mr Aquil,
from Judge Stuckey`s decision in the County Court that ordered him to give up
possession of business premises to the plaintiff owner, Mr Javid
Textos jurídicos
Belén López Arroyo
“Mr Justice Evans understood that as a finding that the receivers proceed on the basis
that the invalid notice became valid and effective when unreadiness was replaced by
readiness to discharge.

7. Grupos verbales

8. Adverbios en posición inicial como conectores

Whereas, in witness whereof, provided that, without prejudice..

9. Alteración del orden lógico oracional

“... Whereas a proposal to effect with the Society an assurance on the Life Insured
named in the Schedule hereto...” (CRUZ: 1994, 352).

10. Puntuación en las leyes inglesas. Se utiliza punto y aparte al final de las secciones
y subsecciones.
Los distintos elementos de una enumeración se separan con punto y aparte, a
menos que la enumeración se utilice para facilitar la lectura, en cuyo caso se pone coma
al final de cada elemento.
Se utiliza coma o guión para separar las palabras introductorias de los elementos
de una enumeración.
Se utiliza coma para separar el último de los elementos de una enumeración de
cualquier palabra que pueda seguir.
Se utilizan comillas entre los términos descritos en la sección de definiciones.
Se usan paréntesis cuando haya información relevante introducida dentro de una
No se usan signos de interrogación ni de exclamación.
Donde una cláusula empiece con un caso, condición o ambos, estos quedarán
separados de la parte principal de la cláusula por una coma.


1. Cohesión léxica:
a. Referencia (escasez de relaciones anafóricas y catafóricas)
b. Repetición (ausencia de variación terminológica)
c. Relación (conectores)

“In Doe v. Crago (1848) 6CB 90 Chief Justice Wilde said that on proof of payment of
rent in respect of premises ordinarily let from year to year, the “law will imply that the
party making the payment holds under a tenancy from year to year... But it is competent
to either the receiver or the payer of such rent to prove the circumstances under which
the payments for rent were so made, and by such circumstances to repel the legal
implication which could result from the receipt of rent, unexplained (ALCARAZ: 1994,

Repetición y elipsis
Textos jurídicos
Belén López Arroyo
“The Court of Appeal so held when dismissing an appeal by McCarthy & Stone
(Developers) Ltd from Mr Justice Popplewell’s decision that the London Borough of
Richmond upon Thames was entitled to charge a fee for a pre-application planning
consultations (ALCARAZ: 1994, 243).

JAVID v. AQUIL. Court of Appeal. Lord Justice Mustill, Lord Justice Ralph Gibson and
Lord Justice Nicholls.
A PROSPECTIVE tenant who pays quarterly rent for possession of premises pending
negotiation of the lease is not presumed to have acquired a quarterly tenancy, unless
circumstances imply that was the parties’ intention; and accordingly, where their
intention is unascertainable in that they fail to agree terms, he acquires only a tenancy
at will terminable without notice.
The Court of Appeal so held when dismissing an appeal by the defendant Mr Aquil,
from Judge Stucley’s decision in the County Court ordering him to give up possession
of business premises to the plaintiff owner, Mr Javid.
LORD JUSTICE NICHOLLS said that Mr Javid owned a property at 188 Brick Lane,
London E1.
On June 25 1985 he met Mr Aqil for the first time. Mr Aqil had lost his place of
business and had nowhere to continue manufacturing leather goods. The two of them
discussed terms for the grant of a lease of 188 Brick Lane . (...)
(...) Judge Stucley held that no periodic tenancy was created when Mr Aqil moved his
stock into 188 Brick Lane, because there were too many outstanding differences
between the parties. He gave as an example the disagreement over subletting. There
was no ground for disturbing the judge’s decision.

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