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ARLIAN AFSARI (180230095)

YULIANA (180230183)

NIRMA LESTARI (180230144)





Praise our gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed His grace and guidance
on us, so that I can complete a paper entitled "English Semantic and Pragmatic".

The author certainly realizes that this paper is far from perfect and there are still many errors
and deficiencies in it. For this reason, the author expects criticism and suggestions from
readers for this paper, so that this paper can later become a better paper. And if there are
many mistakes in this paper the author apologizes profusely.

Do not forget to also express our deepest gratitude to all parties who have supported and
helped us during the process of completing this paper. With this paper, it is hoped that it can
be used as additional knowledge about English Semantic and Pragmatic. THX for the

 BOMBANA, 14 October 2020



TABLE OF CONTENTS ...............................................................................................................ii

BAB I...............................................................................................................................................1


A. Background...........................................................................................................................1

B. Formulation of the problem..................................................................................................1

C. Writing purpose.......................................................................................................................1

BAB II.............................................................................................................................................2


A. Semantic definition, elements and benefits..........................................................................2

B. Pragmatics distiguished from semantic................................................................................2

C. Types of meaning.................................................................................................................7

BAB III..........................................................................................................................................11




A. Background
Semantics has an important role for linguistics, especially with regard to
meaning. There are several things in semantics that need to be studied,
especially in the meaning of a word. Assuming that meaning becomes part
of language, semantics is a part of linguistics which studies linguistic signs
with the things they sign. The word semantics is defined as the science of
meaning or meaning, which is one of the three levels of analysis of the
language of phonology, grammar, and semantics (Chaer, 1994: 2). Various
theories about semantics related to meaning, it can be revealed that each
word has a different meaning or meaning. Semantic review in the study of
meaning includes hyponym, hypernime, synonym, antonym, polysemic
and homonym. In the use of language, it turns out that many forms of
words have a relationship. This can be seen, both in the way of
pronunciation, writing, and in the form of meaning.


1. Explain the semantic definition, elements and benefits
2. Explain Pragmatics distiguished from semantic
3. State and explain types of meaning

We compile this paper in order to fulfill our obligations in fulfilling the study
assignments given in the English Semantic and Pragmatic course. We also see
that the discussion about semantic and pragmatic needs to be raised because we
realize that English semantic and pragmatic is a very broad dimension that
needs to be studied.


a) Semantic
Semantics is a branch of linguistics that studies the meanings / meanings
contained in language, code, or other types of representation. In other words,
semantics is the study of meaning. Semantics usually deals with two other aspects:
syntax, the formation of complex symbols from simpler symbols, and pragmatic,
practical use of symbols by the people in certain contexts.
b) Semantic elements
Below there are three semantic elements, including:

1. Signs and Symbols (Symbols)

Signs and symbols (symbols) are the two elements contained in the language. The
sign was developed into a theory called semiotics. Semiotics has three aspects
related to linguistics, namely syntactic aspects, pragmatic aspects, and semantic

2. Lexical and Referential Relationships

The lexical element is the smallest unit in the system of linguistic meaning where
its existence is distinguished by the other smallest units. The lexical meaning is a
category and a mathematical synchategorical in which all words and implications,
scientific groups with structural meanings must be defined in terms of
construction units. Whereas in a referential relationship is a relationship that exists
between a word and a world that is outside the language that is meant by

3. Naming

The term penimproved by Kridalaksanan refers to the process of searching for

language symbols that serve to describe objects, concepts, processes and so on. In
addition, naming is used for existing assets, among others, by changing possible
meanings or by creating words or groups of words.
c) Semantic benefits
Below there are three benefits of semantics, including:

 For a journalist, reporter, or people who are involved in the world of newsletters
and news:
They will get practical benefits from knowledge of semantics, which can make it
easier to choose and use words with the right meaning in conveying information
to the public.

 For language researchers:

For literature students, semantic knowledge will provide many theoretical
provisions to analyze the language being studied. Meanwhile, for literature
teachers, semantic knowledge will provide theoretical and practical benefits.
Theoretically, semantic theories will help in better understanding the language to
be taught. And the practical benefit is how easy it is to teach.

 For ordinary people:

The use of semantic basics is of course still needed to be able to understand a
world full of information and the ever-evolving linguistic traffic.

B. Pragmatics distinguished from semantics

1) Semantics meaning is part of our mental Grammar determined by the pure
Linguistics meaning of the word of a sentence and how those word are
combinedMultimedia Hiperaktif
2) Pragmatics meaning 'is Mepped off of semantics meaning contextually
determine dependent on speakers intentions a core tenets of pragmatics is that
we always pragmatically communicate more than we semantically say. so for
example. If you are at a friend's house and the window is open in you say gee
it's kind of cold in here. You have semantically made an observation about the
temperature that it is relatively low in this place but pragmatically you have
asked your friend to close the window.
Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning as distinct from word or sentence
meaning. So pragmatics is the study of the relationship between words and
users of the words. For example, I have got a new boat and now I have a
specific pictures of boat and you have a different one in your mind. So it is
about the interpretations of the words and the litterences and about trying to
read what people mean by litterances.

1.Pragmatics is the study of speaker. Meaning that means It is concerned with

the interpretation of the speaker by The Listener. For example, if someone
asks may I have a glass of water the listener interprets that the speaker is
2.Pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning so it is about the
interpretation of what people exactly mean in specific context and how the
context influence what is said. for example if you are at my place and I asked
you if you could bring me a glass of water so the litterances are not fitting the
context because usually I woule offer you something to drink at my place and
not the other way around so you can see how the context influences the
for additional example the first person say Hi, how are you and the second
person say Ah lovely weather today .so you can see this grammatically
correct, but it doesnt fit the context and the situation
3.pragmatics is the study of how More gets communicated than is said which
means that you are as a listener have to investigate the invisible Meaning what
if someone ask you please close the window the invisible meaning of the
person asking is that the person is freezing or that it is too noisy outside
depending on the situation.
4.Pragmatics is the study of the expression of relative distance. So the physical
and Social closeness determines how much needs to be said an example of
physical cleseness would be take this. So only people close the speaker know
what this refers to and social closeness can be found between Friends and
example would be if I tell you we had fun on the weekend you would know
that it was last weekend and that you know which friend of mine Ament by

C. Types of meaning
According to Abdul Chaer 1994: 289-296 there are 12 types of meanings. These
meanings are lexical, grammatical, contextual, referential and non-referential
meanings, denotative, connotative, conceptual, associative, words, terms, idioms, and
proverb meanings.

1) . Lexical Meaning
The lexical meaning is the true meaning, according to the results of our
sensory observations, the real meaning and the meaning in the dictionary. The
lexical is a form derived from the lexicon noun form . It is said that the lexical
meaning is the meaning that is in accordance with the reference, the meaning
that is in accordance with the observation of the senses, or the meaning that is
really real in our lives.
For example, the word 'head' in the sentence 'His head was crushed by a
grenade' is a lexical meaning, but in the sentence 'Hafizh was appointed head
of a cooperative branch' is not a lexical meaning. The meaning of the meaning
in the dictionary is the basic meaning or the concrete meaning. For example,
the lexeme 'Horse' means a kind of animal.

2) Grammatical Meanings
Grammatical meaning is the meaning that occurs after the grammatical
process (affication, reduplication, compositeumization). The difference
between lexical and grammatical meanings is that the lexical meaning is the
basic meaning of word to word, while the grammatical meaning is the new
meaning that appears when the words become a sentence. The grammatical
meaning can often be known without knowing the lexical meaning of the
For example: the word 'horse' means lexical of animals while the grammatical
meaning can be a means of transportation or something similar. For example, I
go to the market on a horse.

3) Contextual Meaning
Contextual meaning is the meaning of a word that is in a context.
For example, the context meaning of the word head in the following

a. The hair on Grandma's head is not white yet.

b. As the principal of the school he had to admonish the student.
c. The phone number is on the letterhead.

4) Referential Meanings
Referential meaning is a word that has a reference. So that a word can be
called a referential meaning if there is a reference. Words such as horse, red,
and pictures are words that have referential meanings because they have
references in the real world.
Non-referential meaning
Non-referential meanings are words that have no reference in the real world.
For example the word and, or, and because. These words have no reference in
the real world.

5) Denotative Meaning
Denotative meaning is the original meaning, original meaning, or actual
meaning possessed by a word.
For example, the word 'thin' (denotative which means the condition of a
person's body that is smaller than normal). The word 'flower' (means
denotatitive which is a flower like we see in a garden).
6) Connotative Meaning
The connotative meaning is another meaning that is added to the denotative
meaning which is related to the taste value of a person or group of people who
use the word. For example the word 'kurus' in the example above has a neutral
connotation. But the word 'slim', which is actually synonymous with the word
thin, has a positive connotation, namely a pleasant value; people would love to
say slim. On the other hand, the word 'Kerempeng', which is actually
synonymous with the word skinny and slender, has a negative connotation, an
unpleasant taste value, people will feel bad if they say their body is thin.

7) Conceptual Meaning
Conceptual meaning is the meaning that a lexeme has regardless of any
context or association. The word 'horse' has the conceptual meaning of 'a kind
of animal with four legs used to ride', and the word 'house' has the conceptual
meaning of 'a building where humans live'.

8) Associative Meaning
The meaning of association is the meaning of a word with respect to the
relationship between the word and something that is outside the language.
For example, the word 'jasmine is associated with' something holy ', the word
red is associated with courage, the word crocodile is associated with evil.

9) Meaning of the Word

The meaning of the word is a general meaning, harsh and unclear. The words
'hand'and 'arm' as words, have the same meaning, as in the following example:

a. Her hand was cut by broken glass.

b. Her arm was cut by broken glass.

So, the word hand and the word arm in the two sentences above are
synonymous or have the same meaning.

10) Meanings of Terms

The meaning of the term is a definite, clear, unambiguous meaning, even
without the context of the sentence and it should be remembered that the
meaning of the term is only used in certain scientific fields / activities.
For example, the words "hand" and "arm". The two words in the medical field
have different meanings. "Hand" means "part of the wrist to the fingers".
While the word "arm" is "part of the wrist to the base of the shoulder". So the
words "hand" and "arm" as terms in medical science are not synonymous,
because they have different meanings.

11) Meaning of Idioms

The meaning of idioms is the meaning that cannot be predicted from the
meaning of the elements, both lexically and grammatically.
For example, grammatically the form 'selling a house' means 'one who sells
receives money and the one who buys takes his house', but in Indonesian the
form 'selling teeth' does not have that meaning, but means 'laughing out loud'.
So this meaning is called idiomatic meaning.

12) Meaning of Proverbs

Proverbs have a meaning that can still be traced from the meaning of the
elements. Because there is an association between the original meaning and its
meaning as a proverb.
For example, the proverb 'Like a dog and a cat which means two people who
never get along. This meaning has the association that animals whose names
are dogs and cats when they make a sound are always fighting, never peaceful.


A. Conclusion
Semantics is a branch of linguistics that studies the meanings / meanings
contained in language, code, or other types of representation. In other words,
semantics is the study of meaning. Semantics usually deals with two other aspects:
syntax, the formation of complex symbols from simpler symbols, and pragmatic,
practical use of symbols by the people in certain contexts.
Pragmatics meaning 'is Mepped off of semantics meaning contextually determine
dependent on speakers intentions a core tenets of pragmatics is that we always
pragmatically communicate more than we semantically say. so for example. If you
are at a friend's house and the window is open in you say gee it's kind of cold in
here. You have semantically made an observation about the temperature that it is
relatively low in this place but pragmatically you have asked your friend to close
the window.

A. Suggestion
As we know, we need the knowledge of semantics in everyday life. Therefore,
I suggest all readers to continue studying semantics. Because semantics has many
benefits, especially in learning activities

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