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Passion for work, job satisfaction, and the

mediating role of belongingness

Article · May 2016



3 authors:

Ivan Spehar Jacques Forest

University of Oslo Université du Québec à Montréal


Frode Stenseng
Norwegian University of Science and Techn…


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Passion for Work, Job Satisfaction,

and the Mediating Role of Belongingness
Ivan Spehar
Department of Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo *

Jacques Forest
ESG UQAM, Department of organization and human resources **

Frode Stenseng
NTNU Social Sciences & Regional Centre for Child and Youth Mental Health and Child Welfare,
Trondheim, Norway ***

The dualistic model of passion was investigated in a work context. This model
states that individuals may develop either a harmonious or obsessive pas-
sion for a valued activity. We hypothesized that harmonious passion for work
would be positively related to job satisfaction through higher perceptions of
belongingness at work. Results from a survey conducted with 278 Norwe-
gian employees showed that belongingness partly mediated the effect from
harmonious passion to job satisfaction. Obsessive passion was unrelated to
belongingness, and thus, no such mediation was evident for obsessive passion
on job satisfaction. These findings highlight the importance of harmonious
passion for work and the role of belongingness for overall work satisfaction.

Keywords: Harmonious and obsessive passion, self-determination theory,

psychological needs, job satisfaction, positive psychology.

Passion, Job Satisfaction, and the Medi- model of passion (Vallerand et al, 2003; Val-
ating Role of Belongingness lerand, 2010). The model suggests that there
are two forms of passion for valued activities;

P ositive psychology has reached a strong harmonious passion and obsessive passion.
position in mainstream psychology A number of studies on passion and work-
during the last decade (Snyder & Lopez, related outcomes have been conducted (e.g.
2011). Research within the field has focused Carbonneau et al., 2008), but little is still known
on optimal psychological functioning and the with regard to how passion specifically influ-
sources for well-being. One theoretical model ences job satisfaction. Advancing knowledge
associated with positive psychology, which in this field could help explain why some indi-
seeks to explain well-being outcomes from en- viduals are more satisfied with work than others.
gagement in specific activities, is the dualistic Moreover, such research is needed to identify
* P.O. Box 1089, NO-0318 Oslo, Norway. Phone: (0047) 976 08 146. E-mail:
** C.P. 8888, Downtown station, Montréal (Québec) Canada, H3C 3P8. Phone: (514) 987‐3000 #3310. E‐mail:
*** Phone: 0047 90 55 47 46. E-mail:
6 Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology 8 (1) | June 2016

the psychological processes which mediate the intrinsically motivated activities are typically
effects of passion on job satisfaction. The scope not seen as being internalized into the person’s
of the present study was to investigate the role identity. In addition, harmonious passion has
of belongingness (Baumesiter & Leary, 1995) been found to predict changes in positive affect
at work in the relationship between passion and over and above intrinsic and extrinsic motiva-
job satisfaction, which recently has been shown tion (Vallerand et al., 2003).
to impact on how passion generates positive
emotions in sport activities (Stenseng, Forest,
& Curran, 2015). Passion and job satisfaction

The passion model has mostly been studied in

The dualistic model of passion relation to sports and leisure activities, but the
model also lends itself well to a work context
Vallerand and colleagues (2003, 2006, 2007, (Vallerand and Houlfort, 2003). While the two
2008) have introduced a dualistic model of pas- passion constructs appear to share some simi-
sion towards activities. Passion is defined as a larities with other work-related concepts, such
strong inclination towards an activity that an in- as workaholism (Spence & Robbins, 1992) and
dividual likes, considers important, and invests organizational commitment, a study by Houl-
considerable time and energy in. According to fort and colleagues (2011) found that harmoni-
the model, passionate activities are internalized ous passion predicted the same outcomes over
into the self, resulting in the activity becom- and above the different dimensions of worka-
ing part of the individual’s identity. Passion can holism and organizational commitment. These
take two different forms, depending on how findings indicate that the passion model is a
the individual internalizes the activity. Harmo- valuable addition to the work engagement and
nious passion originates from an autonomous organizational literature as it can be empirically
internalization of the activity and involves the differentiated from related constructs. In addi-
performance of an activity in a self-determined tion, the passion construct appears more par-
manner (Deci & Ryan, 2000; Vallerand et al., simonious, as it simultaneously covers positive
2003), in concordance with one’s personal val- and negative aspects related to work.
ues and goals. The passionate activity does not Carbonneau, Vallerand, Fernet and Guay
take an overbearing place in the individual´s (2008) conducted a study of passion among
identity and harmonizes with other aspects of teachers, where passion and different work out-
life. In contrast, obsessive passion is believed to comes were measured twice over a three-month
emerge from a controlled internalization of the period. The authors found that harmonious
activity, where the individual experiences exter- passion correlated positively with job satisfac-
nal or internal pressure to perform the activity tion three months later, whereas obsessive pas-
(Vallerand et al., 2003) and the passionate activ- sion was uncorrelated with job satisfaction. The
ity takes an overbearing place in the person´s authors also investigated the causal direction
identity. between passion and job satisfaction. Harmo-
Research on the dualistic model of passion nious passion for work predicted job satisfac-
supports the conceptualizations of harmoni- tion, whereas job satisfaction did not predict
ous and obsessive passion. The Passion Scale either harmonious or obsessive passion. Relat-
developed by Vallerand and colleagues (2003) edly, Lavigne, Forest and Crevier-Braud (2010)
has been found to have high levels of internal conducted a longitudinal and a cross-sectional
consistency, in addition to high external, discri- study on the effects of passion in relation to
minant, construct and predictive validity. Both burnout. The results from both studies showed
types of passion have also been found to corre- that harmonious passion was related to high-
late positively with time and energy investment er levels of flow experiences, which appeared
in activities, inclusion of the activity in the self to protect against the experience of burnout
and activity valuation, including perceptions of symptoms. In a recent study by Houlfort and
the activity as a passion. (For a more extensive colleagues (2014, study 2) obsessive passion
review, see Vallerand, 2015). was positively related to turnover intentions
The Dualistic Model of Passion differs from among teachers, while harmonious passion was
other motivational concepts, such as intrinsic negatively related to turnover intentions. These
and extrinsic motivation (Ryan & Deci, 2000). findings constitute a general pattern, in which
According to Vallerand and colleagues (2003), harmonious and obsessive passion have been
Passion, belongingness, and job satisfaction 7
linked to different outcomes. For example, stud-
ies have shown that harmonious passion is re- The mediational role of belongingness
lated to positive emotions during and after ac-
tivity engagement (Mageau & Vallerand, 2007; Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is a macro-
Vallerand et al., 2007; Wang, Khoo, Liu, & Diva- theory concerning human motivation and well-
haran, 2008), while obsessive passion is related being (Ryan & Deci, 2000). According to SDT,
to negative affect (Rousseau & Vallerand, 2008; humans are inherently directed towards activi-
Vallerand et al., 2003; Vallerand et al., 2006) and ties that satisfy psychological needs (Deci &
negative subjective well-being (Vallerand et al., Ryan, 2000), which in turn promotes optimal
2007). The latter form of passion has also been psychological growth and well-being in vari-
related to negative emotions when the individ- ous aspects of life, including work. Baumeister
ual is prevented from performing the passionate and Leary (1995) studied the literature on at-
activity (Vallerand et al., 2003). tachment and social relations and concluded
As apparent from the studies above, having that positive, social relations appear to be an
a passionate interest for work does not in itself important factor for individuals´ health and
guarantee that the person will experience posi- well-being; to the extent that humans appear
tive emotional outcomes at work. Carbonneau to have an innate and universal need for be-
and colleagues (2008) have explicitly requested longingness. Sheldon, Elliot, Kim and Kasser
more research on the psychological processes (2001) have provided important support for
through which passion is linked to job satisfac- the notion that relatedness is a universal human
tion. Increased knowledge about the factors need. The authors studied psychological needs
through which passion increases or restricts sat- among both American and South Korean stu-
isfaction with work could aid employers in their dents, and found that relatedness was among
efforts to increase employees´ job motivation the highest rated needs. Belongingness has em-
and performance. This knowledge could also pirically been shown to be conducive to optimal
benefit the employee directly. psychological functioning (Ryan & Deci, 2000),
Job satisfaction, which is often defined as “a and a number of studies support the role of be-
pleasurable or positive emotional state result- longingness in facilitating positive emotions in
ing from an appraisal of one´s job or job experi- a variety of work settings. For example, Lynch,
ences” (Locke, 1976, p. 1300), is considered to Plant and Ryan (2005) found a significant posi-
be an important variable for both the individual tive effect of belongingness on job satisfaction
employee and the organization. Faragher, Cass among staff in a psychiatric hospital, while
and Cooper (2005) performed a meta-analysis Skaalvik and Skaalvik (2011) obtained similar
of 485 studies on job satisfaction, finding sig- results among Norwegian teachers. These find-
nificant associations between job satisfaction ings reflect a broader consensus that positive, se-
and good mental and physical health, including cure and reciprocal social bonds are conducive
high self-esteem, and lack of depression, anxi- to job satisfaction, while lack of social support is
ety and burnout. Other researchers have found detrimental to job satisfaction.
that high and low job satisfaction can result in The theoretical foundation behind the pas-
positive and negative mood outside the work- sion model suggests that harmonious and ob-
place, through a so-called spillover effect (Ilies, sessive passion will have different effects on the
Wilson & Wagner, 2009). In addition to health quality of interpersonal relationships. Harmo-
related outcomes, job satisfaction has also been nious passion should promote closer and more
shown to be among the strongest correlates of meaningful relationships through a more posi-
job performance ( Judge, Thoresen, Bono, & tive and autonomous engagement in the activ-
Patton, 2001). ity. Fredrickson´s (2001) broaden-and-build
In light of the above, it seems relevant to theory suggests that positive emotions promote
investigate the relationship between passion a broadening of the mindset and the self, which
and job satisfaction in more detail. Specifically, increases the perceived similarities with others
more knowledge is needed on why individuals ( Johnson & Fredrickson, 2005) and promotes
who are harmoniously or obsessively passionate new and stronger social bonds. While someone
about their work differ in terms of experienced who is harmoniously passionate about an activ-
satisfaction with work. One explanation could ity can choose to freely engage and disengage
be that the two forms of passion influence the from the activity, someone who is obsessively
quality of interpersonal relationships at work. passionate will feel compelled to engage in the
activity, causing them to ruminate or think about
8 Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology 8 (1) | June 2016

the activity when not engaging in it (Ratelle et al., (40.6  %). The majority reported having mini-
2004; Vallerand et al., 2003). The obsessive pas- mum 5 years of higher education from college
sion for work makes the activity hard to regulate or university (55.4 %). The work titles that were
and difficult to incorporate with other aspects of most frequently reported were consultant for
work, such as interpersonal relationships, as this the first company and researcher for the second
interferes with the passionate activity. This is re- company.
flected in empirical findings in which obsessive
passion has been related to interpersonal and
life domain conflicts (Séguin-Levesque et al., Procedure
2003; Stenseng, 2008; Stenseng, Haugen, Tor-
stveit & Høigaard, 2015; Vallerand et al., 2008). The present study was part of a larger study on
passion. Letters with information about the
study, including a link to our web-based ques-
The present study tionnaire, were sent by e-mail to HR-executives
in different Norwegian companies. Two compa-
In the present study, we aimed at investigating nies - one in the field of insurance and the other
whether harmonious passion and obsessive in research and education – chose to participate
passion were differently associated with job in the study. The HR-executives sent an e-mail
satisfaction, and to what extent belongingness to their employees, requesting them to par-
would mediate the relationship between the ticipate in the study. As they could not provide
two forms of passion and job satisfaction. First, information about the total number of employ-
since previous studies on passion have shown ees that received the e-mails, we are unable to
that harmonious passion is linked to adaptive determine an exact response rate. Based on the
psychological functioning and positive psycho- total number of employees in the two organiza-
logical outcomes, we expected harmonious pas- tions, a total response rate of about 40% is a fair
sion to be more strongly and positively related approximation. The employees were informed
to job satisfaction compared to obsessive pas- about their anonymity and voluntary participa-
sion. Second, considering the broad consensus tion.
that social support is conducive to job satisfac-
tion, we expected belongingness to affect job
satisfaction positively. Third, harmonious pas- Measures
sion should promote closer and more meaning-
ful relationships through a more positive and The Passion Scale. The Passion Scale is a 16-
autonomous engagement in the activity, and item questionnaire developed by Vallerand
thereby be more positively related to belonging- and colleagues (2003) to measure passionate
ness compared to obsessive passion. Finally, we interest towards an activity. It consists of two
expected belongingness to mediate the effect subscales measuring harmonious passion and
from harmonious passion onto job satisfaction, obsessive passion. The harmonious passion sub-
through the positive effect that harmonious pas- scale includes the statement: ”My work is in har-
sion has on belongingness, and the latter´s ef- mony with the other activities in my life”. The
fect on job satisfaction. obsessive passion subscale includes the state-
ment: “I have difficulties controlling my urge to
do my work.” Respondents were asked to give
Methods their responses on a seven point scale (1 = com-
pletely disagree; 7 = completely agree). Cronbach
Participants alphas for harmonious passion and obsessive
passion were. 86 and .81, respectively.
A total of 278 employees participated in the Belongingness at Work. The relatedness
study (51.7% men, 48.3% women). The sample dimension of the Basic Psychological Needs
was mainly concentrated around the age groups Scale (Baard, Deci, & Ryan, 2004) was used to
of 40 to 49 years (27.3 %) and 50 to 59 years measure belongingness in the work setting. This
(29.9 %). Only 8.9 % of the respondents were dimension consists of eight items, such as “I get
in the lowest age group, (20 to 29 years), while along with people at work”. Responses were
14.4 % were in the highest age group (60 to made on a seven point response scale ranging
69 years). Average number of work hours was from completely disagree (1) to completely agree
reported to be around 38 to 45 hours a week (7). Alpha for the construct was .79.
Passion, belongingness, and job satisfaction 9
Job Satisfaction Index. Job satisfaction longingness construct by aggregating the item
was measured by selecting six statements from with largest loading on a factor with the item
Brayfield and Rothe´s (1951) 19-item Job Sat- with the smallest loading (Little, Cunningham,
isfaction Index, which was done to shorten the Shahar, & Widaman, 2002). The data fit the
questionnaire. This scale has often been used measurement model well: NFI > .90, CFI > .95,
in similar short versions (Bono & Judge, 2003; RMSEA > .08 (Hu & Bentler, 1999).
Judge, Bono & Locke, 2000; Ozer, 2008). One The main benefit of path analyses is that the
of the included statements were: ”I am satisfied relations between data become clearer than
with my job for the time being”. The respond- when applying regression analyses, since the
ents were instructed to give their answers on a former takes consideration of the residual vari-
1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) scale, ables and the interrelated correlations between
and alpha was .89. endogenous and exogenous variables (Kline,
1998). Harmonious passion and obsessive pas-
sion were defined as exogenous variables, while
Results belongingness and job satisfaction were defined
as endogenous variables. The belongingness
Preliminary analyses were conducted to inves- construct was placed as an intermediate variable
tigate the frequency distributions of the scales. between passion and work satisfaction. This
Normality was assesses by kurtosis and skew- made it possible to test for their mediational
ness tests. Both tests showed distributional nor- impact on the effect from passion toward satis-
mality for the variables used in the SEM analysis, faction at work. Covariates were freed between
within the range of -.1.5 to +1.5. Means, stand- the passion dimensions and the belongingness
ard deviations, and correlations between the residuals. Initial t-tests showed some differences
variables are reported in Table 1. between the two companies with regard to the
Path analyses were performed to assess the endogenous variables. However, when con-
meditational effect hypothesized in the intro- trolled for in our analyses, these differences did
duction. AMOS 16.0 was used to estimate path not significantly affect the path analyses. Figure
coefficients and model fit indices. Due to the 1 shows the model and the results from the path
large number of items in the model, we created analysis, after non-significant path coefficients
parcels for the passion construct and the be- were removed. Fit indices showed that the mod-

Table 1. Mean Scores, Standard Deviations and Intercorrelations between the Study´s Variables

M SD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1. Age - - -

2. Gender - - .25** -

3. Work hours - - -.04 -.27** -

4. Education - - -.21** .11 .24** -

5. Harmonious P. 4.28 1.09 -.02 -.11 .30**. .11 -

6. Obsessive P. 2.52 1.07 .01 -.20** 48** .13* .28** -

7. Belongingness 5.63 0.85 .04 -.01 .08 -.12 .33** .02 -

8. Job sat. 4.10 0.77 .16** -.11 .17** -.11 .61** .18** .36** -

Note. Alpha coefficients on the diagonal. Demographic variables were coded in categories. Gender was dummy
coded (0 = men, 1 = women). N= 257-278
* p = < .05. ** p = < .01
10 Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology 8 (1) | June 2016

Figure 1. Structural equation model involving passion, belongingness at work, and job satisfaction. Path values are
standardized regression coefficients. Items constituting the passion and the emotion constructs are parcels. All
shown paths significant on the .01-level. Non-significant paths are omited from the figure.

el had acceptable fit with the data, χ² (df = 61) the indirect (mediated) effect of belongingness
= 147.71, CFI= .94, NFI = .90, RMSEA = .072. on job satisfaction, when belongingness goes up
Inspections of the direct effects in the model by 1 standard deviation, job satisfaction goes up
showed that harmonious passion had a positive by .17 standard deviations. This is in addition to
effect on belongingness (β = .26, p < .001). Har- any direct (unmediated) effect in the model.
monious passion also had a direct positive effect To further validate the results of the present
on job satisfaction (β = .59, p < .001). Obsessive study, an alternative model was tested. In this
passion, on the other hand, had no significant model, harmonious passion and obsessive pas-
effects on the endogenous variables. Belonging- sion were specified as the mediating variables
ness had a significant direct effect on job satis- between belongingness and job satisfaction. Re-
faction (β = .19, p = .002). sults of the path analysis revealed poor fit of the
The mediational impact of belongingness at model to the data: χ² (df = 61) = 177.41, CFI =
work in the model was then tested (see Baron .92, NFI = .88, RMSEA = .082, hence indicating
& Kenny, 1986). Since the path analysis showed a worse model fit than for the proposed model.
that there was a direct effect of harmonious In sum, the path analyses showed that belong-
passion towards job satisfaction beyond the ingness at work has explanatory relevance in the
belongingness measure, only a partial medita- relationship between harmonious passion for
tional role of belongingness could be obtained. work and job satisfaction.
More specifically, when the belongingness con-
struct was eliminated from the model, the direct
effect from passion towards job satisfaction was Discussion
.68 (p <. 001). When including belongingness
in the model the direct effect was substantially Most findings in the present study were in line
reduced, thereby indicating partial mediation with the assumptions. First, and in accordance
from the intermediate variables in the model. with previous studies (Lavigne et al., 2010), we
The indirect effect of belongingness at work on found that harmonious passion was strongly re-
the effect from harmonious passion and towards lated to job satisfaction. Second, experiencing
job satisfaction was .17 (p < .05) That is, due to belongingness at work was related to higher job
Passion, belongingness, and job satisfaction 11
satisfaction. Third, while harmonious passion broadening and narrowing processes related to
was positively related to belongingness, obses- Fredrickson´s (2001) broaden-and-build the-
sive passion was unrelated to this construct. It ory. Support for this notion can also be found
seems to be a prerequisite to have a harmonious in a series of studies by Philippe and colleagues´
passion towards one´s work in order to experi- (2010), who looked at the connection between
ence belongingness at work. Finally, experienc- passion and interpersonal relationships, based
ing belongingness at work partially mediated on ratings by external observers. In one study,
the effect from harmonious passion towards job basketball players who had higher levels of har-
satisfaction. This shows that harmonious pas- monious passion scored higher on coaches’ rat-
sion towards work is likely to facilitate a sense of ings of the players´ interpersonal closeness with
belongingness, thereby affecting job satisfaction teammates. Another study showed similar re-
in a positive direction. sults among students enrolled in a management
program. This suggests that individuals who are
harmoniously passionate about their work dis-
The passion-job satisfaction relationship play overt positive behaviors towards their cow-
orkers, such as smiling more or initiating social
The present findings have several implications contact. When this behavior is reciprocated, it
for the passion model when it is applied in a improves their feeling of belongingness. While
work context. Harmonious passion and obses- the design of our study did not enable us to test
sive passion for work were positively correlated this hypothesis, it does offer a possible explana-
in our study, as they also are in other studies on tion for why belongingness mediated part the ef-
passion (e.g. Forest, Mageau, Sarrazin & Morin, fect of harmonious passion unto job satisfaction,
2011; Philippe et al., 2010). As noted in our while not being related to obsessive passion.
introduction, passion is defined as a strong in- While our study findings confirmed our theo-
clination towards an activity that the individual retical predictions, the generalizability of the
likes, spends considerable time doing and expe- findings could differ depending on context. It
riences as important. The positive correlation is possible that variables such as passion, be-
between harmonious and obsessive passion re- longingness and job satisfaction have different
fers to the shared definition of passion. The dif- meanings and interactions in countries with a
ference in these two terms relates to whether an more collectivistic (e.g. Markus & Kitayama,
activity is internalized in an autonomous or con- 1991) or performance-oriented culture.
trolled form into one´s identity. This explains The results from our study suggest that the
why the two types of passion can be correlated model represents a valuable contribution to the
positively while also being related to different work and organizational literature. As we men-
outcomes. What this study demonstrates, then, tioned earlier, job satisfaction has important
is that simply being passionate about one´s implications both on an individual level (e.g.
work does not guarantee positive emotional increased mental and physical health) and on
outcomes at work. More specifically, the way in an organizational level (e.g. increased job per-
which the individual has internalized the activ- formance). Understanding more about the rela-
ity influences activity engagement in such a way tionship between passion and job satisfaction is
that it can be either beneficial or detrimental therefore important, both for practical and the-
to the feeling of belongingness at work. And in oretical purposes. Theoretically, our study con-
line with other studies, respondents in our study tributes to the understanding of why passion for
who felt a stronger sense of belongingness were work can have different consequences for well-
more satisfied with work. being at work (i.e. through facilitating or thwart-
ing the sense of belongingness at work). This
knowledge has previously been lacking from
The mediating role of belongingness the organizational literature. Our study thus
answers Carbonneau and colleagues´ (2008)
In this study, belongingness was found to par- call for more research on the psychological pro-
tially mediate the harmonious passion- job sat- cesses through which passion is linked to job
isfaction relationship. Obsessive passion was satisfaction. Our study also tested the passion
unrelated to belongingness and job satisfaction. model in a Norwegian work setting. Consider-
This is in line with the theoretical arguments pre- ing the possible wider implications of our find-
sented earlier in the paper. Our findings suggest ing, our study could inspire more research on
that passion could play a role in triggering the the topic of passion and belongingness at work.
12 Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology 8 (1) | June 2016

For example, as team work and cooperation be-

comes increasingly important in contemporary Limitations and future research
organizations, it would be interesting to explore
whether high levels of obsessive passion could There are several limitations to our study. Firstly,
negatively influence team unity and productiv- although we have outlined some causal rela-
ity through a reduced sense of belongingness. tionships based on theoretical elaborations, the
cross-sectional nature of our study restricts the
conclusions regarding causes and outcomes. Ad-
Facilitating harmonious passion ditional longitudinal and experimental designs
are necessary to draw any inferences regard-
Vallerand and Houlfort (2003) have argued ing the causality suggested in our study model.
that work environments should be organ- Secondly, self-reported survey questionnaires,
ized to facilitate harmonious passion. Work as employed in our study, make it difficult to
by Mageau et al. (2009) suggests that social rule out numerous alternative explanations
environments that are autonomy-supportive for the results (i.e., priming, consistency, re-
can promote the emergence of harmonious verse causality). Future research would benefit
passion. Examples include providing employ- from other methods of data collection (e.g.,
ees with opportunities to share their opinions qualitative interviews) to confirm the pattern
and influence their own work tasks. On the of relationships observed in the current study.
other hand, reward systems that are based on Thirdly, mean scores on the passion subscales in-
performance could limit employees´ expe- dicated that the respondents in our study were
rience of autonomy, and instead facilitate a moderately passionate (harmoniously) about
controlled internalization of work (Gagné & their work. It would perhaps be more theoreti-
Forest, 2008). Reward systems could also hin- cally interesting to apply the passion model to a
der the development of passion in general, by work context where people have higher levels of
reducing intrinsic motivation for work. This harmonious or obsessive passion, such as lead-
argument is supported by Deci, Koestner and ers, artists, writers or entrepreneurs.
Ryan´s (1999) meta-analysis of 128 studies,
which found that external rewards meant to
control behavior, undermined intrinsic moti- Conclusion
vation for the behavior.
Managers´ leadership style could also af- The dualistic model of passion has mainly been
fect the development of harmonious and studied in relation to sports and leisure activi-
obsessive passion. Bono and Judge (2003, ties. The results from our study suggest that
study 2) found that transformational leader- the model represents a relevant and important
ship, defined as a visionary, charismatic and contribution to the work and organizational lit-
inspirational leadership style, predicted con- erature, as it enhances the understanding of why
trolled motivation negatively among students passion for work can have different consequenc-
who watched a video with a leader displaying es for well-being at work.
different leadership styles. Furthermore, or-
ganizations could map individuals´ internali-
zation style using scales such as Global Mo-
tivation Scale (Guay et al., 2003) or General References
Causality Orientations Scale (Deci & Ryan,
1985). The former measures different types Baard, P. P., Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2004). In-
of internal and external motivation while the trinsic need satisfaction: A motivational basis
latter measures the strength of different moti- of performance and well-being in two work
vational orientations within an individual, in- settings. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 34,
cluding autonomous and controlled orienta- 2045-2068.
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map whether the work environment is facili- tor–mediator variable distinction in social psy-
tating internal or external motivations among chological research: Conceptual, strategic, and
the employees, and, if necessary, implement statistical considerations. Journal of Personality
relevant strategies or actions. and Social Psychology, 51, 1173–1182.
Baumeister, R. F., & Leary, M. R. (1995). The need
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Passion, belongingness, and job satisfaction 13
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