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College of Arts and Sciences

Visayas State University


Jedess Miladel N. Salomon

NAME: Ma. Geraldine G. Otero


DATE SUBMITTED: October 24,2020

My Household’s Garbage (Daily)

No. of Days Garbage Found

Day 1  1 can (sardines)

 garlic, onion, and sayote peelings
 2 empty sachet of instant coffee
 2 eggshells
 2 empty sachet of Happy peanuts

 Used sando bags

Day 2  2 empty sachet of biscuits
 3 empty sachet of instant coffee
 1 empty sachet of hair condioner
 1 empty sachet of powder detergent
 4 banana peelings
 Squash peelings
 2 eggshells
 2 empty sachet of Pancit canton
Day 3  3 banana peelings
 1 mineral bottle
 Empty sachet of margarine
 1 sachet of ketchup
 8 banana peelings
Day 4  Kangkong stem
 Gabi peelings
 Onion peelings
 Lemongrass
 2 empty sachet of instant coffee
 Squash peelings, bittergourd,eggplant,cabbage
Day 5  Onion and garlic peelings
 4 banana peelings
 2 sando bags

 Kangkong stems
Day 6  onion, ginger and garlic peelings
 4 banana peelings
 2 eggshells
 Potato peelings
 Cucumber peelings
 4 empty sachet of instant coffee
 Rotten parts of Pechay Baguio
Day 7  Onion peelings
 Cucumber peelings
 Loaf bread packaging
 4 instant coffee
 4 banana peelings

Follow up Questions:

a. What kind of trash made up of the largest proportion of your garbage?

-The trash that made up the largest proportion of my garbage is foods specifically vegetable

b. What can you say about your diet? (What kind of foods that you habitually eat?

-The foods that I habitually eat are fruits and vegetables. I could say that I am more of a health
conscious person that even at the dormitory I choose to pick foods which could give me a lot of
vitamins and minerals and could be digested easily.

c. What can you say about your health?

- Every day I do my regular stretching session, choose foods wisely, I do not smoke or drink
alcoholic beverages, I sleep on time and I stay hydrated. Based on the lifestyle that I chose
to live with, I could say I am fit and healthy.
d. What else can you say about your household based on the record of your garbage?
- One thing I noticed on my household is that we consume a lot of coffee and we do not
consume processed foods. Other than that, the trash that we discard is mostly
biodegradable. Usually we just put all of this into our compost pit and set aside the plastics
for recycling, my father is fond of making something out of nothing, and so before throwing
everything he has to check it.
e. Describe your thoughts and how you felt as you did this activity?
- I did enjoyed doing the activity and so far, I realized the importance of proper segregation of
wastes was and that I should segregate my wastes regularly, and at the same time I was
evaluating if I was too cruel to the environment especially that I become too comfortable
trashes without having second thoughts it harms the environment.
f. Search and read about Garbology by William Rathje. What did you learn from this activity?
- I do not know if this makes sense but, I have learned that our choices of foods could also
affect the environment for example, processed food; its packaging is mostly made up of
plastics and non-biodegradable containers, it basically is not good for your health and is also
no good for the environment. Whereas when your meal is mostly consists of vegetables,
these types of food are healthy and its peels are eco-friendly. No matter how small or what
type of trashes you throw it contributes to the pollution. By doing little things at home like
consuming healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables and segregating your waste, it could
help us as well as our environment.

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