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 Moist-loving plants

 Pioneer species
 Small plants that has chlorophyll a & b, cell walls made
up of cellulose, motile sperms & starch (storage)
 Lack well-developed vascular tissues → absorb water
BOTANY 201 Laboratory by capillarity
Department of Biological Sciences
College of Science  Lack true roots, stems & leaves
University of Santo Tomas  Gametophyte – dominant; perennial
 Sporophyte – short-lived; unbranched; produces

 Heteromorphic Alternation of Generation

 Gametophyte generation:
 dominant stage
 Free-living & photosynthetic
 Sporophyte generation:
 attached to and dependent on the gametophyte for
nourishment → parasitic to the gametophyte
Character Thallophyte Brophyte Primitive Features Advanced Features
Plant Body •single cells or filament of •blocks or sheets of cells • Usually have no lignin • Have multicellular sex organs (i.e.:
cells forming a parenchymatous • Small, low-lying, and generally gametes are enclosed by sterile
tissue moisture loving plants jacket cells)
Gametangia •unicellular and lacks a •multicellular and have a • No roots, only filamentous • Are parenchymatous, not
protective jacket of sterile protective jacket of sterile cells rhizoids filamentous
cells • Retain the zygote within the
female sex organ & allow it to
develop into an embryo there
• Have cutin on the plant and

 Hepatics or liverworts
 rhizoids are always unicellular
 Thallus are dichotomously
branched and exhibits
 upper side – photosynthetic
(chlorenchymatous cells & air
 lower side – for storage & non-
photosynthetic (scales & rhizoids)
 Gametophytes are lobed &
bilaterally symmetrical
1. Leafy
2. Thallose
 Unstalked sporangia
 Reproduce asexually
 Thallose liverwort
Male Female
 Flat, ribbon-like
 Perennial; dichotomously
Gemma – multicellular asexual reproductive units
 Hornworts – long horn-shaped sporophytes
 have the simplest gametophytes of the Bryophyta
 small, green thallus plants with little differentiation of
vegetative tissues.
 antheridia are located in roofed chambers in the upper
portion of the thallus.
 archegonia are embedded within the thallus.
 sporophyte is different from that of the Hepaticae.
 foot embedded in the thallus serves an absorbing
organ. The sporangium is an upright elongated
 Mosses have specialized cells that conduct water and others
that conduct photosynthate.
 Gametophytic generation – dominant; has two growth
 creeping filamentous stage (the protonema) from which is
 The moss plant with an upright or horizontal stem bearing small
spirally arranged green leaves.
 Sporophyte – dependent on the gametophyte for survival.
 have disc shaped chloroplasts, lack pyrenoids and have
 Rhizoids are found at the base of the stem
Moss Sporophyte
 Gametangia occur at the tips of either the main or
lateral branches
Moss Gametophyte

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