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Never overlook the reader

The reader should be the priority. The information contained in the letter should be tailored to
suit the reader. The document should be structured according to the type of information
required by the reader and detailed enough so as not to leave the aforesaid with any queries.
Writing a business letter requires one to identify the primary message to be conveyed and put
it across in the manner a reader desires.

2. Don’t be lazy to proofread

Even the most honest mistakes can be presumed careless as they paint a picture of a certain
form of indifference. Petty mistakes such as typos or grammatical errors raise questions as to
your ability to be keen and thorough. Clients want to feel safe, satisfied that their interests
will be addressed in a comprehensive manner by someone who will dot the T’s and cross the
I’s. Thus proofreading the letter and ensuring it lacks any typos or misspellings goes a long
way in validating the content.

3. Use of casual language: Think again!

In writing a business letter, only formal language is acceptable. The nature of a business

letter precludes it from many forms, everyday writing and speech, which is primarily
informal language. Thus a business letter should utilize business English, which is not only
official but also respectful.

4. Over excessive use of jargon

To better capture the readers, business letters need not contain a bombardment of jargon that
would render the letter hard to comprehend. Readers desire familiarity, and can better digest
content in which they can apprehend, other than one which contains so many complicated
terms that they feel put down. Thus, any foreign terms need to be expounded. Consequently,
the message would be direct and, as a result, better received and understood.

5. Don’t use informal salutations and conclusion

To reiterate again, a business letter should be a formal document. However, a common

mistake is the use of casual greeting as well as closings. The most appropriate greeting in
writing a business letter is the very formal-Dear, with the addressee’s name coming
afterward. As regards the closing, sincerely, it is the most suitable closing as it portrays
professionalism, a key component of a business letter.

6. Using incorrect structure/format (Very common)

Being a formal letter, a business letter is written in a specific format. It adheres to a specific
structure. The business letter begins first with the date, followed by the sender’s address then
the content. This is better expounded in the offset. To guard against the possibility of using
the wrong format, it is advisable to use a business letter template as a guide.

7. Long and intricate sentences

The message should be clear and to the point. The use of long, complicated sentences only
serves to bore and confuse the reader whose attention was divided anyway. A short and
straightforward message captures the reader and prevents the reader from revising each
paragraph just to grasp the message.

8. Mediocre preparation

Before commencing the body of the letter, it is important to classify the information. An
assessment should be carried out to realize exactly that which is fundamental and that which
is non-essential. Without proper planning and preparation, these two pieces of information
would collide, resulting in a scrambled content, ultimately causing a distorted message.

9. Overwriting (It’s a letter, not an essay)

As mentioned earlier, the reader’s attention is divided. The more the content, the more
disheartening it is to read, and the more likely the reader will skim through it rather than
adequately peruse through the letter. A short and to the point approach should be taken in the
writing of business letters as this ensures the message is conveyed in a timely and concise
manner. Additionally, too much text changes the overall outlook of the document, which
doesn’t appeal to the reader. Keeping it short adds value aesthetically.

10. Ignorance of acronyms and abbreviations

Despite some abbreviations and acronyms being common knowledge, it should not be
presumed that the reader is familiar with them. Clarity not only facilitates a better
understanding but also promotes delight in the content.

11. Ambiguity

Vague statements are often prone to misinterpretation. To guard against this, it’s important to
wherever possible, quantify statements. Specificity is crucial.

12. Lack of an impression

To effectively capture the reader, one must pay fine detail to two key parts of a letter, the
introduction and conclusion. A business letter sample must contain a powerful introduction
and a good conclusion. A commanding introduction will draw the reader to the message
being put across whilst a good conclusion serves to leave a lasting impression.
13. Using a template? Remove sample content

To be clear, using a template is not wrong, per se. However, it is seemingly common for
people to forget to remove the templates sample information. This creates confusion in the
document due to mismatching pieces of information. The only remedy against this faux pas is
diligence or the failure to use a template.

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