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1- Why Veganism?

Because we believe that human beings are equal to all other animals in the animal kingdom
and that all other animals should have the right to live as we do! 💚

2- Why Veganism?

Because we can reduce and prevent animal exploitation both individually and socially! 💚

3- Why Veganism?

Because we observe equality not only between men and women but among all species! 💚

4- Why Veganism?

Because it is unethical for any animal to be used and persecuted, whether for science or
pleasure! 💚

5- Why Veganism?

To enable alternatives to be courteous and fair to all species, not just to our cats, dogs, and
birds! 💚

6- Why Veganism?

Because among the solutions offered to make our planet more livable, reducing animal
products' consumption is the most realistic alternative! 💚

7- Why Veganism?

For both the existing population and future generations to continue a healthier life! 💚

8- Why Veganism?
Because we can get the nutrients taken in animal nutrition only with plant nutrition as well! 💚

9- Why Veganism?

Because no sentence that begins with "Well…" is more important and valuable than any
animal suffering and their right to live! 💚

Post Text 1

It is normal to feel confused and sometimes unsolved on some issues in the transition to
Veganism. Do not be afraid to ask vegans around you because every question has a logical
Esra: Will the guilt of the process of confrontation and comprehension in the transition to
veganism pass one day?
Emre: Comprehension and understanding can be a bit sad and tiring. None of us are born
vegan. We will accept Veganism as a milestone; what we did before becoming vegan is part
of our current state of being vegan. This future would not have been if it were not for the past.
So, do not take any remorse and never say "I wish." I recommend you toughen your heart a
little in this regard. Do not be angry with yourself in the past, because from now on you will
have to have nerves like steel not to be angry with others.
Enjoy being vegan now, be sure after a while, dialogues like "- why is this girl so positive and
healthy? - since she's vegan" will revolve around you.
#vegan #veganlife #veganunity #plantbased
Post Text 2

There are many reasons why milk and dairy products are not included in the vegan diet. Just
as human milk is only for the human baby or the dog's is for its offspring, cows' milk is for
their calf, just like other mammals. Therefore, it does not have any benefit to humans. It is
possible to get the same protein with herbal milk.

While preparing oat milk from the very easy-to-make herbal dairy, you can add cold water
and ice to the water you will mix with oatmeal. Thus, you can make your milk more fluid. 👌

Keep in mind that animal products deteriorate quickly while the herbal milk is kept intact for

#vegan #veganlife #herbalmilk #oatmilk #homemadeoatmilk

Post Text 3
Esra: How do you see non-vegan animal lovers? 
Emre: I do not want to see it. Joking aside, if you are an animal lover and sharing a life with
your pet friends or feed the animals on your street, it can be straightforward for you to take
animal use out of your plate and your daily routine!
Being aware of speciesism and ask ourselves, "what am I doing?" is enough to ask. 
#vegan #veganlife #veganunity

Post Text 4

When it comes to vegan nutrition, think of neither a mixed bowl nor a salad with avocado and
quinoa! For example, rice with beans and cowpea is just one of the hundreds of vegan
alternatives! Especially in big cities, it is possible to be vegan easily with countless
economical options.

Post text 5

One of the things vegans frequently encounter is the marketing misconception that we can
translate as greenwashing.

Almost everyone who cares to consume environmentally friendly, herbal, or healthy products
can be exposed to products produced by companies that are much more expensive than they
are and are not sensitive to the environment, under the name of 'organic' or 'one hundred
percent natural'.

To prevent this, we should not evaluate our preferences according to the advertisements'
words, but by looking at the content of the product and the manufacturer and compare prices
with other alternatives.

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