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INDU 1130: Individual Report

INDU 1130: Individual Report

I.Executive summary...................................................................................................................................3
3.1. Short term recruitment approach.....................................................................................................3
3.2. Factors Greenway use to consider....................................................................................................5
3.2.1.Internal Factors...........................................................................................................................5
3.2.2.External Factors..........................................................................................................................6
VI. Recommendation...................................................................................................................................9
4.1. In Short-term....................................................................................................................................9
4.2. In Long-term...................................................................................................................................11
V. Conclusion.............................................................................................................................................15
VI. Bibliography.........................................................................................................................................16
VII. Appendix.............................................................................................................................................19
7.1. Reflection Feedback........................................................................................................................19
7.2. Slide presentation...........................................................................................................................20

INDU 1130: Individual Report
I.Executive summary
Based on the case study of Greenway Hotels Group in the UK, from the strategic goal of making
Greenway a multinational and well-operating business in the French market. The main research
objectives of this report are the challenges and problems that Greenway encounters when it comes to
two different cultures. As a result, research shows that Greenway will face issues such as lack of
understanding of French business views and language barriers between British and French employees.
Key recommendations for Greenways Hotel include recruiting locals and hiring language interpreters to
assist the organization in solving problems currently facing.

Greenway Hotel Group Plc is a major hotel chain in the UK and has confirmed its quality and
position in the hotel market in the UK. Greenway's strategic goal is to develop the organization slowly to
ensure that new business projects are well supported and open on time and on budget. Greenway has
decided to buy a chain of small hotels with headquarters in France. Greenway's management has
decided to keep half of the hotel chain in France, change to part of Greenway's brand name and the
remaining half of hotels will be sold. This strategy has a great significance for the development of
Greenway in the future, it is a first stepping stone for the development of Greenway in the international
market. The plan to acquire the French hotel chain must be successful, thereby helping Greenway build
a formula to apply to the entire development of Greenway to the entire European market.

As a Greenway HR consultant, it is essential to produce a report that includes plans and

implementation methods to help the organization overcome its challenges to achieve success. The
report should first outline the hiring approach needed to help Greenway solve its short-term HR issues.
In the short term, the polycentric approach is the one that will work best for the entire organization.
Next, the report should identify factors that will affect Greenway's operations when it expands business
in France and Europe. It will also show the implications of these factors on the organization. The final
report should outline the HR strategies that the company can adopt and achieve in the long term, and
point out the effects of that approach planning strategy. Factors that should be considered for long-term
use are: Regiocentric and Ethnocentric.

3.1. Short term recruitment approach.
In order for Greenway to solve the short-term recruitment and management problem, they
need to use proven recruitment approaches for efficiency, two suggested recruitment approaches in the
case of Greenway include: Ethnocentric and Polycentric.

Ethnocentric approach, when the organization applies this approach, managers and higher
levels working in another country will be designated as employees of the same nationality by the parent
company as the parent company[CITATION Bre \l 1033 ]. The general rationale behind the minority

INDU 1130: Individual Report
approach is that employees from the parent country will effectively represent the interests of the
headquarters and well-connected with the parent country. Given the limitations of this approach,
employees of the parent company may have difficulty adapting to the host country due to cultural
differences. Organizations will find it difficult to deal with and care for employees who are far away from
home. They will miss hiring the best locals and this approach has a very high failure rate [ CITATION Bre \l
1033 ].

Next is the Polycentric approach, organizations will recruit senior personnel positions with work
experience and citizenship of the host country. Hiring a local or a citizen of the host country is relatively
less expensive and more time-saving[ CITATION Bre \l 1033 ]. This approach helps organizations
eliminate cultural and linguistic barriers. Increased morale among local employees leads to better
business performance. The limitation of this approach is the lack of cohesion and coordination between
the parent company's management and that of the host country. Organizations are also likely to lack
control over the company in the host country. Conflicts can arise between managers in the host country
and the parent company due to different work processes[ CITATION Bre \l 1033 ].

In Greenway's case, the organization's leaders wanted to reopen the hotel chain in a six-week
period. Additionally, more than 50% of employees from the acquired organization left, indicating that
Greenway is in a serious shortage of personnel to return to operations. Another major shortcoming of
Greenway is that the current managers of Greenway do not have a manager who can speak French
language and culture fluently, along with that bringing managers to work in France will also need more
time and plan to support married managers and employees. To ensure the organization's strategic goals,
Polycentric recruitment approach is the most sensible one. This approach will help Greenway gradually
reduce the time and operating costs of Greenway while operating in France. When hired, French
employees and managers feel valued and motivated to work. In addition, the hired staff are French so
they will surely understand the local culture here and avoid cultural, language, political disagreements
that will help Greenway Hotel quickly reopen and gain efficiency in business[ CITATION Cal95 \l 1033 ].

Because of the urgency in the goal of reopening the entire hotel chain, accompanied by very
specific differences in the market, customer demand, and cultural factors. The above shows that
Greenway will face a lot of difficulties in terms of cost, training time, and will surely affect the overall
goal of the organization if it wants to apply an organization integration business strategy. The strategy of
organizational differentiation will be the one that best fits the current Greenway situation.
Differentiation refers to how a business separates itself into important components[ CITATION Bla70 \l
1033 ]. This strategy helps Greenway managers in France to build organizations based on factors
influencing the market, human resources in France, and contribute to cultural diversity in Greenway's
organization[ CITATION Bla70 \l 1033 ]. Best Practice is one of the most suitable HR management
strategies for Greenway in a situation where the leaders want Greenway to be active again in 6 weeks,
this is a short period of time and especially in a new market. The best practice approach claims that
certain bundles of HR activities exist which universally support companies in reaching a competitive
advantage regardless of the organizational setting or industry[CITATION Bes09 \l 1033 ]. When applied,

INDU 1130: Individual Report
the overall goal seems to be employee involvement and job security to create “high commitment”
bundles[ CITATION Paa03 \l 1033 ]. Best practice combines of activities are characterized as mutually
compatible HR activities, encourage motivation and introduce a work design enhancing employee
commitment[ CITATION Mal05 \l 1033 ]. The application of best practices brings important
improvements to Greenway such as: quality, cost, delivery time, customer satisfaction, productivity,
human mobilization and financial efficiency.

3.2. Factors Greenway use to consider.

3.2.1.Internal Factors.
o The first internal factor that Greenway needs to consider is time. Because Greenway's
business strategy is to differentiate the organization, however, the time and plan of the
leaders of Greenway is that the managers and employees must return to operations in a
short time. The pressure of time in the Greenway case can lead to tension between
management and employees, leading to the organization's behavior becoming
unprofessional and ineffective[ CITATION Sve93 \l 1033 ]. Managers need to come up
with specific plans, divide the work properly to avoid creating a conflict between
organizational divisions to resume operations soon.
o Skills and capabilities of personnel are also among the internal issues that need to be
considered by Greenway. In this regard, because Greenway employees have never had
any experience working in a multinational environment, the majority of employees have
not really been tested for their capabilities. Greenway employees lack language skills,
and current greenway managers are unable to speak French well. When applying an
organizational differentiation strategy, Greenway can hire managers to solve skills
problems in the short term. In Greenway's case, more than 50% of former employees
have resigned, these employees are all employees with work experience. To overcome
this manpower shortage issue, Greenway needed to have a fast hiring strategy and
ensure to fill vacant positions through the adoption of effective recruiting approaches.
o The difference in the operating styles of the two organizations is also an issue that
Greenway needs to consider. Greenway operates its hotels in the budget style, for the
French hotel chain they adopt the boutique style[ CITATION Rop89 \l 1033 ]. As for
budget style, Greenway is a chain of budget hotels that specialize in comfort at an
affordable price point[ CITATION Jon13 \l 1033 ]. Meanwhile, the French hotel chain
adopts boutiques as a hotel chain that has no budget and tries to offer traditional local
services. This difference needs to be addressed in order to reopen the chain in a short
time. Greenway leaders should consider combining the strengths of the two styles
above, they can run the hotel chain in France in the style of budget but will still provide
services that are suitable for local culture.
o Cost is one of the important internal factors to the running of an organization. Change
or hiring activities both require financial support to complete, the cost factor also
directly affects the performance of Greenway. In the event that Greenway chooses to

INDU 1130: Individual Report
hire human resources in the host country, the cost will be reduced and help greenway
solve current problems. However, if Greenway wants to build a qualified human
resource with a long-term commitment to the organization, they need to spend a lot on
training and development costs. The impact of increasing operating costs will ensure
Greenway's sustainable development while at the same time bringing efficiency and
profitability in the business[ CITATION Sel06 \l 1033 ].

3.2.2.External Factors.
In addition to the influence of internal factors on personnel management and operations,
external factors play a similarly important role. In Greenway's case, external factors are divided into two
major factors: Culture and Institution. Applying Hofstede's six-dimensional theory of culture is an
effective method in helping Greenway find and solve the cultural factors that the organization
encounters effectively.

 Power Distance Index (PDI) refers to the degree of inequality that exists – and is
accepted – between people with and without power[ CITATION Hof11 \l 1033 ]. In the
factor of the power distance between the UK and France, there can be a clear difference
when the UK is only 35 and France is up to 68[ CITATION Gee10 \l 1033 ]. This shows
that the French power divide is very large, the cause of the problem. This is because

INDU 1130: Individual Report
children in France are brought up to be emotionally dependent, to a certain extent, on
relatives[ CITATION Fow99 \l 1033 ]. Therefore, in France this level of inequality is
approved by the majority of people. In contrast to the UK, in England the influence in
the middle of the power wing is very low. Because in the UK a sense of equity promotes
the belief that everyone should be treated equally in some way[ CITATION Mil18 \l 1033
]. When dealing with customers, the partners with high social status at Greenway's staff
need to have a careful and respectful attitude to these customers.
 Masculinity Versus Femininity (MAS) refers to the distribution of roles between men and
women[ CITATION Hof11 \l 1033 ]. With a score of 43 France is considered a feminist
country[ CITATION Gee10 \l 1033 ]. This is evident when France is one of the countries
with the best welfare regimes in the world, working only 35 hours a week, and a holiday
5 weeks a year. France people always focus on the quality of life. In contrast with 66
points to achieve the UK as a country of masculinity[ CITATION Gee10 \l 1033 ], the
British are oriented and motivated to be highly successful in study and work[ CITATION
Mil18 \l 1033 ]. When working with employees and customers in France, Greenway
receives high expectations for service quality as well as remuneration policies [ CITATION
Fow99 \l 1033 ]. To build an effective organization in France, Greenway leaders need to
adjust the working time frames and staff remuneration policies more fully than in the
UK. Avoid conflicts of interest between employees and Greenway and between
customers and Greenway.
 Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) refers how well people can cope with
anxiety[ CITATION Hof11 \l 1033 ]. In the element of uncertainty, UK and France culture
are completely opposite. France has 86 points while the UK has only 35[ CITATION
Gee10 \l 1033 ], which shows that the British are always happy and satisfied with the
surprises in life. In contrast, the French are always dissatisfied with surprises and they
always want to control everything that happens in life with well-informed
plans[ CITATION Fow99 \l 1033 ]. This requires managers and staff Greenway's to always
prepare plans and announcements about hotel services when working with French
clients and partners. Avoid the lack of preparation leading to unexpected situations that
create feelings of dissatisfaction of customers. Always take care to find out customers'
needs, avoid giving customers services that they don't like or don't require[ CITATION
Fow99 \l 1033 ].

Next are the institutional factors in society between the UK and France.

o The first is the factors of the labor market in France. The French labor market is a
diversified labor market because in 2018, 71.9% of people in France between the ages
of 15 and 64 are economically active as defined by the International Labor Office (ILO)
[CITATION Ale18 \l 1033 ]. France is a country with a high workforce because in France
its low-skilled population accounts for only 18% of the active population and 16% of the

INDU 1130: Individual Report
employed population. This helps Greenway have more choices in recruiting managers
and employees[ CITATION Grö03 \l 1033 ]. With a high proportion of skilled employees
in France, Greenway can be assured of the quality of personnel when recruiting in
o Brexit's influence is also a very important issue to Greenway's business. The first is
traffic when the UK leaves the EU, the UK will no longer benefit from the EU road traffic
policy[ CITATION Lis20 \l 1033 ]. This causes mobility problems between managers.
Brexit also affects the economic efficiency of UK businesses when reports show that UK
economic growth will slow down from 2–8% in a total of 15 years after Brexit[ CITATION
Alb18 \l 1033 ]. Since then, businesses like Greenway have also lacked economic support
from the government. For Greenway, The issue of migration and immigration between
Britain and France after Brexit is not much affected by the two countries that have
reached previous agreements such as: Le Touquet Agreement, Sandhurst
Agreement[CITATION BBC18 \l 1033 ].The economy goes down, making the demand for
services of people lower, which will lead to Greenway's financial troubles in the short
term. Greenway needs capital raising strategies, or efficient use of its financial
resources. Greenway will also receive support from governments, in the process of
economic recovery[ CITATION Blo18 \l 1033 ].
o Next is the union factor, the density of the union of the private sector is about three
times higher in the UK than in France. However, the legal protection and support of the
union with workers is higher than in the UK[ CITATION Abi09 \l 1033 ]. Organizational or
workplace level negotiations often take place in conjunction with national or industry
level negotiations, which are common. As a result, the majority of French workers are
paid through collective bargaining, whether or not they are union members[ CITATION
ABr09 \l 1033 ]. From the policies on Greenway, we must always ensure a safe and fair
working environment for all employees in France. At the same time, Greenway
managers also needed a change to accommodate the influence of the trade union in
France. Avoid unnecessary collusion with employees and unions.
o In the French law of employers, workers only have to work up to about 35 hours / week,
while in the UK, it is minimum 37 hours / week[ CITATION Lar13 \l 1033 ]. This requires
Greenway's managers to change their work plans to suit the law in France. In the early
days, the productivity of a Greenway facility in France may decrease, due to a decrease
in the number of employees working hours. Greenway managers need to come up with
strategies to work effectively and maximize employees' labor.

VI. Recommendation.
4.1. In Short-term.
For Greenway to reopen the chain of hotels and operate effectively, Greenway managers and
professionals in France are the most important and require careful recruitment and selection

INDU 1130: Individual Report

Source:[ CITATION CRA17 \l 1033 ]

Based on Table 22a, as can be seen in the UK and France, the internal recruitment method is
very popular[ CITATION CRA17 \l 1033 ]. However, in the current case of Greenway, the application of
this method is very difficult, because most of Greenway's managers and professionals currently cannot
speak French well and do not have much knowledge about working at international markets. One
method of recruiting managers and professionals that Greenway might consider using is hiring
recruitment agencies. It is also one of the popular management recruitment methods across Europe.
The advantage of this method will help Greenway shorten the recruitment time and ensure the quality
of personnel that the organization can recruit. However, when applying this method, Greenway will
have to pay part of the cost to the recruitment agencies. Word of mouth is also a simple method that is
popular in both the UK and France, and Greenway leaders should also consider using this
approach[ CITATION CRA17 \l 1033 ]. The development of the Internet is growing and the number of
users is increasing, so online recruitment is becoming more popular and more effective. Based on
analysis 22a shows that businesses in the UK and France are also very interested in online recruiting
methods such as company websites, commercial job websites, ect[ CITATION CRA17 \l 1033 ]. Using this
method, Greenway can directly contact the candidates, giving the job requirements as well as the

INDU 1130: Individual Report
required certifications that the candidates need to meet. This helps Greenway save a lot of time and
money in outsourcing recruitment agencies.

In addition to the above methods, the popular international recruitment method that Greenway
should consider using is headhunting. Headhunting is also understood as a method of finding and
recruiting highly skilled executives and managers suitable to the culture and structure of the
organization. The executive search may be performed by Greenway's board of directors or by an outside
executive search organization. When applying this approach, management should make every effort to
find highly competent human resources goals that match the structure of the organization. Candidates
who need to apply this approach are all sought-after by many organizations, so Greenway needs to
develop a brand strategy and target as many media as possible. Connect with candidates and build
relationships on Greenway's visibility. If this method is applied successfully, Greenway will recruit high
quality personnel that the organization targets. At the same time, avoid losing talents to competitors in
the market, creating a huge competitive advantage.

Source:[ CITATION CRA17 \l 1033 ]

INDU 1130: Individual Report
Based on analysis table 25a, in Europe the most commonly used selection methods are panel
interviews, and one-on-one interviews. This shows that both the employers and the candidates are
familiar with these selection methods[ CITATION CRA17 \l 1033 ]. Therefore, in order for Greenway to
recruit high-quality managers and professionals, Greenway should consider using interview selection
method. In the interview method, a comprehensive structured interview is the best method. Using this
approach, Greenway leaders can ask questions about how to handle job-related situations, job
knowledge, workers' requirements and how candidates are to be handled in various job simulations. At
the same time, Greenway's recruiters can see if the candidates understand the language, culture and
the French market? Do candidates understand Greenway's culture and goals? Job knowledge interviews
provide a way to gauge a candidate's current knowledge level in relation to potentially relevant aspects
of job performance. This method may take time, but to achieve the goal, the manager and plays the
most important role.

4.2. In Long-term.


During Greenway's long-term development, the approach to recruitment that Greenway's

management should consider adopting is the Regiocentric approach, which is a commonly used
international recruitment approach. The regiocentric approach to recruitment means that the company
hire or transfer people within the same region (like a group of countries) to their fill open
positions[ CITATION Bre \l 1033 ]. When applying this method, Greenway managers are selected from
different countries within the geographic area of the business.

INDU 1130: Individual Report

As a hotel business, Greenway's clients are diverse in nationalities and cultures. Based on the
analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the Regiocentric approach, when applying this method in host
countries Greenway may not encounter any cultural and language related problems accordingly. This
approach also helps Greenway reduce the costs incurred in hiring a host country. Since these managers
come from many different nationalities, this creates cultural diversity within the organization which is a
key feature of multinational businesses. At the same time managers work well in all neighboring
countries within the geographic area of the business. Greenway headquarters managers will make it
easier to manage their subsidiaries through reducing the scope of control and oversight [ CITATION
Sch07 \l 1033 ].

To move towards long-term development, and ensure the quality of all senior personnel of the
organization. The recruitment strategy that Greenway should consider in the long run is Global Nomad.
In this strategy Greenway will look for highly mobile individuals who must be excellent in their field of
activity[ CITATION Kho16 \l 1033 ]. These individuals have high education and long-term work
experience in an international environment. At the same time, Greenway should consider selecting
candidates from multicultural families and diverse knowledge about different cultures. This is essential
for a hospitality business like Greenway, These candidates will make Greenway accessible to all markets

INDU 1130: Individual Report
and cultures, and be able to cooperate with local businesses and governments to increase opportunities
for cooperation and benefits. profit for the organization.

Once grasping high quality and irreplaceable personnel in the organization, Greenway should
consider applying a talent management method to maintain the competitive edge of the business.
Talent management involves integrating sourcing strategy and development at an international level to
proactively identify, develop, and deploy high-performing and high-potential strategic staff on a global
scale[ CITATION Bre \l 1033 ]. Talent management is most effective when it incorporates three key
components: the rapid distribution of talent, the employee's positive experience, and the strategic

When applying this approach, Greenway leaders need to identify key positions in the
organization, then build a team of talented people to train in the future. To make a difference and be
effective in the long term, Greenway needs to develop differentiated training strategies with the help of
experts. Greenway's development and training strategies need to help managers gain more knowledge
and experience in hotel management and capture global hotel service trends. At the same time, it is
necessary to train managers to understand and find effective strategies to apply to many different
cultures[ CITATION Thu13 \l 1033 ].

In addition to training strategies, Greenway leaders also need to Design career paths and
promote from within for their employees. All employees value career advancement opportunities, using
this strategy employees will develop themselves and Greenway will benefit from their newly acquired
skills[ CITATION Tay14 \l 1033 ]. In addition, Greenway should consider implementing policies that give
all employees an equal opportunity to speak up when they face work problems and give them the
opportunity to participate in challenging projects. Additionally, Greenway can use employee satisfaction
surveys to find out what types of rewards and benefits matter most to them. Be sure to keep these as
inclusive as possible to accommodate the diversity of Greenway's human resources
apparatus[ CITATION Sta12 \l 1033 ].

By hiring and developing talented employees, Greenway can become stronger and better
prepared to face change and risk. Talented employees may find ways to exploit the capabilities of new
tools and solve problems or come up with original ideas[ CITATION Tay14 \l 1033 ]. The right talent
management strategy will allow Greenway to form a more effective team. At the same time, when
employees feel appreciated in a company, when they know that they will have more opportunities to
thrive in their business, they are less likely to find work elsewhere. Ultimately, talent management
builds Greenway as a great employer. This helps Greenway attract the best candidates in the
future[ CITATION Hil09 \l 1033 ].

To develop Greenway to grow and perform well in the global market, knowledge management
is one of the strategies that Greenway needs to consider implementing in the best way. Knowledge
management is the storage and sharing of the collective knowledge and expertise accumulated within
an organization about the processes, techniques and operations of that organization[ CITATION Bre \l

INDU 1130: Individual Report
1033 ]. Knowledge management is a conscious process of identifying, structuring, storing, and sharing
the knowledge and experience of employees in an organization.

To take knowledge-related actions, it is often necessary to provide incentives and rewards to

Greenway's target users to encourage desired behaviors. One fundamental way for knowledge to be
shared is through direct contact between people. Building and expanding social networks creates
valuable links between individuals and groups. A source of knowledge is required for it to be reused.
Supply-side knowledge management includes collecting documents and files, capturing information and
work products, and storing these explicit forms of knowledge in archives. Once a source of knowledge is
captured, it can be analyzed so that it can be applied in useful ways. Once the acquired knowledge has
been analyzed, it can be codified to produce standardized methodologies, reusable materials, and
repeatable processes[ CITATION Sta18 \l 1033 ].

When applying this long-term strategy, Greenway can improve the organization's efficiency by
retaining knowledge and experience accumulated from working such as: Overview of the global hotel
market, What strategies work for different cultural regions, How to improve organizational performance
etc. These knowledge should be shared by managers and employees to apply in the working process,
and find out the knowledge that needs to be improved and upgraded. Greenway needs to ask all its
employees to understand the necessary knowledge when participating in the hospitality industry to
operate more efficiently[ CITATION Wan08 \l 1033 ].

INDU 1130: Individual Report
V. Conclusion.
Through the report, readers will grasp the current operating status and future goals of
Greenway. The report also provided influencing factors for the organization's goals and made
recommendations including effective approaches and strategies for solving Greenway problems.

INDU 1130: Individual Report
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INDU 1130: Individual Report

VII. Appendix.
7.1. Reflection Feedback
In the general group report, each team member is assigned an equal amount of work wages and
ensures all tasks are done on time. As for the part of my job, I am one of the people who divide the work
among people. It is my responsibility to unify everyone's perspectives and then aggregate everyone's
contributions to create a complete presentation. It seems that with the above responsibility I am
considered by everyone as the team leader. In detail, my task in the group report is first to analyze the
internal influencing factors that affect the Greenway Hotel during its operations in France. Then I need
to come up with a recruitment approach that Greenway should consider adopting in the short term.
After searching and researching relevant knowledge, I need to perfect and send it to the team members
to unify all the assigned tasks. Everyone on the team has an equal contribution to completing the
assigned task, I highly appreciate that.

After completing the task and presenting the full report, my teamwork skills improved even
more. Every opportunity to work in groups with my friends is a joy to me. Teamwork helps us connect
with each other, people can freely share their knowledge and experiences with everyone in the group.
In addition, researching and completing Greenway case studies gives us the opportunity to delve into
and improve our global human resources management skills. Through the report I found out about
issues that are important to a business when they want to build an organization in another country.
More deeply, I have learned about the recruitment approach, which is one of the very important
knowledge for my goal of becoming a manager in the future.

As for the assigned tasks, me and my team felt that this was one of the difficult but also very
enjoyable missions. In the task of becoming a recruitment consultant for a business, although not having
the necessary skills in reality. However, with the knowledge that we have access, we have tried and
perfected the tasks well. Our process of completing tasks is highly structured and has clear timelines. All
research and research activities take place in a week, the next week we complete the report, and the
last week we practice giving presentations. When the group report is completed, it will be the basis for
us to develop individual reports. If the report is complete and receives good support or comments, this
will make it easier for us to make comments in our case report. When we do well in our personal report,
we have the opportunity to master the knowledge of governance and achieve high scores and ratings.

When I received feedback from the group report, I reread the responses a lot, which helped me
to see what was done in the group report and what was still incomplete. I then come up with a plan to
complete my personal report, first I will take note of the parts to be added and the missing parts. The
missing parts will be taken care of and done first by me, because in the feedback, the parts are very
important. The additional parts will be done later. Reporting response helps me find the right direction
in making personal reports. This helps me avoid having to go astray and waste time researching issues

INDU 1130: Individual Report
that don't have a good impact on my personal reporting. Feedback becomes a source of my knowledge
and experience which will help me in the future when encountering similar tasks and problems.

7.2. Slide presentation

INDU 1130: Individual Report

INDU 1130: Individual Report

INDU 1130: Individual Report


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