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Nov 19th 2019

Tradition as Cyclical Eternity,

Modernity as Unidirectional Time
By Miya Black Hearted Cyber Angel Baby
Tradition is cyclical eternity, nothing less. Modernity is unidirectional time: unshackled in
irreversible feedback loop towards eventual zero-state equilibrium. Any "return" on this timeline—
be it 25, 150 or 2000 yrs ago—is not a return to tradition, but to X yrs old modernism.

Speaking nothing of veracity of their saints; Abrahamism seeks sort of artificial permanence,
constructed traditionalism, designed as memetic algorithm measured by propagation. Islam is
only christian sect with any claim to success, having evidenced at least medium-term stability.

There is no possible Christian Traditionalism; that Theseus' ship theology was unstable from day
3. The only question re: Christianity and Traditionalism is if Christianity is root of modernism, as
Nietzsche suggested, or just another facet of it, of the eternal Sumerian perhaps.

Program of Traditionalism is hyperborean spiritual reconstructivism, period. They cry disruptor

for revealing this: Christian alliance is strategic as stopgap against modernity's post-Christian
nihilism; Thule Society forced into same charade. But I speak for truth, not politics.

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