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Mid Assignment

Subject name : Professional practices

Submitted to : Sir Zeeshan Khalid
Submitted date :28-01-2021
Submitted by : Rohail Liaqat
Roll number :2442
Bs-CS 3rd semester morning
Uni roll number: 265841
Uni registration number: 2019-GCUF-073866
Scenario # 1
You are the owner of the software engineering
company. Your employees (engineers) want you to pay
for them to attend training.
Q. How would you respond in a way that is legal, moral
and ethical.

If you need to take part, you will have to pay for a legal, moral and
ethical presence. If there is something that they do not need to
participate in, and they are doing their own, you are not able to pay
them, however, if you want to do so, it will definitely encourage. , Or if
you refuse it, it will surely reduce the motivation.
Scenario # 2
You are the owner of a software company. Your
employees want you to let them do pro bono work for a
legal non-profit organization on company time.
Q. How would you respond in a way that is legal, moral
and ethical?

It is not legal, upstanding or normal judgment – it is a bussiness

visualization your are giving them time to work effectively; therefore, it
fact, make a charitable contribution to your organiztion that they are
working. Its like donating – you should decide that you can donate it.If
they wanted to do this on their own time then it would be variegated
Scenario # 3
You are the head of a computer science
department at a university. Your boss wants you to
find a way to tweak your curriculum so undergrads
are more likely to choose your department for
their major.
How would you respond in a way that is legal,
moral, and ethical?

Tell your manegment that if the visitor is using pirated Software for
free,it would be only honest to freely distribute all software produced
by the company.of course,it stil would not be ethical, the same way it is
not upstanding to requite yonder the whit you steal in the shop,but at
leats it would be equal.
Scenario # 4
You are a software engineer working at a large
publicly traded corporation, where a colleague
invents a new kind of compiler. Your manager sees
it as a huge potential cash cow.
How would you respond in a way that is legal,
moral, and ethical?

Seeing or knowing? While it could very well end in a pick your poison,
legal, moral, or ethical. Really what you want to is to have all three and
that is possible if both the creator and management both know they’re
worth and know future potential in front of them.

It’s rare to come up with an very mazuma cow, plane increasingly rare
to come up with multiple, probably considering people (including the
other answers) goof to know what is in front of them. Don’t be so
negative, make it your business!

Commerce ladies and gentlemen is an worriedness of ownership and

selling on a large scale and it involves social dealings with people. Stop
f-ing making it legal, moral, or ethical. When you do that, that’s exactly
when it stops stuff legal, moral, and ethical, considering that’s what
happens, if you take yonder someone’s trade. When you do business, it
becomes legal, moral and ethical. Do busines.

Scenario #5
You are a software engineer at a company where
management routinely encourages you and your
colleagues to use pirated software. How would
you respond in a way that is legal, moral, and

You are a software engineer at a visitor that is using pirated software

for self-ruling then I will be worldly-wise to tell my management
department that it would be only to freely distribute all the software
produced by and success of the company. I refused to use pirated
software no matter what management says, I will not install stolen
software to use my computer of the visitor I am doing a merchant with
a visitor that steals software, the contract is canceled and I will find
some other problems that are not a crook. At the last, this way is legal
but not ethically correct to use pirated software considering you are
not sincere with your company.

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