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A Bibliography of

Philippine Linguistics
Compiled by
Rex E . Johnson
Summer Institute o f Linguistics

With Foravor-d by
Andrew B. Gonzalez, FSC

Linguistic Society of the Philippines


1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Linguistic Society of the Philippines
Special Monograph Issue, Number 39

The Philippine Journal of Linguistics is the official publication of the Linguistic

Society of the Philippines. It publishes studies in descriptive, comparative, historical, and
areal linguistics. Although its primary interest is in linguistic theory, it also publishes papers
on the application of theory to language teaching, sociolinguistics, etc. Papers on applied
linguistics should, however, be chiefly concerned with the principles which underlie specific
techniques. Articles are published in English, although papers written in Filipino, an official
language of the Philippines, will occasionally appear. Since the Linguistic Society of the
Philippines is composed of members whose paramount interests are the Philippine lan-
guages, papers on these and related languages are given priority in publication. This does
not mean, however, that the journal will limit its scope to the Austronesian language family.
Studies on any aspect of language structure are welcome.
Manuscripts for publication, exchange journals, and books for review or listing should
be sent to the Editor, Brother Andrew B. Gonzalez, FSC, De La Salle University, 240 1 Taft
Avenue, Manila, Philippines. Manuscripts from the United States and Europe should be sent
to Dr. Lawrence A. Reid, Pacific and Asia Linguistics Institute, University of Hawaii, 1980
East-West Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, U.S.A.

Editorial Board

Co-Editors: Andrew Gonzalez, FSC, Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista

De La Salle University
Associate Editors: Fe T. Otanes, Philippine Normal College
Bonifacio P. Sibayan, Philippine Normal College
Lawrence A. Reid, University of Hawaii
Emy M. Pascasio, Ateneo de Manila University
Review Editor: Araceli C. Hidalgo, De La Salle University
Managing Editor: Teresita Erestain, De La Salle University
Business Manager: Angelita F. Alim, De La Salle University

Copyright 1996 by the Linguistic Society of the Philippines

All rights reserved.
ISBN: 97 1- 1059-29-0
1096 3 . 0 ~
Cover Artist: Darwin Bayani

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
A Bibliography of

Philippine Linguistics

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

Introduction. ...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii

Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x

Bibliography Alphabetically Listed by Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Index Alphabetically Listed by Language Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327

List of Source Bibliographies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

The expanding list of scholarly publications on tile Philippine languages makes it

necessary that serious researchers ha1.e easy access to iI bibliography in this fascinating
subspecialization in'the field of Austronesian lir~guistics. the years. such bibliographies ha1.e fortunatel!- been a~.ailablc.thanks to the
~vorkof dedicated compilers of scholarly materials. One thinks of compilations of Ward.
Asuncio~~-Lande. the Surnrner Institute of Linguistics for its onn publications. Makarcnko.
and of course. the Nenbern Libran (Chicago's) list of its olvn holdings in Philippine
Irrrguistics. C. Hidalgo's and N . C~ibar'scompilations of lexicographic and grarnnlatical
studies of the Spanish period likewise need mention.

Hone\ er. since Makarenko's b~bllograph! ( I98 I ). there has not been an update GI\ L n
the r a p d Increase in publicat~onsI felt that an update cornb~n~ng and ehpand~ngthe l ~ s t s
\\as narranted nith the aid of solneone fa111111arn ~ t hcortlputer sofinare to be able to
cornpile an updated llst and to set up the nccessan program to keep t h ~ ls~ s updated
t ,IS
ncv publicat~onsappear

Philippine linguistics has bee11 blessed with such talent in the person ofRex Johnson
of the Su~nrnerInstitute of Linpistics. ho was persuaded by his colleagues at the Summer
Institute of Linguistics (Philippinesj to undertake this diflicult pro-ject in cooperation
\\ it11 the Ling~isticSociet! of the Philippines.

Rex Jolmson has not only put together pre\.ious bibliographies on Plulippi~lelinguistics
and added net\. ones up to 199 1 but he has likewise provided \,aluable clues for each entn
to gi\c the beginning student of Pl~ilippinelanguage an idea of the kind of ~vorkthe
publication belongs to as a categon ivitllin linguistic studies. whether it be a stud! of
grammar. lexicon. tests. socioli~~guistics. Often. titles are not inforrnati1.c enough to gi\.e
tlie researcller a clue as to \\.hat the!- contain. Tlle present compilation does an efficient
job at identifjing the categon of study in lvhich an itern falls. On behalf of the Linguistic
Societ! of the Philippines and the PI7ilippinr ./o~1r.r7nl r!f' would like to pa!
tribute to Rex Johnson for this painstaking work of coinpilation and would like to thank
the Su~nmcrInstitute of Linguistics (Philippines) for sponsoring the preparation of tile
inanuscript. . ~ lRihlioprqdy o/'/~hilippitirLirip~~i.sri~.s (152 1-1991). We in the Lirlguistic
Society of the Philippines are happy to present this work as Nu~nber39 in our Linguistics
Monograph Series.

Andrew Gonz.ale~.FSC
Socieh of tile Philippines

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

This bibliography is, in fact, a combination of several earlier bibliographic works:

Doris Barner Welsch's Checklist of Philippine Linguistics in the Newberry Library, Jack
H. Ward's A Bibliography of Philippine Linguistics and Major Languages, Nobleza C .
Asuncion-Lande's A Bibliography of Philippine Linguistics, Nelly I . Cubar's The Philip-
pine Linguistic Landscape: 16th-19th Centuries. Vladimir A. Makarenko's A Preliminary
Annotated Bibliography of Pilipino Linguistics (1604-1976), C . Richard Gieser's Bibliog-
raphy of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, Philippines 1953-1988, Marlies Salazar's
European Studies of PhiIippine Languages and Gail R. Hendrickson and Leonard E.
Newell's A Bibliography of Philippine Language Dictionaries and Vocabularies.
Since this editor used other bibliographies as source materials and not the actual works
themselves, a number of discrepancies were found between different sources which cited
the same work. With the help of Dr. Andrew Gonzalez, FSC, an attempt was made to find
out which has the correct information. However, any errors found within are the sole
responsibility of the editor.
Some authors have entries under more than one name (i.e. maidenlmarried or reaYpseu-
donyrn), or they were a secondary author. So there is cross-referencingto these entries. Each
entry has a number set off in the right column and the range of entry numbers for a given
page are found in the header to make finding an entry easier.
Not all bibliographies agreed on how to list authors, particularly Hispanic names. In
this work names like Pedro de la Cruz Avila are listed as Avila, Pedro de la Cruz. However,
Lorenzo Hewas y Panduro is listed as Hewas y Panduro, Lorenzo. Names like Georg von
der Gabelentz are listed as Gabelentz, Georg von der.
Because of the size of the bibliography, the index by languages only lists the entry
numbers from the bibliography. Because many languages have a large number of works
about that language, each language section of the index is further divided into subcategories
according to the kind of material each work covers.
1. GRAM - Grammar
2. PHON Phonemics (including morphophonemics)
3. MOR - Morphology
4. SYN Syntax
5. LEX - Lexical (including dictionaries, word lists and vocabularies)
6. DIS - Discourse
7. SEM - Semantics

l ~ u lpublication
l information of source bibliographies can be found on page 355.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
8. HIST - Historical
9. COMP - Comparative
10. SOC - Sociolinguistics
11. TEXT - Text (including text analysis)
12. WRIT - Orthography and alphabets
13. PED - Pedagogical materials
14. THE0 - Theoretical
15. GEN - General or unknown topic
Some uorks Illore than oric of these categories. therefore. that entq numbcr ~ 1 1 1
be listed under each subscct~on.
In most cases, the language name is in the title, so the entry is listed in the index under
that name. In cases in which the name does not appear in the title, the editor attempted to
find out what language was studied. The ones identified are listed under that language. Those
not identified are listed in the section under general language study. Any errors in this also
belong to the editor.
Languages that are a part of a family of languages are grouped by thc family name (i.c.
Central Caga! all Agta is listed as Agta: Central Cagayan). i n some cases. it is known what
the language filliiily is but not the dialect. thus Agta: Unidentified.
Some languages are cross-referenced with another language name. This was done
because there may be some who believe that these are in fact the same language, while others
may disagree. The editor does not wish to take sides, but only give the reader another place
to look. The reader can decide for himself.
In cases where it is clear that there are various names (or spellings) for the same
language, they are listed with the name in current use (i.e. Ivatan [Batanes, Ibatan]).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

Abbreviation Journal title
AAOJ American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal
AFLS Asian Folklore Studies (formerly Folklore Studies)
AIA Archivo Ibero-Americana
AJP American Journal of Philology
AL Anthropological Linguistics
AmAnth American Anthropologist
ArAnth Archiv Air Anthropologie
AnLat Annali Lateranensi
ANTHR Anthropos
AsiaPer Asian Perspectives
AU Afrika und ijbersee
Aus Ausland-Kurier
BNI Bijdragen tot de Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde
BolFil Boletim de Filologia
BPES Bulletin Palestine Exploration Society
BSLP Bulletin de la Societk de Linguistique de Paris
BSOAS Bulletin of the School of Oriental (and Afiican from 1939) Studies
CF Cultura Filipina
CurAnth Current Anthropology
DayMir The Daily Mirror (Manila)
DisAbs Dissertation Abstracts
EAMil East Asia Millions (later: China Millions; then: The Millions)
EdQ Educational Quarterly
EM Ethnomusicology
ENSM Evening News Saturday Magazine (Manila)
FEQ Far Eastern Quarterly
FEUFJ Far Eastern University Faculty Journal
FT Filipino Teacher
GFS Graduate and Faculty Studies
HistBul The Philippine Historical Association Historical Bulletin
HJAS Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies
IAE Internationales Archiv Atr Ethnographic
IJAL International Journal of American Linguistics
JA (Nouveau) Journal Asiatique
JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society
JEAS Journal of East Asiatic Studies
JHUC Johns Hopkins University Circulars

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Abbreviation Journal title
JIA Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia
JPS Journal of the Polynesian Society
JRAI The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
JSBRAS Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (Malaya)
JSO Journal Societe Oceanistes
JrBResSoc The Journal of the Burma Research Society
KAD Kadipan
KonSacGesWis Kaniglich-SSLchsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften
LAMP Little Apostle of the Mountain Province
Lang Language
LCCP-A Linguistic Circle of Canberra, Publications Series A
LL Language Learning
LSPM Linguistic Society of the Philippines Monograph
LSPSM Linguistic Society of the Philippines Special Monograph
MagWikP Magasin ng Wikang Pilipino
MSTEQ Manila Secondary Teachers English Quarterly
NLing Notes on Linguistics
NTr Notes on Translation
OL Oceanic Linguistics
OLSP Oceanic Linguistics Special Publication
OPTAT Occasional Papers in Translation and Textlinguistics (now Journal
of Translation and Textlinguistics)
Pa Panorama
PIPL Papers in Philippine Linguistics
PD Pacific Discovery
PE ' Philippine Education
PeBa Pembina Bahasa Indonesia
PEduc Philippine Educator
PFP Philippines Free Press
PhilEdFor The Philippine Educational Forum
PhilEdMag Philippine Education Magazine
PJE Philippine Journal of Education
P n Philippine Journal of Linguistics
PJLSM Philippine Journal of Linguistics Special Monograph
PJLT Philippine Journal for Language Teaching
PJS Philippine Journal of Science
PL-A Pacific Linguistics, series A
PL-c Pacific Linguistics, series C
PM Philippine Magazine
PMASAL Publications Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters
PQCS Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society
PR Philippine Review
PracAnth Practical Anthropology

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Abbreviation Journal title
PrM Primitive Man
PS Philippine Studies
PSR Philippine Sociological Review
PSSHR Philippine Social Sciences and Humanities Review
PSSR Philippine Social Science Review
QJMS Quarterly Journal Mythic Society
RazFe Razon y Fe
RIPL Readings in Philippine Linguistics
SILWP Summer Institute of Linguistics Work Papers
SIPL Studies in Philippine Linguistics
SLQ Saint Louis Quarterly
SMJ Sarawak Museum Journal
SMM Saturday Mirror Magazine (Manila)
STM Sunday Times Magazine (Manila)
SWJA Southwestern Journal of Anthropology
TBT The Bible Translator
TchJr The Teachers Journal
TeReo Te Re0
TITLV Tijdschrift voor Indishe Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde
TNI Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie
TransNYAcadSciTransactions of the New York Academy of Sciences
TWM This Week (Magazine)
VerBerGesAnth Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft Alr Anthropologie, Ethnologie
und Urgeschichte
WG Welt als Geschichte Zeitschrift fir Universalgeschichthiche Forschung
WP Wikang Pambansa
ZE Zielprache English
ZEthnol Zeitschrifi Alr Ethnologie

Abbreviation Institution
CPU Central Philippine University
DECS Department of Education, Culture and Sports
ILT Institute for Language Teaching
INL Institute of National Language (now Komision sa Wikang Filipino)
IPL Institute of Philippine Languages (formerly Institute of National
Language, now Komision sa Wikang Filipino)
LSP Linguistic Society of the Philippines
MEC(S) Ministry of Education, Culture (and Sports)
PNC Philippine Normal College (now Philippine Normal University)
SIL Summer Institute of Linguistics
UCLA University of California, Los Angeles

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Abbreviation Institution
UP University of the Philippines
UST University of Santo Tomas

Abbreviation Equivalent
comp(s) compiler(s)
ed(s) edited or edition or editor(s)
et a1 various
Impr Imprenta
Lit Litografia
II leaves
mirneo mimeographed
nd not dated
"P no publisher named or not published
P/PP pagelpages
prepub prepublication
Tip Tipografia
k(s) translator(s)
vol(s) volume(s)
(1 additional publication information
[1 translation of title

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Bibliography Alpha betically Listed by Author

nd "Diccionario Espaiiol-Tagalo. " Np.
nd "A contrastive analysis of some Tagalog and English
structures." Ateneo de Manila University. Mimeo.
"A pilot book for Bisayan." Ateneo de Manila. Mimeo.
"Agta (Casiguran Valley)-English dictionary." Np.
369 lvs.
"Anciens alphabets des Philipines." Np.
"Arte de la lengua (Ibanag) de 10s ipdios de la Nueva
Segovia. " Np.
"Arte de la lengua Pampanga." Np.
"Arte de la lengua Tagala." Np. 4 Ivs
"Arte de la lengua Tagala." Np. (Different than the
previous title).
"Arte Tagalo en verso Castellano." Np.
"Arte Tagalo en verso Latino." Np.
"Ata dictionary." Np. 163 lvs.
"Ateneo Tagalog lessons." Quezon City: Ateneo
Language Center.
(Bamboo rolls in Mangyan). Np.
(Bamboo rolls in Newberry Library, in Tagbanua). Np.
"Binukid morphology." Manila: Ateneo de Manila
Graduate School, Department of Languages and
"Binukid phonemes." Manila: Ateneo Graduate School.
"Botolan Samba1 storybook." Manila: SIL. 199 lvs.
"Bucabulario Yloco." Np.
"Coleccion de palabras que la emperatriz de Russia
mando traducir en 10s diferentes idiomas de estas islas."

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
21-42 1 Anonymous

"Diccionario Cebuano-Espaiiol." Np
"Diccion,lno Espafiol-Ilocano-Calasiao In '4 (;u~c/oto

Juan T Burgos
the Iloitnro . \ I ~ ~ IaIKottza~lcc.~,
Pangasinan lmprenta Calasiao
"Drills in Tagalog pronunciation. " Quezon City:
Ateneo de Manila. Mimeo.
"Gramatica Tagala. " Np
"Grammatica en lengua Batanes." Np. 4 Ivs.
"Kapampangan-Tagalog-English dictionary. " Np.
"Lists of 154 English words, mostly printed, with their
equivalents in dialects of the Philippines added in
manuscript." Np. 51 1vs.
lld "Maranao." Washington, DC: Peace Corps. 2 vols.
"Moro manuscript fragments." Np. 25 + 26 Ivs
"Paranan language lessons." Manila: SIL
"Phonemic analysis of Capiznon." Manila: Ateneo de
Manila Graduate School. 11 lvs.
"Photographs of three ancient manuscripts antedating
the Spanish occupation: Old stories of the Bisayans."
"Reglas para aprender urbanidad. Nachinananan du
mapia dadacay: Aumana urbanidad." Np. 15 Ivs.
"Sorsogon Bicol lessons." Np. 43 Ivs
"Spanish loan words common to Tagalog, Subanun,
Iloko, Hiligaina, Sulu, and Bikol." Np. 102 lvs. Mimeo
"Tagalisches worterbuch. " Germany: np. 401 Ivs.
"Tagalog terminology with English equivalents." Np.
"Talatinigang Nippon-go-Pilipino" [Japanese-Filipino
dictionary]. Np. 234 Ivs.
"The English-Maranaw dictionary." Np. 75 + 8 Ivs.
"Visayan field manual." Ateneo de Manila. Mimeo.
"Visayan grammar. " Np.
"Vocabulario Castellano, Bicol e Ingles." Np. 32 lvs

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Anonymous / 43-62

(Alcina manuscript). Madrid: Library of the Royal

"Arte de la lengua Pangasinan." Np. 134 lvs.
"Arte de la lengua Pampanga." Np.
"Vocabulario Tagalo." Np. 320 lvs
"Arte Tagalog. " Np.
"Vocabulario de la lengua Camarina o Bicol." Manila:
np. 919 lvs.
"Arte de la lengua Tagala compuesta por un religioso
del orden de Predicadores." Manila. 4 lvs.
"Arte Tagalog." Np.
"Gramatica Isinay." Np.
"Tesauro de la lengua de Pangasinan." Np. 200 lvs.
"Vocabulario Castellano-Calamiano." Np.
"Dictionarium Hispano-Tagalicum. " Np. 335 lvs
"Tables of the Tagala, Pampanga, Javanese, Balinese,
Korinchi, Bugis, Lampong, Batta and Dijang Alphabets;
with Keys, etc. on 3 1 sheets." Np. 32 lvs.
Arte de la Lengua Zebuana. Sampaloc, Manila.
616 16 pp.
"Arte de la Lengua Zebuana, de 10s naturales Bisayas
en Filipinas." Np. 79 lvs.
Arte de la Lengua Zebuana, sacado del que escribio el
P . F. Francisco Encina. Manila: Imprenta de J. M.
Dayot, por T. Oliva. 168 + 8 pp.
"Arte del idioma Gaddang en la mision de Paniqui." Np.
Diccionario Espaiiol-Ibanag. Religiosos Dominicos.
"Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der
Wissenschaften. " Philosophische-historische Klasse
50(3):3 18-326.
Diccionario Espaiiol-lbanag; o sea, tesauro Hispano-
Cagayan. Manila: Imprenta de Ramirez y Giraudier.
511 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Arte del Idioma Visaya de Samar y Leyte. Binondo,
Manila: Imprenta del Bruno Gonzalez Moras. 2d ed
Ensayo de Gramatica Hispano-Tagala. Manila:
Establecimiento Tipografico Ciudad Condal de Plana y
Compaiiia. 72 pp.
"Diccionario Batan-Castellano. " Np. 198 lvs.
Para zrn Diccionario de la Administracion, del
Comercio y de la Vida Practica en Filipinas. Manila
420 pp.
"Sanskritsche Moorden in het Tagala." Leiden,
Netherlands. 564 111s.
Diccionario Bisaya-Espaiiol y Espaiiol-Bisaya. Manila:
Tipografico de Amigos del Pais.
Cartilla Moro-Castellana para 10s Maguindanaos.
Manila: Imprenta y Litografia de M. Perez. 55 pp.
Exposicion de Filipinas (Colleccion de articulos
publicados en El Globo, Diario illustrado politico,
cientifico, y literario). Madrid: El Globo. 220 + 2 pp.
Compendio de Historia Universal desde la Creacion
del mundo rasta la Venida de Jesuscristo Y un Breve
Vocabulario en Castellano y en Moro-Maguindanao.
Singapore: Tmprenta de Koh Yew Hean. vi + 146 pp.
Colleccion de Refranes, Frases y Modisrnos Tagalos,
Traducidos y Explicados en Castellano por 10s Padres,
Fr. Gregorio Martin y Fr. Mariano M. Cuadrado.
Manila: Imprenta del Asilo de Huerfanos de Nuestra
Seiiora de la Consolacion. 231 pp.
"Diccionario Tiruray-Espaiiol." Np.
"English-Sulu-Malay vocabulary. " In Epistolario
Rizalino 4: 1 185. London.
"Dos palabras sobre el idoma Isinay." La Politica de
Espaiia en Filipinas 5:21.
Vocabulario Castellano-lngles, (el mas completo que se
ha publicado seguido de un pequeno diccionario
Castellano-Tagalo-Ingles). Manila: Tipografico de J.
Marty. 107 60 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Manual de Conversation en Castellano, Visaya e Ingles
(con la pronunciacionfigurada). Cebu: Imprenta del
Seminario de San Carlos. 25 pp.
"Orthography of place names in the Philippines."
Geographical Journal 18:620-621.
"Sulu Vocabulary. " In The Philippine Islands, 1493-
1803, by Emma H. Blair and James A. Robertson,
xxxiii-xxxiv. Cleveland: A. H. Clark Co.
Diccionario Espaiiol-Ibatan. Manila: Tipografico de
Santo Tomas. 574 pp.
"Sambali folklore, social customs and beliefs." Np.
Dictionary-vocabulary: Pilipino-English-Japanese-
Ilocano-Tagalog. Honolulu: Juan de la Cruz Bookroom.
2d ed. 146 pp.
"Bisayan Grammar. " Np. 62 lvs.
Vocabulario Triliiigue en Castellano, Bisaya, y Ingles
Mandurriao, Iloilo: La Panayana.
Vocabulario lbatan-EspaEol. Manila: Imprenta de la
Universidad de Santo Tomas. 260 pp.
Paraan ng Pagsulat ng Wikang Tagalog. Manila: The
San Juan Press.
"Sa pagbuo ng isang ortographyang panlahat ng wikang
Tagalog. " Mabuhay (November 13).
BokabuEario nga Binisaya, Kinastila kag Iningles
Iloilo: Makinaugalingon. 101 pp.
"A Tagalog-English dictionary." Tokyo: np. 146 lvs.
English-Tagalog-Spanish Dictionary for Catholic
Schools. Manila: Philippinc Book Co.
"National language: Literature vs. grammar. " STM 2:3.
Pampaaralang Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa. Manila:
M. E. Anatalio. 4 vols.
"Taosug exercises." Np. 62 lvs.
"Ifbgao-Dutch dctionary. " Mountain Province: np
364 lvs.
"Wastong pangungusap" WP 1(3):36-37.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
96-1 1 1 / Anonymous

"Kasaysayan ng Mga Salita." WP 1(3):14; 1(4):33; 96

1(5):35; l(7): 16.
"Panukalang talatinigang Ingles-Tagalog. " WP 97
1(3):21-28; l(4): 19-30; l(5): 17-32; 1(6):20-27;
1(7): 17-28.
"Banghay ng aralin sa wikang pambansa (para sa una at 98
ikalawang baitang)." WP 7:3 1-38.
Mohammedan Tongues. Pampanga: Community Press. 99
Isang L ~ b o't Isang Bugtong, Tlnlpon, Innaa yos, at 100
\ ilrrro~~
r r i ~i 7 i . 7 h p \ 7('P o l e ~ f n r' nnrify
Pngkallmbag Malabon, R ~ z a lNTC Press. 124 pp
"An aid to the learning of the Visayan language for 101
those with English speaking background." In Visayan
Field Manual. Np.
"Visayan Field Manual: An aid to the learning of the 102
Visayan language for those with English speaking
background." Np.
"Files of linguistic material on Mindoro Mangyan 103
languages. " China Inland Mission. Mimeo.
Rizal Kundiman (Printed in the ancient Tagalog script 104
with a "Preface" by Rufino Alejandro, and an
'Introduction" by Tage U. H. Ellinger). Manila:
Carmelo and Bauermann Inc.
"Vocabulary list of Bikol words for Grades I and 11." 105
"Pampango consonants and vowels and their influence 106
on English as spoken by Pampangos in Tarlac." PJLT 2.
"Ateneo Tagalog course." Quezon City: Ateneo de 107
Manila. Mimeo.
Hiligaynon: An Intensive Course for Beginners. Hilo: 108
Peace Corps Training Center.
"Archaic Tagalog words." SMM (July 25): 32. 109
"Report on work among the Negritos of Pampanga 110
during the period from April 5 to May 31, 1908." Asia
Std 2(1): 105-130.
"Maugnaying talasalitaang pang-agham Ingles-Pilipino. " 1 11
Maynila: Lupon sa Agham. 185 lvs. Mimeo.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Abella / 112-125 7

1972 "English-Agusan Manobo dictionary. " Np. 83 lvs.

1975-1977 "Tagarogu-go nyiimon" [An introduction to Tagalog]
Filipinas 1:41-42; 2:46; 3:46; 4:47; 5:6; 6:6.
1977 "Tagarogu-go no ky6kasho ni tsuite" [On textbooks of
the Tagalog language]. Filipinas 6:5.

Abadiano, Balbina - See also 116

1988 "Functions of rhetorical questions in the Kinaray-a
language. " NTr 2(1):40-47.

Abadiano, Ted and Balbina Abadiano

nd "Kinaray-a phonemics and morphophonemics. " Manila:
TAP. 25 lvs.

Abasolo-Enriquez, Lorenza - See 1195, 1196

Abbott, Shirley
1959 "Three major sentence types in Amganad Ifigao."
Manila: SIL. 7 lvs.
1961 "Amganad Tfugao marking particles." Mii;lila: SIL
1 l lvs.
1963 "Phrase Description (Ifugao)." Manila: SIL. 5 lvs
1963 "Queries or points to ponder (Ifugao)." Manila: SIL.
3 Ivs.
1963 "Verb stem classes (Amganad Ifugao)." Manila: SIL.
I 0 lvs.
1966 "Independent verbal clauses of Ata Manobo." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. ii + 16 lvs.

Abbott, Shirley and Patricia M. Hartung, comps

nd "Ata Manobo texts." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:
SIL. 24 Ivs.

Abbott, Shirley and Robert E. Longacre

1968 "Discourse and paragraph structure of Ata Manobo."
Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 24 lvs.

Abella, D. Venancio Maria de

1882 El Secretario Filipino, manual espistolar Espafiol-
Tagalo. Manila: Chofrk y Compafiia. 2d ed. 197 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
8 126-139 1 Abella y Cesariego

Abella y Cesariego , Venancio Manuel

1868 Vademecum Filipino o Manual de Coizversacion
Familiar Espanlol-Tagalog: vocabulario de modismus
Manilenlo. Binondo: Imprenta de Amigos del Pais.
415 pp. (Other eds, 1876. Manila: Mirables. 116 pp;
1882. Binondo: Imprenta de Amigos del Pais. 415 pp).

Abrams, Doris - See 139

Abrarns, Norman - See also 3390-3392
nd "Bilaan text with literal and free translations." Manila:
SIL. 71 lvs.
nd "Some Proto-Malayo-Polynesian reflexes in Bilaan."
Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 4 ivs.
1953 "Ifugao of Hapao. Lexico-statistic list." Manila: SIL
4 lvs.
1953 "lfugao of Hungauan. Lexico-statistic list." Manila:
SIL. 4 lvs.
1954 "Wordlist in Mansaka. " Manila: SIL
1961 "A short list of Mansaka flora and their uses." PJS
1961 "The verb complex in Bilaan." Unpublished MA t h e m ,
University of Washington.
1961 "Word base classes in Bilaan." L~rzgrta10(4):391-402.
1963 "Historical development of Bilaan vowrels and sonie
consonant reflexes in Bilaan and related dialects." PSR
1 l(1-2): 147-54.
1963 "Vowel quantity in Mansaka. " PJS 92(2): 195-204
1967 "A summary of paragraph and discourse types in
Bilaan." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 58 lvs.
1970 "Bilaan morphology." Papers in Philippine Lingzristics
3: 1-62. (PL-A 24).

Abrams, Norman and Doris Abrams

1967 "Bilaan sentences." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:
SIL. i + 3 3 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Aebersold / 140-151 9

Abubakar, Norma M.
1969 "The segmental phonemes of Tausug and English: a 140
contrastil e study." Unpublished MA thesis. Silliman
University, Dumaguete City.

Abundo, Amelia P.
1976 "Diyalektolohiyang Tagalog sa lalawigan ng Bataan. " 141
Unpublished MA thesis, PNC.

Acidre, Soledad Balintong

1974 "Proposed basis lists in Pilipino for Waray-speaking 142
grade-one learners." Unp~~blished MA thesis, UP.
140 lvs.

Acosta, Juan Facundo, OESA

nd "Arte Bisaya." Np.

Acosta, Rafael
1906 "Diversity of Filipino languages. " The Filipino

Adelung, Johann Christoph

1806- 1817 Mithridates, Oder Allgemeine Sprachenkunde. Berlin: 145
Vossischen Buchhandlung. 3 parts, 4 vols.

Adriani, Nicolaus - See also 3230

1893 "Sangireesch texten. Met Vertaling en Aanteekeningen." 146
BNI 8:321-440. (Reprinted, 1894. BNI 44: 1-168;
386-449; 46 1-524).
1893 Sangireesche Spraakkunst. Leiden: A. H . Adriani. 147
xiii + 288 pp.
1903 "Taumata." In Album Kern. Leiden: E . J . Brill. 420 pp. 148
1928 Lijst van de Geschripen van Dr. N. Adriani. Leiden: 149
E. J. Brill. 12 pp.

Aebersold, Walter E. - See also 3358

1952 "Het vertaal van Himbawo, een Sangireesch
heldendicht." BNI 108:265-297.
1959 "Sasahola Laanang Manandu-De Lange Sasahola. " 151
BNI 115:372-389.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
10 152-161 I Afdal

Afdal, Eden G.
1965 "A Descriptive-Contrastive Analysis of English and 152
Maguindanao Consonants and Vowels." Unpublished
seminar paper, UP. 75 lvs.

Afenir, Juan 0.
1949 Dlccionario Dagiti Tallo a Pegsasao. Dagupan City: 153
Gonz.alo H Mcndo1.a. 135 pp.
1949 "Dictionary in three languages: English-Ilocano- 154
Spanish. " Dagupan City, Philippines. 132 lvs.

Afenir, Juan 0. and Reynaldo de Dios

1967 English-Tagalog-I!okano Pocket Dictionary. Manila: 155
Manalili Booksellers. 378 pp.

Agagas, Pascual, Margaret Schuster and Hella E. Goschnick

1978 "Tina Sambal: Text 1 (folktale texts)." S/PL 2(2):32-34. 156

Agayoc, Maxirno, Jr. - See also 2877

Agayoc, Maxirno, Jr., cornp
1981 "Sa rnababa ha diksyunari hu haepat ha inikagiyan 157
(A short four-language dictionary: English-Binukid-
Cebuano Visayan-Pilipino). " Np.

Agbayani, A.
1943 "It \\.as not alw;~!.s 'Philippines."' I'K l(2): 15-18, 158

Agee, Walter
1959 "Ilocano equivalents of the comparative 159
Malayo-Polonesian-English word list." SILWP 3:45-46.

Agoncillo, Fe S.
1962 "A contrastive analysis of English and Cebuano." 160
California: UCLA project for Speech 103K.

Agoncillo, Maria R.
1922 "Some influences of the English language on the 161
Philippines." Unpublished MA thesis, UP.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Aguilar / 162- 176

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. - See also 203

1936 "The use of 'Ng' and 'Nang' in Tagalog." Torch
(March): 12-15.
1940 "Idiomatic and metaphoric expressions and slang."
Mag WikP (November).
1940 "Pag-aaral sa salitikan." Mabuhay Extra (September 25).
1941 Tagalog-English Vocabulary. Manila: I N L . 176 pp.
1943 "The dilemma of the national language. " PR l(5): 15- 18.
1952 "The development of the Tagalog language and
literature." FEUFJ 1:70-89.
1953 "How the Filipino national language is actually being
developed." PE 8(4):41-44.
1953 "Magandang pananagalog." KAD (March).

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. and Gregorio F. Zaide

1941 Ang Kasaysayan ng Pilipinas. Manila: M. Colcol. 372 pp.

Aguas, Estrella Floro

1964 "English composition errors of Tagalog speakers and
implications for analytical theory. " Unpublished EdD
dissertation, UCLA. 304 Ivs.

Aguilar, Jose Nieto

1893 ( ' o l ( ~ t i ~ : 1017
ni Madrid A Alonso
(Jt' l . ~ l r p ~ n n ~

Aguilar, Jose V.
1952 "The significance of bilingualism in Philippine
education." PJE 30:391-392.
1955 "Vernaculars and English as tools of value structure."
PJE 33:438-440.

Aguilar, Teopisto and Edward Ruch

1978 "Calamian Tagbanwa: Text 1 (Folktale texts)." SIPL
1978 "Calamian Tagbanwa: Text 2 (Folktale texts)." SIPL

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Agulan, Roque
nd "English-Tagalo-Ilocano vocabulario kon Castilla
Filipina. " Np.

Ahern, George Patrick

1901 "Classification of woods." In Philippine Islands, 35-40
Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.
(Bureau of Forestry Special Report).
1901 "Tree species of the Philippine Islands." In Philippine
Islands, 1- 16. Manila: Bureau of Forestry.
1902 "List of species of the Philippine Islands." In Annual
Report of the Bureau of Forestry, 478. Manila.
1902 "The species of timber of southern Bataan." In Annual
Report of the Bureau of Forestry, 495-496. Manila.
1904 "Native tree species." In Philippine Islands, 51-52.
Manila: Bureau of Forestry.

Aichele, W.
1954 "Sprachforschung und Geschichte im indonesischen
Raum. " Oriens Extremus 1 : 107-122.

Aiyar, M. S.
1934 "Hindi influences in the Philippines." QJMS

Ajero, Rogerio R.
11d Hilinga; Poonan Pagbasa. Manila: Materials Production
Center, Bureau of Public Schools. 26 pp.
1956 Sa Aro-aldaw; Poonan Adlan. Manila: Materials
Production Center, Bureau of Public Schools. 100 pp.

Alafont, Mariano, OESA

nd "Arte facil para aprenderel Espafiol y Pampango." Np
1786 "Arte de la lengua Espaiiola para uso de 10s naturales
de la provincia de la Pampanga." Np.
1889 "Notas y adiciones a1 arte Pampango del Padre 189
Vergaiio. " Np.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Alejandro I 190-203 13

Albano, Virginia G.
1961 "A study of the chief pronunciation difficulties of 190
Ilokano learners of English." California: UCLA term
project for Speech 103K.

Albas, Pablo Y.
1964 "A contrastive analysis of English and Magindanao 191
verbs." Unpublished MA thesis, CPU.

Albuquerque, Agustin de
1570- 1580? "Arte de la lengua Tagala." Np

Alcazar, Antonio V.
1921 Diccionario Visaya-Espaiiol. Manila: Imprenta y
Litografia de Santos y Bernal.

Alejandro, Rufino - See also 1210, 3789

1946 Everyday Tagalog. Manila: Philippine Book Co. 2d ed. 194
149 pp. (Other ed, 1950).
1948 "A study of Tagalog verbs." Unpublished PhD 195
dissertation, UST.
1949 "Mga parnantayan sa balarila." Paruparo serial. 196
(EP 17:31).
1951 "Ang paghahanay ng mga salita sa Tagalog. " WP 197
l(5): 1-4.
1952 "Basic plan for the simplification of Tagalog grammar." 198
1952 "Mga pamantayan sa pananagalog." WP 1(7):6-7. 199
1963 A Handbook of Tagalog Grammar with Exercises. 200
Manila: University Book Supply. xiii 22 1 pp. (Other
eds, 1947; 1954).
1964-1965 "Meeting the national language problem." FEUFJ 201
1964-65 "For a new Tagalog grammar." FEUFJ 9(3):47-52. 202

Alejandro, Rufino, T. A. Agoncillo and P. R. Glorioso

1954 Vocabulary List for Teaching Various Subjects in the 203
Filipino Language. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 12 pp.
(INL paper 1).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
14 204-213 i Alejandro

Alejandro, Rufino a n d Amparo R. Buhain

1962 A Word Building Tagalog-English Dictionary. Manila: 204
Abiva Publishing House. 110 pp.

Alejandro, Rufino, et al.

1951 Pagsasalita at Pagsulat. Maynila: Bookman Inc.

Alejandro, Rufino and I. Pineda

1950 Ang Ating Panitikan. Maynila: Bookman Inc

Alejandro, Rufino and Ismael Santos

1947 Gintong Aklat, 0, mga Pusong Dakila at mga Pusong
Bayani. Manila: Philippine Book Co. vii + 114 pp.

Aleman y Gonzales, Jacobo

I890 "L'lle de la Paragua (Philippinesj." Bulletin of La
Societe Academique Indo-Chinois 2(3):328-335.

Alijera, Natalia Fedorovna

1963 "0 prinEipach sostavlenija slovarej jazykov 209
indonezijskoj gn.lppy7'[On the principles of compilation
of Indonesian languages dictionaries]. Narody Azii i
Afriki 2: 149- 152.
1963 "SootnoSenije slovoobrazovatel'nych i sintaksicheskich 210
funkEij glagol'nych affiksov v indonezijskom jazyke"
[The relationship between word formative and
syntactical functions of verbal affixes in the Indonesian
language]. Voprosy Jazykoznanija 2: 103- 111.
1965 "lndonezijskij tip agglutinaEiiW[Indonesian type of 211
agglunatiori]. In Lingvisticheskaja Tipologija i
Vostochnyje Jazyki. Materialy Sovesc'aniia [Lrnguistic
Typology and Oriental Languages], 293-296. Moskva:
"Nekotorije osobennosti indonezijskoj agglutinaEii9' 212
[Some special features of Indonesian agglutination]. In
Mor-ologicheskaja Tipologija i Problema Klassifikaci'i
Jazykov. [Morphological Typology and Language
Classification Problems], 292-297. Moskva: Nauka.
Indonezijskij Glagol. Kategorija Perekhodnosti [The 213
Indonesian Verb. Category of Transitivity].Moskva:
Nauka. 142 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Allison / 2 14-224 15

Alip, Eufronio M.
1948 "Balangkas ng balarila ng Wikang Pambansa." Np. 214

Alisjahbana, S. Takdir, ed
1970 7 h e lfocle~n~zatron
o j Lancguapec rn A.cra Paper& 215
Pre\eiiled at the Conference of the AlaIa,vcran Socretv
of Orrental~ct\held rrz Kurrla Lunipur from Sept 29 to
Ocr 1 1 9 6 7 Kuala Lunlpur Malaysian Societj of Aslan
Studies 35 1 pp

Allen, Janet L.
1978 "Kankanaey adjuncts." SIPL 2(1):82- 102.
1978 "The limiting glottal infix in Kankanaey." SIPL
1989 "Definiteness as it affects participant introduction."
PJL 20(1):20-43.

Allen, Lawrence P.
1975 "Distinctive features in Kankanaey." PJL 6(2):23-30. 219
1977 "Reduplication and cyclical rule ordering in Kankanaey 220
morphophonemics. " SIPL 1(2):280-95.
1980 "The interaction of reduplication and phonology in 221
Kankanaey. " PJL 11(2):27-43.

Allin, Benjamin Casey

1909 Allin's Standard English-Visaya Dictionary Containing 222
More than Five Thousand English Words. Cebu,
Philippines: Falek's Printing. 260 pp.
Review: Merton L. Miller. 1911. .PJS 6:281

Allison, E. Joseph
1974 "Proto-Danao: A comparative study of Maranao,
Magindanao, and Iranon. " Unpublished MA thesis,
University of Texas, Arlington.
1977 "Discourse analysis of a Southern Samal text:
'Abunan as and the beautiful widow."' SIPL
l(2): 143-69.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
16 225-237 / Allison

1979 "Proto-Danaw: A comparative study of Maranaw,

Magindanaw, and Iranun. " Papers in Philippine
Linguistics 10:53-112. (PL-A 55. Published version of
1974 thesis).
1979 "The phonology of Sibutu Sama: A language of the
southern Philippines. " SIPL 3(2):63- 104.

Allison, Karen J.
1977 "English-Sama index." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:
SIL. 119 lvs.

Allison, Karen J., comp

1979 English-Pilipino-Sama Sibutu: Basic Vocabulary
Manila. STL 2nd MEC. sii + I 1 0 pp.

Alojado, Alejandria
1955 "A comparative study of Hiligaynon and English
idioms. " Unpublished MA thesis, CPU.

Alter, Franz Carl, SJ

1803 Uber die Tagalische Sprache. Wie: Johann Thomas Ed1
von Trattnern. 80 pp.
1981 "A Comparative Dictionary of Tagalog," tr by Marlies
S. Salazar. Np.

Alvaro, Francisco
1800? Arte Panzpango. Madrid

Alverne, Macario I,.

1930 Manual for the Progressive Laborer, with Translations
in Ilokano and Visayan. Honolulu. xxiv + 120 pp.

Alvero, Aurelio S. - See also 3273-3275

1936 "Ang pangalan sa salitikan. " Mabuhay (August 14).
1938 "Ang halaga ng kudlit sa wikang Tagalog." Mabuhay
(June 10).
1938 "Ang halaga ng pang-abay." Mabuhay (September 4).
1938 "Ang ~ n g adalubhasa at 'Dalubwika. !\4ahuhq

(June 19).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Anacleto / 238-250

"Ang paghiram ng mga salitang dayuhan." Mabuhay

(July 24).
"Ang wikang Tagalog at ang makabagong wastuan."
Mqbuhay (June 5).
"Anong uri ng Tagalog ang dapat ituro." Mabuhay
(June 26).
"Ilang pag-aral ukol sa salitikan." Mabuhay (August 7).
"Ilang tuntunin sa wika." Mabuhay (July 17).
"Isang pag-aaral ukol sa panghiyas." Mabuhay
(September 11).
"Mga wariwari ukol sa pangtayo." Mabuhay
(August 3 1).
"Ngalan, pangalan, at palangalanan. " Mabuhay
(August 31).
A Matter of Nomenclature; Tagala. Muntinlupa, Rizal: New
Bilibid Prison. vii + 16 pp.

Alzate, Ismael
1887 "Maipaay cadaguiti a quinputar 'noy nga libro." In
Cronica de la Exposicion de Filipinas, ed by A. Flores
Hernandez and R. Piquer y Martin Cortes. Madrid:
Manual Gines Hernandez. 179 pp.

Amil, Amil Kawi' and Charles Walton

1978 "Sama Pangutaran (folktale texts)." SIPL 2(2): 129-44

Amil, Dayya - See 3704

Amurrio, Pidel, OFM, CAP

1961 Some Basic Aflxes to Form New Stems in Malayan
Languages. Tagaytay City, Philippines: Our Lady of
Lourdes Seminary. 12 pp.

Anacleto, Elenita M.
1960 "Talahuluganang Tagalog-Ingles." Np. 362 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
18 251-26 1 / Anacta

Anacta, Fidel E.
1960 "A study of the chief pronunciation difficulties of some
Eeyte learners of English." California: UCLA term
project for Speech 103K.

Anceaux, J. C.
1960 An English-Tagalog Dictionary. Manila: INL. 412 pp.

Anchemang, Apo
1987 "Nan chamon si tilin" [The origin of the rice birds]. Np.

Anderson, Barbara
1958 Preliminary Report on a Survey ofBikol Dialects.
Chicago: Philippine Studies Program, University of
Chicago. 24 pp.
1960 "Report on some lexico-statistical counts on languages
of the Mountain Province, Philippines." Chicago:
University of Chicago. 14 Ivs.
1961? "Contrastive analysis of Ilongo and English." Ateneo
de Manila.

Anderson, James Nelson

1964 "K~nshipand property in a Pangasinan barrio."
Unpublished PhD dissertation, UCLA.

Anderson, Tommy Ray

1962 "A contrastive analysis of Cebuano Visayan and
English. " Unpublished PhD dissertation, UCLA.
692 Ivs. (Abstract in DisAbs 25(7253)).
1964 "A case for contrastive phonology." IJAL 2:219-230

Andrada, Evelyn A.
1984 "Waray-Waray-Pilipino." Unpublished MA thesis,
PNC. 207 lvs.

Andres De Castro, Pedro

1930 Ortografia y Reglas de la Lengua Tagalog Acomodadas
a sus Propios Caracteres. Reproduccion del Manuscrito
Ordenada por Antonio Graiiio, Segun el Ejemplar de su
Coleccion Hispano-Ultramarina. Madrid: Libreria
General de Victoriano Suarez. 96 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Aquino-Buhain / 262-270 19

Ang, Gertrude R. - See 2905

Angeles, Epifania G. - See 2824
Angos, Julian, Don, W. Murray and Mary E. Murray
1978 "Tagakaulo Kalagan: Text 2 (folktale texts)." SIPL 262

Antworth, Evan L.
1979 A Grammatical Sketch of Botolan Sambal. Manila: LSP. 263
ix + 136 pp. (PJLSM 8).
1984 "Samba1 reflexes of Proto-Austronesian phonemes." In 264
Studies on Philippine Minor Languages, ed by
Consuelo J. Paz and Anicia del Corro, 134-4. Quezon
City: Cecilio Lopez Archives of Philippine Languages
and UP.

Ap-apid, Dinig-as, Donna Hettick and Judy Wallace

1978 "Northern Kankanay: Text 1 (folktale texts)." SIPL

Aparicio, Jose, OSA

1894 Arte de la Lengua Bisaya-Hiligayna. Tambobong: 266
Tip-litografico de Asilo de Huerfanos. iv + xviii + 270
+ 6 pp. (Revised ed of Arte de la Lengua Bisaya-
Hiligayna de la Isla de Panay, by A. de Mentridas).
1896 "Diccionario Bisaya." Madrid.

Apolonio, Romulo - See 1190

Aquino, Ferderico C.
1955 "An examination of the linguistic future of the 268
Philippines. " Unpublished PhD dissertation, UST.

Aquino, Simeon
1954 "Life in Payeo. " JEAS (supplement) 3(4):561-6 1 1. 269

1957 Wikang Pilipino. Saligang aklat para sa ikalimang 2 70
baitang. Sinuri ni R. Alejandro. Manila: Philippine
Book Co. 436 pp. (Other ed, 1960. Saligang aklat para
sa ikaanim nu baitang. 277 pp).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
20 271-278 / Aquino

Aquino, Rafael B. - See 1194

Arakin, Vladimir Dmitrievich
1964 "TipologiEeskije osobennosti slovoobrasovatel'noj 271
sistemy v nekotorych jazykach indoneezijskoj gruppy"
[Some pecularities of the word formation system in
several Indonesian languages]. In Konferenc'ija po
jazykam Jugo- Vostocitoj Azii v in-te Narodov Azii,
49-50. AN SSSR Moskva.
Indonezijskije Jazyki [Indonesian Languages]. Moskva: 272
Nauka. 151 pp.
"TipologiEeskije osobennosti slovoobrazovatel'noj 273
sistemy v nekotorych jazykach indonezijskoj gruppy"
[Typological features of word building systems in some
of the Indonesian languages]. In Jazyki Jugo-Vostochnoj
Azii [Southeast Asian Languages], 193-212. Moskva:

Arandilla, Purita A.
1959 "A Contrastive Analysis of English and Hiligaynon." 274
California: UCLA term project for Speech 103K.

Araneta, Francisco
nd "The Agta and the Tagalog dialects compared." Manila: 275
Ateneo de Manila. Mimeo.

Araneta, Francisco and Miguel Anselmo Bernad

1960 "'Bisayans' of Borneo and the 'Tagalogs' and 2 76
'Visayans' of the Philippines." SMJ 9(15- 16):542-564.

Araiiador, Cerdy J.
1979 "Determining the pronunciation problems of Kinaray-a 277
speakers learning through contrastive analysis."
Unpublished MA thesis.

Arce, Alejo
1955 "An approach to the standardization of writing Bicol." 278
Unpublished MA thesis, University of Nueva Caceres,
Naga City.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Arriola-Koizumi / 279-289

Arce-Cacdac, Fausta - See 737, 738

nd "Diccionario manual Espaiiol-Tagalog y
Tagalog-Espaiiol. " Np.
nd "Gramatica Tagala." Np.

Arellano, Florentina
1901 La Enseiianza del Idioma Tagalog: discurso Ieido en la
apertura annual de estudios el dia 10 de Julio de 1901.
Manila: Establecimiento de Modesto Reyes. 24 pp.

Arent, Julian
196- "Dictionary of Samar-Leyte Bisayan, Calbayog dialect."
Np. 4 vols.

Areonada, Martin, OESA

nd "Gramatica Tagala." Np.

Ariz del Corazon de Jesus, Javier, ORSA

nd "Gramatica comprimida Cuyona. " Np.
nd "Vocabulario Cuyono-Espaiiol y Espaiiol-Cuyono. " Np.

Armour, Malcolm S. - See also 1945

1984 "A comparison of narrative and hortatory discourse in
Tausug." Unpublished MA thesis, University of Texas,
Arlington. xiii + 197 lvs.

Aroma, Juan
1861-1862 "Compen&o de la gramatica Hispano-Ilocana,
publicada por afios." Np.

Arquelles, Lydia
1966 "A methodology for writing verb definitions for
English-Tagalog or English-English dictionary for
Filipino users. " PNC.

Arriola-Koizumi, Lenny
1989 Firipin-go Kaiwashii [Japanese-English-Filipino
(conversation)]. Tokyo: Tairyiisha. Metro Manila:
National Book Store Inc. 116 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
22 290-300 1 Arrue

Arrue, L.
1896 Adalan sa mga Cristianos nga Insulat sa Cuyonon ig 290
Quina Chila sa Isarang Padre Agustino Recoleto.
Malabon: Tipo-Litografia del Asilo de Huerfanos de
Nuestra Seiiora de Consolacion. 71 pp. (2d ed, 1904).

Artigas y Cuerva, Manuel

1894 Diccionario Technico-Historico de la Administracion 291
de Filipinas. Manila.

Artiguez, Bartolome
1786 "Arte de la lengua de Batanes." Np.

Asahi, Shimbun
1942 Tagarogugo-Firippingo (Nichiy6 Namp6-go Sosho: 2) 293
[Tagalog-Philippine language (A series of la~guage
books of the South Seas Area: 2)]. Tokyo?: Asahi
Shimbun. 108 pp.

Asai, Erin
nd "Vocabulary of Zambales Aeta, with Villar, Botolan,
and Abalan." 22 lvs. Typewritten.
1937 "Sambaresu Negurito no gengo to dozoku: I"
[Linguistic and ethnological notes on the Zambales
Negrito]. Namp6 Dozoku [The Ethnological Journal of
the South-East Asia, Oceania and Taiwan] 4(3):223-33.

Ashley, Lois - See also 300, 301, 302, 1593, 3434

1963 "Tausug substantive phrases." Manila: SIL. 5 Ivs. 296

Ashley, Seymour - See also 1593, 3434

1964 "A descriptive analysis of Tausug." Manila: SIL. 18 Ivs. 297
1973 "A case classification of Tausug verbs." Sulu Studies 298
1973 "Notes on Tausug orthography." Sulu Studies 2:86-94. 299

Ashley, Seymour and Lois Ashley

1963 "The phonemes of Tausug." In Papers on Philippine 308
Languages I , ed by Elmer Wolfenden, 7- 17. Manila:
ILT and SIL.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Asuncion / 301-313

1963 "The relationship of dramatis personae to voice and

focus categories of verbal inflection in Tausug."
Manila: SIL. 14 lvs.
1971 "Outline of sentence types of Tausug." PJL 2(1):44-91.

Asperilla, Saturnino Pobre

1924 Vocabulario Ilocano, Castellano, English, Pangasinan.
Manila: Forum Press. 100 pp.

Aspillera, Paraluman S.
1950 "A study of the basic words in Tagalog." Unpublished
MA thesis, Centro Escolar University.
1950 "Basic words in Tagalog." GAF'LS 1: 100-135.
1952 Pagtuturo ng Tagalog. Ika-apat na Paghahambing.
Manila: Manlapaz Publishing Co.
1958 Improve Your Tagalog. 100 Pratica! Lessons. Manila:
Advocate Book Supply. 2d ed. 172 pp. (1st ed, 1957;
also Manila Times (serialized September-November
1959 Lessons in Basic Tagalog for Foreigners and
Non-Tagalogs. Manila: Phil-Asian Publishers. 3d ed.
xiv 233 pp. (Other eds, 1956; 1957).
1959 "The varieties of Tagalog." STM (March 8). (Also in
OR 2:112-115).
1964 A Common Vocabularyfor Malay-Pilipino-Bahasa
Indonesia. Manila: St. Anthony Book Service.
vi + 98 pp.
1965 Ang Pagtuturo ng Tagalog sa Mababa at Mataas na
Paavalari. Manila: Alemar's
1969 Basic Tagalog. Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle Co.
256 pp.
Review: Donald Bowen. 1972. JAOS 92(1): 164-166.
Review. John A. Pollock, SJ. 1960. PS 8(3):447-448.

Asuncion, Amparo R. - See 3 149, 3 150

Asuncion (Asumpcion), Diego de la, OSF
nd "Arte del idioma Tagalog. " Np.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
24 314-323 / Asuncion

1680 "Obras predicables en idoma Tagalog. " Manila. 314

131 lvs.
1685 "Diccionario Tagalog. " Np. 315

Asuncion, Medina A.
196- "Ilocano Lessons." University of Hawaii Peace Corps 316
Training Center. Mimeo.

Asuncion, Nobleza C.
1956 "A study of English sounds difficult for Filipino 317
students." Unpublished MA thesis, Michigan State
1960 "The phonological problems in improving the oral 318
English of Iloko speakers." Unpublished PhD
dissertation, Michigan State University.
1963 "A contrastive analysis of Iloko and English Phonemes, 319
with application to language teaching. " Paper read at
the eighth annual National Conference of the Linguistic
Circle of New York.
"Dialect differences in the production of English 320
phonemes by some Filipino speakers." Revised paper
read at the twenty-seventh annual convention of the
Speech Association of America, Denver, Colorado.

Asuncion-Lande, Nobleza C.
1969 "Theoretical and methodological models in Philippine
linguistics research: trends and prospects." In Papers
j?om the Fourth Annual Kansas Linguistic Conference.
October 24-25, 1969, 1-19. The Linguistics Student
Association and the Department of Linguistics,
University of Kansas (1970). (Also in AL
1973 "A comparative phonology of the eight major 322
Philippines languages." In Parangal kay Cecilio Lopez,
8-14. (PJLSM 4).

Atherton, Ruth - See 1319

Atherton, William - See also 1319
nd "Binukid personal pronouns. " Manila: SIL. 7 Ivs. 323

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Avila / 324-335

nd "Some minimal grammatical pairs in ~ i n u k i d . "Manila:

SIL. 8 Ivs.
1953 "Binokid phonemes." In Papers on Philippine
Linguistics (Folklore Studies 12), 101-104. Tokyo.
1963 "Binukid verb morphology." Manila: SIL. 3 lvs.

Auas, Estrella Floro

1964 "English composition errors of Tagalog speakers and
implications for analytical theory." Unpublished PhD
dissertation, UCLA. 304 lvs.

Auspitz, Don - See 815

Austin, Virginia Morey
1964 "Distributional restrictions on co-occurrence of aspect
and focus morphsmes in Ata verbs." OL 3(1):69-86.
1966 "Attention, emphasis, and focus in Ata Manobo. "
Unpublished MA thesis, Hartford Seminary Foundation,
Hartford, Connecticut.
1966 Attention, Emphasis, and Focus in Ata Manobo
(Hartford Studies in Linguistics 20). Hartford,
Connecticut: Hartford Seminary Foundation.
x + 149 pp. (Published version of 1966 thesis).

Austin, Virginia Morey, comp

nd "Ata Manobo dictionary." Quezon City: SIL. 270 lvs.
nd "Ata Manobo texts." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:
SIL. 30-163; 16P-269 lvs.

Austin, Virginia Morey and Ursula Post

1964 "The phonology of Ata Manobo." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. 25 lvs.

Austria-Tamondong, Medalla
c 1946 Easy Tagalog Lessons; Vocabulary, grammar and
lesson plans and songs. Dagupan, Pangasinan: Llamas
Press. 144 pp.

Avila, Pedro de la Cruz, OESA

nd "Arte de la lengua Ilocano." Np.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
26 336-350 i Avila

nd "Vocabulario Ilocano. " Np. 336

1600 "Arte, vocabulario y catecismo Ilocano." Np. 3 vols. 337

Awid, M. - See 1082, 1878

Ayora, J. de
nd "Arte Ilokano. " Np.
nd "Arte Panayano. " Np.
nd "Arte Pangasinano. " Np.
nd "Vocabulario Ilokano. " Np.
nd "Vocabulario Panayano. " Np.
nd "Vocabulario Pangasinano. " Np.

Ayub, Hadji Abdullah - See 1275

Azanza, Ramon V.
1962 "In defense of Tagalog words." PFP 55:72

Azipitarte, Alipio, OESA

1888? "Addiciones al diccionario Bisaya del P. Mentrida. " Np. 345
1888 "Proyecto de una gramatica Bisaya." Np. 346

Azores, Fortunata
1967 "A preliminary investigation of the phenomenon of 347
language change in the Philippines." Unpublished MA
thesis, Ateneo de Manila University.

Azpitarte, Alipio
1888? "Addiciones a1 diccionario Bisaya del P. Mentrida 348
project0 de una gramatica Bisaya." Np.

Ba'ul, Jualul, Dietlinde Behrens and Betty Hooker

1978 "Yakan: Text 2 (folktale texts)." SIPL 2(2):207- 10. 349

Bacani, Lyda S.
1965 "A study of cross-cultural differences based on the 350
analysis and comparison of Thai, American and Filipino
contexts of situation." TJnpublished MA thesis, Ateneo
de Manila University.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Ballano / 351-359 27

Bacatan, Juan
1933 Vocabulario Binisaya Ininsik. Cebu: Gacura Mailaing 351
Store. 35 pp.

Baer, G. A.
1907 "Contribution a l'etude des langues de inhgenes auz 352
iles Philippines. " ANTHR 2:467-49 1.

Baessler, A.
1890 "Vocabular von Negrito-Worten. " ZEthnol 22500-501. 353

Baguingan, Gloria, M. Camacho, E. Ceniza, H. Francisco, R. Hernandez

and C. Leonen
1983 "On Ilokano linguistic interaction." Saint Louis 354
University Research Journal 14(1-2):197-205.

Baguingan, Gloria
1980 "A comparative-contrastive analysis of Madluyaong 355
and Balangao phonemes with some reference to Pilipino
and Ilokano. " Unpublished MA thesis, Saint Louis
University, Baguio.

Balagtas, Francisco (pseud of Francisco Baltazar)

1933 "Florante at Laura" (Sinulat ng dakilang makatang 356
Tagalog,. . . sinalin sa matandang katitikang Tagalog ni
Gui. Y. Santiago-Cuino.. .). Manila. 87 lvs.

Balbi, Adrien
1828 Atlas Ethnographique du Globe. Paris: Chez Rey et 357
Gravier, Libraires. 50 pp.

Balbin, Victorino D.
1940 Gramatica Ilocana Fundamental: 0 Jenio y Filosofia 358
del Idioma Samtoy. Manila: Commonwealth Press Inc.
266 pp.

Baldwin, James
nd Traduccion Castellano- Visaya de Baldwin's Reader. 359
Manila: Chofr6 y Compaiiia. 101 pp.

Ballano, Jamila - See 1071

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
28 360-376 / Ballano

Ballano, Jamila - See 1071

Ballard, Arlene S. - See 373

Ballard, D. Lee, Jr.
nd "A tagmemic analysis of Inibaloi independent clauses. "
Manila: SIL. 42 lvs.
nd "Appendix I: Grammar summary. " Manila: SIL. 11 lvs.
nd "Inibaloi I: phonemes." Manila: SIL. 24 Ivs.
nd "Inibaloi morphophonemics. " Manila: SIL. 3 1 Ivs.
nd "Inibaloi sentence types." Manila: SIL. 158 lvs.
nd "Pseudo-allophones and morphophonemics in Ibaloi."
Manila: SIL. 24 Ivs.
1966 "Inibaloi onomatopoeia. " PJLT 4(1-2):72-74
1970 "English-Inibaloi glosses." Manila: SIL
1974 "Inibaloi metaphors. " Manila: SIL. 1I lvs.
1974 "The semantics of Inibaloi verbal affixes." Lingua
1977 "The semantic component realization in Philippine
languages." PJL 8(1-2):47-51.
1978 "'Tnibaloi metaphors. " NLing 7:21-28.

Ballard, D. Lee, Jr., comp

nd "Ibaloi-English dictionary." Manila: SIL
x + 130'7 + I 1 lvs.

Ballard, D. Lee, Jr. and Arlene S. Ballard

nd "Inibaloi III: Word analysis." Manila: SIL. 33 Ivs.

Ballard, D. Lee, Jr., comp and Sherri-Lyn Brainard, ed

1989 Ibaloi-English Dictionary. Quezon City: SIL. 1376 pp.

Ballard, D. Lee, Jr., Robert J. Conrad and Robert E. Longacre

1971 More on the Deep and Surface Grammar of
Interclausal Relations. Santa Ana, California: SIL.
vi + 59 pp. (Language Data: Asian-Pacific Series 1).
1971 "The deep and surface grammar of interclausal
relations." Foundations of Language 7170- 118.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Balmaceda, Julian C.
1934 "Ang mga paningit na la, li, lo sa Tagalog ayon kay 377
Louis B. Wolfenson." Mabuhay (March).
1935 "Ang titik na 'al' sa wikang Tagalog." Mabuhay 378

Balsingam, Dr. E.
1927 "Mga tul;~nl Kikong Balagtas (Slnulat ni Dr. Pablo 379
Ver~osasa Matandang Titik Tagalog)." Np.

Baltazar, Francisco - See Balagtas, Francisco (pseud)

Banayad, Lino F. and Walter B. Hogan
nd "First aid for beginners in Tagalog." Np.

Banker, John
nd "The development of the consonant cluster gl in 381
Subanun." Manila: SIL. 3 lvs.
1958 "Subanon lesson series and some observations about 382
Subanon grammar." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:
SIL. 18 lvs.

Banks, Sir Joseph

1770- 1780 "A collection of the vocabularies of the languages of 383
Tahiti, New Zealand, Savu, Prince Island, Samarang,
Sulu, Madagascar, the Malngos, the Eskimos... " Np.
50 lvs.
1780 "Vocabularies of the languages of Tahiti, Prince Island, 384
Sulu, New Holland, Samarang, Savu, etc." Np. 47 lvs.

Bansalaw, Tuangimang and Kenneth R. Maryott

1978 "Sangir6 (or 'Sangil') (folktale texts). " SIPL
2(2): 145-5 1.

Bantug, Jose P.
1914 "Revising the ancient Filipino alphabet." PR
1930 "The system of writing among the ancient Filipinos." 387
In Estudios Sobre Historia y Prehistoria de Filipinos.
Manila. 12 pp. (Also in Philippine Herald (August 7)).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1937 "Hubo imprenta en Filipinas con caracteres nativos 388
movibles." La Vanguardia (December 11): 4. (Also in
PFP (December 18): 63).

Barbian, Karl-Josef
1977 English-Mangyan (composite) Vocabulary. Cebu City: 389
University of San Carlos. 130 pp.
1977 "The Mangyan languages of Mindoro: a comparative 390
study of phonology and morphology." Unpublished PhD
dissertation, University of San Carlos, Cebu City.

Barham, R. Marie
1955 "The phonemes of the Buhid (Mangyan) language of
eastern Mindoro. " Oceanic Linguistics Monographs
1957 Onak and the Talking Box. Chicago: Moody Press
189 pp.

Barlaan, Rodolfo R.
1975 "Isneg verbal clauses, stem classes, and affixes." PJL 393
6(1):90- 127.
1977 "Fact and fiction in Isneg narrative discourse." SIPL 394
l(2): 1 10-42.
1986 "Some major aspects of the focus system in Isnag." 395
Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Texas,
Arlington. xiii + 249 lvs.

Barlahan-Dagdagan, B., comp

1980 Trilingual Dictionary (part I): Iloko-English-Pilipino. 396
Manila: National Book Store. 264 pp. Tr into Pilipico
by Jose 0. Bautista.
1982 Trilingual Dictionary (part 11): English-Iloko-Pilipino. 397
Manila: National Book Store. 3 14 pp. Tr into Pilipino
by Jose 0.Bautista.

Barnard, Myra Lou - See also 1320- 1325

nd "Dibabawon regular verbs. " Nasuli, Malaybalay, 398
Bukidnon: SIL. 33 Ivs.
nd "Restatement of Dibabawon morphophonemics. " 399
Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 4 Ivs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Barnard / 400-410 31

1965 "Dibabaon nonverbal clauses." Abstracts from the H.

Otley Beyer Symposium (July 12-13), Abelardo Hall,
UP. 17 lvs.
1965 "Dibabaon transient verbs." Manila: SIL.
1967 "Dibabawon nonverbal clauses." In Studies in
Philippine Anthropology, ed by Mario D. Zamora,
559-66. Quezon City: Alemar-Phoenix.

Barnard, Myra Lou, Vivian Forsberg and B. Dawson

1955 "Wordlist in southern Cotabato Manobo." Manila: SIL.

Barnard, Myra Lou and Jannette Forster

nd "A survey of Dibabawon clause structure." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 4 Ivs.
1954 Dibabawon Mandayan-English Vocabulary.Manila: SIL,
Bureau of Public Schools and INL. 67 pp.
1954 "Introduction to Dibabawon sentence structure." JEA4S
1964 Dibabawon-English Dictionary/English-Dibabawon
Index. Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 6 2 7 t 298 pp

Barnard, Myra Lou and Jannette Forster, trs

1969 "Dibabawon texts." In Discourse, Paragraph, and
Sentence Structure in Selected Philippine Languages,
ed by Robert E. Longacre, 3:269-302. Santa Ana,
California: SIL.

Barnard, Myra Lou, Alice Lindquist and Vivian Forsberg

1955 "Cotabato Manobo survey." PSSHR 20(2): 121-36.

Barnard, Myra Lou and Robert E. Longacre

1968 "Lexicon versus grammar in Dibabawon procedural
narrative discourse." In Discourse, Paragraph, and
Sentence Structure in Selected Philippine Languages,
ed by Robert E. Longacre, 1:193-223, part 3. Santa
Ana, California: SIL.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
32 41 1-421 1 Baron Castro

Baron Castro, Rodolfo

1972 "Hispanismos en el Tagalo." Thesaurus 27(1 j: 1-66.
(Also Madrid: Oficina de Educacion Iberto Americana.
632 PP).

Barrantes y Moreno, Vicente

1869 Apunfes Interesantes Sobre las Islas Filipinas. Madrid:
Imprenta de la Iberia.
1869 "Dialectos, puntos donde se hablan." In Apuntes
Interesantes Sobre las Islas Fibipinas, 95- 104. Madrid:
Imprenta de la Iberia.
1889 "Linguistics Filipina." In El Teatro Tagalo, 167-169.
Madrid: Manual Gines Hernandez.

1912 Estudio Psicologico y Antropologico de la Raza Malaya
o Filipina Desde el Punto de Visfa de ru Lenguaje.
Valladolid, Spain.

Barrios, Pilar V.
1946 "A comparative study of Bicol and Tagalog words."
E. A. Manuel Collection (August 26). 46 lvs.

Barritt, C. Westbrook - See 3364

Barrows, David Prescott
1904 "Varieties of Philippines languages." In US Philippines
Commission 1900-1916, 7 14-77 1. Washington, DC: US
Government Printing Office.
1907 "Languages of the Malayan people." In Hisfor])on the
Philippines, 90-97. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. 2d ed.
1909 "The future of native dialects." In US Philippine
Commission 1900-1916. Washington, DC: US
Government Printing Office.
1910 "The Ilongot or Ibilao of Luzon." Popular Science
Monthly 77:521-537.
1925 "Systems of writing among the Filipinos (with
specimens)." In History of the Philippines, 69-72.
Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York: World Book Co.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Barton 1 422-433

Bartlett, Harley Harris

1940 "The geographic distribution, migration, and dialectal
mutatlon of certain plant names in the Philippines and
Netherlands India, with special reference to the materia
medica of a Mangyan mediquillo." Proceedings of the
Sixth Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science
Association, Berkeley and Los Angeles 6(4):85-110.

Bartolome, Artiguez, OP
nd "Arte de la lengua Batanes." Np.

Barton, Roy Franklin - See also 505

19 10- 19 16 "A vocabulary of the Ifugao language as spoken in
Kiangan and vicinity." Kiangan, Ifugao, Mt. Province.
190 lvs.
1919 "Ifugao Law. " University of California Publications in
American Archaeology and Efhnology 15:1-186.
1938 "How marriage prohibitions arose: on the significance
In Mala! languages of the kinship term 'Tulang.'" 1511
35:380-381, 394.
1940 "Numputol - the self-beheaded." PM 37(10):384-386,
1940 "Unpublished collection of ritual texts." Chicago:
Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago
1941 "Reflections on two kinship terms of the transition to
endogamy. " AmAnth 43:540-549.
1942 First Ijiugao-English Wordbook:four thousand roots,
wordbases and afixes. Baguio: Baguio Internment
Camp; Chicago: Philippine Studies Program, University
of Chicago. 102 pp.
1946 The Religion of the Ifugaos. Philadelphia: American
Folklore Society. 219 pp. (Memoir of American
Anthropological Association No 65, 48(4), part 2).
Review: Francis Lambrecht. 1956. Anthropos 5 1:311-3 19.
1949 The Kalingas, Their Institutions and Custom Law.
Chicago: University Press. 275 pp.
1955 The Mythology of the Ifugaos. Philadelphia: American
Folklore Society. 244 pp. (Memoirs of the American
Folklore Society 46).
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
34 434-443 / Bartter

Bartter, Frances E.
1918 "A grammar of the Iloko language." In Philippine
Ethnographic Series, ed by H . Otley Beyer. (Set 7,
vol 3(71):302).
1921 Vocabulary English-Samal. Zamboanga: Sulu Press.
74 PP.

Bas, Nazario D. - See also 1535, 1536

nd Cebuano Pronouncing Dictionary with Meanings in
Pilipino and English. Philippines: Liwayway Publishing
Inc. 462 pp.

Bassilan, Jean Baptiste Mallat de

1843 Archipel de Soulou...Suivie d 'un Vocabulaire
Fran~ais-Malais.Paris: Imprenta de Pollet et
1843 Les iles Philippines Considerees au Point de vue de
I'hydrographic et de la Linguistique. Paris: Imprenta de
Pollet et Compagnie. 108 +60 pp.
1846 "Idiomes des Iles Philippines." In Les Philippines
2:163-238. Paris: A. Bertrand.

Bat-ao, Durung and Patricia M. Hartung

1978 "Manobo: Ata: Text 1 (folktale texts). " SIPL 2(2):9 1-99.

Batalha, Graciete Nogueira

1960 "Coincidencias corn o dialect0 de Macau em dialectos
Espanhois das ilhas Filipinas. " BolFil (Lisboa).

Batungbacal, Jose
1948 Selected Tagalog Proverbs and Maxims. Manila:
University Pub Co. 182 pp. (Revised and enlarged ed).

Baura, Betty
1967 Cebuano para sa mga Peace Corps Volunteers. Manila:
Peace Corps.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Behrens / 444-453

Bautista, Jose A. - See 1201

Bautista, Juliano and Hella E. Goschnick
1978 "Tina Sambal: Text 2 (folktale texts)." SIPL 2(2):34-43.

Bautista, Loida V.
1967 "Pagsusuri sa tagunang impluwensiya ng diin ng
pantig-at kahulugan ng salita sa paggamit ng KA AN sa
pagpapahayag." Unpublished MA thesis, Manuel Luis
Quezon I lnlversity. Manila

Bautista, Ma. Lourdes S.

1977 "The noun phrase in Tagalog-English code switching."
SIPL l(1):l-16.

Bauza, Humberto
1962 "The morphology of Ibanag pronouns." Manila: Ateneo
de Manila Graduate School. Mimeo.
1962 "The phonemes of Ibanag." Manila: Ateneo de Manila
Graduate School. Mimeo.

Bayabao, Hadji Pambaya - See 1577

Baylon, Gloria Villarin
1967 "A study of morphophonemic changes in Tagalog
(Pilipino)." Unpublished MA thesis, PNC. 23 1 lvs

Beauregard, M. Oliver
1886 "Les dialectes de l'archipel Indien et du monde
Oceanien." Bulletin de la Societe d'dnthropologie de
Paris 9(3):520-527.
1887 "Anthropologie et philologie: Aux Philippines."
Bulletin de la Societe d'dnthropologie de Paris
10(4):482-5 15.

Beck, Ken
nd "An amateur looks at Hiligaynon structure." Igbaras,
Iloilo. 15 lvs. Typescript.

Behrens, Dietlinde - See also 349, 1898, 2656

nd "Some features of hortatory discourse in Yakan."
Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 24 Ivs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
36 454-466 / Behrens

1972 "Non-verbal clauses in Yakan. " Nasuli, Malaybalay,

Bukidnon: SIL. 18 lvs.
1975 "Yakan phonemics and morphophonemics. " Papers in
Philippines Linguistics 7: 13-28. (PL-A 44).
Behrens, Dietlinde and Austin Hale
1986 "Demonstratives and the plot in Yakan." SIPL
6(1):94- 199.

Belcher, Sir Edward

1846 "A brief vocabulary of languages." In Narrative of the
P-oyage of H.M.S. Samarang During the Years 1843-44
2:533-571. London: Reeve. Benham and Reeve.

Belen, Alfredo B.
nd "Bicol dictionary." Legaspi, Albay, Philippines:
Sanghirang Bikol.
1957 "Gamot kan Bikol. " Legaspi, Albay, Philippines: np.
76 lvs.

Belloxin, Juan, OESA

nd "Gramatica de la lengua Isinay o de Itui." Np. 3 vols.

Benavente, Alvaro de
1700? Arte y Diccionario Pampango. Madrid: Succesora de
M. Minuesa de 10s Rios. 3 vols.
1700 Diccionario Poetico Tagalo. Madrid: Succesora de M.
Minuesa de 10s Rios. 3 vols.

Bencuchillo, Francisco
nd "Arte Tagalog." Np.
1700 "Diccionario poetic0 Tagalo." Np.
1759 Arte Poetico Tagalog...Prologo de toda la obra a1
celoso Ministro Evangelico y Curioso de Saber. Manila.
32 pp. (Also 1895. Bibliofilo Filipino 1:185-210).

Bencuchillo, Francisco and Guillermo Bennasar, SJ

1893 Diccionario Espafiol-Tiruray. Manila: Tipografico
Litografia de Chofr6. 2 vols. 201 pp, 175 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Benton 1467-479

Benfey, Theodor
1869 Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft und Orientalischen
Philologie. Muenchen.

Benitez, Conrado - See 979, 3355

Benn, Keith
1979 "Hortatory discourse in Central Bontoc with a
justification theme. " SIPL 3(2): 1-19.
1980 "Running 'theme' to ground - in the Bontoc declarative
clause." Manila: SIL. 53 lvs.
1980 "The logical semantic and schematic structures of a
Bontoc exhortation." Manila: SIL.
1982 "The logical semantic and schematic structures of a
Bontoc exhortation." PJL 13(1):23-60. (Published
version of 1980 paper with the same title).
1983 "Discourse approaches to cohesion: A study of the
structure and unity of a Central Bontoc expository text."
Unpublished MA thesis, De La Salle University,
Manila. 540 Ivs.
1985-86 "Discourse analysis as an aid to language evaluation."
PJL 16(2)-17(1):31-60.

Bennasar, Guillermo, SJ - See also 466

1892 Obsewaciones Gramaticales Sobre la Lengua Tiruray.
Manila: Imprenta y Litografia de M. Perez, hijo.
54 + 2 pp.
1892- 1893 Diccionario Tiruray-Espaiiol, Espaiiol-Tiruray. Manila:
Chofr6 y Compaiiia. 2 vols. 201 pp, 175 pp.

Benton, Richard A.
1970 "A concise learner's hctionary of Pangasinan." Np.
366 lvs.
1970 "A reference grammar for learners of Pangasinan." Np.
284 lvs.
1970 "Makasalita kay Pangasinan. " Np. 7 18 lvs.
1971 Pangasinan Dictionary. Honolulu: University of Hawaii
Press. 260 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
38 480-490 1 Benton

1972 "Phonotatics of Pangasinan." Unpublished PhD

dissertation, University of Hawaii.

Bera, Roman Maria de

19-- Gramatica Pangasinan. Salasa, Pangasinan. 70 + 2 pp.
Bergaiio, Diego, OSA
1736 Arte de la Lengua Pampanga, Compuesto por el R. P.
Lector Fr. Diego Bergaiio ... Nuevamente aiiadido,
emendado, y reducido a menthodo mas claro ...
Sampaloc: Convento de Nuestra Sefiora de Loreto.
30 +219 + 3 pp. (2d ed of 1729 work; 3d ed, 1916).
1860 Vocabulario de la lengua Pampango en Romance y
diccionario de Romance en Pampango. Manila:
Imprenta de Ramirez y Giraudier. 343 pp. (Reprint of
original 1732).
19 16 Arte de la Lengut~Pampanga, Manila: Tipografico del
Colegio de Santo Tomas. 23 1 pp.

Berger, Kenneth W.
1967 "A study of printed Pilipino usage." Phonetics
1967 "An introduction to Pilipino phonetics and
pronunciation. " Phonetica 17(1):24-30.
1969 "The most frequently found words in printed Pilipino."
The Dilirnan Review 17(2): 133- 162.

Bergh, J. D. van den

1958 Analysis of the Syntax and the System of AfJixes in the
Bisaya Language from Cebu. Surigao: Sacred Heart
Missionaries. 174 pp.

Bergsten, Goldie
nd "Pampanga dictionary and grammar. " Np. 115 Ivs

Bermejo, Julian
nd "Comparison of speech sounds in English and in the
dialect spoken in Virac, Catanduanes." Bureau of
Public Schools, Division of Catanduanes. 2 Ivs. Mimeo.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Bewsher / 491-501

1800? "Arte de la lengua Zebuana, de 10s naturales Bisayas en

Filipinas. " Np. 79 lvs.
1800? "Bocabulario de la lengua Gaddang." Np. 201 Ivs.
1836 Arte de la lengua Zebuana, sacado del que escribio el
r . p f . Francisco Encina ... Manila: Impreso en la
imprenta de J. M. Dayot por T. Oliva. 168 + 8 pp.
1894 Arte Compendiado de la Lengua Cebuana. Tambobong:
Pequeiia Tipo-litografia del Asilo de Huerfanos.
180 + 6 pp.

Bernable, Emma - See 3309

Bernabie, Emma and Virginia Lapid
1970 "Ilokano lessons." Np. 470 lvs

Bernad, Miguel Anselmo - See 276

Bernal, Rafael
1963 "Mexican influence in Filipino languages." Unitas
36(2):3 1.2-315.

Bernardo, Gabriel A.
1937 "'Sungka' - Philippine variant of a widely distributed
game." PSSR 9:l-36.

Bernardo, Pilar
nd "A comparison of speech sounds in English and
Chabacano. " Zamboanga City: Bureau of Public
Schools. 3 lvs. Mimeo.

Berzina, Majia Janovna and Solomon Il'ich Bruk

1962 Naselenije Indonezii, Malaji i Filippin. Prilozhenie k
karte Narodov [Population of Indonesia, Malaysia and
the Philippines. Supplement to the maps of the people].
AN SSSR Moskva. 93 pp.

Beurms, Charles J.
1929 "Sacrifices among the Bago-Igorot." PM 2(1-2):27-32.

Bewsher, R. A.
1956 "Bisayan accounts of early Bornean settlements in the
Philippines recorded by Father Santaren." SMJ 7:48-53.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
40 502-513 / Beyer

Beyer, H. Otley - See also 3355

nd "A brief vocabulary of the Tagbanua dialect as spoken 502
at the village of Limanukong on Bakuit Bay, Island of
Palawan." Philippine Ethnographic Series. 94 lvs. (Set
12, paper 29).
nd "Philippine dialects and abbreviations." Np. 503
1913 History and Ethnography of the Igorot Peoples. Manila. 504
5 vols. 500 pp.

Beyer, H. Otley and R. F. Barton

nd "Miscellaneous data on the Ifugao language (Text, 505
Grammatical Notes, and Vocabularies)." Np.

Beyer, William
1947-1948 "Wordlist in Ifugao." Np. 39 + 14 Ivs.
Biad, ALifio - See 3461
Bickford, Angelina - See 507
Bickford, Sam and Angelina Bickford
1985 Pilipino-English, English-Pilipino Dictionary. Manila: 507
Merriam and Webster; New York: Hippocrene Books.
389 pp.

Bigelow, A. E.
1914 "Visayan Grammar." lloilo City. Mimeo. 508
1915 "Outline for the study of Pan-Ayanon Visayan." Np. 509

Billiet, Francis
1930 "Kalinga riddles." PrM 3(3-4):71-74.
1934 "A Kalinga legend: the origin of unpounded rice." PrM 511
7(1): 14-16.

Binder, Wolfgang
1980 "Phonology of Paranan." Manila: SIL. 3 lvs.

Biso, Juan
nd "Compendio del arte Tagala. " Np.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Blake / 514-526 41

Bite, Illuminada B.
1961 "An attempt to discover the speaking difficulties of 514
Bicol learners of English." California: UCLA term
project for English 103K.

Black, Helen W.
1942 "Tense aspect and mode in the Aklan dialect."
PMASAL 27(4):497-504.

Blackburn, Barbara - See 2539, 2564, 2565

Blackburn, Barbara and Betty McLachlin
1960 "Phonemic statement, Sarangani Bilaan." Nasuli, 516
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 13 Ivs.

Blackburn, Barbara and Betty McLachlin, trs

1969 "Sarangani Bilaan texts." In Discourse, Paragraph, and 517
Sentence Structure in Selected Philippine Languages,
ed by Robert E. Longacre, 3:67-109. Santa Ana,
California: S E .

Blagden, C. 0.
1905 "Dr. Brandstetter's Malayo-Polynesian researches. " 518
JSBRAS 42:211-216.
1916 Introduction to Indonesian Linguistics. London. 519

Blake, Frank Ringgold

nd "Tagalog accent. " Np.
nd "The Tagalog ligature in other languages of the 521
southern Philippines." Np.
1902 "Study of Philippine languages at Johns Hopkins 522
University. " AmAnth 4:793-794.
1903 "Analogies between Semitic and Tagalog." JHUC 523
1903 "Sanskrit loanwords in Tagalog. " JHUC 22(163):63-65. 524
1904 "Differences between Tagalog and Bisayan." JAOS 525
25(1): 162-169.
1905 "The Bisayan dialects." JAOS 26: 120-136. 526

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
42 527-540 1 Blake

1906 "Contributions to comparative Philippine grammar. I.

General features, notes on phonology, pronouns." JAOS
27(2):317-396. (Also in Readings in Philippine
Linguistics, A. B. Gonzalez, 83-142).
Review: William Egbert Wheeler MacKinlay. 1908. In
"Notes on F. R. Blake's 'Contributions to comparative
Philippine Grammar'." Np. 5 lvs. Typescript.
"Expression of case by the verb in Tagalog." JAOS
"Contributions to comparative Philippines grammar. 11.
The numerals. " JAOS 28(2): 199-255. (Also in Readings
in Philippine Linguistics, A. B. Gonzalez, 143-188).
"The Tagalog ligature and analogies in other
languages." JAOS 29:227-23 1.
"Expression of the ideas 'to be' and 'to have' in the
Philippine languages. " JAOS 30(4):375-391.
"Philippines languages. " In New International
Encyclopedia 15:727-728. New York. (2d ed, 1930.
1911 "Philippine literature. " AmAnth 13:449-457
1911 "Tagalog verbs derived from other parts of speech."
AJP 32(4):436-440.
1916 "Construction of coordinated words in the Philippine
languages." AJP 37(4):466-474. (Also in Readings in
Philippine Linguistics, A. B. Gonzalez, 188-194).
1917 "Reduplication in Tagalog." AJP 38(4):425-431
19 17 "The Tagalog verb." JAOS 36(4):396-414.
1921 "A new method of syntactical arrangement." JAOS
1921 "The present status of Philippine linguistics." Paper
read at :!!- 133rd a n n i ~ : ~meeting
I of the American
Oriental Society in Baltimore, Maryland. (Also in JAOS
1921- 1925 "Instructions for Philippine linguistic workers." Np.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Blake / 541-550

"Long-distance collection of Philippine linguistic

material." Paper read at the 134th annual meeting of
the American Oriental Society in Chicago. (Also in
JAOS 42:339.).
"Construction of coordinated words in spoken Tagalog."
Paper read at the 135th meeting of the American
Oriental Society in Princeton, New Jersey. (Also in
JAOS 43: 170).
"Collection of materials on the interrogative sentence
in the Philippine dialects." Paper read at the 136th
annual meeting of the American Oriental Society in
New York City. (Also in JAOS 44:169-170).
A Grammar of the Tagalog Language, the Chief Native
Idiom of the Philippine Islands. New Haven,
Connecticut: American Oriental Society. xxxi + 324 pp.
Review: Julian Cruz Balmaceda (pseud Alma Filipina).
1929. Sampaguita (January 6 ) .
Review: Otta Karl August Dempwolff. 1929. Zeitschrift
fur Eingeborenen-Sprachen 19(4):3 15-3 16.
"The collection of materials illustrating indefinite
pronominal ideas in the Philippine Islands." Paper read
at the 137th annual meeting of the American Oriental
Society in New Haven, Connecticut. (Also in JAOS
"The study of Philippine languages at Johns Hopkins
University and its bearing on linguistic science." Johns
Hopkins Alumni Magazine 14(4):389-400.
"The particle i in the Philippine languages." Paper read
at the 141st annual meeting of the American Oriental
Society in Cambridge, Massachusetts. (Also in JAOS
"A semantic analysis of case." In Curme Volume of
Linguistic Studies, ed by James T. Hatfield, 34-49.
Baltimore: Waverly Press.
"The study of language from the semantic point of
view. " Indogermanische Forschungen 56:24 1-255.
"Selected list of materials for the study of the Tagalog
language." New York: Southeast Asia Institute. 13 lvs.
(Johns Hopkins University, Language Series 4. Mimeo).
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
44 551-563 1 Blake

1950 "Tagalog noun formation. " JAOS 70(4):27 1-29 1

Blanco, Gerardo, OSA

nd "Vocabulario Hispano-Ilocano. " Np. 264 lvs.

Blanco, Manuel
1837 "Muchos nombres que se dan a 10s vegetales en estas
islas con el genero a donde pertenecen." In Flora de
Filipinas, 874-883. Manila: C . Lopez. 619 pp.
1845 Flora de Filipinas Segun el Sistema Sexual de Linneo.
Manila: C . Lopez. 2d ed. 619 pp.
Review: Elmer Drew Merrill. 1905. Bureau of
Government Laboratories, publication 27.
Blood, David
1959 "The g phoneme in Isnag." Manila: SIL. 3 lvs

Blood, Doris
1962 "The 'Y' archiphoneme in Mamanwa." AL 4(4):29-30.

Bloomfield, Leonard
1917 Tagalog Texts with Grammatical Analysis. Urbana,
Illinois: University of Illinois. Part I, 1-133; part 11,
134-3 16. (Other ed, 1964. 3 vols in 1).
Review: Frank Blake. 1919. AJP 40:86-93.
Review: Otta Karl August Dempwolff. 1923-24.
Zeitschrift fur Eingeborenen-Sprachen 14:316-3 17
1933 Language. New York: Holt. 564 pp
1942 "Outline of Ilocano syntax. " Lung 18:193-200.

Blumentritt, Ferdinand
1833 "Vocabulario de la lengua Caboloana." Np. 900 lvs
1882 "Ueber den Namen der Igorroten. " Aus 55(1): 17.
1882 Vocabular Einzelner Ausdrucke und Redensarten
welche dem Spanischen der Philippinischen Inseln
Eigenthumlich sind. Leitmeritz: K . Pickert. 131 64 pp
1884 "Begleitworte m meiner Karte der Insel Mindanao."
Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft firer Erdkunde zu Berlin

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Blumentritt / 564-576

"Vocabulaire des locutions et de mots particuliers a

1'Espagnol des Philippines." In Extrait 12 du Bulletin
de la Societe Academique Indo-Chinoise de France,
233-315. Paris: Challamel aime de Ernest Leroux. 2
serie, t 11.
"Sitten und Brauche der Tagalen (Luzon). Nach dem
'Folk-lore bulaqueiio,' nach, P. A. Paterno, de 10s
Reyes, etc." Aus 58:1016-1017; 59:281-284.
"Sobre la lengua Tiruray." Np.
"Vocabulario Tagalo-Aleman. " Leipzig'?.
"Bemerkungen zu den Spanischen Angaben uber die
verbreitungsgebiete etc. der Philippinischen
landessprachen. " ZEthnol 22:89-103.
"Lenguas y razas de Filipinas." Revista de Geografia
Commercial 48:552-557.
"Alphabetischen verzeichnis der eingeborenen stamme
der Philippinen und der von ihnen gesprochenen
sprachen. " Zeitschrift d. Gesellsch. f.Erdkunde zu
Berlin 25:127- 146.
"Die Maguindanaos." Aus 64:886-892.
"Die Namensgebung bei den alten Tagalen." Globus
"Die Tagalische Familie. Nach dem Spanischen des P
A. Paterno." Oesterreichische Monatschrzyt fur den
Orient 18:103-105.
"Die transcription des Tagalog von Dr. Jose Rizal. "
Bijdragen tot de Taal-land-en Volkenkunde van
Nederlandsch-Indie 42:31 1-320.
Katechismus der Katholischen Glaubenslehre in der
Ilongoten-Sprache Verfasst von P. Fray Francisco de la
Zarza in Druck Gelegt und mit Aequivalenten des
Ilongot-Textes in Spanischer, Beziehungsweise
Tagalisher und Maguindanauischer Sprache. Wien.
30 PP.
"Nachtrag zu dem 'Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der
eingeborenen Stamme der Philippinen und der von
ihnen gesprochenen Sprachen'." Zeitschrijit der
Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin 28(2):16 1- 166.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
46 577-589 / Blumentritt

1894 "Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der bei den Philippinischen

eingeborenen ublichen Eigennamen, welche auf
Religion, Opfer, und priesterliche Titel und
Arntsverrichtungen sich beziehen. " Zeitschrift J d.
Kunde des Morgenlanoks, 43-58, 137-154, 224-238.
1895 "Diccionario mitoldgico de Filipinas." Archivo del
Bibliofilo Filipino 2:335-454. (Also in 1896. La
Politica de Espafia en Filipinas 7: 162-167, 207-2 13,
I895 "Ueber die Namen der malaiischen Stamme der
Philippinischen Inseln. " Globus 67(21):334-337
1896 "Des Padre Fr. Jose Castano Nachrichten uber die
Sprache der Agta." BNI 46:434-436.
1896 "Die Mangianeschrift von Mindoro." Globus
69(11): 165- 166.
1897 "Diccionario etnografico de Filipinas." La Politica d e
Espaiia en Filipinas 7:162-167; 7:207-213; 7:237-242.
I898 "Diccionario de idiomas Filipinos." La Politica de
Espaiia en Filipinas 8:77-80.
1899 Verzeichnis Philippinischer Sachworter azts dem
Gebiete der Ethnographic rrnd Zoologie. Berlin: R.
Friedlander und S o h . 36 pp.
1901 "Lists of the native tribes of the Philippines and of the
languages spoken by them." In Annual Report of the
Smithsonian Institution, 1887, 527-547. Washington,
DC: Smithsonian Institute.
1916 "Philippine tribes and languages." In Philippine
Progress Prior to 1898, ed by Craig and Austin,
107- 1 17. Manila: Philippine Education Company Inc
136 pp.

Blust, Robert A.
1969 "Some new Proto-Austronesian trisyllables." Working
Papers in Linguistics 1(10):27-62.
1971 "A Tagalog consonant cluster conspiracy." PJL
1979 "Proto-Western Malayo-Poynesian vocatives. " BNI

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Bordman / 590-598 47

Bobadilla, Diego de
1696 "Languages of the Philippines. " Relations de Divers 590
Voyages Curieux 1(30):4-5.

Bocobo, Jorge
1917 "Pag pag-uulitulit ng mga pantig salita sa wikang
Tagalog at sa iba pang wika sa oceania." Np.

Boller, Purification
1962 "A study of the stress intonation difficulties in English 592
of the Masbate South Elementary School teachers with
suggestions for correction." Unpublished MA thesis,

Bonet, Miguel, OP
nd "Diccionario Gaddan-Espaiiol y Espaiiol-Gaddan. " Np. 593
400 + 158 lvs.

Bonifacio, Wenceslawa F.
1960 "An analysis of the speech errors of four Tagalog
pupils." California: UCLA term project for Speech

Bopp, Franz
1816 Ueber das Conjugationssytem der Sanskritsprache in 595
Vergleichung mit Jenem der Griechischen. Lateinischen
und Germanischen Sprache. Frankfurt am Main.
1833- 1852 Vergleichende Grammatik des Sanskrit, Zend, 596
Griechischen, Lateinischen, Litthauischen, Gotischen
und Deutschen. Berlin. 6 vols.
184 1 Ueber die Venvandtschaft der Malayisch-Polpesischen 597
Sprachen mit de-; Indisch-Europaischen. Berlin:
Ferdinand Durnmler. 164 pp.

Bordman, J.
1901 Manual de Dialogos en Tagalo, Ingles, y Castellano 598
con la Pronunciation Figurada. Manila. 63 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
48 599-609 1 Borlaza

Borlaza, Gregorio C.
1970 "Ang makaagham at malikhaing pag-aaral ng Pilipino."
Ang Supling (Lathalain ng Pambansang Samahan sa
Lingwistika), no 1, 1-2.

Botor, Pablo K.
1966 "The basic structure of the Ilocano language. " Verge

Bowen, J. Donald
1960 "A pedagogical transcription of English. " LL
lO(3-4): 103-1 14. (Also in 1962. Background Readings
in Language Teaching, 70-84).
1961 "English and Tagalog structures compared." PJLT 1-2.
1962 "The value of contrastive analysis." In Background
Readings in Language Teaching, ed by R. J. Hemphill,
56-63. Quezon City: Phoenix Pub House. (Philippine
Center for Language Study, Monograph Series 1).
1962 "The concept of pattern." In Background Readings in
Language Teaching, ed by R. J. Hemphill, 21-26.
Quezon City: Phoenix Pub House. (Philippine Center
for Language Study, Monograph Series 1).
1968 Intermediate Readings in Tagalog. Berkeley: University
of California Press. 399 pp.
Review: Vladimir Afanas'evich Makarenko. 1970.
Narody Azii i Afriki 5:213-214.
1971 "Hispanic languages and influence in Oceania. " In
Current Trend in Linguistics 8(2):938-952. The
Hague-Paris: Mouton.

Bowen, J. Donald and Neonetta C. Cabrera

1965 Beginning Tagalog: a Course for Speakers of English.
Berkeley: University of California Press. 526 pp.

Bowring, John
1859 A Visit to the Philippines. London. 114 pp. (Dutch
version, 186 1. Een Bezoek aan de Philippijnsche
1876 "I&omas." In Una Visita a las Islas Filipina, 201-222
Manila: Ramirez y Girauher. xv + 460 pp.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
B r a n d s t e t t e r 1 610-620 49

1876 Una Visita a las Islas Filipinas. Manila: Ramirez y

Giraudier. xv 460 pp.

Brainerd, Sherri-Lyn - See also 374

Brainerd, Sherri
1985 "Upper Tanudan Kalinga dictionary. " Bagabag, Nueva
Vizcaya: SIL.

Brainerd, Sherri, comp

1985 Upper Tanudan Kalinga Texts (SIPL Supplementary
Series: Philippine Texts l), ed by Fe T. Otanes and
Austin Hale. Manila: LSP and SIL. ix + 128 pp.

Brandes, Carlos 0. and Otto J. Scheerer

1927-1928 "On sandhi in the Ibanag language." The Archive, paper
6. 42 lvs.

Brandes, J a n Laurens Andries

1884 Budrage tot de Vergelukende Klankleer der Westersche
Afdeling van de Maleish-Polynesische Taal-familie.
Utrecht: P. W. van de Weijer. 184 pp.
1903 "Het infix 'IN' niet een infix 'UM' passieve vormen te
maken." In Album Kern, 199-204. Leiden: E . J. Brill.
420 pp.

Brandstetter, Renward
1893- 1908 Malayo-Polynesische Forschungen. Luzern: Geschw.
Doleschal. 10 vols in 2 series.
1901 "Die Stellung der Minahassischen Idiome zu dem
ubrigen Spracheil von Celebes einerseits und zu den
Sprachen der Philipinen anderseits." In Versuch Einer
Anthropologie der Insel Celebes. Vol 5 of Materialen
zur ~Vafurgeschichteder Insel Celebes, Paul Sarasin and
Fritz Sarsin. Wiesbaden: C. W. Kreidel Verlag.
1902 Tagalen und Madagassen. Luzern: J. Eisenring. 85 pp.
1903 "Auslaut und Anlaut in Indogermanischen und
Malaiopolyneischen." In Album Kern, 349-35 1. Leiden:
E. J. Brill. 420 pp.
1905 "El Tagalog y el Malagasy. " The Philippine Historical
Review (May-July): 14, 3 1-32, 45-47.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Bravo 1 630-643

1916 An Introduction to Indonesian Linguistics. London:

Asiatic Society. 351 pp. (Asiatic Society Monograph 15).
Review: Shwe Zan Aung. 1917. ,'rBResSoc 7:94- 109.
1917 Die Reduplikation in den Indianischen, Indonesischen,
und Indogermanischen Sprachen. Luzern: Verlag E .
Haag. 33 pp.
1922 Der Intellekt der Indonesischen Rasse. Mit
Indogermansichen Parallelen als Anhang. Luzern.
1929 Wir Menshen der Indonesischen Erde. Luzern: Verlag
E . Haag. 11 vols.
1931 Das Sprechen und die Sprache im Spiegel der
Indonesischen Idiome und Literaturen. Luzern: Verlag
E . Haag. 35 pp. (Wir Menschen der Indonesischen
Erde 7).
1937 Die Venvandtschaft des Indonesischen mit dem
Indogermanischen. Luzern: Verlag E . Haag. 29 pp.
1938 "Root and word in the Indonesian language."
Linguistics 2:48- 106.
1956 Bahasa Indonesia Umum dan Bahasa Indonesia Purba.
Djakarta: Pustaka Rakjat. 64 pp.
1957 Akcr Kata dun Kata Dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
Djakarta: Pustaka Rakjat. 64 pp.
1957 Hal Bunji Dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Djakarta: Pustaka
Rakjat. 113 + 232 pp.
1957 Katakerdja Dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Djakarta: Pustaka
Rakjat. 92 pp.

Braiia, Miguel
1769? "Diccionario Tagalo. " Np.

Bravo, Antonio
1857 Vade-Mecum Filipino o Manual de la Conversation
Familiar Espaiiol-Pampango. Manila: C . Miralles.
109 pp.
1886 "Cuestiones grammaticales; sus contestaciones. "
Candaba (August 10).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
52 644-656 1 Bravo

1886 "Yslas Filipinas. Cuestionario y vocabulario de la 644

lengua Pampanga dialecto." Candaba. 33 lvs.

Bravo, Fr. Felipe - See 729

Breau, Armand de Quatrefabes de
1895 "Language of the Negritos." In The Pygmies, tr by
Frederick Starr, 144-148. London: Macmillan.

Brichoux, Felicia - See also 656, 657

1984 "Intersecting functions of topic markers in Sindangan 646
Subanun." SIPL 5(1):47-65.

Brichoux, Robert M.
nd "Sindangan Suhanun phonemics II." Manila: SIL. 647
10 lvs.
1963 "Egibid bu egbuaya (Lizard and Crocodile)." SILWP 648
1970 "Sindangan Subanun phonemics." Papers in Philippine 649
Linguistics 3 :71-77. (PL-A 24).
1972 "Acoustic correlates of stress in Tagaiog: 6 50
Spectrographic studtes of relative amplitude, relative
frequency and length." Fullerton: California State
College. 87 lvs. (Department of Linguistics Seminar
Papers Series 18).
"Length in Sindangan Subanun." In Laboratory for
Phonetic Research. Fullerton: California State College,
11 Ivs. (Research Reports Series 5).
1977 "Semantic components of pronoun systems: Subanon 652
and Samoan." SIPL 1(1):163-65.
1977 "Spelling Subanun style: A test of a phonemic-cultural 653
orthography." SIPL l(1): 151-62.
1984 "Hortatory strategy in Subanun 11." SIPL 5(1):80-117. 654
1988 "Subanen normative discourse: implications for 655
translation." OPTAT 2(3):80-88.

Brichoux, Robert M. and Felicia Brichoux

1963 "Pattern congruity in Ilianen Manobo phonology." In 656
Papers on Philippine Languages I , ed by Elmer
Wolfenden, 40-49. Manila: K T and SIL.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Buenaventura 1657-667 53

1977 "A sketch of Ilianen Manobo inflection." SIPL 657

l(1): 166-72.

Brichoux, Robert M. and Austin Hale

1977 "Some characteristics of hortatory strategy in Subanun." 658
SIPL 1(1):75-92.

Briones, Manuel C.
1943 "The chief dialects as a vehicle of popular culture." PR 659

Broad, Henry Philip (pseud for Mrs. Anne Broad)

1929 'Thabacano." PM 26(3): 142, 160.
1932 "Baptismal names among Filipinos." PM 29(1): 19.

Brouwer, C. de
1925-1926 "Bontoc legends." LAMP 2(1):20-21; 2(4):116-117;
2(6):181-182; 2(10):225-226; 2(11):253.

Brugmann, A.
1941-1942 "Syntaktische probleme im Polynesischen, mit
besonderer Berucksichtigung des Tonganischen."
ZEthnol 32(1): 1-30; 32(2):89-113; 32(3): 183-200.

Bruk, Solomon Il'ich - See 499

Buchler, Ira R. and R. Freeze
1966 "The distinctive features of pronominal systems 664
(Ilocano, Maranao). " AL 8(8):78- 105.

Buell, William
1962 "Comparative study of English and Ilocano."
California: UCLA. Mimeo.

Buenaventura, Amparo S.
1962 "A syntactic analysis of basic sentence types in 666
Tagalog." Unpublished MA thesis, Georgetown
University. 71 lvs.
1967 A Syntactic Analysis of Basic Sentence Types in 667
Tagalog.San Carlos Publications, Series A Humanities
6. (Published version of 1962 thesis).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
54 668-678 / Buenaventura

Buenaventura, Ligaya C.
1982 Diksipnaryong Pilipino-Pilipino. Manila: Goodwill
Trading; Quezon City: JMC Press. 338 pp.

Buenaventura, P. de
1613 "Vocabulario Tagalog. " Np.

Buffin, Katherine G. and Charles Lynch

1914 JoIoano Moro. Manila: E. E. McCullough. 138 pp.

Bugarin, Jose, OP
nd "Gramatica del idioma Ibanag at diccionario
Tbanag-Espafiol." Np.
1613? "Dictionary in Ibanag dialect." Np
1854 Diccionario Ybnnag-Espaiiol. Manila: Amigos del Pais.
+ +
xii 280 72 pp.

Buhain, Amparo R. - See also 204

1958 "The Tagalog particle -Na."' PJS 87(4):473-478.
1960 "A sequence of Tagalog structural patterns for speakers
of English." California: UCLA term project for English

Bulabog, Praxedes P.
1968 "A contrastive study of the phonological systems of
English and Cebuano Bisayan and how the differences
affect the teaching of English as a second language to
Cebuano Bisayan learners." Unpublished MA thesis,
University of San Carlos, Cebu.

Bulich, Sergei Konstantinovich

1901 "Tagal'skij jazyk" [The Tagalog language]. In
Enci'klopediceskij slovar' [Encyclopedic dictionary], ed
by Brokgauza and Efrona, 469. SPb.
1902 "Filippinskaja ili tagal'skaja gruppa malajskich
jazykov" [Philippine or Tagalog group of Malayan
languages]. In EnEiklopediceskij slovar ' [Encyclopedic
dictionary], ed by Brokgauza and Efrona, 75 1-752. SPb.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Bureau of Education 1 679-692

Bulle, Emilio, OESA

1890? "Notas y observaciones a la gramatica Tagal." Np.

Bunye, Maria Victoria - See also 3881

1962 "The phonemes of Kinaray-a." Manila: Ateneo
Graduate School. Mimeo.

Bunye, Maria Victoria and Elsa Paula Yap

1970 "Cebuano for beginners." Np. 839 lvs.
1970 "Cebuano grammar notes." Np. 115 lvs.

Bureau of Agriculture
1903-1904 P. I. Bureau of Agriculture Report. 1903-1904. Manila:
Bureau of Printing.

Bureau of Education
1940 Course of Study in the National Language @or
non-Tagalog speaking provinces). Manila: Bureau of
1940 Course of Study in the National Language Uor Tagalog
speaking provinces). Manila: Bureau of Printing.
vi +38 pp.
1945 Bulitin Ukol sa Wikang Pambansa. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 6 vols.
1946 A Manual for Teaching the Filipino National Language
in Grade I. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 120 pp.
1946 Bulitin Ukol sa Wikang Pambansa. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 8 vols.
1946 LSpellrn,qthe I)lphthongs 'in, ' 're, ' '10, ' and the
nun-L)rphthon,os in the Frlrprno h'atronnl Lnt?quage
Manila: Bureau of Printing. 1 p. (Bulletin 8).
1947 A Manual for Teaching the Filipino Language in the
First Year. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 117 pp. (2d ed,
1947 A Manual for Teaching the Filipino National Language.
Manila: Bureau of Printing.
1947 "Additional lessons in the Filipino National Language."
Manila: Bureau of Printing. 16 lvs. Mimeo. (Bulletin 10).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
56 693-707 / Bureau of Education

A Manual for Teaching the National Language in the

Second Year High School (Non-Tagalog students).
Manila: Bureau of Printing. 89 pp.
oyc rlrrtl l ' t r f o j r h I'evhal.4ffirr
~ \ ~ r r r r' nnd /?tag

Manlla: Bureau of Education. 16 pp (Bulletin 2)

"Common errors in the National Language for remedial
teachers. " Manila: Bureau of Printing. 12 lvs. Mimeo.
(Bulletin 3).
"Correct pronunciation in the National Language."
Manila: Bureau of Printing. 16 Ivs. Mimeo. (Bulletin 13).
A Course of Study in National Language for Grade III
(for Tagalog provinces). Manila: Bureau of Printing.
60 PP.
Common Expressions and Functional Grammar in
National Language. Manila: Bureau of Education.
10 pp. (Bulletin 5).
"Meaning and use of idoms in the National Language."
Manila: Bureau of Printing. 26 Ivs. Mimeo. (Bulletin 32).
"Patnubay sa pagtuturo ng Wikang Pilipino para sa
ikaanim na baitang." Manila: Bureau of Printing.
114 lvs. Mirneo.
"Accentuation of Filipino language words not necessary
in certain cases." Manila: Bureau of Printing. 1 If.
Mimeo. (Memorandum 25).
"Biyadiin." Manila: Bureau of Printing. 24 Ivs. Mimeo.
"Mga sugilanan sa akean." Manila: Bureau of Printing
25 lvs. Mimeo.
"Omolok tana." Manila: Bureau of Printing. 22 lvs
Patnubay sa Pagtuturo ng Wikang Pilipino para sa
Ikatlong Taon ng Mataas nu Paaralan. Manila: Bureau
of Printing. 1 13 pp.
"Pira-c tad don nat tabacu." Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 20 lvs. Mimeo.
"Tamtami, ululit ni bayag. " Manila: Bureau of Printing.
27 Ivs. Mimeo.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Bureau of Education / 708-723

1956 Vocabulary Lists for Teaching Various Subjects in the

Filipino Language. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 24 pp.
(Miscellaneous publications).
1956 "Y maservi nikamu. " Manila: Bureau of Printing.
27 lvs. Mimeo.
1957 "Pagadadan o magingod." Manila: Bureau of Printing.
56 lvs. Mimeo. (Community Education Series, book I).
1957 The Family of Philippine Languages and Dialects.
Manila: Bureau of Printing. (Bulletin 37).
1958 ,417 Koroc~rrgS~tCigonh ~ n:4usterrt?/ ' M a n l l a Bureau of
"In haati sin 'Austerity."' Manila: Bureau of Printing.
Kodigo ug mga Suron-danon hin Ka Tultol ngan
Kamaupay nga Batasan. Manila: Bureau of Printing.
9 PP.
"Maanano 'Austcrity.". Manila: Bureau of Printing.
Mga Kitab o Adat sa Kapagined. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 19 pp.
Patnubay sa Pagtuturo ng Wikang Pilipino para sa
Ikaapat nu Taon ng Mataas nu Paaralan. Manila:
Bureau of Printing. 97 pp.
"Community in action." Manila: Bureau of Printing, vol
3(1). 4 lvs. Mimeo.
"Course outline for Pilipino, grade III." Manila: Bureau
of Printing. 5 Ivs. Mimeo. (Memorandum 113).
"Course outline for Pilipino, grade IV." Manila: Bureau
of Printing. 3 lvs. Mimeo. (Memorandum 113).
Course Outline in Pilipino Language for Grade V .
Manila: Bureau of Printing. 206 pp.
"Magtanum sing madamong kararuton. " Manila:
Bureau of Printing. 27 Ivs. Mimeo.
"A composite vocabulary of principal halects spoken
in the Mt. Province for the use in elementary grades."
Baguio City. (Division bulletin 1).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
58 724-733 / Bureau of Education

1964 "Ang tungkulin ng mga paaralan sa pagtuturo at 724

pagpapalaganap ng Pilipino. " Manila: Bureau of
Printing. (Memoradum 101).
1964 "Filipino terms and expressions that may be used in 725
commencement exercises and other programs." Manila:
Department of Education. (Bulletin 8).

Bureau of Public Schools

1958 "Vocabulary List of Bikol Words for Grades I and 11." 726

Buschmann, Johan Carl E.

1838 "Vergleichende Gramatik der Siidsee-Sprachen und 727
Beilaufig des Malayischen Sprachstarnrnes Uberhaupt."
In Ueber die Kawi Sprache auf der Insel Java, by
Wilhelm Humboldt, 3:569-1028. Berlin.

Bustillo, Don Arisclo F. Vallin

1886 Gramatica na lsinawicang Tagalog Manila: Ang
pinagawang Tipografico 'La Industrial ' 105 pp.

Butuhasan, Madarsad - See 3704

Buzeta, Manuel and Fr. Felipe Bravo
18 50- 185 1 Diccionario Geogrrij?co, Estadistico, Historico de las 729
Islas Filipinas. Manila: Irnprenta de Jose C. de la Peiia.
2 vols. 567 pp, 467 pp.

Buzeta, Manuel
1850 Gramatica de la Lengua Tagala. Madrid: lmprenta de 730
+ +
D. Jose de la Peiia. vi 17 1 3 pp.
1850- 1851 "Idoma. " In Diccionario Geogrrifico, Estadtstico, 731
Histdrico de las Islas Filipinas 1:64-66. Manila:
Iinprenta de Jose C. de la Pefia.

Byrne, James
1885 General Principles of the Structure of Language. 732
London: Trubner and Co. 2 vols. 504 pp, 396 pp.

Cabanon, L.
1966 "A contrastive analysis of Ilocano and English count 733
and mass nouns. " Manila: PNC. Mimeo.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Calderon 1 734-745

Cabonce, Rodolfo, SJ
1955? "Visayan-English dictionary. " Manila. 23 1 lvs.
(Reprinted 1963 by the Peace Corps).
1963 Visayan-English, English- Visayan Dictionary.
Philippines: Peace Corps. (Reprinted 1983).
1983 An English-Cebuano Visayan Dictionary. Manila:
National Book Store Inc. 1135 pp.

Cabrera, Neonetta C. - See 607

Cacdac, Bonifacio and Fausta Arce-Cacdac
1960 Ilocano-English-Pilipino Dictionary. Manila: Mendoza
1960 Pagitarusan-Ilokano-Ingles-Pilipino. Agoo, La Union,
Philippines: Agoo Fashion Art School Inc.

Cachero, Espirita - See 1 190

Cacho, A.
170? "Origen y costumbres de 10s Isinays, Ilongotes, Irulis e
Igorrotes. " Np.

Calagui, Jeremias D.
1971 "A linguistic description of Pampango." Unpublished
PhD dissertation, Centro Escolar University. 3 15 lvs.

Calauian, Ma. Concepcion A.

19-- "A linguistic description of Ibanag." Unpublished PhD
dissertation, Centro Escolar University.

Calderon, Baltasar Fernandez, OP

nd "Diccionario de la lengua de 10s Batanes." Np.

Calderon, Sofronio G. - See also 1068, 1069, 1257, 1433

1907 Dating Pilipinas. Maynila: J . Martinez. 127 pp.
1910 Mahalagang Pug-aural Ukol sa Wikang Tagalog.
Manila: Renacimiento Filipino. 44 pp.
1911 "Ang sagot sa aklatang bayan ni... " Taliba (October 9).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1914 Pocket Dictionary. English-Spanish-Tagalog. Manila: P
Sayo vda. de Soriano. 343 pp. (Other eds, 1916.
Manila: J. Martinez; 1930. Manila: Santos y Bernal.
428 PP).
1915 Diccionario Ingles-Espanlol-Tagalog.Manila: Libreria
de J. Martinez. 654 pp.
1916 Munting Diccionario na Ingles-Tagalog. Manila: P.
Sayo vda. de Soriano. 279 pp.
1939 Ang Yaman ng Wikang Tagalog. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 33 pp. (INL Publications 4(14)).
1939 Tagalog-English Vocabulary and Manual of
Conversation. Manila: M. Colcol and Co. 162 pp.
(Other ed, 4th ed, 1947. Manila: M. Colcol. 163 pp)
194 1 English-Tagalog-Ilokano Vocabulary. Manila:
Metropolitan Publication. 152 pp.
1947 Ang mga Kawikaan sa Larangan ng Pamumuhay.
Manila: M. Colcol and Co. 97 pp.
1953 Sayo's Dictionary, Tagalog-English. Manila: P. Sayo
vda. de Soriano. 109 pp.
1956 Talasalitaan ng Inang Wika. Manila: h a n g Wika
Publishing Co. 119 pp. (2d ed, 1957).

Calderon, Sofronio G. and Jose G. Katindig

1947 Practical Self-vtudy of the National Language. Manila:
M. Colcol and Co. 228 pp.

Calimag, Estrella de Lara

1965 "A Gaddang word list with English equivalents."
Unpublished EdD dissertation, Columbia University.
286 Ivs.

Calip, Jose Resurreccion

1938 Iloko Ornaments. Manila. 38 pp.
1939 "Ilocano colloquialisms. " PM 36(2):70-7 1. (Also 1955.
JEAS 4(1):59-61).

Calip, Jose Resurreccion and Pena Calip

1941 English-Tagalog-Ilokano Vocabulary. Manila:
Metropolitan hblication. 152 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Campion / 760-769 61

Calip, Pena - See 759

Calleja, Jose, OESA
1765? "Llave para escribir y leer el Pampango." Np. 1 vol. 760

Camacho, Graciano
1939 Ano ang Iklilat at Ano ang Kaugnayan Nito sa 761
Suliranin ng Wikang Tagalog. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 15 pp. (IN, Publications 4(21)).

Camacho, M. - See 354

Camacho, Socorro N.
1964 "A contrastive study of some English Ilocano 762
intonation patterns: an introduction." Unpublished MAT
seminar paper, UP. 26 lvs.

Cameron, Charles Raymond

1917 Sulu Writing. Zamboanga: The Sulu Press. 161 pp. 763
193- "Sulu notes. " Np. 764

Camins, Bernardo S.
1989 Chabacano de Zamboanga Handbook and 765
Chabacano-English-Spanish Dictionary. Quezon City:
Claretian Publications. 144 pp.

Cammach, Floyd M.
1962 "Bauan grammar. " Unpublished PhD dissertation,
Cornell University.

Campa, Buenaventura
1894 "Los Mayoyaos y la raza Ifugao. El dialecto." La
Poiitica de Espaiia en Filipinas 4:263.

Campion, Juan Antonio, SJ

nd "Vocabulario de la lengua Bisaya." Np.

Campo, Antonio del, OP

1740 "Proyecta un Nuevo Camino de Bagabag a Carig;
construccion de iglesias y conventos; papel que da P

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
62 770-777 / Campo

Marin, OP a Danao; gramatica y lccionario del P.

Sierra en Gaddan. " Dominikaner-Archive der Provinz

Campomanes, Florencio - See 1421

Campomanes, Jose Hevia
1930 Lecciones de Gramatica Hispano-Tagala. Manila: UST. 770
17th cd. 202 pp (1st cd, 1872. 2nd ed. 1877. 3rd ed.
1883; 4th ed, 1888; 6th ed, 1901; 8th ed, 1909; 9th ed,

Canao, Mariano and Joanne Shetler

1978 "Balangao (folktale texts). " SIPL 2(2): 1-5.

Canseco, Mariano D. (pseud for Prof. Quiro)

1937 "Ang ating abakada (Inayos nang makatugon sa 7 72
kayamanan at kasalukuyang kalusugan ng wika, at tuloy
magamit sa mga bagong dagdag sa sariling talatinigan)."
Manila. 15 Ivs.
1943 Ang Dating mga Titzk sa Filipinas. Manila: Liberty 773
Press Inc. 25 pp.

Caiia, Norma D.
1963 "An analytical survey of prepositional errors of 774
Hiligaynon spealung students of English." California:
UCLA term project for English 250K.

Caiiamaque, Francisco
1890 "Les Isles Philippines." Bulletin de la Societe' 775
Academique Indo-Chinois 3(2):299-327. (Tr by Evariste

Caiion, Juan
1956 Modo Practico de Aprender la Grammatica Castellana 776
con Traduccion a1 Ingles y Bisaya. Cebu?: Bacalso
Press. 60 pp.

Capell, Arthur
1933 "The structure of oceanic languages. " Oceania

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Caroll / 778-788

1938 "The word 'mana': a linguistic study." Oceania

1964 "Verbal systems in Philippine languages." PJS
93(2):23 1-249.

Capell, Arthur and S. Wurm

1958 Oceania Linguistic Monographs: Studies in Philippine
Linguistics by Members of SIL, Number 3 . Sydney:
University of Sydney. 82 pp.

Carbonell, Jose
1800? "Tesauro Ilocano. " Np.

Carbonilla, Leopoldo
1965 "The orthography of the Cebu-Visayan dialect." PJE

Carlito, M.
1985 "A cross-lingustic study of reflexivity in Spanish and
Tagalog. " Np.

Carlos, Lourdes Balderrama

1966 "A comparative analysis of the structure of children's
oral speech in Tagalog and English." Unpublished EdD
dissertation, Indiana University. 166 lvs.

Carmen, Jose Maria Learte del, ORSA

nd "Aunario de Maria." Np.

Caro, Domingo, OP
1777 "Gramatica para que 10s PP jovenes pueden aprender.
Isinay o Immear." Np.

Carolino, Rhoda and Gary C. Persons

1978 "Bolinao (folktale texts)." SIPL 2(2):6-12.

Caroll, John
1960 "The word 'Bisaya' in the Philippines and Borneo."
SMJ 9(15- 16):499-54 1. (Formerly published in 1959 as
"Notes on the Bisaya in the Philippines and Borneo."
JEAS 1(2):42-72).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
64 789-799 / Carpio

Carpio, Trinidad R.
1954 "A study of the infuence of the American language on 789
Tagalog." Unpublished MA thesis, Arellano University.

Carr, Denzel
1973 "A note on Tagalog expressive." In Parangal kav
Cecilio L<opez,108-11 1. (PJLSM 4).
Carranza, Apolinar
1939 "'Batikan' at 'Bantog': Pabalbal na pananagalog ng 791
ating mga nobelista, kuwentista, at makata." Mabuhay
Extra (May 25, July 19).

Carreon, Manuel
1957 "Maragtas: the datus from Borneo (the earliest known 792
Visayan text)." SMJ 8:51-99.

Carrion, Paz T.
1933 "List of diffused Chinese traits in the Tagalog 793
vocabulary. " Np.

Carro, Fr. Andres, OSA

1792 "Vocabulario de la lengua Yloca a1 Castellano." Np. 794
1794 "Tesauro vocabulario de la lengua Yloca a1 Castellano." 795
1849 Vocabulario de la Lengua Ilocana, trabajado por 796
varios religiosos del orden de S. Agustin, y ultimamente
aiiadido, ypztesto en rnejor orden alfa etico por dos
religiosos del misrno orden, ed by P. Fr. Jose Carbonel
and P. Miguel Albial. Manila: Irnprenta de Santo
Tomas. 356 pp. (2d ed, 1888).
Vocabulario Iloco-Espaiiol, trabajado por varios 797
religiosos del order de Sun Augustin. Manila: M. Perez,
hijo. 294 pp.
Review: Isaias X. Adralin. 1959. PS 7:308-309.
1895 Grammatica Ilocana. Malabon: Asilo de Huerfano.
xvi 354 pp.
1957 Iloko-English Dictionary. Baguio: Catholic School
Press. 370 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Castelo / 800-810

Cascolan, Minda L.
1960 "A study of pronunciation difficulties of Pangasinan
speahng learners of English." California: UCLA term
project for speech 103K.

Casel, Leith B. - See 3872, 3873

Casel, Leith B. and Michiko Yamashita, eds
1983 Irokano-go Kaiwa Renshiicho [Maysa nga Pagpraktis ti
Panagsao ti Ilokano / A Drill Book for Ilocano
Conversation]. Tokyo: Daigakushorin. 152 pp.

Casiiio, Eric
1966 "Lunsay: song-dance of the Jama Mapun of Sulu." Asia
Std 4(2):3 16-323.
1967 "Jama Mapun ethnoecology: economic and symbolic (of
grains, winds and stars)." Asia Std 5(1): 1-32.

Castaiio, N.
nd "Dicccionario Espaiiol y Batan. " Np.

Castaiio, P.
1895 "Noticia del Bicol." Archivo del Bibliofilo Filipino 1

Castellao, Tomas, OP
1595 "Pangasinan dictionary." Np.

Castelo, Lutgarda Mendoza

1962 "Structural differences between English and Tagalog
verbs: a study designed to improve the teaching of
English to advanced Filipino students." Unpublished
MA thesis, Columbia University. 97 lvs. (Also 1964.
DisAbs 24:5398; 1964. PhilEdFor 13:39-43).
1963 "Tense sequences - a problem for advanced Tagalog
students in English." LL 13(34):211-216. (Also
1964-65. FEUFJ 9(4):34-40).
1963 "The relation of intra-cultural analysis of referents to
linguistic reference in foreign language learning."
FEUFJ 7(3):653-660.
1963- 1964 "A study in Tagalo-English bilingualism. " FEUFJ
8(2): 152-160; 8(3):263-268.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
66 811-821 / Castelo

1964-65 "'Already' in Filipino speech." FEUFJ 9(1): 19-22. 81 1

1966 "Compounds in Tagalog. " Phonetica 14:36-39. 812
1966 "Derivation of abstract nouns from adjectives in 813
Tagalog." Zeitsschriyt fur Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaji
und Kommunikationsforschung 19(4-5):373-378.

Castillo, Emma S. and Rosita G. Galang

1973 "Tagalog-English switching in the greater Manila area: 814
a preliminary investigation. " Ateneo-PNC consortium.

Castillo, Evelyn, Don Auspitz and Maurice Freedman

1963 Waray-waray. Cebu City: Peace Corps Philippine 815
Language Project. 2 vols. 119 pp, 66 pp.

Castillo, Florencio M.
1947 "Tagalog applied grammar and vocabulary. " 816
Camalaniugan, Cagayan. 66 lvs.
1948 Tagalog Simplgied Balarila with Vocabulary. Manila: 817
Bureau of Education. 63 pp.

Castrillo, Maria Luisa Y.

1955 "Pampango syntax." Unpublished MA thesis, UP.
138 lvs.

Castro y Amoedo, Pedro Andres de

1930 Ortografia y Reglas de la Lengua Tagalog Acomodados 819
a sus Propios Caracteres... Madrid: Libreria Gen. de
Victoriano Suarez. ix + 95 pp.

Castro, Agustin Maria de, OESA

1930 "Ortografia y reglas de la lengua Tagalog accomodadas 820
a sus propios caracteres." Np. 98 lvs.

Castro, Benito S. de
1958 "Institute of national language bats for a nationally 821
uniform orthography of all Filipino languages." PEduc

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Cayari / 822-831 67

Castro, Rosenda Alog de

1965 "A methodology for writing adjective definitions for an 822
English-Tagalog, Tagalog-English or English-English
dictionary for use by Filipinos." Unpublished MA
thesis, PNC.
1970 "A computer-based methodology for a word count in 823
Tagalog. " Unpublished PhD dissertation, UCLA.
209 lvs.

Catacataca, Pamfdo D.
1962 Limit ng Paggamit ng mga Salita sa Limampung 824
Kuwento ng Limampung Kuwentista. Manila: Surian ng
Wikang Pambansa. 56 pp.
1965 "Mga salitang lalong malimit gamitin." Diwa 1:34-38. 825

Cataque, H. - See 1082, 1878

Catedral, Esperanza M.
1964 "A comparative study of English and Hiligaynon 826
sentence structure patterns for the development of
materials for teaching English as a second language."
Unpublished MA thesis, CPU. 240 Ivs.
1965 "The isolation of Hiligaynon statements." TchJr
2(2):11, 12, 27-29.

Catindig, Jose
1947 Ang Pagtuturo ng Pagbasa ng Wikang Tagalog. Manila: 828
Bureau of Printing. 17 pp. (INL Publications 4(2)).

Cavada y Mendez, Vigo Agustin de la

1876 "Lenguas." In Historia Geografica, Geologia y 829
Estadistica de Filipinas I . Manila: Ramirez y
Giraudier. 376 pp.

Cayari, Remedios M.
1956 "The phonemes of Tagalog." PJS 85(2):249-255. 830
1963 "Tagalog time adverbs." Unpublished MA thesis, UP. 831
xii + 118 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
68 832-842 I' Ceniza

Ceniza, Riorita E.
1968 "A contrastive analysis of the Cebuano and English 832
verbal systems." Unpublished MA thesis, Silliman
University, Dumagente City.

Ceiia, R. R1.
1979 "Double representations for some loan words in 833
Tagalog." SIPL 3(1): 125-137.
1979 "On resurrecting buried agents in certain Tagalog 834
verbs." SIPL 3(1): 112-1 18.
1979 "Tagalog counterexamples to the accessibility 835
hierarchy. " SIPL 3(1): 119-124.

Chai, Nemia hfelgarejo

1960 "A descriptive analysis of Aklan syntax." Unpublished 836
M A thesis, Pennsylvania State University. 157 lvs.

Chamberlain, Alexander F.
1900 "Etymology of the name Aeta (Eta, Ita)." AmAnth 837
1900-1903 "Philippine Studies. I. Place names. 11. Folklore. III. 838
The Tagal language. IV. The origin of the name
Manila. VI. The American Indian element from plant
names. VII. Placenames derived from piant-names. "
A A O J 22:393-399; 23:49-54; 23: 145-148; 23:203-206;
23:333-334; 24:97-100; 251108-111.
1902 "Notes on Tagal folklore." Journal of American ' 839
Folklore 15:196- 198.
1959 "Notes of the Philippines. From the American 840
Antiquarian. III. The Tagal Language." JEAS

Chan, Sonja A.
1977 "The syntactic-sernant~crepresentations of the Ilokano 841
adverbial particle pay and its lexicalizations in English."
Unpublished MA thesis, San Louis University, Baguio
"Beyond syntax and semantics via Ilokano." 842
Unpublished PhD dissertation, San Louis Universiy,
Baguio City.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
ChrCtien l 843-851

Chan-Yap, Gloria
1977 "Hokkien Chinese loanwords in Tagalog. " SIPL
l(1): 17-49.

Chandler, Donna
1974 "Verb stem classes in Northern Kankanay. " Papers in
Philippine Linguistics 5: 1-21 (PL-A 41).

Changale, Canuto - See 1372

Charles, Mathew
1974 "Problems in the reconstruction of Proto-Philippine
phonology and the subgrouping of the Philippine
languages." OL 13:457-509.

Chaveli, Andres, OP
nd "Comprendio del arte de la lengua Ibanag del P. Fausto
de Cuevas. " Np. 150 lvs.

Cheong, Loretta
1945 "Chinese names of foods and culinary terms adopted in
Tagalog." Np.

Chirino, Pedro
1890 "De las lenguas de las Filipinas" and "De las letras de
10s Filipinos." In Relacion de las lslas Filipinas, 52-55,
58-59. Manila: hnprenta de Esteban Balbas. 2d ed.

Chongalan, Dionic - See 1372

ChrCtien, C. Douglas
1951 "The Dialect of the Sierra de Mariveles Negritos."
University of California Publications in Linguistics
1962 "A classification of twenty-one Philippine languages."
PJS 91:485-506.
1965 "The statistical structure of the proto-Austronesian
morph." Lingua 14:243-270.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
70 852-862 1 Christie

Christie, Emerson B.
1909 "The Subanuns of Sindangan Bay." Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 12 1 lvs. (Also in Bureau of Science
6(1): 1-121j.

Chua, Anacoreta A.
1961 "A brief contrastive analysis of English and Tagalog."
California: UCLA term project for Speech 103K.

Chun, Ernest
nd "Isneg phonemes. " Manila: SIL. 7 lvs

Churchill, William - See also 1271

1913 The Subanu: Studies of a sub-Visayan Mountain Folk of
Mindanao. Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution of
Washington. 230 pp. (Publication 184).
1916 Sissano: Mo~~ements o f Migraizon within and through
Melanesia. Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution of
Washington. 18 1 pp. (Publicatior? 214).

Clapp, Walter Clayton

1904 "Trying to learn the Igorrotc language." Spirit of
Missions 69(12):890-897.
1908 A Vocabular~voj'the Igorot Langzrage as Spoken by the
Bontok Igorots. Bureau of Science, ljivision of
Ethnology Publications 5:141-236, part 3. Manila:
Bureau of Printing. 95 pp.

Clardy, Catherine Jane

1958 "Pampango phonology." Unpublished PhD dissertation,
University of Texas. 56 ivs.
1959 "Pampango phonology. " Phonetica 3: 118- 144.
(Shortened version of 1958 dissertation).

Claudio y Fojas, Justo

1901 Vocabulario Espaiiol-Ilocano-Ingles. Manila: Imprenta
de Dionisio B. Claudio. 129 pp.
1903 Gramatica de la Lengua Casfellana con Explicciones
en Dialecto Ilocano. Ddgupan. 133 + 6 8 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Colton / 863-871 71

1911 Diccionario Espaiiol-Ilocano. Calasiao, Pangasinan: 863

Imprenta de P. C. Justo Claudio. 3d ed. 94 pp.

Cobb, Irvin D.
1917 "Grammatical sketch of the Kuyonon dialect." BPES 864
3:34. 18 pp.

Cobb, Irvin D. and A. V. H. Hartendorp, comps

1917 "A partial vocabulary of the Kuyonon dialect." Np. 865
22 Ivs.

Cohen, Hymen M. and Antonio Medalle y Zaguirre

1900 Pocket Dictionary of the English, Spanish and Visayan 866
Languages. Cebu: University of San Carlos. 204 pp.

Cohen, Marcel - See 2371

Cole, Fay Cooper
nd "Wordlist in Kalagan and Kulaman." Np.
1922 The Tinguian: social, religious, and economic life of a 868
Philippine tribe. Chicago: Field Museum of Natural
History. 493 pp. (Publication 209, Anthropological
Series 14(2)).

Colin, Francisco
1663 Labor Evangelica (Ministerios Apostolicos de 10s 869
obreros de la Compaiiia de Jesus, y progresos de su
provincia en las islas Filipinas). Madrid: I. F . de
Buendia. xxii + 820 + 24 pp.

Collins, Grace
1970 "Two views of Kalagan grammar." Unpublished PhD 870
dissertation, Indiana University. 121 Ivs.

Colton, M. A.
1901 "Languages (in northern and eastern Mindanao)." In 871
US Philippine Commission, 1900-191 6 Report, part 2,
539ff. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
72 872-886 / Conant

Conant, Carlos Everett

1903 "Kankanai word lists taken from eight Kankanai boys
questioned separately: fifty words, chiefly numerals and
parts of the body." Baguio, Benguet.
1904 "A word list of the Kuyonon dialect." Manila.
1904-1905 "A list of about 200 Batan words taken down from two
natives in 1904 and 1905." Np.
1905 "A list of 75 English words with their equivalents in
Yogad, Gaddang and Itawi taken from several natives
in Northern Luzon in 1904 and 1905." Np.
1907 "Isinai-English word list. " Baguio, Benguet.
1908- 1917 "'F' and 'V' in Philippine Languages." In Bureau of
Science, Division of Ethnology Publications 5 : 135- 141,
part 2. Manila: Bureau of Printing.
1909 "The names of Philippine languages." ANTHR
4: 1069-1074.
1910 "The Bisaya language: its evolution in the last decade."
Ang Suga (Sugbu) (June 16): 1.
1910 "The RGH law in Philippine languages." JAOS
Review: F. R. Blake. 1910-1911. JAOS 3 1(1):70-85
(Also in .4mAnth 13(3):472-473).
1911 "Monosyllabic roots in Pampanga. " JAOS
3 1(4):389-394.
1912 "The pepet law in Philippine languages. " ANTHR
7:920-947. (Reprinted in 1938. Galang, 126-138).
1913 "Notes on the phonology of the Tirurai language."
JAOS 33(2): 150-157.
1915 "Grammatical notes of the Isinai language." JAOS
35(3):289-292. (Reprinted in 1915?. New Haven,
"Notes on the phonology of the Palau language." JAOS
"Indonesian 'L' in Philippines languages." JAOS
36(1): 181-196. (Also in Readings in Philippine
Linguistics, A. B. Gonzalez, 233-245).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Conklin / 887-899

Conant, Carlos Everett, Vicente Sotto and Juan Villagonzalo

1906 "A Bisaya-English dictionary. " Cebu: np.

Concepcion, Eduardo Abaurrea de la P., ORSA

nd "Vocabulario Cuyono-Espaiiol y Espaiiol-Cuyono." Np.

Concepcion, Florencio Elizalde de la

1896 Adalan sa mga Cristianos nga Insulat sa Cuyonon ig
Quinachila sa Isarang Padre Agustino Recoleto.
Malabon: Tipo-Litografia del Asilo de Huerfanos de
Nuestra Seiiora de Consolacion. 71 pp.

Concha, Jesusa A. - See 3548

Conklin, Harold C.
nd "Ethnographic and linguistic data on Ifbgao." Np.
1947 "Wordlist in Cagayan de Jolo (Sama Mapun)." Np.
1948 "A short discussion of three elements of Tagalog
speech with reference to other Philippine dialect. " Np.
1949 "Bamboo literacy on Mindoro." PD 2:4-11.
1949 "Preliminary report on field work on the islands of
Mindoro and Palawan, Philippines." AmAnth
5 1(2):268-273.
1951 "Lexical checklist for Philippine languages." New
Haven: Human Relations Area Files. 106 lvs. Mimeo.
1952 "Outline gazeteer of native Philippine ethnic and
linguistic groups. " Np. 13 Ivs. Mimeo.
1953 Hanunoo-English Vocabulary. Berkeley: University of
California Press. Vol 9. (University of California
Publications in Linguistics).
Review: C. Douglas ChrBtien. 1956. Lang 32:395-400.
Review: A. G . Handricourt. 1955. Word 2(3):496.
Review: Richard S. Pittman. 1954. JAOS 74:175.
1953 "Test vocabulary for Philippine languages." Np. 14 lvs
1953 "Wordlist in Tawitawi Samal." Np.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
74 900-913 1 Conklin

1954 "The relation of Hanunoo culture to the plant world."

Unpublished PhD dissertation, Yale University. 47 1 lvs.
1955 "Hanunoo color categories. " SWJA 1 1(4):339-244.
1955 Hanunoo Music from the Philippines. New York:
Folkways Records and Services Corp. 466 pp.
1955 "Preliminary linguistic survey of Mindanao." Chicago:
Philippine Studies Program. 10 Ivs. Mimeo. (Paper
presented at the Mindanao Conference).
"Tagalog speech disguise." Lang 32:136-139. (Also in
Readings in Philippine Linguistics, A. B. Gonzalez,
Hanunoo Agriculture. Rome: Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations. (FA0 Forestry
Development Paper 12).
"Linguistic play in its cultura! context." Lang
35(4):63 1-636.
"Philippine languages." In Report on Southeast Asian
Languages. New York: American Council of Learned
"Lexical problems in the analysis of a Philippine
language: 'Water' in Ifugao. " Honolulu: Paper read at
Tenth Pacific Science Congress. 19 lvs.
"Ethnobotanical problems in the comparative study of
folk taxonomy." Proceedings of the Ninth Pacific
Science Congress, Bangkok, IV (Botany), 299-301.
"Lexicographical treatment of folk taxonomies. " IJAL
"Hiligaynon." In Explorations in Cultural
Anthropology, ed by Ward H. Goodenough, 11:493.
Chicago, London, Toronto: Encyclopedia Britannica
"Ifugao ethnobotany 1905-1965: the 191 1 Beyer-Merrill
report in perspective. " Economic Botany 2 1:243-272.
"Some aspects of ethnographic research in Ifugao."
TransNYAcadSci, Series 11, 30:99- 121.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Constantino 1914-929

Conrad, Robert J. - See 375, 376

Constantino, Ernesto Andres - See also 3513
1959 "A generative grammar of a dialect of Ilocano."
Unpublished PhD dissertation, Indiana University.
200 lvs.
1960- 1961 "Test words for Philippine languages. " Quezon City:
1962- 1963 "Equivalent sentences of ten major Philippine
languages." Np.
1963 "Some problems in Philippines linguistics." Asia Std
1963 "Tagalog sentences illustrating voice affixes." Np.
1964 "A structural and comparative study of Philippine
dialects. " Np.
1964 "Ilukano pluralizers. " PSSHR 28:408-4 15
1964 "Sentence patterns of the ten major Philippine
languages." Asia Std 2(1):29-34.
1965 "A generative grammar of Tagalog number names." Np.
1965 "The sentence patterns of twenty-six Philippine
languages. " Lingua 15:71-124. (Conference on
Linguistic Problems ... Indo-Pacific Linguistic Studies,
ed by G. B. Milner and E. J. A. Henderson, 2:7-124;
Also in Readings in Philippine Linguistics, ed by A. B.
Gonzalez, 288-333).
1966 "Construction markers of some Philippine languages."
Tokyo, Japan: Paper read at the 1 lth Pacific Science
1968 "Bloomfieldian and other models in the analysis of
Philippine languages. " Np.
1968 "Models for the description of Philippine languages. "
Language and Literature of Hawaii l(2): 149.
1968 "Philippine linguistic scene." Paper read at a
lecture-discussion series by senior specialists. Institute
of Advanced Projects, East-West Center (June 10).
1970 "Ilokano dictionary." Np. 500 lvs.
1970 "Ilokano reference grammar." Np. 150 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
76 930-945 / Constantino

"Tagalog and other major languages of the Philippines."

Current Trends in Linguistics 8 . (Linguistics in Oceania).
"The deep structures of the Philippines languages."
Quezon City: Otto Scheerer Research Center for
Philippines Languages and the Philippines Linguistic
Circle, UP. 15 Ivs. (Also in The Archive 1(2):64-79;
Readings in Philippine Linguistics, ed by A. B.
Gonzalez, 334-342).
Ilokano Dictionary. Honolulu: University of Hawaii
Press. 504 pp.

Constantino, Ernesto Andres, comp

1975 An English-Aklanon D~ctionary.Diliman, Quezon City:
UP. 301 pp.
An English-Bikol Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon City:
UP. 292 pp.
An English-Cebuano Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon City:
UP. 296 pp.
An English-Hiligaynon Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon
City: UP. 327 pp.
An English-Ilocano Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon City:
UP. 290 pp.
An English-Kapampangan Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon
City: UP. 288 pp.
An English-Kinaray-a Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon
City: UP. 290 pp.
An English-Pangasinan Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon
City: UP. 294 pp.
An English-Romblomanon Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon
City: UP. 334 pp.
An English-Samba1 Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon City:
UP. 332 pp.
An English- Waray- Waray Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon
City: UP. 293 pp.
A Tausug-English Dictionary. Diliman, Quezon City:
UP. 332 pp.
"A comparative dictionary of Tagalog. " Manila.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Corro 1 946-958 77

Constantino, Ernesto Andres, et al.

1967 "The personal pronouns of Tagalog, Ilukano, Isinai and 946
Kapampangan. " In Studies in Philippine Anthropology,
569-59 1. Quezon City: Alemar Phoenix.

Constantino, Ernesto Andres, Consuelo J. Paz and Marietta N. Posoncuy

1965 "The grammar of the pronouns of Tagalog, Ilukano, 947
Isinai, and Kapampangan." The H. Otley Beyer
Symposium (July 12-13), Abelardo Hall, UP. 19.

Cook, Albert
1961 "The Mangyan of Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro
(Philippines). " ANTHR 56(1-2):280.

Copet, Rene
1957 Tausug Dictionary. Jolo, Sulu: Notre Dame of Jolo
Press. 333 pp.

Copin, Berchmans R., SJ

nd A Pilot Book for Bisayan. Novaliches, Quezon City: 950
Sacred Heart Novitiate. 65 pp.
1961 A Bisayan Grammar of Classical Students. Novaliches, 951
Quezon City: Sacred Heart Novitiate. 114 pp.

Coria, Joaquin de
1872 Nueva Gramatica Tagalog, Teorzco-practica. Madrid: J . 952
Antonio Garcia. 552 pp. (English version of the 4th part
(pp 4 11-430), in The Philippine Linguistic Landscape
16th-I 9th Centuries, by Nelly I. Cubar, 397-470).

Coronel, Francisco, OESA

nd "Vocabulario Pampango. " Np.
1617? "Arte de la lengua Pampanga." Np. 954
1617 "Reglas para aprender el idioma Pampango." Np. 955
1621 "Arte y reglas de la lengua Pampanga." Np. 33 lvs. 956
1621 "Arte y vocabulario de la lengua Pampanga." Np. 957

Corro, Anicia Del - See also 3874

1984 "Kapampangan lexicography." Unpublished PhD 958
dissertation, UP.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
78 959-975 1 Cosgaya

Cosgaya, Lorenzo Fernandez and Pedro Villanova, OP

1865 Diccionario Pangasinan-Espariol; Vocabulario
Hispano-Pangasinan. Manila: Imprenta de Colegio de
Santo Tomas. 2 vols in one. 330 pp, 121 pp.

Costenoble, Hermann
1938 "Philippine linguistics. " Filipiniang: 2: 107-125.
1940 "Die Lautwandlungen des Tagalog. " BNI 99(1):65-87.
1936 "Philippine language notes. " PM 33(10):495, 5 10.
1937 "Monosyllabic roots in Philippine languages. " PM
34(2):76, 82, 84, 86. (Reprinted in 1938. Galang,
111-1 16).
1937 "Philippine language of today." PM 39(1):24, 38-39.
1937 "The Philippine verb. " PAM34(4): 169-170, 180.
1937 "Tracing the original sounds in the languages of today."
PM 34(24):38-39.
1938 "Language notes. " filipiniana 2: 107-11 I .
1979 "Dictionary of Protc-Philippine." Np. (Cecilio Lopez, tr).

Cotongco, Loreto
1961 The Phoenix High School Reviewer in Pilipino
(Balarila at Panitikan). Manila: Phoenix Publishing
House Inc. 48 pp.

Cottle, Morris 0.
nd "A preliminary analysis of Ivatan Syntax. " Manila: SIL.
1963 "Ivatan nonverbal clauses." Manila: SIL. 15 lvs.
1963 "Ivatan verbal clauses. " Manila: SIL. 17 lvs.
1963 "Neutral voice predication of Ivatan." Manila: SIL.
4 Ivs.

Cottle, Morris 0. and Shirley J. Cottle

1958 "The significant sounds of Ivatan." In Studies in
Philippine Linguistics, 24-33. Sydney, Australia:
University of Sydney (Oceania Linguistic
Monographs 3).
1963 "Morphophonemics of Ivatan." Manila: SIL. 7 lvs. 975

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Criville 1 976-986

Cottle, Shirley J. - See 974, 975

Cowie, Andson
1893 English-Sulu-Malay Vocabulary. London: British North
Borneo Co. xlvii 288 pp. +
Coyao, Virgina - See 1372
Coyaud, Maurice
1979 "Theme et sujet en Tagalog." Bulletin de la Societe de
Linguistique de Paris 74(1): 113- 139.

Craig, Austin
1921 "Early Filipino literature." In The Filipinos' Part in the
Philippines ' Past 1:96-107. Np.

Craig, Austin and Conrado Benitez, eds

1916 Philippine Progress Prior to 1898. Manila: Philippine
Education Company Inc. 136 pp.

Crawfurd, John
1848 "On the Malayan and Polynesian languages and races."
JIA 2: 183-228.
1852 Grammar of the Malay Language. London: Bradbury
and Evans.
1856 A Descriptive Dictionary of the Indian Islands and
Adjacent Countries. London: Bradbury and Evans.
459 pp.

Crespo, Manuel Maria, OFM

nd "Arte de la lengua Bicol." Np.
1879 Arte del Idioma Bicol para la Enseiianza de este Idioma.
Manila: Tipografia de Ramirez y Giraudier. 239 pp.

Cristie, E. P.
1909 The Subanus of Sindagan Bay. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 121 pp. (Bureau of Science, Division of
Ethnology Publications 4(1)).

Criville, Antonio, OP
nd "Gramatica para estudiar Batan." Np. 4 + 150 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
80 987-997 1 Cruz

Cruz, Avila P. de la
1600 "Arte, vocabulario y catecismo Ilocano." Np.

Cruz, Beato A. de la
1952 "A study of the contributions of the Aklan mind to
Philippine literature." Unpublished MA thesis, Far
Eastern University.
1958 Contributions of the Aklan Mind to Philippine
Literature. San Juan, Rizal: Kalantiao Press.
1958 "The Aklan language." Np.

Cruz, Beato A. de la and R. David Paul Zorc

1968 A Study of the Aklanon Dialect. Kalibo, Aklan: Peace
Corps. 213 pp.

Cruz, Bernabela T.
1964 "Descriptive-contrastive analysis of Ilocano and
English personal pronouns. " Unpublished MAT seminar
paper, UP. 68 Ivs.

Cruz, E. Aguilar
1960 "Aln~ost-but not qu~te-Tagalog " .ST\ f 15 10

Cruz, Ines C.
1962 lo a comparative stud!. of the lloko
"An i~llroductlo~l
and Tagalog affixes. " Dahong pang-alaala Iinggo ng
wika (Agosto 13-19): 27-34. INL. (From 1957 MA
thesis, Northwestern Educational Institution, Dagupan

Cruz, Leopoldo A. de la
1957 Mga Bilisad-on ni Tente Undoy. San Juan, Rizal:
Kalantiao Publications Inc. 37 pp.
1958 Fables in Aklan. San Juan, Rizai: Kalantiao
Publications Inc. 59 pp.

Cruz, Manuel A. (pseud for Teodosio A. Lansang)

1959 "Kratluj Ocherk Grammatiki Tagal'skovo Jazyka"
[Short sketch of Tagalog Grammar]. In Priloienz'je

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Cuartero y Medina / 998-1005 81

Tagal'sko-Russkomu Slovarju [Supplement to the

Tagalog-Russian Dictionary], ed by M. Kruza and S. P
Ignasheva, 33 1-382. Moskva: Gos. izd-vo Inostr i naE.
1967 "Jazyki i dialekty Filippin i ich rasprostranenije" 998
[Languages and dialects of the Philippines and their
distribution]. In Jazyki Jugo-Vostochnoj Asii, 73-79.
Moskva: Nauka.
1967 "On Pilipino: a call for realism." STM (June 28 and 999
July 2).

Cruz, Manuel A. and Sergeii Petrovic Ignashev

1959 Tagalog-Rusong Talatinigan [Tagalog-Russian
Dictionary]. Moskow: GNS. 388 pp.
Review: N. M. Il'chuk. 1962. Narody Azii i Afriki
Review: Vladimir Afanas'evich Makarenko. 1959.
Vestnik Akadernii Nauk SSSR 11:113-114. .
1965 Talatinigang Ruso-Tagalog [Russian-Tagalog 1001
Dictionary]. Moskow: Sovetskaya Ensiklopedya. 760 pp.

Cruz, Manuel A. and L. I. Skarban

1966 Tagal'skij Jazyk [Tagalog Language Grammar]. 1002
Moskva: Nauka. 103 pp.

Cruz, Verseley Mendoza de la

1966 Diksiyunaryong Pilipino-lngles. Manila: House of 1003
Everbooks. 303 pp.
1969 Talahuluganang Pilipino-Ingles. Quezon City: Ocson 1004
Publication. 128 pp.

Cuadrado, Mariano Martinez - See 23 16

Cuartero y Medina, Fr. Mariano
1878 Arte del Idioma Bisaya-Hiligaino que se Habla en
Panay y en Algunas Islas Adyacenfes. Manila:
Establecimiento Tipografico del Colegio de Santo
Tomas. 174 pp. (Other ed, 1890).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
82 1006-1012 / Cuarteron

Cuarteron, Carlos
1855 Spiegazione e Traduzione dei XIV Quadri Relativi Alle 1006
Isole di Salibaboo. Roma: Tipografia della S. C. di
Propaganda Fide. 227 pp.

Cubar, Nelly I.
1976 "An analysis of Joaquin de Coria's 'Syntax of Tagalog' 1007
in his Nueva Gramatica Tagalog Teorico-practico." In
The Philippine Linguistic Landscape 16th-19th
Centuries. Quezon City: UP. 149 pp. (Reprint from
1974. PSSHR 391321-470).

Cue-Malay, Gonzalo
1898 Frases Usuales para la Conversation en Espaiiol, 1008
Tagalo, e Ingles. Manila: Chofrc? y Compaiiia. 116 pp.
(2d ed, 1904. Frases Usuales para la conversation en
Espaiiol, Filipino e Ingles, con la pronunciation
figurada) .

Cuenco, Jose Maria

1920 English- Visayan Dictionary. Cebu: Imprenta Rosario. 1009
2d ed. 238 20 pp.
1927 Diccionario Iningles-Binisaya, ng mga Balas nga 1010
Binisaya ni Mariano A. Cuenco. Cebu: lmprenta
Rosario. 238 20 pp.

Cuenco, M. A.
1908 Ejercicios Practices de Gramatica Castellana (con 1011
traduccion a1 Bisaya-Cebuano y un pequeno
vocabulario de dichos idiomas). Cebu: Establecimiento
Tipografico de San Carlos. 2d ed. 142 pp.

Cuesta, Antonio de la
1890 Gramatica Iloco-Castellana (compendiada para que 1012
aprendan mejor el castellano 10s habitantes de ambos
Ilocos, Union, y Abra que ya tienen principio en dicho
idioma). Manila: Establecimiento Tipografico de
Ramirez y Cornpailia. 114 pp. (1st ed, 1868).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Daguio / 1013-1021

Cuesta, Araceli
1956 "A study of different types of errors in spelling in the
Filipino language. " Unpublished MA thesis, Arellano
University, Manila.

Cuevas, Jose Maria Fausto

1854 Arte Nuevo de la Lengua Ybanag. Manila: Imprenta de
10s Amigos de Pais. 2d ed. 366 pp.

Cunningham, Margaret C. -
See also 1472
1966 "Ifugao, Philippines concordance and texts in four
parts." Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma
Computer Laboratory, project RS-00307.
1967 "Another sketch of Ifugao grammar." Manila: SIL.
28 lvs.

Cunningham, Margaret C. and Joan E. Goetz

1963 "Pronoun formatives in Amganad Ifugao." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 8 lvs.

Cust, Robert Needham

1878 A Sketch of the Modern Languages of the East Indies.
London: Trubner and Company. 198 pp.

Custodio, Andres - See 1565

Cutiongko, R.
1963 "A phonemic study of Sagada." Manila: Ateneo
Graduate School.

D'Almonte, Enrique
1917 Formacion y Evolucion de 10s Sub-razas Indonesia y
Malaya. Madrid: Imprenta del Patronato de Huerfanos e
Intervention Militares. 379 pp.

D'Andrade, Roy Goodwin - See 3023

Daguio, Amador T.
1963 "The harvest song of Aliguyon. " STM 18(29):10-15.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
84 1022-1033 / Dahl

Dahl, Otto Christian

1977 Proto-Austronesian. Copenhague: Scandinavian
Institute of Asian Studies. 132 pp. (Monograph 15)
1981 Early Phonetic and Phonemic Changes in Austronesian.
Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, Bergen, Tromso. 175 pp.

Dalrymple, A.
1849 "Essay towards an account of Sulu." JL4 3:5 12-567.

Daluz, Eusebio Torres

1904-19 13 "Alin ang lalong magaling na paraan sa pagtuturo ng
wikang Tagalog, upang matutuhang madali at pag-aralan
di lamang ng mga Tagalog, kundi ng mga iba pang
kapatid lahi?" Taliba (November 19, 25; December 3,
4, 12).
1905 Manga Unang Hakbang sa lkadudunong Yari (a
Tagalog primer). Manila: Limbangan ni Fajardo at
Kasama. 95 pp.
1913 "Sa ikayayaman ng wikang Tagalog." Taliba
(November 19, 25; December 2, 4, 12).
1915 Filipino-English Vocabulary with Practical Examples
of Filipino and English Grammars. Manila. 2 vols.
217 pp.

Dango, Delia
1958 "A brief contrastive analysis of English and Tagalog."
California: UCLA term project for Speech 103K.

Darad, Juliano
1948 "Chinese flavors in Tagalog stew." STM 3:22-23.

Dato, Luis G.
1961 Vocabulario Ingles-Bikol-Castila. Naga City: Cecilio
Publications. 68 pp.

Daud, Faisal - See 1275

Dawson, Francis B. - See also 403
nd "Kalagan (Tagacaolo) sound system." Manila: SIL.
11d "Voice and case relations in Kalagan." Manila: SIL
5 lvs.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1958 "The phonemes of Kalagan." In Studies in Philippine
Linguistics, 47-58. Sydney, Australia: University of
Sydney. (Oceania Linguistic Monographs 3).
1964 "Relation markers in Kalagan. " SIL WP 8: 16- 18.

D'Asis, Sixto
1956 "Folk music of the Philippines (An Igorot folksong)."
Pa 8(9): 11.

De Abella, V. M. (see also Abella)

1882 El Secretario Filipino, 6 Manual Epistolar
Espanlol-Tagalog. Manila: ChofrB. 2d ed. 197 pp.

Dean, Gladys - See 1040, 1041

Dean, James C.
nd "Bilaan sentence structure." Manila: SIL.
1958 "Some principal grammatical relations of Bilaan." In
Studies in Philippine Linguistics, 59-64. Sydney,
Australia: University of Sydney. (Oceania Linguistic
Monographs 3).

Dean, James C. and Gladys Dean

1955 Syllable Charts. Zamboanga City: Alliance Press.

Dean, James C. and Gladys Dean

1955 "The phonemes of Bilaan. " PJS 84(3):3 11-22.

Delgado, Juan Jose

1892 Historia General Sacro-profana, Politica, y Natural de
las Islas del Poniente. Manila: Imprenta de El Eco de
Filipinas de Juan Atayde. 1009 pp.

Dell, Francois
1981 "On certain sentential complements in Tagalog. " PJL
1983-84 "An aspectual distinction in Tagalog." OL
22-23(1-2): 175-206.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
86 1045-1055 / Demidjuk

Demidjuk, L. N. and V. A. Makarenko

1973 "Principy strojenija slovoobrazovatel'nych sistem imjon
susEestvitel'nych v indonezijskom i tagal'skom
jazykach" [Structural Principles of Word-Formative
Systems of Substantives in Indonesian and Tagalog].
Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. XIV.
Vostokovedenije 1:68-78.

Dempwolff, Otto Karl August

1920 Die Lautentsprechungen der Indonesischen Lippenlaute.
Berlin: C . Boysen. 96 pp.
1924- 1925 "Die L-, R-, und D- Laute in Austronesischen
Sprachen." AU 15:19-50; 116-138; 223-238; 273-319.
1925 "Die Lautentsprechungen der Indonesischen
Lippenlaute in linigen anderen Austronesischen
Sprachen." Zeitschriff fur Eingeborenen 15(2):507
1926 "Ivatan als 'Test-Sprache' fur Austronesisches L.." ACT
1927 "Das Austronesische Sprachgut In den Melanesischen
Sprachen." Folia Ethnogiossica 3:32-43.
1930 "Pater Schmidts Anwendung seiner Kulterkreislehre auf
die Sprachwissenschaft. " ArAnth 22(1-2):72-77.
1934- 1938 Vergleichende Lautlehre des Austronesischen
Wortschatzes. Berlin: D. Reimer. 3 vols. (Beihefte zur
Zeitschrift fur Eingeborenen-Sprachen, 16, 17, 19).
Review: Arthur Capell. 1937-39. BSOAS 9:459-462.
Review: Cecilio Lopez. 1936. PSSR 8(2): 197-202.
Perbendaharaan kata Dalam Berbagi Bahasa
Polineisa. Diterdjemahkan oleh Sjaukat Djajadiningrat
Djakarta: Pustaka Baru. 32 pp.

Densmore, Frances
1906 "The music of the Filipinos." AmAnth 8:6 11-632

Department of City Schools

1977 "The relative effectiveness of different bilingual
programs in the elementary and secondary schools of
Manila 1976-77." PASSQ 8:2-3.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Diller / 1056-1067 87

Desmond, Henry
1935 Elements of Tagalog Grammar. Manila: Catholic Trade 1056
School. 2d ed. 206 pp.

Diaz Arenas, Rafael

1850 "Idioma." In Menzorias Historicas y Estadisticas de 1057
Filipinas y Particularmente de la Grande Isla de Luzon
6(12), part 5. Manila: Imprenta del Diario de Manila.

Diaz, Domingo L.
nd Tagalog Home Study Course. Quezon City (PO Box 11). 1058
1955 "A study of the principles and errors involved in 1059
thought expression in the Filipino language."
Unpublished MA thesis, National University, Manila.
1957 "Our national language." Manila Chronicle (Columns 1060
from July 25 to December 19).

Diaz, Domingo L., Consorcia Manalastas-Laraya and Rosario J. Jimenez

1959 Saligang Aklat ng Katha at Balarila. Quezon City: 1061
Phoenix Publishing House. xxv + 604 pp.

Diaz, Moises S.
1959 "A comparative study of the lexicon of the six major 1062
Philippine languages. " Ang Wika 1: 1.
1962 "An anal! SIS of Ihc Kinaray-a prollou~isystcm-Its 1063
morpho-semantic components. " Unitas 35(4):524-528.
1964 "Base-final consonant cluster in Tagalog. " Unitas 1064

Diego, Rafael de
1968 La Lengua Filipina. Madrid: A. E . 0. (Also in Boletin 1065
de la Asociacion Espanlola de Orientalistas 4(5):9-13).

Diller, Timothy C.
1970 "Case grammar and its application to Waray, a 1066
Philippine language." Unpublished PhD dissertation,
1975 "Imperative constructions in the Leyte-Samar 1067
language." Leyte-Samar Studies 9(1):59-57.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
88 1068-1077 1 Dimalanta

Dimalanta, Gavino, E. Fernandez and S. G. Calderon

19-- Vocabr~larioPampango-Tagalog-Ingles. Manila: J . 1068
Martinez. 239 + 745 pp.
1916 Vocabulario Pampango-Castellano-Ingles. Manila: J . 1069
Martinez. 337 pp.

Dimayuga, Albino C.
1939 Pagsulat at Pagbigkas ng Wikang Tagalog. Manila: 1070
Bureau of Printing. 27 pp.

Diment, Eunice - See also 1427

Diment, Eunice and Jo Ann Gault

1986 "Sama Balangingi dictionary." Nasuli, Malaybalay, 1071
Bukidnon: SIL.

Diment, Eunice, Jo Ann Gault, Jamila Ballano and Attica Timbang, comps
1980 Manga Bissara; Sama Bangingi, Pilipino, English 1072
[ Vocabulary: Bangingi, Pilipino, English]. Manila: SIL.
I l l pp.

Dioko, Leonardo C.
1961 "The irksome 'Kuwan."' P W 54(76):53

Dios, Reynaldo de - See 155, 1535, 1536, 2256-2258

Diringer, David
1949 The Alphabet; the key to the history of mankind. 1074
London: Hutchinson. 2d ed. 607 pp.

Dizon, Anacleto I.
1966 "Galing sa Bisaya ang Tagalog." Panitikan 2(8):38-43. 1075

Dizon, Nicolas C.
1947 Dictionary in English, Tagalog, Ilocano and Visayan. 1076
Honolulu: Juan de la Cruz Bookroom. 182 pp.

Dodd, John
1882-1883 "A few ideas on the probable origin of the hill tribes of 1077
Formosa." JSBRAS 1:69-77, 78-84; 10:195-203.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Dorotheo 1 1078-1087 89

Doherty, David Jessup

1902 Notes on Filipino Dialects. Chicago: David Doherty. 1078
4 PP.
1902 "The Tagalog language. " Educational Review 1079
1903 "Essential unity of Filipino dialects." Gunton's 1080
Magazine 24:25-27.

Donato, Brother Rafael, AFLSC

1956 "The pedagogical implications from the contrastive 1081
analysis of Ilocano and English." Unpublished MA
thesis, Columbia University.

Dondanan, S., M. Awid, H. Cataque and B. Hall

1989 Gusa Bu Susu' [The Snail and the Deer]. Manila: SIL and 1082
DECS. 14 pp.

Dongallo, Rosalia Almeda

1954 "A study of typical Ibanag folklore, folksongs, poems, 1083
proverbs, and riddles." Unpublished MA thesis, Far
Eastern University.

Dorado de S. Guillermo, Alipio

1836 "Arte de la lengua Tagala (sacado de la del R. P.
Totanes y otras corregido de todas las voces y
composiciones ant~guadas)."Np. 306 lvs.

Dorado, Atanacio 0.
1962 "Pagpabuti ng pagtuturo ng mga sulatin sa Pilipino." 1085
PJLT 3-4:24-27.

Dorn, Louis
1967 "Philippine language trends. " PracAnth 14:174-185. 1086

Dorotheo, Paz Ruiz

1963 "A bilingual structural analysis to justify theoretically 1087
the Cebuano induced verb errors in English. "
Unpublished MA thesis, University of San Carlos.
vii + 206 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
90 1088-1098 1 Dorotheo

1966 A Bilingual Structural Analysis to Justify Theoretically 1088

the Cebuano Induced Verb Errors in English. Cebu
City: University of San Carlos Publications, Series A
Humanities 5. viii + 117 pp. (Published version of 1963
MA thesis).

Doty, Edith Aultman

1958 "A glossary of 'Filipinismos' in the Spanish language 1089
found in Philippine publications of the period, 1890-
1920." Unpublished MA thesis, University of Michigan.
xlvi + 3 12 lvs.

Doty, Steve
1984 "Mitigation in a Tiruray sermon." SIPL 5(1):66-79. 1090
1986-87 "Mitigation in Tiruray hortatory discourse." PJL 1091
17(2)- 18(1):49-62.

Dowling, Vincent B.
1962 Visayan Grammar and Conversation. Davao City: 1092
Maryknoll Fathers (PO Box 143). 141 pp.

Draper, Marjorie
1972 "Underlying case in Northern Kankanay." Asia Std 1093
lO(1): 18-23.

Drossard, Werner
1984 "Kausativierung und transitivierung im Tagalog. " 1094
Arbeiten des Koelner Universalien-Projekts 60.

DuBois, Carl D.
1973 "Connectives in Sarangani Manobo narratives." 1095
Linguistics 1 10: 17-28.
1976 Sarangani Manobo: An introductory guide. Manila: 1096
LSP. x + 169 pp. (PJLSM 6).

DuBois, Carl D., comp

1974 "English to Sarangani Manobo dictionary. " Nasuli, 1097
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. iv +477 lvs.
1974 "Sarangani Manobo to English dictionary." Nasuli, 1098
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. iv +458 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Duran / 1099-1 10g 91

DuBois, Carl D. and Lauretta J. DuBois

1964 "Phoneme statement of Sarangani Manobo." Nasuli, 1099
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 18 lvs.
1970 English-Sarangani Manobo Dictionary. Quezon City: 1100
1973 Sarangani Manobo Rhyming Dictionary. Quezon City: 1101
SIL. 91 pp.
1983 Sarangani Manobo-English Dictionary. Quezon City: 1102
SIL. 268 pp.

DuBois, Carl D. and Lauretta J. DuBois, comps

nd "Sarangani Manobo texts." Nasuli, Malaybalay, 1103
Bukidnon: SIL. 302 lvs.

DuBois, Carl D., Anselmo Guiang and Charing Roque, comps

1978 Diksyonaryo te Menobd: Sarangani Manobo, Cebuano 1104
Visayan, Pilipino, Sarangani Blaan, English. Manila:
SIL. 40 pp.

DaBois, Carl D., John Upton and Kenneth L. Pike

1980 "Constraints on complexity seen via fused vectors of an 1105
n- dimensional semantic space (Sarangani Manobo,
Philippines). " Serniotica 29(3-4):209-43.

DuBois, Lauretta J. - See 1099- 1103

Dungo, Dolores T.
1958 "Errors in Tagalog pronunciation and their
explanations." California: UCLA term project for
Speech 103K.

Duran, C. G.
1900 Manual de Conversaciones en Castellano, Tagalo e 1107
Ingles (con la pronunciation Jigurada). Manila: Chofrk
y Compafiia. 80 pp.

Duran, Ignacio
1883 "Carta." In Cartas de 10s PP. de la Compania de Jesus 1108
de la Mision de Filipinas, 218-222.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Dy, Felipe G.
1964 "Isang pahambing na pag-aaral ng talasalitaang Tagalog
at Hiligaynon." Unpublished MA thesis, Manuel L.
Quezon University, Manila. 175 lvs.

Dy-Liacco, Leonor Bojano

1959 "Bikol syntax. " Unpublished MA thesis, University of
Nueva Caceres, Naga City. vii + 50 lvs.

Dyen, Isidore
1947 "The Mal,l\o-Polynes~anword for 'two."' Lcmg
1947 "The Tagalog reflexes of Malayo-Polynesian D. " Lung
1949 "On the history of the Trukese vowels." Lung
1951 "Proto-Malayo-Polynesian Z." Lung 27:534-540
1952 "Malay 'tiga' 'three': a further note." Lung 28:465-473
1953 "Dempwolff s R." Lung 29:359-366.
1953 "Subgrouping Philippine languages." Abstract of
Papers presented at 8th Pacific Congress of the Pac$c
Science Association and the 4th Far Eastern Prehistory
Congress, Quezon City, 5 17-518.
1953 The Proto-Malayo-Polynesian Laryngeals. Baltimore:
Linguistics Society of America. vii + 65 pp
Review: Ward Goodenough. 1954. JAOS 74: 174-175.
Review: E. M. Uhlenbeck. 1955-56. Lingua
5(2):308-3 18.
"Language distribution and migration theory. " Lang
"The Ngaju-Dayak 'Old speech stratum."' Lung
"Some new proto-Malayo-Polynesian initial phonemes."
JAOS 82(2):214-215.
"The lexicostatistical classification of the
Malayo-Polynesian languages. " Lang 38(1):38-46.
Review: Alan Healey. 1969. Linguistics 52: 111-25.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Edmonds / 1123-1 133

1963 "Lexicostatistically determined borrowing and taboo."

Lung 39(1):60-66.
1963 The Lexicostatistical Classification of the Austronesian
Languages. New Haven: Yale University. 93 pp.
(Reprinted in 1965. IJAL supplement to vol 3 1. i
+ 64 PP).
1963 "The position of the Malayo-Polynesian languages of
Formosa." AsiaPer 7:26 1-271.
1965 "Formosan evidence for some new proto-Austronesian
phonemes." Lingua 14:285-305. (Also in 1965. Indo-
Pacific Linguistic Studies, Part I, ed by G . B. Milner
and Eugenie J. A. Henderson, 285-305. Amsterdam:
North Holland Pub Co).
1970 "Maranao and Tagalic: Qualitative confirmation of a
subgrouping hypothesis. " PJL l(1): 1-11.
1973 "Tagalog reflexes of Prot-Austronesian L." In Parangal
kay Cecilio Lopez, 3-7. Quezon City: LSP. (PJLSM 4).
Ebanghelista, Juan
1914 Katatasang Tagalog. Maynila: Limbagang El Retono.
117 pp.

Echauz, Robustiano
1894 "'Dialectos' y 'Nomenclatura' y traduccion de barias
palabras empleadas en estos 'Apuntes."' I n Apuntes de
la Isla de Negros. Manila: Chofrd y Compafiia.
vii + 185 + 191 pp.

Eck, Jerome
1972 "Sketch of Magindanao phonology." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 45 lvs.
1974 "Magindanao penultimate vowels." SILWP 125-131 .

Edmonds, Williams
1914 Iloco-American Vocabulary for the Use of Schools in
Ilocos. Manila: Amigos del Pais. 19 pp. (1st ed, 1901).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
94 1134-1145 / Edroza

Edroza, Genoveva D. - See also 1395

Edroza, Genoveva D. and Florencia del Rosario
1950 Balarilang Pangkolehiyo. Manila: Philippine Book Co.
211 pp.
1950-1953 Balarilang Pampaaralan. Sa Ika-I-Iku-4 nu Tuon.
Manila: Philippines Book Co. 4 vols.
1953 Ako 'y Pilipino (Integrative activities in the Filipino language).
Manila: L. E. Santa Cruz. xiii +I96 pp.
1960 PiIipino I (ukol sa unang taon ng mga dalubhasaan at
pamantasan). Manila: Manlapaz Pub. 168 pp.
1964 "Pampaaralang balarila." Np. 4 vols

Educational Services
1960 Tagalog: Language familiarization manual.
Washington, DC: Department on Defense. iv + 6 1 pp.
Eggan, Fred - See also 1337
1954 "Some social institutions in the Mountain Province and
their significance for historical comparative stu&es."
JEAS 3(3):329-335.
1960 "The Sagada Igorots of Northern Luzon." In Social
Struct1rl.e in Southeast Asia, ed b y George Peter
Murdock, 24-50. Wenner-Gren Foundation for
Anthropological Research Inc. (Viking Fund Publications in
Anthropology 29).

Elgincolin, Priscilla R. - See 1142

Elgincolin, Sotero B., Hella E. Goschnick and Priscilla R. Elgincolin
1988 English-Tina Sambal-Pilipino Dictionary. Manila:
SII, and I1I:CS. 253 pp.

Elkins, Betty - See 1178, 1179, 1180

Elkins, Richard E. -See also 1563, 2846, 2847
nd "An outline of the kinship system of Western Bukidnon
Manobo. " Manila: SIL
nd "Central Bukidnon Manobo phonemes." Np
nd "Matig Salug survey." Np. 1145

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
"Notes on 'What my father taught,' with text." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 31 lvs.
"Pepet in Manobo. " Np.
"Problems of Ivatan phonology." Manila: SIL. 4 lvs.
"Semantic and grammatical properties of Western
Bukidnon Manobo verbs: a pedagogical treatment."
Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 125 lvs.
"Syntactic structures of Central Mindanao Manobo."
Manila: SIL. 7 lvs.
"The phonemes of Southern Bukidnon Manobo." In
Papers on Philippine Linguistics (Folklore Studies 12),
108-1 10. Tokyo.
"Phonemes of the Central Mindanao Manobo." Manila:
SIL. 5 lvs. Mimeo.
Manobo Alphabet. Manila: SIL, Bureau of Public
Schools and INL. 18 pp.
"Ifugao of Mayoyao. Lexicostatistical list." Manila:
SIL. 4 lvs.
Partial Neutralization of PMP Reflexes in Western
Bukidnon Manobo. Fargo, North Dakota: University of
North Dakota, SIL,. 5 pp.
"Implicit allotagmas in a verbal kernel matrix of
Western Bukidnon Manobo. " Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. 7 lvs.
"Partial loss of contrast between a and e in Western
Bukidnon Manobo. " Lingua 12:205-10. (Also in 1962.
SILWP 6:l-7).
"A matrix display of Western Bukidnon Manobo
kinship" PSR 12(1-2):122-129.
"Major grammatical patterns of Western Bukidnon
Manobo. " Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of
Hawaii. vi + 136 lvs.
"Morphophonemics of Western Buldnon Manobo. "
Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. i 14 lvs.
"Three models of Western Bukidnon Manobo kinship."
Ethnology 7:171-189.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
"Entailment rules for modal particles in Western 1162
Bukidnon Manobo." PJL 1(2):79-84.
Major Grammatical Patterns of Western Bukidnon 1163
Manobo. (SIL Publications in Linguistics and Related
Fields 26). Norman, Oklahoma: SIL. vi +76 pp.
(Published version of 1967 dissertation).
"The structure of some semantic sets of W. B. 1164
Manobo. " NTr 4 1: 10- 15.
"Western Bukidnon Manobo sentence structure. " 1165
Lingua 27:216-62.
"Supposition rules for rhetorical questions in English 1166
and Western Bukidnon Manobo. " NTr 44:2 1-24.
"Pronominalization in Western Bukidnon Manobo 1167
folktales. " In Parangal kay Cecilio Lopez, 1 12- 124.
(PJLSM 4).
"A preliminary Proto-Manobo word list." PJL 1168
"A Proto-Manobo word list." O L 13:601-41. 1169
"Deep structure case, verb stem classes, and Western 1170
Bukidnon Manobo lexicography." In Language
Plaxnlng and the Building of a National Language, ed
by Bonifacio P. Sibayan and Andrew B. Gonzalez,
241-262. Manila: LSP and Language Study Center,
"Root of a language: How one Manobo word led to 1171
another." In Filipino Heritage: The making of a nation
2:523-27. Manila: Lahing Pilipino Publishing.
"An extended Proto-Manobo word list." In Panagani, 1172
ed by Andrew Gonzalez, 218-29. Manila: LSP. (PJL
Special Issue 14:2 and 15:1).
"MatigSalug morphophonemics." Nasuli, Malaybalay, 1173
Bukidnon: SIL. i + 24 lvs.
"MatigSalug phonemes." Nasuli, Malaybalay, 1174
Bukidnon: SIL. ii + 32 lvs.
Prototype Theory and Its Implications for Lexicography. 1175
Manila: IPL.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Encina / 1176-1 185

Elkins, Richard E., comp

1979 "Western Bukidnon Manobo folktales. " Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 63 lvs.
1983 "Matig-Salug texts. " Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:
SIL. ii + 152 lvs.

Elkins, Richard E. and Betty Elkins

1954 A Vocabulary of Central Mindanao Manobo. Manila:
SIL, Bureau of Public Schools and INL. 94 pp.
1966 Manobo-English Dictionary. Honolulu: University of
Hawaii Press. 37 pp. (1968. OLSP 3. University of
Hawaii Press. 355 pp. SIL and University of Hawaii)
Review: Lawrence A. Reid. 197 1. Foundations of
Language 7:449-50.

Elkins, Richard E., Betty Elkins and Melinda Laviiia, comps

1979 Is Merara he Diksyunari te Heepat he Kinegiyan ( A
Short Four-language Dictionary: English- Western
Bukidnon Manobo-Cebuano Visayan-Pilipzno). Manila:
SIL. vii 106 pp.

Elliott, Charles Winslow

1913 "A Vocabulary and Phrase Book of the Lanao Moro
Dialect." Manila: Bureau of Printing. (Bureau of
Science, Division of Ethnology Publications, part 5 of

Encarnacion, Juan Felix de la, ORSA

nd "Gramatica Bisaya, segun el metodo de Ollendorf." Np.
1851 Diccionario Bisaya-Espaiiol, Espaiiol-Bisaya. Manila:
Imprenta de Arnigos del Pais. 2 vols. 634 pp, 537 pp.
(2d ed, 1866. Binondo: Miguel Sanchez y Compaiiia.
388 pp, 364 pp; 3d ed, 1885. Manila: Amigos del Pais.
435 PP, 349 PP).

Encina, Francisco
1760 Vocabulario de la Lengua Bisaya-Zebuana. Sampaloc:
Imprenta de J.M. Dayot. 6 16 + 15 pp.
1836 Arte de la Lengua Zebuana. Manila: Imprenta de J. M.
Dayot. 168 + 8 pp. (Other eds, 1760?; 1801?).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
98 1186-1 197 / Encina

1856 "Extract0 del ydioma hisaya Cebuano. " Np. 13 1 lvs. 1186
1885 Gramatica Bisaya-Cebuana. Manila: Imprenta de 1187
Amigos del Pais. 160 + 44 pp.
1894 Arte Compendiado de la Lengua Cebuana. Tambobong: 1188
Pequefia Tipolitografico del Asilo de Huerfanos de
Nuestra Sefiora de Consolacion. 2d ed. 180 pp.
1633? "Bisayan dictionary. " Np. 1189

Enero, Josephine, Romulo Apolonio, Josue Zuniega, Espirita Cachero, and

Florence Ragma
1963 Ilocano Intermediate Course. Lubuagan, Mountain 1190
Province: Peace Corps Language Institute. Mimeo.

English, Leo James, CSsR

1965 English-Tagalog Dictionary. Australia: Wilke and 1191
Company Ltd. 1211 pp.
1977 English-Tagalog Dictionary. Manila: National Book 1192
Store Inc. 1211 pp. (Other eds, 1978; 1979; 1980; 1981;
1982; 1983; 1984; 1985; 1986; 1987).
1986 Tagalog-English Dictio~ary.Quezon City, Philippines: 1193
Capitol Publishing House Inc. 1583 pp. (Other ed,

Enozawa, Hisashi and Rafael B. Aquino

1942 Nichi-Ei-Tagarogu-go Kaiwa Jiten [Japanese-English- 1194
Tagalog Conversation / Aklat nu Pananalita sa JTikang
Nippongo, lnglis at Tagalog].Tokyo: Okakura-shob6.
190 pp.

Enriquez, Jose T. and Lorenza Abasolo-Enriquez

1952 National Language Lexicon. Manila: Jose C . Velo. 1195
127 pp. (Ed by Julian C. Balmaceda. Reprinted in 1958
as Filipino Language Lexicon).
1958 Filipino Language Lexicon. Manila: Jose C . Velo. 1196
127 pp.

Enriquez, M. Jacobo
1979 New Handy Webster's Dictionary: English-Tagalog. 1197
Manila: Philippine Book Co. 150 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Enriquez / 1198-1208

1980 New Tagalog-English Dictionary. Manila: Philippine

Book Co.
1985 Webster 's Dictionary in 3 Languages: English-Spanish-
Tagalog. Manila: Philippine Book Co. 317 pp.
1989 English-Tagalog, Tagalog-English Vocabulary. Manila:
Philippine Book Co. 168 pp. (Other ed, 1949?).

Enriquez, M. Jacobo, Jose A. Bautista and Francis J. Jamolangue

1949 Pocket Dictionary: English-Tagalog-Visayan,
Cebuano-Ilongo Vocabulary. Manila: Philippine Book
Co. 249 pp. (Revised eds, 1968, 1974; 1988. Philippine
Book Co. 244 pp).

Enriquez, M. Jacobo and Maria Rosario Enriquez

1989 New Handy English Webster 's Dictionary: English-
Tagalog, Tagalog-English. Manila: Philippine Book Co.
329 pp. (Other ed, 1979).

Enriquez, M. Jacobo and Maria Odulio de Guzman

1949 A Pocket Dictionary: Tagalog-English Vocabulary
Manila: Philippine Book Co. 249 pp.
1949 Pocket Dictionary: Tagalog-English; English-Tagalog
Vocabulary. Manila: Philippine Book Co. 2 vols in one.
135 129 pp.
1967 Tagalog-English Vocabulary with Scientific Terms.
Manila: Philippine Book Co. 183 pp.

Enriquez, M. Jacobo and Jose F. Llamas

1952 Pocket Dictionary: English-Tagalog-Spanish-
Pangasinan Vocabulary. Manila: Philippine Book. Co.
249 pp.

Enriquez, M. Jacobo and J. B. Quimba

1949 Pocket Dictionary: English-Tagalog-Ilocano
Vocabulary. Manila: Philippine Book Co. 190 pp.
(Revised ed, 1968. 21 1 pp; 1989. Philippine Book Co.
190 PP).

Enriquez, M. Jacobo and E. Santos

1988 Tagalog-English Vocabulary. Manila: Philippine Book
Co. 92 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
100 1209-1221 / Enriquez

Enriquez, M. Jacobo and Jose Victoriano

1949 English-Tagalog-Spanish Dictionary. Manila:
Philippine Book Co. 224 pp.

Enriquez, Maria Rosario - See 1202

Enriquez, S. R., R. Alejandro and M. E. Jacobo
nd New Speak Filipino English-Filipino Yocabularies
Manila: Philippine Book Co. 287 pp.

Epistola, Nieves B.
195- "Notes on Pangasinan verbs." Transactions of the
International Conference of Orientalists in Japan
5: 15-24.

Epstein, Jonathan
1963 Language Notebook. Manila: Peace Corps Volunteers
Language Program. 64 pp.
1963 "Maranao grammar." Zamboanga?: Peace Corps
Language Program. 58 lvs. Mimeo.
1963 "Maranao. " Zamboanga?: Peace Corps Language
Program. 2 vols. Mimeo.
1967 Bikol Lessons. Washington, DC: Peace Corps.
1967 Bikol Potpourri. Washington, DC: Peace Corps.
1967 "Standard Bikol." Washington, DC: Peace Corps.

Errington, Ellen - See 1221, 1222

Errington, Ross
1979 "A transition network grammar of Cotabato Manobo."
SIPL 3(2):105-63.
1979 "Discourse types and tense patterns in Cotabato
Manobo." SIPL 3(2):218-22.
1984 "Hortatory mitigation: the case of the camouflaged
backbone." SIPL 5(1): 161-99.

Errington, Ross and Ellen Errington

1981 "Cotabato Manobo dictionary." Quezon City: SIL.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1222-1230 1 Eugenio

Errington, Ross, Ellen Errington and Melinda Laviiia, comps

1979 Ini sa Medoo Kagi Diyd sa Epat Balangan Kagi
I('1crs.c r fictl 1 bcubolury Cotabato Manobo, Pilmino,
Visayan, bnglish). Manila: SIL. xix 192 pp.

Escobar y Lozano, Jaime

1885 El Indicador del Viajero en las Islas Filipinas. Manila:
Chofr6 y Compaiiia. (Other ed, 1889).

Escueta, Julita T.
1965 "Predicting problems of Tagalog high school students
through contrastive analysis." Unpublished MAT
seminar paper, UP. 5 1 Ivs.

Espejo, Zoilo
1870 Cartilla de Agricultura Filipina. Manila: Ramirez y
1870 "Correspondencia de 10s nombres Tagalog con que se
designan las principales plantas de esta Cartilla en 10s
dialectos 6 idioma siguientes: Tagalo, Camarines,
Visayo, Pampango, Ilocano, Castellano." In Cartilla de
Agricultura Filipina, 92-96. Manila: Ramirez y
Giraudier. 2d ed.

Estacio, Ceferina I. C.
1961 "Problems of syntax of Filipino speakers of English."
Unpublished MA thesis, University of the East, Manila
1964 "English syntax problems of Filipinos and the
principles of linguistic relativity. " In Proceedings, 9th
International Congress of Linguistics, ed by Horace G.
Lunt, 217-223. The Hague: Moulton.

Estorco, Avelino
nd "Cebuano-English dictionary." Np.

Eugenio, Damiana L.
1959 "A contrastive analysis of English and Tagalog tense
aspect." Unpublished term project for lingulst~cs,UP
208 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
102 1231-1240 / Eustaquio

Eustaquio, Gaudencio R.
1961 Takigrapiyang Tagalog: Panimulang Aklat. Manila:
Pioneer Printing Press. xxv + 187 pp.

Evangelista, Ignacio
1923? Balarilang Pilipino. Manila: Bulalakao's Printing Press
326 pp.

Evangelista, Jose F., Jr.

1972 "The analytical study of the Chabacano verb. "
Unpublished MA thesis.

Everett, A. Hart
1880 "Tagbanwa word list incorporated in Swettenllam's
Comparative Vocabulary of the Dialects of the Wild
Tribe inhabiting the Malay peninsula, Borneo." JSBRAS
(June): 125- 156.

Everett, H. D. and H. N. Whitford

1906 Preliminary Working Plan for the Public Forest Tract
of the Insular Lumber Company. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. (Bureau of Forestry Bulletin 5).

Ewing, J. Franklin
1955 "Notes on the Tausug of Siasi in particular and the
Moros of the Southern Philippines in general." In
Mindanao Corlference, 78-79. Chicago: University of

Eyestone, Maynard M.
nd Pulong sa Pisara. Manila: Interchurch Language School.
nd Sapatos para sa Bata: an Introduction to Tagalog
Grammar. Manila: Interchurch Language School. 60 pp.
1965 Tagalog Pronunciation and Memory Materials. Manila:
Interchurch Language School. 71 pp.
1967-1968 "Constants and variables in Philippine languages and
their implications for the teaching of English." PJLT
S(1): 1-14.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Ferguson 1 1241-1250 103

Eyestone, Maynard M., ed

1965 Ilocano Grammar and Vocabulary. Manila: Interchurch 1241
Language School. 3 vols. 508 pp, 524 pp, 476 pp.
(Other ed, 1967).

Eyestone, Maynard M. and Rosa B. Soberano

1964 Hiligaynon Lessons. Manila: Interchurch Language 1242
School. 2 parts in 1 vol.

Ezguerra, Dorningo P.
nd "Estudios comparativos entre el Tagalo y el Sanscrito." 1243
1949 Arte de la Lengua Bisaya de la Provincia de Leyte. 1244
Madrid: Liberia de General Victoriano Suarez. 88 pp.
(Other ed, 1949).

Fabicon, J. E.
1965 "The Filipino child and multilingualism. " FT

Faustino, Natividad
1960 "A contl-a\tive analysis of English and Tagalog." 1246
California; UCLA term project for Speech 103K.
1961 "A stud> of the mistakes in English composition made 1247
by students of Tagalog language background."
California: UCLA term project for Speech 370L.

Fausto de Cuevas, Fr. Jose Maria

1854 Arte Nuevo de la Lengua Ybanag. Manila: Imprenta de 1248
10s Amigos de Pais. 2d ed. xxiii + 366 25 pp.

Favre, Pierre Etienne Lazare

1875 Dictionnaire Malais-Francais. Vienne: Imprimerie 1249
Imperiale et Royale. 2 vols. 916 pp, 879 pp. (Other ed,

Ferguson, A. M.
1883 "Notes illustrating the changes which consonants
undergo in passing from one Malayan dialect to
another." JSBRAS 12:233-244.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
104 1251-1258 1 Fernandez Luciano

Fernandez Luciano, D. Eligio

1876 Nuevo Vocabulario o Manual de Conversaciones en
Espanlol, Tagalo y Pampango. Binondo: Imprenta de M.
Perez. 80 pp. (Other eds, 1882. Manila: Imprenta del
Amigos del Pais. 84 pp; 1896. 84 pp; 1901. Binondo:
Libreria Tagala. 83 pp; 1914. Manila: Libreria Filipina.
83 PP).
Vocabulario Tagalo-Castellano. Manila: Imprenta de
Amigos del Pais. 84 pp. (Other eds, 1883. Tipografico
de Esteban Balbas. 118 pp; 1890. San Agustin, Iloilo:
Tipografico de Colegio de Santo Tomas. 103 pp; 1894.
Chofrk y Compaiiia. 130 pp; 1906. 110 pp; 1920.
Imprenta de Libreria de J. Martinez. 109 pp).
1883 Diccionario Espanlol-Tagalo. Manila: Imprenta del
Amigos de Pais.

Fernandez, Acisclo - See 355 1

Fernandez, Agustin, OESA
nd "Diccionario de 10s idiomas de Filipinas." Np
nd "Diccionario poliglota de 10s idiomas de Filipinas." Np.

Fernandez, Evaristo - See also 1068, 1069

1883 Vocabulario Tagalo-Castellano. Manila:
Establicimiento Tipografico de Esteban Balbas. 118 pp.

Fernandez, Evaristo and Sofronio G. Calderon

1917 Vocabulario Tagalog-Castcllano-IngIescon Partes de
Gramatica y Frases Usuales. Manila. 2d ed. 269 pp.
(3d ed, 1921. Manila: Imprenta de J. Martinez. 109 pp).

Fernandez, Miguel
1867 Diccionario Espariol-Ibanag; o sea, tesauro Hispano-
Cagayan. (Sacado de 10s manuscriptos antiguos y
nuevamente corregido y aiiodido en gran parte por dos
religiosos Dominicos ministros en aquella provincia).
Manila: Imprenta de Ratnirez y Giraudier. 5 11 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Finck / 1259-1270

Fernandez, Pedro R.
1865 Diccionario Pangasinan-Espariol (Aumentado,
ordenado y reformado por Pedro Villanueva) Manila:
Establecimiento Tipografico de Colegio de Santo
Tomas. 330 + I 2 1 pp.
1959 "Providing for a more hospitable Filipino language."
PJE 38: 142-143, 174.

Fernandez, Trinidad
1919 "Kuyonon folktales. " Np. 16 lvs
1920 "Kuyo legends." Np. 2d series. 13 lvs

Ferrand, Gabriel
1924 "Langues Malayo-Polynesiennes." In Les Langues du
Monde, ed by A. Meillet and M. Cohen, 405-460. Paris.

Ferrer, Fernando
1907 Manual Iloco-Castellano (o sea metodo para aprender
o ensenar el Castellano en 10s pueblos Ilocanos).
Vigan. 328 pp.
1908- 1909 "Habla el Sr. Retana sobre el uso de la K y de la W
doble." El Renacimiento. (Articulos de y sobre Retana).

Ferrer, Inocencio V.
1962 "The case against Tagalog. " PFP 55: 14- 15.
1962 "Why Tagalog?" Examiner l(22): 16-17, 24.

Fetzer, Anne - See 3299

Fierro, Vito del
1959 "Techniques in vocabulary building in Filipino language."
EdQ 7:68-75.

Figueroa, Antonio
1872 Arte del Idioma Visaya de Samar y Leite. Binondo:
Imprenta de Bruno Gonzales Moras. 2d ed. 135 pp.

Finck, Franz Nikolaus

1923 "Die Sprachen der Philippinen." In Die Sprachstamme
des Erdkreises, 48-50. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Finley, John Park and William Churchill
1913 The Subanun (Studies of a sub-Yisayan mountain folk of 1271
Mindanao). Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution.
236 pp. (Publication 184).

Fleischman, Eric
1980 "Magindanaon verbal inflection." Nasuli, Malaybalay, 1272
Bukidnon: SIL. 21 lvs.
1980 "Phonemics and morphophonemics of Maguindanao." 1273
Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SII,. 19 lvs.
1981 "The Danao languages: Magindanaon, Iranun, Maranao, 1274
and Illanun." PJL 12(1):57-77.

Fleischman, Eric, Nasrullah Glang, Makakena Solaiman, Hadji Abdullah

Ayub, and Faisal Daud, comps
1981 Vocabulary: Magindanawn-Pilipino-English.Manila: SIL. 1275
340 pp.

Fleming, Dorothy
1952 "A phonetic study of the speech of an English speaking 1276
Tagalog." Unpublished MA thesis, Louisiana State

Flordeliza, Fredesvinda P. - See 2283, 2284

Flores, Francisco Gubaton
1962 "A contrastive analysis of selected clause types in 1277
Cebuano and English." Unpublished EdD thesis,
University of Michigan. 179 lvs.
1964 "-4comparison of selected grammatical categories in 1278
Cebuano and English." PSR 12(1-2):77-84.
1966 "A tagmemic description of the Cebuano verb." Paper 1279
read at the 1 lth Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, Japan.

Flores, Frank - See 2365

Flores, Imelda Y.
1982 "Some comparative and synchronic notes on the 1280
segment /V in four Bisayan languages: Cebuano,
Hiligaynon, Aklanon, and Waraywaray." Likha 4:26-34.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Forman / 1281-1292 107

Flores, Malu - See 3875

Flores, Micaela
1904 "Malamang ang ikinahahawig ng mga salita at
pangungusap na Tagalog sa Ingles kay sa Kastila."
Muling Pagsilang (March 4 ) .

Flores, S. and Florentino Jacobo

1950 Aklat ng Paggamot at Pangangalaga sa Sakit. Manila:
Book Co. 106 pp.

Floresca y Rimando, Romualdo

1906 Vocabulary English-Ilocano. Vigan: Imprenta de la
Nueva Era. 237 pp.

Floreza, Lolita H.
1962 "Phonetic analysis of the Bicol 'Naga' dialect." Ateneo
de Manila Graduate School. 10 Ivs.

Forfia, Kathleen
1979 "Nonpast tense in Ga'dang narrative discourse." SIPL
3(1): 10-16.

Forfia, Kathleen and Sherilyn Moore

1979 "Ga'dang grammar essentials. " Manila: SIL. 49 lvs.

Forman, Michael L.
1967 Preliminary Working Papers for the Study of
Zamboangetio Chabacano. Peace Corps, Philippines.
1970 "Notes on Kapampangan grammar." Np. 120 lvs.
1971 Kapampangan Dictionary. Honolulu: University of
Hawaii Press. 258 pp.
1972 "Zamboanga texts with grammatical analysis."
Unpublished PhD dissertation, Cornell University

Forman, Robin
1976 "Phonemes of Mapun. " Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:
SIL. i + 2 7 lvs.
1979 "Morphophonemics of Sama Mapun." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 12 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
108 1293-1306 / Forman

Forman, Robin, comp

nd "Sama Mapun texts." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:
SIL. 88 lvs.
1976 "Dictionary of Mapun, Cagayan de Sulu." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. I1 1 lvs.

Foronda, Sebastian, OSA

1710 "Vocabulario Pampango. " Np.

Forrest, Thomas
1779 "Vocabulary of the Maguindanao tongue." In A Voyage
to New Guinea and the Moluccas, 41 5-442. Dublin: np.
(Other eds, 1780. London: J. Robson; French
translation, 1780; German translation, 1782).

Forsberg, Vivian M. - See also 403, 409, 2100, 2101

nd "Case relations and pronouns in Tagabili. " Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: S E . 16 lvs.
1963 "Tagabili nonverbal clauses." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. 6 Ivs.
1966 "Phrases in Tagabili. " Papers in Philippine Linguistics
1:21-32. (PL-A 8).
1966 "Verbal clauses in Tagabili." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL,. iv-+ 39 lvs.
1990 "Pedagogical grammar of Tboli." Manila: SIL. 179 lvs.

Forsberg, Vivian M. and Alice Lindquist

nd "Contrasting relations in Tagabili." Manila: SIL.
nd "Preliminary study of Tagabili affixes." Manila: SIL.
1955 Tagabili-English Vocabulary. Manila: SIL, Bureau of
Public Schools and INL. 160 pp.

Forster, Jannette - See also 404-408, 2559, 2560, 3714

nd "Dibabawon clause structure." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. 13 lvs.
nd "Dibabawon static clauses." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. I1 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Forster / 1307-1322

nd "Dibabawon substantive phrases." Nasuli, Malaybalay,

Bukidnon: SIL. 4 lvs.
nd "Dibabawon transient clauses: A suggested analysis."
Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 5 Ivs.
nd "Dibabawon verbal clauses." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. 14 lvs.
nd "Noun expressions in Dibabawon. " Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL,. 2 Ivs.
1954 "Dibabaon texts." JEAS 3:232-236.
1958 "Noun expressions in Dibabaon." SILWP 2:27-28.
1963 "Syllables and phonemes of Dibabawon." In Papers on
Philippine Languages I , ed by Elmer Wolfenden, 18-25.
Manila: ILT and SIL.
1964 "Dual structure of Dibabawon verbal clauses." OL
1964 "Selected rules for a Dibabawon grammar." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 16 lvs.
1970 "Morphophonemic changes in Dibabawon. " Papers in
Philippine Linguistics 3:63-70. (PL-A 24).
1983 "Use of dialogue in a Dibabawon narrative discourse."
PJL 14(1):45-60.

Forster, Jannette, comp

nd "Dibabawon texts." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:
SIL. 100 lvs.

Forster, Jannette, William Atherton and Ruth Atherton

1954 "Wordlist in Dibaba'on and Binukid." Manila: SIL.

Forster, Jannette and Myra Lou Barnard

nd "Dibabawon sentences. " Nasuli, Malaybalay, Buludnon:
SIL. 183 Ivs.
nd "Phonemic statement and proposed orthography for
Dibabawon." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 9 lvs.
nd "Pronoun classes of Dibabawon. " Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. 1 If.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
110 1323-1331 / Forster

1954 Dibabaon-Mandayon Vocabulary. Manila: SIL, Bureau

of Public Schools and INL. 2d ed. 66 pp.
1968 "A classification of Dibabawon active verbs." Lingua

Forster, Jannette and Myra Lou Barnard, comps

1987 Dibabawon Manobo Texts (SIPL Supplementary series:
Philippine texts 3), ed by Fe T. Otanes and Austin
Hale. Manila: LSP and SIL. viii + 131 pp.

Forster, Jannette and Howard Paul McKaughan

1952 "An adaptation of modern language teaching techniques
to certain unusual situations." Joint unpublished MA
thesis, Cornell University.
iv + 230 lvs.

Forster, Johann Reinhold

1778 "Observations faites, pendant le second voyage de M
Cook, dans l'hemisphere austral... " In Voyage Dans
I'Hemisphere Austral 5. Paris: Hotel de Thou.

Foster, Richard H.
1948 "The Spanish in the Cebuano vocabulary of the Bible
as a partial revelation of Spanish cultural, political and
economic influence in the Philippine Islands."
Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of California
"The Spanish in the Cebuano vocabulary of the a partial revelation of Spanish cultural,
political, and economic influence in the Philippine
islands." Abstract of a University of California

Fowler, John A.
1925 Lumber Industry of the Philippine Islands. Washington,
DC: U S Government Printing Office. 43 pp. (Bureau of
Forestry and Domestic Commerce. Trade Promotion
Series, no 24).
"The Pinatubo Negritos: Their useful plants and
material culture." PJS. 81:3-4.173-414.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Frake / 1332-1342

Fox, Robert B.
1950 "A Tagbanua-English lexical list." Manila. Typescript.
1953 "An Iloilgot Vocabulary collected by William Jones."
1954 "On the Bisayan syllabary." In The Robertson Text and
Translation of the Povedano Manuscript on 1572, by E .
Hester, 56-58. Chicago: Dept of Anthropology,
University of Chicago. 63 pp. (Philippine Studies
Program Transcript Series 2).
1954 "Religion and society among the Tagbanua of Palawan
island, Philippines." Unpublished MA thesis, University
of Chicago. ix +383 lvs.

Fox, Robert B. and Willis E. Sibley

1953 "The application of glottochronology to the mountain
province: Its implication for culture history." In Eighth
Pacific Science Congress Abstracts of Papers, 5 18-519.
Quezon City.

Fox, Robert B., Willis E. Sibley and Fred Eggan

1954 A Preliminary Glottochronology for Northern Luzon.
Chicago: University of Chicago, Philippine Studies
Program. 9 pp. Mimeo. (Reprinted in 1965. Asia Std

Foy, Willy - See also 2397

1901 "Uber h e Echtheit einer angeblich Formosanischen
Schrift (Anhang: Zur 'Mangianenschrift'). " Abh. und
Ber, des Konigl. Zool. und Anthro. Ethnogr. Museums
zu Dresden 9(6):23-26, part 3.

Frake, Charles 0.
nd "A linguistic analysis of Yakan. " Np.
1953 "Wordlist in Subanun. " Np.
1954 "Sindangan Subanun word list. " JEAS 3(3):321-324.
1957 "The Subanon of Zamboanga, a linguistic survey."
Paper read at the ninth Pacific Science Congress in

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
112 1343-1356 1 Frake

1960 "The Eastern Subanun of Mindanao." In Viking Fund

Publication in Anthropology, no 29, ed by G. P.
Murdock, 5 1-64. New York: Wenner-Gren Foundation
for Anthropological Research.
1961 "The diagnosis of hsease among the Subanun of
Mindanao." AmAnth 63(1): 113-132.
1963 "Creole Spanish in the Philippines." Report to the
National Institute of Health.
1966 "An investigation of Philippine Creole Spanish." Np.
1967 "Lexical origins and semantic structure in Philippine
Creole Spanish." Paper at the Conference on
Creolization and Pidginization (April 9- 12, 1968),
Mona, Kingston, Jamaica. 33 Ivs. Mi~neo.
1967 "Struck by speech: the Yakan concept of litigation."
Stanford University: np. 3 1 i 4 Ivs. Typescript.

Francisco, H. - See 354

Francisco, Juan R.
1960 "Sanskrit loan-wcrds in the Philippine languages."
Adyar Library Bulletin 24: 153- 172.
1961 "Sri Vijaya and the Thilippines: a review. "PSSHR
1963 "Indian influences in the Philippines with special
reference to language and literature." Unpublished PhD
dissertation, University of Madras. xxv + 525 lvs.
1963 "Indian influences in the Philippines with special
reference to language and literature. " PSSHR
28(1-3): 1-310. (Published version of Francisco's 1963
"The new function of ancient Philippine scripts."
PSSHR 28(4):416-423.
"Field notes of work done with the Tagbanua and the
Mangyan. " Np.
"Script writing in the Philippines." UP Research Digest
"On the date of the coming of Indian influence in the
Philippines. " Philippine Historical Review l(1): 136- 152.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Fritz / 1357-1368

1966 "Notes on probable Tamil words in Philippine

language." In International Conference - Seminar of
Tamil Studies, 1st (University of Malaya), 572-578.
1966 "Palaeographic studies on the Philippines. " SMJ
1967 "A note on the Pagang: a Tagbanuwa bamboo musical
instrument." Asib! SSf 5(1):33-41.
1967 "A survey of paleographic relations between India and
the Philippines. " Historical Bulletin 11(3):238-248.
1967 "Sound and symbol in Philippine language and script."
Paper read at the 27th International Congress of
Orientalists (August 13-19, 1967), Ann Arbor, Michigan.
1968 "A note on the Dravidian origin of the Tagalog
syllabary." In International Conference - Seminar of
Tamil Studies, 2d (Madras), 44 1-455.
1968 "Further notes on Pardo de Tavera's El Sancrito en la
Lengua Tagalog." Asia Std 6(2):223-234.
1973 Philippine Palaeography. Quezon City: LSP. 135 pp.

Franco, Manuel - See 3 134

Frantz, Donald G.
nd "A note on the Bilaan syntactic paradigm." Manila:
SIL. 7 lvs.

Freedman, Maurice - See 8 15

Freer, William Bowen
1906 "List of Spanish and Philippine Terms." In The
Philippine Experiences of an American Teacher,
335-339. New York: C. Scribner's Sons.

Freeze, R. - See 664

Frei, E. J.
1947 "Tagalog as the Philippine national language."
Unpublished MA thesis, Hartford Seminary Foundation.
430 lvs.

Fritz, William Grant

1901 Ingles at Capampangan a Munang Piakitan. Manila:
YMCA Book Store. 91 pp.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
114 1369-1379 / Fruto

Fruto, Julita 0.
1969 "English lexical errors induced by Cebuano 1369
grammatical and lexical patterns." Unpublished MA
thesis, University of San Carlos, Cebu.

Fu kuda, Takashi
1980 "Discourse features in Kadaklan." SIPL 4(1):7 1-100. 1370
1983 "A discourse-oriented grammar of Eastern Bontoc." 1371
Unpublished MA thesis, University of Texas, Arlington.
x + 231 Ivs.

Fukuda, Takashi, Evelyn Labaro, Canuto Changale, Albert Layong, Dionic

Chongalan, Abel Maingag, Francisca Nganmaya, Rita Layong, and
Virgina Coyao, comps
1981 A Topical Vocabulary in English, Pilipino, Ilocano, and 1372
Eastern Bontoc. Manila: SIL. 122 pp.

Funes de la Virgen del Villar, Julian, ORSA

nd '3iccionario Hispano-Ilocano. " Np.

Funnell, Shirley
1966 "Ang kuento nang matsing at pagong." SIL WP 10:56-61 . 1374

G., J. M.

1875 Arteng Tagalog na Macapagtuturo nang Wikang Castila. 1375

Manila. 95 pp.

G., P. R.
1952 "Tighabol sa wika." WP 6:47-48.

Gabelentz, Georg von der

1861 "Die Melanesischen Sprachen nach ihrem grammatischen 1377
bau und ihrer Verwandtschaft unter sich und mit den
Malaiisch-Polynesischen Sprachen." KonSacGes Wis 3.
1891 Die Sprachwissenschaft, ihre Aufgaben, Methoden und 1378
Bisherigen Ergebnisse. Leipzig: T . 0 . Weigel
Nachfolger. 502 pp.
1895 "Ueber die Formosanische Sprachen und ihre Stellung 1379
in dem Malaiischen Sprachstamm." Zeitschrift der
Seutschen Morgenlaendischen Gesellschaft 13.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Galang / 1380-1389 115

Gabelentz, Georg von der and A. B. Meyer

1883 "Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Melanesischen, 1380
Mikronesischen und Papuanischen Sprachen."
KonSacGes Wis 8(4):373-541.

Gabelentz, H. L. von der

1861 "Uber das Passivum: Eine sprachvergleichende
Abhandlung. " KonSacGes Wis 8(4):449-546.

Gaces, Santiago - See 376 1, 3762

Gagelonia, Pedro A.
1962 "Evolution of the alphabet." FEUFJ 7(1):439-459. 1382

Gaimushi5 Nan'yi5-kyoku Ministry of Foreign Affairs]

1941 Hirippin Oyobi Hirippin-jin no Kako ni Tsuite [On the 1383
History of the Filipino and the Philippines]. Tokyo.
85 PP.

Galang, Ricardo E.
1935 "Ethnographic notes on the Isinais of Nueve Vizcaya." 1384
PJS 58:503-5 11.
1935 "Ethnographic study of the Yogads of Isabella." PJS 1385
1936 "Kinship usages among the Pampangos. " PM 33(9):452, 1386
454-455. (Reprinted 1955. JEAS 4(1): 115-117).

Galang, Rosita G. - See also 814

1977 "The acquisition of Tagalog verb morphology: 1387
linguistic and cognitive factors." Unpublished PhD
dissertation, Ateneo-PNC consortium.

Galang, Zoilo M., ed

1936 Encyclopedia of the Philippines 1. Manila: Philippine 1388
Education Company Inc. (2d ed, 1950. Exequiel Floro.
2 vols).
1938 "Land and people" and "Linguistics." In Filipiniana 1389
1-2. Manila: Philippine Education Company Inc.
xii + 21 + 413 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
116 1390-1398 1 Gallman

Gallman, Andrew F.
1974 "A reconstruction of Proto-Mansakan. " Unpublished
MA thesis, University of Texas, Arlington. x + 85 Ivs
1979 "Proto-South-east Mindanao and its internal
relationships." Papers in Philippine Linguistics 10:1-52.
(PL-A 55). (Published version of 1974 thesis).
1983 "Proto East Mindanao and its internal relationships."
Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Texas,
Arlington. xiii + 494 lvs.

Gamboa-Mendoza, Virginia
1940 "Phonological pecularities of Pampangan (based of the
Or-Aus as constructed by Dempwolff)." In Publications
of the Institute of National Language. Manila: Bureau
of Printing. (Bulletin 4).

Gana, Rosario Bella - See also 1559

1952 Sanayang Balarila. Manila: Inang Wika Publishing Co.
2 vols. 191 pp, 190 pp.

Gana, Rosario Bella and Genoveva D. Edroza

1951 Balarilang Pandalubhasaan (Sinuri ni Lope K. Santos)
Manila: Philippine Book Co. 2 vols. 284 pp, 237 pp.

Ganuelas, Susana
19-- "Comparison of speech sounds in English and in
Ilokano." Bacnotan, La Union: Bureau of Public
Schools. 1 If. Mimeo.

Garcia, Cenon
1956 Diccionario Ingles-Espaiiol-Ilocano-Pangasinan.
Dagupan City: Imprenta Gonzales B. Mendoza & Sons.
273 pp.

Garcia, Domingo E.
1958 "A study of the conversational uses of some particles
and words which are found in both the Cebu-Visayan
dialect and the Filipino national language."
Unpublished MA thesis, University of San Carlos, Cebu

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Gardner / 1399-141 1

Garcia, Francisco and R. P. Ulpiano Herrcro

1902 Mangn Unang Tzlro sa IJicang Wicang Manila: Colegio
de Santo Tomas. 477 pp.

Garcia, Mauro
1934 "Secret dialects in Tagalog." PM 31(1):28, 30.
(Reprinted in 1955. JEAS 4(2):299-300).
1937 "Tagalog kinship terms and usages." PM 34:33-34.
1939 "Philippine pseudonyms." Bulletin on the Philippine
Library Association 1:67-73.

Gardner, Fletcher
1905 (Mangyan songs). Np. 8 lvs
1906 The Hampangan Mangyans of Mindoro. Fort Crook,
Nebraska. 69 pp.
1923 "Tagbanua alphabet." C F 14:24-26.
1939 "Three contemporary incised bamboo manuscripts from
Hampangan Mangyan, Mindoro, P. I." JAOS
1939-1940 "Mangyan grammar and vocabulary." In Indic Writings
of the Mindoro Palawan Axis 3:61-117. San Antonio,
Texas: Witte Memorial Museum. 3 vols. ii and 123 pp.
1940 "Bamboo writings from Mindoro and Palawan." JAOS
60:27 1-272.
1941 "Lingualization in austronesian languages: an unusual
consonantal shift." PMASAL 2751 1-514.
1943 Philippine Indic Studies. San Antonio, Texas: Palm
Tree Press. 105 pp. (Witte Memorial Museum, Indic
Bulletin 1).
Review: Alfred Kroeber. 1944. JAOS 64:34.

Gardner, Fletcher and Ildefonso Maliwanag

1939-1940 Indic Writings of the Mindoro-Palawan Axis. San
Antonio: Palm Tree Press. 2 vols.
Review: Horace I. Poleman. 1940. JAOS 60:275.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
118 1412-1422 1 Gardner

Gardner, Mary Jane - See 2876, 2877

Gardner, Rolland
1906 Mechanical Tests, Properties, and Uses of Thirty 1412
Philippine Woods. Manila: Bureau of Printing.
(Philippine Islands Bureau of Forestry Bulletin 4).

Garduque, Catalino D.
1955 Vocabulary of Identical Tagalog and Ilokano Words 1413
with Identical Meanings, Translated into English.
Manila: Bureau of Printing. 23 pp. (INL paper 9).

Garvan, John M.
1913 Two Vocabularies from the Negritos of Tayabas. 1414
Manila: BPES. 61 pp.
1914 Negrito Vocabularies. Manila: Museum and Institute of 1415
Archeology and Ethnology, UP. 240 pp.
1915 "Negrito vocabularies with notes by E. E. Schneider: 1416
five extensive vocabularies collected by other authors
and comparative notes on the same." Manila: np.
508 lvs.
1931 "The Manobos of Mindanao." Washington, DC: US 1417
Government Printing Office. iii + 265 lvs. (National
Academy of Sciences Memoirs 23(1)).
1955 "Sulu proverbs. " JEAS 4(3):443-446. 1418
1957 "On the relative tractability of morphological data." 1419
Word 13:12-23.
1964 The Negritos of the Philippines, ed by F . Berger Horn. 1420
288 pp.

Garvin, Paul and Florencio Campornanes

nd "Tagalog vowel system." Np.

Gasol, Jaime, OSA

nd "Vocabulario Panayano del P. Mentrida." Np. 1422

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Gayacao / 1423-1 432

Gatbonton, Elizabeth
1962 "A phonemic analysis of the Kalinga dialect, as spoken
by the Lubuagan central people of the Mountain
Province." Manila: Ateneo de Manila Graduate School.
15 lvs.

Gault, Jo Ann - See also 1071, 1072

1976 "Phonemics and morphophonemics of Sama Baangingi."
Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 54 lvs.
1979 Phonemics and morphophonemics of Sama Baangingi.
Papers in Philippine Linguistics 9:49-68. (PL-A 50).
1986 "Focal content in Sama Bangingi narrative discourse."
SIPL 6(1):200-15.

Gault, Jo Ann and Eunice Diment, comps

var. dates "Sama Bangingi texts." Manila: SIL. 272 lvs.

Gayacao, Juan
1875 Nuevo Vocabulario o Manual de Conversaciones en
Hispano-Ilocano. Manila. 70 pp. (Other eds, 2d ed,
1879. Manila: Imprenta Ciudad Condal de Plana y
Compaiiia. 70 pp; 3d ed, 1881; 4th ed, 1884. Manila:
Imprenta de Don Esteban Balbas. 80 pp; 5th ed, 1892.
Manila: Imprenta Amigos de Pais. 79 pp; 8th ed, 1901.
Manila: Libreria Tagala. 77 pp; 9th ed, 1907. Manila: J.
Martinez. 77 pp; 10th ed, 19 14).
1875 Nuevo Vocabulario y Guia de Conversaciones Espaiiol-
Panayano. Manila: Imprenta de J. Martinez. 80 pp.
(Other eds, 1879. Manila: Imprenta Cuidad Condal de
Plana y Ca. 70 pp; 5th ed, 1881).
1882 Nuevo Vocabulario Espaiiol, Tagalo y Pampango.
1896 Manual de Conversaciones en Hispano-Bicol y
Vice-versa. Manila: Establecimiento Tipolitografico de
Ramirez y Compaiiia. 6th ed. 116 pp. (Other eds, 4th
ed, 1873; 5th ed, 1881. Manila: Imprenta de 10s Amigos
del Pais).
1896 Vocabulario Ibanag. Manila: Chofrd y Compaiiia. 72 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
120 1433- 1445 / Gayacao

Gayacao, Juan and Sofronio G. Calderon

19-- Vocabulario Ilocano-Hispano-Ingles con Partes de la 1433
Gramatica y Frases Usuales. Manila: Librerias de J.
Martinez. 228 pp.

Geeroms, Henry, CICM

1966 "Abbreviated Christian names in Iloko." Baguio: Saint 1434
Louis University.

Geeroms, Pater H.
1943 "Over de derde persoon meervoud in het austronesisch." 1435
BNI 102:41-79.

Gendulan, Bedung - See 3542

Gener, Teodoro E.
19-- Taluntunan (balangkas ng balarila). Maynila: Arsenio 1436
P. Afas. 87 pp.
1938 "Ang pangalan ng wikang Tagalog." Diwang Silangan 1437
1938 "Bukas na liham sa Institute ng Wikang Pambansa." 1438
Mabuhay (October 30).
1944 "Ang kudlit at tatas ng wikang Tagalog." Np. 1439
1944 Essentials of Tagalog. Manila: T. E. Gener. xii 4- 112 pp. 1440
1944 Our National Language. Np. 1441

Cenzor, Josef
1969 "Spanish loanwords in Tagalog." Asian and A9ican 1442
Studies 5: 17-25,
1970 "Towards a typological characteristic of the Tagalog 1443
language. " Asian and African Studies 6:5 1-56.

Geoghegan, William
1970 "Balangingi Samal address terminology: A formal study 1444
of naturally occurring information processing systems."
Unpublished PhD dissertation, Stanford University.

German, Alfredo B.
1932 A Vocabulary of the Spanish dialect of Cavite ... Quezon 1445
City: Alfredo B. German.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Gieser / 1446-1459 121

1932 "The Spanish dialect of Cavite." Unpublished MA 1446

thesis, UP. 233 lvs.

Geronimo, Sr. Thomas de. (Cf. San Geronimo, Thomas de)

nd "Arte de la lengua Bisaya y vocabulario Espaiiol-Bisaya 1447
de la lengua Sugbuana." Np.

Ghani, Bin Bugul A.

1950 "Notes on the Bajau language." SMJ 5(2): 196-200. 1448

Ghatage, A. M.
1964 "The phonemes of Hiligaynon. " Indian Linguistics 1449
(Poona) 25:77-82.

Gieser, C. Richard - See also 1564, 3457

nd "A preliminary analysis of Kalinga particles." Manila: 1450
1958 "The phonemes of Kalinga. " In Studies in Philippine 1451
Linguistics, 10-23. Sydney, Australia: University of
Sydney. (OLM 3).
1961 "A grammatical sketch of Kalingz." Unpublished MA 1452
thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. vii + 92 Ivs.
1963 "A grammatical sketch of Kalinga. " Nasuli, 1453
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. ii + 90 pp. (Published
version of 196 1 thesis).
1966 "Problems in Kalinga morphophonemics. " SIL WP 1454
1968 "Notes on sentence structure of Guininaang (Kalinga)." 1455
Manila: SIL. 81 1vs.
1970 "Problem on case-marhng particles in Kalinga. " 1456
1970 "The morphophonemic system of Guininaang 1457
(Kalinga). " PJL 1(2):52-68.
1972 "Kalinga sequential discourse." PJL 3(1): 15-33. 1458
1972 "Phonemic and morphemic efficiency in Kalinga. " 1459
Phonetica 25:216-46.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
122 1460-1469 1 Gieser

Gieser, C. Richard, comp

1984 "Guinaang Kalinga interlinear texts." Manila: SIL.
104 lvs.
1987 Guinaang Kalinga Texts (SIPL Supplementary series:
Philippine texts 4), ed by Fe T. Otanes and Austin Hale.
Manila: LSP and SIL. xi + 128 pp. (Published version
of Gieser 1984).

Gieser, Ruth and Joseph E. Grimes

1972 "Natural clusters in Kalinga disease terms." Asia Std

Giganto, Bernardo, OESA

1841 "Neuherausgabe des diccionario de las lengua Bisaya
von P. Alonso de Mentrida." Np.
1842 "Herausgabe des diccionario Hispano-Bisaya des P.
Julian Martin. " Np.

Gisbert, Mateo, SJ
1892 Diccionario Bagobo-Espaiiol. Manila: Tipolitografico
de Ramirez y Compaiiia. 64 pp.
1892 Diccionario Espaiiol-Bagobo. Manila: Tipolitografico
de Ramirez y Compaiiia. 188 pp.

Glang, Nasrullah - See 1275

Gleason, Henry A.
1955 Workbook in Descriptive Linguistics. New York: Henry
Holt and Co. 88 pp. (2d ed, 1961).

Gloria, Rev. Manuel

1939 "A visit to the negritos of central Panay, Philippine
Islands." Pr M 12(4):94-102.

Glorioso, P. R. - See 203

Gobuyan, Erlinda A.
1966 "A Descriptive-Contrastive Analysis of Ilongo
Hiligaynon and English Personal Pronouns."
Unpublished MAT seminar paper, UP. 40 Ivs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Gonda / 1470-1484 123

Goetz, Joan E. - See also 1017

1959 "A description of the subjective type sentence in 1470
Amganad Ifugao." Manila: SIL. 8 lvs.
1963 "Amganad Ifugao phonology. " Nasuli, Malaybalay, 1471
Bukidnon: S E . 28 Ivs.

Goetz, Joan E. and Margaret Cunningham

1963 "Amganad Ifugao mnrphophonemics. " Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 15 lvs.

Gomez, Lourdes A.
1958 "An outline of Tagalog phonology, Tagalog phonemics. " 1473
Unpublished MS thesis, Georgetown University.

Gomez, Trinidad M.
1961 "A contrastive analysis of English and Pangasinan." 1474
California: UCLA term project for Speech 103K.

Gomez-Rivera, Guillermo
1961 "Notes for 'Pilipino puristas'." PFP 54:67, 69, 143-144. 1475

Gonda, Jan
1942 "Inwendige nasaal -en liquida-verbindingen in 1476
Indonesische talen." BNI 101:141-206.
1943 "Indonesische relativa." BNI 10250 1-537. 1477
1948 "The comparative method as applied to Indonesian 1478
languages. " Lingua 1:86-101.
1949- 1950? "The functions of word duplication in Indonesian 1479
languages. " Lingua 2(2): 170-197.
1950 "Observations on ordinal numbers." Bingkisan Budi, 1480
1950-1952 "Indonesian linguistics and general linguistics." Lingua 1481
2:308-339; 3: 17-51.
1952 Sanskrit in Indonesia. Nagpur: International Academy 1482
of Indian Culture, xxix 456 pp
Review: Isidore Dyen. 1956. JAOS 76(1):50-55.
1954 "Tense in Indonesian languages. " BNI 110:240-262. 1483
1956 "Reply to I. Dyen's criticism." JAOS 76:229-231. 1484

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Gongon, Jovita C. - See 1897

Gonzaga, Encarnacion J.
1917 "Bisayan literature from the pre-Spanish times to 1917." 1485
Unpublished MA thesis, UP.
1917 "Ibanag-Spanish dictionary." Np. 348 lvs. 1486
1917 "Indice de las raices anticuadas." Np. 1487

Gonzales, Amelia F.
1947 "Mga salitang Insik na ginagamit sa Kuyapo, Nueva 1488
Ecija. " Np.

Gonzales, Fausta L. - See 3655

Gonzales, Lydia Fernando
1962 "The active sentences and active verbs in Tagalog." 1489
Unpublished MA thesis, UP.

Gonzalez y Martin, R.
1896 "I&oma de Filipinas." In Filipinas y sus Habitantes, 1490
9 1-97. Bejar: Aguila:..

Gonzalez, Andrew B., AFLSC

1969 "Cases and topicalizers in Tagalog." UC, Berkeley. 1491
1970 "Acoustic correlates of accent, rhythm, and intonation 1492
of Tagalog. " Phonetica 22(1): 11-44. (Also in Readings
in Philippine Linguistics, 542-56 1).
1971 "The Tagalog nasal ligature: a reinterpretation." PJL 1493
1973 "'Classifiers' in Tagalog: a semantic analysis." In 1494
Parangal kay Cecilio Lopez, 125-140. (PJLSM 4).
1974 "Linguistics Philippine Style." Linguistic Reporter 1495

Gonzalez, Andrew B., AFLSC and David Thomas, eds

1981 Linguistics Across Continents: Studies in honor of 1496
Richard S. Pittman. Manila: SIL and LSP. x + 234 pp.
(PJLSM 11).
Review: Austin Hale. 1982. PJL 13(2):109-13.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Goulet 1 1497-1506 125

Gonzalez, Encarnacion J. (Lydia Fer)

1962 "The active sentences and active verbs in Tagalog."
Unpublished MA thesis, UP.

Gonzalez, Esperanza A.
1963 "A comparative analysis of English speech difficulties
in the eight major language areas of the Philippines."
California: UCLA term project for English 250K.
1965 "Linguistics and the language teacher." In the Grade
School 14(4):263-265.

Gonzalez, Mary A.
1965 "The Ilongo kinship system and terminology." PSR
13(1):23-3 1.

Gordon, M. Ruth and Heather J. Kilgour

1986 "Sociolinguistic survey of Bantoanon." SIPL 6(2): 1-93.

Goschnick, Hella E. - See also 156, 444, 2212, 2915, 3226, 3227
1985 "Contribution towards the poetic conventions of Tina
Sambal." Unpublished MA thesis, De La Salle
University, Manila. 563 lvs.

Goschnick, Hella E., comp

1989 Poetic Conventions of Tina Sambal. Manila: LSP.
viii + 452 pp. (Published version of Goschnick's 1985
thesis). (PJLSM 27).
1989 Tina Samba1 Songs and Poems. Manila: SIL and DECS
294 pp.

Goulet, Rosalina Morales

196? "English, Spanish and Tagalog. A study of
grammatical, lexical and cultural interference. "
Unpublished PhD dissertation, New York University.
202 Ivs. (Also in 1971. PJLSM 1).
Review: Lourdes Ybiernas Varela. 1971. PJL
2(2): 109- 1 11.
1973 "A comparison of conversation openers in English and
Tagalog." In Parangal kay Cecilio Lopez, 255-264.
(PJLSM 4).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
126 1507-1516 / Gbda

Giida, Tii
1977 "Bontokku-zoku no mura kiikan to d6butsu hanchii"
[Village space and animal categories of the Bontok,
Northern Luzon, Phil]. Jimbun Gakuhii [Humanities
Research Report] 123:23-44.
"Bontokku-zuku no shinzoku-meish6 taikei ni okeru
shiji-meish6 to s6sh6teki meish6" [Western Bontok
kinship terminology: on referential and generic terms].
Nampii Bunka [Tenri Bulletin of South Asian Studies]
4:74- 100.
"Hoikan to h6imei-Bontokku-zoku o megutte"
[Direction and orientation view: the Bontok, Northern
Luzon, Philippines]. In Nihon Minzoku to Kuroshio
Bunka [The Japanese People and the Black Current
Cultures],270- 8 1. Tokyo: Kadokawa-shoten.
"Bontokku-zoku no tsiika girei46butsu hanchii no
par6ru to shite" [Rites of passage of the Bontok Igorot:
a par01 of the animal category]. TGna Ajia Kenkp-
[Southeast Asian Studies] 16(4):555-91.
"Kita-Ruson sanchi-shozoku no shinzoku-meisho
taikei" [Kinship terminology system of some ethnic
groups in Northern Luzon, Philippines]. In Kuroshio no
Minzoku, Bunka, Gerzgo [Peoples, cultures, and
language of the Black Current], 11-64. Tokyo:
"Funi: Ifugao-zoku no y6jutsu to by6in-ron" [Funi:
Ifugao witchcraft and causation of illness]. Kindai
Kubi-gari to Kotodama-Firipin Boniokku-zoku no
shakai-k6z6 to sekai-kan [Headhunting and Word Spirit:
Bontok Social Structure and World-view].Tokyo:
K6bun-do. 392 pp.

Grace, George W.
1959 "Subgrouping of Malayo-Polynesian: a report of
tentative findings. " American Anthropologist
"Lexicostatistical comparison of six Eastern
Austronesian languages. " AL 3(9): 1-22.
"Lexicostatistics and Austronesian subgrouping." Paper
presented to tenth Pacific Science Congress, Honolulu.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Green / 15 17-1527 127

1964 "The linguistic evidence (movement of the Malay- 1517

Polynesians 1500 B.C. to A.D. 500)." CurAnth
1966 "Austronesian lexicostatistical classification: a review 1518
article." OL 5(1): 13-3 1.

Graiiio, Antonio
1942 "Gramaticos y lexicografos de la lengua Tagala." AIA 1519

Granco, Nelia
1963 "Contrastive analysis of English and Tagalog verbs." 1520
Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Michigan.

Grayden, Bruce - See also 2095

1976 "The verb structure of Mallango Kalinga." Manila: SIL. 1521
78 lvs.
1977 "Minallango morphophonemics." Manila: SIL. 37 Ivs. 1522
1979 "The Southern Kalinga /1/." Papers in Philippine 1523
Linguistics 9:91-100. (PL-A 50).

Grayden, Bruce, Judith Grayden, Pastor Guissob, Tomas Palongpong and

Henry Tillao, comps
1980 A Topical Vocabulary in English, Pilipino, Ilocano, and 1524
Southern Kalinga. Manila: SIL. 121 pp.

Grayden, Judith - See 1524

Green, Christine - See 1528
Green, Peter
1979 "Co-existent aspect-marking phenomena in Tagbanwa 1525
of Palawan Island." Papers in Philippine Linguistics
9169-90.(PL-A 50).
1983 "The semantic structure of Tagbanwa discourse." SIPL 1526
4(2): 125-63.

Green, Peter, comp

1978 "Tagbanwa texts. " Manila: SIL. 127 Ivs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
128 1528-1537 / Green

Green, Peter and Christine Green, comps

1979 Inglis, Tagalog, Tagbanwa Classified Word List
(Pinagbukud-bukod nu Bukabularyo: Inglis, Tagalog
atsaka Tagbanwa. Ituy Ribru nga Tulung Ampang:
Inglis, Tagalog baw Tagbanwa). Manila: SIL. 104 pp.

Green, Peter and Austin Hale

1977 "The interpretation of semi-vowels in Tagbanua of
Palawan Island." PJL 8(1-2):25-30.

Grimes, Joseph E. - See 1462

Griiio, Elisa Uy
1967 "Hiligaynon pronouns." Southeast Asia Quarterly
1969 "Types of sentences in Hiligaynon, a member of the
Philippine group of speech systems." Unpublished PhD
dissertation, University of Michigan. 177 lvs.

Guanco, Nelia Rivera

1963 "A descriptive-contrastive analysis of English and
Tagalog verbs." Unpublished PhD dissertation,
University of Michigan. 181 Ivs.

Guemple, D. Lee
1959 "A preliminary glottochronology of southern Luzon and
the eastern Bisayas." Chicago: Philippine Studies
Program, University of Chicago. 9 Ivs.
1959 "Phonemics of Waray-waray as spoken at Tanauan,
Leyte. " Chicago: Philippine Studies Program,
University of Chicago. 18 lvs.

Guerrero, Amparo T., Nazario D. Bas and Reynaldo de Dios

1970 English-Filipino Visayan Vocabulary. Manila: Manalili
Bookseller. 442 pp.
1970 English-Pilipino Visayan (Ilongo-Cebuano) Dictionary.
Presman Printers & Publishers Inc. 191 pp.

Guerrero, Antonio J.
1899 Metodo Teorico-practic~y Compendiado para
Aprender en Brevismo Tiempo el Lenguaje Tagalog.
Barcelona: Casa provincial de Caridad. 134 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Guinther / 1538-1546 129

Guerrero, Flavio Ma
1939 "Tagalog proverbs." PM 36(1):25-26. (Also in 1955. 1538
JEAS 4(1):62-65).

Guerro, Angel - See 3762

Guevarra, Maria C.
1955 "Word count and vocabulary analysis in the national 1539
language basic and supplementary readers used in grade
one." Unpublished MA thesis, UST.

Guiang, Anselmo - See 1 104

Guiang, Evelyn
1961 "A co~ltrastiveanalysis of English and Tagalog
Phonology." California: UCLA term project for Speech

Guico, Mauro F.
1938 "Kinship terms among the Ilokanos. " PM 35:35-3 1. 1541

Guili, Bilhamin, Don W. Murray and Mary E. Murray

1978 "Tagakaulo Kalagan: Text 1 (folktale texts). " SIPL 1542

Guilingan, Isis, Merlinda L. Ridulla, Jesus S. Tomales and Cirilo A. Lonsido,

1983 Gembaba' Diksyunari: Sindangan Subanun, Cebuano 1543
Visayan, Pilipino, English. Manila: SIL. 277 pp.

Guillen de San Jose, Felix

1898 Gramatica Bisaya para Facilitar el Estudio del 1544
Dialecto Bisaya Cebuano. Malabon: Establecimiento
Tipo-litografia del Asilo de Huerfanos. 157 2 pp.
1898 Vocabulario Castellano-Ingles, seguido de un pequeno 1545
diccionario Castellano-Tagalo-Ingles. Manila.

Guinther, L.
1956 "Barlig Bontoc dictionary." Manila: S E . 69 lvs. 1546

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
130 1547-1558 / Guinto

Guinto, Rosalia Alhambra

1959 "A contrastive analysis of English and Tagalog verb 1547
classification." Quezon City: Term project for
Linguistics 208.
1963 "A contrastive analysis of the Tagalog personal 1548
pronouns with those of the other seven major Philippine
languages." Unpublished PhD dissertation, Centro
Escolar University.
1966 "Ang ponolohiya ng Wikang Tagalog. " PJLT 4: 1-2. 1549

Guissob, Pastor - See 1524

Gullas, Vicente
1937 English-Visayan-Spanish Dictionary. Cebu City: Barba 1550
Press. 461 pp. (3d ed, 1953. Cebu City: Los Prensa
Press. 303 pp).

Gunther, Adolf and J. H. Whitaker

1902 "Sulu, Malay and Yakan vocabularies." Np

Guzman, Domingo dc - See 1560

Guzman, Maria Odulio de - See also 1203-1205
1951 Tagalog para sa mga D a p h a n at di-Tagalog. Manila: 1552
GOT Publishers. 76 pp.
1966 English-Tagalog, Tagalog-English Dictionary. Manila: 1553
GOT Publishers. 668 pp. (Other eds, 1967- 1988: 3d
printing, 1988. Manila: National Book Store).
1968 Bagong Talatinigan Pilipino-lngles, Ingles-Pilipino. 1554
Manila: National Book Store Inc. 195 pp.
1968 The New Filipino-English, English-Filipino Dictionary. 1555
Manila: National Book Store Inc. 195 pp.
1968 The New Tagalog-English, English-Tagalog Dictionary. 1556
Manila: National Book Store Inc. 195 pp.
1969 Diksiyunaryo Tagalog-Ingles-Tagalog. Manila: GOT 1557
Publishers. 3 17 pp.
1970 Diksiyunaryo Filipino-Ingles-Pilipino. Manila: National 1558
Book Store Inc. 3 17 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Guzman, Maria Odulio de and Rosario Bella Gana
c 1950 1001 Tanong at Sagot sa Balarila at Panitikan. Manila: 1559
GOT Publishers. 144 pp.

Guzman, Maria Odulio de and Domingo de Guzman

1963 English-Tagalog-Spanish and Tagalog-English
Vocabulary. Manila: Manalili Bookseller. 228 pp.

Guzman, Maria Odulio de and Felix Macapinlac Manalili

1963 English-Tagalog-Spanish and Tagalog-English
(Vocabulary) Pocket Dictionary. Manila: Manalili
Booksellers. 229 pp.

Guzman, Videa P. de - See also 2921

1970 "Syntactic comparisons of Tagalog, Maori and
Chamorro." The Archive (June) 1(1):33-60.

Hadjiran, Juriati - See 3704

Hale, Austin - See also 456, 658, 1529, 1673, 1679, 2862, 3734
Hale, Austin and Richard E. Elkins
1980 "Si Makut: The footprints of plot and other discourse 1563
systems upon the surface grammar of a Western
Bukidnon Manobo folktale. " SIPL 4(1): 1-42.

Hale, Austin and C. Richard Gieser

1977 "Approaches to an explanatory discourse in Guinaang 1564
Kalinga. " SIPL l(1): 133-47.

Hall, Alton and Andres Custodio

1911 Visayan-English Dictionary. San Jose, Antique: Alton 1565
H. Hall. 357 pp.

Hall, D. G. E.
1964 Atlas of South-east Asia. London: MacMillan. 84 + 7 pp. 1566

Hall, Lee - See 1575

Hall, Robert A. Jr.
1966 Pidgin and Creole Languages. Ithaca, New York:
Cornell University Press. 188 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
132 1568-1 579 / Hall

Hall, William C. - See also 1082, 1878, 3539

nd "Morphophonemics. " Manila: SIL. 5 lvs.
nd "Sentence structure of Siocon Subanon. " Manila: SIL.
55 Ivs.
1967 "Segmental phonemes of Siocon Subanon." Manila:
SIL. 9 lvs.
1969 "A classification of Siocon Subanon verbs." AL
1973-74 "An outline of Siocon Subanon sentence structure."
PJL 4-5(1-2): 1-22.
1983 "Some aspects of formal speech among the Western
Subanon of Mindanao. " Unpublished PhD dissertat~on,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. xv +
307 lvs
1987 Aspects of Western Subanon Formal Speech. (SIL
Publications in Linguistics 81). Dallas: SIL and UTP..
xii + 191 pp. (Published version of 1983 dissertation).

Hall, William C. and Lee Hall

nd "The phonemes of Siocon Subanon (with special
reference to gl cluster)." Manila: SIL. 8 lvs.

Halud, Nurhadan - See 1593

Ham, Shirley and Virginia Morey
1958 "Proto-Tagalo-Ilocanan. " SIL WP 2: 16-26.

Harnm, David L., Batua A. Macaraya and Hadji Parnbaya Bayabao

1952 The Dansalan Junior College Maranao-English
Dictionary. Dansalan City, Philippines: Madrasa Press.
93 pp. (Other ed, 1975. Marawi City: Dansalan
Research Center).

Hamm, Margaret and Batua A. Macaraya

1959 Maranao Alphabet. Manila: Lanao Committee on the
United Church of Christ in the Philippines. 20 pp.

Hanazono, Kanesada
1938 "Hit6 hogen hikki" [Notes on the Philippines dialects].
Seikai Orai [Political World Correspondence].
(Reprinted in 1939. YGgaku hyakka [Everything on
Western Learning], 1 16- 128).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Hartendorp / 1580-1590 133

1938 "Hit6 kodai mijik6" [On the ancient Philippine writing 1580
system]. Kaiz6 [Remodeling]. (Reprinted in 1939.
YGgaku Hyakka [Everything on Western Learning],
1939 "Namban-kei gairaigo-shi" [History of loan words from 1581
the early Europeans (from the South)]. In Y6gaku
Hyakka [Everything on Western Learning], 157-73.
Tokyo: Herald Zasshi-sha. ii + iv + 344 + 5 pp.
1941 "Hyiiryrimin no Hit6 kiroku" [Written records of the 1582
Philippines dialects by the drifted Japanese people].
Hirippin J6h6 [Philippines Information] 50: 1- 17.

Hanewald, Roland and Flor Hanewald-Guerrero

1988 Tagalog fur Globetrotter. Bielefeld.

Hanewald-Guerrero, Flor - See 1583

Hanselman, Joy
1965 Bago Bago Fag Famasa-an Buhid. Calapan, Mindoro?: 1584
Overseas Missionary Fellowship. 3 vols. 26 pp.

Hanselman, W.
195- "Tagalog with joy." Np. Mimeo. (Earlier ed, "Tagalog 1585
in tiers").

Harmon, Carol Jean W.

1977 "Kagayanen and the Manobo subgroup of Philippine 1586
languages." Unpublished PhD dssertation, University
of Hawaii. 336 lvs.

Harris, Sue
1966 "Isang umaga, araw nang mayo." SILWP 10:62-67. 1587

Hart, Donn Vorhis

1964 Riddles in Filipino Folklore, and Anthropological 1588
Analysis. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University
Press. 318 pp.

Hartendorp, Abram Van Heyninger - See also 865

1917 "Kuyonon folklore." Np. 22 lvs.
1954 "Philippine languages." American Chamber of 1590
Commerce of the Philippines Journal 30(3):91- 93, 108.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
134 Hartung / 1591-1600

Hartung, Patricia M. - See also 123, 440, 21 12

1967 "Ata sentence structure." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. iii +48 Ivs.
1975 "Clause-modifying particles in Ata Manobo." Papers in
Philippine Linguistics 7:29-60. (PL-A 44).

Hassan, Irene, Nurhadan Halud, Seymour Ashley and Lois Ashley

1975 Tausug-English Dictionary (Kabtangan iban Maana)
Quezon City: SIL. 789 pp.

Haudricourt, Andre G .
1954 "Les origines asiatiques des langues
Malayo-Polynesiennes." JSO 10:180-183.
1958 "Connections et rapports entre les langues du sud-est
Asiatique et celles de I'Oceanie." In Proceedings of the
Eighth International Congress of Linguistics, 618. Oslo:
Oslo University Press. 88 1 pp.
1964 "Problemes de comparatislne austronesien (La
Phonologie diachronique des correlations et la
reconstruction du systeme consonantique). " Bulletin de
la Societe de Linguistlque de Paris 59:107-118.
1965 "Problems of Austronesian comparative philology. "
Lingua 14:315-329. (Also in Indo-Pacific Linguistic
Studies, Part 1, Historical Linguistics, ed by G . B.
Milner and Eugeneie J. A. Henderson, 3 15-329).

Hayase, Shinz6
1989 "Bagobo vocabulary 1000." Kagoshima Daigaku
Kyoyoku S!ligakuka Hokoku [Reports ofthe History
Division of Kagoshima University] 36:29-90. (Historical
Science Reports).

Hayman, W. J.
1954 Tagclog in SREIT. Manila: Overseas Missionary
Fellowship. vi + 149 pp.

Haynes, Thomas Henry

1885- 1886 "English, Sulu, and Malay vocabulary." JSBRAS
15:321-384; 18:193-239.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Headland / 1601-1615 135

Haynor, H. O., comp

1930 Practical Dictionary of the Tagalog Language, with
Definitions in English, ed by A. D. Rosario. Rochester,
New York: The Lawyers Cooperative Publishing
Company. 340 pp.

Headland, Janet D. - See also 1613-1615

1964 "Verbal affixes in Casiguran Dumagat." Manila: SIL.
9 lvs.
1965 "Substitutes in Casiguran Dumagat." Manila: SIL. 4 Ivs.
1966 "Case-marking particles in Casiguran Dumagat." PJLT
1966 "Negatives of Casiguran Dumagat." Manila: SIL. 2 lvs.
1969 "Verb stem class constructions in Casiguran Dumagat."
Manila: SIL. 34 lvs.

Headland, Thomas N.
1963 "Personal pronouns of Casiguran Dumagat. " Manila:
SIL. 6 Ivs.
1965 "Causative affixation in Casiguran Dumagat (Agta)."
Manila: SIL. 3 lvs.
1965 "Dependent clauses in Casiguran Dumagat." Manila:
SIL. 5 lvs.
1965 "Morphophonemics of Casiguran Dumagat." Manila:
SIL. 10 lvs.
1969 "Sentence structure of Casiguran Dumagat (Agta)."
Manila: SIL. 80 lvs.
1975 "Report of eastern Luzon language survey." PJL

Headland, Thomas N. and Janet D. Headland

nd Dictionary of Casiguran Dumagat. Quezon City: SIL.
1965 Tu Aso Sakay tu Bakokol. Manila: SIL, Bureau of
Public Schools and INL. 13 pp.
1974 A Dumagat (Casiguran)-English Dictionary. Australian
National University. Canberra: Linguistic Circle of
Canberra. 232 pp. (PL-C 28).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
136 1616- 1625 / Headland

Headland, Thomas N. and Alan Healey

1974 "Grammatical sketch of Dumagat (Casiguran)." Papers
in Philippine Linguistics 6: 1-54. (PL-A 43).

Headland, Thomas N. and Elmer P. Wolfenden

1967 "The vowels of Casiguran Dumagat." In Studies in
Philippine Anthropology, ed by Mario D. Zamora,
592-596. Quezon City: ~lemar-phoenix.(Also in 1965.
Abstracts, The H. Otley Beyer Symposium, 26. Quezon
City: UP).

Healey, Alan - See also 1616, 1696, 2101, 3458

1958 "Notes on Yogad." In Studies in Philippine Linguistics.
77-82. Sydney, Australia: University of Sydney.
(OLM 3).
1961 "Dyen's laryngeals in some Philippine languages. "
SILWP 5:53-64. (Also in 1973. Readings in Philippine
Linguistics, ed by Andrew B. Gonzalez, Teodoro
Llamzon and Fe Otanes, 363-373).

Healey, Alan and Phyllis Healey, comps

nd A Short Agta Dictionary. Melbourne, Australia: SIL.
nd "Yogad dictionary." Np.

Healey, Phyllis - See also 1620, 1621

1958 "An Agta conversational text." In Studies in Philippine
Linguistics, 65-72. Sydney, Australia: University of
Sydney. (OLM 3).
1958 "An Agta grammar." Unpublished MA thesis,
University of Sydney, Australia.
1960 An Agta Grammar. Manila: INL and SIL. vi + 103 pp.
(Published version of 1958 thesis).
Review: A. B. 1961. ANTHR 56:350, 1030.

Heiland, Katherine L. von

1963 "A tentative phonemic analysis of Jama Mapun. "
Ateneo de Manila Graduate School. 19 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Hernandez 1 1626-1636 137

Hemphill, Roderick J.
nd "The relationship between language and culture: 1626
English in the Philippine setting, local usage and
related problems in teaching English." Np. 7 lvs Mimeo.
1962 Background Readings in Language Teaching. Quezon 1627
City: Phoenix Publishing House. iv +
120 pp.
1962 "Comparing two languages-Tagalog and English." In 1628
Background Readings in Language Teaching, 44-55.
Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House. iv + 120 pp.
1962 "How consonant sounds are made-articulation." In 1629
Background Readings in Language Teaching, 36-43.
Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House. iv + 120 pp.
1962 "The analysis of a language: sounds." In Background 1630
Readings in Language Teaching, 27-35. Quezon City:
Phoenix Publishing House. iv +
120 pp.
1962 "The nature of language." In Background Readings in 1631
Language Teaching, 1- 10. Quezon City: Phoenix
Publishing House. iv + 120 pp.
1962 "The Philippines language scene.".PSR lO(1-2):26-33. 1632

Henderson, Eugenie J. A. - See also 2423

1965 "The topography of certain phonetic and morphological 1633
characteristics, of southeast Asian languages." Lingua
15:400-434. (Also in Indo-Pacific Linguistic Studies,
Part 11, Descriptive Linguistics, 400-434).

Hendon, Rufus S.
1964 "The proto-Malayopolynesian word for 'ladder,
staircase.‘" ./.40S 84:258-262.
1964 "The reconstruction of 1-ew/ in proto-
Malayopolynesian. " Lang 40(3):372-380 (part I ) .

Hendrickson, Gail - See 2009

Hermosisirna, Tomas V. and Pedro S. Lopez, Jr.
1966 Dictionary Bisayan-English-Tagalog. Manila: Pedro B. 1636
Ayuda and Company. 648 pp.

Hernandez, R. - See 354

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
138 Hernando 1 1637-1646

Hernando, Horencio Ma
1962 Ilocano Vocabulary and Aids in Ilocano Conversation.
Manila: H. Ma. Hernando. 49 pp.

Herre, Albert W. and Agustin F. Umali

1948 English and Local Common Names of Philippine Fishes.
Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office. 128 pp.
(US Fish and Wildlife Service Research Report 14).

Herrejon, Santos
1882 Lecciones de Gramatica Bicol-Hispana. Binondo: M.
Perez. 21 1 + 3 pp.

Herrero, R. P. Ulpiano - See 1399

Hershberger, Hank
1959 "Tagalog equivalents of the comparative Malayo-
Polynesian-English word list. " SIL WP 3.

Hervas y Panduro, Lorenzo

1785 Aritmetica. Madrid: Cesena.
1800-1805 Catalogo de las Lenguas de las Naciones Conocidas y
Numeration, Division, y Clases de Estas Segun la
Diversidad de sus Idiomas y Dialectos. Madrid:
Imprenta de la Administration del real Arbitrio de
Beneficencia. 6 vols.
1801 Vocabulario Poliglotto. Madrid: Cesena. 2 vols.

Hester, Evett D., ed

1954 The Robertson Text and Translation of the Povedano
Manuscript of 1572 (with notes on Kabunian by Fred
Eggan and on the Bisayan syllabary by Robert Fox).
Chicago: Department of Anthropology, University of
Chicago. 63 pp. (Philippine Studies Transcript Series I).

Hettick, Donna - See also 265, 1972, 1973, 2018

1968 "Northern Kankanay sentences." Manila: SIL. 63 lvs.

Hettick, Donna and Carolyn Kent

1966 "Northern Kankanay phonemes." Manila: SIL. 17 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Himes / 1647-1656

Heye, Jurgen B. and Cesar A. Hidalgo

1967 "An outline of southern Ivatan phonology." General
Linguistics 7(2): 105-120.

Hidalgo, Araceli C.
1970 "Focus on Philippines languages." PJL 1(1):25-32.
1978 "The connection between antecedent and consequence
in Tagalog conditionals." Unpublished PhD dissertation,
University of Chicago.

Hidalgo, Cesar A. - See also 1647

1969 "Ivatan grammar. A tagmemic-transformational
analysis. " Unpublished PhD dissertation, Georgetown
Review: Elmer P. Wolfenden. 1972. PJL 3(2): 125-29.

Hidalgo, Cesar A. and Virginia Larson

1977 "Ivatan-English dictionary." Quezon City: SIL.

Hidalgo-Flores, Paulina
nd "Easy Tagalog lessons for Non-Tagalog professionals. "

Hilario, Cenon
1900 Kale~zdariongTagalog ni Jose Rizal, 1901, na Mairong
Vocabulario Tagalog, Americano at Castila, at
mabuting basahin. Manila. 48 pp.

Himes, Ronald S.
1964 "The Bontok hnship system. " PSR 12(3-4): 159- 172.
1967 "Cognitive mapping in the Tagalog area (II)." In
Modernization: Its impact in the Philippines. IZ, ed by
George M. Guthrie, Frank Lynch and Walden R. Bello,
125-168. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University
Press. 172 pp.
1977 "Tagalog kinship terms: lexical variation and cultural
change." Paper presented to the LSP, Manila.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
140 1657-1667 / Hirano

Hirano, Takanori
1976 "The glottal stop in Tagalog." Kitakyiishii Daigaku
Gaikokugo-gakubu Ki,y6 [Research Report of the
Foreign Language Division of Kitakyiishii University]
"A comparison of three Bikol dialects." Kitakyiishfi
Uaigaku Gaikokugo-gakubu Kiy5 [Research Report of
the Foreign Language Division of Kitakyiishii
University] 32: 125- 143.
"Tagarogu-go no akusento ni tsuite" [Accent in
Tagalog]. Kyiidai Gengogaku Kenkp-shitsu HGkoku
[Work Papers in Linguistics] 3:30-44. (Reports of the
Linguistics Division of Kytishii University).
"Tagarogu-go no seimon heisaon to boin no
yugo-gensh6" [Glottal stop and vowel coalescence in
Tagalog]. Bungaku-kaishi 33:115-28.
"The fossilized prefix m- in Tagalog and its related
problem." Kyiidai Gengogaku KenkyiLshi H6koku [Work
Papers in Linguistics] 4: 14-26. (Reports of the
Linguistics Division of K F s h 6 University).
"Subject in Tagalog." Np. 20 lvs
"Remarks on Tagalog subject." Kyiidai Gengogaku
Kenkjtishi HGkoku [Work Papers in Linguistics] 7 :1-21.
(Report of the Linguistics Division of Kytishii

Hockett, Charles F.
1955 A Manual of Phonology. Baltimore: Indiana University.
246 pp. (Publications in Anthropology and Linguistics,
Memoir 11).

Hogan, Walter B. - See 380

Hohulin, E. Lou - See also 1680, 1681
nd "Keley-i Ifugao verb morphology. " Manila: SIL. 6 lvs.
nd "Kiangan Ifugao phonology and morphophonemic
statement." Manila: SJL. 24 lvs.
nd "Tentative description of sentence structure in Antipolo
Ifugao. " Manila: SIL. 77 Ivs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Hohulin 1 1668-1681 141

1963 "The objective inflection in the morphology of the

Keley-i Ifugao verb." Manila: SIL. 2 lvs.
1971 "Complex predicates in Keley-i Kallahan. " Papers in
Philippine Linguistics 4: 19-32. (PL-A 32).
1986 "The absence of lexical equivalence and cases of its
asymmetry." Lexicographica 2:43-52.
1987 "Concepts and categories: When is a tree not a tree?"
NTr 122:l-25.
1987 "Implicatures and inferences." NTr 122:25-43.

Hohulin, E. Lou and Austin Hale

1977 "Notes on Keley-i relational grammar-I." SIPL

Hohulin, E. Lou and Michael Kenstowicz

1979 "Keley-i phonology and morphophonemics." South-east
Asian Linguistic Studies 4:241-54. (PL-C 49).

Hohulin, Richard M.
1963 "Independent objective clause types in Keley-i Ifugao."
Manila: SIL. 4 lvs.
1968 "Paragraph structures of Antipolo Ifugao." Manila: SIL.
64 lvs.
1971 "Cohesive organisation in Keley-i Kallahan." Papers in
Philippine Linguistics 4: 1-17. (PL-A 32).
1979 "Keley-i pronouns." Manila: SIL. 7 lvs.

Hohulin, Richard M. and Austin Hale

1977 "Physical, temporal and cognitive location in Keley-i
demonstratives. " SIPL 1(2):209-30.

Hohulin, Richard M. and E. Lou Hohulin, comps

nd "Keley-i Kallahan dictionary." Quezon City: SIL.
294 lvs. Typescript.

Hohulin, Richard M. and E. Lou Hohulin

1964-65 "Phonemic data." Manila: SIL. 14 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
142 1682-1 693 / Holle

Holle, Karel Frederik

1882 Tabel van Oud- en Nieuw-Indische Alphabetten (Bijdra
e tot de Palaeographie van Nederlandsch-Indie).
Batavia: W. Bruining and Co; 's-Gravenhage: Martinus
Nijhoff. 20 pp. (Uitgegeven door het Bataviaasch
Genootschap voor Kunsten en Wetenschappen).
Review: H. Kern. 1882? BNI 30: 133-140.

Holmer, Nils M.
1967- 1969 "On diachronic classification within Austronesian and
Austroasiatic (a study in typological evolution)." In
Lunds Universitet. Seminariet for Slaviska Sprak.
Arsbok, Lund.
1968 "Two viewpoints bearing on linguistic affinity in
southeast Asia." JPS 97(1):93-131.

Hooker, Betty - See also 349, 1898

nd "Some features of Yakan narrative discourse. " Nasuli.
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 50 Ivs.
1972 "Cohesion in Ivatan." Asia Std 10(1):33-43
1975 "Some nominal phrases in Yakan," Papers in
Philippine Linguistics 7: 1- 12. (PL-A 44).

Houck, Charlotte - See also 2437

nd "Morphophonemics of Botolan Samba1 (Aeta). " Manila:
SIL. 21 1vs.
nd "One sentence type in Aeta." Manila: SIL. 6 lvs
1988 "Botolan Samba1 dictionary." Quezon City: SIL. 1120
Ivs. (Preliminary draft).

Houck, Charlotte and Harriet Minot

1965 "Phrases in Aeta Sambal." Manila: SIL. 59 lvs.

Howard, Joseph T.
1955 "A functional Hiligaynon grammar." Iloilo: CPU.

Howison, Nancy and Doris Porter

nd "Tagabili sentences." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:
SIL. i + 47 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Bussey / 1694-1704

Huey, David
nd "Phonemes of the Inibaloi dialect. " Manila: SIL. 7 lvs.
1961 Dibshu III. Manila: SIL, Bureau of Public Schools and
INL. 38 pp.

Huey, David and Alan Healey

1961 "A problem of morphemic alternation." SIL WP 5:5- 1 1.

Hufstetler, Charles
nd "A Tagalog grammar." Np. 66 lvs.

Humboldt, Wilhelm, freiher R. von

1832 "Extraits d'une lettre de Msr. le Baron G. de Humboldt
a Msr. E- Jacquet sur les alphabets de la polynesie
asiatique. " JA 2(9):48 1-511.
1836 Ueber die Verschiedenheit des Menschlichen
Sprachbaues und Ihren EinJZuss auf die Geistige
Enhvicklung des Menscheneschlechts. Berlin:
Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. (1960.
Facsimile reprint).
1838 Ueber die Kawi-Sprache auf der Insel Java. Berlin.
3 vols.

Hurlbut, Hope M.
1984 "Verb morphology in Eastern Kadazan." Unpublished
MA thesis, De la Salle University.

Hussein, Ibno I. - See 3876

Hussey, Jean - See also 1706, 1707
1966 "Noun phrase markers in Aborlan Tagbanwa. " LCCP-A
8:33-3 8. Canberra: Australian National University.
(PIPL 1).

Hussey, Stewart C.
nd "Aborlan Tagbanwa sentence structure." Manila: SIL
iv +
120 lvs.
1963 "Verbal affix sets in Aborlan Tagbanwa." Manila: SIL.
15 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
144 1705-1717 / Hussey

1965 "Aborlan Tagbanwa, verbal system and related topics."

Unpublished MA thesis, Hartford Seminary Foundation,
Hartford, Connecticut. 62 Ivs.

Hussey, Stewart C. and Jean Hussey

1963 "Morphophonemics of Tagbanwa." Manila: SLL. 6 lvs.
1963 "The phonemes of Tagbanwa." Manila: SIL. 9 Ivs.

Hymes, Dell H.
1967 "Models of the interaction of language and social
setting." Journal of Social Issues 23(2):8-28.

Hymes, Dell H., ed

1964 Language in Culture and Society: a reader in
linguistics and anthropology. New York: Harper and
Row. 764 pp.

Ibaiiez del Carmen, Aniceto

1865 Diccionario Espaiiol-Chamorro. Manila: Ramirez y
Giraudier. 88 pp.

Ibarbia, Zorayda Beltran

1970 "An Ibanag-English dictionary." Unpublished PhD
dissertation, Texas A & M. 147 lvs.

Ibones-Infante, Florencia
1959 "A study of the use of figures of speech in Cebuano
vernacular poetry. " Unpublished MA thesis, University
of San Carlos, Cebu, 119 Ivs.

Icasiano, Jose M.
1944 "On Tagalog and Greek articles." PR 2(7):46-50
1944 "Tagalog could be better." P R 2:40-43.

Ignacio, Rosendo
nd "Vocabulario Ingles-Espafiol-Tagalog." Np. 264 lvs.
1917 Vocabulario Bilingue, Espariol-Tagalo, Tagalo-Espaiiol.
Manila: Imprenta de J. Martinez. 212 pp.
1918 El Moderno Vocabulario, Tagalo-Espaiiol, Espaiiol-
Tagalo. Manila: Imprenta de P. Sayo vda. de Soriano.
227 pp. (Other ed, 1941. Manila: Bureau of Printing).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Ikehata / 1718-1730

1921 Nueva Gramatica Hispano-Tagala (minuciosamente

escrita con arreglo a1 use comun y de 10s modernos
hablistas y escritores vernaculos). Manila: Imprenta y
Lebreria de P. Sayo vda. de Soriano. 7 + 323 pp.
1922 Diccionario Hispano-Tagalo. Manila: Bahay-
Palimbagan ni P. Sayo. 540 pp. (Other ed, 1952.
Manila: P. Sayo).
1928 Vocabulario o Lecciones Practicas de Lenguaje Ingles-
Espanlol-Tagalog. Manila: Imprenta de Sayo vda. de
Soriano. 2d ed. 264 pp.
1955 Tagalog Forms for Notaries Public with Legal Terms in
Tagalog. Manila. 94 pp.
1958 Diksiyonaryo ng Wikang Pilipino. Quezon City: Samar
Publishing Co. 230 pp.
1963 Mga Kinamihasnang Salitang Tagalog (Tagalog
idioms-modismos Tagalos. May pagpapatibay ng
surian ng wikang pambansa). Manila: MCS Enterprises.
2d ed. 96 pp. (1st ed, 1954).

Ignashev, Sergeii Petrovic - See 1000, 1001

Ikari, Osamu
1982 "Existential, possessive, attributive and identificational
in Tagalog." PJL 13(1):9-22.
1985-1986 "End-weight: Tagalog vs. Japanese." PJL
16(2)- 17(1):19-29.
1986-1987 "Priority of object in Tagalog." PJL 17(2)-18(1):63-69.
1987-1988 "Special semantic prominence and Tagalog syntax."
PJL 18(2)- 13(1):29-44.
1989 "Pluralization: Japanese and Tagalog." PJL 20(1):45-54.

Ikegami, Yoshihiko
1966 "Ilocano: I. Vocabulary of social relationship; 11.
Vocabulary of clothing." Hand.outs for the class
Anthropology 1356 (Harold C. Conklin). 6 lvs.

Ikehata, Setsuho
1975 "Firipino no kokugo" [Philippine national language].
Filipinas 1:40.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
lnstitute of National Language / 1741-1760 147

Institute of National Language

nd "A list of useful terms and phrases with their equivalent 1741
in Tagalog. " Np.
nd "A partial list of Spanish-Cebuano vocabulary." Np. 1742
nd "Building construction and allied terms
(English-Tagalog). " Np.
nd "Cebuano vocabulary that may be incorporated into the 1744
Filipino language." Np.
nd "English-Tagalog dictionary based on spoken English. " 1745
nd "Hiligaynon vocabulary that may be incorporated into 1746
the Filipino language. " Np.
nd "Homophonous forms with identical meanings: 1747
Tagalog-Bikol-English." Np.
nd "Identical words list: Ilokano-National Language. " Np. 1748
nd "Identical words list: Pampango-National language. 1749
2385 pairs. " Np.
nd "Ilokano vocabulary that may be incorporated i11to the 1750
Filipino language. " Np.
nd "Kawikaang Tagalog." Np. 1751
nd "Lexical checklist: National 1752
language-Bikol(Naga)-English. 6640 words. " Np.
nd "Lexical checklist-Pampango-National
Language-English. 5055 words." Np.
nd "Matatandang salitang Tagalog." Np. 1754
nd "Mga katawagang pampanitikan. " Np. 1755
nd "Mga salitang Tagalog na hiram sa Ingles. " Np. 1756
nd "One thousand basic words or Isang librong salitang batayan 1757
Tagalog-Ilokano-Ingles" Np.
nd "One thousand basic words or Isang librong salitang batayan 1758
Tagalog-Pangasinan-Ingles." Np.
nd "One thousand basic words or Isang librong salitang batayan 1759
Tagalog-Bicol-Ingles." Np.
nd "One thousand basic words or Ismg librong salitang batayan 1760
Tagalog-Cebuano-Ingles." Np.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1761-1778 1 Institute of National Language

"One thousand basic words or Isang librong salitang

batayan Tagalog-Hiligaynon-Ingles." Np.
"One thousand basic words or Isang librong salitang
batayan Tagalog-Ilokano-Kastila-Ivatan-Ingles" Np.
"One thousand basic words or Isang librong salitang
batayan Tagalog-Kapampangan-Ingles." Np.
"One thousand basic words or Isang librong salitang
batayan Tagalog-Samar: Leyte-Ingles." Np.
"Pangasinan vocabulary that may be incorporated into
the Filipino language." Np.
"Pormularyong panghukuman. " Np.
"Prescribing Filipino language or Tagalog equivalents
for English terminologies and expressions as enacted
under executive order no 26." Np.
"Proposed Cebuano words for inclusion in the National
Language." Np.
"Samar-Leyte vocabulary that may be incorporated into
the Filipino language." Np.
"Tagalog outline guide, part 11: word lists." Np. Mimeo
"Tagalog-Bicol cognate words with cognate meanings."
"Tagalog-Bicol cognate words with different meanings."
"Tagalog-Bicol cognate words with identical meanings
(Based upon the one thousand basic words)." Np.
"Tagalog-Cebuano cognate words with cognate
meanings. " Np.
"Tagalog-Cebuano cognate words with different
meanings. " Np.
"Tagalog-Cebuano cognate words with identical
meanings (Based upon the one thousand basic words)."
"Tagalog-English-Cebuano vocabulary." Np.
"Tagalog-Hiligaynon cognate words with cognate
meanings. " Np.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Institute of National Language 1 1779-1796 149

"Tagalog-Hiligaynon cognate words with different

meanings. " Np.
"Tagalog-Hiligaynon cognate words with identical
meanings (Based upon the one thousand basic words)."
Tagalog-Hiligaynon Vocabulary. Manila: INL.
"Tagalog-Ilokano cognate words with cognate
meanings. " Np.
"Tagalog-Ilokano cognate words with different
meanings. " Np.
"Tagalog-Ilokano cognate words with identical
meanings (Based upon the one thousand basic words)."
"Tagalog-Kapampangan cognate words with cognate
meanings. " Np.
"Tagalog-Kapampangan cognate words with different
meanings. " Np.
"Tagalog-Kapampangan cognate words with identical
meanings (Based upon the one thousand basic words)."
"Tagalog-Pangasinan cognate words with cognate
meanings." Np.
"Tagalog-Pangasinan cognate words with different
meanings. " Np.
"Tagalog-Pangasinan cognate words with identical
meanings (Based upon the one thousand basic words). "
"Tagalog-Samar-Leyte cognate words with different
meanings. " Np.
"Tagalog-Samar-Leyte cognate words with identical
meanings. " Np.
"Talatinigang Mitolohika. " Np.
"Technical terms in garment trade." Np.
"Typescript of Tagalog dictionary.." Np.
"Vernacular names in principal dialects of plants
mentioned in the course of study in elementary science
for grades 3 and 4." Np.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
150 1797-1810 / Institute of National Language

Vocabulary of Eight Major Philippine Languages

Manila: Bureau of Printing.
Mga Kapasiyahang Pinagtibay ng Surian Ukol sa
Wastong Pananagalog. Manila.
"Preliminary studies of the lexicography of the
Philippine languages, letter K and k. " Manila: Bureau
of Printing. 46 lvs. (INL Publication l(3)).
"Preliminary s t u l e s of the lexicography of the
Philippine languages, letter b. " Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 55 lvs. (INL Publication l(2)).
"Preliminary studies of the lexicography of the
Philippine languages, letter a." Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 29 lvs. (INL Publication 1!1)).
Preliminary studies on the lexicography of the
Philippine languages. Manila: Bureau of Printing. (INL
Publication 1(1-11)).
Ang Palapantigan ng Wikang Tagalog, ni Jose N.
Seviila. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 62 pp. (INL
Publication 4(12)).
"Las particularidades de la pronunciacion Tagzla y su
signalization ortografia" por el Dr. Ra. A. Reyes Jose.
Manila: Bureau of Printing. 17 Ivs. (WL Publication 4(9))
"Preliminary studies of the lexicography of the
Philippine languages, letter 1." Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 67 Ivs. (INL Publication l(7)).
"Preliminary studies of the lexicography of the
Philippine languages, letter i and 1." Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 20 lvs. (INL Publication l(6)).
"Preliminary stu&es of the lexicography of the
Philippine languages, letter g, y and h." Manila: Bureau
of Printing. 51 Ivs. (INL Publication l(5)).
"Preliminary studies of the lexicography of the
Philippine languages, letter D, d, d' and e." Manila:
Bureau of Printing. 38 Ivs. (INL Publication l(4)).
Ang Anim na Panahunan ng mga Pangbadyang
Tagalog, ni Jose Villa Panganiban. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 44 pp. (INL Publication 4(13)).
Ang Palatitikan at Palabigkasang Tagalog. Manila:
Bureau of Printing. 60 pp. (INL Publication 3(1)).
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Institute of National Language / 181 1-1823

Ang Yaman ng Wzkang Tagalog, ni Sofronio G.

Calderon. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 33 pp. (INL
Publication 4(14)).
Ano ang Iklilat at Ano ang Kaugnayan nito sa Suliranin
ng Wikang Tagalog, ni Graciano Camacho. Manila:
Bureau of Printing. 15 pp. (INL Publication 4(21)).
Pagsulat at Pagbigkas ng Wikang Tagalog, ni Albino C.
Dimayuga. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 27 pp. (INL
Publication 4(15)).
"Preliminary studies of the lexicography of the
Philippine languages, letter p" Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 63 lvs. (INL Publication l(9)).
"Preliminary studies of the lexicography of the
Philippine languages, letter m, n, ng." Manila: Bureau
of Printing. 24 lvs. (INL Publication l(8)).
Sobre la "K" y "11: ' p o r Jaime C. de Veyra. Manila:
Bureau of Printir.g. 24 pp. (TNL Publication 4(18)).
A National Language-English Vocabulary. Manila:
Bureau of Printing. 180 pp. (Other eds, 2d ed, 1945; 4th
ed, 1950. 176 pp).
A Tagalog-English Vocabulary. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 180 pp.
Ang mga Tagalog at ang Kanilang Palapahaman ng
Buhay nu Ibinabadha ng Kanilang Panitikan, ni Bb.
Guadalupe, B. ~ i t r a d aManila:
. Bureau of Printing.
37 pp. (INL Publication 4(27)).
Ang mga Unang Kailangan ng Wikang Pambansa, ni
Prim Arambulo. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 34 pp.
(INL Publication 4(24)).
Mga Silanganin ng Panitikan, ni Francisco Sugui. Manila:
Bureau of Printing. 30 pp. (INL Publication 4(25)).
"Preliminary studies of the lexicography of the Philippine
languages, letters T, t, u, v, w, and y." Manila: Bureau
of Printing. 133 Ivs. (INL Publication l(11)).
"Preliminary studies of the lexicography of the
Philippine languages, letter t." Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 89 lvs. (INL Publication l(10)).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
152 1824-1840 / Institute of National Language

1940 "Tagalog phonetics and orthography based on Ang

Palatitikan at Palabigkasang Tagalog by Trinidad T
Subido and Virginia Gamboa-Mendoza." Manila:
Bureau of Printing. 51 Ivs. (INL Publication 3(3)).
1944 Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 462 pp.
1947 Ang Pagtuturo ng Pagbasa ng Wikang Tagalog, ni Jose
Catindig. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 17 pp. (LNL
Publication 4(2)).
Ang Wikang Pambansa at ang Paaralan, ni Antonio
Jsidro, PhD. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 27 pp. (INL
Publication 6(4)).
"Mga pamamaraan sa pagtuturo ng Wikang Pambansa,"
ni Bro. Antonio D. G. Mariano, OSB. Manila: Bureau
of Printing. 3 1 Ivs. (INL Publication 7(2)).
Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa. Manila: Kawanihan ng
Palirnbagan. 4th ed. 462 pp. (1st ed, 1944).
Mga Katawagang Pampamahalaan. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. x +
57 pp. (Other eds, 1956; 1961; 1964).
A Composite Vocabulary of Philippine Languages
Manila: Bureau of Printing. 139 pp.
Arithmetical and Geometrical Terms. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 11 pp. (INL Paper 5).
"Economic and allied terms." Manila: Bureau of
"Geographical terms. " Manila: Bureau of Printing.
"Legal terms. " Manila: Bureau of Printing.
Mga Katawagan sa Pagsasaka. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. (INL Paper 8).
"Parliamentary terms and usages." Manila: Bureau of
Traffic Signs and Terms. Manila: Bureau of Printing.
(INL Paper 7; re-issued in 1961 and 1964).
"Vocabulary lists for teaching various subjects in the
Filipino language." Manila: Bureau of Printing.
"Vocabulary of identical Tagalog and Ilokano words
with identical meanings." Manila: Bureau of Printing

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Institute of National Language / 1841-1855

"Ang pagtuturo ng panitikan sa mataas na paaralan at

sa kolehiyo." ni Genoveva Edroza-Matute. Manila:
Bureau of Printing.
"Descriptive linguistics applied to Tagalog," by R. S.
Pittman. Manila: Bureau of Printing.
hdpn S'(I/I/I.\a Tagalog np Ultlnro .4dro.r Manila: Bureau
of Printing.
Saligang Batas sa Wikang Pilipino. Manila: Bureau of
Tagalog nu Pansalitaan, ni F. L. Samonte. Manila:
Bureau of Printing.
Terms and Expressions Having Reference to Teaching.
Manila: Bureau of Printing. 29 pp.
Selected Vocabulary Lists (Arithmetical, biological,
parliamentary, etc.). Manila: Bureau of Printing. (INL
Paper 19).
English-Tagalog Dictionary. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 4 12 pp. (Reprinted in 1974 as An
English-Pilipino Dictionary).
INL-IMC Dictionary English-Filipino. Manila: INL,
Instructional Materials Corporation and DECS. 347 pp
(2d ed, 1987. Sinangan ng mga Wika sa Pilipinas).
Selected Vocabulary Lists (Arithmetical, biological,
parliamentary, etc.) Manila: Bureau of Printing. 17 1 pp.
(Other ed, 1964).
Spanish Loanwords in Tagalog Language. Manila:
Bureau of Printing. 86 pp.
"Background information on Pilipino for editorial
writers, columnists, speakers, educators, teachers,
students, enthusiasts." In Dahong Pang-alaala Linggo
ng Wika (Agosto 13-19): 18, 19, 39. Manila. 39 pp.
Dahong Pang-alaala sa Linggo ng Wika (Agosto 13- 19).
Manila. 39 pp.
Mga Katawagan sa Karunungang Pantahanan. Manila:
Bureau of Printing.
"Biological terms." In Selected Vocabulary Lists, 9- 12.
Manila: Bureau of Printing.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
154 1856-1874 1 Institute of National Language

1964 "Government terms." In Selected Vocabulary Lists,

117- 171. Manila: Bureau of Printing.
1964 "Literary terms." In Selected Vocabulary Lists, 61-68.
Manila: Bureau of Printing.
1964 Mga Piling Talasalitaan. Manila: Bureau of Printing.
17 1 pp. (INL Special Edition).
1971 Pinaglakip na Talasalitaan (composite Vocabulary).
Manila: INL. 21 1 pp.
1974 An English-Pilipino Dictionary. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 412 pp.
1985 "Monolingual dictionary." Np. 14 vols.

Interchurch Language School

19-- Cebuano Pronunciation and Memory Materials. Manila
19-- Hiligaynon Pronunciation and Memory Materials.
1962 Cebuano for Missionaries. Manila. 2 \.ols.
1962 Ilocano for Missionaries. Macilla: Interchurch Language
School. (Phase I: Getting Started; Phase 11: Enrichment).
1963 Cebuano Outline Guide. Manila. 2 vols.
1963 Ilocano Outline Guide. Manila. Part 1
1963 Tagalog Outline Guide. Manila. 3 vols.
1964-65 Hiligaynon for Missionaries. Manila. 2 vols.
1964-65 Tagalog for Missionaries. Manila. 2 vols.
1966 Ilocano Conversation Patterns. Manila. 616 pp.
1966 Ilocano Pronunciation and Memory Materials. Manila.
107 pp.

Iiiiguez, Jose
1720-1730? "Gramatica Ibanag." Np.

Isalgo (pseud of Inocencio Salumbides)

1938 "Ang pinagmulan ng wikang Tagalog." Mabuhay
(January 9).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Jacquet / 1875-1884

Isidro, Antonio
1947 Ang Wikang Pambansa at ang Paaralan. Manila:
Bureau of Printing. 27 pp. (INLPublication 6(4)).
1953 "Pemakaian bahasa sendiri di Philipina dan soal
mengadjarkan bahasa asing." Pembina Bahasa
Indonesia 5: 13-233 Djakarta: Pustaka Rakjat N.V.

Isip, Martin
1960 "A simple analysis of the pronunciation difficulties of
Pampango learners of English. " California: UCLA term
project for Speech 103K.

Iyon, P. - See 1878

Iyon, S., P. Iyon, M. Awid, H. Cataque and B. Hall
1989 Bolabow Bu Koding [Why Rats and Cats are Enemies]
Manila: SIL and DECS. 18 pp.

Izumi, Hirohisa
1982 Firipin-go Ngiimon [Introduction to Pilipino]. Tokyo:
Tairyii-sha. 221 pp.

Jacobo, Florentine - See 1282

Jacobo, Jorge
1951 "El Castellano en Filipinas. " A.B.C. (December 12).

Jacobo, M. E. - See 1210

Jacobson, Marc R.
1979 "Phones in Philippine languages." SIPL 3(1): 138-64.

Jacobson, Marc R. and Suzanne M. Jacobson

1980 "Sama Abaknon phonology." PJL 11(1):32-44.

Jacobson, Suzanne M. - See also 1882

1980 "Morphophonemics in Sama: Abaknon. " Manila: SIL.
5 lvs.

Jacquet, Eugene Vincent Stanislas

1831 Considerations sur les Alphabets des Philippines. Paris:
Imprimerie Royale. 30 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
156 1885-1897 1 Jacquet

1831 "Melanges Malays, Javanais, et Polynesiens." J A 8: 1-45. 1885

1831 "Notice sur I'alphabet yloc ou ylog. " JA 8:3-3 1. 1886
1832 "Additions a une memoire intitule 'bibliotheque 1887
Malaye .Li 10 557-569

1832 "Melanges Malays, Javanais et Polynesiens." JA 1888


Jagor, Fedor
1873 Reisen in den Philippinen. Berlin: Weidmamsche 1889
Buchhandlung .
1875 "Languages and halects. " In The Philippines and the 1890
Filipinos of Yesterday, ed by Austin Craig, 102- 104.
San Juan, Rizal: Oriental Commercial Co.
1875 "Lenguas y dialectos." In Viajes por Filipinas, 45-47. 1891
Madrid: Ariba y Cia.
1875 Travels in the Philippines. London: Chapman and Hall. 1892
(Other eds, 1875. Vzajes por Filipinas. Madrid: Aibau y
Ca. xix + 400 pp; 1965. Manila: Filipiniaria Book Guild.
276 PP).
1916 "Languages and dialects." In The Former Philippines 1893
Through Foreign Eyes, ed by Austin Craig, 53-54.
Manila: Philippine Education Company Inc.
1934 "Bicol language." In The Philippines and the Filipinos 1894
of Yesterday, ed by Craig Austin. San Juan, Rizal:
Oriental Commercial Co. 201 pp.

Jajiand A. Kemp Pallesen

1978 "Central Sinama (folktale texts)." SIPL 2(2):152-66. 1895

Jakosalem, Dionisio
19 19 "Los pueblos de la isla de Cebu, y 10s significados 1896
etimologicos de sus nombres." In Philippine
Ethnographic Series, ed by H . Otley Beyer. 13 pp. (Set
1 (Bisaya), vol 8, paper 183).

Jamais, Juan F., Catalina M. Montecillo and Jovita C. Gongon

1970 "The comprehensibility of modernized versus
tradtional Tagalog. " Asia Std 8(2): 187- 195.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Jirnenez de la soledad 1 1898-1909 157

Jammad, Maralil, Dietlinde Behrens and Betty Hooker

1978 "Yakan: Text 1 (folktale texts). " SIPL 2(2):202-6.

Jamolangue, Francis J. - See 1201

Janse, Olov R. T.
1944 "Notes on Chinese influence in the Philippines in
pre-Spanish times." HJAS 8(1):34-62.

Javes, Jose
1876 Gramatica Hispano-Ilocana. Manila: Imprenta de
Amigos del Pais.

Javier, Abdon, Andrea A. Tablan and Carmen B. Mallari

1963 Wikang Pilipino. Manila: Philippine Book Company
274 pp.

Javillonar, Cely V.
1961 "A study of English vs. Pampango sounds." California:
UCLA term project for Speech 103K.

Jenks, Albert Ernest

1904 "Bontok Igorot clothing." AmAnthr 6:695-704.
1905 "Language of the Bontoc Igorot." In The Bontoc Igorot,
227-248. Manila: Bureau of Public Printing. 266 pp.
1905 The Bontok Igorot. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 266 pp.
(Department of Interior Ethnological Survey
Publications 1).

Jesus, Bernardino de
1604 "Arte de idioma Tagalog." Np.

Jimenes, Cristobal
1610 Arte del Idioma Bisaya. Manila.

Jimenez de la Soledad, Pedro

1904 English-Bisaya Grammar in Twenty-eight Lessons.
Cebu: Imprenta de El Pais. 158 pp.

Jimenez, Consuelo
1924 "On the influence of English on the Tagalog language."
In The Archive, ed by Otto Scheerer. Manila:

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
158 1910-1921 / Jimenez

Tipografico Pontifica de la Universidad del Santo

Tomas. 13 pp. (Paper 5).
Jimenez, Rosario J. - See 106 1
Joaquin, Nick (Psued for Quijano de Manila)
1963 "The language of the street." PFP 56:32-35, 63.

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nd "A Panay narrative: the people of Misi and the Epic of
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1958 "The Sulod: a mountain people in central Panay,
Philippines." PS 6:401-436.
1963 "Kinship system and social organization of the Sulod of
central Panay, Philippines." Unpublished MA thesis,
University of Chicago. vii + 307 Ivs. (Also in
PhilEdFor 13(1):13-21).
1964 "Linguistic elements in socialization progress."
PhilEdFor 13(3):3-9.
1965 Epic of Labaw Donggo. Quezon City: University of the
Philippines Press.
1968 "Language and socialization: some Philippine cases." In
Language Problems in Southeast Asian Universities, ed
by A. T. Tatlow, 20-21. Bangkok, Thailand: The
Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher
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Johnson, W. 0.
I916 "Sulu-English vocabulary." Philippine Ethnographic
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Johnston, E. Clay
1965 "The morphophonemics of Cotabato Manobo." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 6 lvs.
1967 "Cotabato Manobo clauses." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. 53 lvs.
1967 "The descriptive phrase of Cotabato Manobo." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 4 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Jonker / 1922-1934

1967 "The numerical phrase of Cotabato Manobo." Nasuli,

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 4 Ivs.
1967 "The predicate phrases of Cotabato Manobo." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 35 lvs.
1967 "The relator-axis phrase of Cotabato Manobo." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 8 lvs.

1967 "The substantive phrases of Cotabato Manobo." Nasuli,

Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. i +32 lvs.
1967 "The temporal phrase of Cotabato Manobo." Nasuli,
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1968 Cotabato Manobo Dictionary. Quezon City: SIL.
242 +161 pp. Typescript.
1975 "The verb affixation of Cotabato Manobo." PJL
1976 "Cotabato Manobo first person narrative: Major
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Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. i 29 lvs.
1979 "Cotabato Manobo first person narrative: Major
features of discourse and paragraph. " Papers in
Philippine Linguistics 9: 1-17. (PL-A 50). (Published
version of 1976 paper with the same title).

Johnston, E. Clay, comp

1967 "Cotabato Manobo texts with back translations."
Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 56 lvs.

Johnston, Eugenia
1960 "Ang kapanganakan nang aking manga pamangkin. "
SILWP 4: 1-4.

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19 11 "Over de 'Vervoegde' werkwoord vormen in de
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Akademie von Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Litterkunde

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
160 1935-1944 / Jonkergouw

Jonkergouw, Hubert, MHM

nd Principles of Visayan grammar. Np.

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Jose, Ricardo A. R.
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Manila: Imprenta Amigos del Pais. 110 + 2 pp.
1893 Diccionario Moro-Maguindanao-Espanloland
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1898 Manual de Conversaciones en Castellano, Tagalo e
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1906 A Grammar o f t h e Maguindanao Tongue (According to
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1899 Metodo Teorico-practico y Compendiado. Para
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Barcelona: Establecimiento Tipografico de la Casa
Provincial de Caridad. 135 pp.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Kaneko / 1945-1955

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1978 "Tausug: Text 1 (folktale texts). " SIPL 2(2): 180-92.

Juntado, Loreto Grajo

1961 "Number concord in English and Hiligaynon. "
Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Michigan
224 lvs.

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nd "Gramatica Cuyona. " Np.

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35(3-4): 162-190.
1953- 1956 "Untersuchungen zur Morphologie Polynesicher
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Kahlo, Gerhard
154 1 Indonesische Forschungen. Eeipzig. 0. Harrassowitz
51 PP.
1941 Heines Vergleichendes Malayo-Polynesisches
Worterbuch. Leipzig: 0 .Harrassowitz. 78 pp.

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1935 Cinco Reglas de Nuestra Moral Antigua; una
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1987-1988 "Intelligibility testing in the Philippines: A progress
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Wiener Volkerkundliche Mitteilungen 4: 37-77.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
162 1956-1963 / Kano

Kano, Tadao
1941 "D6shokubutsu-mei yori mitaru KGt6sho to Batan-shot6 1956
tono mien kankei" [Cultural affinities of the Batanes
Islands and K6t6sho (Botel Tobago) as viewed from
their names of animals and plants]. Jinrui-gaku Zasshi
[Journal of Anthropology] 65:434-446.
1946 "Bash$ kaiky6 o chushin to seru Taiwan to Firippin no 1957
bunka kankei-Dlishokubutsu goi yori mitaru" [Cultural
relation between Formosa and the Philippines as viewed
from animal and plant names]. In TCnan Ajia
Minzokugaku Serzshigaku Kenk* [Studies in the
Ethnology and Prehistory of Southeast Asia] 1: 1 13- 16 1.
Tokyo: Yajima Shob6.
1546 "Firippin no gengo-bunrui to gengos6" [Classification 1958
and stratification of the Philippine language]. In T6na
Ajia Minzokugaku Kenkyu [Studies in the Ethnology and
Prehistory of Southeast Asia] 1:332-343. Tokyo. Yajima
1946 "The linguistic classification of the language strata of 1959
the Philippines. " In T6na Ajia Minzokugaku Kenhcyii
[Studies in the Ethnology and Prehistory of Soutizeast
Asia]. Tokyo: Yajima Shob6. (Chapter 26).

Kapili, Lily V.
1060 "A study of common Hiligaynon patterns as an 1960
approach to English." Unpublished MA thesis, CPU.

Kasai, Shizuo
1942 Hirippin Kaiwa Y6ketsu (Nippongo-go, Supein-go, 1961
Tagarogu-go) [Manual de conversacidn Japone's-
Filipina (Japonks-Espaiiol-Tagalog)por Shizuo Kasai].
+ +
Tokyo: Gaigo Gakuin Shuppambu. 3 3 245 pp.
(Dait6a Kyi5eiken Kaiwa Slicho [Conversation Library
of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere]).
1944 Tagarogu-go Goi [Vocabulary of the Tagalog 1962
Language]. Tokyo: Sanseidb. 180 pp.

Kasman, Edward Salkiya

1962 "Birth and death rituals among the Tausugs of Siasi." 1963
Unitas 35:291-340.

Katindig, Jose G. - See 755, 3656

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Kepner / 1964-1974

Kaufmann, John, MHM

1935 Visayan-English Dictionary. Iloilo: La Editorial. 1045 pp.
1939 Principles of Visayan Grammar. Manila: Catholic Trade
School Press. 415 pp.

Keane, A. H.
nd "Essays relating to Jndo-China." Np.
1880 "On the relations of the Indo-Chinese and the
inter-Oceanic races and languages." JRAI 9:254-289.
1883 "Rapports ethnologiques et linguistiques des races
Indo-Chinoises et Indo-Pacifiques. Traduit de l'anglais
par Charles Gremiaua. " Annales de 1 'Extreme Orient
5(56):238-250; 5(57):264-278.

Kelz, Heinrich P.
1981 "Sprachplanung auf den Philippinen und die
Entwicklung einer Phi!ippineschen Nationalsprache. "
Language Problems and Language Planning

Kennedy, James
1861 Essays Ethnological and Linguistic. London: Williams
and Norgate. vi + 230 pp.

Kenstowicz, Michael - See 1674

Kent, Carolyn - See also 1646
1970 "Sentence in Northern Kankanay." Manila: SIL. 62 Ivs.

Kent, Carolyn and Donna Hettick

1966 "Morphophonemic changes in Northern Kankanay. "
Manila: SIL. 9 lvs.
1967 "An introductory study of stem classification in
Northern Kankanay. " Manila: SIL. 16 lvs.

Kepner, William A.
1905 "Observations on color perception among the Visayans
of Leyte Island, P.I." Science 22:680-683.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
164 1975-1989 1 Kern

Kern, Hendrik C.
nd "De gewoonten der Tagalog op de Filippijen volgens
Pater Plasencia." BNI 42: 103- 119.
1876 "Over zoogenaamde verbindingsklanken in het Tagala
en wat daarmee overeenkomt in 't Kawi." BNI
23-24:138-157. (Also in Verspreide Geschriften 13:35-53).
"Sanskritsche woorden in het Tagala." BNI 4(4):535-564.
(Also in Verspreide Geschriften 10:252-278).
"Sanskritsche woorden in het Bisaya." BNI 5(1):128-135.
(Also in Verspreide Geschriften 10:280-287).
"Over de taal der Philippijnsche Negrito's." BNI
6:243-26 1. (Also in Verspreide Geschriften 10:289-306)
"Eene bijdrage tot de kennis van 't oude Philippijnsche
letterscrift." BNI 34:56-72. (Also in Verspreide
Geschriften 10:308-323).
"Over de verhouding van het Mafoorsch tot de
Maleisch-Polynesische talen." Proceedings of the Sixth
international Congress o f Orientalists 1883.
"Klankverwisseling in de Maleisch-Polynesischen
talen." BNI 5:333-343, 560-572.
"Taalkundige gegevens ter bepaling van het stamland
der Maleisch-Polynesische volken." TNI (series 3)
6:270-287. (Also in Verspreide Geschriften 10:252-78).
"Sprachvergleichende bemerkungen zum vocabulare. "
In Die Philippinen, II. Negritos, by A. B. Meyer, 49-67.
Dresden: Stengel and Markert. 92 pp.
"Opmerkingen omtrent de taal der Agta's van 't
Schiereiland Camarines (Filippijnen)." BNI 46:437-440.
(Also in Verspreide Geschriften 1 1:78-82).
"Spaansche bescheiden aangaande de Filippijnen." BNI
46:720-726. (Also in Verspreide Geschriften 1 1 :84-90).
"Een Spaansch schrijver over den godsdienst der
heidensche Bikollers." BNI (series 6) 3:224-238. (Also
in Verspreide Geschriften 11:92-106).
"Austroneisch en Austroasiatisch." BNI 60: 166- 172
"Het infix-prefix 'in'. " BNI 66:252-253. 1989

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Key / 1990-2005

19 13- 1928 Verspreide Geschriften 's-Gravenhage: Martinus

Nijhoff. 15 vols.
1929 "Het verbaal-praefix si- in eenige Austronesische
talen." In Verslag van he6 Zesde Congress-Oostersch
Genootschap in Nederland, 29-30. Np.
1956 "Anitu. " Journal of Austronesian Studies 1(2):5-7.
1956 Pertukaran Bunji DaIam Bahasa-bahasa Melaju-
Polinesia. Djakarta: P . T . Pustaka Rakjat. 32 pp.
1957 Berbagai Keterangan Berdasarkan Ilmu Bahasa Dipakai
Untuk Menentukan Negeri Asal Bangsa Melaju-
Polinesia. Djakarta: P . T. Pustaka Rakjat. (1st ed, 1889).

Kern, Rudolf Aernoud

1930 "Deutung des -in- infixes in den Austronesischen
Sprachen." Acta Or 9(1): 1-58.
1932 "'t prefix ha-." BNI 89: 117-120.
1934 "De partikel 'pa' in de Indonesische talen." BNI
1339 "Het persoonlijk voornaamwoord aku." BNI 98:249-25 1.
1942 "Gelijkheid en verschil in voor voegsels in
Indonesische talen. " BNI 10 1:34 1-394.
1943 "Wortels en Grondwoorden in de Austronesische talen. "
BNI 102:275-369.
1948 "Tweeerlei prefix ka- in de Austronesische talen." BNI

Kerr, Harland B.
1965 "The case-marking and classifying function of Cotabato
Manobo voice affixes." OL 4: 15-47.
1988 "Cotabato Manobo grammar. " SIPL 7(1): 1- 123

Kess, Joseph Francis

1967 "Syntactic features of Tagalog verbs. " Unpublished
PhD dissertation, University of Hawaii. 143 lvs. (Also
in 1968. DisAbs 29(4): 1220-1221A).

Key, Harold
1965 "Some semantic functions of reduplication in various
languages. " AL 7(3):88- 102.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
166 2006-2014 / Khensap

Khensay, Felix
1987 "Nan khotok nan enngengengelan nan komaw is 2006
kakoweng [The reason why mosquitoes keep buzzing in
our ears]. " Np.

Kieckers, E.
1931 Die Sprachstamme der Erde (mit einer anzahl
grammatischer skizzen). Heidelberg: Carl Winter.
257 pp.

Kikuchi, Ky6ko
1975 "Notes on the kinship system of the Kiangan Ifugao. " 2008
Shakai Kagaku T6kyii [The Social Science Review!
21(1):239-5 1.

Kilgour, Heather J. - See aiso 1501

Kilgour, Heather J. and Gail Hendrickson
1984 "Bantoanon phonology and orthography." Manila: SIL. 2009
39 lvs.

Kirk, May
1899-1902 The Raldwin Primer (Tagalog Edition). New York: 2010
American Rook Company. 133 pp.

Kitasato, Takeshi
nd "Kodai Nippongo to Hirippin-go tono hikaku kenkyu" 2011
[A comparative study of Old Japanese and the
Philippines Language]. Np. 3 + 155 Ivs. Mimeo.
1927 "Ancient Philippine Alphabets." In Structure of the
Japanese Language. Osaka, Japan: The Shien Kai
Association. 241 pp and plates.

Kiyosi, Edward R.
1940 Mga Ilang Himatong sa Balarilang P i l i p i ~ ~Manila.
o. 2013
266 pp.

Klaproth, Julius Heinrich

1823 Asia Polygotta. Paris: Gedruckt bei J. M. Eberhart. 2014
384 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Kunting / 2015-2025 167

Knowlton, Edgar C.
1957 "Philippine and other exotic loan words in Paterno's 2015
iVinqy.." Paper read at the Ninth Pacific Science
Congress of the Pacific Science Association, Thailand.
1963 "China and the Philippines in El Periquillo Sarmiento." 2016
Hispanic Review 3 1:4.
1968 "The formation of the past-perfective in 2017
Tagalog-Spanish." Romance Philology 22(1):22-24.

Koway, Donna Hettick and Judy Wallace

1978 "Northern Kankanay: Text 2 (folktale texts). " SIPL 2018

Krieger, Herbert William

1945 "Races and Peoples in the Philippines." FEQ 4:95-101. 2019

Kroeber, Alfred Louis - See also 2510

1918 "The history of Philippine civilization as reflected in 2020
religious nomenclature." Anthropological Papers of the
American Museum of Natural History 19(2):35-67.

Ku, Un-San
1945-1946 "A study of Tagalog." Chinese Commercial News
(October 23, 1945; January 5, 1946).

Kuizon, Jose Germano

1962 "The Sanskrit loan-words in the Cebuano-Bisayan 2022
language and the Indian elements in Cebuano-Bisayan
culture." Unpublished MA thesis, University of San
Carlos, Cebu. vii + 144 lvs.
1964 "Sanskrit loan words in the Cebuano-Bisayan language." 2023
AFLS 23(1): 111-158.

Kunstmann, E.
1841? Tagalisches Worterbuch. Berlin. 40 pp.

Kunting, Hadji Yusop C.

1981 Sinama-English Dictionary. Zamboanga City: New 2025
Alliance Press. 363 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
168 2026-2037 !La Gironiere

La Gironiere, Paul Proust de

1855 Aventures d'un Gentilhomme Breton aux Iles Philippines
Paris: Lacroix-Comon. 458 pp. (Other ed, 1857).

La U'all, Irene
1939 "Lightning literacy." PM 36:330-331, 335, 337.

Labaro, Evelyn - See also 1372

nd "Limos Kalinga interlinear texts. " Manila: SIL. 58 lvs.

Labberton, D. von Hinloopen

1924 "Preliminary results of researches into the original
relationship between Ni2ponese and Malayo-
Polynesian. " JPS 33:244-280.

Cabita, Avelina T.
1967 Tagalog-Chinese Talatinigan. Quezon City: E . V
Campomanes and Sons. Revised ed. 130 pp.

Lacalle y Sanchez, Jose de

1886 "Idiomas." In Tierras y Razas dci Archipelago Fillpino,
24.5-247, 269-275. Manila: Colegio de Santo Tomas.

Lackowski, Peter
:968 "Verb inflection in Cuyunon. " OL 7(2):92- 103

Lacuesta, Geruncio
1964 "Liberation of Filipino Language from Tagalog."
DayMir (October 17): 14- 15.
1967 "Rejoinder to Mr. Lansang: Purism is still the issue."
STM (August 6): 28-29.
1967 "The phonology of Filipino." Katas (July): 109-116, 141

Lafeber, A.
1928 "The grammatic value of constructions with E in the
Polynesian dialects compared with similar cases in
Indonesia." JPS 37:403-425.

Lagman, Efigenia
1963 "Segmental ang suprasegmental Bicol phonemes:
Legaspi City dialect." Ateneo de Manila Graduate
School. 39 lvs.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Landor / 2038-2054 169

Lagorra, Blas
1908 Subano Vocabulary: Subano- Visayan-Spanish-English. 2038
Zamboanga. 281 pp.

Lambrecht, Francis Hubert, CICM - See also 2456

1928 "Ifugao tales. Of Amama and Unga." LAMP
1929 Ijiugaw Villages and Houses. Washington, DC: Publication 2040
of the Catholic Anthropological Conference 2(3).
1930- 1932 "The Ifugao sagas or Hudhud." LAMP 7:7; 8: 11. 2041
1932-1934 "The saga of the brave Aginaya." LAMP 9-10. 2042
1932- 1958 "The Mayawyaw ritual." Washington, DC: Publication 2043
of the Catholic Anthropological Conference 4(1-7).
1933-1934 "The saga of Gumingin and Bugan, his sister." LAMP 2044
10:177-183, 238-241, 269-272, 300-302, 309.
1955 "Ifugao tales." AFLS 14: 149- 196. 2045
1957 "Ifkgao epic story; Hudhud of Aliguyun at Hananga." 2046
JEAS 6(3-4): 1-203.
1857 "Ifugao tale, Banawe and Mayawyaw. " AFLS 2047
1958 "Ikgao ballads." JEAS 7(2): 169-207. 2048
1958 "Ifugao weaving." AFLS 17: 1-53. 2049
1960-196 1 "Ifugao Hudhud." AFLS 19: 1-174; 20: 136-273. 2050
1978 Ifugaw-English Dictionary. Baguio City: The Catholic 2051
Vicar Apostolic of the Mountain Province; Quezon
City: R.P. Garcia Publishing Co. 534 pp.

Lambrecht, Godfrey
1960 "Anitu rites among the Gaddang." PS 8:584-602. 2052

Lande, Nobleza Asuncion

1970 "Theoretical and methodological trends in Philippine 2053
linguistic research: 1560- 1970. " AL 12(6):208-225.

Landor, A. Henry Savage

1904 The Gems of the East. New York and London: Harper 2054
and Brothers. 566 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Lapid, Virginia - See also 495
1969 "The Tagalog verb system and its inflectional
morphology. " Unpublithed MA thesis, University of
Kansas. v + 63 lvs.

Lara, Enrique Polo de

1896 "Dialectos que se hablan en el archipelago." in Estudio
Social y Politico de [as lslas Filipinas, 53-54. Sevilla:
Imprenta de la Andlucia Moderna. (Part I, chapter 8).

Laraya, Consorcia Manalastas

1960 Aklat Pambalik-aral sa Wikang Pifipino. Manila:
Liwayway Publications. vii + 107 pp.

Larson, Donald N.
nd Tagalog Lessons, Tagalog Outline Guide. Quezon City:
Interchurch Language School.
1962 "Tagalog for missionaries. " Manila. 3 vols
1963 The Philippine Language Scene. Manila: Interchurch
Language School. 86 pp.
1965 "Toward a simultaneous multilingual grammar far
Tagalog, Cebuano, and Ilocano. " Unpublished PhD
dissertation, University of Chicago. 227 lvs.
1968 "Modern Tagalog: a functional-structural description
with particular attention to the problem of verification."
Unpublished PhD dissertation, Georgetown University.

Larson, Virginia - See a!so 1651

nd "Sentence in Ivatan." Manila: S E . 90 lvs.
1972 "Pronominal reference in the Ivatan narrative." P J L

Larson, Virginia, comp

1986 "Ivatan texts." Manila: SIL. viii + 428 lvs
Laserna, Manuel
1918 Sungkaan sa pagsueat, pagbasa ag paghambae it
inakeanon. Manila: 'El 1916' May 12.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Lazaro / 2068-2077 17 1

1935 English-Maranaw Dictionary, ed by Frank J. Woodward. 2068

Dansalan City: Lanao Press. 273 pp. (Other ed, 1944;
reprinted in 1948. David L. Hamm and Hadji Pambaya
Bayabao, eds).
1936 "Key method of teaching illiterates." International 2069
Review of Missions 25:235-249.

Laubach, Frank Charles and A. L. Zwickley

1949 "A conversion to Maranaw-English of the English- 2070
Maranaw dictionary." Np.

Lavayna, Guillermo
1963 "Diksyunaryong medikal Lavayna." Manila: np. 1133 lvs. 2071
1963 "Glosaryo ng mga katawagang pang atomo." Np. 2072

Laviiia, Melinda - See 1180, 1222

Laya, Juan Cabreros
1949 Mga Banghay-aralin. Manila: Inang Wika Publishing 2073
Co. 4 vols in 1.
1950 "Ukal sa pagbabago ng kahulugan ng mga salita." 2074
(Pansin sa isang bahagi ng ulat ng kasangguning
Regalado noong ika-11 ng Oktubre, 1950 sa SWP).
WP 1(4):45-47.

Laya, Juan Cabreros and Silvina Cabreros Laya

1947 Basic Tagalog Vocabulary: Tagalog-English, English- 2075
Tagalog. Manila: Inang Wika Publishing Co. 128 pp.
(2d ed, 1950. Manila: Inang Wika Publishing Co. 148 pp).

Laya, Silvina Cabreros - See 2075

Laygo, Abraham R.
1939 "Tagalog proverbs." PM 36:334; 36:457

Layong, Albert - See 1372

Layong, Rita - See 1372
Lazaro, Joaquin
1889 Introduction a1 Estudio de la Lengua Castellana en 2077
Isinay. Manila: Colegio de Santo Tomas a cargo de D.
Gervacio Memije. 185 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
172 2078-2087 / Le Roy

Le Roy, James Alfred

1906 "Dialects of the Philippines." In Philippine Life in Town
and Country, 247-251. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons.

Leano, Isabel
1958 "The du'jeng as sung and practiced in Takdian." JEAS

Leclerc, Ch., ed
1878 Bibliotheca Americana. Histore, Geographie, Voyages,
Archeologie etLinguistique des Deux Ameriques et des
Iles Philippines. Paris: Maisonneuveet Cie, Libraires

Lee, Ernest W.
1962 "On non-syllabic high vocoids in Maguindanao. "
Studies in Linguistics 16(3-4):65-72.
1964 "Maguindanao 111." General Linguistics 6(1):24-26.
1964 "Non-focus verbs in Maguindanao. " OL 3(1):49-57.

LekomEev Jurii Konstantinovich

1964 " 0 stepeni ralichija klassov slov (na materiale
klassicheskogo tibetskogo, santali i tagal'skogo jazykov)"
[On the level of lfference of word classes (based upon
classic Tibenan, Santali and Tagalog materials]. In
Konferenwa po Jazykam Jugo- Vostoc'nojAzii v Institute
Narodov Azii, 47. AN SSSR (November 23-25). Moskva.
"K tipologii razlichenija grarnmaticheslch klasssv"
1011 the h pologp of d~fferentiationof grammar classes]
Narodj?Azii i Afriki [People of Asia and Afiica] 6: 147-152.

Lenches, Elsa P. Yap

1977 "Cebuano case grammar: basic semantic and morpho-
syntactic aspects." Unpublished PhD lssertation,
Georgetown University. 2 vols. 515 Ivs.

Lendoyro, Constantino
1909 The Tagalog language: A Comprehensive Grammatical
Treatise Adapted to Self-instruction and Particularly

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Designed for Use of Those Engaged in Government
Service or in Business, or Trade in the Philippines.
Manila: Juan Fajardo. 2d ed. cxvi + 448 pp. (1st ed,

Leon, Felipe Padilla de

1966 "Ang musikang sarili sa ikalalaganap ng wikang
Pilipino. " In Panitikan, 9- 13, Aklat 11.
Leon, Jacinto R. de
1943 "The national language has no dilemma." PR 1:27-31.
1947 Talasalitaang Tagalog-Ingles. Manila: University
Publishing Co. 72 pp. (Other ed, 1932).

Leon, Joseph - See 3461

Leon, Pedro M. de - See 2259
Leon, Raymundo de
1950? Mamangulon Liblurr Punbidbidan hi Kalin de Ifugao.
Manila. 45 pp.

Leonen, C. - See 354

Leyba, Aurora A.
nd "A comparative study of the intonation systems of
Pangasinan and English. " Department of Languages
Teaching Files, UP.

Leyden, John
1886 "On the language and literature of the Indo-Chinese
nations." In Miscellaneous Papers Relating to Indo-
China 1:84- 171. London: Trubner and Co (Oriental
Series). 318 pp. (Also in 1908. Asiatic Researches

Leyos, Fidela de
1939 "Tagalog riddles." PM 36:74.

Liban, Elizabeth 0. and Bruce Grayden

1978 "Southern Kalinga (folktale texts)." SIPL 2(2): 13-23.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
174 2096-2106 1 Lightbody

Lightbody, Arthur
1984 "Eliminating the hocus-pocus of focus in Sangirk. "
SIPL 5(1): 19-46.

Lightbody, Arthur, comp

1989 "Sangirk (Sangi1)-English dictionary." Np. 375 lvs

Lightbody, Arthur and Kathleen Lightbody, comps

nd "Sangirk word list." Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:
SIL. 75 lvs.

Lightbody, Kathleen - See 2098

Linangan ng mga Wika sa Pilipinas
1989 Diksyunaryo ng Wikang Filipino. Manila: National
Book Store Inc. 969 pp. (Joint project of Linangan ng
mga Wika sa Pilipinas [IPL], Kagawaran ng Edukasyon,
Kultura at Tsports [DECS] and Instructional Materials

Lindquist, Alice - See also 409, 1302-1304

Lindquist, Alice and Vivian Forsberg
1954 "Wordlist in Tagabili, Bilaan and Kalagan." Manila:

Lindquist, Alice, Vivian Forsberg and Alan Healey

1959 "The phonemes of Tagabili." PJS 88:225-43.

Link, Francis L.
nd "Tao-sug-English vocabulary. " Np.
1917 "English-Sulu vocabulary. " Jolo, Sulu: np.
1923 "The Sulu language. Part 11: Sulu-English vocabulary."
Jolo, Sulu: np.
1924 (Abstracts of a portion of the Sulu grammar contained
in a typewritten draft entitled "The Sulu dialect" by
Charles R. Cameron). Jolo, Sulu: np.

Linterna, Sister Editha, PI

1966 "A descriptive linguistic analysis of the Hiligaynon
verb system." Unpublished MA thesis, Ateneo de
Manila Graduate School.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Llamzon / 2 107-2120 175

Linterna, Sister Edita, FI and Sister Nieves Segovia

1962 "A phonemic analysis of llongo. " Manila: Ateneo 2107
Graduate School. 46 lvs.

Lisboa, Marcos de, OSF

1728 "Diccionario del Idioma Bicol. " Np.
1754 "Diccionario y vocabulario de el idioma Espafiol y
Bicol. " Np.
1865 Arte de Iidoma Bicol. Manila: Establecimiento
Tipografico del Colegio de Santo Tomas. 3d ed. 417 pp.
(Other eds, 1754; 1863).
1865 Vocabulario de la Lengua Bicol. Manila: Tipografico 2111
del Colegio de Santo Tomas. 417, 103 pp. (Other eds,
1754; 1863; 1895. Sampaloc: Convento de Nuestra
Sefiora de Lorto; 1912).

Liway, Tony and Patricia M. Hartung

1978 "Ata Manobo: Text 2 (folktale texts)." SIPL
2(2):99- 102.

Llamado, Librada C.
1969 "An analysis of the basic structures of Cavite Chavacano." 2113
Unpublished MA thesis, PNC. 169 lvs.

Llamas, Jose F. - See 1206

Llamzon, Teodoro A., SJ
1957 Easy Tagalog. Woodstock, Maryland: Woodstock 2114
College. 194 pp.
1966 "A note on predication in Tagalog." PSR 14(3):150-155. 2115
1966 "Main transient formations in Tagalog." PJS 2116
95(1): 143-157.
1966 "Tagalog phonology." AL 8(1):30-39. 2117
1966 "Tagalog reflexes of PMP *e. " AL 8(3): 13-23. 2118
1966 "The subgroupings of Philippine languages." PSR 2119
1968 "Modern Tagalog: a functional-structural description 2120
with particular attention to the problem of verification."
Unpublished PhD dissertation, Georgetown University.
3 12 lvs. (Also in 1969. DisAbs 29(9):3 121A-3122A).
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
176 2121-2133 / Llamzon

1968 Modern Tagalog: a Functional-structural description

Manila: Ateneo Language Center. 312 pp.
1968 The IPC Guide to Tagalog, Ilocano, Ibanag. Manila:
Ateneo de Manila University Press. 86 pp.
1969 A Subgrouping of Nine Philippine Languages. The
Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. xi + 128 pp. (Verhandelingen
van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land-, en
Volkenkunde, no 58).
!970 "A set of principles for the description of a language."
PJL 1:12-24.
1971 "Ang kayarian ng pandiwa sa Pilipino (Salin ni Fe
Adalve-Yap). " PJL 2(1j: 116-24.
1973 "The four focus transformations of Tagalog." In
Parangal kay Cecilio Lopez, 168-183. (PJLSM 4)
1976 "A subgrouping of 100 Philippine laguages." Southeast
.4sian Linguistic Studies 2:141-172. (PL-C 42).
1978 Handbook of Philippine Language Groups. Quezon
City: Ateneo de Manila University Press.

Llanes, Jose L.
1956 "A study of some terms in Philippine mythology."
JEAS 1:1-14.
1956-1957 "A dictionary of Philippine mythology." JEAS 5:1-8:1, 8:2.

Lobo y Jimenez, Juan

1894 Diccionario Juridico Filipino. Manila: Imprenta de la
Rinsta Mercantil de D. Jose de Loyzaga. 191 + 3 pp.

Lombos-Esquillo, Maria Teresita

1978 "Contextualization of the language proficiency of
selected bilingual college students." Unpublished MA
thesis, Ateneo de Manila University.

Longacre, Robert E. - See also 124, 375, 376, 410

1968 Philippine languages; Ciscourse, Paragraph and
Sentence Structures. Santa Ana, California: SIL. 2 vols
222 pp, 234 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Lopez 1 2134-2146 177

Longacre, Robert E., ed

1971 Philippine Discourse and Paragraph Studies in Memory
of Betty McLachlin. Canberra: Australian National
University. xv + 366 pp. (PL-C 22).

Lonsido, Cirilo A. - See 1543

Lopez, Alejandro, SJ
nd "Grammatica y diccionario de la lengua Lutuaya." Np.

Lopez, Andres, OP
1960 "-4rte de la lengua de Pangasinan." Np.

Lopez, Carmen B.
1951 Bumasa at Sumulat. National Language for Grade I.
Manila: Philippine Book Co. 98 pp.

Lopez, Cecilio
nd "Stules on comparative Philippine morphology." Np.
1923-1924 "On the Boak Tagalog of the island of Marinduque."
The Archive, paper 1 . 25 lvs. (Also in 1970. The
Archive l(2): 1-53).
1924- 1925 "The Tagalog language of Marinduque." Np
1928 Comparison of Tagalog and Iloko.. . Hamburg: J . J.
Augustin. 188 pp.
Review: F. R. Blake. 1929. Lung 5(3):190-192.
Review: Marcel Cohen. 1928. Bulletin de la Socie'te' de
Linguistique de Paris 40(120): 189.
1930 "Das Verwandtschaftssystem der Tagalen und der
Malaien. " ArAnthr 22(3): 132-136 (Summarized in 1932.
Anthropos 27:293-294).
1931 The Language Situation in the Philippine Islands.
Manila: Institute of Pacific Relations. 47 pp.
1934 "Awan to kurkit a 'c' iti saot' Iluko." Ilocos Times 3:4.
1936 "Tagalog words adopted from Spanish." PSSR
Review: Marcel Cohen. BSLP 38.
1936 "Theories on the origin of language." PM 33(10):492,
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
178 2147-2158 / Lopez

1937 "General features of Philippine languages. " PSSR

Review: Marcel Cohen. 1939. PSSR 11:224-225.
1937 Preliminary Study of Affixes in Tagalog. Manila:
Bureau of Printing. 78 pp. (TNL Publications 2).
Review: Marcel Cohen. 1938. Bulletin de la Socie'te' de
Linguistique de Paris 39: 1 17, 2 14-2 15.
Review: Marcel Cohen. 1939. PSSR 11:224-225.
Studies on Dempwolff's Vergleichende Lautlehre d m
Austronesischen Wortschatzes. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 63 pp. (INL Bulletin 1).
A Comparison of Tagalog and Malay Lexicographies
(on phonetic-semantic basis). Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 92 pp. (TNL Bulletin 2).
The Tagalog Language: an Outline of its Psycho-
morphoIogicaE analysis. Manila: Bureau of Printing.
23 pp. (INL Bulletin 5).
A Manual of the Philippine National Language. Manila:
Bureau of Printing. 3d ed. 327 pp. (Other ed, 1940).
Review: Pura Santillan-Castrence. 1940. PSSR
Reduplication in Tagalog. Manila: Bureau of Printing.
150 pp. (INL Bulletin 7). (Also in 1950. BNI
Review: J. M. Echols. 1951. SIL 9(4):105. (Also in
1950. BNI 106).
Studies on Tagalog Lexicography # I . Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 29 pp. (INL Bulletin 6).
"Foreign influences in Tagalog." P R 2(2):43-49
"Studies on Sugbuhanon affixes. " PSSHR 14:29-55,
"A comparative syntax of some Philippine languages."
A Guggenheim Fellowship Grant Study.
"Morphological-semantic cognates in Philippine
languages." Np.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Lopez / 21 59-21 73

"The Spanish overlay in Tagalog. " Lingua 14:467-504.

(Also in 1965. Indo-Pacific Linguistic Studies Part I,
Historical Linguistics, ed by G . B. Milner and Eugenie
J.A. Henderson, 467-504. Amsterdam: North Holland
Publishing Co; Readings in Philippine Linguistics, ed
by A. B. Gonzalez, 737-766).
"A comparative Philippine word list." Np.
"Certain non-productive infixes in Malayo-Polynesian. "
Paper read at the Ninth Pacific Science Congress of the
Pacific Science Association in Thailand.
"Doublets in Ma1 ayo-Polynesian languages. " Np
"Prolegomenon to comparative Philippine syntax." Np.
"Spanish status in Tagalog. " Np.
"Vergleichende lautlehre das Austronesischen
wortschatzes, Studies of Dempwolff s wordlist."
Department of Oriental Languages and Linguistics
Files, UP. Mimeo.
"Ang balarila ni Rizal." Np.
"Classifiers in Philippine languages." In Abstracts. The
H. Otley Beyer Symposium 29. Quezon City: Diliman, UP
"Contributions to a comparative Philippine syntax."
Lingua 15:3- 16. (Also in 1965. Indo-Pacific Linguistics
Studies, Part 11, ed by G . B. Milner and Eugenie J. A.
Henderson, 3- 16. Amsterdam: North Holland
Publishing Co).
"Classifiers in Philippine languages." PJS 96(1): 1-8.
"Origins of the Philippine languages. " PS 15(1):130-166.
(Also in Readings in Philippine Linguistics, ed by A. B.
Gonzalez, 389-4 16).
"Some new morphemes in Philippine languages." The
Archive 1(1):5-32. (Also in Readings in Philippines
Linguistics, ed by A. B. Gonzalez, 429-440).
A Comparative Philippine Word-list. Quezon City: UP.
165 pp.
"The structure of Tagalog." In Linguistics. Leiden: E. J .
Brill. (Handbuch der Orientalistik 4).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Lopez, Cecilio, trs
1943 Eztudios Sobre la Lengua Tagalog by Jose Rizal.
Manila: INL.

Lopez, Cecilio, et al.

1953 Aklat ng Wika. Ikatlong Baitang. Manila: Macaraig
Publishing Co. 247 pp.
1954 Aklat ng Wika. Ikaapat na Baitang. Manila: Macaraig
Publishing Co. 263 pp.

Lopez, ELias B.
1949 "Popular folk literature of the Manobos." Np. 11 lvs.

Lopez, Francisco
nd "Vocabulario de la lengua Yloca a1 Castellano." Np.
nd "Vocabulario Iloko-Espaiiol. " Np. 294 lvs.
1627 Arte de la Lengua Yloca. Manila: Imprenta del Colegio
y Universidad de Santo Tomas de Aquino. 336 pp. (Other
eds, 1792; 1793; 1865; 1888; 1895. Gramatica Ilocana).
1690? "Arte de la lengua Pangasinan." Np.
1792 Compendio y Methodo de la Suma de las Reglas del
Arte del Ydioma Mocano. Sampaloc: Imprenta de Nuestra
Seiiora de Loreto del Pueblo de Sampaloc. 238 pp.
1792 "Gramatica y dccionario Ilocano." Np. (Other ed, 1793).
1895 Gramatica Ilocana. Malabon: Establecimiento 'Tipo-
litografia del Asilo de Huerfanos. 3d ed. 354 pp.

Lopez, Franscisco, trs

1621 Libro a Naisuratan Amin ti Bagas ti Doctrina Cristiana...
Manila: Imprenta en el convent0 de S. Pablo de Manila.
283 pp. (Other eds, 1688; 1716; 1767; 1846; 1882; 1895).

Lopez, M. H. (pseud M. H. Oelpz)

1909 Dictionary English-Tagalog. Manila: Imprenta Libreria
y Papeleria de J. Martinez. 135 pp.

Lopez, Pedro S., Jr. - See 1636

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Lusted / 21 87-21 99

Lopez, Sixto
1900 The Tribes in the Philippines. Boston: Anti-Imperialist
League. 8 pp.

Lopez, Urbano Alvarez, OESA

nd "Gramatica Cebuana-Espaiiola." Np.

Loukotka, Cestmir
1946 V p o j Pisma. Praha: Orbis. 226 pp.

Loyola, Isidro
1962 "Conflict of words." DayMir (November 3): 6

Lozano y Megia, Raimundo, OSA

1876 Cursos de Lengua Panayana. Manila: Imprenta del
Colegio de Santo Tomas. 23 1 pp.
1892 Gramatica Hispana- Visaya-Panayana y Diccionario
Manual. Valladolid: Imprenta de Luis N. de Gaviria.
278 pp.

Lozano, Raimundo, OESA

nd "Gramatica Tagala." Np.

Lukban, Noemi V.
1966-1967 "'Nang' and 'ng' - a preposition." FEUFJ 11(2):30-36.

Lumauig, G. G. and J. A. Quirino

1964 "The Hudhud. " SMM 20:32-33.

Luna, Pura
1968 "The development of actor and goal focus in the
sentence structure of Nursery, Kindergarden, First
Grade and Second Grade school children." Unpublished
MA thesis, PNC.

Lusted, Ruth - See also 3747

nd "Impersonal pronouns of Atta." Manila: SIL. 4 lvs.
1964 "Morphophonemic statement: Atta Negrito." Manila:
SIL. 6 lvs.
1967 "Sentence types of Atta Negrito." Manila: SIL. 33 lvs

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
182 2200-2210 / Lusted

Lusted, Ruth and Claudia Whittle

1969 "Atta orthography." Manila: SIL. 6 lvs.

Lusted, Ruth, Claudia Whittle and Lawrence A. Reid

1964 "The use of matrix technique in an analysis of Atta 2201
personal pronouns." OL 3(1): 138-60. (Reprinted in
RIPL, 562-577).

nd (Nearly 200 essays written on bamboo in a dialect of the 2202
Mangyan language spoken near Mansalay, Mindoro). Np.

Luzares, Casilda E.
1976 "The morphology of selected Cebuano verbs: A case 2203
analysis.'' Unpublished PhD dissertation, PNC (later
under Australia National University).
1977-1978 "Cebuano verb morphology: an application of case 2204
grammar." SIPL 1(2):73-109, part I; 2(1):49-72, part 11.

Lyman, J. Thomas
nd "The phonemes of Bontoc. " Manila: SIL
1971 "Hierarchical phonological features of Cotabato 2206
Manobo." The Archive 2(1):39-56.

Lynch, Charles - See 670

Lynch, Francis X.
1948 "Some notes on a brief field survey of the hill people of 2207
Mt. Iriga, Camarines Sur, Philippines. " PrM 2 1:65-73.
1956 "Some speech-sound problems for Bicolanos learning 2208
English." Paper presented at the Division Workshop on
Teaching English as a Second Language, Naga Central
School, Naga City. 3 lvs.

Lynch, Ralph E., SJ

1940 "Visayan-English dictionary." Np. 470 lvs.
1948 "Wordlist in Bukidnon (Based on Conklin's lexical 2210
checklist for Philippine languages)." Np.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Macabuhay, Perry and Hella E. Goschnick
1979 "A Central Bontoc procedural discourse (activity type)."
SIPL 3(1):86- 111.

Macaraeg, Anastacio Austria

1896 Vocabulario Castellano-Pangasinan. Manila: Chofr6 y
Compaiiia. 112 pp. (Other eds, 1898. Amigos del Pais;
1904. Vocabulario Hispano-Pangasinan).
1898 Vocabulario Pangasinan-Castellano. Manila: Amigos
del Pais.
1904 Vocabulario Hispano-Pangasinan, Manila: Imprenta
Fajardo y Compaiiia. 3d ed. 104 pp. (2d ed, 1898).

Macaraya, Batua A. - See also 1577, 1578, 2561, 2562

nd English-Maranao Dictionary. Marawi City, Lanao
1954 Maranao-English Dictionary. Dansalan City: Madrasa
Press. vii + 93 pp.

Macaraya, Batua A., cornp

1979 Maranao t.'ocabulary and Phrase Book. Marawi City,
Lanao: Mindanao State University. 200 pp.

Macaspac, Jose Torres

1938 "Pampango proverbs. " P M 35(7):340.

Maceda, Generoso S.
1935 "The Dumagats of Famy." PJS 57:235-251.

Maceda, Jose Montserrat

1958 "Chants from Sagada, Mountain Province, Philippines."
EM 2:45-55, 96-107.
1963 "The Music of the Magindanao in the Philippines."
Unpublished PhD dissertation, UCLA. 2 vols.

Maceda, Marcelino N. - See also 2906-2908

1963 "Some medicinal plants known to the Mamanua of
northeastern Mindanao, Philippines." In Festschrisft Paul
Schebesta zum 75. Geburtstag, 133- 136. Wein-Modling:
Missionsdmckerei St. Gabriel. 568 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Madale, Abdullah T.
1963 "Preliminary study of Maranaw folk literature. " Marawi 2224
City: Institute of Research and Filipino Culture,
University of Mindanao.

Madlangbayan, Pedro A.
1959 ' ang maikling 'ng.
"Ang buong ' r ~ a n gat "' f'JE

Madre de Dios, Sebastian de la

nd "Arte de ia lengua Ilongota." Np

Madre de Dios, Teodoro de Quiros de la, OP

nd "Arte Tagalog. " Np.
1662? "Arte y vocabulario de la lengua Tagala, doctrina 2228
Cristiana, confesionario y catecismo." Np.

Madrid, Angelina F.
1980 "Four discourse genres in Amganad Ifugao." SIPL 2229

Madrid, Helen - See 3741

Magallona, hlagelende M.
1964- 1965 "Articles as markers of singular count nouns." FEUFJ 2230

Magat, Gil
1915 Gramatica Qng. Sabing Castila, t, Capampangan. 2231
Manila: Tipografico Linotype de Santo Tomas. 283 pp.

Magdalena, Agustin de la
1679 Arte de la Lengua Tagala. (Sacada de la que han Escrito 2232
Diversos Autores). Mexico: Francisco Rodriguez
Lupercio. 71 pp. (Another title, Arte del Idioma Tagalog).

Magdamo, Priscilla Venturanza

1957-1958 Philippine Folk Songs. Songs of the Visayas. Dumaguete 2233
City: Silliman Music Foundation, Silliman University.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Makarenko 1 2234-2243 185

Maglangit, Federico Randa

1954 "The English pronunciation problems of the native
speaker of Marauao." Unpublished MA thesis, Cornell

Magno, F. H.
1963 "Double fancy double talk." STM 18:30.

Maingag, Abel - See 1372

Makabenta, Eduardo A.
1979 Binisaya-English, English-Binisaya Dictionary (Samar-
Leyte). Quezon City: Edmandsonz. 518 pp.

Makarenko, Vladimir Afanas'evich - See also 1045

1964 "Some data on south Indian cultural influences in
southeast Asia; the history of the origin and development
of the old Filipino script." Tamil Culture (Madras)
1965 "0 stepeni rodstva tagal'skogo i indonezijskago
jazykov (s ispol'zovaniem metoda leksikostatistiEeskoj
teorii M. SvadeSa)" [How cognate are Tagalog and
Indonesian? (Application of Swadesh's theory)]. In
Yoprosy Filologii Stran Jugo-vostocizoj Azii, 73- 103.
Moskva: MGU.
1965 "Tagal'sko-indonezijskije slovoobrazovatel'nyje
paralleli . " [Word formational parallels between Tagalog
and Indonesian]. In Voprosy Filologii Stran
Jugo-Vostocitoj Azii, 25-26. Moskva: MGU.
1966 "Morfologicheskaya struktura slova v sovremennom
tagal'skom jazykd" [Morphological Word-formation in
Modern Tagalog]. In 1965. Nauchnaja Konferenci'a
'Lomonosovskije Etennija, ' Aprel, 57-64. Moskva: MGU
(MGU Institut Vostochnych Jazykov).
1966 "Morphological Word-formation in Modern Tagalog. "
Unpublished thesis, Moscow, MGU.
1966 "Tamil loan-words in some languages of South East
Asia." The International Association of Tamil Research
News. 10 IVS.
1970 Tagal 'skoje Slovoobrazovanije [Tagalog Word Formation].
Moskva: Nauka. 172 pp
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
186 2244-2254 1 Makarenko

Review: L. N. Demidjuk. 1971. Vostokovedenije

2:85-86. (Vestnik MosLovskogo Universiteta, ser 14).
1973 "General characteristics of Filipino word formation." In 2244
Parangal kay Cecilio Lopez, 196-205. (PJLSM 4).
1979 "Razivitije sovremengo Tagal'skogo jafzyka" [The 2245
evolution of modern Tagalog]. Narody Asii i Afriki
[People of Asia and Africa] 3 : 114-122.

Malay, Paula Carolina

1957 "Some Tagalog folkways. " JEAS 6(1):69-88.

Maliwanag, ndefonso - See 1411

Mallari, Carmen B. - See 1901, 3414
Mallat, Jan
1843 Archipel de sol or^ ou Gescriptio~zdes Groupes de 2247
Basilan, de Solou et de Tawi-Tawi. Paris.
1843 Les Iles Philippines Considerees au Point de Vue de 2248
L'Hydrographic et de la Linguistique. Paris: Pollet.
184b Les Plzilippines: Elistoire, Geographie, Moeurs. Paris: 2249
Bertrand. 2 vols.

Malumbres, Julian
1911 Vocabulario en Castellano, Ingles y qugao del 2250
Quiangan. Manila: Tipografico de Santo Tomas. 60 pp.
1911 Vocabulario en Gaddan, Espafiol en Ingles. Manila: 2251
Tipografico de Santo Tomas. 91 pp.
1927 Vocabulario en Espafiol, Ytawes, Yogad, Gaddan, 2252
Ybanag, Ysinay. Manila: Tipografico de Santo Tomas.
34 PP.

Maminta, Rosario
1960 "A study of the speech difficulties in English of 2253
Pangasinan speakers." California: UCLA term project
for Speech 103K.

Manacop, Carlos
1955 "Pagsimula sa pagbasa at pagsulat." Np.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Manuel / 2255-2264

Manalastas-Laraya, Consorcia - See 1061

Manalili, Bienvenido and J. P. Tamayo
1964 English-Tagalog-Pampango Vocabulary. Quezon City:
Pressman Printers and Publishers. 215 pp.

Manalili, Felix Macapinlac - See also 1561

Manalili, Felix Macapinlac and Reynaldo de Dios
1964 English-Filipino, Filipino-English Vocabulary. Manila:
Manalili Bookseller. 209 pp.
1964 English-Pilipino, Pilipino-English Vocabulary: Pocket
Dictionary. Quezon City: Pressman Printers and
Publishers. 125 pp, 83 pp.
1964 English-Tagalog Vocabulary; Tagalog-English
Vocabulary: Pocket Dictionary. Quezon City: Pressman
Printers and Publishers. 2 vols in one. 430 pp. (Other
ed, 1982. Manila: Manalili Bookseller. 430 pp).

Manalili, Felix Macapinlac and Pedro M. de Leon

1964 Tagalog-English Vocabulary. Quezon City: Pressman
Printers and Publishers. 214 pp. (Other ed, 1963).

Manalo, Isabelo
1967 "Loss of a precious cultural heritage has created the
Filipino language problem." The Filipino Educator
1(1):41-44, 84.

Manalo, Pascual
1938 "Dapat pairalin ang ayos ng pagsulat ng wikang
Tagalog." Diwang Silangan.

Mancha, Juan de la
1950 "Vocabnlario sa Pinulongan, Kinastila, Iningles ng
Binisaya." Cebu: np. 38 lvs. (Mercer's Popular
Series 10).

Manuel, E. Arsenio
nd "Salitalaan ng Tagalog-Tayabas," Np.
1935 "On the new orthography of the Tagalog language by
Jose Rizal." PSSR 7:3.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1948 Chinese Elements in the Tagalog Language (with some
indication of Chinese influence on other Philippine
languages and cultures and an excursion into
Austronesian linguistics). Manila: Filipiniana Publications.
xxv + 139 pp.
Review: Teodoro A. Agoncillo. 1950. WP 3
Review: Maria Eugene Josef Ghislain Verstaelen. 1959.
PS 7:245-248.
"Origin of the Tagalog language and Chinese contribution
to its growth." Fookien Times Yearbook, 33-36, 93-96.
"Bicol Tagalog dictionary." Np.
"An outline of the origin and development of Philippine
languages and their relation with the Chinese language."
Paper read at the Eighth Pacific Science Congress and
Fourth Far Eastern Prehistory Congress in Manila. (Also
in 1953. Fookien Times Yearbook, 103-108, 113-118,
"Ang unlaping hin- o him- sa Tagalog - isang pag-aaral."
KAD (Febmary).
"Evidence relating to Chinese Philippine linguistic
relations and its bearing on the possible dating of
Philippine languages." Paper read at the Eighth Pacific
Science Congress and Fourth Far Eastern Prehistory
Congress in Manila.
"A lexicographic study of Tayabas Tagalog."
Unpublished MA thesis, UP.
"Talasalitaan ng Tagalog-Tayabas." Unpublished MA
thesis in Anthropology, UP. (Published in 1971 in The
Diliman Review).
"The maiden on the Buhong sky. A fragment of the
Bagobo Tuwaang epic cycle." PSSHR 22(4):435-497
"Tayabas Tagalog awit fragments from Quezon
province." AFLS 17:56-97.
The Maiden of the Buhong Sky (a complete song from the
Bagobo folk epic Tuwaang. Recorded and translated with
the assistance of Saddani Pagayaw). Quezon City: UP
Press. 70 pp. (Summarized in Anthropos 54: 1050- 105 1).
"Bagobo riddles." AFLS 21: 123-185.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Maiio l 2 2 7 7 - 2 2 8 9

1965 "Abbreviations in written Tagalog. " JEAS 8: 198-201.

(Also in 1935. PM 32(8):387, 391-392, 394).
1966 "Pre-proto-Philippinesian: the structural elements of
stems and words in some Philippine languages. "
PhilEdFor 15(1):1-26.
1969 "Agju: The Ilianon epic of Mindanao." Unitas
42(2): 1-104.
1971 A Lexicographic Study of Tayabas Tagalog of Quezon
Province. Quezon City: UP. (Published version of 1954
MA thesis, UP).
1982 "On the etymology of the Tagalog word kaluluwa."
Saint Louis University Research Journal 13(4):593-607.

Manuzon, Lamberto C.
1961 "Notes on the dialect geography of the Bicol Region."
Manila: INL,.

Manuzon, Lamberto C. and Fredesvinda P. Flordeliza

nd Tagalog-Bikol-English Vocabulary. Manila: INL .
1972 Tagalog-Bikol Cognate Words with Identical and
Different Meanings. Manila: I N L . 88 pp.

Manza, Fe
nd "A comparison of the sounds of Pangasinan with those
of English." Division of Schools, Pangasinan Province.
1 If. Mimeo.
1960 "A contrastive analysis of Hiligaynon and English."
California: UCLA term project for Speech 103K.

Manzano, Antonio
1886 "Metodo para Aprender a Hablar el Idioma Castellano
Dispuesto en Forma de Dialogo Hispano-Ilocano." Np.

Manzano, Jose M.
1964 "A contrastive analysis of English and Ilokano in the
light of second language teaching." Unpublished MA
thesis, UST. 287 lvs.

Maiio, Toribia
1961 "Zamboangueiio Chabacano." FEUFJ 6(3):52-57

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1963 "The Zamboangueiio-Chabacano grammar." FEUFJ

Marin, Esteban, OSA

nd "Arte de la lengua Zambala y Espafiola." Np.
1600 "Arte y diccionario de le lengua Igolota." Np. 53 lvs

Marche, Alfred
1884 "Quelques mots sur 1'Ile de la Paragua (Palaouan) et les
iles voisines." Bulletin de la Soc. de Geogr. Commerc. de
Bordeaux. 7(15):457-46 1 . (Also in Bulletin Soc. Geogr.,
Marseille (December): 346-349).
1887 Lucon et Palaouan. Six annees de voyages aux iles
Philippines. Paris: Hachette et Cie. vi 406 pp.

Marcilla y Martin, Cipriano

1895 Estudio de 10s Antiguos Alfabetos. Malabon: Tipo-
litografia del Asilo de Huerfanos. 107 pp.

Maree, Judi - See also 2297, 2298

Maree, Judi, comp
1981 "Ibataan texts." Manila: SIL

Maree, Rundell and Judi Maree

1980 "Some phonological features and some morphophonemic
sequences in Ibataan of Babuyan Claro Island." Manila:
SIL. 42 Ivs.

Maree, Rundell and Judi Maree, comps

1981 "A topical vocabulary in Ibataan. " Manila: SIL. 80 lvs.

Mariano, Antonio D. G. - See 3247-3249, 3652, 3653

Mario, Narciso de Jesus, ORSA
nd "Diccionario Bisaya-Espaiiol. " Np.

Maroma, Eladio
1965 "A Sequel to Dila ni Amoram." Cabatuan, Iloilo: UP.
170 lvs.
1973 "Hiligaynon-English dictionary." Iloilo: UP. 1020 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Marre / 2302-2313

Marquez, D. T.
1962 "Peculiar names and speeches of Marinduqueiios."
DayMir (February 10): 6-7.

Marquez, Ely Javillonar

nd "Ilocano &alogues." Annapolis, Maryland: St. John's
1967 A Workbook for Learning Philippine Languages.
Washington, DC: Peace Corps.
1967? Pampango Dialogues. Manila?: Peace Corps Language
Program. 40 pp.
1975 "A phonology of Tagalog. " Unpublished PhD dissertation,
University of Wisconsin. 139 lvs.

Marquez, Raniona Desiderio

1919 Gramatikang Ingles-Tagalog. Maynila: P. Sayo. 183 pp.

Marre, Aristide
1885 "Apercu philologique sur les affinites de la langue
Malgache avec le Javanais, le Malais, et les autres
principaux idiomes de l'archipel indien." Proceedings
of the Sixth International Congress of Orientalists,
1883 6(4):55-81, sec 5.
1885 "Vocabularie systematique, cornparatif des principales
racines des langues Malgache et Malayo-Polynesiennes."
Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of
Orientalists, 1883 6(4):83-214, sec 5.
1896 De I'Introduction de Termes Chinois duns le Vocabulaire
des Malais. Leiden. 8 pp.
1900 "Proverbs, maximes et conseils traduits du Tagalog,
(langue principale des Philippines). " Atti dell '
Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 35:734-747.
1901 "Grammaire Tagalog composee sur un nouveau plan."
BNI 53:547-592.
1901 "Madagascar et les Philippines; Vocabulaire comparatif
des principles racines Malayo-Polynesiennes, communes
a la langue Malgache et a la langue Tagalog." Atti dell '
Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 36:145-156.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
192 2314-2325 1 Martin Rojo

Martin Rojo, Juan, OESA

nd "Diccionario Hispano-Ilocano. " Np.

Martin, Fabian, OP
1916 Novena nu Maglorioso Patriarca S. Jo,~e.Manila: 2315
Tipografico Linotype del Colegio de Sto. Tomas. 21 pp.

Martin, Gregorio and Mariano Martinez Cuadrado

1890 Collection de Refianes Frases y Modismos Tagalos. 2316
Guadalupe: Pequeiia Imprenta del Asilo de Huerfanos
de Nuestra Seiiora de la Consolacion. 231 pp.

Martin, Jose, OSA

1880 "Diccionario Tagalo-Castellano. " Np.

Martin, Julian - See also 2378

nd "Diccionario Tagalo-Castellano." Np.
1842 Diccionario Hispano-Bisaya. Manila: Imprenta de 2319
Manual y Felix Dayot. 367 pp.

Martinena, Isidoro, OP
1889 Grarnatica Espafiol-Gaddana, Calcada Sobra las Rectas 2320
del P. Cuevas en la Suya Ibanag. Bayombong, Nueva
Vizcaya. 12 pp.

Martinez de la Madre de Dios, Ambrosio, OP

nd "Ibanag dictionary. " Np.
1605 "Arte y diccionario de la lengua Ibanag." Np.

Martinez Vigil, Ramon

1876- 1877 "La escritura propia de 10s Tagalos." Revista de 2323
Filipinas 2(3):33-37.
1879 Diccionario de 10s Nombres vulgares que se dan en 2324
Filipinas a muchas plantas usuales y notables del
mismo archipelago, con la correspondencia cientifica,
la classificacion natural, y la indication de su uso.
Madrid: Imprenta de la Viuda e Hijo de D. Eusebio
Aguado. 50 pp.
Martinez, Ambrosio, OP
nd "Arte y diccionario de la lengua Ibanag." Np.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Maryott / 2326-2341 193

Martinez, Francisco, OP
nd "Arte y diccionario de la lengua Ibanag." Np.

Martinez, Raimundo
1832 "Neudruck des vocabulario de la lengua Tagala des P
P. Juan Noceda. S.J." Valladolid: np.

Maryknoll Fathers
1962 Visayan Exercise Book. Davao City. 141 pp.

Maryott, Alice Lindquist

nd "Grammatical markers in Tagabili." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. 2 lvs.
1963 "The nuclear predication in Sangir." PJS 92(1): 111-120.

Maryott, Alice Lindquist and Kenneth R. Maryott

1985 "SangihB-E~glishdictionary." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. 150 lvs.

Maryott, Kenneth R. -See also 385,2331

nd "Regarding transforms in the analysis of Sangir. "
Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 3 lvs.
nd "The sentence in Sangir." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. 62 lvs.
"Verb stem classes in Sangir reference clauses."
Manila: SIL. 48 lvs.
"The phonology and morphophonemics of Tabukang
Sangir." PSSHR 26(1):111-26.
"The substantive phrases of Sangir." Papers on
Philippine Languages 1:50-62. Manila: ILT and SIL.
"The phonemes of Sarangani Sangire." SIPL
"The semantics of focus in Sangihe. " SIPL 1(1):93-132.
* * *
"Pre-Sangir 1, d, r and associated phonemes, part I."
SIPL 2(1): 115-38.
"The sentence in Sangihe. " SIPL 3(1): 179-231.
* *
"Pre-Sangir *1, d, r and associated phonemes, part II."
NLing 34:25-40.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
194 2342-2350 1 Maryott

Maryott, Kenneth R., comp

nd "Sangi texts. " Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 33 Ivs. 2342

Mas y Sans, Sinibaldo de

1843 Informe Sobre el Estado de las Islas Filipinas en 1842. 2343
Madrid. 3 vols.
1845 "A notice of the alphabets of the Philippine islands," 2344
tr by Henry Piddington. Journal of the Asiatic Society
of Bengal 14:603.

Maslog, Crispin
1965 "Is there Filipino English?" The Asian Student 2345
(April 10).

Mason, 0.T.
1901 Blumentritt's List of the Native Tribes of the Philippines 2346
and the Languages Spoken by Them, with Introduction
and hTotes.(Reporf of Smithsonian Institution for I899).
Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.
1908 "Vocabulary of Malayan basketwork: a study in the 2347
W. L. Abbott coliections." US National Museum,
Proceedings 35: 1-51 , including 18 plates, 41 figures.

Mateos, Fernando
1957 "Problemas linguisticos de Filipinas." RazFe
155:47 1-480; 156:209-234, 333-350.

Matsui, Takeshi
1978 "Foku kategori no is6 mondai-Firipin Batan-to ni okeru 2349
minsoku bunmi no kenkyii kara" [On eliciting process
of covert categories: a commentary note on folk bio-
taxonomy of Batan Island, Philippines]. Minzokugaku
KenkyG p h e Japanese Journal of EthnologyJ 43(1):18-38.
"Batan-to minzoku shokubutsugaku-esuno-saiensu no 2350
hikaku kenkfl ni mukete" [Ethno-botany of Batan Island,
Philippines-a a preliminary essay of comparative
ethno-science]. In Kuroshio Bunka no Kai [Society of
the Black Current Cultures] Kuroshio no Minzoku,
Bunka, Gengo [People, cultures, and language of the
Black Current], 52-87. Tokyo: Kadokawa-shoten.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Mayfield / 2351-2362

Matsumoto, Nobuhiro
1934 "Relation of the Japanese and the Austro-asiatic
languages." In Proceedings of the Paci$c Science
Congress, Canada, 1933 4:2863-2870. Toronto: The
U n ~ v e r s ~ of
t \ Toronto Press.

Maxfield, Charles L., comp

1913 English Visayan Dictionary and Grammatical Notes.
Iloilo: Philippine Baptist Mission Press. 162 pp.

Maxwell, William Edward

1907 A Manual of the Malay Language (with an introductory
sketch of the Sanskrit element in Malay). London: Kegan
Paul, Trench, Trubner and Company Ltd. viii + 182 pp.

Mayer, Audrey
nd "Written explanatory discourse in Zamboanga
Chavacano. " Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL.
i + 15 lvs.
1967 "Transitivity in Batak clauses." Manila: SIL. 6 lvs

Mayer, Audrey and Rosemary Rodda, comps

1981 "Chavacano linguistic texts." Manila: SIL. ii + 102 lvs.

Mayer, Audrey and Rosemary Rodda, comps

1985 "Batak-English dictionary." Quezon City: SIL. 375 lvs.

Mayer, Ray
1963 Speaking Bikol. Philippines: Peace Corps.

Mayfield, Roy
1959 "Vowel length and morphophonemic change in Agta."
Manila: SIL. 8 lvs.
1964 "The phonemes of Central Cagayan Agta." Manila: SIL.
9 lvs.
1972 "Agta sentence structure. " Linguistics 85:2 1-66.
1983 "Some features of hortatory discourse in Central
cagayan Agta." SIPL 4(2):88-124.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Mayfield, Roy, cornp
1987 Central Cagayan Agta texts (SIPL Supplementary 2363
series: Philippine texts 2), ed by Fe T. Otanes and
Austin Hale. Manila: LSP and SIL. x + 127 pp.

Mayo, V. L.
1938 "Ilang pag-aaral ukol sa wika." Mabuhay (October 2). 2364

Mayurgas, Wilfredo, Rosa Soberano and Frank Flores; the ILS staff
1967 Tagalogfor Non-Filipinos. Manila: Interchurch
Language School. (Vol 1 units 1-4).

Medalle y Zaguirre, Antonio - See 866

Medina, Isagani R.
1978 "Mga diksyunaryo, bokabularyo, talasalitaan, atbp ukol 2366
sa mga pangunahin at di-pangunahing wika at diyalekto
sa Pilipinas, 1521-1914." Np.

Medio, Pedro Nolasco de

1892 Agguiguiammuan Tac Cagui Gasila o Gramatica 2367
Ibanag-Castellana. Manila: Establecimiento Tipog'rafico
del Colegio de Santo Tomas. 2d ed. 397 pp. (1st ed,
1890. 317 pp).

Meiklejohn, Kathleen - See 2368-2370

Meiklejohn, Percy - See also 2563
Meiklejohn, Percy and Kathleen Meiklejohn
1953 Dictionary / Cebuano-English. Grand Forks, ND: SIL, 2368
University of North Dakota. 49 pp.

Meiklejohn, Percy and Kathleen Meiklejohn

1953 "Notes on Cebuano syntax." AFLS 12:96-100 2369

Meiklejohn, Percy and Kathleen Meiklejohn

1958 "Accentuation in Sarangani Manobo." In Studies in 2370
Philippine Linguistics, 1-3. Sydney, Australia:
University of Sydney. (OLM 3).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Merillo / 2371-2379

Meillet, Antoine and Marcel Cohen, eds

1924 Les Langues du Monde. 'Collection Linguistique, '
publiee par la Societe de Linguistique de Paris. XVI.
Paris: E. Champion. 81 1 pp. (Other ed: 1952. 1296 pp).

Mendoza, Isabela Roxas

1965 "Aspect in English and Pangasinan verbs: a contrastive
analysis." Unpublished MA thesis, UP.

Mendoza, Virginia Gamboa - See also 3373, 3374

1940 Phonological Peculiarities of Pampangan (based on the
original Austronesian as constructed by DempwolfJ).
Manila: Bureau of Printing. 51 pp. (INL Bulletin 4).

Mentrida, P. Alonso de, OSA

1637 Bocabulario de la Lengua Bisaya-Hiliguayna y Haraia
de la Isia de Panai y Sugbu, y Para las Demas Islas.
Manila: Irnprenta del Colegio de Santo Tomas. 175 pp,
754 pp. (Other eds, 1698; 1841. Diccionaio de la Lengua).
1818 Arte de la Lengua Bisaya Hiliguayna de la lsla de
Panay. Manila: Imprenta de Don Manuel Memije por
Don Anastacio Gonzaga. 247 pp. (1st ed, 1637).
1842 Diccionario Hispanlo-Bisaya. Manila: Imprenta de D.
Manuel y Felix, por D. Tomas Oiiva. 405 pp.
1894 Arte de la Lengua Bisaya-Hiligayna de la Isla de Panay.
Tambobong: Pequefia Tipo-litografia del Asilo de
Huerfanos. xviii+ 270 + 6 pp.

Mentrida, P. Alsonso de, OSA and Julian Martin

1841- 1842 Diccionario de la lengua Bisaya, Hiligueina y Haraya
de la lsla de Panay. Manila: Imprenta de D. Manuel y
D. Felix Dayot. 827 pp.

Merillo, Nelsiec
1980 "A study of morphophonemic changes in Masbateiio."
Unpublished MA thesis, PNC.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
198 Merin / 2380-2389

Rlerin, Eliseo M. - See 3877

Merriam and Webster Editorial Staff
1983 Tagalog-English, English-Tagalog Dictionary, Luis S. 2380
Santos, consulting ed. Manila: Merriam and Webster
Inc. 191 pp. (Previous ed, 1976. Merriam School &
Office Supplies Corp).
1985 Pilipino-Ingles, Ingles-Pilipino Dictionary, Luis S. 2381
Santos, consulting ed. Manila: Merriam and Webster
Inc. 172 pp.

Merrifield, William R., Constance M. Naish, Calvin R. Rench and Gillian

1962 Laboratory Manual for Morphology and Syntax. Santa 2382
Ana, California: STL.

NIerrill, Elmer Drew

1903 A Dictionary of the Plant Names of the Philippine 2383
Islands. Manila: Publications of Government
Laboratories. 193 pp. (Publication 8).
1904- 1905 New or Noteworthy Philippine Plants. Manila: Bureau 2384
of Printing. 4 numbers. (Bureau of Government
Laboratories Publication 6; 17; 29 (part 1); 35 (part 1)).
A Review of the Identifications of the Species Described 2385
in Blanco 's "Flora de Filipinas. " Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 132 pp.
"Comments on Cook's theory as to the American origin 2386
and prehistoric polynesian distribution of certain
economic plants, especially Hibiscus tilaceus linnaeus."
PJS 17:377-384.
1925- 1926 An Enumeration of Philippine Flowering Plants. 2387
Manila: Bureau of Printing. 4 vols.
1926 A Discussion and Bibliography of Philippine Flowering 2388
Plants. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 239 pp. (Department
of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Bureau of Science,
Popular Bulletin 2).
Merritt, Melvin L. and H. H. Whitford
1906 "A preliminary working plan for the public forest tract." 2389
Manila: Bureau of Printing. (Bureau of Forestry
Bulletin 6).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Meyer / 2390-2400

Meyer, Adolf Berhard - See also 1380

1873 "Ein Beitrag zu der Kenntniss der Sprachen auf
Mindanao, Solog und Sian, der Papuas der Astrolabe-
Bay auf Neu-Guinea, der Negritos der Philippinen, und
einige Bemerkungen uber H e m Rtedel's Uebersetzungen
ins Tagalalische und Visayasche." TITLV 20:441-470.
1874 "Ueber die Negrito-Sprache." Verhandlungen der
Berliner Gesellsclzaft fur Anthropologie, Ethnologic und
Urgeschichte 6:255-257.
1878 Ueber die Negritos oder Aetas der Philippinen.
Dresden. 64 pp.
1882 "Die Negrito sprache und Herrn Mundt-Lauffs
Forschungen auf den Philippinen. " -4us 55:35-38.
1882 "Ueber die Namen Papua, Dajak und Alfuren. "
Akademie der Wissenschaften (zu Wien) 101:537-552.
(Sitzungsberichte Philosophisch-Historische Klasse).
1890- 1893 "Vocabular der Negrito Sprache." In Diccionario
Philippinen.. . 2:39-48. Dresden: Stengel and Markert.
1893 Die Philippinen. II. Negritos. (mit sprachvergleichende
Bemerkungen zum vorhergehenden Verzeichnisse und
Vocabular der Negritosprache von H. Kern). Dresden:
Stengel and Markert. 92 pp. (Separatabdruck.
Publicationen des Konigl. Ethnographisches Museums
zu Dresden. IX).

Meyer, Adolf Berhard, A. Schadenberg and W. Foy

1895 "Die Mangianenschrift von Mindoro." Abh. und Ber.
des Konigl. 2001.und Anthro.-Ethnogr. Museums zu
Dresden 5(15):34.

Meyer, Hans
1883 "Die Igorotten von Luzon." Efhno 15:377-400.
1884 Eine Weltreise, Anhang: Die Igorroten. Leipzig

Meyer, Ray
1963 "Speaking Bicol. An Introductory Course for Peace
Corps Volunteers." Manila: Peace Corps Philippines,
Program Support Office. 92 lvs. Mimeo.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
200 2401-2413 / Micoleta

Micoleta, Rafael
1897 Modo breve de aprender la lengua Vizcayna (Comuesto 2401
por ..., presb-yt de la muy leal y noble villa de Biblao,
1653). Sevilla: Establecimiento Tipografico de
Francisco de P. Diaz. 2d ed. 30 pp.

Mierhofer, William, MIIM - See 1936

Miles, Julius (pseud for Antonio Julio y Guerrero)
1887 Metodo teorico-pratico y compendiado; para aprender 2402
en brevisimo tiempo el !enguaje Tagalog... Barcelona:
Establicirniento Tipografico de 10s Sucesores de N.
Ramirez y Compaiiia. 135 pp. (Printed in 1899 under
his real name, Antonio Julio y Guerrero).

Milke, \Vilhelm
1968 "Proto-Oceanic Addenda." AL 7(2): 147- 157

Miller, Edward
1905 The Bataks of Palawan. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 2404

Miller, Helen - See also 2418-2421, 2627, 2854

nd "Voice and tense in Mamanwa " Manila: SIL. 10 lvs. 2405
1965 "Word nlorphology of Mamanwa." Manila: STL. SO l\is 2406
1969 "Mamanwa morphology." Papers in Phzlippine 2407
Linguistics 2 : 11-32, (PL-A 19).
1973 "Thematization in Mamanwa." Linguistics 110:55-73. 2408

Miller, Helen and Jeanne Miller

1973 "Mamanwa paragraphs." SILWP 17:195-246.

Miller, J. L.
1912 "The Mangyans of Mindoro." PJS 7(3): 135-156. 2410

Miller, Jeanne - See also 2409, 2627, 2854

nd "Substantive case in Mamanwa." Manila: SIL. 8 lvs. 2411
nd "Voice and case relationships in Mamanwa." Manila: 2412
SIL. 6 lvs.
1964 "The role of verb stems in the Mamanwa kernel verbal 2413
clauses." OL 3(1):87-100.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1965 "Mamanwa dependent clauses. " Manila: SIL. 8 lvs. 2414
1969 "Nonverbal clauses in Mamanwa." Papers in Philippine 2415
Linguistics 2: 1-9. (PL-A 19).
1973 "Causative -pa- in Mamanwa." SZL WP 17:160-64. 2416
1973 "Semantic structure of Mamanwa verbs." Linguistics 2417

Miller, Jeanne and Helen Miller

nd "Mamanwa texts." Manila: SIL. 306 lvs
1966 "Mamanwa phonemes and orthography." Nasuli, 2419
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 7 lvs.
1976 "Mamanwa dictionary." Quezon City: SIL. 300 lvs. 2420
1976 Mamanwa Grammar. Huntington Beach, California: 2421
SIL. 188 pp. (Language Data: Asian Pacific Series 8).

Miller, Merton L.
1912 "The Mangyans of Mindoro." PJS 7(3): 135-156. 2422

Miiner, G. B. and Eugenie J. A. Henderson, ed

1965 Conference on Linguistic Problems of the Indo-Pacific 2423
Area, London, 1965. Amsterdam: North Holland
Publishing Co. 2 vols.

Minguella y Arnedo, Toribio

1878 Ensayo de Gramatica: Hispano-Tagala. Manila: 2424
Establecimiento Tipografico de Plana y Cornpailia. 302 pp.
1886 Metodo Practico para que 10s Niiios y Nifias de las 2425
Provincias Tagalas Aprendan a Hablar Castellano.
Manila: Chofr6 y Compaiiia. 16 1 pp.
1887 "Estudlos comparatives entre el Tagalo p cl Sanscrito." 2426
Exposicon de Filipinas, Colleccion de articulos
publicados en El Globo, 121- 128. (Also in 1887. Rev.
Agustiniana 15).
1889 Unidad de la Especie Humana Probada por la Filologia. 2427
Madrid: Imprenta de A. Perez Dubrull. 3 1 pp.

Minot,Harriet - Seealso1691
nd "Sentence types of Botolan Sambal." Manila: SIL. 26 lvs. 2428

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
202 2429 - 2443 / Minot

nd "The high front and back vowels in Aeta. " Manila: SIL.
4 lvs.
nd "The phonemes of Aeta." Manila: SIL.
1961 "Tentative survey of 15 affixes in Aeta." Manila: SIL.
5 lvs.
1964 "Independent clause types of Aeta Sambal." Manila:
SIL. 46 Ivs.
1964 "Phonology of Botolan Sambal." Manila: SIL. 19 Ivs.
1967 "Botolan Samba1 - Discourse." Manila: SIL. 3 1 lvs.
1967 "Paragraph ailalysis of Botolan Sambal." Manila: SIL.
33 lvs.

Minot, Harriet, tr
1969 "Botolan Samba1 texts." In Discourse, Paragraph, and
Sentence Structure in Selected Philippine Languages 3
(Text material), ed by Robert E. Longacre, 5 1-66.
Santa Ana, California: SIL.

Minot, Harriet, Charlotte Houck and Nida Quinsay, comps

1968 "Dictionary of Botolan Sambal." Manila: SIL. 473 lvs

Mintz, Malcolm Warren

1970 "Bikol grammar notes. " Np.
1970 "Bikol texts. " Np.
1971 Bikol Dictionary. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
1012 pp. (Also in 1970. PaciBc and Asian Linguistic
1973 "Case and semantic affixes of Bikol verbs." Unpublished
PhD dissertation, University of Hawaii.
1985 Bikol-English Dictionary. Quezon City: New Day

Miranda, Gervasio
1956 "El dialect0 Chabacano de Cavite." Dumaguete City,
Negros Oriental. v +
125 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Miyoshi 12444 - 2454

Mirasol, Dionisio M.
1882 Vocabulario o Manual de Dialogos en Espaiiol y Visaya.
Manila: Chofr6 y Compaiiia. 80 pp. (Other eds, 1883.
Manila: Imprenta de C. Valdesco. 80 pp; 1889. Manila:
Imprenta de Amigos del Pais. 90 + 80 pp; 1894. Manila:
Chofr6 y Compafiia. 184 pp; 1926. 6th ed. Mandurriao,
Iloilo: La Panayana. 3 parts in 1. 184 pp).

Mirikitani, Leatrice T.
1970 "Speaking Kapampangan. " Np. 101 1 lvs.
1971 "Kapampangan syntactic processes." Unpublished PhD
dissertation, University of Hawaii.

Miyamoto, Masaru
1986 Hanunti Man )an-zoku /The Hanunoo Mangyans].
Tokyo: Daiichi Shobo. vii + 384 pp.

Miyoshi, Tomokazu
1935 "Batan dialect. " Np. 30 lvs.
1936 "Parawan-t6 no kodai rnoji" [The ancient writing
system in Palawan Island]. Nippon Jinrui Gakkai, Nihon
Minzokugaku Kyokai Reng6 Taikai Kiji [Proceedings of
t h ,101111
~ ( 'oilft~~,(v~ce
of the AnthropoloprcalSociety oj
Nippon and Japanese Society of Ethnology] 1:126-28.
1937 "Dialect of Philippines Negritos" and "Negrito-English
and English-Negrito vocabulary." 80 lvs. Typewritten.
1942 Dainan'yo Chirnei Jiten, Dai I-kan: Hirippin
[Dictionary of place names of the Great South Seas
Island, Vol. 1. The Philippines]. Tokyo: Maruzen.
(Nan'y6 Keizai Kenkyiijo [Research Institute for
Economics of the South Seas]).
1942 Hirippin Minzoku-shi [Philippines Ethnography].
Tokyo: Kaisei-sha. 3 + 8 288 pp.
1955 "Batan-English dictionary." Np. 350 lvs.
1956 "Ata-zoku no dogo to dozoku no kenkyii" [A study of
the language and folklore of the Ata tribe]. Nippon
Jinrui Gakkai, Nihon Minzokugaku Kyokai Reng6
Taikai h'iji [Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the
Anthropological Society of Nippon and the Japanese
Society of Ethnology] 10:144-46.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
204 2455-2465 / Miyoshi

1957 "Hirippin no k6y6-kokugo to kodai moji" [Philippines 2455

official national language and the ancient writing
system]. Nippon Jinrui Gakkai, Nihon Minzokugaku
Ky6kai Reng6 Taikai Kiji (Proceedings of the Joint
Conference of the Anthropological Society of Nippon
and the Japanese Society of Ethnology] 11:70-72.

Moerman, J. and Francis Larnbrecht

1926-1928 "Kiangan tales and songs." LAlllP 3:70-71; 4. 2456

Mohring, Hans
1963 "Einige Gedanken zur Struktur der Grundworter in den 2457
austronsischen Sprachen, dargelegt unter besonderer
Berucksichtigung des Bisaya." Studia Linguistica
22(2): 104-123.
1964 "Tangan - ein Beweis fur praaustronesisches Substrat?" 2458
Studia Linguistica 18(2): 108- 117.
1964 "Uber einige Problenie bei Konsonantenhaufungen in 2459
Grundwortern des Tagalog, unter besonderer
Berucksichtigung der Rolle des Suffixes -i bei der
Bildung von Grundwortern." Unpublished PhD
dissertation, University of Leipzig. 160 lvs.
"Bemerkungen zur Funktion von pun in einem
Malaiischen text. " Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der
Humboldt-Universitaet zu Beriin, Gesellschaffs-und
Spmchwissen-schafiliche Reihe 16(3):485ff.
1971 "Zu dem malaiischen Wort mati." Zeitschrijit fur 2461
Phonetik, Sprachwissenschafi und
Kommunikationsforschung 24(5):403-408.
1973 "The 'anito' and ~ t assocations:
s a remark about 2462
etymological research." In Parangal kay Cecilio Lopez,
15-37. (PJLSM 4).

Molony, Carol H.
1968 "Multilingualism and economic behavior." Exchange 2463
Quarterly 41 :25-35.
1970 "'To fish' in Yakan and Samal, Philippines. " Np. 2464
1973 "Sound changes in Chabacano." In Parangal kay 2465
Cecilio Lopez, 38-50. (PJLSM 4).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Moral / 2466-2476 205

Monasterio, Pedro, OFM

1851 "Diccionario visaya-castellano. " Np. 282 lvs.

Moncal, Aida H.
1961 "The pidgin in the Philippines. " STM 16(44):12- 15.
1961 "The uses of English and Tagalog." PFP 54(49):66, 142.

Montano, Joseph
1885 "Rapport a M. le Ministre de 1'Instruction Publique sur
une mission aux Iles Philippines." Archives des Missions
Scientifiques et Litteraires. Troisieme Serie 1 1:271-479.

Montblanc, Charles, Comte de

1877 Les IIes Philippines Paris: Imprimerie de Madam Veuve
Rouchard-Huzard; Jules Tremblay, Gendre et Successeur.
60 PP.

Montecillo, Catalina M. - See 1897

Montero y Vidal, Jose
1886 El Archipelago Filipino y la5 !slas Marianas, Carolinas
y Palaos. Madrid: M . Tello. 452 pp.

Montes y Escamilla de San Antonio, Jeronimo, OFM

nd Vocabulario de la Lengua Tagala. Manila: Imprenta de
la Compaiiia de Jesus. 8 pp.

Montes y Escamilla de San Antonio, Jeronimo, OFM

1600 "Arte del idioma Tagalog. " Np.

Montes y Escamilla de San Antonio, Jeronimo, OFM

1600 "Diccionario del idoma Tagalog. " Manila: np.

Moore, Sherilyn - See 1286

Moradillo, Antonio, OESA
nd "Compendio del arte de lengua Pampanga. " Np.

Moral, Feliciano, OESA

nd "Ensayo comparativo de raices y gramatica Ilocanos." Np.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
206 2477-2489 1 Morales

Morales, Rosalina A.
1959 Tagalog Drills for Wolfenden's Intensive Tagalog
Course. Manila: US Embassy Language Program.

Morelos, Francisco M.
19-- Bansay-Bansay sa Pagsulit. (Pagsanay sa pagsasalita
Binisaya-Tinagaiog). Sugbu: Hamabad Press.
1946 The Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa in the Hands of a
Sugbuhanon. San Fernando, Cebu. 1 vol.
1951 Isang Paghahambing ng Wikang Tagalog at Wikang
Cebuano. Cebu City. 83 pp.
1956 "Fundamentals of Filipino language and Sugboanon. "
Unpublished MA thesis, University of the Visayas
1960 Visayan Fundamentais. Cebu City. 66 pp.

Moreno, Sebastian, OESA

nd "Modo y forma de leer 10s caracteres de la Iengua
Pampanga. " Np.
nd "Sobre el mod0 de comprender el idioma Pampango y
su poesia. " Np.

Morey, Virginia - See also 1576

1961 Cebuano Reference Materials. Manila: SlL and the
Philippine Association for Language Teaching.
223 + 21 pp.
1961 "Some particles and pronouns in Batak." PJS
1964 "Distributional restrictions on co-occurrence of aspect
and focus morphemes in Ata verbs." OL 3(1):69-86.

Morga, Antonio de
1609 "Languages of the Philippines." In Sucesos de las Islas
Filipinas, 139- 140. Mexico: Geronimo Balli. (Other
eds, 1887 and 1909; also in The PJ, tr by H. E. J.
Stanley, 293-295. London: Hakluyt Society).
1609 "Philippine languages and letters." In Sucesos de las
Islas Filipinas, 139- 140. Mexico: Geronimo Balli.
(Other eds, 1887 and 1909).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Moriguchi 1 2490-2500

1890 "Languages in the Philippines." In Sucesos de las Islas

Filipinas, annotated by Jose Rizal, 290-292. Paris: Gamier.

Moriguchi, Tsunekazu - See also 3513, 3514

1973 "An examination of verb-affix combination in Tagalog."
Unpublished MA thesis abstract, Kyoto University. 13 lvs.
1975 'Linker' ni Kansuru on 'in Kisoku [Phonological Rules
Concerning 'Linker 'J, 197-303. PhD dissertation
abstract. Kyoto: Graduate School. Kyoto UniversiQ .
1975 "Tagarogu-go to Nihon-go no shugo" [Subject in
Tagalog and Japanese]. Gengo 4(3):226-232, 234-240.
1977 "A Southern Ivatan vocabulary." Np. 290 lvs
1977 "Siishi kara mita Takasago-zoku to Firipin-shozoku no
gengo" [Languages of the Taiwan Aboriginal People
and the Philippines people as viewed from numerals].
In Kuroshio Bunka no Kai [Society of the Black Current
Cultures] Nihhon Minzoku to Kuroshio Bunka p h e
Japanese People and the Black Current Cultures],
3 18-331. Tokyo: Kadokawa-shoten.
i977 "Tagorogu-go no akusenru ni kansuru oboegaki-butsuri
akusento to shinri akusento" [Some remarks on Tagalog
accents-physical accents vs. psychological accents].
T6na Ajia Kenk* [Southeast Asian studies] 15(1):79-94.
1979 "A concordance of L. A. Reid's An Ivatan Syntax." Np
55 Ivs.
1979 "Tajii gengo shiyb to kbdo-suicchingu-tokuni Firipin
ni okeru jirei-bunseki o motoni" [Multilingualism and
code-switching-concerning the Philippines case]. In
Jinruigaku H6h6ron no Kenkyu [Studies on the
Methodology of Anthropology], 341-405. Kyoto: Kyoto
Daigaku Jimbun-kagaku Kenkytijo [Institute of the
Human Sciences], Kyoto University.
1982 Pilipino-go-Tagalog-go Kiso 1500-go. [I500 Basic
Pilipino (Tagalog) Words]. Tokyo: Daigakushorin Pub Co.
1983 "A preliminary report on Ivatan dialects." In Batan
Island and Northern Luzon, 205-53. Kumamoto:
University of Kumamoto.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
208 2501-251 2 / Moriguchi

1984 "A preliminary report on the Karao language in

Benguet." In Studies on Philippines Minor Language,
ed by Consuelo J. Paz and Anicia del Corro, 94-1 12.
Quezon City: Department of Linguistics, UP.
Piripino-go Bump6 (Tagarogu-go) [Pilipino Grammar]
Tokyo: Daigakushorin.
"Batanikku-shogo (Firipin) ni okeru akusento no
shoshitsu to hassei" [Accent evanescence and genesis in
the Batanic language group in the Philippines]. Journal
of Asia and Afvicarl Studies 33: 107- 125.
"Os~ltoroneshiano shbsii gengo" [Minor languages 111
Austronesian language group]. Gengo [Language]
1989 "The neutral anaphoric demonstrative in Babuyan
Claro. " Tokyo: Sanseido. (Essay in honor of Prof.
Nishida Tatsuo's sisticth b l r t h d ; ~). ~
1989 "Umi o watatta kotoba" [Words that crossed the sea].
Gengo [Language] 18(1):58-64.

Moss, Claude Russell

1920 "Kankanay ceremonies." University of California
Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology
1920 "Nabaloi law and ritual." University of California
Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology
1924 "Nabaloi tales." University of California Publications
in American Archaeology and Ethnology 17(5):227-353

Moss, Claude Russell and A. L. Kroeber

1919 Nabaloi songs. University of Calijbrnia Publications in
American Archaeology and Ethnology 15: 187-206.

Mosto, Andrea de
1903 "Philippine languages." In New International
EncycIopaedia (1902-1906), xiv, 3 1-32. New York:
Dodd, Mead, and Co. (In 1904-1906 ed, 722-723).

Motus, Cecile L.
1970 "Lessons in Hiligaynon." Np. 450 Ivs

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Muyargas / 2513-2523

1971 A Hiligaynon Dictionary. Honolulu: University of

Hawaii Press. 33 1 pp.

Moya y Jimenez, Francisco Javier de

1883 Las Islas Filipinas en 1882. Madrid: Establecimiento
Tipografico de el Correo. vi + 362 pp.

Mundo, Clodualdo del

1941 "The coining of words and the teaching of Tagalog."
Teachers College J 2:442-444.

Mundo, Clodualdo del and Andrea Amor Tablan

1948 Tagalog-English, English-Tagalog Dictionary. Manila:
Abiva Publishing House. 208 pp.
1948 Talatinigang Panlukbutan: Pocket Dictionary. Tagalog-
English, English-Tagalog. Manila: Abiva Publishing
House. 208 pp.

Mundy, Betty - See 2539

Murdock, George P.
1964 "Genetic classification of the austronesian languages: a
key to oceanic culture history. " Ethnology 3: 117-126.

Murray, Don W. - See also 262, 1542

nd "Sentence types of Kalagan on the Sarangani Peninsula
of Mindanao." Manila: SIL. ii + 68 pp.
nd "Speech disguise." Manila: SIL. 7 lvs.

Murray, Don W. and Mary F. Murray

1980 "Kalagan Tagakaulo dictionary." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL.

Murray, Mary F. - See 262, 1542, 2521

Muyargas, Wilfredo
1962 "Comparison of some Cebuano, Tawsug and Pangasinan
nominals and substitutes." Ateneo de Manila Graduate
1962 "The Cebuano segmental phonemes. " Ateneo de Manila
Graduate School.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
210 2524-2536 / Miiller

Miiller, Friedrich
1865 "Ueber del Urspung der Schrift der Malayischen 2524
Volker. " Sitzungsberrichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie
der Wissenschaften: Philosophisch-Historische Klasse
1867 Reise der Oesterreichischen Fregatte Navara, 2525
Linguistischer Theil. Wien.
1876- 1884 Grundriss der Sprachwissenschaft. Wien. 2526
1886 "The alphabets of the Philippine group." JSBRAS 2527

MacDonald, Rev.
1896 "The asiatic or semitic origin of the oceanic numerals, 2528
personal pronouns, phonology, and grammar." JPS

MacGregor, Scott W. and Louise MacGregor, cornps

1979 Bukabularyo ta Tallo na Ambal: Inglis, Pilipino daw 2529
Kagayanen. [Pinagbukud-bukud nu Bukabularyo: Inglis,
Pilipino atsaka Kagayanen. A Cl~ssifiedVocabulary:
English, Pilipino, Kagayanen]. Manila: SIL. 107 pp.

MacGregor, Louise - See 2529

MacKinlay, William Egbert Wheeler
1901 "Memorandum on the languages of the Philippines." 2530
Journal of Anthro. Inst. of Great Britain 3 1:2 14-218.
1904 "Some major languages of Luzon. " JAOS 25: 170-174. 2531
1905 A Handbook and Grammar of the Tagalog Language. 2532
Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office. 264 pp.
1905 The Tagalog Language. Washington, DC: US 2533
Government Printing Office.

Macleod, Thomas R.
1963 "The phonemes of Umiray Dumagat and a suggested 2534
orthography." Manila: SIL. 15 lvs.
1964 "Verb affixes and some verb affix clusters in Umirey 2535
Dumagat." Manila: SIL. 96 Ivs.
1969 "Sentence structure of Umiray Dumagat." Manila: SIL. 2536
v + 101 lvs.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
McKaughan 12537-2549 21 1

1972 "Verb stem classification in Umiray Dumaget." PJL


Macleod, Thomas R., comp

nd "Urniray Dumaget dictionan ." Q u e ~ o nCtty: SIL
2 16 + 23 lvs. Typescript.

Macleod, Thomas R., Barbara Blackburn, Betty Mundy and Lillian

1958 "(Titinglid) ka muna ...." SXWP 2:114-123.

McCarron, Fr. John W.

1968 "Some notes on language in culture." In Language
Problems in Southeast Asian Universities, ed by A. T.
Tatlow, 6-19. Bangkok, Thailand: The Association of
Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning. 118 pp.

McCutchen, Robert T.
1918 Practical English-Sulu Vocabulary and Conversation.
Zamboanga: Sulu Press. 167 pp.
1918 Yakan-English, Eng!ish-Yakan Vocabulary. Zamboanga:
Sulu Press. 22 pp.

McFarland, Curtis D.
1977 Northern Philippine Linguistic Geography. Tokyo:
Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of
Asia and Africa.
1978 "Definite objects and subject selection in Philippine
languages. " SIPL 2(1): 139- 182.

McKaughan, Howard Paul - See also 1326

1954 "Notes on Chabacano grammar." JEAS 3(2):205-26.
1957 "Ifugao of Banaue. Lexico-statistical list." Manila: SIL.
4 lvs.
1957 "Ifugao of Hanglulu (Lagawe). Lexico-statistical list."
Manila: SIL.
1957 "Ifugao of Kalanguya. Lexico-statistical list." Manila:
SIL. 4 Ivs.
1957 "Ifugao of Kiangan. Lexico-statistical list. " Manila:
SIL. 4 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1957 "The inflection and syntax of Maranao verbs."
Unpublished PhD dissertation, Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY. 99 lvs.
1958 The Inflection and Syntax of Maranao Verbs. Manila:
Bureau of Printing. viii + 59 pp. (Publications of INL
Published version of 1957 dissertation).
Review: Roderick J. Hemphill. 1960. PS 8:902-903.
Review: J. Verguin. 1962. Word 18:357-359.
"Semantic components of pronoun systems: Maranao."
Word 15:lOl-2.
"English linguistics 223-E. Philippine-English language
structure." Manila: UP. 25 lvs. Mimeo.
"Overt relation markers in Maranao." Lung 38:47-51
(Reprinted in RIPL 578-82).
"Relation markers in Maranao verbs.'' Proceedings of
the Ninth Pacrfic Science Congress, 1957. T'oi. 3:
Anthropology and Social Sciences, 8 1-83.
"Subject versus topic." In Parangal kay Cecilio Lopez,
206-213. (PJLSM 4).
"Linguistics in the Philippines: Its historical setting."
PJL 8(1-2): 1-7.
"Notes on phonemics, orthography, and the national
language." In Languag~Planning and the Building of a
National Language, ed by Bonifacio P. Sibayan and
Andrew B. Gonzalez, 88-98. Manila: LSP and Language
Study Center, PNC. (PJLSM 5).

McKaughan, Howard Paul and Jannette Forster

1952 "Ilocano: An intensive language course." Joint MA
thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. (Paginated by
1952 Ilocano: An Intensive Language Course. Glendale,
California: SIL. (Paginated by lessons). (Published
version of McKaughan and Forster's 1952 joint thesis;
3d ed, 1953. Grand Forks, ND: SIL; 4th ed, 1957.
Glendale, California: SIL).

McKaughan, Howard Paul and Batua A. Macaraya

1965 "Maranao plant names." OL 4:48-112.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Nakamura 12562-2571 213

1967 Maranao Dicfionary. Honolulu: University of Hawaii 2562

Press. 483 +
394 pp.

McKaughan, Howard Paul and Percy Meiklejohn

1954 "A brief English-Agusan Manobo word list." JEAS

McLachlin, Betty - See also 5 16, 5 17

McLachlin, Betty and Barbara Blackburn
1968 "Verbal clauses of Sarangani Bilaan." Asia Std 2564
6(1): 108-28.
1971 "An outline of Sarangani Bilaan discourse and paragraph 2565
structure." Philippine Discourse and Paragraph Studies
in Memory of Betty McLachlin, ed by Robert E.
Longacre, 1-84. (PL-C 22).

Nabor, Fiorella I.
1968 "An inquiry into the ancient Inakeanon writing system." 2566
Silliman Journal 15:54-86.

Nagata, Hideo
1991 Diksiyonaryo Japanese-Pilipino-Englislz and Tagalog- 2567
Hapon-Ingles. Toyohashi: T. K . Kenkyoushitsu. 400 pp.

Naish, Constance M. - See 2382

Nakahara, Zentoku
1943 Bagobo-zoku Oboegaki: Fu Igorotfo Shenen-ki motes 2568
on the Bagobo Tribe, with an account of an Igorot boy].
Tokyo: Kaizo-sha. vii + 6 +
306 pp.

Nakai, Lillian
1964 Cebuano Lessons. Hilo, Hawaii: Peace Corps Training 2569

1976 "Bikol (Racacay &alect) vocabulary. " Tokyo: Tokyo 2570
Kyoiku Daigaku [Tokyo College of Education].
viii +
126 Ivs.
1978 "Field notes on Ivatan in Babuyan Claro." Np. 94 Ivs. 2571

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
214 2572-2581 / Nareiso de Jesus

Sarciso de Jesus, Mario, 0,4R

nd "Diccionario Bisaya-Espaiiol. " Np.

Nartea, Remedios Valenton

1970 "Deceptive cognates of Tagalog, Iloko, Pangasinan, and
Kapangpangan. " Unpublished MA thesis, UP.

Navales, Estrella Q.
1966 "A descriptive analysis of single-word Ilongo and
Hiligaynon adverbs. " Unpublished MAT seminar paper,
UP. 70 lvs.

Navarro, Enrico - See 3878

Naves, Alvarez Andres
1895 "Cobobogan y sus canteras." Archivo del BiblioJilo
Filipirzo 2:307-334.

Naves, Jose
1892 Gramatica Hispano-Ilocana. Manila: Imprenta de
Amigos del Pais. 3d ed. 469 + vi + 5 pp. (Other eds,
1st ed, 1872; 2d ed, 1876; 4th ed, i922).

Naylor, Paz Buenaventura

1973 "Topic, focus and emphasis in the Tagalog verbal clause."
Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Michigan.

Nazareno, Carolina E.
1964 "A contrastive analysis of simple noun-head modification
patterns in English and Cebuano. " Unpublished MA
thesis. UP.50 Ivs.

Neilson, P. D.
1903 A Tagalog-English Dictionary. Manila: American Book
and News Co. 68 pp.
1903? An English-Tagalog Dictionary. Manila: American Book
and News Co. 192 pp.

Nelson, Andrew M.
1955 A Grammar o f t h e Cebuano Dialect. Cebu City: Ago
Mimeograph Service. xiv + 248 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1964 An Introduction to Cebuano. Cebu City: Rotary Press. 2582
531 pp.
1965 "Basic Cebuano-English and English-Cebuano 2583
vocabulary." Manila: np. 53 lvs.

Nelson, Madelyn - See 29 11

Nepomuceno y Siriban, Vicente
1895 Gramatica Castellana, Explicada en el Lenguaje
Espanlol e Ibanag (con el prologo en Castellano de
Juan Soldevila y Borras). Malabon: Establecimiento
Tipo-litografia del Asilo de Huerfanos. 2d ed. 367 pp.
(Other ed, 1894).

Newell, Doreen - See 2598, 2599

Neweli, Johanna A. - See 2600
Newell, Leonard E.
1953 "Some sound correspondences in six Philippine
languages. " In Papers on Philippine Linguistics
(Folklore Studies 12), 105-107. Tokyo.
1956 "Phonology of the Guhang Ifugao dialect." PJS 2586
1958 "An Ifugao text." Studies in Philippine Linguistics, 2587
73-76. Sydney, Australia: University of Sydney. (OLM 3).
1962 "Minimizing halect distinctions through phonemics." 2588
PJLT l(3-4):7-8.
1964 "Independent clause types of Batad Ifugao." OL 2589
3(1): 171-99.
1965 A Preliminary Description of a Few Sememic and 2590
Lexemic Realizates of Batad Ifugao Verb Affixes. New
Haven. xxiv + 21 41 pp. +
1965 "Phrase types of Batad Ifugao." Manila: SIL. 73 Ivs. 2591
1966 "Semantic categories of Ifugao agricultural vocabulary." 2592
New Haven. 24 + 21 41 Ivs. +
1967 "Batad Ifugao reflexes of Proto-Malayo-Polynesian 2593
phonemes." New Haven. 35 Ivs.
1967 "Proto-Cordilleran phonology. " New Haven. 39 Ivs. 2594
1967 Reduplication in Batad Ifugao. New Haven. 22 pp. 2595
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1970 "Batad Ifugao lexotactics: Phrases." Manila: SIL.
104 lvs.
1970 "Phonology of Batad Ifugao. " PJL l(1): 10 1-1 17.

Newell, Leonard E. and Doreen Newell

1968 A Batad Ifugao Vocabulary. New Haven, Connecticut:
Human Relations Area Files Inc.
Review: Lawrence A. Reid. 1971. Foundations of
Language 7:451-52.

Newell, Leonard E. and Doreen Newell, comps

1958 Ifugao Vocabulary. Manila: SIL and DE. 179 pp.

Newell, Leonard E. and Johanna A. Newell

1986 "Batad Ifugao dictionary. " Quezon City: STL.

Nganmaya, Francisca - See 1372

Ngo, Araceli
1963 "Tau-sug phonology." Ateneo de Manila Graduate
School. 14 ivs.

Nickell, Thomas L.
nd "Eastern Cagayan Agta morphophonemics." Manila:
SIL. 5 lvs.
nd "Eastern Cagayan Agta phonemics." Manila: SIL
15 1vs.
1985 "A partial stratificational analysis of Eastern Cagayan
Agta language. " The Agta of Northeastern Luzon;
Recent studies, ed by P. Bion Griffin and Agnes
Estioko-Griffin, 119-46. Cebu City: University of San
Carlos. (Humanities series 16).

Niemann, Riedel
nd "Colecciono fabula orginales de 23 dialectos Malayos
de las Indias Holandesas y en Tagalog y Joloano." Np.

Nieto, Aguilar Jose

1893 "Conocimientos utiles. Ligeras nociones del Tagalo
consideraciones filologo-filosoficas" and "Vocabulario
Castellano Tagalog." In Colonization de Filipinas,
289-324. Madrid: A. Alonso.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
O'Conner / 2607-2616 217

Nigg, Charles
1904 A Tagalog-English and English-Tagalog Dictionary. 2607
Manila: Imprenta de Fajardo y Compaiiia. 360 pp.

Nishie, Masauki
1988 "Ermitaiio, Cavitefio." In Gengogaku Daijiten /The 2608
SanseidG Encylopaedia of Linguistics] 1, ed by Takashi
Kamei, Rokur6 Kbno and Eiichi Chino. Tokyo: Saseidb.
(Language of the World, part 1).

Noceda, Juan Jose de and Pedro de Sanlucar

1754 Vocabulario de la Lengua Tagala. Manila: Imprenta de 2609
la Compaiiia de Jesus. 619 pp. (Other eds, 1832.
Valladolid: Imprenta de H. Roldan. 609 pp; 1860.
Manila: Imprenta de Ramirez y Giraudier. 642 pp).

Norbeck, Edward
1950 Folklore of the Atayal of Formosa and the Mountain 2610
Tribes of Luzon. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan
Press. 44 pp.

Nuiiez, Jose
1876 Gramatica Hispano-Iioco. Manila. 176 pp.

Oates, Lynette F. - See 2613, 2614

Oates, William J.
nd "Alcala Agta phonemes. " Np.

Oates, William J. and Lynette F. Oates

1955 "A vocabulary of Central Cagayan Negrito." Manila: 2613
SIL and DE. 87 lvs.
1958 "The phonemes of Central Cagayan Negrito." In 2614
Studies in Philippine Linguistics, 34-46. Sydney,
Australia: University of Sydney. (OLM 3).
Ochoa, Diego, OSA
1580 "Arte y vocabulario y confesionario Pampango." Np. 2615
3 vols.

O'Conner, Lillian
1955 "Our language problem: it's woman-made." Panorama 2616
(September): 33-37.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
218 2617-2627 1 O'Conner

1955 "The 'Mother tongue' and socialization." PSR 3(2):7-10.

Odijk, A. van
1957 Elementary Grammar of the Bisayan Language. Cebu
City: Sacred Heart Mission Seminary. 4 + 92 pp.

Ogawa, Naoyoshi
1940 "Karamian-go to Agotaya-go" [The Calamian language
and the Agotaya language]. In And6 Masatsugu Ky6ju
Kanreki Shukuga Kinen Rombunshfi Fest-schrift fior
Prof And6, Masatsugu on the Occasion of his Sixtieth
Birthday], 1215- 1228. Tokyo: Sanseido.

Ohlson, David
nd "Phonology of Southern Bontoc." Manila: SIL. 15 Ivs.
nd "Southern Bontoc verbal affixes." Manila: SIL. 86 Ivs

Ohlson, David and Joan Ohlson

1976 "Morphophonemic changes in Southern Bontoc."
Manila: SIL. 13 1vs.

Ohlson, Joan - See 2620

Oki, Jitsuo
1939 Hirlppin Tagarogu-go Kaiwa [Pilipinas ang Pananalita
sa Wikang Tagalog ni Jitsuo Oki]. Manila: Atlas Supply
Co. 7 + 2 + 292 pp.

Oliver, Juan de
1599 "Arte Tagalog (escrito por Fr. Juan de Plasencia,
reformado y aumentado de adverbios y particulas)." Np.
1599 "Diccionario Tagalog-Espaiiol." Np.

Olleros, Tornas
1860 Apuntes para una Gramatica Bisaya-Cebuana en
Relacion con la Castellana. Manila: Imprenta del
Colegio de Santo Tomas. xviii + 161 pp.

Ondora, Inorata, Helen Miller and Jeanne Miller

1978 "Mamanwa: Text 2 (folktale texts)." SIPL 2(2):84-90.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Ortiz 12628-2639 219

Ongkeko, Rafael V.
19 16 "Chinese words in Tagalog." Manila. (H. Otley Beyer
Collection 3 18).

Oracion, Timoteo S.
1965 "The Bais forest preserve Negritos: Some notes on their
rituals and ceremonials." Paper read at the Beyer
Symposium. 26 lvs.

Oriol, Pedro, SJ
nd "Vocabulario en lengua Bisaya." Np.

Ortiz, Tomas
1733 "Diccionario Hispano-Tagalo." Np. 1 vol.

Ormaza, Juan de, OP

nd "Arte para aprender Isinay." Np.
nd "Diccionario Isinay-Espafiol. " Np.
nd "Vocabulario Espafiol-Isinay. " Np.
1743 "Arte, vocabulario y otros escritos en lsinay." Np. 11 lvs.

Orosa, Sixto Y.
1960 "Rizal and the Tagalog language." HistBul4(2): 100-102.

Ortega, Mary Jane C.

1963 "Phonemic analysis of the Ilocano dialect." Ateneo de
Manila Graduate School. 13 lvs.

Ortega, Salud A.
1955 "The English pronunciation problems of the native
speaker of Tagalog." Unpublished MA thesis, Cornell

Ortiz, Feliza B.
19-- "Report on sounds in English and not found in
Hiligaynon. " Roxas City: Bureau of Public Schools.
1 If. Mimeo.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
220 2640-2650 / Ortiz

Ortiz, Ger. T.
1962 "Waray-English dictionary. " Galbayog, Samar: np.
200 ivs.

Ortiz, Tomas, OSA

1700 "Diccionario Hispano-Tagalog." Np
1733 "Diccionario Tagalo-Espaiiol." Np.
1740 Arte y Reglas de la Lengua Tagala. Sampaloc: Convento
de Nuestra Seiiora de Loreto. 12 pp.

Ostrom, Frank Edison

1945 Ostroin 's Languages of the Pacific: Words and phrases
in Pidgin English, Polynesian, Japanese, Spanish, and
Moro fSulu). L,os Angeles: Warner Printing Co. 60 pp.

Otaiies, Fe Torres - See also 3 184

1965 "A contrastive analysis of English and Tagalog verb
complementat~on." Unpublished PhD dissertation,
UCLA. 246 lvs.
1970 "Some transformational rules for noun derivation in
Tagalog." PJL 1(1):33-73.

Oyanguren de Santa Ines, Melchor, OFM

nd "Diccionario trilingue: Tagalog-Castellano-Cantabro."
Madrid: np.
1742 Tagalysmo Elucidado y Reducido (en lo posible) a la
latinidad de Nebrija, con su syntaxis, tropos, prosodia,
passiones, etc., y con la alusion que en su uso y
cornposicion tiene con el dialect0 Chinico Mandarin,
con las lenguas Hebrea y Griega... Mexico: Imprenta
de D. Francisco Xavier Sanchez. viii + 228 pp.

Ozaki, Akito
1979 "Tagarogu-go Kcbun no tokuch8" [Some syntactic
features of Tagalog]. Nihongo Kyoiku [Journal of
Japanese Language Teaching] 39:43-55, 64.

~ s h i m aJoji
1977 "Miyatake Seid6 no Tagarogu-go jiten s8kB" [Miyatake
Seid8's manuscript of Tagalog-Japanese dictionary].
Chiiki Bunka [Area and Culture Studies] 4-5:83-174.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Paglinawan / 2651-2661 22 1

bue, Masanao
1982 "Modelong diksiyunaryong Pilipino-Hapon: isang 2651
mungkahing pag-aaral" [A model Pilipino-Japanese
dictionary: a suggested study]. Unpublished MA thesis,
UP. viii + 201 lvs.

Pablo de Sagrada Familia, Domingo, OAR

nd "Apuntes para gramatica y diccionario
Cuyono-Espafiol." Np.
nd "Gramatica Bisaya-Cuyono. " Np.

Pablo, Eusebia - See 321 1

Pacifico, F.
1923 Vocabulario Espaiiol-Ilocano. Vigan, Ilocos Sur: La 2654
Estrella. 65 pp.

Pacis, Josefa
1964 "A contrastive analysis of English and Ilocano articles." 2655
Unpublished MAT seminar paper, UP.

Pack, Janet and Dietlinde Behrens, comp

1975 Dictionary Yakan-Pilipino-English. Manila: SIL. 20 pp. 2656

Pagdanganan, Felicidad A.
1946 Phonics and Vocabulary help in the Study of the Filipino 2657
hTational Language. Manila: Modern Press. 48 pp.

Page, Hazel
1966 "Something for each. Seven Mindoro tribes welcome 2658
God's words. " EAMi2 93:28-29.
1976 Iraya Dictionary. Philippines: Overseas Missionary 2659
Fellowship. 2 vols. 323 pp, 319 pp.

Paglinawan, Mamerto
1910 Balarilang Tagalog. Manila: Honorio Lopez. 328 pp. 2660
1913 Diksionariong Kastilcz Tagalo. Manila: Limbagang El 2661
Progreso. 555 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
222 2662-2676 / Paglinawan

1915 Bagong Bokabularyo at Aklat ng mga Salitaan sa

Kastila at Tagalog (o rruevo vocabulario y manual de
conversation en Espaiiol y Tagalog). Manila: Limbagang
El Progreso. 236 pp.
1915 Gramatikang Kastila-Tagalog. Maynila: Limbagang El
Progreso. 2 vols.
1916 Aklat ng mga Salitaan. Manila: Limbagang El Progreso.
77 pp. (Bound with Bagong Bokabulario ...).
1919 Arithmetikang Tagalog, o Bilangang Tagalog. Maynila:
La Patria. 143 pp.

Pahati, Eustaquio
1925 Ang Abakadang Pilipino. Manila. 4 + 34 pp
Pallangchao, Segundo
1987 "Nan alitos nan lafaan" [The hawk's ring]. Np.

Pallas, P. S.
1787-1789 Vocabularium Catharinae. St. Petersburg. 2 vols.

Pallesen, A. Kemp - See also 2773

nd Proto-Sama word list. Manila: SIL. 35 lvs
1965 "Morphophonemics Sama of Sulu." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIX. 12 lvs.
1972 Phonemes of Proto-Sama. Berkeley: University of
California. i + 57 pp.
1973 "Sallangan (South Ubian) word list." Manila: SIL. 17 Ivs.
1974 "Sama-Bajaw vocabulary finder list." Manila: SIL
i + 19 lvs.
1976 "Proto Sama-Bajaw (Preliminary draft). " Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 398 lvs.
1977 "On pan-Philippine semantic universals." In Language
Planning and the Building of a National Language, ed
by Bonifacio P. Sibayan and Andrew B. Gonzalez,
304-321. Manila: LSP and Language Study Center,
1979 "The pepet in Sama-Bajaw." South-East Asiun
Linguistic Studies 3: 115-142. (PL-C 45).
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Pnluzie y Cantolozella / 2677-2688 223

1985 Culture Contact and Language Convergence. Manila:

LSP. n i x + 365 pp. (PJLSM 24. Published version of
1977 dissertation).

Pallesen, A. Kernp, cornp

1973 "Bahasa Simunul: A preliminary word list." Manila:
SIL. 13 Ivs.
1973 "Inabaknon (Kapul) Sama word list." Manila: SIL. 17 Ivs.

Pallesen, A. Kemp, tr
nd "Balanging'i Sinama texts." Manila: S E . 25 lvs.

Pallesen, A. Kemp and Anne Pallesen

nd "Phonemes of Samal of Sulu." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. 39 lvs.
1966 "Samal verb stem classes." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. 27 lvs.
1973 "Sinatna pedagogical grammar." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: STL. 115 lvs.
1976 "Central Sinama-English dictionary." Preliminary draft.
Quezon City: SIL.

Pallesen, A. Kernp and Anne Pallesen, cornps

1974 "Central Sama texts with commentaries." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 38 lvs.

Pallesen, Anne - See also 2681-2685

1965 "Independent verbal clauses / Samal of Siasi." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: S L . iv + 42 lvs.

Palo, Isabel
1962 "A phonetic description of Bicol." Ateneo de Manila
Graduate School. 1 1 lvs.

Palongpong, Tomas - See 1524

Paluzie y Cantolozella, Esteban

1846 Paleografia Espaiiola ... Barcelona. vii + 466 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
224 2689-2700 / Pammit

Pammit, Caridad Rivera

1967 "A contrastive analysis of English and Ilocano vowel
phonemes." Unpublished MAT seminar paper, UP. 82 Ivs.

Pan, Jose Felipe del

1875 "Apuntos para un bccionario de la adrninistracion del
comercio, y de la vida practica en Filipinas." Manila:
np. 420 Ivs.

Pan, Jose Felipe del and Jose de la Rosa

1879 Diccionario de la Vida Practica en Filipinas. Manila:
Imprenta de Manuel Perez. 728 pp.

Panganiban, C. H.
1950 Sariling Wika; Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa. Manila:
Inang Wika Pub. 320 pp.

Panganiban, Consuelo Torres

1950 "Spanish elements in the Tagalog language."
Unpublished MA thesis, UST. (Also in 195 1-52. Unitas
24(3-4):600-673, 836-877; 25(1):86-1 i8).
1966 "Salita at pahayag." Diwa 2:3-9.

Panganiban, Consuelo Torres, Jose Ma. Panganiban and Jose Villa

nd "Tesaurong Ingles-Tagalog." Np. 388 Ivs. (Published in
1965- 1966 as Tesaurong Ingles-Pilipino. San Juan,
Rizal: Limbagang Pilipino).

Panganiban, Consuelo Torres and Jose Villa Panganiban

1962 101 Tanong at Sagot na Pangwika. San Juan, Rizal:
Limbagang Pilipino.
1968 Elementary and High School English-Pilipino
Dictionary. Manila: National Book Store. 272 pp.

Panganiban, Jose Ma. - See 2695

Panganiban, Jose Villa -See also 2695-2697, 3652
nd "Sanaysay. " Manila. Mimeo.
nd "Semantikang Tagalog. " Manila.
nd "Talatugmaan. " Maynila. Mimeo.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Panganiban / 2701-2718

"Ang paglikha ng mga katawagan." Liwayway (March 25;

April 22; May 13).
"Ang paglilimay at panahunan." Taliba (December 10).
Ang Anim na Panahunan ng mga Pangbadyang Tagalog.
Manila: Bureau of Printing. 44 pp. (INL Publications
tnl TaCIgalop.
Fzlnclnn~c/~ n Sin~plenr7d Pi*actrcal Akthod
for the Begznner in Tagalog. Manila: Philippine,Bducation
Company Inc. 2d ed. xvi 4- 387 pp. (Other eds, 1938;
National Language Grammar. Chesterson Evidence Guide.
"A study of Tagalog grammar and what elements of it
should be taught in the schools." Unpublished PhD
dissertation, UST.
" 4 sliort-cut to the nat~onallanguage." PI<2(5):51-57.
English-Tagalog Vocabulary. Manila: University
Publishing Co. xxiv + 170 pp (Other eds, 2d ed, 1956;
3rd ed, 1958. Manila: University Book Supply. 170 pp;
4th ed, 1960. English-Tagalog Dictionary).
"Pagsusuring pambalarila." Maynila. Mimeo.
"Retorikang Tagalog." Maynila. Mimeo.
Easy Lessons on the Filipino National Language.
Manila: Philippine Education Company. 257 pp.
"Sining ng pagtula sa Tagalog. " Maynila.
"Hindi ang Tagalog." TWM 11(44):32-33.
"The family of Philippine languages and dalects."
Unitas 30(4):823-833. (Also in 1958. Summer Cultural
Series (Fourth Series), 59-69; 1957. Philippine Journal
of Education 36(3): 152-157).
"Philippine linguistics." Unitas 32(3):607-622. (Also in
1959. Summer Cultural Series, 7-1 1).
Mga Simulaing Panretorika. Manila? 118 pp.
"Information: National language." PFP 5:53-62.
"Background of the Filipino language." Unitas
34(3): 110-1 11.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
226 2719-2735 / Panganiban

"Linguistic influences in the Philippines. " UNESCO

Symposium on Culture, Manila. (Also in 1962.
Philippine International 6(4):26-33.
"Pilipino and the Filipino." Prog, 184-189. (Also in
1962. Special Features Bulletin (March 12, no 11): 1-2;
(March 19, no 12): 1-4; (March 26, no 13): 1-3.
Spanish Loan Words in the Tagalog Language. Manila:
Bureau of Printing. xiii + 86 pp (IN,Publication).
"Wh! and llo\\ of 'Aleinbong "' S( 16 18
"Stu&es in word relationships among Philippine
languages, Malay, and Bahasa Indonesia." Unitas
"Etimolohiya at kahulugan ng mga salita. " Diwa 1: 14-18.
"Influencia Hispanornexicana en el idioma Tagalo."
Hisforia Mexicana 15(2):261-271.
"Mga pinagmulaang wika ng wikang Pilipino." Diwa
"Painless" Lessozs in Pilipino. Manila. 90 pp.
"Tllc I! riss of tlie .Pambansang awit ng Pilipinas."'
SLQ 3(3):482-484.
"Mga pinagmulan ng wikang Pilipino. " Panitikan
1(5):3-7; 1(6):64.
Tesaziro Diksiyunaryo ingles-Pilipino. San Juan, Rizal:
Limbagang Pilipino. 1363 pp.
"Atomisasyon ng kahulugan. " Paper read at the
Philippine National Language Seminar, Manila.
"Bagong kabalarilaan." Paper read at the Philippine
National Language Seminar, Manila.
"Singhuluganan." Paper read at the Philippine National
Language Seminar, Manila.
Talahulugana~~g Pilipino-Ingles. Manila: Kawanihan
ng Palimbagan. xi +
362 pp. (Other ed, 1970.
Diksiyunaryong Pilipino-Ingles).
Review: T. A. Llamson and John P. Thorre. 1972. PJL
"English-Tagalog thesaurus. " Manila. Mimeo. 2735
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1967 Pilipino as Pilipino. San Juan, Rizal: Limbagang 2736
Pilipino. 52 pp.
1969 Concise English-Tagalog Dictionary. Rutland, Vermont 2737
and Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle Co. 170 pp; Manila:
National Book Store Inc. 170 pp. (2d printing. Tokyo:
Charles E. Tuttle Co. 170 pp).
1970 Diksiyunarycing Pilipino-Ingles. Manila: Bedes Publishing 2738
House Inc. 36 1 pp. (1st ed, 1966. Talahuluganang
Review: Vladimir Afanas 'evich Makarenko . 1973. Narody
Azii i Afriki [People of Asia and Africa] 1:220-221.
1972 I'rllplr~o-Ingles Luugsod Quczoti
L)r11 c~iorclr~o-te.\arrro 2739
Manlapaz Publishing Co. 1027 pp. (Other ed, 1973.
Manlapaz Publishing Co. 1027 pp).

Panganiban, Lourdes R.
1976-77 "Isang pag-aaral ng mga salitang magkaugat at 2740
di-magkaugat sa Pilipino at Gaddang. " Journal of
Northern Luzon 7(1-2):5 1-78.

Pangilinan, Clarita A.
1981 "Aspects of modality in English and Tagalog." 2741
Unpublished PhD dissertation, Saint Louis University.

Panizo, Alfredo
1961 "The linguistic problem in the Philippines." Unitas 2742

Paraan, Eusebia Lindo

1986 "A taxonomy and analysis of Kapampangan idioms. " 2743
Unpublished PhD dissertation, Saint Louis University.

Paredes, B.
1965 "Comparative study of the consonant and vowel system of 2744
Ilocano and English." In the Grade School 13(7):556-558.

Parin, Sister M. Ignatius

1962 "Pronunciation and difficulties of Pangasinan learners 2745
of English and some practical implications for
teaching." Unpublished MA thesis, UST.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
228 2746-2758 / Parker

Parker, Luther
1905 An English-Spanish-Pampango Dictionary. Manila:
American Book and News Co. 164 pp.
1964 "Report on work among the Negritos of Pampanga
during the period from April 5 to May 3 1, 1908." dsia
Std 2(1):105-130.

Parnickel, B. and U. Sirk

1965 "Austronesian philology in the Soviet Union." BNI

Pascasio, Emy illariano

nd "A description of Tagalog nouns, verbs, adjectives and
participles." Np. 15 Ivs.
nd "Introduction to Ibanag." Np
nd "Introduction to Iloko." Np.
nd "Tagalog segmental and suprasegmental phonemes. " Np.
1960 "A descriptive-comparative study predicting interference
and facilitation for Tagalog speakers in learning
English noun-head modification patterns." Unpublished
PhD dissertation, University of Michigan. vi + 186 lvs.
1961 "A comparative study predicting interference and
facilitation for Tagalog speakers in learning English
noun-head modification patterns." LL 1l(1-2):77-84.
(Published version of 1960 PhD dissertation).
1962 "The Tagalog language, where it began, and how it
became the national language." The Chronicle
Magazine (August 18): 8- 10.
1964 "Language: an aid to cross-cultural understanding. "
PSR 12(1-2):84-88.
1964 "The role of language-in-culture in the teaching of
literature. " PJLT 3(1-2): 19-26.
1965 "A methodology for predicting interference and
facilitation for Tagalog speakers in learning English
grammatical patterns." PSR 13(1):31-57.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Pavon Araguro / 2759-2769 229

Pascual, Timoteo J.
1957 "A study of the legends, stories, superstitions, and
practices in the life of the Manobos of Agusan."
Unpublished MA thesis, National Teachers College,
Manila. 156 lvs.

Pastor, Manuel, OSA

c 1820 "Arte del idioma Tagalo. " Np.

Patacsil, Artemio C.
1964 "Pilipino, 00; Espafiol, No." Examiner 93:20. 2761

Paterno, Adelaida
1953 "English sounds difficult for Tagalog learners of 2762
English." MSTEQ 3(3):25-34.
1957 "Tagalog consonant phonemes compared with English 2763
consonant phonemes. " MSTEQ 7(2-3): 11 - 17. 53.

Paterna, Pedro Alejandro

1887 La Antigua Civilization Tagalog (apuntes) Madrid: 2764
Tipografia de Manuel G. Hernandez. 41 1 pp. (Other ed,
1890 Los Itas. Madrid: Sucesores de Cuesta. 439 pp. (Other 2765
ed, 1915. 232 pp).

Patino, Diego, SJ
nd "Diccionario de la lengua Iligana." Np.

Paula, Fr. Franco de, ed

1895 "Diccionario Espafiol y Batan, corregido por...Franc0 2767
de Paula...anadido y emendado en muchos vocablos
por.. .Nicolas Castano." In Archivo del BiblioJilo
Filipino 2:37-49. Madrid.

Pavon Araguro, Jose Maria

1838-1839 "Los cuentos de 10s Indios de esta isla (escrita en
Jimamaylan. Las antiguas leyendas de la isla de
Negros)." Np. 4 parts.
1839 "The ancient legends of the islands of Negros." In
Philippiniana, by Fred Eggan. Np. 72 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Payo, Pedro, ed
1867 Diccionario Espaiiol-Ibanag. Manila: Imprenta de
Ramirez y Giraudier. 5 1 1 pp.

Paz, Consuelo Joaquin - See also 947

1965 "---AD in lsinai." Asia Std 3(1):114-125.
1967 "The morphology and syntax of Tagalog nouns and
adjectives. " Unpublished MA thesis, UP.

Paz, Salud R. - See 3 150

Paz, Thelma and A. Kemp Pallesen
1972 "Abaknon (Capu1)-English lexicon." Manila: SIL.
203 lvs. Typescript.

Peace Corps Philippines Language Program

196- "Hiligaynon diaiogues for Peace Corps." Bacolod City:
Peace Corps Philippines Language Program. 34 lvs.
196- Hiligaynon Materials- -Hligaynon Classroom Instructions.
Hilo, Hawaii: Peace Corps Philippines Language Program.
196- "Tagalog dialogue for PCVS." Manila: Peace Corps
Philippines Language Program. 16 Ivs. Mimeo.
1963 "Cebuano dialogues." Zamboanga: Peace Corps
Philippines Language Program. 30 lvs. Mimeo.
1967 Cebuano para sa mga Peace Corps Volunteers
Philippines: Peace Corps. 224 pp.

Pedrices, Carmen
1959 "The phonemes of Cebuano-Visayan as spoken in
Negros Oriental." Unpublished MA thesis, University
of Michigan.

Peji, Sotero and I. Tecson

1946 Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa. Manila. 149 pp

Pellicer, Mariano
1904 Arte de la Lengua Pangasinana o Caboloan. Manila:
Reimpreso en la Imprenta del Colegio de Santo Tomas
3d ed. 268 pp. (Other eds, 1840; 1862).
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Perfecto / 2782-2791

Peiia, Virginia P. de la
1958 "A comparative study of English and Sugbuhanon
phonemics and phonotactics." Unpublished MA thesis,
University of Texas.

Perez, Alejandrino Q.
1964 "A comparative study of the vocabulary of Pilipino and
Pampango. " PNC. Np,
1964 "Pilipino and Pampango cognates: sound and spelling
relationships." Unpublished MA thesis, PNC. 85 lvs.
1970 "Mga salitang magkaugat sa Pilipino at Pampango."
Ang Supling 1:45-50. (Based on the 1964 MA thesis in
education, "Pilipino and Pampango cognates... . ", PNC).

Perez, Lorenzo - See also 3738

192,7-1928 "Los Aetas e Ilongotes de Filipinas." AIA 28:289-346;

Perez, Primitiva
!946 "Tagalog words of Chiliese origin used in Tanawan,
Batangas." Np.
I965 "Minimum vocabulary lists in the Philippine national
language for use in teachirig spelling in the elementary
schools." Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of

Perfecto, Mariano
1883 Vocabulario o Adanual de Dialogos en EspaZol y Visaya
por e! Maestro de Jaro, D. Dionisio M. Mirasol. Manila:
Imprenta de C. Valdezco, Impresor de la Real Casa de
S.M. 80 pp. (Other eds, 1889. Manila: Imprenta de
Amigos del Pais. (Part 11); 1889. Guadalupe: Pequeiia
Imprenta del Asilo de Huerfanos. (Part 111)).
1896 Frases Familiares en EspaZol y Bicol y Guia de
Conversaciones en Bicol y Espaiiol. Nueva Caceres:
Imprenta 'La Sagrada Familia.' 32 pp.
1896 Guia de Conversaciones en Bicol y Espatiol (para
escuelas y estudrantes que principian a aprender el
Castellano, y para 10s estranos que desean comprinder
algo del Bicol). Nueva Caceres: Imprenta 'La Sagrada
Fam~lia 3 2 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
232 2792-2804 1 Perfecto

1896 Vocabulario o Manual de Terminos en Castellano y Bicol. 2792

Nueva Caceres: Imprenta 'La Sagrada Farllil~a 50 pp

1897 Vocabulario de la Lengua Bicol con sus Signzficaciones 2793

en Castellano. Nueva Caceres: Imprenta 'La Sagrada
Farn~ll;~-1% pp

Persons, Diane L.
1979 "Cohesive and coordinating conjunctions in Bolinao 2794
narrative discoiirse." SIPL 3(1):1-9.

Persons, Gary C. - See also 787

1978 "Bolinao: A preliminary phonemic statement. " Manila: 2795
SIL. 23 Ivs.
1979 "Cohesion by means of participant identification ~n 2796
Bolinao narrative discourse. " SIPL 3(1):24-57
1980 "Bolinao morphophonemics " Manila: SIL. 9 lvs. 2797

Persson, Janet R.
nd "What shall be our topic? P. discussion of the factors 2798
:hat govern topicalization ir, Yakan, a language of the
Philippines." Manila: SIL. i i 44 Ivs.
1973 "Yakan verbal affixes." Manila: SIL. 40 Ivs. 2799

Peiet*seii,Robert 6. ii.
1964 Lessons in Tagalog. Hilo, Hawaii: University of Hawaii 2800
Peace Corps Training Center.

Philippine Book Company

1946 Outline and E.xercises of the Balariln. Manila. 123 pp. 2801
1949 English-Tagalog, Tagalog-English Dictionary. Manila: 2802
Philippine Book Company.

Philippine Bureau of Education

1940 Course of Study in the National Language for Non- 2803
Tagalog Speaking Provinces). Manila: Bureau of
Printing. vi 1- 33 pp.

Philippine Center for Language Study

1962 An Intensive Beginning Course in Tagalog. Manila: 2804
Philippine Center for L,anguage Study. 24 units.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
2805-2814 / Pierce

1964 Beginning Tagalog. California: Philippine Center for

Language Study.
Review: Teodoro A. Llamson. 1970.PJL l(2): 119-128.
Review: Vladimir Manas'evich Makarenko. 1968.Narody
Azii i Afriki [People of Asia and AJi.ica] 3:189-19 1.
Review: H. Mohring. 1966.International Review of
Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 4(1):69-73.
1964 Tagalog-English, English-Tagalog Dictionary. California:
Philippine Center for Language Study - UCLA
Philippine Islands Education Bureau
1947 A Manual for Teaching the Filipino National Language
in the First Year. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 1 17 pp.
1950 A Manual for Teaching the National Language in the
Second Year High School, (Non-Tagalogs). Manila:
Bureau of Printing.
Philippine Islands. Inspeccion General de Montes
1875 Catalogue-memoir. Manila: J . de Loyzaga y Compafiia

Philippine Islands. Laws, Statutes, etc.

1900 Regulations Governing the Utilization of Forest Products
of State Lands. Manila.

Pichay, Leon C.
1962 Diksyonario ti Tagatagainep. Manila: M. Colcol. 84 pp.

Pichay, Leon C., comp

1970 A Rhyming Dictionary of the Iloko Language. Quezon
City: UP. 309 pp.

Piddington, Henry
1886 "A notice of the alphabets of the Philippine islands."
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 14:603.( A
translation from Informe sobre el Estado de Ias Islas
Filipinas 1(25), by Don Sinibaldo de Mas. Madrid).
Pierce, Charles C.
1901 "The races of the Philippines: the Tagals." Annals of
the American Academy of Political and Social Science
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
234 2815-2825 / Pigafetta

Pigafetta, Antonio
1521 "Cebuano wordlist." Np. (Reprinted in 1908. The
Philippine Islands, by Emma H . Blair and James A.
Robertson, 187-199. Cleveland: The Arthur M.Clark
1525 "Primo viaggio intorno a1 mondo." Np. (Reprinted with
English translation in The Philippine Islands, by Emma
H . Blair and James A. Robertson. Cleveland: The
Arthur I-I. Clark Company).

Pike, Kenneth L. - See 1105

Pimentel, Jose, SJ
nd "Diccionario de la lengua Tagala. " Np.

Pineda, Felicidad V.
1961 "Isang tulong sa pagtuturo ng Pilipino bilang
pangalawang wika." PJLT 1(1-2):17-20.
1964 "Ilang simulain sa pagtuturo ng Pilipino sa mga di
Tagalog. " PJLT 2(3-4):34-38.

Pineda, I. - See 206

Pineda, Ponciano B. P., et al.

1954 Farming Terms. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 12 pp.
(INL Paper 8).
1951 Legal Terms [Mga katawagang pambatas]. Manila:
Bureau of Printing. 3 pp. (INL Paper 3).
1954 Parliamentary Terms and Usages. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 16 pp. (INL. Paper 4).
1962 Mga Katawagan sa Pangasiwaang Pambayan. Manila:
Kawanihan ng Palimbagan. 39 pp. (INL Paper 20).

Pineda, Ponciano B. P. and Epifania G. Angeles

1988 J. V. English-Filipino Thesaurus-Dictionary. Marikina,
Metro Manila: Mnelle "L" Publications. 772 pp.

Pinga, Estela G.
nd "A contrastive study of sentences with IF clauses in
Tagalog and English. " Np. 9 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Plata / 2826-2838

Pinpin, Tomas
1610 Librong Pagaralan nang manga Tagalog nang Uicang
Castilla (with questions for confession in Tagalog and
Spanish b y F. de Sun Jose). Bataan: de Tomas Pinpin y
Jacinto Magaurla. 258 pp.
1939 "Paaralang sulat...tauong Tagalog manga copoua niya
Tagalog na nagaabang mag-aral ng dilang makagagaling
sa canela. " Np.

Piseskul, Moree
1966 "The phonology and the personal pronouns of Bakong
Samal. " Unpublished MA thesis, UP.

Pittman, Richard S.
1956 "Descriptive linguistics applied to Tagalog." Manila:
Bureau of Printing. (INL paper 11, 5-7).
1957 "Class and construction markers. " Np.
1966 "Tagalog -urn- and mag-: An interim report." Papers in
Philippine Linguistics 1:9-20. (PL-A 8). (Reprinted in
RIPL, 601-610).
1973 "The writing of proper names in Tagalog." In Parangal
kay Cecilio Lopez, 280-282. (PJLSM 4 ) .
Pittman, Richard S., et al.
1953 Notes on the Dialect Geography of the Philippines.
Grand Forks, ND: SIL, University of North Dakota
3d ed. x + 116 pp.

Plasencia, Juan de, OFM

c 1580 "Arte del idioma Tagalog. " Np.
1580 "Coleccion de frases Tagalas." Np.
1580 "Diccionario Hispano-Tagalog. " Np.
1581 "Arte y vocabulario Tagalo. " Np.

Plata, Eugenio
1930 "Ang Ilokano sa wikang pambansa ng Pilipinas."
Pagkakaisa (May 18).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
236 2839-2847 / Podberezskii

Podberezskii, Igor Vital'evich

1964 "Morfologicheskaja struktura slova v tagal'skom jasyke."
In Konferenc'ija po jazykam Jugo- Vostochnoj Azii v
Institute narodov Azii, 5 1. A N SSSR. (Also in 1967.
Jazyki Jugo- Vostochnoj Azii, 2 13-224. Moskva: Nauka).
1924 "K rabote o muzykal'noj akoentuacii v Japonskom jazyke
(v svazi s Malajskimi)" [On the musical accentuation in
Japanese (in connection with Malay languages)].
Bjullelten i-gosredne-Aziatskogo Universiteta [Bulletin
of the 1st. Central Asiatic Universitj.I]4: 101- 108.
1965 "Tagal'skij jazyk." Azija i Afrika Segodnja 2:52.
1967 "Sintaksicheskaja kharakteristika chastej reCi
tagal'skom jazyke." In Voprosy Filologii, 164-196.
Moskva: Mezhdunarodnych otnosheniia. (Institut
Mezhdunarodnych otnosheniia. Uchenyje Zapiski).
1968 "Udvoenije v sovremennom tagal'skom jazyke." In
Froprosy Jazyka i Literatury, 155-17 1. Moskva.
1369 "Fonolicheskaya sistema Tagal'skogo jazyka" [The
phonological system of Tagalog]. In Institut
Mezhdunarodnych Otnoshenija. Kafedra Russkogo i
Inostrannych Jazykov. Uchenyje Zapiski [Institute of
International Relations Chair of Russian and
International Languages. Collected Learned Papers],
50-59. Moskva.
1976 Uchebnik Tagal'skogo Jazyka [Textbook in Tagalog].
Moskva. 479 pp.

Polenda, Francisco Col-om and Richard E. Elkins

1978 "Western Bukidnon Manobo (folktale texts)." SIPL
2(2): 103-28.

Polenda, Francisco Col-om and Richard E. Elkins, tr and ed

1989 A Voice-from the Hills. Manila: L S P . xviii + 375 pp.
(PJLSM 29).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Porter 12848-2860 237

Polivanov, Evgenii Dmitrievich

1918 "Odna iz japono-malajskich parallelej." Izvestija
Akademii Nauk. IVSerija 12(18):2283-2284. (Also in
1968. Izbrannyje raboty. Statji po obs'clemujazykoznaniju,
143- 145. Moskva: Nauka; and in 1918. Aziatskij
abornik iz "Izvestij" Ros. AN, 1921, 2283-2284).
1928 Vvedenije v Jazykoznanije Dlja Vostokovednych Vuzov.
L. 220 pp. (CIK SSSR, Leningr. Vostochnyi Institute
im. A. S. Enikidze 3 1).
1931 "Istoricheskoje jazykoznanije i jazykovaja politika." In
Za Marksistskoje Jazykoznanije, E . D . Polivanov, 10-35.
Moskva: FederaEija.

Pometa, Jose, OESA

nd "Arte de la lengua Pampanga, compendio del arte de
P. Bergano." Np. 86 lvs.

Ponce, Mariano
1907 "Modern Tagalog Orthography. " In preface of William
Tell..., by Friedrich von Schiller, tr by Jose Rizal, 13-19.
Manila: Libreria Manila Filatelico.
1912 "Halaw sa kasaysayan ng lahi at wikang Tagalog. "
Taliba (March 18).

Porogoy, Julian, Jeanne Miller and Helen Miller

1978 "Mamanwa: Text 1 (folktale texts). " SIPL 2(2):80-83.

Porter, Doris - See also 1693

nd "Focus predictability in Tboli verbal clauses." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 11 lvs.
1965 "Word morphology: Tagabili." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. iii + 23 lvs.
1966 "Personal pronouns of Tagabili." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. i 8 lvs.
1968 "Paragraph and discourse analysis of Tagabili." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 107 lvs.
1977 A Tboli Grammar. Manila: LSP. iv + 354 pp. (PJLSM 7).
Review: Richard E. Elkins. 1981. PJL 12(2):53-56
1977 "Figurative uses of 'breath' in Tboli." SIPL l(1): 148-50.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
238 2861-2874 / Porter

Porter, Doris, t r
1969 "Tagabili texts." In Discourse, Paragraph, and Sentence
Structure in Selected Philippine Languages 3, ed by
Robert E. Longacre, 110-184. Santa Ana, California:

Porter, Doris and Austin Hale

1977 "Focus ranking in Tboli discourse." SIPL l(2): 170-208.

Porter, Ralph Stribling

1903 A Primer and Vocabulary of the Moro Dialect
(Magindanao). Washington, DC: US Government
Printing Office. 77 pp. (Bureau of Insular Affairs, War
Department Pamphlet 209).

Posoncuy, Marietta N. - See also 947

1966 "The grammar of the personal pronouns of five
Philippine languages." Paper read at the Eleventh
Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo.

Post, Ursula - See also 333, 3366

1963 "Matrix display of Ata independent clauses." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 16 lvs.
1963 "Multiplication of Ata clause matrices." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 7 lvs.
1965 "Morphophonemic alternations in Binukid." PSSHR
1965 "Nuclear nonpredicate tagmemes of verbal clauses in
Binukid." Manila: SIL. 10 lvs.
1965 "Suggested orthography for Tiruray." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. 8 lvs.
1965 "The phonology of Binukid. " Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. 16 lvs.
1966 "The phonology of Tiruray." PJS 95:563-75.
1968 "Binukid clause structure." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. iii + 30 lvs.
1968 "Binukid phrase structure." Manila: SIL. iv + 38 lvs.
1968 "Binukid sentence structure." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. iv + 50 lvs.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Pottier / 2875-2886 239

1978 "Binukid (folktale texts)." SIPL 2(2):62-68.

Post, Ursula and Mary Jane Gardner

1984 Binukzd Dictionary. Quezon City: SIL. 350 pp.

Post, Ursula, Mary Jane Gardner and Maximo Agayoc, comps

1981 Sa Mababa ha Diksyunari hu Haepat ha Inikagiyan [A
Short Four-language Dictionary: English-Binukid-
Cebuano Visayan-Pilipino]. Manila: SIL and MEC.
313 pp.

Postman, Antonio, SVD

1965 "The Ambahan: A Mangyan-Hanunoo poetic form. "
Asia Std 3(1):71-85.
1965 "The Ambahan of the Hanunoo-Mangyans of southern
Mindoro." ANTHR 60:359-368.
1968 "Contemporary Philippine syllabaries in Mindoro." In
Dr. H. Otley Beyer, Dean of Philippine Anthropology
(A commemorative issue), ed by Rudolf Rahmann,
71-77. Cehu City: University of San Carlos. 124 pp.
1971 "Conteinporary Mangyan Scripts. " PJL 2( 1 ) : 1 - 12
1979 "Hanunoo-Mangyan Ambahan vocabulary." Np.

Potet, Jean-Paul
1983 "Morphologie du Philippin." Unpublished PhD
dissertation, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences
Sociales, Paris.
1987 "La petition Tagale Caming manga Alipin (1665)."
Cahiers de Linguistique - Asie Orientale 16(1):109-157
1988 "Semantic Transference in Tagalog." Cahiers de
Linguistique - Asie Orientale 17(1):67-109.

Pottier, Marina
1981 "Edition, traduction et Commentaire Linguistique du
Dictionnaire Tagal en Manuscrit du Pere Francisco
Blancas de San Joseph (1609)." Unpublished PhD
dissertation, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences
Sociales, Paris. 1419 Ivs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
240 2887-2894 / Povedano

Povedano, Diego Lope

1578 "Las antiguas leyendas y cuentos de 10s Indios de
Bugtas. " Np.

Prado, Nicolas L. - See 3906

Puya y Ruiz, Adolfo
1895 "Alfabeto Tagalog." In Estudio de 10s Antiguos
Alfabetos Filipinos, by Cipriano Marcilla y Martin.
Malabon: Asilo de Huerfanos. 25 pp.

Quakenbush, John Stephen

1986 "Language use and proficiency in a multilingual
setting: A sociolinguistic survey of Agutaynen speakers
in Palawan, Philippines. " Unpublished PhD
dissertation, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
xii + 308 lvs.
Language Use and Proficiency in a Multilingual
setting: A sociolinguistic survey of Agutaynen speakers
in Palawan, Philippines. Manila: LSP. xvi + 158 pp.
(PJLSM 28. Published version of 1986 PhD

Quijano, Ignacio T.
1937 "Cebuano-Visayan Kinship terms." PM 34:359-360

Quimba, J. B. - See 1207

Quinsay, Nida - See 2437

Quiiiones, Juan de, OSA

1580 "Arte y vocabulario Tagalo. " Np.
1581 Arte y Vocabulario de la Lengua Tagala. Manila.
158? "Arte y diccionario Tagalos." Np.

Quirino, J. A. - See 2195

Quiro, Prof. (pseud) - See Canseco, Mariano D.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Ragma / 2895-2904 241

Quisumbing, Eduardo
1951 Medicinal Plants of the Philippines. Manila: Bureau of 2895
Printing. 1234 pp. (Republic of the Philippines,
Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Technical Bulletin 16).
Review: Rudolf Rahmann. 1955. ANTHR 50:483-484.

Rachkov, Gennadii Evgen'evich

1966 "KonfiguraEija s nesprjagaemymi glagolarni v tagal'skom 2896
jaqke" [Configurations with non-conjugated verbs in
the Tagalog language]. In Filologija i Istorija Stvan
Sarubeznoj Azii i Afriki. Leningrad: LGU. Z
1966 "Slu2ebnoje slovo 'ay' v tagal'skom jazyke" [Auxiliary 2897
word 'ay' in the Tagalog language]. In Issledovanija po
Filologii Stran Azii i Afriki, 89-94. Leningrad: LGU.
1967 "K voprosu o grammaticeskich kategorijach tagal'skogo 2898
glagola" [Regarding the question of the grammatical
categories of Tagalog verbs]. In Konferenc'ija po Istorii,
Jazykam i Kul'ture Jugo-Vostochnoj Azii. 32-33.
Leningrad: LGU.
1067 "Predkativy naliEija v Tagal'skom jasyke" [Predicatives 2899
of csistence in thc Tagalog language;. I 'esfnik,
Leningradskogo C'niversiteta 2: 110-114.
1973 "K kharakteristike tagal'skich dvusostavnych opredelenij" 2900
[On the characteristics of Tagalog two-member attributes].
Vestnik Leningradskogo un-ta l(2): 132-138.

Rafael, Teresita C.
1978 "Topic in Tagalog revisited." SIPL 2(1):36-48.

Rafferty, Patrick
1928 "Visayan-English dictionary." Cagayan: np. 112 Ivs. 2902
1931 Zueco's Bisayan Book. New York: Fordham. 188 pp. 2903
1940 "Enlargement of Bisayan-English dictionary." Manila: np. 2904
471 lvs.

Ragma, Florence - See 1190

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
242 2905-2915 / Rahmann

Rahmann, Rudolf and Gertrude R. Ang

1968 Dr. H. Otley Beyer: Dean of Philippine Anthropology
( A commemorative issue). Cebu City: University of San
Carlos. 124 pp.

Rahmann, Rudolf and Marcelino N. Maceda

1955 "Notes on the Negritos of northern Negros." ANTHR
1958 "Some notes on the Negritos on Iloilo, island of Panay,
Philippines. " ANTHR 53:864-868.
1962 "Notes on the Negritos of Antique, island of Panay,
Philippines." ANTHR 57:626-643.

Raja1 y Larre, Joaquin

.. .
1885-169 1 "ldiomns - C'iiasas que Originaron su Cornlpcio In

0bi.a~ Varias 2: 13-20, 193-222. Madrid: Fortanet.

1889 "Vocabulario comparado cie dialectos del archipelago
Filipino." Np.

Rallos, Godofreda and Madelyn Nelson

nd Drill in Cebuano. Cebu City: The Evangelical Free
Church M~ssion,San Jose de la Montana.

Rama, Elpidio S.
1952 Gramatika sn Biniscya nga Sugboanon. Cebu City.
145 pp.

Rama, Maria Victoria R.

1962 "Phonemic analysis of the Ifugao dialect." Ateneo de
Manila Graduate School. 12 lvs.
1962 "The relation of language to culture as observed in the
Ifugao dialect." Ateneo de Manila Graduate School. 6 Ivs.

Rarniscal, Priscilla and Hella E. Goschnick

1979 "Interclausal relationships in Tina Sambal." SIPL

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Realubit 1 2916-2925 243

Ramos, Felicidad G.
1962 "A contrastive analysis of the sound system of the Cavite
Chabacano and the English language." Unpublished
MA thesis, Abad Santos Educational Institution, Manila.

Ramos, Teresita V.
1970 ..A sjnopsis of Tagalog structures." NP 176 11s.
1971 Tagalog Dictionary. Honolulu: University of Hawaii
Press. 330 pp. (2d printing, 1974).
1971 Tagalog Structure. Honolulu: University of Hawaii
Press. 330 pp.
Review: Vladimir Afanas'evich Makarenko. 1974.
Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. XIY.
Vostokovedenije 1 : 106-107.
1973 "The case system of Tagalog verbs." Unpublished PhD
dissertation, University of Hawaii.
Review: Paul Schachter. 1977. Lang 53(3):707-711 .

Ramos, Teresita V. and Videa de Guzmarl

1971 Tagalog for Beginners. Honolulu: University of Hawaii
Press. 863 pp.

Ramoso, Andrea B.
1963 "A study of the word burden in the high school readers
in the Pilipino language." Unpublished MA thesis,
Arellano University, Manila.

Ray, Sidney H.
1896 "The common origin of the Oceanic languages." JPS

Rayner, Ernest A.
1923 A Grammar and Dictionary of the Pangasinan
Language. Manila: Methodist Publishing House. 96 pp.

Realubit, Lilia Maria F.

1959 "The comparative analysis of English and Bikol and the
structural comparison of Bikol and Tagalog." Pasay City:
Philippine Center for Language Studies. ix + 225 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
244 2926-2939 1 Reed

Reed, William Allan

1905 "Negritos of Zambales." In Philippine Islands
Ethnological Survey 2: 1-89, part 1. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 199 pp.

Regalado, Iiiigo Ed

Regodon, Caridad
1965 "A descriptive-contrastive analysis of some English and
Davao-Visayan clause structures." Unpublished MA
thesis, UP.

Reid, Lawrence Andrew - See also 2201

nd "An alphabet for the Bontoc language." Manila: SIL.
5 Ivs.
1961 "A Guinaang wedding ceremony." PSR 9(3-4): 1-54
1961 "Dancing and nus sic," PSI? 9(3-4):55-82.
1961 '"Ritual and ceremony in Mountain Piovince." P.SR
1962 "Notes on morphophonemic change in Central Bontoc."
Manila: SIL. 16 lvs.
1963 "Phonology of Central Bontoc." Journal of the
Poljmesian Society 72(1):21-26.
1964 "A matrix analysis of Bontoc case-marking particles."
OL 3(1):116-37.
1965 "A formal analysis of the clause structure of Central
Bontoc." Unpublished MA thesis, University of Hawaii.
ii + 82 lvs.
1966 "An Ivatan syntax." Unpublished PhD dissertation,
University of Hawaii. 82 lvs.
1966 An Ivatan Syntax. Honolulu: University of Hawaii.
160 pp. (OLSP 2. Published version of 1966 dssertation).
1966 "Principles of verb stem classification in Philippine
languages." Paper read at the Eleventh Pacific Science
Congress, Tokyo.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Retana y Gamboa 12940-2950

1967-68 "On redefining transitivity for Philippine languages."

PJLT 5(1-4): 15-28.
1970 Central Bontoc: Sentence, Paragraph and Discourse.
Norman, O K : SIL. xv + 185 pp. (SIL Publications in
Linguistics and Related Fields 27).
1971 "Tense sequence in procedural discourse." The Archive
2: 15-42.
1974 "The Central Cordilleran subgroup of Philippine
languages." OL 13(1-2):511-560.
1974 "The pronominal systems of Proto-Cordilleran.
Philippines." University of Hawaii Department of
Lingvistics, Working Papers in Linguistics 6(6): 1- 11
1976 Bontok-English Dictionary. Canberra: Linguistic Circle
of Canberra. 500 pp. (PL-C 36. The Australian National
1981 "The demise of Proto-Philippines." Paper read at the
Third International Conference of Austronesian
Linguistics, Bali, Indonesia (January 19-24, 1981).

Reid, Lawrence Andrew, ed

1971 Philippine Minor Languages: Word Lists and Phonologies.
Honolulu: University of Hawaii. xii + 241 pp. (OLSP 8).

Reid, Lawrence Andrew, t r

1969 "Central Bontoc texts." In Discourse, Paragraph, and
Sentence Structure in Selected Philippine Languages,
ed by Robert E. Longacre, 3: 1-38. Santa Ana,
California: SIL.

Reizenstein, M. E.
1960 "Problems of reconstruction in the Austronesian
language." TeReo 3:32-43.

Rench, Calvin R. - See 2382

Retana y Gamboa, Wenceslao Emilio
1893 "Origen de 10s Indios, deducido de las lenguas." In
Estadismo de las Islas Filipinas, by Joaquin Martinez
de Zufiiga, 477-478, 492-527. Np.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
246 2951-2963 / Retana y Gamboa

1895 "Arte poetic0 Tagalo." In Archivo del Bibliofilo

Filipino. Madrid: Viuda de M. Minuesa de Los Rios.
1895 Los Antiguos Alfabetos de Filipinas (Notas bibliograficas).
Madrid: Imprenta de la Viuda de M. Minuesa de 10s
Rios. 9 pp.
1897 "Lenguas de Filipinas." In Historia de Mindanao y
Jolo, by Francisco Combes, 17-39. Madrid.
1897 "Prologo." Historia de Mindanao y Jolo, by Francisco
Combes, Ixvii-lxxxix. Madrid.
1921 Diccionario de Filipinismos con la Revision de lo que
a1 Respecto Lleva Publicado la Real Academia
Espaiiola. New York. 174 pp.

Revel, Nicole
1985 "Position de these Burak at Baras." ASEMI: Literatures

Revii, Jovencio Tan

1958 "A contrastive analysis of English and Eastern Samar-
Leyte Visayan (Waray)." California: UCLA term
project for Speech 103K.

Reyes Florentino, Isabelo de 10s

1887 Filipinas; Articulos Varios Sobre Etnografia, Historia,
y Costulnbres del Pais... Manila: J . A. Ramos.
1889 Las Islas Visayas en la Epoca de la Conquista. Manila:
Chofr6 y Compaiiia. 114 + 2 pp.
1890 Historia de Ilocos. Manila: Establecimiento Tipografico
La Opinion. 2d ed. 2 vols in 1.

Reyes Jose, R. A.
1934 Investigaciones Sobre la Eufonia en la Idioma Tagalo;
la Eufonia de las Consonantes y la Antigua Classzficacion
de la Letras Tagala. Manila: Cecilio Press. 32 pp.
1939 Las Particularidades de la Pronunciation Tagala y su
Signalization Ortografica. INL Publication 4(9): 17.

Reyes y Florentino, Isabelo de 10s

1889 "Paleographia y Filologia Visaya. " In Las lslas Visayas.
Manila: Chofr6 y Compafiia. ii + 114 pp.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Reysio Cruz / 2964-2972 247

1890 "Palaeografia." In Historia de Ilocos 1:40-64. Manila: 2964

Establecimiento Tipografico La Opinion.

Reyes, Conrado
1952 "An intensive study of verb forming affixes in the
national language." Unpublished MA thesis, UST.
vii + 155 lvs.

Reyes, E. V.
1969 "Some problems of interference in the use of English 2966
verbs by native Tagalog speakers." LL 19(1-2):87-97.

Reyes, Ester P. de 10s

1964 "Bilingual errors in some freshman English
compositions. " PJLT 2(3-4): 14-22, 33.

Reyes, Francisco Vera

c 1938 Pratical Tagalog: an Easy and Agreeable Method of 2968
Acquiring a Speaking Knowledge of the Tagalog
Language. Manila: Imprenta y Libreria P. Sayo. 344 pp.

Reyes, Gloria M.
1959 "Isang pag-aaral sa kahalagahan ng palatuldikan at 2969
palagitlingan sa wastong Pananagalog." GAFLS

Reyes, Jesusa R.
1966 "A contrastive analysis of the structure and order of 2970
English and Ilongo adjectives. " Unpublished MAT
seminar paper. 69 lvs.

Reyes, Purification
nd "Speech sound problems of Tagalogs learning English. " 2971
Np. 4 lvs.

Reyes, Vicente Solas - See 3906

Reysio Cruz, Emilia
1950 Filipino Folk Songs. Manila: Community Publishers Inc. 2972
ii +37 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
248 2973-2981 / Rhea

Rhea, Mary
1972 "Prefocus and verbal orientation in Sarangani Bilaan. "
PJL 3(1):35-42.

Richards, Charles
1971 "A case grammar of Pampangan. " Unpublished PhD
dissertation, UCLA.

Richert, Ernest - See 3393

Ridulla, Merlinda L. - See 1543
Riedel, Johan Gerard Friedrich
1868 "Bijdrage tot de kennis des talen en dialekten,
Voorkomende op de eilanden Luzon of Lesoeng, Psni
of Ilong-Ilong, Balangingi, Solog, Sangi, alsmede op
noord- en midden-Celebes." Verh Batav Gen Kunsten
Wet deel 33(2):44.

Riego de Dios, Sister Maria Isabelita O., RVM

1976 "A composite dictionary of Philippine Creole Spanish
(Chavacano)." Unpublished PhD dissertation, Ateneo de
Manila University.
1978 "A pilot study on the dialects of Philippine Creole
Spanish." SIPL 2(1):77-8 1.
1989 A Composite Dictionary of Philippine Creole Spanish
(Chavacano). Manila: LSP and SIL,. ix +209 pp.
(SIPL 7(2)).

Rikr, E.
1871 Diccionario Humoristico Filipino. Manila: Imprenta de
Ramirez y Giraudier. 52 pp.

1961 "Notes for Filipino purists." PFP 54:143-144.

Rivera, Castro J.
1933 "Tagalogs have names for them." PM 30(7):285. (Also
in 1935. JEAS 4(2):439-440).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Rizal / 2982-2994

Rivera, P. C.
1930 "Words and expressions of kinship in Tagalog with an
introduction on how to write Tagalog." Unitas 9:278-287.

Rivero, A. E.
1910 "Mas sobre 10s dialectos secretos en Manila y provincia
Tagalas." CF 1(9):268-271.

Rizal, Jose Alonso

1887 "Tagalische Verskunst." VerBerGesAnthr 19:293-295.
1888 "Memoir concerning the significance of Chinese names
of islands of the Philippines." London.
1890 "Sobre la nueva ortografia de la lengua Tagalog." La
Solidaridad 2(29):89-92. (German version in 1893. BNI
42:3 11-320).
1914 "Specimens of Tagal folklore." In Life and Labors of
Jose Rizal, by A. Lineage Craig, 152-153. Yonkers-on-
Hudson, New York: World Book Co.
1916 "The Tagalog language." In Philippine Progress Prior
to 1898, ed by Austin Craig. Manila: Philippine
Education Company Inc. 106 pp.
1930-1936 "Sobre la ortografia Tagala." In Epistolario Rizalino
3: 10-21. Manila: Bureau of Printing.
1930-1938 Epistolario Rizalino. (Documentos de la Biblioteca
Nacional de Filipinas, compilados y publicados bajo la
direccion de T. M. Kalaw). Manila: Bureau of Printing.
5 vols.
1935 "On the new orthography of the Tagalog language."
PSSR 7: 193-208.
1938 "The new orthography of the Tagalog language." In
Linguistics, ed by Z . Galang, 345-365. Manila:
Philippine Education Company Inc.
1943 Estudios Sobre la Lengua Tagala. Maynila: Limbagan
ng Universidad ng Santo Tomas. 40 pp. (Tr by Cecilio
1943 Sobre la Nueva Orthografia de la Lengua Tagala, por
Dr. J. Rizal. (Nilagyan ng paunang salita at ilang

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
250 2995-3006 1 Rizal

paliwanag ni Jaime C. de Veyra, patnugot ng Surian ng

Wikang Pambansa). Maynila: Limbagan ng Maynila
Sinbunsya. 34 + 1 pp.
1954 Limang Salita ng lsinalin sa Tagalog. Manila: Bureau
of Printing. 74 pp. (Bureau of Pub!ic Libraries Series
Publication 7).
1961 "Vocabulario Ingles-Tagalog. " In Escritos Varios por
Jose Rizal, 8:447-456, part 2. Publicaciones de la
Commision Nacional del Centenario de Jose Rizal.
1962 Ang Balarila ni Rizal (Malayang isinawikang Pilipino
at nilagyan ng paunang salita ni Cecilio Lopez).
Manila: Benipayo Press. 70 pp. (Tr by Cecilio L,opez).
1964 "Mga pag-aaral ukol sa wikang Tagalog." In Mga Iba 't
Ibarlg Sinulat ni Rizal, 103- 120. Manila: Mga Lathalain
ng Pambansang Komisyon ng mga Bayani. (Tagalog
version of Estudios Sobre la Lengua Tagala).
c 1964 "Studies about the Tagalog language." In Miscellaneous
Writings of Dr. Jose Rizal, 160-174. Manila: National
Heroes Commission. (English version of Estudios Sobre
la Lengua Tagala).

Robertson, James Alexander

19 14 "Language of the Igorots of Lepanto ... " In The Igorots
of Lepanto, 495-497. Manila: Bureau of Printing. (Also
in 1914. PJS 9:465-529).

Roblin, Gloria L.
1963 "A comparative analysis of translation equivalence of
connotative meaning for Tagalog and English speaking
subjects. " Unpublished PhD dissertation, State
University of New York, Buffalo. iv + 161 Ivs.

Rodda, Rosemary - See also 2356, 2357

nd "Orthography of Batak." Manila: SIL 2 Ivs
1961 "Phonemes of Batak." PJS 90:259-262.
1963 "The internal sandhi of the infix -um in Batak." Manila:
SIL. 11 lvs.
1965 "Batak clauses." Manila: SIL. 43 Ivs.
1965 "Batak phrases." Manila: SIL. 13 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Roe / 3007-30 17

1968 "Batak sentence structure.'' Manila: SIL. 74 lvs.

1976 "Narrative discourse in Zamboanga Chavacano. "
Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. i 37 lvs.

Rodenas, Leonardo Sorico

1949 "A study of Tagalog vocabulary used by children in their
play activities." Unpublished MA thesis, Arellano
University, Manila.

Rodil, Concepcion Ferraris

1953 "The influence of the Spanish upon the Cebu-Visayan
language and the effect of this influence upon the
learning of the Spanish language by Cebuano-speaking
students." Unpublished MA thesis, University of San
Carlos, Cebu Cify.

Rodriguez, Eulogio B.
1928 "Names under which the Philippines has been known at
different times in history." PhiIEdMag 24(4):206-207,
232, 234. (Reprinted in 1954. JE-43 3(4):444-448).

Rodriguez, G. Teodoro
1944 "Ang wikang Tagalog na wikang pangbansa ng bayang
Pilipinas." Np. v + 401 lvs.

Rodriguez, Gregorio, OESA

nd "Arte y vocabulario Tagalo. " Np.

Rodriguez, Ramon
1854 Diccionario Ibanag-Espanlol. (Compuesto en lo antiguo
por el R. P. Fr. J. Bugarin, reducido a majorforma el
P .Fr. Antonio Lobato de Santo Tomas...). Manila:
Imprenta Amigos del Pais. 280 + 72 pp.

Roe, G. Richard - See also 3680, 3681

nd "Isneg phonemes." Manila: SIL. 27 lvs.
1959 "A problem in determining grammatical relationships
in Isneg." Manila: SIL. 3 lvs.
1966 "Isneg spelling." PJLT 4(1-2):66-7 1.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
252 3018-3030 / Rojo

Rojo, Juan Martin, OSA

nd "Diccionario Hispano-Ilocano. " Np.

Rojo, Norma 0.
1961 "A contrastive analysis of English and Hiligaynon. "
California: UCLA term project for Speech 103K.

Roman, Maria Severa

1904 Gramatica Hispano-Bicol Segun el Metodo de
Ollendorfl Manila: Santos y Bernal. 26 1 pp.

Romero de la Concepcion, Andres, OAR

nd "Diccionario Zambal." Np.
nd "Grammatica Zambal." Np.

Romney, A. Kimball and Roy Goodwin D'Andrade

1964 "Transcultural studies in cognition." American
Anthropologist Special Publication 66(3), part 2

Romualdez, Norberto
1908 Bisayan Grammar and Notes on Bisayan Rhetoric and
Poetics and Filipino Dialectology. Tacloban: Pag
Pahayag Co. xi + 136 pp.
1914 "Tagbanwa alphabet." Crc F 5(1):53-82.
I918 Phil@ptne Orthography. Iloilo: Visayas Printing Co.
24 pp.
1919 "Tres documento en escritura Filipina antigua... "
Philippine History Quarterly 1(1):2-13.
1932 Filipino Musical Instruments and Airs of Long Ago.
Manila: Catholic Trade School. 37 pp.
1933 Discursos Leidos ante la Academia Filipina en la
Recepcion Publica de Norberto Romualdez de dia 25 de
Julio de 1933. Manila: Irnprenta de Santos y Bernal. 34 pp.
1935 Consagracion Nacional de la Lengua Tagala, Discurso
pronunciado en la convencion de la "Akademya ng
I.tiknng 7 trynlog " ( 'elehrada en la Plaza Hotel el dm 7
de Abril de 1935. Editado por la Akademya ng Wikang
Tagalog (Castellano e ingles). Manila: The Academy.
8 PP
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Rosario 1 3031-3041 253

Ronquillo, Carlos
1904 "Pag-aaral tungkol sa tumpak na pagsulat ng wikang
Tagalog." Muling Pagsilang (March 21).
1910 "Hinggil sa pagsulat ng wikang Tagalog." Taliba
(April 16; April 30; May 7).
1930 "Mga pansin ni pagbikas at pagsulat ng ilang
salitang Tagalog. " Pagkakaisa (May 18).

Roque, Charing - See 1104

Rosa, Jose de la - See 2691

Rosa, Mariano de la
1885 Nuevo Diccionario Manual de Verbos Espaiiol- Visayo
para Uso de las Escuelas de Primera lnstruccion del
Distrito de Masbate y Ticao. Manila: Santa Cruz. 60 pp.

Rosa, Pablo de la
1905 Vocabulario Visaya-Ingles. Manila: American Book and
News Co. 52 pp.

Rosales, B. E.
1963 "The first English-Waray dictionary." PFP 56(32):62.

Rosario, Fe Laura A. del

nd "A model for an etymological monolingual dictionary
of Tagalog." Unpublished MA thesis, PNC.

Rosario, Florencia del - See 1134- 1138, 3895

Rosario, Gonzalo del
1965 "Tumpak na talasalitaang pang-agham. " Diwa 1:19-26.
1966 "Si Einstein at ang bagong agham." Panitikan 2(8):48-51.
1968 "A modernization-standardization plan for the
Austronesian derived national languages of Southeast
Asia." Asia Std 6(1): 1-18.
1968 "Ang pagsasaayos ng mga salitang pang-agham." In
Kamanyang '68 (Aklat ng Taniw), 91-95.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
254 3042-3055 1 Rosas

Rosas, Romeo
1960 "Isang munting diksyonaryo ng mga salitang ginagamit
sa L a a ~ n a1;1111ang Unpublished MA thesls, Manuel L.

Quezon University.

Ruch, Edward - See also 175, 176

nd "A dialogue in Calamian Tagbanwa." Manila: SIL. 10 lvs.
nd "Active direct clauses: Kalamian Tagbanwa." Manila:
SIL. 21 lvs.
nd "Substantive marking particles in Kalamian Tagbanwa."
Manila: SIL. 8 Ivs. (Also in 1961. PSSHR 26(2):213-218.
nd "Substantive phrases in Tagbanwa." Np.
1964 "The phonological and morphophonemic systems of
Calamian Tagbanwa." Unpublished MA thesis, Cornell
University, Ithaca, NY. 30 lvs.
1968 "Sentence structure of Kalamian Tagbanwa. " Manila.
SIL. 95 lvs.
1968 "The phonemes of Calamian Tagbanwa." Manila: SIL.
8 Ivs.
1974 "Role combinations and verb stem classes in Kalamian
Tagbanwa." Pupers in Philippine Linguistics 5:23-60.
(PI,-A 41).

Rudiferia, Francis
1935 Visuya-English and English- Visaya Dictionary. Manila:
Catholic Trade School. 255 pp.

Ruijter, Juan, MSC

1963 Cebuano-English Dictionary. Lawaan, Talisay, Cebu
City: Sacred Heart Seminary. 338 pp.
1967 English-Cebuano Dictionary Lawaan, Talisay, Cebu
City: Sacred Heart Seminary. 340 pp.

Ruiz de la Virgen del Socorro, Juan, ORSA

nd "Diccionario Maranao-Espaiiol. " Np.

Ruiz, Jose Maria, OP

nd "Gramatica Pangasinana." Np.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Sadowsky / 3056-3067 255

Ruiz, Macario Bueno

1960 "A contrastive analysis of English and Hiligaynon 3056
verbs." Iloilo City: CPU. 324 lvs. Mimeo.
1960 "An intensive course in Hiligaynon; a tentative guide." 3057
Iloilo City: CPU. 177 lvs. Mimeo.
1963 "Weighing and sequencing English tense-aspect 3058
modifications for Hiligaynon speakers. " Unpublished
EdD thesis, UCLA.
1965 "Hiligaynon /Naga/ vs. English V-s." MSTEQ 3059
1965 "Predicting difficulties for Hiligaynon speakers learning 3060
English." TchJr 2(3):5-6, 28-29, 33.

Ruiz, P. F. Miguel, OP
nd "Bocabulario Tagalog." Np.

Rutaquio, Remedios P.
1961 "Some major constructions in Tagalog." PJLT 3062

Ruzui, Septy
nd "A survey of relations between Indonesia, Malay and 3063
the main languages of the Philippines. " Unpublished
MA thesis, UST.
1962 "A survey of relations between Indonesia, Malay and 3064
the main languages of the Philippines." Unitas
3 5:22-80. (Published version of MA thesis).

Sabado, Domingo
1966 "Saliwang pagbigkas." Diwa 2:21-26.

Sacro, Pura Tianco

1961 "An analysis of the characteristics of the primary 3066
phonemes of the English language as spoken by a group
of Bisayan-speaking peoples of Lanao. " Unpublished
MA thesis, Philippine Women's University, Manila.

Sadowsky, Felicia and Jean Shand

1959 "Ilianen Manobo morphophonemics." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 24 lvs.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
256 3068-3078 1 Sagalongos

Sagalongos, Felicidad T. E.
1968 Diksiyunaryong Ingles-Pilipino, Pilipino-Ingles. Manila:
National Book Store Inc. 722 pp. (Also printed in 2 vols.
222 PP, 498 PP).

Sainz de la Virgen del Vice, Florentino, OAR

nd "Gramatica Zambal del Norte. " Np.
1873? "Diccionario Zambal." Np.

Sakiyama, Osamu
1970 "Tagarogu-go no akusento" [Stress in Tagalog].
Onsei-gakkai Kaih6 [Bulietin of the Phonetic Society of
Japan] 134:8-11.

Salazar, Jose, OSA

nd "Vocabulario Tagalog. " Np.

Saleeby, Najeeb Mitry

1905 Studies in Moro History, Law and Religion. Manila:
Bureau of Printing. 107 pp. (Department of the Interior,
Ethnological Survey Publications 4, part 1).
1911 "La ortografia Filipina. " La Vanguardia (April 18)
1912 Origin of the Malayan Filipinos. Manila: Philippine
Academy. 37 pp. (Papers of the Philippine Academy 1,
part 1).

Salumbides, Inocencio (pseud) - See Isalgo

Salva, Eusebio
1884 Vocabulario MiIitar y Guia de la Conversation Espaiiol,
Tagalog-Visaya. Manila: Imprenta de M. Perez, hijo.

Salzner, Richard
1960 Sprachenatlas des IndopaciJischen Raumes. Wiesbaden:
0 . Harrassowitz. 2 vols.

Samonte, Aurora
1957 "Some structural differences between English and
Tagalog." MSTEQ 7: 11-14.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
San Antonio / 3079-3089 257

Samonte, Fernando L.
1957 Tagalog na Pansalitaan. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 3079
vi +
26 pp. (INL Paper 15).

San Agustin, Andres de

1795 Arte de la Lengua Bicol, para la Ensenanza de este 3080
Idioma en la Provincia de Camarines. Sampaloc:
Convento del h e b l o de Sampaloc. 2d ed. 167 pp.
(1st ed, 1647).
1879 Arte de la Lengua Bicol Dalo a luz Corregido y 3081
Adicionado en Obsequio a sus Hermanos ... Manila:
Ramirez y Giraudier. xii + 239 pp.

San Agustin, Francisco de

1879? "A&ciones a1 arte Bisaya del P. Mentrida." Np. 3082

San Agustin, Gaspar de

1703 "Arte Tagalo." Np.
1879 Compendio del Arte de la Lengua Tagala. Manila: 3084
Imprenta de Amigos del Pais. 3d ed. 168 pp. (Other
eds, 1703; 1787).

San Antonio de Padua, Pablo Bienzobas

nd "Copia de arte Bisaya." Np.

San Antonio, Francisco de, OFM

1614 "Institution de la lengua Tagala y diccionario Tagalo." 3086
1620 "Diccionario Tagalo. " Np. 3087

San Antonio, Jeronimo Montes y Escamilla de

nd "Arte del idioma Tagalog." Np.

San Antonio, Juan Francisco

1738-1744 "Languages of the Philippines." In Chronicas de la 3089
Aposfolrcn Prov~ncrnde Sun Greporro.. 1 144-146
chapter 12. Sampaloc: J. del Sotillo.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
258 3090-3102 / San Buenaventura

San Buenaventura, Pedro de, OBM

1613 Vocabulario de la Lengua Tagala. Imprenta en la Noble
Villa de Pila. 707 pp. (El Romance Castellano Puesto
Primero, parts I and 11).

San Damian, Bias de

1755 "Arte de la lengua de Masinloc. " Np. 8 14 lvs
1755 "Diccionario del dialect0 de Zambales." Np.

San Geronimo, Thomas de, OSA

nd "Vocabulario de la lengua Cebuana." Np.

San Joaquin, Ramon Zueco de

1884 Metodo del Dr. Ollendorf Para Aprender a Leer,
Hablar y Escribir un Idioma Cualquiera, Adaptado a1
Bisaya. Manila: Amigos del Pais. 2d ed. 27 1 i-
120 pp
(1st ed, 1871).
1889 Compendia de la Gramatica Bzsaya-Espaiiola, adaptada
a1 sistema de Ollendorff: Guadalupe: Asilo de Huerfanos.
2d ed. lxvii + 152 + 27 pp. (1st ed, 1878).
1931 Zueco's Bisayan (lJisayan) Book. Fordham, New York.
188 pp. (Tr by Patrick Rafferty of Metodo del Dr.

San Jose, Francisco Blancas de, OP

nd "Arte para aprender 10s indios Tagalogs la lengua
Espaiiola." Np.
1610 Arte y Regalas de la Lengua. Bataan: Tomas Pinpin.
1610 "Vocabulario de la lengua Tagala (Tagala-Espaiiol et
Espaiiol-Tagala)." Np. 451 + 540 lvs.
1614 Arte Para Aprender 10s Indios Tagalog el Idioma
Espaiiol. Bulacan: Tomas Pinpin. 414 pp.
1754 Libro de la Quatro Postrimerias del Nombre en Lengua
Tagala y Letra Espaiiola. Manila: Universidad de Santo
Tomas por Geronimo Gomez de Castro. 260 + 13 pp.
1832 Arte y Reglas la Lengua Tagala. Manila: Imprenta
Nueva de D. Jose Maria Dayot por Tomas Oliva. 3d ed.
919 pp. (Other eds, 1610; 1752).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Sanchez / 3103-3112

San Juan, Erlinda D.

1974 "Isang diksyunaryong Pilipino-Cuyonon, Cuyonon-
Pilipino para sa mga mag-aaral sa mababang paaralan."
Unpublished MA thesis, PNC.

San Lucas, Francisco de

1700? "Diccionario de las principales idiomas de las islas
Filipinas. " Np.

San Miguel, Rodrigo de

1800? "Arte y diccionario de la lengua Tagala." Np.

San Vicente Ferrer, Nicolas Gonzalez de

1885 Gramatica Bisaya-Cebuano del P. Francisco Encina.

Sanchez de la Rosa, Antonio

nd Diccionario Bisaya-Espaiiol. Manila: Imprenta de
Arnigos del Pais. 244 pp.
1878 Gramatica Visayo-Hispana Precedida de Algunas
Lecciones Practicas que Familiaricen a 10s Nifios
Indigenas con el Idioma Castellano. Manila:
Establecimiento Tipografico de C. Miralles.
xxvi + 1 12 pp.
1887 Gramatica Hispano-Visaya, con algunas Iecciones
practicas iniercaladas en el texto... Manila: Imprenta
Amigos del Pais. 334 pp.
1895 Diccionario Hispano-Bisaya y Bisaya-Espaiiol, para las
Provincias de Samar y Leyte. Manila: Tipografico de
Chofrk y Compaiiia. 480 pp, 332 pp. (Other eds, 1887;
19 14. Manila: Imprenta de Santos y Bernal. 630 pp.
Revised by Antono Valeriano Alcazar for the Samar-
Leyte Bisayan).
1914 Diccionario Espaiiol-Bisaya par las Provinceas de
Samar y Leyte. Manila: Imprenta y Litografia de Santos
y Bernal. 630 pp.

Sanchez, Jose
1886? "Bisaya dictionary." Np.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
260 31 13-3122 / Sanchez

Sanchez, Maria del Carmen

1981 "Lexical borrowings in some Philippine languages."
Unpublished MA thesis, UP. 149 lvs.

Sanchez, Mateo, SJ
171 1 Vocabulario de la Lengua Bisaya (Samar-Leyte). Manila:
Imprenta de la Sagrada Compaiiia de Jesus. 55 1 + 4 1 pp.
(Transcribed from microfilm in 1974 by Jose C. Gomez.
Calbayog, Samar).

Sanchez, Miguel
nd "Ar-te de la lengua Tagala." Np.

Sanchez, Vicente
1890 "Idioma." In La Isla de Camiguin, 25-26. Manila: La
Oceania Espafiola.

Sancianco y Gosnon, Gregorio

1881 "Dialectos. " In El Progresso de Filipinas, 173-174.
Madrid: J . M. Perez.

Sandoval, Claudio R.
1920 "Some Kuyo legends." Np. 13 lvs.

Sanlucar, Pedro de - See 2609

Santa Ana, Felipe de, ORSA
nd "Gramatica Zambal. " Np. 569 lvs.

Santa Ines, Francisco de

1892-1893 "Letras, lenguas, trajes y otras costumbres antiguas de
10s Filipinos." In Biblioteca Historica Filipina 2:41-47.
Manila: Imprenta de el Eco de Filipinas.

Santa Maria, Fernando de

1885 "Tabla y Vocabulario en ocho lenguas de estas islas, de
10s palos, verbas, y otras drogas medicinales.. . " In
Manual de Medicinas Caceras para Consuelo de 10s
Pobres Indios. Manila: Colegio de Santo Tomas.

Santa Rosa, Bernardo de

1750 "Arte del idioma de 10s Aetas." AIA 28:289-346
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Santiago 1 3123-3135

1750 "Diccionario del idoma de 10s Aetas." Np. (Also in

1928. AIA 30:71-106).

Santamaria, Alberto
1938 "El 'Baybayin' en el archivo de Santo Tomas (Algo de
Paleografia Tagala)." Unitas 16(8):441-480.

Santaren, Hilario, OSA

1880 "Collecion de voces del dialect0 Bisaya (que no se
hallan contenidas en el Diccionario del P. Mentrida)."
Guadalupe: Asilo de Huerfanos. iv + 254 + 1 lvs.
c 1880 Gramatica Bisaya segun el Metodo de Ollendor-
Guadalupe: Asilo de Huerfanos.

Santiago, Alfonso 0.
1970 "Ang paghahambing sa dalawang wika." Ang Supling
1970 "Ang tunog ng glottal sa Pilipino (at sa ibang
pangunahing wika sa Pilipinas). " Ang Supling 1: 5 1-54.
1979 Panimulang Linggwistika. Manila: Rex Book Store.
1979 "The elaboration of a technical lexicon of Pilipino."
Unpublished PhD dissertation, Ateneo-PNC
Consortium, Ateneo de Manila University.
1984 The Elaboration of a Technical Lexicon of Pilipino.
Manila: LSP and S E . xviii +248 pp. (SIPL 5(2)).

Santiago, Aurea Jimenez

1953 Wikang Pilipino. Manila: Jones Publications. 149 pp.
1969 Diksiyunaryo Pilipino-English. Manila: Village
Educational Suppliers. 177 pp.

Santiago, Aurea Jimenez and Manuel Franco

1985 Talahuluganang Pilipino. Manila: Merriam and
Webster Inc. 234 pp.

Santiago, Francisco
1931 "The development of music in the Philippine islands."
Paper prepared for the Institute of Pacific Relations.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
262 3136-3148 / Santiago-Guino

Santiago-Guino, Guillerrno Y.
nd "Polysyllabic words in Tagalog." Np. 216 lvs. 31 36

Santillan-Castrence, Pura
1939 "The aesthetics of Tagalog prose (a preliminary 3137
survey)." PSSR 11:18-133.

Santo Tomas, Antonio Lobato de, OP

nd "Diccionario Ibanag. " Np.
nd "Gramatica o arte de la lengua Ibanag." Np. 3139
nd "Grammatica Ibanag." Np. 3140
190 1 "Diccionario de la lengua Ibanag." Manila: np. 808 lvs. 3141

Santos y Gomez, Antonio

1924 "The Cavitefio dialect." Np. 53 lvs.

Santos, Alfredo C. - See 3548

Santos, Aurora Rillo

1964 "A comparative analysis of the phonological systems of 3143
English and Cavite Chabacano." Np. PNC.

Santos, Ciriaco U.
1954 Wikang Pilipino. Manila: Committee on Languages. 3144
82 PP.
1955 Wikang Pilipino. Maynila: M . E . Anatalio and Co. 3145
80 PP.

Santos, Dorningo de los, OP

nd "Arte de la lengua Tagala. " Np.
1695 Arte Tagalog. Manila. 3147
1703 Vocabulario de la Lengua Tagala. Imprenta en la Noble 3148
Villa de Tayabas. 884 pp. Parts 1 and 2. (Other eds, 2d
ed, 1794. Sampaloc: Nuestra Seiiora de Loreto. 841 pp;
3d ed, 1835. Manila: Imprenta Nueva de Jose Maria
Dayo. 2 vols. 739 pp, 118 pp. Reprinted in 1974. En el
de Nuestra Sedora de Loreto. 841 pp).
Santos, E. - See 1208
Santos, Isrnael - See 207
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Santos / 3149-3161 263

Santos, Josefina L. and Amparo R. Asuncion

1946 A Manual for Teaching the Filipino National Language 3149
in Grade I. Manila: Bureau of Public Schools Publication.
120 pp.

Santos, Josefina L., Salud R. Paz, Trinidad C. Sison and Amparo R. Asuncion
1949 A Manual for Teaching the National Language in 3150
Grade II. Manila: Bureau of Public Schools Publication.
163 pp.

Santos, Lope K.
nd "Talasalitaan ng 'Hanlak na Dakila.'" Np
1903 Isang Wikang Pilipino (Talumpati). Manila. 42 pp. 3152
1911 "La onomatopeya en el idioma Tagalog. " Cu F 3153
1912 "Saan natin kinuha, Saan natin dinadala at Saan natin 3154
dapat dalhin ang wikang Tagalog." Taliba (October).
1925 Analogia Estructural Entre 10s Dialecto Filipinos 3155
(Conferencia leida...ante la Academia de Artes y Letras
de la Universidad de Filipinas, Dee. 17). Manila: UP.
30 PP.
1927-1928 "Kung bakit isinusulat nang pagayon o paganito ang 3156
mga salita." Sampaguita (October 16, 23, 30;
November 6, 13, 20, 27; December 4, 11, 25; January
15, 22, 29; February 5, 12, 19, 26; March 4, 11).
1937- 1938 "Sources and means for further enrichment of Tagalog 3157
as our national language." PSSR 9: 101- 124.
1946 "Ang kabuluhan ng 'Pangangko' sa wikang Tagalog." 3158
Junior Citizen 1(1):28-29, 37.
1951 'Makabagong' Balarila? Mga Puna at Payo sa 3159
'Sariling Wika ' ni Cirio H. Panganiban. Maynila. 95 pp.
1953 Ang Diwa ng mga Salawikain. 60 Salawikaing May 3160
Tig-isang Kuwentong-tula. Manila. 130 pp.

Santos, Luningning E. - See 3168

Santos, Manuel, OSA
nd "Diccionario Panayano-Espafiol." Np.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
264 3162-3171 / Santos

Santos, Maria Q.
1954 "Simple question with 'Be' for Pampango speakers."
LL 5(1-2):6 1-63.

Santos, Pilar M.
1959 "A comparative study of the vocabulary of the Tagalog
and of the Ilocano language." Unpublished MA thesis,
Arellano University.

Santos, Vito C.
1978 Vica,vsan's Pilipino-English Dictionary. Manila:
National Book Store Inc. 2705 pp.

Santos, Vito C., et al.

1954 Arithmetical and Geometrical Terms. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 11 pp. (INL Paper 5).
1954 Economic and AlIied Terms. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 23 pp. (INL Paper 2).
1954 Geographical Terms. Manila: Bureau of Printing. (INL
Paper 6).

Santos, Vito C. and Luningning E. Santos

1964- 1965 "Diksyunaryong Pilipino sa Ingles." Panitikan
1(2):55-58, 65; 1(3):56-60; 1(4):64-66; 1(5):61-62

Saremi, Cyrus M.
1989 The Latest English-Japanese, Pilipino-Japanese
Dictionary. Manila: National Book Store Inc. 270 pp.

Sarmenta, Consolacion S.
1946 "Some Chinese words commonly used in Cabanatuan,
Nueva Ecija and incorporated by common usage in
Tagalog. " Np.

Sato, Tokujun
1980 "Tagarogu-gu ni okeru Supein-go keitai henka" [Sobre
unos cambios morfoiogicos del Espaiiol en Tagalo].
Journal of the Faculty of Foreign Studies, 157-173.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Schachter / 3172-3183 265

Satb, Eizaburb
1944 A Tagalog-English Dictionary Quezon City: INL. 3172
iii + 30 +
146 pp.

Savage, T. Dale
1986 "A reconstruction of Proto-Southern Mindanaon." 3173
SIPL 6(2): 181-223.

Sawada, Kiyoshi
1944 Hito-go Bump6 Ryakukai [Some Information on the 3174
Pilipino Grammar/Mga Ilang Himatong sa Balarilang
Pilipino]. Manila: Nippon Shuppan Haikyii Kabushiki
Gaisha (Nippai). 4 + 1 + 266 pp.

Sawyer, Frederic Henry Read

1900 The Inhabitants of the Philippines London: S. Low, 3175
Marston and Co. 422 pp.

Sawyer, Louise
1975 "Aspect in Amganad Ifugao." AL, 107-116.

Sayson, Priscilla S.
1961 "A comparative study of English and Cebuano."
California: UCLA term project for Speech 103K.

Schachter, Paul
nd "A comparative analysis of some Tagalog and English 3178
structures." Np.
1959 "A contrastive analysis of English and Pangasinan." 3179
Unpublished PhD dissertation, UCLA. 159 lvs.
196 1 "Structural ambiguity in Tagalog." LL 1l(3-4): 135-145. 3180
1962 Rules for a Segnient of Tagalog Grammar California: 3181
UCLA. ix + 169 pp.
1973 "Constraints on clitic order in Tagalog." In Parangal 3182
kay Cecilio Lopez, 214-23 1. (PJLSM 4).
1976 "The subject in Philippine languages: topic-actor, actor- 3183
topic or none of the above." In Subject and Topic, by
Charles Li, 491-518. New York: Academy Press.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
266 Schachter / 3184-3195

Schachter, Paul and Fe T. Otaiies

1971 A Tagalog Reference Grammar Berkeley: University of
California Press. 400 pp.
Review: Elmer P. Wolfenden. Journal of Linguistics

Schadenberg, Alexander - See also 2397

1880 "Ueber die negritos in den Philippinen. " ZEthnol
1885 "Die Bewohner von Sud-Mindanao und der Insel
Samal." ZEthnol 17:8-37, 45-57.
I887 "Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Banao-Leute und der
Guinanen, gran cor&llera central, Insel Luzon,
Philippinen." VerBerGesAnth 19:145-159.
1889 "Bagobo vocabulary." ZE, 33-36.
1889 "Beitrage zur Kenntniss der im Innern Nordluzons
lebenden Starnme. (mit Worterverzeichnissen). "
ZEthnol 27(6):674-700.
1889 "Comparative vocabulary of German-Bontoc-Banaue-
Lepanto-Ilocano. " ZEthnol 2 1:682-700.

Scheans, Daniel Joseph

1962 "The Suban Ilocano kinship configuration; an application
of' innovation theory to the study of kinship." Unpublished
PhD dissertation, University of Oregon. v + 122 Ivs.
1963 "Suban society. " PSR 1 l(3-4):216-235.
1968 "Patterns of kin term usage among young Ilocanos and
a method for determining them. " PSR 12(1-2):1 7-29.

Scheerer, Otto J. - See also 613

1901 "The Igorrots of Benguet (north Luzon)." In US
Philippine Commission, 1900-1916, Report ...Jan. 24,
1901, 149- 158. Washington, DC: US Government
Printing Office.
1905 "The Nabaloi dialect." In The Bataks of Palawan, by
Edward Y . Miller, 151- 171. Manila: Bureau of Printing.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Scheerer / 3196-3210

"The Nabaloi Dialect. " In Philippine Islands

Ethnological Survey Publications, 85-178. Manila:
Bureau of Printing. 199 pp.
"Ein ethnographischer Bericht uber die Insel Botel
Tobago." Mitth. d . Deutschen Gesl. J: Natur. und
Volkenkunde Ostasiens 1l(2): 145-2 12.
The Batan Dialect as a Member of the Philippine Group
of Languages Manila: Bureau of Printing. (Bureau of
Science, Division of Ethnology Publications 5(1)).
"Linguistic travelling notes from Cagayan." ANTHR
"On a quinary notation among the Ilongots of Northern
Luzon." PJS 6:47-49. (Section D).
"The Isinai story of the monkey and the turtle." Np. 7 Ivs.
"The particles of relation of the Isinai language."
Unpublished MA thesis, UP. (Also printed in 1418 as
Uitgegeven door het Koningkklijk Instituut voor de
Taal- Land- en volkunde van Ned-lndie. 's-Gravenhage:
Martinus Nijhoff. 115 pp).
"Outlines of the history of exploration of the Philippine
languages and their relations in east and west." The
Philippine Review. 3(1-2):59-67. (Also in Filipiniana 2,
by Z . M. Galang; and in Readings in Philippine
Linguistics, A. B. Gonzalez, 70-82).
"Uber einen bemerkenswerten L-stellvertreter im dialekt
von Aklan auf der Insel Panay Filipinen. " AU 11:241-259.
"Kalinga texts from the Balbalasang-Ginaang group."
PJS 11:175-207.
"On the essential difference between the verbs of the
European and the Philippine languages." PJE 7(4-5): 1- 10.
"Batak texts with notes." PJS 3(13):301-341
"Zur Sprachenkunde der Filipinen: Die 'Kasus' der
Tagalog." In Festschrif;' Meinhof 2:409-415. Hamburg:
L. Friedrichsen and Co.
"Isneg texts with notes." PJS 36(4):409-447
1932 "Sagen der Atayalen auf Formosa." AU 22(2):8 1-114.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
268 321 1-3221 / Scheerer

Scheerer, Otto J. and Eusebia Pablo

1925-1926 "The use of Ti and Iti in Iloko compared with Tagalog
and Pangasinan equivalents; A contribution to
comparative Philippine syntax." The Archive 4: 1-28.

Scheidnagel, Manuel
1878 Filipinas. Distrito de Benguet. Memoria descriptiva y
economica. Acompa fiada del primer plano- croquis del
mismo. Madrid: Imprenta de la Direccion General de
Infanteria. 84 pp.
1880 Las Colonias Espaiiolas de Asia. Madnd: Pacheco y Pinto.

Schlegel, Stuart A.
1971 Tiruray-English Lexicon. Berkeley: University of
California Press. 68 pp. (University of California
Publications in Linguistics 68).

Schleicher, Aug.
1865 "Die Unterscheidung von Nomen und Verbum in der
lautlichen Form. " KonSacGes Wis 10(5):497-587.

Schmidt, P. Wilhelm
1926 Die Sprachfamilien und Sprachenkreise der Erde
Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitatsbuchhandlung.
595 pp.
1942-1945 "Die Sprachen der Pygmaen." ANTHR 40:902-903.

Schneider, Edwin Emil

1912 "Notes on the Mangyan language. " PJS 7(3): 157-158.
(Section D).
1914 "Notes to Garvan's Negrito vocabulary." Np. 70 lvs.
1923 "Plant names and the Philippine alphabet." The
Makiling Echo.

Schuchardt, Hugo Ernst Mario

1883 "Kreolische Studien: IV, Ueber das Malaiospanische der
Philippinen." Akademie der Wissenschaften (zu Wien),
Sitzungsberichte Philosophisch-historische Klasse
105:ll-150. Wien: C. Geold's Sohn.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Scott / 3222-3232 269

Schuck, Julpa, trs

1919 "Parang Sabil: a fragment of Sulu Epic Poetry." Np.

Schumacher, Donna - See 3224

Schumacher, Ronald L.
1986 "Stative verbs at peak in Agusan Manobo narrative
discourse." SIPL 6(1):80-93.

Schumacher, Ronald L. and Donna Schumacher

1978 "Proto-Manobo *1 in Agusan Manobo." SIPL 2(1): 183-190.

Schuster, Margaret - See also 156

nd "Sambali Tina phonemes and orthography." Manila:
SIL. 8 lvs.

Schuster, Margaret and Hella E. Goschnick

nd "Morphophonemics of Sambali Tina." Manila: SIL
6 Ivs.
nd "Vocabulary." Manila: SIL. 67 Ivs.

Schwab, William
1955 "Some structural problems for Tagalog students in
English." LL 6(1-2):68-72.
1963 "Recent development in applied linguistics." PSR

Schwarz, Johannes Albert Traugott and N. Adriani

1906 Het Verhaal van den Gulzigaard in het Totemboansch.
Sangireesch en Bare 'e. Batavia: Bataviaasch
Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. 71 pp.

Scott, Charles Payson Gurley

1896 Malayan Words in English. New Haven, Connecticut:
The American Oriental Society. (Reprinted in 1896.
JAOS 17:93-144; and in 1897. JAOS 18:49-124).

Scott, N. C.
1939 "The vowel system of the Tagalog language of the
Philippine Islands." In Proceedings of the 3rd

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
270 3233-3246 1 Scott

International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1938,

389-392. Ghent: Laboratory of Phonetics of the
University of Ghent.

Scott, William Henry

1957 A Vocabulary of the Sagada Igorot Dialect. Chicago:
University of Chicago. xv +
77 pp. Mimeo. (Philippine
Studies Program, Transcript 6).
1961 "The apo-dios concept in northern Luzon. " PracAnth
8:207-216. (Reprint of 1960. PS 8:772-788).
1962 "The word 'Igorot "' PS 10(2):234-248.
1963 "Articles in Sagada Igorot. " PJLT 2(1-2):8-20.
1964 "Thc legend of Biag, an Igorot culture hero." AFLS
1967 "Some religious terms in Sagada Igorot." In Studies in
Philippine Anthropology in Honor of H. Otley Beyer,
by M . D. Zarnora, 480-493. Quezon City: Phoenix Press.

Scott, William Henry, ed

1956 Sagada Secular Literature; Prose. Sagada, M t
Province. (Sagada Social Studies 9).

Scribner, Frank Lamson

1904 A List of Philippine Fiber Plants, 36-44. 2d ed.
(PI Bureau of Agriculture, Bulletin 5).
1904 A Supplementary List of Unclassified Philippine Fiber
Plants, 45-47. 2d ed. (PI Bureau of Agriculture,
Bulletin 5).
1904 Fruits and Vegetables in Philippines, 4-36. 2d ed
(PI Bureau of Agriculture, Bulletin no 5).
Sebastian, Federico B. - See also 3653
1947 Pampaaralang Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa. Ikalawang
Taon. Manila: Rizal National Enterprises Inc. 221 pp.
1950 Balarila ng Wikang Pilipino. Manila: EDIT. 114 pp
1951 Pasimula sa Palasurian at Balangkasan. Manila: FBS
Silangan Pub. 126 pp.
1956 Ang Retorika (panimulang pug-aaral). Manila: FBS
Silangan Pub. v + 186 pp.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Seiple / 3247-3254 27 1

Sebastian, Federico B. and Antonio D. G. Mariano

1954 Idiomatic Expressions in the Filipino Language. 3247
Manila: Silangan Publishing House, iv + 207 pp.

Sebastian, Federico B., Antonio D. G. Mariano and Antonia F. Villanueva

1947 Pampaaralang Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa. Ikaapat 3248
na Taon. Maynila: M. E . Anatolia (MEACO). 224 pp.
1948 Pampaaralang Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa, Ikalawang 3249
Taon. Manila: Committee on Languages, Textbook
Preparation, Mendiola, Manila, xii + 290 pp.

Sebeok, Thomas A.
1943 "The languages of southeastern Asia." FEQ 2(4):349-356. 3250

Segovia, Sister Nieves T. - See also 2107

1962 "A descriptive-comparative study of the Hiligaynon and 3251
the English adjectives." Ateneo de Manila Graduate

Seidenadel, Carl Wilhelm

1909 The First Grammar of the Language Spoken b y the 3252
Bontoc Igorot (with vocabulary and texts, mythology,
folklore, historical episodes, songs) Chicago: Open
Court Publishers. 592 pp.
Review: Frank Blake. 1910. AJP 31:339-342.
Review: Carlos Everett Conant. 1911. Classical
Philiology 6(3):365-366.
Review: H . Kern. 1910. IAE 19:232-233. (And in
Globus 9 1:340).
Review: J. D. Prince. 1911. The Monist, 470-475.
Review: Otto Scheerer. 1911. PJS 6:27 1-281. (Section D).
1913 The Language Spoken by the Bontok Igorot. Batavia: 3253
Albrecht and Co. 17 pp.
Review: Nicolaus Adriani. 1913. TITLV 55:601-617.

Seiple, William G.
1903 "The Tagalog numerals." JHUC 163:79-81.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
272 3255-3265 / Seiple

1904 "Polysyllabic roqts with initial P in Tagalog." JAOS

25(2):287-30 1.

Selga, Miguel
1940 Estudio Bibliogra$co del Arte y Reglas de la Lengua
Tagala de Fr. Tomas Ortiz. Manila: San Juan Press.
14 PP.

Senente, Romeo - See 346 1

Serion, Domingo Cruz
19-- Wastong Pananagalog. Manila. 1 vol.
1951 "Functional expressions in the national language."
Unpublished MA thesis, UP. 182 lvs.

Serrano Laktaw, Pedro

1889 Diccionario Hispano-Tagalog, part 1. Manila:
Establecimiento Tipografico La Opinion. 620 pp
Review: H. Kern. 1890. Indische Gzds. (Reprinted in
1923. Verspreide Geschri'en 11: 12-16).
"Los dialectos secretas en Filipinas." CF 1:551-553.
Diccionario Tagalog-Hispano, part 2. Manila:
Imprenta y Litografia de Santos y Bernal. 1392 pp.
(Other eds, 1964. Manila; 1965. Madrid: Ediciones
Cultura Hispanica. 626 + 1392 pp).
1929 Estudios Grammaticales Sobre la Lengua Tagalog
Manila: Imprenta de Juan Fajardo. 369 pp.

Serrano, Juan, OSA

1750 "Diccionario Ilocano. " Np
c 1750 "Arte Ilocano. " Np.

Serrano, Rosalio
1854 Dzccionario de Terminos Communes Tagalo-Castellano.
Manila. Imprenta del Colegio de Santo Tomas. 151 pp.
(Other eds, 1869. Manila: Imprenta de B. Gonzalez
Moras. 3 16 pp; 1910. Manila: Imprenta de Santos y
Bernal. 373 pp; 1913. Manila: J. Martinez. 400 pp).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Sevilla / 3266-3275

1872 Nuevo Diccionario Manual Espaiiol-Tagalo. Manila:

Establecimiento Tipografico "Ciudad Condal" de Plana
y Compaiiia. 398 pp.

Setoguchi, Shigetoshi and Yukihiro Yamada

1972 "Itbayat folk songs with notes." In Kzchi Daigaku
Gakujutsu Kenk* KCikoku (Jimbunkagaku) [Research
Reports of the KGchi University (Humanities), 73-104.

Sevilla ni Alvero, Rosa L. - See 3274, 3275

Sevilla Villena, Mariano
1887 Lecciones de Gramatica Castellana Tagalo. Manila:
Imprenta de Don Esteban Balbas. 162 pp.

Sevilla, Esther
1979 "A study of the structure and style of two Manuvu epic
songs in English translation." Unpublished MA thesis,
University of San Carlos, Cebu.

Sevilla, Jose N.
nd "Ang A B K ng wikang Tagalog." Np.
1938 Ang Palapantigan ng Wikang Tagalog. Manila: Bureau
of Printing. 62 pp. (INL Publication 4(12)).
1938 "The function of the particles in Tagalog language. "
PSSR (November): 334-353. (English version of La
Funcion de las Particulas en el Idioma Tagalog 4 ) .

Sevilla, Jose N. and Aurelio Alvero (Magtanggul Asa, pseud)

1939 Sinupan ng Wikang Tagalog. Manila: J. N. Sevilla
Press. 168 pp.

Sevilla, Jose N., Rosa L. Sevilla ni Alvero and Aurelio Alvero

1940 Salitikan ng Wikang Pambansa. Manila: Imprenta
Sevilla. 21 1 pp.
1941 "Estulo cornparativo de las nomenclaturas gramaticales
del balarila del Instituto de la Lengua del Idioma
National y del salitikan ng wikang Pambansa." Unitas
20:192-209, 356-367, 596-625.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
274 3276-3288 / Sevilla

Sevilla, Jose N. and Paul Rodriguez Verzosa

1923 Ang Aklat ng Tagalog. Kaunaunahang Aklat na
Dalawang Wika nu Sumusoysoy sa Pilolohia at
Panitikang Tagalog. Unang Pagkalimbag. Manila:
Imprenta y libreria de J. Martinez. 107 pp.

Shamis, Sandra Lee

c 1971 "Statussprache, Philipino und urbanisierung: 'Linguistic
engineering' in Entwicklungslandem." In World Congress
of Sociology, 7th, Varna, Bulgaria, 1970. Zur Soziologie
der Sprache, 214-228. Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag.

Shand, Jean - See also 3067, 3817

nd "Predictable and non-predictable loudness in Ilianen
Manobo. " Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 8 Ivs.
nd "The phonological units of Ilianen Manobo." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 5 Ivs.
1960 "An orthography for Ilianen Manobo. " Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 10 lvs.
1960 "Suprasegmental features of Ilianen Manobo." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: S L . i + 12 lvs.
1964 "A matrix of introducer tagmemes." O L 3(1):110-15.
1964 "Categories and markers of tense, focus and mode in
Ilianen Manobo." OL 3(1):58-68.
1965 "Major substantive phrases of Ilianen Manobo." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SLL. 17 lvs.
1965 "Root and stem classes in Ilianen Manobo." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: S E . i + 16 lvs.
1976 "Ilianen Manobo sentence structure." Papers in
Philippine Linguistics 8:45-89. (PL-A 46).

Shartle, S. Y.
1890 "A Tagalog grammar. " Np. 121 Ivs.

Shen, Yao
1957 "How to use phonetic dfference in the native language
to teach phonemic difference in the foreign language."
MSTEQ 7(2-3): 18-20, 47.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Shibatani / 3289-3301 275

1959 "Representations of the two affricates in English."

General Linguistics 4:43-55.
1959 "Some allophones can be important." LL 9(1-2):7-18.
1960 "Experience classification and linguistic distribution."
LL lO(1-2):l-13.
1961 "Sound-arrangements and sound-sequence." LL
1 l(1-2): 17-32.
1962 "Linguistic experience and linguistic habit." LL

Sherfan, Andrew D.
1973 The First Yakan-English, English-Yakan Dictionary.
Basilan City, Philippines: J.P. Printing Press. 179 pp.

Shetler, Joanne - See also 771

1966 "Balangao phonemes." In Papers in Philippine
Linguistics 1:1-7. (PL-A 8).
1968 "Balangao nonverbal clause nuclei. " Asia Std
1976 Notes on Balangao Grammar. (Language Data:
Asian-Pacific series 9). Huntington Beach, California:
SIL. 248 pp.

Shetler, Joanne, comp

1985 Deksonaryu (Balangao, Ilocano, Pilipino, English).
Manila: SIL and MECS. 88 pp.

Shetler, Joanne and Anne Fetzer

1964 "The obscuring of word accent in Balangao." OL

Shetler, Joanne and Michael R. Walrod

1983 "Semantic and thematic structure in Balangao." SIPL
4(2): 10-87.

Shibatani, Masayoshi
1985 "Passives and related constructions: a prototype
analysis. " Lang 6 1(4):821-848.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
276 3302-3312 / Shibatani

1986 "Firipino-shogo no dbshi-Sebuano-go o chiishin ni"

[Verbs in Philippine languages-with special reference
to Cebuano], Kokubungaku Kaishaku to Kanshii
1988 "Some empirical issues in linguistic typology-a
Philippine perspective." Bunkagaku Nempii [The
Annual Reports of Humanities and Social Sciences]
1988 "Voice in Philippines language." In Passive and Voice.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 92 pp.

Shigeru, Tsuchida - See 3865

Shimizu, Hiromu and Michiko Yamashita

1982 "Grammatical analysis of Kakilingan Sambal, the
language of the Southwestern Pinatubo Negritos." In
Tokyo Daigaku Kyiiyo Gakubu .limmon Kagakuka Kivd,
Dai 7 6 - S ~ IU e r o c e e d ~ n ~ofs the :/epartrnvnt of
' l l ~P
Humanities, College of General Education] 76: 1 15- 165
Tokyo: University of Tokyo.

Sibayan, Bonifacio P.
1939 "Igorot riddles." PM 36: 123.
1961 "English and Iloko segmental phonemes. " Unpublished
EdD dissertation, University of Michigan.
1966 "Should we teach Filipinos to Speak like Americans?"
PJE 44(10):736-738, 789-790.

Sibayan, Bonifacio P. and Emma Berwnble

nd "A partial comparison of English and Iloko vowels and
consonants." Np.

Sibley, Willis E. - See 1336, 1337

Sierra, Pedro Luis de, OP
nd "Diccionario Gaddang-Espaiiol." Np. 400 Ivs.
nd "Gramatica para aprender el dialect0 Gaddang." Np
500 lvs.
1850? "Vocabulario en lengua Gaddana." Bayombong, Nueva
Vizcaya: np. 495 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Sison / 3313-3324

Silverio, Antonia C.
nd "Tagalog passive transformations." Np. 10 lvs
1962 "The passive verbal sentence construction in Tagalog. "
Unpublished MA thesis, UP.

Silverio, Julio, comp

1976 New English-Pilipino-Ilocano Dictionary, ed by Ismael
C. Benter. Manila: National Book Store Inc. 156 pp.
1976 New English-Pilipino-Pangasinan Dictionary. Manila:
National Book Store Inc. 126 pp.
1976 New Pampango-Pilipino-English Dictionary. Manila:
National Book Store Inc. 84 pp.
1977 New Japanese-English-Pilipino Dictionary. Manila:
National Book Store Inc. 157 pp.
1980 Bagong Dikisyunaryong Pilipino-Pilipino. Manila:
National Book Store Inc. 414 pp.
1980 New Bicolano-Pilipino-English Dictionary. Manila:
National Book Store Inc. 116 pp.
1980 New Engiish-Pilipino-Bicolano Dictionary. Manila:
National Book Store Inc. 121 pp.

Sirk, J. K.
1967 "0 klassifikacii Avstronesijsktch jazykov" [On the
classification of Austronesian languages]. In Jazyki
Jugovostochnoj Azii [Languages of Southeast Asia].
1967 " 0 vyrazenii subjektno-objektnych otnoshenij v
Indonezijsluch jazickach" [On the expression of the
subject-object relations in Indonesian languages]. In
Ergativnaja Konstrukcija Predlozenija v Razlichnych
Tipov [Ergative Construction of Sentences in Different
Languages Types]. Leningrad.
1968 "K istoriceskoj grarnrnatike Avstronezijskich jazikov"
[On the historical Austronesian grammar]. Trudy po
Vostokovendeniju [Studies Orientalism]. I , Tartu.

Sirk, U. - See 2748

Sison, Trinidad C. - See 3 150
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
278 3325-3333 / Skarban

Skarban, Lina Ivanovna - See also 1002

1964 "0 sintaksicheskich i morfologicheskich svojstvach
tagal'skogo glagola" [On syntactical and morphological
characteristics of the Tagalog verb]. In Konferencij'a po
Jazykam Jugo-Vostochnoj Azii v Institute Narodov Azii,
3 1. A N SSSR. Moskva.
"Opyt sistematizacii nekotorych slovoobrazovatel'nych
processov v Tagal'skom jazyke" [A tentative
systemization of some morphological processes in
Tagalog]. In Spornyje Voprosy Stroja Jazykov Kitaja i
Jugo- Vostochnoj Azii [Controversial Questions of the
Morphology of the Languages of China], 174- 186.
Moskva: Nauka.
Glagol v Sovremenom Tagal'skom Jazykje [The Verb in
Modern Tagalog]. Moskva.
"0 nekotorych morfologichesluch svojstvach tagal'skogo
glagola" [On some morphological properties of the verb
in Tagalog]. In Jazyki Jugo- Vostochnoj Azii [Languages
of Southeast Asia], 160-178. Moskva: Nauka.
"0 castiach reci v Tagal'skom jazykje." In Voprosi
Teorii Castjej Rjeci nu Muter Jale Jazykov Raslichnich
Tipow [Theoretical Questions on the Parts of Speech
Based on the Materials of Different Languages],
3 18-328. Leningrad.
"0 prinEipach vydelenija klassov slov v tagal'skom
jazyke. " In Voprosy Teorii Chaste; Rechi. Na Materiale
Jazykov Razlichnych Tipov, 3 18-328. Leningrad: Nauka.
"K voprosu o sravnitel' nom izuchenii glagol'noj
morfologii (na materiale filippinskich jazykov, a takZe
nekotorych drugich jazykov Indonezijskoj gruppy)." In
Geneticheskije i Areal'nyje Svjazi Jazykov Azii i Afriki,
Konferencij'a v in-te Vostokovedenija, 88-9 1. AN SSSR,
Dekabr'. Moskva.
"K semanticheskoj kharakteristike passivnych zalogov
v tagal'skom jazyke" [On semantic features of passive
voices in Tagalog]. In Problemy Semantiki, 196-213.
Moskva: Nauka.
"Problemy izuchenija kategorii zaloga v tagal'skom
jazyke." In Jazyki Kitaja i Jugo-Vostochnoj Azii. Voprosy
grammaticheskogo stroja, 224-245. Moskva: Nauka.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Soriano 1 3334-3342

Smith, C a p Cornelius C.
1906 "A grammar of the Magindanao tongue." In Gramatica
de la Lengua de Maguindanao Segun se Habla en el
Cenfro y en la Costa Sur de la Isla de Mindanao, by
Jacinto Juanmarti. Washington, DC: US Government
Printing Office.

Soberano, Rosa Pelaez - See also 1242, 2365

1977 "The dialects of Marinduque Tagalog." SIPL 1(1):53-74.

Sobong, Loreto C.
1962 " A study of English vowel, diphthong, and consonant

sounds which the third grade pupils of Oroquieta Central

School, Misamis Occidental, find difficult to produce:
their causes and remedial exercises to correct them."
Unpublished MA thesis, PNC.

Sobrepeiia, L. P.
1966 "A descriptive analysis of Ilongo suffues." Unpublished
PhD dissertation, UP.

Solaiman, Makakena - See 1275

Solis, Waldy Kasilag
1959 "An analysis of certain intonation patterns of English
spoken in three towns of Batangas." Unpublished MA
thesis, Philippine Women's University, Manila.

Soriano, Josefina P.
1951 Magsanay Upang Matuto. National Language
Workbookfor Grade V. Manila: Philippine Book Co.
108 pp.
1951 National Language Workbook for Grade II. Manila:
Philippine Book Co. 102 pp.
1951 National Language Workbook for Grade III. Manila:
Philippine Book Co. 98 pp.
1951 National Language Workbookfor Grade VI. Manila:
Philippine Book Co. 107 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
280 3343-3355/ Soriano

Soriano, Juan, OESA

nd "Selva o conjunto de reglas confirmadas con ejemplos
del idioma Cebuano. " Np.
1870 "Diccionario Cebuano. " Np.

Sotto, Vicente - See 887

Spiecker-Saiazar, Marlies, trs
1981 A Comparative Dictionary of Tagalog, by Franz Carl
Alter. Quezon City: UP.

Staneslow, Paul W.
1955 "The grammar of verbs in Cebuano Bisayan."
Unpublished MA thesis, Cornell University. 20 lvs

Stangl, Paul L.
1904 "Estudios linguisticos: Antiguos alfabetos." Renas Fil
(January 28-30). (Also in 1904. Mztling Pagsilang
(January 28-30) with the title "Ang Matatandang
Katitikang Pilipino").
1908 "El origen de 10s diferentes dialectos de Filipinas."
Renas Fil.
1909 "Bosquejo de una classificacion de idiomas Filipinas."
Biblioteca Nacional Filipina 2 (October 13).
1910 "Alfabetos antiguos de Filipinas." Renas Fil 1(5):5.

Stangl, Paul L., trs

1902 "Tagalog y Malagache. " In Biblioteca Nacional
Filipina 1:l-2; 2:5-9, 15. Np.

Stark, D. S.
1961 "Proto-Binukid-Dibabaon." SIL WP 5:65-76.

Starr, Frederick
1901 "The Tagal alphabet." Unity (June 13).
1909 A Little Book of Filipino Riddles. New York: World
Book Company. 133 pp.

Steiger, George Ny, H. Otley Beyer and Conrado Benitez

1929 History of the Orient. Boston: Ginn and Co. ix + 469 pp. 3355
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Strong / 3356-3367 28 1

Steiner, Mona Lisa

1957 "A preliminary compilation of vernacular names of
food plants in the Pacific. " Manila. 195 lvs. Mimeo.
1961 "A dictionary of vernacular names of Pacific food
plants." Pasay City: National Research Council of the
Philippines. 362 lvs. Mimeo.

Steller, K. G. F. and W. E. Aebersold

1959 Sangirees-Nederlands Woordenboek Met
Nederlands-SangireesRegister. Netherlands: M.
Nijhoff. 622 pp. (Utig. door het Koninklijk Instituut
voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 's-Gravenhage).

Stevens, Alan M.
nd "Morphophonemics of the suprasegmental in Bikol. " Np.
1969 "Case grammar in Philippine languages. " Paper read at
the 44th annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of

Stockwell, Robert P.
1957 "A contrastive analysis of English and Tagalog." Los
Angeles: UCLA. Mimeo.
1959 "Tagalog phrase structure." Np.
1962 "Ru.les for a segment of Tagalog grammar." Los
Angeles, California: UCLA. Mimeo.

Stockwell, Robert P. and C. Westbrook Barritt

1961 "Scribal practice: Some assumptions. " LL 37:75-82.

Stoffel, Joseph I.
1959 "The nature of the Visayan verb." P S 7:283-294.

Story, Gillian - See 2382

Strohsahl, Vincent H. and Ursula Post

1965 "Tiruray dictionary. " Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon:
SLL. 103 lvs.

Strong, Clarice
nd "Marking particles in Tigwa Manobo." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 30 lvs.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
282 3368-3381 1 Strong

1976 "The phonemics and morphophonemics of Tigwa

Manobo." PJS 105(1-2):19-32.
1978 "Grammatical sketch of Tigwa Manobo." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 15 lvs.
1979 "Tigwa Manobo syntax. " Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. 15 lvs.

Suarez, Vedasto G.
1950 "Tagalog in legal parlance." ENSM 5:6-7.
1954 "Mga lalawigarling salitang Tagalog. " Unpublished MA
thesis, Centro Escolar University, Manila.

Subido, Trinidad T. and Virginia Gamboa Mendoza

nd "Ang palatitikan at palabigkasang Tagalog." Manila.
1940 Tagalog Phonetics and Orthography (based on Ang
Palatitikan at Palabigkasang Tagalog). Manila: Bureau
of Printing. 5 1 pp. (INL Publications 3(3)).

Sullivan, Robert E.
1986 Maguindanaon-English Dictionary. Cotabato City:
Notre Dame University. 545 pp.

Summer Institute of Linguistics

1957 The Intensive Tagalog Course. Manila: SIL, INL and
Department of Education. 109 pp.
1958 "Ifbgao vocabulary. " Manila: SIL. 179 lvs.
(Prepublication edition).

Surian ng Wikang Pambansa

1940 Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa. Manila: Bureau of
1971 Pinaglakip na Talasalitaan. Quezon City: JMC Press
Inc. 211 pp.
1977 Diksyunaryo ng Wikang Filipino. (An ongoing study of
1977 "Pinayamang diksyunaryo Pilipino-Ingles." Manila: np. 3381

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Svelmoe 1 3382-3397

Svelmoe, Gordon W.
nd "Mansaka &ctionary." Quezon City: SIL. (Preliminary
nd "Mansaka syntax." Manila: SIL.
1954 "Wordlist in Manmanua." Np.
1954 "Wordlist in Manobo (Vicinity of Talacogon, Agusan)."
1963 "Derivational vs. inflectional categories." Manila: SIL.
1 If.
1963 "Simple stem classes in Mansaka." Manila: SIL. 3 lvs
1963 "Substantive phrases in Mansaka lexicography."
Manila: SIL. 3 lvs.

Svelmoe, Gordon W., comp

nd "Mansaka thesaurus. " Manila: SIL

Svelmoe, Gordon W. and Norman Abrams

1953 "A brief field trip among the Bukidnon Tigwa people
and the Davao Salug people." PSSHR 18(2):141-85.
1955 Mansaka Vocabulary. Manila: SIL,Bureau of l b l i c
Schools and INL. 50 pp.
1957 Preliminary Analysis of Mansaka Affixes. Grand Forks,
North Dakota: University of North Dakota. 13 pp.

Svelmoe, Gordon W., Ernest Richert and David Thomas

1957 "Mansaka survey." Grand Forks, North Dakota:
University of North Dakota, SIL.

Svelmoe, Gordon W. and Thelma Svelmoe

1966 "Dual function of dili in Mansaka. " PJLT 4(1-2):75-78.
1974 Notes on Mansaka Grammar. Huntington Beach,
California: SIL. 138 pp. (Language Data: Asian-Pacific
series 6).

Svelmoe, Gordon W. and Thelma Svelmoe, comps

nd "Mansaka texts." Manila: SIL. 101 lvs.
1990 Mansaka-English Dictionary. Dallas: SIL. xvi + 536 pp
(Language Data: Asian-Pacific Series 16).
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
284 3398-3405 / Svelmoe

Svelmoe, Gordon W. and Thelma Svelmoe, trs

1969 "Mansaka texts." In Discourse, Paragraph, and
Sentence Structure in Selected Philippine Languages,
ed by Robert E. Longacre, 3: 185-19 1. Santa Ana,
California: SIL.

Svelmoe, Thelma - See 3394-3398

Swellengrebel, J. L., comp
1953 "The renderings of some biblical terms in languages of
the Indonesian archipelago," parts I and 11. TBT
4(4):168-182; 5:32-46.
1963 "Translators' Institute in the Philippines." TBT

Swift, Henry
1909 A Study of the Iloco Language, Based Mainly on the
lloco Grammar of Fr. Jose Naves. Washington, DC:
B. S. Adams. 172 pp.

Sydiongco, Resurreccion C.
1978 "Linguistic studies in the Leyte-Samar language
(1600-1974)." Leyte-Samar Studies 12(1): 13.

Syromjatnikov, Nikolai Aleksandrovich

1968 "Cto ob5Eego u japonskogo jazyka s indonezijskim i
tagal'skim" [On common features of Japanese,
Indonesian and Tagalog]. In Nauchnaja Konferenc'ija po
Japonskoj Filologii, Mart [Scientific Conference on
Japanese Philology], 34-36. Moskva: MGU.
1972 "0 leksike, obscej u Japonskogo jazyka s Indonezijshm
i Tagal'skim jazykami" [On words common to
Japanese, Indonesian and Tagalog]. Voprosy
Jazykoznanija [Questions of Linguistics] 2: 109- 119.
1975 "Kak otlichit' zaimstvovanija ot iskonnych obSEnostej v
altajskich jazykach" [How the loan-words are
distinguished from the indigenous words common to the
Atlantic languages]. Voprosy Jazykoznanija [Questions
in Linguistics] 3 :50-6 1.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Taft 1 3406-3415

Sytangco Reyes, Jose

nd "Some important points on semantics and semasiology
of the Tagalog language." Np. 6 lvs.
1959 "Talahulugang Ingles-Kastila-Tagalog sa Panggagamot. "
Maynila. 797 lvs.
1954 Medical Dictionary Translated into the Filipino
Language. Manila: F.P. Agustin. 797 pp.
1961 English-Spanish-Tagalog Medical Dictionary. Manila:
F.P. Agustin? 1023 pp. (Diccionario Medico Ingles-
Espanlol-Tagalog. Talahuluganang Ingles-Kastila-
Tagalog sa Panggagamot).

Tabasondra, Iluminada
1961 "Pampango consonants and vowels and their influence
on English as spoken by Pampangos in Tarlac." PJLT

Tablan, Andrea Amor -See also 1901, 2516, 2517

1947 Balarilnng Gamitin para sa Mataas na Paaralan
Manila: Abiva Publishing House. 122 pp.
1951 Balarila, Balangkas ng Balarila. Manila: Philippine
Book Co. viii + 171 pp.
1951 Mga Pamaraan sa Pagtuturo ng Wikang Pambansa.
Manila: Philippine Book Co. 192 pp.

Tablan, Andrea Amor and Carmen B. Mallari, comps

1961 Pilipino-English, English-Pilipino Dictionary. New York:
Washington Square Press Inc. 213 pp. (Philippines:
Banawe Publishing Co Inc).
Review: Josef Genzor. 1965. Jazykovedny Casopis

Taft, William Howard

1912 "Dialects of the Philippines." In US Congress House
Committee on Insular Affairs, 28-30. Washington, DC:
US Government Printing Office.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
286 34 16-3424 - Tagalog Language Staff

Tagalog Language Staff

1963 "Tagalog: an intensive course for beginners. " Hilo, 341 6
Hawaii: University of Hawaii Peace Corps Training
Program. Mimeo.

Takaki, Michiko
1965 "Kalinga" ['iniyiima]. Np. 93 Ivs.

Tallada, Felipe, OESA

nd "Arte Pampango." Np.

Tamayo, J. P. - See 2255

Tamondong, Medalla Austria
1946 Easy Tagalog Lessons. Dagupan, Pangasinan: Llamas 3419
Press. 144 pp.

Tan, Arsenia B.
1967 "Notes on controversies: Is 'ng' a preposition or an 3420
article?" Unitas 40:700-709.

Tan, Arsenia B. and Antonia F. Villanueva

1967 "A contrastive analysis of the English and Tagalog 3421
consonant systems. " CTr~itas40:63 1-639.
1967 "Some structural features of the Tagalog nouns: clues 3422
to the identification of the Tagalog nouns unto
sub-classes. " Unitas 40:647-651.

Tan, Erlinda Alcober

196? "A morpho-syntactic analysis of the Cebuano-Bisayan 3423
language and its corresponding influence on the
learning of Pilipino by Cebuano speakers." Unpublished
MA thesis, University of San Carlos. 155 Ivs.

Tanaka, Ken'ichi
1967 "Parawan, Ken'ei-zoku no gengo" [The language of the 3424
Ken-ey tribe of Palawan]. In Parawan-t6 no Hito to
Shizen [People and nature of Palawan Island], 76-78.
Nishinomiya: Kwansei Gakuin University.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Taylor / 3425-3436

Tanyag, Natividad N.
1965 "A phonemic analysis of the Samba1 (Cabangan)
dialect." Ateneo de Manila Graduate School. 14 lvs

Tavera, Trinidad H. Pardo de

1884 Contribution para el Estudio de 10s Antiguos Alfabetos
Filipinos. Losana: Imprenta de Jaunin Hermanos. 30 pp
Review: Friedrich Miiller. 1886. JRSB 14.
1885 "Les anciens alphabets des Philippines." Annales de
I'Extreme-Orient 7:204-210, 232-239.
1887 El Sanscrito en la Lenaua Tagala. Paris: Imprimerie de
la Faculte de Medicine. 55 pp.
1887 Las Letras 'k', 'y', 'w'. Paris: Imprimerie de la Faculte
de Medicine. 55 pp. (Bound with El Sanscrito en la
Lengua Tagala).
1889 "Consideraciones sobre el origen del nombre de 10s
numeros en Tagalog... " In La Espaiia Oriental. Manila:
Tipo-Litografia de Chofr6 y Compaiiia. 26 pp.
1892 "Indice alfebetica de nombres sistematicos y vulgares."
In Plantos Medicinales de Filipinas, 325-339. Madsid:
B. Rico.
1901 Etimologia de 10s Nombres de Razas de Filipinos.
Manila: M. Reyes y Compaiiia. 20 pp.
1973 "A contribution to the study of the old Filipino
alphabets." In Readings in Philippine Linguistics, ed by
A. B. Gonzalez, 40-53. Manila: LSP.

Tawasil, Sapii, Seymour Ashley and Lois Ashley

1978 "Tausug: Text 2 (folktale texts). " SIPL 2(2): 192-20 1.

Taylor, Isaac
1883 The Alphabet (An account of the origin and
development of letters). London: Kegan Paul, Trench
and Co. 2 vols. 358 pp, 398 pp. (Other ed, 1899. The
History of the Alphabet. New York: C. Scribners and
Sons. 2 vols).
1899 "Tagalog and Bisaya" and "Comparative chart
including Tagalog and Bisaya." In History of the
Alphabet 2:359-361. New York: C. Scribner's Sons.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
288 3437-3448 / Taylor

Taylor, Maria Lourdes G .

1961 "The phonology of Waray-Waray. " PJLT l(1-2):3-5.

Tecson, Consuelo H.
1966 "Pampango personal pronouns: a descriptive analysis."
Unpublished MA thesis, UP. 41 lvs.

Tecson, I. - See 2780

Tensuan, Emperatriz S.
1956 Ang Munti kong Talatinigan. Manila. 96 pp
1958 Mga Kafawagan at Pananalita na Ginagarnit sa
Pagtuturo. Pasay City: Toledo and Bernardo Printing
Co. 24 pp.

Tenza, Juan Bautista, OP

nd "Un copiosisimo diccionario Pangasinan-Espaiiol." Np.

Terrien de Lacouperie
1887 "Formosa notes on MSS, races, and languages." JR41

Tesniere, Lucien
1959 Elements de Syntaxe Generale. Paris.

Teza, Emilio
1868 "Pampanga language." In Saggi Inediti de Linque
Americane, 64-76. Pisa: Tipografia Nistri.
1868 Saggi Indeti de Lingue Americane 10. Pisa: Tipografia
Nistri. Annali de la Universita de Pisa.

Thevenot, M.
1696 Relation de Divers Voyages Curieux ... Paris: Chez
Thomas Moette. 2 vols in folio.

Thiessen, H. Arnold
1977 "The phonemic consequences of two morphophonemic
rules in Molbog." SIPL l(2):l-26.
1980 "Phonological reconstruction of Proto-Palawan."
Unpublished MA thesis, University of Texas, Arlington.
vii + 94 lvs.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Thomas / 3449-3460 289

1981 Phonological Reconstruction of Proto-Palawan.

Manila: National Museum. vi + 44 pp.
(Anthropological Papers 10; published version of 1980
MA thesis).

Thomas, David - See also 1496, 3393

nd "An introduction to Mansaka lexicography." Manila:
SIL. 4 1%.
nd "Transformational paradigms of Mansaka." Manila: SIL.
1955 "Ilocano pronouns. " Word 2:204-208.
1955 "Three analyses of the Ilocano pronoun system." Word
11(2):204-208. (Reprinted in RZPL, 6 11-615).
1958 "Mansaka sentence and sub-sentence structures."
PSSHR 23(2-4):339-58.
1964 "Semantic fields and the Mansaka thesaurus." Manila:
SIL. 24 lvs.
1964 "Transformational paradigms from clause roots." AL
6(1): 1-6.

Thomas, David and C. Richard Gieser

1973 "A decimal classification for Philippine languages." In
Parangal kay Cecilio Lopez, ed by A. B. Gonzalez,
64-70. (PJLSM 4).

Thomas, David and Alan Healey

1962 "Some Philippine language subgroupings: A
lexicostatistical study." AL 4(9):2 1-33.

Thomas, David and Dorothy Thomas

1964 "Mansaka thesaurus." Quezon City: SIL. 350 lvs.

Thomas, Dorothy - See 3459

Thomas, Jo - See 3461

Thomas, Neville
1978 "Phonemic analysis of Kalinga: Tanudan." Manila: SIL
38 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
290 3461-3470 / Thomas

Thomas, Robert, Jo Thomas, Alifio Biad, Joseph Leon and Romeo Senente,
1991 Se'uret-uret Tom Dob Fot Ge'harangan Ke'skbe're'h: 3461
Te'duray, Bisayan, Filipino, Inglis [Four Language
Common Conversatiorz and Vocabulary in Tiruray and
Their Equivalents in Visayan, Filipino, and English].
Manila: SIL and DECS. 167 pp.

Thompson, R. N.
1953 Survey Study of the Languages of the Philippine 3462
Islands. (Their number, type, importance, and location,
together with the approximate number of speakers of
the principal Christian, Pagan, and Mohammedan
tongues). Pampanga: Community Press. 111 pp.

Ticao, Eda Cordero

1977 "A comparative analysis of English and Hiligaynon 3463
cognates." Views 4: 150-156.

Tillao, Henry - See 1524

Timbang, Attica - See 1071

Tinampay, Miriam
1976 "Dialectology of Bohol Cebuano and its implication to 3464
/for/ teaching English phonology." Unpublished MA
thesis, PNC-Ateneo de Manila University Consortium.

Titrud, Kermit
nd "Morphophonemics of Caluyanen." Manila: SIL. 1 If. 3465
nd "Phonemics of Caluyanen." Manila: SIL. 6 lvs. 3466
1979 "Participant identifications in Caluyanen." SIPL 3467
3(1): 17-23.

Tolentino, Guillermo E.
nd Anila sa 'Ang wika at baybaying Tagalog.' Np. 10 lvs. 3468
1937 Ang Wika at Baybaying Tagalog. Maynila: Guillermo E . 3469
Tolentino. xiii +
202 pp.
1939 "Ang mga panlaping Tagalog at ang mga tumpak na 3470
paggamit sa lalong palasak." Mabuhay (January 8).

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Trinidad 13471-3480

1939 "Kung saan nagbuhat and pangpalit sa kambal na 'Ng. "'

Taliba (August 5): 7.
1939 "Suliranin ng kambal na katinig ng 'ng. "' Taliba
(July 15): 6.

Tomales, Jesus S. - See 1543

Tordesillas, Roquita
1961 "Isang pahambing na pag-aaral sa pagbuo ng mga
salitang Hiligaynon at Tagalog. " GAFLS 12:19 1- 196.

Torii, Ryiiz6, trs

1909 "Carlos Everett Conant, Firippin-shot6go ni okeru 'F'
to 'V"' [Translation of 'F' and 'V' in Philippines
Language by C . E. Conant, Bureau of Printing, Manila,
1908, Bureau of Science, Division of Ethnology
Publications, 5(2):135-1411. Tokyo Jinrui Gakkai Zasshi
[The Journal o f t h e Anthropological Society of Tokyo]
281: 14-23.

Torrance, Arthur Frederick

1917 "The Philippine Moro: a study in social and race
pedagogy. " Unpublished PhD dissertation, New York
University. xi + 202 pp.

Totanes, Sebastian de
1745 Arte de la Lengua TagaIa y Manual Tagalog para la
Administracion de 10s Santo Sacramentos. Sampaloc:
Imprenta en el Convento de Nuestra Seiiora de Loreto.
217 pp. (Other eds, 1796; 1850; 1865).
1865 Manual Tagalog, para auxilio de 10s religiosos de esta
Santa provincia de Sun Gregorio Magno, de descalzos
de N. S. Padre Sun Francisco de Filipinas. Binondo:
Imprenta de Miguel y Sanchez. 166 pp.

Trienekens, G.
1962 Bisaya' Lessons. Cebu City: Cebu Star Press. 133 pp.

Trinidad, Doris
1961 "Sanskrit in Tagalog." STM 16:37
1961 "Sanskrit terms. " STM 17:29.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
292 3481-3493 / Trosdal

Trosdal, Mimi B.
1963 "A formal-functional description of the Cebuano-
Bisayan language. " Unpublished PhD hssertation,
University of San Carlos. 262 lvs.
1968 "Foreign influences on Cebuano-Bisaya." In Dr. H.
Otley Beyer, Dean oj'philippine Anthropology (A
commemorative issue), ed by Rudolf Rahmann, 63-70.
Cebu City: University of San Carlos. 124 pp.
1969 "Philippine linguistic studies." Leyte-Samar Studies

Troyano, Manuel
1887 "Dialects del archipielago." In Exposicion de Filipinas,
115- 120. Madrid: Establecimiento Tipografico de El

Troyer, Lester 0.
nd "Gaddang personal pronouns." Manila: SIL.
1959 "Three Gaddang substitution types. " Manila: SIL. 10 lvs.
1968 "Gaddang affirmatives and negatives." Asia Std
1968 "Gaddang dictionary. " Manila: SIL. 368 lvs.

Troyer, Lester 0. and Madeline Troyer

1967 "/gl in Gaddang morphophonernics." Manila: SIL. 10 Ivs.

Troyer, Madeline - See also 3489

1959 "Gaddang phonology." PJS 88(1):95-102
1959 "Gaddang subjective voice sentence structure." Manila:
SIL. 11 lvs.
1966 "Observations on morphophonemics." PJLT 4(1-2):79-8 1.

Trystram, Jean Paul

1984 "Un dictionnaire cornparatif du Tagal et de plusieurs
langues Asiatiques." Archipel 27.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Tsuchida / 3494-351 0

Tsuchida, Shigeru
1956 "Tagarogu-go ni okeru ikutsuka no d6shi keisei setsuji
no igiso ni tsuite" [Sememes of some verbal affixes in
Tagalog]. Unpublished BA thesis, University of Tokyo.
1958 "Tagarogu-go bump6" [Tagalog grammar]. Unpublished
MA thesis, University of Tokyo.
1962? "Ibanag reflexes of *e." Np. 4 lvs.
1962? "Itbayaten texts. " Np.
1962 "Questionnaire for Philippines basic vocabulary: I. "
Tokyo: np. 27 lva. Mimeo.
1962 "The phonemes of Ibanag language." Quezon City: UP
Graduate School. 28 lvs. Mimeo.
1963 "Itbayat phonology." Tokyo: Graduate School,
University of Tokyo. 5 lvs.
1943? "Samba1 vocabulary. " Tokyo: Graduate School,
University of Tokyo. ii + 150 lvs.
1964 "Comparative vocabulary of twelve Philippine
languages. " Tokyo: np. 149 lvs.
1964 "Proto-Austronesian *bag[i'] ni tsuite [On Proto-
Austronesian *bag[i']." Gengo Kenkp- (Journal of the
O I M ~ L I I \ IJI SC o ~ ~ eof,Jnpan]
tv 46 72-73
1967 "Itbayaten reflexes of Proto-Austronesian phonemes."
New Haven: Yale University. 44 lvs.
1968 "Linguistic questionnaire for Philippines languages."
Tokyo. 94 lvs. Mimeo.
1968 "Sketch of Itbayaten grammar." New Haven: Graduate
School, Yale University. 4 lvs.
1973 "Tagarogu-go" [The Tagalog language]. Gurando Gendai
Hyakka-jiten [Grand Gendai Encyclopedia] 13:51.
1974 "Tagarogu-go" [The Tagalog language]. In Buritanika
Kokusai Daihyakka- jiten [Britannica International
Encyclopaedia] 12:433-434. Tokyo: TBS-Britannica Co
1975 "Firipin no nazonazo" [Philippines riddles]. Kodomo no
Yakata [Children's Mansion] 28:38-4 1.
1976 "Comparative word list of Bashiic language." Np. 44 lvs.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
294 351 1-3524 / Tsuchida

1978 "Yamai-Itbayaten-Ivatan comparative vocabulary." Np. 3511

32 lvs.
1985 "A questionnaire for the Batanic languages." Np. 98 lvs. 3512

Tsuchida, Shigeru, Ernesto Constantino, Yukihiro Yamada and Tsunekazu

1989 Batanic Languages: Lists of Sentences for Grammatical 3513
Features. Tokyo: Department of Linguistics, Faculty of
Letters, University of Tokyo. 227 pp.

Tsuchida, Shigeru, Yukihiro Yamada and Tsunekazu Moriguchi

1987 Lists of Selected Words of Batanic Languages. Tokyo: 3514
Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Letters,
University of Tokyo. 198 pp.

Tuan, Walan - See 3542

Tuason, Romeo R.
1937 "Kinship terms among the Aklanon." PM 34:552, 571. 3515

Tunglo, Mario "Guese"

1986 Modern English-Pillpino-IlocanoDictionary. Manila: 3516
Merriam and Webster Inc. 304 pp.
1987 Modern English-Pilipino Dictionary. Manila: Merriam 3517
and Webster Inc. 324 pp.
1987 Modern English-Pilipino-Bicolano Dictionary. Manila: 3518
Merriam and Webster Inc. 324 pp.
1987 Modern English-Pilipino-Cebuano Dictionary. Manila: 3519
Merriam and Webster Inc. 304 pp.
1987 Modern English-Pilipino-Ilongo Dictionary. Manila: 3520
Merriam and Webster Inc. 324 pp.
1987 Modern English-Pilipino-Maranao Dictionary. Manila: 3521
Merriam and Webster Inc. 324 pp.
1987 Modern English-Pilipino-Pampango Dictionary. 3522
Manila: Merriam and Webster Inc. 324 pp.
1987 Modern English-Pilipino-Pangasinan Dictionary. 3523
Manila: Merriam and Webster Inc. 324 pp.
1987 Modern Pilipino-Engli~hDictionary. Manila: Merriam 3524
and Webster Inc. 324 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
US Philippine Commission / 3525-3536 295

1988 Modern English-Pilipino-Waray Dictionary. Manila: 3525

Merriam and Webster Inc. 324 pp.

Turnbull, Wilfred
1929 "The Dumagats of Northeast Luzon." PM 3526
1933 "Three articles on the Palanans and the Dumagats of 3527
the eastern coast of Luzon. " PM 30(8): 134-148.

Tuuk, Herman Neubronner van der

1861 Bataksch-Nederduitsch Woordenboek. Amsterdam. 3528
1867 "Tobasche sprachkkunst..." Np. 3529

Tweddell, Colin Ellidge

1958 "The Iraya (Mangyan) language of Mindoro, 3530
Philippines: phonology and morphology." Unpublished
MA thesis, University of Washington. 171 lvs.

U. E.
1952-1953 "Kzta Sangsekerta dalam bahasa Indonesia dan
Philipina." PeBa 5:299-303, 337-339.

US Board on Geographic Names

1901 Geographic Names in the Philippines Islands. 3532
Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office. 59 pp.
(Special report of the US Board on Geographic Names).
1952 Decisions on Names in the Republic of the Philippines. 3533
Washington, DC: Department of the Interior. 16 pp.

US Bureau of Naval Personnel

1963 Tagalog Language Guide. Washington, DC. 86 pp. 3534

US General Staff, Second Section

1909 A Study of the Iloco Language. Washington, DC: B. S. 3535
Adams. 172 pp.

US Philippine Commission
1901 "Report of the Philippine Commission to the President, 3536
1900." Np. 4 vols.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
296 3537-3545 / US War Department

US War Department
1944 Tagalog: A Guide to the Spoken Language. Washington, 3537
DC. 85 pp.

Ubierna, Benito, OESA

nd "Diccionario Pampango-Espaiiol." Np.

Ugyagan, Doyan and William C. Hall

1978 "Subanon (folktale texts). " SIPL 2(2): 167-79. 3539

Uhlenbeck, E. M.
1963 "The comparative study of the Austronesia languages." 3540
In Linguistic Comparison in Southeast Asia and the
Pacific, 24-27. London: University of London.
(Collected Papers in Oriental and African Studies,
School of Oriental and African Studies).

Umaii, Agustin F. - See 1638

Underwood, Lillian - See also 2539

1963 "Abilitative aspect in Tagabili." Nasuli, Malaybalay, 3541
Bukidnon: SIL. 6 Ivs.

Underwood, Lillian, MTalanTuan, Bedung Gendulan, Tony Wanan and Silin

Wanan, cornps
i 980 Diksyunadi be' ude'l: English, Tboli, Pilipino ne 3542
Hiligaynon [Dictionarj) in the Languages of English,
Tboli, Pilipino, Hiligaynon]. Manila: SIL and MEC.
128 pp.

Undoy, Tente
1957 Mga Bilisad-on. San Juan, Rizal: Kalantiaw 3543
Publication. 37 pp.

Unson, Gervasio V.
1962 "Asian names: Lowland Filipino names: first to last." , 3544
The Asian Student (May 12): 6.

Untalan, Pelagia
1950 "The difficulties in the national language for Philippine 3545
normal school students." Unpublished MA thesis, UP.
277 lvs.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Van Odij k 1 3546-3554 297

Upton, John - See 1105

Ursua, Dafrosa A.
1965 "A survey of the vocabulary of the grade one pupils in
Quirino Elementary School, Quezon City." Unpublished
MA thesis, Manuel L. Quezon University. 96 lvs.

Valentin, Nati
1958 "Transcription of Rizal poem in Tagalog script." Spec
Feat Bul28 (July 14): 1-2.

Valenzuela, Patrocinio, Jesusa A. Concha and Alfredo C. Santos

1942 List of Some Philippine Medicinal Plants. Manila: UP.
58 PP.

Valle, Bartolome del, et al.

1955 'Mga Tulang Tagalog sa Silid Aralan. Manila: Silangan
Publishing House. 129 pp.

Valle, Bartolome del and Melanie Jimenez del Valle

1969 Talatinigang Pilipino-Pilipino. Manila: National Book
Store Inc. 208 pp.

Valle, Melanie Jimenez del - See 3550

Vallin y Bustillo, Acisclo Fernandez and Z. Villamarin
1886 Gramatica na Isinauicang Tagalog nang sa Kastila.
Manila: Tipografico 'La Industrial'. 105 pp.

Van der Berg, J. D.

1958 Analysis of the Syntax and the System of Afjxes in the
Bisaya Languagefiom Cebu. Surigao: Sacred Heart
Fathers. 174 pp.
Review: Howard P. McKaughan. 1960. PS 8:648-55.

Van der Veen, Hendrik

1915 De noord-Halmahera 'se Taalgroep Tegenover de
Austronesiese Talen. Leiden: L . van Nifterik.

Van Odijk, Antonio

1925 "Ethnographisch gegenvens over de Manobo's van
Mindanao, Philippijnen. " ANTHR 20:98 1- 1000.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
298 3555-3572 / Van Odij k

1959 Elementary Grammar of the Bisayan Language. Cebu:

Convento Opon. 2d ed. 91 pp. (1st ed, 1957).

Van Ronkel, Philippus

1940 "L'Unique manuscrit en langue indonesienne dans la
peninsule iberique." Proceedings of the 20th
International Congress of Orientalists (1938), 245-246.

Vanoverbergh, Morice, CICM

1916 A Grammar of Lepanto Igorot as it is Spoken at Bauco.
Manila: Bureau of Printing. 425 pp. (Bureau of Science,
Division of Ethnology Publications 5, part 6).
Review: Frank Blake. 1918. AJP 39:418-420.
1925 "Negritos of northern Luzon." ANTHR 20: 148-199
1927 "Iloko games. " ANTHR 22:216-243.
1927 "Plant names in Iloko." JAOS 47:133-173.
1928 "Animal names in Iloko." JAOS 48(1):1-33.
1928 "Notes on Iloko." ANTHR 23: 1029-1050.
1929 "Iloko anatomy." JAOS 49(1): 1-21.
1929 "Iloko pathology. " JAOS 49:244-262.
1929- 1930 "Negritos on northern Luzon again." ANTHR 24:3-75,
397-91 1; 25:25-71, 527-565.
1931 "Iloko substantives and adjectives." ANTHR
1932 "The Isneg." Publication of the Catholic Anthropological
Conference 3: 1-80.
1933 A Dictionary of Lepanto-Igorot or Kankanay (as it is
spoken at Bauco). Wien: Modling bei Wien. 508 pp.
(Band XI1 der Linguistischen Anthropos-Bibliothek).
Review: Otto Dempwolff. 1933-1934. AU 24:309.
1933 "Pronouns and numbers in Iloko. " ANTHR 28:683-720.
1936 "The Iloko kitchen." PJS 60(1):1-10.
1936-1938 "The Isneg life cycle." Publication of the Catholic
Anthropological Conference 3(2-3):80- 186, 187-280.
1937 "Iloko constructions." PJS 62:67-85.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Vanoverbergh / 3573-3594 299

"Iloko furniture and implements." PJS 64(4):4 13-433.

Some Undescribed Languages of Luzon. Nijmegen,
Dekker and Van de Vegt. 200 pp. (Publications de la
Commission d7EnqueteLinguistique 3).
"Negritos of Eastern Luzon." ANTHR 32:905-928;
33: 119-164.
"'To have' and 'to be' in Iloko." PJS 66(4):417-438.
"The Iloko adjectival voice. " PJS 69:223-256.
"The Iloko substantival voice." RJS 7 1.9-37
"The verbal prefixes Mang and Ma and defective verbs
in Iloko." PJS 72(4):421-449.
"Iloko weaving dictionary." AnLat 5:22-252.
"Supplementary notes on Iloko verbs." PJS 75: 197-225.
"The Isneg farmer." Publication of the Catholic
Anthropological Conference 3(4):281-386.
"Daday- and Lakugey- songs in Lepanto Igorot as it is
spoken at Bauko. " ANTHR 41-44: 177-184.
"Narrative songs in Lepanto Igorot as it is spoken at
Bauko. " ANTHR 41-46:786-806.
"Sounds in Iloko (Luzon)." Pr M 20(1-2):26-38.
"Iloko hunting and fishing, basketry and netting." Pr M
"Adverbs and prepositions in Iloko." PJS 78: 167-205.
"Ligatures and conjunctions in Iloko." PJS 79:87-132.
"The Isneg body and its ailments." AnLat 14:193-293.
"Tales in Lepanto-Igorot or Kankanay as it is spoken at
Bauco." JEAS l(1): 1-42; 1(2):61-118; 1(3):67-130;
1(4):31-85; 2(1):83-102.
"Isneg buildings. " PJS 82(1):77-108.
"Isneg riddles." AFLS 12:1-95.
"Prayers in Lepanto-Igorot or Kankanay as it is spoken
at Bauko. " JEAS 2(2): 1-28; 2(3):69-107; 2(4):39- 105.
"Religion and magic among the Isneg. I. The Spirits. 11.
The Shaman." ANTHR 48:71- 104.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
300 3595-3609 / Vanoverbergh

1954 "Religion and magic among the Isneg. 111. Public

Sacrifices. IV. Other Observances. " ANTHR
49:233-275, 1004-1012.
1954 Songs in Lepanto-Igorot as it is Spoken at Bauko
Vienna: St. Gabriel's Mission Press. 141 pp.
1955 Iloko Grammar. Baguio: Catholic School Press.
x + 348 pp.
Review: Cecilio Lopez. 1958. ANTHR 53:324-326.
Review: Isias X. Edralin. 1953-1962. PS 5:99-101.
"Isneg domestic economy. " AnLat 18:1 19-256.
"Isneg tales." AFLS 14:1-148.
"Religion and magic among the Isneg. Part V. Samples
of Pakkaw." ANTHR 50:2 12-240.
Tales from Bauko, Lepanto. Manila.
A Dictionary.. .Kankanay-English. English-Iloko
Thesaurus, Iloko-English Dictionary. Baguio: Advocate
Book Supply Co. 370 pp.
Vocabulario Iloko-Esparlol. Baguio.
Iloko-English Dictionary. Baguio: Catholic School
Press. 370 pp.
Review: Isaias X. Edralin. 1953-1962. PS 5:151-160.
Review: Cecilio Lopez. 1961. ANTHR 56:337-339.
1960 "Isneg songs." ANTHR 55:463-504, 778-824.
1961 English-Iloko Thesaurus. Baguio: Catholic School
Press. 365 pp.
1972 Isneg-English Vocabulary. Honolulu: University Press
of Hawaii. 6 18 pp. (OLSP 1 I).
1981 English-Kankanay Thesaurus. Baguio City: Saint Louis
University Printing Press. 151 pp.

Varela, Lourdes Ybiernas

1966 "A contrastive study of English and six major Philippine
languages: the segmental phonemes." Unpublished PhD
dissertation, University of Michigan. 131 lvs.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Verdugo 13610-3619

Vasquez, Miguel Garcia, OP

nd "Diccionario Isinay-Espaiiol. " Np.

Vea, Agnes B.
1964 "A comparative study: problems of a Tagalog speaker
in learning the use of the English relative pronouns
(nominative case) in adjuncts. " Unpublished MAT
seminar paper, UP.

Velarde, Asuncion
1965-1966 "Analytical phonetic method of teaching reading in our
vernaculars." PJE 43(8):596-598 to 44.

Velasquez, Gregorio
1916 "A brief analysis of the Tagalog vocabulary." Np.

Velloquin, J.
nd "Estudio sobre las lenguas Isinay y de Ituy." Np.

Venturello, Manuel Hugo

190? The Tagbanoas of Paragua Island. Manila: Division of
Military Information, Bulletin 16.
1907 "Manners and customs of the Tagbanuas and other
tribes of the island of Palawan, Philippines. "
Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 48:5 14-560.
(Tr by Mrs. E. Y. Miller).

Vera, Ramon Maria de

1904 Gramatica Hispano-Bicol, segun el metodo de
OIIendorf compuesto por el R. P. Roman Maria, de
Vera, Capuchino. Manila: Imprenta de Santos y Bernal.
26 1 pp.

Verdugo, Andres, OESA

1648 Arte de la Lengua Tagala. Manila: Imprenta de la
Compaiiia de Jesus. 8 pp.
1649 Arte Tagalo. Manila: Imprenta de la Compaiiia de
Jesus. 7 1 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
302 3620-3632 / Verstaelen

Verstaelen, Maria Eugene Josef Ghislain

1955 De Bijwoordelijke Bepalingen van het Werkwoord in
EnkeIe lndonesische Talen. Utrecht: A. Storm. 100 pp.
1960 "An essay towards a historical description of Tagalog
and Cebuano Bisaya. " PS 8(3):491-5 14.
1961 "Some further remarks about the L-Feature." PS 9:72-77.
1962 "Sound shifts in some dialects of the Philippines."
ANTHR 57:826-856.
1964 "Analysis of language. 11."Saint Louis Quarterly
1965 "Some elementary data of the Mamanwa language."
ANTHR 60(1-6):803-8 15.
1968 "Some remarks about Tinguian music." In Dr. H. Otley
Beyer, Dean of Philippine Anthropology ('4
commemorative issue), ed by Rudolf Rahmann, 55-62.
Cebu City: University of San Carlos. 124 pp.
1968- 1969 "Some elementary data of the Manobo language."
ANTHR 63-64:808-817.

Verzosa, Guillermina Librojo

1981 "Aspects of sentential complementation in English and
Tagalog. " Unpublished PhD dissertation, Saint Louis

Verzosa, Pacencia
1961 "Stress and intonation difficulties of the Pangasinan
learner of English, and drill exercises for correction. "
Unpublished MA thesis, PNC.

Verzosa, Paul Rodriguez - See also 3276

1939 "Pambansang titik ng Filipinas." Np. 72 Ivs.
1943 Talatinigang Nippon-go-Pilipino [Japanese-Filipino
Dictionary]. Manila: Centro Escolar University. 234 pp,
48 PP.
1950 The Psychology of Filipino Proverbs. Manila:
Cooperative Service. xvi + 82 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Villamor / 3633-3642 303

Veyra, Jaime C. de
1939 Sobre la 'K' y 'll/'. ' Manila: Bureau of Printing. 24 pp. 3633
(INL Publications 4(18)).
1952 "When the name 'Filipinas' was first applied to the 3634
Philippines." Journal of the Philippine Historical
Society 2(1):42-54.

Vibar, Pedro, OSA, et al.

1760 "Calepino Ilocano o vocabulario de Iloco en Romance 3635
compuesto por diferentes padres ministros antiquos,
diestros en este idioma y ultymamente corregido."
Valladolid: Colegio de Agustinos. Np.

Vibar-Basco, Carmen
1956 "Two Bago villages: A study." JEAS 5(2):125-212.

Victoriano, Jose - See 1209

Vila, Francisco
1882 Escenas Filipinas. Madrid: Libreria de F. Fe.

Vilches de la Concepcion, Manuel

1877 Gramatica Visaya-Cebuana. Manila: Imprenta de
Ramirez y Giraudier. 183 pp.

Villagonzalo, Juan - See 887

Villamarin, Zacarias - See also 3551
1886 Gramatica na Isinauicang Tagalog nang sa Castila. 3639
Manila: Tipografico 'La Industrial.' 105 pp.

Villamor, Don Ignacio

1922 La Antigua Escritura Filipina (deducida por Don 3640
Ignacio Villamor del Belarmino y otros antiguos
documentos). Manila: Tipografico Pontifica del Colegio
de Santo Tomas. 116 pp.
1922 The Ancient Filipino Writing Drawn. Manila: 3641
Tipografico Pontifica del Colegio de Santo Tomas.
1928 Estudio del Idioma Ilocano ante el Tagalog y el Visayo. 3642
Manila: Imprenta del Dr. G. A. Pobre. 48 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
304 3643-3654 / Villamor

Villamor, Norberto
1914 Tagbanwa Alphabet (with some reforms proposed b y 3643
Norberto Romualdez). Manila: Imprenta 'Cultura
Filipina'. xiv +
24 pp.

Villanova, Pedro, OP - See also 959

1865 Diccionario Pangasinan-Espafiol. Manila: Imprenta de 3644
Colegio de Santo Tomas. 330 pp.

Villanueva, Antonia Francisco - See also 3248, 3249, 3421, 3422

194 1 Mga Tulong sa Pug-aural ng Balarila. Manila. 3645
1946 Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa. Manila: M . J. Enriquez. 3646
104 pp.
1947 .,n Pag-rrcrml ng ~
Aklnt-.~n~~rn~cln Panpungusrjp.
~ I K N 3647
Manila. 90 lvs.
1950 Patnubay sa Pagtuturo ng Balarila. Manila: National 3648
Language Textbook Preparation. 61 pp.
1957 rkn \ 0trt.r Man~la Committee on Languages 4 \rols
-lr~g?I 3649
1957 "Descriptive linguistics applied to Tagalog. " 3650
Unpublished PhD dissertation, UST.
c 1947 Elements of Tagalog Balariln; an easy and simple 3651
method of studying the Tagalog grammar and language.
Manila: J. M. Lucas Co. 118 pp.

Villanueva, Antonia Francisco, Jose Villa Panganiban and Antonio D. G .

1948 Balarilang Pinagaan. Manila: Committee on the 3652
National Language Texbook Preparation. xi + 300 pp.
(2d ed, 1950).

Villanueva, Antonia Francisco, Federico B. Sebastian and Antonio D. G.

1947 Pampaaralang Balarila ng Wikang Pambansa. Manila: 3653
M. E. Anatolio. 239 pp.

Villanueva, D. H.
1962 "Some tongues don't tally." STM 18(5):6.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Virgen a e Monserrate / 3655-3665 305

Villanueva, Natalia Castillo and Fausta L. Gonzales

1951-1952 "Pag-aayaw-ayaw ng mga gawain sa balarila para sa
unang taon ng mataas na paaralan. " WP l(5): 10-16;

Villanueva, Pedro R. and Jose G. Katindig

nd Mga Tulong sa Pug-aural ng Balarila. English-Tagalog
(outline). Manila: Philippine Book Co. 194 pp.

Villegas, Cirila
1961 "A study of pronunciation difficulties of Eastern
Leyte-Samar Visayan speaking learners of English."
California: UCLA term project for Speech 103K.

Vinluan, Crescencia S.
1965 "Tagalog bases of un-English expressions and their
equivalents in idiomatic English." Unpublished MAT
seminar paper, UP.

Vinuya, Remedios V.
1967 "The segmentals of Ibanag (a descriptive study)."
Unpublished MAT English, UP. 47 Ivs.

Viray, Felizberto B.
1873 Diccionario Ilocano-Castellano. Manila: Imprenta de
Colegio de Santo Tomas. 288 pp.
1926-1927 "The sounds and sound symbols of the Pangasinan
language." The Archive. 20 pp.
1929 The Sambali Dialect of Bolinao. Manila: UP. 34 pp.
(Paper 7, The Archive).
1939 The /nfixc..\ 'la. ' '11, ' 'lo' a17a' 'al' 117 Phrlipplne
Languages. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 23 pp. (INL
Bulletin 3; also in RIPL, 486-499).
1941 "Prenasalization in the Philippine languages." PSSR

Virgen de Monserrate, Jeronimo de la, OSA

1789 Vocabulario Calamiano-Castellano Casfellano-
Calamiano. Np.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
306 3666-3679 / Vil-gen de Monserrate

1895 "Vocabulario Castellano-Calamiano, Calamiano-

Castellano." Archivo del Bibliofilo Filipino 2:208-224.

Vivar, Pedro del, OSA

nd "Arte y vocabulario de la lengua Igorrote." Np.
nd "Calepino Ylocano, o vocabulario de Yloco en
Romance. " Np.

Vivo y Juderias, Gabriel

1869 Compendio de la Gramatica Hispano-Ilocana. Manila:
Imprenta de Colegio de Santo Tomas. 225 pp. (2d ed,
1871; 3d ed, 1905; 4th ed, 1907; 5th ed, 1920).
1869 Gramatica Hispano-Ilocana. Manila: Imprenta del
Colegio de Santo Tomas. 225 + 5 pp.
1873 Diccionario Ilocano-Castellano. Manila: Imprenta de
Ramirez y Giraudier. 228 pp.
1876 Nuevo Vocabulario en Lengua Hispano-Ilocano.
Rinondo: Amigos del Pais.
1907 Breve Comprendio de Gramatica Iloco-Castellana.
Manila: Imprenta del Colegio de Santo Tomas. 93 pp.
(Other eds, 1871; 1884; 1920).

Voegelin, C. F. and F. M. Voegelin

1964 "Ibero-Caucasian and Pidgin-Creole fascicle one." AL
1964 "Languages of the world; Indo-Pacific fascicle one."
AL 6(4): 1- 106.
1965 "k1ar;in;lo r 11 the Pli~l~pplnes
" In "Languages

world: Indo- Pacific fascicle four." AL 7(2):227-264

1965 "Sample of sound systems in Indonesian languages. " In
"Languages of the world: Indo-Pacific fascicle four."
4 L 7(2):72-90.
1965 "Unified list of Austronesian languages in southeast 3678
Asia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Formosa, and
Madagascar. " AL 7(2):2-7 1.
1966 "Index to languages of the world." AL 8(6): 1-222; 3679
8(7): 1-202.

Voegelin, F. M. - See 3674-3679

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Walrod / 3680-3692 307

Vries, Virginia H. de and G. Richard Roe

1966 "Semivowels in the Coyono alphabet." PJS 95(2):267-74.
1967 "Ifugao ethnobotany 1905-1965: the 1911 Beyer-Merrill
report in perspective. " Economic Botany 2 1:243-272.

Wallace, Judy - See also 265, 2018

1976 "'Notes on Chandler's verb stem classes in Northern
Kankanay. " Manila: SIL. 11 lvs.
1977 "A look at a Northern Kankanay text. " SIPL 1(2):27-35.
1980 "Discourse and script in Northern Kankanay. " SIPL

Walls y Merino, Manuel

1892 La Musica Popular de Filipinas. Madrid: Libreria de F.
Fe. 46 pp.

Walrod, Michael R. - See also 3300

1976 "Case in Ga'dang verbal clauses." Papers in Philippine
Linguistics 8:2 1-44. (PL-A 46).
1977 "Discourse grammar in Ga'dang." Unpublished MA
thesis, University of Texas, Arlington. xiii + 163 lvs.
1977 "Representative constructions of the semantic and
morphemic strata of Ga'dang." Manila: S E . 48 lvs.
1979 Discourse Grammar in Ga'dang. Dallas: SIL and UTA.
x + 118 pp (SIL Publications in Linguistics 63.
Published version of 1977 thesis).
1983 "Introduction to discourse in northern Philippine
languages." SIPL 4(2): 1-9.
1983 "Philosophy of normative discourse and persuasion: A
study of Ga'dang exhortation and argumentation."
Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Texas,
Arlington. xi + 383 lvs.
1984 "Grammatical features of peak in Ga'dang narrative."
In Theory and Application in Processing Texts in
Non-Indoeuropean Languages, ed by Robert E.
Longacre, 93-1 12. Hamburg: Helmut Buske.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
308 3693-3704 1 Walrod

1988 Normative Discourse and Persuasion: An analysis of 3693

Ga'dang informal litigation. Manila: LSP. xi + 199 pp.
(PJLSM 26. Published version of 1983 dissertation).

Walton, Charles - See also 248

nd "The phonemes of Binongan Itneg." Manila: SIL. 16 lvs. 3694
1971 "Binongan Itneg paragraph structure." Philippine 3695
Discourse and Paragraph Studies in Memory of Betty
McLachlin, ed by Robert E. Longacre, 283-366.
(PL-C 22).
1979 "A Philippine language tree." AL 21:70-98. 3696
1979 "Pangutaran (Sama) phonology." SIPL 3(2): 189-217. 3697
1983 "Sama verbal semantics: classification, derivation and 3698
inflection." Unpublished MA thesis, Temple University,
Philadelphia. viii+ 155 lvs.
1986 Sama Verbal Semantics: Classification, derivation and 3699
inflection. Manila: LSP. xi+ 140 pp. (PJLSM 25.
Published version of 1983 thesis).

Walton, Charles, comp

1980 "Sama Pangutaran text. " Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL. 3 1 lvs.

Walton, Charles and Janice Walton, trs

1969 "Itneg texts. " In Discourse, Paragraph, and Senterzce 3701
Structure in Selected Philippine Languages, ed by Robert
E. Longacre, 3:39-50. Santa Ana, California: SIL.

Walton, Charles and Janice Walton, comps

var. dates "Sama Pangutaran texts." Nasuli, Malaybalay, 3702
Bukidnon: SIL.
1980 "Pangutaran Sama dictionary." Quezon City: SIL. 3703
444 lvs. (Preliminary draft).

Walton, Charles, Janice Walton, Madarsad Butuhasan, Dayya Amil and

Juriati Hadjiran, comps
1979 Bukabularyo: Pangutaran, Inglis, maka Pilipino [A 3704
Classij5'ed Vocabulary: Pangutaran, English, and
Pilipino; Pinagbukud-bukud na bukabularyo: Pangutaran,
Inglis, Pilipino]. Manila: SIL and MEC. 67 pp.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Warren / 3705-3717 309

Walton, Janice - See also 3701-3704

1975 Binongan Itneg Sentences. Canberra: Australian
National University. vi +
70 pp. (PL-B 32).

Wanan, Tony - See 3542

Wanan, Silin - See 3542

Wang, Lour Chie

1941 "Tagalog words of Chinese origin." Np.

Ward, Robert G.
1960 "Martin Luther's dream. " SIL WP 4:49-5 1 .
1964 "Dependent, conditional and future temporal clauses in
Maranao. " Manila: SIL. 9 lvs.
1964 "Maranao phonology." Manila: SIL. 14 lvs.
1965 "Maranao clause structure." Nasuli, Malaybalay,
Bukidnon: SIL, iv 55 lvs.
1967 "Maranao sentence, paragraph and discourse structure. "
Manila: SIL. 19 lvs.
1971 "Maranao nonverbal clauses." Manila: SIL. ii + 23 lvs.
Ward, Robert G., cornp
nd "Maranao texts." Manila: SIL. 91 lvs.

Ward, Robert G. and Jannette Forster

1967 "Verb stem classes in Maranao transitive clauses." AL

Warren, Charles P.
1958 "Preliminary Batak-English vocabulary. " Chicago:
University of Chicago, Philippine Studies Program.
53 lvs. Typescript.
1959 A Vocabulary of the Batak of Palawan. Philippine
Studies Program, Department of Anthropology,
University of Chicago. 48 pp. (Transcript 7).
1964 "The Batak of Palawan: a culture in transition."
Chicago: Philippine Studies Program, Department of
Anthropology, University of Chicago. Research
Series 3. 130 lvs.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
310 3718-3729 1 Waterman

Waterman, G. Henry
1960 "Problems of syntax in the translation of the scriptures
in Philippine dialects." TBT 11:162- 172.
1960- 196 1 "The translation of theological terms in some of the
major dialects of the Philippines." TBT 11-12:24-31.
1967 "The communicability of Tagalog translations of the
New Testament in the Philippines: a comparison of the
accuracy, naturalness and readability of 1933 and 1966
translations of the New Testament in Tagalog."
Unpublished PhD dissertation, New York University.

Waterman, Magaret Payson

1913 A Vocabulary of Bontoc Stems and Their Derivatives.
Manila: Bureau of Printing. 60 pp. (Bureau of Science,
Division of Ethnology Publications 5:239-299, part 4).
1932 A Study of the Igorot Language as Spoken by the
Bontoc Igorots. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 142 pp.
(Monographs of the Bureau of Science 28).

Wayyas, Anasor
1987 "Nan am-ama ay nangasawa isnan talaw [The man who
married a star]. " Np.
1987 "Nan og-okhod cha Ap-apatto ken Changchangtayan"
[The story of Ap-apatto and Changchangtayan]. Np.
1987 "Nan og-okhod mipoon ken Choliyaw" [The story of
Choliyaw]. Np.

Weaver, Daniel H.
nd "The morphophonemics of Agusan Manobo." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: S E . 4 lvs.

Weaver, Daniel H. and Marilou Weaver

nd "Agusan Manobo text and analysis. " Np.
nd "The numeral system of Agusan Manobo." Nasuli,
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: S L . 3 lvs.
1963 "The phonology of Agusan Manobo (with special
reference to ae)." In Papers on Philippine Languages
1: 1-6. Manila: ILT and SIL.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
West 1 3730-3740 311

1964 "Ranking of personal pronouns in Agusan Manobo." 3730

O L 3(1):161-70.

Weaver, Marilou - See 3727-3730

Webster, P. J.
1921 "The food plants of the Philippines." The Philippine 3731
Agricultural Review 14(3):211-384.

Wendel, Asa - See also 3735-3738

Wendel, Asa and Dag Wendel

1978 "Kaagan-Kalagan phonemic statement. " SIPL 3732
2(1): 191-203.

Wendel, Dag - See also 3732

1986 "The use of reported speech and quote formula 3733
selection in Kagan Kalagan. " SIPL 6(1): 1-79.

Wendel, Dag and Austin Hale

1979 "Eligibility for topic and focus in Kaagan-Kalagan." 3734
SIPL 3(2): 164-88.

Wendel, Dag and Asa Wendel

nd "Kagan Kalagan noun phrases." Manila: SIL. 24 lvs. 3735
1979 "Kaagan Kalagan verb classification." Manila: SIL. 3736
8 Ivs.

Wendel, Dag and Asa Wendel, comps

1977-78 "Kalagan: Kagan folktale texts." Manila: SIL. 113 Ivs. 3737

Wendel, Dag, Asa Wendel and Lorenzo Perez

1984 "Kagan Kalagan-English dictionary. " Nasuli, 3738
Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 47 1 lvs.

West, Anne
1969 "Amganad Ifugao sentence structure." Manila: SIL. 3739
206 lvs.
1973 "The semantics of focus in Amganad Ifugao." 3740
Linguistics 110:98-121.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
312 3741-3751 1 West

West, Anne and Helen Madrid

1980 "Amganad Ifugao dictionary." Quezon City: SIL.
491 1vs.

Whinnom, Keith
1954 Spanish in the Philippines. Hongkong: University Press
(Also in Journal of Oriental Studies 1(1):129-194).
1956 Spanish Contact Vernaculars in the Philippine Islands.
Hongkong, London, New York: Hongkong University
Press, Oxford University Press. 130 pp.
Review: Howard P. McKaughan. 1958. Hispanic
Review 26:355-57.
Review: Douglas Taylor. 1957. Word 13(3):489-499
I965 .'The ongro of tlic European-based crcoles and pidgins "

ORBIS 14:509-527.

Whitford, H. N. - See 1235, 2389

Whittle, Claudia - See also 2200, 2201

1966 "A sketch of Atta clauses." Manila: SIL. 34 lvs.
1971 "Atta discourse and paragraph structure." Philippine
Discourse and Paragraph Studies in Memory of Betty
McLachlin, ed by Robert E. Longacre, 195-28 1.
(PL-C 22).

Whittle, Claudia and Ruth Lusted

1963 "Interaction of coexistence phonemic systems in Atta
(Northern Cagayan Negrito)." In Papers on Philippine
Languages 1:26-39. Manila: ILT and SIL.

Widdoes, H. W.
1950 A Brief Introduction to the Grammar of the Ilocano
Language. Evangelical United Brethren Church. 91 pp.

Wiens, Hartmut
1976 "Linimos morphophonemics. " Manila: SIL. 12 Ivs
1976 "Phonological features of Limos Kalinga, with
comments on affected speech." PJL 7(1-2):38-47
1978 "Focus shift and tense shift: Highlighting and conflict
in Limos Kalinga narrative discourse. " SIPL 2(1): 103-14.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Williams / 3752-3760 313

1979 "The semantic function of focus affixes in Limos 3752

Kalinga. " Papers in Philippine Linguistics 9: 19-47.
(PL-A 50).
1986 "Please be specific: A functional description of 3753
noun-marking particles in Limos Kalinga." Pragmatics
in Non- Western Perspective, ed by George Huttar and
Kenneth Gregerson, 85-97. Dallas: SIL and UTA. (SIL
Publications in Linguistics 73).

Wiens, Hartmut and Virginia Wiens, comps

1981 A Classzfied Vocabulary: English, Pilipino, and Limos 3754
Kalinga. Manila: SIL and MEC. 444 pp.

Wiens, Virginia - See 3754

Wigfield, Jack
1969 A Workbook in Philippine Languages. Manila: 3755
Language Study Center, PNC. 57 pp. Mimeo.
Review: Alan M. Stevens. 1970. Lung 46(3):753-754.

Wijk, H. A. C. van
1959 "A cross-cultural theory of colour and brightness 3756
nomenclature. " BNI 15(2):113-1 37.

Williams, Daniel Roderick

1924 "Dialects of the Philippines." In The United States and 3757
the Philippines, 48-50. Garden City, New York:
Doubleday, Page and Co.

Williams, Frances E.
1954 "Translators at work." The Millions 80(6):54

Williams, Harold Whitmore

1904 Grammatische Skizze der Ilocano-Sprache: rnit 3759
berucksichtigung ihrer beziehungen zu den anderen
Sprachen der Malayo-Polynesischen Familie. Munchen:
Straub. 83 pp.

Williams, Herman P., ed

1907 English-Ilocano Manual and Dictionary. Manila: 3760
Oriental Printing Company. 409 pp. (Other ed, 1922.
267 PP, 241 PP).
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
3 14 3761-3774 / Williams

Williams, Herman P. and Santiago Gaces

1930 Diccionario Ilocano-Ingles. Manila: Mission Cristiana
289 pp. (Also in 1930. San Fernando, La Union:
Ilocano Printing Press. 289 pp).

Williams, Herman P., Angel Guerro and Santiago Gaces

1929- 1930 Revised and Enlarged Dictionary: English-Ilocano,
Ilocano-English. Manila: Christian Mission. 2 vols in
one. 308 pp, 289 pp. (Also in 1930. San Fernando, La
Union: Evangel Press. 597 pp).

Wilson, Laurance L.
1947 Apayao Lqe and Legends. Baguio: Laurance L. Wilson
195 pp.
Review: Vanoverbergh, Morice 1950. ANTHR 45:982-984
1947 Ilongot Life and Legends. Baguio: Laurance L. Wilson
109 pp.
1952 "Some notes on the mountain peoples of north Luzon."
JEAS 1(3):54-62.
1953 "Some ballads from northern Luzon. " JEAS 2: 37-47
1953 "The ballad of Uning." JEAS 2:27-28.
1954 "Some folktales cf northern Luzon." JEAS 3(4):420-426.
1954 "Some notes on the mountain people of northern
Luzon." JEAS 3(3):309-320.
1955 "Mountain province trends." JEAS 4(1): 5 1-53.

Wilson, Robert D.
1961 "The organizations of available linguistic information
of several Philippine languages in a graphic comparison
with English. " California: UCLA term project for
English 107L.
1966 English Sentence Patterns for Filipinos. Manila:
1967 "A contrastive analysis of segments of transformational
grammars of English and Tagalog." Unitas 40:640-646.

Wolfenden, Elmer Paul - See also 1617

nd "The phonemes of Masbatenyo." Manila: SIL. 14 lvs

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Wolfenden / 3775-3788 3 15

nd "The subject noun phrase in Masbatenyo." Manila: SIL. 3775

20 lvs.
1957 "An illustration of Hjelmslcv's 'dcpendcnce."' Fargo, 3776
North Dakota: SIL, University of North Dakota. 3 lvs.
1957 Sentence Emphasis in the Filipino Language. Fargo, 3777
North Dakota: SIL, University of North Dakota. 4 pp.
(Also in 1958. PSSHR 23:368).
1961 "A re-statement of Tagalog grammar. " Unpublished 3778
MA thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
A Re-statement of Tagalog Grammar Appended with
Jose Rizal's Nueva Ortografia del Lenguaje Tagalog.
Manila: SIL and INL. ii + 36 pp + 8 pp. (Published
version of 196 1 thesis).
"Tagalog root classes." PJLT 6(1-2):34-40.
Hiligaynon Reference Grammar, ed by Howard P.
McKaughan. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
238 pp.
"A description of Hiligaynon phrase and clause
constructions." Unpublished PhD dissertation,
University of Hawaii. xxi + 332 lvs.
"Tagmemic deep structure and Philippine languages. "
PJL 4-5(1-2):41-47.
A Description of Hiligaynon Syntax. Norman, O K : SIL.
xvi + 170 pp. (SIL Publications in Linguistics and
Related Fields 46. Published version of 1972 dissertation).
"Morphophonemic changes in Masbatenyo. " Manila:
SIL. 6 lvs.
"Verb aspect in Masbateiio discourse." Studies on
Philippine Minor Languages, ed by Consuelo J. Paz and
Anicia del Corro, 165-89. Quezon City: Cecilio Lopez
Archives of Philippine Languages and UP.

Wolfenden, Elmer Paul, comp

nd "Masbatenyo texts." Manila: SIL. 111 lvs

Wolfenden, Elmer Paul, ed

1963 "Introduction." In Papers on Philippine Languages 1 , 3788
v-vi. Manila: ILT and SIL. vii + 62 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
3 16 3789-3800 / Wolfenden

Wolfenden, Elmer Paul and Rufino Alejandro, eds

1957 Intensive Tagalog Conversation Course. Manila: SIL
and INL. Part I, Conversations. Np; part 11, Grammar
lectures. 109 pp. (2d ed, 1958. Reprinted in 1959; 3rd
ed, 1966. Reprinted in 1968. 175 pp).
Review: Josef Genzor. 1966. Asian and African
Studies, 16 1.

Wolfenson, Louis B.
1906 '.The IIIPI\C< 1,1 '11
' 'lo' 111 Tagalog ".L30,C
27(1): 142-146

Wolff, Hans
1959 "Subsystem typologies and area linguistics. " AL l(7): 1-88.

Wolff, Ida Operaio - See also 3803

1970 "Morphology of the northern Samareiio verb."
Unpublished MA thesis, Cornell University.

Wolff, John U.
1962 A Description of Cebuano Visayan. Cebu City. 4 vols.
1963 "Cebuano lessons." Ithaca, New York. 8 vols. 2500 Ivs
1964 A Description of Cebuano Visayan Texts, Analysis, and
Vocabulary. Unpublished PhD dissertation, Yale
University. 706 Ivs.
1965 "Cebuano Visayan syntax. " Unpublished PhD
dissertation, Yale University. 293 lvs. (Also found in
1965. Di.rAbs 26:2200).
1966- 1967 Beginning Cebuano. New Haven: Yale University
Press. Part 1, 686 pp; part 2, 51 1 pp.
Review: Milagros R. Aquino and J. D. Bowen. 1968.
Lung 44:897-903.
1967 "History of the dialect of the Camotes Islands,
Philippines, and the spread of Cebuano Bisayan." OL
1968 "History of a Sebuano dialect." OL.
1968 "On the schwa in Waray." In Samar Leyte Studies.
Tacloban, Leyte, Philippines: Divine Word University.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Wrigglesworth 13801-3814 317

1970 "The classification of Cebuano verbs. " PJL 1(1):74-9 1.

1972 A Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan. Manila: LSP. 1164 pp.
(PJLSM 4. Also New York: Southeast Asia Program,
Cornell University).

Wolff, John U. and Ida 0.Wolff

1967 "Waray lessons." Cebu. 4 vols. Mimeo.

Wolff, von Hans-Juergen

1989 "Woerterverzeichnis Deutsch-Tagalog. " Manila: np.
68 lvs.

Wood, Grace L.
1955 "Wordlist in Bila-an." Np.
1955 "Wordlist in Tiruray." Np.

Worcester, Dean C.
1906 "The non-Christian tribes of northern Luzon. " PJS
19 14 "Dialects." In The Philippines, Past and Present,
670-67 1. New York: MacMillan.
1914 "Notes on Bukidnon." In The Philippines, Past and
Present, 477-49 1. New York: MacMillan.

Wrigglesworth, Hazel J.
1963 "Some markers of sentence sequence in Ilianen
Manobo. " Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 12 lvs.
1965 "'Nuclear' nonverbal clauses in Ilianen Manobo."
Nasuli, Malaybalay, Bukidnon: SIL. 10 lvs.
1971 "Discourse and paragraph structure of Ilianen Manobo. "
Philippine Discourse cnd Paragraph Studies in Memory
of Betty McLachlin, ed by Robert E. Longacre, 85-194.
(PL-C 22).
1977 "Sociolinguistic features of narrative discourse in
Ilianen Manobo." Lingua 4 1:101-24.
1977 "Tulalang slays the dragon: A complete song from the
Ilianen Manobo epic of Tulalang. " PQCS 5: 123-65.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
318 3815-3824 / Wrigglesworth

1980 "Rhetorical devices distinguishing the genre of folktale 3815

(fiction) from that of oral history (fact) in Ilianen
Manobo narrative discourse. " PJL 11(1):45-80.

Wrigglesworth, Hazel J., eomp

I98 1 An Anthology of llianen Manobo Folktales. Cebu City: 3816
University of San Carlos, xiii + 299 pp. (Humanities
series 11).

Wrigglesworth, Hazel J. and Jean Shand, trs

1969 "Ilianen Manobo texts. " In Discourse, Paragraph, and 3817
Sentence Structure in Selected Philippine Languages,
ed by Robert E. Longacre, 3:192-268. Santa Ana,
California: SIL.

Wulff, Kurt
1910 "Indonesische Studien: 1. Beitrage zur 3818
Stammbildungslehre der Indonesischen Sprachen."
ANTHR 5:2 19-230, 457-47 1.
1911 "Zur neueren Literatur uber die Volker und Sprachen 3819
der Philippinen." AU 2(1):64-78.
1942 "Ueber das verhaltnis des Malayo-Polynesischen zum 3820
Indo-Chinesischen." Anske Vidensk, Selsk, Hist. Fil.
Meddelelser 27:2.

Wurm, S. - See 780

Ximenez, Cristobal
nd "Introduccion a la lengua Bisaya." Np.

Yamada, Yukihiro - See also 3267, 3513, 3514

1964-1975 "Unpublished MS of 513-item vocabuiary ((1962)
Tsuchida) of Isnag (2 dialects), Ibanag (2 dialects),
Kalinga (2 dialects), Gaddang, Ilokano, Kapampangan,
Bikol (2 dialects), Koyonen, Aklanon (2 dialects), Ilonggo
(2 dialects), Kinaray-a, Waray, Maranaw, Magindanaw,
Manobo (Tagabawa), Tausug, and Samal. " Np.
1965 "Phonology of Itbayatan." PJS 94(3):373-393. 3823
1966 A Preliminary Itbayatan V~cabulary. Diliman, Quezon 3824
City: Institute of Asian Studies, UP. 122 pp. Mimeo.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Y amada / 3825-3840

"Expanded Philippines Word List [Itbayatenl-1966. "

Np. (Incorporated with L. Reid. 1971. Philippine Minor
Language. OLSP 8).
"Some problems of Tagalog-speaking students learning
Japanese. " The University l(3): 14-17.
"Fishing economy of the Itbayat, Batanes, Philippines,
with special reference to its vocabulary." Asia Std
5(1): 137-219.
"Itbayat nicknames." Nii 'Olelo 1:78-85.
"A semantic analysis of the Itbayaten kinship term apo."
Gengo Kenkyii [Journal of the Linguistic Society of
Japan] 56:63-78.
"A Buhi Bikol vocabulary. " Kiichi Daigaku Kyoiku-
gankubu Kenkyii H6koku [Bulletin of the Faculty of
Education] 24(1): 13-29.
"A Gaddang vocabulary." Kcchi Daigaku Gakujutsu
Kenkyii H6koku (Jimbunkagaku): [Research Reports of
the K6chi University. Humanities] 2 1:117- 137.
"Consonantism in Itbayaten. " Gengo Kenkyii [Journal
of the Linguistic Society of Japan] 61:57-82.
"Itbayaten child language." KTjchi: np. 2 lvs.
"Morphophoneme Q in Itbayaten." Onsei-gakkai Kaiho
[Bulletin of the Phonetic Society of Japan] 140:17-21.
"Some Itbayaten folk narratives." Kochi: Kochi
University. iv +
108 lvs.
"Speech disguise in Itbayaten numerals." Asia Std
"An Itbayaten vocabulary." Kochi Daigaku
Kyoiku-gakubu Kenkyii Hokoka [Bulletin of the Faculty
of Education] 25(1):7 1-87.
"Itbayat swidden agriculture with special reference to
its vocabulary. " KTjchi: KTjchi University. 119 lvs.
"Itobayatto-go no ninshs-daimeishi" [Personal pronouns
in Itbayaten]. Asian and African Linguistics 2:61-72.
"Bashi'ikku-shog-Itobayatto-go o chiishin to shite"
[The Bashiic languages-with special reference to the
Itbayaten language]. Darumen [Dolmen] 4:66-78.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
"A comparative Philippine vocabulary." Research
Reports fi-om Eochi University 24(3):3 7-63.
"Itbayaten predicate." Asian and Afi-ican Linguistics
4: 18-29.
"A premilinary dictionary of Itbayaten." KBchi: np.
ii + 404 Ivs.
"Interrogative expressions in Itbayaten." Asian and
African Linguistics 6: 1-24.
"Ngarangaran no taketakey chano pariparih do
dichabayat" [Field and coastal names in Itbayat].
Kfichi: KBtB Printing.
"Consonant alternation with nasals in the root initial
position in Itbayaten. " Np. 3 lvs.
"Itobayatto tomin no setsuwa" [Folk narrative of the
Itbayat people]. KBchi: np. 163 lvs.
"Bashi'ikku-shogo ni okeru jimmei" [Naming in the
Bashiic languages]. Kikan Jinguigaku [Quarterly
Anthropology] 10(1):39-95.
"Tense in Itbayaten." Asian and African Linguistics
"An English-Itbayaten dictionary." Np. ii + 179 Ivs.
"Inversion marker 'am' in Itbayaten. " Asian and
African Linguistics 10:69-87.
"Tagarogu-gu" [The Tagalog language]. Gengo
[Language] 1 l(5): 1 10- 1 1 1.
"A list of fish names among the people of Savidug,
Sabtang, Batanes, Philippines." Np. 92 Ivs.
"A grammatical sketch of the Itbayat language." Kochi.
48 lvs.
"A morphological study of Itbayat folktales." In Studies
on Philippine Minor Languages, ed by Consuelo J. Paz
and Anicia del Corro, 56-83. Quezon City: Department
of Linguistics, UP.
"Firipin no mBji-shiy6" [Writing systems in the
Philippines]. Mimpaku Tsiishin [Newsletter] 25: 15-23.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Yamamoto 13857-3867

1984 "Firipin no nazonazo" [Riddles in the Philippines]. In

Sekai Nazonazo Dai-jiten [World Encyclopedia of
Riddles], ed by Takeshi Shibata, Shuntarb Tanikawa
and Sumiko Yagawa, 235-250. Tokyo: Taishukan.
1984 "Kankyb haaku to sekaikan-Firipin" [Cognition and
world view (the Philippines)]. In Gengo Jinruigaku
[Linguistic Anthropology], 25 1-63; Gendai no
Jinruigaku [Contemporary Anthropology] 3. Tokyo:
1986 "Itbayaten lexicostatistic list." Kbchi: np. 33 lvs.
1986 "Test sentences for the Itbayaten language." Kbchi: np.
49 lvs.
1987 "Itbayat texts." Kbchi: np. viii + 292 lvs.
1988 "AManon, Albay, Bikol, Gaddang, Ilokano,
Kapampangan, and about 50 other languages of the
Philippines." In Gengogaku Daijiten p h e Sanseidc
1. ed by Takahashi kame^.
Enc vclopcrlrtr of I,rt.~gurst~~,\/
Rokurb Kbno and Eiichi Chino. Tokyo: Sanseidb.
(Languages of the World, part 1).
1989 No Kaonoononga a Ichbayaten [Itbayat texts with
English translation]. Kbchi: Kbchi University.
xxx + 600 pp.
1989 "Sama languages, Samar-Leyte, Sarangani Manobo, and
36 other languages of the Philippines." In Gengogaku
Dawten [The Sanseidci Encyclopedia of Linguistics] 2,
ed by Takashi Kamei, Rokurb Kbno and Eiichi Chino.
Tokyo: Sanseidb. (Languages of the World, part 2).

Yamada, Yukihiro and Tsuchida Shigeru

1975 Philippines Languages: Asian and African Grammatical
Manual. Tokyo: Institute for the Study of Languages
and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of
Foreign Studies. iv 66 pp.

Yamamoto, H.
1929 Diccionario English-Ilocano-Pangasinan-Japanese.
Honolulu: H. Yamamoto. 158 pp.
1929 Diksionario-Bokabulario [Dictionary- Vocabulary]
Filipino, English, Japanese, Ilocano, Tagalog.
Honolulu: H. Yamamoto. 2d ed. 146 pp.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
322 3868-3877 / Yamashita

Yamashita, Rlichiko - See also 801, 3305

1975? "Kalinga (Dangtalan, Pasil)." Np. 22 lvs.
1980 Kakilingan Samba1 Texts with Grammatical Anal.vsis.
Quezon City: College of Arts and Sciences, UP.
10 + 236 + 29 pp.
1981 Piripino-go Kai~9aRenshiicho [Isang Pagsasanay sa
Pagsasalita ng Pilipino/A drill book for Pilipino
conversation]. Tokyo: Daigakushorin. viii + 152 pp.
1989? Firipino-go Kihon Tango 6000 [6000 Basic Filipino
Words]. Tokyo: Daigakushorin.

Yamashita, Michiko and Leith Casel

1989 Firipino-go Kihon Tango 2000 [2000 Basic Filipino
Words]. Tokyo: Goken. 230 pp.
1989 Jitslcvii Firipino-go Kaiwa (Praktikal na Filipino/
Practical Filipino]. Tokyo: Daigakushorin. x + 226 pp.

Yamashita, Michiko and Anicia Del Corro

1988 Pampango-go Kaiwa Renshucho [Pamagsane at
Pamanyalita keng Pampango/A Drill Book for
Pampango Conversation]. Tokyo: Daigakushorin.
vi + 141 pp.

Yamashita, Michiko and Malu Flores

1988 Hirigainon-go Kaiwa Renshuchd [Paghanas sa
Paghambal sang Hiligaynun/A Drill Book for Hiligaynon
Conversation]. Tokyo: Daigakushorin. viii + 140 pp.

Yamashita, Michiko and Ibno I. Hussein

1988 Tausugu-go Kaiwa Renshuchd [Pug-anad sin Pagbissara
sin Bahasa Tau-sug/A Drill Book for Tausug
Tokyo: Daigakushorin. ix + 138 pp.

Yamashita, Michiko and Eliseo M. Merin

1988 Warai-go Kaiwa Renshuchii [Ehersisyo hin Pug-yakan
ha Waray/A Drill Book for Waray Conversation].
Tokyo: Daigakushorin. ix +
143 pp.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Yasuda 13878-3887

Yamashita, Michiko and Enrico Navarro

1988 Bikoru-go Kaiwa Renshiicho [Pug-ensayo sa
Pagtataram nin Bikol/A Drill Book for Bicol
Conversation]. Tokyo: Daigakushorin. x + 144 pp.

Yamashita, Michiko and Cynthia Zayas

1984 Sebuano-go Kaiwa Renshiichd [Usa ka ihirsisyu sa
pagsulti sa Sebuano/A Drill Book for Cebuano
Conversation]. Tokyo: Daigakushorin. viii + 141 pp.

Yamio, C. &I.
1940 Ang mga Salawikaing Bayan. Manila: Bureau of
Printing. 29 pp.

Yap, Elsa Paula - See also 681, 682

Yap, Elsa Paula and Maria Victoria Bunye
1971 Cebuano-Visayan Dictionary. Honolulu: University of
Hawaii Press. 508 pp.

Yap, Fe Aldave
1961 Pilipino-English, English-Pilipino Dictionary, ed by
Bienvenido V. Reyes. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing
House. 272 pp.
1970 "Ang mga tunog sa Pilipino: isang pagsusuri." PJL
1973 "A comparative study of Philippine lexicons."
Unpublished PhD dissertation, UST, Manila. 579 lvs.
1977 A Comparative Study of Philippine Lexicons. Manila:
National Media Production Center. 579 pp. (Published
version of 1973 dissertation).

Yap, Manuel
1947 Ang Dila Natong Bisaya (Mga Katarungan ug
katinawan bahin sa iyang mga lagda ug mga hiyas)
Cebu City: Star Press. 292 pp.

Yasuda, Ayako
1966 "Ang araw nang Pasko sa Pilipinas." SIL WP 10:68-7 1.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
324 3888-3900 / Yengoyan

Yengoyan, Aram A.
1964 "Environment, shifting cultivation, and social
organization among the Mandaya of eastern Mindanao,
Philippines. " Unpublished PhD dissertation, University
of Chicago. vi + 214 Ivs.

Yiiigues, Juan de, OP

nd "Arte de la lengua Itaves. " Np.
nd "Diccionario de la lengua Ybanag." Np.
nd "Arte de la lengua Ibanag." Np. 4 + 254 lvs.
Zaide, Gregorio F. - See also 170
1941 "Ang wikang Tagalog sa larangan ng kasaysayan. " INL
Bulletin 5(1).
1967 "Impact of Asia's great traditions on the Philippines."
HistBul 11(1):39-68.

Zaloom, Gordon
1964 "Towards a Bisaya concept of time." Manila: Ateneo de
Manila Graduate School.

Zamora, Benigno
1957 Ang Pagtuturo ng Balarila sa Mataas nu Paaralan
at sa Kolehiyo. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 19 pp.
(LNL Paper 12).
1959 "Ang kalagayan ng wikang Pilipino." Phil Ed 14:93-95.

Zamora, Benigno and Florencia del Rosario

nd P a . v n ~ u ~ r m g ~ i klcl a>lung
t fno17) Manlla Silangal~
Publishing House. 137 pp.

Zarfate, Gaspar, OP
nd "Arte de la lengua (Ibanag) de 10s Indios de la Nueva
Segovia. " Np.

Zarza, Francisco de la, OFM

nd "Arte de la lengua Zebuana." Np. 78 Ivs.
1800? "Arte del idioma Egongot." Np.

Zayas, Cynthia - See 3879

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Zwickley / 390 1-3908 325

Zingg, Robert M.
1930 "The Southern Tagalogs of the Philippines."
Inter-Ocean 1 1(12):596-602.
1934 "American plants in Philippine ethnobotany." PJS
54(2):221-27 1.

Zorc, R. David Paul - See also 991

1966 "A study of the Aklanon dialect." Peace Corps in the
Philippines. 58 lvs. Mimeo.
1967 Peace Corps Primer for the Western Visayas. Peace
Corps Volunteers Language Program. 114 pp.
1972 "Current and proto Tagalic stress." PJL 3(1):43-57.

Zorc, R. David Paul, Vicente Solas Reyes and Nicolas L. Prado

1969 A Study of the Aklanon Dialect: Aklanon-English
Dictionary II. Kalibo, Aklan: Aklan Printing Center.
396 pp.

Zuniega, Josue - See 1190

Zuiiiga, Joaquin Martinez de
1814 An Historical View of the Philippine Islands (Exhibiting
discovery, population, language, government, manners,
customs, productions, and commerce-Translatedfiom
the Spanish by John Marver). London: T. Davison.
2 vols. 308 pp, 295 pp. (Other ed, 1814. London: Black,
Parry and Co. 25 1 pp, 271 pp).
1893 Estadismo de las Islas Filipinas, o mis viajes por este
pais. Madrid. 2 vols.

Zwickley, A. L. - See 2070

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Index Alphabetically Listed by Language Name

Agta: Casiguran COMP: 275, 580, 1985

GRAM: 1603, 1616 SOC: 3526
PHON: 1610, 1617
MOR: 1602, 1604, 1606, 1608, Agutaynen
16 10 GRAM: 2619
SYN: 1602, 1604, 1605, 1609, SOC: 2889, 2890
LEX: 4, 1605, 1607, 1613, Aklanon
1615, 2786 GRAM:
HIST: 1617 PHON:
SOC: 2786 MOR:
TEXT: 1614, 2786 SYN:
PED: 1614 LEX:

Agta: Central Cagayan SEM:

GRAM: 1622, 1623, 1624 COMP:
MOR: 2359, 2360, 2612, 2614 soc:
SYN: 1622, 1624, 2361 TEXT:
LEX: 1620, 2613
DIS: 2362 WRIT:
TEXT: 1622, 2363 PED:

Agta: Dupaninan (Eastern Cagayan) Ata (Panay)

GRAM: 2604 GRAM: 2454
PHON: 2602, 2603 LEX: 12
MOR: 2602 COMP: 1468
SYN: 2604 TEXT: 1468, 2454

Agta: Umiray Ati (Panay)

GRAM: 2539 LEX: 2908
PHON: 2534 COMP: 2907, 2908
MOR: 2535, 2537 SOC: 2906, 2907
SYN: 2536
LEX: 2538 Atta: Pamplona
TEXT: 2539 GRAM: 2197, 2201
WRIT: 2534 PHON: 2198, 2200, 3747
MOR: 2198
Agta (Unidentified) SYN: 2199, 3745
GRAM: 580, 1985, 3122, 3527 LEX: 2197,2201
MOR: 275 DIS: 3746
LEX: 3527 WRIT: 2200
HIST: 3 122

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
328 Bagobo

Bagobo PHON:
LEX: 1465, 1466, 1598, 2568,
3188 MOR:
SOC: 2568 SYN:
TEXT: 2273, 2275, 2276,2568 LEX:

GRAM: 1448

Bantoanon TEXT:
PHON: 2009 WRIT:
SOC: 1501 PED:
WRIT: 2009

GRAM: 766

Batak Binukid
TEXT: BinukidJDibabaon: Proto
WRIT: HIST: 3352
COMP: 3352
GRAM: 805, 983, 984, 1639, Blaan: Koronadal
2110, 2438, 2925, 3020, GRAM: 133, 137, 1039
3080, 3081, 3617, 3862 PHON: 128, 135, 1040, 1041

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

MOR: 134, 138 PHON: 2620, 2622

SYN: 134, 139, 1038, 1365 MOR: 2621, 2622
DIS: 137 LEX: 1372, 1546
COMP: 128, 135 DIS: 1370, 1371
TEXT: 127 COMP: 1372

Elaan: Sarangani Bontoc (Unidentified)

PHON: 516 LEX: 269, 1508, 1513, 1654,
SYN: 2564, 2973 3190
LEX: 1104 SEM: 1507,1508,1509,1510,
DIS: 2565 1513
COMP: 1104 COMP: 1654, 3 190
TEXT: 517 SOC: 1508, 1513
TEXT: 662
Blaan (Unidentified)
LEX: 2100, 2211, 3805 Buhid
LEX: 1584
Bolinao TEXT: 1584
G W : 3662 PED: 1584
PHON: 2795, 2797
MOR: 2797 Caluyanun
DIS: 2794, 2796 PHON: 3465, 3466
TEXT: 787 MOR: 3465
DIS: 3467
Bontoc: Central (Bontoc Igorot)
GRAM: 473, 1904, 2941, 3252, Camotes
3253, 3722 HIST: 3798
PI-ION: 1905, 2205, 2933, 2934,
3722 Camarine
MOR: 1905, 2933, 2935, 3252, LEX: 48
3721, 3722
SYN: 469, 2935, 2936, 2941 Capiznon
LEX: 858, 1903, 1905, 2945, PHON: 31
3252, 3721
SEM: 470,471 Caviteo
DIS: 468, 470, 471, 472, 473, GRAM: 2443, 2608, 3142
2212, 2941 PHON: 2916,3143
COMP: 1905 LEX: 1445, 1446
TEXT: 253,472, 2006, 2667, COMP: 2916, 3143
2930, 293 1, 2932,2948,
3252, 3723, 3724, 3725 Cebuano (Sugbuanon; See also
WRIT: 1905, 2929 Visayan)
GRAM: 56, 57, 58, 160, 491,
Bontoc: Eastern (Southern) 493, 494, 682, 832,
GRAM: 1371 1011, 1092, 1185, 1186,

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1775, 1776, 2022, 2023,
2061, 2480, 2522, 2578,
2782, 2877, 3177, 3336,
3461, 3621
SOC: 879, 1092
TEXT: 3793, 3795
WRIT: 782
PED: 443, 676, 681, 1092,
PHON: 1862, 1864, 1866, 1908,
2485, 2569, 2582, 2777,
2778, 291 1, 3336, 3464,
3478, 3794, 3797, 3879
MOR: THEO: 1744, 3552

SYN: 1562
LEX: 1710
SYN: COMP: 1562

1,EX: GRAM: 660, 1233, 2545
PHON: 498, 1736, 2465, 3674
MOR: 660, 2545
SYN: 2113
1,EX: 765, 2976, 2978
COMP: 498
SOC: 3674

Chavacano: Zamboangeo
GRAM: 1287, 1290, 2290
PHON: 2290
LEX: 2289
DIS: 2354, 3008
IIIST: 2289
TEXT: 2290, 2356

Cordilleran: Proto
SEM: PHON: 2594
HIST: LEX: 2944
COMP: 2594, 2944

COMP: Creole Spanish (See also Chavacano)

GRAM: 1880
PHON: 3221
LEX: 1347, 1880

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

HIST: 1345, 1347, 3221, 3744 1268, 1839, 1953,2711,

COMP: 1347, 2977, 3744 3149, 3873
SOC: 2977 THEO: 1260, 1744, 1746, 1750,
TEXT: 1567,3221 1765, 1769, 1953,2033,
THEO: 1346, 1567, 3744 2980

Cuyonon Gadang
GRAM: 284, 864, 1947, 2652, GRAM: 1286, 3687, 3689, 3692,
2653 3693
PHON: 3680 MOR: 3688
MOR: 2032 SYN: 1285, 3686
LEX: 285, 865, 873, 888, SEM: 3688
2652, 3103, 3822 DIS: 1285, 3687, 3689, 3691,
TEXT: 290, 889, 1261, 1262, 3692, 3693
1589, 3118 THEO: 3691
WRIT: 3680
Danao: Proto GRAM:
GRAM: 1274
COMP: 223, 225, 1274 PHON:
Filipino (See also Pilipino, National SYN:
Language and Tagalog) LEX:
GRAM: 1028, 1059, 2244,2481,
PHON: 701, 2035
SYN: 811, 1227, 1228, 3777 COMP:
LEX: 126, 203, 496, 708, 725, SOC:
1028, 1178, 1196, 1210, TEXT:
1268, 1398, 1535, 1555,
1556, 1744, 1746, 1750, General (Unspecified or broad
1765, 1769, 1839, 1849, comparison)
1861, 1953, 2099, 2131, GRAM: 145, 212, 213, 234, 237,
2256, 2260, 2824,2979, 241, 242, 243, 272, 357,
3247, 3380, 3408, 3461, 414, 415, 450, 539, 596,
3867, 3871, 3872 678, 732, 931, 981,
SEM: 3777 , 1065, 1212, 1389, 1483,
HIST: 496, 2345, 2718 1970, 2093, 2133, 2166,
COMP: 496, 811, 1028, 1228, 2248, 2371, 2526, 2702,
1398, 2260, 3461 2709, 2923, 3098, 3129,
SOC: 2033, 2260, 2718 3155, 3172, 3324, 3331,
TEXT: 2972, 3632 3360, 3420, 3445, 3645,
WRIT: 1013, 2260 3648, 3783, 3819, 3862
PED: 126, 203, 289, 690, 691, PHON: 317, 320, 322, 527, 533,
701, 708, 725, 1059, 558, 617, 619, 623, 629,

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

630, 639, 663, 779, 780, SYN: 210, 527, 529, 531, 535,
821, 877, 880, 882, 886, 538, 543, 547, 558, 628,
921, 964, 967, 979, 727, 777, 921, 923, 924,
1020, 1023, 1046, 1047, 965, 1483, 2036, 2147,
1048, 1052, 1053, 1089, 2157, 2163, 2167, 2168,
1111, 1113, 1114, 1118, 2170, 2196, 2382, 2498,
1121, 1126, 1250, 1265, 2544, 2553, 2556, 2830,
1361, 1409, 1478, 1481, 2940, 3301, 3304, 3323,
1629, 1630, 1633, 1634, 3443, 3456, 3513, 3620,
1635, 1664, 1683, 1881, 3624, 3718, 3743, 3783,
1950, 1951, 1955, 1982, 3858, 3865, 3887
1986, 1993, 2027, 2123, LEX: 20, 27, 66, 78, 158, 163,
2149, 2348, 2371, 2388, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182,
2492, 2498, 2514, 2526, 184, 208, 209, 238, 244,
2531, 2553, 2558, 2585, 249, 291, 352, 422, 426,
2588, 2616, 2617, 2840, 429, 437, 457, 497, 553,
2947, 3029, 3063, 3 113, 554, 562, 564, 576. 577,
3197, 3288, 3289, 3290, 578, 582, 583, 584, 597,
3292, 3293, 3309, 3364, 606, 621, 627, 633, 634,
3442, 3471, 3472, 3474, 661, 683, 723, 729, 778,
3475, 3483, 3503, 3536, 825, 850, 856, 895, 898,
3574, 3609, 3612, 3622, 909, 915, 982, 1006,
3623, 3633, 3664, 3677 1020, 1050, 1054, 1062,
MOK 164, 183, 210, 236, 244, 1073, 1089, 1122, 1123,
249, 271, 273, 518, 527, 1124, 1130, 1140, 1175,
529, 535, 558, 579, 595, 1225, 1235, 1249, 1254,
608, 610, 615, 617, 619, 1255, 1327, 1330, 1337,
621, 623, 630, 631, 635, 1349, 1351, 1352, 1356,
636, 640, 727, 732, 777, 1357, 1366, 1388, 1402,
779, 780, 963, 965, 967, 1411, 1412, 1477, 1480,
1020, 1051, 1118, 1409, 1482, 1511, 1515, 1516,
1419, 1435, 1476, 1478, 1548, 1581, 1582, 1612,
1479, 1480, 1481, 1483, 1626, 1634, 1638, 1670,
1633, 1683, 1948, 1949, 1671, 1796, 1797, 1799,
1950, 1967, 1968, 1995, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1805,
1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1814,
2000, 2001, 2005, 2036, 1815, 1822, 1823, 1831,
2123, 2138, 2147, 2158, 1951, 1955, 1957, 1986,
2161, 2167, 2170, 2171, 1987, 1990, 1992, 1994,
2348, 2371, 2382, 2457, 1999, 2001, 2014, 2015,
2498, 2526, 2528, 2694, 2020, 2123, 2129, 2130,
2723, 2864, 2883, 2939, 2160, 2162, 2165, 2169,
3063, 3206, 3442, 3536, 2172, 2190, 2225, 2242,
3574, 3620, 3663, 3718, 2309, 2310, 2324, 2343,
3743, 3818, 3907 2347, 2366, 2383, 2384,

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

2385, 2386, 2387, 2388, 1802, 1899, 1983, 1990,

2389, 2394, 2451,2452, 1994, 2012, 2016, 2074,
2458, 2461, 2462, 2469, 2146,2237, 2268,2270,
2495, 2498, 2506, 2528, 2308, 2387, 2403, 2449,
2530, 2668, 2690, 2691, 2528, 2557, 2694,2742,
2701, 2723, 2724, 2733, 2748, 2905, 2923, 2927,
2756, 2757, 2809, 2810, 2950, 2954, 2955, 301 1,
2820, 2822, 2823,2864, 3028, 3029, 3075, 3120,
2895, 2910, 2923, 2950, 3175, 3203, 3231, 3308,
2955, 2958, 2985, 3011, 3324, 3348, 3432, 3458,
3028, 3038, 3040, 3075, 3623, 3696, 3856, 3893,
3104, 3113, 3121, 3156, 3908
3172, 3175, 3189, 3220, COMP: 20, 148, 183, 184, 255,
3231, 3234, 3240, 3241, 271, 272, 317, 320, 322,
3242, 3356, 3357, 3399, 327, 352, 413, 422, 429,
3431, 3432, 3442, 3458, 441, 450, 451, 518, 527,
3471, 3472, 3483, 3498, 529, 531, 535, 587, 589,
3502, 3505, 3510, 3514, 597, 614, 615, 616, 617,
3532, 3533, 3544, 3548, 619, 621, 622, 623, 624,
3574, 3637, 3654, 3685, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629,
3719, 3731, 3756, 3763, 630, 631, 632, 633, 635,
3765, 3819, 3841, 3848, 637, 638, 639, 640, 659,
3858, 3865, 3884, 3885, 663, 7 11, 723, 727, 777,
3893, 3902 778, 788, 821, 850, 851,
SEM: 245, 350, 370, 531, 545, 856, 869, 877, 878, 880,
633, 1511, 1671, 1672, 886, 895, 898, 907, 915,
2005, 2158, 2383,2384, 916, 919, 921, 923, 924,
2385, 2387, 2451, 2556, 931, 962, 963, 964, 965,
2675, 2724, 2731, 2756, 966, 967, 979, 980, 998,
2927, 31 13, 3183, 3220, 1006, 1018, 1020, 1022,
3234, 3291, 3356, 3357, 1023, 1046, 1047, 1048,
3431, 3457, 3548, 3654, 1050, 1052, 1053, 1062,
3719, 3731, 3756, 3783, 1077, 1078, 1080, 1089,
3848, 3858, 3902 1111, 1113, 1114, 1115,
DIS: 1821, 2133, 2134, 2942, 1116, 1117, 1118, 1119,
3690 1121, 1122, 1124, 1125,
HIST: 184, 441, 451, 467, 5 18, 1126, 1140, 1225, 1240,
562, 589, 608, 610, 619, 1249, 1250, 1255, 1270,
743, 778, 779, 788, 869, 1327, 1336, 1337, 1350,
877, 880, 917, 966, 1351, 1352, 1357, 1377,
1022, 1042, 1047, 1089, 1379, 1380, 1381, 1409,
1117, 1118, 1122, 1123, 1435, 1476, 1477, 1478,
1337, 1349, 1351, 1352, 1479, 1480, 1481, 1498,
1364, 1383, 1482, 1495, 1515, 1517, 1518, 1533,
1594, 1596, 1626, 1737, 1548, 1579, 1595, 1596,

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

SOC: 144, 145, 161, 173, 174,

215, 357, 412, 413, 417,
418, 419, 439, 499, 503,
568, 569, 585, 586, 590,
608, 609, 610, 729, 731,
775, 788, 829, 848, 869,
871, 896, 964, 1018,
1057, 1086, 1123, 1130,
1245, 1263, 1353, 1383,
1490, 1511, 1514, 1516,
1566, 1580, 1581, 1590,
1612, 1632, 1642, 1708,
1709, 1876, 1889, 1890,
1891, 1892, 1893, 1910,
1954, 1959, 1967, 1969,
1970, 2019, 2031, 2056,
2060, 2078, 2093, 2119,
2127, 2128, 2132, 2143,
2187, 2249, 23 10, 2343,
2346, 2348, 2388, 2449,
2452, 2463, 2470, 2471,
2488, 2489, 2490, 2498,
2504, 251 1, 25 14, 2525,
2531, 2540, 2543, 2617,
2677, 2714, 2719, 2809,
2833, 2943, 2983, 3040,
3077, 3089, 3104, 31 16,
3117, 3175, 3213, 3216,
3250, 3260, 3277, 3322,
3349, 3415, 3445, 3446,
3457, 3462, 3484, 3678,
3679, 3685, 3696, 3742,
3743, 3756, 3757, 3765,
3768, 3770, 3807, 3808,
3848, 3856, 3857, 3858,
3862, 3907, 3908
TEXT: 145, 183, 428, 501, 533,
565, 608, 610, 839, 923,
978, 1388, 1410, 1411,
1588, 1952, 2130, 2460,
2610, 2658, 2694, 2768,
2905, 2954, 3063, 3135,
3210, 3234, 3354, 3505,
3509, 3556, 3718, 3719,
3743, 3763, 3765, 3768,

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

3769, 3857, 3880, 3887, 2382, 2530, 2715, 2742,

3904 2923, 3040, 3229, 3250,
WRIT: 5, 61, 78, 386, 387, 388, 3288, 3303, 3456, 3505,
421, 570, 821, 848, 869, 3512, 3513, 3514, 3540,
893, 894, 1042, 1074, 3624, 3675, 3678, 3755,
1249, 1265, 1353, 1355, 3783, 3788, 3791, 3819
1356, 1358, 1360, 1361, GEN: 99,2080
1382, 1388, 1408, 1410,
1411, 1580, 1582, 1642, Guinaan
1682, 1816, 1884, 1885, LEX: 3187
1886, 1887, 1888, 1966,
1980, 2012, 2019,2026, Hanunoo
2027, 2054, 2189, 2225, PHON:
2237, 2295, 2343, 2344, MOR:
2388, 2449, 2470, 2489, LEX:
2524, 2527, 2558, 2588,
2658, 2688, 2813, 2905, SEM:
2952, 3026, 3027, 3074, HIST:
3120, 3156, 3350, 3355, COMP:
3364, 3426, 3427, 3429, soc:
3433, 3435, 3446, 3475, TEXT:
3484, 3536, 3556, 3612, WRIT:
3633, 3640, 3641, 3763, THEO:
PED: 164, 173, 174, 723, 871, Hiligaynon (Bongo; See also
1055, 1240, 1467, 1499, Panayano and Visaya)
1626, 1627, 1796, 1841, GRAM: 266, 274, 339, 452, 911,
1876, 2027, 2304, 2364, 1005, 1692, 1965, 2352,
2382, 2540, 2715, 2757, 2375, 2377, 3781
3127, 3288, 3308, 3612, PHON: 84, 1280, 1449, 1863,
3645, 3647, 3648, 3755, 2107
3756, 3819, 3904 MOR: 827, 1946, 2106, 2375,
THEO: 209, 268, 321, 327, 503, 2970, 3056, 3059, 3473
519, 522, 532, 538, 540, SYN: 827, 1531, 1946, 2789,
541, 546, 548, 549, 659, 2970, 2975, 3251, 3782,
851, 878, 895, 898, 917, 3784
925, 926, 927, 960, LEX: 35, 84, 88, 267, 936,
1051, 1078, 1086, 1175, 1109, 1201, 1469, 1500,
1212, 1358, 1378, 1408, 1530, 1535, 1536, 1746,
1419, 1467, 1478, 1481, 1761, 1778, 1779, 1780,
1484, 1496, 1518, 1596, 1781, 1936, 1964, 2106,
1597, 1627, 1630, 1631, 2301, 2319, 2352,2374,
1699, 1708, 1988, 2053, 2378, 2513, 2574, 2766,
2060, 2074, 2124,2143, 2789, 3059, 3161, 3463,
2146, 2149, 2196,2371, 3520, 3542, 3822

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

SEM: 1711, 2122, 2252, 2321,

HIST: 2322, 2325, 2770, 3014,
COMP: 3138, 3141, 3822, 3890
HIST: 2325, 3890, 3891
COMP: 2367, 2584
TEXT: 706, 709, 1083
PED: 706, 709, 2584, 2750

Ibatan (Babuyan Island)

soc: PHON: 2297, 2571
TEXT: MOR: 2297, 2571
SYN: 2505, 2571
WRIT: LEX: 2298, 2571
PED: TEXT: 2296

Ifugao: Amganad
GRAM: 120, 1016
TI-IEO: PHON: 1471, 1472
MOR: 121, 1017
Ibaloi SYN: 117,118,119,1374,
GRAM: 1470, 3176, 3739
PHON: LEX: 1015, 3741
SEM: 3740
MOR: DIS: 2229
TEXT: 1015, 1374
LEX: Ifugao: Batad (Guhag)
PHON: 2586, 2593, 2597
SEM: MOR: 2590, 2595
DIS: SYN: 2589, 2591, 2596
TEXT: LEX: 2592, 2596, 2598, 2599,
PED: 2600
SEM: 2592
Ibanag COMP: 2593
GRAM: TEXT: 2587

Ifugao: Kiangan
PHON: 1666
MOR: 1666
PHON: LEX: 424, 2008, 2549
SEM: 2008
MOR: COMP: 2549
SYN: SOC: 2008
LEX: TEXT: 2456

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

Ifugao: Mayayao 3597, 3642, 3669, 3670,

LEX: 1154 3673, 3707, 3748, 3759,
COMP: 767, 1154 3862
TEXT: 2043 PHON: 190, 318, 319, 355, 762,
796, 914, 920, 994,
Ifugao (Unidentified) 1081, 1396, 1576, 1872,
GRAM: 505 2141, 2144, 2185, 2637,
PHON: 2050, 2913 2689, 2744, 3307, 3309,
MOR: 2050 3562, 3585
LEX: 94, 425, 430, 43 1, 505, MOR: 358, 920, 946, 947, 994,
506, 890, 908, 912, 913, 2141, 3337, 3562, 3566,
1512, 2040, 2049, 2051, 3569, 3570, 3577, 3578,
2546, 2547, 2548, 3190, 3579, 3581, 3585, 3587,
3377, 3681 3588
SEM: 9 13, 2914, 3681 SYN: 559, 841, 842, 914, 920,
COMP: 129, 130, 2040, 2546, 946,947, 2655, 321 1,
2547, 2548, 3190 3566, 3569
SOC: 425, 1512 LEX: 19, 22, 35, 82, 153, 154,
TEXT: 425, 427, 431, 433, 505, 155, 177, 303, 336, 337,
890, 1021, 1735, 2039, 341, 358, 396, 397, 552,
2041, 2042, 2044, 2045, 737, 738, 757, 758, 759,
2046, 2047, 2048, 2050, 781, 794, 795, 796, 797,
2091, 2195 799, 841, 861, 863, 928,
932, 937, 987, 992,
Igorot 1076, 1133, 1207, 1226,
GRAM: 1241, 1283, 1372, 1373,
LEX: 1397, 1413, 1428, 1433,
1434, 1524, 1541, 1576,
SEM: 1637, 1729, 1734, 1748,
HIST: 1750, 1757, 1762, 1782,
COMP: 1783, 1784, 1840, 2122,
soc: 2178, 2179, 2183, 2314,
2573, 2654, 281 1,2812,
TEXT: 3018, 3163, 3190, 3191,
3192, 3193, 3211, 3263,
PED: 3298, 3315, 3452, 3453,
GEN: 3516, 3559, 3560, 3561,
3563, 3564, 3569, 3570,
Ilocano 3572, 3573, 3576, 3579,
GRAM: 287, 335, 337, 338, 434, 3580, 3585, 3586, 3602,
600, 798, 862, 914, 929, 3603, 3604, 3606, 3635,
987, 1012, 1241, 1900, 3660, 3668, 3671, 3672,
2061, 2180, 2182, 2184, 3673, 3'760, 3761, 3762,
2476, 2576, 261 1, 3264, 3822, 3866, 3867
3401, 3453, 3535, 3581,

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

SEM: Iranon (Dialect of Magindanaon)

GRAM: 1274
COMP: 223, 225, 1274
Ira ya
LEX: 2659
COMP: SEM: 3758
I'EXT: 3758

GEN: 739




THEO: Isneg
Ilongot PHON:
Inakeanon TEXT:

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Kalinga: Guinaang

WRIT: 3017 LEX: 65, 80, 85, 742, 804,

874, 1651, 1762, 1956,
Itawes (Malaweg) 2453, 2494, 2500, 2767,
GRAM: 3889 3198, 3511
LEX: 875, 2252 SEM: 2349, 2350
COMP: 875 DIS: 973, 1686, 2064
COMP: 974, 1049, 1762, 1956,
Itbayatan 2500, 3 198, 351 1
PHON: SOC: 974
TEXT: 33,2065, 23 15
MOR: PED: 704, 986
LEX: LEX: 560

LEX: 2529
SEM: COMP: 1586, 2529
COMP: Kadazan
SOC: MOR: 1701
Kalagan: Kagan
GRAM: 3733, 3734, 3736
Itneg (Binongan, Tinguian) PHON: 3732
PHON: 3694 SYN: 3733, 3735
SYN: 3705 LEX: 3738
LEX: 868 SEM: 3734, 3736
DIS: 3695 TEXT: 3737
SOC: 3626
TEXT: 868, 3626, 3701 Kalagan: Tagakaulu
PHON: 1032, 1034
Ituy SYN: 1033, 1035, 2519
GRAM: 3614 LEX: 1035, 2521
COMP: 3614 SOC: 2520
TEXT: 262, 1034, 1542
Ivatan (Batanes, Ibatan)
GRAM: 25,292,423, 973, 986, Kalagan (Unidentified)
1650, 2448, 2500 GRAM: 870
PHON: 974, 975, 1049, 1148, LEX: 867
1647, 2503
MOR: 80,975 Kalinga: Guinaang
SYN: 970, 971, 972, 973, GRAM: 1452, 1453, 1456
2063, 2497, 2937, 2938 PHON: 1451, 1454, 1457, 1459,

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
340 Kalinga: Guinaang

MOR: Kallahan: Keley-i

SYN: GRAM: 1673
LEX: PHON: 1674, 1681
DIS: MOR: 1665, 1668, 1674
COMP: SYN: 1665, 1667, 1668, 1669,
SOC: 1675
TEXT: LEX: 1678, 1679, 1680
WRIT: DIS: 1676, 1677
THEO: Kankanaey
GRAM: 216, 219
Kalinga: Limos PHON: 220, 221
PIION: 3749, 3750 MOR: 217, 218, 220, 221
MOR: 3749, 3752 LEX: 872
SYN: 3753 DIS: 218
LEX: 3753, 3754 COMP: 2507
SEM: 3751, 3752 SOC: 2507
DIS: 3751, 3752, 3753 TEXT: 265, 2507, 3767
COMP: 3754
SOC: 3750 Kankanay: Northern (Lepanto
TEXT: 2028 Igorot)
GRAM: 1093, 1973, 3557, 3682
Kalinga: Lubuagan PHON: 1019, 1646, 1972
PHON: 1423 MOR: 844, 1093, 1972, 1973,
3236, 3682
Kalinga: Southern SYN: 1093, 1645, 1971, 1973,
PHON: 1522, 1523 3236
MOK: 1521, 1522 LEX: 1141, 3190, 3233, 3238,
SYN: 1521 3568, 3602, 3608
LEX: 1524 DIS: 3684
COMP: 1524 COMP: 3190
LEX: 2095 TEXT: 2018, 2221, 3239, 3583,
3584, 3590, 3593,3596,
Kalinga: Lower Tanudan 3601, 3683, 3766
PHON: 3460 WRIT: 3684

Kalinga: Upper Tanudan Karao

LEX: 611, 612 GRAM: 2501
LEX: 2501
Kalinga (Unidentified) COMP: 2501
LEX: 432, 2100, 3 199, 3822
SOC: 432 Ken-ey
. TEXT: 510,511,3417 GRAM: 3424

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Manobo: Agusan

Kinaray-a (See also Panayano) WRIT: 69, 71, 1939, 1940, 3073
GRAM: 115, 2191, 2192 PED: 69, 7 10, 1940, 1943,
PHON: 116, 277, 680 2863
MOR: 116, 1063
LEX: 342, 939, 2191, 2192, Mamanwa
2319, 2374, 2378, 3822 GRAM:
SEM: 1063 PHON:
DIS: 115 MOR:
HIST: 2374
COMP: 1913, 1914 SYN:
SOC: 1914, 1915, 1917
TEXT: 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, LEX:
1916 SEM:
PED: 277 DIS:
Kuyapo TEXT:
LEX: 1488 WRIT:
HIST: 1488
Mangyan (See also Hanunoo and
Lanao: Moro (See also Maranao) Iraya)
MOR: 1181 GRAM: 103, 1407, 3218
LEX: 1181 PHON: 390, 391, 2879, 3530
MOR: 390, 3530
Lutuaya LEX: 389, 390, 392, 422,
GRAM: 2135 1354, 1406, 1407, 2447,
LEX: 2135 2882, 3218
HIST: 2447
Madluyaong COMP: 390, 422, 2397, 3218
PHON: 355 SOC: 948, 2410, 2422, 2447
COMP: 355 TEXT: 14, 1403, 1406, 2202,
Magindanaon (See also Iranon) WRIT: 14, 581, 1338, 1404,
GRAM: 1274, 1940, 1943, 3334 1406, 2202, 2397, 2422,
PHON: 152,1131,1132,1273, 2880, 2881
2081, 2082, 2222, 3073
MOR: 191,1272,1273,2083 Manobo: Agusan
SYN: 1272, 2083 GRAM: 3727
LEX: 71, 1275, 1296, 1939, PHON: 3224, 3726, 3729
1941, 1943, 2863, 3375, MOR: 3726, 3730
3822 SYN: 3223, 3730
COMP: 152, 191, 223, 225, LEX: 112, 2563, 3223, 3385,
1274, 1275, 2222, 3073 3728, 3730
SOC: 571, 2222 SEM: 3728
TEXT: 69, 71, 575, 710, 715, DIS: 3223
716, 2222, 3073 COMP: 3224

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Manobo: Agusan

TEXT: 2759, 3727, 3730 SYN: 657, 3282, 3284, 3286,

3811, 3815
Manobo: Ata LEX: 3285, 3810
GRAM: 122, 124 DIS: 3810, 3812, 3813, 3815
PHON: 333 SOC: 3813
MOR: 328, 329, 330, 2487 TEXT: 2278, 3814, 3816, 3817
SYN: 122, 329, 330, 1591, WRIT: 3280
1592, 2487, 2865, 2866
LEX: 331,1592 Manobo: Matig-Salug
DIS : 124 PHON: 1173, 1174
TEXT: 123, 332,440, 21 12 MOR: 1173
LEX: 867, 3390
Manobo: Cotabato COhlP: 3390
GRAM: 1218, 2003 SOC: 1145
PHON: 1919, 2206 TEXT: 1145, 1146, 1177
MOR: 1219, 1919, 1928, 2002
SYN: 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, Manobo: Proto
1924, 1925, 1926, 1928, PHON: 3224
2002 LEX: 1168, 1169, 1172
LGX: 403, 1221, 1222, 1927 COMP: 3224
DIS: 1219, 1220, 1929, 1930
COMP: 409, 1222 Manobo: Sarangani
SOC: 409 GRAM: 1096, 3864
TEXT: 1931 PHON: 1099, 2370
LEX: 1097, 1098, 1100, 1101,
Manobo: Dibabawon 1102, 1104
GRAM: 398, 410, 1315 SEM: 1105
PHON: 399, 1313, 1316, 1321 DIS: 1095
MOR: 399, 401, 406, 13 16, COMP: 1104
1324 SOC: 3864
SYN: 400,402, 404, 406, TEXT: 1103
1305, 1306, 1307, 1308,
1309, 1314, 1320 Manobo: Tagabawa
LEX: 398, 401, 405, 407, 410, LEX: 3822
1310, 1312, 1319, 1322,
1323, 1324, 3888 Manobo: Tigwa
DIS: 410, 1317 GRAM; 3369
SOC: 3888 PHON: 3368
TEXT: 408, 1311, 1318, 1325 MOR: 3368
SYN: 3370
Manobo: Ilianen LEX: 3367, 3390
GRAM: 657 DIS: 3367
PHON: 656, 3067, 3278, 3279, COMP: 3390
MOR: 657, 3067, 3283, 3285

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
National Language

Manobo: Western Bukidnon Masbatenyo

GRAM: 1149, 1159, 1163, 1167, PHON: 592, 2379, 3774, 3785
1170, 1563 MOR: 2379, 3785, 3786
PHON: 1144, 1151, 1155, 1157, SYN: 3775
1160 LEX: 3035
MOR: 1151, 1155, 1160, 1170 SEM: 3786
SYN: 1150,1156,1162,1165, DIS: 3786
1167, 1170 TEXT: 3787
LEX: 1143, 1158, 1161, 1166,
1170, 1178, 1179, 1180 Maranao (See also Lanao: Moro)
SEM: 1143, 1149, 1158, 1161, GRAM: 1213, 1274
1164 PHON: 2067, 2069, 2234, 3066,
DIS: 1166, 1167, 1563 3709
COMP: 1155, 1157, 1166, 1180 MOR: 1213, 2550, 2551, 2552,
SOC: 3809 2554, 2555, 3714
TEXT: 1176, 2846, 2847 SYN: 2550, 2551, 2554, 2555,
WRIT: 1153 3676, 3708, 37 10, 37 11,
PED: 1153 3712, 3714
LEX: 39, 1577, 2068, 2070,
Manobo (Unidentified) 2216, 2217, 2218, 2552,
GRAM: 3627 2561, 2562, 3054, 3521,
PHON: 1147, 1152 3822
LEX: 1171, 2909, 3554 SEM: 664, 2552, 2561
COMP: 1586, 3554 DIS: 3711
SOC: 2909 HIST: 3066
TEXT: 1417, 2177 COMP: 223, 225, 1127, 1274,
Manuvu TEXT: 28, 2224, 37 13
DIS: 3269 WRIT: 1578
PED: 28, 1214, 2067, 2069
GRAM: Molbog
PHON: PHON: 3447
MOR: MOR: 3447
National Language (See also
LEX: Filipino, Pilipino and Tagalog)
GRAM: 91, 92, 214, 688, 695,
698, 1138, 1394, 1395,
SEM: 1436, 1441, 1825, 1829,
COMP: 2152, 2175, 2176,2479,
SOC: 2692, 2705, 2732,2780,
TEXT: 2801, 3159, 3243, 3245,
3249, 341 1, 3412, 3646,
3652, 3653, 3895

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
National Language

PIION: THEO: 91, 168, 201, 698, 1060,

2034, 2089, 2717,3157,
MOR: 3159



DIS: soc:


soc: WRIT:
WRIT: PHON: 885, 885

Palawano: Proto
PED: PHON: 3448, 3449
COMP: 3448, 3449

GRAM: 7, 45, 187, 188, 189,
232, 461, 482, 484, 489,
643, 740, 954, 956, 957,
1288, 2231, 2475,2615,
2851, 2974, 3418, 3438,
3444, 3862
PHON: 106, 859, 860, 1393,
1902, 2373, 3410
MOR: 818, 881,946, 947

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

sm: 2573, 2745, 3179, 321 1,

LEX: PED: 476, 477, 478, 481,
2745, 3629
THEO: 1765

GRAM: 3527
PHON: 512
LEX: 3527
PED: 30
HIST: Pidgin
COMP: HIST: 2467
TEXT: 1567
THEO: 1567

Pilipino (See also Filipino, National

SOC: Language and Tagalog)
TEXT: GRAM: 270, 599, 1136, 1137,
WRIT: 1232, 1879, 2013, 2125,
PED: 2502, 2997, 3132, 3144,
3145, 3174, 3244, 3649
PHON: 355,485, 486, 2596,
3128, 3883
Panayano (See also Hiligaynon and MOR: 445, 1853, 1901, 2696,
Kinaray-a) 2729
LEX: 1422, 1429 SYN: 1901, 2696
IBX: 38, 67, 82, 111, 142,
Pangasinan 157, 170, 228, 260, 310,
GRAM: 44, 340, 477, 2136, 396, 397, 436, 487, 507,
2181, 2781, 2924, 3055 668, 737, 738, 1003,
PHON: 480, 800, 2092, 2253, 1004, 1072, 1104, 1136,
2285, 2745, 3629, 3661 1142, 1180, 1222, 1275,
MOR: 1211, 2522 1372, 1475, 1524, 1536,
SYN: 2372, 321 1 1543, 1554, 1558, 1722,
LEX: 52, 257, 303, 343, 476, 1767, 1852, 1860,2235,
479, 806, 940, 959, 2257, 2381, 2499,2529,
1206, 1259, 1397, 1758, 2567, 2651, 2656, 2697,
1765, 1788, 1789, 1790, 2730, 2734, 2738, 2739,
2213, 2214, 2215, 2522, 2740, 2761, 2783, 2784,
2573, 2924, 321 1, 3316, 2785, 2877, 2922, 3068,
3441, 3523, 3644, 3866 3103, 3130, 3133, 3134,
COMP: 1474, 1758, 1788, 1789, 3151, 3152, 3164, 3168,
1790, 2285, 2372, 2522, 3169, 3298, 3316, 3317,

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

MOR: 1424, 1425

SYN: 2975
LEX: 1071, 1072, 1444
DIS: 1426
COMP: 1072
SOC: 2975
SEM: TEXT: 1427, 2680, 2975
COMP: Sama: Central
GRAM: 2683
PHON: 2670, 2681
MOR: 2670, 2682
SYN: 2682, 2686
LEX: 2025, 2684
TEXT: 1895, 2685
SOC: PED: 2683
Sama: Mapun
WRIT: PHON: 1291, 1292, 1625
MOK: 1292
PED: LEX: 803, 891, 1294
TEXT: 802, 1293

Sarna: Pangutaran
PHON: 3697
HIST: MOR: 3698, 3699
LEX: 3703, 3704
SEM: 3698, 3699
Philippine: Proto COMP: 3704
PHON: 845 TEXT: 248, 3700, 3702
MOR: 2278
LEX: 968 Sama: Proto
HIST: 845, 2278, 2946 PHON: 2671
COMP: 2278, 2946 LEX: 2669
COMP: 2669, 2671
LEX: 941 Sama Southern
PHON: 226
Sarna: Abaknon LEX: 227, 228, 899, 2672,
PHON: 1882, 1883 2678
MOR: 1883 DIS: 224
LEX: 2679, 2773 SOC: 2247
TEXT: 224
Sama: Bangingi
PHON: 1424, 1425

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Subanon: Western

Sama (Unidentified) LEX: 2097, 2098, 2330, 2331,

GRAM: 3864 2334, 3358
PHON: 2675, 2676, 2828 SEM: 2338
LEX: 435, 2025, 2464, 2673, DIS: 2096
2828, 3186, 3822 COMP: 147, 2339, 2341, 3230,
COMP: 2674, 2676 3358
SOC: 3186.3864 SOC: 2975
TEXT: 146, 150, 151, 385,
Sambal: Botolan (Aeta Sambal) 2342, 2975
GRAM: 263
PHON: 264, 1688, 2429, 2430, Southeast Mindanao: Proto
2433 GRAM: 1390, 1391, 1392
MOR: 1688, 2431 PHON: 1390
SYN: 1689, 1691, 2428, 2432 LEX: . 1390
LEX: 1690, 2437, 3123 COMP: 1390, 1391, 1392
DIS: 2434, 2435
HIST: 3123 Southern Mindanao: Proto
COMP: 264 GRAM: 3173
TEXT: 18, 2436 COMP: 3173

Sambal: Tina Subanon: Central (Sindangan)

GRAM: 3091 GRAM: 646
PHON: 3225, 3226 PHON: 647, 649, 651, 653
MOR: 3226 MOR: 985
LEX: 1142, 3227 SYN: 646
DIS: 1502, 1503, 2915 LEX: 646, 985, 1341, 1543
TEXT: 156,444, 1504 DIS: 654, 655, 658
WRIT: 3225 COMP: 1543
SOC: 852, 985
Sambal (Unidentified) TEXT: 985
GRAM: 295, 2291, 3022, 3069, WRIT: 653
3119 THEO: 655
PHON: 3425
SYN: 3305, 3869 Subanon: Western (Siocon)
LEX: 294, 942, 3021, 3070, GRAM: 382
3092, 3501 PHON: 381, 1568, 1570, 1575
HIST: 2291 MOR: 652, 1568, 1571
TEXT: 81, 294, 785, 3869 SYN: 1569, 1571, 1572
SEM: 652
Sangile (Sangire) DIS : 1573, 1574
GRAM: 147, 149, 1989 HIST: 381
PHON: 2335, 2337, 2339, 2341 COMP: 652
MOR: 2330, 2335 TEXT: 648, 1082, 1878, 3539
SYN: 2332, 2333, 2334,2336,
2340, 2975

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

Subanon (Unidentified) 2898, 2900, 2901,2917,

PHON: 1271 2919, 2925, 2990, 2998,
MOR: 1271 2999, 301 2, 3013, 3030,
LEX: 35, 855, 1271, 1340, 3083, 3084, 3088,3097,
1343, 1344, 2038, 3023 3100, 3102, 3105, 31 15,
SEM: 1344, 3023 3146, 3147, 3178, 3181,
EIIST: 35 3184, 3256, 3257, 3262,
COMP: 35, 1271 3268, 3270, 3272, 3287,
SOC: 1342 3313, 3329, 3330, 3333,
THEO: 3023 3361, 3363, 3403, 3470,
3476, 3477, 3507, 3508,
Sulu (See also Tausug) 3551, 3618, 3619, 3639,
GRAM: 2105 3642, 3650, 3651, 3655,
LEX: 2644 3656, 3773, 3778, 3779,
TEXT: 3222 3789, 3826, 3852
PHON: 449, 465, 520, 588, 591,
Tagalog (See also Filipino, National 594, 603, 604, 650, 674,
Language and Pilipino) 810: 830, 961. 994,
GRAM: 8 , 9 , 1 0 , 1 1 , 2 4 , 4 7 , 4 9 , 1064, 1070, 1079, 1106,
50, 64, 95, 113, 169, 1107, 1112, 1128, 1239,
171, 192, 196, 198, 202, 1276, 1362, 1400, 1421,
211, 235, 239, 240, 280, 1439, 1473, 1492, 1540,
281, 283, 306, 311, 313, 1549, 1576, 1628, 1657,
463, 513, 544, 550, 557, 1659, 1660, 1804, 1810,
677, 678, 679, 728, 730, 1813, 1824, 1937, 1938,
770, 791, 816, 817, 820, 1976, 1977, 21 17, 2118,
835, 922, 952, 977, 993, 2141, 2150, 2302, 2306,
997, 1002, 1007, 1043, 2459, 2496, 2638, 2752,
1044, 1045, 1056, 1061, 2762, 2763, 2829, 2844,
1084, 1129, 1134, 1135, 2961, 2962, 2969, 2971,
1238, 1367, 1375, 1387, 2984, 2988, 2991, 2993,
1440, 1443, 1493, 1494, 2994, 3033, 3065, 3071,
1497, 1519, 1559, 1583, 3102, 3153, 3232, 3255,
1599, 1697, 1718, 1798, 3271, 3273, 3276, 3338,
1842, 1906, 1932, 2017, 3361, 3373, 3374, 3421,
2061, 2062, 2084,2085, 3621, 3650, 3905
2120, 2121, 2139, 2173, MOR: 194, 195, 275, 276, 377,
2174, 2193, 2227, 2228, 378, 416, 525, 528, 534,
2232, 2240, 2241, 2243, 536, 537, 551, 618, 620,
2245, 2307, 2390, 2473, 694, 807, 808, 812, 813,
2502, 2533, 2624, 2643, 831, 838, 840, 904, 918,
2648, 2660, 2663, 2706, 946, 947, 994, 1064,
2716, 2758, 2760, 2834, 1079, 1281, 1400, 1437,
2837, 2841, 2843, 2845, 1489, 1547, 1628, 1661,
2848, 2893, 2894, 2896, 1700, 1713, 1975, 2055,

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

2116, 2141, 2148, 2151,

2153, 2159, 2194, 2239,
2269, 2312, 2424, 2459,
2515, 2532, 2646, 2703,
2706, 2749, 2772, 2829,
2831, 2839, 2969, 2993,
3158, 3171, 3228, 3254,
3255, 3262, 3276, 3325,
3326, 3327, 3328, 3329,
3400, 3422, 3470, 3473,
3476, 3650, 3790
SYN: 2, 95, 194, 197, 276,
446, 525, 542, 544, 604,
666, 667, 674, 675, 812,
834, 918, 946, 947,
1094, 1281, 1400, 1489,
1491, 1562, 1587, 1662,
1663, 1724, 1725, 1726,
1727, 1728, 2004, 21 15,
21 16, 2126, 2151, 2159,
2230, 2424, 2491, 2493,
2577, 2645, 2646, 2648,
2649, 2662, 2664, 2706,
2741, 2753, 2754,2772,
2825, 2829, 2842, 2897,
2899, 2920, 2967,2975,
2993, 3062, 3158, 3178,
3180, 3182, 3208, 3211,
3314, 3362, 3494, 3495,
3628, 3650, 3772, 3773,
3776, 3780
LEX: 1,26,35,36,37,46,49,
54, 76, 82, 89, 90, 96,
97, 109, 126, 155, 162,
165, 172, 177, 204, 230,
231, 246, 250, 252, 279,
288, 304, 305, 315, 344,
347, 41 1, 416, 438, 442,
462, 464, 521, 524, 530,
567, 572, 641, 669, 674,
746, 747, 748, 749, 750,
751, 751, 753, 754, 759,
790, 793, 809, 816, 817,
822, 823, 833, 834, 838,
843, 847,945, 1000,

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

2806, 2817, 2836, 2837, 620, 784, 789, 807, 808,

2886, 2892, 2893, 2894, 809, 810, 822, 833, 840,
2918, 2967, 2981, 2982, 843, 853, 892, 946, 947,
2990, 2995, 2996, 3009, 961, 994, 1029, 1075,
3012, 3013, 3037, 3039, 1109, 1112, 1120, 1127,
3041, 3042, 3061, 3072, 1128, 1224, 1230, 1239,
3076, 3086, 3087, 3090, 1243, 1246, 1247, 1276,
3099, 3105, 3136, 3148, 1281, 1399, 1413, 1442,
3157, 3160, 3163,3170, 1505, 1506, 1520, 1528,
321 1, 3254, 3259, 3261, 1532, 1540, 1547, 1548,
3265, 3266, 3276, 3315, 1562, 1576, 1628, 1640,
3335, 3345, 3371, 3372, 1655, 1698, 1700, 1713,
3404, 3405, 3407, 3409, 1738, 1747, 1757, 1758,
3428, 3430, 3479, 3480, 1759, 1760, 1761, 1762,
3493, 3531, 3613, 3658, 1763, 1764, 1771, 1772,
3706, 3804, 3867 1773, 1774, 1775, 1776,
SEM: 783, 834, 1506, 1655, 1778, 1779, 1780, 1782,
1656, 1727, 2150, 2159, 1783. 1784, 1785, 1786,
2606, 2699, 2885, 2982, 1787, 1788, 1789, 1790,
3001, 3153, 3254, 3332, 1791, 1792, 1840, 1897,
3406, 3658, 3720 1976, 2061, 2118, 2140,
DIS: 281, 1649, 1803, 1809, 2141, 2142, 2150, 2230,
2710, 2712, 3137 2238, 2239, 2265, 2266,
HIST: 35, 70, 96, 167, 313, 2272, 2274, 2280,2284,
314, 315, 513, 524, 789, 2302, 2313, 2353, 2390,
793, 810, 847, 1030, 2426, 2427, 2468, 2480,
1075, 1112, 1120, 1363, 2493, 2573, 2628, 2638,
1576, 1640, 1754, 1756, 2645, 2648, 2713, 2721,
1851, 1874, 1897, 1906, 2741, 2753, 2754, 2762,
1909, 1977, 2021, 2145, 2763, 2787, 2839, 2848,
2154, 2155, 2159,2228, 2925, 2966, 2967, 2971,
2245, 2265, 2266,2313, 2988, 3001, 3076, 3078,
2426, 2427, 2473, 2474, 3097, 3163, 3171, 3178,
2628, 2636, 2693, 2721, 3211, 3228, 3268, 3335,
2722, 2755, 2758, 2764, 3338, 3345, 3361, 3372,
2817, 2834, 2835, 2836, 3403, 3421, 3428,3430,
2849, 2850, 2853, 2894, 3436, 3473, 3493, 3531,
3061, 3083, 3087, 3097, 3611, 3621, 3628,3706,
3102, 3115, 3146, 3147, 3772, 3790, 3905
3170, 3276, 3428, 3430, SOC: 114, 141, 309, 446, 524,
3469, 3479, 3480, 3531, 573, 789, 810, 814, 904,
3621, 3892 930, 1267, 2033, 2139,
COMP: 2, 35, 70, 230, 275, 416, 2246, 2263, 2468, 2713,
438, 521, 523, 525, 530, 2725, 2755, 2764, 2814,
591, 601, 602, 603, 618, 2849, 2850, 2967, 2975,

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

2981, 3154, 3276, 3335, 2059, 2073, 2087, 2114,

3371, 3852, 3901 2365, 2402, 2425, 2477,
TEXT: 72, 100, 104, 167, 202, 2478, 2515, 2532,2623,
314, 465, 557, 575, 752, 2662, 2664, 2704, 2706,
791, 838, 840, 1061, 2754, 2776, 2800, 2804,
1282, 1399, 1538, 1587, 2805, 2826, 2827, 2845,
1641, 1751, 1811, 1819, 2917, 2921, 2967, 2968,
1843, 1932, 2076, 2094, 2971, 3012, 303 1, 3076,
2228, 231 1, 23 16, 2605, 3079, 3160, 3257, 3268,
2665, 2698, 2700, 2716, 3270, 3376, 3416, 3419,
2835, 2884, 2951, 2975, 3476, 3534, 3537, 3549,
2984, 2987, 2995, 3084, 3651, 3655, 3789
3160, 3208, 3276, 3476, THEO: 167, 172, 199, 202, 288,
3547, 3549 377, 603, 822, 930,
WRIT: 55, 86, 87, 104, 125, 1266, 1267, 1698, 1798,
261, 356, 379, 438, 574, 2033, 2636, 2713, 2829,
761, 772, 819, 820, 830, 3157
1037, 1070, 1231, 1362, GEN: 206, 930
1363, 1439, 1440, 1698,
1714, 1804, 1810, 1812, Tagbanwa: Aborlan
1813, 1824, 1937, 1938, PHON: 1529, 1706, 1707
2261, 2264, 2277, 23 11, MOR: 1525, 1704, 1705, 1706
2312, 2323, 2628, 2636, SYN: 1702, 1703
2693, 2764, 2827, 2829, LEX: 1528
2832, 2852, 2888,2961, SEM: 1520
2962, 2969, 2982,2986, DIS: 1525, 1526
2989, 2990, 2991, 2992, COMP: 1528
2994, 3031, 3032, 3033, TEXT: 1527
3084, 3101, 3124, 3270,
3271, 3273, 3276, 3353, Tagbanwa: Calamian
3373, 3374, 3436, 3468, GRAM: 2619
3469, 3547 PHON: 3047, 3049
PED: 13, 23, 107, 126, 194, MOR: 3047
196, 200, 293, 306, 307, SYN: 3044, 3045, 3046, 3048,
308, 311, 312, 334, 380, 3050
598, 601, 605, 607, 744, LEX: 53, 3045, 3665, 3666
750, 770, 816, 817, 828, DIS: 3043
1008, 1025, 1026, 1058, TEXT: 175, 176
1061, 1134, 1135, 1139,
1194, 1239, 1251, 1375, Tagbanwa (Unidentified)
1399, 1532, 1537, 1552, PHON: 1335
1583, 1585, 1652, 1714, LEX: 502, 1234, 1332, 1335,
1720, 1741, 1798, 1826, 1354, 2293
1845, 1868, 1870, 1942, COMP: 1234, 1335
1944, 1961, 2010, 2058, SOC: 2294, 3615, 3616

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

TEXT: 15, 1335, 1359 DIS: 1090, 1091

WRIT: 15, 1335, 1359, 1405, COMP: 883, 3461
2294, 2880, 3025, 3615, TEXT: 563, 1108
3616. 3643 WRIT: 2869

Tausug (See also Sulu) Visayan (Unidentified)

GRAM: 286, 297,670, 764 GRAM: 41,43, 83, 143, 346,
PHON: 140, 300, 764, 2601 348, 508, 776, 951,
MOR: 298, 301, 2522 1182, 1907, 1935,2390,
SYN: 296, 298, 301, 302 2618, 3024, 3082, 3085,
L,EX: 35, 74, 79, 298, 383, 3126, 3642, 3821, 3886
384, 764, 944, 949, 9'76, PHON: 526
1024, 1551, 1593, 1600, MOR: 276, 525, 526, 3365,
1918, 2103, 2104, 2522, 3886
2541, 3822 SYN: 276, 525, 2444, 2789,
DIS: 286 2928
HIST: 35 LEX: 193, 345, 348, 438, 734,
COMP: 35, 140, 1551, 1600, 768, 792, 1010, 1076,
2522 1226, 1565, 1636, 1644,
SOC: 763, 1236 1740, 1978,2209,2262,
TEXT: 29, 93, 702, 713, 1415, 2299, 2374, 2376, 2378,
1945, 1963, 2102, 2605, 2390, 2444, 2466, 2572,
3434 2630, 2789, 2903, 2909,
WRIT: 29, 299, 763, 764, 1024 3034, 3051, 3076, 3111,
PED: 93, 702, 2541, 3876 3112, 3125
SEM: 3897
Tboli (Tagabili) HIST: 768, 1075, 1485, 1978,
GRAM: 1301, 1302, 2329,2859 2374, 2630, 2887, 2959,
PIION: 2101 3082
MOR: 1303, 2856, 3541 COMP: 233, 438, 525, 526, 776,
SYN: 1297, 1298, 1299, 1300, 1075, 1740, 2353, 2390,
1693, 2855, 2857 2928, 3024, 3076, 3125,
LEX: 1297, 1304, 2100,2329, 3436
2857, 2860, 3542 SOC: 792, 2909
SEM: 2860 TEXT: 359, 1485, 1644, 2233,
DIS: 2329, 2855, 2858, 2862 2575, 2769, 2887, 3024
COMP: 3542 WRIT: 32, 438, 1334, 2959,
TEXT: 2861 2963, 3436
PED: 1301 PED: 3, 40, 77, 101, 102, 233,
359, 509, 950, 951,
Tiruray 2328, 2444, 2478, 2618,
GRAM: 474, 566 3034, 3076, 3096, 3821
PHON: 883, 2871
LEX: 73, 466, 475, 3214,
3366, 3461, 3806

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
Waray-Waray (Samar-Leyte)
GRAM: 63, 815, 1066, 1067,
1244, 1269, 3095, 3108,
3109, 3402, 3792, 3864
PHON: 251, 1280, 1534, 3437,
3657, 3800
MOR: 815
SYN: 815, 3108
LEX: 142, 260, 267, 282, 943,
1764, 1769, 1791, 1792,
2236, 2640, 3036, 3107,
31 10, 3114, 3525
SEM: 1974
COMP: 1280, 1764, 1791, 1792,
2957, 3108
SOC: 3864
TEXT: 7 12, 7 14
WRIT: 1244
PED: 251, 815, 3094, 3095,
3109, 3803, 3877
THEO: 1769



PHON: 1618
MOR: 1618
SYN: 1618
LEX: 875, 1385, 1621, 2252
COMP: 875, 1385

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
List of Source Bibliographies

Asuncion-Lande, Nobleza C. 1971. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics.

Athens: Ohio University, Center for International Studies. (Papers in
International Studies, Southeast Asia Series No 20).

Cubar, Nelly I. 1976. The Philippine linguistic landscape: 16th-19th centuries.

Quezon City: University of the Philippines.

Gieser, C. Richard, ed. 1989. Bibliogrqphy of the Summer Institute of Linguistics,

Philippines 1953-1988. Manila: Summer Institute of Linguistics.

Hendrickson, Gail and Len Newell, eds. 1991. A bibliography of Philippine

language dictionaries and vocabularies. Manila: Linguistic Society of the

Hidalgo, Cesar A. 1977. Philippines lexicography: From 1521 to the present.

Diliman: University of the Philippines.

Makarenko, Vladimir A., comp. 1981. A preliminary annotated bibliography of

Pilipino linguistics (1604-1976), ed by A. Gonzales and C. N. Sacris.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

Salazar, Marlies. 1989. 'European studies of Philippine languages.' Unpublished

doctoral dissertation, University of the Philippines.

Shinoda, Eri B. 1990. Annotated chronological bibliography (ACB) of

publications and manuscripts in Philippine linguistics made by the
Japanese (1902-89), ed by Ernesto Constantino. Quezon CiQ: Cecil10
Lopez Archives and Philipine Linguistics Circle (UP).

Ward, Jack H. 1971. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics and major

languages. Southeast Asia Program, Department of Asian Studies, Cornell
University, Ithaca, New York. (Data Paper #83).

Welsh, Doris Barner. 1950. Checklist of Philippine linguistics in the Newberry

Library. Chicago, Illinois: Newberry Library.

1996. Rex Johnson, comp. A bibliography of Philippine linguistics. LSP Special Monograph Issue, 39.
Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.

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