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It was a crazy week!

Starting the week off on Monday when I finalized my first ever solo lesson
plan, to my state Educators Rising competition on Friday. I guess I should probably start with my
lesson plan. I had a blast creating it, although some of the students thought it was a little too
hard I still feel like they learned a lot from it. The subject on the other hand was not one I
excelled in! Math, my students did it better than I could. The lesson focused on number patterns
using input and output tables, drawing out patterns and identifying the rule, and just looking off
terms in a sequence. The fast math these kids are able to do amazed me. At the end of the
lesson I had the students share what they liked and what they didn't like about it. Some said it
was too hard for them and I could have been easier on them but, one said she didn't like how
easy it was! All in all it was a great experience and I learned just as much as the students did!
When leaving on Thursday I explain to the students why I would not be in the classroom
the following day. I told them about my state competition and what my project was. When I was
walking out there were two students in the ¨bump out¨ , the room right next to the classroom,
working on reading their pages for ¨lit circle¨. They both asked about my project a little more, as
my project was based off of special education students and their class was an inclusion
classroom. I explained to them how it benefited the students and how much fun I have with
them. They did ask me if this class that I worked with was anything like some of the students in
their class and I explained to them that some of them weren't and some were different, but it
didn't really matter because everybody had fun, including my own classmates that helped with it.
Don't get me wrong these girls absolutely love the inclusion students in their classroom, they
were just curious! Because I was missing that Friday I jokingly, coincidentally to the same
student, told her that she couldn't get rid of me that easily and I would see her Tuesday!

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