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Adaption of Education Trough Covid

Motivation is key. Keeping students, teachers, and parents motivated is the one

and only way to insert knowledge. Throughout the podcast How Teaching is Changing

and How to Survive with Dr Troy Podell, motivation is a key topic that is discussed and

related back to all concepts. This podcast was inspired due to the new and changing

ways of virtual education due to covid-19. Having teachers, students, and parents

change their learning styles and adapt to a remote environment can be extremely

difficult. Having teachers who can change and adapt with it is the only way students will

continue to learn in these developing environments.

In school, students reflect on their performances based solely off their grades

and test scores. It's how they were taught to measure their index of learning, which can

damage the students willingness to learn. Statewide tests and exams also evaluate

teacher performances. In this podcast Dr. Troy Podell discusses his thoughts on the

matter. While on the subject of students retaining knowledge in this pandemic, he

brings up an excellent point of project-based learning. This point then spun off into

giving feedback or feed-forward as he likes to call it. The feedback teachers are giving

students are merely numbers on a scale of how they perform. This can be fixed by

project-based learning. If the teacher and student work together to find a solution it not

only utilizes the strength of the students knowledge but it also develops a more creative

teacher. Having the teacher motivate the student ultimately turns and to the student

motivating the teacher to find these solutions. This can be completed through project

based learning and needs to be implemented in these virtual times to inspire students to

complete and retain the work they're being given.

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While on the topic of project-based learning Dr. Troy Podell briefly touched on

teachers in general and how having one person who holds a lot of knowledge about one

subject may not be as beneficial as a person who holds knowledge of a wide variety

and has experience in their field. Even going as far to say “It hasn't been true since the

printing press that you need to go to a particular person for a particular kind of

knowledge” (29:08). Although he brings up a good point on how you should never

search for just one person for all the knowledge in one field I also think the right person

can give you all the information you need. Going to teachers and educators who work

in their field while also teaching can benefit the students in their classrooms learn

immensely. The students being able to then go to the teachers who are experts in their

field and finding these innovators can give them so much knowledge and inspiration. I

think going to a specific person for a specific type of knowledge can be ultimately more

beneficial than going from person to person and trying to identify what knowledge you

truly need.

Knowledge has created a power struggle with educators. Teachers feel

invalidated when students Google search answers to a test or quiz. Maybe even feeling

as though their roles as teachers could become invaluable at some point in time. This is

extremely untrue: teachers will never be erased from the education system although

there are things that will eventually die out. Over the next 10 years typical procedures

such as lectures, standardized tests, and reactive management styles will no longer be

valued in the education system. Wasting a teacher's and students' time on a lecture that

the teacher has taught for years and years beforehand does not do anybody any good.

The student doesn't learn much from it and worse than that, the teacher learns nothing.
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The teacher recites information that is habitual for them. Which leads to standardized

testing becoming more and more difficult for students and reflecting even more poorly

on teachers. This all stems down to reactive management styles. Nitpicking the small

little grades or actions a student does while not actually valuing their time in the

classroom and educating them. The main goal is to have the student leave the

classroom feeling as though they learn something or developed a new understanding of

something that they had not previously. As I stated previously teachers will never be

able to completely leave the classroom as that emotional and physical need for a

teacher there to connect with cannot be replicated via a computer screen.

The main point the Dr. Troy Podell was attempting to get across that Covid-19

has shown us the strengths and weaknesses in our education system. It brought out the

true colors of public education and our educators and general. The true colors of the

mismatch skills that each teacher entered into their field with is an issue and is clearly

shown. The lack of technology knowledge and how to implement it into a way. Showing

teachers how to use their time more productively in class as it also creates a higher

value for students and teachers for the time they do get inside the classrooms. This

podcast was a true reflection of the past year with the educational setbacks the world

has faced. Also showing how to overcome these obstacles and a productive and not

reactive way. This podcast truly reached more people and educated more people than I

believe it was foreseen to.

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Works Cited

“The Edmentum Podcast - E12: How Teaching Is Changing and How to Survive

with Dr. Troy Podell.” Google, 12 Nov. 2020,



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