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I have never understood how much these students actually wanted to see me

and wanted me in their classroom until now! My week with them was cut to two days as
I needed to spend my Wednesday at Cox and the students did not like that at all! When
I walked in on Thursday I was greeted with 21 air hugs and a million questions about my
Spring Break and why I wasn't there the day prior. Of course I reciprocated the air hugs
and answered all questions I could but after that, we jumped right into the learning!
This week I mainly focused on my ¨Lit Circle¨ group. I have been reading the
book Love, Star Girl with the lit circle group in which consists of only two girls. One girl,
Miriam, participates in all 3 lit circles. Meaning she's currently reading 3+ books! For the
reading each day students are required to read 10 pages independently but in my group
they typically read ahead. When lit circle is called we do a brief summary of the pages
we read the night before and then read about 15 more pages and we repeat this almost
everyday. With the post Spring Break craziness that I witnessed I don´t think I'm going
to be able to miss another day!

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