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SOL prep week was jam packed full of information and lessons for my students!

With SOLs coming up in the next few weeks we studied hard learning tips for multiple
choice and going over terms and their meanings. In the process of doing all of this
studying I was able to pull out multiple small groups to focus on specific needs for each
student. Which just gave me another chance to connect with them!
In preparation for their science SOL my cooperating teacher allowed me to come
a little later in the day during their science lesson to create and teach a review game!
My AP Biology teacher actually inspired the game I created. Each team got 50 points to
start and I had questions on the board from previous SOL tests. If the team got the
question correct they choose a point value and I set up the basket based on the point
value that correlated and if they made it into the basket they took said points from the
other team. I had one-five in varying instances and even but a ¨take away ½ of the other
teams points¨ piece of tape halfway across the room to see which teams would go for it.
Over all the students had fun and practiced test taking skills, even if they didnt know it!

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