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Students should be able to demonstrate most of the 5 criteria to be ‘at the expected level’ for their Year Level.


Only serves it up to the
Clears sometimes reach Misses the shuttle or
YEAR 6 receiver. No difference The smash is hit so that Only gets the shuttle
the mid court but hits it high over the net
between Long and it is a Clear – no over the net
usually only clear the when playing a net
Short serve. downward flight. sometimes.
net. drop shot.
Most Long serves go to Can attempt to play a
YEAR 7 Smash is hit in a Can get the shuttle
mid court. Clears go to mid court net drop shot low over
downward manner over the net with some
Most Short serves go with some consistency. the net with some
with some consistency. consistency.
over the net. consistency.
Most Long serves go to Gets shuttle over the
YEAR 8 the back half of service Clears go to the back Can Smash with some Net drops shots travel net with some
area. third of the court from force from near the net low over the net with consistency, tries to hit
Most Short serves a mid-court. with some consistency. some consistency. to space, tries to hit to
travel low over the net the back-court.
Most Long serves go to
Net drops shots are
the back court. Can often hit to space
YEAR 9 Clears go to the back of played with touch and
Most Short serves Can Smash with some and move the
the court from any travel low over the net.
travel low and land force from mid court. opponent around the
position. Can attempt Drop shots
near the front line. court.
from the back court.
Most Long serves go to
Clears go to the back of Can play most drop Always hits to space
YEAR 10 the back court.
the court and most can Can Smash with some shots low over the net and moves the
Most Short serves
be directed to different force from mid court. from close in or from opponent around the
travel low and land
spots on the court. the back court. court.
near the front line.
 Some consistency/sometimes = 50% of the time.

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