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Bung Karno who was also known as Ir. Soekarno was born on June 6, 1901, in Surabaya,
East Java.He was the first president of Indonesia and Indonesia’s first president who served
two terms from 1945 to 1966. Bung Karno was a charismatic figure and had great influence
for the indepence of Indonesia.And Bung Karno is Indonesia’s first president who served two
terms from 1945 to 1966.
Bu Karno found his interest and nationalism raised in his soul. Then, he began to be active in
youth organization, Tri Koro Darmo. In 1918, Soekarno changed the name into Jong Java
(Pemuda Jawa). In 1920, Bung Karno continued his study to Technische Hoge School which
is now well-known as Bandung Istitute of Technology. In 1926, he established Algemene
Studie Club and it became the root of Partai National Indonesia which was established in
1927. Unfortunately, in December 1929 he was arrested and in jail by Netherland company
due to his activities in PNI. In August 1933, he was arrested again by Netherland company
and thrown away in Flores. From 1938 to 1942 Soekarno was thrown away to Bengkulu
province and he was released when Japan came to Indonesia in 1942.
In August 1945, Soekarno was invited by Marsekal Terauchi. He suggested that Indonesia
should declare the indepence as soon as possible. After he met Marsekal Terauchi, there was
Rengasdengklok incident which was led by youth of PETA. They insisted Soekarno and
Hatta to announce the independence day of Indonesia since there was an empty space in
Indonesia government.At last, on August 17, 1945, Indonesia announced its Independence
Day. The script of proclamation was read by Soekarno. The next day, Soekarno and Hatta
were elected by PPKI as President and Vice President of Indonesia.
Sukarno signed the Warrant March 11, 1966 Supersemar controversial, in which – according
to the released version of Army Headquarters – Lt. Gen. Suharto assigned to secure and
maintain state security and the institution of the presidency. Supersemar basis Lieutenant
General Suharto to dissolve the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) and replace the
members who sit in parliament.After that President Sukarno removed from office as president
in the MPRS Special Session of the same year and raised Suharto as acting President of the
Republic of Indonesia.
This independence is the result of the struggle of the entire of Indonesian. One day later, he
was inaugurated as the first President of Indonesia. He ruled for 22 years. Soekarno passed
away at the age of 69 years and was buried in Blitar, East Java. The story of Soekarno is
filmed by Hanung Bramantyo with title Soekarno:Indonesia Merdeka.

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