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NAME: Julie-Ann T. Lascuña DATE: 03/09/2019

INTRODUCTION: How I survived being a Girl is one of the written books of Wendelin Van
Draanen for young readers and teens.Wendelin Van Draanen lives on the Central Coast of
California with her husband, two small sons, and two large huskies. She is a high school
computer science instructor and when she’s not writing, computing, or running the dogs, she
enjoys performing and recording with a local rock group. She takes the readers on a short
journey through a summer with a tomboy who loves her brothers, but would prefer to be a
brother, herself. It’s more like a diary, but it isn’t written in diary form. Just little everyday
snippet of her average life and how she relates in her family and neighborhood.
TITTLE: How I survived being a girl
AUTHOR: Wendelin Van Draanen
BODY: A sixth grader Carolyn narrates her exploit as, over the course of a summer, she spies on
her “freeko” neighbors, digs foxholes in the yard, hurts dirt clods at her brother and steals a book
from the local dime store. Either this version of suburbia is set in an undefined past, or
something of a throwback-girls have to wear dresses to school, and only boys are allowed to
have paper routes. Carolyn chafes at the restriction placed on her until she finds a way to get
around them she wears shorts under her skirts and helps her brother deliver the daily news. As
the sticky, childish pursuits of summer give way to the music lessons and classroom politics of
September, Carolyn finds herself attracted to Charlie, her foxhole dinging companion, and began
to tackle injustices by drawing up petitions and speaking her mind, rather than by tagging after
her brothers. When, at the end of the book, a baby sister is born. Carolyn feels a deep connection.
She whisper her philosophies to the infant “she tells her. How being a girl is actually all night
once you figure out that you should break some of the rules instead of just living with them.” A
sunny, funny look at girl with a smart and scabby knee and learned to be comfortable with who
she is.
A.TIME: Month of September B.PLACE: Central Coast of California
This story is all about a twelve year old girl named Carolyn. She really like to spies on the
neighbors with her brothers, play stickball and dig foxholes in the backyard. Of girls who play
with dolls and even wearing to much lace, she has low opinions and hardly counts herself in the
girl camp. She prefers to keep her hair too short and want nothing to do with dresses, ruffles, or
anything that remotely could be considered “girly”. But when her baby sister is born named
Nancy. Carolyn’s thoughts toward girls begin to changes as she sees that she’s not alone in her
family anymore. Lots of gross descriptions and hilarious adventures keep this book moving,
though in the end she disappointing fails to balance her tomboy nature with the “girly”.

Carolyn, Allen, Jack, Mrs. Moyer, Mr. Moyer, Charlie, Will, Marry, Laura, Julie


Marriage is the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband and wife
in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law which free man and free woman
reciprocally engage to live ought to exist between husband and wife. Yes, no one can agree when
it comes to the right of marriage .But, same sex couples claim it is unalienable right for them to
marry. Opposite sex couples get marriage on Friday and divorce in Monday. So what is the big
issue? The hot topic these days seems to be the highly controversial issue of same sex marriages.
Should it be legalized? For me, No, same sex marriage should not be legalized due to it harmful
effects on societal order, the constitutional, and traditional religious values. Many people think
that is not always necessarily true. Our society thrives on order the reassurance. Same sex
marriages also distorts the normal values that each child grow up learning marriage has always
been between a man and a woman.
According to Christian Belief, in the beginning, God made Adam a man and then made
Eve a woman. He gave Adam a woman, not a man, so that it has ever in where homosexuality is
more opened and widely received than it has ever been before. In Christianity, marriage is a
lifelong commitment under God. It is well known to many Christians that practicing
homosexuality is a major sin. How can union, which is created for man and woman, under good,
bond two partners of same sex. Many diseases can inherit through anal sex. Some say this is a
punishment sent from God. If it is against the guidelines he has given us. If it was meant for
people to be with the same sex, the human race would have been expunged a long time ago. “So
God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created
he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply and replenish
the earth and subdue it, “Genesis 1:27-28”. With the promotion of homosexuality in the media
today, there has a high influence on how society, mainly the youth, perceive homosexuality.
Children’s minds are like sponges and soak up all that they see. This can persuade the youth to
think that the “icing on the cake” for the youth to view this as morally right, when it is not.

Alcohol is a colorless flammable liquid which can be found in wine, beer, spirits and

other can also be used as fuel or and as industrial solvents. Alcohol is the product of

fermentation of yeast, sugar and starches. Alcohol is a drug (Bai, Anderson & Moo-Young.2010)

and it is classified as a depressant. This means that, it shows down vital function of the resulting

in slurred speech, unsteady movement, inability to quickly react as well the ability to think

rationally and distorts one’s judgment. Alcohol exerts effects on every organ of the human body

(Quo & Jun, 2010). Drinking patterns across racial and ethnic groups are complex. In general,

alcohol consumption is most common among non–Hispanic whites and people who report two or

more races, and lowest among Asians (SAMHSA 2014).

Beyond the physiological effects of alcohol, an individual's perceptions of his or her level

of impairment can also affect his or her behavior. Alcohol metabolism facilities the perception of

impairment and an individual is made aware of the effects of alcohol by biological cues or

changes in his or her behavior (Laude and Fillmore 2016). Generally, people are often not aware

of how impaired they are because they misjudge the rates of alcohol absorption and elimination

or because they may not understand the relationship between the quantity of concentration

(BAC) (Aston).
During the past decade, a hot topic of research has become the interplay between

personalities, brain development and substance use during adolescent (Casey & Jones, 2010,

Gladwin, Figner, Crone, & Wiers, 2011, Steinberg, 2010, White et al., 2011; Wiers, Ames,

Hofman, krank, &Stacy, 2010).This means that the distribution of genetic and influence on

alcohol use, abuse and dependence, is highly phenotype (behavior) specific. This would imply

the intervening on different alcohol related behaviors specific. While some specific genes acting

on alcohol use and dependence have been identified, notably those involved in the metabolism of

alcohol, findings relating specific genes to alcohol use have mostly been inconsistent and the

findings have indicated, at most, weak associations.

Thus, the genetic liability to alcohol use is probably composed of multiple genes, each

with at most, minor effects on the liability to use. This hypothesis is exemplified by the recent

genome wide analysis of alcohol consumption in 20,000 subjects with genome wide array data,

from which one finding of interest emerged (Schumann et al.2011). Larger population studies of

common genetic variance underlying alcohol use among adolescent. In addition to negative

health effects, there are also many social problems associated with underage drinking,

primarily due to the link between alcohol and violence (WHO, 2002), as well as alcohol’s

role in reducing inhibitions and encouraging high-risk behavior. Alcohol consumption among

youth can lead to reduced levels of self-control and an impaired ability to assess risk

factors (WHO, 2002).

Alcohol use contributes to instances of suicide, homicides, and sexual assaults, as well

as increased risk of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases due to higher

instances of unprotected sex (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2006). Alcohol

consumption contributes to drowning, falls, fires, poisonings, and self-inflicted injury (U.S.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2004). Alcohol consumption also

contributes to a higher incidence of traffic accidents, one of the leading causes of death

among teenagers (American Medical Association, 2007).There are numerous negative

health effects associated with excessive alcohol consumption, including liver cirrhosis and

several types of cancer (World Health Organization, 2002). Underage drinking may

contribute to growth and endocrine effects that upset the hormonal balance necessary during

puberty to ensure normal development of bones, organs, and muscles (U.S. Department of

Health and Human Services, 2006).These risk factors are more potent for adolescents than

adults, because children are more susceptible to risk-taking, have uncertain expectations

regarding how alcohol will affect their bodies, as well as an uncertain sensitivity and

tolerance to alcohol (U.S Department of Health and Human Services, 2006).




The abusive use of alcohol is already spreading among students. The second cycle

institution corresponding with late adolescent. Period is a marked by increasing participation in

health risky behaviors such as alcohol use. Alcohol is one of rampant vices in public health

problem with genesis in adolescents. The use of alcohol at this critical age can lead to serious

health outcomes such as problem in the liver and it contributes to the leading causes of

adolescent morbidity and mortality.

Our research is about the students in Cabalantian National High School particularly

those Senior High Students who are taking alcohol beverages for the reason that our health is

very important not for the students but to the institution and community as well since they hold

hope for the next Generation. We need to focus on our study on learning for academic purposes

insuring our future will give the desire that we need to accomplish. Be aware of our surrounding.

Be helpful, responsible, and be a good influence that makes a student more competitive to face

the circumstances in every life.


This chapter discusses the research methodology used in the study including the sampling

site and the sampling procedure.

The Sample

The subjects of this study are 10 randomly selected Senior High School Students who are

taking alcohol beverages this School Year 2018-2019 at Cabalantian National High School.

Sampling Procedure

There were 10 respondents in the Senior High School Students. The respondents were

available to answer the guide questions and clarify survey items. They were also informed that

the survey was voluntary and their response would be kept anonymous.

This chapter presents the conclusion and recommendation of the study.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. Some Senior High School Students drink alcohol for the reasons of having a problem,

add a celebration and make it easier to express feelings /Less inhibited.

2.The advantages in taking alcohol first is to provide a better sleep, relieves mental stress

and helps neglect severe pain. While the dis advantages are losing of self-control, nerve damage,

sedition & death and addiction.

3. The most influential people to take alcohol drinks are friends and relatives.


Based on the findings and conclusion presented, the following recommendations are


1. Alcohol can increase the risk of dementia, disability and frailty. As such students should be

encouraged to reduce the amounts they drink as much as possible it is because it damages not

only for their body but it also destroys for their future.
2. It also includes making alcohol less accessible, affordable and acceptable, continuing to work

to prevent illicit alcohol sales, and ensuring plans include screening and brief interventions for

people especially those students at risk of an alcohol-related problem.

3. People have a right to know the risks associated with drinking alcohol. Only with accurate and

transparent information are people able to make an informed choice about how much alcohol

they consumed.

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