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Checklist 1
Answer:- 1 Nutritional Value:- Meat is essential for our diet. The different types of meat have
different nutritional values. It is the main source of readily absorbed proteins and iron. Other
important minerals in meat are zinc and vitamins like vitamin B. Fat is also present in the meat
but it is rendered during cooking process, then it is least concerned. Combining meat with cereals
and vegetables will help provide a balanced diet.

Answer:- 2 Following are the three provisions to determine and organize the required
ingredients to prepare mise en place for meat dishes

1. Historical data

2. Number of bookings

3. Special Functions

4. Climate and weather

Answer:- 3 Seasonality:- Because products have different types e.g being grass fed in spring
before slaughter.

Price:- e.g cheaper items are used for braises than for grilled dishes.

Equipment available:- e.g specialized cooking equipment like rotisseries, steamers , braisiere,
or work.

Quality standards:- e.g difference in menus and expectations between an aged hostel, café,
restaurant etc.

Service requirements:- e.g self service, set menu, a la carte buffet.

Stock rotation principles:- such as FIFO (first-in-first-out) are important to ensure the oldest
product is used up first.

Answer:- 4 Reasons for choosing a particular equipment

Safety:- Use of boning knife is safer then large knife for frenching cutlets.

Appropriateness:- For small batches small mincer should be used, a bowl cutter would be used
for bulk material.

Ease of use:- Knife is used for cutting small amounts of vegetables and mandolin or kitchenaid
for larger amounts.

Name-Bikram Singh
Student Id: S33198

Reducing wastage:- Reuse of bones and offcuts in making stocks, soups and sauces.

Answer:- 5 1. Cleanliness is required to prevent cross-contamination.

2. Consider WHS (work health and safety) to prevent any injury or death. Proper training
needed for correctly operating the equipment to prevent the injury and deaths. Proper instructions
sheets for the use of the equipment should be there.

3. Hygiene is important, for this proper cleaning and sanitation during usage and or when
changing food items.

4. Faulted and malfunctioned equipments should be repaired or removed from the operations.

5. All electrical equipments to be stored should be away from moisture to prevent the risk of

Answer:- 6 General steps for preparing mise en place and production of meat dishes are as

1. Proper weight needs to consider.

2. Proper trimming of meat of proper size used to reduce wastage.

Trimmings and offcuts could be utilized in other racipes or other section of the kitchen or can be
stored hygienically with proper labeling.

Checklist 2
Answer:-1 Points to consider selecting meat

1. Quality assurance

2. Farming practices

3. Feed used

4. Specific regions

5. Breed

Answer:- 2 Usage of muscles by animal impact on meat quality:- Muscles that are not used
much, such as fillet are more tender and do not require much cooking and can be eaten raw.
Muscles that were used a lot, such as shin, are tougher and require intensive cooking.

Answer:-3 Age:- Older animals are tougher than young animals, E.g mutton is tougher than

Name-Bikram Singh
Student Id: S33198

Diet:- Milk fed animals are more tender than grain-fed animals.

Sex:- Male animals are more muscular and active than female animals.

Species:- Furred game species are tougher than domestic animals because they are more active
and have a lean diet.

Answer:- 4 Major types of feed in Australia are 1). Pasture/grass feeding

2). Lot/grain feeding

Answer:- 5 For aging meat pH should be in 5.4-5.8 range.

Checklist 3
Answer:- 1 Meat becomes more tender as enzymes start to break down the muscles and weaken
the tissue, this tenderness effect reached in 5-6 days. The muscles with connective tissue in them
age faster. After slaughter the animal stimulate to extract blood that allow to relax muscles and
process rigor mortis occurs.

Slaughter stress and pH can affect the quality of meat.

Answer:- 2 Tender stretching:- it is the hanging of a carcass at pelvic bone, which helps to
tenderize the rib fillet, sirloin and leg cuts, then the carcass is electrically stimulated, dressed,
tender stretched for approximately 24 hours, then processed and vacuum packed for further

It influences the eating score after 5 days of ageing for both the striploin and rump, not for

Answer:- 3 Advantages of ageing meat in vacuum sealed packaging are as follows:

1. The oxygen free environment inhibits the growth of spoilage bacteria, oxidation and

2. This allows natural tenderizing process of ageing to occur.

3. The rate of ageing process of vacuum-packed product decreases with time.

4. This increases the shelf life of the meat.

5. This provides increase yield and hygiene.

Vacuum-packed meat can be stored under refrigeration at zero degrees Celsius for 12 weeks.
Optimum condition of meat can be achieved after 2-3 weeks of ageing.

Answer:- 4 1. The meat and fat colour

Name-Bikram Singh
Student Id: S33198

2. The texture and appearance of the meat

3. The size and appearance of the bones

Answer:- 5 Fat color:- It is creamy for beef color varies from white to yellowish depending on
age and type of the animal.

Fat thickness:- Fat is measured in millimeters of the thickness of the subcutaneous fat, and it is
measured using the subcutaneous Rib Fat Measurement.

Meat color:- For the meat color age is important factor. In young animals, the meat is lighter in
color, more palatable, but less flavorsome.

Marbeling:- It is intramuscular fat deposited between individual muscle fibers of the rib eye
muscle. It has scored on the scale of 0-9, scores above 6 having high levels of marbeling.

Dentition:- This is the indicator of age i.e the number of teeth and its type.

Ossification:- The conversion of cartilage into bone is called ossification. It is another indicator

Checklist 4
Answer:- 1 Following are the advantages:-

1. Fixed cost control for the weight of meat portion.

2. Better quality control as the shrinkage factor is also associated with portioned items during
cooking time and tenderness level.

3. Preparation and presentation should be consistent as the size of the portioned item is fixed.

4. Costly preparation and trimming of the whole primal in the kitchen should be eliminated.

Answer:- 2 M S A:- (Meat Standards Australia) It is a consumer-based grading system, which

accurately predicts eating quality for individual beef muscles. It is the result of many years of
research testing processing, carcass, ageing and cooking affect eating quality.

The 3 levels of guaranteed quality are:

3 star (Tenderness guaranteed)

4 star (Premium Tenderness)

5 star (Supreme Tenderness)

Answer:-3 Purchasing Specifiaction: 1.Specific category and class of animal

2. Product description
Name-Bikram Singh
Student Id: S33198

3. Primals weight range/portion weight and tolerance

4. Yield

5. Grade or carton brand name

Answer:-4 The common alternative product description used for cuts of beef:

Product Description Alternative Product Descriptions

Striploin Sirloin-New York cut-Porterhouse
Cube Roll Rib Eye Roll-Scotch Fillet-Rib Fillet
Blade Clod
Thick Flank Round-Knuckle
D-Rump Rump-Top-Sirloin
Topside Inside
Outside Silverside-Corned Beef
Shortoin T-Bone-Club-Porterhouse
Tenderloin Eye Fillet-Fillet
Over Prepared Rib Rib Eye Cutlet-Standing Rib Roast

Answer:-5 Price: Good relationships with the suppliers are important. Enquire about price
variations of products. For large establishments there is need to check for prices for the whole
year. This allows to planthe budgets and fulfill the business objectives, and for profit margins.

Storage Capacity: It plays an important role, vacuum-packed product to minimize waste.

Frozen products can be stored and thawed overnight in the cool room.

Checklist 5
Answer:1 1. One designated area.

2. Clean and sanitize the equipments used like knife and boards.

3. Prevent cross-contamination.

4. Use of colour coded boards.

5. Ensure storage temperature below 4◦C.

6. Minced meat should be processed on the same day, purchased, cooked through.

Answer:-2 Storage and Thawing of frozen meat:- To preserve optimum quality, store meat
items in a freezer at -18◦C or below. Thaw frozen meat in refrigerator at 1-4 ◦C. Microwave
thawing is acceptable but is not ideal for eating quality.

Answer:- 3 1. It should be stored at 1◦C to 3◦C in a walk in refrigerator

Name-Bikram Singh
Student Id: S33198

2. Fresh meat should not be kept too long.

3. All carcass meats should be unwrapped and hung so that air can circulate around them.

Answer:-4 Eight Pieces of equipment and utensils used to process and prepare meat

Cleavers, boning knives, cutting boards, meat bats, mallets, meat slicers, mincers, griddles etc.

Answer:- 5

Examples of primal cuts Examples of restaurant cuts

Short loin bone-in T-bone steak
Leg Schnitzel
Shank Ossobuco
Tenderloin Fillet steak
Striploin Sirloin steak

Checkpoint 6
Answer:- 1 Breakdown of Carcasses: 1.The yield of usable meat, bones and offcults.

2. The possibility of using all items in your menu

3. The price difference between PCCs and cuts prepared by you

4. The time and wages involved in the preparation of a side.

Answer:-2 Quality Signs of pork

1. A light pink color with darker shading near the bones

2. Firm and white fat that is not too thick

3. Pink bones

4. A clean smell and no slime on the surface

5. No bristles


Primal Cut Restaurant Cut

Shoulder Diced or minced
Leg Schnitzel, escalope, Steak
Loin Rack, Cutlet, medallion, steak
Tenderloin Fillet, medallions
Trimmings Diced, stir-fry, mince
Name-Bikram Singh
Student Id: S33198

Answer:-4 Quality Signs of lamb

1. Bright red meat

2. White, firm fat covering

3. Fine Grain

4. White bones with bright red blood inside

Name-Bikram Singh
Student Id: S33198

Checkpoint 7

Answer 1:-

Prime Cut Cookery Method

Neck-whole boned/rolled Stewing , braising , roasting for whole joint

Shoulder Whole Stewing , braising , roasting for whole joint


Breast Stewing , braising , roasting for whole joint

Saddle Grilling , roasting , pan frying

Loin Grilling , roasting , pan-frying

Tenderlion Grilling , roasting , poaching

Leg – long and short leg Grilling , roasting , pan- frying

Shin/shank Braising , stewing , slow roasting

Answer:- 2

Primal cuts Restaurant cut

Chuck Diced beef , chucked steak

Blade Master trim cuts, diced , blade steak

Brisket Spare ribs

Rib eye Rib eye steak

Short lion/bone-in, T – bone, porterhouse, striplion, sirloin,steak

Striplion bone- out

Tenderloin Fillet, filet mignon

Butt Topside , round ,rump,silverside

Shin/shank Stewing meat

Answer:- 3
Name-Bikram Singh
Student Id: S33198

Terminology Description Serving size

Chateaubriand Double fillet steak , grilled , sliced at the table 350g+

Fillet steak Single steak . literal meaning is small bone-less 180+(fillet);150g+

meat- can also be cut into 3 small steaks per serve or
and wrapped in bacon
3*50g (mignon)

Filet strips The tail end is ideal for strips as it is extremely 140g+
tender , any other trim can of course be used up this

Tournedos/filet mignon Tournedos are medium size fillet steaks, usually 2 2*80g
per serve, 2*80g , may be wrapped .fillet mignoncut
from this part always cut small e.g 3*50g

Answer:- 4.

Cut Explanation/alternatives

Schnitzel/escalope/ A slice of the leg primal, tradionally 2 slices from the trimmrd
knuckle muscles.

Paillard A thin slice of steak flattenrd thinly also referred to as minute

steak ,e.g paillard de boeuf

Topside Large leg primal muscle on the inside of the leg thus fairly tender

Silverside Large leg primal muscle on the outside of the leg consisting of the
outside and eye round , tougher meat also known as undercushian

Rump Medium sized leg primal at the top of the leg which is attached to the
lion, it is very tender and flavoursome. it consist of three major
muscles and can be used as steak

Tenderloin The most tender part from the inside of the animal also reffered to as

Sirloin Striplion very tender meat primal from the back of the animal.

Rack /best end From the cutting line betwwn forequarter and hindquarter, the best
part in lamb but can also be used for other meat types such as veal.

Name-Bikram Singh
Student Id: S33198

Answer:- 5. Larding was traditionally used for several reasons:

1. Cuts that were cooked overdone such as saddle of vension, hare and lean cuts were larded to
prevent the meat from drying out during roasting.

2. Cuts Low in fats like topside were often larded before Roasting or braising to provide the
relatively dry meat with additional moisture and if smoked bacon fat was used, additional

3. Equipment features like atmospheric steam and moisture injection were non – existent and
processes like slow roasting and its effects not commonly known.

Checkpoint 8
Answer:- 1. The term barding comes from the French word barder. It means to wrap in bacon . it
sometimes reffered to as surface larding and was traditionally used to cover the breasts of game
birds during roasting. Barding may also used for small meat cuts like back straps of game and
small fillets and is still widely used in western cookery. Alternatives for barding include the use
of crepinette or caul to hold farces, leaves or other preparations in place during cooking and to
prevent drying out without the additional fat.

Answer:- 2. Marinades are used to impart flavour to food. It is important to select a marinade
that complements the flavours of food. Types of marinades are :

1. Instant marinades
2. Soaking marinades

Answer:- 3. Tenderising: Tough meat can be tenderised to make it more rendor or to speedup
the cooking process. Tenderising can be done physically e.g tough cuts in paw-paw.

Skewering: Meat offcuts are threaded onto bamboo. metal skewers then grilled. The meat can be
interspersed with other items such as blanched onions, mushrooms,and capsicum.

Rolling: This can be used in various ways . a primal cut e.g topside is sliced thinly into schnitzel
and then flattened out and filled with either a farge or other ingrediants such as onions ,
vegetables or even fruit. The item isrolled up and tied or kept in place with skewers.

Stuffing and trussing: When roasting meat , extra flavours are sometimes added in the form of
stuffing , often to the cavity formed by the removal of the bone . it is referred to as trussing

Mincing: All offcuts and trimmings can be minced and then used for menu items such as
sausages , rissoles and farces for second class cuts e.g stuffed lamb shoulder.

Name-Bikram Singh
Student Id: S33198

Answer:- 4. Basic style: the forcemeat is minced twice and then worked over ice. often a
garnish of coarser ingrediants is added such as pistachio nuts , currants or blanched diced
vegetable .

Rustic style: the ingredients used are coarsely chopped , ground or minced. Stronger flavoured
meats and ingredients such as garlic , onion and liver tend to be used. Liver is often used for
extra flavour and to assist wih the binding.

Mousseline: is a fine farce with a high fat percentage and is very light. It is used for seaford ,
poultry , veal or pork. The meat is minced added to the food processor and blended with eggs ,
then the cream is folded through or added in one hit in the blender . It is impotant to remember
that the texture has to be very light and not rubbery.

Fancy meat Menu Dishes and Applications

Brain Crumbed , omelette , farce , sausages

Caul Terrines , enveloping of dishes

Heart Braised in wine , ragout

Hocks Slow roast , asian braises , ham and pea soup

Kidney Breakfast , skewers

Liver Lambs fry , pate

Oxtail Oxtail ragout , stews ,soups

Sweetbread Farce , ragout

Tongue Braised , blanched , fried

Tripe Tripe in tomato sauce

trotter Brawn , stewed , Asian style dishes

Checkpoint 9
Name-Bikram Singh
Student Id: S33198

Answer:- 1. The preparation requirements for the following fancy meats are

Kidney: lamb and pork kidneys are used. One should remove the urinary tract that is inside and
in white looks and has strongest taste . it can also be soaked in milk to remove the smell . lamb
and pork kidneys are cut in half lenthwas and can be served whole or sliced.

Liver: lamb’s fry and calf’s liver are used due to their finer structure and must
remove allgristle and bood vessels, skin the livers and then slice it. It can be fan fried as slices,
crumbed or cut into strips. Always cook slightly underdone otherwise it goes dry

Oxtail: you must remove the surplus fat and then separate trough the natural joints. Roast in the
oven with mirepoix like a ragout which will be flavoursome due to the high collagen content of
the bones and then finish with red wine thicken lightly.

Sweetbreads are the growth glands of an animals .they have different textures and must be
blanched in court bouillion to remove the outer skin. Then they can be separated into the natural
segments. They have rich flavour and are used for garnishes.

Tongue: veal, ox and lamb tongues are used. they are plain or pickled. boil or braise , then test
between your thumb and index finger to see whether it is tender enough at the tip. It should
separate easily if they are cooked. Refresh in cold water and peel the outer skin off before
serving with a range of sauces

Tripe is the stomach of cattle preferably use honeycomb tripe from the second stomach as it is
most tender and can be purchased bleached or unbleached. bleached tripe has been cooked in
peroxide making it white and easy to process , but the flavour is affected. You only need to
simmer it for about 30 mins. Unbleached tripe should be soaked in water overnight before
cooking. Using cold water and cook slowly for 3 hours. Refresh and cut into pieces , the braise
slowly in wine or in tomato sauce.

Answer:- 2. Moist cookery methods like boiling , stewing or braising ideally suitable for tougher
cuts of meat due to the connective tissues in the meat which are made of collagen and elastin.

Answer:- 3. Temperature control and timing affect the tenderness of the final product because
high temperature and long cooking times also increase the amount of cooking loss. The higher
the temperature and the longer the cooking time , the more misture is lost from them.

Answer:- 4

Name-Bikram Singh
Student Id: S33198

English French Internal Temperature

Well done Bien cuit 70-75 ◦ C
Medium A point 60-65 ◦ C
Rare Saignant 50-55 ◦ C
Very Rare Bleu 45-50 ◦ C

Checkpoint 10
Answer:- 1 . The requirements for resting and carving meat that has been roasted are:

1. Calculating cooking loss

2. Workflow considerations and time constraints
3. Cookery methods and menu examples like
 First class cuts
 Second class cuts

Answer:- 2. Cooking times and fat contents are good guidelines for the determining of
doneness. For example Pork and beef should be cooked for 60 minutes to get it at point stage and
always rest the items before carving to relax the meat. As the meat cooked the juices are pushed
into the centre and as the meat relaxes the juices are dawn out back. Always check the degree of
doneness with a thermometer.

Answer:- 3. Cooking loss means you do not have enough meat to serve. It can affect the portion
control because it may depend upon the percentage of meat you are providing to the customers
especially in large functions. Cooking loss can be determined by calculating how much raw
ingredients needed to the desired mount on the plate. weigh the trimmed items before cooked,
then roast it then again weigh it after it has been rested to see how much is left .then divide the
difference between trimmed and cooked weight by the trimmed weight and multiply it by 100 to
get the cooking loss.

Answer:- 4. When planning and writing menus for workflow and time constraints, the essential
consideration is the impact of your choice during service. You need to set the cooking times of
various items and should take care of menu while writing so that your oven and grill space is
utillises a range of equipment and cookery methods to spread the load. it also allow you to utilize
your staff effectively.

Answer:- 5

Name-Bikram Singh
Student Id: S33198

Methods Suitable Cuts

Boiling Use tougher items, ribs, older carcasses for
broth and bones for stock
Deep Poaching Whole joints, cuts
Stewing Use diced meat items
Braising Large pieces or whole joints
Deep Frying portion pieces, crumbed or battered

Checkpoint 11
Answer:- 1.the general considerations for suitable sauces and accompaniments are:
1. With roast beef: tomato sauce, grated horse-radish, mustard, cranberry sauce, pickles.
2. With roast pork: apple sauce, cranberry sauce.
3. With roast veal: tomato sauce, mushroom sauce, onion sauce and cranberry
sauce. Horse-radish and lemons are good.
4. With roast mutton: currant jelly, caper sauce.
5. With boiled mutton: onion sauce, caper sauce.
6. With boiled fowls: bread sauce, onion sauce, lemon sauce, cranberry sauce,
jellies. Also cream sauce.
7. With roast lamb: mint sauce.

Answer:- 2. The nutritional benefits of game meat in a healthy diet is that game is easily
digested because it is less fatty than meat. Eating game flesh is useful for building and repairing
human body tissues and providing energy. Some game items such as kangaroo are inexpensive
and low in fat and provide excellent menu variety.

Answer:- 3. The examples of furred game are:

1. Boar
2. Buffalo
3. Goat
4. Rabbit
5. Kangaroo
6. Venison

Answer:- 4. While creating game menu dishes, always consider suitable accompaniments and
garnishes. Combine seasonal ingredients together for optimal flavour e.g game is harvested in
autumn so use autumn fruits and mushrooms which are also gathered at this time, as the

Name-Bikram Singh
Student Id: S33198

accompaniments to the game. Baked apples, pears, grapes and cranberries are just some of the
suitable items where the fruits and its acids provide delicious contrast to the meat.

Answer 5. The nutritional benefits of buffalo, goat, kangaroo and venison are:

1. Rich in flavour.
2. low in fat and high in protein.
3.  meat is an ideal substitute for beef in your favorite recipes
4. Meat is lower in calories and cholesterol than beef, pork, turkey, skinless chicken and
even some fish.

Answer:- 6. 1. Food must be stored outside the danger zone either refrigerated below 4 ®c or
heated above 70 to be safe.

2. Keep food types separate to avoid cross-contamination and consider your work processes
during preparation and plating.

3. Many meat processes results in trimming and off-cuts and this will results in leftovers. This
wastage is expensive because you have paid for the whole amount.

4. Bones and off-cuts can be used for making new stock or adding flavour to dish.

5. Don’t just leave trimmings on bench at room temperature.

6. Put the trimmings into a tray or in a container which is then wrapped and moved to the cool

7. Labeling is very important because it will helps you to monitor the life span of your products.
It is an ideal way to be organised to remember what was done and when and this applies to
everything from simple labels.

Answer:- 7. 1. Keep your work area clean and tidy.

2. Keep your utensils separate from erach other and make sure you do not cross-contaminate
your items.

3. You Must clean and sanitise surface and equipments.

4. Use detergent while cleaning which helps to lift the dirt from the surface as well as keep it
from reattaching.

5. Surfaces That come into contact with food products need to be sanitised regularly.

Name-Bikram Singh
Student Id: S33198

6. At the end of the shift you will need to conduct a more through clean of all your work
surfaces, such as benches and shelves. You also need to clean stovetops, the oven, walls, floors,
cupboards and other parts of the kitchen and service area.

Name-Bikram Singh
Student Id: S33198

Name-Bikram Singh
Student Id: S33198

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