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Shayne Ooijkaas

Soc 101


2.) Concerns that parents may have about children learning from various types of mass media are
interactivity and social skills (this comes from PCC). When children engage with screens,
whether alone or with a caregiver/parent or someone else they know present, there is little to
no social engagement or interaction that occurs with the other person. Another thing parent are
concerned with from children using mass media is their online safety and self-image. Children
using technology unsupervised should always be advised of the dangers of distributing their
name, age, location and many more. This is basic cyber-awareness, but a lot of the time it is
lacking. Self-image and esteem are also a concern among kids and teens, especially when the
influencers they follow might have effects on their self-esteem because they can be easily
influenced and encouraged to look like or be like those popular media influencers and it can
become toxic. What teens should value in day to day life is relationships, education,
employment, and expectation from parents, peers, and school. They should also value
independence and self-reliance. Teens now and days are more self-conscious. Self-esteem has a
lot to do with their perspective of who they see themselves as. Self-esteem is how much you are
worth to yourself. Some teens suffer from low self-esteem, making them hate themselves.
Teens are highly concerned about what others think they look like. Teens have started to rely
more on what peers think. One advertisement I found is “The Perfect Body”. This was aimed at
teens that are female. This might make them look at themselves in a bad way, because it instills
images of what their own bodies should like, which in fact in most cases are unrealistic
standards that teens will sometimes end up going to extreme measures for. I think it is a good
idea for some countries to ban it. This is because the children will not have such a negative
outlook on themselves and will not have not the wrong ideas about unrealistic standards and
body proportions. Another reason why I think it is good is because children and adolescents are
increasingly becoming a target group for aggressive forms of marketing practice and for
commercial pressure with a view to stimulate and increase their consumption of their products.
It is to counteract commercial influence on children and young people.

4.) There are multiple advantages of making an entire college degree available online. A big one is
that it makes it available to most people that really cannot really afford going to a college in
person. People can work more while being in online school. McDonaldization is a concept made
by American sociologist George Ritzer, which refers to the particular kind of rationalization of
production, work, and consumption that rose to prominence in the late 20 centuries. The
advantages of this is efficiency is minimizing the time required to complete individual tasks.
Another advantage is calculability, which is a focus on quantifiable objectives rather than
subjective ones. The disadvantages are online colleges do not offer prompt and immediate
feedback you get in a regular classroom setting and performance can be assessed on the spot in
a classroom. Distance education does not offer all courses on the web so students pursuing
certain degrees may not find their courses available online. You cannot study medical courses
through distance learning. There is little or no face to face interaction with distance learning.
This is something that requires getting used to. It is easy to fall behind on online coursework
and have more pile up. Things you should not study online are medical, social science, history,
Chemistry and veterinarian. This is because you want the hands-on experience you would get in
a regular class. There are still some who will hesitate to even consider, let alone hire graduates
with an online degree (which is not fair, but it is true). This is because they want a person with
experience in the job they are getting. This is due to schools allowing you to inter and places. I
think online school has provided opportunities to many people with role conflicts.

5.) Some main points of do’s and don’ts on what to wear; I would do some research on the
company. Look for how the company presents itself, its workplace culture and its employees. Do
not dress down. It's better to be more formal than required to than come to the interview
dressed too casually, as this gives the appearance that you are not serious about the position
you are going for. Another main point is how you act. Do’s; sit up straight, lean slightly forward,
and look your interviewer in the eye. Smile and engage with each interviewer and nod slightly as
he or she speaks. Don’ts; do not slouch or cross your arms as questions are asked. Don’t fidget.
One last point is what to ask. Do’s; come prepared with questions based on your research of the
company. In addition to checking out the company’s website and social media presence, do
some research and find out some of the innovations or developments your potential employer
has gotten noticed for lately. Don’ts; most interviews end with an opportunity for the candidate
to ask about anything that has not previously been covered. Don’t wait until the very end of the
interview for the interviewer to ask if you have any questions to ask about the aspects of the
job. Goffman uses the imagery of theater in order to portray the nuances and significance of
face-to-face social interaction. According to Goffman, social interaction may be likened to a
theater, and people in everyday life to actors on a stage. During the book Goffman’s theory is
the idea that people, as they interact together in social settings, are constantly engaged in the
process of impression management. Goffman presented the idea that a person is like an actor
on a stage. Calling his theory dramaturgy. I don’t think you should wear a wig or a toupee. You
should cover up tattoos although they are becoming more acceptable at work. But some experts
say you should still over them up when you are interviewing. You will want to cover them up if
interviewing at a law firm, bank, or another conservative industry. Another thing you might
want to cover up are scars if you cannot mention it in the interview if they ask about. Last thing
you might want to cover up is piercings. You can have piercings, but you have too much. I think
you should remove some. It's true but your chances of getting hired might become lower due to
you having too many tattoos or even piercings. I do not think you need to reveal that because
that’s a personal thing to yourself. If they have your background check and they see that you
have had past charges, then you should explain what might have been the cause of this
potential arrest. You shouldn’t reveal too many personal details. Another thing you shouldn’t
reveal is negative feelings about co-workers. You shouldn’t show weaknesses. Things you
shouldn’t hide are having a great deal of experience. Another thing you shouldn’t hide are goals
you would like to achieve while working there.

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