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SS1000 Interactive 5A Storyboard

Interactive title: Interactive 5A: Motivation and You

Succinct description: Understanding motivation and the importance of motivation factors

Slide number: 2
Slide title: Introduction
Matthew Davis Our busy schedules don’t always leave room for us to reflect, which, then also, means they probably don’t leave
Introduction Video room to consider what inspires us. Recognizing what drives us towards our goals is important in reaching them.
MD VO: Self-awareness of our own motivations can be a great benefit in our journey toward success. Let’s explore why it is
important to acknowledge what motivates us and work to understand the different factors that guide our
motivation. In this interactive, we will also discover how the NACE competencies Professionalism/work ethic,
Critical thinking/problem-solving, and Leadership are connected to motivation.

Slide content: ● When VO starts image like 1055438228 or 1028765802 should appear. The goal here is to obviously not
make the person in the picture look frantic or upset.

NACE competencies covered:

● Professionalism/work ethic
● Critical thinking/problem solving
● Leadership

Note to MM/ITS: Do whatever introduction video magic that needs to be done

Additional notes for slide
Citation(s) ● N/A
(URL, pg. #/para, date retrieved, &
other helpful info)
Slide number: 3
Slide title: What is Motivation? (Wittier title needed)
Animation Video Animation Motivation is the reason why we strive for success. It determines our behavior and willingness to reach our
VO: goals. Think of your journey to success as a car, and motivation as the gas. In order to reach a destination, you
will need gas to move the car forward.

Think about what you learned regarding prioritization, affirmations, and your strengths in previous weeks. We
know that incorporating these strategies will help you approach and overcome challenges more easily.
Understanding what motivates you can help give you a sense of direction if you ever feel unsure of how to
proceed toward your goals; motivation can act as a reminder to help you determine the tools and resources
needed for your success.

Since we all have different experiences and interests, the factors that drive us towards achieving our goals will
also be different. Some people are motivated because they enjoy learning, while others are motivated because it
will bring a reward. Let’s take a closer look at the different factors of motivation.
Slide content: ● Animation video

Additional notes for slide Idea for MM: Animation of car gas tank maybe starting at empty and a bean filling up the car with gas. The bean
content: then heads down a road towards their destination (or into a sunset because who doesn’t want to drive off into a

Citation(s) Libretexts. (2019, June 17). 4.2: Motivation: Just do. Retrieved from
(URL, pg. #/para, date retrieved, &
other helpful info)

Slide number: 4
Slide title: Intrinsic Motivation
Captivate Slide Think about a time when you were motivated to do something simply because you enjoyed it. Maybe you played
Captivate VO: a sport for fun, started a hobby because you were interested in learning more or volunteered in your community
because you like helping others? When we strive towards a goal that does not result in an outside reward, and
feel internal satisfaction because we reached that goal, we are intrinsically motivated.

Whether you realize it or not, you exhibited intrinsic motivation the minute you enrolled at UMA. You probably
selected your program based upon the topic you would be most interested in learning about. You continue to be
intrinsically motivated any time you go the extra mile to complete your weekly educational activities or do your
own research to further your knowledge of a certain topic. You dug deeper into the course material because you
found it personally rewarding. When we are motivated intrinsically, we feel more accomplished, confident, and

Slide content: Ideas for ITS/MM:

● Use bean static images to display information

Additional notes for slide ● Can we use bean images to display this VO? I think we could do more using the beans than iStock
content: images. I would like to get together to work through this concept with ITS & Nick. If not I will happily
make a few iStock suggestions

Citation(s) Mcdaniel, R. (2018, May 7). Motivating Students. Retrieved from

(URL, pg. #/para, date retrieved, &
other helpful info)

Slide number: 5
Slide title: Extrinsic Motivation
Captivate Slide Now that we know that intrinsic motivation deals with behavior driven by personal satisfaction, let’s take a look
Captivate VO: at another side of motivation, extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation focuses on behavior driven by external
incentives or rewards. These rewards commonly come in the form of praise, prizes or even financial gain.
Examples of extrinsic motivation include: going to work in order to support yourself financially, studying because
you want to make a good grade, or participating in a contest to win a prize. Extrinsic motivation factors are also
used to avoid negative responses. Let’s break it down, if you do not complete your coursework, it can negatively
impact your grades. This can affect your GPA, which affects your overall success in your program. To avoid these
negative consequences, you are motivated to do your best and complete your work.

Extrinsic factors can remind us of our goals when we may not feel compelled to complete a task, or when we hit
a roadblock. We can use these external factors to stay focused; they may even help us perform better or
encourage us to work through challenges. As a UMA student, you may have many intrinsic factors to help you
stay motivated. You are enrolled in your program so that you can create better opportunities for you and your
family once you earn your degree. Despite the challenges that you may face, you persevere because you know
that the reward will be fulfilling. When we are motivated extrinsically, we are more productive, determined and

Slide content: ● Use bean static images to display information

Additional notes for slide ● Can we use bean images to display this VO? I think we could do more using the beans than iStock
content: images. I would like to get together to work through this concept with ITS & Nick. If not I will happily
make a few iStock suggestions

Citation(s) Mcdaniel, R. (2018, May 7). Motivating Students. Retrieved from

(URL, pg. #/para, date retrieved, &
other helpful info)
Slide number: 6
Slide title: Check Your Understanding – Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation
Captivate Slide Now that you have a better understanding of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors, let’s put your knowledge to
VO: the test! Select the motivation factor that best describes each statement:
Slide content: Idea for MM/ITS development: The statements should appear in the center(ish) of the screen. Below that should
be two “buttons” or choices. One should state intrinsic and the other extrinsic.

These are the statements and their correct answers

● I am looking forward to earning a promotion after graduation.

⮚ Correct answer: extrinsic

● I enrolled at UMA because I always had a passion for healthcare.

⮚ Correct answer: intrinsic

● I complete my schoolwork so that I can earn good grades.

⮚ Correct answer extrinsic

● I complete the weekly educational activities because I want to expand my knowledge on the subjects.
⮚ Correct answer: intrinsic

● I want to earn my diploma to receive praise from my family.

⮚ Correct answer: extrinsic

Here is the feedback for the correct and incorrect responses.

● Correct: Correct! Great job! (or change this to whatever you want it to say)

● Incorrect:
⮚ Incorrect. Intrinsic motivation is driven by personal rewards.

⮚ Incorrect. Extrinsic motivation is driven by external rewards.

Additional notes for slide ● Students should NOT have the option to select the correct answer should they answer incorrectly, they
content: have a 50% chance of answering and this is not graded

● There will also need to some sort of notification (probably in the form of a light box with a continue
button) telling them that they completed the check your understanding.

Citation(s) ● N/A
(URL, pg. #/para, date retrieved, &
other helpful info)

Slide number: 7
Slide title: Goalden Girls – Sonia gets motivated
Character Storyline Video Pangri will write script
Storyline script:
Slide content: Scene:

Sonia and Violet meet up. Their meet up should be somewhere different to break up the monotony. Their
conversation should start with some small talk, so it conveys their growing friendship. Also, it helps so that they
aren’t always jumping into one of Sonia’s issues.

Suggestions for small talk: They can talk about a TV show or upcoming concert or maybe a new shopping
plaza/store/restaurant is opening in town that they want to try.
Another on topic idea: Sonia can express her excitement about an upcoming volunteer opportunity. She’s excited
about it because her husband will be home to watch their daughter and it’s something, she’s passionate about.
Obviously, this should be ambiguous enough since we do not know what program she is in but somewhere in the
realm of allied health.

Violet asks Sonia how school is going then makes a face as if she is thinking hard and asks if the course is wrapping
up soon. Sonia lets out a deep breath/sigh and confirms that she is in the home stretch. She tells Violet that she
cannot believe she is almost done with her second term. She did well in her first term and has managed to find
success in her second term (maybe mention she turned in a hard assignment and did well on it).
Sonia feels especially accomplished because she’s taking two courses. She can’t believe how fast the last four
weeks have gone. Sonia tells Violet that she feels a little relieved that she’s almost done but knows this is just the
beginning. She’s worried if she will be able to keep up with a full course load and continue to make good grades
while balancing work and a family. Sonia has a doubtful look on her face.

Before she can get worked up, Violet cuts Sonia off and reminds her to focus on the positive and think about how
far she has come. She reminds Sonia that she has accumulated the tools and support to be successful. Sonia has a
moment of revelation and tells Violet she’s right.

Sonia says her good grades are proof she’s on the right track and they motivate her to stay on top of her
coursework every week. She goes on to say that when her sister had a procedure done, she was so impressed with
everyone from the doctor to the person who helped them figure out their billing claims. She states that she’s
always been interested in the allied health field and really enjoys learning more about it. This is what inspired her
to enter the field herself.

Sonia goes on to say that she loves the way her husband’s face lights up when he mentions how proud he is of her
and admits that every night she puts her daughter to sleep, she reminds herself to keep going because she wants
to make her daughter proud. She also wants her daughter to know that it’s never too late to go after your dreams
(and never give up, blah blah all the mushy gushy stuff). Sonia knows this opportunity is going to help further her
career and provide a better income for her family.

As Sonia becomes more motivated, her worried look disappears. She now feels determined and focused on
finishing the last week of her course on a high note. Violet, with a big smile on her face, tells Sonia that she
reminds her of herself and that she is very proud of Sonia.
They hug and Violet tells Sonia they will get together again soon to celebrate Sonia finishing the term.

Additional notes for slide ●

Citation(s) ● N/A
(URL, pg. #/para, date retrieved, &
other helpful info)

Slide number: 8
Slide title: Motivation
Captivate slide Like Sonia, we bet you have a mixture of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors which motivate you. If you think you
VO: are more motivated by one factor over the other, that’s okay! You can find a nice balance by starting with an
extrinsic reward to help you stay motivated at first. Then, as you become more intrinsically motivated, you can
slowly remove the reward. Let’s say for example, that you are interested in learning more about the Health and
Human Services field and you treat yourself to a milkshake each time you do well in a course. As you continue to
get good grades, you slowly stop getting milkshakes because you feel satisfied and confident with the knowledge
you have gained.

These factors, in addition to the other skills you have learned over the last 5 weeks, can help you concentrate and
overcome any challenges that may get in our way. They can also help you fine tune your interests and provide
direction on your journey toward success. Click on a UMA graduate to learn what motivated them.

Slide content: ● Static image of three female bean people

● Student should be able to click on the bean people and the quote should appear above/around them
(almost like a thought bubble).

● The three quotes/statements are:

⮚ "I just keep my eye on the be a positive, motivating force for all of my children."

⮚ “I am a proud Diné Native American woman who is beating all is the most important
door a person can open.”

⮚ “Don’t ever let your current situation define who you’ll be...put in a little effort...and keep pushing.”

Maybe the beans can pop up/float in when the VO says: “Click on a UMA graduate”

Additional notes for slide ● Question for MM: Since these quotes came from real UMA students can we adjust the image of static
content: bean people to appear in their likeness? Whoever is working on providing the bean static images, let’s
meet so I can provide the real photos of these students.

Citation(s) ● N/A
(URL, pg. #/para, date retrieved, &
other helpful info)

Slide number: 9
Slide title: Motivation: Self-Reflection
Captivate slide Think about how you can use these factors in other areas of your life. In the workplace, both intrinsic and extrinsic
VO: motivation help us put our best foot forward. Intrinsically, you care more about the work you are producing and
extrinsically, you stay focused on your goals. When your work ethic improves, it does not go unnoticed by
managers and supervisors. They may view your drive to get things done as valuable because you exhibit great
leadership and professionalism skills.
Take a moment to think about what motivates you to reach your goals by answering the following questions: What
motivated you to start your program at UMA? How can the motivation factors help you reach your goals? How will
you incorporate other motivation strategies into your plans for success?

Slide content: ● What motivated you to start your program at UMA? How can the motivation factors we just discussed help
you reach your goals? How will you incorporate other motivation strategies into your plans for success?
● When VO starts use image like 949262042
● Use iStock image like 1064056738 when VO states “in the workplace”

Additional notes for slide

Citation(s) ● N/A
(URL, pg. #/para, date retrieved, &
other helpful info)

Slide number: 10
Slide title: NACE in Action
Outro Matthew Davis Now that you’ve had an opportunity to learn more about the factors of motivation, let’s look at the NACE
NACE Video competencies that tie into them.
Recognizing motivation factors can help us overcome challenges and solve problems. It can also improve our work
ethic and professionalism skills. As a result, when we complete tasks and reach goals it shows our leadership

And do you know what the coolest part is about staying motivated? How infectious it is! When you strive to reach
your goals, it rubs off and the people around you will want to do the same! How awesome is that? Use the
knowledge you have learned to continue your journey of success and inspire others!
Slide content: ● Matthew Davis NACE video
Additional notes for slide ●
Citation(s) ● N/A
(URL, pg. #/para, date retrieved, &
other helpful info)


Slide ● References
Slide Libretexts. (2019, June 17). 4.2: Motivation: Just do. Retrieved from

Mcdaniel, R. (2018, May 7). Motivating Students. Retrieved from

al notes
for slide

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