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Initial Diagnostic Task

Name: Ma.Colyn Monserate

Complete the table by identifying notable structures and/or parts of the utterance that helped you out understand its situational context.

You can use the first row as your basis for identifying the other given facets of Linguistics.

Facet of Linguistics Element/ Term/Item investigated Reason for the

(Phonetics, Phonology, (extracted from the utterance)
Morphology, etc.)

Graphology Simple structure but with Exclamation Point Intense emotion/ A sense of urgency

Emphatic style of vocal delivery

Addressee – 2nd Person

Phonetics That and pot plants – consequence of the

phonetic environment of in which ‘t’ occurs
The sentence is address to somebody


Semantic Analysis

Concerned with the meaning

Pragmatics- meaning of language in context

Discourse Analysis

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