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Why should I cleanse my crystals?

It is very important to cleanse your crystals as they can absorb negative energies. There are a number of reasons for
They will have been handled by many different people, some of which may have been ill at the time.
They may have been misused or mistreated.
They could have come from a negative environment.
We always suggest that you cleanse your crystals as soon as they come into your possession.

Do I need to cleanse them more than once?

You should always cleanse your crystal:
Before and after you've used it.
When you think it needs cleaning.
When it looks or feels dirty or sticky.
If someone else has handled it.
If you've had a major change in your life.
When it calls for it as part of a ritual or regime.

How do I cleanse my crystals?

There are many ways to cleanse crystals. Certain types of crystal do prefer specific methods though. The most
important thing is to find a method that you can use and are comfortable with.

Using Water, this is the most common method. You should find a good source of naturally flowing
unpolluted clear water (such as a local stream, brook or river). If this is unavailable to you then alternatives
would then be bottled spring water or tap water. Copper rich crystals (like Malachite) will dull using this
method and calcites will dissolve.
Salt Water Immersion, by placing the crystals in a glass bowl of salt water (preferable sea water, but water
and sea salt / or cooking salt would suffice) and leaving them for at least one hour (generally overnight).
Some practitioners extend this for over a week to ensure a deep clean. Clean the crystals quickly with cool
running water afterwards to remove the any residue. After the cleansing the water must be flushed away
and never reused. Just remember that crystals that are porous contain a high metal content or have a water
content such as Pyrite, Lapis Lazuli, Opal and Hematite should not be cleansed this way.
Dry Salt, rather than using a bowl of water, a bowl of salt has a similar action. The crystals should either be
placed on the salt, or buried beneath it. Clean as before are throw away the salt as it has absorbed all the
negative energies. Like the salt water method do not use on certain crystals and minerals.
Non-Contact Salt, this is a safe method for crystals that react to salt. Fill a bowl with sea salt and half bury a
glass containing your crystals in it. This method takes longer for the salt to absorb the negative energies from
your crystals. Please throw away the salt after use.
Other crystals, if you have Amethyst or Quartz crystal caves, druze, beds or clusters then these can be used
to both absorb negative energies and release positive energies back into your crystals. All you need do is
place the crystals to be cleansed within (the cave) or on the crystal beds and leave for 1 to 2 days.
Burial, by burying your crystal in a cupful of dried herbs will also clear it. Recommended herbs for this
include rose petals, sage, frankincense, myrrh, and sandalwood. This is a very gentle and pleasant way to
clear crystals and takes longer than sea salt. Crystals may also be buried into the Earth. This is
especially good for deep cleaning. Simply did a hold slightly larger than your crystal outside, place the
crystal points down and cover with soil. Make sure you place a marker so you know where it is. Leave the
crystal for as long as you feel is necessary.
If you don't have access to a garden then a deep flowerpot should be used.
Smudging, the burning of incense sticks in the presence of your crystals is an effective cleanser. Sage and
Sweetgrass, Sandalwood and Cedarwood are recommended. Use a feather to fan the smoke across the
crystals, 20-30 seconds should be sufficient.
Visualisation, this is achieved by holding out the crystal in front of you and visualising it being surrounded
by white light. Allow that same light to pass through the crystal absorbing the negative energies until such
time as you feel happy that it has been cleansed.

How do I energise my crystals?

Once your crystal has been cleansed you will need to energise it again so that it can continue to release its own
natural vibrations and energies. There are several ways to energise crystals and the most popular methods are as

Water Energising. Allow your crystals to sit in a drinking glass or bowl under cool running tap water for
several minutes, 10-20 minutes should be long enough. If you are near to a natural running river, stones can
be placed in an open mesh bag and left for a short time in the natural running water. Running water can
also cleanse as well as energise the stones at the same time. Please check that your crystal can be emerged
safely in water, since some should not be left to soak in water as this can have an adverse effect on them.
Specifically, porous stones or those with high metal content.
Sunshine and Moonlight. The natural energies transmitted by the Sun and Moon can also energise your
crystals with natural energies. Many people like to leave their newly cleansed stones under Moonlight and
Sunlight for a day or two to allow them to absorb the different energies from the Moon and Sun. The Sun
provides a stronger energy, whereas the Moon has a more gentle energy. When leaving crystals in Sunlight,
please be aware that some coloured stones may fade over a period of time if left in strong sunlight too
often. This can happen with Amethyst, for example. In this case, try not to leave your crystals in strong sun
for more than an hour or so. To be on the safe side, place in sunlight during sunrise and/or sunset because
the sun's rays won't be as strong during these times of the day.
Physical Contact. Native Americans believe that it's not always necessary to energise crystals with any of the
above methods because they will naturally energise themselves from our body's own energy field when they
are picked up and handled, or rubbed between the palms of the hands. So this is another method you may
want to consider.
Feel free to do whatever you feel is best for you and your crystals, or you may wish to use one or all the above
methods when energising your own crystals.

How do I program them?

Before starting to program them you may want to clear the room and yourself of extra or unwanted energies by
using a cleansing Smudging Stick or Incense.

To program a crystal for specific use or with specific energies, sit quietly away from distractions or strong electrical
devices and external energies, then hold the crystal in front of you, clear your mind and focus on the stone. Give
the crystal a cleansing with white light as explained above. Concentrate on the specific energy that you wish to
program the crystal with, and 'transmit' the energies and thoughts from your mind directly to the stone. Be clear
and direct when doing this and don't try to confuse or overload the crystal with different thoughts and energies.
Do this until you feel happy that the required thoughts and energies have been transmitted to the stone.

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