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>metaphysical liberalism

It's a bit of an unorthodox reading but I can't help but feel as if the D&G duo
wrote as disillusioned Marxists-turned-liberal. They oppose Marxism in all its
Oedipal aspects, and fascism for the reason that, well, it's practically Oedipus:
The Ideology. Insofar as D&G oppose themselves to capitalism they do this on the
grounds of what occurs to me as an ontological reframing of methodological holism.
This explains how big D can justify the Marxist epithet; Marxism's claim of the
economic domain being the final sociocultural determinant is reflective of this
holistic attitude.
Anonymous 01/10/21(Sun)19:59:26 No.17250508▶
Tenure and PoMopoints
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Write what's on your mind Anonymous 01/10/21(Sun)08:12:40 No.17247090 [Reply]▶
+87 replies and 11 images omitted. Click here to view.
Anonymous 01/10/21(Sun)19:42:20 No.17250369▶
>If you mention loneliness i will autist attack you
That's a harsh condition, i'm sorry.
Anonymous 01/10/21(Sun)19:47:21 No.17250409▶
You still haven't explained why you piss on people's bikes m8. Just brought up
Anonymous 01/10/21(Sun)19:49:20 No.17250429▶
you're trying too hard lad, it's obvious you're a house boy yourself
Anonymous 01/10/21(Sun)19:56:30 No.17250488▶
I like Siobhan too. Sinead isn't bad.

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