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>I say exactly where you are sliding in your bullshit

What part was bullshit, exactly? You're still not getting me. The criticisms you're
making are leveled at a straw man. Like I said, you do not actually understand the
methodologies of CBT. We are not debating because you are arguing from a deficit of
knowledge on the relevant topics. If you want to cherrypick one single line and
hold it up (lacking, of course, any substantive reasoning) as an example of
whatever point you are trying to argue, that's none of my business. I am not
invested in you having an accurate understanding of what CBT is or how it's
employed. People will have their opinions and I've learned that there's little you
can do to convince someone whose mind is already made up. That's fine. You're not
actually as important as you think you are, and you're even less important to me.
What I am invested in is providing accurate information on CBT so others don't take
yours as even approaching verisimilitude, because you're speaking completely out of
your ass and the best you can do to prove otherwise is to make vague gesticulations
in the direction of a coherent statement.
>exactly where you are sliding in your bullshit
>covered in rhetorical drivel
What do either of these statements mean, and how do they relate to anything I've
said. You're trying to allude to having some kind of greater knowledge in lieu of
actually displaying any. To be fair to you, this is a solid 95% of discourse on
4chan, and that's why you think it's a valid way of communicating. I would like to
tell you that the allusion of mastery means nothing to a master, and attach to that
an invitation to elaborate on whatever "meaning" might be lurking insipid
underneath your aggressive tone, vague allusions, and insults. I'm not impressed by
any of it.
Anonymous 01/10/21(Sun)19:48:56 No.17250423▶
Why is this thread full of /pol/ schizos?

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