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>God creates everything

>Before He creates everything He knows absolutely everything will happen

>This means He plans who goes to Hell and who go to Heaven
>Therefore, only a small selected group of people will go to Heaven

How is Christianity and Islam different from Judaism? Basically since the day
you're born you're a chosen one by God
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Anonymous 01/10/21(Sun)19:49:09 No.17250425▶
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>>17250182 (OP)
Anonymous 01/10/21(Sun)19:51:49 No.17250450▶
This is a problem that Double Predestination presents. It's also why Calvinists and
Calvin-descended Christian sects, and Muslims, are so philosemitic. The rational
conclusion from reading the Bible, seeing that Jews are God's Chosen People, and
believing in Double Predestination is that most of the people in heaven are Jews,
and that you're basically fucked if you aren't one.

Of course, actual Calvinism has faith and grace, but that's literally just Calvin
>shit, Double Predestination means there's literally no point in actually being a
Christian at all
and coming up with some knee-jerk way to get people to not just ditch the whole

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