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the human being is in contact with reality through four Windows. Feeling, thinking,
sensual experience and deep imagery and intuition. The problem of our way of living
is the way that thinking i.e. the intellect has taken over everything.

Do you ever notice that people make decisions based on supposed "rational" thought
but never consider how they are feeling about it or what imagery comes up inside of

That's why y'all are unfulfilled and that's why society is slowly but surely
collapsing. People shut out almost all of their whole being and wonder why it isn't
Its because your thoughts alone are unable to grasp reality correctly and thus
every decision made based on thinking alone leada to misery and failure.
Anonymous 01/10/21(Sun)19:53:53 No.17250470▶
So the what is the argument here, that dating sites increase beauty standards but
also make people more narcissistic and unwilling to settle with people on their
Anonymous 01/10/21(Sun)19:56:26 No.17250487▶
The Intellect is how you figure out shit, spare us your guru nonsense.

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