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Will there ever be artistic movements again?

Or has the internet and mass media

changed the game so much that we can't have dedicated groups of people working
toward the same intellectual and artistic goals as one another? Are we just stuck
in a swirling soup of post-(post)-modernism until we die?
I apologize in advance if this is a super retarded thread and there are many
blossoming creative movements I am just unaware of. I am an American, so perhaps it
is different in other countries.
Basically just what do you think the effect of the internet and globalization on
artists as members of groups is?
+220 replies and 14 images omitted. Click here to view.
Anonymous 01/10/21(Sun)19:49:14 No.17250428▶>>17250444
>>17244680 (OP)
the internet will not be around forever
Anonymous 01/10/21(Sun)19:50:02 No.17250436▶>>17250476 >>17250478
a friend of mine told me it had something to do with the goverment introducing
massive amounts of drugs on black neighborhoods to sabotage the black communities,
is that true?
Anonymous 01/10/21(Sun)19:51:02 No.17250444▶
File: soul vs soulless.jpg (189 KB, 1756x874)
189 KB
God I hope so, current Internet is corporatized and SOULLESS
Anonymous 01/10/21(Sun)19:54:50 No.17250476▶
Yes, the neoliberal demon Ronald Reagan had his CIA goons buy cocaine from
counterrevolutionary guerrilas in Central America, they're the ones who introduced
crack to the inner cities. Bear in mind that it was the white Christian
Conservative Right who voted him in power.
Anonymous 01/10/21(Sun)19:55:08 No.17250478▶
Don't fucking take them then, idiot wogs. Presentable blacks still do exist but the
layabout type will never take any responsibility for themselves.

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