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Journal Writing

How will you apply the university’s core values in interacting and relating with other
In school:
The university’s core values I will apply is being an inspiration to others and
responsible student. Being responsible can relate them to become a good student who
obeys the rules of the university. And also, to inspire them to become an ambitious,
honest, and hardworking student.

At Home:
By being a responsible daughter and sister to my younger brother. In such things
as doing the chores to help my mother to lessen her work and helping my brother in
doing his assignments and other activity in school. But the very important is to become
responsible for obeying the rules of my parents.

In the Community:
By being ethical in the community, respect other people’s property and treat them
with kindness because it’s very important to have a good relationship in the community.
Also, to become responsible in your surroundings.

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