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InTASC Category 1: The Learner and Learning

To ensure that each student learns new knowledge and skills, teachers must
understand that learning and developmental patterns vary among individuals, that
learners bring unique individual differences to the learning process, and that learners
need supportive and safe learning environments to thrive.


Fergus, E. (2017). Confronting colorblindness. Phi Delta Kappan 98(5), 30-35.

1) “Racial/Ethnic minority groups perceive colorblindness as a way for whites to ignore the social
reality of people of color while whites perceive colorblindness as a magnanimous gesture that
does not judge individuals by skin color or other external markers”. Colorblindness means that
you are ignoring one’s lived experiences or differences. Colorblindness is hurtful for people of
color and tells them that their differences are not seen or important.
2) “Educators must be aware of bias-based beliefs and put those front and center as they develop
practices and policies”. Always have diversity in the back of your mind when creating lesson
plans. Make sure you do not offend your students, while also bringing the importance of
differences to light.

Hobson, M. (2014, May 5). Mellody Hobson: Color blind or color brave? TED.

1) Children are pure in nature. They do not understand why someone would treat them differently
because of their skin color. Use this to your advantage and start educating your children and
students early, so this purity stays prevalent in their lives. However, people are cautious to talk
about race and color, so they discourage the conversation. But this is important and people
should not be afraid to have the conversation. “The first step to any form of action is
2) “Colorblindness” is dangerous because it means we are ignoring the problem of the importance
of diversity and how there are different races. Diversity makes us who we are. We cannot
afford to be “colorblind”, but must be “color brave”. Be comfortable in your own skin and seeing
other people’s skin, even if it means also being uncomfortable. Push through. Be the change.

San Bernardino City Schools. (2019, Feb. 2019). Increasing engagement by using culturally
responsive curriculum. Youtube.
1) “Culturally responsive curriculum is the ability to take the cultures and people of your
community and insert it directly into the curriculum that you are teaching… it is inclusion… your
community and curriculum become one”. Incorporate cultural learning and diversity into normal
learning so students are familiar with the ideas.
2) Students aren’t just learning a standard or a type of language, but they are learning that it’s
connected to something they are interested in. It is important to push your students and make
them uncomfortable with certain topics, to eventually get them comfortable with the main ideas
so they can carry those ideas to their real lives. Focus on making them a better person, not just
a better student.


Colorblindness is a topic that is common in our current society, so I was already familiar with the term. However, I
must admit that I was not aware of the strain it can cause on the different diverse groups of people around me.
These sources have taught me about inappropriate conversations that lead to the idea of colorblindness, which may
offend my students or other collogues, and how to avoid them. The sources also gave me information on how to
spread awareness on the topic to make my classroom and different environments a better, welcoming place. I plan
to use this information provided from the sources to alter my thinking towards my students and lesson plans. I will
plan lessons around real life issues, like colorblindness and diversity. I will alter my teaching strategies for different
cultures to make sure I do not offend or bring inappropriate light to their experiences. Being well-rounded in different
topics and cultures will help me better understand my students and create a warm, accepting environment.


This is an image of me working with the students

in my Classroom Teaching and Management
placement. Whenever I helped students
individually, I made sure to focus on their culture
differences, different experiences, and levels of
understanding. It is important to alter your teaching
style for every student in order to avoid bias,
confusion, or offending a student. Helping other
students accomplish this understanding is also

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